Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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A Moro Efficient Force Bujnircd to Protect
Valuable Property ,
AOInnco at flic 1'iro Warden * * Hrc-
ortlH JIulicas Cui-pii * Cmc Tlio
A Hold UurRlar.
[ KHOM lilt ) IU.r/8 MSCOt.X1iflir.Al' . ]
Tlio BKK lias a ( piii'k pointer to Ilio
oflVct lliat tiltho next meeting of tlio city
cnutioil nn ordinance will be ndoptud
creating .1 paid lire department. It is
time that onii-tliing of tlio kind was
dono. Lincoln now lias a population of
nearly 23,000 , nntl tin ? citizens luivc mil
lions of dollars Invested In business and
residence buildings , and stocks of goods.
Tlio only means of lighting lire at pwuut
is the mongrel institution eon Ming of
two paid men nnd thu volunteer com-
panics. Tint Caul that no really destructive
llrti.H hawi occurred for a long lime does
not detract from the face Ot tlio proposi
tion thatn ohauiio is needed.
Tii < > toltintcers have dour. good sorvieo
in tlio rrnxf , nnd it fa gratify in r to know
Hint Ilit ; ordinance will not contemplate
their disbandim-tii. The oli.ji'et. Bought.
for in a foree that will vvoik limnonfriii : l.v
and lie under the direction and control of
Ilio city authorities. Jt is thu tad tnitli
that harmony is one of the nth-Ing ele-
inenta last now. Warden Xmvlmry ic-
perU that tire volunteer arts very dila
tory , and tlio hitter retaliate b.VMijiiig
tha't the warden gels his apparatus out
lee fuiuk | , and docs not givu them a
( liaucii to respond to I ho alarm.
To got at tlio true imvarttnoss of
Iho all'air the HIK : man jesteiday in-
MM'ttrd Ihoreio ( Is in tlieuarden'n ollieo.
They show that the two volunteer h'o o
conrpanicf , tlm Pitzgurnlds nnd Mer
chant * , number about KM ) miiii. In addi
tion the city employs Xewbury as lire
warden at u ' yearly salary of $ ! ) ( ) , and
( Jeorge Well /'el as driver at $000. The
only apparatus u > t'd is tlio two horse
hone cart. Ncwbury went , into olliue in Since then there have been
live lirea. The tnne.s , locations and at
tendance of liremi'ii , is given below :
i'iiteiiiber 10 Newton' * house , Tenth
and II streets. Warden anil driver pres
ent with cart. Two ttruam.s * laid. One
member of tin * Fit/guralds and two of Iho
Merehant.s' were on baud , but too latu
for service.
October I ? - 7o ' Hoagland's hou e , F
and Nineteenth , Warden and driver and
three volunteers present , l'JWfccL ) of lioic
laid.OetobcrT. . Frame house on 1'oso street
between .Seventh and Eighth. Wardun ,
driver and two volunteer * responded.
December 8 O'rfhea'.s house , H and
Thirteenth Mreets , warden and driver
piVMjuti no volunteers.
Deeeuiber 15 Noble'rt JIOIHO , Four
teenth and < ) streets. Warden , driver ,
and one member of the Merchants on
bund. Three members ot the Fit/ger-
aids and two Alert-hauls responded biter.
People acquainted with thu work of
fighting lire will readily soc that an aver
age of live men is not Millicicnt. to Iiandlo
Iho apparatus promptly and eireetually.
Tlie new ordinance will provide for two
pipe anil two line men at a yearly salary
of $000 each , making a total of MX pui'd
men ut an annual cost to the eily of
$3V)0. ( ) This force , with such assistance
; IH can be rendered by thu volunteer.- ) .
will , it is thought , make an elleelive de
The clisc of ( iolham.s. . Lanliam is
still on in the d strict , court. The action
is ono of those peculiar ones in which
there is no real light between the plain-
till' and defendant. In thu spring ol 1ft5 ,
Lanluim contracted to build tint \VimNor \
hotel at a cost of $ l.iOO , Theodore
Itiriie ; ? , the owner of the property , agree
ing to advance him money fiom time to
time to pay his workmen. For some rea
son Hai nes neglected to put up. and
Ciorham who had leased tlio hotel , nnd
wanted to got iiuoit , loaned Lanhaml-
( HX , taking the hitler's note secured by his
mechanics lien. The suit is now brought.
? " ! ! .C ! .r"wou ! tins lien mm compel
Barnes to pay up. liarues * Uefeiiso is
that there are vital defect * in the .structure
mid that Lanham hns no equitable claim
aa , n t it.A
A IIAllOS COltrrS CASi : .
A bright ittle girl of 7 years , was
brought before .Judge Parker yesterday
on habeas corpus proceedings. The
( iluiin is made that in J877 the wife of
rranl : Drewry , a farmer living in western
Iowa , died leaving the child in question.
A visti'r of the tk'eeased , living near hiii-
coin , took the girl anil _ kept her some
two years , but In-coming sick and unable to
cure for her sent her back to her hither.
Luler nl the aunt's request thu little one
was sent to her again on a visit , bincu
which the father says he has been unable
to get possession ot her. The child wants
to remain her aunt , but as the case
stands the judge will probably , much
against Ids wi.sli , be compelled to turn
her over to the care of her father.
In the name couit ycMunlay Frank
Uullonu , of Omalii' , recovun da judgment
of $100 on promissory auto ugtuiiht Au-
gi.nt Armlt.A .
Hherill'Melick yesterday received a tele
gram Irom Mr. Atkinson , of Waverlv ,
asking him to arrest u mini named John-
nun goin ; ; went on the I ) , ft M. train.
Tbo dmrgu wiis juniHiig | A bill of f IH.
The Hherilr hud no ] ) iiper.sor legal grounds
for Johnson's detention , hut succeeded in
getting him to hand otilf-'ion uccomit.
When tlnr board of regents met yeMw-
day Messj-n , Holmes mid limit put in an
nppearaurc * id tookart ] ) in theprocecd-
ingH Prof isicholson Hiibuiittctl a re-
jioiLiii relal.on to his purchase of apiia-
nitu.t for the chemical lahoratory during
his trip to Kuropc. About $1UI)00 ) have
been expended tor thu purp'ose of lixlng
up th M deurlmcnlund | all tlninppuniliia
will l/o of tlio latest design. Prof. Nieh-
vUon thinks it will bu one of tint beat
equipped in the country. In Ids report
Pi of. HcMboy , dean ot the agricultural
Hocicty , recommended the addition of a
conrxu in veterinary noienee. ' In the
botiin'cal department Itessoy's idea is
to make the cut re cmipns a garden , and
to this end IUIH had many varieties ot
trees , shrubs , etc. , planted and properly
labelled. DnKng the term bulletins have
In-on Usucd Kliowingthu resullaof u.spcri-
inenUs Hint have heen made on thu col-
lyjo tttrm , nml asnole > l previous
ly in the KKK , a of ov-
perlment is now fbeing conducted on
Iho farm by Dr. ( icrln and Prof. Uessey ,
by wh.cli they hope to prove iliu ollleaey
iitiiHHiiilulinii in preventing hogoholera.
