THE OMAHA DIYLA BEK S VT1TRDAY DEOEiMBER 12 , 1835. OMAHA I'r ilij l.vcnilik' , Uw. 11. General .Mnfkels. hol(1 ( "i ] JtTTiit-lliero : ij no mnlrriat cliango to lifilc. Hood to choice loll mecH with fair fialP , While Jnfriiorarailes nro still ( liairiiini : run ] can onlj bo sold to p.ifkcrsat low prlre * . on ictly choice roll , lAi'lOoj fair to good , 'J ( $ Jli ! ! inferior. 4 < n-i ! . t' Kaiiry full cream ehcddar , Qclo- lrnnakc. Ity/i'j il.iK , l-'c : Vonin ? America * , 11 ! < < ! ; full ercani Hats , Ainrnst make i 10 i \ w\K \ Ameiica * , Itv : full cream , July , Mmip , . . @ . „ : ( jualilv Swiss cheese. Nip ; second quality , IwjjMe ; bilcic cheese , I3c ; 1'ofi.iny The lil h price * at which ilro s- rd clili'ki'im hn\u been M-llliiK hus cau cd a Hood of leeeijiK The bottom full nut of the maiki't to-day mid fc was the ruling inlets for dtpwd chicken's , n irooil ninny noln evil us low a-\ " ; Turkey , Mrirtly choice , ilry ( ilpheil. HwKY ; fair to ioml , Dc.flUf ; duel- ) , Mildly choice , 10@llcf fair In ttood , W'.V ; gese , hilled ) tholce , lie ; lair to Kond , < ! AMI : The market continues te.idv at thi ! followini ; limitations. 1'raliie chicle- -iH , per dosl. ! . ( wi.0. : ' : mallard clucks , niKiil , SlAv"/T.7A ; " iiifiH , SJ.a'XilK.'X ) ' ; ' nipe | I'll's S'i5)JM.iJOj ! ) ( MimH ' iiilibits , " Sl.UtCitl.'A' . ; < lroi saddle- ) , per Hi , ll iso : rariMf-M'iS tJiti ( 7 : iinleloiH ! ' < : iiIdlo < < , tKTlb , ll i1'Jeein't ; : < * 5p.i1 Oililmnln B Ib. name , CO HH. Ijt i > n i > , vvr Ib. , irkextracted. ; . a Ib. in rnns. ! ! doIn cn.--p , iwir case 84.0 ( ) ; 10 Ib. Intnii'.i , Nthrnska , IV. ' . 01111:11 : New ork rclincd per bbl. , $7.00 ; do Imlf bbl. , $100. VixiciAit : \ \ hlle wine , Kc ; chlnr , 12'tV. ' CooiANtn.s. There Is u libeial sniinlyhi tlii , . ANII IJA'ins Kips , Suiyina , 00 . i > cr Ib , lie ; layer , b , 12 and 16 b. - - , per Ib , H17i : ; layer , fnncy. 45 Hi boxes , jier Ib. 0.x ; : layer , fiincv , li Hi. ear loom , per Ib , itic , u.itt-.s fancy lard , 12 U ) boxes , jier Ib , Ho ; faney 1'eisian , . "i01b. boxes lu r Ib , lie I'ntnclles , 'Jo Ib. boxes' ' , per Ib KfTi Hk-kory nuts , lar e , perbu. SI.23 ; do.sliell lmrk' , sf.lfi ; lie < tnutH , 1-e ; jierant , lame poll.ulied , lie : pei-aiiM , niediuiu , t'c ' ; Knirllsh walnut1ie * ; nlinonds , Taii.iKoim , aii'5 < lo , Lanituenoe. 17e : llni/.IH , IBc : lilbeits , Me ; ) K'inuts : , hnnd jileked , iunuy \ iiglnlu , SAUIU : KitAirr quality , Sfi.CO per SO gul. baud ; per > bbl. S.7fi. ! ! . . . ' All kluilH , ai-lb. palU per Ib. , 10 . ; ; do 10 nail lots. H"e " : iissoiti'd. .Vlb. imllH PIT doSS.OO. . Iplllei. nil kinds , llrsl inidc ; , UO-lb. pall e.Tp'JdoSI.K ) : nil kinds , tecond JJO-lb. palln , per Ib. , tc. Mliu-o Meal , heal Ki-.uli' , > i bbl. , per II ) . , 7e ; do. I * , JW and f.8 Ib. iiallf , per Ib. , 7' ' < c ; do. n-lb. palls , per do * . , Sit.X ( ) ; uiijilo butter , extiu tine , > 1 bbl. , per Ib. , 7e ; do. 10-lb. palls per Ib. 7fu } ; do. .Vlb. palls per doHdiM : pearh aud plum butter.-10-lb , jmllp , pprlt ) . liJtc ; i a" ! ! . jilum and rjniiiee nutti'r , nxfioriedlb. . p.iil , per ilo7 . , * ! 7..V ) ; catsup ( Sin ders ) , finest made , per ease. " rtoz. pint bottles , sn.OO ; boisc ladNi. Hint botlle-i. tier do81.5' ) . per tloi. , ' SSllSi ; do. pint Inrsner e.i-u. j 4li > 7 , . Tilpo , per > libl. , S4.r * ; do. per U bbl. SU.U5 ; do. per Uit. l e. lliolled nnicU ciel , now , per ease. SO eaus , SO.W. Ijr.Miiss New Mcsfliiiu , per box , 55.00 ® , \xor.i Valencia , per ease , -1-20 sl/o , 57.00 ; J-'ldiiila , IM-I- box , St.M : ; l ouislana , per bow : > ; jier bbl , S-.tO. ' Ai'ri.ns Kaney Ntw Voik and Michigan npjihy , | ) erbblSJ.7n ( .oo. ; Inncy NowYoik nud .MlehiKuii ! IJIICN ] | 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. ," > ! liincv New Vork nnd MIchlKaii apples , 10 bbl. lotH , per bill. , S'ioO ; Illinois apple.M , jior blil. S'-J.'fi ; Illinois apples , 5 bbl. low , jiur bbl. , SiW ; Illinois apples , 10 bbl. lotH , pur bbl. , VJ.-40 ; Altssuiiri ( jeuitous , u bbl. hits , ) ier bb ) . . 3i' : ! > ; MIsMinil ( , eiiltoiiM , 10 bbl. lots , jier bbl. . 5:1.00 : ; iaucy eiillnir , per bbl. . S.'Wi ; eiioiro MichlKun liuit , SU.50 ; in 10 to'Jo bbl. lotH. frn.a'i : ear lots. ! > : ! .00 ( iHAi'i : j Alulaita , per bbl , $7,00 ; Cntawba , jier basUul. l on ( 'iiAXi'r.nniiKUncles : In Imrrelsand boxes. Cnpo ( Jed , lancy dark , jier bbl. . SU.OO ; Capo ( 'oil , laiii-v iliuk. . "iliiil. nits per hyl , rfij.GO ; .ler eyJIell and IIucie ; , jierbbl. , SS.OO ; .Jersey llelland ol. ! lots , per bbl. , S7.M ) ; .ler'ev Hell ami HiiL'le , per lmS'i. , . 1 ; Wis consin Hell and Cherry per bbl , SO.M ) ; Wis- eonsin Hell and Cherry , 6 bU. lots , per bbl , SD.'J.'i. ( JAi.i FOIIMA 1'1'VIT ' J'rarF F.Kcunoan pound It'nih , iir 1 D > . S.'l.K ( ) . ( .1:1)10 ) Kmperor , jcr ciate0 ! Ibs. , t'iCO ; Uoub crate , S . o. I'lioviaioNC. Ham , 103 (311c ( , breakfast bneon , SJviiiikj ; clear hide bacon , "c : dry salted .sides , fie ; hlioulileis. euied , flc : mess pork per bb ) . . SW.OO : lard. 40 In. cans , nor Ib , 7C 7.'i , , ; 10. 5 and II Ib Kaiihanks , 7& < vbc > ; dried hoof hams , ISc. HuAxa ( lood clean fctoi-k meets with ready sale. Hand jiickcd imvy.Sl.'rK . ' .UO ; medium , 8l.SOKl.7fl : Kood clean country , § l.'r.1.4 ( ) ; Inferior. 75cCtf'l.uO. ' OVSTKHH N. Y.countsISc ; extra selects , HSc ; selects , : < < : staiidnnls.0o : ! ; mediums. 