Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1885, Image 1

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Repiceiitf > tivo Doreoy's Bill to OhRnge
Land Districts.
The Question ol' Silver Colnnsc Oo-
pclldlnft ( in the Coinposllloii ol' the
Colimgc Coininlllee Hed Men
Talk \Vltli Cloveliunl.
W VNIIffdTOV. Dee. is. [ bjiiviil Toll-
Riain ) IJoiiro-oiilathe Dor ey ot Nebrask I
Is prop-iiing a bill vv'uch he will Introduce in
the hoiiM ) at tine ) irllo-it po-iibli d iy , abolish
ing the Lincoln a id Ueitiico land districts
In Nebraska and founliig a new dlstilct
fiom both ol them The bill will alsn no ito
two new land di-dilets in the stile on out
ofSheiidati , SloiK , Duvosand a portion of
CliTr ) county , to be know n as the Northwest
land dlstiict ; the other south ot Choenno
and to ombmco Hdiim unoigiul/od toirltoiy
and apart nl Keith c unity , to bo known ; u
the ( 'lieemie laud dl trlet.
Mr DOIM'V is picp.nlUK tlm bill liy the ad-
viroof Laud Co iimissionei Spirks and Sec
retary of the Intel lor Limai. It will mike
altogether ten laud dlstiirts In N'obris'ca , an
iueieaseof onoovei thoproiontoriMiii/atloii.
Ho i.s confident th it the bill will bopisHod ,
as he has the Htion e-t atguments at his com
mand In favor ot It.
i.osi i VXD w vimV.NTI.
A bill was inttodueed In the senate todiy
b ) Mi. Allisonot which dliects the eo-
letai ) of Hit ) interior to Issue lo George K.
Otis of Iowa duplicates of Unco Poiterlleld
land warrants , In pursti UK e of an act ot con
gress approved April 11 , isiio , numbeicd 10 ,
17 , and 120 , respeetlvelj , upon satisfactory
pioof ofowneisldn and lossot the same , and
rxt cut Ion of a bond with good and suOlcient
Focurltles , In double the market value of the
wnnantAKO to bit Issued , to Iw approved by
Ihoseciet liy of the interior , conditioned to
Indemnity the Pulled btati s against urcsun-
tatton by an Iniioient holdu ol the alleged
lost vviurants. The duplluiles hhall have a I
the legal foice and died as had the originals
The K-cietaiv ot the Inteilor mav requiio
further pioof ot loss ot the land w irrants
than that on Ide In Ids dcpaitmcnt befciie Is
suing the duplicates. This bill passed thu
f-ciialo at tlie List session ot cougiess.
A TALK wmi un : ( iiiiv : i KAIIIIII.
The nine gorgeously die scd Indians < t Iho
Sao and Potilbe , of Iowa , weio received by
the president this iiioi ning. An interpietir
was with them , hut It was not absolute ! } ncces-
sai ) , us some of the red men can speak K\\e- \ \
lisii very intelligently. The ) weio in the
presldeiitV private ollleo for moie than half
an hour. They are hole i n business foi the
til ho , and at the ' .imo time have been taking
In tlm wights. Tlie } tiileu .1 lively intoiest in
nil that irtgolngoo aiound them. On account
of their own gaudy InbllamonUs , paint ,
feathers und togL'oi ) goneiall ) , they ate at-
tiactlng much attention on the sticcts. Vis
itors at the white house oved them Intently ,
and the Indians niideas Imposing a pieces-
shin vvlicn they tiled out an nine brave * pos
sibly could.
mi : Auniotis1 oi'i'onn MTV.
The ficnato committee on patents , to which
has hi on reteiied tlie Intcnutiinml copy
right bill , Intioduccd b ) Senator llawlcy , has
directed 1U chalimm , Senatoi Plait , to give
public untie o of Itspmpose tolto-u authors
mid others who am Intelested on the subject.
No day has jet been Used lor the lirst hcai-
iug , but the commlltcopr -s 's this hope
that all who hue views to o\pios" on Iho
tiubject will be piepared to communicate them
to the committee veibally or In wilting soon
lifter the holldajH.
Tlio failure of the Itandall hosts in the
house to hocuiu retention ot power lor
lender means that tho. bankrui tc.v bill will at
last Dave a ohame ( o stand upon its own
merits In tlm piesont session of coniriet-s.
Kandall made a vciy bittei light against a
clmngo ol the lidos , but iinfoiliiuatel ) lor
him when ho had the whole house under his
thumb he was not satisiled with Ihouse of
power but had to ulniM ) It. ThciPisveiy
little ttvmp.ilh ) oxpiesb'd hero for the deposed
Icadei , and while some ol those- who fought
the Moulson bill are willing to give him
credit toi his sh.uo in disposing of that
measure , over ) mm who had thu good of the
country at heart and the deslro that congioss
bhnuld at do something , la utterly dis
gusted with the inannei In which
iho Pcnnslvama statesman inlod the
Said n southwestern congicssman today ,
In speaking td this subject :
"Political economists In other countries
look upon this government as a lepiof-entatlvo
one. They havei mistaken notion that the
popular will goveins. These men know
nothing of that little book published once a
jeai which In complied by llauy famlth , the
Jouinal cleik of the house , known as the con
stitution and manual. A eaietui poiiisal ot
tliat work would Miovv tliat tlie chairman of
the aupuipilatlons committee can be , It ho
chooses , the dictator of the United Slates ,
nnd in fact a ghinco at the proceedings ot the
last two sessions of congiess would show that
Mr. Itandall has hold this countiy In his
bond , and has practical ! ) i tiled Has thoiougii-
I ) as tlie o/iii ot Itiissht rules twothlids ot
the continent o ! Europe It isfoi this ioa-on
that wo Insist upon the change In the iiiles.aiid
It win became Iho doteiinitiation was strong
that thu uiloH should bo changed , that the
house declined to order a call ol the Mates
forttioinliodiiollon of bills on last .Monday. "
mi ! cjLifiriox oi' hii.viit : roiN.vnn.
Thu aition of the house upon the pioposl-
tlon to suspend thocolnago of thu hlandiud
silver dollar dL'iwnds ulniost alto ethei upon
tlm composition of thu committee on coinage ,
weights and measmcs. Your conespcmdent
tins the hot authority tor asseitlng that
Speaker Carlisle tavoia the suspension of this
coinage for a time at least. Ho has made up
his mind that If an Into national bl metallic
standard Is to bo established , It can ( ml ) bo
brought about by a chanjo in tlm coinage
laws of the United States. Voiy sliong pressure -
sure U being brought to bear upon him to
give theihairinanship of the committee on
coinage to some less rabid silvoi man than
Mr. Hland.
Whether tlm spoakn w Ultimo thocouiago
to take this radical stop In tlmdlicctlon of
bettor coinage Is a question which lias not
jet boon ansvveied. Thoiowho aio iu a posi
tion lo know b.iy , however , the commit
tee will consist nf eight members Known to
fr.v or suspension , and the who are disposed
tokoep up tlio present Ksiioof Si,000,000 per
month , The nuro fact tliat a majotity of the
committee will be anti-silver men will not bo
tuilllcicnt to assint ) action upon any one < > t
the bills which will In all piubiblllty IK In
troduced. The power of the chair Is almost
absolute , and If ( ion , IH.uul hhould again lill
this imsitlon 1m v\III ptobibly use Ills power
us he did In the last unu'icss1 , to dole it the
will of the niajnilt ) by lofiislni ; to tall the
committee together tor the consideration of
any bill.
Congressman Darwin It James , who will
juobably be the Now Vork member on the
committee , Is moio hopolnl to-di ) of uttiun
ill onsress than lie has been for .omc .
time Mr James I ( irmly cnv'need ' that the
iht ( rests of biinet.iilism can be best sub-
Hived b > a temiiorHry su-peiision of tlie
tditmt'o , and hethinl : tint if Mr Cailislo
will listen to the business men of thecountry ,
and place the control of the coinage commit
tee in the hands of some one wlio will bo
likely to at least give all sidjs a fair trial ,
thu Party ninth coiires ma ) attti all ilo
something with this ini | ortant subject.
