Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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\vraknni1 low r : pooil to rholc' " , S1J..W < ifl.OO ; to lulr. tc.otit'J i\
I'nntas City , I > .v. 1"Callto Horriiits.
2Ji , ) ; Kliiiunnu" , wu ; tiiiirkct iloniomliel
, , n I -.i' ' , iitid haul In 'ell ; evportiTS'.OO
f. il ; comiuun to Hi"l c lilpplnt ; , S0 ! < 0
t" 1.MJ i'tncklTS illlll fl-CtlCM , $ S.'jOii3.5 ; COWS ,
. . . . .
- itccrltits , ITATOj .lilpmont , 1,400 ;
. tirnk nml ! 0 < 'l , wcr : jgcoil to. (
, , . . . . In , , i .
SlicvplUetlpIs : 1,000 ; liiiiiionls | , 400 ;
Mraily ; co iin"'i ' ! t" eouit , ? l.-VJ < ittx ! ) ; scnlln-
Vflg. , Wnlte ca-l } ,
Wnlncstlay Kvpnlni ; , Dec. 10.
Grticral ainrkotM.
T.t.ns T Inmm Vet N fnlrly iir litnat 2 2(3 ( aic.
Jit rri It ( iooil ti rholcft loll meets Vr-itli
fiilr-- : ! ! ! ' , wlillclnleiiorcradi-H all ! still ilraR-
L'lni , ' iiiiil win only ho Mild li > p.iekeis at
Inv. iirierc. .stiletly flioicc loll , l'J < < iir ; lulr
to irood , 5" < Ulr ; itiieilor. ( if'c.
Cnj rsi : Kntiey fulletpniii rlinlilai , Oeto-
tiiTinnkc. 10J4'r ; llnit , ! ' . ! < : YOIIIIK Anierlcai ,
ll\r ; full omitn Ibts , Aiiiii- t inakr , lOc ;
Vfinui ; Aincucni , lop ; full oroain , July ,
Miarp , < Xii7r : llrsl iiunllb Swi.s rlir < ; sc. ICc ;
'Hialliy , lHu ! ; biicK chtcsc , lee ;
i , . . , ,
JVM i.i in Tlip jioultty market , continues
urnk. Itrrclpts tinlayeri ! ngaln XTO'
Iifsy. . with only u llmlttil deimiiul. rii
\\raliicr Is mild and holders arc iiiiMliliiK Mies
ii.i much as jiractlrnble , f earl tie tlio stfxk ?
inluld Fpoil on thelrhaiids. Chickens , clio en ,
rn.dic . ; Iniht-jf , fuiiey , 10Ilc ; fjood toeliolce ,
Wo ; ducks , choice , IKiJlOo ; got" * ' , choice ,
< JAMKVlillntliero Is only n limited s
tilyjiint pilrcs lor the past few days hrc
in led linn , It would not iM'Kiitpil.sIni : to scon
tlrollnc , us the weather has turned too warm
to fnwe eiitiif nnd nlilp with safety. 1'ralilu
rhlekeiHurclli need dcuiftlld tit S"W'l"'i" >
per do'innllnid ; iluekn , tier do/ , V-J.-'i
( ii2.SO ; leal , ? l.ii > 1.r > ( ) ; mixed , Sl.'i'
0(1.75 , ( | tiall , Sl.'iVeil.W ; .snipe , St.OO
Al.'i'i : t.'ce.-p ' , { fi.Oiii.Ml : ( ) ( " : : Jaek nihlilts ,
6i.TO.(5t.X ; . ( ) ; small "nilihits , Sl.uO < vl.'iT ;
deer saddles , per 11) ) , lliil"u ( ; eaicasse.s , fi ( " >
7 : atiteloiieniuldles , per lb , llWl'.V ; cifassr.s ,
fK"7o ; elk saddles , per Ib. bft'Je : oircaiscs , 5
JloNT.T-Callloinla a Ib. iranie , GO
.s. In ea < e , per Hi. , ir ; : extracted. 2 11) ) . in
ciiti" . 2 ilo7. In case , per case 84.00 ; 10 Ib ,
flump. . , Nebri : lia , l ! < c.
. . 1111:11Now : Yoik icllncd pcrbbl. , 57,00 ;
do hull hhl. , S4.Hi. (
VIMIOAH \ \ Idle wine , \ fcelder \ , 12'A1. '
( Nif tiANirii. Then ) Is a lllieml siiiily ] ) In
the msiikct nt S4.KW-I.WI. (
NrAVI-'Kis AM IMiis : I1 Ips , Smyrna , 00
Hi , ki-RB , per Ib , He ; layer , , 12 mid 10 h.
lioxos , per Ib , IC(317e ( ; layer , faney. 4r > Hi
boxes , per Ib , lix.1 : layer , fancy , a Ib. ear
teens , jier Ib , Ko. ) lateu fancy Vnnl , IB Ib
boxes , iier Ib. 1 le ; faney Persian , W ) Ib. bones
in rib , lie. I'liinelk'S , 1M Ib. boxes nor Ib
Xns Jllekory nuts larce , ptirlm. Sl. " " > !
do shell liaiki , 5if.75 ; chestnuts , 1-e ; peeatiB ,
lai'Ke tioliMieil , lie ; pecans , medium , 'Jo ;
ICiiKllMi walnut * , lie ; almonds , Tarrau'ona ,
Wn ; do , I.IIIIRIIIIIN\ ! : Ilinxlls , 12e : Illberls ,
He ; ) ietnnts : , liaiid jik-Ked , lancy Virginia ,
r > X'do. ; rnasled. " * } ' { < :
.SAVIH : KIIAUT 1'est ' niiallty , SO.C-0 pcriM
giil.lMiTuI ; per Js' but , Sa.ic.
| 'KISIUVIH. : : : diii.ns. : : nrc1.l'resencs :
All IdndH , ' . ' 0-Ib. i > alls per Ib. , 10 ! * c : do 10 jiall
loti * . lOe : nsMirled , Mb. palls per do8KOO. .
Jellies all kinds , gnule , tio-lb. pails , per
Ib. , tv ; as oiled , grade. C-lb. jiails pel-
doSf > ; do. .T-lb. palls , per doz. . S2.7. > ; do.
Mb. palls , per ea e , 'J doz. , SU.'i'i ; do.
Frhodiietx perdoy. . * ' > . ' & ; do. ttiniblers , per
C.T-P , 2 doz. , 81.40 : nil kluil.s , second ( trade ,
5iVlb. ( palls , per Ib. , fie. Mince Meat , best
prinle , ' 4 bbl. , JUT Ib. , Te ; do. P < , : w and OS Ib.
ii.tlls , iicr Ib. , 7tfe ; do. Mb. palls , per do/ . ,
SO.OO ; nppln butter , extra line , j/bbl. , perlb. ,
7e ; do. IO-1K pails per Ib. 7 > < ; ilo. ft-lb. pails ,
per doKI.OO : peach and plum butler. 40-lb.
pnll.s , perlb. U > e ; peach , plum and quince.
f.ulter , iioMirtcd. i > lb. pails , per do37.50 : ;
efttsup ( Binder's ) , linest made , per 2
do/ , pint bottles. S5.00 ; horse rodl.sli. uint
buttles , per ileA S1..W.
I'JOR * Krr.T , Tltll'E. AND IjAMIlS * TONniTS
J'lKs' feet per k bbl. , 81.75 ; do. X bbl. ,
52.10 ; do. per kit , Sl.OO. Lunibs' tongues per
X bb ! . , * ; i.Mj ) do. per kit , S2.75 ; do. quart
jars | H > r do/ . . S-5.50 ; do. pint tars per c , e ,
. doz. . S7.CO. Tilpe , per Jv bbl. , S4.'iO ; do. per
> i bbl. Si.VJ5 ; do. per kit. U'.e. Broiled inuuk
riel , new , per case. 50 cans , O.M ) .
i.r.MOKS cw llcsslna , per box , 55.0U ( < s
G.fO.OHANOKS Valencia , per case , 4-20 size ,
ST.oo : Kloildn. per box , N < .50 ; Louisiana , per
box. . : IMT bbl , . , , , ,
Ai'ri.KS-Kniic > Now Vork and Michigan
npplw , per bbl. 3i"5 ( , 'l.OO. ; lancy Now York
and Michigan apples , S bbl. lots , per bbl , , ! > ; faney New vmk and Michigan npples ,
10 bbl. lots' per bbl. , S'J.M ; Illinois apples , per
bbl..75 ; Illinois apples , 5 bbl. lots , per
bbl. , S'--M ; Illinois npples , 10 bbl. lots , per
bbl. , M.40 ; AlKsourl ( lenltous. 5 hbl. lots , jier
bbl. , S'-.S-'i ' : Missouri ( nltoiiH , 10 bbl. lots ,
nrrbbl. , $ ! ! riX ) ; lancy eating per bbl. . sa.2S ;
choleo MIchlL'iin litiit. i.M : In 10 to as bbl.
lots. * .85 : car lots. S.'MK )
( litAt'KS Malasa , per bbl. $7,00 ; Catawba ,
wr bahket. < sl i"i
riiANiuitiiir.s : Uunleslnbarrelsand boxes.
