Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1885, Image 1

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Congressman Laird Expresses Himself Em
phatically Opposed Thereto.
Bonif ! Lnghlntloii Ho I'rnpnsos to
J'nsli { forward During ttio Session
\c.stcriluy'n "Washington News
uTVontcin Interest.
Jim Iirtli-il on the Hiispondliiff Order.
WABiiiNdiiiN' , Dee. 17. [ Special to the
llRr..J A nuuil r of bills of vital lm ] or-
tanco to Nchra-iV.i will bo Introduced In the
lioute upon the linst csill of Matc.s by Hepie-
pentatlve Lain ) . Among them will bo bills
for the relief of settlers on the Knuval lands ;
for tin ? establishment of airrlcultural experi
ments at all stations in aL'ricnltuial sections ;
to require laud grant lailroids' to pay thu
taxes of their land or declare the fcamo for
feited under thu went decision of tliu supreme
premo court ; lo amend thu animal industry
biiieau act , Increasing the amount of money
to he expended on domestic animals , etc. Ho
will also prchont a joint icsolullon Instruct
ing the commissioner of the general land
olllco to so modify Ids order buspeudliig the
Issue of patents as lo allow all homestead
and pre-emption entries in a dlstrlelof ntrii-
cultuml land In Nebraska , and Da
kota , to which a Una ! icccipt has been Issued ,
lo K ° Ui patent according to law unless a
fipecllU.1 charire of fraud is found or pending
iiipiliisl tlio .same ; in other woidn telling thu
commissioner to obey the laws of the United
states ,
.Speaking of this nicasmo to-night , Mr.
Laird , \id to the lln : eoiiesondent | : "I am
chnnced wllh having mndoa personal attack
upon Commh.sloner Sparks iclatiijg to the
Rubjeet. Tnls Is a mistake. Whatever I
might have said oC Ilio commissioner's con
duct lia-s not hum ot a personal natuio. 1
have tiled to placu my criticism of public
men and measures upon n higher ground
than ( hat of mrrn personality. That the ef
fect of the ruling of thecommiKloiierof the
general hind oflko Mispcudlii ! ; issuances of
patents Is Injurious in thcextremu agricultural
portioim of wcslcrn Nebraska , Kansas and
Dakota 1 think Is beyond question. Ono
nrlous consequence ol the Bii.spcnsion of the
nutural oncnition of ( he la\v by the commis
sioner , and hU refusal in advance to Issue
patents upon ivcuipt ol Iho local land
olllco , is lo make it Impossible for dcttlois
holding Dual receipts to gel loans of money
upon their Ian 1. This they had depended
upon doing , and not being able lo do. they
must face , many unexpccto.l luudships or
abandon their laud and comco.vl wheio they
can manage to live llnough the winter. 1
ma In lecciptof hundreds of complaints from
people in my district on this subject. The ex
tent of this hardH'iip to bcttlcrs can bu
understood when it is known that
In I'lontlcr county within the last > car Ihero
have been upwards of 1,000 now homestead
and piv-emptiou locations by actual facltlcts.
No one w ishe.s to interfere w itli Mr. Sparks'
olTortto pievent Irauds the public do
main , but every settler In Nebraska will un
derstand the tin co of this , that wheio there
mo fiom one to Iweiily takers for e\erj piece
of availublo agricultural land theru need bo
no fear of .succcs-sful tiauds. The il ht of
contest given by the law will successfully
jiu'vcnt nil that. The statemcnl that DO pur
cent of Ihe entries of public land In Ncbiaska
are fraudulent Is an outrageous falsehood ,
and so farus lean leain isbai-o I ii ] > on a report
of a special agent , who makes no spwllical-
IcgatioiiH , only a general sweeping charge.
For example , suppose the then commissioner
of the geuuial land ofllce had suspended the
issuance of patents in Nebraska west of the
sixth principal meridian Irom 167. ) lo 1S7. > ,
what would have been llii ) effect of it upon
the dcvclopmcnl of the state ? It would have
strangled its giowth. That is what Is being
done with Ihe teintory covered bv this order.
Now the presumption of law is Ihat
public officers do their duty and that
settlers upon public lands aio neither thieves
or liars. Lcl those who arc guilty buffer , but
do not punish the Innocent. The commis
sioner has no authority to suspend the laws
and usurp both the powers ofcongicss and of
tliu courts , as ho luus. Hl.souler Is a practical
repeal of thu land law of thu United States ,
and his assumption of liaud Is an unhcaid of
proceeding. "
Mr. Lithd will at the same time Introduce a
bill to ( inlet titles to those who have taken
pre-emptions , and having paid for ( hem after-
\vaids took up a homestead , which Coinmls-
Hioner Spaiks fiays cannot bu done , and
which decision hu holds to bo retroactive.
This decision , Mr. Lalid says , if sustained In
absenw of legislation , would unsettle about
omhalf of the titles in all of the great agri-
ulctural states west of the Mississippi.
Col , Moulbon hpent most of his time
yesterday electioneering among the democrat
ic representatives iu favor of thu change In
the rules and met with a fair degree of suc
cess. It was whispered that Moirlson en
tered upon bib tusk clothed with certain au
thority trom the speaker of thu house to foreshadow -
shadow the principles which will bo likely to
control htm to a considerable extent in the
distribution of committee
places , and It Is understood thatscvcral aspir
ing democratic htatc.smun were taken up to
tliu high place from which they thought they
could descry tlio coveted cludrmaiibhlp and
Himg committee places for themselves. Sim
ultaneously almost It was announced quietly
that Uie.-o were some of those who had been
outspoken against the distribution scheme ,
while others who had boon on the fence had
all icached tho.coucluslon that the appropria
tion bllU omht : to Ixi scattered. Many waver
ing democrats have been assured that thu ad-
niltiiMratlou regards the plan with favor.
The domociatlc delegation from Iowa , hav
ing succeeded in changing thu Incumbents of
all the federal otllcco In Iowa HO far as inter
nal revenue collectors , district attorneys and
marshals aio concerned , nro now centering
all their guns upon Hon. Jacob Hlch , pension
agetit for Iowa , Nebraska and Minnesota ,
\\lio > 6 headquarters are at Des Mollies. There
arc two seilous ditllcultlea In the way , how
ever. The tirbt IH the splendid record and
abilities of Mr. Hlch as an otllclal of the gov
ernment ; and second , that the delegation
candidate , lion , L. 0. Klnne , formeily dem
ocratic candidate for govcinor , and for years
chairman of tlio democratic ututo centra !
committee , was not u soldier. If the demo
crats could unite upon to mo good soldier for
this place tlio unrelenting iron handed rule of
the congressional delegation would bo bio-
ken ( n this case , and thu soldier candidate
would doubtless eventually secure the olllce.
Of couao the house will accomplUh nothing
before the holidays. It never doe * ; mid this
time It will be leas likely to than crer , for the
speaker will not get the xtandlng committees
made up In time to make It ] H ) iblo that any
work should be accomplished before January ,
The propo.sed new rules nro btlll tlio principal
topic. Debate on them In the house has
already shown tomcthlng of the interest felt
In that way , but U uu.y U ) added that thu wn-
ate is watching the pweeUlnga with a good
Ucalof Interest as well. Talks with a very
lar n number of.senators show that they are
almost unanimously of the opinion that dis
tribution of the appropriation bills to a large
number of rommlttws will generally increase
the M/o of thu bills and complications giow-
Ing out of them. Aery piomlnenl member
of the senate ttppionriatlous committee yes
terday expiesscd hlnisplf ns believing that
distribution of the bills in the manner pro
posed was not only a givat mistake bill liable
localise set Ions dolajs and complications In
closing up tlio session.
The .seiialu Is setting Itself to u rk vlsrm'-
oii-iy. It lias shown a good deal of activity
In committee work. The Judiciary commit
tee has aptointcd | a sub-coin mi ( lee to take up
and actupon tin ; bankruptcy bill , and has In-
Mulcted Us moiiibcis to hurry forwaid this
woik as rapidly as possible. The presiden
tial .succcs.-iioii bill , ii.s ulicndy announced ,
has liecii lavorably tepoitcd. It is now under
dlhciission and will doubtless bo p.issc < l before -
fore the holiday adjournment. Kdmunds in
tends to rush through his amendments to the
null-polygamy laws last M-sslon , and the
JJl.ilr educational bill \viil also bo passed at
an cariy date.
DThuNew Voik lletatd to-dnj has an Inter
view with Mori iron iib'iut his allowed attack
upon the piesident in which Moiri on denies
making It. Ther orrespoudeiit uxplalned by
sajlng Ihat Wattei.son , of the Louisville
Couiier-Jouinal , told him thai Morrison was
the author ot the statement. Morrison then
admitted that hu said lo Wattersoti that ho
was not witisticd with the pie.sideut's ulter-
aiieoson the tailll , and thought that the In-
lluences surioundlng him were .such as to
picvcnt him taking such ground as would bo
satisfactory to the freu trade clement.
in : > n.Mii.ti ; ) WITH run novs.
A parl > of sl\ Indians ol the feac and Fox
tribe , diesscd in nil tlio gaudy paraphernalia
of the aboriginal liishion , attracted no little
attention at tlio eapitol to-day. A reporter
approached one of t.iu Indians who was in
tently examining tin ; paintings in the 10-
tundn. and upon putting a qi.u-itlou . ascer
tained that ho spol\u English distinctly. Ho
said hu belonged tea portion of tliu ICcokuk
tribe which le.sldu In Iowa ; that Is a lemnant
of the tribe own land In low a which they had
' We do a llttlo raimliv , ' , " he said.
"Wheio did you learn to speak English ? ' '
inquhed theiepoiter.
"Oh , iiinnlugaiound the boys , " ho
replied , with a good natuied smile.
lilt ! rLATTsVIOt'TII IO-10l'-FICK.
Dr. IJIaek of Plattsmouth is in theclty with
war paint thickly spread. Ho is alter the
scalp of Wise , whosu appointment as post
master Itoss Miller leeently secured. Miller
occupies handsome apartments at the Windsor
ser hotel , New York , ami keeps a telegraph
wnc hoi In thu tiaiismls.sion of his dis-
putches lo senatois , urging their support : ? '
tlieconliiiimlion of Wise. He makes an ap
peal on the giouud Ihat the appointment is a
pursoinl one. Dr. IJIaek , on the other hand ,
is t'oitilled with allldavits , and will show up
the extent ot Integrity and the Ktyle ol hone -
e ly with which WKsu is burdened.
niK. Dti.KnAriox oor.s nojin.
The delegation liom Chadion , which has
bivn licit1 some days in the interest of tlic now
hind district In northern Nibraska , went
home to-day. The bill lecently inliodiiced
in thu t-uiiate by Senator Van Wyck vvltli Lhia
object in view will bodupllcated In the liouso
by Congressman Dor cy as soon as the house
Is oiganUcd.
IMJlt O.VAL .MATH : ! ! ? .
Kdwnid liiibsell , of Davenport , Iowa , and
W. W. Miller , of DCS Molnes , aie at iho Kb-
WAsniXdTo.v , Dce.17. fAssociated Pioss. ]
Mr , Kandall has projiaied a bill lor introduc
tion In the house , providing that presidential
eleotoishhall hold olllco tour yenisuml elect
within ono month a sutcohsor to thu president
and vice president whenever vacancies exist.
An election of the piesidont would be neces
sary only in case u vacancy should occur
simultaneously with \acaucy In the ollicu
of vice piestduiit The t-ceictary of state
and other cabinet otllceis in the icgulur older
have the right of succession during thu intcr-
A feoi.inr.n's HOMI : IN THR WIST. :
Scnatoi Mandurson intioduced a bill to-day
diiwtiii'jf the boaul of managers of Ihe home
for disabled volunteer soldien to locate a
branch ot the home at sonic suitable point in
either ot the states of Iowa , Minnesota , Ne-
bra.ska , Colorado or Dakota teiritorv. It ap-
piopriates SiW.OvW lor the puH' of
giouuds and the election of buildings.
AITIII : ii.i.iiOAL riNcins. :
The secretary ol the interior has ieo.uested
thu nttoincy ioneral to institute suits in
aboi.t I'or.y uddllional cases against cattle
men for illegally tcnclnx public lands in
Kansas , Nebraska , Wyoming and Coloiudo.
In many of these cases criminal action will
bo biuiight.
Mi.vATn HILLS isTHonucnn.
Among tlio bills Inliodiiced in thu senate
to-day weio ihe following :
liy Mr. Ciillom To extend the rights of
pensions to steamboat men and otheih acting
under oidet.s fiom United .Slates ollicers dur
ing the war.
Hy Mr. Ingalls To authorize the construc-
tlou of a bridge aciohrt the Missouri river at
Ploiro , Dakota. Also , a bill to piovldo for
additional judges in Dakota territory. Also ,
a bill ( o eivatu two additional land districts In
Dakota teirltoiy.
In compliancu with the senate rrsolutlon
recently Intioduced by Mr. Haluot Maine ,
the postollleo department Is piopariug a lisl
of postmasters who were recommended by
Mr. HIOVMI ot Maine. The list , It is hald ,
will comprlso one hundred or more names oi
postinasteis whosu papers bear his Indoisc-
nienl , but It will be Mated that It was not due
to that lact that the apuolntment.s wciomadc.
A Colored AVretoh Ktrnnj ; Up for
Tflplo Murder.
IJAUIIL : : , Miss.Dec , 17. A colored woman
named ICli/.a Pcrryman was murdered here
this afternoon , together with her two chil
dren ? a boy and girl , aired b and 11. It was
developed at ( he Imjnest that Sam Wilson ,
colored , aged about ! years , had during the
nbs-'ncc of thu mother and buy attempted to
outrage the girl , and then killed her with an
ax. He then enticed the boy Into tliu house
and slow him , after which ho broke open the
woman's trunk and took her money and sev
eral valuable articles theiefrom. Tlio mother
leturncd while Wilson was in the house , and
ho Immediately attacked and killed her. Ho
then set lire to thu house and tied. Thu lire
was discovcied In time to rescue Iho bodies.
Shortly attorwaid thu villain was captuied ,
Ho was lynched Instantcr.
An Historic Structure Crumbling ; .
PAHIS , Dee. 17 , A sensation was caused
hereto-day by the collapse of a portion of
Point Ncuf bridge , which connects tlio lie do
la Cite , on which is situated thu cathedral
church of None Dame , \\jth both sides ot the
river Seine. It Is the largest bridge In Paris ,
and ono of the oldest , having been iccou-
htrueted In ihW. In Its centre Is a bron/o
ptatuo of Henry XIV. Thousands of people
nave gathered In Iho vlcinltv watching tliu
bridge , as It Is feared It will collapse alto
gether. A heavy rise in the Seine caused Iho
disaster. The water continues to ribc , and
disastious Hoods uic feaied.
