Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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OMAHA Omrr , No , on AVU OH Fvmx ST
NKW YoriK ortic'K , Itooii CS.TIIIIICMB
PuliltatiPilcvMT morning , rtccpl Sunday. The
only Mon Jftj' niortiln ? | > nicr | publlslioil In the
tniMS nv MAir/i
Ono Your. . . , UnmTlirr- Months . I2..V
PUsJUmtliK. . , fvMMinn Month . 1.03
Tin. WKKKLY lli.i1 I'lililUbiil livery Wednesday.
OnoTrftr , wllti prpudutn . , . | 2.W
one Yfiir , Illiont | iiciiiliiii ( . i l. *
8l.t .Moulin , without premium . . . . T5
Oro. : Month , on trliil . K
V\ll rormmmlcntlnns rolntlnir to HP - nnd mil-
( fu1 lninttir Mimil'J lw itilclre ed to the Hoi-
ion oi'THK. llir. :
. .
AHl > nMnr > 1' Her * mid roinltliineos 1ionM bo
r < 1(1rf ( M'd to Tun HRK runi.lsiitMi COUOANV.
OMAHA , Ihufis , ( hot * * nn > l i > o toilico outers
to liO tnnilo pnyalilotiiUiciinli'rof tliu '
m itt rDBiismiG CCUPIMT , mn\im \
T CMtvp.t.ANt ) is xvhat the
newspapers cull n space writer.
Tnc hymn of the gnu companies al
ways BUD ; ; In long muter. So : ire the
bills of the consumers.
Tun building boom has boon nipped by
Jack V'roit for the winter , but tfio spring
opening will be tlio largcnt on record.
Tun poorer thu quailly of the gas , anil
ilii ! cheaper its of pioduetion , tliu
higher the bills , Is the rule In Oinuha.
arc in big demand in Kansas
City incn Ilia o\plmion of the gut works.
If the iriw was no boiler than that fur
nished in Omaha , candlo-light is pro-
THIS faot thai the erutsor Chicago
floated whiiti she was launched loads tlio
Philadelphia /'cco/v/to say : "This is u
triumph for -lohn Uoaoii , anil ul-io a
great democratic victory. "
TUB election in Knglund has been n
long one , but not HO longnsthu election
contest ever the Chicago mayoralty ,
which bognn some months ago , and is
liable to last all win tor.
Hosw CuviiANi : > ' .s remarks on poly
gamy In the president's message nro at
tracting mtiuh attention , and the general
comment is that coming from an old
bachelor and an old maid this little essay
on the Uimuty of marriage and the family
Si very ( good ,
GIN. ; Lori AN has buon given his old
nlaeo on the milituiy uommittee , and
Senator Sowoll is to his shifted to the
joint committut ! on the library. Tliis l.s
first blood for thu enemies of Fitz Jolin
Porter , whoso cause Senator Sowoll PO
ublj" ehainjiioned in the last congress.
Tin ; railroad commission id vindicated
The Union Pacific lias refunded , on it
own suggestion , an overcharge of forty
five ocnlH. This magnificent achieve
mnnt. of the dcnd-houd junketers mns
forever silence nil criticism on the of
ficienoy of the railroad ooinini.siion.
Sr.NATOH MAXDKKSOX has rointrodneei
hh bill toinereaso tlu < infantry branch of
the army by nuking its organisation uni
form with that of the cavalry. As the
measure ! H in accordance with the recom
mendations of ( jonnruls Sherman , Sheri
dan , anil tliu boil military authorities , it
ought to secure a prompt pus.sago.
Ev-PuiisiDixT : HAVICS lias boon giving
his jmlgment on the crops ami ventures
( lie opinion that the most important croi >
n this country is our boys and girls. If
Mr. llaye.s desired to do so ho could fur
ni.-th.soui' ' ) important information on the
crop of o lice seekers which ho help-oil to
harvest during his four years'Unure of
BwwEits in N nv York have madu so
much money during the present boom
tbat there is talk of erecting anew and
magnificent builjing for the stock e <
oliange , and the project will prolu'jly ' he
pushed to completion. The aggregate
value of stock exchange mumbor.ships i
now nbont. $ ii , ( 9.n ( ) , nml the buildin
oreetud will undoubtedly be n uuul
gorgeous and dtunondous all'alr.
. JKKOMR PB.vr t , clerk of the police
Court , ja credited with arranging a com
-lug prize-light , to b > fought to a linish
With'hard gloves , ami tc talte plane with
In the cily limits if pjrmitte.l by thu eity ,
wnthorities. Mr. Pent/t-1 should resign
Cither from thu managemuntof the pri/.n-
'lighting ' biminefcs or from the clerkship of
tlio polioe court. It p.-rtaitily is n n pro-
'per ' for iv city oilleini to uneoiirage prino-
Pinsii : > r.NT OI.KVKI.ANI > In Ids
'tofunt ' to "luxte * hninnnl yf/iir/i. / / " Doubt-
'lo.sgfome ' nnlottoa-il nluwiiiiimomi ) will oU-
ject to this miiiiaer of leteriin to u vllu con-
'toianoiary ' , IfeniM.
Whila wo can't Hpuuk for "unlettered
nincompoops , " wit nan ah'juro our poly-
tiyllabie contempontrv on behalf of llio
'lender ' of iworago education , that "one-
bilrH of mankind" would have boon a
much belter phrase iu the executive
Tur movement to cHtublinh a system of
.postal . navings banks will probably bo
ipunhod with a great deal of vigor during
the present congiws , tind it may prove
successful. Such a result would be in
accord with popular sentiment. These
twvlnga banks would be carried on in
connection with the pnnollii'o depart-
imont. In England limy have jiroved
UtTcssfnl , und Itulglnm , the Ncthor-
orlands , Italy , and Japan luvu ivccntly
ftdoptod the sydtem.
fO.\s INSI-KCTOK Gii.niiitr reports the
Ontlnnunce of poor gas and increased
/Kmi / bills MJ the rcbulU of the now com-
l | Uny' * pi-omisf * to Improve and cheapen
urga Hiij > py. ) The ordinance under
Which the gasworks nroojwnttcd is clear
Mid speollc. It rcijiiires gas of u dulinltn
'Duality null at a delinlte price. It U the
irtutv of the city council to nuke a thor
'ftiigh ' invchtlgatlon of the matter and to
told the company tn it strict , compliance
% ith the biniM of their contract with the
He forms in I tic Navy.
The acceptance of the Dolphin nnd thi
successful launch of the new cruise ;
Chicago mark the prar-tlcul beginning o
the reorganization of the navy. It is trui
that htops toward increasing the naval establishment
tablishment were taken during ( ho las
republican administration. But then
was n lack of conlidenco In provailliif
methods In the department pcrvadliij
both political parties. This found spec
ial I'.xpre ion in tlio democratic IIOHM
which controlled appropriations am
acted as a bar to extended ellbrU. JCo\\ \
that the adminiotration has ehangcil
there is every reason to believe that 0111
navy will bo placed on a footing com
mensur.itu with the importance of the
nation and the extent of our coast line
'I admirable report of Secretary Whit
ney on the needs of the navy murks an
epoch in the dreary line of incnmpi'tcnl
olllcials at the head of that department
It is the work of n man of ability , character -
actor and courage , and will at once ill' '
.spiro conlidcnce that whatever money *
may be appropriate ! for naval reorganl'
zation will bo applied for the purpose.-
for which they are intended. Mr. Whit
ney him worked laboriously in probing tu
the bottom tiio defects of the naval de
partment and he presents his result-
fairly und emphatically with the clear
ness of a practical hiisineKs man nnd the
conciseness of a lawyer's brief to court.
The secretary's tlicoiy of the proper or
ganization u ( the department is bimple
and orderly. He tinds the cause of
of the past wastefulness In the service to
1)0 1 in proper and eonllictinir organiza
tions. Ho proposes to have his olliee di
vided into three principal departments.
He wishes one sot of experts to buy tlio
materials to bo utilised by the navy.
They must bo judge * of the prices as well
as of the qualities of the supplies.
Another .set of experts are desired to car
ry on the constructive work of the ser
vice. They must bo exports in the busi
ness of making and repairing ships and
guns , and all that belongs to them. The
third department will direct the move
ments of bhips , Heels , and the thousands
of ollicor ? . and men employed on tlit-in.
Those three bureaus are to take the place
of the many which at present c.xiitand
the accounts of each are to bo kept just
as a pralical and common sense business
man would keep the books of a great es
tablishment and its diU'erent depart
ments. Mr. Whitney asks that congress
shall reorganize the naval department
before rcorgani/.ing the navul establish
ment. Ho then promises the best results
from the expenditure of whatever ap-
pronriations may bo made for rebuilding
tlio navy.
I'arnoll'fj Triumph.
The Knglish elections nro over and the
result is n practictil triumph for P.irnoll.
Ncillar ot tuo great English parlies has
u working majority over the other and
the 1'arnellites combined. The national
ist campaign lias resulted ifs iU l.-uder
decreed , and the uncrowned king o. ' Ire
land will como to Westminster backed
by a following whoso united strength can
be thrown at any time as ho may elect to
elevate or defeat either a conservative era
a liberal ministry. Unless an unl.k.ily
combination is made between the liber
als and conservatives to res'ust all .Irish
demands , Air. Parnell and his party will
bo dictators of all legislation in tlio coin
ing parliament. To the English people
generally the situation will bo a mo.s
humiliating one and demands are al
ready made for a prompt dissolution of
the parliament and a new appual to the
country. It is safe lo bay that the ex
pense and excitement of n new electoral
campaign w II not be forced upon the
country until tliu experiment of conduct
ing parliament under tint new condi
lions has been attempted by the present
party loaders. Mr. Gladstone seems
inclined to make heavy bids for the Pur
nulliioHiipportand Mr. I'arncll , in turn ,
if tlio cable dispatches are to bo credited ,
is not diriinolini'd to a renewal of the
treaty of Kilmainhum. It renuind to bo
been compromise can bo decided
upon which will secure iinitml liberal
support and prove .satisfactory to the
nationalist party. So far the leader of
thi ) nationalist.- , has declined l > formu
late Ins programme for Si > lf-governni"iit
in Ireland Wnat it is to include and
what to exclude is a matter of profound
importance to Knglibhmcn , Any step
looking toward the dissolution of the im
perial union will be certainly opposed by
both branches of the liberal party. If
the tory lenders are to be bolhived , any
movement which trenches on imperial
inthority in purely Imperial matters , such
is taxation , and tlie military and nuva
jsjubliihinonts , will not receive the sup
iiort of Lord .Salisbury's ministry. It is
casonablo then to believe that what-
ivcr coalition is rondo must
; e between the liberals and the
. 'nriiollitos as against the conservatives ,
inch an alliance would mean a majority
) f 170 voU'S over the conservatives and n
eturn of the liberals to power. If Mr ,
'arnoll is prepared to dollno what his
tarty demands are , and if those demands
lo not exceed the extent of local
uitonomy which the liberal party Is pro-
tared to allow , there is no reason why u
trong working majority should not
nice moni return thu liberal leaders to
lower at Westminster , Under any cir-
iiuistuncrs , Pnnioil'd power in thu next
larliamiMit will bo decisive. Ilu will
iicttitu to the existence or decease of the
iody. His wish will determine the fnto
if mcitbures nnd ministries ,
.ATTOUXUV GKsmt.vt ( } VICLAXD in his
muni ! report suggests thuudvUubilily of
uilitiug federal jails in thu cities where
Fnitod States courts are held. Oiiiaha
lid Lincoln no doubt will approve the
licoinmondution. Thu more public build-
igs thu better ,
Mu. CLEVELAND'S cabinet huvo proved
u'ins.L'lv'1'i Intelligent and practical men ,
ml industrious workers , It can bo
tfuly Add that the annual reports
iindod in from t'o various dopait.uonU
ikon as a whole art ) thu ho > t and most
iggoitive which have Issmul from the
overnment press in years. The report
( the secretary of the treasury is ox-
itnstivo in iu trcatnunito * the various
iples under ruviow , unit l
material for Intelligent debate and IrgH
lation on the tariff nnd silver questions
Mr. Latntir'a report is the tirat one tlml
has Issued from the interior tloparttuenl
for n long period which dcnls fearlessly
with the abuses which have sprung tin in
the land office , and norts the rights o (
the people as against the great corpora
tions nnd syndicates who hnvo seized
upon llio public domain. In Mr.
Whitney's naval report the public will
read with a sigh of relief the causes ol
the demoralization in the construction
department of tlio nnvy , and plain , com
mon Sense , rcmodics for the
evils of a bungling nnd cumin rous
administration of the various bureaus.
It looks as if Mr. Cleveland's administra
tion was to bo n practical and business
one. This is a cause for congratulation
Irrespective of party. With all its
dishonest buncombe about the civil
service reform which ho preaches but
declines to practice , Mr. Cleveland is
beginning his administration In n man *
tier which will commend him to the best
elements in both parties ,
Tlio HUH Question.
When the first complaints began la
pour in about the inferior quality of the
water gas , the l Kti was inclined to give
tin1 company the bonolitof their apology
that as soon as the works wore com-
pleteil all grounds for dissatisfaction
would be promptly removed. The works
are done , or ought to bo if they are not ,
and the gas furnished to the city for
street light and to our cili/.ons and mer
chants for their homes and business
houses continues to be of R decidedly in
ferior quality. In addition to the poor
quality of the light , there is a general
complaint of Increased bills and
rapidly revolving motors. Notwith
standing the reduced price per
thousand the cost for the same
scrvicn proves to be much greater than
under the old system. Consumers , who
a year ago paid ? : ) and $10 for their ordi
nary consumption of gas in November ,
Hud their bills this year more than
doubled in aomo instances. The report
of Gas Inspector Gilbert , who under
stands his business thoroughly , shows
conclusively that the light furnished is
not up to the standard remiired of the
company in their contract with the city.
UuringXovembcr the standard was only
It MO candle power for the month
much below the contract requirements.
The increase in the gas bills is duo to the
rapid passage of tlio water gas through
the meters under heavy pressure.
Recent investigations of tlio New
York state senate committee show
that the name "gas-meter" is n misno
mer. The motor conscientiously regis
ters anything passing through it , from
hot air to sewer gas. The amount of
lightgiven in proportion to the thousand
I'oi-t , as registered by a correct meter , is
the only true test of relative economy be
tween nnv two Illuminating gases. Using
the comparison in the case of the water
gas as now furnished , and the coal gas
manufactured by the old company , the
city is paying very dearly for its illumi
nation. A bettor quality of gas in other
cities is being furnished at ? 1Y.5 a thotist
and , while Omaha , is charged double ilia
amount for an article that can bo manu
factured hero for 51 cents.
Thu eity council should make n promp"
and thorough investigation of the Mib-
jcet. They are empowered to compel thu
gas company to comply with tlmir con
tract. So far as our citi/ens are con
cerned , Omaha is growing largo enough
for n computing company , and if no other
remedy can bo found , steps ought lo betaken
taken to form one.
After the Tax Slurkora.
Snnntor Van Wyck comes promptly to
the front at the opening of tlio senate
with his bill to make thu land grant roads
pav taxes on their untaxt'd lands. Recent
settlers in Nebraska who are not familiar
with llio mollioils of the railroad tax
shirkers will learn with astonishment
that of the millions of unpatcntcd lands
belonging to the railroads in tills state ,
not an acre has overpaid a dollar of state
or county taxes. The process by which
tlte companies have evad id taxation on
their land grant is a disgraceful one. '
Under the ruling of the supreme court at
Washington , it was decided that the
Union L'.ioilio railroad had su.Hcicnt title
in their lands to planter them with
mortgage * . Under anotimr jug handled
ruling in n cooked up case , it was
decided that so long as no patents
were taken out by the companies , the
title to the btr.ds rumainod in the gov
ernment nnd that taxation was illegal.
The rules of the general land olllco re
quire that all nnsiirveyed lands mint bu
Hiirvoyed before application for patents
will be considered. This is especially
ncccbsary in the case of the land grants
In order that the boundaries of the alter
nate sections granted may bo defined and
that titles may not issue to the railroads
for hinds open to homostjad and preemption -
omption under the general land laws.
N'ow the. railroads , in order to prevent
ihemselvos from being subject totivv-
tion b.vhocuring full title to their lands
through the issuance of patents , have re
fused to have their lands mirvnvod. From
limit to time , as they have sold parcels
ilong their llnu.s , mirvoys have boon
nude and patents lakun out , but of tlio
nillloiu , of acres which still re-
naln on thu hooka of thu railroad
and olltco not an acre la subjjct to
Senator Van Wyek'd bill requires the
iompanies to pay the cost of surveying
mil locating thiisit lauds within sixty days
iftor tliu piuH.iga of this net and provides
hat in dofautt of such survey unit ( oca-
ion the lands shall bj .suhjeat lo entry
inder thu homustead and preemption
aws and liable to taxation. Tliu muas-
ire will of bj violently opposed
> y thu railroad senators nnd thu monopoly
ely lobby at Washington HS laying new
nirdt-ns on thn overburdened corpora-
ions. It ought to secure the support of
very honest hunutor und congressman ,
t is founded on principles of equity , anJ
u.stlce , which require that all shall bear
heir duo proportion of the burdens of
iiMitlim in return for their proportion of
ho protection guaranteed by the law.
; 'hu railroad tax shirkum who for nearly
wonty years have shifted thu expense of
tate government upon the people by de
clining to pay their taxes must bi
brought to time. Senator Van Wyck deserves
serves the tlutaks of the people of No
hrakn for his persistent cA'orts In thcl
behalf in spite of the rtbu.soof the corpor
ution attorneys and the ridicule of tin
brass-collared editorial brigade.
TUB convention of cattlomf > n nt St
Trulls , a short time ago , developed i
number of very interesting facts and stn
tistic.s. In 185U there were 18,000,000 cat
tic in the country ; in 1830 , SO.OOO.OOO ; ti
18M15,000,000. . Jf put ! u a line , Iwolvc
abreast , they would stretch twice ac/os !
the continent. Their value is ? 1SOOO.K . ) ,
( XX ) . To keep pace with the growing
population of the country the stock ol
cattle must bo Increased 70,000,000 within
twenty years , nnd 140,000,000 within
forty-live years. The branding of cattle
destroys fo.OOD.OOO worth of hides i-verj
your. Various remedies nro suggested
to rcduco tills loss-smaller brands , tui
brands wore possible , and branding on
one side of the animal. Our exports ol
leather amount , to $ r ,000,000 , per year ,
mostly low grade utock. The Imports ol
line kid and calfskins exceed the value ol
these exports.
Peter Donahue , the California nilllloimlro
who died recently , bostan llfons a blacksmith.
.Mr. tioorso U' . Chillis Iris been pnll hearer
nt the ftincrnlsof thirteen distinguished men.
\Valt4J \ 1ms worn out live Mil In robes
since he becnino chief Jii'tlco. A tailor wants
to kr. > w why his honor doesn't buy a jmlr of
cavalry trousers.
David Day , n Colorado newspaper man ,
opens his imr.M ) mini every nioiitl. to | il.iuo
S 1,000 tlraioln , and lloiijamln Steel , niinthur
luuky Itolienilan , Is the head of a pine land
company , with a capital ot over SlWO.OiW.
Senators .1. P. Jones , l-'alr and Stanford
me reported to have nrganlz'ul ' a huso Iron
and hteel siilp-buililln enterprise Iu San
Francisco with an ojo'to covorumoiit con
tracts urnoiiL , ' other things.