Biipurintendfiit W ingof thu codege , rti-
( Kirtfi the following blooded stock on
bands Shorthorns U , ( lallowayn 7 , llere-
lords 5 , llolsleins ,1 , Jci > eys ; ) , Ayrshires
} , Duvon 1 ; grade ' , ' . In addil.on thcru
ire ? her 'B , 4 inuli H nn I BO hogs. Tlit-ro
have been raised ou tiiu tiiim : . ' , H71
biishols of shelled roi n and Illtcen acres
ftdd.Uonal wcru cut for fodder , I,7L'0
bushels of oats , 450 bushels of mangels ,
jsnOlcIunt potatoes and vegetable tor thu
IIKV of thu Loardini ; depMrtmunt , LH )
bushels ot Ijenns and tiintu and wild hay
.t for thu use of the cuttle and horsivs. Jin-
. mxuuiuciit * ou tbu farm lm\e beun mudu
lui follows ; Tlio dormitory building has
li'een painted inside unit out and thu
rvooil work about thu budding has been
buvd in good rupuir. A corn crib and
ferula cluvutur ln ve been built , thu yards
Vnd c.xcrc.bu puns have been out rely
j-novatetl ami tlio burn rcmwlcletf.
ihcru uro forty-live acres town In tame
grnsaci , nbont six acre1 ! nro planted with
fruit frees nndthoro is \iueyard of tour
The resignation of Prof. Goorpo 13.
Howard , us librarian of tliomilvcrMly ,
ncct'ptcd. HM ditties as secretary of
the State Historical fioeinty nnd also ot
tlio Nebraska Teachers' Heading circle
took up all the spare time he had outsidu
of his professional work. Hence his
desire tu be relieved of the care of the
Al their merlin ? ibis nftrrnoon the regents -
gents elected Gov. Fiirna1 ? honorary ceo-
relary on forestry and kindred lopies ,
thus making him virtually a member of
the faculty. Acommiltro was also ap
pointed to confer with the manngerf ut
the tiitc fair as to the advisability of
starting a school of veterinary bitrgery
nt the university.
A not u rtmtm.AR.
Yesterday * aflernoon people living on
Fourteenth Mrcet , between N and O. sur
prised Warien Miller in the act of bur-
glari/itig a tenant home from which thn
fiindly wenab nnt After n fu i.slo Mil
ler was captured nnd held until Captain
Post and Otlicer Fowler arrived mid
took him into custody. He was at once
recogui/ed as a local tough who had
served three t < rms m tlio county jail ,
during one of which be distinguished
himself bj gouging an eye out of a fellow
prisoner with a broomstick. A full set of
burglar's tools were found in his pocket-
nnd sitHlcleut e\idencoof another nature
secured to insure his conviction.
Oi rv unices.
Judge Parker turned his coiirl room
into a miitr menial bureau for a few min
utes Tuesday alternoon , and mairied
Nettle Mtinson and CluistMctiiH' , accord
ing to tlio latest and mo t approved
edition of the Marquis of Hymen rules.
W. L. M.iy , better known IIH "Lew"
May. of Fii'immt. is in town traii.sicliii"
some private bti > inr > ss ru the Plato capllol.
J ew i * oitiid as u dollar , physically , but
cNhibits great' hesitation aleut ) silling
dovv n since hi.s attempt to squat ou a sec
tion of Uinalui puvuncnt one day hibt
Volume 1i of tlio .Supreme Court Kit-
ports is renl.\ : for dlsiribution.
.1. K. White of Grand Island was in
Lincoln ycblesday looking after his no
tarial commission.
Thomas ( ilcunon , the JVaverly wife
beater , was sent to the county jail yester
day for M\iy days.
The \Vlutcbrea = t Coal company has
given notice of a change in jls articles of
incorporation , under uliicli it will be em
powered to raise Iho capital stock to
A very agreeable musicale was given
at the university last night by Miss Min
nie ( jochran and her pupils , as i.stcd by
some musical friends. At the close of
the entertainment a rccention wns held
in the studio.
The notice of increase , in the capital
stock of the Omaha Gas company , Irom
$ ; ; < )0,00 ) ( to $ r > llO , < MH ) , was drawn "Octo
ber Ullth , 1381. " and tiled December Ifilh ,
ISS. " ! . Something must be wrong with the
mails between Omaha and Lincoln ,
'I'lie mysterious bell ringing , which has
been troubling Clerk Higby at the Win-
ser for several nights past , ha.s been
traced to crossed wires , ami the guest
welcomer is happy.
Commissioner Scott is advertising for
proposals for furnishing the various state
institutions with supplies during the quar
ter ending March III , 18SU. Kstimalcsean
be had irom Mr. Scott and bids will he
received until December ! ! ! .
Pres.dcnt Austin , of thu fire depart
ment , has called a meeting at the engine
house for Friday evening at 8 o'clock , at
which it is expected Waulen Ncwbury
will be hauled over the rack for calling
attention to ( he fact that the volunteer
tin-men are not responding to alarms as
promptly as they should.
Thu infant son of Mr and Mrs. Doyle ,
who fell trom a second story window
Tuesday aitcrnoon , was reported to bo
resting comfortably yesterday , and strong
hopes of its recovery are entertained.
On Tuesday evening , the Kith , there
was a large and enthusiastic meeting of
farmer.s at Crounso'ti school house near
Malcolm , Lancaster county , under the
auspices of the Farmcr.s' alliance. The
house was crowded. Farmers drove as
tar as nine miles to attend this meeting.
Mr. Burrows , of ( ! agc county , addressed
the meeting on subjects connected with
the interests of tlio farmers and was fol
lowed by Messrs. I. N. Leonard and
Charles Grillith , of this county. Tlio
meeting will r&siilu in a closer organisa
tion ol tiiu tanners ot that vicinity.
The iniardians of thu city's peace , will
dance dull care away at Temple hall on
the night of .January 0.
Marshal Heach is notifying the drivers
of licensed vehicles to step into the cap
tain's ollicu and their
gut pcnmtb rene
ne wed.
Yesterday afternoon Ollicer Fowler was
called to 1021 O street , where he found an
intoxicated man ruuniiig things to suit
linns. > ! f. The chap was from tlio country ,
and having told u load of bogs , was
painting O street a lur.d vcrmillion.
Seven plain drunks occupied the time
and attention ol' Iho police court yester
An aggravated case of wrong doing
was mane public last night by the
of W. Fundertorg , a farmer living near
Lincoln. Fundirberg , who is married
and 45 years old , is accused of seducing
his auoptcd daughter , Minnie Landaiicr ,
a girl of Hi. The intimacy began about
four months ago , and two weeks ago
Fnnderbcrg shipped the girl to Syracuse
in hopes of gutting rid of her. Shu told
her talc lo the authorities yesterday , and
Fundcrbcrg was landed in jail last night.
Luroy Eutaw , a young farmer living
seven miles northwest of Lincoln , was at
work shelling corn yesterday after
noon when thu lly whcul of the
machine broke. One fragment
struck him on thu head , fracturing his
skull nnd breaking thu j w bones , ills
injuries are cons dercd fatal.
Frank Strauss ; ILustmirs ; Chas. Ilu-
sehow , Ked Cloud ; ,1. MIliutr , Alma ;
Morr sSloman and wife , Omaha ; K , P
Holmes , Price ; Ceo. II. Savage , Omaha ;
F. H. Graddy , Omaha ; C. K. Keltler ,
Omaha. ; K/.ru llrown , Harvard ; H. H.
Miller , Nebraska City ; K ! Mcfntyre ,
Suward ; J.Stevenson , lirownvllle ; C. .1.
Phulps , Scliuyler ; K. P. Suvagu , Omaha.
_ The case of Welndrieh vs. the Nebraska
& lowu Insurance , company , to recover
the amount claimed foradvcrl'eingin tlio
Post , was cm trial yesterday in the county
_ _
Thu cluarings yesterday were fj-.V
ranted not tn contain n Hnxlo pur
t It'lii of iniMuiuy or any Injurious bub
btuncu. Inn Is I'liiiKi.v VI.III-AIII.K. ( ;
\vii.t.uiuti ; .ii.u ijisjtist u.m .in : ur
fitUUNllMtJ ) < T OftllK IJVkll , Kll > -
If your Uvur U out ol wilcr , ttmn yovir
whtilo bi'hluiu U duiuiutril. 'J'lio Ultuul U
linpinii. Ilio liivatli olloiidivc , > ou hnvo
lioailuclit ) , li'C'l laiiuuld , Ulnpluttxl ami
ncrvdiis. Tn prowiii u iiKuo
ilitloii , tuku ut onuo Sliainoiki
TIVFI ? HKOUIA1XH. If > < m l ( tl uwxlontary
lil lull uio. ( irHUiriT with Kio.sf.r A Tixrio ) : < t < ,
uvula slliniiluls nml tnUu Slunuoiu J.Ivur Itu u
later , Hurt ) to rrlluvu. .
If juu liuvu ciili'H anythltiK IIRIT ! of ill-
( nation , or li't'l ' lio.ivy ulior niuaU or
t > l ( < t > pluss at nl''lit ' , taku n ilo-o ami you
Mill llHll IX'IIUVLU UllUtJiHip | Ucltlllllly.
If ) tm itixt u tuK'i-ublo
CossiieAiiON , Dvpi-ia'niA uiul
M : S , Mt'U ix'tluf ut utii'ti In
l.lier Iti'truUiior , It ilooi not
i-oiitiniial tloiiliih' , unit oaita but u ultlo.
It ulll cure ) ou.
If jou wiiko up in tlio inoruliiff witU a
blltor , bud liuto iu } our moulli.
TJVP Bliainons Llvvr ItOKiiliitur , It corrects
InlVu dm iniioiu tiiiinuicli , Swi'iili'iis Ilio
llruatli. uiiJ Clcuiiffod tlio Fumul Toiiyuo. ( * uii
nia'.s olteii noul ouio uiiu ( ttUurtic uiul Tonlo
loiuoil uppniiU'lilntr lckllesx SlnniHina l.lver
Ilus'iilator will itilluvd Colic , ItiuiUavJiu , i lok
8toiiiHcb , InUivooilcin , Ityt-oaitT- iU tUu com-
Discovery nntl Atrost of a Gang of Social-
iitlc Conspirfttors.
A Plot to Assassinate Prominent I'eo
l lo liy AVlioleinlo ITnenrilictl
Sand IiotH Or.itors nnd Iy-
iiamtto Devils.
An KKlrnnrdinni'jr Soliemc.
FiiA.ieiPfo , Dec. ! ( ' . An extraordin
ary plot for wholesale auA'tliiiitlcin of pioin-
I iient citizens In this oily was l.dd barn by the
police last niulit. The head < | U.irtrM of an or-
Katd/Atlon en lied the "Socialistic lU'Yolutlon-
nry association , " were discovered at IM )
avcmiu and from mcmorandns
discovered tlure It wart found to he the Inten
tion of the plotters to iminlir about twenty
men , Including . T. Coleiiian.Utiiiitressianii
.Morrow , Ocneral \ \ * . II. Illanuu. . Major
n.trtlcll , Lcland Slnnfunl , Jtulitu I ureii7o.
Charles CrocXcr , ( iovernor Htcmciiinn and
certain police olhrlaK 'I'hose naiiics
vveiu pl.iml on tliu"prHcrlitlve' ( | ' list ami
placed In thn liainls of tin * I'xcctiUve ' com
niitlctt to curry out thu orders of the n-
souiutlnn , The polite ane > U'4t lour laeti In
the looms , namely , Julius C. Ifotsliur , Henry
\Veisinau , ( , 'lmrlcs Ilttlcslnilt and ( l.-war
Kiwer.s. In tin * looms vvcte iliseiivcicd a
coiuidete Inliniiitorj lor iiinnufiicttitliK Inler-
md iiinehbic.s. 'I he men were taken to the
cit.v pri.stiti , whete the pri uieis dei'iiirett It
wa's ( heir ( xirposfl to kill | itniiiiiient eitl/.eiH ,
and Ilien la/.e Chinatown. The prisoner * lit"
long to the ( ierninn bnmch of thu anti-Coolie 1
The loader of the hnnd of dynamlteis ar-
rp ted lust n lull t Is Henry UVHinan , a
Itavnrinn by blub and a thcntilcid clnmilM.
l > v piolo-mnii , lie wns Inihiee-l to loin
CYnolierO'Doniieir.s null-Coolie le.imio and
liuidly INKMIIIU pre-iideiit of Hie < ! eriiiiin null-
Coolie leiiKiie. "My intention , " he wild , "was
merely to nltt In enforclm.'what O Donnell
toltl usvas the law DistliiM tlie Chinese. He
was told that Mies atecon.stlliilion | .iotillited ! fiotn living within Ilio limits of
any lueorpoiatcd town or eily in the state.
He .showed mo the law aud I lead
U tor m.vwilf. He never told trie
that the ftipienie court deol.ired
that the law uns iiiiconxtltutlonal and J be-
llevcd Hint vvasthe law , altlioiiL'li I havoMncu
been told that It was not. Well , we had a
ineethi on the Mind lot Thankigivlin ; tl.iy ,
and revolved that we would call on the minil-
eitial nuthtirilles to enforce the law or re-dijn
otiico. U Donnell told us we lintl a lifilit to
do lids ami he always boasted that Im VMIS the
second highest ollleer In lids city. 1 Mib-
pected he knew anil I believed ( he municipal
aiithoiitics woiiltl be compelled to oid"r them
to leave the city. Tlm only thing that
tronhlid ino w.ig tlnit O'lionnell was
always statnif ? that the Cliinesu
wciesiiiiplicd with superior aims , that
they hud armories In Chinatown and \\eio
illilllm ? every nIght with Winchester illle.s
supplied to them by Col. Ueo , the ( . '
consul. Mostot the jiooplo are woikinsmen ,
anil had no arms. 1 wasnlrald that when the
Chinese were ordered lo K they would
and attack our people , nnd 1 ro , olvod to ox-
pciimcntaiidscc It t could not Invcntasupc-
rlor weapon. 1 commenced my ex peil men Is
atmnt twelve days at'O and bought some dyna
mite. My idea was to make a weapon
pen that could be thrown like
a hand Kremulo. Wo experimented at
different times binder tlio rooks near the Clllf ,
house , but Iho result * were not satisfactory. '
U'Doinu'll knew we wetee.xperiineiitius. "
Kooslicr , who Is also known as Kowulski ,
is a Ktissian Jew , and uw tltlven Irom that
country ovvinj ; to the | ) ci etiitlon ! of his JHSO-
pie l.v the Itnsslan Koxeriinient. He came to
Xevv York anil was appointed an a cnt by
the Jewish Keller society , and visited Ore-
iron anil Washington tertitory to take up
hind lor hr people. Hevasto receive S * ' J < )
foreveiy lamlly for vvliuin lieptoeinctl a iov-
ernnicntM-ttlemcnt. He eluinus he did not
iccelve ] iii > iiient , as the funds ol the
lofiety wcio exli.iiHteil. Ho identlticd
hltiistilf with Ihu iintl-CiiolIo leaittui on toiu-
in.i ; to thK city. The IIOIIM ) in which the dy
namite toiinil was occupied liv him.
Clmili-s Mltlelstailt is pri'sidijnt of the
Thlid Waul anti-Coolie club. Oscar Kaijers
Is a peddler by occupation , and a unlive ol
Cciiiiaiiy. Ifo .speakseiy little KtiKlNli.
The prixonots have been charged with mis-
tlcme.iiiorlorunlavvfuMy.sloiinitianrK : ] > ) Vler. (
Tlu ov'eiL'st fieiialty N .siinontlis1 iinpils-
oniuent and S1KW ( line.
AN nisrouioAij srox.
A XebranKn 31 an V'lslm ( lie Home of
1'arson llrownlovv.
A representative of thu Uin ; met in the
Paxton rotunda yustet day W. V. Allen ,
of' Madiuon , Neb. , ti jroml- )
nont attorney of that jilaco. Mr.
Allen has just returned from Knox-
ville/J'enn. , whore ho visited thu homo of
Par on Urownlow , thu famous preacher ,
who with Andruw Johnson fought against
the secession of Tennessee trom the
Union in war days , and who llgitrcd so ,
prominently in ho strugglu but ween Ilu
Vanleeami ; the robs , wTuuu cenleifI ( | at
onetime in that stuto.
"I Mr-i , Urownlow still living in
tlio old bo'iise , " wild Air. Allen , "tu lady ,
07 years of ago , remarkably shrew d ,
well preserved , and in the lull poises-
hion of her faculties. The hoiiao
il-ii'll is an old vvcalherbuon
the jierfcct typt : of an old plantation , nml the very heart of
Knoxviile. It is afrainehou > e two stories
in height , with biiuk ehiinneyH on thu
outride , having an "L" attached to it with
another ontiiiloeliimnoy. 1'arMin lirovvn-
low wa.s the tirst Methodist preacher in
Knosville , ami the old building wns usetl
as the parhonagu. tiliindingu few teet
away in the yard is the small building
formerly used for n study bv thu purnons
now empty and unoeciipiea , sivo ; for the
tn > oks ami papers of the tlead divmu
vvldeli lay scattered about just as hu lel'u
( hem. JVIrn. Urownlow every J'uvv day ,
goes to this building , oluans it ami putt
it in order , tind Will allow no eau lo at
tend to it but herself.
"Mrs. Hroivnlow hasi only ono child liv
ing with ber , bur youngest daughter , a
Widow lady. Her other children aru
scattered all over tlio country. The oldest
daughter , famous a.s the girl who
tlrov e ol'thu ) rebels , who weru trying to
tear down the union ting from horfather'ti
hou > o , nl the revolver' po nt , is novv in
Denver whurts him id Yea , thu
old lady takes a grtiat iniun t in pol.tic.s
tuid i the rankest kind of u republican ,
you may depend upon it. "
How It Coultl liavo Iloeu Pt'ovontotl t'
An Omaliii niau'ti Invention. , ii
The appalling railroad accident in is '
li'eorgitt Tuesday in which eleven per- I
sons lost tlioir livoti on account of es.-ap- ( .
ing s ten m from n colliding locomotive , ( .
again demonstrated the crying need for p
the adoption by the railroad of an appli
ance which will render such accidents im-
None of thn victims of this hist ,
railroad horror died from injuries received C.
in thu collision , but it was thu escapu of C.II
the Moaldlng steam wliluh caused all thu
losa of lifu. TUIs could havu boon pro
ven ted if proper precaution had been
taken and safety steam plugs attached to
thu locomotives. Tins safety phi
was Invented by John Maku-
dent of this city , some iJmo ago. Its
construction is very simplu , and it can bo ctl
attached and littod to any cook and vulvo
in on locomotive- boiler * . U can also
bu used on stationary boilers anil the
patentee will guarantee that in cusu of
collision every cock and valvu can bo des
troyed and bis attachment will pruvcnt
the cscapaot Ktciuu mil ess thu boiler Is
actually perforated. Thu attachment will
tip il.s work. Suvural weeks ago Marlino-
vieh it Co. bought a half intorust in thu '
pattern. Soon after Mr. MuUctlqn was1
sent ca t to nuiku arrangement lor thu
manufuotitru of thu arliclu , mid ten days of
alturwards a prominent man of of
fered tivu tnnuit thu uinuuuttUut Martiuu-
vicb iV ; Co. had paid. but
tnitittitltiK 'be Nebraska Ootiunanil-
cry AtGi'Atnl Ilniuiiiot.
About two monlhs ago , n meeting was
held 1 by the lucmbilrs of tlie military order
of the Loyal Legion of the United State ? ,
resident in the eily and Malo. to make ar
rangements 1I 1I for ( deformation of n Nebras
ka I coimuandcry of the order.
Tito time for the institution of the com-
maiidpry I has arrived , and to-doy the
formal ceremony will take place. An do-
gant banquet h to bo hold at Iho Paxton
hotel 1 , at which it is o\peoled that about
eighty comrades will be present. In all
probability 1 the nll'air will bo thn most
elaborate 1t1 of the kind ever held in Nebras
ka. 1 Ceil. Winflcld Scott Hancock , the
commanilor-in-cliii'f of the Legion , has
boon I. invited to prf < ! di on the oucasion ;
1I It 1 is probable that ho will be hero , though
by 1i no means cei lain. In the event of hi *
Inability i to attend , Gen Ducat , of Chica
go , will probably represent him.
On the llstof thee vv ho are to respond to
toasts are Senator Maudersou. Congress
man Horsey , Hon. Church Howe , Au
burn ; ( Jen. Pnti child , of Wisconsin j On.
Marshall , of MinnesotaJen. ( . Howard ,
( Sen. Dandy , ( Jen. Carlin and others. Thu
invitations are very taty and elegant ,
and were issued ] > ) a committee consist
ing of Col Frederick , Lieut. Dudley , ( Jen.
Hreck , Cant.Squires , Dr. Ludiugton and
Surgeon mown. Mr. Savage , the com
mander of the district , is absent , having
been called to Hilton qnitn suddenly , and
his duties will fall to Vice Commander
The mcmboHiln of the legion is re
stricted to Iho ollirer.s or honorable e\-
ollleers of the United Slates army. U Is n
large ami nt the same time select organi
sation and holds a proud rank among thu
social organizations of the country.
Tlio I > i c'liarKC l I'Velijlit llonxc Crew
IteloMtntetl Note1' .
