I THE OMAHA DAILY I3EK MONDAY. DECEMBER 1-4 , 18S5. iE\YS \ GATHERED IN THE CITY t Gold and Qnitt Sunday With lew Im- JROPPED DEAD IN THE STREET. I IVtv Small AeH.lentB AVotlc for tlie IMuuiliom Tlio HerItopprtfl' Contrnilon OHirr Inter- No\\9. A Httildrn Call. Mr I'rojlian , mother of .John A Krry- Inn , Ilio Douglas street wholesale liquor dc ilir , diopptd dead : il llio cm HIT of Kcwntodith Bluet and St Mary j mo- nuo ht evening nbout b o'clock. i\li" \ 1 rc > liui ! , accompanied l > i her son , hud left their home on 1'leimnl street u f w niomiints jircviou ly , intending to CJll on some friends They walked quite rapidly on iioeoiiiil of thu cold , comers- In-x onariuiis Biibjtcts. htiddenlj , with out a moment's \\ai miitf , Mis tritium fell to the sidewalk Mild expired At IIIt Mr liijhitit supposed his mother li'id [ Minted and Mimnioniut * ; assiit.iueo ear- rit d hei into : * . Moic near by. lr Oscar llollman was si-tit for , but before he ar rhed itviis dibcoyt led that the woman IA.IH deadVlien the dot tor Biimo Im pioiiouiieed life extinct and the cnu o of deivlh to bu apoplexy. I in oner Drcvl was nolilii'd of the sad oecurreiieo and the body was taken to h < r late home It was determined that an iixiiie-t was mi- necescniy , as thu causu ol death ysas appaicnt. iMi-H Fievhan w.is iiliout fid ji-.irs old nnd residt dith her son , John A I're.y han nl r > i.'t Pleasant stu ot. Tin ) funei.il Hi'ivm-i will be held from that pi , ice on Tuetdsij altui noon at J ! o'clock. Anleep In tlie Sticet. A ni ui biug in tin- snow on St Man's nveiiuciia discovered by S KittUh last c\enin ; about 7 o'clock peacefully sleep- In ; : . Mr Kalish i cceedcd in rousing him Millieienlh tosupport him ton strict car and bronjiht him down town. At I'iftcunth and rain.un an ollicur was Miniiuiiiiid and Ilie ni.iii taken to the city jail. > vl re lie tr.ue the name of Jack Cody He was under the intluenci ! of liiiior | , and bun ; * thinlv clothed would undoubtully h iye ( | Uicklv succuinbud to tli . > ld but for Mr Kalish'M timub dis covery _ ft cut1 II IH Koot. An 5nlo\icat ( il ni.iii wandeied into the ivorkti of thi ) .Speiry elcetiic light > m punj about li o clock jc'steuHy 11101 mn < r Hiid naked to be allowed to w.uni him- sulf HIM request was planted , but as lie was \i > r > drunk and soon became a nuis mice , the patrol w.igou was sent foi and ho man was taken to jail Then- was li u > vered that otic "t Inn feet was fear fully fro/en. Dr L itciuinir , tin * citv physician , was siimiooticd , and oideied the man scut lo St Joseph's hospital for treatment lie will piobaldy losu two ol hid toes , if not his whole font. Ills Hand. James Wilson , a Union Picific brake man , had his baud badly in ishcd Satur. day while couplmjje tr- > . the bones in two of thu lingers. being erushul Dr. d.tl bi lith , the attending Miiiri on , thinks how\cr. that he i-ansavi the hand en tire ile roninud the pieces ot the crushed bone and dusbod the wound , and hopes that it will heal iusitch ; i nun- nor as to bn of usu to the untoi tiinate man in thu fiiiun : liolh liuge'ra , how ever , will bo still' . A Clone Call. Satin day running Mi T. Trnelcsen and family , hung near Thirty * i\tli and Ilaiiioy Ktucts , wcro rti cered by nuiAhborsncailyasphy bj cseai > ing coal gab , > md a pliynieian was at once Hummoned I'n h air and moper ticat mint completely rcMoicd the alllictcd pcihoiiri , but it was a naiiow eseiiie. Irnui death. 1 lie family is composed ot Mr Truelcson , his witu and live children lllcw Out ( lie Can , A.C Sheely , of Not tun , Kansns , is lying - ing nt thu M cti opoht. ui hotel aullVTinjj fiom the cll'ecta of ehcapiny jras , which nc ih caui-ed his death the other ui < rht Mr hheely waH dihcovi tud in his mom at the hotel in an uncousciouH condition , and it was c'\eial hoitifl befoic he < mild bo it fiuseitated lie is now on the loid to rt'covi'ry , but will bo confined to his bed for eomii time. O\cr an The two btaltious haiuesst d to Pcjcl.e Bros 'B heavy delivery wagon , while standing Hi tlut rear of the Lmon Paeihc depot biituida > , pitclud into each other witli teuth and hoofb , and in the li ht went over a In li ciiibanknipiit. The w'ason W.IB broken to fragments , but the horses woie fortunately uninjured. A Itimuutiy Hlcl h. A hoise hitched to an old horse sloi h nud diiyeu by three boys , took fright Satmduy on Dod e sticet and lau ixwav 'Turning the corner of Sixteenth thu boyn VNcre pitched out , and the hoi-o continued muthwaid colliiliug witn ( lyerjtbjng in the load until it disap peared up htreet. A Tull A Iliokcn I K. A locksmith named Ihiuling , employed in the Union I'ncilic hhops , hud the mis fortune to fall cstciday moining on the icy imvmiient aii.il bteak his hi ; The fracture in a vur > bad unu , his l < < ' lieiu HO twisted uiuli i him in the fall as to bleak both bones Hauling was icmoved to liifi homo and Dr Calbralth was sum moned and i educed the tractmc. lion KeoperH Itciiit , Thu eighth annual mci ting of the No- brnukii blalo lieu Kcupcia' association will hold its ncAt Hcssion at Lincoln , Wudiu'bday , Thursday nd Friday. Jaiiu- nry 13 , M uud ir > , 18SU , the lirat meeting of thu fccsbldii beginning at ! l ! ) I p. in. , on thu IHUi Notices will ho posted at tliti Lincoln depots diicctiug vou to thu hall in which thu meeting will be held. The olllceis ate pioud in being able testate state that notwithstanding thu great loss of bees the imst winter , jet thcapuuan intoieatti of Nubuifka are kctiping pace with thu other miiteiial iutcicM.s of thu btatu. Wo are hearing fiom man } * points ot thu ttatii whcie heietofoic noiopoits \Vlo ) ruceivetl , tuul thu liiohpcct.s are ftmmiblo for a largu gathering of thu prominent hcu