* - _ . * . . . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , DECEMBER 12 , 1833. THE DATLY BEE. OMATH OrncE. Xo. nu . n 8W VAUVVM Si New YOHK Orncr. , HOOM 6j.TniBU.si : IJl-tUMMl. PiiMMif-fl every mnrnlnjf.oteopt Punting. Th < only Monday morning- | | > vr published In tin ftatc. trnw nr MAir Omi Vrnr. . lf > .H > Tlirr < ! Montln t .r , ElxMtnths. . . . . MV Ono Month 1.0 Tue WI.IM.Y llBf-i I'nlilMitil Every Weiln * < lay TKUMS , IIHTt'All ) . One Vcnr , with prrinlum . . . . . . . . . . . J2.f' ' OIKVr.ir , will-nut | irt < mlntn . 1.- Fix Mniithn , w lltirtiit ritimlnm . duo Month , on trial . 1 rOIIIIF. l'ONISCK ) : All rnmmnnlctithins rt-lnlJnir o tiow snd Ml tnilHliiintltro rlioukl Ijo nddrosseU to llio lim 701 ! 1)1 THE JlKK , nustrit.ps I.ETTKIIM .All J iitnt's lotlnrs nml remittance * olmnM In * iMirfMii to 'I lit : liF.r. rmii.iHniM ] Cowco.v OMUIA , Driiftc.linck nml poMofflco tinier lotjntnnilti jm-ntilo l < tlio onler of tlio Bit NIBUSHI1G COMPANY , PB3P,1IEJfltt , , K. IKteliWATKIt. UlifTOli. couipk-lutl their tratiscontincn ( al railroad , tlio Canadians do not non know tvlmt to do with it. nboul the abundant oropa ! n Nthra ! l < ii. llio Ice dealer will not bo lofi out in tlio cold by Simla China. TUB cablegram that ICmporor Williun Is 8orioti ) y iil has act lliu ubituurj writers ut work upon u rovi.ilon of tin obituary of the ngod knisor. Dr. Miller rolurni from the Windsor hotel hu will probably along u now torpedo or another ruilronil proposition us aChrftilmus gift. SKSATOU EiJHiN'i)3 lius prepared t pretty btlll'dosu of miidloitio to euro Ihu Mormon ovil. It l.s uviduntly inloMlcd to kill or euro : i .sort of heroic iroulmcnt IMit. Pi.tiMR I'tupi to ( ho front again with his little bill to squoloh poker playing in tliu army. Col. Morrow's friunds in Washington wish that tlio measure had become u law six yeurj uyo. that ho did not give IIH all of hi.s mutsagiMiftur till , lie outoutfjovorul yanls of it , and will give tlio balance to the public in small doses : IH soon as it luu recovered from llio lir.st installment. WAltU In doing quitn wcl In Singling. Ho has boon promoted to the poVitloti of book-kcupiT , nnd tin Ohleugo fff.ws predicts Hint before his term ia out hu will own the prison. THE Windsor liotol in New York is honored by thn visit of Dr. fruorg. ) L Miller. Till ! Windsor hotcil Is on Fifth avenue , Inrnodiuloly opnosito Jay Gould's nulil'iimo. and Dr. Miller de lights in the giLlud vlow that u front parlor ull'onU. So PAU : IH we have boon able to observe there wn.s hut one paper in the Unitei States that went into mourning for Van derbilt. It was the ( irtinil Island Times II ! H suspected that the editor is : i distan relation Of Mr. Yiindi rlnlt , nnd expects lube remembered In his will. Tin : citizens ol Omaha will rejoice to know that Dr. Miller has received nnothor 'pointer" from Jay Gould. Mr. Gonld la "not going short on Omaha. " How about Wab.ish and Missouri 1'ucilic ? Suvetul plnekud bird * in Om-ihu. would like to reeov ir what tlioy have lost ou Gould's "pointers. " CHICAGO is to bo congratulated .npon the death of Mrs. Julia Ncwborry , who tiled the other day in Paris. In the dis tribution of the millions left by her , Chicago will reei'ivo $3,000,1)00 , ) for a public library , aeeo riling to the intention of her hiiHbund , who died some years Tin : Mormon mayor j > f : Salt Lake has flout out tx curd to tliu oTjot that thuro Is nnd has boon no tnloutiou or indlnation of a Mormon attack upon the ( imitiles , nnd that poaoo nil ns in tie ! city of tliu H ilnts. It HIO ! il.l lu burnc ] in mm. I , however , that tin m lyor did net write liU imrd until aftjr tin jirr Ivul of that buttery of nrtillory from Omaha. Tint ( JniiHl Army of the Republic has rory projxirly sulectudVashin < ; ton as the Bite for ItH monnmoiit to General Grant. TlilH or iinizatlon propoies to raise the funds iimonx Its members , numbering ( loveral hnndrod thousand , for a suitable monument. It is safe to nay that it will have no dinlcnlty In raining n hundred thoimml dollars , and more if neeetisary. Ai. Liiusi : , who has rotnrned from Washington , intimates that ho proposes to ( ccort every ollbrt for Ihe reeaptnre of Xintmonuiin. It is to bo liopod that tit ) will be equally aetive in ills ollorts to Hinumi the jiropur punish- Uiont of tint lawyer who eU'eotod tlut M- ( Oiipo of thn condemned murderer. The i > : ir committee , to whom thn casu ofsv \ - yer Uiirr was referred , does not HUUIH in- cllnod to tivkoany notion whaljver in the case , tind thu Siiprunu ooiirt iloos not ap- poartocaifj any moru about the mutter thitn the committee. Sr.NATOit M.VNii5Usos \ still energetically - cally pushing hU 1)111 ) to m iku Om ilia a port of entry for the direct receipt of dn. tluulu irooiU , The sjnator has relntro- ducied his j > lll of the last HOJM'OII and will \vork hard to Huetiru Its pass igo , It is unfair and imjiut that tlio importers in a ultyof the .si/u nnd m < jroaiitilo import ance of O.i } ha should l > j t'uruu.l to on- Unro the iLilays nil I d.ini.igo nttoudunt upon tlui unpacking ivud a | > praising of yaob ; in the Nmv Vork oustoiu hougui lyiion oth r wo teru cities urn provided with facilities for roceivingancli ' goods imJur bond by prompt 1' dispatoh from thu sen coast Under Mr. JMandorson'a bill our iniDDi'tors will save lrgu sums in bjlir. ; enabled to sup rin- ud tint opnning of OUSDS oont.ilnlii' < im ported nrUulcs ami la their ability tu ylncu the p > o Is at oaou on sale shortly ttfter thuir arnv.il in this ou t.uy , As jwutturg now go , it is soniDtluui a mattnr lnonths ntUir Kiicli unli'hu arrive in Ifttw Vork buforo thoycn i run tint gaunt let of oiHuiul roil t l/e / ut4 | A. Wall From tllnnil. tJndnr the heading "Wo arc Dlsap pointed but not DisrourngoJ , " Edlto Hland , of the Council Fire , gives vent t < thn following wail : Wo had what seemed to n < ; r > o < l ground fo the Ix-llof Hint AecntMcCllllicn.My . would h dismissed from tlio In.lian service bjfore th < nioutlnipf comtrcssVe hatl linprd , thuit ffiro , tolj'anblo tonnnnnnoc , In tills lsuo n the Council Fire , tlmtn now nnd much hctte man had been nppotntcd to the position o n ont fit I'ino ItiJ e. For this an.1 otlirr res sons wo luvo hold tiio piper b.iak for a week Wu.iro dNaopritntod , but not dtseour.izod Wo anIn t ) * * ( ! 