Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1885, Image 1

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LJ 1tti < Hu that Commissioner Sparks Will
Retire from lUo Land Office.
' 1 IIP ItallrnntN Protecting Against
Gi-ii. .Johnston's Onlet1 The ri
Against Unntlnll Work In
( tic l/iuul Olllrr.
Spaikt. In ( Jo Abroad.
\V \ ji\oinv | , DPP. ' . . ' . [ Tele-
t'latn ' TlieiP aio Indications that Laud
( 'iiiimliMonpr spul , s will retlio fiom lilt of-
II e pietlyoon. . The Hi n porrespoudent
was Infoimed to-da.v by nu ollle.ial high up in
atithnillv at the Inlitior deiiailment that Sec-
iptiij Liuiai ha-bpen consulting him \vith
lerutuelo taking a lotelgn mission. The
toininissionet pxpiessyiiawillltigness In lact
nilPSlie Intake -omo good position abroad If
It-was Iciideied lo him. Ilu says that the
duties of bis pi ( sen I olllcp aie too enormous ,
and Hint he believed a change In climate
would be bench'1 ! vl to his wife's health. It
In no fierict in the
pome of the tvenl otdeisot Cuminlsstoiict
H | uks have been distasteful to .Seciclary
Lr.mai , and aho to Ptesldent Cleveland , and
tli < t it would pli'.uebolh of these gentlemen
toexpoitMr Sp-nks ecietaiy Lam.u vis
ited the senate eveij afteinoon dining thu
la'il foul ot live dajs of the list week , forth'1 '
piupuse. It is said , ol ascertaining if ( he
nominalion of Mi. bpaiks to a diplomatic or
consul n position would lit continued , The
icsnlt of bin vlsltsis unknown. It isknown ,
bowevci. that if they weio xuccpssfnl , 01 If
his \Uita on that mailer pan be made success
ful , when the senate moots in .lammiy Mi.
Spul.s will IIP tiausleued to another
ot thogoveiiimeul set vice.
A QiAtiit for itnmr.r iui.i. < < .
licpiesenlative Ljmaii ot Iowa has intio-
iliwed a bill aulhoii/lng HID constiuctlon of a
biidgobylhe New Yoik ft Council Hlulfs
lallvvay cotnpanj acioss the Mississippi river
at 01 ueai Keith burg , Ilk , and to establish It
: tt a pot unit , lie has also Intiodnced bills
niitluiii/lni ; HIP const luclioti of bridges acioss
HIP Illinois livei at 01 IHMI Laeoti , Ilk , and
ovei the DCS Molnes tlvei in such county In
Lima as the New Yoik A : Council iJlntls lail-
\vaj oompanj ma.v deslie , the biidges to be
eilhei diavv-pan , or otheivvise , MI that.i free
nnd unobstiueted pas > .ige maj bo seemed to
all vessels and other vvatei ciaft navigating
those iivois , and for the same company to
bridge the Alis outi liver at such joint as
inaj be spilled between the north nnd south
lines ol Potlawatt.imlecounlv , Iowa ,
iiu.v i rouit i.o.
A delegation ol Indians aie bete lioin in-
dlan teiiilory lo urge the legislatuies to 10-
niciubei Ibem in making an appioptlafion in
the latinu toi educational junposei. The
lllali.andihe othci known educa
tional bills , which hao been ligunng before
eongtos-s , leaves Loan 1 those of his people
located in Indian tctiitorj out. They simply
benefit the Inhabitants of the states and tor-
liloiiei. , uid Indian teirit'iiy , not having a
loiritoiial government. Is pxeluded.
rilOlCMt UiOM 1III5
Since Cion. Joe .iohiiston , United Stales
lalhuad coinmissionei , issued die new inles
in regaul to annual and special icpoits fiom
biibsldl/ed and land giant i.illioads , inquliics
and ptofpsts in leg.ud to them liom rail-
load manageis have kept SectPlaij L-imar
bttsj' . Thennllot m complaint is th it compli
ance with the niles would expose the busi
ness beet els ol all these loads to their com-
pclituia. Without making it public , Sceiotary
Laiuai had sent an oidci to ( Jen. .Iohiiston
on Deeembei' ) , about thu tenth daj alter the
lilies weio issued , and boloie he had 10-
celved Hie piotestsuf the i.iilioads , instinct-
ing him lo the icpoils ol Hie lailtoada
asfacciel , to boeon ( only bj the piesident ,
the societal } of the Inteilot , the lallioad
commissioners , and such clmks at Iho com
missioners olllco as should need them foi the
business of the ofllce , and then only in the
pieseui'oand undoi Iho .supotvlsion of den.
Johnstonhimsell. Assistant .Societaiy.Ienks
who flamed the inles , says the iloiuitmont
will Inslsl on nfoicinglliem. The govein-
nicnt fiunishcd about twothlids of theiapl-
lalof the loads In the nggiegale. It lias a
light Ingot an answer to its questions and
be Infoimed ot Iho condition ot thopropeity
In which It Is heavily Inteiostcd.
PASsl.VO O.N l > All..Va Al'I'I.IC ATIONS
The special boaid appointed bj Iho gencial
land commissioner , andeonslbtlngof assist
ant Coinmissionei Slockslager , Cltlol Cleik
Walkci and Lnv Cleik Batnes , to icviow
pending applications for patents to preemp
tion laud homestead entiles , to daj conclud
ed Its first session. They examined ' . ' 10 leases ,
of which 01 atose liom the Aboidopti ,
Dak. , otllco , ' > . ' liom the liisin.uek. Dak. ,
olllce , and I from the llloomiiigton ,
Xeb. , olllce. One bundled and Ivventj-.six
cases vvuio nppioved lor iiatents , ot which
Ji. i canto liom Aberdeen , 12 tioni
JilMiiaick , and b'J ' fiom Iloomin ) < -
ton. Two vvero rejected ; these came
tiom Abeidccn , Kiltj-threo vveio held foi
fuithir evidence ; : il ol Ilicso aio fiom
Abeideon , 13 fiom Dismaick and U from
P.loomlnglon. 'llilitj-llvo weio deslgnaled
foi vlbllation and repoit bj sjieckil agents ;
1 ot these came t torn Abi'tdepii , 7 liom Itls-
marck and'Jl liom Dloomlngton ,
'iiti : s.vJiso.x or i in : noir. .
The light against ox Spcakci Itand.ill
waxes watmer and hottet. A fonnldablo
jihalaiix of ulti-a fieo Itadei.s , lailtf lefoimei.s
and hoio-lipadsgenpially , lias been rallied by
tint foes of tlio Kojstono demoeiat , and
the loimei hanison ol the house has been
Hhoin of some of his locks. It should bo to-
inembered that this has been moio than a bat
tle for the scalp of Samuel .1. Itattdall , foi it
was a tight of the tree ttadei.s foi supiemacy
in thodeiiidciatlu paily. Hut the frcotiad-
ers and sore-heads will Hud that Samuel Is a
"stioug man , mined"and one alwaj-sieady
foi the tray , and theio will bo cracked ciown >
and bloody noses on both bides eio the fraj
Is over.
it Is not known lo a ceilalnty which side
Iho administration espouses In this 11'ht , ,
though It Is believed the president lather
leans tovvaul lUiidall.peionsnllj. II ho should
conclude to Intel vcno actively In the behalf
of 3Ir. ? ! ! ! ! ' - ! it h very doubtful it'the ie-
fonneis can down him , for it may bo set
down as a duality that fully one-thlid of Iho
men on the democratic side of Iliohoiisoaiu
purchubcablu by way of pationago and will
\oto any way that will advance their own
political foitiiues. AH these only need u
wink 01 a nod fiom the head of the adminis
tration and they will cast their votes which
ever way tlif wink or nod Indicates. This
tact tenders It impossible to predict , with any
leasonablo degree ot correctness , the icsiilt of
the contest. It the mutter could bo ( ought
outon Hsmc-iilsHie piou.i'ollity Is that Kan-
tisU would go under &o faras the deaiocrats
mo conceit-1 : !
