Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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    i "JIM
SATt'lllWY MOHN1XG , DIX' . 12.
orriCE : No. 13 rear ! Btreet.
I/fllvf / ml lij-f nrrltr In ftnjjmit of llio city at
lwtjitj-cni | itrnuk.
II.V. . TII.IOX , - Manager.
Holler , tlm tailor , for winter goods.
L. A , ninpinnn and \\\tc \ , of StanUm ,
Iowa , dim-d at
Topic-at thu McthudNl church tomorrow
row morning , "Fast Young Mon. "
Only one drunk , und tlmt a plain one
without bangs , in police court yeMcrday.
Thc colored aiiKel in Mctcalf Bro..s
fchow window drew a large crowd hint
I. M. Ledger wood , the Chicago gents'
furnishing goods man , was in tlic city
C. S. lluugorford. the "Diamond
King" of Chicago , was interviewing the1
trade here ycstuiday.
Permit to wid ; hn hern granted Perry
Hntehcr , of Mis-ouri Vtillcy , ami Jill/a-
belli Peters , of Bopbetown , Iowa
Uev J. will preach to-morrow nt
UK ; Homo at ! ! p. m. 'I'ln : ohililrcii lead
in tho. itiging , and services will beheld
in thu now chapel.
W. II. Knephor , who has a grocery on
Broadway , yesterday presented lard-
master .Jones of the Northwestern with
nn elegant meerschaum.
The only trains that leave this oily tomorrow -
morrow for the cafct arc over llio ( 'Idea-
go , Hick Island & 1'neitiu and Chiengo ,
liiirlingtoii & ( jiiincy railroads.
The lirst annual inasucradeliil ( | : ) of tlic
( icnuaii Ladhs'society is to Im given in
Bcno'shall New Vear'fi eve. Mrs. Peter
Beek is .secretary and .Mis. John .Morgan
president of tlio society.
Id v. Dr. Cook'.y preaclics to-night , the
.sermon at Atlantic at the iiiMallalion of
the new p.iMor , the Kev. M. I ) , lie.vnn.
Tlio Atlantic eliureh will lie rcdcdicatcd
to-morrow , the lev. ! Dr. Kc"d preaching.
Preaehiiig liy the pin-tor of the Baptist
eliureh to-morVow morning. In thc even
ing there will be union M'rviccs in the
Presbyterian ehurcli , the lapti-t ! , Con
gregational and PrcMiyterian churehcs
In the district eourt yesterday the ease
of Keeline against the city was put on
trial. In this case thu plaiiititt seeks to
be relieved from having certain property
taxed for city tmrnoses , claiming it re
ceives none of the iienelils of city im
provements , being located too far out.
On Thursday evening Jnsticn Shur54
married Mr. Collamer .Smith to Mrs.
Clara Reynolds , at the home of ( lie. latter ,
No. 1802 Kiglith street. There was a
small gathering of friends. There was a
merry lime , even if llio groom and bride
have passed the romantic period of life.
Tho.slono sidewalks are lee smooth for
even the Icet of the wicKcd which stand
in slippery places. Several .lawyers ,
even , attending courl in the Masonic
hall , have had bad tumbles there in
going and coming. There are other
walks of this kind which al o require
some roughening process.
Why not pass an urdinancoi compelling
properly owners to have their sidewalks
cleaned oft' inside of twenty-four hours
after a snow ? Eastern cities have such
ordinances , and by Council Blulfs' coun
cil making one a number of men could
got employment who arc now compelled
to bo idle when snow is on the ground.
The Y. M. C. A. propose to make the
Fry concert , to bo lioht on Tuesday even
ing , a real treat to all attending. The
concert is No. 1 , and deserves a crowded
house. ll is expected to give universal
satisfaction , and Iheassociation agrees to
refund the price of admission to any per
son who attends and at the close of the
evening reports himbelf as dissatislied.
They mean business , and propose to
work upon business principles.
One of the novel uses of the telephone
occurred at Cant. Hu&sell's ollleo last
evening. P. D.Kelloy , of North Plattc ,
negotiate ; ! a sale of 100 acres of land ,
to a fatrangor across the river , the bur-
gut n being .started mid completed , ex
cept the signing of the papers , all over
tlio telephone , without oil her of tlm
-"sever htivintrseen each other. It
cost"lujlley 'J-'W ' for the use of the telephone -
phone for thtTtimfi rcqim" ' ' ' ° lops'l't _ '
begrudge the amount , however , io I10
made well on the sale , and gained a de
cidedly now experience.
Jolin Davison , a tailor , who camp bore
from the east n few weeks ago , died at
the homo of William Brix yesterday
morning , about 1 o'clock , under peculiar
circumstances. About a week ago Davi
son , who was boarding at the Creston
housn , fell down stairs , having been
drinking a little freely. In the fall he
injured his head , but it was not thought
to bo usurious hurt at the timo. llo lias
been acting a little strangely over since ,
and on Thursday became rather wild.