3 < doii of Information whlcl ns < iitvs us that MctillllcmMy will b omovcd from olllcc very soon. H has boon fully InrcstlR.itcd h ; nlile nnd ( rusty otliclnls of the jiro ont ail mlnlstr.itlon , whoso reports con.lr.u the oilman of corruption nnd tyrinnv uinlJi xvlik'h ho hits sn loiirostiil. Hiitowin ; t < I'M' ' sri.it loipanslbltlty djvolvln ; n ; m fin n unt at Pine Kld < c , and tiu fucttlint tin public eye Is focns cJ npnii t'nt ' a pury , tin uilinlnMrntlondccaH It projior , and rU-litl' ' ni , to cvrclso otc ptlonnl c.ira In tlu solcr tlon of n Hiiccossor to MVlitUvu My. A Ictle from l ino Kldc. dxtal attli N o-embcr , In fuiiiH us that nn insptvtor nrrlved tlieiu ; tew il.ivs bjforo , with ln < > tni2tioiiH to icni ill Ihorountil I'urtlior urlcrsftom Wishliut > n Blioiild lu roojivoJ. This would iiidicatu Ilia ! Mcfilltycitildy Is to bo closely watched diuln ; K'malmk'r of his oniclnt life. Mr. Hland , who was nnuuroinontonol llrodolVtho I'ino Uldgo reservation foi mrddlliig with business which didn't coiv ci-rn him , and for stirring up disuont ; nt ngninst the agent , has been .sr > rioiisly prejudiced ng.ilnst Agjnt McGillicnddj ever since. Every issue of his p.tpur ha' boon llllod with abuse of the conduct o ! atlairs at Pine HIdge , and with vagn < and indelinito chargus of tyranny am corruption. Kvcry friend of V. UMe Gillionddy , and ho counts llii'tn by the hundreds among honest and intelligent visitors to Pine Kidje ; , Is us anv ions as the agent himself that the government should not discontinue the visits of Inspectors to the agency. So far , they have boon unable to lix a single charge of dishonesty upon the agent though challenged repualedlj to do so , and backed by the rookies * gang of squaw men , half-breeds and Indian swimller.s whom Agent McGilll ouedy has bounced from Pine Kldgo in the interests of order and discipline. Su far as the last inspector la couuurniuj from whoso visit island socms to hope for BO much , we can inform the editor ol the Council Fire that ho passed through Omaha on hln way cast n week ago , and expressed himself as amazed al the olllcicmcy of the administration nt Pine Hidgo and the strong support given to the agent by the progressive and intelligent body of tlio Sioux. The true secret of the pain in the bowels from which Dhind is notvsnUerlng i.s the fail ure of Mr. Cleveland to make n now ap pointment during the recess and before the opjuing of coii ! roS3. As matters now stand Dr. McGillicuddy cannot be removed from his post until his successor ser is coulirmcd by the senate , which will not be during the present session of cong - g -css.if nt alluntil bis term expires. Kv cry pioneer along the northern boundary of our statewho s.uups in security know jug that a strong hand is at the helm at Pine Uidgo and a wise head is Inni'stly and prudently ad.ninistoring . aT.iirs at that agency , will ri'.joieo to road through the paroxysms of Mr. IJland the informa tion that for the present at least the eu- pablo , efficient anil honest Dr. MuGilli- cuddy is not to be removed from the po sition which ho has tilled with such re markable success. Tie ) New ( jaiitl District. Senator Van Wyck is again heard from at Wnslii.igtoii , this time with a bill creating a new land district in the north , western part of the state. The ni'-usuro ' i.s a timely and a proper one and will doubtless Do pushed to a speedy passage. Wnen the Valentino laud ollloo and the Minnocadu.sa land district were created , the eastern line of Cherry county was the eastern limit of soltloinont on the frontier. The vast stretch of country which extends west to the Wyoming line was practically nuoocupiod. A few cattle ranches comprised the only .settle ment. The entire population according to the OOIHUS .v.is loss tluiioJJ. Much of the area was nnsifrvo.yed and none was platted. Within twoyoar.s , immigration has burst beyond the s.md-hills into the beautiful valley of the White river. Three counties have been carved out of the unorgani/.ed territory. Fifteen thou sand settlers are on homes and in the six thriving towns along the railroad which divides the country east and west , and population is daily increasing. Kver since the settlement of the country , the homesteaders nndpro-omptors have been compelled to make a tedious and oxpen- hive trip to Valentino , traveling from a hundred to a hundred and llfty miles to make their linal proofs. It is to relieve the settlers of this hardship that the bill creating tlio now hind district has been Introduced by Senator Vuu Wyok in the senate. Omitting the technical boundaries by ranges and townships , the now land dis trict will bo Ii5 ! miles in length by 63 miles wide. It will uxtend east and west from n point about lifty-livo miles west of Valentine to the Wyoming line , and north nnd south from the line , dividing Cherry county from the unorganised territory , nnd the standard parallel which runs ibout six miles north of the county line , llvidiiig Sliorhlan , D.iwoi ttnd Sioux counties from Choyoiino county. The tmtire dUtnot will comprlso nuirly ; 1 , tuj square milas , op in round Inures lonrly si million aarus of the publiu do- nain. It will include the counties of Sioux , D.iwus and Sheridan , ( except the southern tier of townships In these coun ties ) , uuil twenty-four miles from the western tfiid of Cherry county. There s no reason why there should bo any jppositlon ( o this iu.i.iiiird , which is Nearly in tlu line of a iini'o olUoleat ud- ninistratloii of thu land oillua , ait J at liDsamu tlmola the Interest of the .sel lers of the most rapidly growing suction Dt thu btiito , Wr tire willing to print any discussion if the viaduct question while It Is pond- ng , p-oviding , that partly * will sign thuir inniL's.ao that puoplo mij : know who is ulliiig. I'urlica who owu property on Eleventh street nrti entitled toafalrhcni Ing , but they should neb nusqiicrndo n Tenth street property owners , 'Inc dentally wo may remark that the linn decision on viaduct location Involve something more than more facilities fo half a ( lor.cn blocks of residence prop erty. First nnd foremost wo want n vir duct that will make the safest nnd shor cst cut to the depot , In the next plac the location should bo mndo with a viov to the intgro.sts of the largest utlmbor o improved property owners who uonlilli nlVected by viaduct construction. A le cation on Tenth street would notdamag Eleventh .street , while a location on Klo\ en III street would not only damage Tent fitrccl but nl.io the entire biiflnoss portio of the city cast of Klovcnth street. OMAHA will have a now bridge in Hire days Jack Frost has been given th contniol for building It across the rivei Other LumlN Than The war in the Balkans lias broken on afresh. The armistice which Princ Alexander asked to have continued nnti February has been summarily ended b , the attacks which the Servians made o Thursday upon the Bulgarian outpost ; Hostilities have bucn resumed , and th sin ; o is being eloared for the npponranc of the leading actors in the sangninar drama of war. Russia has begun to shov her hand. The sultan has been ollieiall , Informed that Turkish intervention ii Koumolin will be followed by Kussiai support of Bulgaria. Austria is prepur ing to support Servian arms by massinj troops on the northern frontier , am Turkey is pushing on an army corp towards Houmolla to support her claim of .sovereignty over that country. Tin armistice has given the combatants tlnn for breathing space , and the situation 1 now as lollow.s : Almost the whole force recruited fron Bulgaria and eastern Koumolin is en camped in and around the Siyvinn towi of Pirot , whore it is said to be Intreiiohei as strongly as it was at Slivnit/.a Against it is now massud all the avail able strength of Sorvia , iiioludinj the last reserves , except a divisioi which is etill , according to the mos probable- construction of obioouro ilis patches , operating against Widiu , Kint Milan and the general in whom ho hai hitherto put confidence have had tin good sense lo retire , nml the iibsoluti control of Iho Serb army has been trans fcrrcd to Col. Hovalovitch , whoso eour age and strategical ability are known tc those who remember tlio incidents of the last war between Sorvia and Turkey and especially the capture of this vei'i town of Pirot from its Ottoman poshes horn. It. is likely , therefore , that the Servians will hereafter be well handled but the Bulgarians will have the ud vantage of position , besides being great ly encouraged by their past MiocesS , M iitnwhile , the lighting on his custom border having compelled Prince Alexan der to withdraw all his soldiers from Itonmelia. that province is exposed to reoccupation - occupation by tlio porte , which has , in fact , already despatched agents to Philippopolis , and with the consent of all the powers , except Great Britain , is preparing to support its dele gates by a military demonstration. Ths entry of Turkish troops into lion- melia will be the signal for action on the part of the army of the c/ar. It is said that the Austrian government has con centrated about fiO,000 , men in Bosnia , and that there is an equal number of Russian soldiers in licssurabia. But should these two great powers bo drawn into the struggle , Turkey would undoubt edly bo found hooner or later on the llapsbnrg side. So , in all likelihood , would Itoumania. Remembering , then , that without Ronmaniu's cooperation Rns-iu , in the judgment of all competent observers , must have failed to dlslodiro the Turks from Plevna in the last war * wo can see that , notwithstanding Her im mense military resources , her chances of success in the war wliich i.s now possible are by no means preponderant. # * There h-ive baou ionatod , conferences between the liberal leaders during the past week in Kngliind , but nothing deti- nito as to the forthcoming policy has been made public. Without Purnoll and his followers neither side will have a working majority in the coming parlia ment and the continuance hcoms to de pend entirely upon the possibility of a coalition between the nationalist loader and the liberals. Such a union would ho apcoiully dlbtuscful to the radicals. The radical element is once more to the front and the result of the unexpected change of the election returns in favor of the lib erals in the closing days of the balloting has boon the rehabilitation of Mr. Cniim- berlaln in the eyes of thn parly. For weeks ho was the object of the most un mitigated abuse us the allged cause of the tory reaction in the boroughs by his declaration in favor of disestablishment and a radical solution of the land ques tion. Now , it is beginning to be admit ted that it was his announced policy on the lastsiibjeet that brought the laboring vote in the counties over to the lihor.il sido. It seems hardly likely , after the pas sages of arms which have occurred between - tween him and tlio moderates of the party , that ho and they will over bo able to work together in harness again. Tim possofeslou of olllcu might possibly re store harmony , but if the whlgn and rad icals are destined to find thomsulvos in oppoiltion the probabilities point to a progressive separation between them. There tire those who believe that a oo.ili- lion of Parnoll and Chamberlain could be made which would stand ngiilnst any defection of the whigs , but even this seems to bo doubtful now whou ovory- Hung is doubtful In tlio smoke which liungs over thu Hold of the KnglMi elec tions. * * * The conservative * of Cnnnda arc doing Ihoir bo-st to regain their holdupoii tno bolting mumbirs and to encourage the formation of att KnglUh party pure nnd iimplu. J. A. Chuploau , secretary of > tuto , is in the province of Quebec doing Ilis best to forou back his French up < ) orlers to the fold. Ono liberal , H. ii. Joly , has resigned his scut in ( ho provincial parliament , as hU contribu- ion tu the indignation among some Kng. Idh libuniU ut the uttempt to ruu Into with Froncjli outsider. " . Unon th whole , Ihe lines between the two rner arc more sharplyulrnwn than nt tiny pr < vious time since Iho ftct of eonfederatioi Oenoral Pronihsriw ? ? ! . having marohe through Burma/i / without oiieountorin ; nny opposition worth mentioning frosi the population , having frightened th women nnd children into lits ami scarei the king almost 1,0 death , will now eonii homo and bo rewarded. The Knglisl government is vey gcnnrous , oftoi taking the will for , the deed , and tin lonst that frctior.il Prondorgust can PS peel will bo a peerage and a pension Wr/lseloy was thus rewarded for the Tel cl-Kcbir foot-rnco , and there i no reasonvhy Prendergas should not bo equally forlunalo King Tltoebaw h-is made a fair exchange change , giving the llritlsh govermmm his kingdom and receiving in return ! better Ineomo than he ever enjoyed , to gelher with a perfect freedom from can and responsibility , and relief from thu fear of assassination which never ccnsi" to haunt the days ami frighten the night of an eastern potentate. IIoU. no doubt glad to get rid of his people , nnd the pee pic. are unquestionably glad to get rid o : him ; the Kngllsh are glad lo acquire a territory as large as Ihroo Nebruskui and so the ciirlain fulls on Iho liunnusu war. The Italian government linHiinnouucei the formal nnnevation of Muxsowuh , bul has not auuouiicud what il intends to di with th.it city or how any good is tc eomu of the annexation. As the climatt of Mussowuh i.s described as a sort ol compromise between that of a kitehet : and that of a blast furnace , as tin conn- try around it is a sun-parclied desert , and as the Import ) of its inh.ibitants arc limited to clothing , and this is restricted to waistcloths , there is not likely to bo a war over the new Italian acquisition. * ! # Of all the English politicians of to day , no one has cause for greater satisfaction with the situation than Lord Itandolpli Churchill. He has just been elected lo parliament by a vole nearly twice that of his opponent , his wife has been decorated - orated by tiio queen , and the Indian army IKW imuuxod li'inu1. ' ! . H the ether lory leaders had done as well as he Ihe party might have made a bettor showing at the polls. His good fortune may not bo entirely due to his American wife , but his example ought to send up Amur- lean girls in the ISritish matrimonial market. , VII3W9 AND INTUUVE\VS. Sonic or the Private IjltruHe of Omnbn. "Omaha cont.ilus u ntfmbar of valuable pri vate llhinrios , " Hada ! , well-posted gentleman. " 1'eihaps the largest ij : that of Hon. J. M. ' U'oolworlh. Ilis llli'rnry,1s , chiefly ronurUablo for thu nuniher o'f volumes in handsome bindings , nnd lor the variety ofthowoiks bearing on subjects i dating 10 Kiultsh and American jurisprudence' ' . Col. SUutnn , piy- inaster of the dejtarliAcnt of tlio PJ.itto. lormealyol Omnlm but tiow .stationed at Salt Lake , liail one ol Hip l.liyest libraries in this city which ho hid collected with Kieatc.no , especial nltention lining paid to hooks of travel , Col. Stanton's liiir.iry was uNo Intet- e.stlng for the largo number of presentation copied hem , lo llio colonel by the vaiious authors. Judge nail Mrs. Savnu'e have an ex tremely valuahlo library on Shakespearian htibj''cK ' This is uii'loiibteilly thu large-it collection of works iclatlng to the irieat English dramatist between Chicago and San Francisco. It contains , naming other vol umes , copies of ( he sooiid anil thiid folios , and buveint of the ( | tnitos. Mr. Popplelon Is also the possessor of n tunefully M'lcctcd 1 brary , consislliig mostly of st-indard Kn- gllsh works with n leaning towards lo al subjects. Among Ilm most interesting of Mr. Poppleton's works , nro two volume : ) , fonncrly the properly of ICdmund liurke , of whom Mr. Poiiileton ; Is a gteal admirer. No one would suspect that Hyiou Kceil is n man of Illera y tundeneles , but he lias tor years been engaged in coliei'liug every work upon which ho eould lay his handslelatlm ; to coin- , Aiu.n'ii-.in anil for eign , and his nnmisiiratieal catalogues are perli.ip-.tlie fulle-st in nuinberol'niiv cullector In the west. Inei.lenlallv . his collection of coins is extremely valuable. It conulns specimens fiom every foreign country unit n largo nlnnber ot ! Ii im.\u coins , in which branch of the .subject 3Ir. Itucd Ismuuh in- terestod. * " ( ienorul Howard has a Iiirgellbiary , which Is natur.illy duvotml lnrrely lo books on mili tary Mibjoels , with n t'a'r ' sprinkling of Kn- gllsh authors thrown In. lie lias n cuiloiis nnd extensive collodion of letters sent and received by liliinolf. There are probibly moil ) limit one hifidieil volumes of those let ters , neatly bound nml properly letteied , be- with his llrst Idler which he MMI' i school lo hi * mother in 18 ! : ! , when lie was ( lib teen years old .mil cni'iled down to the last which he lias r-coived slnuo ho IIP- camoeoiiimatid.'rof the Depaitm'uit of thu 1'Jatte. Amonc tm ! letters is his origliril ni- | pnlntment ns brevet second lietitenaul of ordnance , signed by Jell Davis , thou swrn- taiy of war ; nlso tin inter-itlu , ' Bories of leltei-s from various pits ) nnd dnpots wlicro ho wa < Ht.it-ioiieil nt dlifor- cut tiniftspilor to tlio clul war ; al o the an * nouneemeiit ol Ids npiiolntinent as brl , ' i Her- general of volunteers hy the governor of .Maine ; nil Iho letter- ! Mint by him Iiom tliu unity lo his family during thu various cam- p.iijjim . in whleh hoviis uiunred , nnd every ollleial , huml-ollluial , nnd privnto eommnni- cation iccoivcil or netit by him .since th j out break of the rubulinin. ( iitii. llownid hits found blrt lot.or liuiiks ( nml scrap books of Bient vuluo to him In 'icVfewliig tin ) history of tlm various c-nmlialins in whleh Im was engaged , nnd In ploparlng nrtlclcs