Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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OrriCKi Wo. 12 r arl Street.
IVIhored by rnrrttr 1n nny port of the city nt
1 i r.ty 11 nU j er wct-k.
JAV. / . TILTO.X , - Mnimgcr.
Keller , llm tailor , for winter goods.
'J' ' Mcrkcl-Kullcr coiu-crt to-night.
C'utt r are Boiling fust. A ft-tv
lioily emitloft , c'linnp. Uuy one of
Hhutfiut , Wnito & Wics.
Tliu DPS Moincs Krclstcr Miy * of Mta
, "Sho h nn lmv girl , mul is tliu
of any of the renowned Binfjprs. "
] lcnr licrto night.
UoUrt llnln's little on , ngoil 3 years ,
while playing iilMitit Iioinn yrstTilnj *
inorninir , foil. Mifl'urlnjja. compound frac-
of ono of liis firms nbo\o lliu rjlbow
Young man , you can buy n fancy ritf
for whnt a fivn hour drive with n liyory
ton in will co < .t youMmgnrlVnlto , te
"VVlfs are selling cutters to uvurybody at
wholesale pricuH.
I'arliiis desiring firHl-clasM ctiltors -
BWt'H bodies or Portlands , one , two or
thrco f-uatcd will HHVO inotiuy by within"
till to-morrow , when Kt-ullno & H'H wiH
receive a ear load of the finefct cutters
Hccn here this year.
The police have nrrc&lcil a fello'v
named hliipmuii , who has n pi'K ' Irg. "u
was unei-L'fticallv brunklnj ; up thr pi-aci )
when nablifd Andy D.ivy wns RM > iir-
rented for disturbitiK the peace. From
thu appearance of An'lyVi fact ) and head
it seemed that somebody else had been
disturbing his ponce still more.
The naloon men evidently prefer to pay
$ W a month in cash promptly , than to
hnvr thnir choice of pavm ? . " 0 in casher
or city warrants later In the month. A
larjje number Inivo already paid the $ .fi
cash fo'r December , and others are com
ing in , so that nearly all will be paid up
before the penalty jioes into effect.
There was a lively racket at the skat-
liitf rink \ \ edncsday ni lit The oIliceiN
had a strujr h' In ilrrcstin John Arnold ,
who soemeu to bo the chief boistcrcr.
Ollicer O'ltrien had to throw Htm down
into the coal box , and during tin * contest
Arnold tried to make a lunch oil
O'lirion'd ear. Ho was finally dragged
to jail , and yebterday was lined $10 and
Abe Kalin's friends backed him in a
racu of 75 yards , /or $120 , Friday last.
against a man who chums to be named
Smith , and to hail from near Masncna ,
The race was run on Locust ttieet , and
Smith came in an easy winner. Aim's
backers are now inclined to the belief
that "Smith" is a professional , and that
they were a perfect school of suckers.
[ ( 'ass County Democrat
To-night an opportunity will bo Riven
at the opera IVODSU of hearing the Mcrkcl
sistorH , who are such favorite singers
hero and in whom this city takes bo much
pride. Miss Fuller is an artist , and has
already won high praise east and west.
Mr. Treynor , who has ono of the best
tenor voices in this part of the country ,
end Mr Franco , a favorite Omaha basso ,
will also assist , With such talent it must
bo a fciiht of good music
A tailor , who has been at work in
Cnsaoy & Hardin's tailoring establish
ment. met with an accident about a week
ago. falling down stairs , and injnryjng
his head. Since then he has bc-en acting
rather strangely , symptoms of insanity
developing , and yesterday morning lie
was seeming so wild , that Marshal
Guanella went to the shop , and took him
in oustud.v. the other men seeming afraid
of him. Ho was lodged in thu county
jntl awaiting an examination.
UonntySurveyorToatevin has returned
from Fremont county , where he has been
making purveys in regard to s-omo dis-
tiiilml lines in Walnut township. Ho has
broil making the Mirvoys by order of
court , to get at the facts In a case pend
ing there. The contest between the
plaintiffs and defendants is in regard to
the legality of the present lines of occu
pation. If the position taken by the
plaintiffs is hiistaincd , there will be a
chai > gc of the linesof occupation. If the
defendants are sustained the present
lines will rem.iln as now. If the plain-
tins' position is sustained there will be
necessitated an entire change of the lines ,
nnd not only will this t\\o sections now
in question no affected , but the larger
part of the entire township will be also
affected. For this reason the case is
being watched eagerly by many who are
not directly concerned in it.
