Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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Bomo FactsSn Connection with the Last City
Securities Issued.
from tlio Knilvv.iy Comnils
sloii A .Monster IJnterprlso In
\Voit Unootii flonornl
Cnpltnl Notes.
l next me nrr.'fi ti. , rot.v
Comidera'ble indignation is being ex-
prrvwd by those \vlio have the welfare ol
Lincoln tit bcnrlit the pfl'ort of the
Journal yesterday morning to show that
the fUUimpl by Lancaster county to dis
own tin ; Midland I'auiliu bonds bad iui-
paired tlio itedit of the city. Thn state
rauntwiis made thnt thu fnllntu to dis
pose ot Ilia last issue of city securities
promptly , nnd at a premium , was duo to
the notion of the ooininl'-sioiiora of Lnii
caster county In refusing lo pay Interest
on an indebtedness about the locality of there is grnvo doubt. U he fact i
that little or no connection between the
two oxiftt. When Iho city bomln vveto
nlnwd nn the inaikel hitit hnd ahcady
uecn brought to compel thn county to
pay thu Midland I'auilic bondH. Despite
tins , and al o the fut liter fact that tliu
interest was only / > nor cent , hnlf a cent
lower limn any city bond had ever
before borne , the olle'r-i fioin investors
werij prompt and llatieiing. Manager
\Vchtof thu Loinbntd company bid for
$ ' . ' 11,000 worth at par , Mr h. K Lowh
wanted .5,00) ) v\oith nt the same ligiiro ,
while Mr. K. K. Mooie piopoed to take
a big bliH-k at 1 per cent pteinitim.
Thorfii itllers wcto enough to nhow that
the cnnlit of the citj was in pu-tty fail-
ulmpi ) . That the bin wains were not eon
Miinmatcd in traceable to perfectly nut-
inul oikUHCH. The men who were to buy
the Ixindu wnnted to sithfy thcmHi-lvcs
that they \vetc issued in regular lei m , and
were li gal obligations about vv Inch theie
could bu no quibble. This question was
referred to counsel and a icpoit inadu
that , thu method of insuiince wan not Mich onthely gatisfaetoi On this
the Intcstorfl hesitated about taking tliu
bonds , and negotiation * ) vv ei o opened in
other quarters.
To H itKsfy himself that the above vveio
the actual conditions the lli.i , representa
tive yoMletday called upon Messrs. West ,
nnd Moore , und asked a blatomcnl of
faiitH. Mr. West said :
"When tliu city bonds were placed on
the market 've contracted to take S.'G.OOO
worth. Owing to some irrcgnlauty in
the Kuo. however , the baigun was not
peifeeteu. 1 think our counsel icporteil
that Uio bondH were IHSULH ! in conneclion
with some railway lefundinf * bonds
under ( tin old statute , vv hen the city bonds
Hhoiild have been voted Hoparatoly , tlio
legislature of HWTi having made another
Matutcgn\oiningtho iclundiiigof bonds.
Then again I believe 1 found that the
city council bad neglected to pass nn
ordinance antlioiizing the major to sign
the bondH. Al any uitu theiu was t > o
much doubt about the matter thai we
concluded not to cairy out the deal. Of
conirfu if then ) had been no question as
to the rognlnritj of the bonds we would
linvij taken them. "
Mr. Moore said : "The credit of Lincoln
vv n never better than it is now , ami vv as
when tbu municipal bonds weto placed
on tlio market. Good pucmity ,
bearing 5 } per cent , can bo lloatcd readily
nt par , or better. By good sceuiities I
mean thixso about whoso legality theie Is
no question. 1 bid 1 per cent piemium
for the city bonds , and would have taken
a good share of them , but vyas not satis
fied us to the manner in which they were
issued. Tim tioublc about tlie Midland
1'acillu Ixmds had no beating on the
deal. "
The ulerk's desk in the ollieo of the
railway LoinmisMon in covcied with a
vciitablo .stack of btutibtiual papetH tnr-
nishcd by thu olUterH of the vurioiin coin-
] ) anies doing business in this btnte , and
the mild mannered ) oung mm w o is
ohaiged with tlioir proper aiiangeiucnt
is ranidly glowing thin and gray under
thu lioavy tabk : Fiom the reports now
at hand ho II.IH prepaied .some nineteen
] nrgo tableH , bcaimg on nearly every
blanch ol the railway business , and yet
the pile ot document * Hliows no reduc
tion. I'Vom these t iblen the following
ligiircs , relating exclusively to ttallie in
.Nebraska , aie taken-
vuMii.yVAOHS I'Ain KMI-I.OMKS. :
I'loinont , Klkluirii it Mo. Val..S BIV1"r't !
hioiit rilyA * I'.nclnc 4\r > \
' ' " " " ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' '
ll'i'iion l'auiii < - . . . . . . . . . . . . * illi ) 71
Oinnlii , Nlobram .t lUnck Illlld. . * .Mh.B ( ! J
Oin.ilii & Henutiiloan VallL ) . . . . * lJi ! , li > s : M
MUwiurl r.wliu- 1.0.4WK1
lilllnr'lon | it Mis-imiil i"M.M ! t 'J.5
The itwiiiH inaikctl with *
a me com
puted , the ro.ulri not hav ing rem | ) ted.
Kltmt.lll TIl.VFFIf' lN IONH.
" " ° '
' ' ' ' ' '
( A. i'miilu. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . i oT4) ! )
O. , t > t. 1' . , Al A 0 U,017.V ) . !
Union lv.u me 3vill."S !
Uinabii , Nlolrnin ) to lllntk Hills ' .Cin :
Oln.iliVit Kcmilillc.tii Valley 0v' > ll )
Kt. Joe .t\VwUiiii : : MM,4Jl
JiUhMiuii 1 A iuo " , TU,70i )
Jltiillnijtou , M Allsmiurl " , on-10l
ACClDUN-njfO PASSHXOIII'.S A Vt > KVII-l.oyii. ;
KI1 | |
r.KtM.v 1JUIUS
yiouxCilj'.t 1'aLl.ic 0 P. , M. * O 1
Union Paduc
.0. . N. AH. 11 0
0.itlkV 0SI
bt. .loo * WiNtoru SIo
tt !
r. , li . v s.v > , oni.ii
C. , ht. IVM.AiO
p. , N. All. U : iNU5
Oniatia & Jtfinililli'.iii Valley ru ;
IHirllnifton AiMiKsontl 7i7svi.s.- ,
Tbu necoiint ot the Kretnont tV Klkhorn
Vnlley Inehiilesi.l-J.Tliy.fll . tor purchase ot
branch ioud.s ; that of the biou\ City to
raeille. sju . 1 , Clilcngo , M , Paul. Mliinu.
iitiollH & Otn-iliuIWtllt : .bO ; IliirllngtoiuV
M I.SMHIIKHc ! > ) , rilM'or | double ( lack ON
UjiisliMi. The Union I'acilio , hi. Joe iV
Webtern ami Ml oitri 1'tioilin liavu not
ruoiliiil."A | )
"A KSTKItfltlsK.
