DAILY BEE TUESDAY DECEMBER 15. 1885. THE OMAHA , , k . 4 * * AVSu MV 1Umr i * " * * ' f H I wmrrTK" H II > if M * I 11 - _ _ i . nmtimm n . . t n I II11 I Ilii I * ! ! 11 11 I i M TUP mill ? \m TUP iVttliV ' ISDIi THE 1'Altll ASD THE Extract From the Yellowstone Eeuort HU luiliuu Interview Vi'il'u Lieul. Ck A FAMILY DOSE OF WHITE LE , Constnlilo IVIaci on't Adrrntni President Points' .Mnndiunuu flcncra ! Court and Police NIMVH. Yellowstone Pn.tlc. First lieutenant Dan Kinsman , nnj cer in charge of tliu improvement of Yellowstone National Park , lias completed hit report to tin ; chief en ; 01 r of tin1 army of lliu operations in : Ills direction from tins close of the w ing mason ( if 19JJI to tin ; prc en ti The dotuitncnt iv quite voluminous nn illustrated by pholograplM taken at scene of operations. Tlio total aim expi tided for improvements lias li $ l-l.t ! ( ! ; n uiul Lieutenant Klngmnn cmilldtint that tlio money liai been c < omlenlly used. Tlio work \vlncli caused the oxpc itnvo of tliu larger share - iliis inonuy was on tliu re from Manunotli Hot Sprit Wyoming , to ( tardiniT , Montanato ; ? er with a brMgo over tlm ( iibbon ri anil tlir West ( iardinor ruiiil. The la IH forty-live mile * , anil its total cost been $1 t.DDO.iiii. It was commenced Sept. , iHftl , but the work has b Mopn | > cl si'veial times aint tliu ad time used in its construction was < Msvi'ii monthOvcrli.imu cubic1 y.\ \ ol Militl rock were removed , boMidi very largo amount of rock in a cms and broken condition. To rcmovi ; rock l.i..fi poundof explosives \ \ UM'tl > enc hall being dynaniiti1) ) and 1 ' nhots in drilled holei were tired. . work \vas > ateunipli.-lied ! throughout v out accident or injnr.v to any one. ' bonolits ret-nlting tnnii tln.s work marked ibe distance to pointof into in the mirk being materially lo.s.so and dinieulties experienced by toi reaching the place * lu-ing overcome , lunnber of other roads were also opei and bridges hiiill which are fully scribed. Work \ya * abandoned in park Oct. i-'O. and it is Imped to renew early in May. An e-tiiuite : of the cos completing the improvements is unuli $1110. WO. During Iho past season , says the port , life game , I'1 ' growing timber > > the. object * of curiosity and interest this park have been bettor protected tl ever before. Tlio nnniher of itor.s incro-.iHo fioin year year , and whilu there are many ci plaints of bad roads , poor : inadcipiatc hotel accommodations : high prices , I talked with iinno aim the thoilKinds who visited it who did appreciate the wisdom that dcdiea tlio National park lo its present iiics. is not too much to say it will beconu1 time a health and pleasure resort i viinallcd in the whole world. The report also denounces tlio plan the ( lardiner A : t'ool ; I'ity railroad to curt' right of wav through the park tr the government. Lieut. Kingnian lluvcs tlr.vt thi ! road would be a great jury to the government properly and t Its construction is entirely unncecssn Hi ) recommends that action in tliu 11 tor bo deterred lor a year or tw await further examination. CIOTHI\O TIIK SIOUX. \ How Undo Sam Provider tlio I nil I J ivltli Lieul. Chase , aide-de-camp to ( J Howard , returned yesterday 1'roii vj.slt to Flaiulroaii , Dakota , where visited the settlement of Santco Sii for the purpose of inspecting the issn of annuity goods. These Indians loll Santee Agency some years ago of tl own accord , and took up lands in cast Dakota , for tlio purpose of farming Etoek raising. Some of them , it maj remembered , were engaged in the U bio Minnesota m i.ssacro of Itiii',1. T now number vV > ( ) , including men , won and children , and are a healthy , hai stay-at-home , pcacablo lot ol' Indians "Homo of ihe.se Indians , " said Li Cliat-e , in reply to the ipx slioning n reporter , "are very thrifty , and h comfortable homos , farms and herd.- cattle in fact ari'imito well oil' , I'ron : Jndian standpoint , lint most of tl are lazy and shiftless , and have to foreed to work for a living. Scho * Yes ; they have ono taught by a > agent appointed by the government , \ is paid i UO a year for Ins .services. I \ \ into tlio school and was astonished note the progress the children are in ing. Nimoof them are extremely bri ; They are learning to read , write i figure , and in fact are acipiirlng ( Moments of a good education. Tui , m ber of children attending school. I lievo. is about thirty. 1 noticed when annuity goods worn Issued that neii nil the Indians were able to sign tl names to the receipts. " "What class of annuity goods di" distribute. ? " "I'lothing. The Indians who are s tered aliing the river for a distanc about twenty miles were gathered nether and tlicn the distribution beg To each male wo gave a pair of pant coat and vest , a pair of souks , a thu ( shirt , a pair of boots ami a hat. 1C Mjuaw receives a pair of nhocs , a pah hose , u hklrl , a piece of calico 1:1 : enough to make a dress , about so yards of brown .shooting , four yanb yiii'iham and fourteen yards of brc calico , besides a good i-hawl. A boy dor 10 receives a jaokol , pants , cap i n pair of .shot's and stockings. 1 ! over 10 voars of ago are given a ei vest ami pair of punts , boots and soi The girls are given a dross , and n pai whoes and stockings. This supply t will have to make last until next yi when the distribution will again t place. " "No , " concluded Lieutenant ( "h . 'these Indians are not at all warl nut on the contrary are inclined to . < at homo and mind their own busin Htill I can't HIIV that they are mak very rapid utr'nlcs towards eivili/.atk A l OlSONii : > IIOUSKUOIJ ) . U'ho Family of > uln Peters Taku Jo i ! ol'Vlilto Load. Nels 1'eters , a Swede employed by Union 1'aellic and living on Konrtei btroet , about a block bonth of the tr.i went lo work Sunday morning on Sunday half .shift. Within an hour was taken with violent illness ami foreman scut him homo in charge of workmen , ono of whom was nai Yon . \ \ lien IVtcra1 house was ivntc a most MirprKsing state of ailairs du oped. The fcwi'de1 * family consists wife , three children ami a maidun bU Kvury one of these , except the youn child , n im-ru babe , was sitllering Jan J 1'uiora1 trm an attack Mmilar to 'J'hey lay all over the house , groan retching and vomiting. Young loll other man in fiiargo and lied up ti lor a doctor and meeting Ur hpah Iu tlie street took him Uiuh. ; Thu pi ohm nt nno.fi surmised that the family had been pol'oni-il and at oncejnail * ' a uraml collective do-o of einotiu. 1 fallowed by copious dratij the snlVei f crcnm brougliljelicMo _ itml \ Mrd' v HI ! inn ! lii < ii > ni iii. ! > oovered. Meanwhile the doctor push invo.stiK tions fora common sonrc lioisouhig disrovored on ft shelf in hardened white li Kiteh'U a | iol of Hencath it sut the family tlonr barrel : the coiiflnsioii at oneo obtaincil t a portion of the uhito 1 mn t have found its way into the 1U Is may have boi-n that onn of tlm e dren "knocki-d down Iho pot , and knowing of tin ; danger replaced without s\yins : anything about the cnrreiiei ! . The family is safe from experience. "I'AI.HK IMPRISONMENT. " The CliarRo 1'rcR'rroil Asaln-tt C < Htixll1M cert on. Arrangonients wore made yesterda ; hold the trial of Constable 0. W. Kilj ton , charged by Mollic ( Jibson with i'n imprisonment , on Thursday uu\t in police court. The cnsi ! is quite a curious one. Kilt ton's story is aa follows : M.K.Mai owned the lioiite on Ninth streetami I nitnro therein , overwlneh Mollie Uib presided a.s landlady. .Smne time ; Martin sold out ton Mrs. Kight. adn maker on Sixteenth street. Mollic ( -on refused , It \H \ alleged , to pay J Right anything for the rent , and MI t luh ; took out papers in hnlge Hartlc cou'rt to replevin this furniture : house , and tins dispossesses Miss Mol The papers were ubteed for servici the hands of Constable Kdgor and that olHcial went to ( liliMon hoitsii on Saturday : told her to "git. " She declined to ih however. Kdgerton locked the doors : inforuiod the ladies that he proposed iircMikt as lord over thn oastle. Mo ( ilbson declined to leave , and sent Attorney i'arke. ( iotlwin , She inform him ( falsely , a.s Kdgerton claims ) that was being" imprisoned in the hou-e r that the constitute refnsud to hit < : d all uiiliviitif.s lor release. Mr. ( ioilx at once went tin to police court and ti a complaint against Kdgerton , cliarg him with false imprisonment. 'I'll" hit appeared in court ami gave bond in sum of j ; 0 i for appearance at the tr lie claims that he had all the noces- ; papers for the ejectment of the ( Jib' woman , and that his act w.is fn justiciable. Further he claims that did not lock the woman in , but on contrary was decidedly anxious to h : her leave. T. > mo-it of tliesi ? statements Mo Gibson enters a llat denial. Shu savs tl she was imprisoned againM her will , : i that her lawyer wns not allowed to en the ho'i-e ' , and that she was obliged communicate with him through ono the windows. Even a notary public v not allowed to enter the honso , and was obliged to take her deposition "long range. " Constable Kdgorton informed a porter today that the ( Jibuon woman I tried to ge't away with some of M Kight's property and that her trunk ui laining sjl.'iil worth of silverware a valuables which had been taken fr the house was today found and sei/.ed. , Cliliiunuui in Court. Ah S am , a. dudo-looking Chinani faced Judge Stonborg in police cot yesterday to answer to a charge disturbance of the peace. His aueim were l.saao ( ioldweiss , a tailor living Twelfth street between Farnam a Ilarnev , and bis two little daughters , appears that Ah Sam has been rumiin laundry in a portion of the. ( iohhvo ro-idcnci ! , leaving it in charge of anotl Cele.stial. The Celestials were in i hiibit of smoking "hop"opiumaiid ( ) r ; ing a dislurb.ince generally , and Una they were ordered to leave the pre.mi.-i In ' getting ready to leave tl tore down a wooden partiti between tlu'ir rooms and tl occupied by the ( ioldwoiss family. Tl as the witness against Ah Sam testili was objected to by Mrs. tJohlwoiss ; she t 1d him to leave the partition ale The Celestial then became angry i drew a revolver on the woman and t her to leave the room. At another ti later , as Mrs. ( Joldweiss tcitilied , Chinaman became incensedtaml raise hatchet to strike Mrs. ( Joldweiss , ' was prevented by an expressman pr cut who caught Ins tiplittcd arm. Aftar hearing both sides of the ei Judge Stenberg discharged the Chi man with instructions to behave him : in the future. A Dosertcr Nnlitieil. ( Jen. Howard has received a tolcgr from Constable O'llourko I'lattsmonth , eonveying infori lion that ho had captured deserter named Solomon Hen Hart , \ \ left the United States army about twe ycar-i ago. Nothing further ot the e is known. ( Jen. Howard hn * given instruction' O'llourko to hold the deserter until can communicate with the secretary war on thu subject. It is generally thought that who man has boon a deserter for over SIM years ho can not be arrested ami tri Anthor'tieson ' this point ditl'er , howox some agreeing that a deserter can bo rested and courtmartialod at anv ti for tlio crime. The reply of the \Vi \ ; mgton authorities on thu point will awaited with eon.sidcrablo interest. U ; thiit reply is received Hart will be taincd in custody. Iliirroii in Omaha. Walter Uarron , Iho m.in who did shooting at Council HliiIVs yesteri morning' is we.l . known throughout \vostorncountvvas a blackleg , garni tuul all around crook of the worst scrlption. Ho has frequently made headquarters in Omalia. A week or days ago the police arrested him in ci nany with two other men beoauso ho v hanging around McDonald' * oloak stc supposedly with the intention of i liing the establishment. The gan < j w taken before Jndgo Stenborg. Tl were defended by 1'at O'Hawcssoi qnently that the jti'lgo released ill with instructions to leave town wit two hours. Since then Itarron and pals have been In the iiluil's. A Confidence Man. Isaac Keiv/io , a suspicious charaei was sentenced to twenty d.iys on hn. ami water in police court yesterday , was a very slick , talkative follow , : plead eloquently for his reletno. Uut was "no go " The judjjo rel'ttseil to 'love ' him , Aceonling to the utory of oflicer who made the arrest , Kon/.io bum who has boon in tlio town for sevt weeks , living on free drinks and J lunches , llo has represented himself various times as advance agent for H inson'a circus , government Interpn for thu Crow Indians , and a promin ( J. A. K. man , and on the latter pretc has tiucurod to himself many favors. Territorial Convicts. Deputy Sheriff MeUoniglo , o ! I.arai county Wyoming , passed through ; tenlay with seven convicts sent fi the tciTltorU. ) courts to penal servit in Jolle-l. They were tit companions tlio sl\ lunatics another ollleor had fi thu bamo tv'rritory. The prisoners w P. Zolonback horse stealing , five years ; ; William Whiting , larcpny as bailee , years mil n halts Thomas 1'ryar. repp tng etolen good ? , eighteen mon ths ; CI ( lainliell , forgery , two years ; Atij / Minieki'iihorir lorirery , two Je James Silz , horse stealing , four yca'rs I'olicc Court Docket. Jmlgo StoiiOi'rg ibsjio ed ol tin1 folk ing canes in police court yesterday : John WeMman , suspicious charact discharged. Charles Rutherford , larceny of ov coat , hold for sentence. AngiHt