Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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" "
f , . TH "GREAT
linrknrtip , Hrmlnrlip , Tnolhnebe ,
Kprnlim , It ft ! Urn. dr. , clr.
HIE CHARLES A. VOGEIER CO. , Sole Proprietors ,
nJ.Tixonri AlARvr.ASji , TT * . A.
O HVl MWDVVH nun * i BU m
JanesMcal Institute
Chartered by theStateoMIII-
nols for tteexprndp arpose
of KlvmElrnmedlaie rellelin
all chronictiiir ry and pri
vate dlseasea. Qonortriora ,
OleetandSyphilln in all their
complicated forma. lo all
dlieaiea of the iikla and
Blood promptly relitvedanil
permanenllyeured by reme-
_ , „ . , . .J B . > S mln l
Weakness. rJiirit Losses by Dream * . Pimples on
| heP ceI.ost Manhood , T" IMw/j/r rv .I7irr
( j no er/mmtl.ti < f. The appropriate remedy
ta at once utedln eachwse. Consultation ! , per-
onal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med.
Icltvei sent by Mall and Expreia. No marka on
'lockage to Indicate eontenta ofender. . Addreii
DB.MNES.No. 204Washlnnlon SI..Cnlcagolll.
O17 Ht.ClmrlcnM.Ht. I.otil.1 , Mo.
rnx r < l4u Iht fp * 'lU lTr tm nt nt Cnaunic. > tnvoo . Rut *
kl.4 atAiv ti ttt4 * h a rT nlberl ff ltl itlafilL alfl
. .
ucr ptrnow v.
Nervous Praitrat.on. Debllllr. Mental and
Phyilcal Weakness ; Mercurial and other Alice-
, - , tons | pi Throat , Skin or Hones , Blood Poisoning.
' J old Sores and Ulcers , ra imtM viik noi > rtiuil
n " * . ! , litest iclrnliao prluctpUt , HtMr. rrl u I/ ,
Diseases Arising ( rom Indiscretion , Excess ,
Eipoiuro or Indulgence , btfi iroinw mie or it ,
rollnwiDf effect , i n iOB > iietii , drljllliy. dlotbet * ot ilnl
ana < lrfrtl f ro u , rj. plrapteion tba r * i phT leftMeca7i
aferdonioihft iu l tror rfmalt * . eoofi > loB or Ui , rt . ,
. -.renddrlot KarrU o improper or unh vpy , t
'TrVriii fiiii7 t < l. h mpiii iSStiiKMlonititnvif , n
( n > CBlM nif'or ' , rrrMotnrtiMreii. fooiull.lloii atot.
Cororhj mill Ttes , InrlteJ and ft Irllf cvantenllAl.
A Posltlvo Written Guarantee d' < n In t'trjn.
Yr 4e > t , KeJIflnoioat erer ; u < rc bf u ll or eirrrif .
PAOE3 , PINE PI.ATEO , elft nt Ut
| , ( tini ' O cr dftj
fonilcrTal rr. trur t lira ; ftnflfiontla ! r tlunln0
Keteska National Bank
I'Ail ) lfi P.M-irAl s r.l,000,09
Hi iii'i.i' . Mny 1 , iss" 'j- , OW.OJ
11 , U * . VATKH , rrenidi'tit.
A , E. Tf r'ZA'iN. Vieo President.
W. II. S. Iluoiiiy , Cashier.
" " "
\V. V. MoiiSK , ' ' ! - S. Cor.uN-3 ,
II. W. Y.vrm , Lr.iviy S. Uuno ,
A. K Toi' 'is ,
Co. 12th ntiit Furnnm Stt-pots.
cnonil lliinklnir Hi
Tlie OrlRliiMl and only fli-unlne.
Rtb aDiliilMart HtllmM * . newt-cnr ttrlhlf-MA tmllatloiit.
lr"n"1" ' V * U Rl ES. A.'t . - ir Driicgl.t M
" 41lilclif tfr ITnfElUli Anit tti > nonllifLor | MC | M > la.
( tUiufU ) r r | Ktrlleul-u- < I'ncr br rrlum Mail.
NAME PAPER. riileh .terriicmlj l Co. ,
US 1 8 M ill , > n N < iuairr , rblliiiti , . , I'm.
At nrur l ( . Trnd iull.-J | | tij fuller JL I'ullil
Vo. , < 1Tili7 * . III.
I bin a tvtltli * I IH I | j r r thi .by III
t > f ( on |
ialTvrpr. fll * * tipi ti niJ I * O.uddr IK.
" H T L HI KinV HI P-H < - K w1
Ort-ici ; of i o n-TiioitKit OKTIII : fiimtiiNc
W - < IIIN ( T IN , DcCOIMlXT 10 , IBSft.
KAS , by biitl-fiifioi-y uvldoiu-o prtt-
ci'iilnl to tlio iindci slwucd. It Ims t 'cn
mrulptnttp o rflmt ThpOmnlin Nnt'oiinl Ilunlc ,
In tlio oily 01 Oiniihii , In tbenntinty til Ioniln9 ,
niidt-tiitu ot Nulirni-krt Ims complldd with nil tlio
provlslon-'ol tic net nf cnnxrcti * to cnn'ilii ' Nil-
tloniil Ilinklnjf A pnoolntloiH to oxtund thi-lr
tnUlcnre nn-1 ( or oilier
ifdJuly Igth. lv .
tlieroionv It Henry W. Cannon ,
d ( the mirrnnoy. ilq horcliy certify Unit
'J'lio Oinnlin Nntloiinf Uiiitt , in tlio cltv of
I ) milin. In tlm county of lloufln > mul Rtntoof
NohraoUu. In niltliorlrc-d to linvu "iircotBlcm Tor
tlio fioiiiid Hpt' In Its i mumlril nrtlclp of
, mum ly , unUI cioio of liut-lnufH - on
< ii-n'trailhinnv wli ri > of wttnu my Imml nnil scnl
. . .irrbm , nl olllce Ilila Kill day of Dt't-cmbur ,
\ MCAIn [ Ibifi. II , W. ( AV.MI.V ,
1 r ' Comptroller of tbo C'uiioiiny.
No. lt ] 4.
Or I ho I.Jnjuur , t.tail , a'oiiti uly
. ' vt'uruil by AtlmlnlHtprliiK : Ur.
-n ' K > Unlit * * ' Uolilen kiipciUo.
n can t.-ghfn IIIK cup ot coifeaur ten without
tlmknuwliHlcHul tlio punon lakliiKltUaluHiiii | | > ly
Lurpiliuii , iirnl will efTix't u permanent mul vpcmly
i pure , < 4rht > ll > vr lliepaifii'it In a nin < ] rr ti'irliiki-rur !
f un nlnuluillc n-rk. U lini ln-fn given In tuuu *
r V' iiHaf i iand In every liikUiicaniwrfrrtcura
Inutfullont-d. It ni-ver ( ulla. The hyueui oiico
linpr ginii > il with iiiBHprclllr , It bfcomraan utter
ImiioMlUillly for Um llijuor appclllo to exist.
JtlHIN V CO. , Cur. l.lili unj lloualuii. nnd
18th A' Citntino No. , Oimilin , Neb. '
Couurll HlHir * . Iowa ,
Cull or writ * for rmmplilc-l uintulnlim
Of U itla irunithHbiM nu mi-
i-r lliui-irtinli-y.
/ ' ) TH. B. BISDON ,
'General Insurance Agent
Insui-aucii Co. , Umdtin , Cnjli
. . V. , AfhlltS 1'XKUU ) (
, A - > IM , ,
KI , I'liUiutclnlttu , ,
Wuw Ilmniu-hlro Ca h Ahsc-ts.