keepere of the btalu. Kvcr llnng po-hihlii is being donu to nuikd thu meutingrt of our association second to none held in any state ot the union Thu meeting of this uh nulatoii ! in the place w licit ) the bcglnm r in thin moit pleasant and prolit.ible. biiMiii'so hliould lo Mire to attend , for heiu.sou will meet thu men and women of thu slate ( and also of thu w cM ) who are away up thu ladder in all the. now am ) best ideas , and methods of apiculluio , anil 3011 surely Fliould not negli ct biieh an uppoi 11111113 - cveoonuut liberty to ask an > ipie tion , and tome one iead > at all timed to an- BW or. Hy new arrangements mathiwith thu Uurliugton iV Missouii ami I'nion I'.icilie railway Ctmipaniert all who wish to at tend the association must call for anil obtain a cci i cato of Iho ticki t ag > nt at tliuir rckpvttivu duuutti , and pay lull laiu to Lincoln Whllu nt the meeting , miy time during the c sion , prt'ent uch c rtificat to mi. ii ml I willortlfj l tun ntno , which will entitle nil who holt ! Mich crrtificat i to return ticket at one- ( , I * T * . * . * . ! il . . . . < . . ilil t iilt > * > / i. A.klli ' ll y. cittcs to nfpociation wneii purcnu niK tickut to Lincoln.W . W F Wmi.tlT Pec. , Nib S'afj K. A , Johnson , Ni hamu Co , Nib. 'Jin : i ii'snuis' : HARVEST. Ijnr o Niiinbrti of I'rozon "Water I'ijics lo ho Carptl Pur. There was a Kfcn' ' ctiango in the weather in thu \ o uarly morning jes- teiday ami the thermometrr took a sud den and decided fill From 8C abovu zcioatll o'clock in thu tvening it do scuided tob3 below nt il o'clock in the moining Large numbers of peoplu were caught , napping by thu uni xpecled chungc , ami thu result was that Water pipes , ill 11 great many instances , were fro/en and burst , tlms'depming m.mfamilies of their water Mipplj on Stind ly 'I he plumbing shops weic eloti , I iluiing tin tla , but a gre it ru h of woik is expected to day re pairing the damage 'I lit ! w tier win fro/en only in pipes situated m houses , as the ( old has not been suihcicnth intense to rcat h tlm mains So fai tms-ca-on the 10 uplaiuts to the watir eomp.iny of fren pipes have linen \et v fiw , but it will not lie long il the picseut weallier continues be fore they will begin to pour in by thu liimdu-us. A J-AI ) JsTOKY. Tlio Alli'Keil Iiiuc-Jt C'nto lmcRtlji\fetl bat uriliij 's loclopiiiuntH. . fm ) of the * idd < st cases of misery unit hiifleiiiig ever brought to light in this city was investigated In a reporter for tlic Hi , : : . L-ilt Saturday afternoon information mation was lodgetl with the police ot an alleged hoirible case of nicest which hail just developed in North Omaha , wherein a girl named Lillie DeWitl was Mid to have accused her father of the palelnity of her aboitetl cliiltl. Thu case was mentioned in the l > i r.alltletails however being suppressed for fuither investigation. In company with a police oflieer spec ially de'ailctl It ) investigate the cast , a reportei weiitouthatuitla to the home of the DeWitt family , at H..i Noitll Iwcu- tit thslieet ' 1 helioii cisa little U llpailltcd struct i iv , weathi i-bcaten and tlil.ipi- tlatt tl , betweiMiMii im in and Clark sti cut. The knock at thu dooi was answcicd by a little giil , evidently oiih iMghloi nine oatt of age , vvlwu l.icc , bill tor a cert - t mi hardened e\pris-ion , v\hichmi ei > ami pox city alone can give , would have bicn beautiful When aski d it her oldest sister Lillie w , is in , the gal iciilit il that she wa nek anil h id bei u nn ible to see an > one lor seveial da , ) " . Yielding to the olheei 's request she consented to lead tin' w.o to the kitchen wlii-ru her Mster was The young woman , Lillie , was found sitting ly tlm utove engaged in some kind of fancy woik She was a rathet comely guldu \ > ) ntu the lact that hei faie U.LS pinthetl and pale with siilleiing Wlitn questioned by the olbcer she b ml that she was conlinctl on Tuesday , without aid 01 attendance horn iu > ol the neigii- br > rs ami had given bnth to an aboittd child 'I'lti ! stoiy , that li.itl becngivtn w iilu cmioney , to the elicit that her fithei w is lesfiousiblo lor hei condition , she si outetl , saving bu was us good a man as evel lived. Yielding to fuither questioning , the uufoi tuiiatc creature s nil that slit ; hail bceii a \ntuoii3giil up to about May last. when she nut a . > ouug man named Shcrm ! ) raimiiigtou at a sitipiise juity given . ' the house of one ot the neigh- bois. T us man , bhe said , aeeompli-hed her mm under pumiNc ot uiaiii.igc Hukept company witli her up to a lew mouths ago , when he deseitid her. "I told him ot m\ condition two or tiucc months ago , " she s.utl , "but he icliisul to tit ) anything foi me I have hot M-HII bun for six weeks , ami then i was ashamed to speak to him " Out ; ot the sail Kbt features of the ease is that on TUUM ! iv last , Hie d.ii of her LOiilmcment , the jouug woman was absolutelj aloui1 , save foi the prc-eiice of her two younger sifters , 'J and IT years ol : i c Moth of tin1 bitter cluldicn ran alloveithe iicighboi'iood tiiiug to linil "oino woman w ho won hi take pity on their i Idcr s tcr s condition , ami come to bei assistance Hut all the iieighbois turned a deal ear to the chtldien s lequcst , it ! ply in" that tliey wanted nothing to do withtlie c.is No pliysiuaii loultl be .si t uit il because , as the miloi tun itu girl Mid , tlicie was no money to p.ij for mctl- iiil services Dew ill is a man about forty-livo years ot aire , ami for thu past seven or eight yt .UN has been woikmt ! in the Union 1'aeilic Hnops He is at ] ) iesent out with the wiccking train on thu 10 id , and is ab > i'L unawaie of the condition ol bis ilaughter. The mothei has been dead seven jcars. It i piobalile that the