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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1885)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THURSDAY , DECEMBER/IT , 1885. ' niTi ntifiT r < nn intMMTP SEPULCHRE FOR INrAMS , A Well Which is Said to Be Polluted by Bodies of "r.rJerc.l Ssbes. SCHOOL OF MANUAL TRAININd The Xlnoonlu Ornnd ChnptM * United StntCH Court Proceeding" Cjpucrnl Court nnd 1'oljcc Nuvv . Another Horror. Thn noithwc qunrltr of the block bounded by Thirteenth and I'outlocnth and .laekion and .lone * streets is in a fever of excitement on di elo < ures which form lit accomp minieuls for the hoi i iblo opcodes of Ihe p M few tl.ys This qttar- tor block is owned by Thomas Murray and Mrs Leeper. Murra. } has thegiound coveled wilh sin-ill shanties aecupicd by coloiedpeople nnd while * of moru or less good or bad rupulu. Mis Leepor resides in IK r pot lion and edndiiels an establish- mint of ill fume in Mttcial mall buildings alho set in egularli about the enelo'Uic No fenees intervene , nud Ihe leuilory nboul fcoius lo bo freu lo all llio tenant : ) Inmiedialcli in thu eenlcr of the sqii.ue Is : i well-a vvell s < i deep that its bound- ings have been foi gotten This well , although jiclding pmo water , long ago fell into dlMM- 'Iho vvindhiHs whieh funnel ly hoiMid the bucket has topohd ovei nnd lies upon Us shits dismantled ; Ihe euibing is eoveied with looM'pjauhs lo ivc the un wary ft out n thop into its tienelieious depth. The abandonment of the well has been a Pourco of great Inconvenience lo Ihu do/en families living within the en- closntoand water for the household haste to be begged by { the paillul fiom bhop men on Thiileentli suoet. Thu well jieMs vvnttr ns lirelj as of > ore let it bo umembeied and bottld allonl lull supply to the nei hboiluMid , but neither hribu nor lilio can pcr uildu a "ingle otic of llio dwelleis theii.iboul to touch its waters. Complaints of thu "itualion have iceunt- ly i cached Mr Alini.i.v's eats and Tiles- dny his agent wcijt to the pienilsc. : ) lo in- M'ntig.ito. 'Ihe Well i il to be in good condition and he went into the hou-o of a white woman , Auniu ICetthler to a k iuformnlion upon thu well tioublu. In Ihu Kelehler huu eMM IlattieT.ii ru col- oied neighbor , was visiting lioth llioo 'women bind that ihu wull vvas in n nasty condition and Ihuy would not drink iioin il. The ngeJit at uuee proposed to clean it out , when the colored woman exclaimed - ed with no little excitement : "I wouldn't touch thu. water fiom that well for 11113 thing on earth , even it you cleaueii it out a hunched times. 1 saw a woman throw a living baby down lltat well not Ion" ago. 1 know her , too , and could give her name. " This lust , however , "hu lefu-ed to do , and when thu reporter called upon her yestuiday , .she hcumed lo take tiight and tli mud lliat yhu had ever iiiade ueh ti declaration to thu ngunt. "i did say that a woman oneu lold mo that she had seen : i live b iby thrown down ( he vvell , but ! did not know the woman who loht 1119 and have never soun her again. " Another colored woman , named Li//io limns , albo a Mm lay tenant , was with Miss Tair , ami slut "aid that it was popu- huly believed that thu bottom of the well was lilted with birth strangled babes. .She had also of paitieular cases where in a woman had been neen to dispo-u of nn infant by dioppmg it into thu well , but him knuw noumuc.s. A tour of llio'tenants about the lof found them nlf , ] ) n ie * ed of the behu that the well vviii asepnlehru for children , nnd ono staled Ihnla man who had lnt lakUn w'Ater fiom Iho well , had bioughtupan'.s aim , tiom which lilt ! liesili had lallen. Thuie.isno ( pieslioning the fact that the people living upon that quarter block aui nwmo of Iho circumstances of thu most houible natiiiu. but aiu moved by fear to bual tUuir inn. The locality is a bad ono ntul ' tistdo fiom thu moral depravity , thu public disgrace of the un sightly nud ill-fnvoied premises would recommend it to a thoiough renovation. It is probably thu duty of Ihupohco nuthoiiiics to comnel Munay to clean the well anil miiko si tlioioiigh inspection of jls contents followed by closely piihscd investignlion of Iho people living thuic- nbout.s. MANUAIi TllAIXIXG. How tlio CMnsu'eH Arc I'rnKiPRslnjr Something About tliu AVoik. The ninmttiUntiling classes of Prof. Uumaim in Iho liigh heliool building have now been uiulfrjiis charge for about three months uiuljiuoircully milking i.ipid pro- gicss. A rupoj ter for the Uu : vvho droppctl in upon Iho ! lh.ti6hHs ycslcrd.iy found the boys buJywith1 their saw-i , planes anil chihcls. The room occupied by Pi of. Ilu- niann is in tiro'\ioflh\vejt ' \ coiner of the basement nud is vvull ventilated and well lighlcil. There arc twenty benches , ar- i-aiigcd nrotind throoul , each bench bo- ingiirovhkd with .four drawers. Theio uiu four clnsies , twlo fiom thu higli school mid two fiom thu eimith grado.comprising soventy-llvo scholarrf in nil. The pio- grammo followeiT'out by Prof. IJuniann is as follovvh : I . rii > t el.iss In