Mr. Ott ol , Iho local Union Pacilio
agent , was approached yesterday re
lative tt > the complained of discharge of
old freight house employes.
" 1 did disclurgo a gang of ? ovcn mnii
that is the foreman did and t approved
thu order. The iv.i-on for this step wa.s
.slalcd exactly in the HII : ; hist evening ;
work Is falling oft' and wo tlo not require
as many as wo have. I was unaware ,
however , that the crew dismissed com
prised any old employes , but. investiga
tion lias revealed tliat such is the case.
The gang numbered seven men , two of
whom hail served four years ami two
and it half years respect iyuly and the
others for terms averaging eighteen
months. This morning 1 reinstated them
and three went to work at once to bu fol
lowed by the remainder within a day or
two. Yel , T must dismiss Home men but
1 will make my selections among those of
bhort service. "
Messrs. Ha'uv Kugglo and Underwood ,
who wcru hero ycstordav spout a pleas
ant social evening at tins 1'aMon last night
with n number nt local railroadmen.
W. U. Mackcnsie , the sl.itionery agent
of the Union Paci tic , has gone on a trip
George II. MoKlVain , traveling agent
for thu Union Pfii'illo in Illinois , is in the
J. T. Clark , general freight agent of
the Chicago , bt. Paul , Minneapolis &
Omaha , will arrive tins morning.
J. K. . Choale. superintendent of the
Denver & South Park , wont west Tuesday
Mr. James Uttmess , private secretary
for ( iuicral Trallle Manager Kimball , his ;
so far recovered from his recent attack of
typhoid fever lo make brlet visits down
The Union Pacific has issued new time
card.s for its Idaho ami Wyoming divis
ions. No important changes aru made.
W. V. ( ! rillilt.s has returned from a trip
to the west.
On Friday no\t. Iho train of the third
California oKciirMou given this season by
the Union Paoiliu leaves here.
Crystal A
Mr. nml MrWni. . II. IJuller celebrated
the llfteenth anniversary of their wedded
lire tit their re-itlfiee ! , H1 ? Gslifori- ! }
strcor/l'uc.Mlayevening A largo number of
friemU woru present. The gifts , whicl woio
mostly of glassware , were various nnd
ooitly. . Among tlium a handsome lamp by
Miss . Lottiu M. King , oval looking glass ,
Thomas II. Jones ; largo glass dish , Mr.
iinil Mrs C. K. Duncan ; largo fruit dish ,
Mr. anil Mrs. Dr. Stuphuiison ; line des
sert sut , J.unus Thomas ; fruit set , Mr.
and Mrs. T , T. Walker ; celery dishes ,
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Thomns ; picklu
stand , 1) . S. Clenluns ; wine sut , Annie
Chihls ; beautiful wax llovvor case , Mr.
and Mrs Pitts , and other valuable pres
ents by Mr , and Mr * . Scott Jackson , Miss
Hmina Clinton , Mr. .1. M. ( 'ravens' , Mrs.
George D.ckenson. Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Simpson , Mrs. ( Joorgu W. Kcllngg , Mr. P.
J. Williams , Miss Susie K , Nicketis , Mr.
and Mrs. T A. Vinagar , Mrs. William
Vinagar , Mr. and Mrs. L. . .Jolinon , Mr
and Mrs. Charles P. A.shc , 1C. K , Overall ,
Mr. anil Mrs. Warren , Mr. aud Mrs.
Lindsley , Mrs. J. Newman , Mrs. A. liar-
dm , Mrs. D. C. Ulair , Mr. and Mrs. Wat-
sou , I\lr. \ and Mrs. Alexander , Mr. G. M.
Crump , Mrs. Stewart , Mrs Wyliu and
Mrs. Johnson , Mrs. Loulso Oglesov , Mrs ,
U. K. Hill , Miss U. Simiolt , Mr. aiiti Mrs.
D. T , Kogers , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Mr.
William Mortimer. Mr. David U. Jones
and others , ll-'truslumsnts wuru in abund
ance. Kuv. P A , llubburd wai
with a good word for nil.
Cody and
Hullalo Hdl and Natu S.dshury were
closuted together all yesterday after
noon in private apartments at
thu Millitnl hotel. They jmsitlvely
denied iitlmlssioii to all visitors
aud the Hying trips of thu bell boy trom
thu room to the placn whuru refreshments
aru kept , alone * iiulicatcd Unit the
two distingul.Mied gentlemen were
in council TUu plirposo of the meeting
to roach soml ; ile/ljtito / agreement for
next ! sejLson's niatrajfunient of thu "Wild
West" show , iir1 which Mr. Salsburv is
concerned , as well iis Mr. Cody , I'lie
chief topie of dl.-oii > ion is thn show's
projected tour of Kfiropu ausl ncaion.
I'crsoniil ra rn ; ! ; plis.
John D. Nchgli , of \ \ ' \ > $ t Point , H in the
city . yesterday. 1 J
Hon. Win. i' . Cody' ( Imfudo Hill ) , ifi at .
John Dnnnol/y / ytrlved from Chicago
O. F. Davis and wife returned from Iho
east this morning.
J. II Michoyuud wife , of Osceola , aru
guest * at thu Millaid.
Henry C. Smith , of Falls City , register.
at the A til la rd lust evening ,
( Jeorgo W. lltirns and wife , of Nebraska
City , are guests at thu Pa\ton.
Nil to Salsburv , Miss Nellie McHcnry
and others of tlm "Troub.ulours , " aru at
thu Millard.
T. A. Andurst.n , Meatl ; C. F. Haylio ,
Ncligh ; A. L , Spuarman , Stiringlluhl ; D.
Antlursou , Columbus ; KH 'Iqwluy. North
J'lattu , ure at thu Canlluia.
. .
ImiUitioii is s.iiil tu bu the kind
Hat lory. If this be bo , what a number
llattorers St , Jap < > bs Od must ItavuV
They acucimstaully trying to imitatu it.
ulwuya fud. It alone cuniiuurs pain.
The Ifnn Who BnlH the Monltor-A Great
Inventor and Scion ti Go Hermit ,
Halo mid Hearty at tlio Advanced
Ago of 80 , nnd Sitll Hard
at AVork.
Tlio publication In tlm December Cen
tury of a p.ijtcr by Capt. Krlcson on the
Monitor and its method of construction ,
recalls to mind that thn public hears very
little these days ot Iho great Inventor ,
John Kric.sson. Ho is a scientific hermit
who cares little for the world , and whoo
world appears to have forgotten him. At .
St. John's jiark in this city is a small , '
brick liotiso facing the southwestern end
of the square. It is only distinguished
from its neighbors by reason of an almost
o.\ce sivo neatness nntl the mathematical
precision with which the shades in the
various windows are adjusted. A visitor
in tlie noifthlKn'hood at 10 o'clock at night
would see the door of this , little house
open suddenly anil a man , apparently of
50 , witlt n stout llgurc and a ruddy face ,
trip lightly down the steps ami , reaching
Hudson nlrccts walk rapidly northward.
