Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1885, Image 1

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Settlers on the Northern Pacific Land Grant
Unnecessarily Akrjied.
for ( ho Pout-tli f mu Infan-
trjC ovclniHl Atiintl--Wni | *
NPVVH ill WcHtrrn
Settlers tJiimut" < snrlj Alarmed ,
"WAsntMno.v , Dee. Id. [ bpee ial Tele-
cram. ) To-night ex-Governor Onlw.iy of
Dakota , ri'lcriing to an asseiclateel press ills-
piteh fiom Paige , Dak. , vvhlrh st.ilcil that
delegations wen1 being scut limn towns
along tin1 linn of t.'ic Xoithcrn I'.iclltc ia.ll-
way to Washington to aid tln > Dakota dele
gates 111 MTIIlillg legislation to Settle the tltll !
of ptiich.iwis ol l.uulslthln tlm limits ol
lininltMHi tin1 2s'oi thrill Ilic , ahl to the
Hi. ] ' corespondent : "I think trom what I
know of this ta'c thai there Is a good deal of
mintcessaiy nliiitii on tin1 u.ut of theet -
tlcrs. 'I ho decision telcircd to In the dis
patch Is that In the case of t te Xtirthern I'.i
dlio i.illwa } against the eountv lieasmei ol
Tiull county. In this c.i-e It Is held tint
i.iihimd lands aic nut subject to tax , becaiiie
they have nevei been patented. I don't
think thenIs nnj danger of loss to the HUI-
tlcrs , hut of course it will Inconvenience
them to a gieit extent. On the other html ,
however , It will verve to push nmtteis to a
settlement ellhc'r beloio the land olllce 01 In
congress , and will compel the Intciioi de
partment to take such steps as ulll bceuie the
titles ol the Mttlt'is ! be ) unit a doubt , orelse It
will Indue eeougi ess to pass the lemedial leg
ist itlon that has been wanting lei to tonga
tittle. "
"Do you llilnlc , governor , that It will nm-
teitall } reduce receipts fiom taxes In counties
within the granted limits1'
"Vefi It will of course mike some differ
ence In that icspcct , but on the other hand 1 a gieat number ol settleialll
hasten to pay their taxes rather than to In
cur the danger of being guilty of laches. "
"Do jou think that } legislation to
coniirm these titlt scan be passed at this ses
sion ? " was asked.
"Yes I think HO , and I phall do all In mv
jumerto alii the delegation from Dakota to
geta piopei bill thioiigh. "
Other northweslei n men here arc of about
the same opinion an to the d.ingci of the set-
tlern. They think that confess will take
the hcccssary steps U ) ptotect buna tide settlers
against loss through the decision of the
supiemocouit , altlumgh evei } one hcicisol
the opinion that the decision is nn extieiuely
Unfortunate one , and that It will lurther
complicate matteiH which were bofoie
bid enough In the teirltory owing to the
nrblti.iry decisions ot Commissioner bp.uks.
Tin : MOICMON ijmisuov.
Judge Caillon , of the Utah commission , is
intlieelty. Itefeiilngto night to Hie bt.ito
tnent by Delegate Caine the courts of
Vtah illsorimluatcd against the Mormons In
the execution ot the Kdmunds act ho mid :
"Sometime 11,50 the Mounonsas well as some
otheiH , weieol opinion the section of
the IMmumls act agiinst unl.iwtui coluhtta-
tlon applied to all pcisons who , ire living in
the oi MM ! rotation with moio than otio wo-
inan , but the federal com tx of Utah have de-
elded that the w 01 tl "cob iblt" Is used In the
net only In lelcremcto living In matrlago In
tlio niui ria o relation , which decision a few
ilavs ago was iilllrmcd b } the suicme ] ) court
of the Ur.lted States. Allowing these decis
ions to ho cornet , which we must do , then
Hi. Calne Is under a mistaken view. "
Asked about thn probable ultimate I'ale of
polvgamy In Utah , .Judgo Carleton said :
"Mv opinion Is , at no distant d ly polyg-
nmy will booxllip.itul. I believe that can be
jii'complished undei .the present laws , but ad
ditional legislation nilKht expedite it. "
Judge Carleton hooted the Idea of an upris
ing among the Mormons , believing It would
bo of too serious consequence to them. He
will leave here about Januaiy lor .Salt Lake
City to attend a meeting of the commission ,
which will bo held theio on the I4th.
i on mi : rouitrn io\v.v.
Senatoi Wilson of Iowa picsented In the
senate to da v a bill foi the lellef of the Pom th
regiment low a Infantry. It "provides that a
volunteer , non-commissioned ollleer , musi
cian or juiv.itc , who enlisted into the mill- Heiviceol the United States prim to
July 1K,1 Nil. under the pioclamatli u of the
pivsidcnt of the United States , May H , 1801.
andordeisol the vvar department Issued In
pursuance theiiot , and was actually avv alt-
ling muster undei such enlistment befoiu
AiiKiist 0 , 1811 , and vvasattoj that date mus-
teied Into ter\ Ice ui'dcr Mich enlistment as
a member of tlm Fourth Iowa Infantry , and
who was therefmo lionoiably dischaiged ,
and has not heietofoio leielveilabount ) ol-
fered under sueli a pinclamatlon and oidei ,
hluill bo entitled to and paid a full bounty ot
ElOOaspiovIded foi holdieis so enlisted and
musteiet ! In beloio August fl , itfll.
Qui-hii > MMi CI.UVILA.M'S : itionr.
The R-piiblican senaloia piopo > e examin
ing the < iiit'htlon whether tlm pie.sldent Is
able to annul the proclamation ot hlspiedc-
cehsoi , In so far as lt ellecLs on the piopcity
Interests aciiulied undei suiJi pioclamatlon
niocoiiLS'ined. The case In point Is Presi
dent Arllim's piodamatlon legardlni ; the
old \VlniR'l ) , > 0' < ) Indian icscivatlon. That
inoclamatlon , these ten jtors Lontend , Is
llnal in elfect , as much so In fact as the de
cision of the supiemo comr , nnd could not be
otherwise than binding 11)1011 ) Piosldciit
Cleveland. Tlm Jailer suspended Its o | > era-
t on and theiehy npsrt completely the prop
erly rights uf the peojilo who hod settled on
the reservation on the stiength of Picaldunt
Arthur's proclamation.
Commlbsloner ot I'lui imih It ack has m ido
nn aiuioununucnt whl h has caused consid
erable sensation. It Is to the cltcu tliat heie-
titlei no application for a pension is to be
consldcicU In biief. N'oV over two letters am
to bo written In connection with any one
case , nnd the ciedlbillty of u witness shall
not Lm liujulied Into tliiou h postm.ibteis ,
Ihretofore It IMS been cuMoiimiy to have the
teitlmony of each e.isedUestetl by tompelent
clciKsln brief , and thucri'dlbilityof the vail-
Ifi ousnpplleiuits lookeil up and topuiud upon
by postmasters living in the samu town.
Undei this pr.K tleii a u'teat deal ot I mm I has
been prevented and many millions saved to
the government.
