Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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A. Monster Dooumont Prayinc for Embezzl
ing Bon Oobb'a ' Relcwe.
SnbtmUi Services n ( tlio Onilti l City's
ClitiMjIies VnrlotiH Siimll Itoins
Oatlierod by " ' ( ' Hco's
[ mow Titr. nfii'n : useor.y tionrAc.1
Governor Dawes IIIH rotated to pardon
Bon Cobb , now serving a three yours1
fluntencu In tlio penitentiary for forgery
und cmlxvilcniunt. Tin- petition for his
pardon , presented by Mrs Cobb , was si
monster one , "and bore the name of nearly
every p eminent ui.ui In Lancaster
county , it * will as thu names of tliu thrno
miprentu court jtnl m and cither htatu
ofllcialrf. Itnhows howr easy it Is to pro
cure aiynalurc * ton petition. Cobb , it
will bo iiiinembored , was formerly police
JmljTi' heio 11 was convict ( ! in Octo
ber of lrt l 1'owr years si o ho was
worth ? -MU liO , but lie KOt to tfatnblin < j ;
and lost Hall Hi- limn maraud a lady
with point ) property , unit wpjandoie
that. His next break was to mubiv/l
Honn : triistlunds including monies winch
hu % vas handling lor Congiessmun li.i
Davenport , of isow York. .
Superintendent Lam * lias all tim stalls-
tics relative to tin- census ot HS..III h.ipu
for publication , .Hid could , if mo.mswcru
at band , issiiu tbciu In pamphlet form in-
sldo of wlxty dt\s. : An it is , boweer , ho
must wait , for an niproprialion | which
will not bo avail iblc until .January , lss7 ,
by which timu the inlonnation now at
hand will Iw of but little viiluu. I hu
work of tht ) en um orators was in
.Juno last , mid the Icatl'ii points well
compiled by the middle ol August.
Knowing hu bad nti moans of putting tilts
tables holoro the public IS ipoiiiiiendi'Ut
Laiio has mkcn hi * linnin completing
them , it UHX into ill-tails never betore at-
ionlpi' ' " ' . h l'his lite compilation ot lads
, i/i tui-iu-oa relative to our la/ming inter-
CMS , etc.
. . .
the cold weather , the
churches were well attended yesti'idav. '
At the mnrniug service in the hugh-di
Lutheran Itev. Mr thl ) , a >
Irom India , spoke on the subout | ol foi-
eilrn mihwions , detailim : the observations
otnhis twclvi ) years' woik at ( Juutoor and
ami making si very intoiehiing ami in-
strut-live address At the I'hiistian
chinch the pastor , Kev .I n .Johnson ,
had for Ins subject , " \Vhat Is M.vnr'1 , uu
peolu ] itllondmg other places ot worship
wuie alho treated to able discourses * ,
cm man's. cake and maple syrup
social is the latest tiling in thu chuicli
loitainnumt line It is to he given by the
vouii" people of the C hnstiaii chuicli at
Temple hall Tuesday uvcmu _ ' .
Klder Howe. thccit ) mVionary , wishes
to acknowledge lliion h the IUi the 10-
ceipt ot a ( donation tiom nn unknown
fiiuntl , and to cxpussa hope thatuthci *
will "dolikewise. " that is send in then-
spare cash lor the usu ol the poor.
The ladie.s ol the Kpi'-eopal church
will hold a ba/.aar at Temple hall on
Tuesday , \N cducs'dny and 1 htirsd.iy
ovunmg. ' 1'he piocccdnig are for tau
building fund , tin- i oiigicgation having
in new $ 00 ueililieu.
The IJ & M. hns at hist tleculed to
bridge the Missouri it Knlo , and a lorco
of men sent down b.iUnday to bu
uln woik. .
'I he oonnty cotumisslonurrf hold another
meeting Tuesitay
The iJommereial hotel s"wer , which
ha.sbetiti clowod for days , w.ij
opened Saturdav ' 1 hu jiile ot .stall
fished out l the workmen included
ovorythintf from a bustle , belon mjj to
one of the dining room iils. to a Hrfit
of Clerk Joliiihou'H east-oil clothes. _
Lincolu'h ten policemen wei hcd Sa tt-
urday , ami the ngihtry now bhows that
the city now has ln-U : pounds of olheial
protection. The heanest man oil the
force is Ollicer hunth , who tips the beam
at'JUS pounds. OHkur llob-on is ecoiul
: it .Vlt , Marshal Hcacli weight- 0 , < > f-
Jicor Carnaham ail , Ik'iinin lioil 0 .
SiiWdioy I'M , 1'owler , IB.'i , llaliowcll and
Kelly 110 iwoh , and Capt. IW 10J. ihu
averatfo is 111 ! ) pounds
The Lancahter County 1 caehnr's asso
ciation will have a M ,1011 at the hi > rh 1
dchool , Fritiaj auilhaturday ol thii week 1t
The Lincoln Liteiarv circle is to meet
in the Unite * ! btateo court room to hiht {
It is rumoroil that Uharlns Kitchen of
Omaha IH to > isit Lincoln and inspect
the Windsor hotel property with a view <
to boildint : .
William Uecd and wife , of Ulyws ,
passed through Lincoln .Saturday ntti-r-
uoon , en route
J.'W. Lujitnn , of Wavetly. is booked
for a piiMiii't { ' to Liverpool on the Hteam-
or I'niiiu hailmj ; fiom Now York on the
IDth inst.
The Lincoln tannery people have so-
pined < piartcr.s at lot I 0 htruut lor uu up
town htoi and h.iles room.
The oily council recen Iv ad iplcil nil
oidmanco requiting all hotels two stories
and over in height to be piovided with
lire escapt'H , mill Kiro Marshal Nowbnry
is taking moasuies to xiiuiiio tt ontorue-
inent. . , . .
U'ater wis turned on Saturday in tliu
now mains 01 N stieut bttween .Seven-
leuntli ami isiueietnth The pipe * were
tChlcd with a -pouud prcosuto and
fouiitl tight. , . . . , . ,
The Missouri r.iclhu. the only road
which has tltiw fur lulled lo comply with
Ihu state liui ntot'k quaiMntlnu law. tiott
( led the board ot commissioner * S.ituiday
that it would apiomt | an inspector at
Omaha Monday milijcul to tneirapDioval
Fuiliuo to get u eoniieteni | puMon lias
been the cause of the ik < lay.
The polioo are on the lookout for violators
lators of the oidmatiee against last
driving. Saturday Kiank 1'oska , an e\
pressman , was luulud up by Oilluur
Fowlci aiul Imetl lor reckhss driving.
HTAlf. AllltAI.S. ( .
NTTiiislaoii , ' raniiiont , .1 I ) . Sew1
nrd ; lr. W. ( Miller , Utiea , .lolin Ma
loney , St. I'.ml , l S Irvm , Kearney , A
WcHlou , Spring Uanch ; It. < ! . Ltuy.
Ueatrico , J. Lowe. , A C. Cunntugham
Tlio. . Shaw. J. A.Noblo , A V lUist. l
K. 1'almcr , u. V NicUesaml wile , 11. b
Moody ami A. C. 1'ear.sou , Omaha.
' Is " wnler. "
Anburn'Ncrtlu ; nird 111010
( loneyalusn 511.000 tiii'vutm. u operation
Cherry county luu liuo-iti'il hi n ittvl t-.i i
Tor orixKs
Tim uphiiii ] < > 1nt at i ha * bet a dis ,
SCCted b' ' the } v > ' \ \
A 6'COOwliiMil ' Itouw haslHK'it opened
. > in Kulleiluii.
YoikcoiiiitvcalN Im huUfortlmcniutimi
Uun ofu * flDU rtairt IIIIIIM-
Thecno-l'o pool Yalent n < iiionbout ti
laatitlii U 1 1 > " 1 > V s | illu > ; a Imrrh wn-lfty
Tliernniv HI studciils In theCl'reinunt Nor
nml hchitoi , ami tlie minilHT U yrathudy In
civa.tliii ; .
It bux'tllhtJivaic ' hlUx-n cluH > l UUtrlcl
1 1 Plncc county where the chlUlren arc nil
tteriu in ,
Nc rlv ono h-ndrwl men ind teams are
Wdikmg In thu K aruej can I.
Klcht of Iho to. . r ecu sxin | of tlio new
b nltp nrpr the ljUUi | at Kullt'rton h.ivebecn
The dotutloni of c.-isli , land nnd other
wvuritli's for the York volto.v now ammuit
to Si 7 ( KM.
Win. Stalley , of ( Jraiitl Island , made over
7K ( ) uallous oi wineftoin two acres ot Ktai'es ' ,
and sold It 101 s-l..jii a alioii.
A rcliL'ioiis cpiduiulp Is r.mlng In I'lensint
lull. The Hltinursaro it-ttlim such a tinning
over few wld escape tite contagion.
Tins I'l.itls iiuiult .liiurntl has hi-on on.
linked and impimcd nnd Is now lull } nbre. l
of the pnuri'sislveprueossioii In tlnit
The tlniid Island Times was the only
paper lu thu Htaio that mourned the death ot
Vanilcrbllt Hiilllriuaur to turn it.s lutes.
Tim ileiaoornts of Falls City held a mass
nurtliu ; last : sitmiliy to di leriinnu by b.uuil
who Hiioiildbu rtcoami' ' ittiud tin posi master.