Ttio Ku Called Lojjlslaturo ,
UT. PAJIL , Doc. 17. A Huron , D. T. ,
special to the Pioneer Press cays : The BO
called legislature , having perfected n list of
standing committees and accomplUhod Its
niib-slon , adjourned Bliip die , to meet on call
ol the governor.
Galciburg'ti Latest Tie ,
GAT.ESUUJUI , Ills. , Dec. 17. [ Special to the
REE.V. | \ . H. Brevoort , of Chicago , was mar
ried last eveuliii : to Miss Martha Htlden ,
daughter of Marcus lieldeu , a puiuiluent
grain dealer of tills place.
The South Carolina Senator Questions the
Knocking Territory's ' Proceedings.
Hoar's Succession 11111 PUSKCH tlio Sen-
ntc Satn Rnndiill Opposes tlio
flatloim Dlstflbtitton
Sclienie In the House.
Dec. 17. Mr. Dolph pro-
Ecnted thu cicdenllal.s of John II. Mitchell ,
thu newly elected senator from Oregon , \vhtclt
were lead. Mitchell m then sworn in.
The chair laid beloro the tenato a letter
fiomlhu secu-Uiyof the tic.ui.ry tr.uisuiit-
tjng the report of tlio siipcrinlcudciiLof thu
uiiist and geodetic biirvcy.
Mr. Hoar , liom the committee on privileges
and elections , lepoiled lavorably thu bill to
IU the d.iy lor the meeting of oleetois lor
president and vice president , nndtopiovldu
lor and legulate the counting of the vote lor
piesldeni and vice president and the decision
of questions ail.sliig therefrom. Mr. Hoar
bald he would call np Hie bill for action im
mediately aller Um tlNpo-'iil of the presiden
tial .succession bill and thu bill fixing the
salary of United States dlblrlct judges. The
bill went to the calendar.
The chair laid boloic the senate a resolu
tion by Mr. liuller , culling tor a commlUcu
to nniuiio u-i to aliened organization ot the
teiiuoiy ot DdliOt.i into aht.ileand alleged
election of United States seiiatois.
.Mr. Harrison did not thin ! ; a commlttco
nece.-.saiy lor that puii-osc. The eltoils ol
Dakota , liCNiid , were peiiectly ri pccttnl lo
tno United Males. Its new constitution
lully rccogniicU the authoiily ol'the Unite < l
Slates , niul Clayed the hand of ihe new stale
oi-.iui/.nUon mull the new constitution
should bo approved by congress. For sK
years the DCOJIJO of Dakota have , been trying
to scenic action by congress looking lo their
admission , Tuo .senate had passed n bill tor
their iclief , but the bill had not been piibied
by the other house.
.Mr. Itutier inquired by what authority
United Mates senators had been elected In
Mr. Hainson replied that he could show
that .senators had hitlieito been elected under
precisely similar ciicumslaiices. Dakota had
a ligut to go at least as far as Tennessee ,
Callioinlii ami Michigan had proceeded.
Mr. Uiitler rcmaiked that If the proceed
ings in Dakota wcic regular and pioper no
one would moio quickly iecogul7u the fact
th.m him.self. Ho li.ul the iCMilulion
tor thu purpose of asccitalning the tacts. Hu
thought the senator Irom Indiana had worked
hlmsclt into a pasbion unnecessarily ,
Mr. Harrison replied tbat he was not in a
passion. "The senator , " bald he , "has never
been in anaa-slon or hu would boablu lo tlls-
cihuinalc. ' [ I.aughtor.J Mr. llaiiison
brielly icvicwed thu hl-toiy of the admission
ot ten ilories. and s.ild that the democrats at
any late outfit not to question the propilcty
ot "tho action of Dakota.
Mr. liutlcr inquiicd whether Mr. Hanison
would sustain action by the teiritorv ol Utah
similar to the lectiiu action of D.ikoUu
Mr. Harrison declined that ho would , but
icscrvcd to congress the power to approve or
disapprove their constitution , and that power
was lecognized and admitted by Dakota.
Mr. McMillan said that Minnesota had been
admitted to the union without any enabling
acr. and democratic senators had been elected
and weie u-ady to take their si.-at.s immedi-
aiely on passing ot us admission.
Alter uiithei deb.ue iho mallei' went o\cr
till to-monow , and the presidential succes
sion bill was taken up , and Mr. Kvails : ut-
dies.sed the senate on it. He took tbcgiound
that , the succession piovlded lor by ttio bill
now before the senate was the only possible
constitutional cxciciso of a vciy limited
power afl'oided by the const Itut Ion to congess.
Mr. Kvarts spoke about an hour , and was
libtencd lo with utmost attention.
Aller a few words from Mr. Kdmunds In
icply to Mr. Kvait.s , and differing from him
as to Um very limited power of congie s , the
Kdmunds amendment wa.s voted on ycasiil ,
noes : t7. ( ThoKdniuiids ameiulnient was the
ono sti iking out the clause. ) The bill then
pas.sed without division as lepoiled from thu
Thu chair then laid before the senate the
bill tixing the .salary ot the United States
judges , but without action o that bill the
senate went into executive session , and
when the dooia icopo.ncd adjourned.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 17. In the house the
subject of the rules was up for discussion ,
Mr. Morrison of Illinois , btating ho would
tiy and close the general debate at1 o'clock
Mr. McMillan of Tennessee and Mr. Mc-
Adoo of New Jersey then spoke in support
of the mlnoilty report.
Several other Ppe.eches followed , Including
one by Mr.Caswell , ot Wisconsin , who disap-
piovcd making distribution of the appiopria-
tion bills , hut ho believed the appropriation
committee should bo deprived of the power
to cn ratt legislation upon appiojiriation
bills. He did not believe It was the policy of
tlio republicans to dethrone the democratic
party by assisting it in It.s blunders ; rather
let them do It as it should bo done.
Mr. Ilamlall of Pennsylvania , In closing
debate In opposition to tuo majoiity rcpun.
