Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1885, Image 1

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    1 TT T TT N
| | R JU
Senate Edmunds' ' Sweeping Bill to
"Salivate" tbo
Work orjNobraska'H Sonalois Ilill for
a NViv I.nnd Dl ni-k-t In ' 1 lilt stnH-
Oinalin Port oflintry Illll
HID Saints In Clinttcery.
\N'\silisoTov , Dec. 10. to Ihe
lit i. , ; IMnnindsliasablli to pat the Mor-
iniiii.iln chancery. It piopn-es the not
ol tliu lc i latnie of llio of Dusc-ret , nn-
dt'rwldch tluilntieh ! of .Fe-siH ( 'In 1st of the
l.nttL'1 Day S lints was incoipoi-ated , slcdl bo
reieilt'l | and annulled , and that tin ; temporal
oDIcui of tin' chinch shall bu managed by n
lionnl of tinsteus tobi1 appointed by the ] ies- |
dcutof Ihi : United htalei , by and with the
( onsenl of thu senate , and shall cloAunp thu
Institution as rapidly as po ilble under the
dliectlon of lliijsecietatj of tins luteuur. Thu
ntttnnoy general Isdiieoted to iiistltnto and
and prosecute. procerdiiiKs to loifclt anil
U'ohcat to the United & talcs all pioprrty
owned by the Monaoa chinch , except thu
bnlhlltiKs tiM'd ' foi public \ujishlp , and the > ot the Intelioi hillnvted tosell and
Invest thu pioirtds Tor the beneatol the pab-
lleNClOiK. ) The liwsoiiainxiuj : ;
liitftho I'eipetnal Kmluiaiit IMIIH ! company
iiieaNo aiinnlhd , and thu allornuKuneial
Isdiicolid to illf ohti llio roiiiomtlon. pay
Its dubtH , dtsiioseof UK vropeit ) , and divoti ( >
the piocicilto the heneiit ol the sehonls.
'J'he. lenlslatnre Is foiblilden to create an >
roinpanv or association lor the pmpo o ot
liilni-'iiit'einiuiaiilM Into the leiritoij.
nil A i U'li.i. I\SD\Ii. : no. '
It sceniH to be talien lei granted that thu
] iioiosltlon ] to take even apiioiiiation ] ) bills
a\\a > Irom thu appioprlntion coiiinilttcc will
be adopted , and this nattnally i.iNcs the
question , \\lial will Hand ill do' . ' KKV ti.ulo
le.nlets In the hoaso make no seen t ol their
iciiutlllun thai Handall will kick and usk to
be lelleved lioni linlliei .seivno as ehaliman
of tiiouppiopiiailon committee. Walloison
bent an cdftoii.d dlspituh to the Conriei-
.lounuil lastnlilit , in uhicli huexpicsscd UK ;
opinion thill the onlj ( hint : tor Hand.ill to ilo
is to arrepl a nlaoe nndei t ol. .MonUon. It
Is undeislood tint \Vatteison icllrets not
only thu views of the fno tiaile leaduw , bat
111 so their dissatisfaction with tliu message
and iiioit | of hi.ciel.u > Mannini : . As lo
liand.ill , II is sale to say thallit ) v\lll nultliei
M'ck nor nteept a subordinate pi ice on the
.Moirlson rninnilllce. A conleienco ol lieu
tinde leadns was lield at SpeaUer OnllHlo's
rooms last uiijlit , .mil II IH nndeihtood that
theeuoot Hiuulall was onu ot tliu topics ot
TinKt : > v WA.NTS 'i ni : sir.vmt DOI.I.MI.
( 'iimmentlni ; on Hie pn ldent's niescaKO.
Sunaloi Van wvck xnld to-day that tlicie has
bei n noeli-miro of sentiment in tin1ist ad- lo Hllvci and tliu ] iie&ent Rtandaid .silver and il.s tatio 01 u < iliii i > ; that It any
thing the "dollar ol the daddies' ' Is Mioiufer
In XcbiaaK.i and the whom \\c.'l tli.m uvci
K A. Htuapp and MiiS Dodye , of Dtibmiue ,
Iowa , are at Ihe Uhbitt.
Heniloi MandeiMiii wa aniona the callei-s
upon 1'iesldc.lil Clevelai d toda > ; also bon-
ntor.s AlliMjii and Wilson of Iowa.
M. II. Day and ( ! o\cinor Xeihach , of Da
kota , who havu been lieio some Hum Innkin ; , '
niter thu u.\eonti\coltici'ol that territory lor
thu latter gentleiaan , lelt todafortlieii
home. It is--aid the ) dcpnitcd with the lin-
incssion that ( iilbeil 1'ieicitvill bu ncrmlttid
tot'Hcniilhis unlipinaloilal teini , but thai
when a rlmnge Is made "the squatter gov-
uinoi" ( Xeihach ) will bo appointed.