A I"1e ' of Hill-Huston > V : Missoinl workiartt
iipriipiiii : | , ' the ilvi-i tit PI-HI , to
Hill Ilyktw aid ; \nliov Djlces , who
( f.idked u nroc I ) stou ) III Itiil.evuo some , weiogiven siyiius In the pen
'I \Vnterloo null iiiul clcilor has been
sold by the Messts ClniK llrothen In .Messrs.
I. A. Mi'Muiic , Lrciiihtoii , and othirs , of
McV c ) , the liellevuo horselhlef , cot a inlld
( Ins. . ) nt eighteen months in the pen. baipy
count ) | M'ope | think ho was entitled to ttu
Hnicn Iho dose.
Ktock tliiovcH nrc becoming HO nuincious
and laminar In Reward count ) tliatuvl I-
lance lommltteu coiml put In mi tlluclhu
Winter's woik.
The b mid uf tnvhi of 1'romont appreciate
tlie bone its ot pilnioi'In/ pr ipits.1- * t >
ii.lvi . iiii < > inu advantages ot tnulu > vn In tim
easlein papi is.
'Ibatllvciy bli/ird of the -Ith cavorted
llnoiuh I'icii1 nl ihu late oi sixu-nvu mil. . s
an luuii ii ) .utuitl iiiLMsmemeiit. The natives ) lo-t Hun bi.ath.
A bold tint I In Hastings snaked uIT a
dlinumel s 1,1 Ip 1'ioiu tne d , not , and
dissolved lu in. . ! llnoii , ' . THU yni' contained
Jewell1) samples wonh otOJ ,
Them aie ! , iil ihlldien ot school aifo in
Cumin , i ounlv. ' 1'ho valueuf school piopeiiy
is SM I ill. 'llie expense tin tuo liluaClll
) e.u itiei stnnaujd al a.lA
The mm li-namcd town of Ailinijtoii has
dispensed wilh all othei lilies but lli.u one ,
anl liilihei eoiiiusniu lu mail mattcls ami
shlppim : oideis will tuns bo a voided.
.lolm M..Shane . , of t ) n ilia , is Iccdtn. ; 4M
li. .i > .riuuiu mi Uiu ( .iimnan 1,1110 , ,
I tut'C.ilhuun. . Hu has a tullluu wnn tn. )
lilini ( 'l. . ) mills tor li/OJ / bushels ut imoltul
wceul ) .
The'V.'ecpin W.itei Uepiilillc.ui expresses
Its svnipaih ) lei Iton.inaii iu the followiiiK :
" ( Hu m utii is , lei tne tall mulct mm a.s
on all condemned unit deters ami cuiue will
be cln . ki d. '
A sccd\.iniddle-iucil htr.nifier , IniiuT ) ami
eoid , w.ilKid into n stole in Uian one day
lasl w ( eU , and duhheiatel ) sm isticd tne she v
i . . - ( w lib a coal shovel. He waiued to no to
jail and was accommodate I.
A bit e-i-icai-old child of John .1 , o distm ,
living lu .Si.inid'.s coimi ) , wai ) , n d ( o
death the othei .i.t ) . T.u little eliinl , . .ia ai-
templ'ii ' to putiolis in tliu ' vc wln.e . the
lest. . f ihe tuiiiity vv-70 ( M1I , , f n . iiuits.1 . ,
A i-1 r.icndlc , a iiilsnncr it > { ' . ! ? ilebion
jii. , iiltiin 'led to CM ape liom the jail one
da1 last week , illsnenli link altei him
and seal louibiiu. is u tht1 sa.m . iliiccilon.
'I he PI SDIICI was imaii ) oveihaun d , si niitiy
Lllbc , the little daimhtei of Ileni ) Smith
\ hei .imiiiitaied midw.i ) bu-
the knit1 and the nip | , lust week Tne
uuloilmi.Uc eliild hail siiiloiiMt lot moiitiis
liuiii iitcias-ed hone , and amputation was
iieusi.ti ) tos.i\ehci Ille.
Twenlv-ino ? lUJit homls of the old "IIUli
Selmol ' Issue wt'ie bui Hi d m open touncil
nt the last uiuitnu ot the un > liilhcis ot
I'l.ttlsmoiith. U w.isa iiuin.'ii uihiumn , toi
HIO-.I ! same IHIMIII-C- . to pa ) havu biiincd
mail } a liuliler in tli > s , i.oiH' .
The Missoiui mvi has wallowed up TOO
m-lcsnl limil buhiii iUr : lo launuis in Utne
piei met , l > ioucoiuu > . Tne luas , iiiii > uiils m
> lll ) The eoual > toumiissluneid hn\e
In i n petitiDiicd U > lake steps to pie\vnt tm-
Itici emioat'liiaeiit ot 11 it nu'l.
( Jeneva , thecDiuiH ul Klllinnioromitv.
N pushed to tlie Hunt us Ihe cim ( n i.uito id
Ciiitci ot tliuM.ue. An eiillnisia-.tii' ic > alent
wutcs that Hie ftt. .loe Ai ( iiand tsl.uiil mad
will badil a Iti.niLli lothc town , alsu the Kau-
sast uj iv Ilasuu.'s , the Cluc.itjo iV Notilt-
westeiu ami the Kock Jsl.iiul.
The .Michni'l Inui.-i'liold ul I' Is ( II-
\ldi'tl against itni.ll anil tlnuiLti lameeilin s
ha\e Of u iiistinited in the ( Jim * cmintt
loiuis Tlio esUito \aluid .it , - riU ID. ami
some Im-iy span 111,4 ami aunu ot
.siiueil Inifii la cxuetU'd Lclon ; tlie case is
uii citUcusot lied Cloud have oitfau-
a CD i piiiMiimi with a c ipual ol S' IJIM. Ui
i'Lt't lot cod in ( heiciiiil } . U is hoped
the niul pli.iiilnm will in tininlanco pne >
siimeilniu' tiiiiie lnm.iblit than that \\liiili lew iiiled the oiloitfof ptospectuts
in oiliui teetiDiis ut Uie st.lte.
A num ii-rol p.ipuis In the Miuthorn part of
the state .ue itlsoiissin tliu | | > siietts ot thu
Uock Island mail eio sin tliu Mlssoiui. An ol the toad m a recent Intel vitm as-
si lied that the uimpiili ) piopuscd to build a
blanch llnoiuh .Nelii.lliii , bill uu ililiiiiiuion
oi the mute was jivm.
The Kansas t it ) , U > andnltc , Nebiask.i &
Nouhvvcsteiu was bm u in I'.uvneu Lit ) last
Tin M ! iv Tliu i pnal ot the loinpni ) is
t. ! VJI.OIM , sliuvviiiri that the Pawnees nev-r
do rumuad things b ) hulve > . ll is ptopo-cd
to build nit\ nines ol lo.ul heloie Hpiliu.
Tue ini'orpoiaiois .tie ( 'ol. Ke liiuer , .Major
UniiuiiL , C. Jl. Dieiiiuh , A. I ) , Vpcimi ami L.
1' . Ltldj.
The b i Kiipe "f .in Omaha newspaper diimi-
iiiei was atiaclud In lla-.tlnts ; mst week.
Tne .Nehr.isuaa ohsuuci , In a paiilistlu ; am-
tilth1 , that "th s MIII of-a ijiiii owes usastii- )
iilated sum , and II he wi.l call around ouu uf
these ir si.j moiiiiiU's we will attempt to
blush tue inOMiuitoe-i oil ol him audnotk
satisfaction and receipt our bill lui .uher-
llallllt. "
Two new den o'fntlc iiapers Joined the
puioa.mop o CNMIIJI in tluspliite la t ucel. .
The Nili.i-k.i ) blitte iu m b K. 1C. .M.utlu > V :
Co. . pl.tiiled at link u liow , and the
llult Cimiiu I'copie , "taoioii hly
nnd di-i idedls ImlcpemltMil. " swooped dov\u
on NO peclhe hiu 1 iillui ) nolii'L" , in O N till ,
H. II , i..liiuuicu uditornnd maua ei < < f the
A clls"hile of Solomon tlNpoiisiH justlpo In
u Niliatl ) > a ( Ity coiitt. One tliv lust wed ;
Ale\aadei llollmuii applied to tilt ? court lei
pee siou oi his fluid , which his deceased
wlie had uiveu to her niolhcr just biitiu-u hhu
died , , i > tin ) biisliand mil ilcemud aui >
( jiiid peisnii to caio tor the child. lIiilTlnan
leaiiiLiI ho\\e\ci \ , that his child was lieu to
Home mii | oi ij , and theieiipoii tried to m t
eiililiol ol H. The etililt concluded to ivu
the fluid a chiiuce tocliouieto whom U would
LO mid with initstii It h > d amis It IwHteiifd to
its irauilia ; itheniuil iieitled ithe id on her
IMISOIII , The cDitn's ilec'isiou wa lit pun-
toiuuly wiili the child's wishes.
Thu editois of the IMtillhoii Times weio
Kummoiiid mti ) coiiit la \Veilnu-il.i \ > , to
show t.tiHowli.N tliej hhiutld not leiuiilshed ) ]
tot eoiilompt In tho.iu the COIUL withnv-
aluu the sieupmi ; beiutoi Pialte tounl )
In us sand pu > ' nu-liio I ol di > pcii-iiii.r jus-
tite. The aeea-eil asULdtoitiiiietojuep.ini
an uiiswci , ami Uioc.isc waxoiitimuil to the
next tciai of coait , A icpieseut.ime m the
IJi.i. iiiiiXstioiiud a pmnimem K > aip > couiiij
luiinei , whit linpjieiu'd in Omaha , hut ui da ) ,
iu ribald to tlKM.ise. and 1 10 lui-.ou lot thu
KicU , iB.inist the eoiut. lie Mated the
pen i ile wuti d pnan ) tbu ) that the mint
iiiiJit iuiMi-u | on thcpiupiicioihul the Inn s ,
even il it amounted lo a thousand dollars.
