Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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Plrwwt . . rl
On au.i 1'arkinB Co . . . . . . n
Aide All salfS of stock In tills tnnrkft are
jnsdiMicr cvt. lUcweiirlit , n ! - s dtlicrw so
flutKi. Ica < l ) \ < w , < < n in le IK.T Ib , for till
w IcliU , "SkinV' or ho s uclglilni ; lc tlun
100 lb , no value. 1'1'cnaiit so > b arc docked
< o ibs and st.-us : 0 Ihs.
Monday nvrnlng , Dec. 14.
Rrnrral Inrkets.
V.i.ns The market continues steady at22 < a
20inml enl > n few Mlos of Inrce lota wore
nisulc ns low : m 2J . 'I liorolilvcathcrniul
fiinall receipts give the market an
lit'n f n 'Ilio market remains fjtiict , and
there Is xcry little inquiry for butter of tiny
L'rude. Inferior grades continun to pour in
f.iv In eciis of the demand. ( ! oed to rholre
loll miets xxith fair f > ale , xxhlle Interior
uuiUs ; ne hllll tittuping and can onlj IK ; sold
lo piclicrs nt loxv prices , htrktly choice roll ,
I'JCt/lfH' ; fair tncmxl , Wllc ( ; Inferior , Ify-n.
Pot i i in 'I lie ixjnltry market xxas In
nbont the same conilition to day as on haf
< lu : so fur ns prices \\crp concerned.
chiokenseio iccehcd to-day far In excess
of the demand , nml the market was nrooril-
IIIR ! ) \\iM\\i. \ \ For the scry choKcst dri'fsed
thlcki ns So vvns the top pi Ice , while the 1m k
of wilt \\crentTc. . Tiirkey , strictlclioico ,
diy plckfd. lllc ( : fnlr to KOOI ! , l MOi- :
iliid , " , strictly choice , lOctllc ; lair to tend , 8
Wo : wrc , Btrlclly cliolco , 10@llc ; full to
Kooil , \VitlithMicarapproncli of the
holidays all Indications polntlo a large sup
ply for the trade , and shippers must exeicise rare. In sclectltiK. diesslng nnd pack
ing. Ilnycrs. when HID supply Is lieav.x. nat-
titnlly pick out such lots us make a hnnd-
Fome showing , and poorly dressed are ncir-
lix'tcd and olten have to IHfoirril otr nt
Jiom 'Jo to : 'c per Ib. less than the market.
CiAMK The ic < elpts of mine weie very
light today , and ( he imiikct htioiiR. 'ihciu
vint a Rood demand lor all kinds of irame
and uvdv sale. Pr.ilrlu chickens me
C'peclnlij in tfood demand at f.l.'il per doz.
nml u few mles wenm.ule in a retail way
tm liU'li as 3fr > 0. mallard
lier doS'iiViriM ) ; teal. Sl.lVffl/iO ;
ml.Mil , ; niinll , l.M ) ; Milpe ,
SI. 00,11.25 : L'CVM > , sM ; ) 'iM.fiOs ' jack tab-
lilts , : i.wvauj ( ) ; Mtiall lalihlls , Sl.ui ) < il."i :
doer saddles , per Ib , IKtfl'A- ; carcasses , I'xm
7 ; untclope saddles , pn Ib , llfitl'Jc ; miensoes ,
rJe ; elk saddles , per Ib. bcftOc : eaicisus. : a
Co'in TloNi'.Y Calltornl.i U Ib. frame , CO
lb . In case , per Ib. , 15c ; extracted , 'J Ib. in
can ? . 2 doz In ca o , per VMM i'4.00 ; 10 Ib.
frames , Ncbniskiu , ISc.
oiiirn- New York rellncd pcrbbl. , S7.00 ;
do hull bbl. , 5 > 4.W. (
VINKIIAII U bite wine , ICc ; cider , 12' c.
COIOA.VIMS. There Is a liberal supply In
the maiketatSI.OO ( . I..W.
Nrw IMIIH A.VD 1 > A rr.s riRS , Rmvrnsi , 00
Ib , l.ogs , per Ib. lie ; lavcr , y , IB and 10 b.
boM's , per II ) , ! W < 5l7c ; lajcr , f.uicy4. . " ) Ib
Ni''is ' Hlckon- nuts , lartc , pcrbu. Sl.S-'i ;
< lo shell b.irks.hl.7. " , ; chestnuts , 1'Jc : pecans ,
lai e polished , lie. : pecans , meiUiiiii. IV ;
lCtiK'l"li ! wiilnul.H , lie ; almonds , T.irrnsoiKi ,
20ido ; , l.tuiKUenne. 17c , Knulla. 1-c : lilbi-rta ,
14c ; iicnniits , hand picked , lancy
Oke ; do. loa.stcd , x'-tfc.
fj iu.n KIIAIIT Host quality , 0.50 per SO
Cal.b.iiii'l : per } f Iml. 8.7f' : : .
I'IIKSI IIVIM : , JKI.MKH , Krt' . 1'icscivcs :
All kinds , ' 0-lb. palls per Ib. , ( ) ' . : do 10 pall
loth. lUo : iwsoitcd. Wb. puilB ] ier do ? . . ? 8.00.
Jollies , all kinds , lust guide , 'J0-b. ! piils , per
Ib. , 80 ; as'-ortcd , nrst gmdu , n-lb. inlls per
dotr. . ; do. : Hb. palls , tier do/ . . S'J.73 ; do.
1-lb. p.iils , per case , 2 doz. , S'.25j do.
fechnomTH , per doVJ.trt ; do. tnmbleia , per
CUKO , y doSI. . 10 : all kinds , second praile ,
TOlb. palls , per 11) . , 5c. Allncu Meal , best
iriado , ' 4 bbl. , j > ei Ib. , 7c ; do. IH , its and OH Ib.
iialli , per Ib. , 7\c ; do. Mb. mils , per doz. ,
SO.oa ; nnplo butler , e\tra line , V bbl. , pui Jb. ,
7c ; do , 40-lb. palls IMT ! ! ) . 7J c ; do. "Vlb. " piiK
perdoi. , ? < ( ) peach and plum butler. 401 b.
jftilf ) ! , per II ) . t'Xc ' ; neiii'li , plum and quince
bultci , assorted , Mb. pails , pot :
catsup ( HnMlcr's ) , linest made , per case. "
doi. pint bottles , S5.00 ; horse radlMi. ulnt
bottles , net do81.50. .
1'iiis' KKBT , Tnirn , AND IjAMiis'ToNnrr *
1'lL'H' feet pr M bbl. , SJ.75 ; do. X bbl. ,
32.41) ) : do. pei kit , SI.OO. Lambs' toiictied per
J < bb ! . , t .rx ) ; do. per kit , S'J.75 ; ilo. quait
jars per doSr > . . ' ,0 ; do. pint lars per ca--e ,
i doS7.00. . Tiiiie , iicr } ; bbl. , Si 10 ; do. per
J < bbl. SX'A'i ; do. uei kit. U5e. Hrolled mack
ere ) , new , per case. HO IMIIS , 4fi. " > 0.
Ll.Mo s > 'oiv Jle.xsina , per box , S iM > s
6.W.Oil \yoES Valencia , per case 4 QO sl/e ,
f7.00 ; Florida , per box , i.50 ; .Louisiana , per
box. 8W : ; per bbl , 8i.0.
Avri.r.H Fancy New Vork and Mici' ! '
ajiples , per bbl , SJ.75 ( > W.OO. ; fancy N'eVorl. .
and Mii"liitiii ] apples , r > bbl. lots , per bbl. ,
82 ( V > ; fancy New York and .MichiK'in npplos ,
10 bbl. lolt ) , per bbl. , S'i.-O ; Illinois apiilei , per
bbl. M.75 ; Illinois apples , 5 bbl. JOIN per
bbl. , M.M ; Illinois apjilcs , 1U bbl. loU , per
bbl. , VIM , Alissouil ( ieiutoiih , 5 bbl. loU , ior
bul. . fcU.'A" ) ; .Missouri ( icnltons , 10 bbl. lots ,
per bbl. . fli.OO ; lancy calini ; , IKJI bbl. , 3 ' . - " > ;
choice Michigan liult fc.l.OO : in 10 to / > bbl.
lot" . 3 . 'J.V. i u loin , SII.OO
( iRAt'KH MalaKU , per bbl , $7.00 ; Cat anon ,
pci basket. M ixi
( 'iiAKiiKHHiKS- I boxes.
Cape Cod. fancy daik.pcr bbl. . S'.OO ' ' ; ( "api-
Cod , luncv dark.r > bill. loK per lilil , 8.M.
