8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 36 , 1885. LEWD AND LUCKLESS IILLII A Repotted Gate of Infanticide Investigate * By the Ooroner , LILLIE DE WITT'S DEAD CHILD Tlic Hotly ronniUiitlieCcllniUnimri ly Huts Ii-ntli Caused by lixlintisl Inn Not it Crime. A Voiinu OltTfi Hliaine. In Saturday's Iliu : me.ntion was ninilt of Iho cafe of Llllio Dcwitl , the yomif womnn resident at 13M North Twenticll street , who was suppo-rd to Ii.ivc beei the victim of incest. A.s stated then thi young Rirl explained to n reporter tint , slip had had a miseaniaKo on Tucsdaj „ ft-flj last , and thai the child wit' ' born dead. She furthermore f-tatei thai ( ho responsibility for her unforlun atocondition rested not with neriather.a1 neighborhood reports had it. but with r young man named Sliorni Mcl'arining ton. Vi".ti'vdava voting ivm appeared at po lleo headquarters and informoi Marshal CutninhiKts that the deat boily of tint infant lir.d beer placed in the cellar , anil that to al appearances the infant had been bon : alive. He furthcvmore Mated that tju circumstances of the ias : > o were Mtspic iously these of infanticide. Capt Cormick and Ollicer Mostyr went out to thu lioust early in the afternoon , anil found tlio young-woman Lillic then , uhmo savi for tln company of her 17-year-old sister To Hit1 inijiiiries of the olllcer , the lattei replied , hesitatingly , tliat the ehild been burn id ml. and had been buried in Hit baek yard. ' "You're siiro of that , are you ? " nues- tionedC'npt. ( Jormiek. "Yes , I'm sure of it , " replied the girl "You're not tolling me the truth. ( ! i down cellar ami get that basket with tin dead child in it. " The girl without , saying another word immediately opened a trap dour ami Jlshed ill ) the icmains of tlic dead in- fnnt. They wen ; found to be in a o markably good slate of preservationami the ehilu , to all appearanees was born alive and fully developed. Coroner Dre.icl , District Atloruo. } Kstello and Dr. Crowcll late in the afternoon , went out to the Dewilt re.-i- denee t make further investigation. At the hoine they wore met by Maggii Di'Witt , a younger sisterwho | led thu wuj to a baek room and produced the infant corpse. It was a horriblu looking sight , rats having gnawed tlio body in a fright ful manner. Dr. Crowcll performed a po.it morlem examination , and HID coroner - , , ner summoned a jury and held an in- ri ipieit. Mary Johnson , Ifi years old , sworn ami ' t tiMillodi I eamo to the DoU'ill house on Tnosihiy at the request of the little girl , who said her sister was s > iek. Didn't know for certain that she was going to be eonlined. Was in the house for several hours. I.iillio said she did not waul any body with her. The baby was born while 1 was there , but I did not know it. 1 came baek in Iho evening , and Maggie t-a.d that Lilliu had had a baby , and that it was born dead. The baby was then ly ing in the kitchen , and I saw it. Magg.o a * K uil mo to help her bury it , but f didn't want to , and shu put it into a bas ket She told me not to tell anybody ' about it. ' There was no one in the'room with I.ill/o wlien tlio baby was born. Maggie ii/itl I sat in tlui silling room , ami the I'oor into thu ledroom ; was clo-ed. Llllio groaned while I was there , and after 1 had gouo Maggie wo-il in and found ( lie baby in the bed. Lillie said it had beun born about an hour whun it was was taken from Iho bed. Dr. Crowell slated that lie had exam ined ( he baby's lungs ami found th m in flated , which indiualed that the child had breathed after being born. The body had been badjy mutilated by rats. Only one of the lungs was fully intlatcd , thu other being only paitly so. An indenta tion wad found around thu nock , which might liavo been caused by the cord be coming drawn light and the circulation slopped. In his judgment , Dr. Cm well liuhuvL'd i tlio uhild to have been born alive , butit probably li\cdbut a short time. As to the length of t.ine the cliild lived he could not nay. The body is fully developed and will probably weigh ten pounds. Frank Gardner , who reiides near the DoWill hoti.'o , was next sworn and ti'sti- lied- called on Iho DeWitt girls Tuesday afternoon , nndjstayed about a quarter of "n hour. Mary Johnson was Ihoro , hut I did nol sow hillie. I was told that Llllio was Mck , but they did not know what the matter was. I talked moiily to Mary Johnson , but did not say nn.\ thing about Lillio's .sickness. 1 thought he was going to be eonlined , but did not expect it so quickly. I did nol hear any nose : in tlio bud room wliore Lilliu was. Frank Shan non , a bartender for Hill , used to eomu to t-oo Lilllo. llo canio to see her about two weeks ago while 1 was there.Vo drank a bottle ot wine together and then I went away. Shannon has kept company with Llllio lately , and Tom Hayes , a gambler , CHIHU to feoo Maggio. J only came to seu the girls to pasa tlio limo away. Maggio'DoU'ill testified ; 1 ami ? years old and Ijjllie is II ) . Lilliu was slijk on Tuesday anil the baby was born ahc ( 2 o'clock. 11 went in and shu whispered tome mo that the baby was horn , but nut to tell Mary Jo-hnson. 1 went out again and finally Mary went home and then 1 went in and saw thu baby in thu bed. The father of the eliihl is Sherman Mol'arm- ington. Ho had been going with Lillie since last winter , Shu became- acquainted witli him al a party. MoFarmington is now moving houses , llo used lo bo a brakeninn on Jihu Northwestern road , but was dischargi * ! , Father wan home Tues day , but went away about 11 o'clock , and ( ho baby was born about 2 o'clock. Lilliu had a child once before- , about three years ago , when Mio was 10 years old. Shu was very biok at the tnnu , and a midwife at tended hur. Thu baby lived for nearly eight months and ( him died in a .spa.sm wnih ) cutting teeth. When 1 .saw this last baby it was dead , and Iho cord MU'ined to bo around its neck. We talked about it , and said it was too bad it was dead. Lil liu is tender-hearted and would never kill : i baby , j Ktllu Io\VilJ , the little sister , testified : I am 10 years old. I was in the houe whim Viry .lohiiMm ami Frank ( ni.Jner were there , but 1 did nut know that Lilliu was sick , Lilllo DeWitt , the mother of the child , was called and testllied Mibstantlullv as had her younger sister , Maggiu. This closed tlio cvidem-ii and the jury retired. After u few moments delibera tion they brought in a verdict to the ef fect that the babe had died from ti.xhans- lion caused bygrosi neglect , but without felonious intent on the part of the moth er. Tlio p.st1 , therefore , will bo dropped hero. The bouy of Iho dead baby was taken to Divxi'l > V Maul's uiiih'rtakingci-tahhsh- nient , whnru it will ho hehT until Mr. DoWitt , the girl's father , returns homo. llo is now at Valley , but will probably uomu to Oitmha Saturday. Ho lm\v that the child Was.bom . and \vu- dead , but hi * ( Uuighler told him that hu had buried it in the baej < yard. Ho will probably give it u dfct'nt burial. II.s daughter o.x < proses j | determination to hi realtor lead w virtuous lift ) , Dr. Mi'KpjtiKV has been called In to at tend thu two days' old cliild of 11. Smith , l-llI ( Ircnustrcej , which waa born with u broken arm. A SKUIOU.S CAMK. Abortion I'ractlccilrllh I'roliahl ; 1'ntnl Jlo tiltH. A womnn , whom 11.11110 is for tin lirotPMt U'i'liVifl'l finii' tip lii jinlioi iieadfjuarti-rs MouJnj night and lodgci information of a < " 'cr of nbortinn wind hud been practiced upon a young girl Lillie llaj" , who has been livinir a 1)12 ) Capitol avenue. According to tin story this.young girl in distress had up plii'd to a certain phyMchm of this cit for relief , and ho performed nnopira tion which it is feared will ivsull fatally Thegirl was removed to .St. Joseph' ; hospital on Saturday , where she is now in charge of H eomnetenl physician. Shi is very low. however , and it is fcarei that sbf ! will not recover. She has brer sick for sonifl wi'i'ks on account of tin operation said to have be"n performed by the physician. The name of this latter individual i withheld for tin ; present at the reque t o the authorities , Those who attended thi girl are positive that the dangerous am criminal operation was performed bj him , though this is denied by his frn > nda who lay thi ! blame to thu girl ht-rM-lf Should tin ; cuse result seriously it will In investigated further , and some interest ing developments will no doubt follow The girl Lillie Hayes Is about 111 years ol age , comely , and of respectable cunucu lions. A Sail Cn t ! . Mrs. Lottie J. Duncan , Iho wife of llo bcrt I ) . I.mean , is still very sick. Mrs Pugsluy , the matron of the Woman' ! Christian association , was called out U her home Monday and found the nnfor tunate woman Mill'cringtcrriblu pain. A peculiar feature of her illuuss is that she spits blooi. frequently , which Is caused , site says , by the injuries she received al th hands of her husband. Mrs. Dun * un is living at the house UJO * ) Daveniiorl street , attended only bv her little daugh ter. She declines to be taken lo the hos pitiil , fearing , as she says , that her hus band will cuter the housuTn her ubscnei and take oil' the furniture , /.n ell'ort wil ! he inadu to have tiie unfortunate womar placed in charge of a competent nurse. Last evening Mr. Duncan WM met in front of the. jiol en court room by Mrs Pug.sley , who told him that his wile wa > in u wretched condition and needed as si-taiiee. " 1 am afraut that s.ho . will dit if he doesn't get help before long , " re marked tlie lady. ' 'She la lying there without aiiyth.ng in the house to eat. " "I don't earn if shu does die , " retorted Mr Duncan Ilippantly , "nothing wouhl suit me better than to sec her lying in hci collin. " A Oold King Fake. Two well-dressed men entered Max Meyer & linn. ' jewelry i-stablisliinenl la t evening about 0 o'clock , : ind asked lo hu .shown soinu plain irohl ring s. Mr , Mandelberg responded "to their demand and f-el out a number of the articles asked for. In doing this lie casually no ticed thai one of the men wore a plain ring on his linger , which hu removed to make trial of the stock. After a. few minutes' inspection of the assortment , announced licit his lastes were not pleased , and making a feint to restore ilia own ring , .started i vet. Mr , Mamlulberg was too alert for the stranger , however , and sei/.cd his coat as ho retreated from thu counter. "Come , give up that ring , " ordered Mr. M. , and with a mild remon strance tlio man obeyed. "I'll keep yours too , just lo see. what it is made ol , and if it were not for the crowd in the store , I'd have you in the clutches of a policeman. Call and get vour ring to morrow. " Tim two men ut once made rapid exit , and liavu not since shown their features. They had attempted to Ilim-IIam thu store by substituting : i worthless but clever imitation for : i solid ring , i I The Millett Uivono Case. The divorce suit brought by Mrs. Mary U. Millutt against Byron Millett , former residents of Omaha , is still dragging along in the Denver courts. On the point of Mrs. Millctt's demand for ali mony , she testified that she was now working : is u servant for $1G a month pay , and Mr. Milled testilicd that his in come for the jiast six months was only an average of ? . " ) ! pur month. The judge , in rendering his decision , said thai it appeared to bun that Ihu two , plaintiu" and defendant , were about equally lixeuso far as nuances wore con cerned. Tlie object of jirocecdjngs of alimony of this kind , the judge said , \yas to phu'u the wift ) on an equal footing witn thu husband in pressing a suit in court. Adding thu usi > ami rents of the Millett house to the wife's .share would maku her us well li.ved linanelally as the husband. Theruloru thu judg < ! refused for the present to make any order granting - ing alimony , and for thu same reason ho refused to appoint a receiver to lake charge of the house. The linal hearing of the ca > o was set tor February 8. Ills Kunuwiiy Wife. DMarslial Cummings received yesterday tlie following letter from Clias. F. Gen- sheen , of St. Joseph , concerning his run away wife who deserted him hut month : Marshal Ciiiiiinlntjs Dear Sir : A. woman with -six small children , mm a girl about ! > yearn old and live boys , the oldest 10 years mid the youngest n bal > o of only n months , caino to your city about the I'Jtli ol November hist. Int'oiiii'itiou ' ot this fact reach > il mo tliroIi a citizen of St. Joseph who Imp- iieiifil to ho In your eity and hl spoken to both the woman ami chililicii. They \\irj tlii'ii at u place failed the Lewis hotel on Cap ital avemin anil thu woman went by thu miiuu ol' Mollie Williams , which Is her maiden iiiiuie. I am thu husband of this woman aiul \\\t\\ \ \ lo ascertain her present situation and moilu ot'llfe , so as to K'VO ' mo some Idea of what is best to do for my children , CIIAS. K. < ! i.Nsnr.K.v. : The pollen have investigated the case and to all outward appearances is lead ing a rcspcctublu life. That I'ollco Wagon. "I declined to sign thai warrant for the patrol wagon , " said President Points of thu board of udtication , to a reporter yesterday , "simply because it was illegal. The hoard has no right to expend mutiny for such purposes. " Secretary Conoyor yesterday said dial lie did not think that the payment of * -IOO by the school board wouhl bo u legal measure but declared thai if thu matter was tested by law Mr. Points would in the end probably have to sign tlie war rant. Judge Neville has not yet issued the order of mandamus , but will do so in a day or so. As Mr. Points proposes to contest tlio case there will in all proba bility bo bomn interesting developments. 