* 1 > . M'WU" ' '
"Magnolia Balm
F/tJk / 5 * sfcifot aid to beauty.
Many a lady owes her fresh-
tij j-i-ue f to it , who would rather
H ' not tell ; and wcan't tell.
Interesting SlatlttioftI Ii-ioriiiiitloii
Concerning ( Government
Undo Snm'a expenses during tlio
yrnr were n ImiM a milliou u day for
cnch liiis'tiens.dny. That this rf | > tihlio is
nut ungrntotul iinliownby tliu faul tlint
the pi nsions item Icaih tliu list with
? " ( lHii,000 ) ; next H infoppllnnroiH , in
eluding public bdiiditijrs li lithotii'C'i
colIoctitiK thn rcvcntif , etc , il.OJO.OOO
intitt'ston the public di-bt , * . * , ( : ) ) . Ki.l ;
tlio Hinking fniiil , JiliiiKllll ( , ) ) ( ) ; inilit try.
iiifludlnfr rivers. harUors und uraciials ,
$ It.WXI.WJ ; Sivil i-.xpoiwi ( cdnyn-j. " ,
jiidiciarv , rtc. ) , $ 4 mK,0 ) < iOnvy ; \ \ , ? t < ! . -
UMUO ( > ; Iii'MniH , > HUUD,0X ) : foreign " "
tcrcourM' , $ , OI)0XW ) ( , tint ! Uistrictof Col
inn bin , .fl.111,00(1 (
Undo Sinn tak n In n Rood dnnl of
inontiy in tlio oonrso of a yunrVo nro
all tiivpayof ; , nndvo otiixlit to know
where thcso thruo hnndrud and twtsnly-
two iiiilliotiH t-omo from. Ninety per
cenLof the rovuniit ! . ur I.'OI.IKIO.OJJ , are
from ciHtpraH iunl internal -vunno
taxes , $ (8lOU ) , iKl coming trom tltut-im-
toins liuiisi-s. SalcAof public IttmU tnrn
in ? .i'iOMl ( < i tuon natiomil bunks
ty.CWO.OJO , prolitou coinajju , ctc.t | , OUU ,
( MW.
Cotton is still llib Ir.ldlnjf ntttoln of ox-
jmrl , being 30 pur cunt of the whom
The cotton exports wore : Unmantifao
t tired , $ JOJOXlWO ( ; luaiiufucturutt. 4 > I'J ,
tWO.tNHt. iVu.\t to cotton is bromUtnil's ,
? ltiii',000 ( ) ( : ) ) , or ! J4 per cent of the wholo.
I'rovMons nro thirtl , with 4107 000,001.
or It ) j > t-r oi'iit. Most of tlio broadctnll's
nnd Hourly all of the provisions imss
through tlio city of Chicago. Oil Is
fourth in importance , with &VI,0(10,01)0 ( ) , or
7 } per eont , tobaueo is tilth , with U.4 pur
In ITTCi tlio covornmont's oxponditnrc1
wuru four millions ; in lyOfi , six millions
in 1815 , twenty seven millions ; in IS.T
eleven millions ; in IS ! . " ) , ffuvuntenn mjl
lions ; in 1815 , twenty-two millions ; in
18.V ) , lifty-two millions ; in ltW. " > , twelve
hnndred'milboin : in 1675. ono Imndred
anil seventy millions , nml in , two
hundred and lit'tv millions. U'lito li ;
mu. < i exdndo the interest on the publii
Unelo Sam paid out during 183o .1 mil
lion : i week for interest o : Iho public
debt. Kveii at that he got oil' utier than
be lias in any year ninco 18K1. In 18(57 ( In
paid out for this purpose $141,000,001 ! , t :
it sum nearly equal to his present/ total
expense" , inelniung interest nnd sinking
fund. Even -so late ald.0 thu inturt-nt
burden was $ J5,0 )0OOJ. )
Our watehfnl Unrlo employ * 150 nion
to inspeet Motunbnat boilers and examine
masters , engineers anil pilot1'heso
men Hfjieeted 5tOO ! stetmer. : > dtiring the
year , and did their work .socarefully that
only thirl v-one act-itlent-s oeeurretl , caus
ing the loss of lt ! ? : lives , This is the
smallest loss yet reeordmj , but ono lifu to
wx'ury torty-threo vessels inspected.
The pension oWou U ono of Undo
Sam'fi bigge.'t concerns. It boars upon
its rolls tlio names of : ! I5,0 0 persons , of
whom itl,0J ! ( ) are army invalids and 78-
OIK1 widows rtnd minor- children of de
ceased soldiers. The survivors of tlio
war of ISU are still with us to tlio nnm-
bu of iW ! , while the widowsof those who
served in that war number 17.010.
Of the entire amount of customs dulio <
collected last , year , 70 per cent was col
looted from tlm following articles of im
port : Sugar and molasses , ot ) ; wool and
us manufaetures , 13 ; silk and its maun-
f.ietiue.s , b ; iron and steel and then
maiiulaetnres , 7 ; cotton nmnnfaetures ,
lijtlax , hemp und jute and their manu
factures , 5.
We are now in the mldht of a govern
ment liseal year. The reports are I'or
the year ending June ! W , last. Estimates
are given for the remainder of the year ,
and lor the year to come. A surplus eli
$ i 1,00(1,000 ( IM expected this year , ami
curiously enough , adelicit of nearly the
same sum for the year ending June 'M ,
Onr Tndinn population , exclusive ol
those in Alaska , is reported as number
ing : . ' ! ) > .OOJ , nearly all being located on
land set apart for their nso and occupa
tion , aggregating over 131,000,000 of
acres. As this is more than 500 a.urc3 to
each Indian , buck , srinavv , pnppooso.war-
warrior or balf-breeu , the tribes should
not starve.
Undo Stmf-has $ JOftOOO.OOO In Ins strong
bov , and in this respect is not hard np.
lut ! ho owes 1.313,000,0.10 , and Is there
fore $1,448 , ( ) < X,000 ) behind the world.
Fifty-live millions of people nro his en
dorsers , however , and hts credit is pretty
good the world over. Ho cun got trusted
for anything ho wants.
Sugar and molasses lend the list of im
ports , with it value of nearly$77,000,0 0 ,
or UJ per cent of the whole. Coflvo is
next , with ! JMO,000OJO , , or 8 per cent.
Wool third , iv million dollar } lower , nnd
silk fourth. The export of raw cotton in
$100,000,000 , and the import of manufac
lured cotton , $47 000,000.
Ouo-third of the public debt bears no
interest. The interest bearing debt is
$1,1370,000,000. , Two hundred nnd eighteen
millions of this boars 0 per cent , f 'OJ.OOO-
000 4 } per cent , and $ rJ8OJJ.OOO 4 per
cent. Sixty-live millions of 1'iiciho mil-
way bonds boar 0-per cent interest.
About ono man in ten of all these who
enlisted in thu late war nro reported as
receiving ft pension , exclusive of the do-
pondontfl of deceased soldiers. On the
1st of July , 1875 , tlio number of pension
ers was iWI.Sx'l , und the increase within
the ton years next thereafter was I10i01. !
The revenue marine .service ( guarding
coasts , inspecting merchant vosids ,
vihltinglighthoubes , etc. , under direction
of treasury department ) is larger than
moit people think. It contains a ttcot of
thirty-nine vessels manned by more than
1,000 men.
Undo Sam looks pretty carefully titter
the welfare of hisMibloots who go down
to the seam whips. Ho maintains more
than " 00life-saving btatioiiH , the erowri of
which saved more than 3OJO lives during
the year , losing tiluvou , '
Juno ! W last thnrovoro R1,2.VJ post
olliees in.this country , U.'irj of these bo.
inglilled by 'pre.sidontiitlappointment. .
Now York has n greater number of
presidential ollicos than any otlior state
sia Illinois being next with 181.
The exports of domestic merchandise
from the United Stato.s to foreign conn-
tries last year amounted toJO.OOO.OOO ,
the imports were s&WJ.OOO.O10. showing i\
balanao.of $140.000',000 In favor of
Yankeeland ,
It cost the government n million nnd ft
half last year to maintain the District of
ColumbiaUm law being that the govern
ment shall pay one-half of the o\pon8e.s
of thu District , ami thu inhabitants there
of the" other hull ,
On the lirst day of'lnst month thnro
wore in this country 8,700 national bank *
the number nlnoo the piibsauo
of the nittionnl bank law of l&K ) , Of
thoU-03 ! banks btarted muter thibluw
only 103 Jinvu fulled.
Undo Snm's btiililing onerations nrc
nearly tia Inrge us tliOfti of Chicago. Ho
Is now-practicHlly at-work unon eighty
now structures , Hwittered all over the
country , nnd designed to codt from ? 'i5.-
OlXMo 4lr,00,000 , ,
rTho government's receipts during the
year cntling June 00 , ' 85 , were ll-W.OOO. .
0 ( i , B'.llttle mojii tliMn a , million for each
working dhy.1 Uncle Sum Is still ahead
of any plumber or coal dealer in the
country. . .
The sinking ftintl Is one per cent of
the diitini public debt. This must bo set
aside ouch year and usti ! ( in Iho redemp
tion nf bonds. To it is added all frac
tional currency rodoomud by thu troius-
The United States array now consists
of 2,150 officers and 21,703 men Most of
the big nations of the effete Kn t support
armies eont.nininp moro oJlct-r * than
thora are privates in our little b.tud.
Kxclusivo of Alaska , about thr.vo-fift.li3
of tiie national domain has been sold or
si b evti-d to contract or grant. Of tno
remaining two-tiftlis a considerable portion
tion is uitncr mountain or desert.
Government rrcoipU during the last
year wt-ro cxactlv the samoas in 18(13 ( , ex
eluding loans. But in 18W the cxncndi
ttrej ; were were $1,017,000,000 , against
$ .t'i > , ( > JiOOu ) in
Duringthc lnstycnr ( lie government's
t'xpeusus were = ? 10.i 0,0 ) c'renter than in
1Sst , nnd the roe. . ipt. $ .SWK ) , < XXI less
Tlir-ro was , neverthoioss , n surplus ol
Since 1816 the government has spent
the snug sum of sfi.Vi.UiO.OOO in taking
care of the noble red man , not counting
the cost of killing or hunting him with
the military.
The Unlt-d States malls la t year car
ried iMl.UJO tons of newspaper and per
odieal matter , notes ! I nating the free cir
culation allowed within the county of
Pension is thn ono itrmi of public ex
penditure which eeiui to haVe no peace
b.isis. The pension estimate for the year
beginning July 1 i.uxlis § ? 5OJOOJJ.
Thogovcrnmont now maintains S,0K (
lighthouses , lightships and Mtakellghls
on coasUs and rivers , besides innumer
able fog signals and whistling and other
It cost thn people of this country
W,0t)0 ) ! ) ) to feed and blanket the Indian ;
lastyrar. In ItJSJ the cost of thcpo wards
reached nearly $10,000,0JO.
Congress is not such an ovrfcnMvo in
Mittition , directlv , nswtinn people Imag
ine. Three millions and it little more a
year are Millictent to pay its bills.
Dui ing last year the government losi
nearly $11,000 on dolicit .yardage ftl Jho
twine purchased for ute of the postollico
The number of passengers carried or
American .steam vessels during Iho lasi
year was about 030.0JO.OJO against oJO , '
000 in I8.TJ. .
The postal receipts at the 2r3" ) pros !
dontial poslollieot , is moro than three
quarters of the revenue of the postollico
There are now 178 cnrrier delivery
postollieus , employing -1,100 Carriers.
Conkllng nttd tlio Ijlbol Iiaw.
By the way , SI r. Conkling has dofondet1
every libel .suit brought against tlu
present management ot the Now York
World , and in many cases has displayed
that Milltl legal ability which his vneuiici
denied that lie possessed when he enterei
upon the practice of his profession. Oiu.
of these .suitHwa.s on trial this week in 11
Urooklyn court. Winchester Hritton , for
nicrly aUtrict nltornuy of thu county ol
Kings , and conceitedly ono of the bosl
lawyers in either cilv , was on the othei
side. And yet the e.vfcjenntor seemed l (
have ix walk-over , not because the case
was an easy ono. to defend , for. there was
lilllo doubt that the plaintiff had beer
leall.v wronged , but because Ills inlluuticu
over the jury waxed greater as tjiuy gel
butler acquainted with thu defendants
counsel. Aside from his knowledge of
law , Mr. Conkling showed that ho was
thoroughly conversant with ovor.y topic
that this ease could possibly bring up.
l-"or example , ho put a veterinary snrgoor
on the .stand and actually used him all in
by showing n greater familiarity with all
the books relating to the expert's profes
sion than the latter had himself. Ho reeled
ojVtechnical terms by the yard in putting
his questions , bul used them with such ap
preciative accuracy as to make other ex
ports tremble about going on the gland to
submit to such a cross-examination as ho
was sure to give them. The World cotilil
not Inlve mane a more fortunate selection ,
Conkling could not have well under
taken a more sorjous job than defending
libel suits for this particular newspaper ,
for il is. a notorious lnot among Now York
newspaper men thaljUr. Pulitzer's great
morning daily is perpetually inclined to
treat the libel law , whether on the civil or
the penal code , with the most sublime
contempt. In the case- above alutle.d | to
ilr. Conkling's onponcnVput Uio reporter
who wrote tno alleged libdons article on
the stand , and before ho got through with
him extorted -ndniLs.sion tljnt lie wa.s
directed by his city editor to prepare
"sensational" articled in any event. The
AVorltl is rather Vn exceptional" publica
tion in this particular point , having al
most no competitor in Uio Held of son a-
tional journalism. Its success has been
achieved through u careful catering to
the wants of the masse * of newspaper
readers and through ita pioneer eflort in
the direction ol pictorial. , illustration.
Most of the Now \ ork dailies are oven
unnecessarily careful alwjif treading on
the toes of tno libel law. Many of mom
have been bitten rcppntedly in the past
for comparatively HinairBiims. And yut
there is still truth in thu 'proposition ,
enunciated many years ago by a journal
istic wng , that "the United States ought
to mint a coin six cents in valuu for the
accommodation of such publishers as get
mulcted for damages in libel suits. " Such
a coin would .surely bo a great conven
Millions In It ,
Chicago Herald : "Thoro are some
mighty green men in this world , " said the
paHi-cngcr from the west , "and I struck
ono of 'em it wcok or two ago. If I hadn't
1 wouldn't bo hero now. Last spring I
went out into Wedtoni Nebraska mill
home-steaded a quarter section. I hadn't
seen the land , but look Itsupposiu' il wa-s
all right. But when I got theru I found il
already inhabited. About l.i ( ) acres of thu
1(50 ( were covered with a prairie-dog town.