Ho was takrn to the county jail , under
the supposition that he was insane , and
bad bettor be sent lo the asylum , but in
vestigation showed that the man was
very ill , causing delirium. Ho was then
taken from the jail and placed in care of
Mr. Brix. Ho died a few hours after be
ing taken there. It is thought that death
yriw caused by the bursting of a blood
VcESUl ,
Some lime ago several gamblers ,
ngaiiibt whom liulictmentHwero found by
the grand jury , took a change of venue
to Carroll county. They there pleaded
guilty , and were lined. This county has
Leon trying to get Carroll county to pay
back tlio money thus collected into the
treasury of this county. Carroll county
refused , taking a diflorcnt view of the
law. The question lias been carried into
court , and being decided against this
county , an appeal was taken to tlie supreme
premo court , which has just decided ,
Hllirmlng the decision of thu lower court.
Carroll county thus collects and keeps
the lines for offenses committed in this
county. The gamblers will bo pleased
ut this , for they fuel that if the grand
jury docs not lot them alone , it will do
the taxpayers huro no good , financially ,
to indict tilt-in , If indicted , they will
take changes , and pay their lines to an
other county , rather than let this county
liavo thc satisfaction of getting tlio
money. Thpy think now it will bo little
Inducement for taxpayers to bother
them. The amount involved in the Car
roll county Is about
IjHilleft anil ( . . . > .
If yon would sue the of line holi
day ellpncrjvall on us now , 6. T , hiiul-
eoy & Co ,
lira. Jiuld & Smith's ' Klcctro-Magnotio
libolos. Only lilty cents. No. 80 Fourth
Bt. , Council Blnll's , Iowa. Agents
For everything in the grocery line give
the new linn of KintKlecb , 103
Broadway , trial. Kverythlng new anil
frt-bh. Tanoy groceries u bnoemlty.
Bo euro and ask your grocer for the
bread made at Smith & Loerku'rt bakery ,
No , fr.'S Main street. It is the very bc&t
made , Try it nnd bo convinced.
' ' '
AIuu tend IJoyn.
Wo are reducing onr stock of boots at
cut prices. 'It. T. iJmUoy & Co.
Having nut in a complete now stock of
clothing , furnishing goods , hats , caps ,
etc. , Fox & Hughes , No. 015 Main street ,
invite the publio to give thorn a trial ,
Their expenses arc tminll , and they can
ullord to soil cheap.
Social Events nntl Enteitainmcnts Amonj
the Bluffs People.
A Street CarxiiiK Tribute I'niil to tin
UnkniiunI'ci oiial nnd IMlliy
I'olntcrs ( ilc.Hicd In
tlio City.
A .Mon-y Cluli.
Ono of tin1 leading * ocial organi/.aUon.1
this wn on is known as tlio Married
Ladles' I'rogrt' sivc Knchro club. Man. )
of the leading ladies and gentlemen are
membciN , and tlm gatherings have beer
miiiMi.'illy intero.sting. 'J'ho club was or
ganixcd by Mrs. A. M. Jackson , Mrs. G
C. Campaiid Mrs. 1M. . Gault. The
HK'nibon-hip is now ( jnito n lurftv one ,
among tlioso cnrollcil being : Mr. anil
Mrs. A. M. Jackson , Mr. and Mrs. G. C
Camp , Mr. and Mrs. K. M. ( Jault , Mi
ami Mr * . A. T. Hicc , Mr. and Mrs. II. C ,
Cory. Mr. and Mr . IV. I . IJushnell , lr ,
and Mrs. Macrae , Mrs. . McDowell , Mr ,
1'Yank I.awrouci1 , Mr. and Mrs. J.J
Hrown , Mr. and Mrs. Henry VanHrunt ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. I1. Conovor. Mr. ami
Mr. . 1) . J. Crockwcll , Mr. and Mrs. W ,
J. Hancock , Mr. and Mrs. Horace Kvcr-
etl , Mr. tint ! Mrs. AV. C. .lames , Mr. anil
Mr * . M. K. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Loomis , Mr. and .Sirs. J. V. Fuller , Mr ,
and Mrs. C. K. LcfTorls , Mr. and Mrs. F.
L. Clark , Mr. and Mr. George Thompson ,
Mr. and Mrs. O.M. Hrown , Mr. and Mrs ,
C. K. Tyler , Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Khvell ,
Mr. and Mrs.V. . K. Sunn , Mr. and MIM.
.1. N. Maldwin. Air. and Mrs. M K.