'ia O.Nio.vs Halt Lake stock Is selling nt 81.00 per bushel : commoii homo srown leds , 70Q 75c. Them nro a few o.xtra choleo In the maricct that are held at $1.00 jier bush. VKiinrAiii.r.H Salt l.akoonions , jier Ib.Sc ; JeiMjy Bucet potatoes , iIKe ; hoi > n ladlsh roots , fie ; hoiso radish loots , jier bbl , & . * > .50 ; eleiv loots ( ( Jcrman celery ) , per do& , 7Sc ; / elery , iQc. ( { MAIN The followniK aio tuo piovailliif ; prices mid tor the wagon loads on the stieets und at thy mills to day : Now corn , 55le ; now on Is , : c ; wheat. No. ' - ' , Co ! ; rye. I04ie. Klovwtor jirlees lor ear lots : corn. 'J7c ; oats , tile : wheat , mv : rye. 47e ; barlev , Kle. KI.OVII AND'i'i'H ' Winter VVheat Kinn ; best oiiality jutenlat sy.oOdia.ik ) . SertiniHinaniy 5a..W ( > i : .00. Hpi ing Wheat Best quality p.ilent at 52.1)0 ei-onn . . . HiicUwhcat Kfonr In barrels SiVOO ; leacly rnlhvd , ! ) Ib puekaiies , S4.00 ; 0 Ib paeltages , lltan OOcjiercwt. Cth ( > pj > ed l'eetl-1'er 100 Ibs 60c. Com Meal White te , jvllow 7.-.B ppr cwl. fjeioonlnj ! No. 1. 7f > c jicrewl ; No. ' * ' , We , Hominy jier ewt. Shorts r/k ! per ewt. Jiahain-S'.OO JKT ewt. J lay Hales St.ooc7.oo ) nerton. J-'lUW AN . hKIXH Mink , each " , " * 1Jt ' * l'l"t "Xi * I * Hi If III tl | I VJ irvt > r\ i do mountain. f-.00 3.00 ; wildcat , 1.1010 ; bev vcr , jl.5 ( H'--WpTio ; fox , each , liXSil.fio : deorskln ; , do winter , Ift lbo perlb o. full nnd tmmm'U' aiur Bo. JlntKS-linH > n Dutc'iiers' , 7 > 5o ; srcon cuied t'o ' ; dry lllnl.lito ; dry milt , lOcjdama eJ hides two-tlilids iirlci1. 'I a , low ) e. ijieube , prime \v'ilte.4c. ' Sheen PeltsyA'to. . : No. l I'lltslmru'iianiesB. ! , c. L. VSoiH , 'AaNo. \ . 11'ittgburg , K. & S. Uio ; No. Cliii'limatl , ae ; No. 1 lace leather. Mo ; nrlino If : iih ler.sulo leather. 'JHiic : ; nrlmo oaks lu leather. itnO'M'i1. ' tJpper leather , per foot.'Jo 53 c ; llemktp,7r > @s.vioakklp.M@Wio ; ; I'rcncli kin. 8l.tXXjtl.25 ; Hem calf. SUKWI.10. oak all' , J1.UOC < CIW ! : rTench call , ai.y J.W : Mo- > < > cci ) boot Io' . ! xK3i : > > c : Slorooco o l pebnip. SKHsiiSo ; tojiplnirs nnd llnlnu'a , SO.Oft'iJlO.OO jicr d.07 SAII1)I.K1Y ) llAIIIlWAKU X OcOlnblllStloIl loop linmes , i ! > . - ± " > ; X U 1. O. T. hamcs , 4.i. " > ; vau J , O. T. bailies. 8H.50 ; perfection pads. $1.7 : 47 ill ) Its. .Vw ; Harbours No. 10 tlircad. ' ! > ; u bu nt > t strap slide. SOo : X O breapt sti-au slide , -lOo ; l' ' < X O a loon chamn T lilc.i : ; Ueia-.tin simps , * 1.4 . hl.40f. . llEAVV UAIIUWAHK 11011 , ratCS. 13.25 ; owfce , si > ecialca ! > t,4c ; cruelblo eteel , fie ; cast tools do , r. < 5'lSo ; wa.on spokes , j > er wt , SI. 7S07H.OU ; hubs , uer het , 31.iYelloes , sawed liy , fc'1-10 , toiiKiies , eneb , 75c , axles , each , 75c ; wumru nuts , IH.T Ib. , 7 ( < flle ; collchaln JHT Ib , iXlSl'Ai ; malnble , So ; Iron wedges , DC : crow bars. 0 ; hanow teeth , -Jo : Miring btcel , 7 ( < CWC5 Jluidon's horsii * > bofs J4.i % Hunlen'.s niulo hhoi's , r > . j5 , It.ubed U'lro In mr lots , SI. 00 p > r lou Ibs. Jroii Nails Hates , 10 to CO , JH. 5. Blmt-Sl.W buckhhot , gl.bS ; oriental po\\dcr , koKs. 8'iOc ! < M.OO : do. halt kegs , SiOO ; do , nunrter ko.'s , SIM ; bhustinr , Ki'ts , 8.35 : ) ; fuse ; per 100 feet , ftOo. Lead , liar , 81.05. COAI , Antiimcit * K I < ' , 8 .iS ; egg. S < .7r > : range. I .0 j .tun * 8 , : InwHta.'Oj ! , - ; Walnut bloek. $3.75 ; Illinois8" " 3 6Ki Klch Illll.l4.ou Unv I'AiNTS Wblta lead. 80 ; French nnc , Ka : Paris wliltliiif.'JKc ; whltingKilderB.l c ;'l. iKie : lampblack. tiernmntowu. K'e ; Umiibiaek. ordinary , 10u : IVuKslan blue , Uc , , uutraumrlue , Ibc : vauuykc , brown , be ; jimbrr , burnt , 4c ; timber , raw , -ie ; sienna , liunit , 4c ; sienna raw , 4c : 1'a Is ereen. Rcnu Inc.rn - ; ram ureen , common , -JM : cnromo pnfii ; , V . Toe ; chrome itrccn , K , 12c ; vcr- jnlllion , l.nnliMi , in oil nt , r > c ; raw nnd burnt tiinber , 1 Ib cans lee ; raw and burnt Mcniia. UKvandxke : brown , Vic : icfinpil lajiipbla.-k. l-'c ; coach black nnd ivory black , It * ? : diop black , NV * ; I'rni < blue. 41Hnl - tranifjrinp bine , is ; : chrome creen. I , . , ai. A ) . . ir.o ; blind nnd hultcr peen , 1 , . . M .t I ) . , fie ; I'ailsnn'en , l ! < c ; Indfan red , i : * ; Vcno tin } red. > o ; luscaniPd.JMc ; Ameilc n V T V'1.1 ' lniV'L' \ & LVv:0c' ) : ' > llow ° cbreJc : L. > f * M. . * , 110 ; coldcn oebro. tfio : patent dryer So : grain n < f color * , n n O.ik , diuk oak , ml- nut. dipslnulamlnsli i.v. . I'AiNTt is UiK Wliltc lend , Omalw. IM' . chllu ; lead , St. Louispure ? 7. . * . . .Marseil les creen , 1 to 5 cnni , 20c ; Frr-nch zinc , trecn senl , 1'Jc ; Krctich zinc , red MM ! , lie ; v.uiilblia'-st.'Jik ! ; Kienchzlno wie : vpiinllllnn. Ainciiuin , 16c ; Indian , ted. lOfiroop pink. 14c : Venetian , led Cookson s ? * ! Voiiptlnn re i , A mem-mi , ? ( ; led lead. 7'.c ; rhiome yellow pcntilnr. We' chromo yellow , K , I'Jc : ochie loohelio .c ; ocbrn j-rench , aj/e ; ochre. Anieilran , 'Jcintcrs ; nilneral. > 4c : Lehiirh brown.JHe ; Spanish blown. 'J > se. : Prince's mlncial So OILS noc.uDufi.per cation , lie : ISO' bead- Ism , per callon , 1 % ; 17 > hcndlU-tit , pcrsal- Ion , liV ; l.yjo water white. 1Su : linseed , rnw , ll..VNo.H. ) ; 51.44 ; sweet , per gallon , Si.oo ; Ppcrin. W. . , per uallon , Sl.W ; tlshV. . H. , per trnllon , rcc ; nonlsfnnt extra , per gallon , iAc ) ; No. 1. < V < c : lubricating , /.ero , per gallon , 70c : snminer. 15R ; eolden mnchlnp. No. 1 , ner callon , yc ( ; No. a , sac- sperm , signal , j > er gal- Ion. 75e : tiirpoinitip , per gallon , c ; uaptlu. ncr ca on. 74 < - . ! ' ! h h. nriuiiosiss : > OATUII. _ Ill's 11 * r Ill's Vr. itllo I'll NLW 100 M m < u ij 12 10 Mirnn's H t No.l I/b 7 ( H 4 M 3 US 2 O'i I 7(17.1 ( C3 70 I.'KO : nrc i rnne B ( : i r.oi . ; ai i MI t G07 M ro i.'na KM sii'ui ryy r. nu'i nti : : r > 1701 wtf 10 t. KK nfeu-ilt.-vj -atcli. l . ) 10 12 | 10 t No. I While I'isli . IB . ' .or. or , ' : iv. . y nui us i M Kniiillr " . ' ,1 W2 70 I HI 1 60 fifl I Gil No. I Trout . 