Well , 1 concluded to Mittlo down and r > ee
what I could do , nnd I'm mighty glad now
that I did. About two woek'.s ago I was
up to the railroad station trying to get for some bacon and Hour and tur-
backer , an' feulin' right smart discour
aged. I was out of money and grub , and
the winter was comln' on fast , an' J
couldn't see any way out of it but to eat
prairie tlogs , an' thoy'ro mighty hard to
catch. Hut that day was the turning point
in my luck. Wliilu 1 was atthohtation an
Knglifclnnan got off the cars an' said as
how ho was out , west lookiu fur a place to
maku nn investment. Said ho'd heard o'
the fur business , and wauled to know if ho
was out in the fnr country yet.
" 'Furs , ' says I , 'thuro hain't , nof an'
just then an idea struck me , an' I changed
my tune , 'Furs , ' says I , 'tlioi-o hain't ' no
butter fur country than this , on 'idrth ,
Just oonio out to my place till I show you
my fur farm , '
"An1 ho wont out with mo , an' I showed
him thu prairie-dog town , an' , a.s luuk
would havu it , it was a bright Minny day ,
mi' thu dogs was out scootm1 around by
the hundreds.
" "J'alIIn' ; about furs,1 nays I , 'what d'yo
think of that ? I've been six years trrowin'
tho-io mink , t > .n' hain't wild u hide. It's
all natural increase , ( inoss they'd 'bout
seven thousand of 'on ; now , an1 they
doubloovoryyoar. , How many will there
bo in ten years ? '
"You oughtor seen that EnglUhmun'ri
eyes open tu ho took out his pencil an'
llgured il up. Homado it7.108OOUmlnk. .
" 'Well. ' KIVH I , 'call it lf.000.000 . , to bo
on the safe side. It won't coat f 1 to keep
em , dither , . ! ! ! ! ' if thoy'ro ' ivprth ti cent
thoy'ro worth if I iipioco. Thoro's millions
"Then ho got right down to business ,
nn' in les * than un hour I luul sold out for
$7XK ( ) cash , u' the nuduyjp.iid .
for Uio homestead at the bmd ollice , got
my patent , transferred it to In'm in' took
ho train for the cast. Stop into Iho
liuQ'cr with mu , } mrjnoruu' take a drink. "
Her coiuploxloifis likelier name. Why I
Shn iiiai L'o zoni'tf Coiupluxiou i'owder
aud ia u lily' . '
\ Ifowllnt ; In A < it Spoils n Itostonlnn's
llunej moon.
Mr , and Mn . H tbert Y. Totltl left the
IIolFman lum O Tuesday night of I.i
week on the taytlo their homo in ItoMon
Mr. and Mrs Touil were murried in Hos
the New York Journal.
Mr Todtl lfi > A jt-ry bashful man. lit
courted his w.fe , then M ss Agnes May
betry , for MX yen1-s amt lie never hud courage
ago enough to'b'rllposo to her. 'Ihe el
der Mr Muybi'tty tfavo Mr. Todd every
encourng enient. lie chained nn his dog
padded tin1 front gate , and lain in tons o
COM ! mul gallons of oil for the parlor
lump. The coal bin xvas umplv , the o "
can was at loWot-t ebb before Air , Todi
mnnnged to stammer out that ho wbuh
l > o tor.v Imppy i * Miss Mayborry wouh
marry him.
So they wcrp mnrriwl , but Mr. Todi
vowed thnt. ho would not go on n britla
trip. Ho told his wife that hn would the
if ho knew that everyone was Inilghing nl
him and pointing him out-as a bridegroom
Mr. Todd ob-iiirved that old married people
ple as u general rule had children. II.-
wife brightened nn und promptly bor
rowed her married sistcr'H baby. Mr
Todd was cornered , anil ho mul his wife
and her mater's baby left HoMan on
Thursday o\er the N. Y. , N , II. & 1I. U
Things went smoothly for awhile. Mrs
Todd carried out the deception by poking
the baby's ' stub no-iO into her liasbaiid'.s
uyo and tolling the "itsev witcoy ning" to
"kiss his papa. " Mr. Todd talked out
loud about their son at school und onl.\
kissed his bride in the tuunols. Kvni'i
other passenger thought that ho had beii
married for ten years except tin old lady
With groy cork-screw curls and eye-glasses
That old lady sat in the coiner seat um
glared ut Mr Todd until begot HO nervou ;
tlmt ho oll'ered tlm baby a chew of tobacco
Hv-untl-by the baby began to cry. Mrs
Toild bounced the baby np and down , but
the more she bounced him the more In
cried. Thn other passengers began t <
scowl on Mr. Todd , who got red in tlu ,
face and looked as if ho wished ho were
dead. The baby hail boon yelling for al
he was worth lor exactly forty miles when
the lady with the gray curls walked over
and said to Mrs. Todd :
"That baby is hungry. Why don't you
feed him ? "
Mrs , Todd turned crimson. Mr , Todd
fidgeted in his seat and .seemed about ti
fa.nt. Every passenger was staring ut Ills
wife and then at him.
"Ugh ! What do doas ho calV" finally
tiskcil Mr. Todd , ulnle drops of cold
perspiration chased each other down his
face and rolled over Iho face of his
The lady with the curls said not a word
She reached over Air. Todd and took the
baby from his passive wife. When she
marched with the baby into the buggugt
car , where sundry tin cans were runget
in lino. The old lady explained matters
to the bngguge nmster , and the baby wa-
fed out of one 61 the cans until it seemed
that his legs must bo hollow to hold il all
Then the oldUwV/ carried tlio baby back
to MrTodiljiiui handed him over will
the observation } '
"Young latly , don't you over try to fee !
the mother of fourteen. "
The other pos.-.ou'jors during Iho rest o :
tlio trip to Wovjf/i / ork were anxious to
know all about the son at school of whom
Mr. Todd hpd been talking. Whonovei
they stoppua latighing they tusked nil
sorts of questioiut about him. Arrived in
New York Mr. Tbild bundled his wife am
the baby into a cub. drove to the Holl'mat :
house and UiWgnrpheil to h'w sister-in-law
to come on in the first train. She caiho
and took hnrtthld ! baclt with her. Mr
nnd Mrs. Todd billed and cooed for
couple of du3'.s ; ( iitl went back to Bo'sion
How J. T. Ijloyd Scared tlio Bullion-
ulro Itnllroail Manager.
Personal reminiscences of the late W
Vumlorbill are numerous , and extremely
interesting. "W. H. T. " in a letter to the
Boston Glebe , relates the following : Yoiu
articles on W. II. Vanderbilt remind mo
of n good joke played on him. Just after
the commodore , died , leaving the New
York Central railroad to his management ,
,1. T.Lloyd , the famous war map man ,
had for many" years previous to that event
been issuing' Lloyd's Railroad Cnido , and
hud been in the habit of receiving yearly
nases from ill I the railroads ; but when
Hill Vanderbilt got control , one day Lloyd
wished to fiend mo , his general manager
of canvassing tigonta , to Chicago , and not
having rccoivcu a psixsfrom the Now York
Central railroad , wrote a note to William
H. Ynnderbilt for such a pass und return.
After waiting two hours 1 saw the great
millionaire the depot
in Forty-second street
pot ollioo. After reading the note he Kuid :
"How's old Lloyd ? Tell him for me
Vanderbilt owns this line now , und Vnn-
derbill don'igive passes. Oood day , faon
ny. " And I wis backed out of his pri
vatn oliico ,
When I reported the mutter to Lloj'd ho
wus wild wiln rage and swore ho would
gut even with Uiil Vanderbill.