Correct Abstracts of Title and Real Ks-
tatn Loans ntMcMahon & Co 'a , No. 4
Pearl alreiit. _ _
The olcetrio bolt of Judd & Smith , ! ! 0
Fourth street , Council ItlutVs , positively
cures rheumatism , neuralgia , uysjicpsiu ,
nllcs , paralysis , indigestion , tits , cold
, icet , nervousness , headache , kidney and
liver complaints , loss of vitality , lead
poli-oning , hick of nervu force and vigor ,
vrasting weakness of those diseases of a
personal nature in male and fuuinle.
, All kinds of interior drapings , cornice
poles , shades , eUs , , the very cheapest in
the west at K. Stockert & Co 'a.
Dr. l.C. Ward , of Logan , is in the
city.T. .
T. Y. WieUe , of Ottawa , 111. , is in the
John P. Organ , nf Neola , IB in the city
attending court.
A. O. Thayer , of Fond dn Lac , Wia. ,
wan among yesterday's arrivals at the
dipt. James Johu on , general travelIng -
Ing agent of thu Cuiro .Short Line , was in
tlio city yesterday.
( Jeorge A hliy , of Shelby , a carprntor
niul builder , was hum yesterdny , greeting -
ing Frank ( juanellu and other old
C. ( . Hnlilwln , fitato secretary of the
Y , NT C. A. , wnd in thn city yesterday.
lie intends devoting some time now to
working up thu interests of the ussociu-
tlon here , uud helping the local secreta
ry , Harry .Curtis.
CotUigo rangen. Uarlaud stoves , Ra-
| ; dlanl Ifoinua and Hub heatera of the very
JatMt patt rnH at lied reek prices , at
I , Cooper & Medao'tf , No. 41 Alain street.
i ,
\ / Christmas presents at Homer's.
Try John Tutnpleton's "Roso" clsar.
V An AilvrrllHlujj Tost.
* f J , J. Jlllss Is eouvineed that it pays to
advortUn. Ho lost a dog the other dny
and put a notlec In the Nonpareil "want"
oolunin ottering u sultahlu reward for the
return of hie cnuiiiu. The paper * had
not been from the pre&j nn hour until
an army of hoys and men took up thu
march tor tils store with strange dogs
\vhleh they wanted to exel angu for tlio
promised vowtiril. ( Nonpareil.
The ioko is on thu old lady thin time ,
The advertisement In the Nonpareil up-
poared for several days mul didn't pro *
iluee a reeponso. Hliss then put u notieo
in the UIKVediifsiluy : morning , and
vlthin an hour hi1 * dog was brought bach
und the rueh commeiieed.
Drs. Judd & Smith's Klcctro-Magneiio
iiKoli'f. Only fifty cunts. No. auFimitli
Kt , , Council Ululfb' , Jo\va. Agents
wanted I
MCU'K jei < iey jttckuts at Hu.'io'a
A Look at the Old Books in the Count ;
Surveyor's ' Office ,
Opening of the Dlnti-lot Court Accl' '
< letit to nn Attorney The Street
Cur Sniall > li To-M lifu
A Gnp In the Hccoi d .
The Mr.i : man ye. tenlay eamo across r
f.ict which nhtonuhod him greatly , and
will probably aMontih no less many ol
our leaders. The icconls of the countj
Mirvujor's ollicn show that none of the
wnrvoys made during the pnft ten yearv
have been recorded. There is one sur
vey tvcordid in Deceinbi-r , JSTft , and
then ( hero is a long xklp from that date
to April , 1881 , when the prc.'ont county
Mtrvcyor began to record them. The
neglect of making thcso records does not
fall necessarily on the < who have held
tlie ollicc of county surveyor. It ia more
a neglect of the people. The law does
not compel a man who has a survey
made to put It on record. It does not
renuire lite surveyor to put it on record.
When the countv surveyor makes a stir-
\ey for a clti/.cn , the citizen may icqniro
thn survoior to makisa recotd of it and
give him a certllied copy of it , but for
tnis the clii/cn pay the surveyor ,
the cost being about iJJ. Nearly everyone
ono getting such a sun oy made looks to
the > vlng of this small amount , and
hence no record 5 * . made.