vvooil-woik , 0:10 : to 10MO. rirst c.iss ! In draw In , ' , tU/J to U : ! W. Keeniid iluss In diawiiu. ltt : ! ) to VJ:10. : Second class in wood-work , l'l:4Q : to:10. : . Till nl eliisH In woiMl-woik , " : li > toil : : ; < . Fointh elii&s In wood-woik , : ! ; . ) lo 5DO : , Thu work done by the boys Is pmuly In wood mid is confined to ihu Mniplo iiiovementH. Knch boy has his own diavv- cr titled up with MIWS , planes , uhbels , and other tools for doing easy work. They nro taught lo KIW out squares and tlo joining ot a moip or Ie > s bimplo kind , lo dovetail , tile , lil fact , the eom > o ih vvell calculated to givy them n thorough kuowl- ctlgo of Iho oiilinniy pnrpeuter tools nnd to eiinblu them to tisu ( ho-otooln with ilex- terlly. Thu leporlur was t > hovvn a hugo nunilier of /jincelmciis of the bo . - , ' handiwork , and boinu of them v > cro very flue indeed. Thuru wuio Euvural \ dillicult pieces of joining woik which would luno uillected cictlit upon an c.xnertcneed eaipenlors so neatly and tastilv wtiro they tlonu. It IB thu intention oM'iof. IJiimaiin logivo mi exhibition of'thu M'hohuV woik at the earliest possibly time. Though as * jet the labors of the Fclmlars hnvi ) been | > cifouucd with Iho hiinpleit tools , Ihuy will fcoon buicndyto tnkn up moro dillleidl kinds of woik. Pint. Ituinann leaves Fudny evening for St. Louis to hen tiliuut gelling homu jnthes for his cl.ibses , OnlKs.s the expensu is greater than now nntielpited , thu of n , bet ot hthvii lo bu run with hlemn will bo made beforu Vubjcunry. Th s will give thu ccholnrs u wliler tango , nnd will enable them to tian their attention lo u chibaotwork which Jins not hllheito claimed ihuir attention. In all will bo MMIIO yeain bu- fore thu "ciirrieiilum" will bu i nl.irged PO ns toenibiacu tin tUid icon work , ihough , tlouhtleeb , lliiu ( ii time will have to bu "les , " said J rofrysor Humann to the roppitcr. "iho'wiholara hecm lo tuka givnt Interest In llii Sr vyoik and aio teally mak ing croditabhi p' In fact , the sehol- nrn bfcoine nb-oibcd in their work K'niclmP ) ( Ihfit vv'hen Iho timi ) is up I can ecurcely diiv > i Ihcm fiom tliu-i'oom. You sue they have only ec'ii nt it about ton wp.uks mid , as lliey uork about seven j-fi u vvecK , seventy hours would repro- , the tiuio thuy lu\q been under my chnrgc Considering this , I belicro the progrr they have made is "atisfnclory in extreme. " 1HB IjANII 1'JIAUII CASKS. One of i ! r 7cn round OuiJiy nns ! Tluce DliflinrKPiK Judge Dnndv eontinned' the hearing in thn United Slates court jefclia day of tlio tiial of the Denver men charged wilh land frauds Tin re were four of them on innl Ytimlt , Hirsh , It.yan nnd Moore. The taking of lo'-limony occupied all of the morning hour" 1'red Hollmnn was the first witness called He vvas one of thu men imploud to enter the fraudulent , and tt tliid that on his Hist Inp he was accompanied b\ Moore mid Vtinilt. 'Ihi-v w < nt lo MtCook , wheio Yuiiill gave him' slips of paper on which were wull MI Ihe liu.tiotis names under which the hind was Inken up. Witness lecehed ? 5 for his. part of thu tran ael'on On his second trip lie went to North Pintle , being iiecom idini d bv John I'lildlci and both look up laud. Witness had never seen or icsided on the hind o Inken up In l SI he took another trip on the . .nun business Dot- man Huisl and Itvan going wilh him. On that trip they pa d out over * ! ! CO. The witness ( iiimes was reealled , nnd ptodiieed certain leeords in evidence Nil Cobuin was also wotn , but his evi- di neeprodiirpilnolldtig new Com I then ndionincd for dinner. During thu nioiniug. Attorney J. L. Web-ler announced thai one ol the wit- nes-es had been intimidated and threat- em d bv , the jnoicculing ollieers Mr. Weblpr referred lo Ilotlmnn. In icply , Assistant D'sti ' it t Atloine.v Hmllelt u a that he told Hollm in that he had been in dicted b.v the grand jury and that ho would consider nun under airest. Hut if he choie to testll > forthegovernmunt , Ihe | ) io-eeulion would use Us own judgment about puxcpiiting him Hn wa given to understand , however , that he could do as he pleaded about testifying. At the afternoon tile argument was com menced and continued mud 5.X ! ) o'clock. Assistant District Attoinoy Hirtlelt o | eiied for ihu pro'-ectition , and was lol- lowed by Judge Hull , Attorney WoodiulF and lion J L.Vebsli r for thu defense. In his addies Jtidgo Hull took occasion to scot e , in n lernblc ninitur , thn wit- ncss Kolton and Special Agent Hiuee , who worked up Ihu case. Mr Webster's aildiessvvas nio t masterly , and nnule a strong linpie-'sion on all present. J > is- irict Attoi ney L-uubei t.son ehned the ar gument in an address of unusual stienutli. Judge Dundy then began his charge lo thu | iiry. it was moat foiciblu and awakened considerable enthusiasm on Ilie j ) n t rt the prisoueirt nnd their coun sel. In siibsl.ineo Judge Dundy charged Geiitltmeu of Ihe imy , it is impossible thu nntuie of things for you to IMS judgment upon this enso without caie- fully weighing the evidence introduced. You nre possibly all fnnnl ar Wilhtho f ets. Y'ou weic most of tvou picsunt at a ptcvious liial , very similar lo ibis , in whieh verv much the . ame questions weru involved. You saw then , evidence from the same elass ot witnesses. You have luul a chance dining these tnals lo tindcisl.ind human natiirn and become acquainted with tlie pei tidy of man. It has been a doploiable state of allaiis. Tlio amount of tieaehery. pcrjuiy and purlidy biought to ligjit in Ihcsc cases has ex ceeded anything ever witnessed by th s eouit. Somu of the witnesses have ad- milled that in j > x instances , in this eouit , Ituvo they committed the ciime of per jury. 