MIIIASUA : : rosiMAwmis run ro.vrir.siA-
I Icl.V ,
Among the nominations sent to Die senate
toda } by the piesletmit , weio the following
Nibraskn postmaslers : lllah , Miss Claradoia
Cloik : Fairmont , S. baujei ; I'lcmoni , James
Murray ; Ntllgh , i : . T , Best ; Plum Cieck ,
Kduiud H. Ken ! Keel Cloiitl , A. S. Mulsh ;
York , P. L. Whedon ; Lincoln , Albeit Watkins -
kins ; David City , P. i : . Wilson ; Sewaid ,
John S. Kettle * ; KttlltMtou , H L. btuitevant ;
McConk , A. P , blimp : StiiiiUthurc , John A ,
Fiamby ; Supertoi , lieoitjoF. SHihn | ; Vi < hn-
tlne , ( iiHirge A. Paxton ; North Plutte , Adam
many men hiivn bi'ou piishnl Into
public Hie by attack * lumi the | 'ivs.s ' anil pei-
it ttuvuluua Jthat
John H. Mltcliollof Oir on , roeently elected
hi the legislature of tlntstatp. roH'nters public
llfeon arcoiintof a perjonal waifare waged
upon him. Major \V. II. Calkin of Indiana
vv < ? iirstinduciMl to run lor ton re = s by the
jteis of some of his enemies , who said that
lie roiild not come to congiets If ho
wanted to. Hut Senator Mitchell
furnishes one of the most ttrlknig In
stances of .1 man being dthrn Into a liK'h
ixihllc position through a plrll ofolf pto-
teition. Your cm respondent his just re
ceived a letter from Mr. Mitchell , who is at
his home in Portland , In which he verities
the statement of his principles ami
picitlctlons of his futtue course In the sen.ito
outlined In these dispatches a couple of
weeks 140. Itelerrlng to his re-election Sen
ator Mitchell siys :
"I have Ix-enitnost ontrascously mlsrcpie-
scnted by the press dispatches that have gene
outfiom this city. These dispatches are un
der tln exclusive control ot the Portland
Oregonlan , and Its editor Ins been unscrupu
lous and bitter In thenv-trcmn In his vvarluro
on me. I did not d < slre to be a cindld.ito for
the senate at the 11 u j nnd was not u candi
date until tlm Oiegonlan , through learllut
that m > name would be Inoiuht loiwaul , as
sailed me in the mannei tint It did. This was
on b.itunlay morning , ( he lltli da > of Novem
ber. I then Immediately announced myseli as
a candidate , went to Salem on Monda ) thel .Hi
and nn Wednesday tlio Hlh vv s elected. 1
lecelved on the second billet jn lolnt con
vention the votes of thlrtv-eight republicans ,
01 lour more than tvvo-t'ilnls ' ot all the le-
puhlicans In the leglslatuie. On this billet
seventeen dcmncrats eamu to my support and
cndtd the contest , giving mo leu more votes
than enough to elect. 'I his democratic sup-
poit was not the icsult of anj baigaines.-
lireed or Implied. Kieli and every one of
them was my warm , peisonal friend. Not
one ol them would have east his vote for mo
h.ul I Indicated in any in inner tliat I would
in turn abandon my principle * .
Their t oiislltueuts In the counties 1 epievented
bv them vveie , 1 am tully peisuided , almost
unanimuus in J.uor of my election iuespcc-
tiveof paity. There were In the legislatme ,
all tolilninety membeis. -tv\oiepnbllLans
and thlity-elght do noorats. djm < > ctat
WT.S absent ; foity-iive , theiefore , weie
enough to elect , I iccclvcd hftj-iive. With
out anv doubt whatever had another billet
been taken 1 would h ivo received more than
enough lepublican votes to elect me. I can
asimeyou my victory is all that could be de-
slied hyany living mil. Tlnd'foit of my
enemies is deeistve ami crushing. "
The attacks undo upon Senator Mitchell
were of tlio most bitter personal ch uactcr.
His election has tully \ndcat"d ! ! him. As
piudluted In tieso dlspitches ho will be u
linn icpuhllcau on all political IS-UHM.
"Vanderbilt was only an exclamation
point"t > lid Mi. Palmer.tho rich Unilc-d blates
sen.itot from Michigan , to clay. ' 'It 1m had
not been the two hundicl millionaiie , " con
tinued Senator I'almei , "he would not have
cut any tiguro In this woild. Ho was.
though a m in of very good instinct , not vic
ious1. Vaudcrbilt setvod a veiy good pur
pose in his lite. ho accumulated a l.iitro tor-
tune. Anv m in who does that is a blessing
to any country , tha Is if lie accumulates le-
gitimitely , ten the fmtuiie will bedistilbiited
some day and a gi"at many people will be
beiielited by his savings. "
"Don t jou think , .senator , that such povv-
cilul speculitoisas Mr. Vamletbllt was have
a very iujmioiis elfect on thu market inter
ests ol thoconntiyV" I asked.
"No. " replied Semtoi Plumb. "I think
speculator are a necessity. They are the
gcncinois of the maiKet and thev le iilate It.
Tanners and speculatois gencii-ally get linger
and steadier prices by the work ot the specu
lator. "
nn : TIIAIL couxri Titonir/K.
VAflItI nTox , IJcc. 10. [ Associated
Pre s.J Imiuiryat land olllce to
il ly concerning the recent decision ot the
United .States supiemo conn b > which the
tieasmei ol Trail count } , Dakota , is enjoin
ed ttom collecting ta\cn on lauds granted to
the Northern PueinuKillvvny company , elicit
ed substantially the tollovving Htatement :
In 1&70. when unking appiopihitions fora
surveyor the lauds gianted thoNoithcin Pa-
ciiie company , congiess added a pioviso tint
beloio the tltlesliimlcl pass trom the govern
ment tlieie shall lust be paid in the tieasiny
ol the United btates the cost ot smvejlinr ,
hclecllng and convoking the same , bv the
company 01 apait.v in tnteiest. TheNortlic'in compiny has nevei asked lor or
lecelved ptttc'iits upon its lauds in Dakota ,
hut h is lett its title in tlm government , there-
bj relieving the c'oiii | ) my trOiii the cost of
niaUIn thesuivey and trom tlio bidden of
local taxation.
Ills iuither ntd by the geneial land ofll-
el.ils that even It eoiuicss should decl.ue a
loifeitmeol the Nuitlietn Paclue laud grant
ten alleged non-iompliance with some of the
termsol the ch.uter , the bona lule settler
would in no mannei aulTor , as his claim is
held to bo simcilor to all others , and that
haidshln would icsult only to land fpccula-
tois and owners by purchase from tlio mil-
wax company of l.ugo tracts. In'hesec.iM'S '
iccourso could only bo had upon the railway
i HI : NATION u , nuAimsrMTin invo.
The delegates to the convention ot the Na
tional tin lids' association ot the United
bta e < , now In session in this eity. this mmii-
Ing piocecded In a b idy to the wMia house ,
wheni they had an appointment to meet the
piesideut. They weio received In Ills pilv.ito
olllce and each cfelegato was introdiiojcl to thu
president Dy Col. liildges , vvlio wastormeily
on Cleveland's slall vvhen goveimn ot New
Yoik Htiite. * The deli-gates wcio iceelvcd
very coidlallv. and an Informal talk followed
In ii'g.uct to ( ho bill which It Is pioposcd to
bilng to the attention of congicss. Thu
piosident said he was much inteiestcd In the
btato inilltl.i , and ( run his exiietlciiie while
governor he could appreciate tha im-
poitanco and nccc.ssit ) tor tuuli an
oigani/.Htlon In e\ei > .state , llo
not given the Rimject tlm attention which ho
tell It demanded , but he thmmht It was a
matter well vvoithyot tlii ) consideration of
conu'iess , and ho hopc-d the association would
buhiiucssinl In the objcnjin foi wldch they
had convcni-d In this city. The delegates
tlien cilled on ( it'll. Shcildan , ( ien , Uunet
and the secrat.iry ot wai , and had Inform il
talks with those ollUei.s on the puijioseri and
scopeof tlio hill which tliuyhad prepared.
TIII : iNii.Ni : > in : iii'.ni'iEsr IIHAI * .
A dispatch has been reci'lvtsl at the Mate
dcp.utmcnt lumi Minister Litlnn > , trom .St.
Pit 'isbinif , saving that the goul mounted
snoid which the piesident n-nt bv IJeut.
Scliiiul/o tor presentation to Uen. Trtiheina-
vleli , ovi'inorof Yakutsk , w.islolt at the
Unlit d St.ites legation at &t. Pet i-l > iu _ ' by
Mtmt , bclu'iiUo , when hole.itncd nihisanl-
v.iltliiit ( ien. Tschernavleft hid died , le.ivhu
nochlldren. In accoidanco with the subse-
ciuent clIrcH'tloiifl ot iho president , .Minister
l.athitipiesentc | > d the sword , tlnoughIhft
mlnistei of foieign atfalts , to thu empeior ot
Hussi.i , wlm aeceptcul It and dlicctcd it to bo
pli ceil In the arsenal , them to 10-
m.iiii as anothiT uond of iriondslilp o.xlstlng
between thotwocounlrii's.
