Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1885, Image 1

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The Appropriation Bills Promise a Eollicl
ing Row in thu House.
Dakota' * Channel for Hocomlii.g
HiRto Frank I'almcr lit War 1'iuiit
\Vn hliitoii ) News or Inteiest
to Western 1'corde.
Donnybrook I'romlHctl.
Dec II. ( .Special to t ]
111 u I It Is cany to see thu Ural thli
that the new house Is gum. ? to do h > to get i
ft turf tight among Its members. Thai EIVI
lo IIP the condition of congress. U
less U can and itself continually in thu mti !
of ablj ? tpiairel the nuiiubcis do not led tli
Iht'j mo earning their salaries. DiuVroiic
glow nig out of thu iiiiMtlon | of amending tl
rulcH ot the boucoare lound to make a go.
dial ol feeling. Indications to-day are th
il' < rri.ou3 sclit'.uo vv.lli refeieiico lo t
dKilbuUun of Hi appropriation hills will I
ml i.ld. ) . . A majority of democrats probab
fa > jr the proposed new plan , and us far
Hi scpnblicans are concerned , they nicqui
vtlling to h.-lpln anything lhat is likely
canr.p a bleach In tlio ranks of tlio c
po.auu party. The oldest members of t
bu use , and those lo vvlumi that boi
imi.iully looks fur the leadership , are c
pi. , cd to the now tangled plan , yet the tu
lu < " > .br-r.J , aided by those vv ho mo willing
juv Ip.t.iU- row , will prob ibly outvote thoi
The i.atural result will b' ) that the old mei
bcrwhi ) will thus feel themselves snulHv
vt 1 be likely to do uuro or sulking. Tl
rvj" ilencoof the past three or four yea
d > . . . , g which Unii'Mutnl of the apprnpr
tl u billa have hi en fanned outtoothi
tl.iii Ihe api'i'opiiatlons ' committe" , she
tl. i .iroiiiniittii ! with only oneuppropii.ili
I to li.iiuu is Just about as slow iu getli
itoi t'lll U'ady as It hail halt a do/
oi oru to pivpaie. The cuiisciUcnco | w
oibi pitibably mat they will bo d the bill bn
ii' ; ,1 Ihe Ki-sslon has In MI well spent , ai
tl i thcie will be another iitiariel to tee w
v u ! M't In Hist. So the session seems like
Ui ljrcin nud end with iUai'rellng. |
iin rim AOO I'uMisi vsni : ! uip.
Vvl't.simu tcrl'alnu-r-eenis to bo setllii
d , w n tin a lotij ; seine iu regard to tliu CI
ei ; o post ollice. Uneot oui morning pa pi
tu it iv announced that he and Coiigtcssini
Van Hchalek liavo quarters at the "Stint
nuui Arms , " and tliero are other ovldenc I'.ilmur Intends to make a long sti
hue. ills trlouds are piedietmg to-day th
U ii- will hi-no action tiiUen by the senn
oi , l liv eland's appuinlmuts for iiostimstu
Pii'u r In Chicago or I'lill.idclnl.fa , and th
. .Juild will have
wi'i'ti ' the s. mite adjourns
bt , , , out i'11-l rainier will step iu.
'i in : 1'ijiri : OK ' 111111:1 : : lions.
I'i i daj iu the United .States supreme con
tl- i u iion todisnii.-i the appeal eu e ot tl
Ai issijiji | nnd hi. Louis railioad companli
p' ' outills ineiror , against Olive Heckw.irt1
w.i dcliltd. This ( Msi > is tin ) one In whi ,
Ihe lallroad eomiiauy appealed Irom tl
jndi'im-nt ol the ciieuit eouit ot Iowa , or !
luallytilnl hi a instico of the peace f
lliimboldtcounty , lovva , in which Ik-ckwor
V.vs nvvnidcd W-1 ( humi'i ) < s lor tlnco ho
Kdltd. The argument ot the company Is
cfTis t that the slaughtered swine vveio woi
only Mo nuoiiling to the lo-timony ot t
ow nor , but doubtle.-.s the amount of the val
piovctl was unaided under srclion IfA )
the lovva code which aulhori/es a Jud me
against the plalntitt In error Iho ruilro ;
eumpany tor double the value ol the sto
hilled. The action is to test the coustitutb
nllty of lids section of the code , which it
elafuicd la repugnant to the Kointot-n
amendment. As thu case Is numbered 1,1) )
on the docket it cannot bo argued lor sevei
jeans. Jell C'haiidlcrand Lppa Hunter n
pc.irfor the company.
DAKOI'A'H I'HOSI-I-.CTS ' I'OK AnMI ? lt\ ) .
Senator Hairlson , chairman of the senn
commitlco on tciiitories , has foitluctl id
Keif for u tititing , and he thinks , succe.ssl
light for division it not admission of lak (
to statehood dining lids session. Ho tu
tlicio is no doubt about the bill dividing t
ti-nitory and admitting the Koullu'iii half t
iug passed iu tlio senate , and that it is mi
than likely the house will accept the sai
mcasiue. 'This he thii.kscan bo utlcclcd
admitting ono of the ik-mocratiu tcrrltorii
probably tt'ashlngton The househo ha ;
cannot well ruliiso division In any event.
To day the executive committee appoint
by the constitutional convention ot l > .ik <
tiansmitted its memoihil to tht > senate , piii
Ing lor admission ot smith Dakota. It id
t-cnt u drall ot a state Constitution , which
usks lo bo approved by coiigit'ss. This glv
thn committee on teiiitoiicd something
wiiil ; ( m.
m.iin : .irpt.Mi'M' VII-ST STAND.
The United States supieme couit to-d
nfl'rmed the judgment of Ihe 1'iutcd Htal
circuit court lor Iowa in the appeal of Asa
Call , of ICmmettsburg , Iowa , Irom a ju <
men ) In favor ol lleniv II. I'almer. In U
Call bonowcd tlO.tKHJ tiom one Itarnham ai
gave a note bearing Ib per ( cut inicicsl. 1
claimed that Runliam chaigctl him &J.OOO t
the accommodation and that ho received li
fcs out ) , hence the transaction was usiirioi
Tl.c low a court awarded I'almcr , Hit ) pi
chaser ot Call's note , a decree of loieciostl
fur # , ' 1.VS' ' , with iuti'iestat IU wt cent ai
S'XJO altoiney fees anil costs , und tliu suprei
court alllims the judgment.
ori'iMtvi : : I-.VUIIS.VN- IOWA.
Thl'ieiiiive been nominated up totlih , til
by 1'ie.slili'Ut Cleveland I'M ' | -tm.i'.tcis. ' . i
thcte eighty-one weio to nil positions IK
by "olfeiislvi ) pattisaiiH. " und to1. ) lo i
vacancies caused bv expiration ot counn
hloiiH. Among the "olU-iii-lvii pailisuns ' i
moved weie the poslmasteis located at I-'i
Dodge , ( 'lesion , Charllun , ami Kl Dorad
Iowa. None wcio removed In .Nebraska.
ri.n-oN' vi. .MI s iins.
John C. ISonnell , ot Lincoln , is at t
John lleattv , jr. , ot Omaha , Is lu the city ,
Senator , \Iuniloi > on t-\ | eels lily wife lo jn
htm at tlio roitlaud IICM vuvlc.
WKSIKII.N ritj'iofrici : JI.VITIUIC.
( 'luuiLic.s have been outeicd In the tb
fichediilo of tint star mall nmtu truiii Oil
Creek to Scwlngle , | ) nbuiiiu county , low
as lollows : Leave Otter deck Tuesdavs in
batuulayb at 11 : ID a , m. ; airivo at > u\\in
at I'ii0u. : m. Leave SowingloTui.bda > s .11
Satunliiys at W'M : a. m , ; ainvo at Oil
Ctet'k by llUUa. : m.
( icoigeV. \ . Lowe wastoday commibbion
postmaster at Long I'ine. Neb. , and John I
Blmpaon at Thompson. Neb.