Inlormailon leached hcie to day fioin Da
kota that aroiiKUssiounl eomndtteu will bu
iiiiolntLil | ) hv tlic "htato h'Klslatme , " width
convenes al Union Monday nc\t , the duties
ol which committee will be to coihu huiu and
look alter a ilivision ot thu tenitoiy. All
their etloilH ate to IM ccntcied on division ,
and adnilssloii to M.Ut'hood Is to bu delciicd
until the lirst ohjret Is obtained. .linliu
Moollv of thu Uliick Hills and ( Jen. Williams
ot Wateitown , it Is believed , will be on tlio
committee. Friends ot division ot thu tciii-
tory iot > oit that Iheiu will bu bat onu man
hero iiL'iiinsl them and that he will bu Dennis
Januivan of lilsmaielc.
S'nator ' ( nudeisun said today that bo
would urwi the c.i ly passaKO of Ins bill ex
tending tliu niivihxus of hninedlatu tians-
piirtation of dutiable merchandise to thu port
of Oinnhn. "There Is necessity. " liu said ,
"ot Its oiieintloii at this tlnn1. " lie has pio-
Rcntcd suinu otliui bills of inteie.-t to Vu-
bniskuus , to which ho intends jjivln his per-
Miinil attention until they ict tluoiiu'li botli
bianulii's ufcomncss. AIIIOIIK lliciaarelillls
topay.lohn llieltlliiT ) : lor eommissaiy
htoies ftunlshed In INiJat Clinton , Iowa , to
the Unltcil bmte-i tioojn M.Uloncd theie ; to
pay Jnmos Dalntcr , of Cl.iy county. feS.bWon .
nLCOiinlol Indian depiedationh in Auijiist ,
1NJ1 ; also to ( ieoijru&coms'teilll , ot Xnckollij
couufy , S18WS on the N.IIIIO account.
iiu.i , roll A MW : LAND insiinrr.
Senator Van Wjck Intiudnced In the non-
ale to-day n bill to e.stahllsh an adilitloual
land dlsti let in I ho utatu ot Nebraska to bo
called ( lie northwestern land distilct of Xe-
btiiska , and bounded and dusuilbed as tol-
IOVVH : CommeiK'iiiK on the west biamdary ot
tliBhtntu ot Ncbiaska nt tliu IntciM'ctioii ot
thu hoalh sUndaiil narallcl noitli , thcnco east
nloiiK tlio .said parallel to the south ooinei ol
town.MilpCS , ninth ol iniiKotfT west , thcnco
north bciuci'n ranges : ; < ! ami l7cht ! to the
hontlieast comer of township ill , ninth of
ianirt'117 , theileo cast to tins southeast
coiner of township41 , noithul 111111:0M : west ,
thunco noitli between ran c.s Itt and 'M ,
lo the noith bonndaiy ol thu btato , thcncu
west aloii h.ilil bonndniy to the
coinrr of the Mate , theme along the west
boundaiyul the slate to the plaeu ot beirln-
niii . hcnator Van Wjckbtated to llm 15iu :
conc.snondciit to-ulKht he Intends pushing
this bill to a paKsi > 'u as quick us bu could. He
hail no doubtot Itpassage , as theio
neccsnlty lor It and it would be an InjUbtltu
to delay It.
( ! cu. Kheilil.iii liasivtiuncd froiu Arizona
and was In hlsoilieoat thu war depaitment.
lie lias had a land and rapid tilp , and sjnint
neatly all thu time he v\as away in a hlcenlin-
cnr. J'lio Ap.ului tioiilile.s liniliics not think
will continue loiiK. Tliu hostile band lias
been iciliueil to tun bnoks who ate on toot In
thu mountains , and nit ) belli , , ' bunted down
at well a possllile , hut Illsdltllonlt to lind
them In the mountains , iiom which they
cuu 1 0 ( inly on its-iiiiiilly to commit itepnv
datloiiH. 'Ibcyaiensbnrd tn catch as the
ihuiiuH lliothei.s , but tliu trails aie also well
KU.iidcd so that they cannot c.-cape anil must
UNuntually be kllhd orc.ijiluicil.
Ditcomber Crop Itoport.
\\r.\8iu.Niiio.v \ , Div. 10. The ciop rcpoits
of theilcpaitinuut of agilcultinn for Decem
ber fjivo the tin in pi iced of thu principal crops
and ( lie Increase In the product. Coin bus
reduced thu avciaj'o valuuef the ciop to 35
cents per bushel. Theaveiagu value of the
previous cio ) ) In Dccomber was 'HI cents. Thu
lednction Is the Inigcat In thu Ohio \alley
and Iliu MintliL'in slates wesl of Mlbilsslppl.
Tlio Increase in stock tccdin ; , ' coiiccicd
tlm tendency to I'xtiemoly low piUvs. Com-
paicil with foinier prices , coin \ilnesaiu
sciy low. Tor tlio pie cilln live years ,
neatly all under the average In pioiluctluii ,
tliu a\cni 'o tin in values was 4 ? cents tier
biishol ; tor the pivc linj ten jea'S JiO
The prirt ! of nhi'at , tlmngh low , Is cousld-
einboiibo\ohist ! Decembers average , which
was in cunts. Tlio picseut U 7S.7 cents. For
thujeairf past HID avenue lima valuu has
Ut'ii IK ) cents per bu. lnl. