Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : \VlfiJ > N7JSSDAY. , DECEMBER 10 , 1885.
O'HIIA Omrc , Nil. f > U BIS IATixM T
YtniK OniLKi HOOM Ci. Tiiun'N
ryMoir-'tur.'Xft' ' ! > IS.iml r. Tlic
only Monday moiiilnt , ' | mp r | ii'l-.lie ! < l In lite
7KKMS tit Mitt. :
One Vwir J Ifl.fO VlirH' Months f2.M
SU fhiiilh * . W iOne Month l.W
Tm. Vt'f KKI.V Ilm , I'uliIHiPtl ivrr : >
Onn Vf at. wllli pff-rnlittn
One Vi'Hr. without ) > iotnliiiii
Sit Mriilh . without picinliini
Ono Mould , on trial 10
ioimi-roMifcvrt : :
All cdinrminli Mloin tfilniinv i news nml ( ill-
l.rl liiiuttci ( .houlil lie mlrrcss'"l | I" Iliei l.ltl-
ion en Tiif llrr.
llt'MM- lHTTttt : < !
AH hiislnrf Irtti is mill rriiilltiinces slionM bo
niMic'Ksnl In TUB HIK : linn 111110 i OMPANV ,
OMMM. Dinfu. ilircks ntnl IMHIHIIIPO onlen
to Im inuclo | > uiil ; > | citollieor < lrror tlio roitipiny.
m m mmm COMPUT , pfiopmttoiis ,
n r.niTon
IT looks verv much now aif I'arnell
is ( lie power in front of the throne.
Nr.iiiMSK * is now bles-ed with a-tale
eallle doctor , bul the hog cbolern con
tinue" its ravages all the samo.
( ) . * i UIA has to slaiid Ihe fire of Kansas
Oil ; , , S.oiix City , Lincoln , and Denver ,
yc t she conliniie.- boom right along.
Till : Missouri river muddy enough ,
bid ( lipi-dilorials of the ll-rnll about lie !
proposed river iniprovcni''iit convention
are muddier than Mis-ouri river water
during the .lime rise
DINVIII : : at ono time claimed between
( ! , J,0IO ( and T.l.OOO people , but the Colorado
slate census gave her only about fiT.OOO.
However , that make- good-M/.ed city
- nearly a-1 large' as Umalta.
Tin : United Stales-ennle in pas-ing a
bill giving a pen-ion ot $5WO ( to iSlr.s.
( ! rin ; ( ha-done a very grieetnl act which
will be heartily endor-ed by Ihu people.
The house , of cour-ie , will acquiesce.
Oint merchant have no grounds of
complaint ngain-t the weather clerk
during th present holiday season. Last
year Ihu Iheimomeler ifinged between
fifteen ami twenty below zero during thu
two weeks before ) Christmas.
shopping should not be put
oft" until the la t moment. Now is tiiu
linio lo do it when tin ; st ires are not too.
crowded , so that yon will have plenty of
opportunities to make your selections in
a satisfactory manlier.
DAKOTA is again knocking at Ihu doors
of congress lor admission to the si-tor-
hood of states. We are still of the opinion
that hur political complexion will keep
her out In the cold , ttnle-s.ompsp | oil'can
be arranged.
at his own ro- , has been relieved from service em
the Committee on military affairs. Why
hi1.should elo so , in view of Ihu fact that
he has exhibited such a lively interest in
military all'airs , is something that -trikes
us as rather singular.
ArcoHniNO to a Washington special
to ( he UKK , no postmasters in Nebraska
have as yet boon loaiovod for ofl'onsive
partisanship. This speaks well for the
character of republican poslmaslors in
thi.s state. Ov or in lenva , however , ott'on-
sivo partisanship sooiiLs to be a very com
mon ailment. Out of till ) postmasters re
moved , 81 were charged with this oDcinc.
IF the Nebraska railway commistion-
orfi had any HPIISO of shame they would
go and bury themselves. The scath
ing criticisms of the independent press
of the state would make men of any
solt'-va.spect wish them&clvco dead. The
commissioners , however , seem to bo
brass-mounted and lost to all senjo of
decency , lint the limn i.s coming when
the people will bury the railroad com
mission law beyond resurrection.
IN all probability among thu very llr-t
bills to be passed by congress will bo one
lo provide for the performance of duties
as president in case of death , resignation
or inability ot both president anil vice
president , as wall as to provide for the
proMdcnlial election nount. The nueess-
ty of such a bill has been forcibly pro-
Hunted by recent eventn , and it is vt :
likely that the Hoar bill will be pas'-
together with the Edmunds bill tor tlP
presidential count , which Senator Ed
munds proposes to att.ich to the Hoar
bill as an amendment.
Tun malignant spirit which character
izes tlio conduct of the Lincoln Journal
ti8 tiMial manifests itself in regard ( o ( lie
charges concerning Iho construction of
the now insane asylum at Norfolk. It re
fers lo the charges as "slanders of the
JJiCK , " The Journal well knows Unit the
Itr.r. has made no charges , bul has simply
called attention to charges made by clti-
zcn.i of Norfolk who have substantiated
their statements by nflldavits. These
statciiionts and aflulavits have not been
solicited by the UKK , but have been pub
lished at Iho request of citi/oii : ) of Norfolk -
folk , who desire that Iho insane asylum
shall bo honestly constructed. Thu taxpayers -
payers of the state desire Iho same thing ,
and Ihe agitation of this mutter will no
, doubt result in securing a much butter
building than nothing hail been said
and the whole matter had boon allowed
togd by default. The most careful in-
.spcction should be o\eresid ! ; in the con-
ulruct'.on of nil public buildings , ami par
ticularly asylums for tlie hisano
PHNVKH Is too far from anywhere lo be
at all jealous ot Omaha , yut the Denver
Tribunt-Kepullicun In a splenetic lit ro-
furs to Omaha as a little cross-roads town
and a village , ami protests against Ibis
city being made a port of entry. In view
of the fact that ( lie last Nebraska state
census gavu Omaha a population of
01,000 , vvhilu thu Colorado btato census
gave Denver in round nnmbure 57,000 , , it
coiner with poor grace for any Denver
paper to nttcmpi to ridicule Omaha by re-
furring to it us a cro s.roads town or a
village. Omaha is not as handsome a city
as Denver It i.s true , but that she is a
larger city , is cluing more business , and
growing more ! rapidly than Denver is a
fact that cannot bo disproved. It is only
aquc.slion of llmo when Oinahit will be
even a moru beautiful place than Denver ,
and leave her so far buliind In population
and business ( hat she will not bo thought
of when the name of Omaha I.s mentioned
Still , if Denver grows to bo a largo city
1 continues to prosper wo shall not fuel
. MS there is plenty of room for her
The .TiuKclnnr n PoHMci.