.li'it-ex Jlcll and UIIKIC. per bbl. , fcs.OO ;
JU'H , ind Uncle , ft oll. lot.s , per bill , S7.50 ;
Jersey Hell nnd Hti-ile. per hov. S"rtU'it \ , -
conMuJIell and Cherry , per bbl , 8G.M ) : Wis
consin .Hell mnl Oheri ) , 5 bbl. lulu , per bbl ,
C'Ai.t I'OJiMA I'lirri J'mis E-JlrmreHii
pound jtiirs , MI I < x. SiUXi. dupe
liinporor , per tiate , SO IbK , ! > -J.0 ' ; iloub
ci.ito. Sl.fiO.
1'novisioss. Hani , in' ' ille , breakfast
bacon , HVj ( < rtk ! ; clear side b.ieon , 7c ; diy halted
sldi'i , Ce ; flionlileis. wicar enied , .V-je ; inohs
poik pei bbl. . l ! . ( Xi : lard. < U In. cauH. tier Ib ,
TCrt1 , . ; 10. fiunda Ib full-banks , 7V S < . ' ;
dlitd bt-pf hams , .life.
HKAXI tiood clean stock meets xvith read >
sale. Hand picked iiiwy,5I.7fKii'AX ( ) ; inedinin ,
} fI..VliSil.75 ; coixl eltan country ,'Xgl.iO ' ;
Infciloi 73i'i/ilUfl.
Oi rK N. Y. count" , 41c ; extra elects.
3Se ; Milei'lH , ttle : standaris. | : k' ; ini'dlnnis , U.r > e
( ) KUNtJalt ) Lake Mock Is soiling at 81.1X )
iiei biiKhcl ; coininon home urown reds , 70 < 3
i.'iiTheru mo a fuxv xlru choii'i ) in tin ;
muihet that aru held at $1.00 per bush ,
Yr.ouiAiiLKa Halt l.aKuonious , pi'rlb,3c ;
JorM'y x\eet potntoex , ! l" " c ; liorMJ indi' < li
roots , Of" hoi 10 nullsli loots pr bbl , S.'i.W ) ;
elci j rootn ( German culeo ) , per doi. . 75e ;
elrry , 40e.
OiiAin Tlif lollowlin ; nrc ilie piex-allliiK
prliefl paid fin thu x\,1.011 lo.uN on ( lie Hlnel
and at thn mills today : lorn'o ' ; oats ,
! t ! ® c ; XTheat , No. a , line ; ryu0c. . Kluxa-
lor pilei'H fui iar loth , corn , > n'.nuts.ii"4e ! ;
Mliiat , OU"4eije. ; 4ii\c. lurley. Wc. !
Kinn AND buiNH Mink , eacli , lOCuntX : ;
inn.skint , wintei. J < iV ; ilo. kits'Je : Utter ,
tv.ftiuti.OO ) ; Mum ! : , iliort htilped , IfKjT-K1 : ilir
bioad ftiipjved. lOnflft ; baduer. 'iVarA ) ; Kae-
coon , No. 1 IUIK ' . idixi.V ) ; do. No. 'J , 'MatVi ;
do , > io. a. KMCiV- wolf , pr.iliii1 MMf ;
110 uioiinlaln , } i-.iiiXiii.Xx\ildiil ; ) ; : , l.X < fUi ; bi-a
ver , H.S ( ii-J.nO | ) . 'r Ih ; fix , e.ieli , 4Ji5'5l ( V ) ;
111 ei skin ; , ill ) rvinlci. 1'xu.lto purluido. fal |
mid Kiiiiiiiifr KII & .
-iireiiiiiitcnera',7.jc ! ) | ; ureen cinod
80 ; dry lllutlUc ; dr ) sill , lUuduiiaKi'd ; hides
txYo-thlids prlte. l.ilovvle. . Ciuw o , jirur
" 4e .Slirenl'i'll- -Smite.
itiNo. . 1 l'IIMHlU' ' > ! iriie J.C , I
ASons , & c ; No , 1 I'itlsburt , ' , If , .t K. 3U ; No.
t'liicinniUi , areNo. . 1 hk'e leather , UXj ; prime
Ip wh trrwlr leather. 'Venice ; prime oaks la
leather. iVVu.'itic. I'ppei leather , per foot.'of ?
9 c ; Jltiraklp,7.vnNieioaLklp1h.Virti& jlJ'ri'iicri
kip. $ l.Kk ( l.'J.1 ; Hem c.df. Sl.'uka'l.lO oak
calf. 61.uOvul'i1 ) ; l-ieni-h calf , il/J.X I.M : .Mo-
MK-CO bool le , !'e : , Motocco oil lubbli1.
tftVii.'e > e ; topplnus and lliuiu's , SU.Oo.i io.oo
per do/
h-llilil-EHY U.Mtl > WAiK : XCcombliutlnn
loop luimc.s. f ' ' . ' - 1 : X C 1 I ) , T. Immcs , | , . 'i ,
va. J. O. T , liiuiii-.s , SM.SO , iM'rftvtion pads
5.7 : 47 riu 1 1 . &V ; : llarlxiuis No. 10
tlnraJ. A ; i > bnaat Minn slulo. UXij XU
bicasiMraDNlldc , < 0c ; l' ' X C .1 loon uhauii ) T
ImckU'r , Sl.O.V lh lapMI'MipchamnTbucKlcs
MclJWX I' n hKip clump T buciiles ei.HO ;
lj ; op lull ] * clininp buckles , Stl.-H ) ; coi ' > -
itr rlxels No. U , iOu : Bristol fll.l6 | , 1
S5.W. U * H.W , 1 . ! ftO , S.itO.
Ciernmn Miaps , H , '
\ Jf M.4" , } < tl.iO.
. iiAinixvAiiK iron , ratofl , J2. fl ;
DW Ktecl.npeclal i-.Vit , 4c ; rule bo cteel , Oc ;
cast tooiti do , 1'AMlbc ; xta oil 8l nics , JKT set.
S1.7.V < iJ.XI ; ( ; Uub * . iKir N-l. SI.4X ' i'm'N " sawii
ilry , 8l.0 , IOIIKIIO , n'cli , 7.V , uxlns , eacli , 7.fxi ;
iiiareuiHs | , JM-J a , , 7jtlie ( ; collelmln IIT U > ,
( Xal'Ai : nmliibli * . ixi ; lion opilK' " * . lC ! rroxv-
bur > .0 ; hairon- tli , e ; irin i ) etwl , 7m > ;
li unit a V luiii-e KIIH | > $ t.- ) lluroVn' * iinilo
l.'J.V , llarbiHlVlr In iiir Int S .iO
ix-r IDU fcn. Iron XalU-ltates. 10 to ) . SH. \
Sliot-m.-Vl ; iHickMmt , yi.M : oriental
pnwdrr , Ve * : * . , > : ilo half lexs , 8J.OJ ;
do , muirtri ki" , tl.U > \ bU tiur , keini , f. i.U& ;
fnw. tH-r H i lift , ' Uc. Leml. llai , il.ivv
CUM. Aiunr.ic to , * > < . a : nig , " < :
J ! um > . i .0 ; KII 19. : limn , sn. 0
. ' ; \Vnlnnl bli > ek. 53.75 ; Illinois , W.5
6 Hleh lllll.S .ui
iitr I'AiMBMilte \ Iwwl , be ;
-r.iTlB :'l. l cilarnDbliu-h. errnantov n.
I''c 5 latnpbiack , ordlnarj- , lOc ; l > rn ! siin bine.
6.c , . untranmrlne 18o : vamlyhe , broxxn.eo
Mmorr. hnrnt , 4c ; nmtx-r , raw , 4cj sionn.i.
burnt , 4c : sienna raxv 4c ; Pa Iscrccn. ccnti-
Ine , ZV. J'ani irreen , common , wo ; ciironie
f-rrpn , > . Y. vOc ; rhrome erern , K Ue ; xer-
million , Knirllsli. In oil tusst , ifcc ; rn\v and
btnnt umlxT lib rani. lOc ; raw niul burnt
Vienna , lOc ; xainl > V.c bnnMi. lite. TPlinrd
lanipblae ) ; . lie : roach blaek and Ixory blaek ,
ICc : drop black lOe , 1'nissinn blue.lOc : nl-
trnnmrinebluc. ] Sc ; chromo crcen , L. . M. A
} ) . , lOo ; blind and < Uitilter itrcen , lj. , .M A : I ) .