bald ho know and tl.o members who had
bcrvcd upon the appropriation committee
knew , tnat in thu elloit to resist undue ap
propriations they had been encaged In a
thankless task ; but he had never known that
there would be those in public btatlon who
\\ould rise up and condi'inn a man or tcl of
\rhowerocngaged in the laudable pur
pose of saving expenditure of the public
money. The gentleman from Now York
( Iliscock ) had stated as he ( Kandallj thought
to his discicdit that on ono oexuiBion. In
older to execute a certain policy , ho hud
loiind it incuiulM'iit on him to delay the ap-
pioprialion bills. Ho ( Kandall ) submitted
thai as to the tariff , river and harbor , and
inter-slato commeice bills , tbo committee on
appiopriullons never had interposed except
when it was essential that congi ess should pa < s
tiniippiopiinti.MI b.l.s. The policy \\hlcli
the commitii.'u on aiijiroprliitions had adopted
when under the contiot ot the democratic
paity had been ono of economy , and ho
Jailed toiind anywhere decollations of his
p.tity in convention whcie that principle was
not annoiinccil an thu one whic.i would bu
lollowcd It the people ; cntiuslod it with
power. He ( Kandall ) had came hcie dining
the war. Ho was not going to icier to what
his couiseof conduct had been dining that
Immediate period. Ifit when that war
was over lie wanted the country to
go Btialght back to a fill let con
struction of the constitution to the
tounder of democracy , Thomas Jcllerton
that them should be 110 money appioprlated
for any pmposo unless there was direct
authority In the constitution of thu United
States to that end. The river and haibor bill
was only objected to when it went outside of
thu constitution , and congiess Imd no right
to collect ta\cs in order to make such a distri
bution of tin in. He icmembcied very well
thu declaration of the late candidate tor the
picbldenoy on the other side , when he pio-
po.scd to divide the surplus fiindu In the
ueasury among the states. The people's re
ply Lad wen that this govein-
ment possessed no power to take
tiom thu people of thu United States
taxes to dbiiibnto amont ; the elates , ami
that the gicat objection thereto was Ihat it
made the states thu vassals of the federal
government lie did not say one bet of men
weie abler than another , nor tlmtit nobsetscd
more Integrity of purpoto than another. He
objected to the piopoM-d change solely be- lie believed it was entering on the dan-
gciou.silcld of appropriation of Uie public
money , and ho atllrmcd with po.sltlvoueiia
that to distribute these bills was to take
uway that unity and harmony of action
which was essential to every party In povfer.
that it might come in ) to the requirements oi
the pledges that had placed It in power.
Mr. Morrison of llllnui.s said the isnnmp-
tlou of the gentleman from Pennsylvania
that anybody tound fault with the appropria
tion committee or any member of it because.
It Imd helped to reduce expenditures was in
a large part gratuitous , mid the
of the inicrcnce Intended to be drawn
from tli * " 1 rules , thatatnuody WHO Imd pur-
ticlpatnl In making this report had tor his
imrpo < e an lncrea c of expi'.ndltiiR's or that
the adoption of Dili report would Increase
e.NpendiUnes , wns e < iuallgratulloii ? .
After a few remiuk * by Mr. HitiTowsof
Michigan In support of tlio prop wed cli.uw ,
the u'vislotMviw read bj clauses for amend *
inputs ,
Mr. Springer of Illinois offered nn amend-
mcmi for a division of committee on rail
ways and canals Into two committee * , and
Hi s proportion was favoml by Mr. Hcndcr-
pen of l.linois , Mr. Mtiriihv of Iowa , and
othnr of Iho advocates of the Henneptii canal
projcft. who contended that the Inteie t-s of
the rallwajs and canals weic so nnlajonlstlc ,
nnn to the other , that Ihej vliottld not be com
bined under the Jmisdiction of one c.munit-
The house , however. rcfu cd lo order the
division by a vet of J'itoX ' \ \
A ptoposilioii to create a constitutional
amenilmcnt eommittcts piesentcd by Mr.
Uavno of I'enns.vivatiin , havliu been de-
reiitod thromjh the vigoions opposition of Mr.
Tucker of Virginia , an nmeiulmeut was of
fered by Mr. IMyni * of New Ytnk to alve the
committee on icvislon of laws Jurisdiction
over the proposed au'it'iidmcnls to the consti
tution. The auieudmc'tit waslo-sl.
'i'he mcuibei lilpof the committee on ac
counts was tnriii.i > ( > d to nine.
Mr. Sirlmer | of Illinois made several
attempts to abolish the eoinmUU'es which In ?
deemed useless , declaring tliat some of them
did no business except "Icct clcilw , but his
elToils weie iliisilecessful.
I'emllug an elloit on his part to'abollsh tlio
committees on public c.\rendituies in
the cxeeutUo dcparlmenl , the liouto ad-
iourncd. _ _ _
Eladoriite PreparatlonH atmlc to ito-
cclvc tlic Irish Ijcailcr.
KPAV YOIK : , Dec. 17 Preparations for the
reception of Parucll.aHhough up to the present
comluctcd In piivate , are represented to bo
on a grainier wale than any toimi'r Iribh
movement in this city. The co operation of
such Irish Americans as Eugeuo ICelly , John
D. Crlmmlns. Mayor Grace. Joseph J. O'Don-
ohuc , Mllrs M. O'Brien , James V. Colcma i ,
Morgan O'llrieu , John Devoy and others well
known In banklnir , liusiiios-iaiid pr Sessional
elides , has been .secured in the lormalion of
a citizens committee , together with delegates
fiom the National le.igiio and vaiious other
lilsh .soeiee'e. , and everythiii'f but the minor
details of the reception ha\e been airanged.
Nearly all the city otllclata of Irish birtli or
descent , and ina'ny piomlncnt Americans ,
have promised their Mippmt to tbo moxemeiit.
His also expected that Governor Hill will
preside at Hie lecuptlon. Suitable arrange
ments will bo made to give the place
of honor to visiting delegations from other
states and cities.
The committee will make It a point of
honor to keen It clear of even the suspicion
of American party polities. Piomlnciitlrish-
imin here .sav that unless Chicago disMmsions
arc lie.iled , Inc eoiivenliou which is to meet
in that city In .luiuiury will bu a falhne. In
evidence ot this fcelin ? an unient
from prominent New Yoik irish
men lias been cabled to Par-
nell , asking him to not jeopnrdivc
his position by coming to this eoiintiy at all.
P.unell IUIH replied throuirh one of his lieu
tenants that he is giving the matter his most
caiefulcoiisidciatlon. A member of pailia-
liameut , who is in I'arnell'.s conlidencc , bus
written to a friend In this city anil says un
less the deplorable Chicago quarrels and at
tempted osl iieism of leading Irish clti/.cns
are spec liy stopped , the Irish leader will not
come to Ameiiea or glvn the convention any
countenance , it is ) ) ii dieted that the parlia-
mriitaiy lund now bclm ; collected by the
committee here will reach 5100OCU in a short
San Fraiu'lNcoXSo-Oallcil Conspiracy
ami tlic Cnutio ot'It.
NKW Tonic , Dec. 17. [ Sccclal Tele
gram. ] The Tribune this morning , in
a leader , devotes much space to a
comment on ( he dynamite plot in San Fran
cisco. It says : "The plot would bo less ex
pllcablo and more surprising did wo not
kiiow that of Into a premium has been put
upon all kinds of crankiness in San Francis
co by the implied endorsement ot it involved
In the election of O'Donnell as cor
oner. Such men as ho and Den
nis Kearney , with their wild
harangues , Imedono more than any toward
intlaining the weak minds of those inclined
towards socialism. Senator Stanford anil
Chailcs Crocker , of course , are doomed be
cause they are railroad men and men who ic-
fuse to allow such poisons as O'Donnell to
manage their affairs. " In the case of Gov
ernor Stoncman the article openly says ho
has done much to "encourane" crime of late
by hlH reckless anil Indefensible distribution
of pardons to inmates of the penitentiary
and closes by Baying , "The business men of
that city may bobiought by this discovery to
icali/u that such people as O'Donnell cannot
bo clci'ted ' to olllco without cicating the con
viction in many minds thai the doctrines they
preach have also been endorsed at the ballot
box. "
Prohibition in Kansas.
