THE OMAJTA DAILY \VIODNKSDAV DECEMBER 10. 1833. MPI7T1VP f\t Till1 llWI'WP MEETING Or lilh IwliUS , Considering Various Matter * 0 wn ° ctel ( With the University. CHANCELLOR MANATT'S RIEPORT lncfpxsc In tlip ViirnlH'i' of - A DujlM'i'itk Tr l \ \ VIICiii in Iti id' . | JK011 Illk HI t 1.INCOI S lit'ltr U.1 llio bo.nd of URCHIN of tbc nnhci-ily met joalcnlnv inoniiujr. Mi' Ma Hut it- bum , G < ! i > , Hull , : ind Mailalu'ti Sccro- tnr.v IJjIf pit'it'iiti'il lii- it-poll , , wliich ( how * that MIIL-C the lit : nipi'liiig tin' ouicl ! | IIUM lifi'ii rcnouitcd niitL = cit : 'd witli comfort nblc opcrn ohnir * , tlwn Mount hcitiii : < ; ! iiip.iinlus hiicon : ( placed in good working order , and tlial Llic Mute roof iuul out M painting lisibfcrn com pleted On rciitosl | of : i commiltipc fiom Hit * Mil ions Jiiciaty ' odd-ic * tin- Wild , on motion of Hcjjcnt MiillnbVii. i-oii-cntcil to supply go * . for HIP weuKI.N moclinfji lo tlio amount of $1 a tnontli. tbc bodi'tii" * to pn.r for all used in I-MM-JS i f that. The rcsiximtioii of 1W. Uooi < ; ij Ilownid ! H libi'.triuei was loud mid refi'rrctl to tin * piojwi tout- niHlfii Tin1 rlintiLt'lloi1' * icpoil "Binwoin inerciise of till ) JUT cent in tinmi nllmrnl i f Iliti Fi ' Inn , in rl.i1" . tor tiniircont term over last .M-ar. During the summer vueation tlmlj live eontitie * wric Mihd bv iopreM'iiUiti\iH of tlio faimll-v. . Tin object sibonl nnilit-tfjnn ol wu1to tiling a tin'1 M'liool1i . > in iniiii tindistlit I "clmol to llio uimorii.Thr.x . . tune udomtod u standard wlieicb.v pupiK bniu : com pleted the piiculid ! eoniM ) of bUid > : it tin * Inxh M-liools arc adimlti'd ! oitli' i' tlm ! a > t jvnr ol tlie lntinidiool 01 tlie FiiHluititii jcar ot tin ; nimomt.r Tlie t'lutncellor reports llm institution its tloiii" cvucllent woiK. Tin-re antlni'u tltinc-us many students hcio from Kails is a , tliuio iiro i\cln.i.slia students in tins Kan sas university MiMem and westcin MalelonlribuU * to tin- list of imitrliulali'- , -\\liile \ nearly nvery section ol our own ' -Into is largely rc'tiN'seiiled 'J'lici e \ * a ( I'eri ' east' in tlie'nttendiincc of ( be Latin sclmol , l > nt u more than coricspondint ; moiu.iu ! in tm Univeisily piopi-r Tins is s.rnl t < i he due to two rim-is Fust , The "owl work doin > by the ncetcdittd ' cliools m the stale hi prepm hi } ? pupilScLOiiil , The inure.isod n'liniument lor adniM-ion to the Latin Pishonl It is the design of the lie ird to nWjlMi the Latin sehnol as soon as thi-sii ac credited M-hools become merthe Stale so as to alloid oiipoituinitiiis to pupils to piepaie lliemsiM\ei at home This mo\e was lic im two . \ears : i. o , and alreailv thenaie nineteen schools on the list , and others working up to the "land .ud. AN I\UM : i mi About t > o'tloek ye-teidiv : jmiiniiiift the liaiuNonu' usidenee ot 11 1 . Noble , the photo/rrapher / , at the corner of t our- leeiilh and Chtioets , caught iiio tliom a deleetive line The llames wcioi oxlin- cuished by tbe depaitment belorc the budding \ \ ; ; is seiiousl injured , Bml the contents neie soaked with water , stained with smoke and otherwise d.mi.itfcil. Ah Noble's loss ih pl.ieed at ? - ' . . ' ( ) -insured in the C'ontiiiLiital of Kccali for ! fl,0i(0 ( Wi .1 L O-lmrn , wlio ( -iuiied tin- cast end of the hou-e , will Ui out sonio H ) ; insnied foi $ iMlni ( ) ) tin Ce ! man-Ameiuan of Iliuhn tuu sin. i ANOiiir.u nvn.itoAn The 1-itcst thing in tlieiailw.iy littei.stlic Kaiisis Oily , W > andotle A : Noitliu.cMei n , llio papers of Wliith wtsio placed on icy ord in tlio sccictiiry ot Mute's ollleo ju < i- teid'iy. The capital is pliicud ut ? : ioOO.- Olld , and tbc ineorpoiators aio IIS \ \ . Jiought , A. I ) . Yoctiin , C. II. IKeLncb , 0 T.Tiluii and LV Kcpluc ur The lonte is Irom "a point heiealtea to be designated , " on the boiitliprn boundary of Nebraska , in I'.i\\neo fountnorlliMi'st thiough the fount ie * . of I'sivvnee , < i.ige , Tlm > or , Nnekolls , Clay , Adams , Hall , liufmlo , .Sherman , Cubler , Hhnne , Logan and Cherrs , and -such p.irt of the uountry \ve.-.t of Cherry as may be necessary to reaeh the noithwe-tern lermiiiu-a , which \t \ to be at a point the junction ol Cherry county with the noitliein line of the Mate. Nothing is known lieuMS to the fiitheiij of the scheme ' 1I1K UMSil S li\V ( ) licfeionce was made in the III L a lew daVh ago to n petition from coitain husi- ness men at uljsses , asking the r.uh\iv commission to condemn tlie Ilurluigtoi & Mih-iouri depot and ceit.un othea build ings at that place as mi'iKim es , aiwl ordei heir icmwal from what isclamii-d to be lie ) pnbhe hquare The conuiiissjo 'loiind that the dojiot WMS built OLI block SI , which wa- < deeded lo the company b > (5. McCarthy , who obtnineil thotilli' Iron tlio original patentee , and that tleu com pjiny's light to the premiMis couliB not hi Mns.iiled A petition asking lor llir open ing of another Mi eel on tin south hide of the depot _ wu-i de nieil as impiaetic.ible as it wonlti L-iive the company without loom for the handling ol Us li.iinetc A lepurt de nyingall the retpie.its ol the pettUoiiers Was nlade up , and about to be auloptcd. when Commissioner Cowdtry , who hail made a peisonal examiinitionof thutprem inis , retUM'd toMgn it , and iiih tc-il upon itH modille.ition so its to demand sllio le moval ot the objectionable corn fiibi , which , he uaid , wem uniiiiestLuiiuhlj imi.s.meeH of the order. The report m it. in iti. iimendcd form will ho illM'ii ed bj the board to day and probably adopted TWO NK\V OUUAM/.AIIO.NS .1 1) . Pan lull. A. 0 Cabs and J. F Landing Inn o tiled with the Mieiel iry ol biate , tlie aitieles of Incorporation ot the Amoiiean District Telegraph company Clio capital is f0OOI ; ! ) in ! ! 00 MKI re.s ot if 100 ( taeh , to bn p.iid in lull and uon ae hotiaiihlu The pnvilego of increasing the capital to iiiO.Otll ) ia icseneil Tin pilneipiil otliee willbu in Lincolln. am ! ihe blip , ness will be tnuicneti'd heuu and in other cities of Nebniskti , Iowa , K'Ui- H.IS and Mis-soiui , and the tunilorio * of \ \ Coining , Utah , Montan-i and Idaho Tlie eomp.mi ' * to operate lelejjrnphiL lines and do a general nic > seiigei : ind de- Ilvon bnslne-s ; , The right to pu rrlwv and hold mopeity , and ni.uuifacti'co , re pair , ami lease apparatus , and inuki contraet8 concerning the xinic isehiiresi ly stipulated The Cr\Mal ( Sptinga HIamtfatining ( coinpiinj is the name of a new oi : iui/u- Uflll l rn - l iw VV.II.