Them H another rttt cut of doubt that
complicates the situation , and th.U H what
will the lepuhlteauidoy If they could keep
hands oil Iho iiuoHoii and allow * it to iciimln
a demiuratio sijiiabble , mire nnd simple. It ,
would make the .scrimuuiu'O nioro Inteie tltij ; ,
but as they will huvo to vole iu uidei to make
n quorum it may be that thry will jiro\e
itnndt'l d salvation , and enibk1 him to do.i n
iKi > pi > oiiPnt . Their jtlncipes ! as well as
wi dom will Inelino them to co'iu1 to amuel's
lellff , and their \ < ) le w III dccul" the content.
ihat would oiii'ii ' a feud in the tanks of their
opponents that will not be closed for jeits.
The contest from now on will be npin Ihc
aliir , finance and othei propositions which
Mr. liaiulall will a < sumotu champion.
Uiin ( all atithori/e3 the statement that ho is
opposed lo relation of the tniill question
Ibis scn'on , and will not intioducc nit > tarill'
bill unless driven to do so ai'aiii t unwise
and e\h.uajant measures bj otheis.
A'i\ii ! : ) or prm. tr nv.
It \clopes that a very strong fih'ht was
uindcljj tlic democratic I'linliiM airalnst the
ordei lecentlv adopted in f.\c-iiti\o a'ssloii
fortliojirlntln ol piesidential nominations
in the Contsie'nioiial llerotd. 'Jlicpii'tmiltlnn
\vns laid oici nit.iy 01 two on obivtion | bv
dernociallcseiialois , and when a final \ote
was taken UJKHI it it was sttictly jnitlsan
the democrats \otinj ; "olldly iwilnst It. A
lepiibllean tiennloi stilled to jour coiiespond-
ent this 11101 iiliii- ( hat the icason thu demo-
ciats objected to having the nominations
jninteil In the I'ecotd was that It put Into
aiithoillative and convenient form \ciy foi-
iniilable aigunienls which the lepuhlli'ins fan
use In the tomlni ; cainpalgns , and the bull ;
of the piesidmtlal nominations N
mu'-h pteatei andtlic'u inllneiice much inote
f.n-ieachin thaiHsKencially supposed. In
a matter of such unjust dlseilminaUon and
such InjiNli-eas \\holes.ituiemo\al ol
fjood andelllclcnt otllcots without eau e , in
the face of n law which piohlbu ! > it , thu
demonats want to keep out ol the ollli'lal
lecotd. When the campaigns open In the
Mates ne\t summer , the iieoiitiMiCtliceoiin-
tiy , he slid , would bo astonished at the ie-
eanltulatlon which ean be compiled In icla-
tlon lo Iho violation of the civ 11 seixlco law
byieleienceto the roir-'ie.sblonal itecoid.
i in : iiOAiii ) is wiiti i IIIM.
A loeil journal , w hilo dlscnssln ; the piob-
abillllcsofan elloitbciiiK made b > the dem-
oci.U'j In confess to lepeal the civil scivice
law , diops die ominous icmaik that it is
jnob.ible nn such etfoit will lit made , as
"Iho demoeiatic lenders aie much moieiee-
oiuilcd to Iho teloi iu since the president has
iccoiistilulcd the bo.iul of e\aminois. " This
maj mean a good deal 01 may mean auny llt-
tle. Itmay mean ( hat the malcoutentses | > ect
tin ; democratic iii.ijoiU > in the boaul to ad-
nunistei the law In such a mannei that only
democrats , by means of unfair jutlini ? of
the boaid , are the only ones vvlm w ill scenre
appointments or it may me in thai bi'rauo a
majoiiU of Iheboaiilaiedemociatslhei have
become reconciled to the lefoim. At all
events it means so much tint the countiy
Rho ! d sh u ply vvat ( h the doings ol the boanl
to t-ee that the law H not nullil.ed In the in-
teit-t ol demoerallc spoilsmen.
ri.t.sosAi. AMI oiiutvvi : ! i : .
ScerUaiy Lainai today lei'o nizcd l m-
ni'isoiiK. Hoiiitci , of IiideiieiideiHe , Iowa ,
to piactlce boloie the Intel lor depaitiuenl.
- \ pension boaid has been eslablislied at
Clailiul.i , l'.vre county , Iowa , by the ajtpoint-
iiienlot Ii > . \V. li. Vance , K. Kcckman and
A. .1. .Salt/ .
iioTinvv rros-ivo IN mi : nrpMnMrsi" .
WSIIINC , ION , Uec. i-.1. [ Associated l'ies-j
The cabinet meetini ? to da > decided tliat in
addition loelotln tliuilepaitnientson Christ-
nmsiuidXovv Ve.u's day , they would only
be closed at noon on eacli ot the davs imme
diately piecedins these holidajs and that ,
conti.uj lo a IOIIK established custom , they
w ould be open lei business in the Inteiim.
This coulee was adopted in v lew of lepicsen-
tations that business in several ol the de-
ii.ulments , nolablv the tieasiny , is somewhat
in aiieais , and inislil aceumulale to seilons
projioitions U the lionia weie shoitened as
AI r SIXT ro TUP M-xv-ir.
It Is said at the while house that , with two
01 tlnee exceptions all the teeess apnoint-
nicnts have now been sent to the senate lor
coiiiin.i . ition.
The Stai says tliat allei Senator lieek had
made his speech In favoi ot theiontlnnation
ol silver coIn.iKi1 losleul.iv , Henatoi Kvaits ,
who had listened attentively tlnouxhout the
whole speech , said "Heck is ilRht , and 1 In
tend to make a speech on the same line. His
nig'imcnts ' cannot be reluled. "
'i m : uorsn coviMirnr : .
The Hpeakei ol the hoiiso is now at woik
aiian in thu committees , and it Is said he
will KIVO tlm list out for publicatl n as soon
as it M completed , not waltlnir toi i on icss lo
nitet. Theio Is consideialile uneasiness ,
ainoiK' the menibi is to know wheie they will
be assigned. Theit aiiNieij ha- kept nianv
\Vashlimlon lot tins liolid.i ) neiss. Had
the eommiitees been announced befoie ml-
lomnment It is piobable most of Iho mem-
Inns would havegoncto llieli homes foi their
Chiibtmas dlnneis , but under existing cir
cumstances only .seventy-live have taken ad-
\antaiw of this opportunity. 'I he lomalmlcr ,
or most ot them. , w ill stay in thu eiu .
AN u.vci.nor ins MIIMIKW.
Joseph htealv , apiiolnted to-day to bo in-
ol hulls lei the Louisville. ICdl
specloi . \ , dl- > -
tiicl , la an nnclii of O. O. Mealy , Washington
eoiiesiiondent of the Louisville Couilei-Joni-
nal. lie is an old steamboat man and built
the M. b'lincls lilt } veal s ato. Ho isaid to
be a competent man lo ( he position.
Oro. Crny , or I > oulsville , Knoclccd Out
In Tin co Koiuuls Iiy tin1 ClilciiKoiin.
Lei tsvit M : , Uec , 2The ( , 'lovo contest
between CleoiK" Ciiay , id' Iliis city , and I'at
Klllcu , of Chicago , last night , vvasa gi > niilne
shu'slng m itch with the filnirglng one sidi1.
The pto raiumd calh l lei live lounds , but
the Louisville thumjiei dhcoveicii beloiethe
thlid lottnd was linished that he c mid not
light a little bit. and tlnevv np the ponu'e.
Uoth men vuie in into ph\-lal condition.
Killen was tlm bnttei looking of the two ,
and when sttippuil in ttontot his opimtient
thocontiast vvas most siiil.iiu. 'J'hu Chicago
cage man seemed to luvvi'i ovoi Ids ojiponeut
by at least M\ inches , although the
leal dllTeieneo is only two and onr-hal !
Inches , ( iiaj htniuling live loet ten inches ,
and weighing Ifi nounilKillen stands MX
lect and one-hall Inch. Ailei the usual
numbci ot comical bouts between amateurs
time on the event was called. Killen took
Ids position Hint , as he did i" . eij thing cl'e.
( iray stepped out with eonlidime , which
rli.inircd to .siupthe when Ki len knocked
him down on Ilio lust pass he made , diav
came uji with the iisiul sickly siiillo and at
tempted to hit Killen , The attempt was a b n-
tivo and time was called. In the second
lound ( iinv put In most ol his tlmo In dodg
ing. A left-handei Itoui thv bU man sent
him to impel , hovvuvoi , wlion time was called
again. Thu third lound was a tepelition ot
thubccond , wllh thu exception that Killen
gotlhoblovv with his ilglitsijuaiu on ( iiav's
numili , and the LouKviller diopped to IM ! <
nomoio beloiohlm. draj showed honuMit-
tlosflence , but huhtood no eailhly hhovv by-
Ion1 the combination of brawn and sclenco
of Killen , 1'arson Davis and Tom ( 'handle )
tuil.ed the Clilcagoaii. wliilo ( ii.i ) was held
by Councilman Jack Mv'IK'tt ahd othei local
sports. The light wiissiiuaie and baid.
KcJersoj'H 3l.u ! Dog Scarp.
Xnvv Yoinc , Jee. d. . The mid don' scaio
In New Jei.sey Is undiiiilnlshed. IMvvatd
JUicklln , who was bitten on Satuulay.went to
Newatk today accompanied by his lather ,
and if li. ) ( J'iorman nihiMv ? the measinehu
will go to I'.uis Immedlatelv. Ch.ules Hilton ,
anothei victim , has also consulted Oi. O'Coi-
maii , The do , ' w hlch bit llieni has not been
lound , though people heio h.ivo been bcatch-
ing lot him all day , Manv dogs bitten by h.xvu been killed , and otheiaaic
closely watched.
An KiiKlish romi > UiiiMit ,
LONDON , Jee . ' . I'lio .Standard , com-
meiitliig upon thoieportof iaecretary Man-
rriu.\si\s that the tailll sustained by the
AiiHilc.ui pr ; > i-b n piomoU-r of luisine
di.slumcst > , and that luHir-imiM-alit ) tuicj !
and llo'.n hlies. All the niantii'tlf tares u\-
poilcd liom Iho United , Stati , the .Staiulaul
All Improved Moral Condition Reciting
from Enforcement of the Lnws.
Its Suggc tloii a nil UecoinineiiiLi-
tiiins AdvlsliiR No Ilcla\illliin III
Coiiiiillaiicc With
The t'lah
A\A in.soiov , D.-e. ' . * , ' -The lejiuit of the
Utah commission has been tiled with Iho
spcrptaij of the Inle. tor. It isabilef IOSIIIUP
of the operations of the commission dining
the past itseal yeir , a icritntion ot lor-
mer iPconimcndatlous and ampiidments to
thepitsent laws , and supplemi'nlal iccom-
mendallons whlclt oxpciionro has liown me
necpssaiy to make the laws nioio effective
and ex-peilltp the punishunnt of iiol.vp.imlsts.
The lepoit sa > s the point has now been
leached Hut not a single name of a known
poljgamlst can be found on the icglstrailon
list , and iioiip of this class aio holding oflleo.
jet It 1 true that neatly all the olllcei .
at Ike last eleotlnn siibsciiln1 to HIP docttlne
ol marriage. A noticeable exception
to this uile Is found hi Suinmitcounly , where
the Ptitlie iion-Moiiti6n ticket was elected.
Theie have been vet.v few known polygamous
imittiagesdnilng the This , however ,
Is not to be considered a an abandonment of
the piaclice by the chinch , for It thcie vvas
the slightest lelaxalion tit the pipsint vlgoi-
ous enforcement of the law , the commission
Iseonvlnced the practice would again become
gcneial in Utah. 'I he Him attitude of the
government , backed by the hlgheM i otiil and
oveivv helming public sentiment of tlie conn-
tiy , havoexetlcd in tin1 pist jeara lopiessivo
Inlluencc upon the Mormon people never bc-
loio expeilenceil. Thu pica ot guillv wasen-
teicd in seventeen cases ol ttnlavvlul cohab
itation , with an assurance bj HIP p ulies Huts
ariaigncd that the } would not again ottend
iigalnst the law , 1101 advise , counsel , aid or
ubet its violation bv olheii. The repoit
points out that then1 is u constantly incieas-
ing nninbi i of Inlluential men within the
chinch who counsel lull obedience to the
laws again polj amy. 'Ibis incipient i on-
test within the chinch is consideied as an
eticouiagini ; teilnro ol the situation.
Thu repoit alllnus that the piesent olllcers
of the ledeial eonils ol Ltah ate on titled to
special commendation. The atduous and
living duties imposed upon them have been
pel foi mod with decided abilitjcat and un-
piecedented success , binee the appointment
ot Hie piesent piosccutingatloinej
ago theie Invo been eightj-thioe indictinonts
found against polj-gamists-Hu to have been
iweiitv-tlnee convictions and loilj-threo
( asisarenovv awaiting A lain1 pro-
iioiiton ot these eases ate in is.ilt Lake Citj.
The fact that poljgamous eases aio given
picleiPitcp In thecomt docket , andtlteit tiial
occiipjinfj thegieitei piittion ol the tlmeof
com t , necc'ssitates the appointment ot an ad
ditional iiid.'o , so th it civil case * m u bo dis
posed ul within a lensonaiile time. The 10-
jioil uiges congiess to authoiiio the appoint
ment ol anothei jmUe , and also lecoiiiiiiends
that the s , | , uies ot nnl oa and pioaecutiitt ;
attoinejhbp inoieised.
"The detondeis of polj'gamy in Utah , "
sajs the repoit , "lay mile i stiess npjn the
fact that the pio-ecutiuiis under the Kd-
mundsact aie dliected solelj .i.ainst the > o
who maintain the polv amousielation. 'i hey
ch.ugc that allegul sexual deteliclions by
lii'isiim who do not belong to the Mormon
chinch aio not investigated and punished
uiidei the Kilmlinds law , and that theiolmo
the execution ot the law is paitiak But this
is an etioi. The law was not dheeted at in
dividual lascivious inactiees but against the
as ault made bv the Mormon chinch upon
tin1 most cheiished institution ot out civilisa
tion the monivimlc system. Tlio laws toi
Hii'suppii'ssioii o | poljgamv were chiefly In-
siiited bv the appiPliensioti tluit it this prae-
tice should bo oven lolei.itedanj wheio in the
United htatos , it might one day become a se-
lious menace to the Institution ol monog.imj' ,
which tin1 world has como to considei
the miHt potential t actor for the
advaiiieiuent of eivili/ation eveiyvvheie. It
Is lu.iinst this danger that the law was
aimed , and uccotdlngly the coutts have held
that the living with two or mine
wives at tlio same time in marital lelation-
Milp , and holding them out lo thu woild as
such , constitutes that kind of cohabitation
which is bj Its vety nattiio an attack upon
the monogamies } stem the sacicd l.uuilj as
sociations which is the chief pride and
stiongtli of our social labile and to do this
Is the vety olleiise ioi winch the liuv urovides
a jiuni-hiuent. Uut in dealing with this class
ol ollcmleih Hiueouils ol Utah h.ivo been
vnj meicilul. The nnitoim inlo has been
to Uve all poisotti Huts airalgned the o ) > poi-
tiniily bv a lull icniiiielatmn and | iiomlso to
letiatn lieieallet liom the piaetlce , to avoid
Hie imprisonment p.nt ol the pentiltj lor
SUch OlfPllhO. "
In addition lo the recommendations made
in lormet lepoiti theconiinlssion submits the
lollovving :
I That tlio tPim of Impiibonment for mi-
lavvlul cohabllaHon bo extended to at least
two veais toi the nist olleiise and tlnee joins
lei HIP second.
S That all peions be cxclndpd from f-ettlc-
mcnt on lamb ol the United States who
shall relnse to make 01 sitbscilbu to an oath
against practicing polygamy.