The value of having Hitch a record is
often great to the private citi/.en. It en
ables liini to place his hand readily on
the facts of any survey made by the
olliclal of any piece of ground in which
he may have an interest. In view of
fre < | iient litigations and ili pntcs , Much a
record in often most important. Such a
record often saves a rcMirvcy , and the
accompanying cxpciiHc. The record is
uNo valuable to whoe\er holds' the ollice
of .surveyor. In whatever view may be
taleri of lk < : matter , it seems alike im
portant to the private citi/.en and to thu
public that sued a record should be made.
A.s the present hiw dues not compel
any such record a move is on foot to
secure a change of the law at this session
of tin ; legislature. His proposed to make
tin- matter compulsory , and to tax up
the cost of making a record of a survey
to the property benclitted , just as street
lilling in ilii ! city is charged up to adja
cent property The Pimm lack of record
is said to e.\iht in many other counties of
the state to n greater or lesdegree. .
Hence some state action will doubtlebS
be taken.
Fov everything in the grocery line give
the new linn of KintKlecb , 10. !
Broadway , a trial. Everything new and
fresh. Fancy groceries a specialty.
Ho sure and ask your grocer for the
hrcail made at Smith iVr LoerkeVs bakery ,
No. O'J ! ! Main street. It is the very bust
made. Try it and be convinced.
.SIciK > > l"C Knrtlaml West.
"What a dilfereneo them is between
: ho west and cast about cutters , " re-
narked an observing citizen to the HER
nan. "Many of these things that go
irouml the streets on runners would be
laughed at in the east. There they think
is much of having a good cutter , or
ileigli , as they are called there , as they
lo of having a line buggy. "
"Are there not a good many fair out
ers here * "
"Fair cutters ? Tlicroaron't more than
.wo or three good cutters in the city
That is , what I call really go 'l cutters ,
Hitters such as they would call good for
: mything in the east. I mean by a good
gutter , one that costs from tf l'J , " up. John
Kcnnett , thu county treasurer , has a tine
cutter , and LI ray , the livcrvman lias , a
pretty good one. The others which I
Inivo ccoii are cheap affairs. Of course
they answer the purpose , but they are
cheaply made. Tliey are painted up
cheap , and are not finished up real line.
In the cast a man docs not think a cutler
iimountsto much unless it costs him at
least ijltd ) , and more. Here most of the
cutters cost trom $ .0 to $ : JO. "
"They're just us good for what in
wanted here , aren't they ? "
"Yes , I stinnose so. These cutters
which are bold M > cheap do lirst rate.
They look well , and then there is not so
much sleighing here as in many places
in the east. I'erhaps n man does not gel
many chances during a whole winter to
use one. The liverymen only have a
short lime each season in which to let
them out , and they can get just as much
for tv cheap cutter as for n high priced
ono. They would 1m foolish to invest in
costly cutters. Private eitixens do not
care to lo Have any better cutter than
wliat the liveries turn out , and BO it goes.
Yes , cheap cutters do just as well here ,
hut to .m eastern man it scorns u little
strange. These cheap cutters are made
out of good material , and are painted up
HO as to look nice , but when it comes
down to little points of line linish they
are way oil' . Why some of the eastern
cutlers cost more just for the upholstery
than several such cutters would cost as
iiru Ui > ed here. Folks are just as happy ,
though , and n young ; fellow can have
just m as much fun with ids girl , und an
old follow will live just us long , "
Having put in a complete now stock of
clothing , turnishing goods , hats , caps ,
utc. , Fox & Hiiiihes , No. 1)15 ) Main street ,
Invite the publicto give them a trial ,
riielr expenses urn small , uud they can
atlortl to Bell cheap.
If you wish to purchase- anything for
ladies' or men's wear , ho eur to BCO
lleno's stock ami prices first. You won't
bo disappointed.
Hound coThrash lit * Wife.
At a recent meeting of the city council
n request was presented by the street car
company for permi esion to move its turn
table from in front of the Ogden house
to a point on Broadway near Its new
burn by Uio dummy depot. This request
WUH the occasion of u storm against the
company , the council not only refusing
to grant the request , but half of the coun
cil being determined to revoke the char-
tor. It was declared that if the company
tried to move the turntable without pur-
mission war would bo declared , and if
the city attorney could got no Injuiiction
then the mayor nnd his police force
would guard the spot.
Yesterday the Ur.i : man asked Mr.
Manilla ! ) , who has charge of the line
horu , what was going tobmlono about it.