Man ) people have been startled and
surprised by the fuddcneat for rebuilding
our niv ) recently manifested by ccitaln
members of the ndininisttatioii and by oilier
li ailing democrats here. That surpi l o Is not
Miange when wetonsldor the course puisucd
by HID d < umcrats win n out of power. Now the
tuin Isehatiged and all good democrats ale
howlingi llos.annato U'liltnu ) . who is going
to build us a navy ! Giadmllv the African
under the fuel is being developed b ) passing
events , and thn public will soon understand
the entile enigma.
It must bo ii membprcd that this Is a New
YoikadmliiistMtion , if Ills anv thing at all.
New \ork has a navy ) .ird tho. l.uirost In
the eountiy and the host equipped , ' 1 booth-
eis are mere lep.alrlng vaids , csecpt the
Washington jard , which has been tians-
liumcd into an ordnance and toi-
) iulo establishment , Whitne ) has ciu'lied
the only pi hate navy vard that was
liieparod to build meu-of-w u and fully equip
tlioin. The woik , thcieloie , mustgo to Now
Yoik. Democrats of hUh standing are in
thishclieme. it thu woik Is douo in New
York mid under demouatie auspices at least
M per cent ot the money will be stolen.
That is tlio iiilo In log.ird to contiacts with
New Yoik Ctl ) demociuts. Kver ) coutiact
let Ihcro under democratic auspices costs
tvice , i much ns It should. Tliat his been
the uile ever since Tweed's day , and is the
nile now.
If this work 1 = done In New Yoik thoio
will be millions stolen enough to Hood Iho
country polls in is-ss and nil the pockets ol
all conceincd besides. 'Ibis Is the game that
is to be pl.ied on tlio people. The icpubll-
cans In comriess should not vote a dollai to
icbiiild the navy until tliey have some assur
ance that the mono ) will be hvitimatoly ex
pended , aud not used lostutl ballot bo\es and
nil the pockets ot the hoide of demociats ,
who have coiittolled thu Now YorKnav } > anl
vvheiievei tlieii ji.uty was in powcrat Wiibh-
nn : nnxoritAiic \CTION riritT"- .
Tlio tempci of the protective taiiff
demociats in the hou o dining the ] past few
dajs has been todemuiistiate the deteimina-
tlon to give bittloto the lice tiadcrs in their
onslaught upon Mi. Kandall , and It is quite
evident that befoie1 the end ol the esblon
thcie will bo some pietty haul hittiniramoiu
the m ijm lly member : ) . Mr. Kandall and his
following , amounting to about litty votes ,
lepiC'-cnting Peniibjlviina , Alabama , ( Seor-
gi i , nnd otliei poitlonsof the countij bouth ,
Rtodctcimined not to bo throttled , and in
that ileteimination they hivelaigclj the sjm-
p.ith > ot lepublican munhoiUndoubt -
edlj Mi. Kaml.ill has tlie biippoit ol the pres
ident in a good m my ot his ambitions at
least , he lb not handicapped by the Inlluenco
at tlio White Hou- . , ' . Tills sjmpathy on the
paitot tlio president is not ono ot ncrbonal
cliaiacter by any means , but ot piineiple.
'Ihe president , It an > thlug , on the tarilf
is coiibcivatlve , anil occupies a
giound midway between the triends of
Mr. Hand ill and those ot Mr. C.u lisle. There
is not a spnik ot political tooling , and not a
very laigu amount ot punctual sjmpathy be
tween the two last named gentlemen , while
tlio'u Inoiuls uio aiiajul solid ! ) apaitut
each other. It Is only n question whethei tlio
leaders ot both tactions In the dcmoci.itic
pattj have the coinage to exert theli sonti-
mcnts and do openly what their piivate In
stincts incline them to do. One of Mi. Car
lisle's tiiends , speaking o the biibject to-day ,
Baiil HignliKnntl ) :
' 1 he demociats aie In pnvvci. The piinci-
ples eoubcd | ) by Mr. Hand all and his follow
ers are not these ol the fiiajonty. The minor
ity mu t yield , theielore , to the masses.
Tlieio is nothing uioiee exasperating to the
iinjoiity ot the democrats than tlio work
Mi. liandnll Is indulging In. He acts just
like a man who consldeis his pnity too
strong. He may clmimc his mind alter a
while. "
i.ovnrn von THI : sriuvo.
Consideintion ol such staid measmes
as bilver coinage , the t.ultf , sleamslilp biib-
sidies , ichabillt ition of the navy , intoi-stato
commeicc , penii ) lettei postage , postal tele
graph , nnd the like , will not come fully bo-
tore coiiutcss until the appiopiiatlon bills
have been got out of the way. 01 couiso ,
there will bo considerable talk about thcso
m itteis and other general subjects as call ) as
Pebiuaiy nnd Much , but the dow might
"tongue-clubbing" will not begin until about
Mayor June. Then the nppropiiations will
bo talily out of the way and the eoist w ill bo
cleai tor bcenes of exciting debate. People
\\hodofoi their visit to the capital , theicloie.
until thesiimmei m iiitln , will hue the ben-
eht of both Iho charming weather ut this
climate and the interesting teaturcb of con-
giess. There is such a mass of Important
subject m liter to come beloio congiebS that
the proceedings will be comparatively com
monplace during the lust two 01 thteo
i'i rtboxAi. AND oTiiruwidi : ,
It Is pretty evident at this hour that thu
Moirison lilies wilt bo adopted. Should this
tollow , Kandall will oiler a bill giving tlie
picbldcnt | MIW 01 to veto ceitain poitlonsot
theappiopiintion bill.
henitoi \ nn Wdc was among Picsldent
Cleveland's calleis to da ) .
AI iiii.i. OK IN rum sr in AIIMY MI.X.
WAHIIIMI lox.Dcc. 17. FAhSociatcd 1'iCbS.J
Among the miasuieaintiudiiccd In the sen
ate to da ) was thu following :
H ) I' o Piovlding that all fiitmo ap
pointees ns heads of departments of the
United States army shall bo ollicoi.s selected
trom the army and nominated by thu pres
ident and coiimmed bv thu tenato to bo bucli
heads ot depaitments forteunsof lourjoais.
It dtclaies that this piovblon hhall not apply
to thu bend of anv ilepiitment until that
otllco shall Ilrst btcomu vacant. The pres
ident may In his dibcrullon , Imwevci , nt nny
tinm place upon the ret Hod list any existing
head ot u dep.ut men t , nnd the ictlicd iht is
eiilaiB'cd lor that puipo o.
Thcro nru indlcatiiiiib ut a inotiacted deb -
b no in the BC'iiatoon the resolution of Hut-
Jer about south Dakota. The discussion
has assumed , i partisan chnractei and a mini-
hoi ol lepublican heiiatois have enteied upon
Ihoprepanillon of MI eches ,
Ittpicsentatlvo MoirNon , jeaklng ) today
of tlio movement In boutli Dakota. Mild :
"The prcbdit congiess will ccitalnly not
cousont to a dlvibioii of Dakota and the ad
mission ot one halt as a state. 'Iho admis
sion of the entile teriitoi ) to the union inn )
To-ilayJa Congressloual liecord contains
twenty-avo pages of nominations i-ent to
the seiiatti slnto tliu beginning of thu present
bes-slon. Thuv numbtfi alxmt 1'joo cases.
Tin * house of reuvsi'iitatlv | es w ill to morrow
takeup lor consideration the presidential
biicciHalon bill which passed thcbcnato jco-
A Tax-Shli'kliiu Concern.