Od ! Solh ICIninnn , the famous California
hunter , who presented unique clwlr.s to Presi
dents Uucliannn , .Johnson , Lincoln aad
Hayes , will next spring honor President
Cleveland la a slmllnr manner. The chair Is
made of elk hums and is curiously and elabo-
lately constructed. "It's the host cheer I
cverdid make , " salilSuth , with evident satis
faction. "It's the boss , und don't > eu lorget
it. "
Jay Mould , now havlni ? "rctlivil from bust'
" three times , e.m bo nurkuil as a gca-
of n loUring disposition. Mr. Ooulil
In his day tired and retired ft eoil many
other follows. '
Lady Uamlolph Churchill has a royal rea
son for bulinc the 'iiroi\ilnst ' \ woman In Knij-
land. She has lust bo n Invested with the
insignia of the Imperial Order of the Ciewn
of India by Queen Victoria.
Iforo than iuuno , a year Is received by
Queen Victoria trqm tlio estates of persons
who die Inte-itate and \ylthout heirs , all such
inonuily bolointin to her majesty in light of
her royal peropithe. i
A GroiXt G'uriosity.
Turn'sSi / / ( /v.
Harniim will exhibit next heii'on one of
the greatest cnriositi''S ' ewr shown to a
\\oidur-loving pjiblic , namely , : i barber
wno never invontxd a hair tome.
Oil ( , ' / ( ! / nilxunl ,
Prof. John L. Sullivan was robbed in
Cleveland , O. , of the beautiful white
tight ! ) ill winch ho pesos as ancient .statu
ary. His "tights" have occasioned the
more trouble than anything cUo.
II in l.otldrll.
Chicago Hcmltt.
The Mormons who claim to work mini
cles should bo very careful how they ex
pe.riment on the United States army , a
the report of the secretary of war'inti
mates that it Is loaded.
An InToi-cuco.
IfurrMotrn Hcnthl.
Evangelist Sam Jonas remarks : "To
sum it IIP in a few words , n dude is.n .
jacicusri. " It i.s infi-rrud that once upon n
lime Mr. Jones was violently kicked by a
jaokatts , or he would not thus step nsid
to btiirnmli/u the beast.
Whore la tliat.rolloi'-jonlnn .Simplicity ?
When the president unloads a message
fifteen columns long on thu country it is
lime to inquire again as to llin where-
iiboiit.i of that tlcll'orsnnian simplicity
we heard about hni. summer.
Klovatoit IIlN Klugor.s to Itlti Nose.
Slum : Vitii JH/-ii/ ( ( / ( ,
"Jr. ftlillor , of the Omaha Herald , after
reading thu tarilf puasngo in President
3ovulumi'ri mcssngo could not refrain
rom elevating his ( incurs to his nose and
: winkling them in the direction of that
jioturo.'xjue advocate of tree trade , J.
sterling .Morton.
An Honest OlMcltil.
Areii > Vitrli Ttincn.
When Mr. Sparks became commissioner
> f tlie general land o.llee thu reports of
us predecessor had shown that corpora
ioiiH and spcoulatowhud been excluding
.cttlcni . from the public lands and tint
in enormous number of land entries
vu ro fraudulent. A comm > stioner di.
iiriuinod to-provent fraud and robbery
Hid to reclaim titnlc.ii land could not
i void a couilict witu powerful nun wno
i.ul heaiid ) ) up nch"S by land jobbery.
t may bo that Commissioner Sparks has
uailo mistakes , bnf IC ho they wore made
I'hilo hu was attempting to' withhold
iiiolio land from rarfi'aU in order that
loiiust settlers migh ( Jifjoy it.
1'roliinltion us 'a Dol'unsc.
/i / neiw.
Thu planters Imyu Lorn o.'ced to adopt
imbibition measures to protei.t them-
elves from ruin. Tlui'samo ' conuitioii of
Hairs exists on the turpentine farms , In
ho lumber district imd iu the citius-
'ho groggeries aril everywhere , and the
lonoy of thu laboring man goes into
lum and ho pet's nq return , Jlnrder
ml ielonioiiri nsiaiiits arenini orons. and
fhlsky is llio caimo of niiiu-tenths of
lorn. Of course , there are other and
ery strong reasons for the prohibition
jiilimont in Georgia , but tliu necessity
ir putting whisky out of the reach of
in negro population is in itself u iulli-
lent argument for prohibition.
Human ( ircntneia.
Chlcnuta Xeivy ,
What U human gnmtuuss ? Horn wna
'illiaM H , Vundurbllt , thu richest man
i thu American continent ) hu Uioa and-
unly , und the obituary liter is told to
Tito him up. Where urn thu data to be
idy Neither the American Knc.yclo-
ulht , nor ApplclonSi Annual , nor Men
f Our Timus , nor the Hlogrnphicul Die-
unary , nor the Domestic Knoyclopcdla ,
} r thu Dictionary of Universal liiog-
rajihy , nor Famous Americans , by Par
ton , nor Harper's publications for the
last ten .Years none of these works contains -
tains a line about William II. Vantk-r
bill ! Vet w hat a hold this man had on
the railway system in this country ! How
vast was his fiilluenco in business circles' '
Hut cruel Iconoclasts thnt they nro1 thr
book m Ic-rs and biography writer ?
never saw him. Hi.s millions couldn't
got him a place between the covers of a
Storey Spi-nkp Hot- Mind ,
Uecently Mrs. Wilbur F. Storey , widow
of thn dooca.sod Chicago editor , was in
thecity. . She is very stylish and presents
n linn uppear.inoo. She wns attired in
deep mourning , und worn magnificent
diamonds in her uar.s and on her fingers
and a ohittur of gems of matchless bril
liancy on her corsage Those gums wore
hemmed around by orapo , but they
sparkled all the same like- the star Slrius
when it greets the Plcldos thu in oarli
owning. Mrs. Storey related the troubles
that had come to her since her husband's
death : "Many people , that once were
professed friends , in the gieat legal com-
bfil that Is now going on to probate Mr.
Storey's will arrayed them -olves against
mo. Of course. 1 am aware of the In
fluences that were brought lo boar upon
them by those who do nut wish the will
probated. One of the Mvcallod friends
was in thu habit of dining at my homo.
President Cleveland unpointed him min
ister to Itolgium , and for that 1 owe
thanks Mr. Storey left two wills. Moth
am valid and made when he was In
sound mind His only a question of n
short time when I shall come into po u 's-
sicn of the Times n owes pa per. I think
that I will sell It bocaui'o I do not care to
have such u great responsibility on my
hands. I am not a journalist. "
L ( letting * .