This man Is Capt. John Krie.s > on , Iho in-
venlor of the screw propeller , the Moni
tor , Ihu solar engine nnd a
host of oilier famous contri
vance * . Thoiiich ho looLs but fit ) , ho
is in reality tm vcars old ; but having been
as Huecesstitl in llnding a solution lor tlm
problem how to live as how to overcome
the lesl.stniico of tin1 siib-Mirront , he is en
abled nt what Iv usually con.sidoivd to be
an advaneo unddeeicpitold ago to work
twelve hours a day , Sunday included ,
walk lo Central park and back , and withal
preserve his mind unimpaired. Kiio.sson's
mode of lift ) may be brielly stated. On
rising in tin ) morning he mix bid skin
briskly with dry towels , following which
he takes a cold bath , in summer using
crushed ice. Then ooine.sgvnmaslie ex
ercise's of a vigorous description. When
hi.s system has rceoveied i normal tent-
pcrntiire ho breakfasts upon eggs , lea ,
and cour.-e brown bread. Then comes
work , anil it. may ho supposed when
litie-vson works it N to some purpose.
lie resemble : . Ktlison in his natural in
ventive instinct , his thorough originality ,
and his profound inditl'crencf , if not con
tempt , for Ihe dogmas ( aid down by those
( earned gentlemen who havu spent a jife
in the laboratory without aeeompli.shing
anything beyond the generation ot new
geiioially ir-clos compound * . . Hut ISries-
son has im advantage over Kdi.son in Ihe
fact that he received in early life a superi
or education. Thus it is that , instead of
being compelled like Kdison to work out
the simplest problem bvaetnally handling
Iho mctal , aeid.s and other ingredients ,
lie has but to take a pencil in his hand ,
ami perhaps a table of logarithms , and
the thing in tlone. All hi.swork and this ,
as has already been Haiti , occupies twelve
hours daily is performed at either the
drawing board or the writing desk. It isle
lo insular prejudice nnd the narrow-inind-
cdnoKs of the Knglish in general , and the
British hoard of admiralty in particular ,
tlmt tlds country owes the possession of
an Kricxson. Coming from Sweden to
Kngland he naturally enough became in-
( created in tlie marinu-ongineering projects
then attracting attention. At thai time
the pnddlo-wlicel for Ilio propulsion of
vessels was new , and , although Iho im
mense waste of power its HSU incurred
seemed to make Iittlo improfsion among
the engineer , it was. clear to Krie.s-on that
it could never bo made to do elllcient
work. Ho determined , therefore , to lind
other means of forcing voxels through
the water , lie succeeded. In 18 ; ) ? lie
towed the Admiralty barge down the
Thames at the rate ol seven nautical miles
an hour with a , steam launch , vvheruin the
oblique notion of the propeller was made
to take Ihe plnco of the direct action of
the paddle , ik-siih-.s utili/.ing 50 per cent
moro of the power derived Irom tlio com
bustion of coal than the paddle , it.was-
.submerged , am } therefore , did not , like
tlio paddle. , invite the assault of the sea.
I5ut after several months' ' consideration of
the subject these ingenious landsmen , tlie
board of admiralty , decided that tlio u.-i-
of the propeller wn.s impracticable , as it
would interfere with Ihu
stecrmg-"car tit
. * ij " v
a Mnp.
D gusted at this result , Ericsson cnmo
lo the United States. Hero his pio.joct
wa.s greet lily soi/.cd upon by
men , nnd vessels which previously had
been nblo to carry little cargo save the
coal noces-wry to tlrive their paddlewheels -
wheels , now packed the majority of their
coal-bunkers with morchamlt 1. Singular-
lv enough Krics = on delight * in knocking
down itlolsj which ho ha- , once set up. Tints
Im perfected the steam engine anil found
now uses for it , and , this being done , he
id once sol hiuwlf to work to lind a ma
chine that should take il.s place nnnn-ly :
the solar engine , which gathers anil stow.- ,
away the heat generated by the MID' *
lays' . It .should bo said , however , that
Kricsoii < only intended this to take the
place of the steam engine where fuel ivm
costly and water not to bu had , u-s , for in-
niunco , in Upper Hgypt. Again , uflor
r voliitioni/.ing marine warfare with his
Monitor , ho is now hard at work perfect
ing a "tl'-stroyer" that shall make ar
mored warships its tisulev > as wooden
one" . Capt. Krieison is : t widower ami
childless. The fact that his father , ttn-
ulcsiind brothers have been distinguished
in their mitivt country for mental ability
goe-s far to provn that John ICi'lcaion's
genius is no abnormal growth , but tlm
healthy product of a rani stouk which has
in him reached its bent development Al
though W years of ago ho is hub and
hourly , nnd will doubtless jet give thu
world many valuable inventions.
Tlio Xmv York llroker Serious In JII3
Intention to Kollro.
Now York IxitU-i- I ho Hartford Times :
There is no doubt that Jay Gould ix pack
ing up lo tpnt Wall street for good. Ilo
has. been there for tvvcnty-livu years nnd
though ho is not jet quite fifty , Im feels
that ho ought to draw out anil take a rust.
Wall street tloos not n.tem sorry to part
with him , though it may nn.-s him when
hogoos. Ilo Is by alt odds the ablest
suhemer it has Icnoivn ami his suhcmas
havu put money in a good many | H > ol > ets
besitles Ids own , though they hnvi emptied
n good many loo. The biMne.-s ol ( he
brokeis has certainly been larger through
( ionld'.s operations tJiau it would Imvu
been witlioub them. As he never wa.s a
member of thu exchange , all b s hii.\nig \
and selling bus been done through otiiui.s
.Tid the commUs tins lie has paid out
have eeilninlv torined a hirgo ili-m in the
3imi total of Wall Direct brokerage.
When his packing is done bo will InKo
tivvjiy about hft.V millIons--tlMt is to y. $ , '
nil Ins assets will amount to about that
sum. Ho won't really take it away , for
hu will s'.Ol hold blocks ivprc.nontmg at
least half of it pimcipdly ; Missouri
1'acillc , Manhattan ( elevated ) anil VVint
ern Union. It has often been auid that
Could i.s really worth IDO.OUU.OOO , but
lids is undoubtedly an extiggt-ration If
hi > is iiclnally worlh half it is the outside
liguro , Amrit It a jiretty goodHhovvIng
for levithantwinty'livt yetir work ovtr
, , ( KXMK ) , ( ) a year. His Mtlo pttrtners , Hus-
sell Sago and Cyrus W Field , will prob- '
nbl > miss him most when hu really t > top
down anil out , n.s I liny Imvo been moro in
timate v\ith him for ionictnno just than
an > other men in the U-ocU I ) llie.v re
tired , too , tlio t > tcp certainly would not bo
regretted any moro than that of ( iould ,
who , with nil his faults and treks , has
qualities < | tt1to Hi good us tbuil' L
the lm > t , Ur
A horse , oven more than n hog. is liable
to be overfed. With food before it all the
time , it will keep picking it over and grow
ptKir , w ilh its box always partly tilled. It
is an excellent plnu to lind how much
bores really require , aud then feed them
jtift ? o much situl no more. Do not be
ularnicd if cverj thing i eaten clean In the
morning. That is the way it should be ,
yet always taking earo to give enough.
ICnily tcnl Corn.