Hi u viiKiiii'iii.r , N. il. , Dec. 18. The
.Slngn sowing macJiino factory shut down
this afternoon , and 'JfiW employs vvereln-
Uinnod that oH-'rations | weio biibpende < l until
tinihei noiioe , boiiuisoot the tax levv by thu
city , Outside of the emploes of the com
pany , the action of the city Is endorsed by
thuilti/cns , A public iifcting of the. em-
iloe ) > < lias In on called for tiHiiorrow evening.
I'lic i oinjiany ones -0,000 tax , uud
to pay.
The Important Events of Yesterday Occur-
ing iu the Sister States.
"Workmen's Dispute In town I'tobnuly
Sol tied Hiulj "Wire Moiionolj
riio nt Cielgliton Slilticj PC-
lions Tor n Imml OJllcc.
Arapnlioo Amenities.
ATMPVHOK , Neb , Dec. 1" . [ Special. ]
The vetoiansof ( l.urett Post , G A. It. , gave
a banquet and ball tn-iil lit iiinl icreat times
were liiul. There were addresses and songs
by Irulivldtnls , anil the outlto post united In
" 'Hound the / . . "
siniliii"Itally ; J/U.J. Captain
Mm ph ) led tlicsiUKin , and had n general
Mipei vision uf affairs.
The Arapahoe packing compiny has COMmenced -
menced killlnp boss at the into of fort ) per
div , and ovpect to lucicasc theli capiclty to
sixty. Ooiid prices nrc paid , ranging fiom
S.MO to JW3
Different putles arc putting tip lane ; quan
tities of Ice , and contracts are being undo
with other towns In the valley.
Thciols some talk oC a railroad coming
hcic fiom the northcist , and the people are
going to use tlielr best etfoits to inako It a
sine thing. Another ralltoid through this
section will tully develop ono of thorniest
countries In ttie west , and mioiio crossing
thi' divide between the 1'l.Uio nnd Republican
rlvois willalw.vvs wish to lettirn If hoe > er
goes aw ay.
The Plist National bank of Arapahoe Ins
Increased its capital tiom S" > 0,000 to 3r > ,000.
Mr. Holt , n temperance leotmor from
Chicago , IMS been holding a series of moel-
incji ; In the nt'Mtthodlst church nnd with
( rood success. Many ot the joting mcnhavo
joined , and tlio ladies , as usual , have fallen
into line aud aid Mi. Holt In every way pos
sible ,
The A. O. U. "IV. Dispute Settled.
DcsMoiVKS. Iowa , Dec. 18. [ Special Tele-
Knim ] Tlio long pending dispute between
the two blanches of the older ot United
Woikmeii came befoie the supreme com t lliis
inoininp ; and was probably deiinitcly settled.
' 1 hoordei in low a div hied on the uiiestion of
p i ) ing de.itli losses outside of the state. Tlio
objecting Workmen oigani/ed a grand Indgo
known as the state grand lodge , while the
other side letained allegiance to ( lie siipiemo
grand lodge. Kach side claimed the name ol
Ancient Older of United Workmen and the
franchises of the older in Iowa , fault was
brought by the bit picnic lodge affiliation to
compel the state grand lodge to snnender the
name and propeity , and cease exeiclslng the
functions of the outer , 'lliis wan heard be
fore .Judpo Utt at Waterloo , who decided In
faroi ol the stato. Tlio defense .ippcaled to
the siiiireino com t , where Judge Utt's decis
ion set aside and judgment rendeied In
lavnr of the state grand lodge. The counsel
for the supreme lodge then liled a motion tor
a lehearing , which the couit iefu ed , holding ,
as heictofoie , that the Workmen Is an insui-
anco oigiui/atlon , nnd not a fraternity ;
thesupieiuo loduo Is.ioitUen of the btato oC
Kentucky and must in il\e the necessary
deposit with the state auditor It it does busi
ness In Iowa , nnd that the state lodge Is en
titled to the name of Workmen Iu the state.
The llnrlj Wire Monopoly.
Dns MOINUS Iowa , Dec. 18 [ Special Tele
gram. ] i'ne nnal decree ot Judge IJrevver In
the United States clicult court nt Leaven-
uoitli , Kansas , In the case of U'uMiburn &
Moen against the UHnnell Uaib Wlie com
pany , was iccelved here to day. The decree
n\cs the amount of Indebtedness of the
defendants at S-i4 , 126.05 , and ciders a per
petual injunction against them. The
defendants ate given sixty dajs in which to
perfect an appeal to the United States
mipieme court , and the amount ( it the appeal
bond Is tixed at fr'iO.OOO. They are albo to
account on the tenth day of each month for
the ro.ilty on all the wire manufactured by
them during the picccdlng month at the rate
ot SO cents tor each ono hundred pounds , nnd
aio not permitted to increase the nuinbci of
their baibing machines.
low a HnpicMiio Court Decisions.
Di.s MOI.M s. Iowa , Dec. 18. [ Special Tel-
egram. ] Thobiipiemo couit to day tendered
the follow ing decisions :
H. W. Kavmond vs County of Clay , appel
lant , Clay circuit. AlHimed.
City or Marlon vs JJ Ganloy , cl al , appel
lants , Linn circuit. Atllimcd.
K. ,1. Kelsh vs Incorporated town of Dycrd-
ville. appellant , Dubuouo city. Iteversed.
Julio P. Mois vs John Kert and John
liickcnnlcr , appellants , Buchanan chcult.
U. ( ' . U.iiley vs ( Jeorire L. Torbet , guardian ,
appellant. Duburjuo c rcult. Kever&ed.
.State or Iowa on relation of H. Patrick ,
roul supervisor , v H Chicago , Burlington it
t iiincy railway company , appellant , Mills
cnciiit. Atltimed.
Maitlia P. Johnson \slloiman Foster , ap
pellant. Linn clKuilt louit. Hever ed.
Marshaltown Cltv b.iulc , appellant , vs An-
nlo A. Wright , et al , M.ushall dlstnct. Af-
In ( lie matter of UcmJ. Donnelly , Cedar
olicuit couit. Aflluned.
Sidney "VVantH a Ijiind Oftlco.
SiiNiv , Neb , Dee. 18. [ Special Tele-
piam.J A petition , Hlgned by ncaily all thu
residents of Clie > enne county , has been for-
waideilto Congiebbiiian ] ) oisey , asking foi
theestibllshmcnl of .viand olllro heio. The
petition has been unnoised b ) LoavittI3mn-
liam , laud commlhbioner of the Union Pa-
elite and UegUter Neville , of Xotth PJattc.
The ofllco is n necessity as the bcttleinont Of
government lands is assuming immense
pioportionshero. _
Aurora's Railroad Prospects.
Aunoiiv , Neb , , Dec. 18 , [ Special Tele
gram. ] A suivtlng p.uty of the Uurllng-
t on & Mibsoini Htver railway arrived hero
last night , and this morning started to run a
line between hew and Hastings Nothing
oflmpoitanco can bo leatned from them. It the Union Pacltio will
continue their line from Stioiiibburgto An-
iora lit the
Knights ol * Ijubor 1'urclmne ,
IH'KMNaTox , lown , Dec. 18 , [ Special
Tc'legram.J The Kniglits of Labor to day
pinchnsed Jiibtlco , n morning dally published
In the Inteiest of worKiiigmen. The purchase
was made at coustablo sale. The knights
will heieaUci conduct tlio paper.
Tlecr Vnts Abla/t > .
CnEjainos' , Nib. , Dec. 18. [ Special Tele
gram. ] The brewery , situated one-halt milo
cast of town , has just burned down , The
cause of the nio is unknown. Thorn tire
hints of inceiidlarUm , but they arc undoubt
edly wrung. Loss , t-,000 ; Insuuuico SIU)3. )
The Sucond of UB Kind ,
Cor.UMiiUB , Ntb , , Dec , 18. [ Spec-Ill Tclo-
gram. ] Jaeggio & SchupbacK's new iron
clad lollor tlotirlng lullLi , of 150 baircls per
diem capacity , commenced running to day.