: i That HIP laws witli relerenco to ( he Im-
mlgiation of Chinese and thu importation of
contract kiboiets , paupers and cilminals , bo
so amended as to picvont the landingol pci-
hens claiming that thelt icllgion te.icltPs or
justincb the crime ot polj'gamy , as this would
cut elf the plnet suuico ot supply to the
Mininon ehuieh ,
The commission expressPs Its disappoint
ment th.i' nonool the Moi mon loadeiu took
advantage of the generous piovMous of the
law condoning the giatitlin : of full amnestv
lei past oilciisos , and Ip.llimall/tng all chll-
itu'ii born ol iioljganious uiaiiiages pi lor to
Janii.uj 1 , issi. The dcclaiation oltin re-
peifeil ( luting the ve.u by theehiet ofll-
ceisof ihochuith , that It Is theii n'liled do
loimination to teliisoobed.eiico . to Iho Jaw.
the ppislstenl useof then gieat powei and
Inllneiice to deleat all elloils liom w Ithin as
vvo.l as without the tlmtcli to put an end to
poh gamy , and the poisccution of those ol
tlieir ovv n number who bavo sigiiiiied their
de-ill o to obev the law , have convliiicd the
comml < islon that some mote dcpislvo plan to
reduce the powei of Iho polygamfc clement ,
and to coiie.spondlir.'lj ineieaso that ot the authoiity In the civil irovernment of
Utah , hhimld be presented to congiess lei It.- .
consideration ,
'Iho lenoit icfers to various coinmliBlon
plans lor the goveiniuent ol the k'liitoiy. the
( tihfianchlsement of tlio members ot the .Mot-
mon chinch , on the Idaho plan , and Iho aboli
tion of the Mormon Lcgihlatmo and con-
eludes ; "Hut whatovei may bo thought of
these suggestions , POIUIOSS would cetlalnlj
lender n service ot Itunleulablo value In
Utah , and Indeed to the vvholo louittiy , If it
would devise Rome nio.ibiim wluieby these
misguided in'onlo eoiihl bo bioiu'ht out fiom
uiidei the tin ahhmi which 'ins ' m wnri l their
minds and Iheii ciiiiMleiiecs that a ciimo
commuted In the name ol religion is eonsld-
eied by them adut > and a blessing , equally
to those who commit It , and to thine who aid ,
abet 01 delend its commission. "
The Fnluro 1'rluo of I Mown.
CiiifA'ii ) , Dee. 2J. Tlm NorHiwe-.loin
Plow and Cultivator association , comprising
all the manutactuieiswcnt ot thoAllcgliPiijs ,
held a hieclal ) Mission heio to-daj , and adopt
ed the lollovving resolutions :
In view of the i event advance in tlio price ,
of raw mateilal , and Iho proijiectot luithcr
itdvanco ! ) in the near future
Hesolved , KnM , That niifinlher conces
sions bo m.ido In pi ices other than these al-
le.ulj made.
Swond , That should them bo fmthrr
adv.iitfo In raw material , it will bu
neecssaiy lo follow the i-amo by an Iminedi-
ate meeting and an advance in the ] itico of
] > lovvi and cultivator- cimespoml.
Tldtil , That wo limit thu amuunt of goods
to Im niado for the splint ; ot li i to actual or-
_ _
Wonthoi" lor To-Day ,
ilissoi m V\M.FV Colder fair vvcalbPi :
winds KeiiPTallj iioiii north lo wr t ;
baiomoter ,
rulloiltont < t'foajcs-j The lioitp Well
Spnnnotl Tlio PciOlvnl Murder.
nnriip.v. S'eb. , Dtv. a-Sicch'- ? [ | ' ]
rulleiton and Nanco count v loMeo over the
complellon ol th Lonp Itlver btldce , ami
teams are closing foi the first tlmo today.
'Jhisj-tuictmi' Is o\er l.OJO feet In length ,
tliciobeing fifteen sovrnlj'-foot spans built
In a thorough manner and as itiong as oak ,
iton and massivetimbcMS can makeit. This is
the only span acioss the Loupbetween St.P.iul
nud Culumbti * , and will bo a Rieal thorough-
late foi travelcis nottli ami oulh. John L.
Means , the contractor , pees fiom hero to
Kim Creek to bridge the Platte.
The laipcseven loom school building lias
been accepted by the directors and is a
splendid strnctui i1 , cipablo of accommodat
ing t [ > 0 scholars.
The rnllorlon lollln ? mills ate at last inn-
ning nndei a eanable iiianageniLiil , tinnini ;
out 1'Jobinvls of Hour pci d.i > of excellent
nualitv. the ureatet iwitlon oC thcli pioduct
goliiL' to U miha.
I'nlleiton jieojile cmlle over the comidlea-
tloiisaiNlin ; liom thu vvteckot the Central
City college. The Vance eoiinl } Join mil , In
sneaking of It , sa > .s : "The wionged spirit
ot Hev. .1. J. Fleharl > was In the wind. ' ' The
school wns stolen lioin this plnco and located Cltv by and witli the exmowl
junposo of ruining thu Yoik college , audit
will nevet succeed.
Judklns Ihos. , foimcrb of lied Oak. have
icfninished tlio Commeielal house and nro
iiinnlnga tiist class hotel. With piojipi en-
eoutagement they offer lo elect a 10,000
biick the coming season.
The cpiintuple numb rci , Oorgo 1' ,
is still at laige. A steady seaich has been
made by the lelatlves of the victims lei
ovei ayeai without lesult. Kov. Tannet , of
Owatonna , latlier of Mis. , has ox-
pendcd nearly all his available means in the
seaich , and is confident ot ultimata success
Many iiiiesls have been made in diffcicnt
pars < > t the countiy of men answeilng Kur-
nlvaPs description. That this glorious
state of Nebiaska should offer only
a veAW tevvaid , and have no means
available toi can.\ing on the seaich ,
is a disgiaco to her fair name. Should 1'iu-
nival ever bo biought to i'ullerton , Nance
countj will bespnied the expeiibi1 ol a trial.
The land , the PCCIIO ot the feaiful
ciime , vvas sold by S. II. Penney , thu admln-
isliator , a lew days ago. The land owned
jointly bj Puinival and Mali will bu sold to
s-atlMy a judgment obtained by J. .McClel
land , Man's administratui , to the highest
Goiiiu toMnko the Diet Kly.
CEV.M ) Isi VM > , Xeb. , Dec. 'J,1. Ten cat
loadof gradets' outtit anlved heiu this
moinlng over the llutlinglon it Missonil
liiver raihoad. Tliej will woik in thu vicin
ity of ItiMvei cii'ck this winter. Anothei
outlit of twelve eais i ? expected to anlve heie
, a DiiMin Eilitoi1 , Now
in ilic Unileil Sl-tcn.
WA III.VUIOV , Dec. 2' . Thomas P.uikc
ti. ! ml , editor of the liish Fanner , Dublin ,
has been In Washington for dajs
past. ill. Giant has been tiavcling in this
connliy since last August collecting informa
tion about theiesomcus of the United States ,
which he had published in n series of letters
In his piper In Dublin. 5'Jr. Giant's jomnal
is n non political publication , and although
tlie gentleman has taken no pail In polities
in Iieland he is well known theioasa pulilk
valuer of lents under this hisli
land commission com Is. When asked
for his views respecting the pioposed estab
lishment of an liish jiailiamentMr. . ( liant
said that no pailiament would atisl.v thu
Iilsli peojile that did not leadjust theiiscil
buidenshich the nica-iiicsol Hie union im
posed on It eland. Kngland lei moie than
eight v jeais has iibstiaoted fiom lioland
mote than n t ill piupoilion ol levenuc which
fiom tlie limited lesomces ot Ireland , site.
vvas able lo conlubiite lo the national exche
quer. Jicland has along , he says , been over
taxed In the inleiust ot a Hiltisb connection
which , like an untair paitneishij ) , was piol-
itable enl > to one piitnei in the imneiial eon-
eetn. Land In 1 1 eland has also been notoriously
riously oveiienled in the nileiest ol a small
body ol piopiletois , who weio loyal t lin-
gland bi-eaiise the gieat powei ol the latter
was alwa > s luely given lo sustain kuge
Incomes by means ol lack icnt-
Ing. Kuglisli jnitics in Iieland , ho said ,
have be MI wateied likelorced pl.inS , by thu
legislation ot > )0j ) ( jeus , Jinl , notwilhst.ind-
Ing this , thej have nevei iiopeied , and aie
to daj as inseiisibli1 to tlio social wants ol
Ireland "as the mummies of L'ir > nt ante tlie
peiiodic swellings ol Hie Nile , " They hive
lived in Iieland , but ncvei felt that Iheyweie
Iilshmcn. Alvvajs looking to Kngllsh pai-
tlcs and clamming for niotcctlon of .some
kind , thcli complaints have at last become
bimU'iisoino and inlolci-ablf lo theii liiends.