MoverMr. . and Mrs. J.V. . Chapman ,
Mr. and Mrs. . I. A. Jackson , Mrs. Me-
Council , Judge Larimer , Mr. and Mrs. J.
L. Stewart
The lir L mm-lingof the club was hold
at Mrs. II. C. Cory's , and cnti-rtaincd by
Mrs. . Cory and Mrs. Gault. The ladies' '
prize was won by Mrs. O. M. Hrown , and
the gents' prize by F. L. Clark.
The second meeting was hold at Mrs.
O. M. Hrown's , Mrs. Tyler joining Mrs.
Hrown in entertaining the club. The
ladies' pri/c was won by Mr.s. D. W.
Imshnell , and the gems' pri/e by Col.
The third meeting was held at Mrs. A.
T. Hico's , and entertained by Mr.s. lliee
and Mrs. Jackson. The ladies' pn/e was
won by Mrs. Myers , and the gents' prize
by M. F. Gault.
The fourth mei'ting was held tit the
homo of Mrs. J. J. Hrowu. The ladies'
prize was won by Mrs , Horace Kverctt ,
and the gents' nrizo by Henry Van
Hrunt. Tlic "booby" prize was won by
Mr.s. O. M. Hrowu , and the like prize for
gentlemen by A. M. Jaeks-on.
Tlmr > day evening the lifth meeting
\Viis \ held at the residence of Mrs. F. C.
L'onpver , Mrs. I ) . J. Rockwell joining
lier in entertaining the club rovally. The
ladies' prize was won by Mrs. ll.Xevelcv ,
uiul the gents' prize by Judge James.
These .social occasions have each been
attended by specially enjoyable features ,
ind the clulj nights arc looked forward
lo with increasing intrivM. The ladies
jiitertaining Fometimp.s invite to the
gatherings friends outside of the regular
nembersiiip , and such find no less en
joyment in thc meetings than do the
Thc next mectinff of thc club will be at
lie home of Mrs. W. W. Loomis.
C. 11. Jiicrmemin & Co. , No. 37 Main
trcet , take pleasure in announcing to
hi > public that their stock of articles , or-
laniental , stylish and. useful holiday
goods , is complete in each and every de-
lartincnt , and cordially invite everybody
o visit their e > torc , inspect their good's
mil compare prices. No trouble what-
sver to show goods.
- .
The lincst fringes , foot rests and fancy
ihcnillo llowers for fancy work at K.
jtockert & Co.'s ' , No. 300 Hroadway.
Dangers ol' Coupling ; .
The accident at the transfer by , which
oung Kuhns lost his life , has revived
nuch discussion concerning the modes
if coupling cars , and the dangers atteiul-
ng the work. The state board of rail-
end commissioners have sent to the gov-
irnor report of two accidents , giving
ho deta Is of each , and urging that some
iction may t tl ± ( : ' " * U10 coming scs-
ion of the legislature. enC i'ill" "cci-
leiits is that by which Mr. Hoover , yarn-
natter ut Sioux City , was instantly
: illed. After giving the details the board
lommcuts thus :
"The obvious lessons from this sail accident
ic , liist , as IOIIK as the style of coupling now
n use , which compels men to so In between
urs at all. Is nlloued. every precaution bhoulit
ie taken to keen all crossniKS , culverts and
ilnnkln 's In hwiteh yards In .xifo order. The
luvatlon of the ends of these planks at the
Ulewalk , bonio tlnee Inches above thcpromiU ,
ir the level ot the tics , innde this a duu er-
iiis nlace , nail itoubtles.s the raiisc ol this
nan s denth. The ends of tht'.so plnnka
linuld In all cases lie graded up with earth or
onicthlni ; M there would be no oir&ct against
vlilrh a man could cuU-h hi feet. Whentlie
leuil nmu was found he was lylun near an
! \tiuinelydmicriHi ; place for a nun to be ,
specially In the dark , coupling cars. There
vcio places where a man s foot would KO
lown thiough the opening and lender him
cry liable to stumble and be caught uyniov-
ns eais. This place , however , la now salely
ilniiKed over.
The next lesson taught Is the Absolute no-
cssltyof some better way of coupling and
[ iicoiiplinK cars , than ioIiK ) between them ,
'ho tremieiicy of fatal acciilcuts Is too
rent , ft rulliMil companies will not of their
wn motion put on fiaicty couplers , the legls-
[ ittuo must compel llieiu to do so. "
The other accident was one which on-
urred at Fort Dodge , by whioli P. F.
aokson lost a hand. After giving the
etails thc board says.
Here ai.dti a young man must go through
ife with DUD hand us a penalty fur some-
( idy's fault iiioio than his. Thure must be n
utfonal lvw : luquliiiiK nil cars to he made to
ceilain stntulrtid and form and then titled
p with safety couplers. If one kind of car
t good enough for one company it Is good
iiuii h for another ol the tame K&UKO and
ohiK precisely the same kind of woik. At
ny rate the difference cannot bo enough to
nu o the jjrcat risk now necessary to the life
ud limbs of so many men.