ToriiKA , Kan. , Dec. 17. Before Judge
Brewer came the noted Douglas county case
involving the question at Issue in the matter
of John Wolruff of Lawicuco and his brewing
ing business. The case is this : WolrulT ap
plied to the probate Judge of Douglas county
for pel mission to nuiiiifactuiu and sell beer
for medical , mechanical and scicntiiio pur
poses. This permission was refused. Wol-
ruff then gave notice he would continue his
business , us he had complied with the law
and was entitled to ouch permission. The
county attorney complained of Wolruff on
the pound of nuisance , and District Judge
HeiiMin granted a temporary Injunction en-
jolnlni ? Wolruir from continuing business.
\Volrulf tiled a petition of icmoval to
the United Stales eoint , claiming that Ills
rights as granted by the constitution ot the
Unites ! States had been violated , paitieular
btics.s being laid on tlio fact that pihato JIIOD-
crty had been token for publlo IIMI without
duo process of law. Tlicstato moved that the
ease be remanded to the euuit from which It
camuand the debate to-day wan on that mo
tion. Judge Hrmvci thinks theie Is a federal
question Intioduced and ho will keep the case
In hi.- , court , Coupled with the Wolruir cuso
will be live cases tioui Atchlson which ate in
many icsjtcut.s on ( lie s.iuie principle.
A Crumb for Tllilon.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 17 , [ Special Tele
gram. ] New ITork democrats hero were
greatly .surpilsc < l by'thv nomination of Joe
Uluelow for assistant treasurer In New York ,
to succeed Acton. They agiee it was done to
pacify Tllden , who lr. said to have been much
grieved because hU advice concerning bca
coast defenses was not accepted by the presi
A Iiloo4y Moloc.
CINCINNATI , Doc , 17. A Someis' ( Ky. )
special says that during a general melee at
Heaver Cieek mines yesterday , Wm. Parsons
killed Frank Wilson.und Charlch Ooidon and
\V. A. Owen faUdly UlibtHl two other men ,
names not known. Paisous escaped but thu
two others weie atrented.
.Sudden Doutli of Jllbliop Krallibour.
GHKKN BAV , WIs. , Dec. 17.-Hev. F. H.
Kr.ithbour , tor a year blbhop of the Catholic
diocese of ( ireon Hay , was found dead In
bed at the parsonage this morning. Apoplexy
plexy is assigned at ) thu cau&u of death.
Another Ho.mlHeUs Died Suddenly.
MADtboN , Wis. , Dec. 17. Paul llendiicks ,
son of ex-Ooy William Hcndricks , cousin of
thu late vice president , dropiH.'d dead this
morning , lie was prominent in Grand Army
circles ,
Wonihor ( orTo-Dny.
Mtssouni V-AM-EV Fair weather ; winds
Kcnerally nhlftlng to the noiiline-t and
bouthwi'Kt , and occa-ioimdy vaiiublu ; blight
cluingoiu tuuipuraiurc.
Tbo Liberals Oomo to the Ironl With nn
Irish Parliament Scheme.
Tlio I'nblUlictl 1'laii Creates Jlucli
I'JxultcincMit Tlio Htnriu Clouds
oT Cciiturle.Dlsapticnrlng
tlio ICnicfald IHC. !
Tlio Idbrral Homo Jlule Plan.
LONDON , Dec. 17-The Pall Mail Garctto
announces this afternoon that dc.splte the p , r-
tlal denial of Ulndstouo Ibis motnlnir , a Llb-
eial scheme for home rnlu In Ireland lias bean
decided upon. This tclicme provides fortho
ciealion of an Irish parllatueiit at Dublin.
the acts of which theciown will reserve the
right toeto only upon the advice of the Irish
minlsliy. liish membeis will coniiniiu to
sit in tin ! Imperial parliament al U'eMuiln-
ster. The scheme luithcr provides Hint Ire
land shall h.uc control or the local police , and
i iinres | Painell to turuish miaiantecs that
rights of thominoiity und the lords will be
DUIII.IN' , DPP. 17. A special dispatch from
London to the I'lccman's Jouinal un.- < :
"Kails Cralivillu and Kpeiicei nppiove ol
( Sladstone's scheme ot home nile tor li eland.
Josejih Chamberlain , .Sir Clmilcs Dllkc , and
the manmlsof HaitiiKtou atcwa\crlng in
their objecllons lo the .scheme. "
A London dispatch to the lils-h Times says :
"Should the queen's sicecli | on theupcnliig of
patliament not alluilu to local goveinment
tor Ireland , Ciladstone will move an amend
ment to the royal addiess , stating that such
measmelH necessary. The Painellltes will
suppoit the motion , ( iladbtoue will then take
olllco and introduce a bill uianting home lule
to Iieland. "
The London correspondent of theK\piess
telegraphs as follows : "There Is no longer
any doubt thai ( Hailstone has approached
members of the loyal l.unily icgardmg lii.--li
iiilorm , and is seeking to enlist thu Piluce of
Wales to help remove the obstacles Ihcieto. "
An editorial in tlio I'loeiiinn'H Joiuiiai and
I'nited ' ircland regaidingtlio.sltuation ii iee
in the statement that should tlio Maiiiil | of
Salisbury oiler one worthless scheme of
homo rule for Iieland the coiiservatUo gov-
cinmt nt will inevitably bu defeated by the
combined efforts ot the liberals and Par-
LONDON , Dec. 17. The opinions of various
leaders have been stnulil on the subject of
the Irish home nilu pioposals , wldcli have
Mused agicat sensation In political elides.
The Pall Mall Uiuetto , having alleged that
ICarl Spencer liad iK'uulosccd in the scheme ,
Karl Spencer telegraphs : "No scheme ot
home rule has received my appioval. "
Mr. ChildcrH telegraphs that he has no
knowledge whatever ol Gladstone's alleged
Sir Charles Dllke says it is piematme to
discuss the subject.
Mr. Healy na > s ho cannot express an opin
ion on the subject bcloio his party meets.
Mr. O'Connor declines that Ireland will
not bo sntlsiiod with liss than Canada eniojs ,
and will not eontilbuto to the liiiiish ex
Lei d Mayor Sullivan , of Dublin , Rays : "I
cannot uudeistnnd how any assembly can
save what the landlords call their inteiests.
Tliuv vvill pciish by the inexorable law ol na
ture. The minority's need of politics is as
safe in Ircland as in Kntrland. The larger
home nile will be , the more ccitain to work
satisfactorily to both parties. "
Mr. Clmmhcilain says If Parnell should
appioach the liberal party In a icasonablo and
considerate spirit , they would talrly and im
partially examine any proposals he might
make , and adopt them If they agreed with
Uladhtono'B principle.
DiiUia > Vucc'n ? , The Evening Journal
wivs : "It is reasonable of Kngl.ind to ic-
nulro a guarantctHor protection of the land-
loid'a-legitlmato inteiests. The most hopetul
bchcmu Is for an Irish ] iarliamt ill to purchase
the land , repaying England by annuity , Eng
land to apportion the purchase money and
Ireland to deal with the tenants. A
talluro to pay the annuity to the im
perial exchequer would virtually imperil
Iicland'B Independence. It is thoiefoio
thought iniuciative tocncouiage Irish indus
tries , which English legislation anil unfair
competition by English capitalists have de
stroyed. But wo arc willing to restrict the
power of protection in order to a.ssme Eng
land that our purpose Is not a hostile
one. Wo wish Gladstone God speed.