CRDO Cod , laticy daik , in > r bbl. . SU.OO ; Capo
( 'till , tiinidink. . . > tinl. lots , iier Mil , -jS.rjO :
. . ! ? ie , pcrbhl. , & fi > ; Jersey
Hell and Umile , ft uil , loin , inr bbl. , 7.50 ;
Jersey ni'llnuil Hmrle , pi r box , . ' . .SOVls ; -
coiiflln Hell and ( berry , per bbl , St5.50 ; Wis
consin Uell and Cherry , 5 bhl. lots , per bbl.
roi NIA J'l-i'n J'dirs ' K.llenrroan
pound j n rs. irr lox. f.00. ! ! ( iiape
Kmpeior , 'icr cinte , SM Its. , fci-.CO ; Uoub
rnovihio.vff. Hani. 10' (3llc ( , breakfast
bacon , S WIK.- : clear side bacon , 7c ; dry baited
Hides , fiofuhoulders. suitar cured , .V. c ; mess
pork per bb ! . . it.OO : : lard , 40 lo. cans , per Ib ,
7C 7 ; 10. Aundii Ib Fairbanks , 7 @sc ;
l iH'el' hams. 1'Je.
B ( ionil clean stock meets with ready
Fale. Hand picked navyS1.7&C c'.00 ; medium ,
Sl.Witl.75 : uornl clean country , 91.a5i$1.4U ( ;
Inferior 7fic < il.OO.
OVSTKIIS-N. V. counts , 4ic ! ; oxtm selects ,
880 ; selceiH , JSie : standaids.iiOo ; mediums , BAe
OKIONS- Salt Lake nlock IB selling at 51.00
per bushel ; common home giown teds , 70@
7S % Theie are a tew oxtw choice In the
inaikct that mo hold at 81,00 per bush.
VixiKTAiil.r.H- LakeooloiiN , per lb,2c ;
Jersey s\\eet potatoeu , JJj e ; horse radish
loots , tV ; | HHM rndlhh roofs , per bbl , $5.60 ;
clcry tools ( ( iernmn celery ) , per doz. . 75c ;
clery , 40c.
( iiiAiN The following mo tno prevailing
pilceri paid lor the wairon loads on tlio stieets
unit at the mill.s to-day : Coin , aito ; oato , aai }
S.V. ; wheat , No. a , ftk ) ; rye. 40c Kle\ut r
iirlecs for ear lots : Coin. si-XiiVS c ; oats ,
2Jt c : wlient , < > 7' C'oi. c : rye , 4iJe : barley , 03e.
Finw ANO SKINH Mink , each , lOiWlOc ;
niuskiat , winter. . ac ? . ' * ; do. kits , 2c ; Otter ,
VJ.60fnti.oO ; skunk , hhort MrInM | , ir-faiV ) ; do-
bioad Htiljiiied , 100CI5 ; badger. B5@'iO ; Kac-
coon. No. I large. 4 { > dfffl ; do , No. a , SOTtfJW ;
do. > o. : i. iinnBTiu : wolf , pralilu fATH ) ) ;
do mountain. fc'-.oofttH.OO ; wildcat , 1 5@40 ; " bea
ver , $ l.r > ( J..W p T ID ; fox , each , 40@S1.50 :
di erhkln : , di\ winter , isyit'o ' per Ib ; do. lal [
and mimmcrHiV1. ( ! .
lliii : ( ireen biiteiieiH' , 7 , ! < , o ; green cured
Pejdry lllntito : ; diVMill , lOo ; damaged hides
ee. 'I a. low le Uieat > e , prime
'iiiKK-No. 1 Plttstmrc 'rnrness ' J. C. L.
A Sons e ; No1 I'lttsbnrir , K. .V S. 8 Jo ; No.
Cincinnati , We : No. 1 lace leather. iXto ; prime
IK i h ter Milo leal her , ! isf We ; nrime oaks le
leather. JJVmi1. c. il pper leather , per toot.vio ®
S ; : , ' ) ( < + y.H5l''icmli ; ;
Jtlj ) . 31.tWMt.25f Hem calf. * l.u > ( { l.lo. oak
calf. 8l.uOMV.jft : ncnehcalt , SLiiWI-bS : Alc-
HMVO hoot le , ! ifl ( < jfcle ; : Moiocco on pebble ,
L'Nji-'i''a ; topplncs and llulnub , i'ti.OOi'alO.O' )
rtAtim.KHY IIAiimvAiir. \ Ucombliiatlon
loop Inline.- ' , Jffl.-i : X 0 I. ( ) , T. Immcs , il.i'ij
vai. 1. O. T , hamc.s. ; perfection juds.
t .7 : - 7 mi i its. Me ; Ilatbours No. 10
thread. A : i i > In cast stnip nlkio. : iOc : KG
bicasi straiBlde,40c ) | : li/X UUIoou chainuT
buckle * . Sl.lli ; 13s 1apiroopchaiii : > Tbuckles
K'lCljfi X 0 3 loop cliampT bucKies. 9l.w : ;
1/i up loup chump buckles , SI.'JO ; cop
ier rivets No. V , i0o ! ; il tel snaps , ! } <
Slk.50 , IJi 4.4.M ) , l&JW. JRliM ) . , H
' ' ' " ' ' * "J
j'fi.'w. j < tun , ti HIM' '
HKAVV ilAitnwAiiK lion , rates. J25 ;
ylowcteel. spechil east , 4c ; crucible steel , PC ;
nM tools do , ICl'tl i * ; iMi-iin | iokes , per sot.
Sl.T.VjtH.OO : hiili-s iNTM'l , Sl.'A lelliMis , srtweil
ry , f 1.40. lonmies. each , 7.rie , axles , each , 75o ;
sijinue mils , per tt > . , 7tllc ( : collchaln jier w ,
( Xi-Jc ( ] : ninlable , Nlion : uvdces , tic : crow-
bao.D ; haiiiixv tti-th , 4c : MUhn ; steel , 7i4 ( * < fl ;
Jliinlen's lmi > i-iiocv S4.-2A llurden'8 intile
( lioex , fr.VvI ! I tallied Wire Ill cir : lot.x , 84.00
iicr W Id * , ( run NalK-ltati-s , 10 to W. $ : ) . 5.
filiulSl. . ; > 0 ; Imi-khlmt. tl.s' . : oiienlal
imuder , l < ft ; ! > . ( : i..VK < t4.iio : do , half IOXH ; , Si.oo ;
ilu , iiUHitcrliecN S1..V ) ; bluslliu- . Kens , SU.Uj ;
fuw. iH-r W i tcct. WH : . J.ead. , SI.05. '
.0 ; ifMni . 8 . .
. Wuliiui Mm * . 8t.7. : ' > ; Illinois , 84.5-rf
1 6i > Illch Hill , f 4.oo
) r | ) uv | 'AI > in U bite Icail. Be ; M'eni'hzino ,
) ! c : IMris lililiiL'/'Ve : \\nillinKilders.i c ;
v lilting.coin'l. I > .ic : lampblack , iii-rnmntown.