This Is tlio becond lollci ( louring mill now
operating In this city , lioth lu\u orders lor
several vv colts nheail.
AVcatlier lop To-Day ,
Missot'iu VAI i.r.v Fair weather ; varia
ble winds , preccudul by niuthwc.stetly winds
In tin' MMiiliuu portion , Ellsht.yculiltJ , lower
Not AVork of AVSics
Uiulcrgiotind Ilnpidly.
Cincvoo. Dec. If [ Special Telegram. 1
The unslglitly poles and wires which have
dlsHguredoiir stieets for o long nro grnd-
inllj disappenrlng. There are , as nearlj ns
can be estimated , nbout lA.WJ wiies in Chicago
cage u ed bj the telegraph , telephone and
elcctiic light cotupinlea , besides conntle *
private lines. According to teiiortsreceivcxl
from the vailous companies last December ,
there were shown to bp about nbout 1,100
tnlles of wire underground. Since- then
work has been actively colng on , nnd during
the present jeir about thrco times thnt
nmountliavobt > eii put out of sight. At pros-
cut thaw lie- * belonging to the city and the
Postal and Hankeis , Mirehniits , Telegraph
brides those of a number of eleetile light
companies , mo underground , nnd tiio poles
linm which they hung are bclnjrcut down ,
'I ho Western Union are placing their wires
In pipes ns rapidl.v ns no-dblo.
Kleetncian Harn-tt N.IJS tlie undergroinid
Idoi is spicadlng throiuhotil thu country ,
nnd the Insulator f.ictoiies weio In COIIMI-
inienco pushed to their utmo-t capacity to
supply the Immense donnnds , some of them
being at sis montlis behind in orders.
In his opinion the compuiies wore doing nil
in their tmwei to llvelup to the ordiinnce.aud
tint b > May all the wires in thebnsinsss
portion of tlio city would be undniground ,
though it will take probably tun jears to
place nil the wires throughout tlio city there ,
SIio SxiuoohsAilly Hulllvnnl/es nn A -
Kiiulttnji Trnnip.
UAi.TiMonn , Md. , Dec. 18. [ Special Tele
gram , ] 'Ihe wife ot James Snltcis , li\hig
near Rising Sun , Md. , Is as brave as .she Is
handsome. A short time ago hcrhnsbind
emplojed a tiamp to work on a farm. Labt
night , in the absence of Sailers , the tiamp
hid himself behind a door with a club and
when MIH. Snllers entered he attempted to
stiiko her on the head. She wus too < inlck
for him. She giappltd with the tramp and a
desperate btimtglo ensued. She got the club
awa > from him , Ho several times thiuw her
violently on the tloor nnd toio all her clothes
to rags. Ho then ran up nlain !
and then thicatencd to got her husband's gun
nnd shoot her. She ran after him , and theio
was another stiuggle at the head of the stalls.
Finally the plucky woman oveipoweied him ,
dragged him down stairs , shoved him out of
the house and barred the door. He thieatcned
to return later nml burn the house. As soon
us the man was out of bight Mis. Sailers went
to a neighbor's house some distance on" . She
was neatly exhausted , and badly cut und
bruised about her arms and breast. Armed
men watched the house and bcoured the
woods tor the man all night , but did not suc
ceed In lindinghlm. It caught he will cer
tainly be Ijnchcd.
A Nebraska Youth Collurctt In Ohicngo
With a Oicat Hl Giin.
Cincvoo , Dec. 18. [ Special Telegram. ]
Michael Dalj was bofoio Justice White this
morning , chaiged with disoiderly conduct.
A bartender snld that D ily was in a saloon
lant nlglit and hadfiO cents worth of drinks
and lofused to pay more than 30 cents for
them. When ho was , remonstrated witli ho
prod need a revolver aiO said he was n reporter -
porter fiom Ohio , nnd afterwards claimed to
bo n detective. This morning he told the
justice that he came from Woodbrldge , Net ) . ,
with some cattle ; that his father had n paper
there and that ho sometimes got items for
him. As regards the revolver lie was only
changing it trom ono pocket to another. He
had bought the revolver to protect hib father
hi Nebraska and was goini : to leivc It at his
hotel. The justice ( hied him S10 for the dis-
oiderly act and S10 toi cirrying the lovolver
A Heavy St. Limits Concern In the
Hands oftho Slicrim
ST. Louis , Dec. 18.-The St. Louis Sta
tionery and Uook company confessed judg
ment to-day in lav or of Hugh II. Hildieth
for Sr ,700. Hildrcth Is ex-picsldont and a
< avy stockholder in the concern. His
claim is for louis nnd salniy. An order of
Bale was Ibsucd nnd the bherilltook poises
slon of the company'sstoie , Nos. iX > , 401 and
KCJ North Fourth htr < ot. Latei in the niter-
noon Kna H. LIndley nnd the
Mechanics' bank commenced attach
ment suits , the toimei for 512,100
nnd the latter foi S10.WW. against the corn-
piny and Hlldreth , which were executed bv
levjlnir on the real estate and on the store.
'Ihe liabilities of the eompiny are stated to
be SU,000 ) and the assets SiOO.OOO. f lildicth
says tlici above action was taken In consequence
quence of false rcpoith having been ciicu-
lated against tlio company in the east , und
demands being made on them byvaiious
eastcin houses for immediate payment ot
obligations , although the linn claim llu'j
have not a dollar of paper mntuilng this
jeai ,
A Victim of Cocoalnc.
Ni\v Voni ; , Dec. 18. [ Special Telesiam. ]
Win. Moirison , a wealthy man for many
jeais connected with the drug trade of this
city , was n prisoner in the police court jes-
tcrday charged with attempting to commit
sulcido on n Hoston ste'amer. Morrison be
came un cnthusiustlu advocate of eocoiino
dining ( ! en. ( Jrant's lllncbs , and in order to
bcttei btudy its effects ho became a constant
coiisumei ot the drug until now hois cia/y.
He wandeied away fiom his home in this
rity ten da , > sago and slncn then has taken
S00 ! ! w01 Hi of (0oalne ( , He Is n wiick
nnd will be sent loan as > linn for Inebiiateb.
Chinnineii lleconiiiin CllUeim.
SVN Fit A : * Cisco , Dec. lb. Clnonielo'H Kl
Paso , Tc.\ab , api-cial : 'I ho Chinese located
In Kl Paso are t.iklnout natuialUatlon pa-
peisand intend to become permanent citi
zens. Light were made clti/ens today. It
Is thought the whole local colony , niimbeiing
over : MO. will secure papeis. The leadinc
Chlni-bC In the city Htate the movement will
become general , and their countrymen In nil
cities and towns In thu Miulhwcst will
bpeedlly icnoiiiuo their allegiance to China
and become Americans.
A Speculator arulyzeil.
Cmcuoo. Dee. 1B. 0 , P. Ad-ima , widely
known as " ( jjp" Adanw , a piomlnent oper
ator on 'Change , nnd reputed to be quite
wealthy , had a Htioke uf apoplexy while
standing near the wheat pit on the floor ot
the exchange this iminitim and ( annul live.
IbLAii.u it now appears that Mi , Adams
wasMilferlngiiomnBtrokeof paia si * , but
it lb believed ho will recover.
Killed AKninflMiio Heirs.
SI.PAI-I , , Dec. 18. Indgo Nehon. of the
federal ( ouit , todarefused to rectdo from
his inliiig ngaliibt the Ik-Meyer heiis of Moil-
ticwil against Uonnls Hjan , ind P. H , Kelley ,
of St. Paul , foi the possession of the ? -JOO.Ouu
tract of land in cuiilrovi-is ) ne.u the city.