Wolxjseech Irishmen to lemember his dltll-
cnlticH and to be prejiaicd to awept a reason
able compromise on our lights , it a
of our pimcipal rights bo not involved. "
The ioregoiiig article was insphed by
A Denial IVom Gladstone.
LONHON , Dec. 17 , The following dispatch
was roc.eived from ( Hailstone to-day by this
Ne\vrH Association :
HAWAIII > IN ; , Dec , 17 , The scheme for
home rule In Ireland published In the Stand-
aid this morning , and ( importing to be mv
plan for settlement of the question , is
an inaccurate' repicM'ntation of myiewN. . 1
prusunuFit Irspmihition 11)1011 ) them. It was
published without my knowledge or author
L < m > o.v , Dec. 17. The following addition
al telegram was rccclml IMUI Gladstone nt a
late hour to-night :
"My reply In reg.ud to the Slandanl's state
ments applies also lo thosi ; of the Pall Mall
Gazette and Dally NCVVH. Although these
statementH were nnauthorbcd llm pioposalfi
may conveniently bo canvassed. Onlyiin
Irish parliament will meet thu ca c. Loeal
councllH , etc. , would bo useless. The ilglilto
veto their ads would bo an illusion.
I propose , Instead. the pxeiv.iso
of a sovereign power on the advice ol u iniii-
cabinet. ( Juestions ot commeice and police
are dillieiilt ones , but with limitation 1 be
lieve homo nilemay Bafely bcitianti'd ,
and that it would tend to raise thu character
of the Irl h membcis , "
The piesH a.sMichdion Fays Hint Gladstone ,
forheolng the incieaso in flrcngtli ol thu Pai
nell ] iirly , drattcil a M'hcme loin months ago
lor self goveinment ol Irelind , , according to
which the power ot veto by the ciown could
bo exerclM'd only on the advice ot a privy
council convened especially to discuss thu
subject in ijucstlon. The other points In the
" cliPiuo were the sanmns alieadv ] iublilied ,
The project was Mibmllted to a lew political
trlends of Gladstone , ince Iho ulcel'om '
theio have been no foimal MW
on the subject , and it Is not known whether
or not the details of the wlicine have ulncu
been modllied. II Is supposed that Go > chcn ,
who Is almost certain to ho chancellor ot
exchequer In the next Gladstone cabinet , will
support Iho wlu'iuo , Painell was al Chester
on Wednesday , but had no intmview with
Gladstone or any one connected with the cx-
piemlcr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Uunncfio Ita/nnkH.
HANOOO.V , Dec. 17 , Advices fromJtanda-
lay Mate the Dacolts made a raid in the
vicinity of that place and tued on the British
outposts , wounding Major Walker and kli -
Inganatlva Tim JliitiMi letuinrd thu the ,
killing buvcn Dacoils.
Alexander llui Oovornor ,
LONDON , Dec , K A dispatch tiom Horlln
to tlio Standard eays the sultan appoints
Prince Alexander irocm or for life o\cr East
liomnella , with ilitht.s of succession.
A Hitch 111 HID ConimiHslon.
TCIIKIUN , Dec. 17. Thcie It. a hitch in tlio
work of Die Afghan frontier commlFblon in
demarcating tlio frontier line at Mcrucha.
Operations are being delayed.
DlKConnt Advanced.
Losno.v , Dee. 17 , The bank of England
advanced the rates of Ulscountfioui U to 4 pur
cent *
- - - _ _ _
Tlio United Lines' Aciiinltion. |
ALIIANV , Dec , 17 , A deed by John
Wlialen , referee , to the United Lines' Tel
egraph company , of all the rights , privileges
and ! > of the liaukeis' A Moiclmnb'
iiiJh company , has been Ulcd hciu.
A Nine Monllis' Jtcport of Union ln
cillo Opeiutlon ? ,
Bo iov , Mass. , Deft 17. At Iho ounrlctly
meeting ol the directors of tlio t'nlon I'acltio
lailway , yc terilay. a siatcmcnt of Iho iinan-
cial 01 rnitioua of the company fur the nine
months ending September ! ! 0 , In comparison
w Illi tlipconcspondlng period of .MM , was
submitted by I'lesident Adam ! ! . From Iho
.statement II apH\irs ) that for nine months the
eaininirseic v7tfA\OiH , tlnM'\ppiiM J" .7V-
N1thu Unitcit States pavmcnts .Ni.bM > , and
the $111 pin : ) eainliKS Suii.ils. In the corre-
siioiidiui poilod last ye.u the surplus was
frt.Ui8 ? . Durlni ; the lirst nine mouths ot
1 1 the pioeeeds < S40oUvW ) from sales
of lands belonging to the Kan-
pas Paeilio land gmut were paid oxer
lo the company uiuU-i Um ieims ot tin1 con-
folhl.iU'd mortgage , ami ajiphed to payment
ol coupons ot iHiuds seemed bv that morl-
uace. During thu sindlai nine months ol the
I'U'sonteai cash weeived from .such snles
Hiuonnlfuu to STll.l'-.i.Ol has been let allied
by the ttiisiees and applied to ( he pnrchnso
and evtlntiiNlunent ut S-KJ.O K ) ol the out
standing dciiuniK If this sum had boon ix -
ceived by the compativ and npplicd to the
payment ot curieiu Inteicst , as was done In
ISHI , Um totid surplus ineie.i'-u lor the ln..t
nine months would amount to Si. - ' . " , -
HI7.KI , or an increase of SlS'J.l ' U.M
over IVM. 'iii0 th n'.ltisr debt ,
which on Juno ! iO , INS'I , was
& -UiH,1)0.r ) > , has been leducod to SJ.Ml.lW.ii.-
liythoH.ilu of bunds of the par value of
8' , for which V-.O- ' ; ! . ' , . I-J \\as ie-
ceived. iMiilui ; the nine month ending
September : ; o the funded debt ol the company
has been i educed M.tll'.iiiU.ftO , and the net
floating debt has been icduccd .1sl'H'i : ! ; < . .Mi ,
making a total reduction nl . * ? . ' .uusi.'l. : To
accoinplisli thu there weiu U'-ed , in addition
to HID MIII plus income oi the company the
pioeeeiN of H.IMUMO Oiogon Short Line
Iladway eompanj bonds , ntid S'.MO.WI Atchl
son , Colorado & P.ieinc Kailroad company
bonds , which were vvithdiawn from thu com
pany's iineslment account-
In the leiluctioiiol the gioss floating debt
theie weie used > MUUiK ) Kalians i'aeliie Hall-
wuv compaiiv eonsolidalod morftao ! bonds
and Slt.'J.OJti Union Pacillo laihoad com-
pany'h siiiMug lund bonds , hut as these se
en lith's had already been carried in the
tuiided ileoi of the company no incieasu In
that debt arises from such Use. The sinking
tiiiid in the United Slates treasury , which
wi" : S4'iOiliiO ' : December I , ls > h ) , had ineieased
to S.,7ii,0. : ; ! : ! Soplomber 80 , isTho laud
sales lor Iho niuu months ending September
M , is-s.- , , show a decivaio ol : ! , cso fi'SJ acies ,
ami S1,030'OJ in Iho amount icccivcd.
To nuoi'dniiiio the Pool.
Nr.w Yoliif , Dec. 17. An liifoimal confer
ence was held to-day between the icprcsenta-
lives ot the eastern and western lallways at
Commissioner Fink's olliec. The result is
that the Chicago pool or western pool , will
bu re-enacted a t once , and on January next a
meeting will bu held al Chicago and a new
pool will be organized. Its piovisions are to
ho ictioaetlve until Januaiy 1. Commis
sioner Fink was authori'/cd to investigate
live slock rates and prenam a icpoit loriead-
justmcnt of the same. The ( iiand.'l'iunl ; line
was icpiiwentcd.
No Prospect of Settlement.
SAN FiiANrisro , Dec. 17. The committee
of three on icorgani/ation o'C' tlio Trunscon-
tlncntal lailwayassoeiatton Miibmllted major
ity and inliioiily icports.Tho. . former was
siflied by lepie.sent.itiveS' of. the
Piiciiie and Union Pacific , the * minority tiy
the Atchisoti , Topeka & SanUi Fe icjirescn-
tatlve. No nction was taken. It Is staled
to-night the association will in all piobability
adjomn to New i'ork , there biiing no pios-
pcct of reaching a settlement bcfoio Christ
mas ,
The Texas Pacific.
appi _ _ _ _ . _
and ex-Governor bhuldon of N'cw'Mexico ie-
cciversol the Texas Pacllic ralhoad com
FailtiiK In a SJiid KtTorl lo Kill His
AVitu lie AttacIiH Himself.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , Dec. 17. [ Special
Tcleeram. ] At Seventieth and Cailowhill
stieets Iheio Declined yesterday a bloody
light bet ween William P. Dobaon nndthc po
lice. The man , who has been deranged for
some lime , came into a loom whinohls wife
was sowing , and attacked horwilha. long
calling knife , gashing her body in several
places : then thinking he had killed her he
rushed upstairs , and , locking the door ,
began to sharpen Uio knile. Hlswllo was
found by a seivant hiiftering from the knile
thrusts and a loss of blood. When the po
lice were in formed of the attempted minder
they went to the house , and upon tijingtho
door of the loom where Dobson had confined
hini'-cll , found it locked. Tlioy buist 11
open , and not having been told that thu man
was riazy they weio amaml to seu him
standing in the center of the Iloor a half-
clothed , raving maniac. There was a wild
glare in his eyes , and a crazy expression on
liln countenance. In his hand he had a carv
ing knife , and as the ofllccis entcied the
room ho drew thu blade acioss his throat , cut-
tins It liom ear lo ear. Then grinding his
teeth in a. ficuzy hu raved and loaicd , and
nourished the knife in a dangcious manner.
When finally captmed he iought despcjalcly
and had to bo diaggcd lo the police station.
Dobson was wealthy at one time , but , becom
ing poor , moved from li.tlllnioio to this city ,
and It is thought that , his reveisea turned
ills brain. It is thought that the wile cannot
- .
A DiUiuiyniK Itluzi ; , With Out : Fire
man Killed.
jAflCSONVJLLK , Fhl. , Dec. 17. A lire
bioku out last nlghtat 1 a. m. In Hubbard's
waio lioiiKcson tin ; dock and .spread to Abel
block in which wi'ic located Iho Humid , Ha-
7en'n bit laid pai'or ' ami scvoial other bulld-
Intrin thuiearol .McConiliiuV , Hiibbaid band
Abel'j > blocks on ttio whaif with contents
weio destiojcd. Huubaid'fl oitlmuti'd ' lessen
on building and stock i.s Jl-.U.iiOJ ; IIIMII nueo ,
; ! KIVKi. ( Kimedlet iVCo.'rt IOSHHII waiiilluuscH
isill.OOt ) ; Aberslos isjSiri.Oud ; lla/en'H 5r.AI-
000 ; VuuiU Hun. , 10.0 < W , iiiMiiailce , i l.VMJ ;
Herald , ij'JO.OOU , jiailly iiisined , Other minor
Josses woiosiibtainud , Tlio mo is likely to
.sin cad toneilhiiiiiigbiilldlngs. ( ; ) The ilio is
thu most dlsistious JacKsonville has ever
J.vci.-hONvii.i.t : , Fla. , De . 17. LATIU :
Thu tire on Hay stieet. this city , was stopped
this morning al Kohn. Fnruhgoll liene-
dlct'Bbtoio on ihocaht , the westein limit In
cluding McCouclry's hardwiiio ttoie. About
U o'clock a. m. a jiortion ot thu wall of thu
Ahull block tei. , .eiiisldng lour coloied tue-
nii'ii , one oi whom , William Biadley , was in-
htantly killed. The other tlnee weie badly
hut not iatally injmcd , vvhilo a liicman
ii.niioil Got ! was badlj cut by falling brick ,
During tliu day a iiiiin woiklng am > ng thu
debris was stillocatod by smoke ami can led
to tliu hospital In a helpless condition. The
inemeii aiu htill playing on the smouldering
lulus. The loss. IH eslimati d at 'jlVJ.iwti , and
the Insurance at > o50,000.
A Cyolono KlriUcN Colnn.
PANAMA , Dee. 17 , Colon has been visited
byavuiy scvcju cyclone , which has done
coiiHldci.iblo damage. It commenced on Iho
.M inst. , nlMiiit 'J p. m. , and next day lulled
bill commenced again with tciiiblu .
All steameia In the jiort were put oin to n i
lor halety. They mtiuncd and had tojuit
out again. The damage to mopcrt ) tuts been
very heavy and the loss of Ilio most serious.
Thu lollowing vessels weio mink with their
ciuws : lloldcn , KuruiHii , Blanche , Ortolan ,
Alwood , Aiiul , V'eteiiin. , Lynlon.
Avellua , Stella , Catalina , Figrl , Douglas. , ami
two othern whusit naim.'s could nut bo .o-ccr-
talned. Italn JIOIIID.I down in tonents. A
K'rriblogalu of wind set in tiom tliu north-
oast. The Itojal Mall wlmit mid l'icl ht
oiilwi weie destroyed bj ihesloim. Wliaif
No , 4 , belonging lo thu Panama railroad , was
almoM dcmolishod , the rails having ticvn toin
up and tlio iMlintvoriuj dciliujcd by tl.e
Juice of the
Oouvojcd to tbo Bco bj its Ooipa of Sfeciol
Tlio Pointing Process Suddenly
cd Hon. llti nn atdrjimt
Island -OvordiMO of
town Supreme Court
Drs IUVVH , Div. l-SiK'clnl | Tol-
ogiam , | Thosiipiouiocuurt to-day ruulorcd
the following decisions :
iLSroll , Klcliumn , rlnls Supervisors of
Miisc.itlno county , appellants , Muscrttino
circuit. Allliiiii'd.
Stutoof lowavsl ) . Coon. app."llinl , Mit
chell dl.strit court. Attlimed.
ilolin S. DnllisiV Sous , appellants , vs Win.
11. Hull UK , Hellion di-ttua ciiiul. AlVumcd ,
Mniy Hoark vs John lluarh , appellant ,
Linn ill tiict court. Appeal dismissed.
( i. A. D.illls , ct al , % < X. .1. Carter , el ,0 , np-
pollauts , Junes oiii nil foiiit. K.'vcrbCd.
tit.ito of Iowa vs .kB'O M. Muxvur , u ) pel-
Innl , Hi'iilon county. A limned.
( . 'Dimly of .lonc.s vs County of Linn ,
Linn oiieull ciuiit. Aitlunctl.
. .1.V. . lloliuml vsl'num county. Adams
dIMrlrtro.u t A filmed.