CO.SSIIIIIHS n jiKvoi.rnovvnv.
lion , A. IIovnton , , nifinUn ot the denio-
ciatlc teriltonal commlttto of Dakota , ami body to visit Washington
and icpiosuit thrill wishes , had nn InUrviev
with Pi i sldeiit Cleveland to-day concerning
matters in that t nitory. bnb > e < | in > ntly hu
was ijiKi.stidiud by un i boeiatcsl press
rt'picsentatlvu touching the attempts
of tl'o boutheni part of DaKoti
to set up a Mate unvcinmci.t.
llestion.'ly denounced It as revolutionary
and expressed ihe opinion that the proceed
ings am t.ikhu the hh.ipu of oi 'n cipjiosltloii
to tiie authority of thugcncial govcinmcnt.
and that decisive maaiiiies will bo lesoited
to should Imthci ateps IKJ taken In thu ditcc-
tioll JUOJIOM'd.
Virginia's Now boniitor.
Va. , Diic. li. In the ccncial
tinli > .laitn W. Daniel was ehvlcd
M-natcil to lepleviit Viiglni.l ill llje tllliti'tl
hi lies M.uatu lui aUjcuis , b
WVSHINOTOV , Dec. Ki. Among the hills
Introduced and rufcired v\eix ! the follow ing :
H > Mi. Teller , to jirovlcle fen irce and un
limited coinage of the silver dollar ,
Uj Mi. ItigalK t" provide for determining
the existence and removal of the Inability of
the piesident to dhchaigc the powers and
duties of his olllce.
The les-oliition heretofore offered by Mr.
Ueekwas I ild b"foro the "ciiato iecuestlng |
the pi evident to eaine lniUli | } to be mndeaiid
Inform the si nate whether a consular olllcei
of the United States has since IsjS had any
Interest or lecelved beneiit limn any notorial ,
consular or commercial ollkcr of foieign
count lies. Itelcrrcd to the committee on
A resolution olTeicdby Mi. nutlerdtrpctinjr
the committee on teiiltone-s to eniUlteami )
rcpoitb } w hat anthoiity I lie so-called lexislv
ture has been organized in the territory of
Dakota , and vvhethei such organisation was
nut calculated to bring about a coulliit of uii-
thoilt } iirejudiclal to good older In the terri-
toij. Mi. llutlci asked Immediate considera
tion ol the H'Milullon.
Mr. liiL'tdls ( iliji cled , and under t'lc ' rule the
lesolutlon was laid ovel oiiedav.
A lesolutlon wasotfeied by Mr. Halo , and
agreed to , i ailing on ( lie secieMry ot tlm
tiensinj to transmit to the senate a list 01 all
claims against the government dls llowed
since . Inniui } 1 last , with leasons for disal
lowance in c irh case , and c iples ot all
opinions clellveied In each case bj olllclals oL
the gov eminent.
Thu chnli I lid hcfoio the1 senate a message
from the piesident , tian mlttlng a icpoit
fiom } ot the inteilui calling at
tention to the condition ol some of the Chey
enne Indians , and icipic-sling leirislatlve au-
tlioiit } lot the use ol certain ninds lor thcii
' 1 he senate then proceeded to the calendar ,
the nist lull In oidei being Mi. Ilo.u's piesl- succc'ssion bill
Tlio debate was pattlclpitcd In InMessrs. .
M.i\e } , Udmunds , Heck , , Hoar ami
Teller. ' 1 lie pilndpal featme VV.H a llvel }
tilt between Mc sis. Kdmnnds nnd Jieek.
Thelattei had said ho lei one would not
help the lepubllcans ol the senate to toimii
iimnum to elcU.ipio tern piesident , when on
the same dav he could stand and see the
house ot lepieseiitatives elect a democi.itic
speaker , biich a pioceeding , Mr. JMmunds
declared , would have been "moral tieason. "
In theeouisool the subsequent discassion
Mi. Mcugan made a speech stiongl } opposing
the Ide.i that the picsidcnt ot the senate was
a prjpoi pcison to bo Invc't'd with the | ires-
ideutml lunctloiis in case ot vacancy. " .Sup
pose' , " said ho , "tliat the senator liom lln-
noiH ( Logan ) , who has been a distinguished
soldier , should bo piesideut pie tempoie ot
the senate and should succeed to the piesl- luuctioiis , and war with any lorelgn
powei should aiise and he saw * tit to take
command ot tlio uimlcs in the lield , could he
keep his place as lucsident pro tempoie ol
the feu.itei1 Certainly not. Tlm senate
would have to elect anotliei piesident pie
tcmpoie , and If It did he might take com
mand of the aimies away fiomtho senatoi
tiom Illinois. "
Mi. Kvailsaio o to addiesstho senate , but
pa\e way to a motion of Mr. I loir tint the
tlic1 senate go into e'xe'cutlve session. When
thcdoois ic ope ned the senate adjourned.
Amen the bills Introduced today were
the- follow ing :
By Mi. M.iudeison Relating to pensions.
It provides lor the pensioning of all pi rsous
wlioseued foi at one } c.u dining the
late wai , ami weie either oischaiged after
such teimot seivico upon a suigeou's ccr-
tincateot disability as no longei uttoi mili-
\\\j \ \ clutv , 01 v\ho.iltci alike teimol seivicu
weie discharged witli the icinlistment
clause stricken from their crrtliicite
ot discliiiigc1. The nito ol pension
Kb ill not be less than SI nor moiethm ol'J
pei month. It piohlbits tlie ic'ceiving cjt any
mfoi nntion touching a pension from any
pei son upon an a ieemiut to conceal the
n line ol the inlouii nit liom an applicant , 01
Ills attorney.
11 } Mi. bawyer To piovidc for the pur
chase ot the btuii ; 'on bay and Lake Mfchl-
g.incaual and Imborol ic'tmre , connecting
the waters ol ( Jieen bay w ith 1 , ike Michigan
in the state ol Wisconsin. It appioprmtvs-
SvJiO.icU , ami diiects the seeutary of win to
puichasc the canal lei the United Slates.
WASHING rex , Dee. 10 , The house re
sumed eoiisldeiatlou ot the proposed clmuge
in the nilcs
Mi. IHscock , mcmbei ol the committee on
inles , piesoiited icisims which had impelled
hlmtoagico tothuieport ot the majoritv.
The geutlcmc'il who opposed distiilmtion did
BO cm the theoi v that a majoilty ot the house
could not bo tiusted with a chance to get at
tht < public1 tieasmv. 'I hey thought to disguise
this aigumeiit by declai ing that committees ;
when oig.ini/ed. would attempt toag niudl/e
power , and in illustiation ot tills ( lie gentle
man tiom Pennsylvania ( Handall ) had pre
pared a table sliovving a large inciciso In the
appiouriation eauied by the liver and haiboi
bill since that measure has been taken away
Irom the appropil.itlou committee1. Tliiswas
baldly ingenious , torin noiniot tncttliebill uevei been mulct the jmisdlclioii ol the
uppil itiou committee , and it was alwa.s pie-
pan d by the commerce committee ; but the
hue icason wh } the liver and haihni bill had
in amount was the committee on
iheisand h.ubois had been given jurisdic
tion ovei the subject of Mississippi liver 1m-
piincment. Ho was In favorot as many mem-
beis ot the house as possible sh.irini : in its
iesonsibllltic ] > s , its labois , Its lionoisand its
leadeiHhlp. He was opposed to building up
a tiHtcm of rules thatiwould ucmn any man ,
oi any set of men , askings ol this legislative
body. He went on to argue that if the at > -
promiation bills weie dlstiibutcd they would
all bo ic'poitcd within tliiity days aftei the
organi/atlon of the committees. Mi. Hlscock
ppoku with much e.unestness , and at tlm
conclusion of h < s sicecti ] he was Applauded
ami congi.itulated by his P.uty colleagues.
He was lollowcci by Ml. Hobnail of In
diana. with an argument in opposition to tlm
abolltunol a clause ot the rum known as the
"Holm in amendment. " vvhlc h enables legis
lation to bo engrattcd on theappioprl.ition
bills , it Ills In the interest of economy. Ho
nminUincd that betoio the adoption of this
amendment , geneial legislation was niued
In neail } eveiy apiuojnl.itioii bill , and gcn-
ei.dl } in the illieotion of extiavuinue. He
cpiotc-d trom thu debite on a point of eider
iiiised b } him in thu 1'oit } set end eongu'ss ,
wlien a pioposltion was midn to increase Iliu
piesident's sil.irv , to show that the itolnt was
ovc'riulc'd , thou li the into tht'ii was iden
tical with that lecommended by the com
mittee on idles to day ,
Mr. llnrrows of Michigan Biiggested ( hit If
the gentleman would icud turtliei he would
tind that thu house hid sustained him in his
appeal fiom the decision of the chair ,
tMi.Jlolnmn admitted tliat was tine ,
but called attention tu the tact that when It
vvaspioposed to incioiso ( he great bed } ot
salatics , the proposition was ruled Inoiclei and
legislation had been I mined which hid boon
condemned bv the whole ) countty. He went
on to arguu that the "Holman amendment , "
Instead ot having been an itvil , as hail been
colluded by its enemies , h.ul .saved to the
people w ho paid the taxes m.inya million
dollars. Alter winning the demo-
pintle puiy lo exchange the mle
which piohlbltcd Icglsliitlou except In the
Intciest ot econosnj , leu the one which would
allow leglsiation , which would Incicastuix-
itendituies , ho passed on to a eiucstlon which
Iiuconsldcicd onlv of hccondaiy Importance ,
whether iijuiiopilatlon bills Hhonld be ells-
tilhuled. While lie admitted that theiher
anei luubor , foi ion and Distil 't of
Columbia appiopihiliun bills might apmoprl-
dlilj be given to tlio commissions having
juii-clktlon ol these biibjects , ho aiguedtliat
othei bills could not bo distributed without
causing great eoniuslon and ellsoielcr in llio
inttl oJsof .ipiiioiuliition. Iteteuiiu to thu
lemaik miidti b } Mr. Hlscock , that hu was oj > -
poseel to any sv tem ot mls which built up
a man orsciot men Into kings , Mr. Holman
lommented on tlm tact tliat vvaen the * Kcutlo-
m. in trom New York was chairman of thu
committee , on uppiopiiatlons he had not
attempted to disiiibutu the aipiopilatiun |
bills , anel Incuilrcd why he had not donu so.
Mr. llibcock was not In thu house , but Mr ,
Cannon of Illinois replied had lioen
a lepubllciin eon-'ivss , and thu republic-aim
had not propo-cd to do any biich loutish
Mr. Holmnn thought that the KentFeman
fiom New Yoik would luidly have given
that answer , though bo could mid no attempt
Hindu by Ihat gentleman to dethrone himsc-lf
liom control.
Alti'i spiec-hi's by Mes rs. Wellborn of
Texas nnd Itlonnt of ( ieoi-gf.i | ln > house ,
\\ltlioiit coiitinnliu Ihu geueul dubato. ad-
' until to-muirmv.
With n Mistnro of Gin-rln Jargon and
Brnndj-Smtisli Smiles ,
\VltlillioPiohUiItlon Cou-
uiMlriini llp | > rcscntatlve i of Cit
ies \Vlicro the lcv Is a I'.lnnk
Dead li'ltcr.
a.vo Vanttlin tV'ns Thete.
Di.sMoiNLi , Iowa , Dec. W JSpc-clalTelo-
gram.t A convention of nuvors or nldcr-
men from tweutv-ono cities of the stale con
vened In this city toilay M suifRcst mt'.isurcs
for a modlHcatton of thowrohlbltoi v hvv so
fin na their ow n cities were concerned. They
met In puisuaiico of a call Issued by the
ma } ors of Kcokuk , lUirllngton , Davenport ,
DtibiKpio and Otlunnv.i , a few weeks ago. In
viting a conference of tlmoniclal icpte ent.i-
tlves of all the cities of 1,0 JO or more popula
Of the cities invited the following were
represented : Kcokuk , Hurllngton , Daven
port , Dubucpie , Clinton , Ccchr Itaplds , Mar-
sh.illlown , Council HlutK bloux. City , DCS
Molnes , Ottumvva , Creston , Lvons , Heel Oak ,
What Cheer , Iowa City , Oskaloosn , Foil
M.idl on , Musciitlnc , I.cMars and lloone.
The convention included pome well known
mav ors , among whom were theiotund fonn
ot Hrnest en , ma } or of Davenport ,
and tlio dimnnlthe tlgiuu of Ids Ccrman
Iilend , M.ioi i.l ib of Dtibuiiue , while
nn : wnt.i'iinssiiH.E VVUCHIV
of Council HI HIT * , author of "Vamrhan's He-
bollion" and several other thiilllni ; tales , was
one of the liveliest memberi of the crovvel.
Politic illy , the members were about equally
divided between democrats and icpubllcans ,
while national ! } , the inemlmi from dcr-
many nccmed to be present by a largo ma
The convention organized with the election
ol Ma } 01 Adams , of Dmllngton , as chair
man , and piocccdcel at once to business.
1 here was a little bklrmlsh over the basis of
lepresentatlon in voting at the outset. Mayoi
Yauglin , of Council Hlufls , Insisting that
the cities should bo allovod to vote in pio-
portloii to thcli population. In advocating
this pioposltion he made a BprcMil eagle
speech , going hick to the adoption of the pro-
Inhitoiy amendment in Ibb'J. which he dc-
claied was a iiolitlcal nieasiiro cjtriicd by
democrats , w hose i otes w ere giv en to get the
lepubllcans In a box , inn the rejiubllcans
would be held icsponsiblo for It , although
the vote was taken atanon-piitls.ui election.
Ills haiangiie was not well lecelved , foi
w hen the vote on his motion way taken it ic-
cclvcd but one vote , and that his own. So
the convention
at the outset , anil decided iliat ever } city rej-
rcscntcd should be entitled to one vote.
Maoi Davisot Kcokuk then took the llooi
and m.idu the pi n Ipal s ] > eecli of the day. Ho
was thu oiiginatoi of the meeting and he
declared its puiposo to bo to adopt .some to Iholeglslatuio nslviug lei icllof
ttom fieo whisk } In tlio cities where prohibi
tion couldn't bu , as he alleged , enforced. Ho
Slid : "That tlio histoiy of the law in Kcokuk
was the history of thu law * 'In ' every city In
Iowa , liefoio ( ho law thcro vvcro a few
biloonsln ICeokukpayliig a licc'iiso of ovci
SUM'eKJ ' annually , blxty d ivs aflci the enact
ment of the liw them were ninety free
tuloons In operation , ana every man 'that
could laiso S2.50
opened a saloon. Tito temperance people
raised a tmul to pioseeute the saloons , but It
tut ued out just as it did in DedMoines. Thu
piosccution was abindoucd lor want of
tuiids. In Keoknk saloons weie ticated as
"places of amusement , " ami licensed at S-40J
l > ei annum by the city council. 'Hie result
was tint the saloons weie i educed
from ninety to foity. The law licensed
the sale of. Hrjuoi for mechanical and
ciilin.ii } pmposes medicinal foi geueial de
bility , incclianic.ll to raise h - , culinary for
hot bcotch nnd when it comes to sacia-
nicntal , it w is purchased everywhere. It
was shown the number ol saloons had
largi'lv incieised since the enactment of the
piohlbitoiy law , and the question tor the people
ple wns whether , as In DCS Molnos , they
sliould have sixty saloons , buiuing a muni
cipal levenue ot SoO.OOO aiinuall } , or over two
bundled lice saloons. Itwasa epiestion of
fiee whisky vs. icjul.itioii. " Ho therefoio
To the twent-lirst gcneinl asbombly of the
state ot Iowa :
Wheieas , Thcpiel-ent ] > rolilbltory law has
depiived miinicijial corioiiuons |
thoiit } to 1-c'gtil.ile , ioutiol , and license the
sale and m.inutactuiu ot intoxicating liquor
within their municipal limits ; and ,
Wheieas , Since the 1th day of July , IbSI ,
tlm n umbel ot places In our lager cities ,
wheie intoxicating Hmois are sold by the
clunk , has Lately liicicMSid , and the same
exists without authoiit } on the put ot Kiuli
cities to leguhitu and eontiol the same , thu
county and state olllcera tailing to entoice
the prohibited } law , and the municipal auth
orities belli , ; unable so to do ; gi.ind juiors
Ignore the law ami petit jmois seldom con
vle-t , and the law is imprai'tlciblnanit cannot
bee foicccl , as Is been bv tlm lollowmg ta
ble iclc'iiing to the cities lepiesented in tlm
convention. The ilist column of liguies
sho\\ the number ot saloons befoio piohlbl-
tiou v\ent Into elleet ; llio K' < end column the
amiiunt lecelved tiom license , and tlio thlicl
column tlm niimbci ol places where Intoxi
cating Illinois are
DCS Molnes . 00 6 0,000 200
Dubitiiito . i-n H , M iV )
Davuipoit . 1:5 : yoiiro iui
UuilliiLton . ( > s iir/OJ 100
Conn. . ( I UliiUu . ur ft' , xji ) M
Siou\ City . 101,7(0 ( 75 llaphls . 5 11.10J luu
ICeokuk . ; . " . ! HV ) 47
Clinton . : I'J.lbS 7b
OUnmwa . . . . . . W 2'J , < XX ) M
Muscat ! no . : , ' " > none X >
M.ush.illtown . & > 7.1WO iil
Cieston , . . , . r > . 9
Waterloo . t ! . 1(1 (
Jowa City . 401,000 20
Kort MiidlMjn . 17 4,000 2-J
Kort Dodge. . U- . lu
J ons- . 11' ' . 15 !
Oskalooia . W 1,000 15
Jiuono . . . . . b' -1,100 ,
Totals . 774 . 1,201
Theicfoio Mr , Davis pnipoK'd a bill which
bliould bu submitted to the goneial absembly
asking tliat cities ot 4,000 and menu popula
tion be allowed to
i.U'i.Nsr , itimri.Ain AND covrnoi.
the salo.ol llejuor as they { bought bi'st , juo-
vided that no license be granted for less than
This hill was leferrcd to a committee of six
for consideration , and In thu afternoon M-S-
blon It was tepoited back to thu convention
as tollous :
A hill foi an act to amend chapter 0 , title XI.
and all amendments Iheietoot tliucodu or
! , in icl.Uion totlic ! f.nli ) and
ttiro of Intoxicating IIijuois.
Hu itiMi.utc'd by thugeiiei id assembly of the
state ol Iowa :
bectlun -That 1 Chaptei n , TIlio X. , and
tilhttmmdmentfi tlnnctoui' thu cocM ot ! . : ! ,
he , and tlio .SHIUO .110 herein , ami'iuled as Itd-
IOWH , to wit : fc.iid i huptei and ameiulmentti
thereto .shall not apjih tu cities Imv Ing a poi > -
nl.itlon oi 1.IKXJ iniiiilimitaiid ) ( ovei lueniel-
Ingloihuiimsiis of tvHi , and cithvs under
spt i ial i luuicis. , ind Mich citlos , is iniij tuio-
nilei aeiiiiiea | populat.nii nllo inhabitiini t
wild nudui , uhiih sUl | | ii iiLiie the llcciue
or prohibit by ordinance the tile nnd manu
facture of intoxicating ll'i'mrs ' as hereinafter
provided , nor to any terrltoiv within two
mllesof the eonmntu limits of such cities.
SMK-tlon'J All cities Inviug n population
of 4,000 Inhabitants and oxer , according to
the census of IbVi , and cities under sticvlal
charter , and nil rltles which "hall hereatte'r
aceuiro [ a nopulationof 4XV ( ) inhabitants ami
over , are heieb } authorl/c'd nnd emiioweiiid
to regulate , license or piohlblt by ordinance
Ihe sale and inanufactinc of Intoxicating
liquors \\ltltln liieir limits. No liceiiM-lobe
issued by anv such cltv except upon the p i }
menl to Mich ell } of .1 license fee of not less
than P.'iOOpei annum ,
brctlon ' . All ordimnccs pissed under
and by v Irlne of this HC ! Kill \ \ contain , niuong
many othei , the follovvine express con
ditions : No person shall M'll , give lo oral-
low any minor or In'ovlcatcd pei son to take ,
rcH-eivoor pua'liase in Iho licensed picmises
anv intoxicating Ihpior w iitevi'r.
bee. An } person who shall mnnnfnctnio
or sell by himself , his elerk , steward or aceut ,
dircilly or indiiertlv , an } Intoxiiatlnit
liciuors , contrai } to the term of an } null-
nance p-isse l under or bv virtue of this law ,
nmv bo jneic'e'cded against and punlshe'd ,
either under the juovlslniisof ehiptei ( > , title
11 , and amendments ot the code of 17.1. 01
both under said ontiiunroaml the provisions
of s ild chapter and muenelmenls to the -iiine ,
and shall be liable to ail pilns and penalties ,
icmedles and punishment nnuldc-d foi bv
v.ild CiUipter. and the lunds collected shall
belong to. such clt\ .
Mi } oi Davis ot Kcokuk , is i hah man of
the committee , read the icport ot Ihe majoi I-
1 } of the committee , and moved tint It bo
Mnor (3Iab of Dnlmqno made a mlnorltv
ic'poit substitiitlniri.wiilas ( lie license instead
ol the y ® ) named In the bill. Thu Inlnoi lly
icpoit , ho said , was signed by htmselt and by
the ma } 01 ol Davenpoit.
This called out mine discti-slon , M ayoi
Claussen of Daveupoit Hiving that he was
opposed to high license , nnd ho wanted n li
ce iso no low that the lltllo coiumu-
littles , where the pool people lived , could
have u saloon If they wanted. He eliilme'd
that In the cities municipal restilcllons weio
nccessaiy in oiden to close up bid saloons
that high Jlcvnsc , however high , would not
Thomaorof Council Hlufts joined with
him In favoring the substitution , but It was
lost by a vote of 18 to 0.
Then M.ior Vaughn tried to get Ihe con
vention to substllulu S W ) as the minimum
license instead of S > 00. and ho
advocated this plan In a lurid
s ] > eecli. which pioduccel no eflcct on the con
vention. The majoiity report was theie-
foie adopted as the w bin's ot the convention.
So far , politics had been kejit out , but
Miior Clansmen , a democrat ot Davenport ,
throw a
b } IntroducingaiiSolutlon tint It was the
seiisu ot the convention that the piohlbi-
lory law was : v failure and bliould bo icjualcd
as rapidly us possible.
This1 called on * a heiled discussion , the
maor of Ki okuk , who was a lenublican , de-
clann , ; that thfs was an attempt to put a par
tisan constiuclion on the meeting , and that
all thoicjHiblicans piesent , while the } inijht
laver the repeal of piolilbittou , might not
think It expedient at this time lo decl.ue so.
He said as lepublic-ins , they piopoocel to
btand by their pnily platfoim and this
convention coulcl not pass such n isolation
\\itlioutenib.utaaiiu theiiii.
Tho'mioi ol Cedai llapids , who was a
democrat , chimed in with the leimuk that
tliu republican paity-was iceo nlzcd as t.l-
voring prohibit ion anil the demociatlo jiait }
as ojiM ) > sing it. He the conven
tion's ' Influence \\illuv rejmllican le islatuie
would be lost 11 they wentou recoid as uro
The ma } or of Sioux City , a republican , in
timated that Mayoi Claussen was ti } In. ; to
m ike political capital out a the meeting.