The spun' > "nl contp"t in Ohio
tipon the admission of the rig
elot'lod delcgaliun fmni Cincinnati U i <
conccdctl by all f ir minded parlio.- , ( hat
tim rciublif'an ) legislative delegation was
clpct 'il by an honest niajoilly , but wa
counted out ly dowmight fnind , engin
eered bv , the Mr-Lean machine on the
Chicago pl'iti Amidst a great deal of
excitement , proceedings were in-
< > tilntx < d in the Hamilton county
court , which ordered ( he coimU elerk to
iisne ecrtilH-ato- cleclion tti the repub
lican candidate. I'rom Ibis ilccision an
appeal was taken lo the MipivniP court of
Ohio , a majority of wlin-c jutlges are
dcnuicratic. and that court has created
tpn'to a seiisition by re\ei > ing the jmlg-
incut of the HiMiiilt'in county court , nml
ordering the tvrlilioalc- be issued lethe
the cajiilidal"1 * on Ihedemociatic ticket
While there is jiul ground fur indigna
tion over this outrageous decision , it U
only what might have been nxiicclod. In
dnalingwilh ] ioliticalitip ( < > ticins Ibe judges
of our cuurli have almoinariably ( al-
lo wetl their part isan.eal to ovei come their
lioneet eonviytioiH. I'Vom the lowest to
llm highest , human nature a - " '
itself on the bench. This was -trikingly
illustrated b.\ the party vote ol IlieUniletl
Slate.-supreme court wln'ii acting as part
of the hNtorli1 coinmi.s-'on ' ,
Mvcry dcmoi'ratic juilge ocd ! to count in
IhcTiltli'ii and llendrick-s electors , nml
every republican judge ca-l his vole for
Hayes auiMVhecler It' the national su
preme court could not rise above politics in
a crisis which brought the country to the
\orgc of civil war , it Nnot surprising that
the democralii : judge.ot Ihu supreme
( , 'Otirt of Ohio have elo-etl their eyes ami
ears lo the glaring election fraudami
pronounced in favor of the democratic
candidates who were in the minority.
The decision ol the supreme court , of
Ohio only serves to confirm the sound
ness of the views held by ire founders of
our government- with regard to the ex-
elusion of the judiciary from ( ho exercise
of political power ami functions In
creating three eo'-ordinatn branches of
government , a very broad line was drawn
by the framers ol the federal conslituti on
between tlio legislative , executive and
judiciary branches of the government.
Congress was made the sole jutlgu of the
election and qualifications of its own
members. With this prerogative no court
lias ever been allowed to interfere. If any
election frauds or bribery are resorted to
in tlio election of any congros-man or
senator , the hon-e in which he sucks ad
mission is the proper and only tribunal
that can pass upon the right of any mem
ber to his seat. NV > supreme court has
in or dared lo interpose its mandates to
order election certilieates to lie issued to
candidates , and any fc'deral judge that
would venture lo interpose in .such a po
litical uouUfet , would bo promptly im
peached ami rcmovodf The principles
embodied in the national constitution
with regard to the division of the func
tions and powers of the co-ordinate
branches of government are incorpo
rated in every slate constitution The
legislature of every -tali ; is the solo
judge of the election and qualitications
of its own niiuibiM's , and it. only can
rightfully pass upon the title of any
member to his seat. A eerlilleato after
all is only prima facia evidence of the
title , but by no nuans conclusive. The
only authority which the courts
should bo allowed to exorcise in
such political contests is to take
the testimony of witnesses who are cited
lo appear on behalf of contestants for
scats in the legislature. The. canvassing
board in most every instance e.vorcise.s Ihe
ministerial functions in verifying the returns -
turns and courts may properly bu invoked
lo order the canvassers lomake Ihoir liud-
ings in accordance with their returns
Ituyond this all appeals to adjudicate con
tested seats in the legislature are outside
of the proper jurisdiolion of the courts.
Had this common sense and practical
view of the matter been taken by the re-
IKiblican leader * in Ohio Ihoy would have
no occasion now to denounce the judicial
outrage of the supreme court. There is
no doubt that the eerlllieato held by any
member of the legislature afl'ords consid
erable advantage lo his party in the or-
gani/alion of that body , and in many in
stances the advantage thus obtained re
sults in Ihe seating of the member holding
Mich certificate , when in fact ho is not
entitled lo membership. Hut even if
such a fraud should result in the election
of a United Slates senator by the voles of
fraudulently-sealed members of the legis
lature , tlio election of Mich senator
would be determined by the llnal
final tribunal the United Stale * senate
which passes upon his title. Until Hie
election machinery of the various states
i.s perfected and safe-guards against
frauds in the counting machinery and re
turns are provided , Mich outrages
as those committed last year in
Chicago , ami this year in Cincin
nati , will continue. The remedy is not in
conferring more political power upon the
court * , Ibut in legislative regulation and
and restriction , coupled with vigilance on
the part of the citi/.eiis.
Tun official correspondence between
Austria and the United .Status relating to
the case of Minister Koiley has boon
tiansmiltcd to the senate by thu presi
dent. It shows , as was generally ru
mored at the time , thai Austria icfiibud
to recognize Mr. KoiJoy because his wife
was a .Jewess. The pointed reply of Son-
rotary Uayard to tlio elloct thai the atti
tude of Austria has no precedent in mod
ern times ami cannot bo assented to by
the executive of our government , will
meet wilh Ihu hearty appioval of our
people. "JJeliglous liberty , " says Mr.
liaynrd , "is thu chief corner btono of tiie
American system of gnvornniunl , " and
in accordance with that principlu no per
son's religious faith can bo tpiudtioncd.
The Koiley case , under the circumstan
ces , will no doubt create an animated
discussion in congress , and in all proba
bility unless Austria recedes from its po
sition , notwithstanding the resignation
of Mr. Keiley , the mission will be left
Mit. JOHN T. RF.UICK tins commenced
proceedings in court to test thu right of
this city to extend its boundaries beyond
thelimitb li\ed some fifteen ycnr * ago ,
Mr. llodlek has a perfoet right to exert
his legal talents in lighting taxes which
he buliuves to have boon illegally im
posed. Uuforu liu guts through , Mr Red-
iek nitty , however , discover that ho
would gain nothing , oven if he wins his
suit. We are Informed that tlio
and lands which Mr. Hcibok claims to bo
outside of thu city limits , untJ therefore
from l.nes , were assessed at
than f.VOOO The lieu o alone is said to
be w 01 th from fJO.tWO . to $ MOJO , and
the land from $ .10.000 to fJ't.fltlO.
A fair nsse > smonl at one-fourth its mar
ket value would be not less than $ ln.0(1. , (
01 niorclhan twice as much as it wasa--
sco l fur the present year. On an as-
segment of $ l" > ,00i ) the cotinlj' ta\c i
alone would lie nearly double the amount
Mr. Itcdick hfi been paying on city ami
coimtv together Ifcent * In us Ihal Mr.
Hudick has fared belter in the tuxalion
of hi.- suburban villa Ihnn a large ma
jority ol our t.iv payers , ami ought tobn
content to let well enough alone.
Omaha anil Lincoln.