Mate 01 Iowa v.s A. Mitchell and Lockard ,
appellants , Fiivcttu county district court ,
Kate Hooks , appellant , vs .1. V. Kvans , ct- N
al , liaiil.soii dLstnct court. KuvcrMid.
Chailes Tubbs vs ,1. D. ( iiiuiM ) ) ! , appellant ,
Hnnison ( lioiilt court , AllluiKMl.
A. K. Lplcy , tippi'lliiiit , vs Miuy Kly e.t al ,
L > mi district L'uiiil. Mlliint'd.
State ol Jown vs. Fiank .Mcuott , npivollant ,
Louisa district. itovoiscd.
Mat Cioswell mid others npcllnnlfl , vs A.
K. Stack ut ill , Potlaw.ittamlo circuit couit ,
I'.tlo Alto ooiintv , appellant , vs T. W. Har
rison. P.Uo Alto disiilctcouit. Unversed.
S. It. Mclti'r vHumnlv of Dickinson , appcl-
hint , Clay district , Alllnncd.
M. C. Alexander , hj guaidian , va Alex.
Hastings , ct al , Harrison distiiel. Huvor.ed ,
Shite ol oily nl Cedar Uapld.s , vs
K. It , Holeoom , appellant , Lynn district
court. jDinned. .
Tholr Palm Pot Itiin Dry.
WYMOitr , Neb. , Dee. 17.-fSnttlal | ( o tlio
Hr.i : . ] Four of our business nion were en
gaged in painting the town seailot hero last
night and at a l.ito liour entered Clmmber-
hiin'.s depot luni'li room. Finding a Jail
iibout U.voarsof age In ehaigo , they in
formed him thai thu object of their visit wag
to clean him out , do him up , etc. , accompany
ing tlio Inl'oimation with a liberal dose of
nose paint Lin own In his tnco by ono of the
patty. The jotiug man diew a revolver and
proceeded at once to put two or throe bullet
holes tluough the hat of ono of the iutrudciB ,
the we.ucr Milking to the iloor. Ilia < : om-
lianlons stood not on I he order of their going
but went al once. Alter tlio retical of ttia
bobicging forces the yoittiir man ( sauntered
out revolver In hand , and mocling In officer
gave hiuisolt ami gun ' "lo I'1 ' ' * ' 'hiirjjo. Ko
appearance will be made against him ,
Hon. Ilo ivn in tin ; Interior ,
( iiiANi ) ISI.AKD , Neb. , Uia 17. jSpccUl
Teleirram.J Hun. Ilo un spoke last night tea
a large .ind entluniustio congi edition at the
Methodist Kpi copal church. lli)4ivp ) ; cvnq qt
hlachaiacteiihtie talks , which will ' "jh'O'iiuco
peed etl'ects. Ills coming' Is for Uio oodof
the city , and wo trust hu will stvy\fjllj ; ) 113
duriiif ; the entiio week. V-'H--f ' < * < c
Swallowed liy tl-.o Itlff FKl'i.
J3iA-iiici : : : . Nub , , Dec. 17. [ Special Tolo *
grain. ] To-day the tuo co-opcratlvo life In
surance companies of tills city consolidated. ,
under the name of the Western J\tutual \ llo-
nuvolent association. This is a cuso of the
big fish eating up the little one * Col. O. C.
Sabln Is bccictary , and William Lamp presi
An Overdose of.'M
Iowa , Dec. 17. [ Special Tola-
gram. ] lluiry Uopson , aged IW yuam , a lead
ing citi/en ot this o ty , died ye.Uorday from
an ovcidoso of inoiphlnc admiiiistort'd by bis
own liumK It Is believed that he did not
icalixo llit ! .iniounl hu was taking or what it a
result would be.
by lee Cukoti.
NORFOLK , Neb , , Dee. 17. [ Special Tale-
gram. ] James K. Criley , of Columbus , patents re.sldo at Plttsburg , Pa. , was
drowned last night while attempting to croaa
the river on the ice. His body hasuotbocii
iccovcicd. _
Killed by tlio Cars. ' 3
Pr.nnv , Iowa , Dec. 17. [ Special Telegram.J
Kdwnid G.irrity was killed by ttio eatH hero
to-day , by hlri own negligciicu In attempting
to bead the cars.
1 FOUJj.
Detroit's House linnilng Sensation
I'covcH 11 Torribtu Twi/jeily.
JJTKOIT ) , Dec. 17. Testerday'n Ihe In the
submlHof this city , in which the bodlc : ) ot
Frank with lilt , wife and two children
were Innne.d , now proves to be an appaling
minder. Thlscrime was suspected ycfttnday ,
but the finding of a levolver with all tlio
cartridges discharged , watt all Um evidence
teemed. A t noon today n post mortem ox-
nmlnatlon of the bodies was made , find re-
bulled in pioof positively substantiating ihat
theoiy. JStillel holes and a -calil ; r bullet
weie toiind In the skull of both Kiank JCnocli
and his wile. N'o siHilcioa | m altachcd Ui anyone
ono a.s yet. The Inneial IK being hold this
iilternoon. All lour bodies weie placed inn
' ' coilln.
fii'ii. Kobert 'looniHy'
AVHiiiNdio.v , ( icorglii , Dec. 17. The
funend of ( ion , Hobt-rt Toombu took plpco
heio to-day In the M. K. church. The wliplo
town IN In mourning. The church \rci aj > -
proprliitely draiK'il. The casket was bioiue ,
with \\ionght leaves of be.mtlfnl workmun-
hhiii oiiiaiiienllii ; , ' It. Covcrnor > iuDanlcl
and many piomlnmit elti/ens of Ilio iitato
weio pic.-ciii. The fnneiiil dlbvourfu wau
pieaclied by lloekwith.
Tlio WhUky .MakorH.
C'lUfAfio , Dec , 17. At a meeting of tlio
We.stein Kx | > Uassociation heldhcio to-day
to consider the question of Mirpliis stock , U
was decided to irdmxi the pileoof rawgoodg
fioiii & 1.1I to si.10 per gallon , and to limit nil
dlhtilleile.s ut pa-sent iniinliig to SSM J-.QI
cent of their capacity. I ( aUo decided to ex-
poit even at a loss , and to eipmlizu exports
accodlii to domc.stlo demand ,
A Splrltletf * SplriltialiHt.
lioBio.s , Dec , 17. iSpcclal Tile ; ram. ]
( "hailcs J'ostor , a oncn noted hpiiitii.tliutio
nicdliim , who ten yeais ago mailo biich a
tnioio In this country and Knrojie , died yea-
teid.iy iittei noon at the icsldcneu of his mint ,
Mis. Call , in .Salum , of Miftenin ; ; of the
brain with which hu had been ntfllctwl
Atlanla'w lAtnmImv \ ,
ATLANTA , Dec , 17 , Jtid o Murhhall J.
Claik , ol thu Fully county Mipcilor court ,
unintcd a tcmpoiaiy Injunction -jilglit t > ro <
Btralnlng Ordlnaiv Calhoun from nnnoiinij-
Ing Um ifsult oi the pionlbltlon eleollon.
Ho will hear an argument lor it pcinmncnt
iiijtiiiction next Monday moinlng.
A OioaKy l ! | /o.
.MoM' : : , Jix. % KHut at the woM end
ab.iiinii this morning doitroj l n ' . ' inli | ; ;