"I don't know unv more about it than
you do. All lean do is to wait for or-
ileM , I sent thu account of the council's
action over to the company a nil huvo
heard nothing from it. "
"What do you think of it. "
"Why. It looks sort of queer to mo.
When tiiat turntable was put in there
was u howl about it , and there baa every
now and then luion a howl raised that it
had no business being there at all. Wlteit
thontrtet was paved and the turntable
had to bo taken up and put back ,
folks wore talking about Mopping the
i-onipanv from having nn\ turntable
there. Now thu company Joti't want it
there anil the city Pays it lian't b
moved. It seem * to me a good deal lik
the fellow who wa going homo Urun
one night anil talking to him elf abon
hi ? wife. He "aid it that woman wa
sitting up waiting for him ho woul
thrash her. Then he said that if tlui
woman had gone to bed ho would lie !
her. Finally he concluded hevoul
lick her anyway. It poems a * if th
council was uounil toanuoy thocoinpan
anyway. " _ _
Substantial ab-triiets of title and roa
estate loans. J. W. , & K. L. Squire , 10
L'earl street. _
The latest midwinter styles in clothin/ /
at bono's
Latest stjli-P hats and caps at Heno's.
For the host nnd cheapest oysters ca
at Uhicago Lunch Counter , 401 llroai
way. Oyster soup nil day , only 10 cent ;
The warmest garment the latest crazi
for men the jersey jacket at Beno's.
Capturing a llui-jilnr.
The police think they liavo tilts fellow
who went through the safes at Tholl < S
Kraehl'B store and McDaneld's ollici
Tuesday night. In the former place tin
safe was left unlocked , bo that there was
no necessity for blowing it open. A
McDaneld's the safe was oraekcd and $ ! <
takon. Following up the slight clues it
their possession the officers have arrestci
a man , wlio o name is given as Join
O'lltirns. It seems that ho purchased nl
Amy's hardware store adiamond pointed
drill , and at Larson's iKiughl some poW'
dcr. He was overheard to make HOIIU
remark about putting something in tin
old foundry building , und search l.ciiifj
made there , the cash bo\ from McDan
eld's itfo : was discovered. It scorn's thai
thu police have got the man to rights
and other testimony is promised wlilcl :
will m.iko hU guilt still moro evidi nt. II
it should prove that they have ferreted
out the right party they will deserve 11
special credit mark.
C. H. Jacquemin & Co. , Xo. 2T Main
street , take pleasure in announcing to
the public that their stock of article- . , or
namental , stylish and useful holiday
goods , is complete in each and every do'
partment , and cordially invite everybody
to visit their store , inspect their good' <
and compare prices. JSo trouble what
ever to show goods.
The tines ! fringes , foot rests and fancy
chenille How ers lor fancy work at E.
Stookcrt < te Co. ' & , No. UUH Broadway.
The Fry Concert.
Of the Madame Fry Concert company ,
to appear at the opcr.i hou-o in the city
on Tuesday evening next under the
auspices of the Y. M. . C. A. , the Whucling
( W.ra. . ) Register says :
* * * Kaeh succeeding audience was
larger than its predecessor , until , thu
third night , the house was densely
This entertainment is first-class in
every particular and should crowd the
opeia liouvo to its utmost
It is a fact worthy of note that the Y.
M. C. A. have never given a paid enter
tainment that was not No. 1. as all who
ittended the tJough lecture and the Mo-
; Jibeny family concert , will remember.
Let them be well patronized.
Ladies and gi-nts get a ticket to the
drand drawing on January 1 , with every
.M cents wet tii of goods purchased of
Arthur Lcfkovitz , G.'JJ Broadway. The
choicest candies , California fruits , nuts ,
I'igars , etc. , always on hand.
For hardware and house furnishings
jot prices of Cooper it McGee , No.11
Main street ,
The District Court.
The district court at last hail an open-
ng yesterday , Judge Loofbourow prebid-
ng. The grand jury was impanelled as
'ollows : E. Kosocrans , foreman , William
Curric , Lewis Smith , Joioph Klhs , W. D.
[ 'eddicord , John Ionian , Joseph Boyler ,
lliley Huff. C. C. Weaver , II. Uittens.
Thomas Kearney , Gilbert Manning , F. T.
U. Johnson , Sti-ven James , M. K. Harlo.
The instructions given the grand jury
lid not dillor materially from the routine
The lay was taken up in court by thn
calling of the calendar nnd assignment
of cases.
Thu following have boon selected as
bailills : Wall AlcFadden , John Fox ,
John Hardin , Neil Voorhis , A. K. Hough-
Slicilrf'H Knln.
The stock of goods Tormerly belonging
o P. C. iW. . D. Kirkland m now in my
> osfcs ion for sale. The entire stock of
foods , consisting of all kinds of Jewelry ,
jold and Silverware , I'lated Goods , etc. .
ire olfercd cheap for cash , and at less
Jian cost. Call at thu old stand on
LJroadway.Tiinonom : Gum-Ait , Shciiir.
A Fat Ttikc.
C. M , Harle , the attorney , yesterday
met with a painful accident. At noon ,
ivliilo borne meat was cooking in the
utclicn , the fat got on lire , and in trying
: o end the smudge and put out the bla/e ,
lie thoughtlc.-sly uirew MHIIC water on it.
Jold water and hot lat did not take
kindly to each other , as Mr. Harlo real
ized when ho emerged trom the feinoku
with both hands burned , his face scorched
* lightly and his hair ami whiskers singed.
I'hm explains why lit ) appears in court
with both hands biuidaged and a cloie
clip to his eyebrows nnd moustache ,
The Brooklyn F.agle shows that baby
merchants ply their trudo regularly in
New York and Brooklyn , selling babied
for adoption at from $00 to $ , * > > 0 each.
The pronto are large.
A man in New York is getting up n
show of long-haired women. No woman
with her hair loss than two and a half
eet long is admitted.
On the farm of a penniless Vermont
farmer , Alvan Clayton , near North L'aw-
tet , u vein of slate has been found , and
he leccntly sold aMiiall segment of thu
hitherto despised land for'1,000. ,
Hon. James ( > . Bhiino presented St.
Mark's homo , of Augusta , Me. , with ono
pound of silver dollars at u recent pound
Some Tucson , Ariz , , Chinese , angered
at the intrusion of animals into their gar
dens , cut the tnil oil'ono of the cows , run
n pitchfork into the hide of a line blooded
bull , Hiid otherwise cut with an ax all thu
stock within their reach.
A unto cure for Blind. Bleeding , ltehlnb
anil Ulcerated 1 'I It's has hocn dlbcovcied l > y
} > r. Willlauih , ( an IiutlHii remedy ; , culled Dr.
Williams' Indian 1'ilo Ointment. A single
box has cured the vor t chronic cases ot - ? < or
i' . ' . No one need MilTcr nvo
minutes after amtlylni ; this wonderful sooth
Ini ; medicine. Lotions and liintrinnentsilo
more harm tlmiu KIHK ) . WillluuiH1 Indian
1'ilu Ointment absorbs the tuiaurs , allays tlio
Intense itching , ( i > aitlrulnrly at nleht after
jrettlii ) ; warm in betl ) , ui-4 u a j > oultiec , Klves
liistunt inliel , and Is ineiarinl only for riles ,
Itchlnof urivato patts , and lor nollilnt ; clt * .
Dr. Frazler's .Music Ointment curia ns by
muuic , I'imult'ii , rBlnck Heads or Crubs
. and Eruptions on the face , leaving
the skin clear and be.uitlful. AUo cures Itch.
Suit lilioiim. Suit ) Nhiplu ) , iSoio l.Ips , und
Sold by druggihts , or niallod on receipt of
Krialleil by Kuhn it Co. , nml Schroeter *
Ikclit. \vliulfiiiki by C. ! ' . CiuuJtuuu.
Mntiufaetiirfisof nil slzeaof
Ef'ccnlljDiislfiiei | : ) for Ilimulntr ,
Tubular nnd I ocomotive Boilers.
New Massilloii T lircsliers.
Curoynnd Woodlniry llorso 1'owets
Portable mid Traction
SAW MILLS , irrc.
Factory "Miussilloii , 0. IJninch
CIO Pearl St. , Council Hinds.
B. BICE , M. D.
CANCERS fhrott or' '
Over thirty > cinV prict nil oxporlonco. Oilloc
No. 11 I'cnrl&rcxit , lonti'tl 1IIUII9.
Comer Pearl Street nnd Fifth Avenue ,
lilnk for rout for tlieatilcat iict-furtiiiinccs
bnlln , purtles , etc.
All kliuls of rolrcHlinicnts ami a niKE I.UNCII
every morniny.