In tbu tmrryof wntiugnp tlm visit to
the Mock yaids VVedncMlny nttiinoon
one of thu largest eoneenm having nn in-
dueet t'onnt'otion with the plant was
civerlooKod , Uefcioncu IH made to thu
brick and Uln nianiifaetoi at U i-st Lin
coin. Tbu v.otks me ovvned b. > Fit/-
gurnld , Cbrbtian on to Co. , and urn
umon tbn birgcAt in the United
States. Tlie dt.vlng building IK M )
feet long und lui.s ulglit 'HuiineN , "
ouch tunnel holding elevun caia coiitnin-
ing tiOO brick t-atli. The kiln hou-o id
iluO feet long nnd 70 tent wide , with a
capacity for burningU.OtKMtOvl brick. Tliu
machinery 1 * of tliu latent patterns , thu
invcftmuut thu.s fur rupiventing up-
\vtiidt < of f0iUO ? ! ) , iiiul giyingemiomeiit | | )
to over KM ) men. The vv orks will bo i nn
ilaj' and night. * uniiucr and vvinter. The
Vwilly piiHliivt at thu iitcoent i-apacitv
ia ao.O/XMJiJO briok , but an.iugeinents
nro being made for uiilarging t o
us to make the famous pros iul liriek for
which Iburi ) U a hit go demand. Thin
quality , U U estimated , can be sold heui
lor nlxnil Iwo thiiib * tbo price now asked.
Tlio u-orUurn now ritnulnK at lull lorce
mi connium gradcu. ,
i in intu.i-s.
ComniltshHit- llfli-fonr notaries
A niimlKti'of Lincoln | ieoile | wnutdtnvu
to C'rvltt last night to intend thu china
Widdlngof Hon. Kd , liiltoiiili.
Muni utegunto gf thu state
university will hold their nnnnal mooting
December 15.
A girl III years of nge ran aw ay from ft
romfoit ible homont Iteatrico "v\odnes
day , nnd came to Lincoln , brcat o her
aunt had corrected her for sonio offense.
The police were notified , nnd found thnt
she had cnlled on a sister bete , nn Inninto
of a house of prostitution and tried to
bccomo a bonnier hciMlf The older
girl , however , mating * d to tnlk her out
of the notion , nnd jcstcrdny the youth *
ful nd venturer leturntd homo.
The state live stock commission started
for Louisville , Unss county , > csterilav ,
v , hero they have .omc diseased nnlmnls
to Inspect. Omaha is their nc\tobjoctivo
Superintendent Nichol , of the Missouri
Piicilie. is homo ntnin aftci a visit to
Ollli-er Towlcr nrrcsteil the utnnrrsof
the National mid IVotia hotels yestcrd-iy
for Jntoiferin < r with pcojilo about the
Hnrlinnton iV Missouri depot The Na
tional hotel man was lined s1) 70 , nnd the
other , who ivjoiei's in tlie name of Jell'
Davis , secured a continuance.
Mis. Patterson has presented the Pres
byterian congregation with n handboino
illustrated Ihble for pulpit use.
, .
back Kullc , Kcwnrd ; J.V. . Edgcrton ,
Sttoni'-btirg , H L Kinnuy , OsceolaV. .
11 Allmon , Oniuliu , N 8 Hatding , Ne
braska Cityj II. N. Carpenter , H.iinense' ,
U. II NorrK ( jn > i > nwood ; K Van Toil ,
Omaha , \V 1) dalbiaith , llcbioti : ( Sen.
11 Hastings , ( Jtele ; .1. K. Andrew , W 11.
Amleisoii , Hitslmg-t , 1 : It Oilman ,
Oiuahii , llcnr.v I'.iy , Yoik J A Smith ,
Smnll Uiujlncs.s No ? [ oi-o Grand -lory
Til l-i Tor m.
Judge Untidy was occupied ycstcnlay
ttlth the trial of McGctr vs. lirown.
J. , F. lirovvn , the defend ml , was the eon-
tractor for the eonstt notion of tlio Ho-
tmbhean branch of the Union 1'aeilio.
Patrick MeJcir ( was a sub-contractor on
thi same job and now sues lliown for a
diilcreiioo m accounts to the amount ot
% .rooo.
The grand jury has been notified that
it need not repot t , as was intended , on
the Kith mst Theio will therefore be no
furl Inn session of that august body at
this tein of couit. This indeliuitcly
jtostponcf investigation into several im-
jiottnut cinnlnar matters which vveio
jionditig. None the least of those is the
alleged confession of the convict John
Pie ; -ion to the murder ot Col. U atson U.
Smith This must prove most nugiavat-
ing lo those who had reposed confidence
in the original \aiii and hoped to Hnd.
speedy coil oboratiou in Ilio com Is. Yet
pethaps it is nil lorthe best .is it is quietly
stated _ that the United btates court
authorities haye cooled in Ihe ardor of
their interest nml the cnso would probably
bo dtopped any way.
District Court N'otes.
In the case of MetJivvook vs. Ilio city of
Omaha , w Inch had been on trial before
Judge Wakoloy for two thus , the jury
josterdaj' rolurnud a verdict in favor of
] ililntitrtor : ? ! ( ) , the ainount _ cf damages
awnrilod him by the appraisers for dam
ages to liis ptopeity b > cliange of guide.
The trial of thecise of K. S. Johnson
vs. Luther Poland resulted in a verdict
by tlio jtuy of .f-J" * ) . ! ) ! in lti\or of the
In the case of C. W. Lyman vs. the
Omaha Hell railway , judgment vvaslakon
bj couont by plaihlill tor $ I.HiJ..jO
The case now on tiial befoio Judge
Wakclej is that of Turner the city of
Omaha. The action was hi ought tor
ullcgi'd damages t < i propel ty on aucount ;
of change of giadoof r.unam.
A Siitnll AVienk.
Ah Ilio mo it train fioin the stock yards
was appioachiug the city yesterday alter-
noon about t o'clock , Ilio eugino suddou-
ly moiiulcd. Ihu rails and was tlu own
fiom the track. The accident oecunod
as the train was HW itching tiom ono
trick to another , and the derailed engine
blockaded trams going both vva > s. The
ovetlaud was detained foi four hours , as
wan also the stock yaids dummy. No so-
lions damage was done , and the vvicoker
speedily deal ed the track. Thu accident
was o msod bv iocs which nail foi mod in a
'frog" about halt way between thu city
and the stock
ThocloarinKS to-day were ? HO , < ) S1.00.
Marringo licenses were issued jester-
day to August ( .I. H. Kodick ami Mifes
AuHo M. U. Hcschenbossol , both of
Omnha , and Joel K. Cidmie.ll , of College
Sjinngs , Iowa , and Mi s Phabo K.
liajncs , of this city.