Commissions wcio issued for Iowa po1
masters' as totlowH : lle/cknili NVoutls , ( nei
Ciif-tle ; Aidlvan . Mmiiirn , Little biou
Walter J ) . llurd. Tiuier.
A nii.i. MAS' nti.N ; : iNTitoDurp.n
by Senator Wilson ot lovva , for the r
jKilntment uf railway postal cleiks. The b
piovldc.s that Iho appointment of rullvt
postal clerks s-lnilt bo lor a probationary ter
ot not less than thice nor moio than m
months , upon recommendationsitisiucto
to Iho postmaster general , who shall in ea
case id pioUitiou.iry appointment de.siimi
the lei ni lor which 't ' U made ; and each ; i
plication for a probationary appumtmc
shall bu In thiihandwiitiugoi' thoapplicai
and shall t-tate Ids name , lesidence and oct
patlon tor the live jeais ne\i preceding t
( late of such iiipllcation ] , The bill provltl
Imilicr tor examination dmini ; the jirol
tlonary ( K-riod , and aulhoiizcs thu po
master general to suspend nil n
poluteo , pending an investlgatiuii , (
tiny CUUMI whutever , such aa In
dcfity to the govcinmcnt. liilcmiwraiu
habitual profanity , inuttcntlon or neghvl
duty , ine.-.p.iclty fur tlie dime * or the oilu
dlsobedlciicn ul olliclal Insiructloiis , and ui
kind ot liitaiilkudlnalion. Thu charges mi
be madu In vvrlllng to the Ki-neral superi
tumlcnt of the lallwuy mall service , w
shall make un examination and teport to t
postmaster Kencral.
Kciuitor Miimlcrsoii said to tlu < lii.i : con
rpoudeiit Unlay that toil Kohl n son won
umloulK-dl ) bv maliilalnitl. lie slab-d tli
hu h.ul just had an mieiviewvlth licnei
tihi'ildan on the siiblect , and iluuuhl lie In
ts-uvlucid him thai I wet hi be UIUVIM-
nhaudon II an H-commciulc.l icverll ) . .Si i
KirMauUcrnuii JiwcU-dlicn
tlon to the ffreat prowth of Xehra ka at :
thn npcs < ilty of rehabitliii < tliu fortreMi
( ! f > n. Sheridan Indicated nu favnrinl pu
tint ; the post Into habitable form. St-nati
Mandcr on tldnks that I'ort l.nrftinio oapl
to li ' nli'indoned and the mab'iUl removed I
I'orl llobiii-oa. Ho will introduce a bll : i
this clftrt after bo has a fuitlicr Intinle
with the war depaittiH-iit. H Is very probab
that the vnator will rarrj Ids pnint.
TIIK iK.mtiToniAi. cnritT srer.\iMi : ) .
WA IUXHIOV , Dec. 11. [ Assnriatf
1'ross. I The supreme court to-day ntllniK
the judgment of the supiemi1 court cif I t :
In the CUT of Animus M. ( anuon , plaintitt I
urror , au.iin.'t the UniUsl fjtatc.s. Cannr.
was lndl ( led ouihr the Kdiuiinds' net f
unlawful cnlmbiUtlnn with more Mian ot
woman. The deleiidanl objected to tl
? ivliu of any evidence on the groutvlth
the Indictment did not nlhve that h > < wii
uiali- person , imr tliat thucohabitatmn v-
witli the women as wlve . The objw lion v\
oVcinded , and a veidlct of uuilty rutuinc
and tlii'drfi' TiiteiuiHl to pay a fine
d to ImprHoncd fnr six innntl ;
und to be furilier imiitisoued till ] m\mi'iit
the line. JiHhe Miller dl cnted fmnitl
oiiinlon of Ilii1 court.
The principal < iui ! Uon was the ini > nnnc ! i
the woul "cwhiiblt , " and Jmlfv Hlnlchford
his opinion MJS : "Thu court propel
charged the Juiy the defendant was to I
found tilllv If ho llvoil in the * mue hou
w 1th the two women and ate at thi'lr repc <
he lable" one- third ot hU lime , anil lie
tin-in out to the world by his laugiiaiu or co
duet as Ids wives. H was not wve-sary
should IIP fhown lhat he and the two womc
01 fither of them. O'cupied the same bed
"lept in the sumo room , or that ho had bc.vii
Intercourse wltlulhem. "
iTRitiso nu : WOIIK rniswAiii ) .
The si'tiaU" comuiiltce on public hinds he
Us lint mivtliiL' this morniiiLIt took i
the measures rcieiicd to it by tin1 senate ai
lefened thorn to sub-committees. . These i
eluded the hills for the of the pi
emplion Umber culture and dc-urtlnnd ad
for the foifcituro ot ceitidn land ( jranl
and pruviilltitf for ti\atton : of railro :
landd. It Is the puiposeof the committee
have some of the- most iMipoitanl of the
measure- majority of which liavcnlrom
been passed upon In picvhms smsions , r
poiU'd at an cat ly day. placed upon the ci
rnd'tr and brought as speedily as poaalble
the point of Una ) action.
The s-cietarv ot the inteilor to tiny re !
( It-red n decision In the MichiL'all laiiilcasi
known us the ciimiuon liiiiiiof HIM M ,
( urtte and Stall line nnd the Ontumiiron ai
Mate liuu ro.uls. The f-ccrctaiy holds th
thfMlUo to the lands In question aien
void , but voidable , nnd may lie submitted
u board oi c'laltahlu adjudication for con !
mation ofcnliiciJ. The lack , in thesocuM'.sa
siatf.l to be sidistaittlally the s-xme as In tl
caMof IVc.ird vs. ( lamlns , decided by iht > d
pnrtiiicnt .Septc'inher 17 , ls.V > . und the prli
iihthenIll tatod is fully applicable to llu"-
I'liiptiiiciple Involved In tuN decision atlee
lands estimated to be vvoilh : 'JDW.oO'J. Tl
decision iclat'-s to even numlicred 'cctioi
only , ami not to lands grautc'd to thu la
Thf follow IMK uoudnatlons forposlmastc
were font by Iho itrcsidvnl to the fccnato t
day :
Jinvstus 1' . McKiuney , at Laron , tils.
Joseph UriKfoid , atOnar a , Ills.
A. . I. lirevvcr , at Albin , la.
John 1) ) . Smith , at licdfoid , la.
A. C. llutehinson , at Ilurliuiton , la.
Clarence Snydcr , at Kacluc , vVls.
\VA inNO rox. Doe. 1 1. The chair laid b
foic the -ciiatt ! a joint resolution of the hgl
laturo of Connecticut urging congress to pa
without unnecessary delay , a bill to piovh
tor thopicsidoutiul count.
Theihaii uliu bofoio llio senate ,
memorial trom the state u\cctitl\c committ
appointed by thu con-.t tutlonal com untie
ol the territory of Dakota pravlnt ; tor the ai
mission of .Southern Dakota as a state of tl
union , and transmitting the draft oC a co
btitution for the approval ol congress.
Mr. llanison said he only awaited of r
ccipl of this memorial in older to introduce
bill providing for the admission of the ten
ton named , and would Introduce such at tl
cailicsl oppoituiiity.
Air. Hoar , Irom the committee on pilvllcs
and elections , ici.oitcd favorably onthe ; oil
ami bill providln : : tor thu ncrfoiniancc of tl
duties ol pit"-ideiit in case of death , r 'sl n
lion or inability of both pns'dcnt and vi
jircsident. He said it was substantially tl
same bill that li , d be-on act < d on last jeir I
tinsennit ! , and i\vn notice lhat ho won
call It iipto-moriovv tor consideration.
Mr. EdmundsprtiSht d thti hope that I
consideration might bo delayed for a day I
order that ho mluht liavoan oppoitunlty
attach as an aniemlmi.'iit the bill already li
trodueod by him , regulating the count of tl
piesidentlal vote.
Jlr. Hoar was willlnir the bill should 1
over ono day , when ho should to-mono
have riiibmlltcd some icmarks on tin- matte
Tim bill was ( satisfactory to Mr. Edmund
The bill was placed on the calender.