B.ikor , Jack Cody , John 1) John Drown and J. O. Honnor. dn : and disorderly , dis'ihar ed. Chas Pillren , drunk and disorderly , and costs. Paddv llyan , ligliting , $10 and costs , h. Mcl-'adJcn and Adolph Sols mi lighting , $ . " > and costs. Ah Sam , disorderly conduct , ii charged. A Mj-Ntcrloim Khootttiff. Three shots in quick succession fit corner of Tenth fit reels brought a la crowd and throe policemen lo that cality about 7 o'clock hist evening , one seemed to know the cause of shooting , but linally a man was foi \sho said lie hud witnessed the alb Two men \\ere standing on the eon when one of them pulled a revolver : tired three times at his companion. K < of the shots , however , took eil'ect. ap | ' ently , lor both men ran , entering frontdoor ot t htot's .saloon and p : inir out through the rear. A. long f-ea by the police in the ncighljt.ihiMHi pro' ' friiille.s.s , and it is s-till a nyMeri who men ucrc or the cuiibc of the shooti A Small Steal. ( } . W. Yates , a well known charai1 ! ilout town , was arrested last even by Captain Cormiek , of the police for for larceny. Vats > had entered H Hros. ' store , on Dodge street , and pick up a small lady's work box s-lippei under his coat. The action was notii by one of Iho emnloyo.s ot the .store , n as Yules started lo leave ho was detail and the police informed. The .sto article wns found in his possession , was taken lo the city jail , where he v lucked up for the night , Stole His Watch. Jake Meyers , an employe of the CI stables , reported at the police head ( p tor * yesterday that a thief had ontoi his room , on tiic corner of Sixteenth a Capitol avenue , hist Highland had sto a gold watch belonging to him. ' 1 trick was undoubtedly the work of I gang which has been operating into for a month past. ( one to tlio Pen. Sheriff Spearm in , of Sarpy county , uompanied by his successor-cle el , . Campbell , came to iliis city ycstcnl , uid took into ctisto ly fro-n the Dong onnty jail the thr o prisoners , 11,1- Dike and MoVoy , sentenced from t Sarpy court. They loft at once for Li , 'oln. whore the culprits will scr terms in the pcnitiiiiiiarv. Stolean Overcoat. Charles Rutherford , a printer , was a raigned before Judge Stenberg ycsterd m the. charge of stealing an ovi joat. llo owiied up that he. hail stolen but -aid he did it while drunk. Ho vt w 5 discharged with a reprimand. Judge StonhpTg received a letter y terday morning from some illtlerii iiddros.M'd as follows : Slmeberg , I'o Lit Judge , Omahaw. IlKDIjAM OV A TIl.VJN. JY .Alaniao'H l i lit With a Vcstorday 'Moi'iiiii j. The sherit'f of Albany county , Wy uamo in yesterday with six cra/.y m in custody , bound for tlio insane asylu lit Jacksonville , llj. The patients wr manacled and chained together in a lii The rear ono of these was a big , stu fellow , whoso dementia ran in a fu making lino. As the train stopped , t shorhl'started to tileont with Ins piitien when , in passing a seat occupied by drowsy ijas-cnger , the funny luna slapped him on ilie back , shouting , wi laugh , "Wake nn and nay for your beil The sleeper awoke witn a start , and i seining the rude treatment , struck 1 era/.y man in the face. A light at on ensued amid the most , tremendous ro The lunatic fought touth and nail , a the olner individual , discovering t character of Hie assailant , attempted getaway , and failing i'l ' this howled li tily for help. The remainder of t cra/.v men took up the excitement ai shrieked , whooped and danced abu until they got the chains tuistod up a fell to tlio lloor In falling tlio patiei pulled tin ! lighting crank down wi them , and the other individual , m thoroughly frightened , made good I escape. At hist , by tlio aid of the tni crew , the crazy crowd was taken fn the i ar. Tlio one that had fought was a frightful condition , the cxcitcnu having induced a lit and he had to taken to the county jail , whore heimiet down , L-.Uo in the day the sherilV to him in ch irgo again , and witli the otl live lunatics weiit over to make the trai for at Council IJlun's. JHnmomlH and Itioh .Jewelry. Wo lay claim to having the larg < stock and oU'ering the lowest prices the city. A visit to our store will et vince the most skeptical of the truth this statement. MAX Mivtu : & lie ! Hallway Xoten. A llntto City paper recently printed article which the western press is eo | ing to the clVoct that two conductors the Utah & Northern had been disuhurj ; for permitting a sputter in the guise o blind man to ride. The screed in ipi lion concludes. "The rnoe of tliohp tcr' had been succus.