The nnealled-for hostility which tlie
Lincoln JanriKt ! IIH- for yi ars manifested
towards Omaha iby no menus ( o Im
lakon as rellex of I lie sentiment of the
oiliwni of Lincoln. They realize that
Omalu and Lincoln are not rivals in any
lease of the word anil never will
be. Eighteen yearn ago , when the capi- wa > ivincil < > 1'nnn Omaha to Lincoln ,
Omaha hail a population of nearly
10,000. while Lincoln * vas a. mere
hamlet. KUMI at that poiiod the hiivinc-s
men of Omaha were in no way disturbed
by the leinoval ot Ihu capital. Whatever
prestige may have attached to a capital
city was more than counterbalanced by
he commercial advantages which Omaha
enjoyed by reason of her location at the
gateway to lite 1'ncific. With a popula
tion of fully ( i-VOOO , and a rapid ami
( healthy growth , that fully keeps pace
with the development of the state , Omaha
is in no way concerned about any enter
prise which helps to build up Lincoln or
any other city in Nebraska , On the con
trary Omaha feels .stronger and more
confident of her commercial supremacy
by reason of lh < grow Ih and prosperity
of other cities anil ( own- west of the
Missouri. She would not take the capi
tal from Lincoln if-he could gel it , and
while -he alone pays about one-eleventh
of Ihe entire state levied to maintain ! institution-which are. the back
bone and main lay of Lincoln , she liau
no dispo-ition to cripple any of them.
Why then should an\ paper mvt"iiding
to voice the sentiment of Lincoln ire out
ot its way on every 110 ible occasion to
stab Omaha and belittle her commercial
facilities ? Several sample bricks ofitch
\ cnomou.stupidity were aimed at Oma
ha in Ihe Lincoln tlDurwtl of Sunday.
One of these roadas follows :
The way for Omaha lo { jet business in the
iiorthwesteiu ] ut ot the Mat-o is to sell cooil-
a < < cheap as Sioux City. Adu wllh a kettle
attached to his caudal Hppendaigo never made
such a i.ifkct in the marts ot trade as Is made
by Oniiih.i Inhcr ( nintle elTorU to gel away
from the competition ot tlio ontoi ] > rislii
little Iowa town. Only hist week an O ni.ilia
dignitary talked about Kansas City and. St.
Paul bolus tliu only i ivals of his own town ,
but I'rom the wa > she sinieals when .Sioux
City steps on her toes it is fair to presume thu
dignitary was giing us wind.
JNow would any man or paper pos
sessed of a spark of manhood or state
pride indulge in such indecent Uin s ?
What would be thought by the cki/.cnn of
Lincoln if tin Omaha paper were to ridi
cule tier cnturpri-e and business advan
tages by callinu ; attention to th boast
of some drummer from Atchison or To-
Iieka , or even smaller places , that Lin-
coin was the tail-end of nothing , and that
his town was capturing her trade ? While
it i.s true thatonc wholesale house in I'm-
muni sells more groceries In Nebraska
than any other jobber but one , in Omaha ,
the busino-s niPii of Lincoln would not
appreciate a malicious intimation that
they are playing .second liddlo to Fre
mont ns a wholesale point. The same
spirit of'manifosled in thu ar
ticle above quolod from the Ji > nriittl , i s
.shown in the following I'rom thai paper
ot Iho same date :
Alrcad > Omaha besiiinin ? to make arrangement
rangement- hold her exposition at such a to IntelI'eie as much as posillde with
the state fair to bo held in this city. The
thliit : has gone so far us that fenerd ! Test or
the Union I'ueilUhcaidiiiuitcr. . - has been In
vited to investigate the wuatlici of next Sep
tember and st'O how it will be as to i.iin.
We presume that the cili/.ens of Lin
coln will concede to Omaha the right to
hold an annual exposition , at her own
expense , as long as Omaha is willing to
be taxed to enable the stale board of ag-
rieuHurc to hold a state fair at Lincoln.
Wo have never heard any protest or com
plaint against Kansas City or .St. Joseph
for holding annual expo-itions and com
peting wilh the Nebraska slate fair when
it was held in Omaha. It may bo all wrong
for our exposition managers , who have
erected a f'iO.OOO exposition building , to
hold fairs during the month of sjoptenfuur
instead of December and .January , but wo
take it that tlio monopoly to utili/o the har
vest mouth does not belong to any local
ity. Thu intimation that Omaha is de
termined to interfere us much as possible
with tlio state fair is in striking contrast
with the fact that the last state fair was
patroni/od by si hundred oiliwns of
Omaha whore Iho Omaha exposition was
attended by one citi/.on of Lincoln. As a
matter of laet , the splendid exhibit at
Lincoln was largely duo to the generous
di-plaj's made by business men of Omaha.
Is it not about tinio for the elti/cns of
Lincoln lo rebuke such attempts as those
of llie Journal to create prejudice anil
foolish jealousy where there is no reason
able excuse for such warfare ?
outside property basils draw
backs as well as its advantages. Wliilo
real oalato dealers and speculators are
leaping a golden liarvost , the ell'ect upon
the retail trade is very depressing. Our
wage workers of all classo.s and of both
s.o\esaro inventing lliulr savings in out
side lots bought on Ihu in-stullinonl plan.
Nearly every dollar Iho3' can scrape is
' .vshiyeii ! by thr month. ! . " and - '
torly paymunt- , The prospect of
ing n cheap home or doubling their
money in a few years i.s very tempting ,
ami mun and women who have been the
mainstay of our ret all trades-people
are compelled to pinch themselves -
solves in the matter of clothing , furni
ture und foort in order to pay for lots
bought on lime. If it were not for the
outside property boom our storekeeper *
would huvo moro than doubled their
Irade this eenson.
OMAHA has hud n fairly prosperous
year , nnd money fceemt. to be circulating
( fiiito freely. If there in anything that
will loosen up the money strings it is the
approach of Christinas , We hope that
those who are blessed with an abund
ance will remember the destitute poor in
our city , und provide soinn uiu'iiu for
supplying thorn with a few necessaries
of life and even a few luxuries ut Christ
mas time , The children of the poor
should more paqti tlarlj be cared for
nnd nindr to feel thai Christmas brings
to ( hi m as well a < < ( o the mo.'o fortun
ate , a ray of pleasure Slcp * should be
takpn inimediatoly lo cairy out sonic
systematic distribution of gifts among
HIP de-titute pone.
Avninrn raid upon land-grabber-
been made. This time it i * a Cheyenne
syndicate that has been brought wilhii
the clulclu of Hie law. L'oar protninenl
eiti/eus composing thr syndicate , are
charged with conspiring to defraud the
government out of ( .00 ! ) acres of coa
land , worth , when the Chicago & North
western lailroad reaches it , about $ ? U9
an aero The grand total of ( his at
templed steal wo'dil be $ < . , ! IO.KI ) ( ) ) uu
eniincnlh respectable steal , ( o bo sure !
Again are we convinced that it is a very
cold sea-oii for laud-grabbing thieves
and perjurer ? .
Till- : quartette of prominent ( . 'hey-
cnnites. , arrested for attempting lo steal
7lllJaerpsi ) fcoal hnd in Wyoming , will
not need any fuel this winter. Tiie fed
eral authorities will make it hot enough
for them.