K ; 1'artsre ( rn , IV. Indian red. 1.V : Vt-nc
tlanred. Itc ; Tuscan ml a.V' Amcrlran xer
million. Ift. 1) . . voo ; j elloxv ochre , He : L. M
\ . . 1) . , ! < < ; coldon itehre , IRe ; patent ilrxer
tc ; Kralnlne color * . Hplit o.ik , daik oak , xxal
inn chestnut nnd nsh We.
I'AIMM.V On.X \ hite lead , Omtiln. P. P.
"c : xxliltulrnd , St. LnuK puic 37 Mnrfell-
Ics ercon , 1 to 5 H > cans. < ; French zinc ,
green seal , 12o ; Flench zinc , led seal , lie ;
rienrli zinc-in xarnlili ns't.'iV ; Kri'nchzlnr
7f > c : xertnllilon. American , IV ; Indian , red
.ro < > nink. Mo : Venetian rtd Conkcoti s
c ; Vrnctlan rnl , American , l/e ; r < xt lead
7sc ; chrome xclloxv genuine , 'Juc ; chromo
yellow , K. 12c : ochre rochellc e ; ochni
FnMicli , SJ c ; ochre. American , 2c ; 'VN Inters
mineral , vice Lclilch btoxvn. 2Vsc ; Spanish
brnxxn.Uitc ; 1'rince's inineiaiac
Oli.sHOcaiDon. . per callnn. lip ; IV ) head.
jlKlit , tier gallon , le ; 17 : , = lioiuhUlit , pei ial
Ion. 1 ; l)0o xvater xxhltc. l o : linseed , r.ux'
per gallon. 44c ; linered , boikil. pur gallon1
47c : Inrd. xx Inter str'd per nalion. 6 c ; r > o-
1 , VJc ; No. ' 4 , 4 e ; castor XX.X. per ( ration.
f 1 V ) ; No. 3 , 11 44 ; sweet , per i Mnn , Sl.OU ;
opfrtn. W. . , per callon. 51 00 ; iisli. W. H. ,
per pallon , r > .r > c ; nentsfnot pxtia , per gallon ,
H < lc ; > io. 1. ( ISc ; InbriratlnR , zero , per Kalloll ,
7e ( ) ; snniinur , lie ; tolden machine. No. 1. ner
pallon , iiOc ; No. J , 'JV : iperin signal , per cal
lon.7.r > c : turtHMitlne , per gallon , 4r > c ; naptha ,
per ration. 7in.
\ Mivniins Harrol" , ) > er pallon : 1'urn-t
turo. uxtt.i. 81.10 ; ftiitnture , No. I , Sl.Oi ) ;
coach , extra S1.4U ; ro.icli , No. 1. Sl.'JO ;
Daniar , extra , S1.75 ; .lan.ui , 70c ; asplialtnm ,
extr.i , b5c ; bhcllnc , $ J.OU ; ham oil tnusli ,
lll'fl IT f 111 ( Jr. II1I9 Pis Kt.S
I a ) 1ICJ UJ 60 40 15 I10
> l linn's StNo.l Ll > 7 (04 ( 0)3 ) B.1S CM 70T.Ha 70
L'BO Oil , mi r nc ( i IMI ; no a ill i kn i w)7riw ) DO
L'uu KM yh ro 1' 8 UO.l 5U J 25 I 7ll 1 M,75 , VI fO
i.\ii ; : risii ( ls5J ! l utch )
Hah. s f s a Kta
N'oTl XVUIto 1'isU. . . . . . . ,7 , uTil rw.l Ma 10 1 U ' .if
Kiimily " . rot , : i&2tft ; o ia M
No. 1 Trout . ,4 , M4 l 2 MS 1(1 ( 74 Kt
No. 1 Pjckurol . ' 4 W .1 ( M J fit ) 1 VO S _ O'J '
_ MArjcKiir.t. tr i i Airii.j
llbls. llnlf llbls Qtr Ills _
Cnl _
_ riHii ( ivc , < AC in.
IKW iri ir " ' 'I ' * I'11 ' ll Or llbls I'nils or kits
W I 100 UO M 40 15 U 10
a _ |
Norwegian I ' I I I
Kkk Ik'r'liigs U 007 600 803 80 ! l 101 SS 1 01 W
KK HorrbiHS. H HIT 0011 Jj J 652 OT 1 10 P3 f&
lllistliUKS . . 8 00 I 50 1 00 U M I IK ) t0 ( H fiO
Holland liurrin : . new , per kc , " > c ; new
lotu split .ttooklisli , lOo , new blioit split
-Oinncstlc llollnml herrings ,
ke s , 5o ; Ktisahin h.uilines , 45c ; Ancho
vies in glass , Oiu Hull brana. per dot. ,
Anelinvics in , Ole Hull hrainl.
Si ( > 0 ; snieoil lliinihiiri ; liuiiin's ; , sUin- , and
heads > oil , per pull. St.15.
I'lio ii li in.ui.ei is UTJndit't except In
snni IM | iisli , wlifcli is inovinnveiy Ireely.
CoDi'isn Vow lai"c hank to' ' ! , 4c ;
ten kinif , ( icoiL'es cliunks , ic ; : clover leal ,
( iconics Mini. , , r.'j'e : I ih loIN , " Ib boxes ,
( i c : pr.iliiellower , 'J Ib bilck.Oculil ; io.c , -
lllbliek 1 c
.SMOKKD Fisit Ilulibitt , new , lOc. ; new
Denied licriin . ' ' ; -n-i KCIO ! We ; talniun ,
1. -ni'jiktU jt'ii 1 1 n , Ce.
Groocrn Ijlnr.
SffiAiis. I'nwiiiioi. i L , < ut loaf , "J < c ;
irranul.itml , 7'Nc : cunlectluners' A. 7' ' > c ;
Standard cxti.i l\0'2c ' ; exiia U , C\t" incdl-
HIII velln ii , ( \ew Oileins. 'IH f fi' ' ( > .
AKTniis : Per caddie , 'We ; round , rl. case ,
- ! ! ; Mpinro cases , Si. 70 ; Uihkosh case-sur. ,
Sl. ' l mule sidi.iie. -I 'W.
CANDY Mf > oil , luizi''c ; stick , 10'rtUo
t-oD.v In Ib panels , SJ.-j a case ; salboda
kO | KT III.
white v\lne \ , IS
1'icKi'KS Medium In barrels ? * . Wiln ; Hi
half iMiu'Is. Si.i'O ; HIII all in b.urcls , SMH ) ; ilo
in Iinlt Imricls , 54. < ) ; gluirltnis In h.iircls ,
feU.OO ; do in half barrels , . (0. (
SALT li ay loads , pur bbl , SI. 55 ; Ashton.
In sack.Sn. * . : ; sadt.s. Ashton. 'JOc.ubl
diiir\.83. Va'J.7.'i '
CIIACKKKS ( Jarncan's soda , butter and
picnic , SSc ; cruinis , b , c ; umtcr ; snaps , b i > c ;
Citv soda , 7l.e ) Hoxes.1011 , , Os ll'-c ' ; 8s , ll'c ' ;
DOMMloib , 10 07 , os , 1 c ; hall boN , ' 'OUi ,
I''c.KINB Cur Hard lo IJent , "Oc ; Chnrniof thu
West , Me ; Kountain , "Oc ; ( .olden Thread ,
fi'c ; Knvoriu.- , eec ; Minis , , Vo ) ; Itockj Mniin-
tain , SOc ; fancy , -tfiu ; iJdisy , We ; Norlli btur ,
7Ui > ; Uooil LucK , Die ; iiui u. ii H'1-
I'l.i'fl TDIIACCO C'llinax , Hlcpei IIilloi ; < o-
shoc , I'ic ' ; htar , 4 c ; rjiic.irticad , < r > c ; Our
HiilH ) 10 , ; ; I'UHT Heldslck , We : I'uuvllI'Jo ' ,
omit ; KriU , 4\c \ : Sil\er I'a ' , 4rte.
oi'K bn > ul , K inch iiiul larei , Wa ; Inch ,
c ; i , inch , 9 is.
\NNLII ( iooth Oysters. Stnndard per
case. S.I. : straw homos , 'J-lli , , percase. s'J. O ;
inspbcriiiM , ! i-Ib. , poi c.isi > , JiJ.iiS ; C.ilitoinin
penis , jier case , Sfj.OO ; apricots , pel case ,
SJ.7 , ; peaches JUT case , Sl.75litocliet ; -
0 < fl
VM ) .