IJto DoMejer heiio' only iCMiirco now Is an
njipe-al to the suiireoie cotnt it thu United
Slates , which will rciailro heavy bonds lei
costs. _
BparkH Can't l > c HnufTcil.
W.vfiiiixonw , Dec. IH-Westcin senators
nre receiving a KIeat number of letteis urging
them to oppose tlm ( on.rma'lon of Land
Cuinmlbblonerhparku because ot Ills recent
rulliiirs. Spniks wasconnrmcd bv the sen-
iitoascommibsioner of thu gencial land of-
iKcon the th of Utt Match ,
AtUourncil Without Hosults.
BA.S PiUNCi di. Dec IH. 'Iho Traiiceon-
tlnentil ns iH l.itlun .net this inoinln. ; und
Iiimiodl ili'lv ( i.o.uiud | i ii ) et in Nuw iuil.
thu tc-cond Tuctdaj ui I'tbru.aj.
Tlie Irish Home Bule Plan Creates Tre
mendous Enthusiasm iu Dublin.
A 1'tlce from tti > I'rlncc Thrrnteu-
lite IMtiiulorcrs Dctiiaiul l > iutl < ! li
Pounds from the Heir
to the Throne.
It Isli 1101110 Kulo.
LoviONDec. . H. fS | > cclal Telegram ]
Pnrncll lias won. 'Ibis morning's news 10-
movcH the last doubt that Gladstone w 111 con
cede homo rule of a sweeping kind Of
course ( lie details of the eventual compromise
me unknown , but It Is believed that bo.vond
stipulating free tr.ulo and exacting tru.iian-
tcesforpiolectlonfoi the loal mliuuit ) In
Ireland evcrj thing w ill be ) lelded to Pal Hell.
As tiladstone's programme is outlined It con
tains a piovlso tint Ireland shall continue to
olid mcmbeis to Westminstoi , but It is like
ly that ho will glvo way on this point , ns the
Irlshdonot wish Imperial representntinu.
There will bo a Dublin parliament , supiemo
In lii-h atraiis , over thu police , taxation ,
eouits and all Internal matteis.
This much seems < ci tain , but how U will be
brought about Is doubll ill , Theio Is no ques
tion of Gladstone's .ibilltv to eati ) the great
bulk of thellbcials for the meisine , as the lib
eral papeirtiuo laphll ) Miulting to the home
rule side , but whether It will be done while
the liberals are In opposition , or ultei their
ictuiii to power , Is not been. It must bo re-
inembeied , too , that Lord Salisbury has It in
his power to dissolve parliament betoie the
thing Is done , and It Is quite likely that he
will do this , golu i to the eountiy on a stien-
uotisatiU-lilslicry. Tlieiewas timiieiise ex
citement In London last night ovei the news.
A dispatch from Dublin t > as the public is
intensely enthusiastic.
Dirm.iv , Dee. K The Dally Express , a
consibUiiit uuholder of loyalists , devotes a
leading article this morning to plctuilng the
consequences which would lusidt tiom home
rule in Iieland II th ' , demand ot the Painell-
itesweio i anted , and any such scheme of
home rule is attempted as Uladstonc has been
contemplating. Tlio ICxpicns dcclaies that
civil wni would not bo unlikely to tollow ,
'Ihero would be such clashing ol class Intci-
ests , such ilv.ilrj between liiendsol the old
regime and tlio paitiMiibot the new ordei
civil btrito could haullv bu avoided and in
case such oxtiemilies weio jtieveiited it is
peilectly ceitnln th it there would stili be
endless Itlction betwien the imperial gov
ernment nnd Ireland.
LONDON. Dee. Is. The excitement tlitough-
out ( llritain on Hie biib.e tot humeiiile
for Ireland continues without abatement.
Nowspipcrs of all shades ot opinion mid
politics aie urging Mi. dl.idstoiio to speak
doniiltely in legaid to his plans. The late
piemler , in leteieiuo to n telegram f-ont to
dav asking him lot intoiin.iiioii with iclei-
ence to the Irish liomo nile scheme which , H
is lopoited , he. has had iindei ( .onsul < > iatiiii
lorbome timer jilicd as follows : "Prom mv
public declaration at Kdinbuigh icspectin , ;
lliegoveinmeiit ol licland , vou will c.isil )
see I have no timber commiiulcatiou to
make. " In the bpeichie foiled to , ( JladsUme ,
Novembei 17 , sud , in ellect , In icptv ID
Pai nell'H suggestion to give local self-govern
ment to Ireland , that when he li.uns tluough
a constitutional oh uinol what the wishes ot
Ireland me , he will give the mattoi attentive
consideration , but that ho cannot gain this
Know-iedgo until the new piillameiit meets
Ueoigo J. ( loachou.n piomlnent mcmuci of
the whig blanch ol tlio Ilbeiat p.utv , was
asked to dav lor Ids opinion on thu rcpoitcd
Hchemo ot home nile tor Irehnd , nml tcplicd
by telegiauh that he malntnin < d hlshitueito
expiessed convictionasain,1 lush home
rule nnd that lie could not comment on any
Hchemooftliat natuic until such scheme had
been fully declared.
Tlio Marquibot Haitington , who was sec
retary ol wai In ( iladhtone'siabinut , declaies
that notwithstanding intim itlons to the con
trary , ho has notnpprnvcd the Kcliemo.
DUIII.IN , Dec. IS. The i itv ol Ainuirh , In
the province ot Ulhtei , was to d iy the point
of an Immense loil demonstration. The
meeting adopted irsolutions expitssin a
belief that resort to home nile priiulples
would bueertain soonci 01 later loeveiituate
In civil wir , nnd oxhoitlng tlie lovnhsl uaitj
to go to the utmost length in lesistlng tfio ei-
toits ot homo lido advocates , flic lesidu-
tlous commended the loulists in lie-
land to the sinpatli ) ol the piolest
ants tlnoiighout iho liiitish kln.'dom.
More than one ot the t ppaUeis hoisted , with
a degree ol eainestnoss aroused icpi aled
chceis trom the libteneis , that the lo > , illst
jmty In Irelnml was leadv to meet wliaievei
iKsiio might bo presented. " 'Ihe Llistei
Orangemen mo rendv to tome to the liont , ' '
ODD of the bpcakeis , amid gnat applaus < >
said , "and wlien their bcmccs aio wanted
fio.000 men can leadil ) he put Into the held in
active defense ot lo > altv to the govei umenl. "
A Kojnl Rensnllod in London.
LONDON , Doe , IB. London has h id a gen
uine sensation today. Karly this morning
aoung man and his wile , John and Sarah
Magee , were airested at Keiihingion on
the charge of having attempted to piocmo
money from the Pilnceot Wales by wilting
tlniatening letteis. They weio taken Into
court , chiiges were pielened a..ilnst
them , and they vveia lemanded to await ex
amination. It appeals that the prisoner
hart w rlttcn two letters , but as they wttio not
read in court. It Is impossible to give then
exact language or to btate , except In general
tenns , what they contained. It
Is known , howevei , that tno latter
Hindu a dem md toi U7" > 0 , and Intimated in
umnlstak iblo leans th it unless this amount
was lorthcomiiig the pun -o's lilo would IM In
jeonaidy , The jirince , it Is h.iid , paid enl )
passing attention to the nistletlei , vvlinli tlio
Mimeussint , but when the Mvond came.
leiteiating the demand anil Ihieals , his loval
hlghnesf , tin nod the1 lettiisovei to iliu | ) olho
and loll them to do vvhatevei they thought
'I Iwpoll' ' ' ' at oiue quietly set about iilan-
nlng the' in , tint1 ot the blackmalU rs , Ilicy
bent a messiiL'o as though coming irom the
piiiaootVale \ - - to HID addiess given In the
tettuin , diiectuig tlio authoin nt the Jatlci to
appeal at n speciliul time and plaie , Arsui
unco was given that homebody would meet
them at tlm appointed hour prepaid ! to ha. id
over a patKagu containing the money
they had demanded , 'Iho Magcc
atonca tell Into the trap which had been Ht
lei them Thiy appealed at tlio spot dtslg-
Dated this moinlngand v\ein \ pioMtnled wtlh
a packnpo of laitlmigH. As they stalled to
leave with ihelrbiipposed tre.iMiie Iho polke
tlnew oil theii dlNKUlM * and aiittstid them.