Tlio city council committees v/ill meet
this evening , the night of ( heir sessions I
having been changed tiom Moiidii to
I'lidnv in oulur lo ivo moio time for
considering Ilio subjccU whicli como before -
fore them.
At W o'clock last night the thermom
eter touched the /eio point tor tlio lirst
time this SIMSOII. The snow ci caked be
neath the feet of the traveler , and all
who could hoiight Win m place- ) .
The new gas tank which is being built
nt the coiner of Kluvcnth andJonesis
fast appioaching completion. The stand-
n ids are ahcmb np and the lank will bo
placed in position m a few dujs.
The old building formerly occupied by
Billy Huston , the restaiiratunr , nnd re
cently burned , is being totn down. It is
said that n new building will bo erected
in its place boforu long ,
U. J. AIoiHo , Lincoln , Ls a Pa\ton
Dr Sperry , of York , is visiting friends
in this city.
II. M. St.miKird , of ( irand. Lsland , is a
Millnrd guc t.
L. S Irvln. of ICuarnoy , IB in the city , a
guest at the Paxtou.
L. L H.ulloy , of Codnr ILipiiU , Neb. , is
utopping at the 1'iiUoii ,
Hon. Cliinoh Howe , of Auburn , IB
qu.uteied at the PaMon.
Dr. J. LSerth , jr. , sitito votorimirinn , of
Lincoln , Is at tno Pa\toii.
\V. 11 Clai k , of Waterloo , Is in the
city , a guest at the Miilnrd.
U Airoimwo ( idand wife , of Wymoroi
nro slopping nt the Millanl.
H , C. Wheeler and wife , of Arborvillo ,
Neb , , are guests al the Pa\ton ,
Dr. J. i ; . llmlluv , a piomlnont phyai-
c'nn ' of Konmird , Neb. , is in the city ,
J. W. Cramer , Hastings , and J. A.
( io s nnd vviio , Lincoln , mo quartered tit
Mis , J. W. Rich , of Hvanston , III. , ar
rived in Omaha yostor.lay on n two
weeks' visit to her brother , Assistant
Postmaster Woodurd.
Mrs. M. K. Conkllng nnd Mrs. J II.
Herald of Now York , alter u very pleas
ant visit to friends in lulu city , left yes-
teiday for their homeit ,
( loo. K. ( Jodfrcy , 1'ieninnt ; J. S. Mo
Nrtlr Llntoln ; John A. Slater. Mludon ;
U. I1 , Lcbaiigh , Tnlmagnj S F. Kukpat-
r'o'Colerldgo , are ut the Canl'ieM ,
Miss Uertltu ( loldberg. slut or of A.
( ioldbcrg , the Thirteenth titroet dry
iroodti mciehnnl , nrtived from St. IVteu-
burg , Kussia , last week , unit will make
her tuturo houiu with tier brother. Mr.
( ioldberg Imd IIL .seen her for over twen
ty i ears.
A pnifev-or of dcntMrr Ims been ninHiln-
1 for tlte M-liooN In hiinv. > , i.iumuu. Itu
iiKiiifs.U K * look alter Uiu tuna ut tlio *
Ho Fires Back at Several Bee Oorres-
UclternilnR Ills Former Opinions
on Cnttlc , Ho Invites Ilvory-
body to Pitch Into Him ,
TOUT Ntonn.vitA , Nob. , Dec. 10 , 1885.
fKdilor of the HER. ] My attention has
been called to several communications
published in the BEE eutlclsingmy letter
on the cattle interests of the United
States , which appealed in your paper
just before the St Louis convention. It
is very seldom I reply to an.v thing that is
said about myaolf or my writings In the
public pi inks , and indeed 1 do not care
Very much what is said My opinions
ate my own and given only for what
they are worth , and if people do not be-
llevo in them they are perfectly at lib
erty to disbelieve them. One of jour
coirespondents , "J ] ) K , " thought 1
purposely misrepresented MMIIO things ,
und this hurt mo a little , for I iissino , vou
1 always tty to write the tiuth and lull of
things ns 1 believe they aro. I never
puiposcly misrcpievented nnjthing or
anybodv ami I felt Imniiliat'd that
"J. I ) I ] " should Miy ? o However , he
will have hard work to make the people
of Nebraska think so meanly of one they
have known so long much longer than
they have "J 1) ) . L " About the number
of cattle in Nnbraskn , concerning which
"J 1) ) 12 "thinks I am mistaken , I am
not eel tain. 1 took the last nnnti il ic-
ports and those made \ tCol. . It I' ' .
Hunter , president of the isatlonal Cattle
and Hoiso Lirowcts' association , and
Joseph Nimmo , until recenth the United
.States statistician. lfthe. > aie incoricct
"J D. K. " must go to them and not
1)1 imu mo. The number of cattle m .Ne
braska ii > given to the HOI Id by Nimtuo
iu his leport on international commerce
for 183T ) , page tin , and 1 accepted it as
cm reel , being the best inlormation I
could get. It is cm ions to mite that
while "J. I ) . II " assails me for over
titaliiig tlie mimbei ol cattle in Nebiaska
I nud savs lam not unit posted , the adjoin-
j ing ten limy ot .Dakota iissuN mo for
J ' tiudei stating the number ol cattle in that
I territory , The editor of tlio Dead wood
Times hays.
" ( lenoral IJrisbln has not given the ter
ritory and the lllaek. Hills country a tair
Mmw in Ins statistics His ligutes aie
deiived from the tables of IfWO. Since
then the cattle inteiest has grown might
ily in this ten Itorj of Uakot i. The last
census showtliatDakota has 8H1'JH ! ! e it-
tlc on the ranges ami in her nous , with a
v iluation of ! ? A'i.OOO.OOO. This show s that
Dakota's cattle interest has more than
doubled In the past foiu If the
genoud's calculations me nlj made fiom
the bame soinco ot intoimation , it is easy
to HCU tii-it the cattle wealth of tiie west
is blill larger than the general shows.
la the Ulack Hills country tlie increase
has bison much nmro tb in tint cist of
the Missouri. Herds from cveiy direc
tion have been continually bended this
way until tlie cattle now in this neighbor
hood , west of tlie u VIM , can be placed at
over -lOO.OOO bead , with a valuation of
about lU.OOO.OO1) ) . "
That may all be but I do not believe
Dakota has any sneli number of c.tttlu as
8,10.01)0 ) , w 01 111 ii5OI,000 ) ( ) , nor that tlie
herds in the neighborhood of Deadvvood
number 100,000 bead vvoilh ? 12,000.000
I did not tike my liymes fiom the tables
of IrtSJ as the edior of the Tunes wip-
posu.s. but as before stated from the best
data 1 could get tor led > , Minmo'H repot t
ot the Intenationnl Couimeu o of the
United States. Hcgivch the number ot
cattle in Dakota , rolnuary .S , lSd , at
JttO.D.JT head valued at S.M'JO.dtf.1 ? , and bo
it must stand until the noU olioiil tu-
port is made. 1 have no doubt but that
the number of cattle in Dakota has been
gientlyincreased the past jear and it
might bo safe to way the tcnitoi'\ now
has WptM ) ' ) ) or possibly ir > 0,0 ( ) ( ) . The tol-
lowing is the table giv ing as near ns can
bo ascertained the cattle nnd their value
in nil tlie states and teuiloiies ot the
United States , including Indian tetritory ,
up to IVbrmuj 3 , tSS' .
t'otil iHunUei ol eattfp tml tlio viluo tliur > -
of in the M'v-erd st itcs and tciritories at the
close ol Ihe veir tb-il :
.St vies and Number Value of
Torritoiies of Cattle Cutlo
Millie : r)0,7lI ( SUOri7H !