Tholattei , In a vigoious speech , denied the
Impeachment , anel charged the republicans
with Hist ' 11110111101110' politics In the conven
tion. . Mr.MiiKiis CAMI : 10 run itLsrt'i :
nnd applied oil to the troubled waters , and
succeeded in pissing a resolution to the elVe-ct as the convention was composed ot
iiiemLpis of opposite noli * CM ! putties , it was
theietore inexpedient to take any loimil ox-
piessionot their views on the ii'pcal of juo-
A committee was th.Mi appointed to act as
a lobh } and piesent Ihe memorial adopted to
the livlslatuic , nitm which the convention
adjoin ni'd.
The members of the vuiious municipi !
cities piesent cxpic'ss themselves us well
pleased with the wet k. The memorial they
adopted is practically a petition ten local
option foi theclt cs with thopiohlhltoiy law
lett tor the balance of the state , Theie was
some disappointment the meeting was
not moiogeucially attended , lor as it was , It
lepiesonted the views ot enl } thiity or lorty
men , who corneas volunt.iiv but uiiaiithuiued
icjuebentatives of their icspcctive cities.
The AmlitoiHhlp Tioulllo.
Dns Men.vns , Iowa. , Dec. Ifi fbj > eoia ! Tel-
eviam. ] Late this atteinoon ( Jov. hhoimiin
decided that the ofllce of state auditor was
vacant , and thcic > npon he appointed Hon.
Jonathan W. Cattell , the acting auditor , to
( ill the place. Cattcllut once tiled his bond ,
which was uppiove-el , and took chauooftho
oflkc. This Ib the last act in thu bliciman-
liiovvn diama and nut pi ise
to thu people ot the slate. Uov. bherman
was seen to-night , and In explanation ol his
action , saict : "That UK Drown had tailed to
ejmdify within the time rcciiihod by law he
was obliged to appoint to nil tlm vacancy. "
lliown's counsel , Judge Nemisei , was Intel-
view eel , and tie declined that biieiman's ac
tion was null and void , "Feu , " bald he , "tho
govuncu has no power to dcclaiua v.icancj.
The supreme com t decided In thlscase l.tst
spiing that thcio was no . } ,
and If theio had been , then
bherman should have called nn election and
had it nllcel b } the people last lull. "
Opinions hcicdillci as to the effect of ( his
appointment , somu JHV.JCIH holding Unit
HIOVUI cannot now get back to thu ollku ex
cept by process to dispossess Caltell ,
and otheis holding that ( ioveinoi L.iuahc'c
can dlsic'gaitlbheiman'Hac'l and consider it
ol no elfect.
Iowa Hiiii omo Co u it D
Ii : MOINKU , Iowa , DecID. . Ibpecial lethe
the HiiK.J The siipieme couit lemlciedthe
lollowing decisions tcnla } ; Miller ami Kll/.i Miller , adinlnlstraloiH ,
etc. , aiijiellunts. VH House .V l.amb , it , tl ,
Craw lore ) elicult , Alllimi'd.
M , 1. . ( ill ) , appellant. vs\pii'moosu cuiuily ,
Apnanoosc ) eiienit. Alllimi'cl.
l.d N. Cooduow vrtKIUabetli T. O
pellant , Webstei distiict. Atlnmed.
J-'ust National bank ot Villl-ca. nppclUmt ,
vs .M. L. 'Ihuuii in , Monlgomeiy circuit. At-
J , D. 1'apjioe k , et nl , tinstex's , VH W. I' .
liaitlett , ajipellant , Mills eliculi. Allhmcd ,
( 'hiiiles WatMin , aiipeilaut , vs Chicago ,
Io ! < k Island A : Pae'iau Ldiiipiii } ,
bcu > tt eiienit. ADhmed.
( itlsi > n .V Klojipc'iisti'ln VH risdiei , tOi-
ton , appellants , J e" . Multies count } . Al-
John Haldwln Vs. .St. Louis , Keokul ; .V
Nonliern lullw.u iomp.ui } , apeliaiit | ) ,
di-tiitt. Kuvc'in d
Dennis ' 1 hcima > . v . D , L. ( iiiilith , et ; d , ai > -
jii-ll. nits , l.cmiriL disiuet. Kc-vetMil.
b , I , \ \ nu x.s. ( itoige htewait. el ul , apjiel-
lantx , Kosstith eliculi , Allinucd.
I'ecullar Alle'inpl nl Siilc-iclc ) .
Dt'iu c/i h , DIT. leX Jedin C. Mnellei , man-
iifaOtUivrul ui > i\o si'- ' ' ' ' , iitieinptcd suicide
this morning In n moil extraordinary man
ner. While alone In his shop he drove two
sonechl | els Into his head , one going entire
ly thron.'h and protiiidinf upon the otlur
side. The othoi entered tlio head tor about
one Inch ami a half. One chisel entered
the riulit side of the head about one Inch in
fi out nnd above theearnnd cjimeoutln neatly
tlio I'oirespeimllng place on the left side.
'I he other chisel ho dio'o Into his forehei d
to the depth ot an inch and a iiuaitci. A tew
moments attet the dcid he w is totintl ami
wisconstlous at the IIme. bnl soon became
Insensible. PliVslclans sav there Is nn pros-
peit eif his re1oven. Muellei Ins lor some
time been tumbled with melanihul } .
Dus Mot-VKS. Iowa Dee. 10 The wife of
George W. Oillvte. genera ! frekht and ins-
seitger luent of thu Di's Molnese Port
Dodtcet raliwuv , died last night. The body
will tx1 taken on Kriehi } moinnuto Kcokuk ,
her formci home , tor Inlet menu
rt : < | : ('uv.
Opinion of Cyi'ii-i Kli'lil on the Ques
tion nl'icivontmeut TuloKrnpliy
Ni.w YOIIK , Dec. It ) . [ Spcvlal Telegram. ]
- When asked his opinion on Senatc.1 Kd-
miinds' ti'legnipjt bill last evening , C } rus W.
I'teld said : "I am eteirl } of the opinion tliat
the time has an iveel when the United Slate's
rou'i nment should pmchase all the telegraph
line's in thceoiinti } . All the telegraph lines
of theolel woild bclomr to Ihu guveinments
ol thecoiintncs in which they are locate 1.
As letteis are se-nt to all and every pirtof
the United btates lor two cents and lupeis
and maturities nt one cinr lor every font
ounces , so should telegiaph messages be sent
loan } p.ut of the United Slates at thu low
est pi Ice which expeilenco has shown Itpos-
slble tint the same can bo done. The piess
which sends long messages should be cluugcd
half the lutes paid b.v the general public. A
1 iw should be passed by congicss making all
puiilmscs. Oovcinmcnt tcIcKi.iph Hues
would be In no gieatcr danger than tlm post-
olllco. It the United States gevernmcnt en-
lered on the business the icductlon of expen
ses in iunningtclcjiutli ; Hues woiilct begin at
once. Theiu would be no necessity for so
many telegraph olllces w ith attendant ex
pense for lent and the attaches. The post-
olllces would also bu telcgi.iph olllcc's. Would
lelegtaph companies agtee to sell their lines
to thcgoveiiiment' ' Ve.s ; It was found to be
a good In Kngland and pioved lair to
all parties. "
The Cuiincinarn iMeinlieianil His Do-
eeiteel Wile.
Ni.w YOIIK , Dec. 10. [ Special Tclc ram.J
The Run's London cable Fas : Patrick
rolctlio new Nationalist membci ot the
house for the Coniicm.ira district of Galvv.i } ,
isln a serious scitijw. 1'or some } ears a very
untortuntitu woman has been kcptn pilsonei
In ttiii poor IIOUPO ot Waidswoitli , a siibuib
of London , bho was not only a pauper , but
also wcMk minded and had occasional out
breaks of violent inaanlry. She was known
by tlio namooi I'oluy , but all ellorts to tnice
hei connections hilherto his been fruitless.