Chicago Wafc ; Klolor Co ,
PowerfnrntetiPii fioni lidinnl pro ir for
.IrlxliiK nil Kaidn of lift lit iniicliuii'iy. SiioclHl
nttuntion iclvun to chuivh oiKiin lilowlnp. Wu
itin printing pioHM'B , int'iit choppvn , Ice crciini
flL'U701S. pollMlllHK IlllllLW , hfwhlK1 lUUulllIU" * , L'll' .
llir > l.c-t clirupu4t inolor iiiuUi ? . Send lor clr-
culnr. In i s in Council lllulla liy
lleo jolioiiieo.
I'nco \ BclimMt.mrnt mnrltct.
t hlciico Me-it Mnrki > t <
Lisl/onclortnrV Meat Market.
hmlth .V .Mcyer .
Kurt/ K'eeb ' , eoifecprindiT.
Itobnt .MullK collet * tnlodcr.
K. I , . WIMJAMS ,
ScllliuvAncnt , IS Mn'n ' st , Couuull lllull , Iowa.
1111 I'mimiu St. O.iuihu.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
Our nock Is non complete In nvory dopnit
mcntand contains all thu Intu&tftrlfsiuulullocia
ETC. . irrc.
Largest Stock
Lowest Prices.
BAMFUUJ furnUlicil upon npj.lica lion to o
own i-arllos.
Council Bluffs Carpet Company
05 Broadway.
inns. orncEiu w. n. a. rvstr.
Northwestern Hotel.
Xeuly ITttcO unit Uirnlslu'd. Opp Hroaduay
Uuuiiny IeKt. | ) 51.50 JH.T day.
SAMUI-L : T.vnc , ivop ,
L. JI. JJERSHANV. Munagor.
Justice of the Peace ,
OBlcuOrcr Anif rlran Rxprcsc ,
Coiupuuy ,
KOT1CR. SpcclM * ilvcrtl ptnoat , sncli
T K , Foun.l , To Ix > * n , Tor Snlc , 1Ilcni , Wtnti
Ilonnllnp , etc. , will l > o ln crte < 1 In tlil cohttnn i
ttio IQTT rate of TKN CKXTS 1T.U 1,1 .SB for tl
tlrst Insertion mid K1VK CKNTS t'KH MNK foi
cnch gubsoqucnt InM'rtlon. Ix > ave mhcrtho
mciitsnt our office , Xo. li Tear ! street , ue\t
| j 'Mt.M 10H SAl.K-Atn bdr nln if roM won
I. IWnrrosfl1 ! mlloi stinlturcn or Umabiu (
room famine , pxciillvnt m-ll mid fl turnS borti ,
ono for p | ht hnmp . nno for 'M cows : hen , IIMI' ,
nmlwnfron tiouet ! lu ) iicitxi In timothy : Aia :
rore t trcos cotton irood.Mnck witlnitt. h nnj
mnplotinvxl ordniul , ii | > plo < i. elicnlci , plimm ,
pnipes nnd Miuill n-ulti. Never rnllitiK vlnek
WHtor. It. l' . Oificr.ii , W ) llroadn-uy , Cotiuctl
WAN'THl ) . To tniy all tlip fli-M-tOieTw oTid"
hnnd noiiFohoM ( joods Hint arc otrcic.l . for
; HP. ! fiirli ns furniture , cnnmtt , MIOVIM , oto.
I'er-ons mil hnvlnir sTH rrtv llr-l-cliiis KOotl *
lll siuutlmolij- applying , .MI otliorn will
{ eeeloimini.t | utlentlon Hiid will t > e pnld tlin
hlilict imirkot prices l > > - A. ,1. Miimlol , ! '
llmnilwii > , -iii.nii > r In new nnrt utrletlr Orst-da s
Booond-lmnd furniture , etc. , uo.
I foil SA 1.11 lloluir desirous of tnoUiiK to
Omiilm.niincconntot my luKliifu , 1 nffrt
for nlo my ri hlom-p , corner Koii.-tli nvontio
ami Ninth stti'ot. Imiulic on promises. A. P.
Hill IlKNT-At WcMnuoa * Ws
No. 4 1'onrl strei-t.
roil BAI.K , F n RKNT Oil KXOI1ANKR.
NljLfil : ' ' ' " > 1n tpirroiiton vor.v liberal terms.
Ihe Council Illutrs l'ui > or Mlll.roinplplc , with
tlio wrKo iKinrUtni ; Uouso und thu-c nrros of
No. ! M A busliiPM pronrrty In Clicrokpn.