New HmimliNhiro . . . . ! r ,0'iT T s'/ill
Vennont KHi.tar If,18 ) Oli
M.issuliusells 'JI0.7IO ! M71 , > it
lilioiln Isl mil : > . ' > , n > l.9i"it
Cotllieclii-iit 2 "I , " KM 7,1HI,41S )
New oik ii.lls.i ) ! 6 , ' , Ol.Ji7
New .IciM-y ! i7sot ! H.trn.Jii.'s
1 > eiins > lvauia l/iW.lMi fi7,17HX)7 )
Del.ivv.ue .r.OOl . li7iOW
.Mu.vland a s.ix , b.illOH
\liKlmn ( > 0-J" > 'l 11,01(1."Ml (
N irth Caiollua in. ' , a > r tiliW (
hoinii Caiolhm : ir s,7ri fi.iOJ.Oil
t.cor'in 1 > " , , -J 0 12r > i , ii ! ;
Mm ula Cil-'iTt fi.il7. : > 07
AIalMin.1 71I.VM
Louisiana . UKI.HTI 5. < ri.0i"i
Texas . ! ) , ( > ( 0h,0 ( 15..0UOi)0 ) )
Arkansas . i/7. ' IVJ lO.hli.pir
Tonnessi'o . 7H , llt ) U/'H.'W
We-,1 Vlu'inla . 4'n.ti1) Hi.U ( !
Keiituckj . Nis.vi7 V'7t,0 ' 3
Oil ) . l.sOI.VsO 5lJ.llllWi |
MlillK-ltl . UIT.KM ilSi)7 , 'U '
Indiana . l Oi-.l J IJ , U , ' > 40
Illinois . ' , ! ' 0lt 7f..JlV
Wl-coiisin . v.'fo,7wi : ; 4iiii , : ! !
Minnesota . htlxi : : 'Jl,0iiwi
Iowa . : vii4.440 M"ita : t
Mlssoml . VJ.57J110 riiSHU-Jll
Kansas . i ! . 10,0/J .WaM
Nclll.mka . 1,7M.1HI 47,14 , " : W
Califoinhi . UiiiiCO ( Bf' ' . i. iv ,
r.'t.Nii KI..HM : >
Coloiado . Hinii' S.VH1.I74
Jdalu . JJJKXW fl.7sil,7Vl
New Mexico . 517,11 , ! l07nH,07J :
lltih . ii-W : ( 4l'Jsr7 ;
WasliiiiKton . IVi.iirt 4,740,57:1
WvomliiK . l.iftvun ] ! ' , IHI,7ki (
Indian teiritoiy. . lojoHK ( ) ao , loo.ouo
Total 4'l,417,7 2 SUK > , ri7nlUfl
Ab to the other innttetH complnined of
In vour correspondeiit.s' letteis I luvo
iiotliiuj.'to Kay Thoj areHimily | mattuis
of 01 iiiiou , in which I e\eiuit > e the right
of every free-born American citi/on to
.saj wha'l lieliuve is lor the best Inter-
estb of the govcrninent _ under which ive
live If othei.s dillur from me it is their
niivilege and not ntall ollenslvo to mo.
1 hope tlie bicthren will tjather away ,
including thn editor of the Ui'.i : . It seems
to ainiis t them , and duo/i notluainiu
tiny vyoith speaking of.JAMIS
Tlio lllolciiiuii liaznitr Compiuij' Pa I In
% > t0UOU
Vostonlay nfteinoon mortgages to the
amount of $ h,00 ) J were foreclosed on the
ptoperty of thn llickman Hii/aar com
pany , doing business on Tai-nam strout ,
and the stock of goods was Immodlatoly
taken poisoMion of by the mortgairoos ,
the ptincipal patty being tlio Omnha
National bank. Mr. Hickman bolngab-
Kent in Now York , A. C. Troup transact
ed the biiaiiiuvs for him , having I
buun given power of attorney
by thnt gentleman bufotu his
dupartmo. Mr. lllcknnin estimates his
Mock , It is said , nt * W.lidO and his liabili-
tji-H lit if.'O.tKW , It is lunojted , however ,
that lib actual amots will not reach ever
. ' J.OJJ. The preferred crodltora are : b
Omaha National bank , about $ : J,6 O ; Jou-
nio A. Ftw > ili , # lt Ki ) TluMiiiw MHI-UII ,
17 ; Jiibimu Printing comiiany , * ( Jli ! :
ToUt , Waller At Co. , of Now York , f J , J7 ;
Mrs Hk-knnm , JJ.Stl. Mr Hickm-in ov-
pected to set me a sntllcient amount of
money to carr.v ldntluoiigh this month ,
but was dKippuinlrd. whieK it ! sa'd ,
precipitated the faflitro. A .iti fnclory
ndjuMnunt of hU nirtir , it is expected ,
\vill be secured and ho will bo able to re-
bttmo business _
I'ollco Notes.
The wife of tl. J. Hartman entered a
complaint against her lutslmud tor dis
turbing the peite , and that eotlmablo
gentleman was arrested nnd placed be
hind the bats tn the city jail.
John ManwHer , for inlsing a disturb
ance at the rarmets' house and threaten
ing injury to ttio ptopftetor , wasarre tcd
by OlllcerCarroll lastovoningnnd placed
in conlinetiunt.
Jack Iliggenbottom was one of the un
fortunates who occupied quintets nt the
city j'lil last evening
Ye'let day was reception day with Judge
Stenberg , and a larsjo number ol tlio
fiail si tcrs piid him a call and deposited
their usual monthly lines.
Olllcer Currj , at thu request of Iho
owner , shot a mad dou in anrd on
South Tenth street li-n night. The an
imal had been bitten by another dog si > v-
eial days ago and was beginning to show
marked symptom * of hjdiopholna
I'ollco Com t Docket ,
Judge Sti'iibcig ' had a slim crowd before -
fore him in police court yestetdaj.