in- vCjStigation will lest here , a-i tiu | ) olici niitlitritiiis ) aiesitislied that thu gill is telling the truth. TUUi : MCIIIT AIMMt IKUU : ; ObcflVltlci' , I'rosltlenl ol' the ilclnovv Oruuiu/.Ulon , ( 'anctl. A uutewoitlo iiieidunttx'cui led several days ago at the ball of thu llcbuw Iteiicvoluit society , it bciug thu pu scuta- linn ut a gold lieiult il cane to Air I. Ohcifcldcr , oiiu ot thu piincipal mein- bi n of that body The e\i tcneo of a pcim.iuent JovMsh itligioiis botl > , ac well as thu building ol the temple , mm owned by the Jewish lougregation , is m iml.v tine to the uilicliiMiig Taboiri of that geiith man Ilia clingy and /e.il , as well as his i aincstncss , bus made the coiigitgalion to tlaj out ) ol the leading bodies H tli it denomination in the west Mr ObtjiTi'ldir. upon rect iv ing this token ot appieciatlon tiom the commilteu , le- pliett in n tew well-chosen AMUKIMIN"IS. : HOTyvAir.it. Small uudiences witnessed the Satur day matinee and evening performance of "Hot Water , " by Ahco Ilanihon and her company. An honest criticism of the production and itn presentation will not rull'-ct creditably upon either. Thu play IH a win thlcsj.s patchwork in which a cm runt vein of vulgiuity la doubled in ollunsivciiebs by the act * ot Miss ll.uri- son. Them tiru some hr&t class people in the east , nnd they are out of ( dace. ' 1'heie aru also u kw tunny situations , but they aiti Mvampcil by u slop of ancient ga > ; s ami u bugivash of long ami inane dialogued , HAMi'Kiinn HV iinn TAIM : . IMarcloiisly Consti uctuil Vctcilnnry IJ VVH > l. ( icith , Jr. , Tulkn , If J. ( icrth , Jr , the btatu veterinarian , is to bn bulicu'd and hu doubtless ought to be , thu Hvu btouk sanitary lawsoi the htittu are bm kiul , gagtttul , tied haiitl and foot and rc.ndcicd aa'l.oioughlv inopera- tivu u un cmlUs ; , biiing of 'ted tapt ) . wiappuil , bound , and tied In u h.ud knot , can makti them. Mr ( iiit'i ' iias bei n in thu city for thu past few duyli.ivlng t onio hither for thu purpoM of bti .lightening out a small piutioii ol thi ! taught ! akoiu thu legisl i- line ovoht'tl at its l.ibt scshlon Mr , ( itith if aerv clever } ouug gtiitlemun ami si-ems to bo thoioughl > cduc.itid to h's ' UiMiass Hu mil sued eoui'ih of sliul both in A UK iiua uud iu tnkinp ; advantage of the best ir on belli continent * He has mn ttrcd the .situation in Nebraska nnd in nn in- tcniowwilh n reporter forthe BEr.rriiHy evening , nnde a complete nunlj&i- the _ t - " - _ i _ .1 i here am live points of live stock entry - try in the state , nt each of winch n special yet rinitiian il Matiouid In c-j-iiu'ne ' all animah in ship menl These arc nt I'oUugton. where the t'Si P M A : O CI-OS-H-K llu-mer. al Hlair , where lho S.oux . Ciiy ft Pacific toiuu o\cr at Omaha , reached from the east 113 tin' Union I'.icilie , at Plaits- nioiitli , thiough tin * It i\j M , nml ut Falls Cit > , by Hie Missouri Piicllic At this last place n yeteriiuiuan has neycr lit en iippofiiletl , anil it was ehiellv to rentctly llus discrtpincv : thnt I f.iuic hi re I met Mr daitetl , lho western agetil of tlm Missouii 1'aciliu , lo day , antl i cached ns.itisf.K too until rst.mdiiig wild him u hen by Ins road will at ouci * come un der the law. "lit re lies one of Hie grievances of the neu enacluient I \eltriniry otlicer ul all points uf MMstock entry is an ap pointee anil employe of the railroad comp - p my tiatis tiling lue business there. Ibis condition is iind'-siuible ii ) o i it < face , as the ollicial is forced to won , in a measure contrary to the interests of the company How closely a man , under stu h citcumM met s , w , ll mish inspection is a matter ot tpic.itinu I hold that all . .oc.ilctct maransnliouldlu st.ileollie'ers. As I am held responsible for ln aelioiis. 1 think that , in all fairness , im should conic under llic si ite sen ice "Ilie gieati'st obcelion | to the Inw is found in the unwieldy mi tliotl of pioecedurc it prcscrihis In tile in-d plueo CUT. ) thing must be douu uudi r tie immediate Mipi ri i iou and b the recommendation of the htato Vcteiinariiiu Now it is impossible for mete to hi * iu one hundred dtiteiciit parts of tilt * state al onuc and one man is not , ade quate lo the task. 1 luiM' ulrcad.y IU ap plications on lilo , _ something 'like thu ducket , of the Lllited Matt s bllprclile court. Then when 1 urn cull , d to a ea c of disease ami condemn the subject , ' nothing can be done until tin * eom'mis- tinners are .summoned , Thcnc olli- cials livu ut Lodge Pole. Ciclo anil \ \ eepingatcr \ , antl it takt s t\vo at least to make an act ng ma- | ont\ I or inst.iuue , I ha\etoantl a ease ot glandi is m Omaha , at the conn r ol Sixteenth ami Nifliolas , ami li.ue eon- di nun d the horse to death Now , by law , 1 must _ summon the commission here to appraise the horse \ on can see how ne.nlv ridiculous hiieh u icouire- incut s. ' 1 he xalueof a glanilt retl horse is be\ontl estimate , it is woith less than nothing , but to settle the in liter the.it toruey general has decided that ! is enough tor iiglandcretl horse 'J lux thing ol Hotting the commissioners about the state isirj e'\pcnsi\e , and 1 .ilviii Htry to prc\ail upon the owner ot d eascd stock to kill it , in his own mterct " 1 he legisl iture tin theriuore made no provisions lor my salar.y. Itinacted that 1 shoultl be i > .ml > Jiii ) .mil e\peiiseti per annum , but neglcetttl to make an appio ] ) tiatioil A uimibei of h\e tel k men , lio.u'xer , deposited a note lot * . - , iiHinpon wfiich 1 ( ould thaw , .mil tht * will tloubt- less tlo so lor the < timing jeir Should the legisl.ituic tail at its ne\t session to pass an appiopiiatiou foi ny past . . > , these gentlemen will be out > , " ( KM Again , m on atiug the * lue slot k intlem- ml llliid , w Inch is a fe.itme ol tilt * ut-w law the piovisiou is made th it one-tenth ol a mill out ol the general luiid shall go to deli.i > expenses ' 1 his allow.nice w ill this year amount to aboat ยง 1,010 , a nieagie ttiiiu out of which to paj the p.ilaucs of the commission , nil our ex penses , and the uppiaiM mcnt awaiilsou all condemned aiinn ils. It will just about spie.ul around thib j ' .ir and notli- imr moic ' It is sinccrcli to be honed thnt the next legislature w ill stilighten out the law and submit it to iiiin moie operatiye foim. " Me , Diuian n f-foij Uonletl. Jlisiit'ss Cath.uiiiu L. Dam an bcnu first ilnlj swum , depnsfs and s.us th it slui is will acijuaiiitid with Kobe-it D Duncan ami his wife l.ottic.l. Dime-nil , ami that she * Is not ic- 1 iti'd to clthi'i ol the ahine iiaiuetl panics , and liuthci a > s Unit stie was called on the nmlilot Tluusd.i } , Dce'cmhcr 'id , 11-10 p. in. , to tro to the liousf ul the ahosciiainid | i.iitie > . ItM Damimiit stictt. mil that she icni.iiiictl time until tlie followliu 'riuusilay and tlnr- iiiK that time nttciuleil the atnres.iitl Lottie ,1. DnuiMii , ami that all the biulscs slit * saw up on the bndj ot the s ml Lottie J. DIIIK.III was one upon the lleslij jMif ot the lifrlit ami ami : i slight scratch inidci the rlKht e-c , staicelv noticialilc , and that iltiiuu , ' that tiinc there was plentj lo eat m the IIOUM * . ami tli it I'm sdi - diDie. . sh ( the still litilieit J. Duiu-an In oiulit to Ins siltl \\iti me it , hie id. pc.irs , cake , nud cave ht'l iu cash two ( i ) dollais , and tint dmin _ ' the ] > ic > cncof the deponent III the1 house * the said Lottie .J. Dtiiiiau was ness , lini.iole. cille'd the dciioiicut bid nnmcs mid made it so dlsa.'ree.ib'i- the s id di'poiiciit wns ( oinjicllid tolcnethe hoiist1 , and that the * -aitl Lottie , ) . Duncan li.is all Uiut slu-net d-lo in.iko hei cointorta- blc nud lurthei dciioiicut snith not. ( 'Ann.HIM K. DUNPAV. Subsciibi'd In in > piebciieeandhwoiii to be- fine me tins nth il ij ol DoteinbiT , ls.v' > [ > i \i..j O 1' . Si.w Mm , Notarj Public. J'obi'it D. DuiH'in beiiiK Iirst duly sworn , deposes ami s s tlm he Is the luisliiud ot Lott uj. Dimcaii. ami thnt the ) have resitlcd at liit/J Dniciiioit ) sticet ; ami deponent tur- thci sivstlui on 'I Inn -ila ) cvciinu Diifin- bti 'M , the said Luttle .1. IJinu-in so abiisrd him , bv woxl tit nioiitli , that he attcmptcil to leave tin house , ami th it on In i aid iiijinnc toittalu him bv I nice hedliovcil hi'i liom him iu oidci to eel lice , and Hi it hu i oiimiit- tcd uoothci assnult upon lici. and thnt in the piescmeot witlHSM'K the slid depiiiii ut h is Rim e olfi'icd lier a n'ii-onablc aiiKMint tot her support , ami has Kivcu hei loud ami money ami tli.itsafd deponent tully believes tli.it his s.Utl wiio Is not Iu hcrihht mind and tlut slio Is not nicoinitiihlo foi the stoilest licula- tcd nbnnt him , and fiiltlicr slid tb puiieut salth not. Koui in D. ) MN. > . SnlisfiilKil in niv iHeseniru nud sum n to bcioie me tills Uth day ot Dt'cciuhci , lsv > . [ sr\i.l O. I1. > i w MII > , _ Notat ) Public. Mrs. Kate M rieinlns beim ; tirst tluly swoiii ilt'ptiscs ami sa\s tli.U sheiesldes in the DII k | nlt ot tlu > himc. pit ) ' ) lln < i iiiinit stiict the liout put ol whli h Is occupied by Knbiit I ) . Diiiuan niitl Lottie , ) DIIIU m bis wife , and th U she isell noiiiinlutetlith the ntoiCNiiil pnitlcs. th it on tlm evening of 'I hiii'il iDec. . Stl slio Ill-aid no noise as of iiuv omUiciiik' b.-.ilcn. but xlichcnid the voice ot the H ild Lottie. I. Daman i.iiscd to a hiu'h pitch mid did not hcai thu voice of tlinKild Kolu'it D. iDiuican ; thnt on Tliur lnv tnc- ltiK , Dec. IHth , at vNhldi time thu siutl Lot tie . I. Dmiian sa > s thnt her nnld Imshaiid Hubert I ) . Duncan entered the house and beat her so thnt blood tlowcd from her mouth , Him w. is railed Into the limit pnitnf the house niitl remarked to tlm bald Lolllo .1 , Duncan "it looks as though ) ou had been iilcklm ; vonrtietli itnd it had bhd u little , " nnd that sliu lienul no uoKu of ail ) assault nnd does not bullinomi ) wns ( omiuittcd ; iiml fmtlicr said ilcpoaeiit sal ill not. MUM. KATK M. Fi KJIIVO , SiibvrllMMl In my pro-tiiico and sworn to Lcltiio inu this l.'tli da > of D''c. , IKV > , ( c , . . i U. P hi wnn , ' 6iai < J ' Koturj 1'ublie. OAMH WITH THE KNOW , JnckGnlllcnn'N PounilUng A Cuno of Infant Dcsciiloti. Frulay night about ten o'clock , a violent jerk at thu bull summoned the servant gill nt Assistant Tire Chief Galllgan's residence to the front door Thu gul opem d the doorpiepnrntory tn mimitliiig visitors , but naught but thu vacancy ot ( hu snowy sticcts and the moan of the wild answered 1'iu ' challenge "Who's Ihe.u , plu.u-u" ' U'ho servant then in bomu tredidation glanced out , and as sbo did so her even fell upon a basket lying upon the stoop , bhu picked it up , and bunging it into tiiu light of the hall way , screamed as shu discovered its con tents , ' O , heiu'b a baby. " Mis , CJalligan hastened irom her room , nml thotlouglity liiemau so lai conqucicil his iliuiimut sin us to 1'yllouu ; .1 lucli hobblu. It baby sure enough , but fooold nnd nearly frozen that it was impossible to tell yv.iethor or not it lived. Itc-tora lives were at once applied , the blood in its Illtlo Imdy rubbed lo moTintj nnd horll.y is u ncaltny noy nuout one week old and seems lo nave been born among peoidc of good citcuin tanci" . In Ilie ua kcl were also found se\t rat line jirlielts of baby we.ir which thu niMtk < < showed to ha vi' bicn bought at I'.ileoner's Inquirv at tluil Mure reveals thnt a , haiidsnme nud well < ltes ed wonnn yesterday purchased lho articles , but notliiug is known of her identify or her whei fallouts' Mr ( JiUliguu s.ijs he will keep the infant for a few da > s antl if not claimed will dinpose of it lo tonic found- lingiiisiitiition or to p.irtits desiring to adopt children. Court Note * . Jiul 'o Neville granted Saturday a mandamus to M T Puiick , compelling the Omaha Sti oil 11 dlway company' to opei ale Iheir cars Hi rough nis addition This litigation has been printing for omo months past , ami this action of Judge Neville's will probably settle it foi ever. Mr. Patiick ceded to the Mrcct car company as IK- claims , n certain tract of land in his addition , and right of way , pi milled the company would operate the Cain in the addition 1-or a tnnethc cot potation kept its word , as Mr PatncU claims , and Im.illy t-ca-n-d running cars altogether , exct pi at vcr.v. long mtciviils Judge Nevillc'n oitler of mandamus provides llmt the ttioet carioiupiny shall operate its ears in this addition exactly us it does m other purls of the city Noah 1) . Lawrence bigau suit in the disti let coin t Saturday agamst , ) lin 1 it/- gciald , of Lincoln , lo compel him to pay an alleged balance- $ li'i..H. ) " ) , with in tticr-t winch il is claimed is due the \\estiin Sit am Heating company for labor tlonu \\jllluni 12 Join"btgan suil agaiti'-t H L' I'lencli , administnitor of the e-.tatf of .1. H 1'ieiieh , lorn balauco ol * -itM ) , insuiatice nionc on the htock Vnnls hotel vvhich was liurned down on the night of November . ' ! Mr J U Pu-ncli. it is claimetl , took a mortgage on the pi opcity , tosecure : i cell.un amount ot indebtedness , it ml had thi hou-e iustiii d 'I he iiisui.mcc money is now claimed by the Trench estate , while Mr Jones , who built tne hotel and owned the lot , thinks that it should bo paid him , nficr the amount of Ins indcbl- ulncss to Mr Trench is deducted there- fiom Judge MeCulloeh , of the county court , lendeicd decision Saturti ij in the L C. Johnson estate suit Mr John-on lett lo Ins mother an insunnccof 'jlt.OOl ) . held on Ins liltbj the D.mish brotherhood He owed some debts and his eieditors claimed the moiic.y Judge MeCulloeh decidi'd , liowcvei , thai Ihc money could not duelled fiom the u e for which it was originnlU intended ' 1 he jnri S.ituitliy icturneil a ver dict toi the citv in thu case ol Turner \ $ the citv of Omaha Tlio I About SOU peoplu assembh tl Sntnulny uvoning at Cuuningliam's hall in re sponse to a call lor the foiming of a blanch of tin- Irish National League. It was cxptctcd that lion. Patrick hg.m and John I'lt/goi.ild , of Lincoln , would be present and address tlie meeting , but both ol the gt ntlemcu wcro unable to at toad. A dispatch fiom Mr. Kgan ex pressed his resru Is it bis inability to at tend and olleted woids of encourage- mcnt A number ot ott'er speakers were , bowcvur , on hand , ami tlclivereil excel- h ut athlicNsei lion John A McSlmnc picsidctl , while Dr. M. J. O Hourkuauted as secretary. Alter Intoning to inspiiitiug nddressos b > Hon. John itnsli , county Measurer , ami lion T It. Mimih.in , the league VVIIR or 5ani7cd with about lift } membeiri. The following ollice's were then elected. Hon. John A. MuShauc , president ; Hon. John Rush , lir&t vice ptesitleul.lloii.T. B. Minahiin , fli-cond viee-piesident , Jlr. Ktl- w.ud Bieiinan , tbiid v icu-president. Dr. M. J O'Uourkc , s iretary ; Mr. Peter O'Mallc.v , treasurer. A couimittie on munbership nnd also lo repoit on the b liws was elected , con listing of Maor ] McMahon , J. K. Moiianty ami Mr. Mclinnu 'Iho trciiHiiry was tiubuiscd to the extent ot $15 by those who joined Satur day night After other ailtlicsses bv .1" P Maloney ami Mr McKittuiick , of lliir- liugtoii , Iowa , the iiuetiiig adjouined to meet , again in one weik leaner antl tlm Nail AVoilc.i , The dhectors of tlie Omaha , Nailwoiks held a meeting Frulaj afternoon to consider chielly the slice ssion to tlie BU- liciiutundenc } vaeatt d by Jno.\V. Lauur , lesigneil. H was de < idcd to place Mi- James Ciuightou at the head of the management and to conduct alliiua as they are now. Mr L liter's former as- istant iu the ollicu and the boss nailer , nporvised from time lo limu by Mr Crcigliton , can inn the mills without H s-upci iuteiulcnt and the ipie.-tioii of a suc cessor to Lauer is lor the pichout tltopped Some several dujs igo the Ur.i : stated that L.IIICI was icportcd to be some Vlill ) debtor lo tlm nulworks through over- ill aw ings This tlevt lops lo bo partially true. .Nlr Lauer docs owe lho eoneein somcllimg like tIIO ) , and hail c in led this debt for a year or moiu , but it w-.nj cou- ti.iclt > il by Lauer as a plain loan , itogo- ti itod fiom tint coinp uiy and d > es not in tlie least rollout upon h.s integrity His iiecoiints with the uaduorks balanced to n cent , ami hail his iiiivatu cliaraett r In en as sound us his Inisiiifss method ? , , hu would in all jnob tbility still be al the head ot the Om ih.i u.utwoi ks and not languishing in the Dougl is county jail char t tl with the nun di r ot hi w iff. finenk Thlovi nt Work. A slick robbery wn rupoit'd at police hcadqunitciH Saturday. The victims wcioU M. Hunter , J I' , rit/.gerahl and T. U hilkmoith , tlnvo young men works ing in thn Union Pai iliu Iieadqmu tors. It apcars | ) that their room on the northwest - west corner of Sixtt onth and Da\onpoit blicet.s was unit reil by une.ik thieveh early hi thu mornmgi and a contidcrablo lot of jowoliy was carrii d olf. Among the artlclcN NO f.u du-coveicd missing aru Iwo gold watolies , and one silver one , n gold neck chain , two diamond pins and a purse containing t'l ' in mouuy It scorns thnt the tiio did not get in until late m the nigl.t ami left the dooi open for a fourth rooui-matu Hu did not come , ami the door