1'ollco Court Docket. Judge Stenborg disposed of the follow ing cases in police court yi'.storday : George Anderson and W. ( ' . Dickson , drunk and disorderly. & " > and costs. Sum Lewis , vagrant , twenty days in county jail. L'd H ! iidei > hott , Miispieioiis character , discharged with instruction to leave thu city. city.John John Cumiu'ings , lighting , fiand costs , John Smith and John ( iilfcathur , tight- ing , $10 and costs. George W. Vates , petit larceny , twenty days in county jail. lliully Iti iUse.1. A young nmu named Charles Carter appeared before Judge Stenborg late yeterday and swore out n warrant tor thu arrest of u Tulrteenth street butcher. Joseph Colby , who had knocked linn down with heavy mallet- . CITY FATHERS IX SESSION A Sbort and Unexciliug Meeting Mine Business Iransacled. TROUBLED RAILROAD EMPLOYE ! Ifiiiiillrrn at tlto Union Pnulfli Depot Jlsutlhlletl XolcH I-'rom the Courts Other Im portant Newc. The Council Tin ; regular meeting of the oily counci was held ItiM evening , President Heche in the chair and present Councilmei Hailey , Hohm.Dailey Vd , Fnray , Good man , Goodr'u-h , Lee , I.ecder , Sehroedc and 'J'hrane. The usual crowd of spec tators was absent , and altogether tin meeting was a slmrt and tame one , tin biiMiios trausi'clcd being put througl with a rtHi. ririTioss : AND CHJIMUXICATIOKS. From the mavor , approving an orili nanco declaring 'the necessity of appro prmt.ng certain properly for openitif. Nicholas street from Twenty-third tc Sannders. Filed , From the iiinyor , uppninliiig W. J Hroaleh , Thomas A. Creigh and W. T Patrick appraisers to u.s s daniiiges In tlie eoiistruclion of n viaduct on Tcntl and lileveiuh trcets. Conlirmed. I'rom tin- city treasurer , recommending that the tax on the Eimiliiblu Life As ur- ance MH'ii'ly bo eaiieeled , as tlio companj is u mutual ono and tlio tax cannot In roll-clod. Referred. From tht ! Union Pacific railroad com pany , aj-king that certain lax us.sc.sMnonU on a piece of property bo remitted , lie- f erred. From a 'es.or.s appointed to ! i e < s damages by tiio ehangu of grade of Ham ilt'in ami James .streets , reporting that none of the property would bo damaged by Mich change. Approved From I'clcr ( ! oos , complaining of cor Jain acts of Marshal Cummings in delay ing payment for meals I'unii.-licd lo citj prisoners and ollu.-r alleged irrqgulari ties. Referred to the police committee. From John Cliristianson , ottering tc settle his ca > o against the city for dam ages by the change of grade of Harnej .si reel , for ( ho sum of .t'OO. ' Kef erred to tlio city attorney. From John II. lliitlor , submitting an ordinance providing for the inspection ol boilers similar to the one in Chicago Filed. KEsourrioxs. By Sehroedcr Thai assessments on lot owned bv Louis Bradford be reduced from . * iH ) lo $100. Adopted. IJy ( Joodrieh Thai the city engineer bo instructed to report tlic names of par ties now occupying unlawfully the strip of land belonging to tin ; city east of anil tuljoiniug the Creighton college grounds anil Sweeny's addition. Adopted ; IJy Lceder That the committee on lire and water works cause engine house. Ko. 5 , and also the now engine house on Cinning and Saunders streets , \yith their contents to bo insured forthwith. Adopted. By Ualloy--That forlhc purpose of as certaining llic probable cost of lighting certain portions of the city with oil or gasoline , thai proposals be invited , such proposals to slate the price per each light , including the crcct'on of suitable posts and ever.\ tiling necessary pertaining1 thereto. Said bids nol lo bo for less than 100 lights. Referred. Tliu resolution called up considerable ilN'-i.-sion. Some of the coiincilmen du el r 1 themselves in favor of the electric Jiym , and sonic denounced the gas com pany. Mr. IJehm defended the gas com pany , and asked the council to give more lime to have the gas improved. By Thrane That the committee for the appraisement of real estate bo requested to appraise the several pieces of real estate along Sixth street recently vacated by ordinance , and report such appraise ment to the council at as early a clay as possible. Adopted. Hy Fumy That the city engineer be instructed to prepare proliles and ordi nance establishing the grade in alleys in Ncl-'on's ' addition. Adopted. By Dailey That the c'ty engineer bo directed lo prepare a plan and estimate tlio cost ot sanitary sewerage to cover that jiart of the city north of Nichols , west of 1'iltecnth and ea-t of Eighteenth streets ; also that imrt ot the city north of Cuming , west of Eighteenth anil east of Saunders btreot ; aNo thai part of the city north of Cumiiig , west of Saunders and east of James streets , such districts to run as far norlhas may bo deemed advisable. Adopted. ItU'OIlT ? OP COMMITrKES. Finance and Claims Recommending licit $77-1.77 , due contractor for grading Eighteenth street be paid him , and that tlio board of education ho requested to repay its share of Iho cost , if7i.5.70. Adopted. Same Announcing licit the expenses of the engineering department of the city wid bo reduced about the middlu of next month by2l ! * ) per month. Adopted. ( iradcs and ( iradmg Recommending the allowance of damages as appraised on tlic widening of Harnoy Mroot , from Ninole.cnlh to Twcntielh , the amount bo- ins ? 5.00. ! } Also recommending for further consideration the amount as ap- praiceil on Ninoteen'h ' street , from Far- nam to Hartley. Adopted. Fire and Water Works Uecomincnd- ing the pnrchnso of four horses for the use of thu tire department. Adopted. Same Recommending iho pa-ngo of the ordinance extending the city lire limits. Adopted. ( jus and electric lights Reporting that the eandlo power of the street lamps has been according to oontract ; in relation to gas consumed through meters the qualify has hecn of such a miluro that llicrc is good calico for complaint , and recom mend that the city attorney cause an in vestigation ol thu matter in order to keep the company to tliuir contract. Adopted. Pa > mg , curling and guttering Recom mending reference lo the city attorney of the mutter of issuing bonds to cover Iho 10 percent reserve to the Harbor Asphalt Paving company , as iho committee- did not hulievo in the propriety of such action - tion , Adopted. Declaring the necesity of con trnctiug n viaduct along s\teontli : street , over iho tracks of the Union Paeillo and Burling ton & Mis.-ciiri railroads , and requiring the olty engineer lo prepare plans and speoiliealions thereof , together with the cMinnttcd coitof bticli work. Passed. The passage of tlio ordinance wub fol lowed by a resolution by Sehrocder , in structing thu board of public works to ad- vorlieo lor bid ; , for the erection of thu via duct , to bo of wood and forty-nix feet wide , thirty feet of which shall bo road way. Adopted. Providing for the in.'puction of steam boilers und'lho examination of engineers in charge of ( hum. Referred. Kxtonding the lire limits of Iho city of Omaha to the blocks Mirroiindiiig the court hoiiso square. Pitted. Tlic council then adjourned. IHSSATIBKIKJMWIPLOYKS. Troulilo in ilio U. l > . KrclRht House A Knights ol' Ijalnn- Committee , For a tlay oreo there have been rumors of trouble among thu U P. freight house employes , on account of the action of Mr. Ouster in laying oil' some of the older employes. Kvory year at about tills season there is a blackness of work , and one or moreof the Buts of men uro laid oil'or discharged , Last week some of thu men -many of whom had been iu the employ of the company for ycars- worc laid off. Some of the men wer allowed to remain atwork , though the ; Iind not been in the employ of Ihu com pany for more than trro or three- weeks nr pnplinji * n 1(1 ( f In lm > ? l\ A reporter who wbnl down to Ihi freight house to investigate tin matter ycstmlay talked with ! number of tlic employes , clerk ami truckmen. No little dis.atis faction exists among ! hctn on account o the treatment of the c old and truslct employes who have been compelled ti stop work to make way for new men The Knights of Labor' have taken tin matter up. and Mondny sent a com ml t tec of three to wail on Mr. Otislor. n order to influence that ollieor , if possible to reinstate the men who had been cu oil' . The result of the conference , whicl was n secret one , is not vet known. H i : understood , however , thai tlie mcollnj ! was fruitless. "This thing may create trouble'said one of tin- freight men to the reporter "though 1 don't think there will bo : strike. No one will deny that the busi ness of Hie company is lessal the preseni limn tlu'ii it iias been through the -mm HUT and early fall , and coiisequcnlly tht number of m'en him to be reduced. Hu what we are kicking against Is that tht company , instead of laying on" or ills charging their new ini-ii , has cut olVthi employes who have served faithfully am well for years. " ' - District Cotti't. Judge Wakoley was occupied yester day calling the equity docket. At ! o'clock lie announced himself ready tc begin the hearing of Rhodes vs. IJ&ta brook. Judge Neville also had liltlo busim > < ! . < in the morning. A jury was impanollei for Bartlett vs. MeCloskuy , but after tlu paii'1 ! was made theattorneysannouncei ( hat the ease had been compromised. J. 11. Lonp of Chicago entered suit it attachment against Henry Ilickman It recover 5130.7rion account. The plain tin" al the same limn issues proccs1 against Iho Omaha National bank , Jen mo A. Forsyth , Thomas Martin , Tribum Printing company , Tct't , Wcllcr > & Co. and Charity F. Ilickman , who , ho avers hold assets of the defendant. The tli.strict attorney filed information ! against Powell , Iho Florence shooli.-l , foi murder in the lifsl degree , and against John Carroll , the man whose bullet was slopped by his victim's thick skull , foi assault with intent lo hill. In two suits uirainst the city by Messrs Hamilton and liogers for damages bj the opening and widening of Leaven worth Mreel a compromise was att'eelci and the suits settled. The former gentle man was given $1)00 ) and the latter if I.SOO The trial of Powell and Latter for murder dor will not come up until llic next Icrti ! of court. County Court. Judge MeCiillooh was busied all morn ing trying There vs. Ditzen , a suit on a Lucifer match bill of $7J. Michael O'llern entered suit against thu Union Paeilic for $4i > 5 damages. The petitioner states that on June 5 last he was working on the Marysvillo & Ultio River branch of the Union Pacific. On that day while helping a crew pull up a whittle post l/y fastening one end of a rope to the po l and the other to a loco- molivo , he was struck on the leg by a Hy ing post and pormanontl.y crippled. Marriage license was'issueil to Amos Ciotiuun and Wilhclmi&ti Schmiti' . United Suites Court. Tlio jury in the cac of Ihe Xorl'iwit- ' urn Kk-ctric Light company vs. Iho Stale Insurance company returned tl verdict for tiio defendant last evening. Judge Dundy commenced yesterday the trial of tlio four Denver land fraud men held heroin custody. . A Sl'HIODY COUIITSMII * . Tlio TkomaiifEo Mnrriaifc of the Niece of mi Omulia Man. Mr. T. N" . Bray , the well known resi dent of this city lias received a letter from his niece , now Mrs. Dr. ( Jraham , who with her husband is at Aintab , Tur key , as missionary for Ilio American board. Tlio romantic marriage of Miss Klin Bray to Dr. Graham , brief mention of which has already appeared in the Iclo- graph columns of iho HKE look place last month. The circumstance , as related by Mr. Bray , arc as follows : Early last summer Dr. ( Iraham , an es timable young man and a graduate of tlio University of Michigan , otic-red his services to Iho American hoard of mis sions as a teacher and physician to go to Turkey. Theollieois of the Amoiica board were very glad to gain so valuable a recruit , but the young man was unmarried. It is an inflexible rule of tlio American board not lo .send .single men lo Ihe mis sion field * , but tlio services of unmarried young women arc readily accepted. Dr. ( iruham was urged to proviuo himself with a wife before tlio timu of sailing , Oct.'J. The young man ha In't thought seriously ot matrimony. lie cor- tttiiily ' had no speeilio plans made. Ho did , however , nrnko an earnest search for a wife during the few week's inlorim. The details of his search no one knows but himself. At all events , Ihe time for his departure came and ho was still wifeless. The American board declined to employ him , and he decided to go at Ins own expense. lie selected Aintab , Turkey , as his Held of labor He sailed from New York with thu rest of the party. Among his fellow missionaries was Miss Lfla Bray , a young woman of 'ilt years , of great attraction of mini ! and pcisor. . , who for -oinc time had brcn a loachtir in Mounl llohoHc seminary. She was as- eigncd lo Adana , Turkey. A mutual ait.iclnmmt sprang up between Dr. lira- hum and Miss Bray in the course of Iho voyage. The romance culminated in ihu marriage of the couple ut.ConstantinopIc on the l.sl inst. Dr. ( iraham has been formally commissioned by the American hoard. In thoktlor rccoivod l y Mr. Bray from his niccu , she nays that slio is in good good health and spirits , her marriage seemingly having turned out as happy as it was roi'nantio. Mrs. < ! raliain says that the vessel on which sliu and Dr. tiraham mailed made the \oyago t-afely , tliougji thu next ship , which c.ontai'n'l ' all their household goodn and Dr. ( lYaham'N in struments , went down in a storm. Both hlio and her husband ave now al Ainiah , Turkey. OLo.su Trpxnv. Oinalia Mtliograplilng Comjxiny IJn- dcr > loft/iij ; < ' ( Jarrubrunt Vt Cole. The Omaha Lithographing and Sta tionary company yesterday gave n ohattel mortgage to Richard S. Hall to secure him upon his endorseinenl of their note to the Merchants' National bank for $1,500. The company consists of J J. Cummgs and Eilward Huvmaitor , and is located on Fourteenth .street be tween Douglas and Dodgo. It seems that the ail'airs of the cituccrn havu been in bad sliapo for a few weeks past and tlio proprietors have been unable to pay olV their men. Lasl Saturday Iho two engravers ami tlio steam pressman knocked on"work. . Cumings and his partner , thus compelled to do somthing for salvation , have taken the steps leading tu the above mortgage to-ucuro funds , UAIIItAHHANT i Cdl.K. Ciarrnbrutit & Cole , Ilie wholciialo to- sl-ul up Mwi l.i , > b > tl 444\ \ NOW 444\ \ 19 IS THE TIME TO BUY , . - CUSTOM MADE We have received this week a One liue of Merchant Tailoring Clothing from the leading merchant Hilnr.s throughout thr > country , As It hns been a dull season with merchant tailors , it was a gold mine foi the 1119 Farnam Street , The mill season enabled u. to buy them regardless of price and wo w.1. . them for less than what the raw material cost , 1119 Farnam Street , Ofl'ors you the following inducements : Lsitost style ? and elegant garmnnls in SMI ? and Satin Lined Suits ami Overcoats , rendering a most opportune chance to sooui'o a bargain. Suits. Overcoats. SiiO custom made suit for S30.03 S0."i ctiitoni made overcoat for 11.0 S.'ii ) custom nmde suil for ? ; i' ' < 0 $50 custom made ovcriM it for S'fi 5) S-n custom made overoj it for 3it. ) ) S40 custom uiailj ovoiejat for Sn.O hoO custom made sull fur Stt.03 's i custom mult ) ovoroodt for SIJ.J ) t-UTi custom made suit for iSO custom made suit for S'lOeusUiia m.tdc ovcriiott for 3i" > .00 SoOaiislu.n itfjdcovurcoit for SiJ.O ) Pants. S20custom uule : OAorcoat for SIB. ) ) S-0 custom made overcoat for SU. ) S40 custom made nUturctlu SKO ) Slfi custom made pants for . 5 S.CU SKI snstiini made ] iniils for . S T.UU SHO eustoni inailn ulsterelt.1 511.10 SlOunstom made pants tor . * . ' .no S33 custom niailu ulsti-reUi' SIO.J SS custom made pnuts lor . S1.50 .H custom m.ule tilst-n'tto $ * . ) ' * SO custom made pants tor . S : s. " > 0 Itccollect every gannoiU bejrj the naau oc 55 cuslom made I'ant.s for . $ 'i. 23 Iho tailor. 1.1:10 JFAltNAM STJLtEJST United States National bank on a ! ? IOOflO mortgage , remaiuod elojod to-day. Air. Ciarrabrant was _ approached to-day for fjoino facts and figures on the situation but ho declined to make any statements until the exact facts were readied. Hu said , however , that the linn was corresponding pending with its creditors lo secure more lime , and expressed tlic hope that the present troubles could bo tided over. The failure is due lo several small disas ters to dealers in ( he country and the general dilliculty to collect outstanding accounts. IMllCKtiY COJ1KHKV. A N'ewCiUtlo Konitfo for which Won- tiers nrt : Claimed. An English gentleman , Mr. lliggin- bollom , who is well known among west ern cattle men , 19 interesting himself in a new live slock forage , for which ho claims an excellence that no native grass nor food plant can approach. It is the Caucasian prickly comfrey ( symphitum asperimum ) . This forage plant , introduced into Eng land several years hiiiee , is rapidly in creasing in favor , proving a very valua ble plant for giving a supply ot green food in hot and dry seasons. The long roots , which penetrate a great distance into tlio ground , eiiablo "it to obtain moisture beyond iho reach ol ordinary planiK. It will succeed in almost any soij , ljut ' ° ' especially valuable when cul tivated on land of a dry and sandy na ture , Itdoos well on loam. It is very hardy , withstands frosts , gives an early cutting , supplies a constant succession of green food , timl when once planted is permanent. U is much relished by all kinds of stock , either cut up and mixed with I chair or separately. For milch cows it is most valuable- , greatly increasing thu quantity of milk , and is also readjly con sumed by domestic poultry. It is culti vated bv dividing the roots , every parti cle of wliicli will grow , and early spring is the best sua n lor planting. It is very important to keep the ground clean and free from wceiN. When Iho leaves have grown eighteen to twonty-four inches they should bo out and given to the stock in a fresh , green condition. In about six weeks a pucnnd cutting will be ready and n succession of cut tings may bo obtained through llic sum mer and autumn. It i.s cultivated for ono or two heavy outlings. The .stums should bo allowed to grow to the height of four or live feet , and il may then bo otil with an ordinary hook , lied up in bundles and convoyed to the homestead as required. Couilroy may bo depended upon to give three cuttings a year , eacli cutting varying from 1 1 to : . ' 0 tons to iho acre , according to the season. It is a remarkably valuable plant for horses and young stock , and it will fat ten pigs anil produce splendid pork without any other food. It is a grand plant to mix with other fodders for the silo. silo.Mr. . Higglnbottom will gladly give any information needed as to procuring plants , mode of planting , etc. , uy apply ing to him at Omaha until the second week in January , whun ho leaves fyr the cast. Kvqnts , All arrangements have been eomplolcd for the six round soft glove mill between 1'al Mahoney of Io-ton ! and Mike Hitchlo of Soulii Omaha , which lakes plueo at the fekating rink Saturday night next. Both men are in good condition and training hard , and it i * probable that the mceiingwill bo an inlurcating ono. On thu same night and at the samu place , KO--S and llourihan will run u ton mile race. Kqitee/nil liy tlioCurs. A Union 1'acilio brakcman , named Darnel ) , while coupling cars last evening - ing , was caught between the bumpers and badly Mpicizcd. His collarbone Was broken and his chest badly brui.