Tlie following eases were disposed of-
James Dailcv and A Kobinson , drunk
nnd disorderly , v " > and costs ; committed
L ( } Htage and .Harry Kipjio , drunk
and disorderly , tllAcli.itgeil.
.lohn Kdw.uds , suspicions eliatactcr ,
di oharged , with oidcts to have town.
Henillii ! * Thotn toVork. .
Judge Stcnbeig has a new plan which
he sptiugs on the tiamps who appear bt < -
fore him with the plea that the ; can find
no work. Ho has made airatigcinents
w ith Johnson , of the local It < V M. ollieo ,
to send out any < pi uitity of men to woi U
on the II. V M lines in the western patt
ofthestite. On these branches work is
being pushed , anil the contraetots say
that any number of men can Imd cm-
ploVmcnl with them
Whenever a fellow
conies into police coutt , witli the itlca
thai lie would like to uo tooik , but
c-in find no cmplovimutt , ho is al once
iuuiHhcd transport ttion over thn M i\ :
M to tliose \vlHrehi-canicadil.y
liud employment. The scheme is some
thing novel , and economic il lot- the
county , ami .so far has wotkcd like a
chat m.
Winter Destitution.
A communication lias boon icceived at
this olhco from Mrs. J. Hudson ( irtint ,
calling attention to n s id ca o of utter
destitution of a lespcctablo ( tciniiu
Atnciicau family. The husband , who is
a haid-working , "ob'er man , has brokm
ono of tlio bones of jui aim. The wife-
who ban justgivyti hirth lo a liUli < bibc ,
is without thu ncci-ss.iiics inoidetit to her
pic'MMit needs. 'I h i cliiuitabl > disposed
could not find a more woitliv tanuly and
it is hocd | ) soinctlnng will bo doim for
them , as their uenu.s. are urgent Tlio
n line and nddiops of Iho family can bo
obi lined from Mtb. Giant at 508 Sontn
Thnl o ith sticct
K \V Dubois 4he man whose family
w is iiu'Mimned m o tenlai-'b UKK as In -
in. ; in d s ituto circumstances , denies
111 it he is HI situated Uo si.\s
that he woiks , h.nd to support his
fiinilvand m inago to kcop the wolf
fiom thu door without any outaido us-
sisiauec. ,
More Destitution.
A police oiliccr was Miminoned last
evening to a loom in tiie old city hall
building to eject a man who was raising
n disturbance. When he reached the
loom , ncry small one the oiliccr found
two young girla Ivin hu.idled log-'ther
on a bed coveted with lags , while two
men , one of thorn tlio lather of tlie young
gitls , w'cru fpiarielmg nnd threatening
each other , both bumg intoxicated The
olheiT oulercd one of the , men to leave
tin- place , which he did after a long dis-
pnte. It was .isccit lined that the lout
indiv nlifils mentioned lived and nlept in
the bame loom , the two gnls occupying
the lied and the men sleeping on the
floor 'Iho father's name is William
llcnty He vvas aiicnt'd a shoiltmie
ago , charged with Mt.iling paint trom
Moigell KosiMi7.w < > ig. lint was released
on accouiil ot the destitute condition of
his cliildieii. Tlieguls aio about t\\elvo \ \
and louiteen yo.irs of : ige , nnd their > o
.should be invchtix'iti d l > \ MHIID ot tue
chantiiblo orgniii/atiousot die city.
The Arinv ol' Paupers.
As the weather grows sovoie the mini-
ber of panpei ajlieants ] tor help in
creases upon the hands of the county
commissioners. Demands for food and
tuelnie now pressing nnd this cliniitv
woi Ik is fast becoming tlie heav lost I isk
of the eoiiiin ssioners It ia autieiu Ued
that the pauper list in Omalin will be
larger this winter t i.iu in anv veil-past ,
and pioDarations aie being made ae
eoidiiigly Tlu-ro arc alu-ady in the
poor house eyeut\ \ people , a number as
greit as the highest total of last winter.
New building additions have been made
for their accommodation mid tluib the
oiump of .space will bu lolioved.
The ItnllroadVny. .
Wall Street Daily News A Connecti
cut tm peddlur , called "Honost Cliai lej , "
was missed from his route lor a ciJiiplu
of mouths but summer , and when he re- a
appealed explained that ho hnd been
down lo New Haven to get HOIIIO rnjl
road experience. "Aiojou going to tail-
reading ? " "Of eonrsu not , but 1 m go
ing to pool In with four other neildleis ,
and I wanted to hmiu the in r > ad way
ot letting them do ull the woin while I
scoop the profits. I II own wagons ,
horses , drivera and , | ill buioro another
Hpring , "
The city council of H lton , Jackson
county , Kan. , haa employed H night
watchman to natrol city each iiigfil.
At thu end ot each , hour he is loqirr.-d to
give his horn throu nl0it | blown , but at uo
other time except In case of lire in
A wild man wtte found fccourlng "
through the wooilsintmr Omega , n few
miles northeast of Cuitnilia. Ill . witli a
heavy ohuiii iiniund , him n d a hickory a
htiek in his hands All that could bo
learned from him wns that hj was fiom
Ohio. Ho had boon living In the woods in
several davHaudflnmfood wasprciared ]
for him ho tito it liMni do
If you buy liimluinnyvvhoro wlthou
jlrat getting Hoagliind'a Dritoj yon wil
lose monuy.
Dr. Hamilton \ > nrron , holoctln Physl-
cinn and .Stugeon , 70-J N. lUth street ,
near WobaU-r. Day and ni ut ualls
attended to.
n An llvututl & Kirk Atlas of C'n
Nob. Address S. & M. , Omaha , Nob. n
Finest line of Christmas Cards nt hi
Saxu's , Hi
Have 3011 tnt > ted UIOMI delicious Hoaton the ;
inkbd beans at the NEW KNLSLAND
llakery , yjl N. Itth St. til
Muller makes all his own candled and thii
und vvatruuU uatislaction. IIIh
A Careful Schedule of the Millionaire's
Wealth ,
Ho Ilothcn Permanently I'rom AVnII
SU-cct anil Leaves the 1'lclil to
Ills Son
Since Jny Oould annonneed his intention -
tion of withdrawing from Wall street
hlseleiks have completed a schedule of
all his properties , gient and small.
A filend of Mr. ( Jould furnishes the
New Voik Morning Journal some of the
most striking items in the list , whose
looting tuns far into tlto millions
'WO.OOO slmesVeitcin Union Tel
Kniph Btotk . . . . . . .