- . . . 1 < u. U . . . .M. . . . . . . . . i.juee , ix > , . . ! ) rt'.Kw , AdelU-rt O. Tailor , Frank N. riul.ipo , llohcil A Uiown , Wilton h Drukoand Kand.ill S Uentho , for the imn < o ol operating woolen , and leeil milks , at 'o Mai Spimgs , Fi uiklin county. The capital i" f.'iO.tHXl. . in fKi shares , Thu umoiint paid in | 7,500' ' jiuTisr : : WII.L : A meeting of the boiud ot publlo lands ami buildings was held jestciday- re ceive the tepoit of .Mr Kus ell , who aeted nsbcnietary for the party on its cjsUirn tourof iiihiicetion. It is hinted th.a con- .siikirablu ( d-aitibfacth : > n was expressed nt the meiigiei a of the report , more real information legarding the object niul 10- bultoftho in\cMiL'ation being fuuilshed in the HEE of Tliuuilay labt. Jinny ralnnble points lire utterly ignored uud on the whole , as a public doi'iimusit , the nupor is tlovoid of interest , The liotird duoided to continue the mlverliseiiwiit/oi1 / proposals lor binkiii ! ; the test welJ , and receive bids up to the & .M inst. , In no- rorilinu-e with ju turms , whic-U nro that the hole blutlL hu six tluelies hi dhimeter , and lined with h-on tubing of Mitllc'ent thickness to rtuilo nil llow * of fivsh w ter ) J the 100 kot , to n total rtppth of2,000 'cot , are \i\\ \ ted the boat d rr < er\ing the right to diipnnlinup Hip v.ork at , in > 'inn \ \ hen ( hiCMls wpll w is .nnk on imeriinii-n1 .M'Mtc | a M'in of brim Midi1 r < % i' < in' tren ( tli \\as struck iit a depth of 'Ml feet , and -.liiHig salt < i contm ted to lion unlil the dull na < > < cd the TO Tool mark The oirmon in tin east i that ( lie br > . > t mine li < > revitl be tound at an atu.ier of 8.10 feet Heine piofe"- driller' , do not w.tnt to ship he.i > > imohincry here to ink a well bv the foot il the Iminineni ink of being choked oil by Ihe bonnl before they lure earned enough to JMJ the treight at the regula tion price The eo t of pulling down and lubing a well of ' . ' ,000 feet is riUnnted at 4f5iHli > Thu eastein imui will piol > abl > take tina - a basis in m.-iking tin ir bids , and put in a sliding scnle , fjiintiiig a big price on the llr t Hit ) fi" i and grailually woikiiig down -o that a itl ! < ) fool job will insiin- thi'in .1 good pinlit As a eompetcnt well Milker It.ippeiH to lue in Lincoln , how ever , it i-"trirdl.v piobible thai the ' ln'inu Will w < uk ctnttofs TASK Supt Malhiliett , of the reform chonl at Kp.irne.lejioita a emiouv ei-i1 of w lull the attending pin Mcmti e.illhe.irt fllseui : ( ' ( Nmoii'i thu iuni.ites is a bnof lo , Aiel Dt'dront , who wasiMd from llealiice about MX weeks ago for i > elt.\ laiccn.s. Thiiisd.i.v hist An-ly fell in a Mupoi. and afict twelve hours of s.-em ing slei p. suddenly up , and went into a Mile * of ten d 1 which hist"d nearly and hour. Durin the p.iroMsm * he' waver \ Molent , aiul was ie > tiamed with ditliudt.v fiom in juring Imns-clt it taking a number of the oldei mm.iles to hold him \ \ hen thu convulsion * ceased Aiehj dioppid oil' loileop again , onlv to w.ike up in at the unit of twelve hums. biimUy tin' bo.\ had a lucid interval , iliu- ingwlnuli lie'aid he win tionbli'il tint same wnv ut home , .mil had to be tied lo Ihe bed Al laM , account * be wasiuu stupor rnv imiu- Tbe boa id of ntiiniuti'ii * ot the stale fair will mi et til tlio Windsor hotel Monday uu-iiiii ; ; next at 7 o'clock. Mi < Minnie Cimdr.y of _ Mini ial Point , \Vi- , who has been visiting her -inter , Mi- ( ! j\l \ Luinbertaon , in this cil\ , , started lor home Moud'iy The ( . ' IMII.-V of the l'h-i-ant Hour club will be held at Ti mpl < - hall on the cning ot the ! > % 'd Lincoln will be well represented at the meeting ol the Legion of honor m Oin ilia Tlmrsit.o Among the delegation will be Judge Anuisa Cobbuii ( J. C .McBrule , Lieut L S llmllei.U S A . Maj. C W I'leu-o , Licul .John H. Clark , Lieut. J II McCla Maj X ( i. I'lanklm , den M Moutgoiuei and Liuut N. S. llarwoml Asa lesiill ot Mauagir ILithawa. ' .s i Hoit to compel llio .Joinmil stall to give up their "outside" correspondent P , Sam Cox tosigncd Ins position as oilj editor , and now hlo-i-onis out as lite icpu sent.i ti\ i ; of the Omaha Herald , Kitn-i.ii City Tunes , Chicago Tribune and other join mils. Moses ( ininey was bound over by .Ins- ticc Biown justorday in the Mini ot $11)0 ) foi telling nun tgagcd pioporiy A gentleman well posted in lailwty math is sa.ys it is M'iy piobible that the Union I'ucillc dire-tors at their lie vt meet ing will de\Hi ; a plan for raising money to build bram b mads in Ncbia-ka , and that a line to the noithwc-jt will be among the first 1'innk Xchniiig , the dashing young diuggist , is homu again attor a shoit MSII m Omaha. Newt Dolan , the uv-eomict arrested Monday foi Htcaling hats fiom Dennis' stoic , languishes in the county jail , being unable to p ty the line ot $107 : wn" scd by the police judge It is s-upposcd that Newton \ tbe duel of a gang ol eiooks now in the cilj hTATK AKKIVAT , * S 11 S'oinborgerVahoo , Dr Miiriain , Omuha , John Dale , Omaha , W. 15 Bai Liii , Columbus , L. . ) Copps , Hastings , J Hinschkolb , Beatrice , N .S Harding , Nebraska ( Jity ; A Jo eo. Syrai Use , A U Tottun and wile , Seward ; C. A Slevan- . A 1) ) MeCandlcs- , Beatrice , K M I'lonl , Blue Springs , Ueoigc V Sawyer , West ern ; William V Manning , Onnuia ; Jacob Hero. Crete , M T lluTl , , J ! . K. Ingluiiait , Omaha , lleoigc Kelly and C li.irlman , Onuilia. ; uul I'leaelnni ; . De.teun White ( w'ho is a pioperty owner and null a teal esHle ageneyj 1 ( Jook moining. Deueun Itlaek. ' ' Deacon Itlaek " ( iuoil morning. "I thought T would diop in and ask yon ho\voii , how jon liked the new nimisler ye teidt > I'mo sermon , w.isn't itv" D.V "i\cellent : Nevei hcaid but ter Ho is a M-ry cloipient manandis _ \t'ry hnppy in ( lie selection of hid sub jeets. " D. B "lleniarkably bo Sorinmis on subjuet ? that touch the sympathies ure bolter for us all than the di-eussion of points of doctrine. " D W "CVitainly What could be luippior than bis subject justoiday. 'Sulier little children lo come unto me" How tendeily he spoke of tlie little ones ! 1 dechue it melted my heart to huir him " ( Kilter n lady who lias business with Deacon W ) 1)V. . "Well , mu'iini , what can I do forjon ? " Lady "Havo yon got 11113 hou = os to lotr" D W.-"Yob'iii. " L "I'm looking lound to find a good house at u leasontiblc lent " D.\V. \ "Have yon any children'1" ! L.-"Yes " . - D W. "Then I can't let yon have a hoiiM ) . Don't want any children in my houses. " Lady takes her loayo , and the deacons leniime their conyuroatiun on the si uion. A curry-all ih convenient to liavo wheie theie are a number of children. So is a euro-all for puiiib. aches , scahls burns und bnti es. This St Jacobs Oil hits proved to bii. Mow to ainko a UiulT3lan I'ny. A licit man in West Held , a little conn ! r > village southeast of iMatiooii , Illinois , Hired a num lo dig out a ci&torn , iigi cu ing to pay iK' for the job Alter it was done the neb man ncizcd the lahuiui's tools and locked them up , alleging that the ci.stein leaked. reiilly a nine to makii thu workman lake less | niy. Thu latter dissembled his inge and Induced the ilch man to descend into the fi.s'.cm to examine it. No soon or had hu done o than the laborer drew up the ladder and btood guard over the cistern with n club , \OIHII that thu other nliould not conic tip until lie li.ul MMll'-d thu bill. The impriioned ono yelled "iMnrdor , ' and "l'in > , " in lusty tours , and a eiowu of neighbors gathered But when tlu v learned the iroublo no onu would interfere - fore , und.they .et him May until ho dated l > IIiis I'lTlIHt" IMIjRS A .sure ruie Tor llliiut. Dlepdln , Itrlilm ; nnd UliTiiited I'dw luw bt'eii ilisuo\eieil by Dr.VlllUuib , ( nil Indian rcnuMlyj , called Dr Wlllkiuia' Iinllun 1'ilo Ointment , A siiulo cured tlie worst chronic CUM'S of i > er ! X ) jcars t-timiliiiK. No one lu'ul tiulTer li\e uiliiuti'3 after upjiljlute this wuiiilurful hootlt iiiR medicine. Lotions and Iiu-trtiiiieutido more harm limn tfood.Vlllhiuib' Indian 1'ilo Ointiiiciit iibxirln tbe tuuuiis , alias tlio InteiiM ) Itchliis , ( partk-iilnily at iilulit after L'l'ttlau' w rui in bcdj , acts its a poultice , elves instnnl reltoi' ' , ami H iirejiannl only for I'llej. itcb 11. of iirlvatii parts , ami lor nothing el e. SKIN DIHI\SI.S : : oiuucn. Dr. frazlei's SIiiKie Ulntmuiit cures as by majrlc , I'laiiilca , ItUok HeaiU or ( Jiubs , Illutclii'.s and Kiuiilloim on thu face , If.uiui ; llio skin clear unit ui'.iutlfnl. Also cinvi Itch. b.tit Klii'iim , Sure Nipples , bore Lips , und Old Obitlniite Ulct'i . . . . . Sold by dru gUtd , or untiled on i-ocalpt of Ki'uiliod by Kuhn & Co. , anil Srluoctor & At vholu , ly bC. . F. UooUuiuu. A BATCH OF NEWSY SPECIALS Showing the EvcuU of Yesterday in lown and Nebraska THE HAV/KCYE SUPREME COURT ' 1 be ItitittM'itiPii of that State In ( " 'on- \eiitioii-A. C'hllil'i I'nint rail \\\K \ \ \ \\w \ \ Seiliietlou A Ci link's Sul low.-t Siiiirmc Com t Occ'Ulons , ) s Moms Iowa DPP TifSi < orialTol- jiniii J TliPsiijirpinoi'innt tiMl.v > iciulPi'Ctl the fnllntthi diplsiiuis : Kdvvaid 1C Uooiltmw vi ( ieeijjp S Litph- flclil. a | jK'IiHilHIP ! < atne v > IMvvlii 0 Litih- liclil , aipellnnt | Webiier ilNtuct couit. Al- lilineil. Couiidl Bluffs i.'ik'eo 49. I. O. O F. . v * IJhrul.i Phillip * 11111.1111111 Iteiiii. Pnltinvattn- Ilile cilettlt court Alllrmed. Mills r < iuutNalluiinl buiK. appellant .Mills roiniH. Mlll-t il lni I ( din I IteviTspd , Wnietielil , llew.inl A Co. , et nl. appellant * vilv. A. utclHter , ciretlit couil Alllniu'd. ChiiMi-o. Mihvniikpc l SI. Pud Hnlhmid roiiiniin npN'lliiiil | , \s ISoliell Sliui coiuilv lrciinci. : . it til P.iln MlorlK'iill mult. At- tiiiiu'd MIIV K. TnuiiPi v < .Inhii A. llonmm , ludie ill the cireini i uri. ceitiuiarl c * e oi tuule'iilit , A tilt nted CniniiiPii ial llxdiamre btuk\B M ir > k- Leod. ot til. appellant. Ceiro Ootiht ilbtrlot 1 0111 1. Allliined. l . I' , s.tu.ver , n.pelhiil | , vs John I' . Bras- si if. et nl. Johnson dlsiiid c > unt. Alllrniod. Tunis Vun Hum < ipiellant | , v S. II l.'ed- man nnd I ) . Ueibiiau. .MMiit iiincr\ district iiiiuf lto\ei-cd. 0.V. \ . Itikei vs 11 IJvnn , .Srott ( tiitrn t rouil , Ueveisoil. l n.u' ( iiirmo. aiuiullant. v Uiel et nl. Wells district court. Altliuie Ctlv ot lUuliiitftuii 1 $ , ,1. Palmer , iiini'l- laiit , lies Miiiui" . coiuilv circuit eiMUt. le- ! Mrliicmii \ > WHIN Duvvii" , Pol taw.ill mile distin t court. Atliimcd. ( . M. K'ice \ - .1. I ) . Hiillicit , aiipellant , Mills ( tistiietcnuil. Anilined. .1 oil n I tail I m , ' . nvivlliiit vsC. P. Bopxrh et nl ; the siines ; the -\\\n \ \ < , Des .Mollies cu- cult court. Itcverscd N. J. Bond vs tlie Wahash. fct. Loul * , V Pa- cilic Kniluaj coiupauv , aitiiellaut , Umle i iumt i oint. ftevcisod. Mcllssi Biertvs P. i' . IlairN. et al , aiiel- | ] I , nils.Mills ill-ill k't com t. Atlliined. W I. . Wood , appi-llant. v- . . . ! . 11. WliMIci , Preiiiout eiiciiit couit.llliiueil. . H.twkcM' ItiK ternu'ii Alee ) . OSKUOOSV. Iowa. Mee. IV fbpppinl Tele- Riani. Tito annual niccllnc ; of the lovva Buttui and Cheese axsiH'latlon eonveiu'it lieu- to il.ij with a htiic atlcnilaiire trout all pirU of the state. The allcrnooa si sslon v\a > aUen up witli rcpoits , the prlucliiil UUP lie- In h > .S ictar.v J.itllei , irhingMiiup vei.v iateicstnn ; Infoiinatlou about ( he ( 'icMt fiaiuN Hut have lecoatly been dNcovcied in the d.iliv pioiturt. Tlie coiinintle. ' on legislation lepoitcd a bill foi the Mipincssioti nl the hands and pioviilliiK - . cic peiriltie1' fet violation ol tlm law against in.tuufacltirius nud ' ell- nij ; liugus hutU'i n piei > cnlliig it to lu1'- } ! ! unie. In the evening .the assoi intiou was \\cli nmcd bv the m.noi of Ihe dtv and ud- ilres-os were delivered bj the jiresideut ot Ihe asiori.itlnn , Mi. Slti > i limit , and bj ilcmv \Vallace , editor of the Homestead. The lauc.illonihiiceat the nieetiin ; ai ues well forione oil iuteicst in the iiiiiioitunt Indus * tij lepiCjt'iited. _ _ Seven Thonsauil 1'oc Her Slu. Oi.i.