Thu case of young Kuhns , and the nso
f coupling sticks , shold also bo looked
ute by the railway commissioners , and
report made on that. The move to
orco the railway companies to make less
angorous provisions for coupling cars
rill be looked on by the nmway em
iloyes with great fuvor
Ladies nnd gents get K ticket to the
; rand drawing on January 1 , with every
r cents wortn of goods purchased of
Arthur Lefkovitz. Wll Broadway. Tlio
hoiccst candies , California fruits , nuts ,
Igars , etc , , always on hand ,
For hardware nnd house tnrnislnnga
; ot prices of Cooper & McGco , No.11
iluin btrcet ,
The concert given last evening at the
iperu house was a very choice ono. The
ilisse-s Merkol tiustained their well
arncd reputation , and those who never
leforo knew why these sisters arc sueh
avorites hero found out last evening.
3otli have sweet voices , and their voices
> lend so nicely tlmt In duets it is difll-
: ult to distinguish the least shading bor-
lerlng on u lack of harmony. Miss
. 'tiller , who took a prominent part in the
cnterlalnmont , showed herself to
really grand She has nory fctron |
voice and one of great swcolness , will
wide range. She shows culture , and IIP
voice seems to bo at her control in ever
respect and at all times. Inspiroi
with such ambition as is latidabl
to an Iowa girl , she does no
propose to rest content with tin
laurels already won , but is making ivad' '
to further her culture by studies in Kii
rope. She evidently has the making of s
grand artist. Those who had the ploasun
of hearing her last evening will watch he
iuttiru career with renewed interest. Tin
other features of the programme wen
excellent. As all here know , Mr. Trey
nor is ,1 tenor of more than ordinary
voice and culture. His sinjjing is nlwnv
listened to with pleasure. Mr France b
Omaha was a great addition tn the enter
Uiinmont , he having n bass voice of groa
power which he handles well. He cnllet
forth honest applan o , and merited tin
many words of praKo heard among tin
auditors. Miss Julia Ollicor served .T
accompanist. Shu showed c.vccllen
Clothing Dealers.
Our stock of men's rubber clothing i <
complete. 1'ricc same as Chicago. Ho.- '
ton company's gannents. X , T. Lind < c\ \
A ; Co.
The stock of floods formerly bclonglni
to P. C. & W. I ) . Kirkland Is now in inj
possession for sale. The entire stock o :
goods , consisting of all kinds of Jewelry
Gold and Silverware , Plated Goods , etc.
are ollcrcd cheap for cash , and at lc.s <
than cost , Call at the old stand or
Titr.oDour. GUITTAH , Sheriff.
Correct Abstracts of Title and Heal Es1
tate Loans at McMahon & Co's , No. t.
Pearl street. _ _
The electric belt of Judd & Smith , Of
Fourth street , Council Bluffs , positively
cures rheumatism , neuralgia , dyspepsia ,
piles , paralysis , indigestion , lits , cold
feet , nervousness , headache , kidney and
liver complaints , loss of vitality , lead
poisoning , lack of ncrvo force and vigor ,
wasting weakness of tlioe diseases of : i
personal nature in male and female.
"Dead and Unknown. "
On reading an article in the BII : : of the
? th , with the above heading , one ol
Council BlullV , gifted ladies has penned
thc following :
Out in I lie cold bleak night alone
To trec/e , to die ,
With none to hear the last faint cry ;
No tiJciul , or kin ,
To answer why this thing hath been.
I'iithtir , mother ,
Whuio tno they ? Sister , biothcr ,
Hath none of these
Ileaitl his immrnliiK on the brec/c ?
Hcuul 1 10 had callV
Ills friends was he bcicft of all' . '
No child , no wife ,
To bruithe ; a prayer to Uod for life' . '
Unknown unit dead ,
Out In the niijlit with icasou Hod ,
To die alone.
Toillr , by all the town unknown ,
And lind at List
A i > : niK'r | rave , to Hide the past ;
With none tocuie ;
None to shed a sorrowing Icar :
Ah ! What dark tale
Alight this sail sleeper not unveil'.1
.Sorrow , anil sin ,
Misloitune , Itpercliaucehath been ,
Tlmt man hhould die ,
Alone out uuilcr the Ireezing sky
And died unknown ,
To unit this world at night alone.
Do ancels keen ,
Sweet vigils while such waiul'iers sleep'.1
Do Christians nr.iy ,
While such wid lives doth ebb away ?
One pi aj or this night
1 breathe ; May thou in Heaven's light ,
Forgiven , blest ,
Be clowned with Jesus Christ at rest.