\Vo \ led Hi it tae toiutilo's not oxpudiio
business. Tauie ait ) too mm ) piitpoiui-
mid lici'picull ) ese | < > , uu traiistciutl
1 1 u.iiali c.iusnu iiiiiie.-iH aiy o\pMi&o to
litigants us well a-t lu the coimiy , '
L. ! ' , Kempt'l , of llolteouulv , was the vlu-
tbaol aciiiel prai'tn U jok in L'lei htoi ) last
wtvK. A love leittr liom " \t\/a \ \ * Coik. "
ii'Dioeiiiin shi ) had s.Q,0j ! to tliudo
with a liH-.l > .iiid , him led him lo t
IN of Kiioxeiiaa.wheiile\ei\ [
had t > i-'eii nt inc lot u swell w ' ( Hill , ' . The
Hull llixMiei was iishensl Into a lutior
whew Ihelird elect , devl.ed lu Koih'eoii ! )
satins , oiaiiuco 0-.SHIUS , etc. , awaited him.
s- 'Iho icicnum ) iixel , tlat biule ivtiuul to a
loom , and soon letm ued to nilimlo w ith thu
ir tliium ; ilitssi- l lu pioper imisciillnt ) aitlie.
l\emH'l | wailuil p.itiKiill ) lui thuietmii ol his
liritle , but Hie suiraw * ul tlii ! jokeis stxm convinced
vinced him that hu W.LS the victim of a put up
joli , Fi i thu Hint leu minute * thoiu was a
wdil tluit ) . I'liau * and other mo\call-i
snllcd uroiind the looms and out ot'doois.
The luiniiiet liidl was emptied m n tuinlc-
Ihu' , itntl KcniH' | | never pan-td lu u mail
r.n-e fur uthtt.occucj till hu luudud lu
A Trightful Aaidental Oremation Boporkd
From OaiS County.
The Novel Mothoil of Deciding on a
Now- Postmaster -Tito Secret of
the Allnlr The I-'Auulty
A Sail Calamity.
ri.ATT MOUT , Neb. , Dec. 13 fSpcclal to
the Hii.J : : night , about 0 p. in. , ( ho
luMiseot' Ccoiiro Wiles , two mik\s Houth of
this city , burned to the jjrouud nml two chil
dren ncd twonml fourpcrliliutl In thu IlamiM.
Mr. nnd MM. Wllus were at the birn milklu
when thu lire liroke out nnd did not reach
the house In lime to sue the children. Mrs.
Wllos , in trylm ; to ciilortho house , was sotiio-
whatlnjuictl oy thu itauuis ,
pt'iirm.u ni-TAii s.
1'i.AiiHMoi ru , N'eli. , His 1 . The Jour
nal ulu'.s the tollowiuu' ) iaitu > ulars of the
butnluu of Ihu riflitouec of ( leotiro Wiles ,
tliico ndle.1 fiom tii > vnnml thelioii betUn It
ol oimiiiliiidr n. IMI. a ivjubu- :
llttwcell .land i.oehiuli , whiic All. Wiles
was out In an adjacent pastille dmliii ? i p
the slock ( l d MiVlies was lillll.'hu II ) .1
Hiicltciud HUI | out ot sliht ; ot the house , the
two llltle eluhlieil wcic lett id mo ill thu
house. Durtiit ; Hut hour iiicullimml a neigh-
bm , .loiiii lloiultu' , und hU s stit , who wtro
tlilvnij ; ii ) , disfovue I lue house was on
me on the Inside. KiNiln ; ; to the
tloor , Mr , HormiK opi uud It imd was
ai most stilled with thu llainu mid
MiiiiUu that lame poutiiu out of thu
apertuie , tviid it ma ) hu Imagined Imw he was
inn 1 1 , ml when he he.ud Ihu tin sot the little
elnldlcli Horn within and Halted that hu iiu.iblu to assfst oi itdcuu tliL'in. Just
( hull llie inotliei in l ho little ones tame 11) Im ?
up lo the tlooi , imd it was oul ) In Ins Mipci-
iorslienn'th that Mi. Iluiiiinic was able to
ovoicoinu her liamie eitoits to tlimw heuolf
Into the buildup and either lusnic her Idols As it was , the lad ) III-
Ilielid upon Jieisclf some suvuie Injlliios , bo-
luu binned liadl ) uliuul thu and hands ,
Jlut hail was binned oil and lei | loieheul
and out salooi hei late weiu biuiail until
the ) wt ie law.
I. u ! > ron the liusbaiid iciielieil Ihu scene ,
but not until the lum-e antl all its contents
uc'ieci'i'Miiiii'j ' : io , i-i' ! " , iiud ' " li'lt { touul
liu ueliu S\.ls iu ir.lun i(4C ( li.mi''s ' aaiiiu )
lowe. ami lowei about the lmiei.ll P > ie ot
his hi lined ido s. About ll ti'tlotk last lliuht ,
two little cluiiud tiuiiUs were touiid cmhul-
tied In the ashes m-u wline the door had
lieui. and at . ' o'clock th's ' alteinooii ttiey
win deposited lu .1 Ki.itu at the LlKenuat )
( U-'inetci ) haul b ) . , , , , . . .
NoihiuK i.s known positively as to thu
i.tiiboot ilieino. Mi.Vdes \ luul laUen homo
UindhiVs Into tlio loom.i slant time beltue
he went to the pa une. and it is thought
lliOLhlidlcn min'lit have it In . ) !
with tin me nnd thus bet me to the bed
which was neu lue stove. Oi it is tlioit lit
tlnit the ) inlulit have Deemed ! ossessltui til
the Utioseiiedtiil Milted the lliitms wlilian
Oil" " " m. It apW. | s Hi t llitt 'u'.t ' ) weie
oieiiptiii niilv thu lli"1' ' , loomol the hoiiso
whih "it wnsbi'Ius lepaltod , and theie
wen ; two stoves iu the loom as well as all the
otliL'i tmnitmc. l\uitmiu ! the laiud ) pos'd lu the shape ol tuiniime and homo
comioils weiocoiisuuiL'd , but how uumipoit-
aul does that assertion , oulinai il > enoiiich to
mouse the kcen st public s\m\tli\ ) ) , seem
when the loss ol their h 'loved ami only ch'l-
dieu is lemumbetcti. ' 1 ae news ol the sitl
all.m has bc.ou the lopic ol conseis.ition
e\ei\wiiotetoiliy , and exptcswious oi sia-
path ) wutoupon e\ci.v lip.
Sumo PentureH ol * Fnlls City.
FAI.I.S CnNeb. . , Pee. W. [ hpcolnl to
tlie Uii.l : : The democi.Uic caucus called for
tmdii ) tovoto on u candid tie for recom
mendation as postni.istel at this place , 10-
Milted in the tuulcalon < if Mi. dcorsc
siiiKlim b ) amajoilt ) ol all the votes polled
ovci tliice other eamlidates , viL. . A. l.m !
( rim ; candidate ) . Tom I5i.iinu and Ch.iilto
I'axtou , pii'suiil deputy undur Mi. Oiook.
'lo this movement thoio is a history , which
jour le.uleis in this patt of the country in ly
not iiniluist.iud. feomo time a o a Mi. Mitch
ell had out pie.sont postmaster eudoiso a
mite lor z > M at thu l'irt X.Umual b inkiof this
( it ) , which note Mi. Cioolc had to pa ) . Mr.
Mitchell , bavins to go to St. Joseph , Mo. ,
went to Mi. ( 'look and told him that lys ex
pected niotii ! ) ' In a lotttu trom Ids hrothur ,
nnd when it rime , toi him ( Mr. Crook ) to
open It ami take out his piy and bend a 10-
colji to him at St , Joseph. The letter came
and was opened by Mr. fiook , as aathoi ized ,
but it cont.ilni'd no money. Jlo immediately
mailed it lo M. .Joseph. , u tile .same time e\-
plamius the nuittoi to Mr. Mitchull. Lo.iinmi ;
ol this tut , n tew tleiilociat. ol this plate
( oiKcivid Iho ido. ot li.mii ( { Mi. Mitchell
bun. , ' u ehaiKU ajuliisl ilr ( 'took of
having oiieiicil his letter , whuh was
done , and the Htinto sent on to n asli-
iiu'tnn. Mi. Ihaii ( th' ' * Mil ; ; candid tie )
had sent lu his applieatu n for the position.
and in whose tuvoi the cinm ea were III.KIC ,
and was oiecirni | ; by evciy mad his au-
piiiiitment to thu position wliou the whole
mallei leaked out. Ml Ky.m boili , ' object
ionable to ( lit ) l.i i go uiajiiilt ) ot the deiuo-
eiats , and also ol tne icpnblicans , acall was
publishid in all Ihitc'ol our citv paueis lei
two weeks , signed b ) aljuut tlmt-int , ot our
citizens In the which lu-ulteil caucus yostei-
ditv iw Klvt-ii above. Mi. Daitiiistou Hatpies-
f ni oiui'ss ii.'out nt thin place , an old i'-d-
tleiitoi tim county , nnd of more
than twenty JMIS hliimliii . He Is n lair ,
MIII ue man. pleasant and uccoinmodatlm ; ,
and Ins cnoice meets the application of the
piople. lo n duiuocrats ( s.ivo tin ) mi ; ; ) and
ICJIIll ) ii alls ,
Thwe was.i iiieetlns of the cltlreiis' coin-
mlttee last ulKhtio take tin thei i-tep-i in the
ol uni/ation ot the Kalln t it > it Soiitlivvtsst-
cin Kjilio.iitcompin ) . This compaii ) will
li.tM ) Its business phici at this city , and IU ob
ject Is to inn A lluu liom hero to 1'opckt ,
K.UIS.U. , b ) the wav of bcuocd. The oiitlot
limn hete southwest is splendid , and it will
1 a < s tlnoiuh a mio hLction ol couiitiy not
now u.iveiaod by mi ) ether line ot mad.