-t d Hu was taken to M Jovph's hospital and Dr. Galbruith M. annum .1 in ntu-nd O THE ONLY DIRECT IMPOHTKKS OF DIAMONDS , PEARLS , AIID OTHEB PKSCSQITS JSWEtS JN OMAHA. An inspection by connoisseurs or others contemplating purchases will convincetlicul that they can save from 10 to i" ) j > er cent , by inaklntc their purchases direct fiom Import era basides having by far the largest and iniest stock in the ' .Vest to select from. Oiirdirpct imr-oitationsof FHEXC11 CLOCKS , UltUN'/KS , All'SlO BOXKS , Ol'KHA GLASSKS , Ktc. , .mil ART ( lOODS trom I'AKIS , VIK.NXA , uml other leadliu ; marl.cto , ex ceed the combined blocks of all Other Omaha jewelers. Our stock of WATCHKS , .JEWKLin , .SlLVKJltt'AKK , Kto. , elands without a rival ! a this city in point of clc aiK'c and \aiiety , and all at ALL OOODS MAHKED IN PLAIN IfltillUKS. 15i > sam to consult your interest by ul stock before imrclwin. , ' . An Kurly Inspection Invited. Slall and Telegraphic Orders Will Iteeelvo Prompt Attention. Cor. .11 fit , find Farnam Sts , , Oma-7i.it , Neb. anon. Darnell had been on the sick Hsl for heveral week , and returning to work last evening , within ten minutes ho mot with the accident. Tiinioi'Olliocrs. At a meeting held Monday night in ( lor- mania hull the Omaha Turn Vcrein elected Iho following oilicor.s for the ensuing year : ( 'resident , Clm.s. 1C. Burnici-ilcr ; vice president , Henry llaubons ; > ncretar.1i . 11 , firobo. second secretary , Itobi-rt Klein ; treasurer , Chas. Met/ ; turn wir- den , _ Iloht. Koicn/.wcigj t-ecoml turn warden , Win. Schullx. ; eiig wiudon , Kmil Stein ; librarian , I1' . Itrandes. Trustees Phillip Andres. C. C. Schaeffer - fer , John Baunier , and O. I' . Spcltnan. Ilroke HIM Arm , Valentino Cjcn/.lur , an old man living in tlie family of Fred Schmidt , saloonisl on south Tenth street , .slipped on the Icy walk in front of Krug's hall Monday night a nrt in falling broke his right arm near reduced tinfrac - tlio wrist. Dr. Darrow luru whicli , owimr to the .sull'orer'e age , was very ] iainful. The messenger boy * of the A. D. T. Bur\loo , have been pro\ided with now caps , of navy blue cloth , with Hal tops. nu : 3 = = 2 T a-a. : DOCTOR McMENAMY l'll'/l lllfToa Of TUB Omaha Medical and Surgical J3TU bT. AM r.M'lTOL AVKMT TIIIT ALL Chronic and Surgical DlGonooa. Drfurnillli'K , IHoi-ai-cx nl' U'niilrii , I'rtvilr Diiinsci * , I'llcB , Cil : ilrli , DikriiHt'H ol Ilio I IIIIIJK , I.ivrr , l-ildnc\ , , I ludil , M.1.1 , Moiiiiifli , NrrvcH , l\i , > anil I .tr , rietid for Jlf ik upon nil < ll i-i free lluoni ? ami lluiucl for 1 iillin H , Wr.lu ! ' ! PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN , f'H ' I'lilNifKl'ECUI. ! . lilld J > ' UMitH ] ) lrl > ( > . S tu lii .1 W aLiivBo , KbcrnitUoiiUaHy : ! h It" . < i ' ' . "irlctunar | . ocilr , Hiiduli J i - M-mr tlie I mi- OIK ) H , > unj iiryunn. Cttci irmlcii I y inina- liomlrnrr , ni | icrraiially. I'mill'lnitinl 5fidlrinv rent by ma 1 1 1 ejin- | llliout iuurl > Iu cuuiciita or renter. llutlurlm , InliHlei-K , llrarrN , TMIBFCH , nntl ill klnd-i i f J'cdkai ' ni.d h-ur lcul App lui c < r , muu- ufaclurcd anil for vnle. AiMn-K nil letters tu DR. McMENAMY , lr ) OMAHA Mriucii , A--II fimiM N-TITITR , lutb ' t , Cur. Cjiiitot Aveu v , oj--u. .11.1 , . Prof. 1' . M Steinhanson , well and fav- orbly known hi-ro as tlio director of the grand orchestra at Iho Haenwn'fcKl four years a ; o has been onijajjed liy .Mr. Jnlinn .Nleyer lo take the leadership ol thu Musi cal Union orcheitra. Tlic jirofcs.sor will rcmovo here with his family at oiuu. : Ah ? outoly ! Pure. Tlila powilormirr > nrloi. A mnrvol fit i > uf ly.ftrtimrtli uiiil Mlinlowiiiio < Mnro eeoiiom uilUmii ili'HinlHino ' khiils , ' " ' nuimt lie < ) ' Inciiiiin-llllnii wllli iho mil 'il < irli of loir ton * . Hiort wnmhi. uliini . .1iilin i'iniv ' pnwilnif. < ) ' * imlv In euiH. It-jut lluktiiH 1'owJcr CO , 10 Wnlltr N V " -s BOViK M SPRING tfEHICLES. . OVE17 400,0003m. . IN USE.