Hoot and Shoe Dealers.
Send in your orders for rubber boots ,
shoes , Arctics and felt boots. Z. T. Lind-
sey & Co.
All kinds of interior drapings , cornice
poles , shades , etc. , the very cheapest in
llio west at E. Stockert & ( Jo's.
Cottaojo ranges. Garland btovcs , Ka-
dhuit Ilonies und Hub heaters of the very
latest patterns at bed rock prices , at
Cooper & McGcc's. jJo. 41 Main street.
Christmas presents at Homer's.
Try John Templeton's"Hose" cigar.
A Street Curving.
Vail had its weekly sensation in the
Form of a stabbing affray on the H'reeL
Lho details of which are thus given by the
Observer :
] ii'lo ' stabbing affray took place on
inr streets Monday cr" r.L' : ' between
lack Coughiin aim a man by the name
jf Johnson , which , as we understand ,
janie about in this wav : Early in the
( veiling Cougjilln and Johnson engaged
n a row , arising from an old feud , and
several blows were passed , wherein
Johnson rather got the worst of it , until
' .he combatants were separated by-Mpoctu-
.ors. Johnson disappeared und it was
mppo.scd ho hud gone home , and that
: he racket wtis ended , but siuh was a
Mistake , n a shorltinie afterwards John-
ion met and attacked Coughiin with u
cnife , and proceeded to curve his victim
ip in thc latest style. Coughiin parried
, ho blows the best ho could until they
ivero again separated by by-slanders , but
lot until bo had received several ugly
Cashes on tlio face and arms. The doe-
or was summoned and the wounds were
tressed , which woru found not danger-
HIS. and with proper care they will soon
leal , Johnson made his escape and up
o the time of our going to press no ar-
ests have been made ,
For Halo.
One largo Hall's lire proof safe , Will
inswer for country purposes. Will sell
: ery cheap. Address Gronowcg &
jchocntgon ' , wholesale grocers , Council
Personal Pii
F. W. Dullard has gone to St. Jc eph
in business ,
Simon Eisomnn has gone oust to pur- %
: luiHe more goods.
G , N. Froneli , the traveling freight
igtuit of the Louisville & Nashville , was
,11 , the city yesterday.
Mrs. U. C. Harlow of Avoca was in the
iitv yesterday , in company with her
'allier , Mr. Arcli Coffman ,
Miss Nellie Clarendon , formerly of
, his city but now of Fremont , Nob. , is
n the city , tlio guest of Miss Clara Zur-
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ritchie , Winonn ,
ll. . nro in the city visiting his uncle , T.
I.Kvuus. Mr. and Mrs , Uitchiu arc on
lioir wedding trip , and will remain hero
ibout a week. .
J. W. Berger , who is engaged in bus-
ness in Topeka , Kan. , is spending a few
lays with Ins family and many friends
icro. Ho has not decided to move his
'umily to Topeka yet , but if business do-
, 'elops there as it now promises lie will
m > bubly conclude to muko that his per-
nunont residence.
Oh ! if I cnly bed her comploxionl
kVhy. it is eusfly obtained. Use Poz/.onl's
For iirst-ohua Missouri wood call on
iile'ason nt bin coal olllcu , 2il Pearl street.
Htst eoul und wood in the city tit Glen-
ion's , UU Pearl street.
Substantial abstracts of title and reul
iHtuto loans , J. W , , & E. L. Sijuiro , 1U1
Pearl btrccU
Illic nnintisin
Usually ? ettles in t lie back or limbs , nil
often so compU'tifcurpower ! * its vi
tims that nil bn ino , s or labor h * to b
nbandoned. Our re.ldcrs should remcn
ber that Hood sSir.s.ip.irilla is not rei
oinmended as n pnsitivc spceilie for rhcv
matism ; its jiroprictors doubt if there is
or can bo , such a remedy. But man
people who were ilio L severely nlllifted
state that they have been positive !
cured liy Hooif's ' S.irsapnrilln The dls
ease is often the result of impure blood
hence the power of this great medicin
over it. Its success in manysevcro case
justifies us in recommending its nse teal
sufferers from rhcn'tnatism. 100 Dose
Ono Dollar.
A man by the nnine of Hill has m rived ii
hnoxvillc , Tent ! , , In a rather odd and prcii
liar vehicle. It Is virtually a house on w heels
with windows , iloois and a gable loof. Hi
wasdinwn all the way fimn a point lifUei
miles noith of Adrian , Mich. , EOinelhlng ovc
nlnchundied miles.
lUtlcrn aieemloised by al
the le.uling ) > ! i.\.iciins | and chi'iul.ats , In.
their inultyuBdholesuiiieiiess. . Hewnieo
counkvlls nml ask your ( linguist atn
irioi'erfiii'the gennlnu nitldc , pH' | > ared b ;
JJr. J. U. B. SleKcrt iVbons. .
I.e tci Klsenlmrd nnd wife , of Kmniis , Pa.
have lost a onc-week-nld son who nicaitirci
Jive Inches In Icneth nnd welitlied smrecl1
sixteen ounces. The child was perfect ll
foi m , hud dnrk liulr , hands the sie ot i
nickel and the ciislonmiy baby clothes \\eri \
not available.
I'lMJS IM 1,181
A sure eure for Uliud. Bleeding , Itehliif
nnd t ilccrated Piles has been dlsuoxfrcd bj
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian icmedy ) , called Dr
Willlnuis' Indliin Pile Ointment. A slngh
box lias cured the worst chronic eases ot 'J5 01
JM ) yenrs standing. No one need sutler fiv <
minutes after applying this wonderful Rooth
Ing medicine. Lotions and instiumentsdf
moio harm than good. Williams' Indlai
Pile Ointment nb. oibstho tumors , allays tin
Intense Itching , ( particularly at nlu'ht aftei
netting wnnu in IH.M ! ) , aits as a poultice , ulve :
instant lelicf , and is tueparcd only for riles
Itchiiu ; of private ii.irts , and for notliliiEt else ,
Dr. Tra/ler's Magic Ointment CHIOS as bj
maujic , Plmiles , Black llends or drubs
Blotches and Krupttims on the face , loavim
the skin clear nnd ho.uitlful. ANo ciues Itch ,
Salt Jihcnm , Sore Xipples , Soio Lips , and
Old Obstinate Pleeis.
Sold by diugglsls , or mailed oil receipt ol
CO cents.
Itetalleil by Knlin & Co. , ami Schroder A
Bccht. At wholesale by C. F. lioodinun.
Mniiufuctureisor all sizes of
Especially Dcjlffiied for Ituniilnir ,
Tubular anil I ocomotive Uoiltn1 : ! .
New Misillon : T liroslior. .
Cnvcy and Woodbury Horse Powers.
Portable and T raelion Engines ,
j i
Factory AInssillon , Ol Branch House
510 Pearl Sfc.t Council Bluffe.
! li
Council Bluffs Carpet Go.
Our Btoclc li now complete In nvcry ( lopsrt
incut ami contains all llio latest styles and effects
; . . Era
Largest stock
Lowest Prices.
SAMPLES furnished 'upon ' application to p
own parties. .
Council Bluffs -.Carpet . Company
403 Bt'ottd/wcvy.
Corner Pearl Street and Fifth Avenue ,
Illuk for root for theatrical ptrfonnmiccs
AllkiiiJtof ruftx-bhinuuta und H FIIKB r.UNCU
> vcry uiornlnir.
Practices In Stat aud Fedurul Uourla.
Kooius 7 and U , Snu 'urt Block Buue.
KOTtn : . PpooJul advertisements , such f
Ixi t , I'ound , To I/oan , Kor Palo , To IlcntVnnt
llonrdiuir , etc. , will bo Inserted In thl column n
thc Urn rate of TKN t KN'TS I'KK LINK for th
flrft liifcttlon mid 1'tVK CUNTS I'Kll LINK f i
cnch tub o < juent Insertion , IA-IIVO a < lrertl
meiitsnt our office , No. 13 I'uarl street , oca
IJWlt Itl.NT-A nlrely luinlshctt ( rout ronn
- - with ot without iHintil. * T o fcntli'mn
piofct i-txl. No. B.o First iivcmif.
FlVM ! l'0"AM-Atn : t.arsatii if sold ROC
0. Jwincrc..C'i ' iniii-A oiilliwL' t or Omiihn.
room lmi. rp\relloiit i-ll unit cistern , a Imrm
ono for clplit lmi > t ii. ono for a ) run- ? : linn , lor
ntiil wiunmhoiiais ; liU ni-irs In timothy : c.VCH
foi-cM li-oes , i-otlon wood , Mack wiilnut. iwh nm
mnilo | ! fiooil oicluiiil , iiiiplco. tlirrnpa , tiltnn
jr mn mill email frultc. Nvvor fiilllnxstocl
y liter. 1U I1. Ui-iiccn , G'JO lltomlwiy , Coitncl
uiun $ ,
\\7ANTKD-To buy all thn ,
' linnet hoii i < halil ( rood * tlmt Hfc altered fa
pftie , fiiuli ns furniture , ciupcts , Hovoa , oto
l'er , eng not liiulnjr STIIICTI.V tlMK'lnss jrooil1
willpnvotlniuby not npplyliiir. All tithon nil
reecho piomptnttontkm mid will bn | > nld tin
lilglirM iniirkct prices liy A. .1. Miuulol , ; ti
UioprtwBydt'Hlor ' In ncnntul PtrK'll > flrst-clas
crcond-hnnd rut nit urn , etc. , uc.
mil Hi\T-At : Mo.Mnhnn A 0 < ? $ i
No. 4 IVwl strciit ,
i-'oit KAI.K , rou HUNT oir"ix : n.\N K
NO. M for wild or tent , on very llbrrnl tcrmi
The Cnuncll llliiffs 1'npcr Millcompline , will
thohireo lionrdliif ( boueo and thiuo noius o
No. WV-A btiflni-FS property In riinokro
( .lirroKro ifliltity , town , will trade for wcstott
lands. Vnhip , nhoiit f4WO.