A resolution olfercd by Mr. Morgan wn
asr , ed to , rc-tiuestln tlio picsidont. If n <
Incompatible with public interests , to coi
inunicati ! to the senate a lepoitotthe actu
instiumcntal survey of the linn tor ash
railway acio s the i-thmus of Tehauutepc
and it any canal or cannlsnio designed i
connect such sidp railway with the Gull' i
Mexico oi the Taellic ocean.
On motion ot Mr. Allison It was rnsolvt
that i.ntil the c\iraon ) ! ! ot the foi'j-nin ' !
conciess the committee on appropiiatloi
diall eon-lst of two members , and thocha
nppiilnted Mr. Logan as an addition
Mr. Snvvall , at Ids own ioinie <
was i eluded of the chalrmanihlp i
the committee on military alfairs , and M
Logan was by the chair appointed to that p
Mr. Manderson , at Ids own loquesl , was i
llevcd lioin service on thu committcu t
military alValis.
Mr. blicinriii , at his own icquest , was i
Ihvitl from beivlco on the committee ( .
privileges and elei lions.
Mr. Sewall W.L- appointed chairman of tl
committee on library , and a member of tl
committee on pi ivllegc.s anil election ! ' .
Mr. Hoar , limn the committee on judicial'
lopoitcd favotably the bill thu sala
ot I'lilleil .States distlk't juilgcs at .0oO ,
The bill was placeil on the calendar.
Af-irMp. m. UK > senate went into excel
live- session und at - : - ! > a message was i
celvcd from the nrcaldcnt transmittlm ; tl
Keilx corie-ponilcuco leceutly called for 1
tlui Vc t resolution. It was oldeifd piiuU
ami to lie on the table.
The senate adjoti'iicd at 2:25. :
WAsm.suTOJfi l ) v. 11. Mr , Moulson
Illinois , fiomtha comniitteo on tides , su
milled a icport which was uideicd prlntc
and laid over until tomorrow. IViiulssU
was given Mr. Itandall ot IVnnsylvanla
biibmlt a mlnoiity report.
Mr.Veaverof Iowa otTerwl a rofolutU
providing lor a call of states to-day lor tl
introduction of bills. Considerable unlag
nlMii was niadti to the jnoiiosition , MI-SHI
Hammond ot ( icorina and McMillan of To
ncxsro asM'rtniu' the Inti induction of bil
befoiu the houro had dctcimiiicd tl
tuiii-dlcliun of various commllteca won
lead to ( .Teat eonf uslon.
Mr. hprlnger , of 111. , took the name vie
ot the mutter , und polnUd out various sc
tlons In thu pioposcd new cotb- , which won
bo violated it Iho lej-olutiim was adupte
Mr. Weaver iw no vvei ht in tlio ol
jections ialM.-d to Ids icsolution , because
inoj'oscd ' Under bills to appropriate coi
mittccs when uppolnkd. I'liillier dlsciixxit
was cut shoit by a motion to udjouin , vvhli
at rJiSi was c-anicd.
A Imlco Vcshcl Kronen Tight.
POUT llfuox. Mich. , Dec. U.-Thowrcc
inc tug \Vlnslovv arrived heio yestcul
morning with the passengers and crew of tl
steamer Oeonto , unround und frozen In nc
Charity Island. Thotusj was unnbloto v
within thrtti miles of thu wurktsl pro.ell ]
on account uf I ho ice. Two men weie Ivit i
Ixmrd with tin * horses anil cattle. It
thought thai the l > oat will co to pieces' . . '
clfort will be made to take the cargo elf <
t.'io leu.
Ocn. Uoliert Tooiuhi Uylnff <
An.i sr.v. ( ia. . Dee 14. ( Itobo
T'M'iubs NAlniiliig HI his homo
ton. llbplobiciau says Uo cannot iccovi
Vanilcfblttn I-Mrst Attack and Hi
1'tirctioAC of tlic lllvnl Line.
> "nw YtiitK , Dee , U. ( Special
the ; IK. : ! An Interesting cha
tor in tbo railroad history ot the I'tiltt
States will cfiinto litfht If the "tory Is ov
told of the in lde ctrort.s that weie made
si-11 Vandeibllt the .Vlckel Plate road.
will be remembered he held out a lung tin
ngalnst the threats nnd persuasions of tl
gentlemen who wcie Intent upon lo.idii
lilm up witli their paiahcl ontctprise. I
lliicuccs of the most remarkable chamct' '
were brought to bear upon 1dm. Wall tjtre
was tirlne away at the Lake .Shore and othi
probities with the N'iekel 1'late for cm
tinnal bi'.irammnnltlon. and not a day tabu
cr hi his ureat aimy of workmen went to bi
nn.v night mote utterly wcarv and worn < n
and ovei taxed than did William H. Vandc
bill. Neither j-eace bv da > nor peace 1
night < \a.t given him. He was a target a
the Him' Fiiiall.v tlufiet and worry bcga
t effect lilm nerccntibly. He grew neivoi
anil moodv. Ills t.vmllj . bc au to feel wo
rlcd. and Ids doctor ban to evince renew i
Inteiett In hl'illot and habit * . Onn ( lav n
Intciview .ur.iiiK'-iliii be held at his Kill
av eiiuc home. Three gentlemen well known i
s ; eculative and iitiani al circ cs met with hit1
Tlu'lrpurpo-o was to tiytti cunvmcc lilm li
miiil buj up the Nickel 1'iau ; tiroitcity Ion !
with , or else uin the lisk ol sunuruK tieuici
ilousij fiom new attacks to be made IIIHI
his mil way | > Mj > crty in the stock niardc
Jay Hoiild at the time was down in 1'lorh !
ostensibly for his health , but Vanderbill
visitors were veiv clear that ( iould's tri
f.outh was not much les than a clever tii <
to cover up a hi , ' scheme In anntlierdliivtini
and this other scheme was to cet cunt nil ol tl
.N'ickel 1'latu and attach it to the Wabisli nu
create a new trunk line. Vaiidcibilt llstctu
( Mireily to evciy wonl spoken and vvl e
Ilually tin- truth was brought homo to htm <
this new dulled threatened tliruii ; h the m
scrupulous tactics of Jav Dniild , he t
like a child in tuiibhfright. . Then sudden
he itasped convulsively tor breath , sutler ! )
beyond expiesslon , and In another tell to
waul from Ids rhmr to the llnor. He I :
pionetluad. It wasa imiliir scene to tin
which Uobcri iiatiett wltnts-od thu otln
day. Vandeibilt roeoveied ( pilckly. Th.
washis iirst paialvtiu stiolie , thu trim stoi
of which has never lirTniv been told. Tl
story which involves ale the real iei--ou i
lijs seemingly st irlling chaiuc of basu fun
an energetic au."eitlon that he would ni-vi
' ' , ' tinsuddi
) iatiltmte tt ) 'hlackmiii'ei-
jmtehaso of the Nickle 1'late out and out , h ,
ncv er been made public bt-toie.
The Trauh-Contltie.iuat Meetluri.
SAN KitAXfisro , Dec. M. ;
tlnental a-so < > iatloii met here this mornin
all the lines ipjnesoiit . T. K. Oakes , ie :
oral manager of the Noithern Paciiic , vv ;
elected chairman. A committee of three wi
appointed to diafl a plan for leoi anl/atlo :
totakoeifuct.lnniiaiy I ne\t. Adjourned tl
to-miiiKivv afternoon.
The chief subjects for cnnvlderalin
are the divl-ion of pool earnings an
hxlng pns.eiigei' tales Irom the eii'1
The greatest dis ( us-ion will pnibali
bu over the pcrcenta-o to be allowed tl
Atehi oji , Topeka it Sanl.i l''u load. Th
line demand- , that its , l.ii a as a trans-con I
ncntal ival be ivcuirnl/ed and its perceutai
In ! incicased : also , lhat the Calltoiniaout'
ern , olio ol its connecting lines , bu admitU
a mcmbel ot the association.
TIII ; suA'
A. Solution Offered by llcpr Huntnti\
Kcott. of L'ennwy lvioii. : :
WniKf TOK , 1 * < 'P. 1 1. [ [ M-cial to t1
] 5ii.j Accoiding to present appiMrauccs tl
ncaicst apiuoach to a solution ot the sllv
pioblein thus far Indicated Is embodied In
piopositiun which originated with \Villia
L. Scott , of I'cunsvlvania. His bill autho
i/.es the f > ocietary of this treasury to cica
what shall be known as the silver reyn
fund. This is to consist cntliely of standai
silver tlollaisirJH mams each , the mlnimu
limit to his WJ.OOO.OOO.Vhciicvei' in any oi
month the fund shall show adenclcncy oclo
that amount the secietar.v tit the tieasiii
shall coin timing the succeeding mom
enouth silver dollars lo supplj such doucle
cy. While this mud lemains intact the roil
age of silver will be nnneiessarj , but as soc
as the fund is cncruailicd upon by the tl
mantis of trade or othorvv ice , the governmei
will come forwaid to till the uap. Scott b
Moves that it will * -avo an immcnsu sum no
lost in the shape ot Imcicit on ihe mass i
silver storetl in the trcastny. The scheme
favoiotl by a lame number of democrats re
levanting both sides ot the question.
The lleiineiiln Crowd in Force ,
Xiw : Voiuc , Dec. H. A Washington spc
Ial says : 1'rojcctors of thu liennepln can
schumo ate here in force endeavoring to t
euro such a change In the rules as will sai
them tiom the dctcat , through thu moving i
a point ot order , which they experienced la
vear. They purpose to accompli !
this by giving the commiltt
on rivers and harbors jmisdlctin
of canal. ) and ot all water ways and t
changing IU title to that of "rivcis , haibo
and canals. " Thin will enable the llenncpl
folks to place their appropriation in thu icg
lar liver anil harbor bill , provided they hai
sulllflent InilueneiIn the committee , an
will give the measine the special adymita :
of a place in a hill which the committcu i
charge has a right to report at any tlmo.
A llnje Hunk Swindle.
! ! , Ohio , Dec. H-Tho Oivll
is' bunk , n private Institution nin I :
prominent citizens of Oiville and viclnlt
suspended Satuulay. 11 was reported shal
soiiio time ago , but was reoigani/ed nnd
was bolit veil to be solid. It held thn fnm
of several townships and school distilcts c
deposit ami it is reported tliat thu Mockholi
eis nuso situated tint thu depositors vvl
lose all. 'Ihe tlcjio-itois iMvecoiisidteil la\
jersbut ictlliued to ( Jivillo cunvlneetl th
tin- money vv.isitono. The failure is said
have been caused bv nuNido sivculutlo
1'ull puiticuiars ate not ontainablc.
They Miss tbo Slonoy.
Niw OIII.IIA.VS , Dec. II. A special fin
Indian Tciritory to the Tiinca-Democr
says : The Chejonnc. . und Ai-apahocs a
becoming wry ie tlcss und tiouble is iuiii
ncnt. Onecaiiso ol discontent is the loss i
the money lot mei ly deilvetl trom the no
ubiogiitvd cattle leases. Tim Indians vvl
weie lomlc.M in denouncing the cattlemen i
thloves and demanding thftr expulsion , anew
now complaining about the changed com
Tronhlo AIIHHIJ ; thn
PiTTMinin , l > cc. U. Tioublu is icporU
at the mines of Drown .v Co. , nt Saltbur
The sherilV left for the ncm : > of the dUtm
aiuo vvlili a pusse.
I'insiiuti. , Dec. 14. I.ATIJH Thcro vv :
no tllxtuibance al S.iliburir this nfu-inuon. i
rcpoitt- l , at liioua iv : Co.'ii mine. Tl
bhcritl found evei.v tiling q tict.
Death of n Veteran.
SANTA Fi. , N. M. , Dec. U. ( Icn. tiiistavi
A. Smith , vsho commanded the Thlity-titi
regiment Illinois voluntf-erd dining the wa
dltsl IK-IO Saturday of liri ht's ill-ease. 1
lulcd the olllce. of Internal revenue collect
foi ten ) curj in this dlstilct.
A Htuko Settled.
KXOXVII.I.I : . Tenn. . Dec. U , Thndinicn !
between the Tj pographlcal union anil tl
dall.v Chronicle was adjusted last ul htai
the I.UJHT appcau-d as usual to-day.
\Veutht-r lor To-Day.
Mis ot'iti VAI.I.BV ( iunerully fair rceat
er , winds becoming variable , piecuded I
touth to vvest winds in tlio western portlo
generally wanner.
You can buy Jnmiturc cheaper of 4
L. 1'iteh \ Co. , V.'th st. , but. Farnttin an
s , thuu any other place iu Uie uit ,
Official OorrajpDndsnw in the Hotter Trtva
initted to the Semite.
The Austrian liorcmmcni Kcfitfics I
Itccngtitr.c Him Huoniisc His
\Viff Is n Jcvve < ; - Un j.
ardn Snllcnt Iicttot-i.
Tbo Kelly Cnsc lit the
WASHINGTON , Dec. H , The president. I
o the senate rewlutiou a.loptt
U , tinliy tr.insniitt" . ! to that boi
till tin1 | urs and corrtii'iiuloncc on ille r
lating to the appointment of A. M. Kelly
minister to Italy , and Ids subsequent a
p ' -iimcnt as miii stcr to Austria. Tnu co
ie < pondeneo b.4ius with a letter to Sc
tai > Uayiird from llanm 1'ava , the lUll.i
minister resident , ttatt-il April ii : , lss.\
which ho calls att-ntiou tonn edltuiial In tl
New Vorl : Herald lu icferi'iiceto alleged t
t ( > r.inc4VJ of Kelly In rtvanl to the Italu
goverumciit , ami s.iys If the newsp.nji -
sutemi-nt is true It Is a mo-it uint and r
gretable one. Secretary Uayard ansvven
under tlio same da.e. unkin. an apjiuli :
men ) to see thu Ita i in minister April lo ai
saviiii ; the dcpiitiiit-nt rannot in ike the ei
tori.ilsol a nevv-ipaver | in leiation to a legt
utteiaucecoutei etllv lil.iilts iinollk-liil
minitimiteen years ac'o , of the g ntli'iiui
selected to lepnseut oui s'oveinmut in
foreign couniiv , the Iwisoi discussion wii
the minister ol that countiy heie.
ILWAItll roSTIM i : ,
"Having prof-cried the geiitlcinun , whoe
tert.uiis no other sentiments towards ytu
iovein incut than the eoi entire respect an
iriendsnip , to icpi > scnt the guveinment i
the United States In Itali , nothing turtln
devolves mi tins government , and ben
assured that Kelly vvid piovc In all icspec
ugii-eablo and a < ceptable as pi sonagratas
the goveniment oi Italy , we must leave tin
goveiinui'ilt In tlie eveiei-,1 ! ol jtso > viliin
vole tli-eretlon in tceeivlni ? him lu tlu-sa-i
spirit ot Irli-mUhip ami ic-pect in which I
is vent forth. ' '
Haion lava , under dabof Apill 20 , fc
vvaitls to Secrt-iatj lla aul a copy of
teb'LM'am received by him t rum the Italia
minister of toieui ; alfaiitiusub = taneu i
which is that it Kelly ttive utterance to tl
t'enti-iices iiserilwd to him , hi > would not i
aeeepittblo to the kinj. and akiu c this go
fi iiinciit to apjioint anoLliui ivjiieseutativc
is one fiom Kelly to thu prcs'dent , resignlt
his coiumisslon. Secretary liayard wnti
Union Fava under the d lie uf April 'A } . a
kno\vled.ring the receipt tit iv copy of tl
above uieiitioued teleiiaui , and savin.
"The feeling of jour goviiiiiiuctit t-n the HU
ject Irts eaiis-d an airestation 01 Kelly
itiovciucnts , anil he has retunied to the pie- ,
dent ins commission .ismiiiisiur to Italv. an
the otrect ol the coui.unuicatioli . o ! tin1 It.i
ian minister of lorei n uiT.ur to you is tuer
tureacconipli.slied. "
On M.iv I Secrfary U.tvard Inforn-
Haron Sehai-IIcr , Aiistiiau miniBterat U'.is
ington. tlint the ptisidcut had
Ai'i'tUMUii KIII : Y HI srtcii.n : : viu. rnvr
as minister to Vienna. On May ' . ' Ua t
Sehaetl'er handed to llayaiil the follow > i
tiaii'dation ol a tele/ram troiii Com
Kiiiiiokly lo hiiuself , dated .Mav : "Woi
gict the nomination ot Kc-ily as mlnist
plenlpotent ar.v and euvo ti.iordinarj
i hi ) , ciniil. and ilis iiid < lell | , In
fiom as hcle , 'too , as In Koui
scruples piev ad against tliis choice. 1'le.i
diiect in the mo-t lii'-ndly way the atteutli
01 the Americ.iii irowinmeut to the general
e\istiiig diplomatic practice to ask , previous
to any nominalioii of u for.'uu iiiiuisier. tl
ngiuHiient ( consent ) of the goxeiumunt
wnieli ho is aeciedilcd. Yon aie thereto
requested to enniestly entreat them that tl
newly appo'ntud ' tnlnlster may not icai
Vienna , befoto our coniidential cense
to his nomination has tiikeu place. Tnu p
Hitlou of a lorcl.ti : envoy vveiidt-d to a Juvvu
by civil marriage would bu untenable in
impossible in Vienna.1
In aconiaiunlcation to Caron SchaciTc
datetl May Is ,
flliritlTARY IJAYARI ) fAYS :
"The iiuestion thus raised by jourgover
incut Involves Diinelpli-.sot the greatest li :
poitauct ! and lias no picccdcnt , us jot disco
cradle by me , in modem times lu thu ink
coui.suhc.twee.ii fiivndl. nalioii.- , and h.ivli
submitted the matter to the consideration
the pics dent , 1 am Instructed by him to i
loriii jour government , thumgli vou. tin
thugiounds upon which It is announced th
the usual ceremonial comtc > y and tormal r
spcet ait ; lobe withheld Mom the voice of tl
I nlted States to your govenimentthat
to say
nirvr : i : ins win : isi.i.rnii : >
orsiijiposed by your gipveiiiment to outertii
a certain religious taitli ami to bo a mem In
of a certain icliirious sect -cannot be ass-'iitt
to by the t'\ei utive ol t'vr ' j-oveinmciit of tl
American iH-nple , but 'l pud must bo el
plmtically ( li'iiicd. The supieme law of tl
landt-\pis > l ) declares that no rell-'io , is to'
shall ever bt reiiulictl as a tiualiiicition t
any ollleo or au > publlu trust under tl
United Statuiand by the same authonty it I
dcclaied that "iiAi.r. M.VKI : xo LAW
respect ing an estabiishni.-nt ol religion i
pr , n biting the tree exetvisii theieof. Th
isauovernnu-nt of laws , and an authorii
t\eicised must uinl its measiiie'iaud w.irrai
thereunder. It is not wiMiin the power i
piesldcnt , nor ol eoii/ress , nor ot ai
juiliciid tribunal in the United Slates , to tai
or even hear testimony , or in anv modu i
illiilllre into or decide iipmi the luli lous b
lie ! or any ollieial , and a pnipt > sitlon to allo
this to betlone by any l . mil government
ncccssnril ) and a toiimn inadmiisable. ' 1
Miller an infraction ot tills t-ssential prim1
pie would lead to ; i disfr.iiicidsnmcut of < u
cili/"ns because of their icligious beliet. in
thus ImjMlr or tlcstmv tin1 most Impo tu
oml which our coiisiitution of govcrumui
was Intended tn sivinv.
Itl.I.lllliH'S l.IIIKKTV
Is the chief corner stoii o , tnu A sv
tern of government , and | noisions lot its s
cuiltv artuMiibctlded In the wiitten chart' '
nnd interwoven in the mora1 fabric of 1
laws. Anvtliliigthat Intends to evade a rlgl
so essential and surtd iuu"t bu caret id
giiaidcd against , anil 1 , mi sidisucd that m
couiiliyinen , ever mindful of the mlleril
and saeriiices necessary tu obtain it , vvl
never consent to lit iiilniu't ui"iit for any ic
Koii or uiiilci ail ) pttstesl whatsoever. I
haimony with this essential is almtist equal
potential the uinviltti-n law ( d Ameiiean s
elcly tliat awaitls resjicci aud delicate co
sldcration lo the.
anil exactdeti'icucu In tiratment at hou
ami ubioad of tint mothers , wive. , and dang
tcrs ol the lopubllc. Tliu rose wo are no
considcilin ; is that of an envoy ot thu I'nlti
Stales , uniiucstiouabl ) ijtteil , vvlm o pn eni
near the torcL-n gov eminent In iiuestion
objivtetl to by its agents oil thu soht groun
that his vvetldcil wile is alleged to entertain
leligloiis lailh which Is held bjeiymaiiy
the mobt honoreii und valiu'd rill/ens of tl
United States. It Is not believed by U
piesidont that a doctrinuuiid rnaclk't : jo tl
structiveol religious libcitv iiml
Tinrii.inoM ! : or c i > w inxri : ,
so devoid ot catholicity ami so opposed
thu spirit ot the ii-'n In vvhich we live can f
a moment Iw awepted by the gieat family i
clvllUcd nations or be allovvetl to coutr
their tllplomatlc intercour-e. Certain it is ,
will never in my belie ! ht < uccepted by tl
people of the United Stales nor by any a
ministration winch iepie. < euts their i-cnl
ments. I'crmit me , thcrrfore , being actn
ted uiilj by the sliuerest dcsiui to .sticngtlu
the tics ot friendship and mutual n * > p -t b
tvvccn the goveiniu-ut.s , vvo iespuctlvelv re
resc'iit , most eamestly and usitfiilly
cnvicuetul ; ) ; coiisiilcnitioniif this note , ante
to request your goveinnicnt lo monslder tl
views you havji communicated to me in i
spect ot atcabible ie < cntion ot Kelly on
mission ot amity nnd mutual adv. Huty
which In thu amplest good faith hu was t
lectcd by this government to iKTtorm. "
United States minister at Vienna , on Jin
17 , notltieil liayurd that he hail IH-CII I
formed that theAu trli" toreign olll
raised objecllonn to n-eeiviui ; Kelly bwau
Italy hail ob e ted tu him and not b cm
ld : > wllowab a Juwi . lUc Aubtilan gc
PI n men t al o nbjs-ted ( to Kelly's utteiunce
Ha.vard nu June 1 Instnieted rrauclsi to agal
prc i > nt a rctpiest mat the objections be wit
drawn , and then pit-sent Ids letter of lecj
ami turn over the legation to his secretary
not redcu-d by his successor on Ailifust
James Konnci Lee , then -ccrelaiy of legatlf
at \ ienmi , tolegriplied Stvretary Uauird tl
An-trian goveinmi-nt cnuld not iceeiv
Kelly nnd asketl the United States to
Ilajard In a litial letter to Lcc ajn : "Fro
the corie.'pontlenco two facts appear. Firs
Hint thn alleged race and religious taitli of tl
wedded wileof uti envoy of the Unlit
St.iic.s is held as tne cause of Ids rojevtlo :
and further tint the ( injections bj a thii
party , a fiicndly power , ate ntvossarj to I
removed In ordci to allow n prouer rcccptlr
to bo evtendcd. These conditions ansiun >
Intolerable , aud ate In the c.isc ot the Unitt
Stairs , not on Is luhibitett by ( lie plai
letter und undyii g spirit of the coiistitutir
of the goveinmen. . but me Inconsistent wii
that decent s-If-- s-j t wldcli foibids a n
lion ot GI.IX.I ) 00 ef lifcnoii to accept t !
position of u uiionmt | | depelidpncv ot tl
tilmil ) power , wl.o-c bohestsaiipear to ha' '
b -en quired in aud eariied out by Auslrl
Hiiniratiit in thepre.tnt instance , "
Mr. 15 ij'ird iiilornis Mr. lav that the Iss-ui
thus raised 1111iirave and will be submltti
to congress at Its n \t meeting.
Onuihii IleatlM a Unit of l.arjjeiCltlc
tn Hunk I' '
BOSTONMass..Dec. H. T
complied from special dispitelies fiom niai
uceisof the leading clc.uing luiusc.s of tli
United States shows the gross bank e
changes at each point for the week eiidln
December 5 , lb % " > , with percentage ot d
crease and Increase eompaicd with the cc
icspoiidlng week of ISM ,
Xoii- > jiniieajmlls , Omaha and Ualvci
ton not Included in totals.
ICcvlcvv ol * the tlcltlsli 3r.irkc.tq.
a.o.NDo.v , Dec. II. The Maik l uiti K :
press review ot the Hiltish gialn trade tfuiin
the just week says : Values ol wheat hav
not improved. Sales ol KnglMi wheat du
ing tic , week were fiOs- l quarteis at : iOs :
against til..110 titiaitors at 3.K ted dining tl :
corresponding week of last year. Tlio lion
tindo is dra'ging. Inferior luileys are i
tavorof biiveis ; piices of siiH | > rlor an- lull
maintained. There Is a better local dciuati
tur oils and beans. There h meiely u retu
business in toielirn wheat. Trade in ttireig
Hour is litelcss. Corn is slow or suit ) : mise
Ameiic.Mi is weaker. L : r'earrivals of Cam
dian peas have weakened values. America
oats aru slightly lu lavorot seller- ' . Tint
cargoes oi wheat aiiiveil , seven withdraw !
t.ti sohl , two remained , including oneot Ca
torniaii. A cloven cargoes are tluu this wee !
liadu torwnid is steady. There Is i.uhi
moio Inquiry tor Culltoinlan and Oiew
wheat. At todaj's maiket only ictail bus
ness was done lu wheat. Pucus were in I.
vor ol buyers. Kon-Ign wheat was nom
milly unchanged. Com was occasional !
cheaper. Other aiticles weie ( inlet , bii
The Vir.ihlt : Supply Statement.
CiiH'Ao , Dec. 14 . The following lisurc
ti'ken trom the oilicial stalemcnt of tli
board of trade to lc posted on 'Change t <
nioriow , show in bushels the amount t.
grain in sight In the I nltt d States ami C'ai
aila on isatuitlay , December W , und th
a iiouul of incicase or decie.ise over tlie prt
ceding week :
Wheat S7sl.4n- ! ) . Incieasp 1,107,71
Corn -MO ii' : 7 Increase.
Oats 2."v ajiV : } Increase iy .
Uarley Decrease . . . . bv-c
'I'ho piopoitiou ol'ihi.sin btoro in Chicag
on the date named was :
Wheat HNi,010 ! Cmii O7.rir > l
Oats 1:21,774 : Itve"J , ? !
Mai ley ais,7yi ;
Tim Klsln Dairy ? Im-lot.
CnifAuo , Uee. 11. Inter-Ocean Klgm , III
special : Mutter took ; i sudden turn upwar
to-day , iil.tno pounds selling onthoiegnh
boaid atWe btraiglit. The cheese market
One Hundred Coal DiggRi-i Hclnir th
I'Jiti'lh in ; i 3llno Kvplosioo.
vYu.ucKdii.vimi : , Pa. , Dee. 11. A fiiglitfi
evnloslon of gas occurred in Mill Cicek mill
this moinlng. About lOj men wcio at woi
In the mine v\ lieu the e.Nplosion ocuuirei
Tim result is as yet unknown.
The mine was opciatetl bv the Delaware i
Hudson Coal company. The news siirea
rapidly aud tip whole populatio
soon ualheicd nlmut the jaoi
city. The explosion occmred f
what is known ai No. 13 lift , located r
the estrcmo end of the opining of thcsopi !
tour thousand feet fiom thn mouth. Tim pr
was Ignited by a miner mined Coffer , wh
wait at work. An exjiloring party ot tvvcnt
miners went down assooii as ihu news icacl
etl the surface. It WHS soon discovered tlw
manj had been burned. They ut once bega
reinovlug them , men were iiijurct
ono ot whom died.
The rescuing paity biought the follovvlu
to the sin lace :
Jost'ph Cleaily , batllj binned and tku
fra.'turctl , and cannot survive ,
I'eter Collv seiiously burned on tlio L * (
ami aims and Inti inally Injured.
Joseph 1'oodusli , itangt iiiu-ly injurrd un
had his clothing burned iroin his body. Ill
case iscousidricd doubtful.
Nicholas ( ir.ij , dilver boy , had hia ilgl :
C'iu torn trom thu socket.
Jim iii : > pliiuitiiii ) ? Ii Jofly Drnd.
LO.MXI.V , Dec. II. Advices Irom Mamt ,
lay state the pacrcd elephant Is dead. Tli
customary ceiemony of keeping the bed
hint. In state three dajs was picvenU'd b
tlio Itritish ollicials owim ; 10 sanitary re :
sons. The funeral wab attended by nil eno
_ _
Prang's Piino Cards , more bcautifi
than over this .yenr. A full line ut
IJuy n vratch for ; \ Chri.straafi
and inako your iViendb Iripny. The tinci
selection ut KDHOI.M iV Ivid
Auction at Hnbcrman's .Jewelry Eton
General sales Irom 'i to o and 7 to
o'elook nin. . every day. Tor ludU
only , from 1J to U' o'eiocK u m. on
SI'KClAljS rilOM r OWA.
Ueuliloni Uciidri-cd Yrstcvduy by th
llaukoyr Snju-f me Court.
It-s Moist : . Iowa , Dec. H. [ Speelnl to It
liKr. ] The suprrnic court to-daj' rcndcre ,
the folloiTlug dcclJlons :
State of lovvat. . John IHttlcr , aprcllan
Carroll dMrli t court. Atlirmcil.
J. M. HaMcad vs. W. K Curyty. appdlan
Pottavvattamic circuit couit. nt-verscd.
Ltlwnrd K. dooduow vs. Jos , ah It. 1'lunil
apjH'llant. Wtb-ti'r district eouit. Allltnut
a I'ikeiibcrr.v .v Co , vs. John H. Kdwurd , cr
tkuarl proixcdiiu to review an order mail
bv .luik'e 1) ) . L. Uniton of the stvond Jud
clal district. Order unit proivcdltius alllrmct
Judges Hi-ok n'id Vbms ( disseuttutf.
Kdvviird K. UiMxIiinw vs. ( Jeonro W. Well :
et al. . uppeUtiuts. Webster circuit court. A
Joseph t : . Whlto vs. Sarah KarlUrt'tal
apjiellants. Mid * clioult court. -veiM-d. .
W. M. Ihiiiaidvs. t'ha.ies 1 ! . Sliuuum :
garnlshee , api-tllant. Claik circuit couiL li !
S. S. Johnson , , vv. I'.dson t'ai
upll , C. ( J. Panncllaiul Cuailes it. Slmmoii : district couit. Atlinued.
Ctiaih-s 1) ) . doitlMidth , asshinco. etc. , ai
pcllants , and otlicis , Sao district court. li !
11. A. HulT vs. James ( ! , Olmstead. appc
l.iut Warren d'H. lict couit. Alllruusl.
Aionzo Winhr vs. Joseph Kirkendal
appeliunt , Couu. 11 lUutfs supeiloi couit. A
.Samuel Merrill vs. Win. 11. tJovvo. et nl
appellants. Polk eiicult cuun. -versed. .
A lev. Uradlc.v , appellant , vs. .M. T. Cult
Ceruv tioiilo circuit cum 1. liovoised o
plalntiil s appeal. Afllrmcd on defendant
state of lovva v. Uotvrt N'oiton , appc
lant , Hamilton district court. Al'iruu'd.
L. Hlandou vs , K. L. ( ilover. appellati
Ibiena V'isia district coart. Kevcrscd.
Thomas J.TnilocK , apKllant | , > s. A.
Uentlt-.v.etal. . Uliuu'old circuit couit. Judge
licit ! ami Adams dissenting.