Kven now , the piineipal Imjieillment lo homo
uile will bu tin nialilng what Is teimed "ade
iinategnaiantees to ptotecl the lights ot the
mlnoilty , 'but Mi. IMincll will havenoilif-
liculty. Mi U ant thinks , ( n fuuiish-
ing the icqniiut gnaiantee > , jiiitletikii-
Iv as the ilL'hls of the mlnoilt.v
' 'like ' the unknown iniantlty in mathematics ,
has nevei > et been denned , and never ean
be , " since a minoilly like that existing in
Iieland has no "lights" ajuit liom those of
the tienenil masses ol the nmjoiity of the
people. In taking the Iilsli question In hand
against Kngland wo must cease to legaid the
lights and pi Ivilegos hitlicito poiics&ed b\
Iilsh mlnoiilies , and wlii > 'li ought to have no
e\iitencein a lie.ilthy and gooil goveiiird
communll ) nt jieojile. An lush pailiaiucnt ,
Mi. ( lianl thinks slionhl have powei lo deal
\\lthallliishlcirlslation , Itshould legulatu
the Intel nal ulfalis ot Ireland , lostei In lus-
lnes and manufactiues , conliol liish educa
tion , and rhccl ; tlio leaitul dlaiu of leuts
vrlilehannuallv iuijioveilsh Iieland ; and in
a woid adii'st ' the entire lelatlons ot ovvnein
and occiipleis ot land. Tiie o should bo sonio
ot the lunctions ol the now pat ( lament ,
whit It will also duly acknowledge Its iela-
lions lo Ihociown to the same extent as the
r.ngllsb jieojili * now pcunit inleifeii'iico witli
thudeciees ol Iho house of comminis J'lae-
tlcall ) the power exeielsed by tliti eiown has ,
since ( lie davs of deoige III , dwindled to
nothing. The pietent qiteui Is Iho most beloved -
loved and amiable mcuilPi ol the house of
( iiii'lph that has ever sal on thu thione , jet
him nevei Intel leres with the divisions of niti
mlnlstcis , as does the house ol lords. "Tho
'linen , " Mi. ( limit concluded , "will doubt-
le-s extend the same foleiatlon to Iieland , so
no dilllciilty need to bo autlcip itcd on this
head. "
Pn i in no. Dee. 23. There was an out-
bieak at thu Old Kagld mines nr.'ii Ivlkhoin.
jesteiday moinlng. Alan eat l.v hour about
twenty masked men made nn attack on two
( ifiiupiih when about ( hn iuaitei sofa milo
fiom 'ho jilt. Ono tnai ) was knocked down
nndU'atcn with a club. Ills injuries atuol
aM-iious nature. The other man got away
with a tew Kci.itchc.s and u black
oje. The alarm vvas quickly lalsed.
As boon as tl.rco inlno emjilojen
appeared headed by the supeiiiitend-
dent the ) broke forlhu lililb. No other out-
niges leported , though ui > iineasv feeling im -
vails thoughout the vallev. At all minis
wheie the illggeis aie winking at a i eduction
the mlneiBt'o aimed re.tdj to lepel any at
A Fatal CuitlcmoirN
CV.MIUANA , Kj. , Dec. ' " II. 1) . Piisbeo
nnil.J , K. Lake , vu-ll known rutth ) IneedeH ,
hadan alteiiMtlon hem to daj about a busi
ness matter. Lnho Ihievv a KiMite
and both men then dicvv iiKtol.s. After
a levy shots I'lii-lii'ii tan licl.lml n tiee ,
and when b > th luvolvcis vvi'ro empty
the light was continued sumo luiio with
btones- , notwithstanding 1'i bee hud bei n
hhot In the back neai iliu spinal column. Jlo
U mortally wound.'d l-'iihlxviV Lake \veio
oneof the most iMomtnent nniis. ol jrie
tlobioedetsln thu rute aul It Hun
ii .d Iliat caused ; ln > n-ent p.
jil iu iliUMte-
> N ; -
The Perpetual Branch DeTUinil a Price from
a New Yorlt Cigar Tirm.
Tlio "Three Gr.ioeV Cuttiieoilon with
( lie Chilian 'MKsioii-A Xorlh
Cnrolitta Duel Tnto Dentil
Ucivvooii Knrnicrw.
Itoyonltori Ijf i Ins Itl.ickniall.
Xr.w Yolti. , Doe. 'il [ special Telegram. ]
On Dox'ciuber l' Frederick Tinner , pecic
tarv of the Knights of Laboi at Philadelphia ,
infoimrd Sliallon i\-.Slotms that the bojci'H '
on theli vig.u-s wouldbe iPtuoved. ( in Sun
day delegates ot the Cigaimikers' Piogtess-
Ivo union asked the executive committee of
the labor union not to icmovc the bojiolt.
( stratton now stiles that ho iccpnlly had an
Inteivlew with < ' "uno. who teniesented him-
elf as editor of thu Volks XeUniijj , the 01 ? nn
ol the socialists In this city , ind wlt'i said ho
represented the perpetual boycottci * , who ,
when tht'yoiK'e midp war upon a eoneein ,
waged a war of cxteiinitiation. Cuno
elalined that the tax levied bv them upon a
cetlaln bievvet was an ev idenco ol what Hiej
could accomplish and slated lit it It Itailcoal
them S 4X ( > Otobo.vcott btratlon vt Storm's
goods. They expected the 111 in to pay them
that amount. Stiatton dcclaied Hint this was
blackmail pine and simple , and Cuno leplied
that ( he cutting vvas vv.u ami that tlm van
quished would have lo pav the vicious. In
leplj toanothei leunukof Stiatlon's , that ho
did not believe the Ameilcan vvorklngman
would allow himself to be used foi blackmail ,
Cuno characterl/ed the hot ny handed son of
toil us a hog and an nttuwonlng beast who
must be made to feel how much the capitalist
vvas his natural enemy , vv lib whom ho must
gtapiile and whose juopeity lie was to ci/.i > .
As toi co-opetatlon , Cutie ealled It u hum
bug. He added that the bojcolteiN mlsht
possibly atiango the niiittei lor ST.OiJO ,
but Stiatton refused to paj a dollai.
The CJi-acci.
Xnvv YOIIK , Dec. a,1. ( Special Telegram. ]
Michael P. Orncobrother of Mavoi Grace ,
makes a statement in the \Voild to-daj In
aasvverto ex-Minlrler Logan's report , lie
savs l egan was anxious to be ictalned as
minister to Chill and that he asked ( ! . \V.
Giace tocableto Major Grace to use his In
fluence lo hi Ing this about. Palling to ac
complish this , and healing through the picss
that KobeiIs'appointment was undeistood to
beduetoMavor Giacc1 , Logan , before leav
ing Chili , used liii influence to mlsiepicfent
the house of Giaec liiof. & Co. with the
Chilian government , and Instill into their
minds Iho idea that Minist-'i liohciN WMS
ent Iheie to woik in the interests of
that house. The \Voild sneeis at this
explanation , and ] > oints to a Wash
ington dispatch , which sa\s : "It
is said developments will be biought out
against the Otaces In South America In
vviilch naval otllccis ate involved.
'Jhe pnyiur.stei-i of the Heels in boiith Amci-
ican wateis have been Inlluciued lo give tlio
pmchaslng of supplies lo the Gioces In a
manner not nuthoil/ed by law. An investi
gation of these facts in connection with the
publication of the lepoitmay piecipitato mat
ters to such an exlent that the foreign rela
tions committee will offera tosolution asking
I.i\aid ? to explain the icpoits. Bayaul has
nevortaken any notice of the lejiott of I egan
in any ofllclal way. lie has not even
acknowledged the leceipt ol the communica
tion. _
A Kntal Duel.
Pr.iEUs-nuno , Va. , Dee. 122. Tele-
giam.J AKtnguInaiy duel vvas I ought ueai
Jackson , N. C. , jcsleiday by two prominent
J aimers named KdvIn Geode and William
Wheeler. The cause of the aflalr , asiisiial ,
v\as tiivial. Some few dajs since Goode's
cattle got into Whcnler's field and ale about
a bundled pounds of fodder. Vosteiday
Whceloi met Gooileon the load and asked
foi pay. Geode lefused and a bitter alterca
tion ensued , which culminated In Wlm'lci
challenging Geode to liu'hl , at the same time
iliavvingaievolver. Ills tipl'jhboi lesponded
by drawing loith a jacl. knife , and they went
at cm h other. When lound iij' fiieniKbolh
wrio iniiOnsclous. Goodu had two bullets In
his bodj , and Wheelefs body was lunibly
Kasheif , he liaving icteived eight deepeuts
with the knife. J5oth will die.
A. I'l'dato Laid at KeM.
Gr.i.j.N P.vv , Wis. , Dee. 21. . The iuneial
ol ilu ) late Hishop 1' , A. Kiatillnuei was held
from St. Fiaw is X.ivlcrcathcdial this nftei-
nooii , tlie lemains being Inteiied in a vault
inidci the main aisle ol the calhedial. N'cally
all the bishops \Vlseon-In , Dakota , Minnesota
seta and itpii" ! .Michigan weie present. A
u'Oiilem hign iiia.s vvas celebiated byAicli-
bishop llel-is ol Milwaukee , followed hi an
addiess in KugllMi I y lilshop Iieland of | St.
Paul , and an addte , In Gciman by A'icai
( ieneial lielol Milwaukee. All thu public
buildings and maii.v private iesIdcnce- > ate
he.ullj diaped.
Ji'allui c nl'a S > IMCIISC Hank.
Svn.ui'si ; , X. Y , Dec. ft ) . Dow , .Shott A
Co. , ban kerb , assigned bete lo daj' . The
tailuie vvas pieeipltatfd jesterday
by the fallmo of KlhcrsUIn & Co. ,
clothing iiiniclniits , foi whom theb'inkeis
cairled MOOJO , Deiioslts me about
sS U.tO ) , including ttnst funds. 1'iufeiied
lediK'itiinted IIIUM i to a huge amount K
fwnii'il by leal estate inoiiuagrs , II K ex-
ppcKrlthat Hie dejiorltota will be paid In lull.
I'lep.'ii'liit : lo Itoslsi ,
Si. LI/I is , Dee " . . ' A number ol i.tilwuy
conilnctoii engaged on the Missoml Pacific
sytem have been In t-eciet seslon lieto lo-
da.v. It is staled thai the puipi s Is lo tal.u ) btojis looking to the consolida
tion ot Hinoiih'rof lociimolivn enulneetsand
Iliemon , and to tesKt an untlclpated move
ment to cut down time and pa > ol tlm con-
dU'-toihiin the ( louldhjstem.
Our Minister Itei.'oivril.
M viittti ) . Dec.kj. . Cutty , the lecetilly tip-
pointed Ameilcan mlnlstei to .Spain , pie-
sented liIsuedentlaN to Hie rjucen le.'eiit to-
ilwy wild vvaseoidlallv K : eivcd. Tint impies-
sion ptevalN in ciicles that a new
coiiimeiehil tieaty will bo soon negotiated ,
It In opi nly st.ited piominenl . hjianlsh . . .
Mali sim n that no dimcultj stands In the
way I hei cot.
An . % < ( esfcion Hi ( hi ! I. u lii ) Shore.
Ci l v l.l v.xri , Dec. 2J.It is lepoitedheto
that W. .M. Clrments , gcnoial supeilnli'iidunt
ol the N'ew Yoik , Ppnnsjlvania .t Ohioiail-
toad , has been eUcted hefoiid vhe ptosident
ol tlw Xev.1 Yoik. Lako.Sboie Wisloin , to
succeed Chailcs I'Alnc , who Is siiiposed | to
have accepted a position on the Weal Shoie.
Vignnux IJeatH Sohael'or ,
Cnii.o , Div 'ii About MV ) neonli ! vvll-
ni-sseii Vtgnanx beat hcbaelei in the balk
line bllliaiil louinaiiient to-nlglti. Nil lo i.vt.
Schaclci g.ivo Vignaux agtcal many n'tnp- ,
and nnall ) the Fjcnehiiiun went out with a
iitiiolr - . _
A Convention of Hhorin'ri.
ItriiLi.Nfl ros , Iowa. Die 'i- ' , -Tlio i-hcrilT- >
ol lov.a met heie to daj in annual conven
tion , about lilt ) ptesent. Tills alternoon
tliev visited HID jirlMin at I'ort Madison , and
will biinpiet to-night and elect olliceia.
to-moirovv ,
i ho
TOPI KA , Kan. , Dw.i. . ( iov. M.utln tn-
dt \ iaiM-il Hio oiinrantlnu ajitust Missouri
and 11 liuj'a cattle.
A CITV iv r
Sholbyt lite , TiMiti , , Huinlti < : - < an
I'url.v Hour till ? toftiitif ; .
SnuLm \ 111.1 : , Tenn. . Dcv. ' 13. 1 n. m - -
A Ihc broke out half an hour dnre Iu ISoeveV
balooli In the centei of Cannon blook on thp
south side of Deficit sheet.
Tot tw cut } minutes Iho in omen could not
get walcrand the lite gnlticd such hnuhvaj
that It seems bpyond control. HIP liromen
ate fighting II bravelv.
It teem * now that the bcsl baslnpss part of
the town will bpdcstiojed , as thcie ten fiP < h
btec/c blowins ; from the southeast.
Iiirorin.itioti on Om1 Cnniiiicruinl Huln-
llons with Orrinnny.
WA IIIXV. rov. Dee. 'J.1. The mimuil IP-
pmt of Jacob Muellei , United Stairs eotiMtl
[ ; eni'tal at ri.nlfott on the Slain , Geuuan.v ,
has been tcvoived at the state dcpatlnient
Hei alls I'lieitlion to the tenden
cies pievaillng In that rountiv in its indu < :
tual and lolatioiis vvllh the
I'nl'ed Slale , which be sav s explains the IP
will ol theolllrial and luling sphere" nguinsl
the Unltod stale-i. 'J hey dread , ho sav s ,
AmiMkaii hojs wheat , and American impoils
generillj , but stdl tuc'ie ' the Importation of
Ameili an idcis. Not otiy | Is the lendencv
to leliogi slon noliceable , hesnjs , liitlio po
litical. eroiiotuli1 and leliglous 'phetes
ot life , but the Iniiicu esisting
between mankind an1 aKo fosteird and mul-
liplicd to such an t xtetit that tin1 spun ol
caste Is again becoming piomlin nt. and the
leudal svstem lesnt reeled. He ulhulo.s lo
these tcndeiii tes : i > the pmulpit teiison fnr
the pievaillng antiViucticanism , and In ol
der that nin govpinmeiit ma.v IIP ptep'ited
not lo anticipate liom am oUUial ol Gci-
nianv 01 Austria , ho tile is tlipv me tomei -
leatt libeity and piosjiuitj , any ciatnllntis
The consul leiioiN that tin ilepips oil state
of ti.ultMind Indiistr ) In Get man v his eon
tiiiucd dining the past , and HIP new tai-
llf sjslem has ptoveti a fallnie. The declared
value ol expoits tiom Gcrmanj to the United
States dm ing ISM amounted to Vi',7is,7H ' ) ( , a
divicasool ii.ssi.o . - , ! ls eomiaied with tin1
p I'vlotijeai. . The mlneipal dci-iease was
in Cliina and potct lain wine , bat bands and
ilblions , liides and skins , Iln , MI- . , silks , dtess
Kood- . lewdly , do. Tluio was an incieasi1
In ex | o is of dings and i lieinlials , wines and
liijuois , lion and sleel goods , hair , glass.
slate , ele. linpoits iiotn the United
Slates weio eonlined to arrlcultuial ,
minenil , animal and vegetable piodiicK
] "udgiatloii liom Gpiminj to die United
Stales has lallon elf U ) per cent dunni ; the
ntst nine months , ol lss. > . Theio l a stiong
feeling of antlpathv tovvaul the United
btates in tlm miiitet ol emigration , and
eveij ellfoitls le-oiled to to discoinago It.