V.'c ; lampblack , ordinary. Ilkl'iuv > lan blue ,
l < - ' : . untiNU.Hriiif. Iv : vamlyke , brown , * > e
niiil'iT. luiiiil , 4c ; nniiuT , raw. 4u ; sienna ,
burnt , 4 ; tieiiua raw , lo ; I'n lt > green , genu
ine. 3V t I'flri' * ereen , mmmoi ) , 50c : enrotno
cie n. > . \4 > e ; chromeLieen. K , Uc ; ver-
lullliiui , Kngli'h , In oil nsst. ir-c ; raw and
burnt umber , 1 In can10 < - ; raw nnd bunt
Flennn , lovvnndyl.c : blown , lisrs refined
Ininpblaek . ! ' . ' < * : coach black and ! \my black ,
Ific ; diop black , ifio ; I'rti Mnn blue , lov : til-
tramarine bine , ISs ! cliromo cicon , IM. . > fe
IX , K-c ; blind and shutter itrern , I. . . .M A-1) .
ICc : r < iHsi'iren , ISc ; Indfained , i.V ; Venn
linn led..V ; TiiH'an red ' \ \ ; ver
million. U & D..WC ; yellow odno , Oo : L. > I
t i . M. . I:1 * colden orhrc,1f < - : patent ilrycr
les greeii. I to 5 n > cans , 'JOe ; 1-rench zinc ,
green seal , 12e ; l-'iciicli ? lni' . led sea , lie ;
Fiench vnrntsh as < t , W < v I'reiiclizlnc
7fKf'mllllon. ! ; ' . American. Ibr : Indian. nd ;
30eio : e nink. He : Vrnetian.rcd ( noki-oii s
blown.ahc ; Prince'sinhifinl-ii1 . , .
OILS llOcarnoiuiirr sllon. HR : 1M heaJ.
light , per irallon , l e ; 1T : headlletit , per gul
Ion , It'e ; I.vjo Wnt. f white. I5c : Hn eed. n w
perpallon , 41c ; llnteed , boiled , per gallon
I7e : Imd. winter str'd per gallon. 5 c ; .No
1. 4VNo. ( ; a , I c : castor XXX per fMini\
Sl. : > 0 ; No.5l.44s ; eel , per fiullon. Si.'Wj
sperm.V. . 15. , vorVallon , # 1.00 ; iihV. \ . I ! . ,
JMT pallonftV ; neatsfoot i-.xti.ii per gallon ,
30c ; No. 1. ( Vo ; lubricating , /.eio , iwr gallon ,
70o ; slimmer. 15o : irolden machlnf , > "o. 1 , tier
pallon , noMo. ; . s , a.spenn ; , signal , per jrid-
loii , " < & < ! : tnrjientlnc , per gallon , 4."c ; naptha ,
txr ? pnllon. 74e. , ,
\ AiiNiwir.s llarrnls , per paljori : tmii-t
tine , extra , Sl.10 ; furnlfmv , No. 1. SUW ;
roach , extra SI. 10 ; coach , No. 1. Sl.-'O ;
Uamar , extra. 81.75 ; Japan , SOc ; nspliaituin ,
extra , Me ; shellac. 53.WJ ; ham oil milsh.
ai'iitlTS Coloenesplilts , 1 proof , SI.12 ;
do 101 proof. SU" ; "Jill Us. second utiaJity ,
101 pi oof , 51.1'J ; do , fvi pioof , Sl.ll. Alco
hol , ISM piool , S'J.10 per wine g.illon. Itinlls-
tilled wlilskie" , .VLO-Ml-Vl ; Kin blended ,
Sl.rxK'W.O' ' ) ; Kentucky boinboiis , V'.OOy/.oO ( ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvanln ( > > , aa.OOiiiJ.50j
golden she.if , boinbon and rye wliNklcH ,
51.50(3:5.00. ( : IlrandletImpotted , Sr5.K ( ) ' ( ' . . .r > 0 ;
ilomc > tlc , Sl. ) ffii.OO. : ( Jin- . - ! ) < d , Sl.fiO
CSii.OO : domestic , Sl.M ) ( i.tx : ! ) . lums--lm- !
ported. S4.50fi'x.OO ; New Knirlainl , v.MKK-H.ot ) ;
dome.slle , 3l.riOfi : i.W. ( ciiamp.ignes -
ported , per case , S'J .OJ IIi.UO ; , pur
case , 510.OOiilO.00 ,
" Trta , . l l' H'l HI'S yi'lllhT'N l\fi
HSU. , > . .
NRW M 10lj , „ , , ) 4j , , r , , K ,
.M unn's S t No.l 1/b 7 0.1 . 4 mi ,1 id : J 01 I 70 7:1 : r- , ' .0
I/KO HII/iil I'lllic B Ulii : Mil Yi 1 SD 1 .VIT..M M
ts l'"y } I ! IW ! l Mil U1' . 1 711 IjTOViTiO .rj'l '
! " 'f ' ' ' H'KVU
n tsii. | , w , „ 'KO' ' i } , . ' , 4 ( , | | jj | m
No. " \vliifnTii'i"sliT7rT.roi i ! ; | ) ) : iti'ijw.i ) MI i"4 uii
Fmiilly " . In fioi : injiiB i , n-j . " .
No. 1 Trout . 4 W)4 ) 110 ! ; , V 3 Id 71 IB
No. I 1'iekoiel . Uxti : Mls " ' ' ( W < m
Now Flsli. Ilbls. Iliilf IlliKlJIr
w iiw wi I no
HlontorMess , V > 00 18 no Irt SV ! ) 0.1 T .TO I OS
KT. No. ISh'r x co is nn u : no ans in i vt
No. 1 Hluini IS ( X ) ! l All h ' 4 tOil IW1 10
Jlcd. No. 1 Shoie. . . 7 oo > ,
" liny it oo o no c t-r > ; i a2 w 75
T.mgo Family II IX ) fi 0)1 ) I .V. 2 Ki',2 ' 10 Ki
i'nt " 7 00 4 UO ! ! t ( i" > i O.VI 7tl B
. KI.II : > a A i. MI IN. _
wr.w & FAT Illils llir llbls Or. MliU I'uIN or Idts
W 100 UO , 60 10 i lu 12 10
IJIood Kcil | I I I | i I
Alimkii. . . . H 007 ffltt ? oi ; H ) 3 101 251 01 03
JilootlltcU I I i I i
nii'oitTii : ) FISH. ( _ _
. llbl lilt llbls Or Illils I'Mtln orkll.i
100 'M , 60 40 , ID K 10
n oo r DOC so a so'i ' : 101 SHI 04
KK 13 007 On'il ' 4.V3 6s'a ' PO 1 10 98
IlrlsllliiKS . 8 01)1 ) 50 t
l7rri.ind1ieriii7ir."i7ew7 per keg. Me ; new
long split PtockJish , lOc , new shoit split
stockist ) , > . ; c.
SuNiinir.s HJomcstlc Holland berrln ? ? ,
kens , 60c ; Russian sajdines , 45c ; Audio ,
vies In , Oie Hull branu , j > er aiu. ,
S3.SO ; Anchovies in kegs , ? Ole Hull br.uid ,
$4.00 ; spiced Hamburg lieiiiugs , skins and ,
heads ou , per pall , 81.15.
The iihh market is very qdlct except In
sniaUed lish , which Is moving very freely.
CODFISH Xew lar-ro bank cod , 4c ;
sea Itlnj ; , ticorcrw chunks. * ' : clover leaf ,
< ! cor e.s strips , rt'fc ; 1 Ib lolls. 2 Ib boxes.
0' e ; pialiictlower , 21b brlck,0c ; wild rose , SJ
Ib brick. S'ke. '
SMOKKD FISH Halibut , now , lOc ; new
scaled herrings. We ; ma Ueiel use ; salmon ,
liic : smoked bturneon , ire.
Grocers Liar.
SunAim Pnudeied , 7'bc ; cut loaf , 7J c ;
grnntilated , 7 ? c : conlectioners' \ . 7'kC ;
Standaid extra C. Hsc ; extra C , 6)1,01 medi
um vellow. ( I'/i1 ' : Now * OrliMDi. r > a < ( ttfit \
ilATCJI-S IVrcnddie , Ji'xround ; , rl. case ,
-JT > c ; Bipiare ca = cs , 5i. J ; OshUosh cases , an ,
91.'M : mule Hiiuare. rfl M.
DANDY Mixed , lO@12cstIcK ; , lo llc
SODA In Ib papers , &i.25 a case ; salsoda
VIMJCIAH "GiuKR 13l8cvhlto ; wine , 15
PICKT.KS Mtujlura In barrels , S7.'Wdo In
halt bancls. S4.UO ; sir.a.11 In barrel J .oO : do
in half barrelH , $4.0 ; ghcikins in barrels ,
8D.OO ; do In half barrels , Sri uo.
SAi/r lniy loads , per bbl , S1.55 ; Ashlon.
In sacks , f'J.'Hj i sacks , Ashton. UOobbls
' '
CIIA'CK'KIIS Oarncati's soda , butter and
picnic , .V < ? c ; creams , S > jc ; ginger snaps , 8jic ;
Cltv soda , 7 > c.
CANDI.KH Hexes , 40ft , 6s ll' c ; Ss , ! U < fc ;
boxes , 401b , 10 oz , fo , li.xjc ; ball box , JOtb ,
; CUT Hard to Heat , 70c ; Charm of the
West , ( XV ; Fountain , 70c : ( iolden Thread ,
07c ; Kavcrltc , ( Xc ) ; Uud . Me ; Hocky Moun
tain , 60e ; Kanej' , 45c ; IMlsy , 40c ; Notth ,
70 < ; : Good Luck , Me : Our IK-M. 1A" .
1'i.uo TOIIACCO Climax,44cperilllor.ift-
shoe , 4 < ! c ; Star , 4.'e : Spearhead , -VIKI Our
KOIHI Me : Viper Heldhlck , OOo : I'unch , 40ci
"Voinii ; Krltz , 41c : Sll\er 'Pas , 4ic. (
Itoi'E aisal. )4 ) inch nnd larger , 8c ; Inch ,
0 < c ; liicli , be.
CAN.NKD < Soons Oysters , ( Standard jior
case. * t.i . ; strawberries , 2-11) . . iiercaMS'1. . 0 ;
laspbcjnes , 2-Ib. , percjso , $ ± . .i' > ; California
wars , per case , S5.B ) ; nnilcots , per case ,
5W.7V , peaches , per case , SI.75 ; white cher
ries , iKTcase , Jfl.OO ; jdiiins. per case , Stoa ;
whortleberiles , IHT case , fc2.40 ; ecu Iihnns ,
* " . iwrase , S'AWS. Kreen gnK ) s , 'J-lf. . . per
case , VJ.9P ; pine apiiles" , 'J-lb. , jier case ,
5.50.SoAPSKlrk's Savon Imperial , 8H.OO ;
Kirk'M satinet , 8II.IO ; Kirk's standard. If.VX ) ;
Kirk's White Itussiau. S4.00 ; Kiik's White
Cap. fcU.50 ; Home.H.40. .
Si'irKs Whole- Pepper , lOc ; alsplcc , lOc ;
( laiden allspice , lii e. ; Xanlhar cio\es , ISi ; ;
AmlKiyna cloves. "Oc ; , cassia , lOc : ( e on
cinnamon , 4.'e ; Salcon Cassia , 4-'c , iiutiiiotrs ,
-A urn .N mcara gloss , 1 Ib , 0 c ; !
. .
bpicKs- < round Ill.ick pepper , bows , 15
C W.'c ; al Riilco , I''gl'c ' : cinnamon 11 ! Co :
cloves , UXSQSo ; ginger , la ae ; mustard , 15 ®
S3.CorrnKS Ordinary frrtutes , 'o ; lair.
10 c ; prime. llC'Jl'J-iu ; elioice. 1'J 4i <
fancy preen and yellow. 1 i 14o ; old
iTimient Java , 'JoitJMii ; Inlet i-ir Java , inj
'Oo : Mocha , yitifUo : Ai buckle's uustcd ,
11 o ; .Me. auKhlln'a XXXX roasted , 1. c ;
Hilwoith's lake ; Hcd Cro > s. iSUe ;
MeLnuKhlln'ri. Aibnckle'tt and Mel.aiiKhl n'a
XXXX are fold 60o per cnso elf above prices
In ii-caMC loin.
luun : KIIUITS No. 1 otiaiter apples , 4c ;
cvapor.ited. boxen , 6 yn e ; blackbeirie ,
boxes. 0 , < < $ > c : pciwhes : Kastein.4 < < e > c ;
peaches , evaporated , Uijtfjjnc ; hilt l.ake ,
new , < (3'.k' ( : nispbernes. new. 25(327e ( ; cur
rants , new r % nt ( d prunes. nnfi
fjYJini- Standard U U e , bills : Stands d ,
do 4callon kt-iis , $1. i > ; New ilieHiisUsi | ( _
IMrKalloiiMnplnhjaui ; , K Iwnel. P. .Vr U ,
Miletly ptne , 70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans ,
ti.2.rtpcrdoi * : } { u'lHuii cans , j. ' - per doz ;
quart cans $3.00
. 'riAs.ri..npowder. : . . fair , HO ® * .Kood,45@
Jonir , I'liolce. 400j < We ; llicalitast Kood ,
: 'A.iiMOe ; cholco. wx Oflc ; Honchon , good. HO ®
! ! 5p ; cholce.'irxjll.'w ; Jatians , fair , i fie ;
peed , AX94.VJchoice , & 3Q 7Sc ; Ten Dust , ;
Tea fcUtlius. tbc.
Dry Good * .
I'lHXTs Stwil Itiv.-r , 4Uc ; American , 5 > f
Alliolcl'.s , 0.Cixheco [ , Oo ; Mnlichcnter , ne ?
Lyiuan. flo ; ( iloucester , 5 > { c : Duinicll Jnc-
qnard.'V ' : DunnellMfc ; Windsor. He : I'a-
Hie. w ; Iliiiinony.4lV Anchor Sliirtln.'s ,
; e ; Mcrriuiaek Shillings , 4SV ; Dcrwlck ,
CoTiONs-i1 ariners' Choice ,
' fi/ot | Tabot , OVo ; Hope. To ; 11111 1-1. 7' ' c ;
1 lilll j * . C"4 < : ; LoiiMjalc , 8 ; Fruit , 8c ; Warn-
, Etitta , 10 , c ,
Oiiuhi lr VNS Xoftiar co. 7c ; Armory ,
' 7c ; I'eppcrcll , 7ac ; ; Indian Orihard , O e ;
FlXK llitoWN COTTO.V 1'eppricll IJ , r.Ve ;
l'epjeiell O. .Vo , Atl ! s , C. c ! statue of Lib
erty , Oc : I ! , O' p.
1'ni.vTShteel Uiver , 4 ; e ; Araerlran-i''c ' ;
AriHild's , < V : CIHU-CO , Oc ; 31anciio teiv
Oc ; LVIII.TIe : ( . -lonce < ! er. ' 'Si1 ; Iin- )
nell Jarfiunrd , , ' l > unni-ll , 5i ; laina- !
\H\ J -o ? wniihor , Oo ; Paciiic ,
rn < ; Hainiony , 4.jc } ; Anchor MiirtiiiK , 4. < fc ;
Jlerriiunck HliiitliiRS , 4 , ' e ; Dorik. . ( < ,
JI.NIM ) < " Deaver ireck
ttl lnIM / * '
UUCK-IL nbleaohcd ) * ifiz. Majnolla , 10' ; c ;
. Mnenolla , 1-V ; N oz. West Point , I0h ;
10 oz.W * t Point , lane ,
DOCK ( colored HostonJ ) oz. brown and
drab , in'.e : lto ton U II brown and drab , Uc ;
Iloston XX brown and dr.tb , lee ; Iloton
XXXbroMiiand dmb.ll-.jc ; IlostonOPblun ,
HWc : Wsirtvn Tricol , loc.
iJnow.N Corroxlawieiiee ] , ! , . Jkhliaw ; -
niut 1 < L , &o : Ueavci Ham 1.1 * fie ; Athtntlo
kn OOO. .c o , -
: York fancy. ia'e ' , : Mlllbury , l'Je , !
eat I HI ver. ll'n'p ; Hamilton. 12o : Swift
lHver. r.'ic : Miettickcl b , S'jc ; Shelu-Uet. SS
Kc : Montatik AA , Wo ; Montauk H1J , 10' ' c ;
OmwraAOA , ! } < c. . . . . . , . . . .