No. : a A bcmitlfttl homo In the lown of Hast
IIIJIF : , Mills county , lown , for Xcbnibkn laud
Vtiinc. tirpOo. ;
No. 41 A ( food business property nnd Man n
peed residence property In the town or Chonvo
Mrl.enn county , III. , low down Tor cssb or wll
cxi'hnnso for wuMstti lands.
No. 17'J A Milcmlld inrm , well Improved , M (
ncrrs In Dickinson county , lown , jolnlui ; tin
town of 8lut | ) l iko. Price , for a Hhort time
. .
No. 1S4 to 1H7- AID four Inprovcd fnrms It
riillllps count } ' . Kiincns. ench with piniill In
eumbniiR'p. 'J'ho cnullaa will lie nxrlintiKi'd foi
nnlneumbi'iedwlld land in XpluankH.
No. HO IN ) uuresin Holt connly , Nnl > . , imrtlj
impro\o < l , nt n bljr burgaiti.r ntit to uxuiinngc
for niprcltandlsn.
No. fil A line two Mory brick ipfldencp , ont
of the bo.M IcicntioiiH In Cnuncil IllulTs , will timli
for peed iinliu-unbnied KIUISHS ur Nubriibkii
JiinUs. Vnltio. tlj.OOO.
No. ' . " > Rnd 11 Are two other bcnntiftll Jiomr'
In Council Illulls , which cneh pnymenia will buy
nt a tiiirKnln.
No. fiO A beniitlfiil stibinbHti location in lown
Oily , Jown , will e.xcliungo for western Inndi
Vnlito , fUUO. (
The nbnvc nro only a few of our special bar
enlns. If jou'tOKOt nnjlhlnif to t indoor sell ,
or w nut to sell any real r t uo or meifhandl-o ,
wilto us. Wo huvo boM-nil unoil Kloekn of oodi
to trade for Innds. SWAN A WAI.KKU.
Council DluOs , lown.
J , L. De BEYOISE , Agent.
No. J'07 ' ItroHdwuri Council Tlluffs.
Railway Time Table.
The following Is tliu time of arrival nnd
( lepiirtiiro of trains by central rtiimlnrd time , lit
the locul ilepotH. Train * li-uvo transfer di-pot ten
initiutca caillcr nnd iirrivo ten minutes tutor :
! ) :2 A. M . Mull und E\ptess . 6nfli . M.
] 2:40P. : M . Accommodntion . 4.rWi . M.
6 : CO I' . M . K \ prnsi . y ; 03 A. M.
0:2) : A. M . MiillunilKxprcss . fl:5'r. : ' M.
7:15 : A. M . Accommodation . 5ir : t > . M.
OxOI'.M . K.\prcss . 9:05 : A , if.
9:20 : A. M . Mull and K\prce8 . tJioOr. M.
CMl' : . M . I\HPM : | . WiOOA.M.
11:40 : A. 51 . MnlliindKiprLhS . Or..Or.M.
0:511' : . M . Kspress . l':05A. : M.
Sir > p. M.I.ounl Bt. Ijouln Express Local .
UWlp. : M.Tninuforft , IxiuisIX. Trnnsfer..hiO : p. u
10:10 : A. M . Mall nnd Kxpieb ! ) . r > : : : o i > . > t.
ut'5r.ii ; . Kvpichs . GjA. : u.
7:15 : A.M . Sioux City Mull . Knop.jr. :
0:10 : r.jl . Ft. 1'u ul Kxpresi . :2jA. : H.
JOOTA.M . Hi' vi r Kxpics" . 5:15 : r.u.
Bll ! P. M. . . Lincoln ] 'as3.Oin. & H. V..4. : ! p. v.
7Mp. : ) M . Ovorlnml KsnroM . :15 : A. if.