The gloat impuit of foiclsjn wheat has
caiisi da dimaiid lei lilirhei duties which
would puictkallj amount lo piohlbltion.
In conclusion , Consul Mu , I lei SIJH that the
piCMMit stitteot naiiotis for indnstiial and
commeieial supimiacj stugi tsun Ameiican
policy id liuo sliliis ol indit'tiieuiitiam -
nielleil by butdeiisome t txi1- , and of \ Igcioiis
piotcction ot Ami-iieans al'ioad.
Two . .Million DolIaiHlo lie Sbi | > iieil un
Xi.w Vor.K , Dee. ii. Tlie ab oibinc tnpie
heio to daj nuinng btoki is , npoialois ,
eis and financial men the re
potted artangeiuents for shipments of golden
on Salutday next. Kejioits late In thoattcr-
noon weie to the effect that about 32,00 ) ,000
in gold had been pmchased for shipment.
Iiujuiiy at thooflicos of the leading denleis la
foielgn ox-Chans. ' , IncIudTilg thtf9irlivno'vTc'rc'
lepotted to have at ranged to rxporl considci-
ableijnantiticsof gold , oliciH'd HIP lact that
no gold vvillpiobably go loiw.ud beloieSat-
urday next , and that a shipment
then is contingent upon the
maintenance ot the advance In
the tale foi steillng exchange. At the house
ot liiovvn Itiothcis is Co. It wns stated this
evening that they would piobahlv ship
Sl,000JOon ( batuidav , Imt nolblng definite
was jet known. Oilier iiiominent banking
houses think HIP advance In foieign ex
change talcs has been abnoimallv lapld and
that U Is . ' .till ( juite as to how
lai.c the .shipments miiv be.
\Vhen the lnnk ! ol J'ngl.ind advanced Its
i.ite ot di'.iount on Thutsdaj last the posted
tales hue toi toielcn oxeh inge weio 51 &lli
lei sixty day bills and (01 ( demand.
Las ! evening thev had advanced lo
Sl.s/l ) and ils'i ) , te pecllvel } , ami to-da >
theie W < MO two advances of hull u pent each ,
making the i.ile lo-nUht Vl.'T and &J.UU1 * ; te-
speellvelj. With Hits iitlingiatc of monej
in London and Xew Yoik , thoile.ileis In f\-
cliangusij Unit gold can be shipped without
losat SI MI' ' < 'Iho rjuestiftn as1 lo the
amount of gold that will bepuitedlii Hie
lieu Inline , they say , Is l.u elj ilip'tidenl
upon the sin m U } bills ( bat maj biMitloied.
The advance has been stimulated to < ( n\\c \ \
extent by ajiioaclnng ] ) seit'emcnta ' lo be
made at tlie end of ( ho ve.u.
llosio.v , Dec. 21 f Special Telegram. ]
Hefetiing to the repot t about the -cl/niu of
Maishalland ( iilbett Islands , Kev. Di. Jnd-
M > .I .Smith , junior foielgneeieaiy | of the
Ameilcan boaid ol commission , is tui loi-
eign missions , st ited , | | i-veiilng he had le-
celved an Intimation sometimu ago that the
sci/nie ol the Island by some Kuiopean pnw-
ei , most jitobably Geimiinv , wouM llkel.v
take place. Although tlio mlbslonaiics and
othci mcmbcis of the boaid hail
been chiefly instiumenlal In elevating
the nativeto ihelr iiicsent state
ol ( Ivlll/alion and o' ' len leiideud their conn-
eels In the goveiniuent of Hie islands , sllll
It could not exactlj IIP said that the mission
hadevei laid any claims to teal ovvnci-hlp lethe
the Island , elthei In Iheli own name 01 the
nanio ot Hie United States. Ho did not
think the ( Jet man government would In any
wav inteileie with the vvotkol Iho bo-iid out
sldo ol dlveillng the t ado of the Islands
Into ( let man channels Instead of tin : United
Mali-- , .
Tlio Homo Huh1 iJii
Loxuo * , DPP. . " . ' . Pai nell lias sent a Mlei
lohlscolleagiuB vvilh jolciomo to the pailj
piogiaininc. . lli'h.ijs that It would bu mi-
wise at pi PSI nt lei the nationalists , to loiin-
ul lie the ! ) dem mils , and thai they will theie-
Into play a waiting game and watch Hie
iouiMor events.
Tluirmnii Si'lei'toil At hit r.llor.
COM Miu h , Ohio , Dec. 4i. . lion , Allen G.
Tliurman was seloeled ( o nlfjit as unipltit be-
I on1 the mining mhltiation boaid. The jndgo
uas suL'xi'bled h ) lli'-Miimcis and leadilj ac-
ccpleil bv the opciatoif. The eoininllteo ap-
pointi'd tovvait on him icjioil that ho will
-Vlii-lll-iui Saw .11111 ISimtnl.
JLvCm , .Mich. , Dec. > " . ' . -.Muiphj .t
Duirb' .saw mill , with vow ham Is ol salt in
f-heds ailjoiiiln , ' , binned this evening. The
lite oiU'inatcd in tliD engine ii'oin. Loss ,
iiisutance , $ ntiw. i'ho Him will
Cholera In Vunlco.
Vi.Nirr. , Die. : K I'll iy cases ot cholera
have occulted in the ptovinco ol Vonho ,
twelve of which ptoved latal. .Many people
.110 fleeing. The Au-tiiaii giivpinment h.ivo
otdcied viinitat roniilatlutis bo en lei coil
at thu i
A NiHcil Tax Shirker.
1'lU M.I.I li , N. J. , Do.1 , 2J. I'lto Kingei
bcv.lng m. ic h no. lactoiy cuinn enecd vvntk
todij , and tin- lucked nut euiploji s let m tied
lo vvuik. 'Ihc iUv dispute is nut j el at tanged ,
LONDON. Dee. . . ' . A dvhes liom Spain say
tint a iiiitsipiiacj toistabllsb a lepiibhi : has
been ilKiovi n < l in 'laiia nna , Details ol the
uiuH'incutiuo wMiitc'JU ti >
A Village Stricken Witl Uon .i n. t'on ' ,
Dismay nnil
I > o1altxc < * il'the I'liliirliinate Xliiltnu
1'msli.ilpil uilh ( JiioT.Mtuilhs
1 < lai > T Ucliii'O tin1
fan Hi' Ke.iflteil.
Wll M-siiAinil. . Pa. . ! Vi. rfJThur \v *
lioiebtlor Xatillcoko lns | night. It is m-
possible lo dc'sct ibo in winds Hie onnsierna-
tlou , disma.v and agon } width tlitou c-
otit the village when It wa leainedullci mid
night that all eToits ( to yet out tin1 entnmbcd
liiincis out alive v\a" < abauduiicd. The lovvn
nevei saw witucssel ftotii
2 to 4 o'clock Ihii morning. No one thought
of iol. The whole jiopulatlon was on
Hie slroets ilU-usslng in the
wildest mannei the dceisiuii to abandon
all ctrmU at lesiue. r.xi tarnations ol dps-
pah , iileiol au'onj and muiteiing of discoii-
lent weie heaid on even loiuei and in at-
moslevetv household , lielalives of the tin-
loitunate victims weie In Ilu1 wildest agony
' - . | . y.wetnl weieoli d with ronvnl-
t-irn < . . rannipXtrvri , Miidol HID Ivvo Sai
vei luntlii PS , was inoslialrd with violent ills
and .it 'i this moinlng It \\a- thought she
would die. Mis , Kivelei. Hie tuothei of the
Kivelei tmvs , Is not expi'ited to live , and
mativ ulliei telalives and inciids wue com-
plctelv piosdated.
The olllclals in charge of Hie lo-ic'uliifr ex
pedition were foiied to i baiidon all work
liom the aii shall bv "I'M'ial loiicnsions
Investlgalions at mi e.ul.v lioin HUM mmning
show that thu sand ioek mid culm have talk'ti
to Mich an extent that the mine In w hli h the
liupiisoiied niincis weie is now filled lo the
loot ami that the men aie dead and hijoud
all human help. A Fciond cave In took plain
dining the night which was ol vety laigo
juopoittons and the leal exl'-nl of the daiu-
ace ean baldly be estimated , but It Is pent.