Hates , staple. OVe ; Kandolph , .stajile , ,0 , 0
Lansdowne , 7c ; ( lloucestci. , ' > , c.
CunvioTS Ainoskciu. cliocKs He ; Amps
k lag , stripes hKc ; Hlalei , Mrlpcs , - > < c : Kdln
burif , y \\liittendon : , sti'pes. fc : Ulen-
rose , "c ; < > tls , checks , ! i'v : Oil . Milpcs , 'A ; ,
Ituval rt'/e : AmoskcA' ' : , napped , loUe ; I/u-
ray.lKiok fold , I''c ; Olwron , book fojd , ll > > je ;
Enaurance , book folil 1-e.
Dry linintior ,
Shingles ha > c advanced .V and dliuension
50c in Chicago.
IIMi.NSH : > \ A. Nil
, ,12 , nu ft 10 rt is ft sonsit ! sift
2t ) . l.VOO 1.VM 10.00 17.00 ) imxl
y\n . i4.r.i I4..M ) W.WMM
i\ . 15.0U in.lX ) 1VIH ) 1IJ.OO 17.UD liMIO PI.IH )
2vio . IWK ) ir. oo K..OO ) ) ) )
\IL- . iri.uo ir , . i i.w ) lu.iusiiu'i '
i\4-\S . 11.00 l'i l l 1" > ( XI KUXI 17.HJ 19.UI I'J.UO '
No. 1 hoards , 10 , 14 nnd 10 ft . S10..10
No. boards , ia , 14 und l ( ! it . 14.50
No. : iboanN , VJ Hand H ! ft . riM
No. 4 boards , U ! , 14 und 10 ft . 10.50
No. 1 , 4 ifc 0 Inch , IS and 1 1 leol , rough. . $10.f > 1
No. 1 , 4 Ac ( J inch , KJfeer. rouuh . W.r
No. e , 4 An Inch , l-J and 14 Icet , nnnsh. . Ul.75
No.B , 4 AcC inch , 10 feel , loiinh . 14'i >
lst.Com. . "r Inch White Pine
' 'd I'oni. , j/ineh ! White Pine
. .
Clear , ineh Yellow Pine . § 21.50
Clear & inch Norway . 14.00
JM Com. , ? M inch. N < irwav . 10.00
1st Com. 0 Inch , white pine . 8 * ! 00
Jd Com. 0 inch , white plms . S4 od
JM Com. 0 inch , ! white iiino . ' - " . ) 00
1) . 0 inch , white pine . 2000
Com 4 and li Inch yellow iilne . 17.50
Star 4 and fl Inch yellow pine . Sl.OO
1st aud 2tl clear yellow pine , 4-0 Inch. . . ai.50
sini' i.Ar.
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch . SJ7.00
No. a. Plain , Sand 10 inch . 15.00
No.l.O.U . 17.50
1st and 2d Clear , 1 Vf inch. s. 2s . SM ) 00
1st and M Clear , iu and 'J Inch , t's M 00
: i t Clear , 1 inch , s'-'s . 4SOO
Ml Clear , l > ; and s Inch. H 2s . 48W (
I ! Select , lV. ! l. and 'J inch. H. 2s . a'lOO
1 st an d-Jd Clear , 1 inch , s. Us . 6000
! ! d I'lcar , 1 inch , s 2s . 4I.-S. )
A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s . 4000
15 Select , 1 inch , s. 2.s . li'JSO
H'locic no.siins.
A 12 Inch , 1 s la , 14 uud 10 leet . $40 00
U > . . | i oo
( j 11 ii u ti . 3 < ! 00
1) ' " 11 a u 11 . oJ ; 00
No. I Com. 12 iii. s. 1 F. 12 , 14 and 10 ft. . 17 .10
No. I " " " 10 , Ib and 20 It. . 18 fiO
No. 3 " " " 12 , 14 nud 10 IL. 1550
I'opr.Ait i.f.Miii-it. :
Clear Poplar Hex lids , Jt in , s 2s . S i 00
" y in , panel Mk wide , s 2s. 27 00
" Combated Ceiiliif ; , h. . - . tst 00
\VKI.I , TUJU.NO , i'icicirs. ;
O. G. batts , 1M inch . 50070
u\i. : sis . oor ; >
3 Inch Well Tubing , I ) , .t M. and Hev. . 20 M
A * Standard . S2 CO
5 inch , clear , § 1.60 ; 0 inch , clear . I CONe
No 1 . 1 10
hath . 82 - - > 0
White Cedar , 0 Inch , halves . 5 11
" " 5k " " andSjIiui'H !
' " 4 " round . 11
Tennessee red cedar , split . 14 >
i.i MB , IV.TC.
' ! ! ? ! ? ' T7htS ! M7T.C 'Df0 ! ' , fcnS rj m ii
AkVoiTr5l.7f. ; jilasler , Si : ; "iiair , per bushel
A ; bash , 50 IK.T cent oil Hit ; doon , , blinds ,
mouldlnus , 50 jit-r cent off list ; tarred felt , per
ewt. , § 1.75 : straw board , 51.00.
To Tnc CONRi'stiTivn ! < > : T TIIOSR WHO us-
iriiWi umler tlio fiUul Fevcrlty of our cllmnto
tliroimb miy pnlnionnrv i'oin"'alnt. ' ' or oven
tbo o who tir In di'diloil eon u iipilon , hy no
nii'mis ( lospulr. Thoioinn emu mul biiro rem
edy nt limii ] , nnd ono easily tried " ''x
fVimiNHiiiil iif Uiri'Mnr Oil nii'l l < imc , " xvllbo'it '
pot-CH inu tlio very nmiseiitlm ; tla\or of tlio oil
nslieinlofnrti ii fd , If oinluwcil by tliopliosnliato
o linmwi'li 11 bi'iiltv propertv li'cb r-Ti'ers
Hie oil ( lonhlv p loiolon ll ( > nmrknvln to'tl-
inonl-ils of Its enieiiov o own to tliOMi wbndo-
Him to rtii' < tbem 8oM by A. I ! . Wii.noit. ( "licm-
let , llo--toii Hurt nil dril'/uKt"
( Buccosrora to J , O.
At the old tintvl U07 Furmiin St. Orders by
toleifrupli Millcliod und promptly i.uii.tu1
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
The only road to take f or De Molnri , M r-
.shuilKiHii.CcaarltnpIdH , Clinton , Diilo , Chicago.
Mllwaulceu un < I nil polntn east. To Ilio pooiilo of
Nobnibkn , Colorado , WOiuln , Utah , liluho
NiiViiiJrt.OiVKOu , WnsliliiKtoii und Ciillforiilit It
ollorsHUpeilor advBiitni.'cs not poesllilo by nnj
otber him.
Among u few of the numerous points ot supo-
riorlty fiijojcit by llm putjons of this romlbo-
IwoonOniRhk ami ciiU- : fro , uro Its two trains
dy of DAY COACH KS wlilch are the finest lh t
lininan nit and InKonulty can create. Ilsl'AL-
AC'K SLEEriNO tIAllS. wliieh are models of
comfoit nnJ oleeancc. ItB I'AlllXU UUAWlNd
HOOM CAIW. munrnnRUHl by any. unit Us wldo-
y celcbrrtltd J'AI.ATIAMlNl ) > } | } CAIta , tlio
( iu l of ivhlcli cannot bo found olsewliero.
At Council HUilTb tbe tiulna of tlio Union Pacl-
flu Ity. connuct la Union Depot nlth thono of tlio
CblciigDA Northwestern Uy , In Culcnjjo tlio
tmlim of this line mukucloso uuiinuuUou with
tliono of nil eastern lines ,
T'or llrtrolt , Columbui. Indiuniipolis. Cincin-
null , NlRRura 1'Rll * . HiitlRlo , 1'lttsbiinr , Toronto ,
ilonlieMl. llnnton. New York. I'hlludelpbla , Hal-
timrirWnshlnfion und nil points In the east , a-iW
the Hc-tct
If you wluli tlio boat RccoimmKlutlona. All ticket
< i.'iiu ht-ll tickets vU lln Hue. , , . , ,
* f. IIUUIU'lT. _ M. 8. HATH ,
Uvnural ilnnayer. Oen. I'n * . Atom
W. N , 11AUCOCK ,
Cc Ace u , u . .