.lulm ICeli.v I'uiillnui'- impunc In health
Don Carlos Is- , ltl tube a * toml oC llatterj
as beeue of liono ) .
Hon. .Samuel Uundnll is said to hare at
o\piwursotl ! nlr about him.
Charles Dlokciis * oii , who ll\e.s In Canada
does not Inherit ( he genius of the endiieii
.Senator Coi.iijc. oi Mississippi , has chest
nut hair , but hrnoici pi-rpctrates any auto
dlliivi.iu jokes ,
I'eidlnaud Ward now slings ink instead ol
handliiic Iron In Mint .Slug. He N skilful
with a pen of steel.
Prince Henry of IJaUeabartf hasdlseaided
his Mil. Tiie cold w.i\c was too frigid lor
his delicate limits.
Tlieio an : I'oiu Taylors in Ihe now hniiio of
ropie-entallvr-s. They tilt wear irooil clothes
and iim'i cut cii'-h ' other.
I'rofesvnr William < ! . Sunnier eairles his
liaht aim In a sltm ; . The biejole was Hit
power behind the thrown.
Congressman ISurlei h , of New York , s.ijs
; i Washington eoiicnjionilont , is ( ninety , ami
can't sit ( ! ii\t > inintite-at a time.
Arab ! I'ashn. the e\ite , finds that ( he air of
Cojl"ii is not eoiu1tn > i\c to hi health. Ilo
would Hkitn 150est and qrow up with the
Mtiirisnu , of 1,11 iff t.imo , keeps his risrlit
hand in bis n on-ITS pockets almost constant
ly. That is far inure honorable than it he
bad his huiuls in thu pockets of some othci
Mine. .Scinlirieii , the prima doiiini , is ( lie
jnolid mother ol a tRiaiieiiiL' boy hil > y. bom
in Uresilcn the other day. Mine. Ni-sou ! ,
who was In the city at tlio lime , nfl'cicil to he-
come Kodniolhci for the younijstor.
The Kmptess Kmciiii > , wlui3ii hiialth is in
a \ery uiivitlsl.ietory state , has been ordered
to pass the winter on thu Kivier.i. Slio will
leave Kmlaiiil soon for Ityoies , where a villa
has henn en a od lor her , and she will re
main the if til ! the middle ul April.
Lmd Hotehkiis , oiieof the swell cow-boys
ol Custei county , says the St. Taut Pioneer
Pivss , w.njeiud that ho cotilil walk from Ids
ranch in Miles ( "ity , a distance of twontv-two
miles , In four hours and a half. The Iwt was
laid , ami aeeompmied by a horseman hi.s
lordship faeltletl Iho trail. He anivuil in
.Miles City in just lour hours and lour minute
uteami piH'KoU-'d Lh ? cash. -
Sir. ( i.inctt , of the lUltimoie k Ohio lall- has good looks , oud health , good clies- (
tton , IX ( ) pairs of trousers , a million tlollai
dwelling , a bi : : lallrnad and lulexiajih line
and suveial millions df ilullais. Still lie is
not happy. His neUhbor on Mount Veriion
lO.n-e , Italtimore , with whom a lawsuit is
pL'iutliif , ' over some Irillins obstruction ,
tliic.itens , it he Iors II , lo turn his elegant
hoiii-eand si'onmU Into .icohtied orphan a > y-
lilin. And hl.s mini" iJonc . Sneh is the
irony ol late
Don't Moiikoy willi Ilic J5u.Su \ \ .
.Yew OrtMii * 1'hayunr.
A -nlf answer turns away no wrath from a
fjitl when she is seiiiutb on the puppini ; < jites-
tin ] ) , and means business.
'May liose Its Cliarnulcr.
Xfw 1'iul , Star.
Camida may Jose its ohaiacter as a sort of
ISotuny bay lor the United btatus 1C the sug
gestions eontnlnedin Iliepiesideiit's mcssaHo
conecinin a new exti.idition treaty aiecui-
lieil out.
Too Itutl.
( lllM'JI ) TllllllllC.
four I-'ioderk-k Vandcibilt who
fourounj ; ,
ninirled ajjiiin.- ! his t'athor's will wa * cut on *
wldifll.'Oll.iWU. This should bu a warning
to all jonn men who don't want to he cut oil'
wilhsM.s00OJD. : .
- irf >
Siilllcienl I 'I'D vocation ,
IfaiiHtii t'tt'i ' TlmfK.
Tlieic Is some consolation In the reflection
that tlie gas exploioniia well timed. The
moon is now nhont an inch wide , which i.s
always sutiicient provocation in Kansas City
to slint oil' | lie pis ,
The Kiiiul to Inline.
Jf aiijoiie of tiio statositien at Waslilneloii ;
wimt.s m win fame this winter , lot 1dm sue-
ceed in seem Ing luxlslatlun that will make
the I'jciiioiallroadsp.ii' their Inilebtcilness
to the tfumnmcnt , ami liu will have what ho
tiio I'lpen for a Son Place.
( 'Meni ( < > 1 illume.
licpic-entativo Weaver , of Iowa , wants a
department of labor established , > vilh iv .see-
rotary at Its head who shall also bo a mem
ber of the cabinet. It Is presumed , too , that
Mr. Weaver lias In his mind's , eye just the
mini tor tin * place.
Duu'l He a Pool ,
MeidMHt Tmvtlrr.
Don't bo a fool , my dear , " icnioiihtiatcd a
husband to his wife , who was letting tier jaw
swing loose In the bree/e. " 1 won't , Mr.
Jenkins I won't " ! nhswerpd "
, , HIO ; "people
wouldn't know us apart If I did. " Ho went
right down town ,
Tlio Worm Onoflo IhrTliH Week.
I'littlniHi tluontitt ,
An original Hnphwl haV been found in
Chicago. Tliuro has been u Kaphit'lUtle ten-
ihuipy in Chlengu fov niajiy years. The Inhabitants -
habitants have hold ltai > ) iiuls for tinkers
clocks , watches , , lor jiiiiny yeais , at l a
Hollil fUr tlio Tint ; anil Apjiropi'lation.
.tfuMlo Ittvl'tcr ,
.Says tlio I'liilndelphla Times : 'Available
htatislli-3 clonrly piove that the south Is going
to boheard fiom in the Inturo ; uud It won't
bo through the rattle of the musketry , either. "
No , sir : the bugle note , oi the battle cry o
fR'cdoiu , that will go Miunulng down thu
ngcs , or the conhtors of time , or the tilslta of
futurity , or any oilier iivailublu route , will bo
' the old lli ; and an appro ] > rlutluu , "
Tlio message ot the piwldcnt will stilKo
Iho western congressmen as one dictated for
Now York nml Now Kiuland. Tlio grout
west , wliwa men of hone-it loll furnish the
mcana to i y thu national debt , and which
rnatus : tlio wcallli which tuukes
cltlM t'a-at , U piacllcall ) Ifc-uyitd.
which InviUP the liiteiesl a-ul ho | p-s of. Iho
piallpv nnd ( he far west are over
bid tlio htterpsts of the
The Policy of HIP Do * II n li.