-vful. He had ; complishcd liis purpose , anil his ropi to hcadijiuirlcrs was .sulliuicn satisfactory to cause the il charge of two Itonorablu a capable conductors whoso only trai gresiion was prompted by feelings common humanity , and wlio.se only r ompense for what they considered an ; of Christian charily Is tlio loss of their | bilious " The tiliccting narrative u Hiibmitlcil to lienural Superlntendi .Smith this morning , who at once p miunccd it a falsehood , and explain that the conductors had been discharg for general irrcgul.iritins. Xo emph : of the road would be con.Mtrcd In sncl CIIMJ , and could with safety report I mutter at once. Uiind men and eliildt are not put oil on tlu- plains Messrs. Kimball , Shulby , Mor.se , Sti l > ins and Mr. Frudunck Chissolin wi on tlie Utah A : Northern train which \ \ wrecked laal'J'hursitay. They occupi n special coach on the roar of the tra and a.s the eonnling fortunately brol were loft safely -landing on the trai The party had been up to Unite Ci whi'i'o they attended a mining mille UHM'ting , and looked up Iho matter railway tarilV on salt. They have in guno on to San Franei.sco to attend t tvans < : ontinental meeting. T. W. liluckbiivn reluriKid ycstenl from the ion t whilher he went in chat of an t-NCHi'slun party ihice weeks ago 1' . N. Fo\ , freight agent for X. K. P banks & Co. . wltu hoadnuurterri at C cago. is in Iho city. A 11. bwan and u party of Cln < y 'n cattlemi n are at ti.e MJiurd , on th way toLlilc.ijjo. THE VIADUCT QUESTION. A IMon to llnro the Htnipttiro I/oojil on KlevcntlrStreet. To the Cditor : The undersigned , representing iiis own and n ( front mr other property interests on Tenth a Eleventh ftrentfi in the viaduct matt vunlribulus Iiis imlo to the discussion , that the city council miiy virtually un their own solemn net , which , we m pre ume , was intelligently tlone , or tl that honorable body may intolligon sustain what they have heretofore del eratolj done in the location. Time a space do not allow a full discussion our side of the qucation. but wo refer the article published iu the Omaha 11 aid of December 11 , ISM , which , brie cited , tolls Hi of the change of trade Eleventh wired , when the olevai was built between Kleventh and Th teeiitb Mroet.s , and the promises bas Upon ( hi ! act of a nti.xod city council a peoples' committee , in appealing to n remonstrating with the ( "nion 1'acilic rectors , as then rcpron'ntod in Omul This oviixlvc promise then made , withe being n direct pledge , haw slept and seems without a break in its t-lumb unless we now make it. Hut Iho abrn rise on Eleventh .street , from Lcavi worth to Marcy .streets , is a monnini of the treaty I hen made , whether t treaty lie binding or not. Tlio citi/.c all felt then , and should do so now , tli the rights then jeopardised should oared lor now , or else the further obi aneo would form a license for further 1 frinueinciit. Another phase of the Eleventh strc viaduct is to be round in the petition r'red Drexel and forty-eight others , vvhi was tiled with Iho city council , and , alt action , was referred to the viaduct coi nijttce , as late as October ii : , IKCi.i i this uommitte Charles K. ( ioodiuan , o ward representative , was then , and now. chairman. Slumbering sweetly hi * pocket since then , wo cannot to only by guesses , what the fate at I hands may bo. The requisite action the city council should bo taken in t spirit 01 estimation , as to why this inns. U'ho petition of DroM.- ! and others ca attention to the fact of a ehitn being sought in the location of t. . Klovcnth .street viaduct , and says wl this should not bo done , as follows : The street ( Eleventh street ) is short from hill to hill , involving less cost , [ oiinlriiclion ( than Tenth street locnlioi That there are no permanent local * improvement * on Klovonih street wlm tho. viaduct location there would da mag while largo and very valuable improv incuts c.vist already on Tenth street i .In : shape of retail business honsr ivilli facilities for tile same , all i\liicli a viaduct , if located on Ten it reel , would render completely wort oss. From this expensive litigation at icavy damages must follow. For t'.ieso and many other reasons tl indiTsigned prop"rt.