' 1 he woman thereupon mailu .1 volnntai ) c on-
te-sslon ol tlio wluilo plot. Al any latu tlm
polliosa ) Hint tliecontc'sslon was volunlaiy
The woman , howover. has iiuodis laied
that slii ) was toned bv tlm pollie agniiibt hei
will toconluhSMimethliig It Is thought tliat
bhelo.iib thiHonlession made by hei in the
Hint moments ul hei conslem itfoli uftei hei
nncht may bo bad tor hm on her tnal , and
that -shit is llioroloro tiving to weal en Its
c-lleit b ) nsseitlni ; that U\\as toieed liom hei
by the ( tolhe.
A rejioiter called upon nn cquciry of the
Prlnuiot Walts thi.sutierniion to learn nnv
tacts obtainablii about tin ) allali. Tlie cijucriy
Knew sioim tiling of the lonlenlsol tluj li t-
ters. ' 1 lio-e , no declared , ieieM ) > ntid Iliat
Miuoowasan umlss.u > ot a bcciet boiii'tj ,
and that ho had been ordered to kill the
Pi I moot Walis , but the loturs fiuthn inti-
m iK'd that Ma eo did not wifJi to nho > the
mandate. Thcro was no help for
It , however , unless ho could
get money enough to jjo to Amerlc.i. I ID
wauled JL7W. ' ! hcrcfoie it this amount
ii'.u lied him he would at onto hid a lasting
giMid bi ) to MI a. t hooiolio- , and ciuif-pii.u iis
and st.utacios.i the \Uantlc. It is iivluned dlM'liisiiKs of an iui | iil.inl n iluio m.w
lie made when the UI.MI comes beloio the
court lei a thoioiuh i
Servian Tioopsithilrnvvn. .
Lo\KV ! , De1 1 * . A ic purl has bun 10
reived that the Sovi.ut linop l.-oc Lc' ii
vv Uidraw n iiuui liteV4ddin cij.u.a ,
WA ntvoTciv , Dec I-1 Mi. Mitchell , from
thecommltlio on penlslous , reported favora
bly the bill granting a pension to tlie widow
of General Grant.
Mi. Hampton introduced a bill making It
unliwful for bcnalois 01 icprescntntlves to
recommend orpollclt appointments to otlko.
Mr. Hawlev luqiiindof the chair If the bill
wa < ictioactive in Its operations. [ Liugh-
'Ihechnti icpllcd that In Ills opinion it was
not. [ Kenuwed l.umhter. ]
Mi. Ilutlei cnlled up his resolution of In-
( inliy telatlinc to the alleged or inl/ation of
thetcnitoiv of DiKntii intD.i state
Mi Vest -aid tint the --t > inte liy Its report ,
stood eoiiiiinliid to the laei that ilni-o was no
MICH tiling in e' I lie stale ol l > ikotn.
rile- , piper lieu tuiom pii'MMiti'd by Mi.
iison and ic id fro u the desk have borne Ilio
winds , "btate ot Dakota. " Tlm bed ) of 1:011- :
tlenun coining litie lepie-eiitlng Dakou ,
stjio tliem-.eive < tlie executive uimmlttee ol
tliestateoi Danota , Iliuohaiini in beimr Mr.
Hugh CampiH'd WIID was not unknown to
fame since Mi Ila.vcs' admtnlsuntlon , lot
/ alous and not over sciupulous iiohtteil
nssisiaiue tot. nit ndmintstintion. I hit pei-
son , as Mi , VO-IMW bv tlie ncwpp | ) is , vv.w
to iccchcaii ovation lor hnvlng icioived the
iiH'ojiiltinti 01 the Unite d Mates soiuto lei
"Tiie bt lU'ini id ol tile Mate ot Dakota , "
Mi. I'luimi thoiitfiil Mi. Vi-bt waiL'hlnic
Mi. Campbell a goud deal of gratmtluus
Mi. Vist-aid Mi Campbell wns welcome
toil , lie C\ est ) , nsn Inw.vei. us'iidcd tills
Dakota organi/ation as icvoluilonaiv. He
li id no doubt tli.u the Intent ol the men cou-
tetiiedwasto oijruii i a state covciiimcnt
In case tuls oonmoss should adjoin n without
lecoiiil/ing theli so-tnlled slate.
In icplv to u lemaik li ) Mifc'st as to the
conditions iindei wiiii li teiiitoiics mlghi Im
ndiuittcd to the Union , Mi. llaiii-on sild
time was no such lliiiiitas brcikmg into 01
breaking out ol thi * Union.
.Mr. \ est sa.d. wo weie not talking of
"lueakiiiA out , wo. h we bellied tliat. "
Mi. lliuilson ' 'llicii there could liavc
been no point to the MMialoi's remark. "
Mi. Vest " 1 am not leaving tills matter to
tin -nator , "
ill. Vi'rft aigucd the qiiHstlnn fiom u letral
standpoint , mil cited uitiioiitle- how that
the ic out action of Dakota was involution
ar.v. and heolToiod an iiidepeiidont icsolutlon
to tlie eifict that tliu moinoiial liom the poi
sons calling llieiiHclvi's a "stato exeeiilivo
uimmltlee nt I ) ikota" be consideied ns com-
tnir tiom piivate Individuals ot Dakota.
Tlio icsolutiuu was laid ovei and ordcied
-Mi. I , < thoiu'ht , It unlalr tor tlio scn-
atois to townid tlio action ol Dakut xas iovo-
liitionuiy until thev siiould set up a Male , mid
undeitake to pei lonn thu tiiuUloiiH of a state.
Mi. liutioi said he had misappivhended
what ( Oiistituted a stale il tlie elooti in ot
-enatois and Judjx-s vvas not .labelling state
Mi. Logan ansvveied tliat this was done seas
as to due elicit when the ) should bo admit
ted , as n id been done beloie.
Mi. Butloi could lemembci but one hitch
Mi. Lozan said lie could not undertake to
con tit the senators leudloetion ol hibtoiy.
Tlio t.isos ol MioliLaii , Minnesota and
Kan-is vvcie cited bv the lepuhlicali- .
I'lunih SIIMIIL.'iho I uioi picscntcd ev icily a
Hiinll.u case lo Dako i
Mi. Ve > ts.iul lieu id not especially looked
np tlieo.i-c1 m attlioii , ; ! ! Mlssoiiil hid
some iiiteiest In Hi it admission , mid "toi
wlneli. " mid lie , ' a huge pintioii ot out pci- piopoiu c-cip d into that btate. "
Mi. Plumbo - ; -oinotliii was black. "
Mi. Vc'bt "No sir , some otlu i , but let that
Mi Vest would not accuse the lepublicaiH
of debiting to leid tlneec'lectoial voles.
Mr. Lognu suggested , sotto vice , that the
rea-dii in ed lor mini : to get a st ite into tlio
union mu'litbe niijilied to the attempt to keep
a st ite onl.
Atlei turthei debito the Dakota bill went
ovei until to moirow.
The sennit ) then pioeoc'dod to consldei itlon
of the joint lilies. Altei a slioit d'bilo , 10-
Miltlnr ! u some amendments of detail , tlie
mles weio nnally u ioid lo.
A resolution , oileied b ) Coi'krell , was
aL'ieed to , I'alliiu ; on tlio hecietity of the
treaMiiv lei iiiloimation as to what claims
wore1 bclore the tie i-ni ) deputiiieiit lei un
paid moieties mult i the act ot lii > l.