Siiiely , 0111 town will soon be on the boom.
( Justness ot nil bluiN is M'l'ininrfly Impiov-
liii , ' and out meiehimlsaie lu holies ot a
laiBu tradu iliiriu , ; the coniiu nioiith.
Tlie l'\ioully
VOHK , Neb. , Dee , 1 1. ( Special to tlie IJrr.J
Cold we.ithei continues , The tlieruioinc .r
Indicnted > bolnw Just b'lote sumi o yf > tuj.
tlav. A liltlo snow Hew 1'iiday ui , h .
Tin r is considerable btlr at the Methodist
Kplscopil ctilk'KO In ciHihrtjticiiio of n tins-
tens' iniiL-lliu' tote i Id i colleguallivi.s. The
chief Item ol biismu a was the eoiisideu I m
of the gilov.inccrt ot me di-hnudid oiatoticil
i Htocuilion. It howiHir r iu t d in the m-
tiodui tion ol thu loliovuiu' luiohi Ion pic-
-.filled by Key , liilit ami c.ii'iled b ) iui-.lii
U o\ed , That In the Intrr'st.s of Kt o I
m.iei .mil .suhoidmatioit on tun pMtof
iidontIt OL < the lllduiiiit of this bind ot
t t-.ti-i's the d.-ciihiii of II o lauully in
Hiu dibbaiidouiuent ol the oi-Uoucal us-.ucU-
tioli bo biistalued.
-'ou A OUKAT
i\tcnslvo ni'il Dl.ilnii tuo
nicntsli ) Kooeltn I'/u-noII. /
CIIICAOO , Div. r.i. I'lit ) loc it com uittooof
ntramimiuMtsof the Irish N'atioail h 'iieo (
this City , of which Alexander Sullivan h
chalim.m , me prepirhuto give . .1re.U ie'ui )
tlou to Parucll nt the naiiou.d coiivuiition In
Jauuai ) . A Intm will guciit MIIIIO didi.mco
to meet the lilsh leader , iarr.v iii 'a coumnlteo
ot which the aovTinoi , United bt ites senaturs
fiom Illinois , Cliio.i'o cou rcssmcii , tede.ral
mid Mate jiul ivs. aivlihishoiis and cler .Miuu
ol all dfiioiaiiuiiuns aad eddois of (
lo bo niniiuM s. Th'Jie will oo ul
least .wu other Ii iiilimri'ltl/cus In the ptrty.
It l > IIM ! > pioposi-d to hold a : ; ient m tss imvt-
liii over the pnvinor will jxHside ,
( Jlue.U'o men havu leMihcd to K'i\0 all the
honois of the metitln lo the quests. N'o ( 'hi-
civ 'imu will upeak ut Ihu nice ; ) ! ! , ; . Thu dulu-
Kaiion from Ireland will lie t ID mt t speakers
and will not IMI II mi led as lu tiuif Alter-
w nils brlvt spoiwliiis vrd bo made by mem-
binnl the toint-iitiiiii Iriiui ail p.tita ot thu
United states and ( 'ami 1 1. I'ho proceeds of
Oonfidonco Mou Qnarrcl With Probable Fa
tal EcsnltaJomo * Hottghs the Vic
tim of Hia Phrtner'3 Bullet ,
Pistol jhots at thrL'nlon A von tin hotel ,
near ' the dummy demt | in I'ounctl Bluirn
drew ' u lnno crowtl to that lo
csillly about a o'clock lids mornlii } ;
It wm found thai ( hu bulluU had done
fatal work , Jnmes lloiiKli" , of Cairo , lll.i
h.iing been i iorccd by two balls , 0110 in
the bacl ; and ono In thu chefl.
The shooting su ms to have been the
outcome of a quarrel between
Houghs nnd a strangrr who
were li inking In I'1" ' ' aloon. The men
cllnuhi'd with each other , when the strati-
KIT drew ii tovolvcr. ( Scot-go ( Siist-
bucker , the pioprietor of thu place ,
jumped between the belligerents nnd en
deavored lo separate thorn , when thu
slranger shot , hitting ( itislbecKerlit the
little linger nml completely severing it
from his hand. The stranger then "hot
tw tee at HoU'h.s ! , thu bullet * .striking him
as above described.
Ur. Mierac was immcdl.iluly sum
moned to attend the wounded man and
when hu had oxnmiiieil the natiiro of ( hu
Injuries ho pronounced tin in l.ital.
During the u\utemenl attamlant upon
the shooting thu man who committal the
crime made his r.-cjipo lie is unknown ,
bill thu police have an accurate descrip
tion ot him , and hope lo cIVeet his cap
ture bofoiu lie can Jei\u the city. It w.ih
reported that hu had inteiidud lo uros
the live ! to Omaha on thu ice , but so far
ab known did not do bo. Full pat lien-
Jars of thu afl'alr wtuo not obtainable at
a late hour this motning
Later At : ) K ) this morning llonirhs
was lapull ) sinking , ami will iirobabli
die before da > light. I'ur.ih sis of thu
limbs has set in , indicating that onu of
Ihu buliets must have allcutod the spinal
It hat , been asect I lined that both men
were confidence nh irks and in cot " .
with ' ! iru. > rrmtHtMsnmi.ivon , ( , , | lo the
uotel a short time lioforo the hooting.
It is supposed tint they were quarreling
over " .swair. " as one ot the men
was heaid to rennrk that he would "do
up some s - of a b if he did not divvy. "
Tne Inan who did the shooting was
known as the "Major. " He is an eldeily
man and carries n c me. The Omaha
police were , informed of the
tragedy nnd tv slrirp lookout was
kept for his appearance on this sitle of
the iher It is said Unit lie hasbonn in jail
here foi some confidence tticlc recently ,
but was released.
A TKNunmvr no A ST.
ADorcn ITmttnno Ilio Atnlfl tltd'lnincs
of a ] inrim ) Jtniltlin-7.
LOVPON , Dec. n. At ] 'l ) mouth dnia ) a
tenement hou e on I cne stieet , in a low and
sitt | tlld neUJibiiihoiid tool ; lue and a lenilile
oaiamllv icsulled. The ll.unes spieitl lap
idly and heiceh , and when at last subdued
twelve calcined hum , in bodies wcie found
amoujr Ihu ruins. Two otheis are missing ,
mid in ill pioluhilily Ihe ) , too , have hem
bmiied to dnuth.
One iinliiituuiiteictim w is smashed to
plcicby jiniiiiiii | ; Horn a liL'h vMiidovv to
thu street , tsevci il of the onnpints ol the
buinin : building in then triulit iirnond the
hie e c.ipes , nnd tlnowuu' hcddlmr to the
pivcmi lit loit ) feet li' ) ( low pimiKd fio'ii tlie
windows A nmnlM'i ot thr-c Imii le s and
al ins bi-oken bv the fe.n fill leni. ]
A lifiiiovMiu : incident ol the e.i'nalty was
the appearance uf \oiith named ISicl-foid ,
who with Ids little sisti'i in one aim hnmrsii--
jicudid liom a window In theolh.i tin some
minutes until the llame.- . sin rounded 'inn ' mil
r.iucd him to lose his hold and lall lo I'm '
trioiiiid. lie had both leirs fiaitmed. ' 1'he
child VN-IS also scveiel ) luiiilt'd ,
The mleiisltv of the llnnics jrn\e the Imild-
\\\f \ \ \ the npp < aiaii ( c of a Imnsou , but this did
not d 'tci the iiicinen nniu ol who n cntiinl
the house ami 1 > > heroic titni glutf sauicodiiil
in iC > cam .se\cial IH -.ons. i .
HU V/O.VT TIK wowvnn.
Mrs. labor's l-Vetlille Ii'liulH Ucatly
I'Vicmls 10 Dd'eiKl iiiin.
JJosi o-i , Dec UIlev. . W.V. . Downs ,
JK.iiust w hi , m an nub' tmcnt w.vs found \ eb-
terdayb ) the { ji-'i'd ' jur ) toi adullor ) , ] iiPO ( li
ed to a laitro iiudience thh > c\eiiln , < In Mc-
clianlin h.dl. At li.e close ol h's ' tem.iiks he
introduced lion M.uciis P , .Soitnn , who
iiuiiua HtatPiuiiiit that a hvudlcatc of Ho. ton
lnweishad biH'ti formed lor the dcleiiMiof
Downs In bis foilhc'ouiln , ' tilnl. nnd that
the aitivc counsel toi the defence
would ue IIou Itnsroo rouhllni ; .mil
( ii'iieial I ! . T. Duller. Norton bitlerl )
dcnouiKcd the ijrand jurv's action .is
haviiu IHIMI bio < i'ht about by Ii ind and
peiiury , anil ih-ilieietl a Iliadu .ipraini-t
uhuiches. Ho SIN ! n was now pin'i-ul ] to
uncover the \olnmx - of 'orrllption In two
] ) lit es cnlh d . | IIIII > | HU in thin < it ) , and Ihe 10
suit would be tin ) pieties ! M'li-.allon etl
known lu Boston. It may l > u Mated ( hit
Not toll has le. . entlv turn niiilci treat mi ut III
an iiitne > asliiiu , Imv IHK bi'cn a viulm ul
thu opium habit. _
Wutrnur Sleepers lo bo Hubiitttiitml
I'nr I'lillmuim on ( be U'uliAHli.