If n pie-ittpni wlslu-s lo bide his wcakliP-s
and csr.ipeiTllielsin. Ihoii Ihe way to vt i ite a
state paper Is the one Cleveland adopted in
prcparhu ; bis , namely , mnklligit too
Ifimr to lead. II Is HIP polio. * t'f ' HIP devil-fi-h
bcliind cloud of Ink.
wbit-li sciecn-i it-elf a
Not Ho Illn itVc \ Seem.
I'liHtiil'ltAM llrtord.
McClellan. llptidrleks. ( Irani and Vondcr-
bill I And yet HIP woild necmsto sfct idoiiR
very as It did. There Is something
here to cuol the little liics ol caotisin. ; or elsso
lo make the a\eraie man think Ihal he. lee ,
counts for somelliiui ' , in the mas * < f the
A Tflllc lee
t'/i/diyo / lletuM.
n.ilur.ilcn'-isaiilrotliiiii : to lm\e In
the limise , no dmibt , but when , a1 * in Hi" ca-e repotted at 1'iltsbiui : . It e\i lo U ami
lalhcs the cntiiv family thiomli Ihn mof II
heroines a trille ton eiierijetie fiu-oomloil. It
begins too look as tliotiili ; l'eiinsIvaiila was
too near Hie iiifcinal loginns to loul wdli
them miii'li.
siicci'iiii ; nl Our .Statesmen.
/iiilh'tnf / jtoJf J'i'rr tinJ.
Tlieieaic no saloon keepeis in coiinu'-- ;
oh , no. Itul thenaie sc'M'ial demi'Oiatlt !
niembi-r.- who o bio iaphios shtiwtlml they
havobeoii "lln'ior ' iiiereh.inls' t "pinraifPil tu
Ihe Ihpior trade. " id a not \ oricmote | iL iiod
of Ilieii live- . The lliiiur | Hade mueti
nioio ii'-ppi-tabje than saloon Keeplnp. you
_ _
ST.Vl'K VV ! TKUUI f > UV.
Ni > l > rt ) ; : < lottiiius ,
Hiish\illc i- ' till strittliin ; ; for llie honors ,
pronts and wai mill of a comity scat.
Tlio Kansas Cilytialns will SIMUI cntei and
dep.ut Irom Nebraska Oll > , ovei the pile
bH Jirc.
The nnisPiiliii jontlisof ( i rnian deseonl ii
( iiaud Island pioixise lo stait a Turnei
so 'iety.
A liiislmllo cilllor Ihiiiatous to ) ni-h ( hi
"might end of ( tilth" into the scalp of .sub
i boils dovvn Its immediate nerds
loa eieamory , eoitii bouse , water winks , i
elivi.sloii stallou and another niiliond.
The 10-\car-old . .son ot Mr. Cat pouter , !
Shcimut lonnty fanner , fellundei n wairm
load of lumliei and Intel an arm clipped oil.
Tlic foil ) tccn-vear-old son of Nicholas
Holmes , of 1'lalf-tnoutli , wa.s .shipped lo the
relotinelioul hist week foi thetl and
ral citsseilnc's- .
Tlie I.ev. .1. C. li. Ueed , IS.iptist minister at
fintnd Island , has accepted a pious call lion
Moliue , III. , ami has resigned Ins pie-cut
chaw , to take clH'et January 1.
A liiirlinjrtoii Mc-MHiii pas-i'tiKi'i1 coach ,
shlcti.iPkcMl nt lloUlri'SO. was limned lo tin
lintsalurdii ) ! > . The me was ho ! iMiniuOt to
eleniati1 a Inland several sleepeis.
Tlie ( intnil Central be > tel in Sewant was
diiced lo ashes bj a itefei'tive Hue , Sunday
night. The building nnd contents weu
valued at jv.u.lOatnl Insured lot SToo.
liarlhnliinil Gydeski. of l.nitp City , slid
under a lie.mlj loaded wagon , two miles
from home hi-t week. His name is now
carved on a ( ablet in the village cemetery.
Manager Cuble ot the Jtock Island load ,
Mate- tint his cunmaiiy lias decided to build
Intel \ebi.i.-kii , tt'iil that Iho point of dossing
the .Mhsdtiti will be cither St. Jo-n'im 01
The merchants of Crand I-Iiiiil conlpm-
plaloending a ( ( ( legation to Oinnh i to intei-
view the manageis of Ilio U'nion I'nciho em
thu iiiestion of employing aildltional inun
in thushups t lie K\
Oonro liooniian. a St. .Toe drummer ,
jumped irom a wngon ti.iilin ; ; behind a iiin-
avvuy team nt Alum , anil a.u'krtl his .skull.
His remains vveie lundeil > { { atlieicd up anil
cheeked for home.
A mountain lion and two cubs wee ; found
browsing on the liiolhills of Hcavr crock , by
a liimtei fiom Hay Splines , lie di-p tehed
the "kiiifj ot the juiifrlo' ' and i-orallccl the
cubs alive.
Bill Level swooped ilovva on a ( cam , wagon
and Inn ness on Ihe streets of Fall- City , Oc
tober : ! and hurried into Kansas. Last vvcelj
he v.'as loiind husking coin In .Mi.ssuim , nnd
was Inist o 1 back tu the scenes of his tliiev-
ini ; .
C'liurle.v.V. . Krown. formeilv emplojed in
( ho siirvewcir eiiPial n office MI I'hittsmonth ,
.shot and clanvrt-iottAly woii.'uKd a law u-f
named tJenson in IfranHs < . on Iho 1Mb.
Hold vveie cngn ud in f/oveinmuit siirve.vm
The J'roFbvlery of J la-tings , a * a session
field on thi' 8 h , lionnceil , deposed nud eveoin-
iiiimie-tted iioin the ininisli\- \ and dumb Iho
lcv. ! Vr' . I ! . { sinllli , for neglect of dnlie.U \ - > : i
puttieopeninir lult'-rs not his civvn , loifier.v
libel and cnibez/.luuienr.
.Mr , Connolly , n Yidtxitiar bn.-inesji innn.
has miiiiii ; ! it to the square melt than Ihe
avoraw native. One nlijlil l.i-i week a lamp
slipped ftom bis hiiiid-i , Kf.itlering the bliin-
imc tlinil over ( lie llonr and oir.elopin sever
al ki'gs ol powder. he ( jnil'hed un and
threw them out of the eloois..a ! njn'il out ( bo
incipient hhi7o , and saved bliiiseil and the
stoic In/iu eommuniiu ; with the clouds.
The seerotary of the inteiiot has asked the
altonioj general to I'onimeiieo .siiitauain-t
the lollovvinir parli > s MI NibrasKa lor ille"ral-
Iv fi'iielm ; the public domain : The Dakota
.Stock company. .Sioux eounh : Iho D.ikuia
Stock and iii-.uiiiKcompany , In Soiicoun ! -
Iv ; tloVar \ IJonitet LiveHtoei. eomiuny : C.
l'Coileo A : Co. . .Sioux eoniitv ; liiMijaiiiin
Ileiislmw , Ira Nichols , Monell. nnd Ke-illi .V
Iowa Items.