Mi. Cameron was tciiovc'd tiom setvhoon
the committee on tianspin l.iliou mutes to tlio
se.iboud , Mi. McMillan liom soivKo on iho
coinmlttci ) on mines and mimiiir , and Mi.
Ch ise liom seivlie on the ( ominitteu on
claims. The ch in appointed Mi. Mitchell ot
Oieon to the valileleindicated. .
Mi. Het'lt otfe'ied a le-oliitioii that the com-
mlitceon linanci ) be Instiuctcd to a-ten iln
wlietliei the lawicipdilng all custom dut es
to be applied to the paviuent ot iho Interest
and piineipil ot tlie public debt hive been
oboved , and if the ) have not to lepoit b\ \ bill
01 otlu i wi-e siiih measure as will bu-uie theii
entoicemeiit. At Mi Heck's leqnu-t the
icsolutlon was allowed to lie over lor the
pi ( sent.
Adjoin nod until Monday.
WAsniNfiroN , Dec. lb The consideration
of Iheiejioit id the committee un iiilesvvas
icsumetl , peniUng tlio amendment , being that
olel ) oil hi Mi. bpiingei ot Illinois to abolish
thovailous committees on oxpendltmcs in
thu dilfeunt dcpiitmonts , and to concen-
tiato their duties to one < oiumitloe consisting
of hftion inembeiH. in advocating tlio
amendnn nt Mi. bpiingei stntid Hi it during
the past ten veirs tun cieiks ot the-e < ommlt-
tces had be < n paid Vi.iKX ) , wlilh ) bit lai as ho
loilld leinombei but two ot them h id made
i open U the committee on usiieiiditmcs In
the wai diMiaitinoiil in tlio I'oilj Imuth con-
gi < s > , and the i.immitte on i'X ) > . 'ii lltuu'H In
tlie dep irtment ol justice in the 1 Yuty-clghth
coiUH'iS ,
Mi Moirison thought that much good had
icMiltod liom the woik ilono b ) those two
( o nmittois During the lain e.impiign ho
h id In aid It pioiliiuned evei ) when ) n di mo spoke that the iloiuociatlo jiirty wanted
to see the books ; now Unit it had the oppoi-
tunllv hi ) hoped It would not close its eyes ,
"I hope > on won t , " lomaiktd Mi. Urovn
ol Indiana. "You will hive sonio books ol
) om own in a tow ve.iis. "
Attei t m tin r debate the amendment was
relec ti d.
Mi. lliimmnnd ol ( icoi/Ia , olfoiod as an
amendment that no nppiopi lation slKiiild Im
jo ] oiled In unv niipiiipiiatioii bill toi anv
OApondiluin not luevioush auihoil/ed by
lu\ ' , unless In ( onliiiualiiiii ol the aiipiiiirla- |
lloll lei sin II piiiilit'woins md object-i as all )
nln K | ) In pro ie'ss , . > li. ll.i niiiond n.iid his
olijietwis to dl-uivei wliotliii the honso
would let iln tlm jiowei to keep inleis on lliu
apniopiiatioli tililn
Thu amciidiuunt was njicteel without
division ,
Mi. Cannon moved to strike out the para
graph vvhieh limited nppiopiiatKins ovei
which Ilio npimipil ition eominilteo had
juilMln tlun , 'i ho iiKition was lost.
On million of Mi. Colib ol Indian i , an
amendment was adopted v.\ \ lilting the com
mittee on public lands IO.IM to n pint at .vuy
limit on bills lei thflii eitmeol land giants ,
to pniM'iit siioeiilation in publli 1 uuii mi I
tot ii-oi vntion ot iiiiblle lands Ini Iho bcno-
lit of actual and hnna nde reith rri ,
Mi.dams ol Illinois tlun otfeied an
amendment viiinall ) ] in.hihltiiii ; lid-is.
H was Mhstanti ) > dv ! the bame as ( he one1
whii h , In foic , tlio leil vole on dlhliilniling
the ippiopnalion bills , had In en olteied b )
Vli Hammond nnd wlili li had been nei ted
bv the house. Tim ( inienilmoilt was now
adopii d nnd then maiiiil I ut the > ejiorl vvas
, ign oil to without ol > .l" tion.
Tin n the n p > it was .uloiitid In lolo. Ho
the nibs id tin ; Poll ) eighth tiinr'u > s , us
nmeiidul bv tin * Hvml nf thouiiiimiili e un
lilies , nre thu nih.s ol iho roll-
ninth eoniiii'ss.
Mi. Muiiisou ol Illinois Ihrn i ill * d up thu
lONiliitioii lor a iio'idiv ' iiio-b aiti i having
amendid It so that the reee-s slnll lie-in un
Mondav next and end un Jaim ir * ' .
Mi. lleach ( it Sew Vn. . K ojiposod llut Idea ,
wldi h himiDsldcicd a cliildish cme , ( it taking
a holidav mess. At thu time It was at-
tundid with d.umi'i and ho appealed to the
dcmui ratio hniisit to nt > .is lai us tbii leplibll- sitnato h.ul done in UKinu boiiiti aUion
on Iho piesidenlial niiuesilun bill ,
'I lie res Ililion llien jii-std.
On i.iiitlnn n ! Mi W.itsoii ol Indiana , the
n iia'c ' bill granting u pension to Iho ldow
ot ( ii-iii'ru ! ( ! ) . > i' v\a- I i' n up and pass ! d
Mr I'uti ui .51,0115111 , uk'iio ' Vuling ill the
m . it.
A. I.
An Appalling Calamity in n Pennsylvania
Coal Mine ,
till ) ) Rsltilo to Drtormlno AVIint Thi-lt
Tito Will Itu- IoN ! ( < nliiK Poit'ON
llnr 1 utVot K to Aft'ortl l > ti
lloi'to Ilir t'lil'iii tunntCf' ,
In n Coat Mino.
Wtt KrMiviiiii : . Pa. , Dot * . H.Tlio water
iu the Susiiiichiinn i river \nntlcohn broke
thiondi the workings of Xo. 1 Hlopc of the
Siisiiuehaniia coil company this muminfr
nnd nt noon Hiiro was about six feet of water
in tlie slope. An alarm wns sent tluougli Uio
working ! , wlien thedingei bixamo npparcnt ,
and nil the men ex 'opt seven Hungarians ,
who woio b lleved to hnvo been drowned ,
liuuied to tliu niuiith of thoblope aud weio
Wn M.siiAntn : , Doc IS.-Tho dlRftstci nt
Nnnlicoko Is mole1 soilous than vvas at llrst
Hiniposod. Tlie theorv tliat the water broke
tlnouuh tlie bed of the liver bus been dls-
pollidbv the fact that the place whence Uio
water came Is over feet Irom the 8ns-
qiiolianim. It How oil liom a pool on the stir-
fine , lollowcd Ilio IOCK to n fault in tlio
beam , ran Into the gangway md stones ,
and thence to the lower workliiR
ot Xo. t shall. U lion Uio water
vvA dl-i'ovoicd lusldng into the slope there
weieneuly 1'iOJ ' men nnd bo.v.s nt woik on
the v.iuous oiienlngs , but at the particular
spot whoie It liist appealed them weio not
ovei Iliiilv pu-ons. it isrcitoitnd that there
nio nlioiit timt ) men in thu jilaeo , shut in by
the w.itei and uibbisli that has ntcmnulattil
In tin ) west gaiigwii ) in Iho second lift oC
Itoss'seam. .
It Impossible toay wliat ( hull fate will
be. A it'-culiu I'ait ) Is lollowlng the full oC
thu chnmbcts in tliat lint ot tlm gangway ,
with hones ol to idling thi nibometimo during
Iho nldit. Iln oll.i . ials -a ) tlicu ) is no
d.nmoi ot tlm men sitlliK.itlllg , OH they will
get plent ) oi an liom the l.acs of Iho
chain ieis th it ale not i lor 'I'd.