lomaincd open all night There is no trace of the thieves , _ Will ltd urn Homo. Hilly Tiupatriek is n typical Now York gamin , w ho has been loanng about thu police court and juil for the last week or two. He wns arraigned be- foruJudgo Stcnborg Satuidny for the second tlmu on n ctmrgo of vngnmoy Hilly , who is n filuewd d.'ied up , III- lie rascal , with u taco h uiilunlly dm k from dnt , was sent on from Now Yoik fcomu two or tureu JIMIS iijo ; , byomo ( cluiiiliibly incliiii-d go nis , who found him a home with a l.nii ! r living mar Columbus , Neb. Abo.a a mouth ago ho ran awai and canto to Omaha Hi ? his been loihiit ; iiiouud iio'uoyej ' siiicu His moll or woiks iu the \ \ ii'l orhotil Nt u \olk , wits iiolilied of hei MIII s en i lition and IniDluriVuidDd li.m . ; . i > a for lho transportation of the boy to Iho metropolis. Hilly is packing tip his thlntrn ami bidding his friinds good b o proparitor , } to starling for NC-VT York lo ( lay. A NViMliltui of ! ill * jo. Mr Hay S Hold , of Hudson , \Vls , is in the city , stopping nt the Pntton hotel Mr Hood is n modest , nflnblc gcntlcmnn , who did not expect to be interviewed , but yielded a few i omurks readily enough when the reporter nppro ichod him. H must bo remembered tint although Hud- con is n small town it boars the distinc tion of lion William Njes citizenship Some three j ears ago , after surrendering the editoiship of tlie Uoomoratig nnd re turning the portfolio of postmaster nt Larimic , which events he has himself so graphically recorded , William lomovvd to Hudson and there established hi" country ent. From thnl jioinl he has disseminated , so lo speak , Ids best ctVoi Is , and it wns there nlso lh.it 113 oar ago last spimir n iJ clone overtook him in thu woods communing with nature and broke bis leg Mr Heed give some interc liiip facts nevir before published eoneotnini : Ilie groit liter item ' * prn ate life and habits "Aio yon iioqmimtod vvilh Mr. Niuf" Was asked of Mr Uoid Acquainted' ' Well , I dhould sny so Kvorybodj in Hudson nntl roundabouls known him intim.itolj \\yMr \ Nye is a bigirer man in lho coiumunitv Ihuu the mayor of the town " Mr Koid continued and brought out .some vciy in- tt n 'ting points " \ es. indeed , I hsuo fronuently SOPH him w lite He oft -n got s down to the cot not grocer , ) to pen a line and when lie reads it oyer to the gang 1 1 103 laugh lilj they Rliaku the stoiu dt or oil' ils hinges and raltlo down the preset vn jaia from the lop shelves. U'c think he is the funniest man on earth No , lie has never at- tcmptt tl to eiiler politics in Uiscousm , 1101 as far as I know , h is he courled oxr- cut iv o favors. Yis , ho has loot mod aionnd some but his health , which is none of the best , will not pel mil him to ti.ivcl aiound much Hu has a ( oinlor- table homo nnd coms to bo unking a good livelihood out of his writings Ho is n spl. n lid fellow and has a line family , both ot whit h ensiiio the eternal respect anil oed tooling of his nelghbois where- over ho goes " The rcpoiteron letirlug sucgi sted to Mr Held Unit ho call on Dr Diait , who lives hero , antl take fiom the woithy physician some woid of cheer ami com fort to the humorist The reporter nKo hinted that \ \ illuun's father , Mr Fred- crick Nye , of the licpuhlican , might like to send someiilloolionatu giocting to Ids fuiinv boy up noith. Ktninu Nevnilu. Emma Nevada's speci il cnr came in Satitrtlay on the Union P.icilie "over land , " and was ti.iusfcucd lo the Mil waukee to continue it- * join noy to St Pant The ' 'Song bird of the Siorris" was iu the bestot gootl humor and dwelt iapturousl3 upon her gioat reception in Calitoinia. At S.iu Ktaiiciseo ho opened tbo Alci/ir. n new tlieiter built bv Mike DoYoiing the editor ot the ( Jiioiiio'o ' Miss Nevada piononncos I the hand somest play house in the world , tltlioiigh ol infciioi s/i | Fiom Si Paul sh < tikes m the l.iigei cities tt the \oilhvvi it , ie- tni mug to Um.ili i on Chi hlmas o\e. Shogivi'H conceits nltogotlior and has spleudiil supoit. | She deol neb a voiy waim tooling toi Omaha , and promises be ectioiis ot her best songs. A. Brutal Act. Otic of thi ) haidcst looking couples ev er seen in police court wno Sadie Mo. Bride and HomyVatbaiim , w ho posed befoic Judge Stuiborg Satuid.iv. Hoth of lho wonmn'ri 03 os wore almost closed and her luce looked as tnough it had been pounded to a jelly Wilbaiim hail gone to her house on Kiev- enth ritioet e.uly that moiuiiig ami lie. c.imo involved in a row with lier. Hu locked the dooi and then knocked the woman down and pounded hei must cru- cllv. He was lecomiiiitted to j ill to await a fuither examination The police sav that Walbaiim beais n hard char 10 tei and has tiived two 3eaid in the peni- A Tree I-Msl.t. The jail was uiowded 3esterdi3' with prisoneis Inoiiglit in Sutuidny night for various olVcnfecs. The biggest haul made by the olhcers was a crovMl of eighteen people fiom the United States hotel , w here a free light had been iu progress. The bar loom of the hotel was full of ( icimans about 11 o'clock when John Shannon and ( Joorgo Ho le enti red the place The men became involved inn dispute in some manner , and the wholu crowd joined in thu light. Shannon was struck over the bond vvith n "bung stait- or , " nud was b'idly cut , besides having n billiiml cue bioke.n over his back. HojlovMis sti nek with a heavy chair in the lace , his nose being biokon and was otherwise injuicd Poliio whistles wcie blown nnd Ollicers Iloiri- g in , Hrady , Donovan ttud Duupucy im mediately icsixmdod and | iut all the pat- tu ipantsiiniler .uicst 1 he pitiol wa on was summoned and took two loads ot piisoncis lo the citv juil wheiothey wtiu ciinlnied for the night. Twelve ol thu nn n wcio