Billiard Tables ,
T1IK llllI'X\VIfK-1lAlK COr.TKXIlTu A Co"
Kauufactnrers of .Billiard A Pool Tables ,
Ami Paloiln. Oillee nti.l think I'M tiros. Mnrk
nml Huron St # . , Cliieiigo , III. OmaliH onit-o , SV )
S. loihSt ,
Gook Binding. Elc.
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Ittnnfc ItooX Mnnurnmirot * . N n. 103 anj
_ _ HW South Utb Mroot , Cnmhn ) , Nob.
Butler Tubs.
' "
Manufacturing o [ Butter Tabs ,
M 9)t'c ) ; < n 5 > , See ; SB ff > , a < c ; MO & > , Xc ; 101 Ib flrk-
In * . JIX' . Iflli Hiitl I'lrrvo M , , Omnhn , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
" " " ' " "
MAX MKYKtl \ CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccosr
Onn mid Ammunition. 21.1 in S2I South llth
Hrt ct , NWJ to 11MI Kuril it in Btrci I , Omiilin , Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale li ) alei-s In Leaf Tobacco ? . NOJ.
1IW mul 111) ) N. llth Sheet , Umalui. Neb.
Cornices. .
Eagle Cornice Works ,
John Epono < ut , 1'rom It-tor. Mninifnr.turm-
fiilvun7Hl ! ! Iron and Ciiriilcu. f-l Ikxlpe , illid 101
and 110 Nortb lmhStlcctUlnnlm , Nub.
Mnnufncturcrsof Orniuiientnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Window * , FlimK Kte , BIOS. UlliSt. Wothdono
In nn ) piutof tlioeomitry- _
Western Cornice Works ,
0. PPEOHT , Proprietor.
Onlvunlmi Iron Cornlcus , Eto. Sprclil' * Improved -
proved Patent Metnll'cSliyllglit ' , COS and 510 S.
l-'th ft. , Omiilin , N > K
Doors , Sash. Etc.
. , , .
Planing Mill.
Doorc , Fusil and HllmK Al o nil Vlml * of
furnlmr. Scioll nintPtnir vrork of u\cry do-
Manufacturer and Denier In
Doors Sasti Blinds
, , , Mouldings ,
Etc. Stnlr Haiti n spu-lulty. Telephone No.9.1.
IDtli nnd Muroy M. , Oninliii , Nub.
Electrical Supplies. _
Electrical Supplies ,
L. W. W01.FE i. CO. , Eloctriclmn ,
Mnsonio Illock , Oiimhii. Iluril > ir Aliii-ms. HellJ ,
Kiio Alnrms , Kloctrlo M-iUlii. , Sucuklutf Xubui ,
Cold , Silver nnd Nickel I'lntlnir , Kte. _
Iron and Nails.
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Tire Nulls n Specialty. Oiiinlm , Noli.
Oraalia Ironworks Company ,
Mnclilnory , Cnstlncs , Ptoiun Kmrinos Hollers ,
Architectural Iron Work. Iron IliiilifcR , Mltilmr
mid Mill Machinery , , Ollivo nnd works , Union
PilclUc 11.IL l"th und lIi ! ! ( Streets.
. . _
VTEAlbiE & HltO. .
Foundry Works.
Cor. 14th nn < l Jnckion Sto. , prcpurotl to do nil
kinds of Iron und Iliass CimtlnjjT iiNo , O. U.
Uannletcr's Hocklrur Gratu Ilur * ) m.imifact jro 1
Mattresses ,
n. M : HITUSK ,
Mattress Company ,
MHiiufncturlnir .MnttresfSix. lli < ddlnir , rentlior
1'lllown , ( "ol p , Etc. 1UOG and law Douglas Street ,
Omatm , Nob.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans 1'niitn , fihlrls , Ktc. . 1102 itnJUJi Douglas
Street , OnmliH , Nob.
Paper Bo/es.
J. I * WH.KIK ,
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
IWi . 14th St. , Onmhn , Nob. Onlcrtt by mall so-
Omaha Safe Worksi "
Wniinfnclurcr of I'lio nml Ilurslnr Pioof Rnfo' ,
Vmilt Iloorn , Jnll Wink. Klinttt-rs nnd Wlro
Woik. Cor. Kill mid Jnt'Lsiw His. , Unuilia , Neb.
Soap. _ _
P. 3. Q1TKAI.EV ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
Ofllce mid rnctorrjcnr , I'onduiMairiulne ,
Umitliii ivl'i
Wagons and Carriages. '
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
13ir > nnil lul" Iliirnvy wrent , Oiiiulin. Nrl > , Hnlo
' intf In NclirnsKit lor Jonus' CulubrutuU Split
Kttabli'-hrd lew.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
llWund lill Uodgo Struct , Omaliii , Noli
White Lead.
_ _
Corrodors iiud Grinders of
Perfectly Pure Wiiite Lead ,
Ouinlin , Ni'b. J-i-vl fnrtnr , 1'ros. ; ( ' . \V. Mend
Vim Pi 1-9. : II. W. VntcB. Pit' . nndTri"ie.
The Millard ,
Bheare , J. B. Mar clTlios. Swobu , IVoprlutori
Oniutiu , N
Arcade Hotel ,
JamoB Citscy , I'ropi letor I ,
12i.r. ami 1217 DmiKlM t. ' Uinuhii , Neb.
Thopmromiiroofi-oiniuarclnl' rc'-pcctfully
eolicilisl , They will llmitliH the tiusx ( Hilitr
to wctt
Planters. House ,
c. E , rumus , PUOPIUKTOU.
Ilnteg , Jl.ffl per day , til ret t eurn fioui U.I' .
depot , wlinin onu block of ( muse. Corner
mnl letb etruots , ( Imnliu , Neb.
The Cozzens ,
V , numeey4 Co. , Proprietor * .
Rates < 2.00 per dny , nn dftrk rooms. A
Hotel t-nnln IV , Diuuua , Nob.
CanQeld House ,
Cor. Ninth and Fnrmun His. The best 3 per
Uuy hotel In Omulm. Kc-iiiixltliHl. ri'lninlslii'-l ,
1 ; onu block trom wriny licad'innrtcru ;
opiKiilto Union 1'uL-ino licudauurtcr. * ! hiieeteur *
PIIS.S the Uoor. OoorKV I'aiinclil & o. , proprie
tor * . Alto Union tiioak YurdH Jlutel , BoulU
( Jinuha.
Hotel de Goosj
V. GOOsi. I'ruprlutor.
European J'lun. Tlic only eeninillj located $2
a iluy boui-c. Tbrro duo IB from lloyd'H Opera
lloiihoanil ono-lmlf block from tliu l' = tiiiiu )
ana i he Court llou&o. IWt ) , 1510 , luli 1'armua
Agricultural Irnplemcnls.
NiNdint A MirrcM.r co. ,
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Ou1ooCoiiuTCIli mid l'fl lfli.'ct , Oiiinlin N
PAKUV , our.NDoiirr & MAiin.v ,
\Vliolcalc IK'nliis in
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
mid lltiwli * , Onmhn , Nt'b.
Boots and Shoesi
" "
\v , v. Moitsn * co. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Slioes ,
1(11 Fnrnttin Ptrcot. Oinalni. Nrl > . Xnnuf Actm J
PiiiiinirrSllcil Jlostnii.
" " _ Carpels. _ _ ,
k A. OllCHAlll ) .
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Curtnln ( ) o < xl . Klc , ! Vnrnsui
t , Otimlia , NcK
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Onloc , 2MS. lttiSt.Oninhn , Nob. Ynnl , Dili
and In ) > cn | > uil tti'i.'te.
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
lli'St vnrictltvi. Offlrii , 213S. 13lh Pt. Ti'lephono
No. HK , Diiiiilm , Nob.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
2HS. 13th Pt. , Omnhn. Neb.
m.o. r , TOWI.K , Pro'Ment.
GtO. VAnillFON , Sou. HIldTri'ilM. _
J. II. Mu.lit.HT. ! ' A , IAI ) oil ,
Propilctor. ManiiHcr.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
.yiiS. litthSlici't. 'JVIoplioilo 40. _
Oro. K. IMII un. Pro . r , K. ( loniMAv , V. 1'ics.