Al emi complains of thu scaiuity ol wood.
Tlio iiifstliii | ) ol water works is still vvouy-
Ing Wateiloo.
Joseph P.OWCII , of Itrenier county , has bai-
Acstcd . ' ) , IHW pounds of honey this > ear.
Jack Shieldn lailiradcir , Is under ancst
at Cedar Kapltls for lobbing a gict-ii ( . .urmaii
uountry yonih of llis.
John Kisk , ot Tipton , hits In his possession
a cotton plant , grown Irom seed , beiiilujja
number of Inlly taatiired cotton balls.
A foiled cheek for tflsO.iX ) was cashed by
the bank of Lenvllt iV Johnson , Watciloo ,
hist week. The bank is out just thai amount.
Wllinnisbi.ii ! r. a new town on the .Milwau
kee roiid , in Ihe c\iet : neo rapbical eenler of
lovva county , Is an ai < piiaul lor county seat
A pancrniill foi Koil Dndso Is an assured
fuel. The mill will employ sixteen to twenty
hands ami consume fium lour to seven toils
ut straw a day.
The Iowa ll\o Mock breeders' convention
( iskeiU-omriess to tax the cattle liuing pa--
luri'd on tlio public lands a certain amount
per head i > m annum ! i thu use ot the public
Faijjo is bcheniliii ; to n'ciire the next teni-
loiial lab.
De.idwood proposes to piesunl a (111 ( bride
lo I'le.sldelil Clevel.ind.
Tlieio are sevunly-livo lodge ? of ( Sooil
IViiiplarN In ( lie tviiifory , with a meinbci-
> hipnl : tinu.
A. C. Jewell , a land ntloinoy at Ipswich.
uiiitcct Stuti'a Ki.iud jur > , bus liien siiueild-
, 'ieil b.v bis boinl.smen and Is now In tliociis-
toely ol the ollli'crt- .
Joseph lliclniiil"oii , of firoml Tories , diew
5700 Hum the bank and started for St. Paul.
Du the way ho fell In with a stranger and
tvhtMi they pai ted Joseph was minus his
pocketbook and money.
Mr. Andiew Holes , of Fargo , has one of
lliubcst K'ddensniid ' young oreliaids In the
iiortbwusl. Last > ear ho liarrusleel : iibout
.t'Volili bushels uf apples nml an ) amount ut
lining , can ants , guus. . berries and ruspbur-
i les.
A liirmftr In Hiiimons county lias a lazy
> vay of HTinlnc bis vuil.siin. llu has t.vo
amu deer * thai bo pli'l.uls near hU hoiisu , and
very nlKht a eo/iii ) or inoio of tlioli un-
itiiH'd biutluen visit tbi'in , and ho takes In all
ID vvnnts to use.
Tbo bank uf ( South Dakota , at Harold ,
' -oils slglit drafts cm London. Liverpool mid
ill Iho principal cities of Kuiopo I'ui any
imoiint ih'uiicd. Abe homo ete'lmiiKo. i'ays
uiab lor biitlulu buiiM iindKUin , and soils
mrdwiitu nt bottom | iiici-s. "
Colonel Wu ° d.s. tho.founder of the nuigcinn
his name which was so i > opiilar In
before Iho great lire , In uiiunulng tea iiI
a theater ut Doailwood. It ! > brlhwcd iif I
10 will Htrtke u K < ixl tiling. 1'os.siblj Hdn Is f
who Homutured Inn tutty of Utbu I
In Omaha reiutt * and d"r > . , ttcd wltlwat saj
tug cocd-'jyc.
Tliollii.irdiMleis | . of IJapId Cily woVc up
HIP other iiioiiiiiig to tind thai ( ho annual
lli'Cti-e IX-IMI raised lit the cit ) council
float S.Y ) in $ VM it cu. ; The dispeusei.s of
diluted \ainisli vvoio iisUmmKil , and have
KH-II aftllctcd with u "dim smisullon" ever
VSmdiMi Wllliaui- HIP Ulsiiisrck poiil-
tettllar } , a few d.i.vs ago cvlillritcd to ( hedi-
leelois < if the institution ( lie ( list pair of
shoes made In HIP iictutcullnn at that place.
lie ha-c-liblisheel n boo shop ami a lalloi
shop , and provisos lo have the ceiiMiels i
make dollies and slioc-s for their own wear.
Our 1'lniMc ofliouur * "notlrometit. " |
According ( o ( he Now York Herald e > n
of ( lie principal reasons why .lay Gould
annotincpd Ins permanent retirement
from Wall street was hi" elestro ( o with
draw from the linn of W. li. Connor Ar
Co. , in whii'li he is a special iiarlner and
hi.s son George a general partner. It is
said tint Moro-ini and Connor have been
on bad terms for some ( imp , and that
young Ue-iirgo Gould i- not lee fond of
cillinrof them. All these reasons for a
dissolution of p'irtnor-liip would , how
ever have probably preivctloMilllc ! weight
had Hie s-ilenl partner of the firm caied
as much ihoul having cither Morrosini
or Connor wilh him as he lias for many
years. Coiicorning the e-an-e.s ol Gould's
chilli jo ot loe'lingin rcganl to Connor and
Morosini the Herald print - the following
About the time of ( ionld and l-'l-K's alro-
eiousopetalloll-i 111 uold willed plviiltatod |
timpani ? ol Ulnck Tiiday. .Ml W. U. Connor
vvasa telo iaph dpei.itoi. Kliotll ) uilor that
avvtul pet toil r.he bi-catno' Uotitd's
c'Otilideiilial blokci and stil > .soiiientlv | bis
pail Her. II lm , ilw.\.v IIPCII uiulei-lood oil
IheMtcct that dunlin held the vviitleli link
In theevideneiv vvliii-b might convict ( imild
In themultilii'lp of l.iw siut-bioughl .igu'ii-t '
him on ai'coiml ol hi" Ulaek l'iid\v \ opeia-
tiotis. ! - > iioh.iid. . mo haired
bj' Hie ftaluto of limitations , and ho ,
thoii'foiOj fe'cls fiM 4o i art wilh Mr. Ciinnor.
AM l < Mi. .Moiosinl , It is s.iid that ( louW has
no fintlici use ivn him. liouM foaiut him in
tlipollleeof ( beKiie railnay when be and
Kisk got possession ol il , and dining ( he
stormy times timt culminated in Unulu's
le.siitiillon eif iilitn millions to the Mrie eom-
Kauy Ihetalwart Italian gentlemim ai'lod us
a persni'iil linilv guild. As he is now neb
and due- , nol in ed Ihe Itulhei p.ilioinme ol
( timid the latlci i-willing lo p.iii wilh liltn.
It Is stbl also titi ( i.onld IM-IIPOII annoje'd
liv having hi-nun's mini. ' mentioned so tie-
ipicully in cniiiiix-iiou with the va aiies of
Mr. M osini .
It will be seen from lii above ( lint olio
of Mr. ( Jould's peciiliaritic- his singu
lar method of chousing partners. 1'ow
men o into a firm to obtain a bodyguard
and to another evidence which might bo
used against them in court , and il is not
surprising tht , tlm great Wall street
schemer should wish lo dissolve such a
linn as soon as it could be safely done.
As for Mr. Gould'"ivlnvmoiit. . " it is
said in New Voik thai he is already en
tering into arrangements lo make his
son George a 'one nil partner in another
stock commission hou-e , and that he will
himself become a special partner in Iho
house after .limitary L U i.s very un
likely that Mr Jay Gould will stay out
of U all street long , whether these reports
of his intention- well founded or not.
lie ha.s been lee active in railroad"deals"
and stock --peeulalioiis to droj ) it now.
and the chances are. that he will rouirn
when len-l e\peclod , even if lie should
actively withdraw fern lime.
Tlie Kfvor Convention.
iVfii1 Ortntim TiHif'k-l > cinrr ) ) < t ( .
Tlie executive committee called into'
existence in August last by the action of
the dele-gates from the Missouri valley ,
in attendance at the SI I'aul waterways
convention , and composed of represent : ! . '
tives from this status of Missouri , Kansas ,
Iowa , and Nebraska , and territories of
Dakota and Montana , have issued a call
for a river convention to meet at Kansas
City December : ! ! ) , lo consider the great
importance of improvement of the Mis
souri rivor. and to organize u conoertud
and active eflbrt to souuie that end. The
governors , senators and members of eon
KIVS. * from the .status interested are spu
chilly invited to bo prosent. while tlio
commercial exchanges and thu cities ,
town- , and counties in the valley are re-
rpipstod lo send ilologates.
This is but one in a number of tivor
( onveiUion.s being hold this year. Il
doe * not propose to antagonize ) the im-
provumunl of tlm Missi.-sippi river any
more than ( ho St. I'aul convention did ;
indeed , the improvement of Iho "Father
of Waters" i.s a part of its plans , for the
convention hopes to .secure for the pro
duce of the norlluvi'st un oin ) ( all water
rout ( ! from Kii nas City to Now Orleans.
The committee calling the convention
passed a n-oliilion inviling the entire
executive ounimilieoon tlioimprovcment
ot western wutorvvny.s , of wlnnh Mr li.
I ) \\ood , of Has i.-ity , is president ,
to be present. The iielegation
appointed by the St. I'atil
convention lo wait upon congress
and lay before it the resolutions
adopted lliere , will aNo be at the meet-
ing. Invitations Intro been extended to
Iho.-o separate bodies in order to bring
them together and to make ! common
oaiino ot a common interest. It is , in
line , proposed that thes three committees
the exoculivo committee ! on the im
provement of wcisloin waterways , anil
Iho other representing the M. Paul ami
Kaunas City conve'itiioiis , shall go In ; i
body lo Washington and lay their re
spective resolutions before thu president
mil congress.
In order to secure llns combination
which , from Ihu representative character
> f UK members and the millions limy
weak for , will present ( heir petition in
, ho strongest lighl , and In assure the
HVrionc'o ill Kansas City of the ropre.-un-
ativei.s of the Mississippi valley .Mr.
iVooil , chairman ot Hies cxecntivo com-
iiiltee , has called a meeting of ( hat body
o consider the invitation to tliu Kansas iiH
Jity convention. H
Cltiiutyu A'cuw. (
At ejnch recurring Chriitinavtido one ' !
it our wosi sitlo ohureihos carries out a ! !
iiistom which is worthy general imitar ( ,
ion. The children of the congn'gation
iring their last season's toys anil play
hings to Iho cliuroh , whuro they are
torcd in one ot the rooms , overhauled ,
low dresses providcel for the el dls , small v
upaira mndo to the di < > ableil , and the ,
pollectioii pn.jnrcil for uI
ion ( o f-coro.s of poor child rcu who , other- I J ,
vlsu , would bo jirutty sure to go without
gilts. The cynic might be apt
o miocr nt u procedure which , wlnlu os-
onslbly in the inlorctit ot lilft making , ii
cally fnrni.-ihes the tidy liousowii'o u J !
ali-ilactory nnuhoil of disposing of
u.\s Ihal have loit thuir nuvully
ml now imiku only an intollnant jitter
.bout the lionet Hut neither
ho children who be.slow nor lint chll-
Iron who receive look upon thu trans-
utlon In a worldly light. The fornmr n
any get from il ( heir liist cvperiunce in H
hu lu.Miry of givino , and are nuno ilio tl
for liiiowiug thul they have HIM , , , , , |
heir loss foitUiiaU' ' brolhoi-t. ami
tippy for a tuiiti T i the Inller the pie-
tires mid blory books ami tliu cinintli'b *
inrvuls of the modern toy niiikcr , evun
lioiigh not untiruly frut > Irom ( he marks ,
t' wear and te-nr , tire * o far br > oml iheir S
wn resources ( hat lo fully atone for ' | >
ny imperfeetioi.H. I
'I'hu oiislcai might well bo adopted in .
If Iho chuitshes , mid in the illsirinution I ( ,
10 little ones in lujipituN'i-i\lnnr > nnd /
; undliii a' homes ai.i.ulil not bo Inr ul >
ill ClirUtinui i tiio fhlldiun's K-jtl I
val It woulel co-sl limp bc.vonel Iho li\be r
which love should lighten to enable all
the 'nldtvn ' lo ha\e a niprrr Christmas ,
Sonic > r tlie I'oculliu files They K\
liltill. .
Some of ( he new congressmen ro ulra
a gooel deal of room , -ays the Washing
ton t'apitnl , but they will be able to git
along milt less presently. A member is
never s'o vvis. . > eir importiin ( as on the day
lie arrives in Washington , but the ntmos-
phi'i'e ab < orlis much of his si/.p , nnd by
evaporation ho ib-iie-In ! his natural di
mensions It \vns alwa.vs so , and will ba
lorever An employe ol the house was
telling me : iU > ul a new congressman
from ( he soiillt who came walking Into
the hall , looked troiind lor a while with
tin air of ownership , a- if bu had just
bought the capiled and w > pleased witli
his pinvhu-c , and ( hen "njuired which
the vacant di'iks were. When told ( hey
were all vacant he .seemed ( o be griitl-
lied , and asl.ed how tlievvore \ assigned.
"Uver.v member < elcct- for huuaelf , '
was the reply.