SoAi's-Klik's Savon Imperial , S.1.00 ;
Killi's satinet. SMIb ; Klrlc's Mandinl. Ktvj ;
Kirk's White ltiivhui. JM.GO ; Kirk's ' White
Cap. V5.6U : Home .M.IO.
BiMCKs Whole I'cpj > cr , We ; alflplco , lOc ;
Gai ill1 u ultnuici ) , l' Hc ; X.inilur . cuncs , 15c ;
Ainboyiia CIOMBIX ; ; , cassia , 10u : < o o.i
> n < aiiiiniX.'c ; Saiuon Cub la , i.'c
fill ) . bSu : ICniKhlonrhpuic , UltiO v ;
foiil'h linlk. le ,
bi'iccs ( iinnnd llluck pepper , boxes , 15
< < W c ; al spice , PA$1 c ; cinniiiuoti IN * .V ;
ole MS lliu.'irK ( ! ; KlliBcr , ir if4."ji ; ; uiustaid , l.'rf
. '
UOFFUKS Onlinaiy prancs , c ; tiu , ' < ( J
ID c ; in inn1 ll ilJ 4c ; i-liuice. l" miiji : ,
fane ) KH''n and \ellow. 1 14 c ; old > u > v
ciiiineni .Iiiva , 'JO.'Oai ; inleii'ir .lav.i. Hi v"
Ale ; .Mocha avinfJIe : A huckle'H roasted ,
1 c ; Ale niiulilm'.i \\.VX masted. 1 c ;
Pllwnitli's MKe ; Ueil ( 'loss. 13' c ;
Mcl.uu'lillliS. : A i bui kle'nand > 1/ailjjlitni t ,
XXXX are .sold Via per case oil ubovu prices
in .l-ease lots.
Dnir.K Kni'iTs No. 1 onaitcr apples , ttc ;
evaMiated | , hoxix , t > i c. binckbeirie.s ,
boxes , it up c ; i > f.icliei. K.i teui- * / < i c :
pe.idies. evaporated. 15'ifl7is ' ; ilt hal.e.
nevjjctA . ra.spu.-u. is , no . SS < < fI7o ; currants -
rants , ne.v < S' prunm 5 % ' , - .
bMtri Slaiiflnnl C 'J c , hhU : htanda it ,
do 4uallon lt'p > . SI. f * : N'c Orleans .inyi V ;
IN'I irnlloii : Maple b.\ nil ) , L , harrel. ) ' , A tt ,
Ktilitly ; uire , 7 < k' per Kinon : ; 1 f" " " " catis ,
tli.A'i pei iliu : ' - , irnllun e.tiiN Ji.ii poi do ;
nnart cans S'J.OO
TBAbii.npowdcr ( , fair , axft'T ; Rood , -iV
.We : choice , WKie7.V ; coud Imperial ,
choice , fiOvii.70i ) ; ; Voiin Ih-nn. rood. < K
choice , 4Uia70i' { Oolontf , coed , .HVifllV ; On
Innu , cliolce.ICHufiiie : HrcaklaM wed
c ; choicK , fiO.uVi.'ie ' : Soucliniiif , pied , ihXii
itto ; choice , & ' ( : ; .lapiuis , lair , vivi. i.o ;
L'wxl. avjMSc ! choice , & 5(370c ( ; Tea Oust , ifto ;
Tea Slltin .3 , ! ( .
Dry Good * .
Pitmrfi-Sied u > ri'4c , Araeilcan , 5 c ;
Ainoid'h. ( V < ; Cm hi en , I'M ; lUncitcMer , ne ;
Lynmn , &c : Gloucester , 6tc : Dinineil Joc-
unard.Cc : Ounncll , ftjfe ; Windsor. V : I'.v
Itic , c ; II irinony. < iscj Anchor Shirtln.'a ,
Jic ; Merriuiaek bhlriJ > < , 4 fc ; IlrrwIcU ,
UOTTOXS farmrrs' Choice.
6Vc ; Culwt , fl { ; HoH | ! . 7c : Hill 4-1 , 7 e :
lIlHK.O c ; LonviUlf , 8 ; Kmit , b < c ; Warn-
BUtUl , ! U > ic
COIIIKT JKANs-Kcarsari-e , 7o ; Armory ,
7c ; ri'pH | < ri'll , 7 'cj liulinii Oichard , 6'ic ;
IS'amnKenij , Ic ,
KINK Hitnwx C TTOMlVpjicrcll H. OVc :
JVpieicll | O. ftjc. ( Atlas , O. c ; bUtuo of lau-
extj , Ccj Sanuiiic K , t , ' u.
I'niNT"Pled niver , 4cAracMcan \ , S'jC * .
Arnolds ( : loihco , dc ; Manchfsttr ,
Cc ! Ionian , V ; dloitccster , ft'2c' ' Dun-
nell Jacqnard , Co. Duiiuill , 54 , lUm.v
I > o , 8 1 , Windsor. < * ; ' ,
ft o ; llnrmonyI'fc ) Anelior Shirting > tc ;
Jlcminack '
Hoaxer ( .reek \ \ . Uc : Hfnxv
and oioxvn , 'se
UrcK ( I nbie.wlie.D-Poz. Mitnolla , lOJjr ;
10 01. .Maztii ! la , Kc : * < 07. West 1'oinl , 10'e ;
10o/ . West ivmt. : ' , .
UITK ( coioied ) Itoston 07. broxvn and
dial ) , 13Ur : Boitoii 0 II broxvn mid drab , 'Ji' ;
J'.oMon XX broxxn nnd dr.ib , ItV : Hostun
XXXbroxxnnnd drab 11'e ; HoMonUl'blU'1 ,
IlUearrpnTrleol. : . loe.
I'IO'\N : CnTiusLaxuniice Lh , tc ; Slnxx--
mnt 1,1 , , 6c ; licaxer Dam 1.IV ; Atl.iutii . )
LU. 5c ; Indian Ikwl , 7c ; Wnu lin < sset f < Jt < " ,
rrox ii XXX. o , c : Clittun CCC , o c ;
* - tlc.i C. 4i r : Atlanttf 1' V..C.
TIC-KINOS Amoikeau Al'A. 12' e ; Thorn-
I keOOO , 7fieThorndlKefancx.lSe ; ;
A , 10'4e : York fanej. V."jc ; Milllmrx , VJ' ' e ;
Pearf Hixer , lle } , ; Hamilton. 12c : Sxvitt
Uixer , 0"4e ; shetucket S. s c ; ShMucket SS
Ho ; Mnntauk AA , lie ; iluntauk HU , 10 , ' c !
Oinei.i AC \ . ' '
dross. 9 < ! i Amoskca ? . staple , I'jc ' ; Ivi ne
8'ic ; Wamsntta. s' c ; Nubian. \ < ; c ; Wa-
wick. * * c ; Whittend'in , 1'c ; Hates , ilu-fsN ; ;
Jlates. ftaple , 6c ; llanilolph. staple ,
Lanfidowne , , c ; Ulnnccstcr , , ' ( , c
CIIKVIOTS Amosl-ea. , checks. 9 } fo ; Amos
sai ; , stripes , S'c ' ; blater , stripes , ? < : Killn
bun ; , "He ; Whiltendiin , stnKly | ; ( lien-
rosp , 9e ; Oils , checks it'ic ; Oils , f-lrlpes , I'c ' ,
lli < \ af'e ; Anioskeai : , nanpcd , 10'jc ' ; La-
ray , book fold , 1'Jc ; Oberon , book fold , UK" !
Kndurnnce , book fold 1'Jc.
Dry Lumber.
Shlncles have mUanccd So and dimension
SOc In Chicapo.
' 13 ft II It'lO ' ft 18 n SO ft ? 1 n 34 ft
1x4. . . . ! T irTrT ) ir. on ir , o-i IB oil H.IM is.o ) i O'J '
2xfi ] i lill K ) H Wn.VI Iti.W VI.5D'-XI..V1
z\t > ir.ij. ) is 0,1 , ir > i < ) i
ztto iMoiMiuriffii
' . ' \u Tinui , ' , 41 iriii )
1H-SX3 150(1 ( I5W li CO lil.OO IT 00 1S.OJ IU.OO
IK ) A HIM ,
No. 1 boards , 12,14 and Hi H gin.M )
No. 2 boards , l-i , U and 1C , u H.M
No. 3 boat d 3 , li , It an d in f t ! S.ftO
No. Iboaul
I' VllllTlON.
l t rom. , % inch Wliite 1'ine . S"0.00
2dCoin.f inch White 1'ine . U3.00
Clcsir. Vlnch Yellow 1'ino .
Cleminrh N'orwav . 11.00
2d Com. . > Y inch , Nohv.xv . UJ.OO
1st Tom. r , Inch , \\lnie pine . SH5 ( W
SdCom.O Inch , Mliltu pine . l 'to '
d ( "nni. 0 Inch , v\hito pine . yam
1) . 0 Inch , white pine . a ) ( )
Com 4 and i , inch veilow plnu . 17..W
Star and inch \ellow pine . 21.00
Iht and .M clear > eilow pine , 1-C Inch . . . 2.1. r.O
"HIP l.M' .
No. 1 , Phin , s and 10 inch . 17.00
No.1. , I'luin. band 10 Inch . lf > .0u
No. 1 , O. ( i . 17.50
1st and Sd riear , 1' , ' incii , t. 2s . S3000
1st and x'd ' Clear. 1' , , and 'J Inch , & -a - W ) oO
! ! d Cle.I'i \ ' ineh. sJs . 1" > 00
M Clear , IS and -J inch , s 2s . -1SOO
HSeloet , IV , 1's and 'J inch , s. 2s . WOO
1st and -d Clear , 1 inch , s. 2s . MOO
: : d f ! ' .11 , t inch , s2s . 4-1 a
A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s . -40 00
H Select , 1 Ineh , s. 2s . ' "JOO
SLOCK 110 111)3. )
A 12 inch , 1 sl2 , Hand 10 ft t . 210 00
Jl " " " " " " . ! ! a )
c " " " " " " . an oo
I ) " " " " " . 2.1 00
No. 1 Com. 13 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft. . 17 f.O .
No. I " " " 10 , IS and 30 ft. . 1850
No. 2 " " " l'i , Hand 10 tt. . 1550
POPI. vu i
Clear 1'oplar HoHds , in , s 2s . SCO 00
" " i in , panel .stk wide , s2t. 2700
' " ( TonuuatedCeilini , ' , % . . . . 25) ) 00
HATTI.NS VM.I.I , rrnixo , ricicr.TS.
O. G. Halts , 2W inch . SCO 70
' . .vs. sis . cam
a Inch Well Tub'.ii } ; . 1) . \ M. and Hev. . ! SO
. .
ASlanilurd . 5200
! > inch , eleat , frl.50 ; C inch , clear . 1 00
No l. . . . . . . . . . 1 10
Lath . 5320
White Cedar , f.inch , halu's . S U
" " 5k " " aiidsinu'is U
" 1 " lulind . 11
Ten nes'-ce red cedar , sjiia . l-l1
I.IMK. 1. 1C.
Qttlncy white lime ( Ik'st ) , S5c ; cement ,
AKion , SI 7'j ; plaster , tJ.'W ; hair , per bushel
KOv , ; sash , fx ) per cent itfr list ; doois , blinds ,
inoiililiiiiis ' i 'i ' 'enl < m list ; tarred telt , per
oxvt. , tl.73 : straw board , Srl.OO.
A New UDil e.
"Just to think of it , " Ins , xvith
dii written on every linu of his faec.
"L was , eoniinioiil of St. Louis tlui other
day , and , thu car bein uioxxiled , 1 gave
half ot mv seat to u ileiuuri ) nttlc
widow. "
' How ilo you know she was a widowr"
nskeii n Now York Star leporter.
"Shis tel 1 me so She s > tid slio xviisaxv-
fully iifniil of beint ? rolibed , unil , know-
iiiK by my faeu that I wis : an honest
man , siio wanted me to take charge of
her portmoitnuiu until wo reached Cliieu-
go. "
"Anil you did ? "
"Am f not a fool ? Yo.s , 1 did , and as
sin1 passed it over she swvutly said :
" ' riiore .s CMictl sJ'JO in it. '
' 'Woiodeto Chicago xvithont leiivinc
our M-atti. As wo run in the city I hand
ed her tint jmrbc. She opened it and
counted the money.
' "Why , tlii-io isn't but $50 here ! she
said , as she IcoUcd tip at me.
" 'Hut 1 haven't liiliun any. '
"Well , 1 am § 1(1 ( short , as you bee. Pcr-
linws you run explain it to this policu. ' "
"And xx luU did you diy"
"I yuviInr the 1-10 , of course. Please
kiek me a fexx liiindri d times. "
Just give H. Jl. 1KMKJI1LA8B vi SONS
CAl'bltTM C'Ol'dll I HI )1'S ) a fair trial.
lln-y will nltevi' your ( 'ougfi iiihtantly :
Thousands testify to this
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Tlieonly roaj to tnVo ' .ir DPS Mnlnrs Mnr-
tliiiilloHii.Ciiini-llnpliU.Cllii'on , Dixie I1)lcnn.
Milniiukeu undnll ixilntf , oi t To Iho peopluof
N'oliruvVa , ColniHno. XX'j ominy. 1'inh , Iilaho
NevH'ln , UreuoiiVutliliutini itn < l Ciillrornln II
nn , < r iu | < uiiar Kdraututret not pn < tiuio lir nur
other Him
Amonirn fotf of tlio numcious iKilntHol supo-
rfoilt > enjuyixl by Hie pultons of tills rouil lio-
H , eon Oimiliu unit Cluc-uKo , nru Its two Iniiiisa
da ) uf UAV COAl'llirf : uhicli uiu the luii'-t ilutt
luihinn ait nnii ingenuity tun uieato. Its I'A I-
At'K SI.KUI'INO CAHS , wlilih ar modeli of
oo iu f 11 it HH.1 ek'fium * Itn l'AIU.OIt UltAXVINC
llOOM CAHS , niisuipukRol liy nr , HII.I Its mile-
> iftlrlirtiteil l'AI.ATIAMlMN ) ( > CAMS , ( lie
eqiiftl of TTliIcli cuunot bu round oUewlirro
Al Coiuirll HlulTs thn trnliiR of the Union I'uol-
to lljMmntH.n In Union Depot nltli ihoi-o of the
ClilciiK-oA North o trrn lly. In Chlumio ( lie
tr in nf HiU llnu miiUe doid connfctlon with
tlio'cof nil cnnrrn Hill's.
l'ir Dolioil. Colunitnii , IndUnapoll * . Cinclu-
natl. Nlwrnrn KulU. KulTrtli ) , J'liuliurc. Toronto ,
> Uiuii 'nr. lliton , Nvw York , I'hlladclplilu , llnl-
tlmorr XTiidilnirton and all points In tb cut t , uk
( lie ticket ntfent fin tieKetn > ln tUe
"NOimi-WK.STUH.N' . "
If you nUli Iho best uooommoilatlous. All ticket
H. 8. HAIW.
( U-nt-ml Man&Kcr. Oen. I'a-a. Agcut
Ccn- Agent , 1 . .l tt.UiutumN
B'lllafd ' Tables ,
run imrxsn KIC n u.HK-rou.r.NDru A ri
Manufacturers ol Billiard # Pool Tables ,
Ami Saloon. Office mill Hunk fixture * . Mm'-st
nnd Huron Hts , Chf'-aeo , iu. Oin iha once , ' , } }
f. lOth St.
Book Oil-ding. Etc ,
_ _
Printers , Book Binders ,
Anil lllftnl llonk Mnmifactiirers Nos. 106 ailj
10SPimtlillliMh.-ctOniRha , Xeb.
Bullsr Tubs.
j siy.Morit. :
JKannfacturing of Bntter Tubs.
' ' ' ' ' ' '
In . We. Ifth 'aiul'l'.i re'o'M.'oninlia.'Ni'b.
Cijrars and Tobacco ,
MAX MKYKIl .V. O\ ) " "
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
flims mill Amimmitinii. sir , to I'i'iiSoulli lltli
Street , Itf-V to llt-'J 1 ni mini Mic t , Uinnhn , Nub.
wr. . T A Fitrrsc
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
Anil Wlieletnli ! lle.il1 r * In lnf Tolmecos. Xos.
1C * nnd 110 X. llth Street , Oinnlm , Neb.
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works ,
John , Vioprlelor. Miinilfni'tiircr of
Unh nii/i'd ! liiin und Corniro 1U1 DodKii , nnd 101
nnd lUi Nortli 10th Mreot , Omntm , Neb.
lirKMPINll A 110ITK ,
Mnmifnctuitii > of Ornnmentiil
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , rinnl , lk ! ,110 S l th St. Workdnno
In anj purl of the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C BPr.CIIT. Pmprlotor.