Hlalrlms H saving bank In full epeiatlon.
A Danish Kvamielical hulhciaii eollcL'o Is
boinu' built at Ulalr.
UorduU'M bieworv nt Wlsncr went up In
froth and flame last Monday.
Qiilnn Bohaaau will hold Ids last iccoptloa
on the lith of .January. Hliurlir Wash McUal-
liini will olllelatc as uslier.
The ias found recently noir fem ; Pine Is
ippost-d to have been mviuteil there by their
county seat whlnurs in IHSt.
Mike Conley. an K. K. * M. V. brakeman ,
liad two of his lingers amputated while coup
ling cais at Ainswurtli iccuntly.
Ainsworlh is crying for a creamery , court
house and waterwoik.-t , with nn O'casloinil
sich for n division station or another rail-
An attorney named Rinks , who Is tunlm :
around the land sharks in tliu nciijhtmthood
of I'ulhcrtson , has b.-on warned to IIMVU thu
country and save his neck.
CImillo Drown cut off Urn tails of two line
horses beloiisfintr to the Itov. Woods , In Tc-
e.nin oh , nnd is now blooding In the local tall
on the amount ut energy a bobtallcd rus
jo fan a skoetcr in fly timu ,
Woman's riijhU.oii n practical ami profitable
scale , art ) helm ? ranied out In this state. Hti-
tisties show thai oul of li.flOfl school teachers
in the .stateJ.lXW of thorn are women , and
thirteen county superintendents aie of the
A number of the " .sweet nlxtecns" ami bud-
ilin foul teens nf ( liand island have oipui-
i/t'd the "Juvenile ( Jowl Samaritan" society ,
and ptoposo to do ifood woik amen thu poor
and needy this winter.
A biMidless youth In Wymoro narrowly
escaped the responsibilities of a lather last
week. A scheming yoiiiiK miss with a falher-
lu > s babi > attempted in the courts to piovu
that tliu b. y. was its dad. but hu had a com
plete and Directive alibi handy and walked
out ol court a lice man.
The riuoncr's investigation into the death
of Ueomi Lam : , the ( lospfr county iarmur
wiio was found dead on apirtlj Imincd b.'d ,
.ohowcd that it was a casis of sulchlo. The
theory ot murder is Kuiici.tlly believed in the
nelKhlHiihuod. ns a larccMiin ol money which
Laiif ? was sttppo-ed to have In his iw-vession
lias nut been loiind.
A dramatic critic in Hastings refers to a
reel-lit peiloniunci ) there of ' ( ! ! -tea'1 as
"like axtiain of music that llnatsaiid thinlis
nt twilight , and < s away Into Ihu dim
reaches ol which we dr am , but in which we
cannot walk : too pure for the wrnld , but
leaving behind a memory , a perfume- har
mony , tondeicr , sweutei , more exalting. "
John Ushers , an old and lospi-cled German
living near ( jrand Isiand , died suddenly
Timwlnv. Shortly after dinner hu was talk-
IIIL' with the memlHirs of his lamb } cheorlul-
iy , and to all appear inee.s was fcolinjr in
usually KOI id bo.i.lli , and al > oul tj d'cloi-l ; in
thu CM nini ; sat down l > > thu urn lo enjoy a
smoke , lie ; vvn a suddiii ) .siailund fell back
dead. lie was 7'J .veal's of aio.
Tlie oiilifoiiit ; Sherilf Canada , of Otoo
county , ( rave a 'pos-.mii haiiipiut ten select
pally in N'ebraska City , .Monday nU'lit , The
delicious d.u key diet was hupm ted Hum SU
Louis , while tnu origin il yam-urn in KCII-
orous di > su.s Hanked thu nival least. ' 'Tin ;
Possum in lllstoiy , " and r'The Possum In
Ills lielntionx to ihu Law , " v.vre tin ) topics
distfiissi d between courses , while ' I'lio I'ossinu
In Ills iieuiiioii.s to the Iniiui-iimn , "
lilaluly on the lurid map of. Uaiia.ta
and IIH j'Liv-otn.
Iowa Iteiiin.
The a''cnt of tiio "Uoimtuifult Detc-etor" at
Davi-npoit has been ariualed tor siiovin , ? thu
It iBtjencnilly bullevcd that the Chicago &
Noitiiwo.siuin has.soiairi'U a coiitioliin0' in-
toiest in the Ula onal load , which will give
il an ciuiance Into DCS MDIIIUJ.
Thowoik of remilrlii } , ' the flhattered Ice
tindxe uf thu Omaha ro.ul. at Sioux Uity , has
lMin'im. The managers expect to luvu it
icudy t'ortiuiiis ' by auituda > infill-
Tlio wholts.ilo trade of Sioux City will
iiiakohtioii'eilort dm mx llm coining t carlo
: - > .ti-iil ( tlie inisinoss 01 Siuux Cily thiou li
N'cbtit.-lu and Into the Uiooic ililU couairy.
so says thu Journal.
A reunion of the Twenty-fourth regiment
Iowa voiiintccr iiilamry u'ill i > u huid at
I' li'apid.s , Tiiui'silay , IJwiautiw If. ls * > ,
10 wliicli every lonncr mamlictr ol said re.i-
unity iiivnwl , witn his family , if
Thu Iowa Stale Improved Stock Breeders
is.soeiaiiiui pissed ivsoiiiilinis lavunnn' a
itiituuiiiiriipitatiim 01 . > < ) .UJJ to Hlamp out
uomptij any uiiriiif.iiv IK pleuio pneumonia ,
mil a law to prevent ihu muvini ; 01 dht-aMul
iwino , living or tlwul.
A movement called the ( own Industrial
'teadiiK association has b > ! uii nuu.c naicd nt
> us Jinnies. Tin ) object is lnHiiui.naic. hiimu
itiiityainl readimr in thu lumilles of lai.uuis .
mil mcchiinics , mid will ha hroiuht heioiu
hu people liy im.-aiis ot ianiuir.s' iusliiutiis.