J. A. SUM : HI.\M > , fee. mid TICKS.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of haul nnd soft coal , WJS. Mill fct. ,
Oinnlin , Nt'b ' ,
Hard and Soft Coal.
lUrlU6i\oilcuk'ra In Moulder folormlo,21I
bUtllll Htll bllCL't.
CofTue and Spices.
ci.AitKn iino
Omaha Coflee and Spice Mills.
Ton Collet's , Siilt - < , llaklnif Powder 1'lnvorlng
KxtrnctH , J.iiuiulrylilius Ink , oto. Hll-I'i Hai--
i HI } ' Street , Uinnlii ) , Nob. _
Commission , Etc.
1IHANCH .t CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
ll21J"nrnamSt.Oiiiiilia. Apples-Oar own ( .ack.
liiK Pliitt * i O.'B 'I'i rr Iiiiinil Oysters , lluttcr ,
Kgss , UitiiK' , Poultry , Potiitoos. _
General Commission Merchant ,
Producu , I'ravNIons. I'rults , Flour nnd Fowl , Wi
H. th Pt. , Oinnlia , Nob. ConslKiimuntii gullultuU.
Hutiirns nmdo promptly.
_ _
IX)1'1S HF.M.Klt ,
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Choose , Sausage" , Frultf. Hutcliera Tools nnd
Suppllt'b. J l. ' > . loncs St.Oiuulm , Nub.
W. E. IlinDBLU
General Commission Merchant.
Pl'LCl ATTIKS chi-ee-u. lluttcr. Kt'ps , Poultry
und ( iiiinc , IK H. litb. , Omulia , Neb , 'folo-
pliono Xo. yjj. _
I ) . A. ri
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , Ettg * nnd Prodiico. A full line of Stone
ware. Comteninems bollcltcii. Hll Dodge St. ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butler , EKKP. Clifcco mid Country Prodiie
n-itlly , M > a. U'th St. , Oiiuina , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Bi-frlKerator and Packing Hdiine , 14tli & Limroii
worth St. , on U. I' . It. It. Track , Omaha , Nob.
Established 1870.
ItOUKUT l'Ull\1S ,
General Commission ,
ill B. Htli Pt. , Onmhn. Nob. Hpeclaltlcs-nuttor
KW , 1'oultiy ttnJ Game.
Commission Merchants , Fruits ,
I'rodiiuu and ProvinlpiiM , Omaha , Nob. _
A. P. SCHAriC.
Wholesale Commission Merchant ,
Tiuits , Seeds and Prodiiuo. No. ! . ' 1J 8. U'tb dtroct ,
Omnhn Nubrasku.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
rrultB. Flour , AppU's , Stnmiwnru , ( 'Idcr.Vinejfar ,
( iuissPctilH. Iliillfr mid HuifS , U13 und ai5 South
] ! itti btrcut , Oinatu , NvIirasKa.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , RtHlfr , Qnniu. KruitH. Ktu. ! ! ) a 3 < th
St , , 1miliu : , Noluuslcu. _
Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits ,
SUatsI.iuil , Jfllii'i ! , HiiitiT. rirBB. Cliooto , Kic.
No. iiO'i S. ISth . t. , Omaha , Neb. _
General Commission Merchants ,
MCODodKo Struct , Omulia , Neb. Consignment J
12lli Btreot. Oniahii , Nob. Ppocialtios : Hut-
tor , KKKH < iindt'lilckuns ,
Crockery ,
\v , WIIKIHT ,
Agent for the Mnnuriiuturorn and Tinporturu
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lumps , Cliimneyn , Uto. Olllon , : ) I7 South 13th
' Omaha Nob.
j. J. nitowN & co. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
1 ! > I DouglnH Street , Oniiihn , Nob.
i , . GiNBiiniin & co. ,
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Mnens , iJii-oh , Embroidery mid White Good * ,
Oimilm Neb.
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Etnllomiry mid poitiiblo fiigliuv , Uoilurs nnd
lliect iion nork , WUKOIIH , iiKrioultuml Implu-
uieutv , pumps ctu. U'l'J-1' 15
Leather. Hides. Etc ,
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
11U Jack on Su ( < < : ! , Omalm , Nub.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Enddlrry ami Hhoo FimlliiKii. Hide ? , Wool , nra ,
I'ulu.iiruatfTallow , Klv.Oniaii < , Jicl.
Flour , Etc.
WM , 1'ui.vniN. GKI. l
WM. I'HKSTON .V . > .
Wholesale Flour ,
tO,010 and CU Picic 6li.clUiiiuLa ,
nist'xo rritiiic , .111. ,
Apcnt for.t Horfin\j'r : A CV > , ,
Manufticturers of Highest Grades of Flour
lly Kolit-M ntiit Huiipm-ian Vicrc > . Wnrolmueo ,
n. Neb.
w.j.\vsx ! < < ) . .
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Mftnurarturer of W. J. WiHinn * i V. '
Ilil | nelliukwlieat flnnrnnd propi-lolorR
City .MIlH.iw. Mil and FamainMreot * . Oiimbn.
" '
liJVSTO.VK \ | ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furnitura ,
_ 1'nrnnni Ftrect , Oninliii , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
lllflnnd 1112 Dotu-Ms Slieet.Om.Oin .
E. It. CHAPMAN & CO. .
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tntiiuro ami Smokers' Aitlvlrs , Wit HonArdSt.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
HnlrtjP , CIHntiilToliiHM.iw. ( ! 1HI7 and IHlODouff-
Wholesale Grocers ,
.Corner IQtli mid I'ainam Sliet'li" , Omaha , Nob.
PAXTON , ( A CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 710 , 707 , TIN and "II S. imh St. , Onintin , N'cb.
" .
W. J. ItltOAUVU ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Ifeayy , , ,
Pprlnp" . WiiEon Stuck , llmdwood Lumber , etc.
i-tiert , Omaha , Neb.
v A : mmiox ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon.
And rnrrliiKO Wood Ptoek , Henvy Hur.lwnro
llto. IX'lTand 1211' ' I.ei\on\ : \ > oilli.Slio'lOinulm '
Builders' Hardware ,
Mrrlmnlrn' Tools ami Hitllalo Sc.ilus.
Inn Street , Omaha , Neb.
LKI5 , FJUKD .t CO. .
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Kte. Auimtt. for Hunt * Scales ami
Mliiml Po'.vder Co. , Omalm Neb.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Mantles , ( ! rale , ltriupwK l\Kl \ mid IS51 1'nr-
iiam Ktieet.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson fateol Nails. Cor. ll > ili mid llninoy
Streets , Omahn. Neb.
W.M. JKtitlNU : k CO. , niH'AGO ,
Munufaeturci of the
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. M. Airliner , ( lonoml Acont ,
Omulia. TelepnonoOlO.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jolil > orfl In lion 1'ipo , Iron titling , Iron and
llrnfi Goods. Unulnccis' Supplier. 14tli unJ
JodieSlicets , Omulm , Nob.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Steam. Watur , HallivnyniidMlllliiK-SiipplIc' , Eta.
IKU , iia und KJ4 Furnnni St. OniuUn , Nub.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Stcnin mill Water Supplies. lIc-udquarlciB fo"
Haiti 1-oost . ' . ' " . .
Co.'s Goods. 1111 " Hlri.'L'l ,
Oniului , Nob.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Tlcnlcru In Sllvonviirc , Dlnmonils , Wntolmq
Clockn , Jewelers' Tools nml .MiittTinl-i , Klc. , 101
mid lut ) , 1Mb Struct , Cor. IJod Omulm , Nub. _
Fish. Etc.
' JEXSO.V l-'ISll CO.
6ucop R ( rR to Ick"n M ni Mjn & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Foreign Fhli , Noa , 911 Sin Jonel
btroet mul U. I1. Track Omulm , Nob.
Live Slock.
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
CloK > to U. V. llridKL' . Spcelnl accommoiliitlon
nnd u need muikcl lor liot * > . . 15. < - ' . Cooper , Muu-
u er. Olllcc. WI South 6tli PlrMl.
M. mniKi : .v SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Ijoo , Itiulvo. Muujic : i' ,
Union Stock Yards , f. Omithj , Neb. Tele. 552.