\ \ owners on the lii ) f improvements E.event h street viadiie iml in the immediate neighborhood asku ho city connc.il lo m.iinlain Ihe locatio > f the viaduct on Eleventh street , : ilready established , and to let the cot racl lor the building' of the same at a surly day. Appended to this were the names c 'rod Drexel , Dewey Oc Stone , E/.ra Mi aril. Max Meier , Adolph Meyer , Josep iarncau , Jr. , for this liarncan Crack * 'innpany , Hen ( iullaghor , George I 'otorson , W. II. Mclingh , A. McGavoei I. X. Cnltalmn , Ernest bpccht , L. F. No on , Henry C. Hobble , L. I ) . Mercor. I1 ! . Chapman & Co. , M ilollnian , J. Gai liner Haines , James A. Haincs , Ii CountMnrnliv and Murker. Samuel f Jogers , H. 15. ' Wood , F. W. Gray , J. 1. h-r , Storz it Her , Chapman < lor , Lee , Fr e I iV Co. , Tooth ilanl i\ : Co , Rood , Jones > 'o. , 1'arrottc Bros. , E. Linton by Joh lamltn , attorney in fact. James Crcigl on. \\T. T. Soiinmn , John Rush , J. fc 'ollinw , Lewis Hoed. Charles I' , Itirkct ! , Iary A. Uirltott , 'i'hos. ' C i'illo. II. 'I Uar'ke , A. J. Hanseom , Jno.V. . Bell , / \ 5. Hnhcrinann , Stiiblicndorf & Xostoi 'red. Sttibbendorf , Henry Livesey , ! ! I. Mortman , II. W. Yates. There is a good deal of documentor ; vidence , not yet printed , but it is th .1111 . of this article to show that the pot1 ion which the undersigned and other ake on this dropping ol Eleventh btrcol .nd taking up the Tenth street locatio : ur the first built viaduct , should prcyni ii honor and honesty , and that goo < ail h. as well as the beneliits cited , de iitind tlio Elovcutli street viaduct. ET.XEST STIMIT. OMAHA , Dec. 12. A.NOTIIKI : vir.iv. Editor of the BUK : The geographica , nd commercial relation , ab well as genii al convenience to the largest nnrnbei coins to clearly indicate Kleventh an * : \topiith streets as proper locations fo ho viaduct. From careful observalioi t seems to me equal ! v true that mor irivato property will be liMiinlitted ain Hitch less dohti notion of values , boti inlilic and private , by UIPSO location ban any other. Instance , remove th imposed Eleventh street viaduct t . 'enth street , and the full frontage of a east four blocks now fairly develops .s valuable bushies" property , paved airbed and RiHteren , would bo damagoi it least ? . i per cent. It id questionabl vhether prpcrtyon Tenth north of land ng of bridgii , would be bimelitted to ex ocil 0 per cent , all t certainly lowe ' 'arnam could not bo materially ofl'eete iv one location moro than tlio othci Sillier location bonotits it some. On Eleventh street , undertho propose ladnut , there is no paving , very littl nisinoss and no claim for heavy ilamag lould bo sustained. On the contrary i coins reasonable to export , if built o Tenth street , that ondlc-s litigation wile ) o entailed , enormous judg-inents ol aincd and tlio public trens'iry dojil"to < s it public jiolicyH Is it wisn legislation s it integrity of purpose on tlio part f nilividnals in oilleial position to act , t > lunge us into sneh controversies an ixpiMiso to gratify n more canneeV I'ul ic justice emphatically answers , no. It is urged that railroad money is to pa Host of construction cixpoiiHos , therefon ho managers must be satiHlicd. True , w ; nn\v , however , from thn most roliahl mthority that the Union 1'acilio conipan nis g'ven ' up tlio Tenth street locatio md that within the past ten days tin ) ' uive not only reaffirmed willliignosstod helriiartin construction on Elevont md Sixteenth street but niquesUul tha ho work go on. If any ono question his assertion lot them read the ollh-i : elter from General Manager Callawa f recent date , now public property i mssosMon of thn mayor. In view of sill this" can 'tiny ' ono to vliy the location is still nnrottiPilK Pel laps to know who i-uggcslod Iho mum f appraisers appointed hiti week won ! suable a clear mind to read "A rin without a ring" and fnrnisn a clue the t ho aiibwer. Uespeettully , S. D. MKIICUH. Drench Mnrlilo antl nrottzn Clouki Our slock thi * year exceeds our in lortations of any previous season , an mr prices are such as have KKVKU bee ( iiowii to Omalia peoiilo , I'ay us a vis md convince yourself of our low price MAV MKVKU & nuo. I'ultcd Statci Court. Judge Diindy comniJiicjd thn lioarin roiterday of the "as- of the Nortl iVcfctcrn Electri.