-Nvvonn , Iowa , Dec. \ > [ Special Tele- ( mni.J One of the most exciting civil suits cvei tiled In Mills county was concluded this afternoon. It was a suit lei damages tot seduction brought by ilary ti. Bind against S. W. lUuhnei , a pioiiiiiieiitjctim ? motcli.uil of MaUcrn. The jury gave the iflrl a verdli t of ti'.OO'J. ' There was a Inr e attonilance dm- iiiKr tlie dial , niulvheu \ Ihe veidlut was an- noiiiii'i'd the crowd testllied its ajiineoialiou of the result b > loud applau-su in spite or the c oiut and the shenll. The damages avvaided lit buhot cd toi \ tlie latgest ot the kind CVIM Kiveu in the Uite. Uleil ay HeLivcMl. Oir.vDi.os , N'co. , Decn. . fSiicelal Tele- Kinni.J A notiiiious outliwaud miirdeici namcil N. B. Poul , alias "Jidil ! > " Foul , was tound dead jesterday in Cotlouvvoi l cieelt. about twelve mile * west ot this place. His body wa.s lound fio/eu iut the ict . which obliged to bo chopped out beloie it umld be let-oveied. It is not known whether the deceased was miuilered 01 frozen to death. Ford had led n bird life lor a number olr jenis , anil Iris Ill-en known as the ol thice men. re.trt'al Kail. LINCOLN , -\ebv , Dee. l.V [ Special Tele- Kiaiu. | Williuu Doile , ulnboiei , lives with bis wile uud a y-jeai-old child m the second end stoij ot Dulin 's Halmui bidldiui ; on buveiilh stuct , ojiposite the Ituilin tuii dt'jiol. This afteinoou while M is. Dojlo was at v.ur ! ; the child fell out of the window , striking liuad on thu twenty lectbulow. Lr. ) Lane Is fcai lul ot a fatal ie- sult as hpmorihaieot the brain iiud othei lutuinal injuries vveio sustained. ; ; ( Iiclr Cn ] > itnl. LiNfoi.N , Neb. , Deo. 15 fiajtcclnl Telt- giam.j A jiapei was Hied with the seeretaiy ot state tins afternoon Hliowmi ; thecnp stock of the Omalia ( ias eomjimy IMS been lucieased fiom ? JJOXM , ( to S50J.UJU. lion llogiin nt ( Jriuid ( iit.VMi I--I.A.M ) , Neb. , Dec. 15 , [ Sjicelal Teletjiam. ] Ben llopm , the rcloimed juujl- list uud gambler , will deliver his lec- tuiehere to-iuunow ulKht , the 10th lust , Uailivny A. K. Tou/.tlin arrived yesterday In his special ear attached to thu regular momlng " ( i" train. Hu hpent the day in tlm city , luiung this evening tor the west. The "Q' " new palace dining car , the "Cosmopolitan , " eainu in jeftciduy in the legnlar train. W ( iruun , Union I'nciflc ngonl > U Ca- glc Hockt Idaho , is in the eitj on his way lo New } ork. Jno. 1. Blair , of Blalrstowu , N" . J. . a heavy railway htoukholdur , is in thu eh } , stopping at tliu Millard. nrcrltlcfl , The clearings jo teiday were $107- O.M.It ) . The Ladles' Musical society mould to- moriow alteriioon. The case againJCfiin y'Cs.iorii for * - " " : : iiuiior to miiun-i has been dis- IllisSL'lt. ' 1 hu Young Peoples' missionary society of the l-'ir t Coiigrngationul clinreli Intvu prepaied u b.i/.aarwliiuh they will hold no\l I rldity c\o. Kvory one in\ited. The body of lllllo Walllo Sylvester , whosepiirunta formerly resided in Oina ha. has nrnved hoio tram ( Jhiea ft and will bo intured in 1'i-ospuet Hill ceme tery. Deputy Marshal Ban It of Grand Island , was in the city ieiterday onhiswat f i oiu Sioux 1'aIU , D. T. , whither ho took Chailes A Keene , a lorger , captured at tir.ind Inland a few dajs ago. The funeral of Mrs Frpyhan , the lady who dropped dead Sunday evening , look place esteulio froi tlie rusidenco of the family , at 50 ! ) I'leasiiiit Rtrcet It was largely attended by the friends and relative ! ) ol the deceased. A team of black bionchos harnessed to n light buggy , driven by u cowboy-look ing individual , took fright on Immun treot near Thirteenth nt J o'clock > oater- day , ami run u block until they collided with u telegraph post uml wrecked the buggy. \ t\1tiKO\D r\ON\T1J T\fiK . Mr. Ittntil'lilitk.4 of Hie bpnr Cioin KpiitiMtl loOmnli.i. Joiiii 1 tlniifitulM.M ! D C IMaii who haM been in Omnha fet the p-isl day 01 ni. expect to IKiu- t dav f"i t Loni Spf ikiii" witii n iit'll i I ! foi tbe Bi I last nigitt , Mi Hltif snd. iluilfH-nit airnm-l C'uidng ( ount.v would not in all proba bilit.t eoiup tip ibr until May next Tlm suit aii'ps out of th' of UV't Point to jr.ij liotnN issued for inter mil impiovpiueiit fwttir and mill ptu- p'i-e- ) . The bond-with intcie t aniounl lo between $ 'lOiW and ( UO.OiM . ) , and were bought ly Mi. Bliur veurs ago. A de- < 'ision on ci01 ; ha > been given in Mi Blair-t.tvor in the-npienie couit of the state 'Ihe piviutv in the piesciit iasc 5s moving toecuie a new ttial In fiuMier eouveixitimi Mr Blair re * matkcd that the Noilliweslern blanch fioiii Kenniinl lo Oin iha would Inbuilt at once. "The fin i is , " he .said , "Oin dm is becoming an iui [ " > itinl point , and is bound to command attention The Notth- westcut for iU own inletenl ought to get in heie a- soon us pi > s-iblc Tfie illsenm- mal'iin which M > me jieojile chum 0111 lo'id h i > pun lited again" ! Omaha aiiuumU to niilbiu" Oniiba slupiiens elaiili. lui 111- -I nice , that we coniiicl cun-ignoiv tobill -.loi k e title and hogs to 01 thiougli tstoits Citv. iiislfid < if to Out.ilia Novv the l.tcl is , tint in S'onCd.v ' . a liltle higher ) uiees are paid than in ( hnaha , and --Inppeis have pivteiTed toend their ; ock lo the fonncr point rather linn to thelaltci Nc , sir , all the him and civ of discrimination : Omaha indieu - loui " "Will the Missuni i Vnllcy gi nel.ll nlliei s he removed to Om iha' " ' Vos it is probable that thev will Omaha is thi ) best place for them , and iust ns BOOH a- the hire trom Kpiinard to thieil \ is eoiupleled thej will be ic- nioveil lii-ie " "Ihivv is Vandcrbilt'-denth teceived in i.illroid circles thiougliout the eountr.v " "Hadn't caused much of a ripple Things an going along just the same His i.tilioid ptopeihcs me in the handset ot Coineluis and Twomblev , who are shaip stirevvd men. vvitli a thorougli in sight into their father'busine . " Ai ahcnd ) inlnnued , Mr Blair leaves foi St Loinwlicti he will clo-e up some biisincs ? pertaining to the St. Louis , Ilan- uibil i.VKcokuk. . ! t-iniill load tunning from St Louis Ut H inuibal. The road i- a -mall one and lei some time has been a lo-iug concern Its name has been i hanged lo the Si Louis. & Hannibal , ami at u meeting of the -stock holdei - the other das Mr. Blair vva- elected nrosi- < li ut THU KIO.M-MI : ; \ \ < vv. llo\v Cliiulron People l'ievent Intei-- Ceicnec Wlili Tlieir Sioi'l. | Andie ( . 