1100J9 sluics JHssotirl I'ntlac
K tllro.ul stork . ltVK,000 )
Itinxil slmrcHdt WnbwhA ; 1'acllic
( iiiitiiion stiHc . lT.'iOOUO
( XJ.IKW siians \ V.ibvluP.icllio , prc-
terii'il stock . l..XOOOO
fiO.OX ) .slmirs MlsMiuil , Kaiifias
. , i >
HHharesTe\iis ( ) .t I'aclilc Knll-
roul stuck . S70.001
TOtXHslmics Dile It illio.ul stock. . lS.lvo ,
ft WUOJOU'nlx'-li hondo . 4,7lfl.fiJl )
4"J.Xiislinics ( ) Union I'.ulilo Kail *
rind stock . 27,0 ,000
20.0UO Mimes Xcw York Central
Killlomi sim'k . I ) , 120,000
P.oxi sh.ues Kakehheie Kdliu.Kl
Mcrk . . . 7lJ,000
aJO. ( tX ) shares Muitlmltan Kallwiiy
Cu . ajWOi ! , > 00
! ! ! ' VI. f.PTATP.
u lilciieo.uiilsi\l > ncies
ii luul . s iv > o.oo
Home No . .TV Pitili u\oimo .
on estute .
. , , .
\nrht. At ilunU. 01 iii mil cost . S : WJCOO ,
llcitilis , linoioMMiieiits , new uri-
cliinet > , s.nis , upiiolsicilinshlp'8
stoics . tr > 0,000
Steam IiuiiKh and citilinuent | . 5,0 * )
5 i.W.OOO
Jtiv ( lOtild has hnd his son George in
tiaining for the past two yo-us to step
Into his pati'iit-lcather .shoes. Ho has
miide ( teprgo diieetor in ono company ,
vice piesident in another , second vic'e-
ptcsulent ot a tlihd. Now the popular
and nmisiumiiitf Doling man has as many
titles rolled into his Miiglo poi.sou as the
lord hljrli chajiecllor in "The Mikado "
liooigo will vhlnally bo the active i ait-
net in a linn of wlneli his fathei will be
the silent partner Young deoigo will
IIIIMI , as he has had tor the pa * > t two , the beiiejit of his tiuliei'H Hhrentl
liidgmint , of his kein Jotesight , and of
his tliorough know-ledge of the wu\s of
"the Sheet "
.lay ( lould has transferred an immense
amount of propel ty , railway sh-ircs ,
bonds and sceuntios to hi \ hon. Ho has
slatted him in business with an amount
behind him that a Rothschild might envy.
This is a list of w hat George can put up
fet collaleial or dtaw againul if ho needs
money :
shates Western Union telo-
Kiaph sti ( ( k S7,100,000
KD.tW ) shales Manhattan lilevatid
Itdlwav ( oiiiimiv llbOO,000
fiO.OJO sh.ues Missouri 1'arilic rail-
i oul slot k . : 2,259,000
.Jfl.OiKKiiaK'sTeMis 1'ucltto i.tllrond
5,008 slmiiis New Yoik Central Kail-
nail stoik 135,000
! ! , OiH ) shaicd Lnko Shore railroad
stock So4,000
3 M ) shut" ) Mlssnuil , Kinaas to
Texas riilltoid stock S11.030
10 j Oil. . ) sinus Texas 1'aellic rallioad
stotl 217,10(1 (
Krluiallrorttlntotk 20.r > tO
$ .50,000,003
A I'nr.ullso for Indolent Kportamcti
in tlie St. .Tohtt'ri Kivei1 Country.
A sijm r 1 hunt on one of these creeks ,
writeb n Magnolia , Flu. , correspondent ,
is worth u joinov tiom the north. There
mo two wajs ol hunting gray Mpilitols
in Mm ida. One is to go on loot , battle
wilii the Ihoinv vines that hang like net-
tingb of baibi-il vviie in the thicket , fall
over ejpte'-s knees get mil ed in tlie bog ,
and .sti.iin the mtisolc.s of the neck and
spmo looking for the btpiiiiel" that are
in the tice-lops , und tan bo easily
knocked out. The other way is
to fiko to one of the creeks
lor this puiposii get a sm ill
sailboat , with a ncull lock at the bturn.
Clioo u a day on which theie is little
wind. Take along an obedient datky
boS ill to the mouth of the cicek , cal
culating to get llieie about tlie middle of
the nlVernoon , audit the bree/e is favor
able inn up thu ciuck a mile or two under
sail. Then i o vn sad , take jour seal in
the bowwitli a light but stioug nil mtiug
double biceeh lo idinggiiii inoiir li.nuU ,
and a bag ol cm tndgcs loaded with No.
I nliot at voar si lo [ , - \ in , d u-Jy have
the paddle. Tell him lo scull noisttlc-sly
under tlie overliangiiig blanches of the
nut t.eos nnd keep hia lyes and eais
open lei sipiiiruls.
Tim Init tumid , \ou hear piobab'y ' will
IHJ made bj n kingfisher swooping acioss
in trout ot jou with a noise like that
made by u Chinese hddlu and Hiilnshmg
into the w liter , and , as though nil aid jou will get ahead of him and .scare
the lish , the bird will keei > just in liuut
ol thu boat for mijen. sitting on MIUIO
ovei hauling dead limb till > on nearly
come up with him , and tin n w inging his
way on for another ot.'g ) with his pecu
liar ohittcr Noi elcssU tlio bo it will
advance till jon or tlio darky boj prob-
bl.v the il.tiko } boy-ean hear ( ho bark of
sipnrtcl tip ahead , or hoar him "out-
ting" at a nut. or detect the
swish ot houghs an ho leans ftom
btanoli to btaiieh , or see the nim
ble little fit. low i mining along a limb.
He does not hear the boat for it makes
not tliu hlightcxt i oim > jNine times in I
tendon can get a fair crack at him The I
No i nhot ate I u o ono \ to bung him i
down , ovun though twigs intervene The
darkey li > i w-ill scull up and take him (
i om thu water while you are txttlinu m
another rihell It thu air bunt. II sipuunls
will be phintttiil all along the ban1 * , unil
theto will be no troitblu about getting a
HiillioliMit tm- Mo.inwhilu , the liuntcr
iimtMid to tlio Moilila eroeks will < -oo
my things of interest. ( Jt-oat blue
r MIS , 11 } ing noil-ell sdy ) from the
"tamp and dis tppoarm amid tno
1 ikucss of foliage far ahuad ,
iiirkov bu//inls , sor.ipiug their wings
iunnt do id bninchcs In their
blundering Ibght. brown swarms ot wild
hont ) , > bee-t. biu/lnu aioiind knot-holes
the hollow ti unks of evprosi tim-s
which they have stoiMii with honey , mill. '
whlo IM.IIIUH , hitting mcditativuh-
iiojecting Knags ; owls as bl-r.n bushel
li.iHKoiH. sitting out in tlio glmo on thu
to. fa of dead trees and hliiikiiij' painfully ,
tuillu/i / of thu sl/o of a Hinall dry goods
bos tumbling fiom snags into the water
gracefully as a dry goods bo\ would
tiimhlo , and alligatois , ijulukto illnstiato
the piovfronil oa o of rolling oil' fiom a
There nro Boveral war * of skinning
squirrel. It mtiy bo done in this wi > -
C'nt o I' the tail close to the body , leaving
piece of skin half an Inch wide mi-
si'Veicd on top. Take him by thu tail and
hind logs , and pull. The piece of iiuent
skin will widen as it coiue.s oil'llll the -i
odifoH como together on thu holly , and t J
fororjuartuta and head will hu I
Httlppnd clean. Then tii\o hold of the 1
point of skin still on tlu oolly mid stiip
thiihlndouaitors. . Hero is 'a wa.of . \
cooking tlio Mpurnd th it is as yon I IM
ulxno lien glinted wuv of skinnln'
him. Alter drawing the iulnv-l | and I
saving tlio hcnrt , U\er and light's
out off his hcitd and quarl < i
him. I'ut some nhito bacon in
the fning pan and try out the fat
Into the hot fnt drop the pieces ol
squirrel , season to the taste , cover clo ely
ly , ami ftv till thotouglily cooked ami
bi owned. It is a dish nt for the gods or
11113 body else ,
from Oct-inntiy.