Si. Lot IB. Die , -Aiiaiu'muouts ln\e
been completed betwi c' the Xew York Cen-
tial tdupi'iKCirrtuuii.iuy and < > cucial Man-
asrcr Talm.isjo by vvl.iuli to munow alll'iill-
man and Mann bUujiJm : cats will uo with-
diavvn fiom the U'a.bii- railroad nnd Wau'iier
caid iiiibititiitcd then for In cotisjilcintiou
of thin tljn Vandcrhllt roads nre to Im used
f * the Now Vml. gild LJosloii ivmmv lion of
thi , Valasli \ / , both limu St. Luuin nnd Chu-nyo.
Thioiuh slecjiim ; LU i\Ue will b. ) put on
liom both points. ' Tint Irom 81. Louis teNt
Nt > w uik will hif nun Toletlu via the Mi''h '
L.iu Southein and .New Yolk Ceutial , and
tint from bt. J.oiiii ti HoMoii VM Dttinit ,
the ( i n'.itVestei if o' ( 'an ulit. WuslShme
tt'i I Iloosae Tunnel Tue ro lie Irom Mn-
1.140 to VW Von iillll HootOU Will bl ) MA
Ui tioitand tbu We , t - \ > IY.
Prolitbitlio Meisiiri-s- lift Hopfnli'it.
1'vitis , li ) > c. r\- \ Under ] iri'Hsuri' limn ( he
llavie chamber of lommoitu , M. Daiitiebine ,
miuiatei ol commorci' liai pioini od that the
lull to abolish ptuhililtiv edutiftioii American
JUXHOI veil meats will Iw Introduced In thu
cln uber of deputiiM alttir the \CVT Year \.i
cation. The pre-ddrm. of the Cans iluimler
ol coiameictt joined with the llauo delru.ito
In an Intirviow with tin * ui nistor in ditmaud-
_ IHUHIU'V | or thu miia uin m older lo uo
to the li.idii its loimur lucditiei.
Tbc St. I'hiil Ice Mrliluo HaO.
Sioux CITV , liiww , Dec. 111. The ( 'ldcaifo ,
.St. I'ixul , MliineaiHills Oiatilm w tutor
briiU'e umos-t thu Missouri river hcru , hevcial
upaiisof which witro lost by ( liu preniiuo ol
HU li-o toue ; I st vroek , has been lup.incd
and the iir-t dam cio--'ed ' jeileidiij. The
liiidKi ) is now pel led I ) nilo. tin' liver belli ; ;
tinu syilJ , nud iiu muio lixtuUo Is autici-
( MtuL
A Verj Pointed Letter Troai' Mr. Frank
InvcKtlitntloti oT tlio Met boils of
OomMi-nctlon , nml Hopllcsto Tlioio
Who Mnlntalii the Asjlunt Is
Proper ! ) HiuU.
IM'lor HKP.J I etteloso htirovvith copies
from u.ioh of thu Norfolk papers of
tlio vtatcmonH innilo by the patties so-
lectctl by Mr. King to tu.iko an invesliga-
tiuu of thu work nud the material tisud at
thu asylum building It will bu scon at
oneo that Iho threu mechanies , D.ttt
Sprec'her and ( lerecko , have made a
htaU-tuetit of their examination of tlio
work , nud that it hail th."anpnar.inuu"
of lirst-elttss vvoik with no ovidciieo of
loam , but its component parts were
evidently of proper muteiml , ami in
conclusion they further nay they havu
read thu allldavit.s pnlilishetl by mo in
tip ; Hu ; , and that thcv. boiievu them to be
false. This lu-t statement is. no dunnl ,
oinof fact , and they might witli pro
priety make tlio samu statement in tula-
tion to thu allidavils of John .lordoit and
Kdwaid K. Wollle , published bv thu bii'o '
of their own statcm. ntn. Tliu tlneo
mechanic * above alluded to then maku
atlidavil that they signed the
und believe it to be true. It it was m ees
Marv for them to go to the trouble of
swearing to their signatures to the above
statements , as I am satisled that when
tuu tat ts I ) , eoinu known lo the public no
one will dispute their sigualtues to thu
sl.itumcnt atorcsaitl.
In the nrst place Mr. V M Kills , the
architect , lias stated on several occasions
that the work wa.s hist , 1 now ,
propose * to show that the-o
nii'dianicH aie not altogether discontent
ed parties as Mr. King ami Kills would . hnvt ! people believe Mr ( Jeiueku ,
who st.lies hu has had seviite. . n vears
expeiiuoeuas a builder , is cu'xtged in
the litmbui busitie s hero and id no doubt
HUMOUS to secure oiue uf tim crtimhs
that mav tall from the great n a i's
( King's ) t ( ble in the shape ot invonesot
lumber ami other m.tten ils that m i.v bo
needed ( luting the ploctwriol const ) uc-
tion. If ftlr ( icrecku lum Imd seventeen
. > tars ( ' \pciieneu in building I would like
to inquiie if it was in the in iiiutaeluro
of "wooden shoes ? " Ho much lor Mr.
( icrecke s case , as I do not consider it a
vcr > dungetoiis one
As regards .J T J > art , I ar..vitn" " tnat
I , , , i.-7M. nu , 'lils ; , Mjirinjr trom M.ushall-
towu , Iowa , the home ot F. M Kills the
atelntect , to erect a church building lei
the ( 'ongtegational society Afterwaids
he secured the contract tor building the
new school house which is not > et com
pleted. F. M Kllia nvol'.iU'ct , also a rest-
tlenci' for N A Haiiibolt. an uttorimv of
jS'orlolk , thu il raw ings lor which ate by
the s ime architect These mav or m i >
not be sigi 1 ifint facts , but should Mr
D.tit eventually he employed in h.s ca
paity as a mechanic on the as\lum
Imildinc it will be M ly signihcaur To
show the portion ot Mr Hart
nud also Altornev. Kam'ooll in their state
ments is untenable , I will h'-re ' slate that
I hi\e : In en mloi med that alter Ir
Kail b > lt bail decnb d to lurid 1 ist sptmg
he wanted u concrete lound iliou , th it
some ot Ihe same gi axel w Inch has since
ben used at the asvluni building v\a
til ought lo him for inspection Uai t ai.d
Ifiuniioll : it Hi-it time pioiiounccd it _ nn
tit lor USD in "coneielo , " us it coiitailii'tl
too iiiueh ilirt IhavejeLto le.uu tnsil
through iinx natural or aitihcial pioeess
thisgtjvel has bci nine clcaiincd oi tin
( hit which it contained at time
vvhcrebv it .slutiihl be. roiiMtlcied by
tlieseg n h > inen lit lor u e and hist el , is- ,
work at me ii lnin building , w Inch the
tax-pikers have to pay torVe are ir-
resistablv loiei'tl to the only logical con-
ciiihion t'lnit Dai l and Uambolt aie not
iinpiejud'ced in iheir decision. As it
has been st Hi d by the editor and pio-
pnetor ol llie Xortolk .Jourii il that
the lepoiUsaml fojvvaideil to
the 111. i. b.v iiieweieonlv douu thiotiirli
malice and spttu because 1 Killed lo MI-
curt ) a job of work \Vliv \ did not the
parties who are interested in this mvesli-
iration call m .some ot thu resident me
chitnicaol Norfolk to niuko this luvcsli
g.ition , and thuu have them mike then
bUitements on oath in icl.ition to Ihe
ninthly ot work and material being ithud.
'J ho loliowing miH'h.inics would li.ivu
been , I think , good and IIUIMI luil judges ,
.mil would have giv IMI an tiubitsed tied -
d ion. .Mr. John Davis , K K. Slevcson.
O. ( J Miller , U. ( .regory , F. 11. Laud , J.
L Kandoll. Keither ( ) t these gentlemen
is in anyway conn o ed with the uclii-
teet or conliaetor ol tnoas\lnm bn hlmg ,
.mil so as I am able to lu irn havu no
expectations in that direction.
Mr I ! F. bpuichcr. the l.i-lof Hie trio
of disinterested l ? ) mechanics , with whose
st it ( ments I shall have to ileil , cuno
hero the hrst of hist SIMISOII ami bug.ui
work on the foundation ol the Congrega
tional church , Llli being tim aichitect.
lie h is also buih a btick block lor. I S.