Clicrolioo county , IOWA , win trnJo for nesloru
liimls. Vitliit > , ntnmt H.tWO.
No. : > 3 A bcitulltul linmu In the to'.rn of Hint-
Incs. Mills county , lown , for Ncbiuskn land.
Vnluo , $ .V > 00.
tin. 41 A pooil bliclnpis property nliil nlso 11
Kooil rcslilonco piop < > ity lu the lo n of Olicnvo
Mcl.i-nn ixiunty , III..low down for cashur will
on hniiRti for u ( ! Jt'rii : InnJe.
No. 17J A hplonilltl Inrin , well Improved , 1U (
Brit's In Dlrklnvon county , lown , jolnliiK inn
ton n of Spirit l iko. 1'rlco , for a sliort tlliiu ,
fVi ( icr ncro.
No. 1M to 187 Are four Inprovpd fnnn In
Phillip * county. Knn .iis I'aoh with n tnmll In-
ciinibriinro. j'lMM'nintns IIllio pxchnnifcdfor
inilnciiuiticivdwllillnnil In Nc' .
No. litl 4 ) ncref ) hi Holt county. Net' . , pnrtlr
ltnpro\ , nt 11 biff bavpiilu. Wnuts to exchtiniro
lor morchnndl < c.
No , M A line two story brick rc'ldotioe , nuo
of the bu t location1 : hi Council lllufTs , will trndo
tor irooil iinluuuiilieicd Kiiusns or Nebraska
luuds. Value , ( iri.mi.1.
No. ( limn ! u Aioluo other honutlful lianir
In Council Illutrs , liich wish tuiymenis will buy
nt n Imnrnin.
No. fiO A brnutlful suburbnu location lu Iowa
City , Innn. will exclmniru lor wo'-tern Innds.
Viiluc , KI , < M ) .
The ulHivo nri' only n few of our special Imr-
pnliw. If joii'venot iinjthlnu'to trndo or s-cll ,
or nnt to sell nuy ipnl ( "Into or merchandise ,
wilto IM. Wo Inivo K'vcnil Rood "looks ol Kooda
to Undo for Innil * bWAS & WAI.KKtt ,
( 'ouuill DluITd , Iowa.
J , L , De BEYOISE , Agent ,
No. COTIliondwnr , Council Itluffi.
Railway Time Table.
The follow-In ? Id the tlmo of nrrlval nnd
iloiHirturo of trains by ventral standard limp , nt
the lociil depots. Tniln * IIMIVH transioi'ilnpot ton
nilnutcioailli'i- artlvo trn inlinitL'S Inter :
CllIfAni ) * > nilTIlWnTKHN.
n:2TA.M : . .Mall and Kxprpss . OiWlp.w.
1-:4U : i' . M . Au'oimnodutlon . < : .Vl p. w.
t/:10i' : . M . Kviuov ) . l':05A. ' : u.
Clltr\IO ( * HOCK II < L\ND.
PiTi A. M . Mull nnd K\prc = s . RVIi : > . u.
7ln A. M . AccomnuKJaifon . r > ; > i > . M.
VIIICARO. > lirWAIJltl.i : ( i ST. 1'AUI.
PM A. M . Mall nnd llxpifes . ( I : IX ) p. vt.
0tur. : M . I3\ini".s . Uik"A. : st.
CIIIUA : O. HUiii.iKnroN fc QUIXCY.
Ut.'iA.M . Mull unit r.\prcsi . : MP. M.
U:4ii' : ( . M . Kxprej's . HOiA. : M.
WAiiM'ii. sr. LIIUIS& i1 torn : .
S : ft v. M.lKK-nlSt. Louis Kxiirc-oi l.ociil .
UW : ) p.M.Tiiiui > lorSt. IxmN l\.Tranp : ) i r.l ! : U l' . W
KtNBtH CITV , ST. JOK i COU.SClb lll.llfl-S
] OOA. M . Mull unit r.Ypivbs . n-Mr. u.
S:5iii : > .u . i\picss : . GiA.M. :
SIOUX 01TV tt I'Afll'JC.
7:15 : A. il . Sioux City .Mail . " .30 p. jr.
6-.oO r. u . ijt. 1'uul
. .
'rum . n i\pro : ! K . 6 : < "ir. it.
olii 1'iifes. . ( Jm. .t It. V. . . Ji..r . > l' . M.
TiriOi'.M . Ovorlancl Impress . SjljA. M.