4 W4 ( fl2 Via 10) ) 74 M No. I I'lt-Kui-ot . 1 ( ) . ) tM1 ! .M 1 IM ftiCU CA-inr.j" Half llbNUtr 11U' ' „ Fish. 1X0 i 10J IH ) BU 4IJ , = I lllontcrMc * ' ! .W 0.118 . O ) If 33 9 0.7 HI 1 01 Kx. NIL 1 Sli'r X4 miJ Kill 8f)0 ) 15 11)1 ) 40 > 'o. IShoiu IH IK ) II M H IV ) 4 HU IK ) t 10 Jlcd. No. 1 Shore. . . n IH 7 o-J n as : i ns s w. M 11 liny 11 0) ) ' 0 ( W fi 45I052W ; ) 75 J.nrgo Fiiiinly ti t > i r > oj | 4 rr.-j M-J , io u , Fat " 7 W ) 4 flj .1 ( k'i'2 ' M 1 70 ] 65 I'ICKI.l. II SALMON' . _ lll > ls HH'TlbN OrTilbls PnlN or lilts ) ! MJ [ luo , ,0 , , 40 15 ia 10 lllood Itod I I i I i Ala-kii.'Il ' 00.7 SOfi BOI ! fOU 101 'JJl 01 00 Uloo.l Red | | I I | | 00W _ OU _ ' . . 14 007 _ M fl Jd .1 fO : i 10 1 SB 1 04 _ W 'i.MI'QKTi : l > jn i 1 1. _ ( J bt-'i r A OT IK _ ' ' "Is Hlr blb Or TllflflTuIN orklta 40 15 1 10 I I I I I , 500 b a 103 10,1 , S51 04' 00 . . . . . . . . . , I I | I Kit MoiTlllffS.'lJ ' 007 000OH KiS HI 1 10 ; PS Wi llrl-dllnai I S IW4 W ) I COS : I W _ H ) JWfflO Lulu-IIMI of all kinds aioery lirni and scaiee. An advance mav bo looked for at an eirly dat" . IJutlncss ciul-'t. Holland lierrin/ , new , per keg. SJB ; new lon spill stockfish , We , new short sjillt Stockllsll , 0 .jC. > iuis Domesllc Tlulland herrings , , 50o : Ilusslaii .sardines13c ; Audio- vli'.s in glass , Oie Hull liranti , per ant. . , Sif.M ) ; Auchiivles in ki-gs , ) < " Ole iJull br.ind. St.OO ; nnlced Hamburg hcuiiiKS , skins and Ill-ads on" , per pall , SI. IS. CODFISH New larac bank cod , ic ; os chunks , i 'fc ; I'lovorlonf , OJ ' 1 ; 1 H > rolls , 3 Ib boxes. 7c ; praiilollowi-r , 'J Ib brlek.Cc ; wild lose , 'J II ) lu id : . 5140. SMOKKD FISII Halibut , new , lOc ; now scaled heiTinuH. 'J5o ; iua.-Umel i"c ; s Uuun , lie : smoked --tiirt'eoii , ICe. Dry Goods. IMiiXTs Siool ItivorUic ; Ainertfan , oUo { Ainold's , Cc ; Uoclicco , Co : Manchester , Oc ; Lyinan , Cc ? ( iloucestcr , f c : Dunnell Jac- ijuiud , Cc : Uunnell , fij cVinds ; r , r-c : Pu- iile , Oc ; Haimony , 4 , ' c ; Anchor Shirtiii ! : * ! , c ; leirimaek Shirtings , 4 > < c ; Berwick , c. c.JlLEAcnnn COTTONS farmers' Choice , /cCnbot ; , 0 io ; Hojie. 7c : Hill 4-4 , 7 c ; liilif.y/c ; LoiiBdale,8 ; Fruit , 6\c ; Warn- sutUi , lOtfc. Consir JBAKS Koaraarijc , 7c ; Armory , 7c ; IVppeiell , l o ; Indian Orchard , 0 > c ; Naunikcm ; , 7c. : UnowN COTTO.VS I'epneroll R. < U/c ; Peppi-ri'll 0.5 c. Atlas , ist c ; btatua of Lib- eitv , Cc ; Saianac U , OJ c. QUINTS Steel Uiver , 4 c ; American , 5 > sc ; Arnold's , ( Je ; Coohcco , tic ; Alauchcster , t > c : Lviuan , Jic ; ( iloucoster , 6 > ic ; Dun- nell Jixciiuurd , Cc : ] > unnell , 6)J ; llama- no. % c ; Windsor. Oc ; 1'aciiic. Cn ; Haimony , 4J c ; Anchor Shlitiues > j'c ; Merriumck Shlitlnua < c : Ht-rwick , 4p OKNIMS Ili'.ivi-r Uwk AA , llo ; Heave Creek , 1311 , lOc ; Ueavi-r Creek CC , c ; Jairrcy XX , lie ; Jalfrey XXX , Vie ; .luttrey 1 > ifcT , liiKu ; Columhian , 1'JJ cl York , liio ; York , fanrr , Uiji'c : Kverett , ISc ; Haymaker's bum and brown , 7 ! c lJucK-Unblcnclic ( < ] ) . Masnolla , lOHc ; 10 oz. .Magnolia , lie ; h 02. West Point , lOKo ; 10o ; . \Ve.xt Point. 1'JJfc. DUCK ( colored ) Boston a or. , brown and drab , liyjc : Uoston O H brown and drab , ' . 'c ; iiiKlon XX brown and di.ib , lc ( ) : Huston XXXlnownand di-ab.ll'/jc ' ; UostonOl'bluo , HKc : Warren Tileot , 1.x- . lliiowN COTTO.V Lawrence lAj , 5c ; Shaw- inut LL. So ; Heaver Diim L.I. . , DC ; Atlantic M , , Tic ; Indi.ui Hcail , 7c ; Wnncliusset 6J4'c ; Crown XXX. in4c ; Clifton CCC , O o ; Ullca C.ijfc : Atlantic I' . OUc. . H AiininkwiK ACA. Wc : Thorn- I koOUO , T ciTIioriiilil.Hfnney.uXo ; A , lOWc : YeA lancy , Wife ; Millbury , m } < c : 1'eail Ktrer , 11ic ' ; Hamilton. 1' c : Swllt lUver. il'fc : blii'iueKct s , hi-se ; Shetucket S3 ! ) J < c : Alontauk AA , Wo ; Montauk illl , 10 > ; c : Omi'i.'a ACA. _ -Kenfrow. 5@10Uc ; Amoakca ? drcs.s , Oc : Amoskea ' , Maple , 7 e ; Ivi i > iio , 'JMoVniiisulta. ; . J < o ; Nubian , a c ; Wa- wick. ! > jc ; Whittundon , He : Hates , dress Be ; Hates , staple , 0 } c ; Kandolpli. staple , ,0 0 l.aiibdowne , 7c : Gloucester , vKe. Citnviors Amoikca , ' , clicciis,9 } c ; Amos kag , stilpcs. hWc ; S Liter , .Uiipos , 8c : Kdin Dur , ' , UKc : wbittcndon. strljies. Be : ( lien- rose , DC ; Otis , checks , 0 > o ; Otis , btripcs , He , Jloyal CJ/c : Ainoskf.1 ! ; , nanped , I0''c ; Lu- ray , book fold , VJc ; Oberon , book folu , ll ic ; Knuiirance , book ( old l-c. Grooors Ijlat. SuoAiis-I'imitctou , 7j > 4c ; cut loaf. 7 > p'c ; uianulated , 7/o-i ; conttjctioners' A. pee Tea HlftliiKS , IHc. MATOiiKS-l'ercaildic , ate ; round , rl. case , 45e ; s < iuaro cases , SI , 70 ; OsUUosli cases , ft , , * \W \ iniiln UANIIY Mixed , 10@l2ostlclr ; , loailo SOI A In Ib papers , SW5 : a case ; aalsoda ke < per Ib , 8i ! . ViNuoAW CJURit-iaQiScj white wine , 13 In barrels , 37.00do ; lu half bnrreU , Ji.uo ; Binall iu barrels , SioO ; do In half barrels , SI.W ) ; gherkins In barrels , ( U.UO ; do in half barrels , j.l i > J. . SALT Dray loads. nsDb1 , 81.55 ; Ashton. in sacks , jsa.i'j ' ; ij sacks , Asliton , We. ' bbU dalrv.y ; .011(0,2.75 ( UIIACKKKS Uurnoau'ii soda , butter and 0i B UAKNKU ( Joons-Oysters , Standard per cane. 83. ai : strawberries , .J-tb. , per case. S'-4) ) ; rasiibcrnas. tt-tt. , per ease , Site ; Calltornla years , per case , $5.00 ; ajirleoU , per cau , 54.7. > ; peaches , imr case , $ -1.75 ; whit * chor- lies , per case , $6.00 ; plums , p r case , 3400 ; whcrtleberrle * . wr case , 82.40 ; egg jplunw. Zper case , 82.90 ; green gages , a-tt. . per rase , 5'J.W ; pine apples , 'J-tt > . , per case , . CANPI.KB Uoxes , 40B > . 