1'lils jail biought wilii it volumes ot black
damp 'ind sulphuious gusi s , which hllid tlut
mine and put a jieiemploiv stop to all work.
At ( I this morning it Icuurd ( ho bodies
ies ol vlitiiuseould not be uviveied foi at
least mouths , and since the news hasbcoii
spiead thioughoitt the iniiiiu.r ic ion , tlm
inosi inleusoexeileiuent pnnails Kveiy ef-
I'nit will now be made to woik in tovvaul the
men fiom the Mope. Tin. rleaiing up of
gaiifewavs will be pushed as i.inidly as possi
ble. II Is Ihought the work will be loiii ; and
tedious , as Hteie is about Ihii e thousand Uet
ol nangwav also Idled up , and -aid to b < -
packed to the l oof. Theieiue'-M mlneis en
Theoillclals of the and Wilkc'ibano
Coal compin > ate now going to sink a , shall
diiectlj over the slow1 wnuie tin' Impiisoneit
milieu me support ) to be. It Is thought that
bv doing this they can icaih the victim * in
about loin dajs.
WITH ruoxnv.
I'rostiuitos Piirc-liaseil lo Kmraji ( Jc-n-
liloH into Tltelr lluiihcs.
S V.IT LAKH , Dee. .i ! Thoie was iom-
nienced heloie Jndw Xanc in tlie luleial
louitheie to-d.i.v thetilalol li. V. Hampton ,
aeilyoflicei and niominent Moimon , who is1
chaigcd with enteiing into u coiispii.tcy witli
piostitutes to uslablibli houses of ill laino tor
the puiu-e | ) ol entraping fedeial olllclals anil
gcntllis. The enl > witness o\amlncd to-day
was Mis. Fields , ono ol tlio Jim-dilutes Mi
testities slu1 eiiteied into a eonttai't with
Hampton , lie luinisiied .1 IIOIIBO lorhei. Tlio
tiollce piomi-ed blie hhould not be aneited.
xlloy pnid her rent and loserved OIHI
loom In the house lei si > oM"n. Jlaiuptiiii
lnld hri SliO altogether. Ilo took her pisl
1 1 ov. Mmia\ house in aluugv , polntnl out
the icsldeiiee. told hei to call on thegove nor
and lo tiy and get him tocall on bet. Hump-
ton pie uisi'd hei cr.O ) II hho eompioiii'scd
thegoveinor llampiiin and his .ihsuciates
told hei thoj wanted to gel thu names ot
these gentiles v > they could lake them oil oC
jinies In pohiramy tilaN. Tliej vvanteil to
entiap tlnviv ( > ifior in otdei to gel polg-
amisNoulol tlii'penitenlliirj. The dial is ex
citing nieat interest and is attended by Iho
goveinoi , the inayoi of the city and otliti
Judge Xano empanelled a fedenl ( 'Mud
Jury to-day and gave them pointed in ti u-
tions to investigate theiasi'S ot polygamous
and unliivvlnl cohabitation , and the kcepns
and habitues of lewd bouses , lleieieiiid lo
Ilic Illinois that im.v men would he mail' to
snlfei If thet did th"ioil-rh woik. The imlge
saiil lie would excuse .inv one aliald. 'I hi'.v
mils ) , said he , delcnd tlieioselvci , ev < n ' 'i
shooting a allaiits. il neu-ssaiy.
A Siiiiii ijaini1 on ( he1 Ciy. (
Mll.w VL 1.1:1 : , Dec " ' -A lew vveeKti ah i
( heclly gianteil a tianchlsu to the DM < ll
I'ndei ioiind i-tvli o lompany lo establish
an e sjslcm ol conduits , and inuiiit-
ivo stepwon - taken lei putting in a s.HiO.OuO
plant. 'I'D day it deulopes that an luent ,
vv ho had been given ijovvei ol altoinev to ills
pitsooftho company's Mock , has made such
sale to an opposition company ol whose con
dulls lint little is known , anil against which
tlio cilv is dciidtdl.v opposed. The mavor
has declined to.mpiovo Hut bond ol thu new
stockliiililei.s , and legal action will also bu
taken by Iliu Dmsett people. An inlnihn
Icelinghas licen iingendcied In the city ovct
the. liansaction , and II Is likely that a Iho
nuxl meeting of Hut eiu anthotmc-j the i om
jiany's liaiicliisewill beievoked.
Itel'iiHiMl to .Alnki ! tin ; i\cliannc. :
It vi.tlMoltl , Dec. 'JJ. A meeting ol tlm
1 > mdholdt isol ( he Kpilnglleld division of Iho
Ohio A Mississippi laihoad was held in lids
eit > to day , when a pioposltion vvas made to
i vhangi ) Hie bonds ol the Ohio A Mississippi
al. > jiei cent lot Ihoso ol the 1-1)iiinriied ) ; | divis
ion at 7 pet cent. U' . W" . Peabndv , itrfsiili nt
of Hie Ohio , \ Mi-sihsippi , di dated fhf I'OllilR '
of Ihibitln | lii Id illusion aio inva'ld ' .mil
Ilu 10 ul vvas annimll ) tunniiu behind - , ' , < >
Ofu ol , In h SII'MMO was lot inleie I Iho
biiinllioldi'is ielu > ed to tiuiept Iho pn > | ii > si-
tlon to i-xi liangi )
He.-ivlng ( In1 Siloiit Last
llitoi Kt'ix.Mass. ' , Dee.Thu fo.t > two
shoe la < tmles wi l < h have been silent d.i si >
lung u linio opened Ihl'll doois to d.iv lei
woiknndti Hie trims of thu awaid m ulobj
the boaid ol aiiiilnitlon between tlu iii.iiiu-
jiti Iliu i and emplojes. _
Wo doulit II Hiiro ! i , or can bo , a upr du1
U'liicil ) forihiiiui tlsiaj but tlioiib.inil ? nlm
li.uc.siilfcr. J lli ) i ilnsli.uo bi ui ; t'lCntly I iii-
iitcil by Illicit ; SarAipaiilli , If > uu I , . \u
lallcil lollnd ii li ( tiy Ilils iu .it x'lmdj.
"I was alllitidsiih tin inn illbiu t\rnljl
jcaif , I'icvlou to ih/jj / I fniinil no fellif , but
jic\v wnirc , .m I at tine Ihno vias aliio4 | lu-lp
JoiiS. Jli.nii'a f-at s.varill i ilul mo nioio 'noil
tli.oi all tlm oiiu i nicillcltn 1 ever l , , l. '
II , T. ilu.ii.M.M i. iy Vlll. . , " , M. s.
"I hid ilu uiii .11 a Ilino > i JM , and i i no
ic-llef till I lee ] , Ib.MlNh.iip.irllh. . It l u
ilonc1 great tlilut'ifui inc. i iiioiiiniriiil n Iu
otheis. " J i u is JiutrAM ; , liu'Ucfuril , 'K.
Hood s h.ii ii.iillla ] Is ehainrti'il/.i-d by
tlino pOLiili.uil. s : Iht , tliu coinblnitliuii of a.i nls ; Jil , HIM jnojiartloni ' , < ! , Hlo
< > f nci.fiii'i Iliu IK ll\c > infill , i.uil
ci , 'lliuit1 ult Isaniullcliioofwsu-sitl
iJTutliih nirrs hllliuito link' < vn.
fni liiiik ( i.-itiliilii aitillllouali'Vl'i ri-e ,
" HiMid'a h us . . .ti'll ' i ( ones up myjiw. .
jiinifii" . n. ) Uujd . - aliens i.w uiii elite aiiit
Hell H | 0 link t III : < > Vtr " .1. I * 1JKU1 SIM.
Ill-Kit l < ro ( | ) i tils l.uvvtllMaM.
"llnoil'H hn . illi bents nil Mlii . nn |
DVIIIIII ) | . v > i clil" I l -IDS.
130 i.uil. : rfiic I iutk City.
B-Sood's Sarsapariila
SoUl by .ill UrujrUti. tl i slflirts. . Mtrir
only by C. I. HOOD iw CO. , I.ow.-ll , W sj.
IOO DoBea Ono Dollar ,