Pumps weio put Into opci.itlnn tonight.
The ) inivo a capacity ot lemovlnu ! i,000 gallons
lens ol w itei pei minute' , nnd it iscxpcucil
tlie mine vs III bo cle.u bv Monday next. Old
mini rs aio ot thu opinion tint the impris
oned men can be icsuiod nllvo.
The nami s ol the i ntombed nto ns follows :
Ollv > i Ktank and U illiam Kivlei ( biotlieiH ) ,
William ( . 'lilloid , William Donohuo , Wlllmm
C ke. Isaae bliaipes , Daniel Lowioy , John
bhutt , John Iliwks , John La'wr ' , August
Yitiial , August Iliiigraves , John Shiiibky ,
Abiain Lewis am ! IMwanlNlatthews. .
At 10 oVIotl ; this eienlng the company
woie m cvoiy possible etroit to icacli
the imin i-onod men. Additional pumps aio
lienu i.ipidlv put up. Anolhci foiMoot men
liavo boon -out down tlie nil .shall , who will
endoavoi to cut tluougli to the NJiot wheio
( lie impti-oiud men an u iposi d to be. 'Ibis
woik will be ki pi up nlgui and day until the
Inlo ol the men is Unown.
L v it u Intoimntiiin ieivid hoic at
II : . n 1 1 on i Van th id ua v * < tlu * wntei has siib-
Miled and a I iirte tone ol men tuo at work
loiinniiiL. I'loiiuiel.-aiid that blockH the ang-
wav. Iho ii-unng put ) mo now within
foitv HoLol the men. and tlieio me stioni ;
Imp -sot icaeliing thoin b ) morning. The
d 1111,140 to the mini' w ill be extensive , and It
will bj some weeks boloio woik is iCbiimcd.
TIM : Ti.vr.
'H Kill Atr.ihibl Congressional
Kccoinmoiiilalloii toOflloc , . j
WAsiiixnrox- . is. t'ho followini ; la
thi ) lull text of the bill intioduccd by .Senator
Hampton todiy to mike it unlawful tor
hcn.ilois mid lepri'scni itlves lo recommend
01 solicit appointments loollhn :
Wluitas , Additional lo'ihlatlon is 110003-
suv to e n rv out the intention ot the tontb.
sei turn ol tlie act ol ei nless ol the Jlith oC
J.uiiiHi ) , lss.i , intliltd , "An aetto je ulato
and iinpiovo tlio civil seivico ot the United
btales ; ' and
\Vheieas , 'I he lecommendlng of or nolie-
ItliU'aiipointiuonts ID nitii D by HcnntoiH und
ieiieseiiiatives , is not only contrary to tlio
bpuit ol san ! lentil section , hut also inter-
leu > j seiioiisl ) uilhiho peiloiinancu of Uielr
legislative ) dutits. now , thoioforo.
He ! t euac toil , ole. , th it It shall bo a mlsdo-
moaiioi toi anv seimtoi or ropicscntalivn ot
the iimgress of the United Sl.itc-s to leeom-
iiiend m solii it , diiectly 01 indin i.tly , tlio np-
p i ilmeiitol anv poison to nn ollictMimler tlio
gov ei n men toi thi ) Unlledbiatcsaml that any
suclionator 01 icproscntiitivo who whall ho
coiiviuodol m ikin ran ) such recommenda
tion oi holioliation R i.ill bopunlshed by a line
of not IIIOIK tli in 1,01x1 or less than la-AiO , ono
hill of which hhall go to the pcrhoiia upon
whose testimoii ) smh i oiivli tion shall have
hi en obtained and thu other halt lo the
Unltid btatch
bictlon y Ihat whenevei the appointing
powoi hhall call on the sen itoi or ropioseu-
lathe toi intoi m itinn touching nn applicant
tin nlllce , ho shall do so In writing , and .such
intoiuiation as m.iv be given Khali bo
( mulshed in wilting over the Hlgnatnio
ol Mich son itoi oi lopii'si'iitatlvo , end Hhall
be bled In the dopiitinent oi buieail of tlio
ollliei at otiose ioiiu | s | | | \\as fnrnl lu d ,
bnlicnNotlling ; ! ill tills .id hiull he 00)1-
stiued so ate loibid any sc.natoi OL *
lepit-entativn of the conguvs of
thu United States fiom forwarding
lo Ihe appointing pnwei any application for
olllie that ho ma ) iciolvc , but any endoiK- !
ments ho mav mal.o thuton shall only relnto
In the tacts ol the < aso 01 the clmractei of the
An Indian Ttow in Mont.iun.
br. PAIM.DCC. is. A Hi lena ( Mont. )
t i'c lai to tlm Ploniei Press Hah' W. it.
Tombs In ( hnuo ol Kdd ) , Hammond Ss
Po'o. Ntoiunt Arlee , killed ono Indian and
wounded another who had lorelbly entoiod
tlie sidii ) mid dilven him out. Shcrllf Kant )
and a posse left Mlbsoula this evening to
qiulluii ) ilistuibinto. ' 1 ho MII-
jiosid to no bpokiines. blieillf Lanu has
wiiod the iiulhoililoi Dint the Indians Imvo
just tnki n Ihe i usuneis liom him whli h ho
caitiiiul ] iind i.illing foi military aid. A tie-
taclimi ni ol tioop-i liaveioiu ; ! out fiom Mis-
HinilaVhii \ s , nieis at Aileo have taken an
en ; IIH and IU-U the iiLicc. There aio homo
'MO Indians
Vfo dnnlit It thoio Is , or can bo , n Spccilhi
rcnuNly fur rlii'innitlsiiij but thousands wlio
h.uo wilfcicd its p ibis Jmo been ( [ really lieu-
nicd liy Hoods Mrmpirllla. Jf ) ou Ji.ivo
lallciltojliidrdlir , trj ( lib trt.ituincily. ;
"I was adlidid v llli iliemnatlMa twenty
> uirs , 1'rcvioiw lo aw i found no rcllcr , but
frov ; wor c , and : il ono I line was almost help-
lei ? , Ilouit's haisijuiiiii iiid mo mure good
thin all Ho cjihoi mcilkliia I ever luJ. "
H.T. llvuoM , hhlrluy VIIhpi , Mass.
" 1 luilrlifiimiiUmtlino > ears , JIK ! i-ntim
iclht till 1 tnuK llinul'8 h.ilH iiarllll. | It bus
iliniu giwat tiling i l r me. 1 n comiiicnU It to
others. " J.i.w ii > I'.LKIIAM : , lUUdcfyrd , Alu.
Hood i Sirs-ipuiiia is
tluce icnillultlLS . Jbt , t'io ' camliinatlon nt
rcintdi d n , ; ( ills ; ed , Ilio jirojart jo/i / 1 1 , Ilio
JIKICCCI of n'turlni ; the ad.vo mcd final
ijii.dltli'ii. ' 1 liu 1 1 . Is a mi dii hie of tiaioiial
htiui tli , clfLithin curiH il licilo iiul.nowa.
buiil t < i > book coiit.nnhi0' ndi.ilh . n , 1 1 vhi ueat
"llood's himearl'li tones IIM i \ t ) teti. ;
pinillia iy I 'u d ' . , riui i en e , d
m'lus Iu 1 1 i'ii inn , vrr " ' > . li' JJ.S'S1J .
Uiginlcrc ) ! liie < .s , l.ttuliikji | ,
, "llii'xl'H HTSIJI illli | .ts t.l oOi i'r.A
Nuiiltln s ( | , ; ' U l ( | | " I liAI'S .U..1 * .
l j lai. ! ; din it , ii \ \ ViU City.
HoncJ's SarsapartJIa
Hold I v rll ilrm'-l1 ts. | | six f .r d5.
only by C. I. LiKU ) & CO. . J , li , Ws,4.
IOO PGGCS Ono Dollar *