6s HKo ; 8s , HKci boxes , 40Q > , 19 oz , 6s , li o ; hall box , 20tt > , KINK CUT Hard to Heat , 70c ; Charm of the Wcat , Xte ; Fountain. 70c : Golden Thread , 67o ; Favorite , OOc : buds. 60c ; Hocky Moun tain , 50c ; Fancy , 45o ; Daisy , iOo ; Nortb Star , 7Uo ; Uood Luck , 55u ; Our Ut-ol , ii- } i ; . 1'i.uo TOII.VCCO Climax , 4-tcpcr tbHorse- * uoo , 4Co ; Star , 4.'c : Siwarhead , 46c : Our Hope 50o : 1'iiwr Hndslek. ! 60e : I'linch , 40c ; Youn. ; Fritz. 41c : Sliver Tau-,46c. Koi-K Sisal. H inch aud larger , Wc\ \ Inch , 5.c : H Inch , ( I'iC. nniK.n KIIUITS No. 1 Quarter nnplns , 4)/c ) ; 1 , boxes S'.diKc ' blackberries evaporated , . : , boxes. U'v-if1' ' ' e : i > e. ches : Kastuin.4 twWc ; peaches , evaporated , 15 > v't < J17c ; bait laue , new , SV5 ? ? ; raspberries , new. 25 f27c ; cnr- rant * ' now. ( l ' : prnne . nc tfy ; bYiirt Standard 0 a r. bblis Standa d , do-K eallon kops , per gallon ; Maple Sj nu > , l , band. I1 , < k O , s-trlcMy pnrc , 7 ( > e per Fallen ; 1 callon rah" , Stt.sSper doz : h gallon cans , SW3 i cr doz ; quart cans ? ' ! .rt ) SOAVS Klrk'i S.ivnn Imperial , 83.00 ; Kirk's sntlntt , Si.i : : . : Kirk'i Mandard , M.M ; Kirk's White I.tis- l. ti. S4. < X ) ; Kirk's White Can , SC.rxi ) Dome. 51.40. SPICKS Whole I'cvper , IfH ; ; nlsplcc , lOc ; Maiden allspice , 12'ic ; Xaiilbar clove.Ifte ; A niboynn cloves , w > c ; , cassia , KX ; : Co Ion ci n rsuioti , 4e : Salcon Cassia.I2c ; bTAiint Niaeara closi , 1 Hi , n c ; X ploss , 3 Ib , Oc ; Niniram ( 'lo. . 0 Ib , 7c ; N corn. 3 Ib , c ; Kinestord' * corn , ! Ib , t-c ; KlnBtfonl'i cld . < i. 1 Ib , Kliursford'-i ; KI n Ib. 'sc ' : Klugslord's pure , a Ib GJfe ; Ki ford s bulk. 4c. , . . . t > i'ict. ( tround Uhick pepi > cr , bo\c , 15 P'i-'c ; nl iplco , lii lip : rlnnamon 1 M ftc ; clo vcs , ir Soc ; ginger , l&ti4.5c ! ; niustanl , 15 ® " Corifr.KS Ordinary craiics. l'cs ' lair , P ( 10 c ; prime. HoU-'v1. ' choice , I'i fancy pm > n nnd yellow , 1 1 | UHl e ; olileor- crnuipnt Java , 'JVrfJO.i ; liilorlor Ja\n. IC'jfti ' ) ' 'Oo : Mocha. Wfrilc : Arbuckln's lo.isted , H , c ; .Mei.aniclilln'a XXXX ioa ted , H c ; Pihsottli'i IMijei Hid Cio-s. 13J4c ; Mpl/uiu'lilln's. Arliiifkle'sand Mi-hauRlilln's XX XX am sold 50o per ease of ! above Dikes In'Joaso lots. choice , Millie : Oolong , t'ooa , ; H < noc ; Uo- Ionic , choice , 40\nC ( ) < ! ; KuRlish Breakfast need , ® iOc ; choice , ixu.or ) ( > c ; Honchonjr , goo.l , ; w@ Drr Shlnclcs have advanced f > c aud dimensions COO in Chicago. iitMKNMOKR AND Tismr.n ? . 12 ft 11 ft Irt ft 13 ft SO ft 22 ft 24 ft 2i4 isjoi ) liTw is.oo in.oo'i7.oo ' iww iwn Sj6 l4. ! > J14.iO I4.W ) ir.NIlfl.60 111.60 a,50 ) JIB KI.OI ir.oi ivio in.oo i.oo IR.IH i .uo L'io iirum.iri.on ir , . ( i iG.HM7.niso.nuai.ra Sili , ln.OU,1ii. U.r > < li > IB W.17.00 I9.WI ) .t)0 ) 4X4-8.X3 'iS-OOllVlXI ' l5W,10.W'l7.n ( , ( ' ( 18.03 1900 noAits. ) No. 1 iKMnlt , 1C , 14 I and 10 tt SHU-0 No. U Iraard * ) , W , ; Hand 10 U 14.fXi No. 8 boards , I1. , 11 land inn w.30 No.1 boards , K , 14 and Ifi ft 10.50 ru.Ncixii. No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 1'J and 14 feet , rough. . 10.00 No. l , 4 itr , inch , 10feet , loimh 10.75 No. U , 4fc inch , 11and 14 feet , tough. . KJ.75 No. U , 4 , < fc6 inch , 10feet , lough 14.23 1st Com. , } ( Inch White Pine . $ .0.00 ' 'd Com. , Jlf Inch White Vine . S3. M ) ciin.i.vr Clear , Inch Yellow Pine . 521.50 Clear % liirh Vonvm . 14.1K ) ' 'd Com , , ? ( f incli. Norway . 13.00 FI.OOIIINll. 1st Com. 0 Inch , wh He pine . 8.Tfi 00 MCom. 0 Inch , white pine . 3400 : > d Com. i ; inch , wlilto pluo . iJOO 1) . 0 Inch , white pmu . VM 00 Com and ( l itu-li yellow pine . 17.50 Star and 0 inch jollow tiini- . 21.00 1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4-0 inch , . , a'1.50 SHIP I.AI . No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch . S17.00 No. 2 , Plain. 8 and 10 Inch . 15.00 No.l.O.C . 17.50 FINISHING. 1 bt and 2 < l Clear , l'/ Inch , s. 2s . Sf-000 - 1st and : M Clear , 1" , nnd i ! inch , s ' . ' .s. . . . SO 00 'W Clear , I'/ineli , s'Js . 4SOO 3d'li ( > ar , Mtf and'J inch , s 2s . 4800 15 Select. ! > / . IJ/ and B inch. s. ' * ) . H5 00 1st and Al Clear , 1 inch , s. 2s . WOO ltd clear. I Inch , s 2.s . 44 SO A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s . 4000 13 Uclcct , 1 Inch , s. 2s . i."J50 srilCK IIOAKDS. A 12 inch , 1 sli ! , 14 and Hi leet . S40 00 U " " " " . it 00 C " " " " " " . 80 ( JO jj ci u a u , i u . . . . 2HOO No. 1 Com. 12 in. 3. l s. IB , 11 ami' 10 'ft. . 17 50 No. 1 " " " 10 , IS and 20 ft. . 1850 No. a " " " 12 , 14 and 10 It , . 1550 1'OPI.AH I.U.M1IKII. Clear Poplar I3ox lids , K In , s 2s . sai 00 " " } ' , in , panel slk wide , s2s , 27 00 ' " OornnJated Cellini , ' , % . . . . 2900- ilATTKNS , WKM. TU111NO , I'lCKKTS. O. G. JJatts , VA inch . SOO 70 > < X3.818 . OOIB 3 incli Well TuhliiK , l > . * M. and Dov. . 20 50 SHINUI.K'J , LATH. A * Standard . S3 00 flinch , clear , S1.50 ; 6 inch , clear . ICO No 1. . . . . . . . . 1 10 Lath . 8220 , White Cedar , 0 Inch , halves . $ It " " 5' " " andSinq'i-s 0 " " 4 " round . 11 Tennessee red cedar , split . 14 > i.i MI : , KTC. Qulncy white limo ( best ) , S5c ; cement , Akron , 1. 