Tlie advantages of the tleiit varieties of
corn are so gi eat that It Is a subject of
general regret t lint most , of the western
varieties are too late for the eastern
state * . Hut it is found that some varie-
tie1' of dent , com originated in Minnesota ,
and have Milllciont earlincss to ripen
wherever the common , eight-row etl yel
low will succeed. The dent coins uro
husked moro rapidly , the ears bear a
larger proportion of grain to oob , and on
ricn land many of the stalks bear Iwo or
or moie cats.
1M 9.
The Jersey rod swine are securing an
enviable reputation in the west for hard- !
ini'ss. ' They are not line-bred animals ,
but for rouiih treatment are all the bettor
for that. Their heavy eoat of hair pro-
leets them from sun scalding1 in the sum
mer ami against cUromo cold in winter.
They continue growing for two years or
more , and at this age make heavy weight
hogs which are Javorites with vvcstein
In : i trial of the Austrian oat bo ii"lo.
other gotxl oats , the former .yielded more.
tier acre , weighed heavier and stood up at
Ica-d as well as other varieties. It is quite
common for this variety to weigh forty or
mom iiounds per bushel , anil as threshing
is ijiihi for by measure , ami selling by
weight. Ihu farmer has Ihu.sati-laetion of
marketing more btuhvls than ho pays for
threshing. _
lco ? * do not hibetnato in the true seno
of the term. They tlo not become totally
inactive , but if activity bu not kept at a
minimum , plenty ot air ami a strong veti-
tillation must bu given. The temperature
of the room when they are wintered should
not vary miieh Irom 45 degrees. The
temperature inside of the hive will always
be higher than that outside.
H is' frequently said that merino shoe ] )
aru light feeders compared with thu mut
ton breetls. An experiment w-as made winter at the Michigan agricultural
college farm , whore live merino sheep ,
weighing ) ! ! . ! pounds , weru fed in one lot ,
ami Iho Southdown sheep , weighing 080
pounds , were fed in another lot. The
effort was made to foeil just what they
would eat clean. Although the Jot of
SoulhdovviiH weru SMS pounds heavier in
the aggregate , yet they consumed no
more hay than the merinos.
WJi n J ! hj WM tick , w p r li r Ciutmia ,
Wlicn bo was a ChlM , he cried for C'ajotl | ,
When aha became Mian , nho ulang to Cuatoria ,
Wlitn ilia ka < l ChtlJron , lie j ; ro thnia Cuatoria ,
'J'lio I'Nrst linilroatl in Germany.
The litty years hineo the IhM railroal
was built in Germany expired on Uoecm-
ber 7th. The road Mra.s called the iS'urn-
hcrg-rurtb railroad , ami was in Bavaria.
The length of the roatl was jiiit four
miles , and it was upon thu Mrcnglh of a
remark made by King Louis I. when upon
one of his journeys Ihrough his Kingdom ,
"A railroad , " t-aul ho , "between Niirn-
hcrg-1'itrth would bo a good thing : md
could be easily constructed. " The same
year the Havanaii imnirtcr , Count
Armonsperg , advised the two cities to
build the ro.ul ami orguni/.c a company
for thai purpose. It wa.s not , however ,
until 188i ; that an invitation was issued for
signatures to a Mock company * to buihl
UK ; road , fn IS ) . " ) , under an engineer
mini tl Denis , Hie roail was completed.
The lirst train that started out was com-
poM'tl of a locomotive and nine : * -
J.,1. . . . .i- : ; . . . < . .i. . . , , . . . . puscn- .J.U. . . .
tired pasiongcr.s. TlitTopenmg trip , le-
comber ? th , lKi ; ! ! , look niiio minutes. The
road proved a .success from the be
ginning , Ihe net earnings amounting lo
? : ! , ( HKI tlie lirsl year. Tlie net earnings of
the year 1881 amounted toJlMD. } Tim
nuniLmr of pii cngors traveling over the
road the Hist year umoiuitcd to I7.r > ,3ti. :
Tim nmnliciin IKdl amounted to
There is no attraction like a beautiful
skin. I'o/.Koni's Complexion 1'owilcr
gives it.
_ _
\onilnntloiiH Soul to tln > SenrMo.
WKIII vd-io.v , Dec. 1 . Tiio
Bout the lolluvviia' noialuatloiis to tlie
.loliu IHnelow , New York , to bo as
sistant lic.iMiiorof tnu United States at New
York ; | ' 'r.uiy. Slxcl. of Nuw Yolk , to bo pen-
Hlon aijent at Novv York.
The Oreaten Madical Iriutn h of tlio AJJO !
JjOfKitl'nwi ilir , Iluirel coilivr 1'uln In
the bcnil , > rllli n ilull icntntlun In Ilia
back purl , I'ain UD-r Ibo ulioulder-
lijude. Futlaeiii nfter oailiicri ivltb ailU >
Incllnntlon to exertion of budr or mluil ,
lrrlmhllllrortrni | > cr , I.u > r HIIII | | , vrllli
n fonlinirul'ljiiTliiu ncclcctcil HOIIIU ilut y ,
, Jl7ilue i , I'lullcrlui nt Iho
I'earl. Dot * bclorulho ej'ei , Jluaduclia
ter Ilio i It lit ytr , ltcillr n ss , ltU
( llful Urrnint , lllubly colnri'il LrlacuuJ
TUTT'S I'lliLtt nro r pr dally adapted
to tunlj cuu.s , ono Uoau oiruct.1 enrli u
Thuyliicri-uiinlliu jl | ) i tllCi nil cauiutlio
Ivxly tn ' 1'nUu ou I'Jruli , tliui ( h ( Tftcin ll
iiotirUlicil.nnil \ iholr'f onlc Arllnn pa
( no IMucalHeOrunuti.lIr iilnr.StooUnro
priwlncml. TrlrnUnr. I HKiirrn v HI..IV.V.
Ihu tuiljr , makt-a hvaltliy llfth ,
iM Iho ncjlc. rt'p.ilM thu wa-stiw of
I'm system with | > uiv blnuct uuit Imnl iniikcl
tone.i tint inT ou3 fcistt'iii , fiirUorut ! l thu
bniia , ami imparts Ilu ) rigor of oiuulioud.
HI. Sitlil hv i/rtiKiikW.
Olf'lj'li : M 1"iirr-ir . . Now Yortf.
I'lllMI _
tte Land of Oianges ,
Sunshine ,
antl Treplwl S.ensry ,
Ut 40ilOO.fett . , la Bilvei
itrfMiltaauulu. livery maa ,
voraau and cblld ulioiUd own u lot. lilt : ' ) , dry ,
rollliiK land. No nwami-n , or malaria. Houfpt ,
utorid , hota'.alrculy ' built. Cavcrnltrainadally.
1'lvc-acie oranva ( rroru tiuctii , $ 00 each. A
jJatof Ihe towu.tluiwIn Ftrtctn , ! church Blto .
clvpot , du.&c. ; fklMtbunOnui o 0rove In tlytil
brilliant colon ) , vllli clc' aut , 48aiaiIcHcrli > >
Uvu Liookof ourtowti.atid ninny iirlnIcilll V ol
ciTerCOOUnil pitrcliuur * . All 0 ni Fr o. 1'op-
ration 7-V au < t tu > w arrtvalu wet-feli Itlf KU-
tXcE. IfJi * . / / Oaklt-tl , Pica , Kallwial C | Ircoj
Dunk. NPW York. Address , for full particulars
H , UUW11Y. PBtSIOtNI , I7S Blto bWAY , NtW YORC
uch OWffJI Clilt cu , llL > HlrcrNti ! < 'tuxi ria. (
C. T. TA LOIl ,
for Xoliriwlin , Colorntto nml Wyomlnjf.