'Ihe testimony ol a confessed peijuier is absolutely excluded liom the couils by Ihe enactniPiit of llio coniriess of the United Stales , and should receive no considuiation at \ . our hands. A man who commits the ciiinu of perjury is an outcast fioui tin SP points ami the seal of jei ) jury is indel bly stamped ujion h s fbiehead. Hut witnesses have come in here without Ihn least show ot shnnie and admitted that Iheio is no shadow of iminhood about them. They have stulti- lied themselves by boldly and bra/only lulinilting their ] inrjuiy. I am thanklul , however , tlialtluso nelf-admitlul peijur- en ? nre not icsidents of thu stale of JCe- bi.iska. Not ono of Ihcm can say that their degraded lives mo passed in the confines of this stale. They have placed themselves under this junsdiclion , how ever , and have comu heic lo asseit their degradation. ( leiillemen of the juiy , you Imvo the evidence lo decide on. If such lestimony as i have described bus been submitted to jou. you sh ill refuse to consider it un less it lias coriobonitivo testimony. One ot tliu witnusses has testilied that ho was igiioiant why ho vvas employed to take up this laud , thus show ing himselt to be an ignoramus or p.uticeps eiiminis. liven il the accused aiu guilty , jou must take i'llo considuralion the tact they aio only loots ot llio greater criminals. Sit ting in their otlices in Denver the wealthy swiiidleis have pulled thuwiics and m- ranged Ihu plans to u-o these poor men to commit iheir crimes. Judge Dundy then proceeded to define a couspiiaey and instruct the jury as to their duty. They then relit cd , and after deliberating for three hours announced that they had agiccd upon a vvidict , Court , which had ndjomned , was leas- sumblcd , and thu veuhul was announced. Sylvester Yundt , one of the defendants - ants , was found guilty of conspli.iey to defraud the government , but wns dis charged on Ihe other count of Ihe indict ment , ( hat being subonliialion of per jury. Hii'sh , Hjan and Moore weie. juo- noiineed not guilty and were nccoidingly dibchuged. MASONIC CHAM ) CIIAPTUU. Meeting oCThlH lll/li / Doily In tlio Clly U'o-dny. The annual meeting of the Masonic gi and chapter of NobraAa began in this city jestet day. The session wns opened at 10 o'clock in Masonic hall on Sixteenth stieet , ( irand High Pile-tl Palmer , of Plaltsinotith , jno- siding , Thu nltuiidancc was small as Ihu members luul not in thn larger pailar- lived , The giand chajitor comprises tlneo inembeis of every ledge in the stale nnd us Ihero tire seventy live of these , Iho body has iv nicmbei-hip of suv- eiity-iivo. Hy Ihis evening every ono of the-.o will bo in tliu clly tcady in til- lendanco upon the remainder ot thu sen- tilon , Thu purx | > ses of these annual meet ings is to enact goveininjr legislation lor the order in Uiis slate. This cession will liavu some veiy impoitnnt .topics up lor consideration nnd will bu of guat Masoniu inteicet. The Union Paeillo railway roinpany adopt Iho Luwls Hand Fire exlingiibher as lliolr "standard" after buccc&oiul te > ts by Iheir own men on iheir own flies , w'uh many oilier so called liio exlingulsheiN. Anoiher subxtanlial verdict that tliu "Luwis" Is the simplest and be-t , and that over 100 bii'-incbs linns in Omaha hnvo invested wisely. OVIAIIA. Dec. 10. 18 , Union Paeillo llaihvny Compiny , Ollieo ot the ( icneral Stoiukeuper Mr. Frank Kittitll , ( ( Westei n Agent Lewis Hand I'm * Kxlln- iruislier Compiny , Chicago , Illinois D MI" hir : Your proiosiiiun ] to furnNi your Haui | 1'iro oxlinguishors for iiso in ollr cats , depots , ; ' ! "Us , mines , cle. , on all of our lines of load , together with a suitable man for sixty days to go over tha entire route lo supervise placing the h.iimi in siiltablu places and fu millicicnt numbers , is thU day necuptcdt IIuvu tlum hear the cmd "The I'nlon Pacillu btandard , " and prepare to ship as soon as signal mu to contiaet can bu obtained. Yotiisliuly , J. J. HntN's , ucueral htorukeeper. WITH CRIMES AND CRIMINALS The Records Gathered in the Law-Defying : huil Finite Gifi-ita , HARDWARE STORE BURGLARIZED A Deserter Sin renders Illttinrir That Almillon Cnsc hiiUntlnff Ills I'urmci1 niiilijcr | Nutii * era Ci linliinllllcs. round In n Cn\c. Tuesday night the haidvvaro Moro of KainnieilniK A : merlin ; * , 1701 St. Marj's avenue , vvas enteied by thieves vvho helped them-elves to about ? 