A few days a o tho'AVardswoitli anthoiitles
iccclvc'd on anonvinousletter o-sscttlng
the woman was tlm ( Inserted wife of the mem-
bci elect lei Conneimra. The authoiltics
wrotn at once to 1'oley Informlnghlm ol their
discovery and leading him to suppose they
had ample pioot to support their accusatlouH.
Toley replied , contesslus the " rcl.itionsldp
and depeition , otferlng pay "for his wile's
maintenance In a suitable manner and appealing - <
pealing to the uuthmitics lo suppress the
allalr iiom Ihe newppaiiers. If 1'oley docs
not fuliill his piomlsc1 anil provide decent ly
tor liisciiiellv neglcctul wlte within a ica-
sonable time he will be attested the moment
he arrives In London.
Wreak on the Utah nnd Northern.
EAOI.IKociv , Idaho , Doc. in. The south-
bouuel express on the Utah t Noi them rail
way , which left Until1 , M. T. , last evening ,
was tluovMi liom the Hack hall w.iv between
Itamgood and .M.iiket stations. An Crimin
al ion sliovved a rail had been bioken
completely off nftei the engine , baggage.
mail car and supei intendent't ) car had passed
ovei Itsafel } . W. O. Palmer , an cm/loeof
the comp.ui } , was instaiitlv klllccl and eight
olhei passc-iijeis moie oi leoS Injured. The
dead man and Ihu wounded weie taken to
Kaglo Hock.
Fifty 1 IHMIMUHI In Afihon.
Pun ADI i mi v , I'a. , Deo. UI.Tlio live
storv In Uk biilldtnL' In C.utei sticct occuplid
joiull } b } Moircll BIOS. , pnnteis. Hie Ule'ctio
Duamoeoitipan } ami the loal ! blilit
ut.icliniiu comjauy. was clcstiocd by lire-
tills moiiiln ' . LOSH SOX' ' .
L vii u The los-sos will uggiepafo neailv
3100000. Monill Hi os , pilntcis and
tvpogiapheis , lose about 340,0ixi ; Vewman it
ll.igicloi n , shirt m.iiiulacttiii'is , t 0,000 ; ami
the Klectro-Molor company , ; 1WCKW. In
MI ra nee
The Union I'nulllo'M Quarterly.
IJosroN , Dec1(1 ( The Union I'lieitlc coin-
pan } 'sst ' iteuimit foi thucjuaitei ended Sop-
temberiM ) , M > , whows a Income ol
P.t , ' < ( iO'l.Vl , and a total mnpliis income of SfH'- !
blt ) , a.'iilnst r < l,40i.'iii : toi the cciiiespoudlng
ix'iiddol ISH > , Kor the nine mouths emlid
be Dtembei sn , thu total iniomu v\is Sl.U. ( > . -
dJl. and total Miiplus income S5al,7lH ,
against a surjilus income ol 51,0 ,007 tor the
uibt nine months ol l i.
A MiiMiiirro iii Jiiirmnli.
T5vfGco.N ) , Dec. 10. Klevcn Kuropcans
wcie-woiking toi tlie liombay it Hurnmli liad-
ing company. On heailnj ; ot thu rupture be-
twien Huimaliand the Indian govunmcnt
they tiled to leach Miinliooi. | On Novembei
-0 ( hey weio oveilal en ami iimidi icd by
Iliiiini'sp lioop in a ste.imet Ic loiu'ln to
the * king Mini enmmauih'd h } a palitnionie ul ,
It Is.illege'cl t a Iho Dm me so | u iniet minister
was tmpiic.itcit in the mash.icic ,
Ailvnni'lnj ; Hail ) WinI'l IC'OH.
( 'mourn , Dee. lit. Thopiliiflpal b.ub who
m.inulactuieisol the United btates mil heie
tod.iy aiidagiccil to.idvaneu tlm iiilce of all
gi.ules of tlieh ] tiodiicl one cent a pound ,
sue li scheilulupilcu to lake1 clfe'ct at omo ami
continue ) in unco until .l.tnnujN. It is
piob.ehlu on date ) another advaiuu will
ho m idi' to meet an antic Ip.ited .ulvancoln
the piicuol plain vviie.
the Iloiinclary.
Son A , Dec. -llulg.ula has aueptcetthu
piojiosal of the pov.em foi
commission to deinaic.ito thu Jiulgaio-bci- lionliei , nuclei ( t'lt.iiu le-eivutlons.
Mm wishes Ihe eommisnlon toiDUsldti lalily
theiecent victoilesol the aimy ,
The Hiilknn Trouble- .
CCINSI AXMNopi.r. Dee10. . Tlm polio has
sent a elieii r to the poweis In releieneo to
the mission ol theTiiikfsli delegates to cast-
cm lioumcli.i. The pmlo i'\plilns that the
situation In en te in rtmmii-Ila is pie'catlons
1/oc'lceel Them In to De | > .
Ki vituvii.i.i , Miss. , Dee. li. , .liny Hard-
vvell , ( eoloiod ) } e < ste > ielav' lelt his IIOUMI and
Icic keel the dool , Ids tlniec hlhlleil being In-
Tin1 house c.uulit mo ami thu chlldien
in tlieliames.
Wenlhi-r lor To-Day.
MisM > rii ! V M.I i.v-WaimeiHll4li
III teinpi'iatuie , viulahle winds , getieialh
liom thu outhwc'st.
Wlinn ion buy tiiiiiitiiio bo wuii jou
L'et ) inies at JIoivu , Kcir it M.ush.ill's ,
J'lietj bii > /I mil the bctsl iii.iiiiilui'tineis ,
aniljiiiaiiUili'o to make Ihu vci IOWUM
prices. OiHJsiiu | | r.ilciniur'h , IJuu Iui St.
SOD tlinM ) nleo ( Uaistiiias THUS ut Win.
Bho Oauscs tlio Cremation of HorseT ) aud
Four Ohililren.
\ Kitinlly of Pour PIMSOIIH I'onst d
Near Uotiolt Tlue-e Mttlo Coon *
l.'r.voel Out of llvls
One nl Clrvolutiel.
s Sorrow Till Crime.
Oi.v Mi'i v , W. T. , Dee. W Tills molding
nt Long I'tnirie. about eight mile. * fiom this
place , ft te.utul traced } oiviunM. Mrs.
Mlnei has foi sometime lu.tnliicotcd symp
toms of iiis.mlt ) and last evenlns ? ilur.tlcd
papen-MWith coat oil and distributed them
uiouml ( lie house , tellltu one of lierehlldien
on lnti | < liv , that she was wcttlm ; them wllh
water. l\irl } this nun nlngslie made tlie ) tem -
m u k that shu w as aboul lo destroy the w hole
lamilv.atul her husbind , fe.uing that she
was about to attcmnt his life , pmcoedexl to
put bet out of the room , but on opening the
( loot discovered the house In 1 1 , lines. Iteach-
ing the tiont door with one of tils children ,
he tound It locKcet ami the key icmovcd.
Theteii | > on ho tan tu the hick d 101 and found
U nailed up. finally he and his little
d.uitfliter succeeded In eseiplng tliroucli a
window , but wet e both b.idl } binned. Thu
itnfot lunate1 vvoiuan with hci lour chllelicii
weie binned to death. The smv Ivors wore
taki'ii lo the lesldeneo of Mr. Chambers fur
medical tieatmeiit.
l''our Persons Itiirnrcl tci Dei\lli.
. Duiitoir , Dee. Id. At an rally hour this
mmnlng , the villaceof Wooilmoie , --nbiHl )
ol this cltv , was tlie scene of a horrible tue.