- hl i'-Jiui.iny \s. tl jtato Iioiur.uiui' Com ii > . Th > > cai A'lis given to the jury Ivito in thu .tfto loon. This inuii-i ij 1) s , i AH'Hia NOW i i I a - . V ' . ' ' * r CUSTOM MADE WP Imvo recolvud this wc'-k a tine tine of MTchntit 'JVNiri'ig Clothing from the leading ni"rohant tn'lor ' throughout the cmtntry. A < it ha bvcn a dull with incrclmnt tailors , it was iigolil mine for the 1119 Favnam , Street , of - . and we will a\\ \ The anil season enabled us to buy them regardless pri'Tand them for less , than what the raw material cost. 1119 Farnam Sir set , OM'era von the following inducennsnts : Latent stvlos nnd elegant gnrnmtiU in 811k and Satin Lined Suits and Ovorconta , roiideritig ti most , opportune chance to suounj u bargain. Suits. Overcoats. ECO custom made suit for ! } Tt eusloin made overcoat for . * < > O.U3 Sr-.U oiistma iiiude salt fur f'tl eustoin ai.ule ovoroiwit for . ? f > " . " ' ) ) % vuMoin made sail for Jf4 oiHti 'n ivulnovcivo.it for . JJI.03 HO custom iiiaile biiiL 1'nr ilit..V 15.00 ) SW oustotn m-ulc ovoronai tor . ? l\o " . HindiMilt for t"i : uistom ! SSUeiiMtom iiiiido suit for Sl-\01 SMoustoin mvlij ovoreo.it tor . S10.0J S25 custom made suit for * SI'J-VJ SiiO iMisto'.n m.i.le ovpwn.it for S"0 custom made suit for Sl'J.Oft ' S'iO piistoin mule overo > .il for S.Veiistoiii ) ui ul.1 ovoiv.ut for S'JJcustOiii niiiloou'roont for . tl5.0J Pants. . $ JO eustoin ni.iilu over.-oat tor . Ifli. . ' SiOousloia uiiiltf uNtfivtto . " 5H.O' ) Sift custom maile jtaiits for . . 3 . . SM : ) iMistinn iaul ; , > ulsl retto . SIl.Oo tiasastmii inade jiant- , lor S > i J-10 rasinm inaili1 jiants tor . ? > " > . )0 ) ? * J ciistotn iiuidrt nNtoivtto . fcUt.QO p.s ouMiiin made pants fur . S I. VI ' . { : ( ' custom mailo limits for . 6 a.o < I'eoollivt UM-ry t'unii"iif bears Iho nuaieo ft& eustoia made pants uir . S V'i ! ' I the tailor. OR.IC3-HSTjA.ILi 1IJ9 I Liunbertson will proceed to thi trial of the four JJenvu swindlers who are here in jail. Tin individuals are Frank Dorman , Sylveste Yiinilt , llugli Ityan Hint Krank llur-t They are indicted on three counts foi conspiracy , and Mr. Lam bonbon nddoi anotlier information this morning on tin same ground. Deimty Marshal Allen left viStirda\ ! for Long Pine to sell a stock of good' in tlie case of J. J. lirown vs. Ednumi ] Kyan. x Meyer < St Ilro , Are offering . .S'f'1"VtVcs ' ' this month ii Diamonds , Kino Jewelry and Silverware Itaforo purchasing elsewhere cxamim jiriees and stock at M.v.\ Miviiti HKU'S. THE OLD UKUAULI : J I\VKUIV : rum. 8AI.S11IIUY'a TllUUHADOllS. The next attraction to appear at Hoyd's Opera house will be SalsbnryTroabonrs , an every whom popular combination , am the originators of tlie musical comedy entertainments so popular nowadays They will present "My Chum" on Weil nesrtay evening , and their new pioei "Tom , Dick and Harry , " Thursday night. The box olliou opens to-morrow morning for the sale of reserved scats The Carleton opera company , from tin Casino , New York , will appear at lloyd' . ' Opera house , Monday and Tuesday nights. Dec. 21 aiul ,1 , in "iN'aaou" ami "The Mikado. " Tur.APtTHV Dr.l'AHT.MKNT , " | Orriou ov Cotrruoj.i-Kii OK THI : I ClJIIKKNCr. f WASHINGTOK , Uccembcr 10 , 1883. J Whereas , by .satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned , il has boon made to appear that Tin' Onmjin .fiitmnin Hunk , in the city of Omalia , in the coun ty of Douglas , and state of Nebraska , has complied with all the provisions ol the act of congress to enable Nalinmil hanking associations to extend their cor porate. existence and for other purposes , approved .Inly 1'Hh. IHM- > . Now , therefore , I , Henry W. Cannon , comptroller of the currency , do hcivb\ certify that ' /'Ac Omitlia Xittiunttt linnk , iu the city of Omi'.ha , in tlie county ol Douglas , and state of Nebraska , is author . ' for the perio * i/.ed to have succi.-'sion specified in its amended articles of as Bociation , namely until close of bn.sinos' on December l th , r. > O.Y In tefitimony whereof witness my ham ! , and real of olllon this 10th daj of Dncenibor , H.YV. CANNON- , Comptroller of thu Currency. Ko. WM. A landHiiuiR Suit. W. J. Connell , in his capacity of oit.i attorney , commenced mandamus pro ceedingsin tlie district court yesterday u compel J , J. 1'oInU , president of tin school board , to sign tliu warrant fo 100 In favor of .Meadimber. Thii amount is claimed by the latter for ; nak ing tlio patrol wagon , the oont of whicl the school board agreed to pay. lUInd Iloone , tlio I'lnnlst. This wonderful blind pianist , who i creating fcucli a profound boiiMitioi among musicians and receiving moil Hal terlng lestimonials from musical critic all over tlio country , purelia.