100 worth of knives , pulli'vy and general stock. ln ! trance was ollVcted by a b.iok window , vvh'eh ' vvis i.iUed without any dilliculty. Tlio bui l.iis evidently walked out of tin1 lucklour , wlncli was found i > ailly open jestcidnj muiiilng. OIllccrTiiinbull who was detailed to investipilu the nut- ter , i xainined the prent os carefully but could d , cover no duo to tlio mNei cauls. Some o | Ilie | ) lnndi-r , however , was re- eoveied in a t'.i\ < 1 orduj ; out on St Mar.v'n ave between Nineteenth anil Tvveniielh slrei t Th s eave N med by thu bo.\ who drives tlie esliaheel oar here , up thu lon < x hill on the avenue , and is a oil ol dus out in tlie jriound , coveted \\ith bo.uds and piovided will a Move. About a do/en knives were loumj seal- tered oxer tlio Ifoor of tlie dill * out bv a c.uner for a inoinin newspaper , vvh ) went in tlieie emly jcsleiday inoinni' ; . How thev go I there is u mastery to the police. It it * just possible thi'i iiinj have been lufl there b > llneves who 111,13 nuiko their nifjhtlj head < iuailers theio. Tlio police , lio\\e\or , seoul Ihe idea th s is a "Uobb'id1 Cavo" as beinjj too dnnu- novuliMi. " Ho Gave Himself Uii. . Han Hail , the descrtur captured in Phittsmoulh last week , was brought , to OmahayeMcid.iy , tonw.ilt sentence on the charge of beinjx adcieiior , Speaking of the ( . ' .i o thu PlatlMnoulh Journal has thu following to say : Thuio are few in this oily who have not foinied the acquaintance of the good-mi- lined old vvieek of liunianity known as Hen Halt , the author of thu common ad- jutation heteabouts. "And don't for jou jr.t it , needcr. " Ho is a I'mlamler , and li is woikcd for seine years in thin vieinity as a , tarni laboier at such times as lie was not enjoying a spieo in thisc ly. His his tory , u vviillen in detail , would bo an in- tciestinjr one , as ho ran away fiom his homo in L'inl.iiid when a boy and joined tlie Knglish aimy in Cninea. Ho is a sailor by on. Drunk or Hober , be was a good-hem ted , inoH'enslvu fellow , and " .lined u gonural acqu.untanec. " ( Mil Hun" has beisn'on a spieo for some weeks p ist nnd last Satmday ho boeame thoroughly disgusted with hiniii'lf because Ins could not leave liquor alone long enough to gel bobcr. He was owing a Fniallbill at the tailor hon ofM O'Koutk , who had once befriended him. so on S it- in day ho went into the tailor shop in company with tlio night policeman and besought Mr. O'Koiuk to scentP Ins mrest as .i dcbctler , claiming that he had do- set ted tiom the nth mtantry , U. S. regu lar army about twelve ago. Ho ' vv.intud'to be given up co that he would be put inomu prison where , ho could bo kept away from the llowing bowl. Ho wanted Air O'l'ouik to infoim on him as thu latter would scenic a bounty winch would lep.ty him what Hen owed him. ( .Sen Howard has tulcgiaphcd to the armj dep.utment lor iii-jtiuetions as to what to do in the caso. Tli Abortion CUSP. Lillie Il-ijf , the \ioliin of the aboitiou caie mentioned in Tuesday's Hr.i : , is htill liing at tlie hospital vuiy Hick o ill indeed that her death is anticipated al- mo-it houily. Yesteiday moining her ravings wuio terribly violent , and it requited tlneo persons lo hold her in bed. Dr. Coo , the phjs clan against whom the chaigo has been made ot committing the abottion on the gul , returned last evening liom t to tlie rountiy. Ho was immediately appiifeed ot the mention of his name in connect on with the ciiniu. and in eompany WithDr. Mottiiuii called at the HKK ollice Kust evening. The doc tor hiatus that his connection with the case was alter tlio aboitlon was com mitted. Tlio ciinio , ho savs , was self- iiodueed ) , and lie was onlvcallcd in when it began to bu feared that the gill would not tpcover , lull immation had .set in , and he called in eonsultation Dr. Mur- tiam. Jr ) , 1'caboily also investigated the caso. There was no ciiminality what ever about bis connection with the case , and thu mention of his name in that legard was a gtcat surpiist ) lo him and ah , ti lends. _ I'.lWIlPll IIIH lllHtlMlllieilt. Constable Kai 11 was seen walking up Tenth httcet ypU'ida.y eariying u bg bass hoi n tronibunu under his arm , and followed by a crowd of Mimll boys who ever and anon would ejaeulato bolster- ously\Vonplierplavaomelhing , niisturV" It seems that J W. Shoekelf. a member of the IXcelsior baud , wanted to leave town the othei day and pawned hirf bass lioin at the hhop of A. Klme , in outer to piiablu him lo hcenio the whciewithal. The I'XccNlor band , it ' eoms , claims that Shoekels did not own the instiumcnt , but that it belonged to the band , and consequently - quently lias taken stopto tcplovin it. Imwlni ; Over n Cow. Litigation between \V. I ) , Jones and AlcMinihir Winhait , the patties involved in thu Hammond house fend of South Dm ilia , will never end. The lateplu ! e N the suit of Sai.ih K. Jones vs. Henry Heal ami I'aul Stein , to ipeover a cow in Jiiitice Si'lden's L'oint. Wibhnit took the cow fiom Jones on a moilgago , ami through C'oiiit.ible Stem sold it to Heal. Now Sirs. Jones bobup with an ujlcged ] > iior claim on the