'Ini tel und Jo'm ' Leon , w ho leii'iitli gave w re-taug exhibitions here , returned tioniChadion Monday evening , where they had gone lo exhibit their skill The men wic-tled beloie a ciowded hoiiac , and coitsiiter.ible intcie-t wa- mauilcilcd When the match w.tended , A noted Itcavv vvoighl of the town , named Vo- , ch tl- lenged the winner Leon , to wrestle two best in three hills for tlio house receipt ceipt- Leon accepted the pioposition , iiiil ( a big ciowd pro-ented it-ielf to wit ness tlie contest : . Kvoiybody seemed an xious to have the local celebrity win. and Loon vv as told that if he threw Voss he would | ) rob.ibl.v , be killed When ( lie match begin , aii otlieei stationed hiiu- sell the stumbling num , und with diawu levolvci tliitutuiied instant death to any who iuterteied Tlie ln l lound Leon sueeeiided in throwing Voss over Ids he-id iftorn'eoiHPst ' of seven minutes , wining the llrst fall It required ( hiitv- tluee minutes to decide the second lall , wine h was won by Leon , lliit. giving him the match Leon s-ijs he doesn't want to live in t hadroii. limy are too careles * then- about a little thing like the life ol a -ui'.jlc man. rOK WINT1MI TAJJIjKS. The Dellcjicios of tlio Cliiistnias 31tu- kctsI'rii'O1 - nit Vaiieties. Now that winter has commenced in good cainest , the maikeU- are assuming a decided holiday aspect In the way of vegetables and Iruits theio aio the usual winter varieties to note As tor moats , fish and game , the stulls and "hops are well Mocked , end the housowite can in no reason complain of lack of with which to propuc "good Cliriitmas cheer " Small binlHtich a- snipe and plover have diMippoaied liom the collections of gatre , but ducks are now taking their place , and then giy pluiiiage form a iiandsonie contra , l. The Christmai beef andratittoii come in with their Heavy car cas > es. Cireen vegot.vblu.sate plenty and quite low in pin. " , as for instance , celery , lettuce and spinach. As for fruits quite a variety is lo bu noted llsll. file 1110 = 1 toothsome food al present in this line are the white lishand trout , sell ing for 10 cento a pound and black bass , winch sells forU'iccntsii pound Oregon salmon of delicion- tvor sell lei liUcentn apiece. Flesh codhsii is to be purchased for 15 cents a pound , while Halibut and eels ale vvoith 0 cents a pound Lob sters , though Munitioned nnqnotably , scaicu in the custom markets , are to be purchased m Omaha at"i cents u pound , rlonndeis me woith U'5 cents a pound Fre h miekeiel bungs IT ) cents a pound .Smelts have commenced to come in , with the advent ot niiow , und though not plenty are Hollmg lor'J'l cents a pound. IJlack ha-s and i .oiipios me selling for 1 , ' ) cents a pound , oiriped bass aie so Ecane as to bo uniuotud | Osh \ is , ot st indiiid iiuality and sl/.e , are selling at 101 ents I'hc selects bring 00 cents The black basi which are duo ami de licious , will piuvn extra toothsome if stulled with liu'liU seasoned mushed potatoes and b.iUnl in a pan with a lard ing ot salt jioi k. 'J he > Hiiotild bo bailed lieijnenily wlnle in tlie ovnii und lo min utes time imiy bu allowed to eveiy pound of itsh. MKAIS , ruin iuv AND omr. There have hoeii uo muterhtl chatige.s In too Hue of me > itn Th"t ' oui01 s'uloln sell for l-f eeuts runip-s and ujipt f ji.ujol lound steak nt l.'J. Ho.isting ; ibj , lii'in and juicy , can be biui iit from in to i-J Louts \ > al is oxtreinclv hL.iree uii'l ' comes higli , from lil toil ) i outai , cording lo Ihu enoieenus'i ot thu part hweut bieuds cull be pur- chasedal . ' 5 conli u pair , ( \jrii hoof is nulling .it fiom ,1 to Id cents , ueeonLng to cuts Prune hgut mutton can be h id toi l.'J cents , minion i Itojis 1 , ' ty 10 cunts Hum id vvcnth l. } i nuts in bulk , 0 cents dliecd Pork , 10 to l.'i centfci. Sainago , It ) to 1 ; ' ) cents Viuuon , rich and juiuj , can be purchased lor O eenU The ten- di rloins of steers killed tor Chiiitmus will IJB.liue , uud should bo spoken tor in ndvunco C. Inckena are woith 12J cents a pound , tinkers and dial.4 n cents a pound Prnule chiekeus no seat cent ! W cents apiece ( Quails bring 0 cents apiece Duoks ( mallardI are xoarcely in Hca on. They can bo purchased for U" ) cents , huge fiUo hquitrel and i.ibbit , dtooscd , call be purchased for-'u eouU. M.OiTAlUlJ5 ; A.SU Fill ITS. Onions are belling at U9 cents n peck. New tin nipt , uio worth SO cents it peek lltitabagus W cents L'ubbage is bring ing It ) to 15 cent * a head Potatoes , bo tU'uriclicti , aruwoilh Do to US. bnlt Luke potatoes uiu K'-lltuu tor tij cvnU a ' bn li ! Stvcit iM..ttoo ! aie woith Co ! 1 Pints , \ pi ik I Hiitibard and Murblrh' ' id .pi isln . I I cll for 10 h ' .Vi cent , " apiroe Cnn-ots arc worth W cents a peek O stiT plant * ells 1 bunehtw for a qinr lei l'tri\\ ! i "old at : ' rents a bundli- Pa'-Miip- ' ! " > cetil * u peek Yankee pumpkin * arc woitb from 15 ( o SS cenls each , -v\ect pie pumpkins the same. Celer.v u > \ ? al .VI cents n do/en. Xow liol lion'-e lettuce and tadi-hcs fid ecnts , do/en. Hit It- I'loridii or.tngeaio woilh il" > to i'i ! eent.- iln/cn H.uianas are woilh trom J.1 to * iU ct'iiis a do/en , ( tiape * of the Malaga variety sell foi . ! 0 cent- pound , while Catawba giipcs-ell tor il a has- kct 11 tisiiis can b < bad forfiom ll > tel l cents u iioiiud , dried curunt- ) lo l"i a pound Caiuiuul cilrous are woitli.-O cenU a pound. 1 igs aie woilh from ' ' "t \ lo ; ! 0 ei nts A pound , cooking ligsJll cents a iiiiund Cianbiriics ate selling fur from 10 to 15 centa qnatl Calitoinia penf- are woitb 11 centa ] iauinl Apples choice Michigan virlelies , niv woith 0.50 u baud , New York sttte- if.J ( U a b.n rcl. lllHTI.KM > l.UH . Butter , dairy , is bunging from 00 to : t" > cents a pound' . The best eroiincry be nurelia-ivl al ! > 1 ci'tita pound Kgijs sell for the t ndatd price of 'W cents a I' 1'nrnKi'nph * * John Piirccll. of Purecll Bro < , of N'oilh Bend , vvaat the -lock .v.ird-s jestcrda.v Lieiitciiant Chase left yesterday for Ihe Santep agency to inspci.1 the is mng ot goods. 13. 11. Flvnn.ot BullilofJip D T , is in tin * eUv pmcln-iliig furniture foi a hotel which IIP will .hortlv open in tin- low n l.h'titonnul ( ii'chhlc ( icncrnl llow.nd - aide dc caniie | , in piace of Captain Sladen reimitpd for dnlv ut llio auny head- " ( piasters c-lerday" He v , as formurl.v sta tioned ul Litlle Peek , but h is leeentlv beoii in I'm ope on a lea\e of absence He U a genial , talented officer and w ill be at valuable acquisition to thu st ill'ol ( ten cr.ii Howard His brother vv. is the ( us olliei't' killed in the war of the rebellion liavitig bad hibe id t iken oil by a can mm ball at the battle of Big B-thcl , roliu Grant , ot I lie Buber Asihall | company , lelt ye-lerd.iv lor Wu-hington , I ) C , topend the Chi istmaholidavs with Ins fainil.v Si\ls liurv * - I'coohailoiU's. I'lii- evening the king laugh- niakeis , Salsbuiy'1'ioiih tduitrs , open their engagement at Bo.