Lloyd had at that time nearly ready for
pre- a cheap now railroad , tefi-gruph and
express map of the Unired B.ates and
Canada , to bo gold-ut 10 cents it copy , to
fold anil carry in the pocket. Just above
the title of this big sheet-map wa-s a blank
sitacii in the Atlantic ocean , Dx'- feet wide.
The map was not quite finished when
Vanderbilt sent his refusal to Lloyd.
Lloyd went to his dranghtiimen'8 room
unu ordered his best artists to make u ter
rible picture of a tram of curs on lire und
in collision , piled up like an eruption of
Vesuvius , with heads nnd limbs Hying
every way.
The urust Hindu u picture nnd cut It np
into .sections , and gave it to eight cngrtiv-
ors , who llnihlied engraving il lor priming
by dunk. Whim it was joined together
as ono bl j view , this was placed at the
lop of tno sjiiico In the ocean , und
over the out was placed letters threu inch
es largo.
"Stand from under. Killed nml wound
ed on the Nevv Yrk Central railroad. "
Undenieatlnhireiit of the terrible col
lision wore a'foW'of little Collins nu inch
loug , placed rJoerlogetlmr and a chrono
logical list opdlMicoidcnts that had on-
ciirrod on tliij.roiito for thirty years , with
the names of the killed and wounded.
Ju t below thU hut of killed wan u perieot
likeness of Wdlium H. Vandorbilt. anil
under this jiirwrn his nuino ami the
words , "Tho wnauir of tliii routo. " Uo
printed 10J copies and mailed one to Will
iam 11. YuiiiUy'Udt , one to Chuunoy M.
Depow , iinili t/iv " to the general ttoKot
ugiiiit.und one oiit-hlo the nous of William
II. Vtindorbilflnj'it day.
William IlXHiJidorliilt'fi coupe dtopped
at Kit Broadway , and ho came up hiiilrs
und gieeted 'HloVd ' in a triemlly mail'
ner. and pullin f > nt this ilibi ; = tor map ,
Kilil : ,
" 1 got this nt in.V house this morning ,
Hero , till tin-in up , " throwing ilovvn on
Lloyd's desk t-oiuu - twelve yearly
paries ,
Vundorbilt.told AngiialusSdiuIl , his in-
.imato friend , and Mime of the
directors of the road , who said ho ought
Lo have fought Lluwd rather than give
"Oh , I would have fought him nil my
ife , only ho had tmch u purfoot of
ny.self , I would prob.ibly luivn boon
Kilted bybomo eocuitUt wluto traveling
some day , "
PtiliHu Ojiinion : flut few who
m'rcd the beautifully iiuisliod steel
nunU buttons , briiculets.brooohtici Ia
to. coniulinuw worii by hulie-s , have
am tliu tronblu to asoertain Unit they sui
dum ooiuUt of other thuu cast iron , or tu
con 'dor what a very superior das ? of mu t bo employed in their inunu
fucturc , jet after a moment' * thought one
knows not which most , to admire , the ele-
gaiicn of the flni--lied work , the Intneaey
of the patt"in and the consequent skill of
the molder , or the fine ( ( Utility of the
metal that may be induced to assume
such elaborate and intricate forms Some
of the articles , us broodies , have a beaut.v
of network almost rivalling Italian liligre'e
in gold , Vet il is nothing but eu t iron
Thn polish is perfect , und , unlike oitlu r is not vusily tarn shed ,
oven \\Iif-n ovpivcd to thu not 'on of the
carbonic add nf n crowded , 111 ventilat < d
room. .The Instro has not the trying yel
low or oranjru of gold , nor the glaring
white of silver , but a dear , bluish , almost
transparent sheen from whieh the light is
ri'lleetetl ns from thn diamond. And
when cut into facet * , as are omt > of the
ornamental bntUm.s for ladies' tires.ot ,
they almost , rival the sparkle of the brill
iant. The polishing of thn facets is per
formed upon on 'ordinary bull' wheel
dre sed with emeus. Merlin iron is also
largely einployed in cii.sting statuettes ,
tileetro-plated or hienuered to resemble
bron/tes , for which they are frequently
Mild , und to which they are HOWIMI
inferior , except in tlio intrinsic vuluo of
the mute-riul , us the peculiarity of tlw iron
u ed is ItH capacity for easy ( lowing when
in n fused state , and thus perfectly lilting
thu most minute portions of the mold.
Steoot Car Incidents.
Chicago Mail : A very funny Incident
occurred on an Oiiden itvonno ear a few-
oven ings ago. 1 was ng to a sirup
in the trout end of the crowded ear when
it woman , squeezed her way through the
crowd with a baby in iier arms , all wrap
ped up und completely hidden fiom sign !
in a nhawl , und stood liersi'lf up in an tig-
oni/.ing attitude , as If mutually renroarn-
ing for their selllshness the peoili | ! who
hud seats. Then a gentleman and
cavalierly wavml the lady to a seat ,
When she had squared her.-elf around she
began to loosen up her Hhuwl-wruppud
bundle. The gentleman wlu > had given
up Ins seat was horrilied when the frowsy
head of n poodle dog was disclosed to
view , and the passengers who had observ
ed her fnssinos.4 in getting comfoitably
.settled , set up u laugh that wu lull , able-
bodied , and stitiric.u. The pooille-caress-
er looked first indignant , then annoyed ,
and lintilly confused , aud left the car at
the next eros-lng to o'oupu the jeers of
her heartless 1'ofiow-pa engor.s.
"Talking about this seat rolinqnUhmenl
busiiiu.-s , " said a shrill voice that was
found to cnu'tiato from a very small man
on the lower step of the lower platform ,
" 1 playe a good ono on one of tho-.o nicu ,
amiable woman who think they own thu
earth as soon us they eouiu inside of a
ear. Ho ! hoi I ivus sitting one evening
bust week wedg id right in between a big
man and a tuir chunk of a woman , when
a lady came in who , i reckoned , weighed
about 200. She seemed to fed real bad
because bomu ono didn't gut right un mul
u.ik her to bo seated. Then I thought.I'll .
have some tun. So' 1 wriggled out of my
inch and a half t-paco and says :
"Ilu\o a Mut , madam ?
"Slio MII ilod a llunktiil sort of a smile ,
and turned , around to sit down. You sue ,
I ain't a ho'avy weight , ami only about two
inches ot'spaeo win visible on the seat.
She looked at it sort of iinlonislied , and
then kind of si/.ed herself up.
" 'Ditl you sit there)1 says she.
' "YoVm.'KaysI.
" ' ' ' 'I 1 ain't
'Well. saya'shc , gucis very
tired. ' Then everybody snickered good
and hard , and two or throe fellows went
oul on thoifront platform to smoke. That
give her room enough for sit down. "
tt 4f
"I got even in another way , " Kiid u
man with a liureo musUieho , w 10 was bit
ing on a cigar for keeps. "I gave my
boat tu a lady ono day , and shu didn't
tsvpii look pleasant about it. Sort of , 'sthough it WIIH regular and re
quired by law. That made inn wnithy.
' 'Scuso me , madam , ' I says , ' 1 Ihink 1
dropped my purse on that seat. ' Shu got
np then , unil I turned round and sat down
as cool as ice-cream. Oh. she was mad :
Paid she had been insulted , and wont and
made a kick to thn conductor , lie said
he couldn't do anything about it , and .sho
got on"ut. the next corner , 'canto every
body wub guying her. "
AVlmt an Kilter-prising Drtininior Dill.