McCleaiy. Hills being the architect ami
lie Ii is | tist completed a school building
in U < t Noifolk , Lllm nichituel .1
convi'Miition with Mr. hpicuhur on No.
vimbcr U 1m told im < that he dni not
consider hinihclf a comjietent person to
pitf.s judgment upon the work at Hut asv-
lum , lor should his decls on bo ad verso
lo Ihe , iiclut"cl and co itr.u'tur hu mcht
involve liiuiiell in trouble with tlie ai ; lu-
t'ct , as he had not incepted the it heel
lioiino | ol ) yul. I have it al-o liom gond
authoiit > ilml Mr. . spn-oliiM1 is e\ieeiiug |
a job of Mr Kink lor pulling up llie
brick wet k of ono \uiisr of tliea-.vlum
building At leaht it tn g. . iicnlly
umlciMood hciu tint such a move
i contempla'itl. Now , 1 ask thu pee
plu ol Nuiiiaak.i il the above is not
snUkiciit ( vi Icnco lo biand Air spieuher
us mil eligible as an unbiased w ituess
.Should the foregoing facts Im lustnlic-ient
to coiivintM tht ; nm-t hkuptii'iil that theio
in an attempt on the p.u t ol thu .irchituct
and contractor of Iho iis.vjum budding ,
aided and abeted u , > iuli u/-tcil ( i.iitiu.S
bore in Norfolk , to foi > t upon theti\-
panels of the slate a building poorly eon-
Mi ncted , ami Ihu foundations of which is
composed ot m.ttiTi.tU tuiinelv unlit to
lie used in a building ot much smaller
dimensions. 1 invite any siiuli to como
and sot ) lor tin msehes
tSunutor Dull inm ! ulo a statement at
the request ol Mi. Lllis and Mr. King no
doubt. ' 1 hu senator ic ( pnlooting jot ,
ami although hu may h ue learuud somu
ol tin ) In si principles or the
' ticroinit. " hu has ut to
leitni the more dlllloult
of making Ivso stttoments of l.iets
tllieeth opptwed to eiich othi r appear as
one The people ha\u bin st iteiuunt in
tlio interest of the " j lum fraud" as
iven in tim Norfolk. loiirn. il nml Klkhoin
Valley Novvs. 1 will now give thu ether
statement asgheii me in the presence of
a competent w IIICM a few da\s nfter Ins
tirst M.ttemcnt had been imbiislied. In
couvei > atlon with him in the piesetice oi
II L Spiiul ling he iDurliiid ) said that
on the ocutHioii ol his visit to the asylum
building lor the purpose ot making the
invejjt.giiiion , ot which his political otato
nit nt < ontitins a summary . hu dug dow n
ami ovamitmd the grouting and
tonnd itcry soft. " llufmthcr H.d at
this time that while making thu uxamt-
nation , Contractor King Hod at least
twice , "for" said King , " 1 used three
kinds of Hind in making the conciotu , "
and second that thu dupth of gioumling
was twuntv-uight iiioht and he ( Dnr
laud ) lonnd on investigation it waa oulv
fourteen inches , , md so ho , "i ihull
some time durinsj the winter rail on the I
ho.itd of public lands and buildings and
urge a thorough investigation " At this
time 11. L. Sp.iulding asked htm the following -
lowing tpiestionVould jou hive
roiisiiTorcd the matorlal used fiiillieienUy
good to hne been Used on a job of jour
own' " Senator Durland answeiotl cm-
phaticnllv "no , " lie would not \\h"t
ate the iiroplo to think of a man who
holds the honorable position of st.ito sen
ntor who will make : i statement similar
to the olio published ny him when his
honest convictions are that such a state
meiit is not in accordance with tlie facts'
1 will leave his ca e In the hands nf the
taxpa\ers to decide when ho comes tm-
fore them for their suH'rago at some fu
ture lime The ailldauts of .Ionian nnd
\ \ olllc , I will atiswi r by enclosing ny
own ulUdavit which will bn fmtlicleiit
I have now coum to the most didieult
task in the undertaking the aiiMvinmg
of the statement of the Nester of No
bruskn jurisprtideneo , Alton e > Augustus
battler. Tins gcntltnians supeimrat
tamniiMits ami knowlttlgo aru ot such
Widietei-Ain piopottion.s tliatitmlglit ap
pall a more gitted pen tliati mine. Mr.
hauler's ahiht.S as a I iwver , 1 dare sa.\ ,
in not routined to uuj locality , us sm h
raru gilts cannot bo confined within
bounds , and in eijing to wrilotiplm
case 1 tear I nun arou-c the Indignation
of the peonle of adloining states. 1
niitrht however suggest that hu in con
Mdcied ofeiv little account , men b. >
his itietiils , but 1 .sliall do iiolliini ; of the
kind. Again. I might state he is
coiisideied In Ihe ma joi il v .of pi ople us
a soil oflieVlb iriotv to ue IH d to led h
ami carry thuotlal ot local nog-
biers bill llns would be detcl minting ln-
high iind .Hid cvaltcd attainments , and 1
will not do it It I were to call in iiies |
lion Ins ahilil.v as a jud o of inmt.ns ,
cement ami cmu'rete work , I fear thai I
should lie conlroutid b.v lit- friends Irom
all .sections ol thu United Mates with a
work tiom his pen on lluc siibjcels ,
which tor its know ledge of the sublet 1 1
treated would tar sin pass ( he works ol
Hodgson , ( iilmote. Aiialin , IJimiull or
Hi id , therefore 1 will not do so I shall
II.IMto leave Air. battler unanswered ,
but to those who know him thuo in no
neecssiU to muliiplwoitls. .
Mr bcott , i.omuiissioner of puhliu
liiinls and biidding-i , was at Norfolk tm
Ihu d.ij of the mock investigation above
mentioned , but did not accompany Hut
iiucitig.ilois to ihu : is\hnu building. I
would hi u lo impute it'it was noi a part
ot Mr. bcott s tluti to thu tavpa eis to
make a e\amiiiitionv. If so ,
w hat iloes this mean ? In conclusion , I
will sn that in becoming the champion
of the people's i ighLsaud > t1 have
no personal ends to son. e nor rev en j ; to
wicak upon any , hut with
what 1 , with in.inj othei.s , consider an
unmitigated H ind iielug practtceihtjKm
ill' ' . ' ptiuu ! " . ) , , .yC4 ( [ Wti [ obllgetl
to give it to the pubhu.
1/UA.VK M.VltM.
Atlltlavlt of Ir. Marks.
Si V.TK or Niiiii.\sK : \ .
Couulv of M.ulisi.u. . t '
I. I rank Mains , IK iu lu-t Ju1) sworn ,
depose and ' " tltfiionthe l th tl.fv ( d \n-
vein'ocr , l 8' > , I met .Ii Im Jmd m iit Noilolk.
Neb. , and enteicd iuui uinveisa ion with
said lolm .loiilan , ic aiilln ; the i.iamici n
wldi h the wmk wasbei undone on the ulum
tonnda ton , nud the iii.ili ii il tliat walii'iii - -
usid. de. . bv All. KiiiK s woikiinii. and
upon said John .Ionian uiakiii- ateineuis
ot u.iudiilent woik beim : done onsildnsv-
Iiim toiindation , I reijue-tid him to uo \\illi
me to a milni v public , nnd then iiinKe allhn
vit to the liu'is , .iid John .loidin ae'om-
pall ) m me to the law olhce ol ( i. X lid-Is.
to whom suit .lolm .Ionian dictated the l.u ts
snhstanuiillv scl toltu iu this allid ivil pllh-
luhed iu iheOMUiA ! : Xovembei - ' .
Iss' , and that ' aid .Hildas 11 wa < nrst i , ad
aloil I to .Inhii .loidin In line si nuhis
m iu > and sweaimu to IXMIC ; and tintlu i t'uit '
1 did not on llie 1 tlidi ) ot N.i\cmhc.t. | ss > ,
itKe a'd ' .lolm .Ionian auv wliisUv , isi > laiimd
in a liui at alii I ivit , jiimlisliud iu the 1.1K-
hoi n \ ' illt'v N'i'Ws.
And I liirtn.'im uctalc Hint the aflldnvit
ol hdvviiid I' \\'nlle p'lhlisl e I III the
< ) M vit v JJrt . Niuenibei 0 ISM R wiitten
bv ni ( > as dii tated bIMu.ud P. \ olfe. and
K.l I a'oiiil in the presfni-e ul lolm o nev
poilciilailv tint put winch lead will , h I
conshlei no mine nt 1m use th ino mm h
aslii s much id which liein laiirulv ii'iixcil
w ith el iv atnl someiiuMs blaL dot , and that
sft d ntmlavit d d not contain one \\onl thui
.x > not d ! tated In the i-iid : Kdu.od V.
\\nll. \ ' ami lead aloud m him beloiu he
si uud and swoiu to the same.
1 in vie M MIIa. .
Sni > eilbr-d in inv piospnoc an I.UHHI I to
betoi,1 me , this Sill d.lV ol Di-ee nliei. ISM.
LSI. VL.J til i ) . V Ul I I. .
_ 1'ubllc ,
TO\MI Hems.
A Mate convention ol sh n'Tsiil be held
nt Bur int'lou iu thi'-jM and 'J d.
Thcieaieinoimtlci nud cream luctnilcs in
A nun neir J ! joni'jj.ivislna nolo lor 61C
about a > i .n .1 0 lo a' , ' iu > < nraueu
U-.CIII 101 iii-.ii ! IN < Ills . > - . l no mile
tuiiitd iii | m i.u ! u.uiiv UK * o.tKi day , out
bcoii i.usid 10 at , nJJ , .ml ia > ) .a.i uu will
piou.iul ) li.ivo Lu ] , a. ' u.
Jink auiiiv.ui , .t mtiDJious crook , w is col-
l.Ut''d O ) .1 ill.liJ 111 ljj > JiJ3 itlat VVl'OA. k
u.ti in iiie , ici ot ii. nna oo.i-ic w , it > i
liiioxpt'cieu. ) an.j > i > a uii a.ia iijia Uu me pj-
IJCO illllLU. .
A man named L. ( , . I'latl 0.13 ane hd at
avuiiioii , ilml i.i ) , oil a c.iai ; . ' o. , > a.ian'
eoiliuuilen mo n .v. U J.i.ut ul His pj-ac-ssioa
O.M ' Ol HIU ll-llll ,
Capt.M. . i' . Kiii. lea tn. ol C.iilble , met
wnu ,1 luimul i o ii. iu mo olhei iU > Wiint !
docnunu an ov. I .i , : .ini.a u m.idj a sii.idi.ll
ciioii lei 1 u in an Inine I * .Mi. it. u'l.h me
oil up iioini u. olio oi ln mini- , just niul.i luu
leu i > u. iiai-uii.o , ' m i c it ) ii i.u . a. ul ma.v
llir u Uecp aiii two liii.iiid in icii lu.
' ( .hailcs Leo , < ) i eldonoil , h.t > MUCH heir to
SlU.iAIJ Ull'-Ml , , . ! t.10 dL'.lllI Oi .il UlllliO 111 M.IN
A laiu tonl.ilniiii. JO.uOO poinnls of lurd
e\P oilcU ill uii. p n iv pi. i. ill , ' uu i. MM , illicit
111 UUOj tV. t/O. , , JVO.liv.U , Oil 1,10 UlnMl Oi
Uio i in. An one vva nijuicd.
fju'fxlo ' Cap stun hi/ ) cemetery with ado
don iiiils , mil/ olio oirlt.iii \ iliod a nauial
I liuaiteslHli well at Coliunhln cost 5I.VD. )
Ovfi It I.IMI biishuis oi vviie.u ) already
hi'L'ii smppid limu Me. le HIItali , ami a poiuuii in tm i top is siul m uiu u.tnils
m uiu l. iinn i.s and eii'v.uoi mun. dap inaiiiie-ls comiii ml.tble ambi-
lioii , Aliuad ) .m can. i , n.tai , ) m , iiry
is lalKed oi , .111.1 nun mi , , woinsaiupiuiuiaul
m nu mil di.M.uit in. me.
Louts Ivalilua. at liioukln s , latuly cnmo
to Ills lli.llll III .1 p Cllll ll VV l.v III tllU llllll. 111)
Wi nt in h < n uu man in n mcp inn und
Wild ! lei k tl Kit Ollls HIS Hi ) Us UCIU VIslll.U.
It lis.dd iiuu the liiailftinoiiicicihinu 4iUcivC.l
titan W.HCI would liavi'il mo.
A ilch stiiKe hasbeuii madi ) nt the ( ihH ) <
wood iiiiuu m liuut li.iiiu neu land ! , ( ny ,
thu uiu aa > iiU uu a > J t1' viJJ poi lu i ,
All uUhtecn inch Vflll of coal has b.'ell tllb-
coviietl lliiit\-ive mi ej Inn III of I , K.I. i.e.
( anipbed eomuy. Il is said to be ol luu
b.inu , Mil uuj a > in.U nuneil in-.ii His inucL.
K.V. \ . ( , ildw > II , ti ililojul .indllui , has just
leudi led a dei isioll In tne olle. i tnat llie v i-
nons iinionsdiiintiied t lue.iui oiiin/a- ?
limis tm tut pin IMIIO or Inini-liiiu luu in-
kiuaini lo th < it nu mti IN , mail nive ti Hu )
pun n a di laded i.uu K. nc u. inelr iniini - < s
) m M no aj ihu ic0'inar ini.-Lii4iin.utd 1.0111-
jiaiiiu'- . . _
.lack Kauuders. a iiulniiuits Ihu ? , wai.lint
unu hided ia Knit 1 1 Uci. nan. Hu stout
Kline. U ill IUi-on and liuln eniiniul I ictr
CUUliiiiilr lie Uiiij.n.d. llau/n w ii u-
uu-lv wounded.
'Ineieiilo i.Oi'Jelilldicn lUU'inlliU' n.-hool In
Laiam u i oiinl ) , uii.iu.lnu 'J.n ) nn.- .
The hdison sv tem of ccdiic ll lit has
iH-en mlrotlU'cd ' in I. .u mile.
( iiivciiioi Uaiieu , Ii his annuil reiuiit ,
put lilt1 population of the ifrrli.nvat I.MH-I.
Jlu niVi iliriu M li'hs liiiteraiIn pminiiil m
to thu | Miinatiiiii | UMII io to Ou tound in any
oihei state m tcuitorj. Tin-live sit * k num *
liein J,0J ( l ; head 01 call e JOJ.UM Iniisi sand
iiiulis ami lUM uMnheip , vannd in ail at Thu udueiai , and e nciali ) the
coal and oil resimrtus , mo lat/e and mov . , ( ) uo-ei'lith ( ot tlaflt nlloi ) is ciil-
tivnte.ible and onc-iiith tiinlh'ied. Tucieaio
( went ) onu new * ) ' IIICIH.l' is
a pioimiimud und universally itm ni/ud
bUut-33 , auU lias uu ollwt u iuu uu jM.tlm.
i ni'i i m\T IM\TIMP tii'nni oTC
Vauilcrbilt'a To3tamont.\rj Dispositioa of
Ilia Millions of Monet !
Tlio Hulk of the Kstnte DUtrlliiKetl
Amoiif ; llieVfle nnd Clillilren of
( bo Dcfen.scil A .Million anil
A ymuter to dimity.
Win. II. VnndcrblH'H Will.
Xi.w Yum , , Die , iu \t U''i' : > ) c terilt\y
I'XiludnC ItapuTio , lollowvtl bv ChninuMy M.
Di'iMiw , Cuineiius lv
Vtiiuterbllt , riedcrlck . nud ( ieortfo Van.
dilliilt , enlcied ihosuiio ait , ' * oniceatul lui ,
ini'dlalel ) iipjitaied beiore the piolnde ueikl !
Cli.ult'HecKitt , tm the purpose ot tiling the
will ot William II. Vumletbllt. The docu
ment S.IVN !
"I , \\llltniii II. Vnudribllt , of the city ot
New \ oik , tin iiiukc mid publish my hu
will nml testament , ns tullows :
1 t devise unto in ) belovinl wife , Mm la
Louisa , toi und diinn her niituial lite , the
following : 'Ihu I. utisc In which 1 now reside -
side , and the lot upon which II stands. ' '
Altel ilesulibiiig Iho piopctty , tin )
will tonliunc1 : 1 also glvu and d < v
vise to hi ) snid wilu , lei ami dm luu her uat-
in. n Iiie , iho limit lots m on tne noiih-
i listen ) coinei in Mud nun .ivetineaiid 1 lity-
sei nmlIliel ill llie ill ) ol New loll. , fo-
mtuei wii i siiiihiMinii impiovt mentstlieiei n
eiiiiid 1 a usivuiiud iMpie.ilh lo hei lor
and illliliu hi l iniiiiial li.e , nil pa n.nujs.
pleitii. , stain ii ) and wollo ot ail \\linli I
in i ) own ui tin. nn , e oi ni ) decease , extcpt a
piiiii.ilt and muio e IHI-.1 o. m ) iillnci ,
1 h ive lie ill.iilm d lo ni ) sou ( 'tuntlilis. 1
also m\c and bciiiual in liei im and dmlng
lit i natuiai nluuii liulilliiie ol evil ) dcjiiip-
lieu , Inc.udnu ) , In I in nlint-
mints , inus ea. insiinmeuis and otnei lulicii s
ot hoiist us , \\niili \ ma ) al the limit of
in ) diidn ue in m appi it. mi to im piiM'iit
ti > idi in i , und , > mi IIOIM - , i alii ip's , vt ni
cies , luu m i.sliio.c tmnituio and iinplc
im nts whn n 1 ma ) have mi nanil nl Ihe time
ol in ) ncuMM' , and UMiaiiv ktij t lu ni >
said stnlin ou .MiniiMin avtiino and I'ifi-
si i nml sii ( ia. ami I i mpo\\i i m > wile dm-
im ; liei lue loeMli.nucoi dispo-ent mis of
ni ) s.tnl inmsi li.i.d iiiiuitiuc and ollit r eluit-
teis ev epi thu iiiciiues , and wori.s
ot ail. i ulso ivu and biipieain to ni ) sad
wiie.iu a im. l ) ot 5-i ) , t M pel ntimini dur
iiur nei mum. u life , to l > eioiiipuied Horn the
il.neoi in ) tin i a e and pind In r In ciiual
iiiaitulv | oieaiu | M > men is im i.aiier , an I
1 di1. cl thai a sum siimcii nt to piodi i e such
anmi.l ) tie siiapait and at a.i limes M civ
invesu ilt > ) ni ) cMdltois lei thai iiutjn > fU
ilmiimue li.e. . . . mivuie. . . ! ! \ i.Hw.r , , , ,
h-l i " | tsUKi. , i > r Tvj : ! . .M..MM.I . . the pilnci
put ul the . M. . diiivtol to b'sct anal I in
an ) inannei she imn iksiietiuil whiih shall
be livul. .vd ta\e.s iissesMuciils ami ebai iM
wliicn inn ) bn nntiosid tin the nut eMnlu div
M-cd lo mv VMILmi Ille sh di he pavaue by
li'-i dm in , , thosaini ) pi nod. and I dcc.iaio t'it ' ;
tin. ' toit-v1 ! ! . . , devise- , and IK | lie > 1" . io 'nei tuo
io ne m i t i ol IO\M | i.