OllUf. corner Illli nnd IXutpln * .
tlm ( .oi'iilAr TinitiMii ptHolf ) .
ever t M
Flro Insurance.
'n.n , v A
111 Poiith Thlrtrontli Street , Tcloitiono | Xn f > 3
Noitlicrn A IIIRIICO ( > ) . I > ni1nn. Kn lnnil.
Orli'iit liKiirmico Co , , llnrtfonl , ( Viiin.
I'nloii lnmrniii ) d > . , SMII rrnnrlco , IMI.
Nnllonnl I'lro ItisiiriuieOL'o. , lluitftint.t'onn
I'liciiiiiD'xl'tind ln Co. , Sun I'lniict'co , ( . ' .il.
x n. i
Oonornl Agent
Provident Savings Life Assnrance Co ,
of Now Yetk.
107 South Kmirleetilli Street , Oinnlin.
Clioninit lti tirniicfi ever ollproil IM iin"old
line' itiinpnnv. Artunl nxoinin ycmly ixut
tliiilnc the ciilcndnrjp-tirs Is l , IS. ' I nnd ISS , ' > , nt
KK' K , for Jln. ( W , wnd JSU17.
, f. C. KXBWOM ) ,
Dry Goods ,
Tlirt rfopftnt hr * roriier tnro.Kt < t nnd Cum-
Injr Mn t't . linn Jnvi in > cn OIWIKII w Ilh n RWipral
Ktni'k of Mnplo nnd fnni'.v dry t'oixU , IxioU.ihoori
hnt . fiiM. | irlovtM , woikhiR clotliiM. nml n mil
linn of tiiidrivlothln . The host iimIH | } ' nnd the
Ion pflct'ii. Oill nail < .uf.
" "
Milliner ,
At .D Ninth t. , Imltilnarn tlnlvlinr lm liir i In
inlllliu'ry unit Tiinoy KOOI- ! * , mid Hl o Ix-cpsu mini
bcr nl ciniiloj t' < " < luiHj'on ludlps pull < < nnd
duf-niakliiK. rnMiloniitili' ' and .HI\ll-h k'
ran tie hiul nt Mrs. KlithtV lor n vni.v lou-
A trlnl tinier sntisdos nil uiul wen tea | iitri iuiso.
Millinery Goods ,
ror nnythlntr In the nillllnory mid fnnry Roods
llnojon cnnnot tlo lK > ller tlinn to pntn < nlo Mrs.
M.M. ICinfr.SinCiinilnffSt. ' ( fin tntosr Myliw.lho
int > st.luuiilltul ) woik mid Ihe vt < iy ] ( iwc-t
I the jitniti forlhupfdpliiof Northwest Onmlin
to IruUo tioc-itiKsO It N ronlrnlly hH'iitod. ut the
corner ol ( ? iiinlntj nnd Saniiilersit. . Thu stouk
Is thu best unit thu prices us clump us nny.
Grocers ,
This ( Inn rnrrlos n cliolco fro h slock nnd docs
n IniilncxM on ( tin pinullost pnillln. uiul IICIKMI
It lm n hlfT tnido. Hnj your proucrlim nonr
hnmnninl not a inlloorlwo invny. VoTX \ > Cum-
Dealers in
Staple & Fancy Groceries
riold mid Onrdon Hnods. Souh\T' ( > t corner
IClh nnd thtlllurnla Ktruota.
Groceries , Fruit , Feed.
Bprclnl tlrnlor In iionllrj'nod nil I , ImN of gmnn
OjMCftl III MUIM > II. ( illOiU dollVelttil flOO 111 Illl
hutiir. H. Goldstein , Till So. tilth mieel.
WHAT , & . UmillfcNS ,
IMIeeit IDwdetrl et
Fancy Groceries , Flour , Eeotl , Etc.
Poultry , Kivwh lluttor nml BJTIM ft J > ocl Ily
'Ihis Drin lia-i IOIIK iM'i'ii nolt'd us thnloiiillnir ono
In their line tor thu Ihhd uiird Undo. Alwiiy-ibn
H'nui.'lii uud nil to the Unit's with iilnnty urn/-
" vtlilnw tlmt I.MKOOI ! Iciipl coiisUinllx hi kiot'li
/ unm llktth u.ut IU IUM mtfftnt ,
1' . M. IIAUK&UO.
G-eneral Store.
Tills hoiii-oliiroNhiw your poods nonr homo ,
ll > oulhi > ln HiiiiUi Oiiuilui. t > o thul wlion Jtm
KOI n In u luuiii tililninoy oru btitmif
piniiid of butter , yon wont l > f torcinl to WlllU
uillu unit Hot run ovur hv Ihe cur-i - \ " icit \ ox.
elmiiKeti. 11 0 IU ) ju * ; ; js 8. Jtli Ht.
r , . o. Kxn\voin. \
At tlio Ilonil of Bt. Mury'n. . Avcnim , IS
hnoli u lively | IIIIK ! ) In
Dry G-oods , G-roceries
Jltuis mill lliinlwnrii , thul ho It , iihont l < > hull I
iiiidiliei lot oCMonn 10 iivcoiniiKiilalo his rnplM
I ) Ineic-.isliiK Iriul' VVIial K" < nl H II O In them In
n man KOliWtt nillonwiiy I nun ulioro liollvoslo
liny , when nmro-'orvluoiililiiitnd niueh olionpor
( .omlsouii I/O lioiielil llKht nl liniiitiJTIitiri1 (1 (
nouu ; IIDIICO Ihuroiii roiiaun for .Mr. Kuowoiil'a
House Furnishing Store
Cor IGtli and Donarlns Htrcot.
t rocolvnd H now utock of EnvlHli ilooo-
ruled \\uiolii INI Hold nl the lollowinjr piiuutt
TIM RfltH , M pIcmM , f. ' y\
Toilet M'ttn , M idfct'8 , $ !
Ilniiw l.ll > r > try IJOIIIM , Jrnin .ft ! M up
HiMMllnll liuiiH | , liom mini , nnd u numliorof
urikkw nt voiy low I'
Booko and Stationery ,
117 N. ICIU Mroiit ,
Ilrlluloua hot
PrescriptionsPerfumery ,
Coiner ctoro. Hull.
Tor. liMl'uand ) I 'Hi .si i iv Is ,
Dfugs , MGdicioes and Chemicals
Ilknuy nml loilcit uilklo : < ,
Itilly coinpir.iiiih'd , mid oitluiK uii nuu l wnU
mil mid ilhpiiU'li. t/ur / tlovk nl incUiuluu U
louii'lclo ' , vritiiHiilixl Konuliiu nnd of thu It
tiuiilllyWJ. . WHITEHOUSE ,
icit. ANM m sra
h. I'niiilM , ( Ill-i nnd SiHtlonnry. Hnrcku I'lli
tilllll'l ' Ml < IICVO | > lllllo. 1'llCO
U'fii \ \ \ HlUWIUnJ.