Chicago Herald : "I had a liltlo < i.\eri- (
enoo the. .other night , " Kiiil a drummer ,
"thnt took all my noryo and gall to bear
nj > under. Kvor inco Pvo been on Iho
r d I've made ita principle to meet all
engagements. Moro limn once I've
skipped three or four towns in which I
was Mire of Rolling big bills of goods in
order to keep mv engagement with some
girl or other. When 1 agree to bu at a
curtain place at a given minute you can
bet your last dollar I'll be thnro. Well.
the other day I landed in St. Louis , ami
suddenly discovered that in a inomenk of
forgotl'ulncss L had promised to lake two
girls to the theater that night. The girls
xvere not acquainted , cither. 1 halo a
liar IIIK ) n fineak , and the girls' brothers
were customer of mine , aijd so , after
thinking thu mutter over , I made up my
mind that I'd live np to my contract. So
I bought my seats ut two theaters , en
gaged my carriage , and prepared -
pared for the campaign. I Henl
word to the first ono that I'd
call for her rather early , and to the other
that I might be a few niiniilen late , I
whirled No. 1 oil' , seated her , excused my
self for n mlmito before the rising of the
curtain , slipped oul , and in two seconds
the horned were on a run for No. 2 , 1 got
her in the * > cat live minutes after the cur
tain rose. Stayed the act out , excused
my so If , wont back to the other , apolo
gised , and overytliing wus : all right. I
spent the o veiling Hitting from onu to the
other , aifd got my money's worth oul of
the huckmun , us I made him hump. I
madu inquiries as to Iho hour the plays
would bo over , and found I h-itl twenty-
live minutes' leeway. Then J made Mich
good use of these twunly-Uvu nimu < > that
1 got No , l homo und vuis buck utter No.
2 just its the curtain wont down. To do
this cost mu $ U , und the next day 1 hud
to skiji out of town b jcauso tlu luukni in
was after mo with a bill tor ono of bin hur -
OH.W liU-li hud died from overdriving , but not
till ufler 1 hud sold big b.lla of goods to
Ihu girN" brothers. Hoildos , I hail the but-
Islaetlou of keeping my engagement's and
performing an unparalleled feat In Ihu
theatre-going bu- > inc , Thiit'd the Kind
of hustler I "
a am. >
Tlie Atnoi Monument.
A Lnruimo dibjuilch to Ihu St. Louis
( ilobe-lumoorat ) of the 1'Hii ' MV.S ; The
Ames monument , erected by thu Union
L'acillo at Sherman , bmmnit of the Kooky
inoiinlain.s , at a cost of ? U'J,0K ' ( , proves to
jo o very troublesome charge. Itccnntly
t man named Murphy , of Laramiu CMy ,
nailo the discovery that it was situated
HI Mm public ) domain in.- t < ! iul of railroad
and , as was snppo-cd. II. ) at once locu-
oil tliu ground under the desert land net ,
ind wrote Ihu comiiany ollering hii title
'or halo. The Union P.unlio soul oul
Lanibertim "and Hynur , two of f
heir keeneit lawyers , \\lio pci > iiudcd
Mnrjihy to hU claim for two
own lots worth $100. it U learned since
lint thu lawyers bulldo/.ed Murphy Into a
settlement , claiming , and making Iiim be-
iiivo , that Jits had laid himself liabluto im-
irjsoiiiiient. It is loarnetl also that Lam-
KTnbn , who hailed from Omaha , loft
tlul'O nitli i ? 15,0 JO vvilliinbtnu-.tioii.i to iisu
my or all of it in bitUug Murphy oil' .
iVcdu'usday morning the last diM'overy
was itiJtdo tlint tlit | ontlro nOrtli sidu of tliu
nonument , fronting thu railroad , had
icon dccorutod with painted signs nxtoll-
ng Uio virtue of a mitdiuinu ,
Wage nt llulf > fa t.
The present custom ( if raisin * ' nags ! ut
mlf mu tiia ; m umlilum of piiblio niiuini-
ng is u i-.uj'ibiiii ouu. l/iKjumlionalily Ihu
mgiuul ciutom w u < U > Imrur llu 'd ut
Oio of the Best and Enrfjcst fitooks in , the U.S ,
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passsn nr Elavator
OHO. IltniKU. Mtttiivjor.
RnrNfT.S ! Morclinnwnml rnnnrrV Hank. l > nvM City , N li. | Koirunjr N.-itloml TtviV.'CoTr
ncy.Xi.-li.UiluiiiliiHSiuii : ) limit , Cuiumbua , iNoli. ! JtuiionuM 4 Hunk , .Niwlu ri.tlln , Noli.
rtnllutml Hunk , liu > : ilm. Nt-l > . . . .
Will pay i-uaiuiuoia' dnift with bill of IniHnjr ttncluHl. for tmi-tlilr.b vuluo of moot
forts and military .stations as a sign of
public gnet. Tito flag is suppuM * ! to bo
ordinarily Hying from . hu.ul ut
such places. Tins is tlio sign of security ,
, tlllll 111 till ! tUlllS ( if Will' , of do-
iiuticu. It isulwuys tin emblem of sates-
tuclion , nail sometimes ol joy aud tri
umph. It was then lilting tlui in reoog-
nitiun of public sorrow tlio ling should lu
partly lowered. Hill such is not the ex
isting custom. Now mi tlio death of pub
lic uu'ii all husli ) is m.ulo to run up a llag
to hull iiuiton every available lliigsluu ,
though , Iml for .such d.-atli , tlio j.tall'
woulil purlups juivo ronuiiiod il.igluna tor
months. Pno eil'oel is to g \ o u < : ay afar
mom festive air tituu it umiltl have worn
hail no such diMtli occurred. Tins a enri-
ousoviilonoe. ot the gradual perversion of
a cititoiu. Hut ono pti.iso of tin ) new do-
velopm 'tit di'survoa puiilivu rcprobulion.
Tout ! > thu tiding ot DUMiieas banners at
half must.
The Great Invention ,
inthtnitJlart' FA Jilt 1C or IfJimtS ,
anil p.irtlcnlarlj" adapted to irnrmCtimolc *
Ko ( amity , rich or poor , should be ivltlioTit It ,
Sold by nil ( jrocors. but Itiivara ot vllo tml
tatlons. Jt'JCJJZ > "JJ Is mnntifactun <
. . ' . , . . . .
, Dl.nW. I'- ' ul A r. .I > lt
; ' < . A hw * "l * ' " ' " ' ' "iV * " *
"JJ 'j" VIJ
* " " * *
I. i v"V w"
Asthma Cure.
This Iimilinililo upocfflo rnnrtllr anrt perma
nently ctiitid till kliuli of A tlnnn. Tlio inont
dl ) tlniti ) Hint lon < -tiiiHlinn cuson ykJil iironrit-
ly to lt wmiilorful curlnit iiinm-rfl' " ) . It It
known tlirniijrlioiit tlm uorld for Its unrlvalod
J. 1 , . OAMWKrr .clty of Mncnln , NPO. , wruoi ,
.Tnn , S5 , 1N1 : Hlnce uslnt ; fr. ) Ifulr's A-lhini
Ctiro. for nmro Until onoyi-iir , my wlfo hits boon
oiit.i-fly ncll , nml u it even a Hymptom of tlio
dlh'ti-o tins iippt'tiioil.
WIM.TAM HIlNXirrr , niohlaml , lowu. xvrltn ? .