From Into Geuunn and Knropoan
papers the fuel i eiidotit that the recent
evpitlsions of Herman Aiiiuiieiuis fioin
( Jermanv ha\o not only been Migger
ated , but tint the ( Jerinan press , heic
nnd abioad , is now sitislied withthecon-
sttuction and fnllillmenl of the Uaneioft
rcciptoclty treaty by theUeimiin goxoin-
inent , and that the Uoim.ut Ameri
can visitors to their native conn-
try are now heated with as much
consideiation and fotbearanco as thej
over have been iuco the tteaty
was signed in 1 08 The infot ( nation ia
gntheied item ollieinl soutecs that from
UcUibor a , 1877 , to December : $ . 187f ,
twenti-fotir C.T.C ? were einimernted in
which Itcrnutn Amciieatis had sought
the intei v cntion of the Amei icnn gov ci n.
iiii'iit , all of which , with the eveeulion of
tluce , woie iti fa < tonly nirnngod To
these 1'itter the Vtipulaliotis of the in > y
did not apply During the follow in < ;
year twcnti-slv cn es wcto mljudicntcu ,
seven of which rostilrcd unfornbly
to the ( lormnn-Aiuoricaus. Two
of these nero dcsctteis , ono
was jrmlty of n ciune , ami four
wciu Alsiti.ins , to whom the Itcnty did
not npplv. 1'ioni Iddi ) to IHHI twenty
cases woiu settled , seventeen m favorot
( .n'tmiin-Aniei leans , Oneot theicmnin-
ing three wns n dcseitot , the other two
wore Als itinns. I'lom IbM to .September
1 , 1MJ , twenivthico cases occulted , all
of which , with tlio exception ot two tor
dcsct tion , AV ere ilceitlud in la < or of the
complamnnt In 1 8. ' theCiii'imin gov-
eintnent lelituiuishcd its position in
loforenco lo the AlMtlians , and lu ceases in
con oqituiu-o resiillod tavorablo to the Al-
sutiaii' ' . In the < 'oiirseof liMiycairi ninety -
lined ciises oiili wcio adjudicated , of
which seven t exulted in lav or of the
Gorman government. Thuso olliciul h -
tires Miow that the stijiulatluns of the
lliineioft . > iiifiiienco to the pio-
teetion of tlie' lights ol ( lutnian Amcii-
onus in ( ! ci many ai o not a diad letter ,
and Hint the United .States gov eintnent
has seen to their enforcement mil , that
the ( lei man emperor has iTot asked for
the abrogation ol the tteaty is sullicient
evidence that ho dues not consider the
nt rangemtnt huidoiisumu.
fpoclil rfBirJ lo l
Anntinrta , IJmoor Alum
Id roNDtlCTKD 11Y
K/oyal Havana IiOttery
Drawn al Havana , Cuba , Every 12 to 14 Days.
TlcLoti In I'llllis ; Wholsb ? ; Fractions pie
Hiibjii't lo no r.mnlpnlatlon , not contMillcil liy
Iliu imrllc.In in UIPMI. II Is Ilio In ri"t lliititrln
tiniiiituro ol Umn i > In tivistcn u
for Ukottuppl > to-illll'sv AIV > . ] „ ' ! iiroinl
M-UV.N. y Citv .M. om'Ns CO.IIPI Mum
btreot , KIUI-IIG Cit > , Mo.
and Acorn
He nrdless of Cost.
To imkc loom for a lame line of " . ' .coin
Cooks' ' and Rmi.'e- ; > now iiiilviii ; ; . It uill jay
you to ii"t ; my priceUufuic biijlnM I urn
bound to bull.
Master'u Sale.
In tlio ( Itvnlt Com l of iliv Unllcd Stutoa lor tin-
Disiiktol 'iolniwkti.
titxngo Ut-llo j
\ , > In Cluacory.
U M. Wui nt r tt at )
muled ( s hc-iciiy Klvcn in pursn-
-L aiiconiid lij \iiliin ol u dot no niileiul In
tlio iihove ctiihOun ilit d iliij ol .luniuir > , Hs > ,
I. I.IIU d llli iliovMjr , hpiHliil MHHI.'I InijiiaiKuiy
In stild toini , Hill , on ilio-'Mli il.i > of Do oiiluii ,
InSTi , ut tlio lioin nl II o cluck In Ilio lorviioon
of Ilio K-ilil daj ut luirtli itoor of tliu tlnltcil
btiittM court hoiiso nnd po t oilluj biiliainjf , In
tluiLllv of Oniuliu , Doiiilits count ) , HIIIIU mul
Jmti jti ul .S'i Ijiu-vk.i M'll al auitlon tliu lolloiv.
liiir < liii < I.IIK ij | iiopmtU > nit.
S n H nnd s ' s w isu is. n w 'i of u n
H iiiul n. u. ' 4 ol ii M ' ,41-00 III , 'l | > JT , It u ; B n.
> * < n. ' l mid n o ' 4 ol is o , ' * fcrii II , TII , U
ItniuoH. n. it ol H w > 4orH ( ) ' * und H. w. 'i of I
B w t ol u. ' , toj 'A1 , n. 't ' ol H w. ' . un 1 u i a
of n w 'i ' po .11 , d 'jofH w 'i hOii , 1 % Ti | , 7
U. y , euit in Dakota coiliil > . Nuliru-ku
I'.i | . IliniinnH.ii ,
HxiLlal | MiiH | r in C'liiunPy.
Joy. AViiiniiT \ HIJIMOH , AiioinajH orl'i.'n
tlir , 1 1 run o
Btx tt Jfn lo und Hooks
Minitul liislriuiu'iilii.
Hallot & D.vi3 Pianos
Vlnlliu , ( Jultttrbiiui' llunJoH.