cow. The caio is htill pending , Police Coiiri Docket. Judge Htonbeig disposed of the follow ing c.iM-1 in police coutt iP-.tcrd.iy : Sam Sweet , John Doe , W. L. Hiown , and Jennie ( Irccn , drunk and di ouleily , discharged. L. M. ( jiiy , drunk and disordeily , $5 and costn. I ! . H. COUP , fighting , 11 and costs. J. A Coibutt , niispieious cluuacter , or- deled out of the city. Tim Maiks , John Kelly , and Kd Weiss , \agrants , oidured out ot the oily. An OIU Ho7fUer. John Hllroy , an old Eoldinr who will puisl ! in gutting on jispjcowas arraigned before Judge Stenbeig again je terday Cilltoy li.u > become iv nhjMoal wreck , and ifudgu Sdmbcig will tiytobucmoa bei th for him in thu Soldiers' Home in DaMon , Ohio. The ( i. A. K. men decline to do aio thing for him. A AVctldhi Celebration. There was a wedding in the city Tuesday evening , and the happy bridegroom "set 'cm up" for the boya. At Harney Shan non's taloon ho left a keg of beer on tap for hia flit-mis , and they , appreciating his gcnuioslty on the occasion , indulged fiecly in the amber liquor. Hut a quaircl ensued und the convivial companions changed Middenly from friends to cue- tuics , ami opened up with n grand set to. While U was in progress Homey blow his police v.hiMle and ( , 'apt. Conn ok , with Oillccrs MoMv.n and Deinp py nHied in and arreMed the bellijyients , They proved to be 'I inn ronnpllyrcrrv Kpinan , Jo Oi < iipn nnd l.'iir J'tcoy I lin nil llnivhpd their celebiatiou in jail No one was hurt. Ho I'ciirs MHO ilm Flown. J 11. Houston , of ( Island , is a \pry iiprvoit gentleman , and is raiding u biep/n at the depot over an episode in his domestic affairs. Ho. arrived heroin compai with his wife on Saturday night , and the next moining gent her to Quit- man Mo . where she was to piv a llj iiifj i''it to their childicn , wlio aro.tbere. and get back to Omaha on Monday. Mrs. llou-Um did not tetutu Monday , neither dd , Tup-day bring IIPI biek. and when this morning's un toe and bhe wa" still un-poki'ii , the husband v\as se/ed ! with n lit of excitement and unit m He dashed at the eoneliMon that sln > h.'id inn away , and so infoimed every atlaeho of the de pot At hi'-t ho was quieted down and took the train for Qultuinn to nnikn ill * i eel investigation of the Minution He re turns lo-nlght and wdl bo able to tell then ceitaiuli if his wife has aban doned him. Tlio I'riuo of Tun DrliiltH. Nathaniel I' Ford , a fanner living a half nnlo south of thn city , came into Judge Sehlen's eouitest 'iday with Ins elotlu s tot u , one eje Vlo-cd , his head ] > e.ipd | and , i variety of etits and biuises over h s countenance. He explained his condition to the court , saying that he had bought two thinks of wh - < ki a few mill- nte.s since at the saloon near Hawaii's park and when he laid down twenty-live penis m payment , the bat keeper , August SndeiniMii had kicked him out and thumped him. In consequence a waiiaut for Smdei m m's nit eit for assault and battery was issued. H treat CatMen. . I'd. II Cone , who attends to the street car switches at Fifteenth and Farnam stieets , wasaricsted Tuesday evening and taken to jail on complaint of Otis Jones , another sticet car employe , for n > .itilt The two men qimirplud about drinks in Smith's sdoon and came to blows. Jones was badly bniKed and sciatehcd about the face dining the mulcp. Cone was re leased tiom jail later in the evening by futnishmg bad for his appeaiaucu for trial. Yesteiday Cone was fined $1 and costs in the police court. A Runnvvnv Hoy. Mr. Jno. F. Daley , the Mipuihllendent of bowentgo construction , living at CJ1 South Seventeenth street is much al.umed for thu safety of a littlp nephew liv ing in Chicago. Mr. Daley received a telegram the oilier day blating that the boy , Dannie Coughhn aged llttecn years , had left Chicago pometime List week bound , if was thought , for Omaha. Itis supposed that the joungf-terran away liom homo and great anxiety is felt lest he has intt wilh borne mishap. CHI His Slick. It now develops that Mr Phil Ro = e , the leader of the People's theatre oicheMra , has "Miaken" the town. He left behind him many ci editors none thn loti'-fc of whom are 110 baml uu'ii. lo-e ? came hciowith Colonel Woods oiigmallyand thus comes naturally enough by his ten dency to make unexpected moves. John D. Thomas sworn out a warrant in polipp eouit jpsteiday lor the at rest of J. W. Hjgors. Mr. Thomas chums that Hogeis assaulted him without provoca tion. tion.A low oecnired riuthp MopkyardsTnes- ; daj night in which Jack H.uiett , brolhei of the man who was shot a , tew weeks ago and died last week , ( iguied prominently. No one was injiiied. Larry Casey and Jeiry Canan were fined ? J ami coils in police com I .yester day for lighting. They could not pay , and so wens committal. Owing to the absence of the court ollicer at the lime Iherowas no one to convoy the men to jail , and Judge Stcnbeig turned the m t- tanius over to thu mi oncis and they in.n clicd ii ) ) the hill to the eounty jail mid ordcicd their own incaiecration. The county commissioners yesfpiday completed their settlements wjth all the loul supervisors , ami ioid woik wll now bu abandoned nut 1 nc\tHpiing , ex cept in cases of umenrenoy. Tim HUOKIXUH VM "Work Ilcing Done There anilVho Woes It. It is neccs'my occasionally for every be nevolent .society lo make a Matument of its aims and woik , if Iho public aio lo have nn Intelligent idea concerning it. The Buckingham theater , with ltd at tendant atliaetions of saloon , winu-ioom and brothel , is a Ihing of Iho past. The cntiic piemises , consisting of fourteen rooim nnd the hall , were leaded to the W. C. T. U. .Juno 1S3 , > , at the vciy low into of $75 per month. After uiideigoing a thoiough renovation nt a co t With fur nishing of over ? t00 ! , Iho housu was inhnb- Itnble , llio wine-room is now an atlractivo leading-room and thu saloon aiestainant. The union took pos esson Juno 17lh. Since then oighty-e ght meetings havu been held and 2tl ! gintuilous meals given , The demand upon our rosomcod have nt times been BO pressingus : to compel thu making of beds on the floor , in addlion to live f m nl-litd beds always ready for the homeless. The supply of bedding is not nlvvnjs equal to the needs. The cams of a giil 17 .van old on her way west , lakcn sick in Chicago , bound ing nil her money , was passed tin to Oma ha and found her way to our home , nud was cared for imlil a pas * was feeeiired for her , is enl , > a , sample of thu vvoik going on tlieie , Another gill with n child lu- eeived thu cam and pioleelion needed during - ing weeks of sickness. Again , a gnl ot 10 was saved fiom thu snaies laid for her i inn by tw o dcst/ni'ii" / knaves , bo many girls applied for food mid piolcc- lion uecmiMt the Womau'fl ' Clnhlinn tu > o- elation , in their ohl quality , could not aceoinmotlatt ) them , that , the union Meppid nsido from their Icgltinmlu woik lo n < "lstlhcm Mow that Ihu association is nblo lo care lor thu gills , the donors ol hud room fiiinituio aio t > quested ( o allow us lt > iiso it for joung uw n who need ihu pioteclionof our sympathy , pra cra mid olten i hanty. I'nlcs : ) nutiiiul to thu con- tiary , vvn shall consider ihey mu willing. Thu woik among joung men can ho phown by citing a lew instances , A haiidsomu jouiig man with ilespeiation i-tampcd on his face , wiii met b a union lail.v near thu Home ono tlnyhu was urged to go in nnd tell his tioubl" , hu was out of work and money , and had dctcjmincd to kill hinii-elt. Ho w.ib fuinibhetl vv.tha biiit of clothes till his own weiu mended mid a pojition found for li'iu , which he hib ; provetl compulcnl lo ( illVu buliovo him lo bu a baved mini. Several oilier men kecking employment have fount ! r-licltcr mid woilclhioiighlhoellortsol ihu Union. Oiiu joung man , brought in deadiliunk , was mid upon a icchiiiiig chah and caied for by the mat i on and her huslmud until hu vuiiBohcr , Iluwn.s a tthgi iph oner nlor , il'siuibsetl ' for diunkenne- < lltiul limo. H B employer was veiled nud uigul to give him oiiu moiu ti'al llt < uiuied "to plc'.isuoil 1 w II. " Nith ( iod o lilies ing upou our eubrts hu It a man agam. Mothers como mid nsk our jirajors and aid for wandering bojs and erring bus bands. Hiii-bnnds asking Ihe same help in re claiming their wive * . Aounir man enme into our hid' ' " ' primer nieet'iig over n week ago , and sud ill ink vv is lee much for Ii'nt , and his only hop < was in | u i\er ; would wo pray for hiniT He is n clnistian to day , as he testified on Sunday night Men , old and young , who admit Ihej were fiequent" . at the old vauety theater , mo now often seen in our gospel meetings. A Chinese ela s is held everv Sundny at fl o'clock. ' 1 hey ate taught Kngb'-li.'tlio Seripluies and our gospel songs , and aiv often present atom evening prajer meet ings A Hand of Hope will be in regular at tendance again after the holidays The lack of eoii-eerated vvoikeis to oairyon all the branches of woik we hould under take , N a great hindrance 'The harve-t is truly giejit , but the laborer * me few. " The hiueli room nt the Hnckingliain , though onlj paving its i mining expenses , because not eentially located , is a means of doinggient good , as it attiaets hi its home like commit main Doling men who might po lo unsafe places for waimih , food and dunk The union , wishing to have a levenno lo c.ury on this woik in the Th id ward , depend upon the leceipts of one Fifteenth street lunch loom in-te'id of "oheitmg : iid The Income is o innll , owing lo the lively contpt tiiion in the le-stainnnt business , that the union re quests the patronage of all w ho * $ mpnthi/o with our elloils lo save men fiom linn ( iospi'1 meetings everv Suiula.v and Tues day evenings Ladles' pia\er nieet'iig eveiy Thursday at U o'clock Hoaid meet ing at 1 ill ) ) ) in Mas KKV II v.NTS. . President. Mits. Dli Hitv.r , Tieasuier. Mits J T. HU.I. Seciulary. 11113 W1M1SCIUOIM3M3I > . The Giand linininet Ohen at J'li.-U New Hoslclry. .Ncail\ half : i liur.dred people sal down to loaded tables 1 ist evening at llio new Windsor hotel , at the coiner ot Tenth and Jack = on stieets , the occasion being tlie. opening binquet given by the pio- piiulors , Sihlank & Prince , lo their ft lends and Ihe pies * . Many a glance of admitalion waseist atlheileganl table , with its beautiful arr.ingi nieut of trlass , silver ami llowns , bi foiu the guests weie & ftted and thn Mmco b ( au An ele gant lepast vis served , and all piesent g.n c it lie.n ly atti ntion Thu following was the menu : Hliiul'olntsvvitli bliecil Lemons. Chicken Hotilllon Dtcsscd Lettuce' rilletsot' WldteiMi Maitie d'llolul I'otaloe- la I'.ulsleiiiiu Tutkcy. Cianb'nj hitice A n lei ope , Ciuieiit Jelly Sauce l-'iench 1'eas Jihlno vUuo Tendi'iloln of Heel l.nnleil. Mushrooms S diiii ol I'rainu Ulileken Tom itoes St..UilieuVlne \ Ham Tonsuo Honed Tmkoy. Asnlu Jolly lioman i'liiich Chicken Salad Lobitci Salmi Omulottt Assorted Calces riinlike < Pound Angel l"iutl Contettioneiy 1'iult rieiuli Cuffeo Among the guests wens Messrs. Chai IPS Hanks , A. L. Stiang , Ch irles Duvvuv , Henrj Heilhold , M. Klgutler , CieoiucA. , , I 1) . liv a us , William Hichenberg , nnd'llip gentlemen ot llio pi PSA ninn- borof gentlemen weiu accompanied by their w.ves. This new ho'tcliy , under the popular management of Sehlank it 1'iiee , piom- ises to be a gland success. It is titled ii ] ) in elegant stylu , with all the modem improvements and with a view lo Iho comfoitof ilsguesls. H contains sixty- two looms , healed by steam and co/ily fuiii'shcd ' , an elegant parlor on the see- oud lloor , and a vvell ai ranged olliee and dining loom. Situated , as it is , in llio locality ot thoUnion I'acilie and liui ling- ton it MUsouii depots , it is bound to re ceive its shnicof tlui public patronage , and ii.s po ) > ular pioiictois ) ; v > fill iindouot- edly lenli/e the wisdom ol opening n hotel in that yic'nity. The tiaveling public who are in Iho acquainted in Omaha , will lie pleaded to hear that Mr. II \ ) _ .loiH'-wIio lor a long time simihr. ly oHicialid at the Metropolitan , ha buen secured at the desk of this splendid new hoHehy Mr. Jones isono ot Ihe most elUeient ikiks andclova and popular gentlemen who ev er superv Hed tlio tilling of : i hokl reg- ibler. His p rsonal jnet.ign did wondtin for the old Met , and u should be u souuo of eongiatiilalion , both to liim-oli and Me-nis belli. ink Princn that ho eariies popular good will into his new position. New 13iiKluml Suppor. The ladies of Sewaid stieet M. 13. chinch will have a genuine old fashioned "Now Kiighmd Supper" this evening , the 17thin si. , in Iho stoio room fonneily occupied by King's gioeery Moro on Iho corner of Saunder-i and II imillon slieuts , Noith O naliii. ( jood oldlasluoned baked beans , Huston brown 'hi tad , and other good things will be solved fiom I ! ! ( ) until 1M > in. Tlie eoinintttie in eli.irgo will eclipse everything heretnfoio in the line oi a sociable , and a eoidial invil-uion is intended to all to comu and onjoj tin in- selv es. An Iiiilcpeiiiluiit Can Sower. The gas coniany ) ) is prepaimg lo obvialo one somce , at least , ot publio eoniplainl. The works , situated at thu center of the block bound bj Eleventh and Twelfth and Jones and Leavenvvoith , have used the clly buvvcis tor drainage p irposcs. The citi/ens have long com plained that the cllluvia fiom the ftas drainage escaping thioiigh Hie catch bnsms and man holes caused : v ntoit of fensive anil dangeioussleneh. Tsu coin- puny dulerinmed lo lemed.s this , and on thu'nth of hist month began la.viiig an in- dependonl bower lo thmner , JJ.OoO fei t , and the work is being completed lo day. The entini job has been under Urn Mtpur- v inion ofno / F Dab y , and thn woik bus been pushed Hu ougli wilh akill and dis- palth. As thorn are no bieakHin the ] ) ies ) at any point there will bo no fur- tin r occasion to complain of gas sow ui ago about lov.n _ _ P/JOST PEIRFEOT Nil Amin la , t it 1 r , PRICE 84 < ING POWDCR CO. . CHICAGO. 6TUOUI6. SlU" M M M MCREAM CREAM MOST PERFECT MADE f > a * I * Lve5 : . . i > r < v" v feyi / i fc\ ! & $ yi i I'liii ' vb \ ryyj ' 'n./'Srar "lv iN'--Nfc.iN ' rK/XNCt ; v.v ' . O 3 ? i /-/-WATHcniN GRAPES FOR MAKING CRCAM orTARTAR ws t'a DR PRICE'S CREAM BAKIN&POWDER ! : YE RO Till ; ONLY DIRECT IMPORTERS OF DIAMONDS PEARLS , , AN3J OTHER PSEOIGTTS JEWEI.S IX OMAHA" Ail Inspection by connol < ! piirs or olhois rontemplatlno ; piii < 'hi is will eonvlnco them , tint they can save fiom 10 to i'i IBJI cent , by niakiin ; tlieh piuohases diieot from Importers besides li.nin 111 far tliel.iitSC'st and Imest stock In tliu We t to s < le < .t fioin. Om dlt.'aimiioitillo'isoC riJCXCIl CLOCKS , IlltOXZKb , MThlO HO\iS : , OVBUA OLA.'sSES , IUe. , and AIU' COODS liom PAUI& , VIliXXA , and othn leading nwrkcts ex ceed the toiiibiued slocks of nil other Oimilia jcvvclcis. Ourstoek of U'ATCIIKS , JjViLIl.SILVLItVAIli : : \ : , Lie. , slands without a livnl In in point of ek iineo and vailet.v , and all at ALL GOODS MAllKi : ! ) IN PLAIX TIGUUKS. Ho siuo to consult yomIntcroet Dy inspecting out stock befoie innehaslii . An J .irlj'Inspeetlun Invited. Mall nnd Telegiaiihlo Oideib