upon the war which me now app arln in vmious perloili'-als. Hevas aUo eniblfit : by HUMUS of his collection of hillivbjoks to niHut Ills unnmles In thu Frct'ilnum' ' * llinean Investi gation whun nil thi ) If1i rds otth.it dopirt- mi'iit were t.ikon fro , ; ) mi L-rlils o i.ilrol. " A It link Clorlc Talk * . " .Some people think that n uault clerk leads t very easy life nml draws a iiiiiuiuly salary , " > aid nu Hinployo of eau of our national liauks , "hut llioynrj greatly mistaken. It is i mistake to t > iippn- that bt-causu thu bank jpi-ns at U a. m , mid closes ut i ) p. m , wo only tvorkblx liouns nd.iy.Vroh.iv to bhuw up it * J o'clock , uud wo rarely quit buforu U I'e.loak In thu ovmiliig , nud fruiiuuntly we mve to work until i > or to o'clock nt nl lit , kVo have only few mlnute.s for lunch nt loon , \Vowork fully ulitu ho-irs a dny. It svery coniiningand igoiiotimous woik , UID , [ assure you.V'o uru cooped up In a lot of itulls , utiU haven't | ur < " > ' rouin onoiijli to .trutcli our limbs when wo gut jo I'ar as bK' salaries are concerned It to think that thu average Is high. Tliu s.ilar'0) r.itiigo from § 53 to SHJ a mont'i. T\T or three clerks In each b. uk get fiom $1U" t S150 n month. All the rest Rot from 310 downtoSfi ) . There are inoro getting tindc SIOJ than over ? 1W. Umidos wo nro oxpectc to dress well , nail always present n no.it an liu-.liif > ss-llke appearance. As n rule , wo nt expected to maku ns jjoo.l an npiio'xtaiiuo a the enshler or the president. That col money , nlul wo don't have niuch left out ti oursalaiics after pajliisf our exp. > n-.e < . I nnyb'xty tolls you that Iho average bail clerk hns a soft plaen. you can toll him nidhoi Itatlvely that ho doosa't know whit ho I _ The Holiday Trail n. "I have maile n tour of the . - lore.s , " said n lady , nml have been well n paid. I dnu'l think I have over seen li Omaha such cleigant holiday dUplays. Th \\eathei IS'KOOI ! Chiintmas Wenthe-r , nnd th slums nro full of customers. The dry ijoml stores nre making n splendid show , but to m the book stores me thu mei-l Intero-nin places. I question whether the people n Omaha have ever seen such a willed exhlbi of beautiful holiday book * . They nro verlta bio works of int. " _ "Dosla. " by MadimlTleiivy ( Irovlllo , win Is now on a hMurlmg tear In this country , ! nmoni : tlio recent publication- T. 11. IVter sou , t Urotheis , Philadelphia. H is a lYem-li Academy pri.o nmel. "Doshx" IH a charm In r story of Russian society , nnd is eilsp ficsh nnd pure ; \vldlo its fascination l > tioworftil , igenulue , ami legitimate. It I ; written wlthn rare igi-icn of stvle. Is brlllbmt , thoi-omglily excellent lu IMuliai.i 'ler ' drawlnif , InieipMiiiig in plot , pleisliis' ami ultr.ietUo , 1 he opcnlnir scones me laid near St. IVIors bunt. Tlio hcio iit > , Dusln , is an impetuous tom-lmy sort of n beautv. nl w.ivs in hot water , yet always bihuliu men lo her fuel In hei and viNauloiunus > . "Sweet. Olelly ; or .Josiah Allen rvs a Pol Iliehin , " Is a now novel by "Jo-ilah AlltinV \Vifu"-Mlss Marietta llollov which Messrs. Funk & U'luualN , Xow York , have tvoontly tssiieil in u handsomely piintcd nml illus- tr.ited voluniL' . Those who nrn partial to humorous writing somn portion of whoso humor I.s based ou Incoricot siielllug and liulieiotis ginmm.ir , need Hcarooly ho told that Miss llolley Is n writer of that class. bin1 Is Mim-titlng iiioi-D tlni'i ' a imniirlst of tlie kind indicated. Sh < ) is so.milim > .s gen uinely pathetic , tn.t , luspituot her generally light manner , and "Sweet CleMy" , being the story ol' a girl who m irrios a man given lo dunking , out of pure love and pity , she has oppiiitunity torshowinga good deal of that side of her eap.i'ity. l'ho-,0 , who have read " .losiali Allen a Wito" will upprodiilo "Sweot An m tide on the battle of Antletatn , by Oeneral .McUlellnn was among the announce- incuts of Thu Century war soi ies made in Iho nutumn. It was feaieil when the geneial died tliat ho had done little moro ( him jot down disjointed notes to servo us material ' Iml Ids literary executor , Mr. William C. 1'iimu. has found manuscripts which consti tute , in fact , a conservative paper of marked value , diviissingtho withdrawal of the Army ot the 1'otomae irom the .James river , anil de-ciibing with peisoiinl point the p.-cmiar iftlatlons ol' Iho wrller with Lincoln and I lalluet ; , anil the slate of tno army Irom the time 01 Pope's retreat upon Washington un til MuCIcllnii , on his own responsibility , took the mild at the hei-i of Iho HOODeon - lionlin ; Lee. The article will bts prlnte.l in an eaily number ol Tim Century a pirt of It , eonl-iiuing a glowing tiibuto to the Arinyol th < - Potomac , nnd willlui , ui | ] > , neiilly , "iust bet mi 'leneral MfClcllun s deain , will bo ro- liiodiiccd in Inc-similc. ( ! en. Adam Bnilcau has wiitlen n Cuban romanee entitled "Conspiracy , " published by 15. Vv'orthington , of Xew Vork. This novel treats lately of political Intrigue and the re lations of the United Stn es and Cubiii gov ernments , the wrongs endured by Ameiieaii citizens in Cub i me dismissed at length , and the love part of t' ' > e story has for its toinule.- tion tlieeaptmu by bpanlsli ollieials , and tlio e-eapo Iiom prison , of an Amuik-ani/oil Cuban who had joined tlm lauks of tin ; so- called hijg.imls , thu object ot the brigands boiiig to incite Cubans to luvolnt'on , and ( blowing elf tho.Spinish yoke. Tne events chionieled oceiinuil several years ago , and tlio book is even more Intcio-aing as a icuit.i- ble setting ol' historical tacts than us n well written or caretully designed novel. Tlie author says , In substance , that his ob ject i.s to irive tlm pub ie a bolter id-.i of what our illations with Cima realty ate , nnd of the woise than blunders eouiiiiitte.l by tue .state dcp.ntmunt. Messrs. Ticknnr & Co. , of Unstop , start off finely in I'm line of ilhntr.ite.il ln-i'w wdli a beantilnl e.litlon of I'.yron's Child. ! Harold's Pllgilnr.igu , upon which nine of our m H ! ; i'-- ' coiiiiillnhcd draughtsmen ami seven of our moit killed woo.l-engravers have uvpnuU'd tin resouroos of their art. Thu illustrations in this beautiful c.lition of CnlliL > H uold are not In the fantastic art manner of tliu period , but nioroii'-eivud and executed in tlie good , old-fashioned , manly style th.itehara'teii/.eij HID be-it day.s of drawing an I eiuraviiu. Taey ate lor In ; iuo t litre li.