Some men returning home atiiO : dlscov-
ried Ihe small irame house of Fnink Knex
on Die1. Help AIIS summoned , but hoi ore it
m lived the house was lotall } consumed. Af-
tei da } Hub ) this morning scMirli W.IH bc nn
tor tue bodies ol the lam. I/ who we're
Ilioimht to Loin ( lie building at the time of
the lire. Mi. Ktiox was found in Ihuliont
loom wilh his wife In Ma aims ,
both being but tied to a Yilsp. A few
leet awav was an umevognlr.iblc IIKV.V ; HIIIH
poscd to bo the lemainsot ( lie child , a
bov thieeeaisold. Ol the biby , I ) monlliH
old , theie was no li.iee , and it Is suppoi-cd
the- bed } was completely cousumod. l 'iiin
the position ol the boelics It Is thought Mry.
Kueix , who was an invalid , had iiverttirnud
n lamp , and wasovoieomo b.v Ihe llaums be-
loie help could irach thmu. The famll } weio
Flunk Kuox , age'd 'M' Whllnmn
Knox'J : CJeorge1 , ! ! , anil 1'iank Albeit ,
ngcd U months ,
hvicii Kiank Knoch was known to
have money in Ids house , which ho had
been saving to make borne paiiienty.
bi'.ircheis In the ruins found a lOVolvcr. ' and
it is known Kuocli nevei ouncd one. 'Jlie , n
two tacts lead to the misplcion Hull minder
wasiommltte'd foi thu sakeot lojtlx'jy atlcl ,
the luiihliiig llteii Hied lo cover up thevrimiv
Tlio Italic Heii'iieMl ( c > a Crlap , /
Ci I\TI.AXI ) , Ohio , Dev. Ki. Atl o'clock
Hits ultctnoon William White , a le'lc iaph
OJH.M itoi cmpocd ! in tin' Lake Shore r.ifl-
load olliee , was eng.iged In eh > anlnir Ids liltlo
non's chess with gasoline1 , 'Iho father had
slipped tiom thu loom lor .in Instant , and.
letuiuuu , tounil the lluld had ignited and
the child , lU'i-il : i jcun , binned to acilsp.
Tue motliei was awav liom home at Iho time.
A lowt-le-r'H Oollnpso. v' -
KAXSVS Ciiv , Dee. 10. A. N. Hfcf fflPfc , *
wholes ilo Jctvvclei , v\Ith .stoies hero and In
Leivenwoilb , made an fisskument { icstij toi
da } , att.ichments having been levied 'by
eastern eudiiois. His immlillcsarecMlim itea ;
belwce-n S ( > 0,000 ami SI'Hi.dUei. ' Hlspiopeiiy
Is moitgii ed lorneail } Ihu loum ramuunU
Itcal Uritatc Ti.iiinroi'H.
The following transfois vvero lilejilDeo.
15 , with the county cloik , and repotted
for the 15uu by Ames' Heal Katato
Ueiiiy Charles to lionj.imin F. Kodninn ;
n' , ot lot J blk 1 , Umb.icli add , Omaha , vr
Will.iid I ) . Se-otl and w lln to Kielcler M.
Phillips , sii tee of lots t ami U blk 1 , John
I. Hediek 'sudd , Omaha , w d fl.UliO. .
b. II. II. Clink ami wile to John "JVTTVl c-
KhaneIotHJJI ' aneiri blk Hrookllno
; , - , - , , ,
Douglas Co , w d W.OOO. .
Joiin A. Mcbliauo ( widow ei ) to Perry M.
and Wm. H. Pickhim ; -iOJltol s.'iOHol It
1U , Koiint/e'h-Jdacld , Omaha , w d SlOWd ) .
( tc'oi e W.ilKii builth ( single ) lo Onmhii
lleltlt. K. Co. 1031twoltsc ( ! , add Om tha ,
w d1U. .
( ic'oijjo Waucn Smith ( single ) to Omalta
Ui'lt li , It. Co , pint o soccuol M3'f of' J1WJ4T
sc e 1-1 1-1 J Don i ; > . . w d-Sf'57'i. -
Lillian M.-lii obs ( wldowc > i ) loOmalm liillt
K. H. Co. , lots /ami b block 1 Walnut Hill
mid , Om.dia , w d SI ' 00.
Clement L. Hint i nd wife to HebcceM W.
T. Ciowell n'-f , ol lots 1 and 'J block 0
Place. Omaha , w d > I,5JO.
John Scott to Johanna Seott ; njfof
of see IJ-HJiy , Douglas county ;
e. SI.
Dinah Scott and . lob inna Scott to Fianlc
K. bcolt ; iiii ol nvv'i ' ol sec UMiH'J , Douglas
count } ; vvd-'iOO.
JosC'iih ll.uker and wlte to Ole C. Olficn ;
lls' aud'JT , Uell.ilr , Don lus cuiuily ; w d
5.501) . ) .
llelisol Jacob S. Shull , dece.iswl , tej Xnls
Hanson : It : t , blk 1' . ' , bhttll'n Second add ,
Omali.i ; w d 5100.
ChaileH H. Potter and wife to John S.
Allan , lot 20 , block , Uliiiub.niBli'B add Oma
ha , VV el t < VM.
uiilte'el blalos of America lo John M. llob-
Insoii. o'i ol nu / > ( .seeJ 1ftW. . bOucics ,
Douglas Co. , pile nl.
LS.I.IO K. Conisdon iiiul wife nnd otlieis to
Itlch.uil N. Wiihnoll. lot ! ) t , Chuko's add
Omah i , w d s .WO.
John 1. Ite-dle k and wile lo Jowib nnd
Oioij.'c F. Kiukci , lots 10 , II , l-j , in , II , ifn
D , is1 , in , Jj , | and .2 , him k . ' , and lot ! ) anel
10 , hloc li 1 , subillvislon ol John 1 , lUxluk'H
add Omiih.i , w d-i llooo.
.Vmlill MeC.indllsh ( widow ) to Kll/a.l.
Viisbui'h ( , i ; ' ol loto , block yi , Omiiliii , w
( ic ili.ud S , Hennwa and wife to T. O. We'll-
clln igc i , undivided K ol lot 4 , block 'HU ' , Oma
ha. w d-WJ. )
Jejlui 1 Keellckaitd wife to Aithnr Johp-
pou , lei riand 11 , hloik : i , hiibdlvlslijn ci
Jcilin 1 Itcdlek'sadil lo Omaha , w d.OvO ,
1'K'Miiitn ( jlxcin Away.
j veiy ( itstuiner that visits the Dank
nipt hloie , Old bolllll 'J'llilU.usiUll bllc'elt ,
hctween now and Chijstnms in enlilled tc >
a Imncl-onii ! JIICHI nl cunnistiii
jcwe Iry , bet t ( 'olo no , iiec'khiues ,
"e.iif j ) us , 1 nc'it loive IH , elc , 't ,
\\u will tin thel inori ) nllow our cits-
tnnims l'i cents oil ovoi , > dollars woilltof
ill } Dennis nnd cj.iipuiH lioiight between
now and Xnnis
Our stciek is a complete one in r.voiy
H'sH'i ] t anil our pric en ate- lower tlutii tlui
lowest ( inn iis.i e all and I'linviiieu ejur-
rdl ol 0111 li.u .uns
J'i biiitti : , ( Jlil S. UJili htiect , E , S.
firnncl Jtriibiiucr.uln null.
Tlio niciulju > o'l "Sl rtlu Uivihion , U. I { .
K. cjf J' , will iu llieirlhnil lull of tlio
Fciicbon Di'conilii'r 18 , I'liday evtiiiin .
As In tlio past ne ilher ilnio nor mpenso
will ho Hpuicil to nmko linn the most
lili'.isnnl ( ic ( Msiou cil the senboll. Tirnilta
! ciif s.ilo lK. _ . uilii. ui Bios , , At , ix
AUiei ami Andy llouleii or any ai
of the coinmitti'o
Ho .Mado I'ilty Dolur |
An HntuvjjiHiuj ; r.iiii.iiu slns
bought u AVe l fjulo lot & .ltui l- j :
List , ) ) , iiing 'fl J'j elnun Mondii.v i.a
lid Mjld the lot at un .iilv.inii ! ot lini.a
McC.inellisli and C. li iM'ivnu
nyiils lorY \ t s.ih' . , MV ihciv Is
ut dianees ol thin M > I t kit.