A ( iprmiin turiuur near inibmpiu .siarled
list week on a visit u > his f.tdcnnud , i.iKiii ' c
l.jiodiilniy ) ( thu expenses ot ihe Hip. Hu l <
: ot as fur mO.ile.i 'o wluio he fell In vvita i
asi wuiiiim , no Imd aoud tlmu , lost all Ina
iionuy , and then MHI baulc forunuu li to lake
ilia liat'k to the old farm , whciu he will i > uiy tf t
liiiniK'ilie winter. tt f
Thu n-coid of t to Dos .Moliics ixHtollleo for t
\'oviMiib.r ! sho\VN a ilmivury of luv uui-lertl )
aitur.s , 1st.1)1 ) mall atloi.sit iu : iii.iil pinial f
alilH , : Uor ; local lulU'lv. , 11,4)1 lowl postal i
urds and litif > ) i lu-vv.spaiM.-rrt. During l/io / 0
ame time they collected lui.lM lotlom , iJJ.Vit
iiiiuil cards and 11US newspapers , Thu !
o on drop luttci.s wa < t . " > Ji.3j. '
UaiildCity lupieparinjforan era of brick 'jri 'j '
Th grading force on the Klkhorn Valley rii <
xtciision to thu Hiaiik llillb ; iin iier.tiii0' ] (
el weua Itipld City und Si > rinr Cteun.
Shcriiniuwks , ut Cavalier county , shot n P
lan uiinuNl ytcveiH , who wis leshtinthe tifi
nicer Iu levying on a njuu of hoj&tw. Thu fi
roi n t it > Ilioiubl to be fnUl. I'o fiI' '
Tlieni Is discontent an. . I ruubllin : at I'n I'h
loux I'alls Ixx-au-iu tliti piiaslilin ; w'oriin m.i h
liiiicry has bv'en ivmuveil lo luu penitentiary n
nil convict labor employed , tiiuichy tnruw- t <
> K about thii ty iiiun enl of umpln > muni. II
IHiiralu ( ! u ] > manifests eoaimeudiililo am- IIS
Iliun. Already uncdi then ware maiiulat-io- '
f has biHiii talked ol , nnd "xmultiii , ' wuiks 'I1a
kn thosu wiiiuh Irno iiuulo lL-iivvrand Cnt- a
rado what thuy aru tu-day , " are pro.ulSu-d In tiKl
ID not distant tutmu. Kl
Charles ill v | H emi of the oldt-it counties of in
luhouth , and lanmiin xviio li.ivo ii.-eii tlu-ru t > t
vuiily ycji-a t > uitu tlmt Ilifio liubau twit til
iu fuilutu of crops In Hut time. Alar e fr
colony Is bolnst formed ID Phllailelphla ami
tlmt vicinity to como out tu this county Ir
tluisnrliis. Thov sand word that n Rical
number of clizllilo yotimc ladles will come
with them , which add * to the * Interest.
The Tutmr-Hush Illiicatlon , Involvlne UK
r\pcn i-.s of Tabor's tlnrly-d.iv senatorial
campaltn , wns .settled last week by Talioi
1'ajinc ' IliHh SlD.OOO.
The frlnnds of Scolt , trcnsuror of Arapahnc
county , nu * passing round the hat to mnkn up
thcdrnolt caused by his forpprics , and HUM
sii'ino his reltMsp , lie Is under $10,0.1) ) bands.
A large. Moimon settlement Is gaining n
foolholit In Coiiflo.s county , south of Alamos -
mos , . Si'vcnty-uvo inombors wcro recently
nddi-il fo tlui colony , and Wimoiu nto shortly
Thobvaklnt'of n. pt of tlmbors In the Sil
ver Link mine , near Ourav , illscnvc nil a vety
lli-h die body fouileeu inches wide , that had
been tlmbi'ird In by thu formrrsiipciliilon-
ilent , either tliinnab raieli > .Miies or drslun.
rhls oiv Is l.wj feet Irotn the silrfiu-d. nnd l.s
said to ruins hl h as l.-twi ounces to tlio ton.
The Alpha nnd Omrua mliip , near ilclonn ,
was tccently sold for f iXi.O-JD.
The Helena Minlmc and Iteilurlloii corn-
IMiiy has ilutil.uvd a divulond of t .WUOO for
Oatsaiu worth one rent a pound In the
itidlth vallry and IHIIIICIS tuu unwlllliiK to
sell at lliat price.
Helena' .s mining and sleek cxehamn ; was
formal ! } opened last weuk. Tlio capital
stock 01 thu concern in S.'U.OJO.
The itoek on the raunos are In splendid
condition. Novel In the histoi ) of the in
dustry m .Montana has slock been In .such
KOI d t'o.idltion to withstand a caul winter.
Tlii'Hioek shipment * from HIUii''s ! forSep-
te itiii'i Ootob'ruud Nou'iubor to date in-
ciiido < r * CHIN of cati le. US double-deck e.n.s
o ! sheep , und two cars ut hoise.i , makliiir u
Kiand lol.ilof NUrars.
( 'no of the Inigo Unite works has contract
ed lor Its eiiilre ni-vt year's o ulput nf miilio
to bo Milppcd , unless the
should adviuico eoiiMilerablv. The Pik-u ul > -
lamed is naid to be consideiably uuovu the
Kites nu.niiiiig. .
Tlio Pnoillo
Ilorrlmt HID very plcntlliil this season In
Puaot bound.
The state of Nevada has now nearly 1,750-
03,1 acres of land lor sale.
Thoro.110 thiity physicians and thirty-six
utlntneyH in Hullo , Nevada.
The biilldlmr boom In San lloio has lo JM'iS.lOJ ' during tlio year.
A Portland Inventor Is now ready lo propel
slioet cars with eompiossod air lisa motel by
a new method.
( iiiano lias been discovered on the Islands
oil Southern California , and bWtons wcioic-
eenll } shipped to Jiurepi ) .
Dm Im ? November the Southern Paelfio
company's roads curried 7,4iU through pas-
heiiijeis r > , ( W coming west and " , -103 ( joint ;
It l.s reported that a foreign syndicate has
nuruhiisid tliu Piovldencn mine of Nevada
City'OJ.tKKi , nnd paid iiart of. the pur
chase iiumuy down.
Thuru Is .said to bo qultonn oveltcmunt at
Verdi , on llio line of the Ccnlial i'aeluu rail
road , ton miles west of llouo , over the dls-
cuvcry of a coal vein nvo loet wide.
The Piutos are making an onslaught nn
Jaclvr.ilibils west of thu llumboldt , Nevada.
A Kcoicor more of the red men , armed with
guns , -iin slaying tuo inbbits , which mu
almost asMKI \ \ as fawns , by tuo do/on.
The San Francisco land olllco transacted
last month live t mesas much business us it
usually docs. The entiles alcd weie : Home-
Mead , I0"i ; pic-omptlim ; limber culture.
U7. > . Tliuso covoied liH.OOi acres.
In eastern Oin on btoikiiien are beginning
to rcall/u more each \oar the iimv-aily of
making piovisions tor tiio car. ) of stock dur
ing the winter moiiihs. As tuo conutiy has
beuoiuu seitled up tliu ranges have dimin
ished , bi'sides the ini'iiber ol stock is co i-
slantly lucreisiiu' , so that in many localities
thuiufs llttlu loll for the cattiu 10 feud upon
during the winter.
Tlio Commission Slinui.
1'hUttdclithla llccanl.
The committuo of the Uniled States
ionnto on inU'r-itito coium iroo , better
iiiown as the "Cullom com mUoe , " will
irobably report to congress in favor of
: he estalili-ilinuint of an inturalntu rail
road commission. This is wnat was ux-
lectcd of that cn.iiiitittuo , mill few will
seriously object lo a commission if in llio
italutu creating it congress shall insist
ipon p iblicitv of ratlroa I r.itus an I thu
imbibition ot discriminations in inter-
ilalo irnn.sporfatlon. Without these
irovifeions any law that attempts to deal
vith the railroad question will bo worth-
ess. A commission merely studios
ind ruooiniuenils will survu no purposu
! \cuptingto mil public opinion and to
luleat until nction on the Ucngnn bill.
I'his is the prim iry aim of tuo railway
nniiugurs who tavor comuiissio.i , and
t is through their inslriiiuvntility Hint
lominurcial ortraiii/.alions in every large
uty of thu Cmon are asking congress to
iriiale a body that vidl have no c.\ceiilivu
lowers. The. real nurp < i u isle put oil'thu
lay when all nliip.idis will bo gu.iraii-
cud equal rights ovortlusu puolio higa-
, vnjh.
In Philadelphia , for inst'ince , thu in- \
[ orsi'inunt of tlie heard ot' trade baa been t
ecnrod for the nicusun ; , but nn onu who t
ant all familiar witn its nistory vvoul.I <
xpect any olhurncl o i than Unit ol : ruoi
ilence to ihe wish s 01 ihe o.Hcur.s of the i
'unnsvlviinia railroad company. Outi
idu of Philadelphia , where it i.s not well v
iiown , the rcqnoriiof our board ol' Iradu 1
ligiit liavu somu weight , nn > Icr the imi i
rossion lhat it expresid tu seiitiinnnts <
f our businc'j.s comninnity , but at honi" , t
. hero its totloringstop.s and icubh ) frame r
u manors of daily .solicitude , it receives v
nly Hint rcspucii'ul allot lion whicli \
'arm ' blood always yields to senility t
* H
Senator Vim Wyok. j
Somu of our contuiiiporarieri are dls-
iiHsing Van \Vjo.c'.s \ iMlurn to the senate ,
ad while fuw predict his defeat , others
ignnl the subject as premature. Thu
mater has nothing to IIMU by criticism ,
trly or late , but Nebraska and the Uni-
id Stales will losu much shonlil Van
< rV'ok leave the sunate. Hu has done
lorn Ilia i any previous ropru.senttitivo
i place this young statu prominenth' bo- n
ire the country , in the best .sense , and 1 1
is won national confidence ita the lion- ri
it nnd fuiirle-s nnoiny of extortion and
udred wrongs , and the oh.inipion of rn
ght. The monopolies are against him. tl
ho pol.tiualjohborriaruagains'tliiiii. Hut
u people are with him , anil will tnku his
turn into their own hainls. Jlu can in
list thi'in. '
The t'hiuf wo ijion of his ndvur.sarlc ? HO
r is caricature , fli.s .si'oolieH ) and
aniiur in the somitii have beuu ridi- st
ilud , as if 111031) weru Ihe grand UIMUH inm
weighing for position. Tlie m
ctis when Van \V.\ul ; wiuii into the 1"
n.tle hu found liim > ulf surroiind d by
en , n fw of them alive to the quo-
> ns of thu hour , llio antiquated
iiitlenien , wei 'hud down by dignity or fin
Unfed by what i.s known as' the I' '
! tiriiuttuof | thu s'onalo. " in
This "etiquette , " amoiijjstotlior things , inWi
oseribes sili-ncn upon a new niuinbi > r ' u
r two yours of his titrm , and nM-litnloii I bi
mi proininuncu upon cuininlttoes. This gr
' ' and Iii.ii were irritating to an
u of Van U'yok'n qualitied. lie know IH :
* own familiarity with pu die nlt'airs , Li
d poivir in d- < li.itan I haI le :
accomplish for his mate and country , be
it would not lolofaiu bilence or dela.v , I'll '
Ilku n tidal wave ho hroko ovi > r "eti- ve
otto , " and whun hu had ugootl thlngto
f 11 u I it 1' i * > / i > \ 11 j tva-
n of thu eyebrow's nnd n raising of eve tin
iMOS amung-it tau .surenti old gentlu- bn
m tibout him , und in xumu in thi
! ice e\irussions | of robuku at Sti
leiiiiirity ol th H new Mmator , MI
i m Nubrudka. Kilbvt to put him I nn
down , in which some of the svcoplmntic
papers of the cast joined , only resulted
iu getting him up , and often In tltofo
days Van Uyck's logfo , or ids sarcasm
caused his pompous adversaries to
shrink into their seat as if si-nrehpii A
ingle question , or the pointing of his
ling T tit one of thorn has had tiio con
ocntrutod power of a sncoch , and our
rlod his point and the galleries teeThe
The work done by him has boon of
bonolil not only lo the state , but to the
country ut larirn , but will not be r <
viewed nt this tlmn. Wo have only tj ,
observe further , that allotlbrld to tarnKii
his honesty , iloory his nbililv , and qu
tion his motives , have failed , nnd ti >
people of Nebraska hnvo learned to n- .
ognizo in him , as his nearest friends
always have , u slriilglitforwiird , earnest
nnd nnsellUh aihoeate of nil that concerns
corns the interests and welfare of the
A Peculiar Millionaire/ .
C.Viffti ( ; llcntltl.