\dS opera house They will appeal in ' My Chum , " and Tom , Pick , and Many. " Kcscrvcd seat- aie now onale at the bo" olliee. l > hlit'l Care Ilir Alone ) . The Boilon Kvening l\ecord of Satin - . . - President J-'liol sat in his -anctum in tlnucisity hall the othei moining busil.v at vvoik , his seciotir.v came m and announced that there was a gentleman out-ide who was very anxiou- . toec the picsident of II.irv.ud niitver- hiton some very indent busine-s Other matters were put -wide and the -Hanger vva- shown up He pioved to be a man ol middle lite fiom the west , app.uoiilly witli a way ot going light to the point' He began by looking the p.-esident over and 'Si7ing him up " "Aie yon Dr Lliot , tlie pii'iidcnt of H uvard college" " " 1 am , sir ' 'The he ulo' thu hull thing ? " "Yes " "President o' tlie scientific school ? " " " "I am "President o' ih' ' ) law -chool' " ' Ye.s , sir " "President o' the medical school ' " "Yes. " "That's it , then , " said the visitor , "an ' I've conic to Ihe right place , an' you're I ho man 1 want toee. . I'm fiom the west , an' I've come more'n one thousand mileMom' ) ' . ain't no object to me " Ho rose with gioat enthusiasm , and stripped oil his coal and ysl "J've got something the matter with me , doctor , " he went on "It s been a troublin * ot me for j CUM. an' I'm bound to Iiud out what ' IMS' Money ain't no object , as I said I want yon toex'iniinu my chest , an' 1 don't caio what it costs Here wo go " Tlm piosidcnt had some dilliciiltv in explaining the situation , but dually suc ceeded m turning his patient over to a iirofc-sor of HIP medical school Theie is an impression at thu oollego thai this incident is the moit genuine liibiito of admiration that llaivaid halecciyed for some lime A PHANTOM TRAIN. The GlicirilTy rouiliiolor KcMCinlilvs a 'I f.iiooian Who ; Vas Killeil in nil Accident. Pennsvlv.inia Letter "Yes , sir , " said an ohl Ad.iuis county fanner nt lcd ! Hill Junction , I'enn , the ot'iei ' day , "Iaw that that li.iiu with mv own eyes at one o'clock ' Wcdm'id ly morning Jt s a ghost train and it don't make any noi-e. " "Whole doou live , misteraskid a bystander " 'Bout h-ilf vvnj hclween here and Kust Berlin , " VV.IH the reply , "ii'id thar's old Tom Bnekcr , just across the track from my latin , he .saw the phantom train , lee , on Tuesday moiniiig , about the s imc hour as I saw it Wednesday. What he saw was jist what appealed lo me a dun engine , with a headlight like tt jack-o'-laiitein , and tun or lifleen coal ears u-lollenn' behind And there on the top ol the caboose at the cud of the triin stood Joe Williams , just as ho used to in life , with his arms folded " "U hut Williams as was killed in this accident the .function ? " "Yes , sir , the veiy same Williams Did you know him * " "Knew him like a book. And when I remember whit ho told me once what you tells me positively skeer me. " "Well , what did ho lull jonv" asked thu Adams county tanner , shifting his quid. "Why , I ii'-kcd him once if lie wasn't afi.iid he'd git killed a ralhoiding some dav , and ho said he 'lowed he would , but that it he did hu would haul cot'l for thu duvil'soiigino. " And now f-oirnhudj , "cos the phantom train oveiy night. MOUNT WHITNEY. atr1ol oT Yuniuue I'm' a View ol' hcoiiorj , Yiiginlu Cil > J'ntciprlio Captain Kcelel , in u dcsetipiivo aetount of u re cent dip through the numiitinii-i ( > ' ! n.vo county , thus portrays the Mimmit of Mount Whitney , one ol the iiindodt mountiilii j'llcs on the face ol eaith "Thu cnliio biirfaco ot the biuuiint proper , variously estimated ut fiom lour lo live ui-icn in o\teiit , is eov'iioil with granite blocks and blubii , enough to build twoorthrei ; tat Peter's , or even ono ol the pyiamidH The incline is .slightly to the west Looking down troni the ajiex brought n shudder over mo Avoilieul fall of some 1,000 luet down to the hike that looks like u spitok i f silvnf Now , when yon crawl up to the edge to look on" this awful sloop Ihe voiyllesh HI-CIIIS to ciawl on jour IMIIOS It U truli stall ling to look into some of the yjwniiig eliasi.ift Htirroundlng this grand eleva tion nearly Illicit miles above the sea. Thu sky was not porlectly clear , but wu could soy Lone Pine distinctly , and Owens lake wiii luaiulj outlined so tin as it lay in our view The whole valley looked more liken sea than turrit ilrniit. Onu intcnutiiig fact fcti ikes you thi > mo ment you ( wet your eyes around fium lids height- you know every objuf.t u huluw you.1' I ADDITIONAL COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS | Hloomlng Mr > uot'a < tofles. i riu eiliii ( - ' me ling held in the Ms ' -otiie Irill la < t evening was lugelv al- tended and v PI v cnth'i-i ' i-tu I'hc ob ject of ! his meeting wa- tolint a niMiii faelin ing boom fiir this citv It vv t- d < cided to iporgani/e the old bond ot trade and about llft.v m w nii'inbci * wctn added and a committee appointed toeuire still olheis Si-vc'-al comnmn'u aliens were rend concei nlnji the location of a clock faotoiy , vinegar f-tclorv and a ninjr et tbl'ishmeiit Conuniltces v\erc t ntipo'mtpd lo further inve-Hejaie each of 1 i these enlerpti'scs The nipcm < f hcaiiilv J ciidoi-sca Ihe action of Ihe cit.j council in exempting horn taxation for live year- all new factories shirting here wtlh a capital olo.0')0 ' ) The meet ins adjourned su'-jcct ' lo the cull ol the < linltmnti A Tumiflali - . 'lliomccrt given h.v Hie Mine Kiy company hist evening was fair , hut did not meet Ihe expect tttoiisof the lliiitorin < ; not ice * given i hem b.llicjnc olilliiiirj. Di ( at'i died at Ontatio , Canada , jcs- lonln.v morninc. He wis the father of Mrs , J L Mow art of Ibis < -itj. JUST AWFUL , YOU KNOW. The SCIMJIC n YOIIIIU Ho-lon rellow ( iot Into. Che.vclinc Leader "Dili vou In afahout the $ ciape a B sl < > n man mil into heie last juminer'aid Ihe hotel clerk as he cocked his feet on the desk in trout of him and settled hick lor a talk "Don t think 1 have , ' --aid the report cr. " ( ! o ahead , and if I ii ivc lieaid it I'll wli'-per ' 'chestnut- vou " " \\cll \ , lids cliap was -boil sighted , and after adjusting Ins single-bum I Knglish ejcgla PS , lie icgi-tiicd Ins name and . ! , to loom loil.v live , and his baggage was taken , up stairs by Nip Then this .voting man limn Boston walt/ed .straight out in Hie count i v to look fur bugs , geological fo il- and cow- ho\- \ At niglit he ambled b ick and stumbled up st iirs Bv mis' ' tko he got in ( lie wrong loom Heciiti led forly--cv.en , which was occupied b.\twu nice girls liom Ontuliu , w ho at the time were eu joving a walk. On then letniii to their loom , as it was d irk. thev didn't noliic young Botoniiwh | ) d'oiil on their bed > o llii'i turned on Ihe ga- and began tlicii' toiht-for Alter making toihtfornppci wa-hmgand powdeimg I'icii ' face- , one -aid 'Oh , Mamie , I'm g"ing lo ti.v a little ion e to niglil. Xow , dun t let me ] ) Ut on tou mucli. ' Ashe s ud tinh r ojt-fell on the .voting tinnpie.ul out on Ihe lied. Bedlam began at ome ' I'heio'u man , ' I hey -ereainid m choiiis 'Help ! I'iii1' Mnnlci " This hullabaloo awoke 0111 liiend fiom Boston who haw led at the top of hi- lung'Co wa.v \N tut aio " vou doing in m.v loum- ' Ml'- our , ' . - | ) the voting la die- , hid behind the towel lack 'Illi nium i- mine , ' jelled Bo-ion. 'Oh , go out' 'This is loom fin jvsjvcu and it'- . ouis , ' ( ried the gills This bioiight our Bustoii tnend to his -cn-es ami he has til.v withdicw , .sa > mg t < i the army of vv.uleia and othett. who weic besieging the dour 'JtV all a mistake. 1 gel into the wtong loom Just like my darned stupidity -and- ' ' \\hat \ is jour mime4' ii-ked ) ) , note book and pencil icady. 'Name" excl.umi d Boston. 'Darn m. > mimo. Just put it down as Fool Pl'irn , Darn Tool ' " . AUNT MARY SMITH. An OKI Colored Wonian'ii Ceiiiein- hrance ( Jcorne Waslt- Aunty Mary Smith of Philadelphia wa- notoiieofViitiliinirlon \ 's numerous body servants , but -he says she saw and wait ed on him , and tliat this is gloiy enough for one per-son. Her memory is of the pat of so long ago that she cannot tell tlii * . number of I be jeir * Aunt Mar ) was vi-ited the other day 1 > 3 n Phihulei plua Times ropoiter , who tound her in the Ihnd stoiy front room ol the tene ment hoiiMi IOS ! Lombaul street , which i.s a nckety old shell , with dark and nar iow stairwiiy.s , und fiom the conlu-ion ol tongues on every baud each , room ap jioled to be inhabited by a lamil ot a ditleiunt natiouulity Aunt Mary was alone when the reportoi euteied by an imitation from a iath"r stiongv'oice within The ohl woman sal leaning ovei the stove , in which a low liie vyiis burn ing and she motioned her visitor to a ( eat inn ici ffitin i ( ) > ! "Kid I cvei see C eoigp Washington' ' 1/iws , \CF. Sce'd him anil waited on him , lee How old am ! ' And she went on echoing tiiu questions ami giving the uiiswpis piomptly. "I don't know how old I is , honey. My giandson took de Bible w hi him to Cannd-i nriny and many 's a v car ago , and I 'silorgot when 1 vvasboiu. I wiis a slave but 1 didn't ' have 11113 right to be , foi 1 am an Injun , ' ' And she ran her Imireis thiougli hoi thick , kinky him , which was us winte as tleecc " 1 b'loug to ( Jeueral U'liile Mv , mother saved old missus' life by hiding her trom the InjuiiH when there was nil npiising al tlicii home in , S. C. De white fo'ks ' loll dale an' cum to Cold Spring in New Jei-cy , nc n Nev\ Binnswick. 1 was born ( hue and dal i whin I saw ticntral Washington "liOOIt-MIOKIM ! l.ini.K Ml. ( .Alt. "He visited dc houv often and when ever he would cum bed s-iy ' \\hars \ my good looking liltle iiiggai"1 And I'd emu in and courtesy MI'Here I is , mai-p.ili , ' when ho would favau know what 1 wants , don't jon * ' 'Yes , hir , 'J'il say , 'brand. ) ami water' l > cn I'd coiutcsy iigain. ) > e genel didn't think ilat anybody could lix him his brand. ) nnd water like me , " and the old woman lo > scd her a cd head in u piond w aj and bur dull evcs gleamed with ic- newed light. Then she grow lollcctive and ntiei a few moments die said with home emotion inc. Lnjniu : > ntooi's IK Tin. ni.viii.u- "I will nevei forget delight bilwicn do 'Muiio-tn and de Kuglisli culdicin in their leil cuatn CJenel \ \ ii.shingluii vva- at olc inurnah's house de diy Info' an' hu said dat do on ! ) way he could win de battle whluh wan coming was wid niggur tioops , Jle hud a whole lei ot niggaM tiom Virginy. an' he told dent it de ; , would light like mint' ' men ! : r would iriod- > * i ilfjw Jrtcuom alter de battle I'jiiy asked him to give drm a plcnlj oh vyhiiky vvld { 'impoivdul'lli it I1 it was to make dum biave. | ) e whisky nnd < k jiowdei gUL t > > ih m and dny lit like wild eats on Iniutuu budge and de Ln- , } \th \ wii ! > w lnpied ] Oh my , oh mj , MIII just ougliter sued how * do nlgjnri > wiif jiilcd iiji nil in a heap dead in u .MI MOU IIF I.AI ni'nr ' Atiei di , war , ' she said , "J waf. bold to John Cunnelli , who lived in dis ciu , on Cltestnnl htii et. above lentil , on de borr. ) spot whur u big carpet More am at now Air ? Moiris , who was a sister of Ih > , hoi > White , lived mix door , and dal was whur ( lenel Lafjcl , used to cum. Dc Widow Morris give a big partj fei de ( ienel once uud all do in do city mai died up and down de sticcts hinging and diiiicinir , and when dey gel lo do house whur'do ( iuncl was hu cum out on de steps and bind dat hit mudo him awful pioud l < i tc how much di ciillud folks. Ihoeght < J ) bim My d1' niassali , Con mills , was might } mad , kase huva - not invilcd lo do cejition , and ho made hii slu\es htan' mighty Miaighl lor a mouth Jlltl NUJ' llhl.UNU 'IO llll.'t'AI ' 111 ' 1'nii .sue , lie did not bulling to do iii.iht | } lolkn , foi ho had been do pnt.on Lceptr ub de iiliy I rcmcinbui dat be wiug'.vtno to wldp meoiicotkaso I siirM d missus , un , my ole iii-u he liunrn ahont it an num to de Ittmv ' > swi me I fell yci lie w is in nit tip nn" tu.inth gel to ; quatllu'itti dey cunt mighty IIPBI liRht- in' . One was tm one side oh' de fuico * n * dc udder was on de tiddei an' decus , pd until dc fence fell II tt oil df glolllld , NcdPi o'c ' noi HIJ olc man over. worc