Nor , ! M , tr"KJ " : I linvn boon nllllcu-d with liny
IVvor mul"tMim | Hlnni Irt'fl. I lollnwril your
dlrvotlon * mul um hnni > jr to M y Hint I never
tilupt bolter In rny llffi. r am cluil thiH ( um
mining1 tlio many who win epoiik nu favorably of
A rnlunblo ( Upturn treattio t-ontiilrilnsr Hltnllat
runf frinn ovorr fctnlo In ihu U. S. , Canniln uuJ
rent UrltHtn , wlir liu millutl upon iiiiillniilloa.
Any druejrUt not bnvlntt la stock will pro-
ro 11.
( Jure wltliiitii infjdl
A POSITIVES . 1'iitoiitcol Octo
Imr 1C. ! .
Ono lt > \ will euro
Iho most obtlnnticti ) o In fonrdays oi-lo-s.
Aiian'sSolubleMedicatad ' Bougies
NoiiniisoiifiusilosoH ofciitijUs , ropnlbitnr oil n
Kiiiiiliiluixicl tliaturu tci'tuiii lu jiiuUuju ilynii-i | >
sin l > ydirnVi ( \K \ tliu eoatln i * at tlio Htn niioh
rricii 'I..M ) . BJJ | ' v till iliuif.rlaU or nmlleil nn
ret-oliitof prlio. I''r furl'ior ' iinrtloiililrs Hoiul
loi-L-fri-iiliir. I' . O. llox , /1JID D
j. a. .A.LXj.A.itT oo. , VjUliij
KJJolinU. , Now York.
_ nipvth-tiitljm.Vo
I'or ovcn vcnri I BU fcreti iflth a cnnnrr on
rny incv. H , , ir u.i n lis it 'i ' u tr.en I ii >
UHinm n ( < d um i n > 01 8 rill - atioil.c \ > ii.U , I lib-
tuimini'il o unit o mi < luit lOM-iiiiioit , 11111114
I HIIS r IKV. Elllll , HII , ll Kttllllil USD , Tlltl Illllll-
tllCOOl'tllO IllCllil IIB Ut 11 fit tVIIH tO bOllldWllHt
lUHiiiMiln tliu KIHIntl ; HMIII tlio inllmiiniinn
Viiatilj | | Oil und I hcwin In ill P oyu iitloi1 Ihu
tlist tuw iiuiil ( ' = . Jly iii n iml tits I n hut wio.uly
liiiiio\c-il. ) I n"i ttuum'r. nml ithlj to do any
kind ofuik. ) . T i cuiir < > r on my lit i > Im-jrun to
ilirio.i1 * mid Hi" 11.or td lice' ' , iinlllthoio U not
u vi-ftiuuof Itlufl only a Mill ) K.pnr imiiUi tlio
p'l-cc. ilux. .loii'lii A MLUn.vii.u ,
Atliuitu , On.\uaiihl It , USi.
] luivo luul u riuuuir oTi my fiico for Mtmn
yuiirii , osieiidiiwittiiu ono u ' ! umo UI-H-M
Iho nom to tliu oilier , Ji Im Kl * ' ' " nio H irtimt
ilunl ot 1'iiln , nt nines tunning mid ltd Inif to
Buvli nn I'xiiint Him ii vviu iilmoal nu xmiMnlo. I
iximiaununil inm * HttliYvttpcvlllolu May , IKS'i ,
id lm\o uod nlKht liurli' % ll lias whim tlm
irifintfrtt rellrr liy remorltitf tlm Inlliiiiiitllnn nnd
Drf my jonunil lioulili. \V ,
KnoxvJIlo , lown , 5k-jHH , Wi
Tu-utlnoon liluoil mid tKIn mnllctl
i it- .
' it1 1 ho Rivlfi 8i 'illn Co. , Drawer U Atlanta , Uo.
N. y , Ii7 W , XH t\ \
Man and Beast.
Mustang Liniment is older than
most men , and used more and
tnore fvery yeir ;
O . "E , " 1 - & . ivIM . ? > 2K
sfe 1f , RJM&
T * * SE $ $ K. % 2&TcL , } NV ' ;
6t '
JsT S MN. * , V'vlV t r > U
tlv n"\on Of II * cehtml lie lil , n niui HOT rrlntlmi t *
nil pi In > lml | Him hn t nu \Vm I > t. at Inltlnl and I'r-
nlnnl | > i f , ron tl"ittUio lm > t lint > mlit.
rnntlnvnt il link m I not * v t < ni or Otnxiirli ti-n iw n
titlim whli-h Invltwi nu I fiH'Mlli-l. tUTi-l nml ttiiltla
liriuti'piii-ltK'ior th Allnntliml IMi'ldp < > ( . U
11 al < K thr Itiiurttt in l lirol rniilo to mid friim iMtlnt
Ki l Ntirliu'n t nlitl < olir UHf nn.t rorifrltunililtff
IxiliiK U'tiil , NdHhwr.t anil Hi > ntliv > r > t.
The Great Rock Island Route
Onimnteon Hi lutinnit lli l OIIIH : or t'pmonnl itvcrl-
tltr airunlitl I'V 11 Hillil , tliinniiitlilr | IHI | II | mnil-
li l. iitKtotli trtrlia tir ii > nf InnoiiH f rl M ll. * iili tfn *
( Ullv liulli iiilvi'i'i nml'lMiiK . Hii-rUBHiii r
prrictl n a * Itnm 11 * kMI rrtn lunkn ir. Ih * ntf lr
nipllnin | < fHiirp\l' ill liulln .l' ' sinl nd-liii'kfm
nil tint I'Tnrilnar ll itilhii * MI | li Lrmeilin tli iilut-
tli'nl u ) > > riitliMinr nit IIM ltn.lti < > nn < r > irt ItMI. nt
Dili iiiiili > nr linii'li-i'H nl nil riMiurclluuixilnlii In
( Julon p.j j > t . mill Oiu mi HIPAM.U coniTuiu and
luxurlOHnf Hi r.iM4mirPr rinnlP'i'Cilt. ' '
Th'ii PnH ! 'ii > ri"i Tinlm Iw-twiTn rW nm and
IVnrlrt.Conm II HhllT4 , ICalt nN Clly IjMitrnvri nh niU
Alcliln -It * t < o up i fil of urll Iplitlluliil , flnrlv up-
linuirrt'il linv r.HKKeH jlniMilllii nt I'titlrnnn 1'f.l/irA /
HK | , | j..i > nr the lite-l ilr-lii , Mill MiinliiiiiiIllnliiir |
tiir ! In wild ti D ! iltnrttpl > ( iHikfMl tuotiUnli * I. l intlr
1'ifi n ItDlnri'iiC'liiriirn nml Knn ir < ( 'ltrfliiil AlrliUon
Kl nli.9 mil lh Okliintnl Kcililllii | I Inilr C'nn.
The Fomous Albert Loa Route
ti tlioillnvt unit fnrnrll" Hue l > lni-rn ( "hloHKOon.l
BIlilli > ni | > ili4nluISr I'lint.ivliiMn crnllpctlnTimtui Innilo
In tinlun Oi'tMH ri i'nil point * III tm | IcirttnrlCH tiiul
llrlti-li I Ten nu CM. < > i-.r , tillu.ulf F > ( t I'tptex
J'r.Uni mo nm to tliu u UiTlnir Mn.r . pinin.'r.r . -
r.irti. | ik-t'iicvtMo limiltikH. iin.l liimllnir mul Ilnhhiij
ct uniliio ( liiwinliil Mlntiroiifi II Inl < i > tl'iHH.t
il" lfaLlan it li > tun H.-lf whpiit Ili-lilj i.nj irualuial
lull Nor Int'ilur In t i
Ntlll uniitli r DlltKlM' I.1SK. ll l-i-nprn flli.l Knn-
KlVt' , 1111 * ll lMI | l ll I ( ttMirtt I Inillltlitl. ItlllMn *
ou > llinlul lj > li ; > fitinml iViiiin-tl lllntT . Knti n ntr.