Tue s c n tn ' stli me dovoo1 to the
linn i a e d n h sottio . | , - < -i sdv\ho
.10 v a i s , U ( i l t e in n-"s in > IK w
tic ii m in en MI i o iMiii to a id i. n ts
) i n w i. . i. . f y a it .
" a b u a Hie tin u h ' r < -
n ic pp i. o , s ,0 0,00. ) ot b n i of ie
i ni it. - u. A . . . . .I in1 1 1 n n e a
i e a uo o i n M i an ti t < , i , nu -
p. . . . . i. tin. . ) ul (1 ( nnd .oOO ( ) t e-
' II I lllliM , i. . Ill III. l..ll > bill ) U A.
.ti cliu n " UP mi n i i h a lump n , u n
1 0 n n a in . in u a Hie a o p r
( II n n . ' Ii M cln M o .1 11
win 11 on ii 1 alts othci - . ! > lies o . o
.iiinmi . o .1) m ' is to I ) ud d i
ei.t ! puts , o c n. il n ii s or
ll , l ! Jlt ehllUK'll. In ilt.-l , . - , all ! lo i ill-
t'Ai luo nn nine ol null of these tllist lilllds
and titin the -.1 ue over lo the ies.
N'.nu oi tin , innd cm Du ill i.atuil . oi traiiH
leneddm in ; t.e nn time in llie ihildit-ll > ,1- ,
liliid lo Hie 1:1101110 : Tne prilici | al , hnw-
evii'rti. ' . hew lid u\a\ bllie beiu in 1,11 ies
at tti nib. pioidi d thu ) h ive law ltd js-ne , ll
am oi in. . d uijliiiii die witlnml isiite the
nnn'Uiil _ ifs to In.ein . ; diuiu daiuhlfis ; il
ausoii - > die wiihont li.nin , ' la.unl is .ii. . ' ,
Jhen poll in uotlo the soii < > still Intn f iu
e.iual . piojioii oils
llie . > _ , th eliili-e allows the tnistees ( a
pine.iase ( cituiii otiiei pic-a.bcd scttintUti
win n tnc oilit 11 .u , it. iic
I .n' iiinili ciniiM. . div ales bctivi'iiu Ills el ht
cm . .11.11iii.v UOtO > ni i lull Dee ion.
Iiie icuth , < . iu-iiili aid iwilllh ( . .uiMVi
I'li.v de lli it the I'oition lot his diuuhtir
Klt/a--'ii'i ' nothiv'veu ' liei until she i caches
tlie tut * oi .n iiii.i it liti dies vv thont ihsno
in i pnit.on . goivi to thu ut/ier / luutneis anil
bisli is ,
The tim If. lil.i . clause heiia'.illis | C'ornellnB
5-'Kiiu tl , n addiiioii lo .in tlieoliiei lieque-is.
Tne fouiti'enih eiaa-u d. ulinu that upon
tiie di ria e oi iu vv duw liiiu eW.'and"r -
b ll is to ic. . i : ve tin lionn siea.l and ivpiiiite-
luinrcs , ami it h's ' di-ath he cm b'ljuui.n it
in one oi INSOIIS I in absolute tie.
'I he v\l . | also piovnies tluit in < nso of t'io '
il'-alli ' ol (' w. Hi. . ml i-siui , the liome > | i-iid
I'linll U'vut \Villi.nn II. S'.md. ihilt. sou ot
( "oiliulills llie pinpii-c beilij ; In keep the t. s- the I an i\ . He .I.SO IM n hNi'i unl-
son , Will am II. xl OH.UJO I < b.1 paid to h m
when he is . 'oiai - , old nnd the inlciei-l 1.1 ,0
t him In the mean lime. In thccvctit m ts o
death \ViilMiill.lintnesl \ lo tall hell in
Cornel us. Inoili ' " ' theli' ' in.
Neil o is 1 1. i 1,1 ui 1 piovlde lur an-
. IU 'A OJ vailou-.ui .
mrtii i .Him tvi . to - >
tani u ativi s.
'I helwentii'lhel use hi'ijueitlis f 0) MO lethe
the Vandeibbt universitv ntViishM i , 'Icun.
ThelvvcMi ) HI-LI laii-o b .pieaths . lie o
iinv.n . - m : To the I ) < siir nnd I on Inn
Mlsrt nliai j , IH leiv ( M lilt 1 * I ' ' | , iflpjiil
ihiiich ol ll.u . I lilted . ti 1 0.j < ) tor
M.IK pll IMIS , SOI till' . ' . I , II. illl JI ll ,
S10 , IH ; to iln- t .mil M .1 - Cn ; H in 3 o
c lion ot N'l-vv Yolk , 'I ' .tM" , to t i.1 KCII n
tlie.MHi. . 1 v L n v o. ihe I'lliu li\e i'.p.s. < >
pal o mill , $ ! > iji ) ; lo Ihu New Yolk
liili , and Co .uuoii I' JiooK wide
1- , H 4) ) ; (0 ( ( hi ) I ) , I , IIC Of llH.UIU-
bles 8 / , ) ; to Inc Piotcstant l'isci ) > i > al
Chiiic i .nis lon.u \ s ! ( l ) lei MRIIH u In the
tlivol New \oik , - 0,04) ) ; tolhrNr.t York
honiu foi int'inpeiati ) > , ) , ( ' ( , to th
New Votl. I'lOiUstiiut lCin--ciipil Mlhslon HO-
cictv , I'OON ' ) , lo lite Mi'li.iipolltHii Musi urn
ol Ail , * ! MOO ) , toiho Ann i UMII Miiscinu of
N'aliu d Ill-oiy , J > iO.K ( : m the Mmaviiin S'c v I'olp bl.iteil Irtlnnil ii 01,00.
Tint IWI I.H . s. . Vi Hill , l.lll-e I'.nl AS tollnWh ;
"All the ic-t , icsidiii and icmaindci ul nil th '
ptojior.y and i st tt - . , t a. pei-onal itinl
inKid , ol even . u ( .iiptinii iiud wlniisnncr
HIII | ill d , ulldfh I mm bo po hc it d or to
which 1 mav IK * i nil , lid nt the tim ot m.v
di mii' . 1 five , dcvlM ) and iicijma h num my
two sons | 'i iielni and \\'i \ \ Ii mi II. Van I r-
bllt iu eipcal i-hiiich , nud to then and
assi.'iis Inr their ll-ui loievei , "
'I how II nn til v I'invlile ' , that bis vvdnw !
nnd torn soni , shnli be evecuioi.s ami ttun.c.eii
of the usl.tte.
Miipilcrotl liv > i ifnlntio.
Dflonui.v. Tex. , D-c. 1'J Mis. Jo' ! o-t
Sui'lh ' , ul Minus pi ; lie , .Montu'oniciycniinn ,
unit hei iwoumldiiii , vvein hiuulU innulei' d
ycsienl i ) b.a . uiiiiiilliHani d.lohiison. 'Ihu
unu lci r. who l > .ihoiii Ii yens of 11 1 % ii
sllll ut i ) . Vii ! Is a -i lled tin Hie . .Mis im til vvi- . Hut < l i rill rot Cn t.
t'lcpplei a nlMil )'ciud oiil/un uf Mum-
I'Ypil U'.ir.l . a ( Jnlitin | Jt < iohkcpp r.
.Ni w Yoi' | ' , I ) 'f. 1 1. [ 1spe ( I il lothc li ! I1. ]
Tlio I lei aid hisi.iu'sic | . | columns oat t too
( iV. \ VaidbooUs.Vlial \ It nilnls shows
that U'uld had a III i l UiliiUe | srt -in ul I o > -
K. . ei > iur , and pioh.ih'y ' I'.e u ie h t > l/
ol the in m wllln. . vci buKiiiiwu unless s.imo
one iiou inti ie-ld In k < r puu it -tcii t . .ml1 !
II in Ins mle est oi is l on ( id by Jaw to clis1-
( lo > e Hie lAiltuni lucts ,
t'lin liif ; CoiiHldcralild Spronlntlon.
( Jl l r . I'ci. ' | , , honiu mi Iti incut and
round ab t -JILI n n. . ion us to Ilienb.i . t of
tlie n , o > , mill ha1'Ci ' ll l.u -fit hem ! > \ Ihu
jiiuniili'i ' mi nl lliut two in panics ot HID
i.'u ' bcc ( iiiinli ! ; u have b rii oid rid
Into tin. ell. . . n-i In aici.idiiKt With Illstl | e-
In us Horn Dim AH , and I ill it i.s tlir ina n-
lion ot the 4ov ill , lent to m te.isu the itljl-
! > un the. o to | > l lei sOiil.'llniH Income ,
* 9
Tbn I'm ( ictisiir. ) ( Jbcokett ,
li.sviit ) : ; Col , . D c. 1 iran i loteciosiire of
a ilioiMi.l.'f helil lo MIMII. ' ! > UO l.i ) ) sitmil
nioit-'a'e li'ind' ' nt the D'tivcr V It o liiauil .
with a view ui ic ii-'inl/j.tioii. Hint p elcd
to pass ihe co'iits vr 'lei it tr ui i'e. Iiu I ve 1 a
c u til vc-tt ill u bill" lifil lei -i of the ifci d
in i ' | iutu | < .Jill0s to | 'm ut
thu torui.lua.uu .