-.iiuiiul , uiul when tnev do not nj.ieh til it Ideal of excel- lene i they nio in all c.iso-i pietuu's pii ! and In- Uiiiigcnt , Tii.'io me no cioujhcls in tlumi , lor the artists who m i lo tho.n won ) content lo illustrate I'm l \l In tlm diivet metliod lu whleh it wa-i written. Knun tun naiiiri ! of thu IIODIII they nro lar jiy l.m Isiu.ids , tiu ftjio'iul icaliiiesof e.un v TS ) b.iinr hippily can { lit with imislio gridations of li < u mil .si i lo. rik"ii us a whole , the eif.'et tuuy have up in Ih. ) m n.l is one of simple , ser'iulovellnoss , And tiM/have a iiualliy wiiluh wi miss in inn ; li of the biul ! : < and white work of ; o- lay Iht-y will l > * ar loulcln : al mine man nice. Tfiiiy should , lu studio.I ns Childu ll.mild blimihl LM rei I , ov.r : and ever again. "I ) ivy an I < } illn" ) ! Is eau of these Ox- nnjiles of juvenile literature tint mattes mid- lo ! : ii'd puoplo wish they had not bOi-n born null twenty years later. As a sivjuel lo Alice's Adventurer \Von.lJiland \ , " ( and , \liii'e ! ! > the child wlui lias not grown round. iyed over that delightful work' . ' ) Jlr. Charles Ii. C.nryl has given to his young ludnlrers a iMlortlv ehirmliu story In "Davy an I ( Job. in. " Wadded to luiiiuo suite I to 110 ! oiiireltansoii | | of young rj.ulurs Is found mbtlo , brlghtU'it wit of an order to b'J enjoyed > y children of a larger growth. The versos , vhleli an < se itterjd t.iroiu'li this 1'iiiclii itlng i urativu are siiwM 11 , c.vt .Mjlher ( to HU s ii.iuo jingles lur Into | | m shade. 1'noh'iok ' is lull of t..o most engaging con- eils , iiu most onUrta.n'iicplso ) lus. thu very e.iiiciu-HI of spontaneous and hublilin. ; tun , md tliu mo-it laseiu itmg aiiiiudiiuti Inn 'In line. Tnc.ni are glimpses ol' the AIM.IMU S'ights , of It ilipisnn iJrusoj , of ( iiiatm , and it stran.o ; niiupiuiin I liM-.t'i , all tr.nl-d in .UD.i a luwiU'iiliig way iti to in nut "Duvj and hiUiobliu" a mmoord.'lU-it ' locvu-o inleiil- icilt uli'ld ' tijitunato eiio iga to ojn-n Its i.uos. To . - > ! i f that the copious illuiiialiims uilvcarry out thu muhiir.s ideas Is piu.iy 1''fi ' prame , latt iioltiiiru 1'i.iu ' . Is IIII < HICI | . r.m Imiili Is m it at.i'ictivuiy priuti'd and loiind. It is sold at ; l.Jiy | TluKnur iV. Co. , u Huston. _ Tililen onCniDjt De Mr. Tililen rcasans liUu u mun not tin- : ouneeted with iron works , iiuii NO iiiiiui in u. After ruudiny thai portion of I're /'luvuhimPd. a o relating to the tarill' vu have come to tliu ooiiolusiou tli.it il. liorlln Morton had no hand in } U uuu- truutiuii. liecn u Unluul' ( /Vil i/n ( / Inter Ot'tiin. Govornor-ujoct har.ibg'o hofediled with . doiini to luirmoni/.u the republican inrly in luvi'u \ \ Iruat this is Inio. If t is not , il ouxht to bo. Tno "r.ind ma- inties of Ihurupiildican eanau have been tctidily dimuilshiu , uud thus ivo eu- cour.i'rtuent to Iho demouruov that then i.s n poss'ibllity that some time the statt may bo tluir.s. llarmonv U what i wanted in the paily ranks" In Iowa , am harmony can only Le secured ly u ro ftoratitm of the rule of honesty. Couldn't bo Kleulcd Constable. \Vo son thiil. Secretary Manning urge ; n cossatlmi of silver eoiiiae. } This war rants ns in remarking , nl the risk o hurl ing his feelingtluit Mr. Munninu t-ouliln t bo elected coustablo in Col- urndo. Dcmniul for tlio Whipping 1'ost. The crop of local wife beaters appears lo Increase with the cold weather The establishment of the whipping post may not be evietly up lo nineteenth century civlli/.itioii , but H ml lit have a few lor- rors for mich buitcst imverthelo * > sl AVI11 Think Twluo. There Is an ondtiotis jjat boring of Iroop.s in the neighborhood of Nilt Lake City , nml even the mo-it huir-br.ilnod of Latter Day Saints will think twice before. they force ( ton. Mul'ook lo resort to the nr umunt of Imyonot and ball. < Jneet > AIM Ci Queer folks , those Nobruskiuns. An ollicer has just been t'ouiij guilty of man slaughter for killing n thief who was in the iiclof robbing the state trensurv. Hut the treasury ol that slate is never huppy unless , it is being robbed. of the Hlnrk Ittlls. The need of the llluok Mills country is loolured by the l\t\ \ \ & Lands Cowboy to consist of "n railroad and a good morn' ' character. " Tlio railroad is obviously llaood ) lirst , nnd if iho Illnck Hills people can get that , they will try to pull along without the moral uhnrnutcr. Slmot tlie UfKli Hals' . Jjnivll Ulticn. The lioston crusade against high lints nt theatres lias broken out with renewed violence. It is nn evil in all places where there are llmalros to frequent , and sensible women should lake a liberal view of the matter and keep the high hats at home. Three 2\'uv Vu)7 ) Slur. There are three quest tons connected with the presidential oilieo which bill' remain unsettled. Ono Is the uotmiin } of tlio electoral vot"s ; the .second is tin pout-so lo ! ; iiursiiod in case of llio pros ! uonl' : ) d 3 ibility ; the third is the ipte.s lion of succession to the presidency l-'aeh of tlic-so ipiostions is a eonslah menace to the peace of Ihe country. ] ; CIITIOII\O | Twenty young men in a Kansas towi have formed a club with the oxpoctntioi of reducing their living expenses to twc dollars a week for each member. This is a sensible application of The nil van luges of co-operutioti , and whether they are ipitle snece.ssful or not , tho.y will ni : doubt gain much useful experience in hahits of self-deniaj and enonom.Sneli . a club is more creditable and mo'roprolit able than most of the clubs which young men with limited resources thinlc it in cumbent on them to join. Clubs for tin ; cultivation of economy ought to become fashionable. Diciuilal Sessions Cor t'lcechtiul Lcittler. The people are beginning to regard Iho annual sessions of congress us a nuisance and look with disfavor upon a session extending from December to llio follow ing July or August , to lie followed b.