Leave Council HIulfH 7:0' : - > : U : " > 0 10HO :
HU ) 8. m. ; 1IW : : Jao : ; ) : ; iO 4w : : 5 : 0 fiw : ;
\1V p. in. SunU.iyr. 7 ii5 w.3illiO ! n. m ;
a a i : ; ) riSTi-ai : : ! 11:45 : n. m. Leave Omnhn
U)571V)010:00I1 : : : ! : ! : : ( a. m : l.nOWJ -
] : U > 1:00 : 5 0 : n : n 11:1U : p. m. Snmlavs HiS : :
8:5U11:00 : : u , m.S:00-aW-5Oi-B:05-ll:10 ! : : ( : ) : p.m
Nos. \ and 2 , Masonic Temple.
Council BhiiFs , Iowa.
Tbe cold weather lias finally put in an
appearance and finds many persons not
yet supplied with heavy underwear , con
sequently we wish to gently hint that we
have a fine assortment of
Underwear ,
We wish to call tpecial attention to onr
Double front and back Undershirts with
drawers to match ,
Fur and Cloth Caps ,
Mits and Gloves.
Mufflers ,
Etc. , Etc , , Etc.
A. W. Patterson & Co.
Nos. 1 and 2 , Masonic Temple ,
Council Bluffs.
No. 337 Broartwny , Council Bluffs.
We Propose to Go Out of the
Retail Dry Goods Business
And shall commence the sale
of closing out from date of
our entire stock of Dry
Goods , fixtures , etc. , in part
or parcel.
Will find it to their interest
to attend this sale.
\ \
Council Bluffs , la.
Ilrlclt buildings of nnj- kind rsUod or moved . mid snUsTticUou snaraiileo J. Frnraetiongo ) mor
on Little Qiant truck * thc beet in the rrorld.
808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street.
Tali !
KO. 7 anfl 9 MAIN STREET ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Chicao Wafer Kofor Co , ,
Power furnished from hydrant preisuro for
ilrlvlnu ull kiniU of llK"t nmchliiorr. bptclnl
alluntioii itlvcn lo cliurcli OIKIUI bloirlng. \ \ o
run pi luting proesra , meat cliopprra , ! co cicnra
tro/.oiu.i > ollililiiR luthort , ecn'liur inauluneH , cto.
The best clicupost inoinr niRao. Senil for olr-
vultir. In i j In Council ItlulTu by
Hoc Jobolhco ,
Hchinlilt.iiK'Bt murke ! .
Mo t Mtirlict.
dorlcr'g Mcut Market ,
binllli St Meycra.
Kin IKlooli , coffee imnilor.
ItoUc-rt Mullli , " " " "
SelllntrA unt. IB Modi nt
1111 Kurnam bl. O.imha.
Ko. 23 , Muia Struct , Council Bluffs.
Chicago Lumber Co.
Wholoanlt ttutt rotiill Lumber , I.atb ,
Saeh , Deere ami lillmla. Bolo tii-tntu for llio
coIcbratoJ Marblehoad ConcontrnteJ Whlto
me , B , I' . MACCONNKU. , Jlnnagcr.
Main St , , Council Binds.
Near tlm C. , B. A Q. i O. , M. & St. ! > . , nnd
C. , 1 ! . J. & 1V railway depots. Ktm't oar
luxstuo door. Kvurytldus new mid Ina
claS3. 01 -Wec.l.f.
1'ioprictor and
in Council ISltiffe li.ivln-
Fire Esoa/p ©
And nil nioiicru improvements , cull belie , flro
alurm bdK etc. , is tlio
Not.lii -IT nnd 219 , Mfihi titroot ,
MAX MUliN , IVoprlotor.
j. orriCEit. w. u. u. rostr * <
CsUblUlioU ISJi.
B. RICE , M. D.
or other turn in icmovod without
tdo knllo or drawing of Wood.
CHRONIC DISEASES or u uuia flpcciAnr.
uvur thirty yeunt' ur ct cut oxporlonco. 0111 oo
J < o. 11 1'ciirl ciiicci , Oouni II Ulunc. I
Northwesern Hotel.
Newly filled ami fiiinitsbed. Ojip Uroathvny
Dummy Uojiot. Sl./O pt-r Jay.
L. 11. BKnSUA\V. \ Manager.
P. T. M vest. A.S. ZCLTON
r. T. May UK & Co ,
Real Estate Exchange
N i. l > I'o ir ) M tresl , Council llluQ' * , Jo\f * .
Mculcra In loxva , Kuusaa uad Wobi Aslca Lands
Konl Instate bought nnd sold ,
For Sale or Rent !
A uoaily now now nnd the only liotul iu tlis
\vidu-u\rnlu iu\vn of
Tun bed ronmt , Kind parlor , olllco. drairlntr
room nndcollnr , imd fiuiuplo 100111 , Will cell or
i tnt OD roaoonuble toriiu , lu lUlroof RUouinn
Iti.dtlii c Co , , 1'eeplus' Htoiv , Counull jiluire , or
Justice of the Peace.
Couipuny ,