released vt sti rduy moiiilug on bail , but the otherh failed to pioducu any so- cmily ami wcio obliged to await tn.il in conimenient. A doctor visititl the jail dm lug thu night md dn.L d Uoylu and Shannon 8 wounds The bioken cue , thcsm.isiietl i'Ii iiriiud tin "Ining staitcr ' are also at police hcadipmilcis to ho usL d as witnebscs agiiust thu nssailanta. V. . ! . O. A. Young mcn'u meeting on Thursday evening , commuiicing at 8 o'eloi k. Subjici"A 1'oung Alan Diessoil in New Clothcb. " The association will keo'J ojiun housu on Nuw Year's , as it ! m lor eovuriil ycuih past , and nro already beginning to prepare /or it , as it is expected that tbiH wilt bu the largest iccojniou uvur held. The woik ol canvassing lor thu building - ing fund goiN on steadily , and the ( om- milteo feel gratilud at thu piogrefts it is making. MOST PERFECT MADE stroncr t Katnral I'nilt Fla-.OMl Vnnllln , U-mnii , Onmre. Alinoiid. Itiwe etc | liaior us delicately anil luturally &s tlie Iruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , * * \v IT * * E\ o rt rb f Mr3v tr ? ElhrO rv lra i Una I \ Akraf I V XX Y IMRFtT LMP'JHTKKS Ol' DIAMONDS , PEARLS , AHTD GT3SES PBECSOITS JEWELS IN OMAHA An in peolon ! by connolsseim or ollicis coiib'iiiplnling purchn pj will coinlncnittfB ) tli.it thej can PIIVO fiom 10 toiil pel rent. b > iimkim ; their jitmh'vsosdlrixt fiom ItnportCtB IN sides Imv Ing (13 ( fni theUreost ind ! incs | sforK in Hie West tosil'-t fioin. Dm diiecl ImpoititioiHof FKHNTII ( 'LOOKS. HUN/5is ( ) ; , SH'SIC HOXK3 , OV > RnA (1LAKSKS ( , Lie , ami AH T GOODS from PAULS , \ UN\\A : , and other leadlm ? iiiiukdf , ex ceed lho combined stocks of nil olhor Otimh.i Jewelers. Our stock of W\'l'lirsJiWiLin ; : , SlLViinVAUK : , Ule , slniuH wilhoutn rival-n this oily in point ot oli-Kamo and vnilitj , and nil .tt ALL HOOD'S ' \11KKD IN Pt UN lTt ( HKS lc ! sure to cotioUlt join imYKSU > pcttliiK out slock heloie piiuh.isin . An I'.arl.v liisiutiiiii ] luvitul. Jlall nml Itienapliie Uideis Will 1 Seed to Piompt Atteullon Cor. IliJi and Farnntn Sts. , Ownlnt. NcM. Douglas Connly Tonclicirt. A meeting of the Dougl is County Te ichors' associ itioii was held Sntuitl.13 nfti rnoon in .Stiperiulcndi ul l > ruiui's olhie About twenty ti idlers le- ] ) oited ' 1 he mctting was cxelii stvili tor tcacheis outside of the citv and was an decision for pioht- able interchange ot ideas Thesu meet ings occur qiiaiteily. I'ollcu Court DooKot. The following c iM'3 wuro disposetl of in police coiiit Satiirtlay : ( icoigo K. Wilson , John Leon , John Molt is1 , William Smith , thunk anil disor- tit 1)3 ) , dischaiiTt d ( icoige H C.ildwell , diuiik , ? , l and costs Hnlph Van Nc-s ? and "Sleciy" Hewitt , \agiauey , ten da sou bread and water I'h.nles Smith , petit laieeio , twent3 tla s on blend and water. Omatia t , o.i 11 nml Tmnt. Articles of iueorpoi itiouof the Omaha Lo in and Trust comp my w 01 e Hied S itur tla3' in thu 00111113 clci k's ollicu. Tintoi - It i wing geullenicn .tie the in oipotatnis n/rn Alillaiil , U'm A Paxton , Itolieit ( .ululis , W. J Maul ami 11 T Claiko The institution avows its mnposc to loin 11101113 upon Om ilia leal t state sccuiity . to negotiate city ami county bunds nml to do n gem i.U loan business United StiileH Coutt. The usual S iturii 13 holid iv- was enjoyed - joyed bvthe ollicers mdbirot the United Mates com l ami but httlo business was done 1101113Itiehaitlt ) of Auburn pleaded guilt3 to sullmg m ill liquor without license and \ \ . < .s. uneil > ji ) ami eo-ls. The jude excilsi d a number of the jutois until rm.sd.i3 next lit eilics. . Is i.ic Ken ie i a suspicious charnctci coutmed in the city jail. Ho was amst.- etl 3cbteiday moining A ( lunnun n unetl August I'ikcr : was ai rested vestudi3 moining gloi 1011)3 ) drunk. \ \ hen civ trelit d Hit t uloi took tiomhinivvh.it jim polled to be a watch and chain , bul while the thiiuwas all light lliu "watch ' was sjijjit oil. An attempt to thaw it tiom the u hit case which c-jvcictl it disclosed 011)3 ) a glass dooi knob Hut it kt pt up appi ai.'iu es , and thai is niob loly all tli.it Mr 1 ! ker wanted ilthoilgli the it * il ai licit ) would come lather hand lor a Hue. Alice Han isou antl hoi company left last evening on thu overland tram for Denver. A team of horses attached to n double sleigh ran nwii3 last evoningon Sixteenth sticet ami cioiUd coiisith i.ible oxcile muni. Thodiivcr was tin own out and slightly injured , while the sleigh was completely demolished ' 1 he ng was the piopeil3' ot Attvvood Fox , lho Jivci3- men Paddy H3an iniinlgcd ini little pu ilis tie exhibition at Kt S-.K i 's hall l.isl even ing , anil as n toiiscqui nee was capltilcil b3 ( Jlbcei Kle3 ) and taken to | ioltce hcadipi irtcrs Some of I'aild.y i fiuud-i thought to icsciiu him tiom thu ( tobcu man , but thu appearance ot Roundsman A ! it/.i foiled their plan. Paddy is im Om ilin piotluitioii , and not the gieat man be.n ing that iinmo now a icsuluut ot Uncago. _ _ I't-rsoiinl 1'niagiapliH. John H. Ilommel , of Lincoln , is at thu Millard. Hon. Church Howe , of Auburn , is at the Paxtoii. Cli irlc-i H H ikor. of Huatrict ) , is tjuar leietl at lliu .Millard W.T I ! ivv sou , ol Nebraska Cil3 , is n gui.st at the I'fiUon. Mis. K J Deb inoy. of St. Louis , is in Omaha visiting Itiends. Miss Miiiuie Suiion , of Omaha , is in Minneapolis viMtim ; ti lends. H L Ctosby , Hnlo , ami H 1) . Jones , Hod Cloud , are at thu Paxtou , H. L Toll and 1C D Liiisel. of Hoi- ditgu , aru rcgisUiulattho Paxton. Low Hobcitcon an I wile of 1'xtlcr , wt iu gut sts al the Millaid yosieid ly. W T Hui M itlgo and M D Seaman , of Noilh Platlo , aiu stopping at the Paxtou. MiT. . ( ' . HiuiuiLr i elm nod Fiitlay f i om a week's visit to hur