\ another session running from Deeembe'i to the next till of .March. The country is kept in a turmoil , business liiiigui.shes , and capita ! and labor both sutler. It is for thesu reasons that men identified with the producing and business interests ot the. , country t\n \ > beginning lo mlvocntu limited biennial sessions for congress , contending that such a < sy.sle.in would work qtiitu as well for the tuition at large : i- > it does for individual states. NKMK.-VSKA I5U rTKU of llio Klrst Annual Ooii- voiitlon. Owing to an accidinit ou the Union I'acilic , whieli dolnyod the east-bound livening train on Thursday for several liours , the following lo.ltorooiilaining the [ irocpodiugs of the Tliur.sday morning illusion ot the Dairymen's convention lid not reach this olllue in limo for pub- oalion in Friday morning's odhion of 10 IJjji : . The account of the nftnrnoon xnd evening sihs-ions was received bylol igrapli and appear above : Kitmo.NT , Dou ; 10. Tlm morning fees- lion of liie Dairymen's convention was lalliid to order by President ISassett at U j'clock a. in. Upon motion of Mr. Wing , a commit tee of three wut > appointed to meet with Iho Male board of agriculture at its noeting ou llio 'Jtli 01 January , and to irgu it to oll'or m > ro liberal pn/es for l.ury prodiiiils exhibited at the , state fair. \ committee of throi ) was then appointed o secure the ineorpor.itioii of the No jraska D.iirym m'.s association iindor the itws of the Htatu. Mr. Hoard .spoke at engtli , saying thai IhLs assoeiulioii li.ul 11 ready arisen lo liat illgitlty where it is mtitlcd to recognition at the bunds of ho stale , which oii.jht lo appropriate a ; crlain sum annun.lly for its Mippurt. Upon motion , Mr. Hoard was made an lonorar.v life nn mber of this association. A brief period was tliiui occupied by ho d 'log.ites in enrolling tlienioulvos as inmibLrs. Mr , LivDrlnghoimo , mauagi'r of the irund Island cre.unery , read a paper on 'Tnst Cniirns Tnuir Uu an I AIJIHU. " Mr. Kiveringhoiisu's p.ijiur was to the tlluct tint there must bo a method idoplcd in niiikiug butter , as Ihoro nro n other industries. The caiMlossnoss in feeding oow.j , the oosoncsi in taking care ot uivum , and Im general h.ip ha/.ar.l manner In vvh.eh .trniiTs in general look aflmthnif dairy uturerts was the gro.it reason why tlioy ould not make it pay. Ho wanteJ thi > m o go at thu biiaino.ii in a biMliiuiis-liku . taking thu s.iiin prueaiitlon > < which | mm in nii-u'D.iiiiih ) biiaimifs take ; I-DUSOII thu b.isi.s of ciiiLsu ami olleut , and Hey would experience no trouble in nakiiu their dairy products yield them handsome dividend on their iiivy t- mint Oiip uollomthlo fo.itiiro about IhH con- entiou is that tiio dulngat-is all nuoni to 0 thoroughly prautieal , moit of them avlng had year.s of oxju nonce , and Imvo tildied the bu.siiu-is tu soimi pui'iioie , ud Mr Uviiriiiglioiiso is no exception. Mr. Hourd , Air. A.sul/uni , Mr- Smith ml Ptvsidunt li.i.ssit then lollowcdvilh liort Kpeyt-ll Ii giving tlluir u\perienerS 1 Ilm uianiii v of fue.d ng vin \ , taking aru id cie im and ( giving thuir ( minions ftiiuln-jl'Ti-atriimm" - 1) , P. Ash- urn then road ; < paper im ' Jtogu lint- ir' ' , n I thoroughly dUmclcd biilturine , leomur ' { I'inii add uthur iiuis in n very lorouifli niuimur. Mi. Ashburn niiido ID follmviiii s U'.f " > tui is. Ihl , i'iii.s tirliui'i , > t Jaws in ovi-iy flute ialil-i inpid and ii > lulleiithin , 'nd. ( Jt'.itnUu law and uitor | IWIKUC.S I't'o wht'io 1 1 enfiiKu the | avy- > . ud. I'm. hie by J.i v , tot In sti.xjioib to be Bp- polnled In every city , towh and vl whosio duty It shall b.i ( o Inspect ' sold or ftiilpiK-d nnd place 'Ids stamp upon the igood nnd coniNc-ito nil the poor , whether iinule in the factoiv or on the faun , whether made of Imil or eivam , Illi. Use nil hoiiornlilo niMtis to Imliirn the cslabllsliniciil of cash mnikets lor nil Inspiyt ( 'd batter In every city , town and Ullage , nml thus lake llio butter timlo out of the hands of tlie rel.dl merciaiitor igro'-er , whit dreads to handle It , but is coinm-llcd now to do MI by I'omiH'tttioii , a id who Is neither qualified or wllllnig to ( give It the required time or At tention necessary to Its proper Inn Illnu' . This with the sytciu of inspection would dilve pool butter irom Ihe mniket , nml nt the WHIP lime raise igond lai m butler Irom the decollation of mere batter to thoillfgnlly of a cash nt ildo of eoiiiincice. This system would stimulate and i iicouuipo the K ( > < H | nnd in * crensoits volmiie , by eompollliifg Iho reforma tion of poor unities. The present system of hiirti-r Uraillii butter for jgooils ) ills- coiiiaies the. igood nnd piicuiirnigeii tlio li.ul beeaiiso the mcichant inlxes nnd M1 is all pnidi's toifellter and iget-soiily the m.iketpilc | , of the poorest for ilm mixture , nml , therefore , Is compelled to pay In tnulo for nil irrail'M only the pneii Im e'nii ( gel In cw > h foi Ihe mlxtuie. lie due not di.surlml- nato In price for fear of nlfendling the poor butter tnnkor who tua > ben \nltintilfl customer in other icsjiccK This paiticnlnr fe.itiue of the present system iser > pernicious nntl must Im overe-ome before u uenfral reforma tion will Inke place. ' .So loni ; ns | Mir butter \ \ \\Hlcomiimnilthcsiiiiiopiicon- butter in the home matket. sii lomg will farmers nnd ilulijmon remain indltfereiit to tlioiniallty ot thejiroiluct. \ \ ith the nbove na'iipd points m practice , and n eoiisiiuit. tireless elloit to ciluente the masses b > holitlmg froipiont lUo Insiitutos nnd coii\eiitious. and by Ilia diffusion of thu lieitt ilnliv papeis , wo must look tor gradual but nun ) Micecss. The paper of Mr. Aihburn was eonsid- erally ilisctiiiseil bv a number of dole- . "llogus Hutter" Mormv to sth- the