Lcnvo Council lIluffH T:0 : : < HiiiO 10M :
11.1) ) n. m. ; iao'liX ) ! iw : : ( : ; t 5 : it nrju
llil'i p. in. riundiij-N- 15J ! lj--l ! : * ' in :
Uili " . > n 2jlll:4"i ! ) D in. I.OHVO Omnlin
0R-75-8BO-lOW-ll : : : : ( : 0 n. in : lmi-iix- :
JliO : 4:0 : ( ) 5 0 : ( ! : ft Illi ) p. in. Mindtiys a . ;
t.W : > - 11:00 : n. in.:8:000:005ftl:03llW : : : } : :
Nos. 1 and 2 , Masonic Temple.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
The cold weather has finally put in an
appearance and finds many pjjons not
yet supplied wKh heavy underwear , con
sequently we wish t ) gently hint that we
have a fine assortment of
Underwear ,
We wish to call tpecial attention to our
Double front and back Undershiit ; with
draweis to match ,
Fur and Cloth Caps ,
Mits and G-loves.
Mufflers ,
Etc. Etc Etc.
. , , , .
A. W. Patterson & Co.
Mos , \ and 2 , Masonic Temple ,
Council Bluffs.
MtNtnttCTuncii AND Dr.Auu : is
No. 837 Broadway , Council Blufft.
If you buy any where except at Motcalf
Bros , They are selling their Clothing at
Cost , and guarantee prices on hate , caps4
underwear , hosiery , neckwear , silk hand
kerchiefs , trunks , bags , etc. , etc
METCALF BROS , 344 Broadway , Council
Musical Instruments ,
Musical Merchandise of Every Description
Toys and Fancy G-oorls.
Wcmnlclhticolrbr.\tctl Haidinan riano' , nuu thoKoynl Whitney organs , a i >
Uveiy iustninientvarr.intcd. . .Sciul forcataloHiios. L >
MUKLJ-r.U Ml'SIC CO. , Council U.i
w. IP
Brick Imlldlmrs of nny Vlnd rnlsod or moved . nnd eflttstdotton RunrantooJ. 1'rnuio houses tnoT
) uLHUo Glaul trucloi-tlio licjt lu the workl.
805 Eighth Avenue and Eighth SI rod.
Tailor !
NO , 7' and 9 MAIN STREET ,
Coiincil Bluffs , Iowa
For Sale or Rent !
A iii' ily now now nnd the only hotel In the
\vldo-ii\vuuo town or
fen bccl m ims , iroo I rwrlor , ofiico ,
oomarnl ellnr , i ml sanipl.i i o > ni. wi
rent on rvufoiuiblu tonn , niuiroot Kl o.niin ,
lodliiiv Cu. , I'coiilus' tsioro , Council liluilg , or
No. 23 , Main Street , Council UUilfe.
Chicago Lumber Co.
Wlio'.ctnlo ami total ) Lnmbtir , ! .ati ! , Hhliwlos
iibh , Dixiru und ( Hindu. Solo oiitu rorlho
olcliraiud ilurbluhoad Concontrutod Whlto
Sinu , K , I1. MACCON.NTU. , M
Mnin St , , Onincil Uliill'H.
KcnrtliMl' . , I ) . X < j. ; C. M. A : SI. I' . , nnil
t' . , It. I. AI1 , nulw.iy < li-p dh. ,
in siliit iloor. Kvi'i.uliin , . ninv unit liut
In Council Bluffs hi\vns ) 1
Fir © ESsoa/po
And nil mimorn improvomcmu , call belli , flro
, etc. , Utuo
Not. X15 , 1T ami1'J , Main yiroor , '
MAX MpII.N , l > ioprlotor ,
( GEO , W. SCHINPLLE & CO. , )
No. 540 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
All norlt Kunrnntcfd | lo Troy laundry
* < > rk. Work cnl ! < xl for Hiid di-llvcMid riUU : ,
.MllfOoJa by mull or ovpro rccvlvo piompt ul-
rpliono No 1SJ.
P. T. A.B.
P. T. Mayne & Co ,
Real Estate Exchange
N i. Ill IMirlHt.-oH , C < iunuJI lllulls , Io -
In lovru , KMMW utnl Nfbr.uJm l-'i
Itcal ICstrtto bought Mini told.
I'lai-ilr , " In Sut and IVJorai C
Jiiioius 7 utiil a , .Saugart li.ovic. Ueno.