Will Receive Pionipt Attunlion , Cot' . JJtJt , ( ( titl Farnain , Sis. , Onuiliu , Neb. An nillctent Ollleer. Ill speaking ol Iho u poit of the denmt- iiKiit of the Pl.illi showing Ihu umill of the t.iiget shooting for 1 > & " > , the Kansas City Times s.ivs it is a vei y credit able one indeed , and whatm be done by hav ing an olhci r as nllu inspi e- tor who not onn Ihoiouirhjv understands his business but is willing to inipait Iho inform itioii to his command , and sees to it that the insiriietioni given nro curt icd out. The dcpmtment vvas toitu- n.ile in securing the suv tecs of Major ( Suy V. Huiry. Xlnlh e.iv.ihy , as ulle inspector , and ho must feiil gralilied at Ihu success alt lined in ihu year Thu most noticeable improvement made dining the i ear M that ot Company 15 , N'inih iulanlry , tommandi d by Cap tain William RogerIn ' 1831 it stood litty in thu oidei ol thedepaitnu nt , while in l8S"i it dirpiHil down lo fouiteen. General How .ml is much gialilh d at the successful icsiilt-i all i ned by his com mand dining the iw-t t ng < I siason , par- t'cnlmlybv tho-i vvilh limited practice HCS.OS : " 'Tho I'tigo reduelion of those in thu lliiid ela-n over foimer years is evidemo of n decidid jnogivsi In Iho knowledge of iltln jii.uliee It is to bu regi cited that ot Ihe 10(1 ( thud eltsmen in this di pailmenl ono lliiid belong to Tioolis C nnd I , Ninth envnlry , wlnlo othi r troops ot thai n g incut , espi el illv thoio nl i eg mental headipiai Id's , have nimlefliieh leinark.ible advance Mn m the thu d t laihoiild lie unknow n in any tioop or company claiming to bu piop eily iiistructul in itdul.i.i. . " Nns-il Catarrh , 'lino it nnd Kir , suc cessfully Healed. Ch n Iiiipiiy.M D cor IClii and Harney , \ \ ilhnull Llouk Another Ciiastin Aucldent. Jimmii ) Thointon , Ihu litllo son of I ) I Thoinloii , Uiu Wlillw Hewing muLhlnu agent , lesidunt nt KJlt ! Chicago sheet , bioko his leg while con-ling down D ilg ) slieet Tuocdav nighl 'I he lm\ was si , u in" a long sh d ol the pitt < i n know n aI'm ' "tinveler" and had b < himl him a hiavy fieighl of young people Al thu eouur ot hinentiunlb htieith , while the sh'il was living dowtivvatd with lighlniiig lapKUly , Ihu lunmns fivn rvi.d to thu left nud i .in thu sled full ngnmst a tunn Ptanding nl Iho cuib in iiuiitof Ilie Ptusbvtwian chuuli All Ihu con-lets vveio pilelud into n pell mell iiins-1 , and several iveio m no or less u- veiuh biulstd. When ioimg Thoiiiton vvn picked up , however , it was dlseov- end that hu had Mislamed u compound fiuctllli ! ot Ihu It ft leg bi low tliukueu.thu bones piotrudiugiliiough Urn llesh. Ho was : il OIIIM taken to IIIH hoiun nud Dr. l In attuiidanco. A Correction. The Rtntument publi liLdconeeiniiiglhu linanehil condition of ihu ( Jin.ih i Lilho- giaphmg and Stationery company docs an injustice to thatconcorn , nsitumvej < d Ihu Inipifbh'on thatil was not onl.v em but about to bo cloud up Such is not llio fact however as Ihu com pany is fully able to eaio "ll ll * " " "i ' " > ' * us uiiiiil.iind to p i.v all u b ] | s for mat -n- til and labor The fact tnat It hail given , for ' led to Ihe n morlgagu L'iOO publica tion i cloned to It vvas pmel > a ttiuight hiiMncss liaiisaeliou , of a piivato naluie , mid a niNtake vvam : > de in ptilliii' ; it la in nil , us it in no vva inteie led the pub lic. Mm lingo Heo > in"veie issurd yflHler- 1)13 ) to .lohn Kidtke nnd Mini Lliu liaillko , Thomas iMuiphy and Aln. Han- i.ah , ol Omaha and Andiovv O. And"ison , ot Hint count , } , and Aliefl Helen M l\torson , of Omaha. The ladies intthicnle society met jcstor- d.iafteiiioon. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Absolutely Pure. Tlil * pmvilor IHIVUI viirloi A'nmcl ol tyblrunjlli mill wli < il < "ioiiio "M < Moroooow cultlmii llii'iirilinni > klii < U , n > < 1 uiniiol bo eoia in toni | ) ' > 'lll in u uliilic. inuiloi'lo ' of low toil , hlmn wi lulu , iilimi or iitinin'i'il" ' i i"iloi . I * " ' ! unly In UIIIH. Itoiiil llnliliitr I'owilor to , W VVuilhtrtal N. V 3vC 33 33 I C .ft. Zj . DOCTOR McMENAMY i IHU niETin nr TUB Omaha Medical and Surgical - " ' COIINKII Hni bl' AM ) C'M'nOI. AVKNUH. . TI1EAT4 All/ Chronic antJ SurBfcnl Dlscaaoa. DpIniniltliiirufmMHit nf Wiinifii , rrlTUlB III * , , . IMC , Pill . trill , ll n e of llio l.tinii > , 1 Uer , Klilia- , Illuuil , .Skin , MdiniKli , .Nirr * ' * , 1 ye ami liar , Ptnd fur linuk iin | n nil til f- i fno. Itooairf aQ'I ll/mil / for lulltni * . VVntefor PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN , m 1'nivATt , h nvoe JJi e , fl w lual V.rfVliC"fixniiru.irliai , Hjflill | | , floe I , sulcliirr.nrliix > luinil oil I l.iaftxof Ilia Uilm -ry unil MXIIS ! ( laaim. C * tiuitwiliirpiitiu loiiilcniP.or iiir-onally PniiniluilUI , JfralclnaS .rut bjr niu 11 r < ITI-M | ullliout mark to ludlctla untrniii rr Kiiilrr , IJatKrli" , lululi'm , llMto , Truinei , mil Ml I l iU f' nllrai mid h" Jail-M' ufariunilnn'l foruli1. Aillrn.sull I. . . DR. IVlcMEHAf.lY , Or 0 < , u U.aicM. A > U ui wii. Isitirnm 1 JU ijt. , C'jr , Ujt'liul Av vtiou. Oiukua , AIV