7. ' , ; plaster , S2. : ) ; hair , per biibhcl Sue ; sash , 50 per cent off list ; doois , blinds , mouldings , 50 per cent off list ; tarred felt , per ewt. , 81.75 : straw board , SI. GO. The inhabitants of the Laos country , in Slam , are the laziest people In tin ; world. Tlu-y aio so indolent that they do little more than collect rice enough to keep them alive. Nervous Debilitated Men , i iou urn allowed a/n.vtr/ / for tlitrtti ( Z < ii/s ol the use of JJr. Uvo' Celebrated Voltaic lielt with Klectrlc Suse nsory Appliances for the s ] > eudv relief andnermanenl cure o Nervous Debility , loss ot Vitality and Man hood , and ulI Kindred troubles. Also for manv other diseases. Complete restoration to health , vik'or and manhood. No risk Is in curred. Illustiated pamphlet with full infoi- mation , terms , etc. , mailed free by addressing Voltaic licit Co. , Marshall , Mich. A clock that was removed for safely from ti hoiists In Lexington at the timoot the battle theioln 1775 Ims just bfcn iuiielia > ed by u Boston man lor Site. It Is in good nuiniii ! ; older. Hood's Snrsnparillu has cured thou sands of cases of rheumatism. This is abundant reason for belief that it will cure you. Try it The sky glows which benan two years 11150 htill iccur lar south as well as far ninth ot'tho equator , if eire may bollex-o letters trom New Zealand on one hand and Sweden on the other. If yon experience a bad ttuto in the month , sallownpss or yellow color of kin , feel stupid nnd drowsy , nupctito unsteady , frequent hoiulauhu or di//iness younro"biliotis"and nothing will arouse your liver to notion mul Btrongtlum up your system like Dr. Piorco's "Golden Medical Discovery. " By druggists. MORTH- WESTERN AIL Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago Tli&onty road to take ios Molnm , Mar- lliiUlloirn.Ci'diir Kiiplds , Clinton. Dlilo , t'hlcupii. Milwaukee itnd nil point * oast. To the ponplo n ( Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho Nevadn.Orexonn8lilnutnn and Callfnrniu it one ra superior advantHgos not possible by uny other llnu. Amonir a few of the nuiiiuroug poinU ot eune- riorllr cnjo > ttl by the pinions of tbla ronrt be tween Omiilm and Chlcapo , are Its two trains n day of DA V CO A CI IKS which nro the nnust tlmt human art and Inpeniilty can croato. Its PAI < - ACK SI.IJKl'INU CAltd , which are models of comfort nii.l elOKance. llu I'AltLOU DHAWINO liOOM CAItS , un-jurjiassod by any , aud its vrldo- y c letirutod I' A I. ATI At , DlNINO CAHS , the equal of wlilch ciinnot ho found eloowhere. At Council HlufTrf tbo trains of the Union 1'iicl * flu Ity. connect In Union Depot with those of too CbiCHKOik NorthH-i'floni Ity. In Chicago tUu tralni of thin line make close connection with tliotoof ull enstern lines. For Detroit , Col uinuu , IndlanapolU , Cincin nati , NUtfura Full * , lluffalo , 1'ItUbursr. Toronto , Montrear , Huston , Now York. Philadelphia , IU1- tlmnrr WaihlnKion nd lliHiJiitnlnthooaatask the ticket agent for tickets via the NOllTH-WKSTKItN. " If you wish the best accommodations. All ticket Bitftits fell tickets via tins line. M. iiuciiirrr , K. B. IIAIK , deui'ral ' JJanatrcr. * noQcn < Ilasa > * " < " ' VV. N. UAUaiCK , Gen.Acent.lU3 Brnkiubi. , , i N OMAHJI FM UFAGTURERS. Billiard Tables , Till ; llllf.\-\VR'K-llAI.KIMXIl.iNlKll : JtbiT ' . Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables , I AmlPnloon.Ofllcomirt Jlsnk Fixture * . Mnrfc't nnd Huron fits. , Chicago , III , Umalm ollice , 5W P. lOtli t. _ Book Binding. Etc , " " HKIS ritlNTING CO. , Printers , Book Binders , And niHnk Hook Mnmifncturcrs. No . lofl nnd W Eolith 141li Stl-rot , Oinnlm , Neb. Butler Tubs , J. s Manufacturing of Butter Tubs. M & > , aio ; 40 m , TV : sw IN 2 c : eo ih , EC : IM Ins , We. If th and I'lctx-c St. , Oinnlm , Neb. Cigars and Tobacco , MAX ilKYKH * CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , nunft anil Ammunition , sis to SUPouth 11th Plrrct. IlGOto I M 1'nrimm Street , Oinabn , Neb. FACTOKT. WKST * ntlTSCIIKH , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholrwlo Healers In 1-cnf Tobnevo * ) . JJoi. _ lOSjuid 110 X. Hth .Street , Onmlin , Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works , John Kponoler , Proprietor. Mnmifnr.turor of Gnlvnnlcil Iron nd Cornlco. ( C ) Dnibic , and ltt and IDS Not th 10th Btrcot , Omnlm , Neb. nUKMPINO * 110LTE , Mnniifncturcrsof Ornnmontal Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Flnnl , Kle. . 310 . K'th fit Work done In unypnrt of thoeountrj"- Western Cornice Works , C. SPECHT. Proprietor. Gnlvaulzeil Iron Cornices , Eto. Fptcht'fllm- Viined Patent Mrtnll'e ' SkjIlRht. 80S tmd C1US. 12th St , Omahn , Neb. " _ GATK C1TV Planing Mill. Doors , Rath and llllnde. Also all Minis of diriiliitf. Sc tll and Stair work of every do- scrlption. A.ROSENRERY , Manufacturer and Dealer In Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouldings , Etc. Stair Halls a specialty. Telephone No. Oi. 15th and Murey St. , Omaha , Neb. Electrical Supplies. Electrical Supplies , L. W. WOLFE * CO. , Electricians , Masonic Illock , Omaha. Ilurslnr Alarm" , Rolls , Flrn Alarm * ! , Klretrlo .Muttlnir , Spoikln ; ; TllboJ. Gold , Silver and Nickel Plutluir , Etc. Iron and Nails. OMAHA NAIL MANUFACTURING CO , , Cut Nails and Spikes , Fire Nails a Specialty. Omaha , Neb. Omaha Iron Works Company , Machinery , CusthiRs , Steam Knpitios , Ilollon ) , Arohitt-ctnrnl Iron Work , Iron Ilrldifcs , MinliiR iinil Mill Mnebiiiory , Otllcn nml uorbs , Union 1'iicinu It. ii. 17th and Ittli Shoot ? . Foundry .Works. Cor. Hth nnd Jackson Ets. , prc'imrcd to do nil kinds of Iron ami lilies CasthiKs ; nigo.O , O. Uunnlstcr'B llocklnur Qritto Hun mnnufactiirod Mattresses , Mattress Company , Mfinuracturliipr MuUressos , llodilliKr , Fcnthei I'lllOMH , Colt ) , Eto. L.W una 120U Douglas Street , Omabn. Kolj. Overalls. _ CANnELD MANUFACT UlttNO CO. , Mannfactarers of Overalls , JCIUIB PnntB , ShirU , Ktc. , 1102 nnd 1101 Douglas Street , Omnlm , Nob. Paper Bozes , J. L. WII.KIB , Manufacturer of Paper Boies , 100 S. Hth St. , Omaha , Nob. Orders by mail so licited unJ will receive prompt attnmlon. Safes. OmatofSafe Works , O. ANDIIKEN. Manufacturer of Fire and Hurjrlnr Proof Sufoi , Vault Doors , .lall Work. Shutters nnd Wlro Work. Cor. lUh and Jackson Hts. , Omahn , Nub. Soap , V. J. QUEALEV , Soap Manufacturer , Ofllce nnd Fuetory , near 1'owdor Omaha Nub. Wagons and Carriages , GIIATTON & DHUMMOND Manufacturers of Fine Carriages , 3H15 nii < l i17 ; ] llarnoy street , Omulin , Nob. Sols ABOIIIS In NebritskM JorJonco' Colulnnted Split Slmlt Sulkies. A. J. BIMI'SON , The Leading Carriage Factory , HOT and Hll Dodge Street , Oumbu , Nob. White Lead OMAHA WHITU i.liAD COMPANY , Corrtxlers and Orhulorsof Perfectly Pure White Lead , Omaha , Neb. l.evl Tarter. 1'rca. ; C. W. Mead Vlco J'ros. : 11. W. Yutot. Setuud Trous. OMAHA HOTEL DIRECTORY. The Hillarfl , Bbeari , J. B. MarkolTIms. Bwobo , Proprietors Omupu , Netu-fttka , t Arcade : Hotel , JMIUPM CuVoy. I'loprlutor , 1-15 nnd l.'t ; UoiiKlua iU. , Onuihii , Nob. The patrouuL'o of commcrrial men respectfully bollcltiMl. They will flrfd this the he at I'Jt a day houte west of CliiMtftV Planters House , o. R. KiJittT , . Hairs , H.fjO pi-r iliiy. Street care from U. I1. depot , within one block of house , Oorimr Dodge and 10th Uriels , Dinahs , Neb , The Cozzens , P. Rumioy & Co. , 1'roprlotors. ntcs r.on per day , no dark roomt. Alee Palace Hotel Santa To , Omaha , Nob. Canfleld House , Cor. Ninth ami Farnum fits. The belt $2 par day hotel in Omaha. Kemodelt < d. rrfurnlehoJ , rt'uocratul ; one block from army hfudquartcm ; oiiK | > 6lto Union 1'avinu beiiiliiunrleia ; etroul cuirt pubs the door. Goovgo ( 'nnOcia & Co. , proprio- lorn. Also Unlou Htock Vardk Hotel , South Omaha. Hotel de Gees , P. OOOS. Proprietor , European I'lun. The only conlrully located t' ! adayhoube. Tliren doors from llojd'b O | ; ru lloubuund ono-hulf block fiom thu 1'OEtolllou and the Court Hoube. 16W. 161U , 1JU i'uruaia Kl.OlB-itlR Nub. OMAKA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements , UNIX013I. S. MKTCAl.r CO. , \Vho1cale Dealers in Agricultural Implements , Ofilco , Corner Cth and 1'AClflo St , Oinalm Neb. I'.Mll.lN , OHKSIlOUFr .V MAIU'IX , Wholct nlo Dealer * In Agricultural Implements , Wagons nml ItiiBRlcs , Omalm , N'eb. Boots and Siioes , " _ _ W. V. MOItSK.V CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1411 Furnain Street , Omabn , Nb. . Mninifaptory StniimorStrict llojton. Carpets , P. A. OHCHAllD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , i , Curtnln ( lood . Kte. . If.'J r rnm Flicer , OmnlmMel ) . Coal , Lime , Etc , * ,1EKFV. . UUDKOK1) , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Office , 113 S. 14thPt. , Oinalm. Nob. Ynrdf , Oth nnd Duvonportcticot ! . " COLTA.ST & KQU1HK7 Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. Host vnrirticc. Oflloc , 81.1 S. 13th Ft. Telephone No. 1 < U ! , Omaha , Ncl > . NK1II1ASKA rUEI.CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , EH S. 13th St. , Omnlm , Noli. ( Iro. C , TOUI.I : , I'ri-sMciH. Or.o. 1'ATTEiiroN , Sec. nnd Tn-us. .1. H. llri.iiriiT , r. A. H .M en , 1'iopiii'tor. Mmiaccr. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NF.HUAHKA. _ ' , S17 S. UthBtiei-t. Tvluphone 40. _ GKO. F. I.MiAnn , Vi-o . C , F. GOODMAN , V. 1'rcs. J. A. SiMir.m.\Ki ) ) , Sec. mid Tivne. Omana Coal , Coke aud Lime Company , Jobbers or Imrd mid toft rnnl.SOUS. lath St. , Omnlm , Nub. OA1A11A COAIi AN'I ) IM.OIH'Cr. CO. Hard and Soft Coal , BxclUBlve dcnlcni In llouldcr Colorado Conl,2l7 south Htli street. Coffee and Spices , CIAHKK 131(03. ( 4. CO. , Omaha Coflco and Spice Mills. Ten Coffees , Spices. Unking 1'omler Flnvorlnc KxtrnclK , Lantulry Iliuu , Ink , etc. 1111-10 llnr- ncy Street , Omnlm , Nob. Commission , Etc , HUANCll * CO. , Wholesale Fruits Produce , , Oysters , 1121 Farnnm Kt.Onmha. Apples Our own t.ack- ing i'lntt i CO.'B Tiger Ilrnnd Oyistct-e , lluttor , KKBS , Qaino , Poultry , 1'otatooM. JOHNF. FLACK , General Commission Merchant , Produce , Provisions , IVults , Flour and Feud , 105 H. 14th St. , Omnlm , Nob. Consignments Eollcilod. ItotiiniB made promptly. LOU1B IIIiLLEK , Jobber and Commission Merchant. Cheese , Sausages , Fruits , Itutelicrs Tools and Suppllpa. K\ \ ? > Jones St. , Omulin , Neb. W. K. KIDDELU General Commission Merchant. , Uuttrr. Kps , l ouHy mid ( litinc , 1U2 S. 14tb. , Omaha , Nob. Tclu- pbono ro. b 5. D. A. HURLKY , Commission and Jobbing , Butter , Eg-BB nnd Produce. A full line of Stone- wiiro. Consignments solicited. 1414 Dodge St. , Omaha. E. UOUONY , General Commission Merchant , Butter , KKKP. Clieebo and Countiy Produce icn- crally , 'Ml S. K'tli St. , Omiilm , Nub. JlcSHANK A SCHKOKDRKJ Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Refrigerator and Packing House , Kill & Leaven- worth St. , on U. P. H. U. Track , Omabn , Neb , Established 1670. ROHEUT PURVIS , General Commission , ill B. 14th St. , Omaha , Neb. Sptcii\ltic3-Ituttcr Kggb , Fo.iltiy and ( jamu. PEYCKR IIROS. , Commission Merchants , Fruits , Produce nud Provisions , Omahn , Neb. A. P. 6CHACK , Wholesale Commission Merchant , Frulta , Seeds and Produco. No. 213 S. 12th Street , Omaha Nebraska. TItOXICIa. & WILLIAMS , Storage and Commission Merchants. Ftnlts. Flour , Apples , Stoneware , Oldor.Vlneffiir , ( iias8Sor < 1sluttcr ) and E rg8,313 nnd 315 South 13th Mroot , Omaha , Ncbiayka. WIEDEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , Duller , Game , Fruits , Etc. 220 6.14th St. , Omnlm , Ncbrubkn. A. F. HETHGB , Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits , SIuatB , Lard , Jollirn , Huttnr , Eggs , Choi-se , Etc. No. 305 H. lith St. , Omaha , Neb. WES1-EUF1ELD 1J110S. , General Commission Merchants , 1400 Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob. Consignments Solicited. It , Me. DOXALI ) . COMMISSION MERCHANT. 12th Struct. Omalia , Nub. Specialties : llut tor , Eggs , and Chickens , Crockery. W. I * WIIJOHT , Agent for the MiuiufaeturcrB nnd Importers Crockery , Glassware , Lnrurs. Clilmncyn , Hto. Onicu , : I1T South 13th Street Omnhit Neb. Dry Goou's , J. J. I11IOWN 4 CO. , Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , IK ) DoujlHs Street , Omaha , Neb. U QINSIIEUO & CO. , Wholeealo Ucalors in Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , I.incns , l.iices. Embroidery i > nd Whitu Goods , 11C.-U Douslns Strvvt Omahu Nub. Lngincs , nilOWNELL & CO. , The Baker Automatic Engines , Stationary and portabl engines , boilers nnd ttuct lion uorkVUHDIIH , ugriculuirul lui | > la- uifiitB , pumps etc. Ul.l-1215 l.euvi'ii worth Hi. Leather , Hides , Etc. _ _ _ L. C. HUNTINUTUN & BON , Dealers In Hides , Wool and Tallow , 1114 Juckbon Street , Omutia , Neb. : SLOMAN IIROS. , Wiiolesalo Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Suddlrry and Shnii Findings , IIIdi > s , Wool , urs , _ Pell * , ( Jroabo , Tallow , Eto. , Omulia , Nel. Flour , Etc. \VM. 1'IIF.SION. OKO. IllCIIAIIDSO.V. WM. VIinSTON CO. Wholesale Flour , 08 , (10 and 61 : ; PJcrco Sti cct , Oinnlm , NvU ] OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY TZSUIICK , .in. , Agent for J. 0 , IlofTnmrr A Co. , Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour Hy Itohri-o nnd llitnpariin Pioorss.Varthoii6c , _ 1 1,1 .lours Street. Omnhn. Neb. VT.J.Wr.l5UAN3S. CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Mnnufacturrrsof W. .1. Wfl hnni A Co.'s QillcX Raising Huiknhpnt Hour nnd proprletor Onmba City Mills , cor , S'th ' and Farnnm st Furniture , ur.wKY&i Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Knrnnm Street. Oinnln , Neb , Groccriss. . AfIR j uuo3. . Wholesale Grocers , 1110 Mul im DoitKlM Street , Uuiaha. Nrh. B 11. CIUPMAN' A CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco and Smokrra' Aitfclcs , VJ1 , llownrrl t , " " MEVKIt A IlAAl'KK , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Epici * , Cgnif ! > ndTob cco , III" anil 131'J ' DOUR * Ine Street , Or.mtiu , Nub. "llcCOItn , H11ADV * . COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , Corner ICth nnd Knrnatn fit cots , Omaha , Nob. 1'AXTON , OAU.AOIIUH A CO. . Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Not. 7 , 707 , J09 and 711 P. 10th St. , Omnhn , Neb. Hardware , _ _ " _ W. .1 IIUOATCII , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , BptlupfVHBOII Stock , HnrdMood l.uinlier , ftc. liOV nnd 1-P Inrney strcot. Omaha , Nrb. EUN1SY A OI1IUON , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Cnmnue Wood Stock , Heavy llnnlwnro KIC. U'17 mid K'I9 Laa\vii\voith Stii'ilOmivha , Nub. HIM Hit At. ' (5II i TAYI.01I , Builders' Hardware , Mcrhnnlc * ' Tools nnd lluDulo Sculeo. 1401 IJoug Inp Sttcot , Omnhn , Nub. LIK. : rnino * co. . Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , lilc. Airunts for Honti Scales nnd Mliiml 1'owiiur Co. , , ) mahn ct > . MILTON UOOiniS A SONS. Stoves Furnaces Tiles , Ranges , , , JlantJcs , Oratcj , Unis vooda. 1521 nnd 1U.1 Far- mint Sticct. IIKCTOK * WIUMI.MY : co.t Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Emerson Steel Nuiln. Cor. 10th mid Streote , Omnhu , Neb. Harvesters. ' " " "WM. niJEHINQ ft CO. , CHICAGO , Manufauturoror tbo Deering Harvester Goods , Wrlto to Win. M. Ixirlnirr , General Oniiihu. Toiuphoiio niO. Iron Pipe , Elc. COWINQ i CO , Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , Jotibrrs In Iron Pipe , Iron llttlnys , Iron and llrass Goods. EiiKlnoers' Supplies. 14th aud Dodgu Btri'ote , Omaha , Nub. A. L. STRANG COMPANY , Pnmps , Pipe and Engines. Steam , Wmer. Hallway and Milling Supplies , Etc. 020 , 9K undttM Fiirnam St. Omaha , Neb. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Water Supplies. Headquarters fo * Hast Foost Co.'a Goods. 1111 Fiirimm Street , Omuha Nob. EDHOLM & ECICKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dcators In Silverware , Diamonds , Watcboi Clocks , Jowelurs * Tooli and MatcriaU , Etc. , 101 am iai latti Street , l ir. DoJio. Omnlm , Nob. Fish , Etc , BENSON FISH CO. Succi'p or to Icltcn Slcmsfon & Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of Foreign Fish. Noi. I1913 Jonoi Strcrt and U , P. Track Oinnlm. Neb. Live Slock. Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha , No Yui dago Clmrgod. CIo o Io u. P. iiridgo. Special uccommodatlon and a good market for hogs. K. C. Coopor. Man ager , omeo. ( Mi Soutli itb Street. M. HURKE ft SONS , Live Stock Commission Gro. llurlio. Manager. Union StocU Yauls , B. Omaha , Nob. Tolo. S82. W. p. I1KOWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Slock. Office Rxclmngo llulliling. Union Stock Yards South Omaha , Neb. Tuleuhonu No. cai. MALLOHY. BON Is CO. Live Stock Commission , Union Stock Yards , Chicago , III. , nnd Omaha , Neb. FrankChltlundcn.MiinagurDmalia llrmicn. Telephone No. vJ. lintiililisliod WU. W. I * PATRICK A CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Addicssallrommuiilcntloimtn us at Union Slock Yards. South Onmlia. Advunceti umda on stock. Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited. John F. Itoyd Superintendent. SAVAGE A < ; K-KN ; : , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Shipments ol any and nil kuul 01 t-tock solicit ed. Union Sleclt yards OauiUu Nub. _ Lumber Ltc , LOUIS IIRAOFOIH ) , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lira ? , Bash , Door ? , Etc. Yards-Cur. 7th nnd Douglas , Cor. 9tb i\nd 110HN MANUFACTURING CO , . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , B , Stair Work and Intel lor Hard Wood Mulsh. Just opened. N E. cor , tth and Leuvon- worth Streets Omahn Nob. CHICAGO LUMllliR COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , (14 B. Hth Otreut , Omaha , Nob. F. Colpeizor , Manager. C. N. DIKTZ Lumber , _ 13th and California Street , Omntm , N b. _ FRED W. GRAY , Lumber Lime Cement Etc , , , , , Etc , Cor , Oil ) and DouKlai Streets , Oiuuha , Neb. EO. A , HOAQLANU Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omaha , Nebiasktt. CHAS. R. LEB , Hardwood Lumber , Wnfrou Plock , Fancy Woods , lliidpn Timbers , Ac.S. W , Cor. Kill and UoUKl Omutm , Neb. G. F. l.YMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Jluilillinf Paper , lite. Bomb llth Street , Ouiunu , Nebraska Lumber Co , Paid in Capital Slock. f-lOO.OHO. . Loggers , iiiunu liirtururn and whole ale ial- rr . MllUut > li-riill , Wla. W bult-ralo nnd lu L'htiibutlnir ' J nil , Ouiaba , Nub. ail d. uib at. OMAHA JOBBERS'DiHECTOflY * " OMUIA M MIIKRCO , IC.i-\ ) ! ! > all VII Kinds ot Building Material at Wholesale , . Kilt Street nud 1 P K 11 It. Track. UiuMii N'U HKKMAN 1) . WYATT. Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , tOth ndlzaiMSIrecIs' , Omnhi , Nt > bvait. . " " .1. \VAKUFIELU. . Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shinglss , llullilliik' Papers. Sflth , l > oor , llllnds , MouM lue < > , Picket , Po t , Umo , P ! f T , Hair , Cement. Ninth nud. lunci Omnlm _ . Millinery , " " " i. oiuRiT.tmiir : : tnipoitcr ? atul.lobbcrjof Millinery and Notions , in ( U211lrtriio.vlrcrtOmfl1m ! , = i _ . . = . * 1 Musical Instruments , " " KDHOIM A UlttCKSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , Stoluway Plonni , * i\i > npr. l ) clipr , llalnrs nn < \ Ili-lf-Ri Piaiui , Packard Organs , Chntc Ouaus. 101 Htid UCJ l.Mli Mrcct. Notions , Etc. * * * 3. L. IIIIANIUKS 4 SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Oooil . Nottoni , tlcnlB * I'nrnlMilii (1 ( cdo ( loodi from Now Yorh. 'frndo tales dnily. > 01 nnd Mb South Itlth St .Omaha. as. oooniucii French and Gernian Fancy Goods , rRlst.V and Slut loners' Punclilos. 1115 l > f nnin , Omulin , Nob. j. T. Robinson Notion Company , < UI and < K S. lOlli S.Omaha ( , Ni > h. WhoU'salu Dvaleis In Nollini < t aud ticnU' Oils. Etc , CONSOMI > ATKt > TANK 1.1N13 CU , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , GncoHuc , Mien A\lo flioixsc , Kta. A , 11 , Illtliop Mniiiigot , Onmlm , Nib. Pork Packing. " * .lAMia U. HOYD ? Pork Packer and Shipper , Oninhii , Nebraska. " " HAltltlSA riPHni ! , Packers and Provision Dealers , Office I'nlon .Mnrlict , 1317 DO.IKO Sttont. I'nckluf house , IJ. 1' . It. It. Tuick , Omnhn , Nub. Tee ! | ibono No. 157. Safes ruu ! Locks. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s Fire nnd llur lnr 1'ioof Pnres.Tlnm l.oi-U , V uH und Jnlluik. . 10VU Inviinm strcftOmulin , .Vok > . Seeds. " * J. KVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds. Airriciilturitl Vt-KCtalile. Kte. Odd Voltowri * ' Hull N. W. Cor. 14tli and D.iilK" St. , Oiimlin , Nob. DrugE , Etc , H. T. CLAltKK DIIUO COMPANY , Wholesale Druggists , JobborRor Paints. Oils , Window ( JlnM Etc. , IIH tlui ncy Stuct , Omahii , Nel ) . C. F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist , And Denier In Faints. O'U ' and Window dlntu , OmuliH , Neb. , Wines nnd Liquors. FIlANIv DKI.LONK 4 ; CoT Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , 12C. and KOI Dou laK St. , Omaha , NU Fnotorli-s- . nmiiutii ; ; ; DM. jj. v. flEO. W. nUNf'AN. GucccEEcir to MC-NAMAHA A DIIMMN , Tmpoitcrfl and Whole.'ulo DciUorK In V/ines / , Liquors and Cigars , 114 and .MO S. 14lb SU , Omnlm , Neb. R. H.GROTTE , Wines and Liquors. Wreto n A cnt JT . Schlitx llrowlng Co. 71BS. Utb Street , Omahn. HENRY HOHNIIEHGEn , Wholesale Wines , Liquors aud Cigars. U'l Iloniflaa Street , Omaha , Nub. Il.lilt ie CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Li ( | ors. Bole manufacturers ( if ICunnod/'ii l.utl India Hit lore. 111 ! ! Hurnuy Btiuot.OmHUil , Nob. _ _ J L. P. I.AIISON & CO , , Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies And ClHiirF , nnd dimcrtil AKCIIIS for the Vhlllp llesls' Culobiatod Mlhvi\ul.oc Hour , Omnlm , Neb. Harness , Ltc. WELTY & LAfvDROCK , Manufacturoi-H and Jobbers of Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turl Gnoild , lllnnkots nnd Hnlios. UV1 Fai-nuui Stieot , Omahu. Nob. ISUB Q11F7ITJ , Commission Merchant , And vrholtMiilu Dciilor lu Country Produce , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc. < 100ns ON CON3IUNHCNT A SI'ECIAT.Tr. 320 N. I6fh St. , Omaha , f'c'ls Kt-lcronuen , by PorrnUhlon Flret National Hank , liilmiUe ) | : A. S. ( > > irnitf.on. ( , 'iiehltir Flnux NatloiiHl Hunk. Sioux Cliy ; Ion * National Rank . MolutM II. M.KhiKiimn. AMl tuiit Caebior National Rank , Chln.go. Ctiicap , Milwaukee & SI , Pan The ShortflTine Ad Sest Houte From Omahajo the East. TWOTRAJNS DA ILYIlUflVUKN OMAHA ANU Ciiii'iiiro , JlliiiK'iipolls , MllivauUno , Si Paul , ( .Vdnr llnplUM , Daveuport , Cllntnn. Duliiniua , Itockfonl , lock Island. Ficoimit , .limi Rvlllo. { -.Iain , MHitf in , I.HlYo e , Ucl'ilt , Wlnoim , And ull ether Imiiortinu iiointg rt\t \ Northoail Tlclirl ultlco at ] | u | Fiinmin otroot , ( In Pft on Hotel ) , nnd at Union puclllo Depot. PnllHian Hvvpord unit tlui Finest Olnlriir Uird In Hie V old uiu run nil Ilio mulii llncii of tht . ciry alii ntlon is puM lu ii.ia.enBera by courts OUB employee of the company , R. Ml i.i. l H , ( juiuirHl MimiiKor. - J. F. TUCKUII , AbSisluiit ( Iiiiioml Mivnflsor. A. V , H. ( UiifKNTKii , Ouuciul Pamcnaor ft U lickL-t Afniil. Urn. E. HtAfroiil ) , Aolstant nenuiull'r.s o for and Ticket Aitunt. " " S. H. ATWOOD , PLATTSMOUTH , NEB , Ilrot'derof Tboroughbrod and Hlirh Giade Hereford and Jersey Catilt ! P. BOYEB & OOT UEAl.tllUIM Kali'sSafesVaultsTimeoacki , and Jail Work. HiO 1 uiuam btrcu L-uiutbw , ] Nub