UluiiviiinilliiniiiHt I'nill nuil Inti-riiiiillaliMuHiitii.
I or detail.I iiirmiiritlon rrn Mnt > i > ml r Mrni ,
oTiMunhkMn . .HI IK n.tft , nt nil l"Mndl' nioli I
Oi.'i.iin ilia UnllcU butt. mil Cnu.iJa ! ur t > y uU-
[ lu-j-lni ;
rn' 't A. Uen'l M'K'r. < li n'l T'JU A : l'a . Ag't ,
Worlc for Voiti ? ao
Jl'ii ' , oily 51 by mall , ,
njliniistertVltJiIltr. Ktrrntw and I'tndcnl Pchl'ltr '
I'rrimitiirn Doi-llrio In Mnn , Kirnra nt Voutli , nml t'io
innoiil nl'i-ilftt rfun'flnirrrmn in lvi-r llnn nnd et
reii Ofl. A hiHtk lorvery num. yimnirmiltill(4-itzcij
nnd nlrt. It cnnliitnn \ prao-rliitluiiK for nil nemo in Iii
- ' > --ii- nt with ti If Invnlqiliin. Ho
ork In rrfrr pn n inprhnitl ni.lllcr.iry .
Flnniilttihn nnynthor wnrU In lliln rminlrr for I'.IL
or OKI Miiincy will iiorxfunil In PTITJImtain'O. . i > o
i.nly H hy m-ll. pnstpnld. Ilhi < tniti > i | mmnlu , il- .
H'nil nnw. Culil mo MhnrMfli'il tin. tiiuiior T tin V\-
lli'iml Mi > illi-Hl AH o-l tlon , til the ninei-nof wn"i ; "II "
n'l'liu Sell-roof I Jfoalionld tioroiiil hy ttio vr.nni f-r
l triitlonuiiil liy UiDuiiilctutl turroll * ' , H will 1'jui ) .
lit nil. lAiinlon Ijnatit.
'I ln > rahiiii > niiimin > riiC aixlorjr to whom thn cloioa
nf l.ltu trill nut oj niuliil , wlii'im-r juuin , parent , uu ir-
dlmi. Iniirui'ioror cIvrtfjniUMr-rArifoiiiut.
Aililtti-i Mm IV ilniiiy .tlu II > xl liisilmtp , nr Ir W. II.
1'jirkvr , Nu , Iliillliiirli lr vt. U < . iiii , Atnaa. , wlio mar
I'll ( oiiiullud cjn nil illitit.iiin riMiiiilnji skill und uipun-
HIT. CiiroiiioiuM ( niiiin.iio iiiM..iM..a MIU n.ii'u
lmtUi l thn itlilll i f nlldlliur pliyrtl-
u'\nni \ > , u HiKicialty. t-'ucli tiuuioil
jiicuxfiilly xrliliuiit nn lii-liinco
cilitllurci. Mnnllmi Uiis Ditour.
Railway Time Table
-u *
T o rollowliitf ( 1 10 niui of nrnvn1 und de-
purl nu ( U trnlris liy Central Hriuiilunl tlmo it
t . ! < > iiio u - . 'intjiisoc iim t ; . . Ht. r. , ir. &
O. itrrlvo ittul LlnfMift from tlioir ( fount , cornar
nl lltli nml Weli-utrntrei-lM ; tniliMuti the II. It
M. , I , ' . , II. X ( > . tinil K. 0. . Ht. J , & 0. II. from fie
II , iV M. tluiiol ; nil utliors from tlm Union 1'aulflo
duHjt. |
I'rlil ttril is w. I imv . i < Icpo' nt QM
JJ7.n -diU-M.4ll" : hSi10iWU : : : U . in. ; 1 JO
1 .j tf > t ' ; : : W : iM : ( 4:00-fi : o = - Cju il : fi-
C.iii- ' : 0 11:1(1,1' : ( in.
l.unviiirii mi Oiiittlmut 7:1' : ! 1 > SI5 ; : :0 :
in-4 'I 10ri-lU'i7- : n , m. ; lil - Zi U-
. .
CON K TINH lINr : ° .
Ari > vnl mi I iu mill i- < > r ti.Utis fiom tlio
0:15 : A. M Mull unit I'.vi n-.vj , , , , 7:00 : 1 % u
Wil AUO - I' , M
r , M . . . Uv r .1 Uil&A. tt
L'liuuiin A i.i. .c IKH.
0lfi : A. M . . . .Mail unil KXI > ICHI 7 : 0 c , M
7:15 A. M . AwjiiiniiKKj.itioii . r > : : sii ) > , M
OHIUAdO. mil\\r.\UKKK \ * HT. I'AUl. .
0ilA | , Ji . .Mull mul Kxirm.i. | . . . 7iOiM
nsK ! A. u . MiU ! unit Kviri-s-j | , . . . 0ilO : I1. U
callM . . KKIWH * . . . . UliM
2lftlM Iddvl Kt iMUla KxpiiHS Uu-iil . . . .
UUjr. : M 'i raiitfloi SL UnilH Jix.'J'nuHfcr.Il ii1 , M Jdl ! ii COI'Mlj. ' lUJl'IM. '
OWAM ; ( . Mitllnnil MvirciM | , . . Vi'ii-M : :
8fwr. : u . i\ino4s : . . . , COA. ; : it
IIIX tui-y iIKHJ. .
7Q3A : , M Hiouxd.vJl II. , . . , , 7:00 : i > , u
ll'-ail' . w . Ht. I'liul Kt ui'si , . , Ui.Ti A M
Duiwrt. _ \VEST\VA \ 111) . _ Arrlvo
A. M , r. M. I { INIIJ.VI I'Ai n-'IU , , "A , u"i r , u.
Sti'Jll . .J'UUlllOliXIMIIM. . , 7SOll ;
. . . . ' . .Dimviir K.\ni | > t
I O. AilllJf. VAI.I.BV.
10. ; | . .Mull nnil KxpnM-i. ,
8:10.1 : Jlalliinil li\ii'0ii. |
A , M , | IM. . Mlh OllllI
lOiUUil , . . ! > ;
Xllili . .Mtflit H pi-cHU. . ,
ic. ( ; . , KT. J. iV a u.
J > : 8:4.ti : .Vlu I'lntlsmoulb. .
] )0i ) | rt. NOin'IMVAttt ) .
'A. t I1. M. J T' . HT. _ ! ' ) , it. .V O. I ATM. , I' . M. '
. , . , . . 6j6o : ( > iiiiUiui Ai.cdiiiiiujil'i'i idi'ddo'
iumrt. | KASl'\yAltlJ. \ Arrlvo
A..V.I t'.M.i . . .a , 'n' It t.C. I A.M. if.ti | ?
.Vlu m s-"oiitli. . .1 0M : ! I
Will Icuvo u. I' , di'iiot , Ojnibii , at p:10 : 3 : : -
J0.45--IU Mil. m. ! ' H-l ! l MA tftji. m.
1 luv H'.D'i i uitU InrOmuli i uf"rIBTi : : n.
m. ) U.Oi-1 3H : A w-Oiuv p. m.
( l i- . * < i--'ji ilnlly ; Il.iUii y i.lpi/l't / ' HiitidHyi
< * . < lHlljM'fcj > t Futunlsyi II , dillj'oiwi't Mm *
hwl , he. InIn r t.1 ' 111' uliipi ry knnnn n