Gnlvnnbed Iron Cornices , Kte. Sprclil's Irn-
pio\ed Patent Mrtnll'cSk > light. tOS nnd ftlUS.
lith l , Omalm , Nel.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
Planing Mill ,
Toor , Fnpli niul Illlinls. Also nil Minis of
liiriilnp. bcroll und blnir orli ottiy dc-
soiiiitlon. _
A. itosr.xiir.ia %
* Mniuifncturor nnd Denlnrln
Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouldings ,
Utc. StnlrltnlN a nptvlnlty. Telcpliono No. II.
irtb nnd Murey St , Onmliii , Nub.
Electrical Supplies.
Electrical Supplies ,
L. W. WOLI'i : A CO. , Kloctriolan ,
Mnsonle HlocV , Omiili.i. Ilui lii' Alnrnifi. Hull * ,
Vlin Alnims. I'.leclrli Mnttlnir , Spu iklnt ; Tub * : ) ,
Gold , Hlxer nnd Xic'.el ' PluUng , Klo.
Iron and Nails.
" ' '
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
Fire Nnlls n Specialty. Omaha , N'ob.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Mnulnucry.t ii-.lliiirs. Steam Kiitrlnci > , Hollow ,
Aichltcctmci ! lion V.'oiU. lion llndiji" " , MlnliiR
nnd Mill .Mnclilnoiy , Olliee und works , Union
PuciUo It. K 17th and Itith Streets.
wiAiixr : & into. ,
Foundry Works ,
Cor. Hth nnd JnukMin S"t . , prcimred to do nil
kinds of lion nnd lluiss CaHlnx-B ; ul.-n , D. C.
HiinnlHer'H Hocking Onito Ilius miiiiurnctiirnj
B. JI. 1IUI.SK ,
Mattress .Company ,
-MnnufactiirltDr Mntlrpn'-os , HiHliUnp , ronthor
I'ilUnvB , Cote , lUo. lax ) nnd IMS Duu las htiuct ,
Oniidin , Null.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
JCRHS Pants , Plilita , iic , 1102 undllOi
Street , Uiimlm , Noli.
Paper Bozes ,
.1. L. XVIf.KlK ,
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
1GCR. 14th Pt , Onmlm , N'ub. Onleis liy mall BO-
_ licituil stuil i111 receive prompt attention. _
Safes ,
dinaha Safe Works ,
Mnnurnrtnrcror Fiirniul Ilnrplnr Proof fiafos ,
Vault DODIP. .lull XVork. Plintters anil XX'Iro
* , Vork. Cor. Hill anil J&cltEUU tta. , , Neu.
P. .1. QUKALKY ,
Soap Mannfdcturep ,
Office nnil 1'uclorr mar Vundor Jtajrazlno ,
V/agons / and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
lll&nnil HIT llurnc ) slitet , ( Jmiilm. Noli. Ko\n \
Agents In NclirnsLii forJoms' ColvliralLil Split
Klinn KulhleE.
IMabllslieil IK8.
A. J. SIMl'bON ,
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
Uuilgi ) Stri'd ' , Oiniibo , Nib.
V/liite / Lead.
CoriodciE : mil Grhnloraof
Perfectly Pure Yi'lute ' Lead ,
Omnha , hub. 11 vi liinci , 1'u * ; ( . W. ll a/l
Vlt'o I'rcf. : 11 , XX Ysttb. Mx1. anilTicue.
The Hlllard ,
6hcar , J. E. JlHrkol Tlios. Rwobo , Piopiletors
Oiiiuhn , N
Arcade Hotel ,
James C.w-ey , 1'iopil'Mor.
1215 und l.'IT Dou.rhu HI , I Imalm , Nfl ) .
hnpiitmiiiiKoof co'innercial niuii rr | > el fulljr
wilicllixl , They will limt tlilB the Litat f4 ! uiluy
lionto ut
Planters House ,
c. H. riunis : , I'lturiiiirron.
llAtCB , l.Mlpei day. btreet i-urs > from U. P.
depot , u it nut imu I'iock ol IIUUNU. Curnui
uud laii itr < uli.Uiuuliu , Ntb.
The Cozzens ,
P. Hmusny * Co. , Proprl tor .
Itctce J2.CX ) per day , no diu V ronm . Alto Pnlnca
llottl Uunt.i I'o , Uiutiliii , Ntb.
CanDeld House ,
Cor. Ninth and 1'uriuim Ms. The hrM JC pei
dii > hotel in Oiui'.lui Itt'UKMlrletl , rriuniithe I ,
ledouiuud ; ouv block fioui mill ) lietviipuuru rs.
oiHiyiio | ] I'liiun 1'iu-ine hcndiiuurterb. eneei ciira
piian thd door , ( uort-t runn lil it Co , pioi | w
tor . Alto Uulon bioik Ymdk llotel , Soutb
Hotel de Goes ,
P. ( ilXS ) , Proprietor.
European Plun , The only leutmllr loeute < l ? 3
iluy tiDiiM' . Tli i I'D diMiib from lloyn'B l ) | 'r.i
HOUM. ' und ime-iulf block fiinu Uiu i'oato l.uu
nil lliu Court House. IWd , JMJ , lulJ i'uruuiu
bl.,0ic < iliu Nub.
I1MV.KM A MI'H1 i i ,
\ !
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Ofllcc , roii'ci Cih nt l r tlHc t , I'liinlm N > ' . > .
I'Aisuv. cm xixMtrr .1 M vnrtx ,
A\hn'r nlc IK > ler Ml
Agricultural Iraplemauts , Wagons
nil 1 HIT * * . Onmlu , Vc' > .
Bocts and Slii-es.
W. V. MOU t : A CK. (
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1(11 ( Vnniam Stirct , dnndn. Neb. Mnuufrt" nrj'
Smnnii'i Direct Ito'.tou.
Cartels ,
S A. OHCllAUl ) ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mailings , turtftlu ( iood ? . Etc. . 1433 rarn m
Mrct t. dniiiha , Npr. , Llnic , Ctc , .
\tKI'K W. Hr.DKOIllC
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Office , 2I3S. Htb t .Oinnhn. NcK YuriU , Sth
and DaMiiporl J-lrt els.
COVT\.ST * SytMHK" ,
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
OI"ce,213S IJthflt.
Ko ltK. , < ) mnliH , Nob.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
MS. Mill "t.-Oniahn , Xeb.
Dm. L'.Tnwi.i : , l'rc IJcut.
Oro. 1'Arn II ON , See niul Trca * .
J. II. HfiiiKiiT , 1' . A. II urn ,
Proprietor. Mniwper.
Kebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OITicc.'lTP. Ulh Mrcct. Ti'leplmnc4. ' . _
( JrO. K. I.A1IV01I , PlL5. f" . V llUOHM\NV. 1'fCS.
J. A. fi MiL'iii. tMi , t'cc Hinl Troiis.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbeis of Imiil niul soil coal , IV i S. Htli tl. ,
Oiiiiibii , Ni > b.
Hard and Soft Coal ,
EicluMro dcnt'To In HouMcr Colorailu Coal , 217
f-onlh litli ! > tliel.
CcfTec ami Spices.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tea CulUes , Splie-i. lltil.injr I'nwilt'i Kliivorlug
llxtiucl ! ! , I.uuiiilij llliip. Ink , oto. HUM Hur-
ney btri't't , ( Jiiialiu. Neb.
Commission. Etc ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
llil J'nniiiinht , Oiiinlia Appl < " Om own | . .iek-
ins I'lutt il o M TiRer llriiinl Ojtt ( if , llutler ,
Kept : , litiino , I'.udti ) , PUIMMOS.
N r. n..u'K ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Proflucn , 1'ioti'ioiih , Piuits , 1'loui niul Keptl , lV"i (
S. Htb SI. , llnialitt , Neb Consignments lol'Citixl.
Id tuins inuilu piiiniiily. |
i.ons ! MLUII : ,
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
CliccM1 , Sniwiirrs , IVuIts , HuUlicrs Tools anl
fallibility. 1J15 Joiic ; , St , On.iihn , Neb
W. T. ItlDDKl.l , .
General Commission Merchant.
Pi'ECiAi.Tirs ( lieiM' . Hutli'r , I'efK. I'oultiy
and liinne , 112 S. Htli. , Om.ibaVub. . J'eio-
plinuo Xo. 3Jr > .
D. A. : IUULIY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
nutter , Kfrcs timl I'loiluco. A full lin
wine. CoiiBipniiifnts solicited. HH JoclK < >
General Commission Merchant ,
Ilutter , KKP" , CUecie and < omitiy 1'iodiico son-
erully.yu'J S. l.'tb .ut. , Umiihii , Neb.