W. F. I1IIOWX & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Ofllco KxclmnKo llniMimr , Union Block Yard" )
Koul li Omulm , Nob. Tclepnonu No. I'M.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stoek Yard ? , Chlc-aKO , 111. , und Omulm ,
Neb. Frank Cliltteiiclen.Mnn.iKorOnmb.i lira nob.
Telephone No. US3. Kblabllnhed 1NX. .
W. L. PATliICK A CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Addi ct > 8 all communication-no us nt Union Slock
Vaids. South Omaha. AdvHiieen Hindu on nlock.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
_ Limited. John F. IloyJ Siipcrlulondont.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Hhii'iiieiiiR ot any mid nil klndn of mod : solicit
ed. Union Sioek raids Onulm Nub. _
Lumber He.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Esth , Ioorn , Kit. Ynrds for. 7lh mid Douglas ,
Cor. Oth and JJoiigl j.
noim MANUFAcrnuNa co , .
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
, btutr Woili und luleilor HuiU Wood
tnlsli. Jiifct opened , K. K. cor. ttli uud Luuvuu-
north HtieetH Omalm Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
( It 8. Hth Street , Omuba , Nob. F. Colpouer ,
C. N. niUT/ ,
Lumber ,
13ti ) and rnllfoniiu Struct , Omnhit , Nob.
J'ltKU W. OKAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Gih mid Uouglus IHiecln , Omulia , Nub.
OU ( . A. HOAiLANI )
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Onmliu ,
CIIA8. II , I.EK ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wmfin Block. Khtivy W < KX'k , llrldco 'I'imberg ,
Au. , t > . W , Cor , Wtli mul UoiiKlii .Uimilii | , Neb ,
11. F. I.VMAN.
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ,
InillJInir Tapir. Ktu. t-oiuli Ulli Hired , Unniim ,
Nebraska Lumber Co.
Paid In Capital Sliick
I-otfjroru , iiaiiu laviiiii'i'M mid hiitu ilo ml-
rrii , MillHI M'-n III W K. liol.-ulc .in.l . iciull .
i' ' tuibuUiif | jmd.UuiuUa. Nub. 611 o. li'.tj a- i
ni MIA 1.1 ,
DrnU i-s In AU Hmd4nt
Bnilding Material at Wholesale ,
IMh Slrei-t mid f P. l ( . It. l.Tmel..Oni-ilii ( Xd
C.KiniAX \VYA1T. 1 .
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Will nnd l/anl Strt 'to. OinnlM , Nubi-s ' < . .
J. A. WAKKnKI. ! > ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shinglss ,
Hull. . lliii' Paper * , Pu .h , Ihvir * . lllltnH. Mould-
1HKS I'll Vrt * . l'o < l , Mni'Pi ! < ter , Ililliv
Cemenl. Ninth iiid,1um % Oiimlui Nob.
Millinery ,
Impoitors nud Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
ii3o' ' < l 1SH
Musical Instruments.
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Hleln a > Pumas. Weoar. IJoekpr , Unities ami
HrlitK" I'lmio . I'lieKiinl .
' * OrsniK , ihaso Oigitn *
1U1 mid 1(0 ( nth Mrcci.
Notions , Etr.
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry food ! , Notion" , ( Ipnls' Fuinl'hliur fioods
tloocUfrom Ninv Vmk. TtmlOMilci ) ilxtly > 609
and M South Mill St. , Onmtm.
0. P. ( JOODKK'II A CO. ,
French and German Fancy Goods ,
I'nurirlsts' mid 8tal lonersSundilea. . li3 ! l'nr >
nam , Oinalni , Nob.
J. T. Robinson Notion Com'pany ,
4I ( nnd 4CiS ( , 10th HI. , Omnhn , Nub.
\\holcHili : Dcalei-s In Notions mid Ucnts' I'llr.
nlhlmr < ioids.
CXSPM.1IATKI ) ( ) > TANK I.IN15 * 7 < ) ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils.
Onfollno , Mien A.\l > > (5rt'iis ( < < , lite. A , II. lllsliop
JlnmiRer , Oinalni , Nob.
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omaha , Nclnntkii.
HAKIIIH \ Fl ! > llitt/ : *
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Office- Union Mnrhet , 1MT Dodjw Stici'l. P.u'khiR
house , 11. V. It. H. Trade , Oimibu , Nob. Telephone -
phone No. IfiT.
Safes and Locks.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s
Flro and HuntlmProol finfos.Tlnm l.ock < , Vuulta
and Jail \ > oik. ttWJ I'm mini htroet , Omaha , Neb.
_ .
.1. WANS ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Airrlcnltiu-Hl Veiretnblo. lUo. Odd Fellowo' Mull
N. W. Cor. llth mid DodKu St. , Onmli.i , Nob.
Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Druggists ,
Jouboraof Palms , Ollrt , Window Ohics Ktc. , llli
llarney Struct , Omalm , Neb.
Wholesale Druggist ,
And Da&ler In Paints. Oils mid Wiudo
Omulia , Neb. ,
Wines and Liquors.
* "
FIIANK nitl.IiUNB i CO. ,
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
I'M : nnd ! - ' DoiiKlnH SL. Onialm , Nob.
Factories Nos. nnd 'Ml , ltd IJIst. N. Y. _
Successor to JleNAMAiu A IiiNtN ) ! , Importer *
ilo Dealoni hi
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
2H and -IB H. llth St. , Omulia , Nub.
Wines and Liquors.
Weslo n Agent Jon. PchlltK Hi-owing Co. 7I9B.
Vtll SIlOOt.OlIlHllll.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
1U21 Douglua Street , Omnha , Nob. ft Of > . ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And i.i < | iioi-s. Polo nmiuiractuiuri of Kennedy' !
ICiihtlnUln lilllcrs. 11U Hninoy btrr.t ( , OnuUiK ,
I * P. T.AIISON & CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers In Whiskies
And ritinrii , mid Dcnenil Agcnlu for the Philip
Hi-els' Celebialod tdlwiiukeo Ilooi' , Onitilin , Nob.
_ _ Jlarness , Uc.
Mamifacturera and .lobbciaof
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Goods , Illanket ? and HubeH. . ltil ! b'unmio
Slice ) .Omulm. Nob.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. . Pay.
- -
The SkortflTiiie
ad Best Route
From Onuuitto the East.
Chli'iiKo , illtmouiiulli , Mlhrmilieo ,
ft. ( 'mil , Cutinr luipldt , ] > avnport : ,
4'llnlon , lulmiiie | , Itoukroid ,
Itticlc Island , FreuiHirt , JannwJIln ,
] : ! In , Miiill-oii , JiUros- ,
llelolt ,
And nil other Imporimit points Knit. N'orthoait
Tli-ket oltlcc at I4vl nirnnm Uoor , ( In I'mlon
Hotel ) , mid nt Union Paelllo Dupm.
I'nlliiiHii .Sluepor.-i and dm I'mo.-a Dlnlmr 1'iiM
in tliu NS oild uiu tun on iho main lines of Uia
CiiCAiiMn.\VAiKKi&KT ! PAIK , luu.w.iv , and
fvi'rjr ntteiitlon Is paid to pu srnKcis by uowtv
oiiHempIoyeHor the ,
H. Mi i.i.Kit , ( lomirul Maim cv.
J. K. TmKin : : , AHsHtmit ( loneral Mui : ncr ,
A. V. II. < 'Aiti'i.vrin : : , ( lomiiil I'asbDiiijoi' nml
Tlekot Aitiint.
Oto. i : . ilEArroiiu , Asslstuul QcuciIPu
vorand Ticket Atont. _ " _
Gonimission Merchant
And wholoxulo Oculor In
Country Producs , Fruits , Butler , Eggs , Etc.
320 N. 16th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Iteli'ieneoi , by I'oriulsklmi Flrat National
Hank , luliuiiK ) | ) ; A , K. ( iarnithtm. ratlilcrHloux
Nntional Hank.SloiiX' Cilj'i loitiiNnlloiuil IlimU
Ufa .Moineii ; H. M.KInimiiui , AhblBtmit Ciisliior
FJri > t Niillon.ll Ilank.CtilCHiro ,
Hall'sSafesVaultsJirnioack $
and Jail Work.
] OiO Funiaiii Struu ( Juiut.haNob ,
R. E , MODH , Linclif Neb.