hiisbaud in Ch tpuian , Noli. Mis M Oannci. . D'an Millspaiigli's sister , le ives this i veiling tor her moth er'h homo in .Nlinuesota. Huv W. K Copeland lectiiicsin F.xetci nc\t Wednestlav , on thu subject , "Thn Hiblein Public School * . . " W. Hcccher , Columbus. J S Hitter , NoitliHend , H U Snaw nml wife , 1 ul- lei ton , U llliain J'ntcliard , Sjialdmg , tire at thu Canliiild J. H. Mindeilaml , foi moi ly connected with lliu Union Paeiliu bag tgo buivice , ban hi in appointed Img ugn master at ( iiaiid Island , und lull tor ili.il point this nioiuiug ' ( nn Cou and his son Fiank iiiurned I'lidav tiom tlu > west ( nil < oo has not 31 1 Iu (3 ( i < COM r < d tiom tlm gun Miol wound iccoivod mat Soldier. Hut t\ In i U lo lemain tn Oinalin a lew dis , ntui ivlneli hu vvdl visit trlumU in Ne- bi.isKa City A l/'iio Titiln , ' 1 ho Union Paiinc ' ovt rlaiul'Mnii lioin at i "la m , Satiuda.y , tin1 not aii > vu mi ld i v citing , when it ciiiuo in us > co- lion No J on irain 1 The di I .y _ wns ( Miikisl by n snow bh > kadu- \\3ouiiu. \ ! . The irnins 3ustndi3 wiru nunrb allen on lime , something whlih hu nut oe- uurred lor thu labt Imu da h. J I rnnk Allen i the father of n health v , lively lioj wuo put m an api'i iiaiiti at Ills housu 1 nda.v nl ht J hu ice men an * gt tUuj ; roail > lt > uup thur 31111 1 hur ; tit. t - * > Knl < ; IiK ol Ijiiliorttcntlon. . All Ivn g its .no expecli il to iitteml the inn nil * ; In bl at th < ii hall on Ibid ( Mon R day i ( M mug. Di . i 11 at 7 ol ) 'limp . This pnIT iifrrailn A mnrvol or p.iro tj.Mli II- II l I H IK It fit n lf < > < MiMDOi'olinilll CHI III tn Hi onlm.'in knits 1 ul i il'Oiot ' Iu KQlil In t ii up nn in u 1)1 ) in * tun in l nl tou ItMl. Sliniltt . ' ' . , ! n r pin H l"l" I' ' > tl 'IB " ' ' 1 ( inlj ill rui" K iv it link nff 1'imilii I v , 10 Wllll U nl N V DOCTOR McMENAMY 1 u ni n 1 1 HP Tin Omaha Medical ant ! Suiyicnl COHM.ll 13TM M A vl ) t Al'llOI. Ar.MJ ) : 1,1" KIN l Chicnlo nnd ; > trlcal : ; Dlscniics. ErT-c--- frrsrcj : Dcf.irinllicK , I l ntM i-l 'i1. "liii'n , 1'lluU lllsi aril < , rili-H , Ci t u l Ii. Dtsti t'liis ul thu I mi- . , I In r , I-lilni' > - , l.lnnil , Si , In , sfiimiiili , f.c"\ii" , Iju nml I tl. 3cnil ' > r Jti k ni n i 'I ' ill IIIMB I i < - Ihmiuini 1 It' t it for 1'iitiitiiii VViu t \ PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO IWGM , < n I'niNjirp si KCIAI i ml N HVOI K DIi-c < rs , hum iiintiikninfl \ , hullnnt | , nliiin i- ) tnlii * , C'cit ' , stiirtux , Vnnior ! niutiiii ' ffiiffiHuf tlic Urili. nrj uud fi siinl t'tfiit I SUM untcil 1 > ) iorin i > iiilnict at | ii-- mi-ill\ ( i i flilniihl 'VlnJn.inui M i t liv im it 1 1 i xprc * \ , itlioul iiijK-i | to lUilk'Uo l 01 i I IK < Ulll t ltituriri. In' ntoi ! tr.n ft , Triimcii , r.n I nl ' nd f nil ii i i 11 il vi p l-m-iy , uw i ul tt r il nuil fun i' ' < Ail in I lotuit to IH ( OMUClI.ll ) UV Royttl H.i ! > vnna 'Lottery 'A ' ( OM IINMI M INsllil JION ) Drawn at Havana , Cuba , Lvcr 12 to M Da ) ? . IA 00V I -.Ml M tH Illl MIS ) lie kiu III I'lUlis. Wldl fi ; 1'nul on' , iiio * * liii I'l u > ltd iiiunliiil | ii ii u. nut coiit.ollcil li.v tbi i m Hi H in in im 11 Hi tlm tn lost llihifIn tin ilin nt 01 il i n i In ( x stun i' 1 < r ll l-i is HI piy to sillll - . . \ . ( o lU)1roail ! ) Hiu.N.y ci M u'li.M ' x ro.ori > imu HH l Iv iiiKin ( i > } , M OVEfS 400,000 yvJH SE' ii.sif 6i > "iff , nrj < * fy" u i > Mtt < .i i > .TfD wi'ii nit ncoon'niy t' n , neB < isii.H3 a PACIFIC nwww llv ruffsin of Iu n titr il pi rlllun mxl IOM itlKllmi to ll i rln li > l linn I iul 'in l Uft t InllUI nj lir- inliiMl i niiiiM mint ! ! Ui llm H , t Inii iituni imtt- c mill I I II m in I KlHiHl in ul Ililiiiirli Irjiiirjuif f nM in whlrli invlli 4 HII I fiii ill' ' t" tiavol nnu tinui ll Wl-ll Illl iul III . Al Illl III IKl I'j IHO I 0 > l It Ii , U tliuftri Itti iiil 11 I i ntf ( iiunl fl HI I ul'lta 1.4 i S lll.fi I mil Koiilicnil mil utleUoliiili ) | ui K "A l Nulllixi t mil Hinlliolrl. The Gi-ont Rook Iblarul Rotito n larnnuei Iu intn IM lli l rri.n. f irncnd tr.u I iir l ! r,1 l hr ' ! MilH III mtullly hn lln.li ) rc J | . ) .ni of i i i , , . la i-fiu IMI ruijtjn I If.lt ! I. tt ll Illllt I I * II 111 ll ltll > " Ulf kl'l iy ill hum * , riMt .ill.nili i- i lilfoiii mi I lr In jk , i Iul Out r < n nif illliilliu ul I Ii k. irini ll r | ir u Hi jl it > ir ll i i" ? nil Hi IIHUU inlri | cfllllm yf tlm 1,1111Jin 1 lull.'in- ( nil > t linmllnjr lolntu Iu I'niou | irnl. | nnl llm mi ult"M'l c u IvlU auu luxuilwif Ui l'ivi > iiri r } | | * nl ' * " ' " IVrru'i II fn'"tV KIII U ( it ) * ! . ! ! * Mid Imixu'ri ] inr.141 In MM niiii i ni I million fiui fHIri | ivr < f il | pf - t llrHfi-ll dlnl n ml Itiuim 111 ill if ( .r lli lillli-l > liii 111' i- ' I In win * n * lil'Uirlf film II in ' I'lil iff ii.ll II-A.I lly in il An.l I OU > H l j i ill III" l Ho < i li l I nllllll Kt li lf < > The Famous Alljcrt Lee Route Ii lli illiMl anl 11 ul I no UK-vim ( liU j RJ , Mini 41 * lUttiilS Ci i h ui iiMim-iUcim mielnudn In I mull I.i l f i u I | i IK * In II r IrllllniJ * * Al.a I i ll.li I'luviu * Hi MI . ri.i I * ! .i l I rvitlM Jnlut trnrnii" I' ' u > ii i lue plaifn unninir i - t I lit in in . ii ui I I unlink Mini Unlitc K" " l "f I' > i.l ilii Ii III l o llm neil It HU ililt r u i t , n I t. at III 10 * * llJ | )4nlOrM sllll ' V I I'ltn i II" I ' TMf ni > ckimt Kin- L V I 4 * b . u 11. v , ii . u iinitl | Ii iilun > it ih iir 11 ' * * > i * n 11 -in II I liiif * KMi'niCitf. > . .IIH | . U HI. IKl Itllll II IITIIlnllalll ( lOllltl I r ili.i4 < l I irl 'in n > rn HUM mil f older * , oltitiilu * * ci | u < I I i il ll I ilnilp * ! Jli l O'.l nim Lulu t b'ii k"J e i loj i ur ! / * r li r c/.nur , c. r.r. JOHN , 1 l l. Vi > Ul r ,