MCSHANI : i SCHKOiiiiC ; ; ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Kef rigf niton nnd I'uckliiff Houe , lltli .V. f. ' rumi-
w orlh St. , on U. I' . It. H. Track , Uniulin , < > .
Kctabllshetl 1STO ,
General Commission ,
Sll e. Htli St , Oinnhn , NVb. .Spodnltios Uuttor
b , Poultry ml ( Jauie.
PE-i CICU 111103. ,
Commission Merchants , Fruits ,
Produce and Pi o visions , Omaliu , Neb.
A. 1' . SC'HACK ,
Wholesale Commission Merchant ,
Hulls , Seeds und Piodiien No X'1.1 S. Kt'.iStu'Ot ,
Omnlin Nubiu Lu.
TKOXKLl , 4. WIM.IA31 ? ,
Storage and Commission Merchants.
KniltH. Klnur , Apples Momiwmo , ( 'Idoi'.Vinoimr.
( Jinks Scpdx. lliitlor nml l'nrs 81.1 nnd 'J' ' " South
] ' ! ! b Hi ril , Omiili'i , Ncbruekii ,
WIKI : MAN A. rn ,
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Hutter , ( iiiino , I'rnits SW5 HtU
bt , Onmlui , Nubnuikii.
A. If. 1IKTHOH ,
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic rrnlts ,
Jlcatc , Ijird , JclluF , Hutl r , KPB * , Clict'f , Klu.
No. SOS b Uth Pt. , OuiKliK , Uel > .
wnSTKKFlKf I ) I1IIOO. ,
General Commission Merchants ,
, Onitlui , Nib , Uuni.igmi.cnt !
S incited.
U Mr. DONMU ) .
ISlh Slii'i'i. Dnmlin , Neb. Sptclullli" ; : Hut.
tnr , I'i'fi , midCliltuB ! ,
AffentTor tlio MiimifRclnrois mid liuportnH
Crockery , Glassware ,
Ijimps , Oilinnevt. Ktu. iIHm ) , , i7 ! Soutli lulli
btieot UmulM Kcli.
Dry Goous.
3 , 3. HIIOWN & CO ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
JK.-J Duuglus buifl.Uiiialni , Null ,
. Dry Goods , Hosiery , notions ,
Lineup , Uices , r.inliiiiidoiy HIU | VVUilo (
1UU Douulitd tilreet uinalia Neb.
1I1IOWNKIJ , k TO. ,
The Eaker Automatic Engines ,
Etntlnnury nnd ji.jiiiiiu . mpini-h , IKHIUIS and
flint IKJII ork , Mi/oiib | , nuiiiuliurul nniilu-
Un HIM , pumpb Lie. UJ.i lili -4\amru.tii I ftl.
Leather , Hides. Etc.
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
lilt Juckfon Micd.UnmLa , Nrb.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Eftddlciy iiiiu blmu l'inillm < , lluli > . Wool , urn ,
1 ilit , Uiv > tte , Jllun , Utc , UIIIKI , .Set.
Flour. Etc ,
\V\J. PlIEblOS. C.KH. HltlUIIUbON.
Wholesale Flour ,
U * , tlO und tU I'kue Strotl.Uinulia , NU
HI < i : , iu.
Ajrcnt for J r. Hffn.irr i l\i ,
KauufRcturcrs of Highest Grades of Flour
lly lluhcr * nnd HurirnnHii I'r < -os * U lUfliouso ,
1J1J Jones "tree 1. OinoliH. Xt l > .
\V.,1. WIt ! HK A CO.
Wholesale Flonr , Feed and Grain ,
Mftnufncturefxif W. J \\l l"iii" A To 's CJnlck
iiirUiirknluat lloin niul proprietor * Omali.i
I il > M'lls cor Mil niul Kuin .m w'reits Oin.ilu.
DK\\IY :
Wholesale Dealers in
I' Sti-cct , Omaliu XcK _ _
_ _
Al.l.V.N IlltO : ? .
Wholesale Grocers ,
lllfnml 1112 lauirlA < Stn et.Oiunlin , NVlj.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco aiul Smokers' Artlcli , UIT Ho\Minl ' 't ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
f-'l Icej , licit * nnd Tobnivos. 1,117 ami 13 W Otusr-
Ins Street , OtnuliH. Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner ICtti snil V amain tHreit ? , O'imlia , Xel ) .
PAXTOX , OAU.Adliril , V ( X ) ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Xos. 715 , 7 7 , W > and 711 UHli tt , OuiHlin , Xcb.
_ " _
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Pptlnpncmi Stiuli , Hnnlunml Lumber , etc.
l'u und Kl' Miitnet ctiect. liinalin , Ni b.
ID\IY : : . . tninioN ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Cnrrlnre WncM Sluoh , Huniy llnr > l .iui
lite. liT , and l.'l'J Ix-axcuwoitb Mioit.Oninbsi
. _
HlMr.nAfGII .V T.U l.Ult ,
Builders' ' HardWaio ,
Mfilimilcn' Tnols nnd Iliillalo fctalos. Ita' Douj ;
lus Slicit , Otnnhii , Nob.
1,1:1 : : , niiiin , v ro ,
Jobhers of Hwdware and Hails , Tinware ,
Sslicut lion. Kte. Ajrenlti Inr Ilo e Senlcj niul
Mlilinl Ponder IV ) . . Oiniilisi N b.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Minnies , ( iintcs Iliniib v < ioil . U.'l and 13.M Tir-
nnni Mioet.
lirCTOH A. WII.lin.M Y CO ,
Wholesale Hardware nnd Nails ,
7nici : ou Sl 'd Null Cor. IDtli mnl llsiinoy
iiticotti , Oinnbn , Nub.
Harvests s.
WM. nriiur , ' < ! i co.rnnTvuo ,
MnuurncUiroi ol tiin
Deering 1/arvesler / Goods ,
Wrllc to Win. M. Ixiilrnei. Ccnornl
Onmlu. Tcli'pl'OiiilJlU.
Iron Pipe , Qc ,
CO\VINI ( .S. CO ,
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
ors In linn 1'lpo , lion niiliiKs , lion and
( ioodN. linplneer1 hiippllis. llth und
Streets , Uiniiliit , Neb.
Pumps , Pipe aud Engines.
Etenni , Wntcr. U ilhxny nnd MilliiijrSuppllf * , Etc
VS ) , l J nnd ittl rninain St. Ojnnha , Xeb.
" "
cnrnciiujj iTMi' co ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Ptcnin nnd Waior iipplic * . lkml.iiaiteifl | fo1-
iliibt Toniit Co.'s ( Jooilb. 1111 J'niinnii Street ,
Uniulin , f ub _
" " "
Wholesale Jewelers ,
n"nlTS In SllveiMiirn , Dl'inioinls , Wntrlios
l lnil s , .lewelei V Toolh nnd Mnti'imls lite. , 11)1
hud Ml , loth SIM ct , t ur. Dodb'L , Uiu.iliii , Nub.
snrh to Ichrn Mt'in'i'n & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
ImpoitniH of yoifluii risrli.Nos. all ' . ' 13 Jonce
_ atieet and U. 1' . Track Omnlii : , Nub.
Ll e Stack.
Bricigo Slock Yards , Omaha.
No Ymdnifo Cbturod.
Clo'otoIT. P llrnlue. bpLilalncconiinnil'itlon
rani : i Ifuod mailu t , Mr liwV. ( ' ( uotiurMnn -
iifin. Oirio. WUHotnhfith i-lieit.
Live Stock Commission
Ceo. Ibiilto , Mtuiui-'ci.
Union Plod. Ymilt , K OoiHlin , Nt'b. Tile fiS2.
W. 1' . H1U5WN A C'O ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Ofl'iio ' I'xrliirisro Ilnlldiiii' . Union Sto.'Jt Yai'd.i
botitli Oni.iUa , Kuli. 'Ji li'plioiioKn OJI
Live Stock Commission ,
Union StoiV YimK Clili-uiru. III. , nni ) Omaha ,
Ni'b rnuiL < ' ! itt ] < mi-nMiiiHi.iu ! Oiunlui Uruntti.