I'liiiu ) Ptoofii und ifivi rt
Rinl-'t. Mump lur tiituloifiii ) ,
I'liuli K < x > Uff mid Novell It <
Engravings , Paintings
N-W. Cor , ISth and Doiifilas Stt.
w , , i. coxKnir < ,
31.18 Utti Street.
Fiilooncr's Hlock , Tilli nnd
r. . u , COOIIUAN ,
Collection * , nimto pi-oiiiptt } ; Duubtfiit il.ilms it
H > itlnlt ) . IV" 1'iiriiiim
( ? u S Svimt ! wTlT
IMO rnrntuii BttwU
.OUIS 1) ) . Hot.MP- * . .1HIIV T. DIM OV.
Itooius 8 imd 1U , I'l-ciuiT lllock , ( ) pH | ) lto IHwt-
Olllll' .
Ol-N .1. I' . SvlTll
Pini'tlco In t-tnlc , linloi nl inn ) upromo court * .
ntlciilliin tfhi n to ilii' I'Miiuhmiloii of HIliM
uKMiiRnnd lotlettlon of i < lnlin . l iutit
i nl o tlio unlo iiiul niulnlor fculi lntc
IcRlll llll lMl ' < llolIK Hllll llUpllttll. fllll ( III
iililressSnillli \ Mimn , nllfiinrjN nt luw.cor
HIT nl I'lli ilifi t inul Cnpllol IIUIHII , tifiu 1'
O . .liuol'H Illnelf
! , nnd Mrriiiatllo colloctloim a
fjxtlllllj ,
Cor M n linntV Nutloiml Hank.
JA.MK8 11. rii.MHinM. 1) . ,
riijplcliui and
Iti ldonco , No HO" .lout * Sln-el. Ollteo ,
ttl'Jll ' HUpOlll llOllhU 'H'UpllOIUI.NO , ) - > .
int. JA.S. nni'KKrr
I'lDbU'lAN ' AM ) BU
OtlUo mid lloMd < ncp , V.4 N. ISth St. ,
OKOIUSIA A. Aituwanj ; , M. D.
PmsiciAir ,
C. M. DJNSMOUi : , A. M. , at. D. ,
vyfllliuns' lllock , III N. 15th St.
1 iTA
Otlkctilii U nlri | 8tnul. ) lolopliono 'Q. '
ItwIJiMiLO 17U C'aplUil Avo. T'lupliiiiic 510.
Oinro. IMli ftrtcl , opjioflto 1'oelofllcu. Tolo-
jiluiiu11 K.
llcitilt nu-.lta N. 20tlt stiout. Telephone Nn. ! W.
iK.v."s. . oiiins
Jtooiu T. Croteliton llloclt. isth nntl Douulas
Etn > ( l Oiuc'loioiiliniie. 1 .1.
1 nhliloiii.0. Kll I Ciiillloriilii St.
Olliit < Horn * , \i \ lot iiiul T tel ! p. in.
and Surgeon ,
TtOopliono rsa. H. must
im.v. .
Dentscher Ant
OTro ( 1 0 : TnnJ < m Bt. lloms 10:1.111. toSp in.
litei ItmoUni. Ooiiltir mul tf IJtli.
DPk. C. 1' . If Al
riij.alclan and Silicon ,
ODicis.uul i t ii1onpo Vffi I'
it , vv. CONNILLM. : D. ,
Iloniu-opatlilst ,
. .13 S Hthf-t , Tc-le pliono GK )
C1IAS. M. COC , iM. D.
rhj.sldim mid Sin won ,
Tor Dotiitliia mut IBtli ft. , Uinulin. Nob.
DIJ. M. - > . O'ltOTTlMti : ,
rii > f-lclan anil hm goon.
Oflloo HuFiliinioi'N l/Ioi / K , Iblli anil f.t ,
H < ( lUlonie 1T. < WubMor Pt.
( Mitoi hours 10 u l.'u in.i'JtoCii. in. mid
7 to 0 p. m.
_ _
lloiuv. ! ' ! ! ill. to 4 l > ill . wcfkilujrt only.
AV imams' block , ill N Ijlli - < i.
UltCIIAC. Ol-lSMOIlK , Sllpt ,
( Open l > : i > und Nllit ; >
N. W. Coil , 1-rii ANiillo\\ vim bTH.OttllA , Neb
iiltinl Cuivntun v , I'lleHi'iimoiHull - Lip ,
lllp.lofnl Dorii'-iM , risiululn Ano ,
\.eilkiiliitnlHii tfl id Vonnitilil I | HIII CH ,
JM-II | > M < I | VVoinen Disiiscs i 1:30111111 : Uar.
CoiiO'i'Oiiiloiic ' < iKnluli ! ! il
Dll. J. \ \ . I ) VSA HT , Al
Dentists ,
151H Doiljfo Street ,
V. 0.
J. 0. WlHK.VKltUY , D. D.S. ,
Dentist ,
Siuct'pwir in dilutee \ Wliliinory ,
1,1141'liiiium dtront.
DH. CHAK , 13. < \ SMITH ,
COIINMI oic LVrii Hr. VMM vnroi , AVK.NUK ,
( Iiicoln llloc.U.1
Nntiiinl twtli i > rf soivit < l. lut-fiilnrltlcc of
all I hi 11 n n tdOlh ( out ulul illxilnso'l li'nlh ll'nl
liiiniHuiniHi , ol I and pin k 11 loir , j.oM liiii'd
IHIOM Hinl lei ill uiHuiiil | u eAllwoikk' Uf-
in I'd. nnd m IIKHI ii'n-oiiiili | | nice , Olhco
liuuiu tnnii IMI in. lo .1 p. in il.illj.
Painting and
Instructions in Drawing and Painting
And onK is I'lldt lit
Ml.Sb ( AJU.ii : lUIOlVl.
pliiillo. ji Ailln.tiiiii | tl ( | { i.nii Ktipu imd
l'o > < it , clilmi t nl nin/ it-i oiirmiork , Hgum
In oil mid Mill * r lolor , In-tui | ] .iuill.i .
Mud tdivilli- l > > . ( ! i ( ml , \ H.iniiiui , All
Jjicmo , o > v V uk Llty , VIi < M. Mul ) , I'Mllinun.
Clun.o ,
Bhirt Factory-
Omaha Shirt Factory ,
Finn Mill in : IIK | UiulvUM.ii to Uiik-r ,
BOi.Nmth liitli.St. i
Upholstery & Repairing
u. 33. Fssr-iniovys ,
SO. UiOl turn Mill I ,
.iim r MIUIMrj-i I.II'IIIIIT. | i
) | | I'M I1 III ) 1 illl.l | llllM < r , | u
, r I i. I IMIH ( ' * t l - I , ll v , I I | , | il | i iJlHIMtMl *
Hi il ill Me in ii if ii.vii win K ltn > ii > n |
Illl0 | > OU. Ili ) * * | )0 ) < lnl III ! J U II Hill LUll I'll ) Oil