-ed lafetwe.o ! through his manaiicr , Mr. John Lunge a magnilicent "Chickuriui ; " grand jiian coiling $ bCO. from MCS-.I-J. Max Meyer * llro. . the general we-iiem agents fo thct ! world fannd inntrumcnU. Thi piano N\ill be Used oxtlnscly by Mi llouno at ids coiifuiu ai.d rccitalb au he coiisidi-rs it the Miet > t toned instn mcnt becM-r placed uiion lie is to b Ins & c coii"rutid'iU-d upon lictpu&itiun 6UfU A lli THE ONLY DIUE < T IMPOIJTEIIS OV DIAMONDS , PEARLS , f ANB OTHEB. PBEClOtTS JEWELS IX OMAHA. An Inspection by roiinfis ! eurs or cithers contemplating purchases will convince that they can save from 10 to ii.i IKT cent , by inakiiiK their pin chases direct "rein besides liavlng by tar Iho Iwgwt and linest stork In the West to select from. Our tilled iiimortuttoim of KHKN'CH CLOCICS , HliONJCKS. MUSIO BOXES , OPK1W GLASSKS , Ktc. , ami .VI ! I' < 5OO1)S from 1'A IUS'IUXXA , nud otla-r It-aJliiB markets , ox- cecil 1lie couibini'd niocks of all other Omulia Jewelers. Onr toi'k of WATCH K.S. . .IKn'KLKSILVEUWAIIH , EU- . . -.liiiidR without ; i ilval In this city In point of durance and variety , and all at < - . . JB IPSIOIEIB AM. CiOOn.S MAUKUI ) IN PLAIN' ridl'RKS. ' JJo t. . > consult yuur liil * > rest by ecting out stork hefoie imroha.sim ; . An Ivarly Inspection Invited. Mall nnd Telegraphic Orders Will Ucctlvc Piompt Attrntlon. Cor. JJ-tli and Farnaiu 8ts.t Omaha , Neb. SHUT ITISMOI > . Onrralirant t Cole Closed hy the United States National Uniitc. The iirm of U.irral rant ( Jc Cole , whole.- bale cigari' mid tobacco , eh/s.-d yiwtorihiy morning under a chatti 1 mortgaKo for $10,78 , ' , held l > > the United Slates Nation. il bank. The ni ws created great surprise in business cirelias the concern w. consldi-red ol Iirm standing. The con cern hiicms to havu buoii running for months past with funds obtained on notes chielly from tlio United Stales Na tional bank , and the prohimt diilictilly of collecting made it impossible to meet the-ii obligations. It is umlerntood ilia' ' . the lii m will make ollbrts to recover and hopes to succeed within the eight days limit allowed by law. J. E King , retail grocer at the corner of Hamilton and baundor.-i stioots , gave his creditors this morning a bill ol on his ttot-k amounting to $ won : ? ' "l-"i , ' The clcarlngf ) yc.-iterday -100.M. Thorn wore more cu-.es in police court ycuterdiiy than for inanv weeks p-isi DOCTOR McMENAMY TR'TnlETO-l t-r THK Omaha Medical and 18TH bT. AM I'AI'JTUI , AI.M i TBBAT * All. Chronic nnii Surgical Dlooanuo. lrr < irtnltli- , li oui'-t ( \Viiuiri ) , Pil ! ltl : < ru.r , I'llfi. , ( ' .ttHfrlt , l ln "r nf lli ' UUK" , i.hrr , Klilnn ; * , ' lonil , Mkl'i , Ntuuiarli , N TH-I , f y and I nr. fur Jlwk un a ail ill < w fru I'uuii , ' ll"-i d fur r ln n : Wr.u- f r PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEM , n I'tnvATf ' , Hrrcul. mill ? ' rvntii IH-i1"- " , Si-n' i I Vn-ukiiMi. , hitiii.rto rl.ua. Hy lull' . O' ' . : .ituri , Vcrii'.r-1 . u > J nil I 1-rSK1" "I llif I f l. > Ji'J K'ltnl nivci.t. < ' ( tritlnl j'Y f' " " ' ' t l-r iV' ) i r Mirite | r.lllK'Bt iu r t lo inu.y > 1.1 - or viiiu r . llrnrm , TIUI- > . i . .Ht-rlfH. Jiilialr : 1 M' .J"tilli. ! kin. ' ur i' . , * n > i"ir - - , - td i.u.1 f r t ' A i-tf < o'1 iu-r iu UR. Mer-EHArnY , " I -I. ' - 1 > I Ht ' < L > I | w . . > > V , Wtff VjMflt.f. * \ . MMV , U.Mi * .J. . . 11. \Vooldridge 1 , the street car driver who shot the highwayman , Jlncko ) , turned up smiling alter a pleasant visit in the east , lie will rn-enicr Iho employ 01 the nit col car i . A mnrvtl oft- " " ' ly.mroiiifih ' ' l ' ) " ' * ' Mororcoiuiiiii- c l tUita ih' " . ' .mr > ki.i i I "unnol hu 'il < iiii-omii ii- ' ' ' "ll ( "f ' ' > lf " 'v ; ' " ilu . < R' " | i''Wilurt. ' " " 'I tliori vrn'/ ' i .1 . ll. - 1'orrJi.r Co , 10 ( inly In CIIIH. > rtj i \\allKti-fbi M. V . wmciro : tlie mtt 01 'Iriuli u.o ii. 'iuj-o ' or los AiianlsSolubleMeilicalad Bougies . . ' . . , . ur oil coy.illm No inn kuiiou * ilus-j- . 'if i.b.I. - t-uU'lu woiiJ tlml uiu emu i 'U IJOUUKO 0 * 1 > JI' B'li l > ) d" u 'jl'4 ' , t . " < i'4'ln * i ! 'ho Hriiil''i ' ' i'l iDii.VI [ UiH I' , n'l ilUk'i'U'H or intnlcu < " ' . . I1" ' 1 . " " ' " "i" > ai. ! ! ' ' H1 . uu " * mi t VWi H-IDI'IUI 1'iltf. | f" I * ii - foi circular l'Uli > il < l. iTTDu' ac. . .x.r. T otUilD / , U Jotni.l Ni u Vuik