"Which have been taken' "
"None. Nobody has been in toilmosa
i 't. "
"Waal , that'- lucky , nJn'l il ; o I'm the
lirsl man on ( he ground , " ami walkinj *
awa. * with a satisile-d air he pioked out n
seat nearly in front of the clerk's ; eles't '
and oliM-rved ' ! reckon I'll roosC
here. "
The word wa.s around among
Ihe messengers aud | page.s , and , nt
usual , ( hey were ready for a lari : A
card was cut , upon which Ihe new hon
orable'w rule his name and then one of
flip boys shiived it into the fr.jnie mailo
for lluil put po t Ne\l thev showed him
to the .statiein try room , where ho in-
ipiired into the-pet tiisiiies eil
< | a legisla
tor , and M eiileil greatly pleased at thu
idea of having so much hue letter papi r
and snmlrii" . al his di.-pn-al. lie gave
tsaclt ef ) the poges a poel.el book , and III"
the stationary clerk put him up an as
sortment of all kindmd : si/e- , ol paper
and envelop-- , which he paeke > d away in
his desk. Then liesit down to write * a
letter homo and tell the folks all about
il. NoM week he will ili-cover what thu
boys were laughing at
1 heatd abonl nnotlhT member of ilm
freshman class at the capital who dis
covered the Iniu-e re-tauraiil , ordered 'i
sipiare mc'il , ale it with great "iistei. ami
was then knocked out of In , chair by
having a cashier's cheek pre-enled lu
him , lie had prev inn-iy taken a bath
: md offered te > pay lor it. but was told
that it wa-a five government institution.
lie naturally eoncludod that a grout na
tion ( hat bathed its servanti and | aid
men to rub them down ted ( hem as well ,
anil thought ( he wailer was trying ( n
humbug him "Isn't this the members'
restaurant ? " he asked. "Ye * , .sir , " re
plied the waiter. "Well. I'm a member
trom ho and So " "Can'tJIielp tlial , sir ; ju-t lile ; oilier folks " tin
hauled out'his wall" ! deliberalely and
hi'ttled Ihe bill , but il will take some
lime logo ! Ihe iticu through hihead. .
A f.iir CiiMino Player Wlio U'orlted tin-
( l.-ii'il'i for Met-Silk lleise.
I'laUsmoiith . .loiirnalA gentleman
who came in from the west yesterday
e > yor the IS. & M. rihitoan amusing m-
cidenl thai occiirreel on the trij through
Xcbraskn A t'hicago tiaveling man ,
reprc-i tiling M wholesale elry good *
house , had picked up an ac.iiualntancu
with a fa.seinating-leding ) ( lady traveling
alone. Alter the acoiiainUtiiee had been
somewhat thoroughly c.staldi.-hcd the
traveler proposed that lltev | > ass thotimo
away in playing a game eil easino. When
the game began to get monotonous the
lady Miggosled I hat they pla > te see who
should bu.v the fruit , or the cigars' , or
anything they might fancy The travel
ing man won every time and soon pretended
tended to be tired of that , but his fair op
ponent didn'l gel a bit tired , and linallr
asked ( ho confiding commercial man if
he had an V ladies' nilk hose in his hamplo
cases. lie said ho had .some in birf
trimk-s in ( lie baggage ear , and she
bunt him afler them. Ho teen
eamo back from the baggage oar
witli a bundle of iadies' .silk hose of as
scried colors , and sil ; down to he game
She inspected thorn a monunt , aipoared |
pleased , and proposed tostnLo their value
iiiciiinst then on a game of easine ) . The
drummer was lee gall.nit to , und
bi'iiile.s it wa.s plain that he thought bu
had a hiiap. When , a short time later ,
I'loven pairs of the expensive hoot bar
ness hail found their way into the lady's
eiipacieiii.s traveling satchel , he changed
Ills mind so thoroughly < hat ho positively
refused lo play for th'o variety of other
irtielesof feminine wearing apiiarcil nho
iiiggosled , anij was only too glad when
die was transferred lo an Omaha e'oaoli '
it Orcapolis , while he pursued hiswaylci
Chicago. The woman chiinird to live in
Jmaha , and the drummer made up his
mm ! that if he stayed in her game ho
night concliielo to take his . -iiniple trunks
ionic with her
Vnixn l ! l.r win fick , wo p r li rC torIi ,
Wlicn elm TTM a Cltlhl , ithn crleil for ( 'intorlft ,
When nba liccarnn Ml , HII > riling lo CaMoria ,
Wliou ilioliiJ Clilldiou , the I ; TO them ( Jastoti * ,
tclilntc. Itiirnlni ; , CracjUecl and
lllicellni : ; hlclii Curcil l y
( Jiitioura.
[ T Is ill tinKen" ( > n wlidn n\w wiinls irnl i liliif
I. n.min lull.i ) inio itcnvl > CC/J-IIIM nml in. if
. .
ill rij'tii tiiiiiiM tviiniit.i i > i IIIM I- ii o n'i.
'illlciini 111-ohinil. ilin mw liliinil | Uiliii < r , It
e i | i ilm li ! < iiil ( oiiul , lb ( | > iiisihuiloii | IHIIU Mini
lilply IIIIIIIKI- i iiict-kiii nml senlp , u'jili loll
I n.iii whoii tliu Neil lih/'luii' ini'l nil iwn
KC/.K..MA tUMKI ( ) .
AliMil two jnirn ulneo I a- ( mil I ) iillllote
111) ) n lo , m in CC/.I-IIHI , mill oiillllniy iiinillcitt
ii'itlnient h K ally Inllwt lo line mu. I t uu
ml vmii e n leurii Iti'imi ' . . nml n f < y
ise-il ( bo will vim > tliu iii.i'-i fhr : ttl.i.H- .
.rouil (111 ( ; S , UK i i ; . :5oK.
Nut Homo lor li , V , H , Ilimijnon , V u
SALT KIlTTiM Cl'ltKI ' ) .
I nils lioiililml wlili mil iliciiiii leifiuiiiiiibi *
f jours 911 iluil. ilm .hm i iiilinl > cumi'Oll IIIIIKI
ly liuuOs lium Dm liiiKrr li | lo ilm wn l.
lid lomi'itli n mill tli nuns' | 'it i HJU uiia lo no
UipOfd imlil I e'Oimni'iiee ( | IHI.IIIK l/'iiliuinu
iHne.t.t'U , uiiJ ni \ I mu ( JlilnclJ i ' int.
tl7tlNtirliiiiiiium ) | | Hi. , lliislini , Jluu.
t' P lu l ji'iir 1 lime Imd u ) > 1
ii ; , lily , iiml i > lini > ly liiiimirs on my line u
I l.-li liuvo IIIII | | < H | n ( ii mil iiiiiny nir-tliiiiU "I
oiilini.iil tiltnout hMueo'v , mill vthU'h . > nt
n Dull ) uml riitnul ) unrisl li > L'ulK urn.
Ellis' . IB.IAI : I'll ) 1 11-
IblVcnu , O.
rmlruni Itcira IU' me Knlil cviTinhcro. t -
JIIIU , Clirn , flUll'lllMI ItllKUlMMIt. l.KI. HO'111 , 1
'iiia. ' l'ioi > iii i iy , ilm I'en-ii.ii Imi'i ; AMI
M-.IIICU Co , Udsinii , MUM.
end for "How to Cure Skin Disease ; . "
[ MIM.K.S , llliu
w lliiiiiiir.i O
linn c'um to ml HiruiiHh > oulilnMi
l.n re mi Int-lunlly idicni'l liy
iniiiiO ilii'iini Anll-l'iiln I'
lu , hlii , ulil-ru Iliu | 'A n eiiJu
luia.lliJ.t- ,