Slate til lovva "s. ! ' . U.B ell and IM Lchot
api < cllant.s , Harrison distilct couit. A
Pierletolt A Co. vi. Byors A > , <
nl. , a.ipcllauts , Shelby distnct couit. Hi
M. J. Ilradloy. apppllant. vs. James II. an Johuaon , Plymouth circuit cour
Ceorge Pcnnliuitnn vs Westein ITnln
TcUuiujili eomp.uiv , appellant. \ \ inni\shci
district couit. Motion tor iclicanng eve :
Drusglsts Must liavo I
DrluiM.s , Iowa , Nov. 14. [ Special t
the IlKH.l-Thr siipienitcouil this uioiuln
deeluo'i tlie test ea o cairictl up by th
State Pharmaceutical society trom Ha :
rlson count1 , atlinulng thu decision < :
the lower court , according to vvhich tlefctu
alils , wlio were li'4isleicd pharmacists , wei
convicted ot selling intoxicating liquors in
tier tlie piohibitory laws. The division i
that the pharmacy hvvv was icpealcd by th
passa.'C of the prohibitory law. Tilt1 cusp i
that of the the state vs. P. Ilisseli and R Li
hou , appellants. ThiN icganleil as ono ( J
the most important decisions iimli-r the pr <
Inbitoiy \ \ \ that has yet been made. I'll
t'liect of U will lie lo icquire cu-iv ditigglsti
the state who vvNics u > sell liquor tor mi-dli
iu-il p'nposes lu oblaiu a penult no.u th
buaru nl supervisors thu .ami' us aii.otlio .
deah r. The dimrgists h.ive claimed that a
licensed pharmacist * thej cmiltl umler th
old iiliuiiiielaw ; ' > cI ! ior livitlmato inn
puses without u s [ > eciil : | vrmit. Thev biouuli
a test case to tl'e supieuio court with the r
suit adverse to them.
A"Wlistei'Hct * Jj'nn Jtls tu .
Jis MotNis. : Jovvu , Ic. . H. ( hpcclal t
the JJir. : . ] One week ago last I-'rhlay Jnmr
Yoduis , of WinlPi'sct , came to this city fc
the purpose oi dtawiug his pension. Huloi
leaving home Mr. Votlci.s inlonned his fan
ily that he would ictiiru on Iliti followiu
day , but as nothing has been heard of idr
his family fear he lias h-en tuullv dealt will
Ills son , Albert Voders , Is seeking inlormi
tiou tenanting his lather , but up to dale ha
discovered no tmco ol him. Tiic inlssin
man is SIN teet , one inch in height , wrlli [ :
aoutit IM pounds , ami when hist seen woic
him : black ovcicoat , with pants of a thuk inn
teriiil. Mr. Yodeifiwcri formerly deputy niai
shal ot Wintt-rsft , and holds a commission a
a government detective. He-drew aconsit
erublH sum of money trom the t'nileil State
pension agent in this city , and them Is ten
that he has been muidcrcd and his body pu
out ot the way ,
A Huntor'H Fatal Mishnrt.
Cii : > Ait liAi'inn , Iowa. Doc. li. A wclioi
1 anil. John Peising , of LUbon , while html
iiu yeslcidav was shot through the head an
instantly killed by the accidental disuhaig
ol his gun.
Parnoll thu Malcct- und Cniimkoi-
Xr.w YOIIK , Dec. II fbpt-eial to the Ilnn.
Kxtracts tiom tlio London papers tin
morning in tlio Ueiald'n cable show tha
Parncllisia is the paramount tmcstion of th
hour In England. The Telrgrah thinks th
situation is moio serious than nianv war
for tlie C.oidian knot cannot hi cut by th
swoid. The N'ovvs is very much disturbed
It says : "Pari0ll | is th maker and un of mlnistiics. Our parliamcntaiy H > ' . .
tcm is at .stake. "
The Mum.ud ! saj'H a compiomiso with P.u
ncll would he lolly , aud adds , "Iherolsm
middle way to choose between thatotthosi
whovvisli to maintain the union and thos
wlioaie intcnltiii dciro.viiigit. | It would bui
lusting dis/race if tlio piesent Keneratloi
are uncqti.d to the la-l ; oi laeing Parnell. "
Lo.Nlio.V. Dec. 14.Tho plt'hS iis-ih'iitloi
states it has been ulllcially luloimcil that th
goveiiMiit'Jit will lului thi ) e.ullcst , K tiuu li
ascertain vvhetiier It enjoys the eon
lulenco ot thu house of common- :
The cabinet hail n session ot tvv
hours and a hall' today , and dccldei
lo meet the new pailUimcnt and to mihmlt
jiro-ri.imme for legislailou. including a bll
dt alini ; witli the siibiei i of county goveni
meut in Dngland and licland , ' 1 litmiiiU
tus weio nnainmoiisl > couiident ot vvhii
sii | > ] ioit. Thecaijinci unanimous y tetiise 1
icicivr01 imiUo oveitiiifs tor an ni 1 me
with tlie Piiineilites. They will mid ii
lurllitiiieut vvl'h a iirourammc of the ICn.lls
church irionu and hn < d ti-iiiint hlll > . . An
etiier uieetiii4 ot the cabinet i * 10 bo held tt
nu r ow.
LONDON , Dee , 11. ( Hailstone , as prlv ;
counsullor , has written to the tpicen on th
subject ol a pin liumit ) for lieland.
llii1 Daily News bullcvut Lord Ashbuin
compiled the scheme for lilsh homo nil
which was approved bv Lord Uarnar bn
widih was iciictcd by Iho rcstot tbo c.ibinu
Ttio ISalUiui MIIHH.
I.oxno : ; , DeiU. . The rcpoil in a rtlspatc
from HclKiade , Saturday , that a bloody ci
gagcmenl hail occiiiredat Veliki/.voi betwcei
two b.dtalions of llulgaiians nml a body n
Suvians , ! ) ) whl < h the tormt-r wetti scaliciet
leaving many vvoumUd and dc d and th
town itscil cajituictl , hicks connrmiition an
isirelicmliy dli-ucditctl.
i'lin.i n-i' Die. M. Prlii'-e Alcxai :
dtr annoiini cs his rcadiniss tu ji-icho .Mat
jitl Pasha as cnui > ot Tnikey , Thu lultc
ell Cou ± > untinoiue for this city.
AniilvcrMiry Mcuiorlal.
LOXIXIK , Ui-o. 14 , Tins tjiieen and mciii
bcrs ol the io. < al familj attemlcd Ihu mem
oii.d services at the rojal li > iilcu : ' " at KIOJJ
iiioic to-day lor tliu late Piince Consort. Th
Priuco CoiiMJit ditU DccemUr H , IMU.
Opposed \inerlinii > lt-us.
PAIIIS , Dec. H Tim agricultural group litho
the chamber of deputies liavo resolved to o |
iMisu the Importation of Amcilcan salt meal
in the luteiest alike of i-JiilUUon und o liunbandrv.
Ktdp your hordes' roti < ; li hy uMnjj Hi
H c'iolti'H i-Diigb un\turi sultl .i
bu Vet ItliniuioiildanJ
Tonr Prominent Oitirenp of Oheyonno Oanght
Su Crooked
Cnvtiirctl In n Schc-mo to Oohbto Up
the Public ; Doinulti In Wyonilnc
The tinnd Minbrddcd
With Coal.
Only SCVOM TtiiitiKnnil Aorfa ,
CIIKYKXM : , Wvo. , Dec , H.-dpixjlal ( ( o
the lli.i : . ] -I'rcd J. Stanton , foimcrly Wyom
ing territorial geologist , now uotaiy public
-vud altoiney for HaVei it Johnson , Ivor
Johnson , of the linn of Maker .t Jottn on ,
mcrchnnU , Ceouo 1) . llavves and Abrahtun
llal. M' . were- arrested to-day , on the charge of
couspliing to defraud the government Of
cnal lauds. They have forty-seven claim. " ,
nvelvlng the possession of alxmt 7,000 rcrcs
n tlie iioithcin p.ut of Lnramio county ,
Wvomlnu' . on Ihe lines of thu sunejetl roulo
of the C'hica o tV .Noithwcslcrn tiilbonil
across the tiintnry. The laud will bu worth
nhutit fiper ) acie when the ratlioad roaches
it. which will ho next ( all. The hind bus
tiom eight to twcut ) uvu feet tidcKuessOt
coal uudeilviiiL' .