Ire of every ilnlegato present and a stiotig ef fort will bo made to huvu some very etroug legislation paused at. the next ses sion ol the legislature with a view to wipe out this fraud on starving humanity. Whether butter which did not 1:01110 : lip to u certain standard whoiild be conlis- 3ti I oil or not called nearly every delegate to his feet nnd wan hotlj dihcti.ssed pro tnd con. Thn committee on resolutions was then ippnhiti'd , coii i ting of h. D. Collin , Fort Dodro ! , Iowa ; Lewis Hohroeder , hnaha ; A. K. Smith. Kuirbury : . .1.V. . jivcrlngliouso , ( .Jrand Isluml ; S U. At- ; lns , Howard. Biilistantlal StriiuinroH Mark llio Son- NOII'H Growth. K.viitKiKLH , Neb. , Deo. 10. [ Torres- Huideiico. of tlm Hti : : . ] This season narks a now era in ( ho hhiory of Fair- it-Id. T'vo of H'.ttin pst brick' blocks ' in ho Vi-esterit part of the slate have been rccted this summer. The Union block , us it i.s called , owned liy Conrad & Oliver , : ovors a quarter of a block and is d . hied into three Morn rooms , occupied as 'ollows : Hill's CvCo. . , clothing and gents 'urnishing goods ; Hanson & Hat low grocerie- * , and .1. 1C. Archer , drugs. ' 1 ho ipper htory is occupied by the Herald iiitl a number of olliro.s. Tlio linc.st of .IIOKO is that of \\p. Jj. Prieki'lt , attorney it law. It is lilted up in truly molropoll- an style. Small & Minor's new brick across the ilreet covci-s a sixth of a block , and lor jeuiity of architecture it is not exceeded > y any business blocK in the state out- ide of Omaha and Lincoln. The ground leer is divided into one largo store room , aping on two streets , occupied by A. . ) . diner with general mcremtndis. * . The eniainderof the ground lloor , .T .xl0 ! , .still ncoinpiete , to bo oeeupied by , j. \v . imall's bank , is deserving o'f special nenlion. The wlndow.s are ofslnhud mil | ) late glass with niekle jijat (1 rallies. _ The interior is finished in California redwood , bird's-eye maple , ii'd ' cherry. The vaults and safes uro us lear burglar proof as money tan ; make hem , and the turniturc the niost elejrat t ml siib-tunliul thai could bo bought of V.ll. _ AnUrnws vV ; C'o. , ol Chicago. Tlio iti/.ens of Fairlield point witli priilo to . \ \ ' . Small as their must , successful nisliioss man. Ho is reimtcil lo liavn iiade sin-oral hiindreil thousand dollars tiring the paM year on western lands. C. , J. Furor , lormorly of Woodstock. 11. , has added now impetus to llio grain tisiness by building a new steam eiovii- > r , ; ) J\i ( ( ) feet on thu ground , tillict iglt , and by jinying such a price for rain that it comes hero from near other larkets. The Fairliuld college , in spite of inter- al htrite , is an nsitired .SIICL-OHS , 'J'ho ' 'inter term opened on Tuesday with early one hundred students. Work w.is Diniiicncod on Iho now college building , til winter has eonio and il will not 1.0 : i.-uniud until .spring. Over one hundred residences have eon built during the season , some of lem very costly and elegant. A. 15. Smith's'pork packing establish- lent will start up ne\t week. It is tlio iteniioii to pack nbuut UMl ) liogs this 'inter ' and enlarge tln < cauaeily next mson , if the experiment is a success. Xot to bo behind our neighbors wo live u postoll'o i light on our bund . eiini.son Howe , an old .lucksoiiian tlem- ral , bus the indorsement of the bom- ins , wliilo Mis < Kll-i Sioncer. | the pros- it chief clerk , is backed by the inug- imips and rcpuMtcnos but 111" present emiilmiit , Loundi-r Urrv/iu' haiigs MU ith the grip of a fosi | , woieh ho r > eom- es more nearly than anything elso. HEMORRHOIDS llnil , Ulreilln nml Kolilii ; ; , Posi tively Cured ! > v Culknira. ' WA'tM ' t < u Ii lt 'din u n 8iii , an fvnili k. Iti'Iclii lion ill icr. .11 ! . tt ii ln i p Mca-ion < HUHIM , I 111 < l'0 I * ill II ' . W II II- mil.iilln llio I iic. ! ) o i > ; r ' 1 .In iii > ' , k'.lldl I-IIH i ol lUi'llnL- ' I in. I II s II. ' 1111111 n lll.lllllll ) ftllll Hill llllOxll.Ot l''tC.llll lit , . -I- .n. iho iH'.v liliin i . , tliiio H mis for y , lo rn.-ilaio | n > ) prrnirrtlin i llir > liin\cli , lUCnilll ) lOIISIlpIl' O I IIMll I-'IIIOVK ' tl'KIJIIII U , II i "io It m ' , I IM . .IK nn I in ilnj ; pi svm.i ; loiliur touiiKl IM ttinl < ivi'N | ili > sloains .uil , tn'inn ' for t in m-st U ii'i' ' I. ) iilr llfo irlth lid l > ItH. .ill It - VMltil I I C'O.ll | l | ir II , ' liOO I nifiw I Iw I \ i v rlonw K , uO'l IIH I'.ir tl U'O i-l < . ' n r'u > d uu-ii KHI ! < I o forin of iUili- ( pilin. mill jm > nirHoi'-d lly nilvu'.o o ' iri I iirilh'iniM. : I Ire 1 Ihul.'lllle irn II „ npi | | . Inn roioi'ol the nulling unit 1 < n MKIII rol. f ui'ii 10 loll HID \v u-I.I t uf , nj.i-eJ < if Inr pjiiH tlm i > rl , < mi iiioi'iniiuii-i Ii i > t no : iiinil. i'l-om nn une > l ci oil < iiiiiri.'r. .oauoril , N. H. l ) . O. ICnitiv. ITIIINlTT'lLIW. lia-'ni thu M'O ol y > ' r Ciitlii mi Ili-nieiU'ri en you nrnt | iut I uin on Hit ) 111. irk. . ! , unit l > V III I WO lt- ! ! tt | , tll 11 | l | lH l | ) Itll I'd iiu rol ! > ) ' I IH > IIMI , nt my H um > t on. of p . . - itiuciiius , JN. . HUUf , 111. ALL THAT VnlJ f'L-\M [ , divn triul v nir ( iiliouiu l ( mi mi nil i mi f > i ul jn , mi j llio . .i-iiiii | it ( or Illl Ill llllt tlMillil i ( . ! " - 1 1 A. 'II H I'M\V , Ull.l.l.N'd. HPLHN'IMI ) .SATIS \OTJO.V. . ill lo u'li 'lu.il'Jllui ' ' III/K i | fd I M > leu Illl 1 m It ) .li.i u nf lu > o iBUJiiiuid tt.io In , c Iir.J it am IM lloo Iiu m. nl. 11 y , III , i iiu.i > ltiMriii-.s : | mo it iiO'U'vo ( MHO ferny ny Inriii fit fUi anil . , lMi ( | i | y i o" , f.oin. IU.L-B il Kliliifulii. sulil u 't'O'iUiniu J'llily. lyuni , ; KI . Itut'ilyaiii ' ( | .ij | ; rfij i , .ja 1'rp u.l liy tlui ! 'nm't : ' Dunn . \NH iiir.uini ; ! , Co , toi | , Jla . .S uii for ' -Uoy , It'o n'lM | IliilHOIri , TIUKII MUI < < : I.IM | | ( ll { ; l cllol. I'nlii iiiiiiilillMti ; . ! in a inn iilniinli .u.d mid iiiiilulai uiiil o dn il- il n-u u "lu- vuntnlif \ mat n .llio mi I u lo * lialiili uiilliiuluiii i Iiu CVj'itMtA < . . , *