J'olPjiliuiin Xo ' 'fkJ. libtatillslied Wit
AV. I , PATItlCIv A CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Adilicnuilliijniniuiiiriito ! > iHtii us nt Union st
Viud SuntliOinuliB Advnijfe ni.ulo on Ho
Union Stock Yards Company ,
T.Inilted , John F lto\d hiiiierhilciulcnt
SAA'AOi : A- ( . ! ' : V ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Hiii'im lUh nf : iny und nil lun < lnf hliKk Milk-it-
( il. Union fctcc'V Yuids Oiualnt Neb
Lumber Lie.
r.onis iiiiAUKoun ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Suli , Doul ? , I'.U. Vunlv Cm. 7lli itlut Uoili'1,13 ,
Coi. Utb nnd
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mniiltliiit'c , fctiiu WorU nnd Ini'-iior llunl Wood
I'liiisli Jimt opened. IS K. enr till Hiid
trortb Btni'tH Unirtlm Nrb ,
Wholesale Lumber ,
Sit S. Htli htiret , UiiuiUu , N b , 1' , Colprtrsr ,
e. K. n IB I ? , ,
Lumber ,
lllli and CallfuMiix ctirct , Omahi , Neb ,
FltUIJ W. ( ilCAY ,
Limo Cement Ktc Etc
, , , , , ,
Cm. bih and Ounclur Mn i u , Oinulu , Xvli.
UK' ) . A IKAil.AM ( )
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Oinalm , M br > .n.
CIIAS. it. I.IK : ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
ftoi'k , I'nncyoixli. \ . llildiP Tlmbeid ,
\V. l-oi. ' . 'th anil lioiiKUion , < ilii , S < b.
O I' , 1.VXAK ,
Dealer iu Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ,
' i'rior | , KU : Nnilli l tu 'jirfi.t ,
Nebraska Lumber Co ,
IVIrt III U < | > ilul .
Iosireii < , .iiiiiu fiuituicro iid wliiiliKilu mi-
tic. .Mill , m * U'rillli WliolffHluHiiil it
jmd.Umitbft , .Nob. Ill ) . Jh ( : ( .
Uonlen in AC Ulml < f
Building Material at Wliolesals , ,
JPlhStieetiirMl 1' I ! It U 'liiu\.0nmli.t > f .
- < - *
r.lMiMN 1) XX'VATT.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
JCth itii < U turd Stn ets , Omnh \ , Nelil 'isVn.
, t x. xrAKr.nt.l.P.
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shines ,
RmUlitie I'nppr * , Sii'h , Dnoip , UleiiU , Moul.l.
lni : , PuM'H , l'o K I 'we , I'lniltr , llnlr ,
( < inviit. Xltilli iiinl .Itmeti Onri'n ' Neb ,
Millinery ,
' *
i 0111:111 : ii.iuii. ; :
Millinery and Notions , 1"H tlniiuM , Pticct.Oiimlia. V l .
Miisictl Inslrumsnls.
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Ftelli ft ) l'kmn , XVeticr , HiTliCT. llnlnps mill
111 IBJM IMiuio * . t'Hi-kntil Hiit'iit'i , ( ItiHo
lOltitid In ) 1'itli 'Heel.
Nolions , Ctc ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry finoiX Notion * , drills' I'ltritMilnr
( ImiiN from Nmr Xoik Ttiido * ulei iliulr. 60 > 1
ami i H Bnulh I tth M , Oiimliii.
C. S ( lOOlHtint A. TO ,
French and German Fancy Goods ,
HlHKBlsts' unit Still mut rs' Sunililiis. 1(1 ( % I'ur-
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
4(0 ( nnd 4Gh. ( 101 li SI , OiiiilmNel ! > .
XX'holrsiile Ih-alt'i" . In Notions utul ( touts' tfur-
niililnir dotiiU.
" " '
Oils , Ctc , TANK { .INK i'O. "
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Oftfollno , Mini Axle ( IriMi'e , Kto. A. II , Illshop
Mutineer , Oiriiliu , NtO.
Pork Packing.
j.\Mr.t < i : novu ,
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
_ Oniniin , NVln.u-ku.
1IAI11IH A 1 IS-' ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Onioe I'nlml Mniki-1,1'17 DiiilKeStieel. IMoklnir
lioiiM' , II. I * . 1 ( It. Timk. Uitiitlm , Neb. Tolii-
plimiu No I " "
S fos jntl Loci ; ; .
p. IIOVIMI A , co ,
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s
I'lii' Mini ( tutelar l'i out Sufoi , Pitue I oc' > " | Vnnlli
unit .lull Minis JIJ''O I mum sttfel , Oiiin'i.i ' , Volt
_ _ .
.1. IVANH. ;
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
Aprli'itltuiiil Veijelul'le , I'tc Uilil t'i llowt' Hull
N. XV. Coi. lltii mill Doiltro St. O'imliiioli
DiUgS , Do.
DllflJ OiJMl'A.V
Wholesale Druggists ,
.lobticisof IMInts.OIKVimluv ( il.Ml
Stri'ut , Unmhn , Nob.
0. V COOI 1AN ,
Wholesale Druggist ,
Ana Dciilcr In I'nlnts , ( till nnd XX'ItUoxx '
Uiii.ilnii KiM ) ,
Wines and Liqitois.
nt/.xiv iir.i.t.oxi : .1 co ,
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
nml 1"W Pmif-'U-fM . Onmlm , N"l' ' .
1'aitoilous 1 unit IHM ; DIst. N. V.
01:0 : xx"
Successor to MiVvi'.iU , v IH-srAV , iinporlou
mill XVlioli-Milr Uenloriilii
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
Sllumr.'iriS. IltliSI , Oiualm , Ncli.
It. U. RliOlTK ,
Wines and Liquors.
XVcElo nAscnlJ'iH Dolilll ? mowing Co. 71DS
9th Stiei't.Oiimlm.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and digits.
1JJ1 IJiiiiliif | ; 'jtiei ( .Onialiu , Neb.
lUil 4 ( "O.
Distillers and Importers of Wiuos
Anil J.liiuof. Polo iniuiulni uuor'uf Kvnnnilv'i
Kut luOiu lliltLi-b. 111HiniiCT HUei-t , Omuuft ,
I , . 1' . I.AIIFON A. O. ,
Wholesale Dealers \7Iilsliios \
Ami rijruii. , ami A ( nlti fur Dm Pitlllp
Ui'bts' roiiiiimtcl ililiMinl.ii ) liter , Uuinli.i , Noli.
llsrnes ? ! tie ,
Miiiinlnrtuiei' , nml .lobljnsof
Harness , Saddles , 8iddlery , Ilardv/aro / ,
Tmf Onodj , liliuiki'lM iirnl Knlico. MJ1 I'.innUU
Stieot Onii'lin , No ) )
Chicao Milwaukee & St , Pan ,
The Short
iitl Best
Froi Omaha to the East
thi > iiK < > , iliinn ii ) > i ,4 , Mihutnhce ,
ft I'niil , Cr > iar lliiliif. | Davenport ,
( lililon , ) . | , HDcUlorcl ,
It/id. IsJimd , I'r.'niKiil , Jiuii HVlllt ) ,
1'li'ln , Mnill-iin , luCioSBO ,
lliilult , XVinnnn , \ \
Anil 11 other nnsx'rn11" " ' I'1 ' iu , Nortliflast
TIcKtt office HI Mi , | rm , ix n trt"-l , ( In J'nxtou
DDK It , i. nil nt L i inn I'm nn. Ijopot.
1'ulliunn i-lmpiiM ni | ilin l-'uiu-it Illiilo Cam
in the SMuM inu inn ni il o tunln lines of ttia
i mi AIIII.MII w I'Aiu , Itui.w.iy , : iuj
< MTJ iilieiiiiuii in pitiii to PIK > < * HICH U > oOLiile-
Diikeinployriiiir ( In , eo u uiny ,
It iln.i.Mi , drni ' .Iiin.i iir.
.1. I' TIM KICK , At.i.iniil ( Soneml Mnnwior.
A. X' H ( 'MU'rviiiL , ili.-uirtl I'.iiionifur an l
liio i : Ilk m n n , Assisinui (
Ilrn-ilorof Tlioroucliliii'il ninl Illyh i
Hereford and Jerssy OnHe I
* f T1 < r I * " 1 V 3
iSUj Q llri'iyi ,
Commission Merchant ,
And liol 4iilu Uonlov in
Country Piod3C5,1'ruits ' , Butter , EggsKlo , ,
nouns ON to-VHKivJi-ii i ? ! ) ! n.ry.
320 ! 1. ( Gih Si , Gmaha , Hsb.
Hi feipnce' , l > 7 J iri > . . < > ii > ii Ktnit Xutlonal
ItiuiL , lnbnilfi | ; A n ( i.iiniiion. ( 'JSljIJr Hl'luv
N'.ilji.nul Itiuu hloin l ii ) , lort * Katloinil Hunk
liut Mi in. H , II HI KinifMHii.i tHm > t
and -Jail
: u .in Mm