after ' The old wont in wu < a kcd hovr slip gel along. SUP .slid "M } rent has been paid twenty jctiis by an old hdy who l < < now lee old'lo leave her lieu e hut < hp riMiienihei.4 me ever ? moth lltr nnnin is Mrs Vnux and she n the mother of Mi liichatd Vaux No , hone } , 1 don'l know mv age but I isveiy old TOST PERFECT MADE ] ( -piot t T < I' I Rrw'ial rrK M to li lVi. Nutnivinlt I imt * orUiiu PRICE BAM/'O POiVDL-R CO. , rutCACO. nr LOUIS UMPHREYS' ItOMCOPATHIC ' ' ' Ity U t p ' / ' s JgX Velerinary Specific : jj * ' turolji ( > < o pf Cattle , Sheep DOGS , lions , 1'OtILTUY , In usf for over 20 jpnrs by J' Sloclvbrccdori , llorao It. 11. , Ac. Uccd by U. S. Covcrnmcnt. S-STAOLE CHART -G-H Mounted ou llollirs & Book Mxtlcil I'ron. lluni | > lirojii\MfiI , < ' 'o. , * O1 > i'liltim St. . tiV. HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No , _ _ _ u iiso W jonrfl Tit B only iif ei > ft ! fiil tonic Jy for Neivous Debility , vita ! Weakness , nnd I'tostr ittnn from mrr nmfe tr otltor CAUB . frl it r iul. < irfi > MUh'i < l lar * . M tl poniln ( 'r $3. o * rtit MOMtrni lo itr .fiptor klrol * . . , WVul n. NI . N V. WHO II UNACC3 lA'NrCO VITM IMC orO.llnPH * Or Tl ijjNiurwiii lite r r < * wiNin mu u r rmr 'Mr GH1S&GOROGK ISLfiliD a PAC1FIG OAILWAV Up iin . > n of ItH rpntrtil jioitll m nn I rloift rpl\llonl1 nil pit' il tir t i itl mil W t Ititllol ninl lrr intiiil | i , iti t nMlli , ti tu < * in * * ( jnpoiUnt tnlT . , i > ttfntnt ,1 h tl in I nit i.vt.1 MI uf u r ntuli li-nni'iinr will h lii"ll" < un I in , lilt. . ! . tinvrlitnl / llnlllc In UM fii oitioi ir tin , AMutiili nd I'ut nl , Cii < t4 It A * linn tin fnrurltH mill h , I , . i I * tix.iiil fmlll IKi'nU 1 mi N iitifi t AH ] HOI , id ni Miul curivfiioniliiiic IHilntnV. \ . . t Niirllntoit iuul .Huiitunckt Tito Grcnt Roclt l&tantl (7outo ( Qilrtljinl ' 1 ltn pitrotiM lint honof piiBolinl pccil rlij ml > iil'il Ii ) u > lil Oioniuclilr h < ll bl l ronil ! ) , ' ' ul > , lhli krf if . .i.nllnnuiii. iti I mil viil.Ktun . tl illy l.nlii , . | | i-rn 1,11 I 1 , 1 1 Ign i illliiKilorl. nmienr pi-iloi-ti n , IIUIIIKII . | .lll > CAII umlm II Un alt priliin . i ri'l lit ln.7i.i plmr mi nMcl lr hnilrs , ml lint c milliiir ills iplliiM hi hiMrmiiii tin plui- I I'll iirrntluii | r > r nil UK tima < oilier iipn UltIM of thu loilla iiu * Ttinipfi.i * ut nil * culino < tlni ; 1 1 Into In . lllliin HI.JI.IH i\n4 Hu , nn iiii | nl com I ul IB uuj luiurlj.of in | 'ik . IIBII 1 iiilimiont Ilif I til l > pii > M. Trnlns hrt < cn OMi upo lull I'ooiU ( ( iiilidl Illuir. Kiint H I lly l.ra . no. nil niij Al 111. , . in rn , i up , --1 , > f Hfli triitiuiiit nmlr nn linlilirnl llur Onrhai MiLlilll nut I'uiliunn C/ilncp f.Uii | IB if I lie lull' . ! , ! U.IKII mi ) nniiiliioll | llJlillKr fin ln lil , lii-lil inlcly conl , . | Mr , l < ur | | > IIIDT | e U.ii llelwrml hi 1 11 iuul Hnnwnal uv ivnil . ' .lilil-cn nio l n inn Hi I > -l brnli-l lt rliulnit I hair Call. , The Fomouo Albert Lea Route ' la ItiHillitnt an 1 fivoilto line irwreti Clilrnuo and MlniicapnllminilSI 1'iuil ivlicri. eanim tioin-un nnula < u Unl'in livi lifni nil palm * in tin l..i/loilm / nnd llrlll < h rriHti"n On , fiU | ronl < I'o t 11 puts j nil ) ruu tu o will rtnu JIN | H aumliior r * HM u ( I Mir. | ii > I illllr' i < nl I In inlnif niul i lUltlnc ; Kl luniUnf 1 inunnil Ulnu i n It l ilia Oin must < ! lrM i > ntti II u , , , 1,1,0 it Ik-Mi und l'U Hria ) ] U Imir lllt.Miir IMhuU Itllll uiiiiili rldlili I MM' Tin Hvnrca unit lf li Kline liiHb , fn IHII | * , | lirtwr ii itn inn ill Imllnn. uiulUnntl iCuvult. l MIII , i | lnuir. Kim n/tr. / .M.liiH'iHlin | ii ( | HI 1 ml nnil Inl-iinivllati M > | IIM la irtallii | Inf inn illun M flup i ml toldcr * , ohltiuibli .INU.II u iii 1 etj. t nil iirlfiiliutj Ifck B on ' in llio tinU I > iU unj Caliuji , ul liy vU- n. n. ortm.c , c. BT. JOHN , I n EDWARD AiAisTiu : or j'Ai.jivsTiiitv AMI co.vnt ; T1ON VMS ! , jUO'l'i-nili sir < nl li l\ti < u rnrnnni jiuil Hat ncy , Mill , wllli tlm iilrt or punrillnu t ] > liIlK , nijUiluiiiir fin nny ono n pliinoi Inl'io IHIM mill pn mil. niul ol ri'rlniu iviiiillliont la tlir liituii Itont nnd fliooinuilu to onlor. 1'cifeci Mil f'O ' I ) Ii Boyal Havana Lo litery ( A GOVLIINMPNT INSIITITION ) Drawn al Havana , Cuba E\ery 12 to H Djy A . 'i , i ii rtiuiCktU > l" lmh * IVm lions pro huliji t In no inniilpiilutioii , nut conlrollix ] by llm P" IKK In iniii.oni. It l tlio luiicHlliiiiif ! a llio iiiiliuuol uliiuuit in ciNU'iioi K r liekoin iiiili | | tu HIIII > - , | . \ ' A , ( X ) , JJU Hruu'JniiN. V ill ) , M.UJTIA'd \ t'O Ol 1 1 rl Iviuisiih Cm lie A .Sainlitid .Medic , ilorK tm o i Middle Ab'etl .M u , oiny SI by ni i ! raw A GRKAT HEDICAL WOJIK ON HiKH53 ! ) 1 li iint < rt Viiii'ily ' Ni rvoiiii hinl I'liyBirn ) Itoh ny lrimuiiiro Ja > line In f' ii. Tn rn nT Vo ih unit fig uiiioiil ml.TIL * laimiiiiu fi .in in n rtiliin unit r Hf l' A ho > fnroviiy HUM f ninu nilililln tl > uJ unilMlii U iiiiHln * i pnj ( ni lion * 1m iiiucutuanl i lilonliiillf cHt.o oit'ii * nt ut iriil Ii I * no 3Tn ,1,10 s louiid 1. ) llio Htilliiir win ita cxi ( irmui v r i n ydtibi * kudi u iin.luilily IKIVUI bofe i Ii II lullir lei of any nhyiiclvn > i n ,01. IHHIII I In b inlilii 1'ion'li inin lln iiiiliuoniltoviM lullitili vii iiiiuonil to lion > | ior wnrK In Hirry ftnni.i4 tnoi luiiil a HIM try iiiiil nr , 'nt rliinul Uii.iiiiiir uihrf "iirk In Hiu Kuinlry IcirH.'H urthn mnney will Unittiiml In i ri'ry liiMiiurr I'1 3 ( inly II by ui ll , p.Mpali ! li'i ir.ift ! kiiii | < l , 111 bcniliiow ( . (40 ( iniMul uv * ii.lt11 tin , utaliiu ytUiVv llnpiil A o Inunn t i Ilia afllrcri 'it vru'i | Ii j > * r'ltuhili > CH < > ( MfB > Uuulil 1'oro'tl ' l.y tliiijcun" ttr Instruction und liy lh uilllcloU toriUmf U til" ' I lull.- l jiutiiii ' ' nt lulu wllliiull.dUioful TI Hi.try ) illi iiirt.u > , .aa , ulaii Iniiruiuirur UrrK > uun Ar jiiuit ' /.tliln Ilia IVii'i/Mt uical Uimituli. ir Or W. Jl. 1'nrker. N" OlullMn. lit-ltoiit Uu l m , MUM. , ulioiuj/ l cuiibulu-U ii .ill ( in , ) 'jfu rt-nulrlnt : jilll un-J anxitl- iiu-i l iu > IIIL Hull iiDn.M.ta' dm' 1114 1,1 tl 111 , < ) liullln'l ' ilukill r allolliti | ii ) > , i i.tns , 4 , ix'Oiullbiiali IruiiiJ Miu < H tully wltlioul uu nit- ' tine ' ' cllulluia llrnuoii IbU | iiuui : Kir If ork ( Xtf.