That romnrkable. law suit" botwcon
"Doe" Wilson nnd Philip L. Moon , a
Mu.s. aohu olts millionaire , hai at length
cotno lo trial in Uaslon The relations
ovl'-ling between the two men have been ,
nnd still stro , a myatory. Wilson was a
poor ad > ontitror , a horse trader , lln
suddenly nc < | ulivl ( grout wealth and
lived like a prince. Ills banker discov
ered that ho was In receipt of heavy ro-
nilltanoos from Mr. Moon , but what the
nature of tlioir business was no one has
u\or dl-oovurod. Mr. Moon 'was at tlio
head of a great inannfactiiring'o.stablisli.
inont. occupied a high position in church
and social circles , and , so fur an any 0110
was abluto discover , had never hiul anv-
thing to do with Wilxon. Kin.nlly they
foil out , and Wilson .sued Moon for
It was thought that the fr'ccrol would
bo developed wlion the men mot in court.
but as jot nothing lias been learned
that Is calctilntctr to throw light on
the m.x.stnry. U'ilson's case against
Moen is peculiar. Hu avoi's that hu
( Wilson ) bceamo Involved Vith two
young woninii in suits lor _ broach of
promise ; that Moon eatiio to nim.hiul nip-
iVM'iitod that the proocedings in couit
were very distasionil to him'tlmt he of
fered to pay him ( WIKon ) $ iOi > , < K > ( ) if hu
would s-uunro their d.fleoniiuuanoe ; that
hellson ( ) did so at gnmt u\poiiso to
himself , but that Moen then refused to
pay the money now sued for. Mr
Moon's defense is thai the promksory
notes mention no consideration and are
not collectible.Since the TsStio wins to
hang on this point there i.s no
that the bottom facts in the ca n will
come out , but it is certain that Million
aire Moon s reputation has not boon im
proved by such ilevelomnen'ts ns have
been made He has paid Wilson in all
about § 100,000 , nnd the only dxciise thus
I'nr ollorcd IH that hu was troubled be
cause \ \ ilson was being pursued by two
young women.
Our millionaires nro n queer lot 'but it
Is safe to suy that tliure is only ono Moen
among them. '
Komnnco of nu Iron Mlno.
Kun-ti" City Times : Mr. Charles Cha-
pin and wit'o , of Nlles , Mich. , spent
I'lmrsday in the city , en route , lo Fort
soott. Mr. Chupin is one of tlio wcalthi-
; si young men of Michigan , being owner
it a valuable iron mine , which brings him
iu Income of SiO.uUi ) n month during ev-
! ti or eight months of each vear. The
ijstory of lii.s fortune sounds likenn Ara
jian isiirhts tnlo. It is stated that sever-
il years ago Air. Chapin's "sifter married
i young parson , and tlio couple
iront upjnto Michigan wheie.'tiio ihlnis-
.or was given a charge. At a donation
larty ono ot ( ho parishioner. ? jruvo hIn ; : l
toi-ifto one hundred and si.\tv acres of
ivild laml. It was not conside'rcd ospcci-
illy valnnblo , and was not regarded as
inylliing more than an ordinary gift. In
he coursu of time tliu minister died , and
iis wife folloived him , childiei.s , nnd tlio
und fell into tlie hands of Mr , Chapin.
Jnc dav omo trnoos of iron weru found
in laml near Unit given Hut jmrson , and
dr. Chitpi i wont up to investigate. Ho
omul Itis whole tract was lull of the
idlest kind of ore , and from comparat
ive. poverty he wtis rawed to great alllu-
nco. _ Tlie mine was developed. and for
carit has yieldud an enormous income
a .Mr. Cinipin , und he now has a. beauti-
ul homo nl Xilii.s and siirronndud by at )
iiteri'sting family , ho leads n life of quiet
Uodor DirtloultliiH.
Thon' is one pluco , .says the Nmv York
mi , t i.-it Is ijvirnvorsu o.rtlninNow
'ork for waul nf underground tali-graph
uuiluits. In Itrn/il the air lines have to
( intend with tlio natural decay , rap-
I at tlmt is in u tropical country , and
> th tn > sn liun fall of tlui toiup raliuvi
I sundown that cainn-s wires unit in.sna- |
irs to break by contra , -lion All nature
; leagued against , them. The luxurious
Deviation or lli.i tropics , du : ; at-
mpts to koc.t it down , i-auses no end of
oiiilu 11 nl.s build tho.r n > .sts on top
( the poles and ants up tiu-ir diln , while
links nnd armadillos undermine them
ud i-iiusu th.'Ir . Midden fall , ' The nuts' ,
csU h.ivo to bit uhoppc.d oil' with u\o.s
hen old ami hard. IVasps liiiil.l nests
i the bull-shaped porcelain insulator * ,
ml apes meddle with the wires , swarms
f birds. Hying by night , often w reck or
ingle tlicin. More mi.schovious ihan anv
' ) is a huge spider that 'weaves its
eh between the wires und interferes
ith the clcctrlo currents. Worst of all ,
ID tremendous tropical thniidiirt-.tonns
nitsh wires , poles , insulators , and nil
most : daily in thci.r season , du.splte all
: - cautions.
/V / Western i * * 1iiol < lunci ) . ,
A stranger who arrived nt Sioux City n
w evi'iiings h'tncu wns mitt iittiie ilejiot
a sbithi-nir ; big fellow , half drunk ,
id In Ifghlhig liu.nor , wiio slopped him
id said-
"Stranger , nro you from Omaha Y"
"Uu , Mr. "
" riicn prepare ! " ,
'Tor wlmiy"
"To lake tint biggotit HckTng n whltrt , ,
an uvi'i' ot. Ilouc a soli-ill. i d. ilh an . ,
iiirngoto lick tlie aliaji who ar-
red liuro tiinn Omaha. "
The strnnger "ij"uled" without an-
lii-r won ! and tmiled iu. and In thtvu
mites ho hud taken thu sand all out of
j big fellow.
'Stranger , why didn i you t-jll moy"
ked thi' victim , as Im wlpud < i bloody
-n on tbn rim of his hut.
"Tell yon wlmt ? "
'That ' you was a hlttur. " ' .
'On Inoru vyas nn IIKII In that. As
m : ii- tin train ejil . , the suburbs 1-
ide up inv ininil to I bn > t lii'it man 1
it nfii r leaving tuo e.ii' , nnd y < m luti- |
nod to Le thu one. "
Muofi I'bolo niiilioil WotMini.
/ondon Figaro MUs Adi-laldu Noil-
i wits , in her day , proba < ly ihu must
Dlographud woman of HID tiiu i. It ! <
i-rn-.ting t < > learn from an obviously
II uiioriiiiid source that when nlm ilicil
i had in h. r pnschiiun u oeileij ot ul-
n.s I'ontaining it copy of every photo-
mil ul' her which had been pnbiUhod ,
1 that tin1 total of thesu cartes , ; culii-
n , " panels , . 'ie ' , , WIIK DMiciJv J ,
rgii HK this total semiH , then ) arp ut
st ihtvu hulled now living who oan
it it. In the ol < mo tl ; thosu tliu
jiiomiiuil total nltaluod is vritliin u
y munbiirabludUlancu of 1,1U ) .
lark Twain has a funny story ulxjiu
d | lorcnt piu-ci-ri 01 advicu u'lVeu to
I as to ho.t to inirii a cold. 'I'he In-fit
IX to r u minii lid Is no doubt , Hud
r I'oug i < 'mv tlio remedy whu It
ID its r omit ilUeiAtT.v hiiM uurt-d to