Col. Ceoige , sin-cial iigent of tlui ccnoral
liiiid ollici < lor Wvomlm ; . dl.tcovcicd last
July , wldh'on a tiip nu.ih , n j.aity of eonl
prospci'tois for the raihoad VTlln acomplolo
builngoiiiut , who Infuimed the ngont that
they were piospeitlmt Maker's cJalm . lllfl
nnd hu has been
su < | ilcioiiH weie moused
vMUcldiii : the mailer i'\er situ e. Itculsterof
the Land Oilitc Wilson , a new appointee ,
ton1 ; possession tif the olhcc on the -iitl of ( ) o-
tubei. Tlit ! second il.iy ol Ids Incumbency ha
IRWMIUC suspicious ol the same partitas IKIIU
the 1'iipeis on ult-in hisoiiice. Ho had a eon-
icrence with Col. Ucorgo unit the latter lion
investigated the mutter iiniil snilsiicd of the
frauds , ami caused lln < of the luttlos
named to day thiomh linitcd States Marshnl
Call' . I'nited Mates Atloincy Cumnlioll 13
piuiiaiini. tinpapei.s iu the CAIC. 1 ho nr-
vested men gave bond and will bo mialgned
' . Ctuamlssioiioi . .
I'ctoic I'lined btate.s C.ochia.11.
to mtiiiow.
The modus opoiandl of the part.v Is ( is
follows ; staiiton , attorney for Iho syndicate
ol coal land shntps , did olhct ) work , using hi ?
position us notary public to tuiwaid the
M'heme. Hawi.s and Ilaipcr would obtain
pcisouHi names being used , to testify ae
lo the location and thaiaclcr of the l.imltf ,
tlu-y \\iuic-siiu' the land was uot
tiiliiorai I'vrpl as lo coal. The witne.ssnij
signetl the paini's , which they thought weie
only alllduvits as su igesied. hut wldcli tuinetj
out "to be tit cl.n litoiy slatemcuts of an inlcii *
tion to take up by themselves or ageulo coal
lands under tlu ) law. These papers also
caused them unvvlttlinrlv lo stale they had
expended . i each iu the imiuovement of the
lands. U turns out now lhat the blanks or
n.ipt-rs weresiniu'd ' ami ullul un by Stanton
tu ulvi > them thisehai.ii-lei. 'I no piestuitad-
mliiisti.t'.ion ul t ic html ollleo in Iho territory
is making things tot lid lor the land thieves
sen ei ally.
Too Much Clipping a Prolific Ciuiwo
of Cold and Sere Throat.
"How many proscriptions for sore
throats do vou .suppose l'v written in
the last week. ' " iiskt'd a Detroit doctor uf
a Fn-.e Paoss ruportHr. '
"Oh , perhaps u dozen. "
"N.-uio tliiity , slr. An.l what , , you
think tliu o.insu in ovt-ry casn vva > "
"Clianji11 of vveathurOf , courtio. "
"Change of notliinj1 Thorn vvwo two
cases vvheritlio patients .slept with opou
windows und gut cold , but In all the rest
the ailment could bo ) direetly lethe
the barber "
"What did the barber do ? "
"Cut their hair. I tell you the average
birher is a uioro danjjoraim fee to hu
manity than cholera smd small-pox.
While they oan be Klllli-l' ' d ! iKlli"sti or
stamped 'out , he lives on year after
your. "
"Is it dui'S Tons to fjiilthu Imir cut ! "
"Outside othu / tlireo Hiiiiimor niontlis
it is. Tnko u raw day like this and forty-
nine out of lifty men who ot into a bar-
ber'n chair to liavo tnuir hair even
trimmed will hnvo : i cold ore son ; tlirout
before to-morrow ni ht. I wonld itillier
take a walk of two hours without my
( tveivoiit than to liavo two ounces of hair
snipped oil'my head. "
" 15ut if people want their hair cnlhow
is the barber to blainev"
"llo is all to blame. No one should
liave liis hair cut morn than twice nyoKv
Maj und Seiiteniber-and It should \ > o
lone then only on a warm diiy. "
< . .
OuiUnilroiid CoininiHsion ,
lloldfcije ( AVNutjyct / ) ,
\Vo loarneil last Friday for the lirat
Lime lhat the railroad commission had
visited Iloldn-jre lust Scptombfr. Our
reporter stated that tlioy cumo iu on a
special train nnd wuro out of their car
lonj ; enou li to ride up one avonun and
.lown the other , not honing tiny ono in
particular , nnd , lindiny no complaints
lying ai'niind proniliiuiiously on the
HrecUs , they boarded the train and
skipped out an rapidly us possible for
fear some ol our citi/.ens iniht ; ask them
ivliy we jiayt'.1. . - . " ) JUT ton moro for our
20:11 : than is paid in Kearney , HiibtiiifjH
uul Lincoln , and vvliy our OOM ! costs ! f".yr >
inoro in lIohlregi-thrtiiitcostH consumurs
in Ihuiver.
\\'o liavo riiestioned | our coal rlea ! < Tf >
In rcgurd to this matter , and they slate ,
ivithuut any he.siteney , lhat the fault is in
Iho railru iil company. They roeelvo 7.T
, si ton fur hun-lling , und vvliulcvcr
tigi1 there mu.v ho on n uir : , as re-
to thrill , is tai un out of tlin
/rs. Sumeiimt-s this .sliurtao | ; amouiiLs
to several tons on u car.
U'o n-o by thu Kinifiioy punorn that tlic
fommis-iiouiiM showed no diHnosition to
inattei's vvlioii the } followed their noju.s
into that city.
vvo have lelt dispou-l to puss over this
unfair discrimination in the coal miirkutH
without much commcn' , , but whnn our
[ rruin market hpcaniu HO uiif.itiafitijry : ; :
as ti ; drive every lanui-r In the count ; ' U
outsiilo iniirki-ts und thus kill Hohlicd n ,
we art ; iiiiro it is liir.o thiitiiomelhiiig wasj
lining done for our iclirf.
Such public journals us thu .State .Jour
nal and Omaha It' | ildicun : may nlrhuto
t-onvinco Iho pe < , 'lu ' that tlio ( ; ommi.s >
sioner s.\-iteiii is all Miil.eicuL to gland lid-
hvvi'ii them und corporntn ( 'rend : that
I IK-MI iinlivitluals ran und will uhuul < l ( > r
the jieiijilc'ri liurtiii-iis and kciip viL'il
uviir tin ir Intere.stH in tmi doings of the
iomni-rt-ial ; vvoild. liui ' alii lln.i sti ko
u blow wh eh rosulu .1 ro cs toonio tlu-
no , I'eit ever HO n ul. IVD cuunot ho
I'onviiiccil ( hut llu cu.umiisioa is thif
thing wo wiuit.
JJoV < i4 Too Hlmsriir.
Wall stivct NOWH Fiilher , " ho- naked
In his eliiidish way. " .supposing yotf
Dwnetl u Mlvrr mine w j out In Nevada
nnd .von > ius afraid it vvouhl dpuil in liof
' '
weiilher ;
" ' "
"hpUil Ilovv'T"
* 'U ( II. I don't Know hi/vv. but the Loy *
: ill fav ) ini | IHI | t'i ii- " . ' H'it ! to carry it
lo carry' through , und I was yoiiig lo
ueli "
" 1 Ut a enough , k'.r. It' already
miniitfk jia-.t > our usi.I bed time.
yo ; to ln-d and lut . tliu Imyj .say ono , "
- --o-
ii''M.iv ' ' 'or.iU ai ( " ' .icy & Olcpon'
; . , . . . , i . ) .ir. , . : > 'Jit. , ii/Ji I'nnium.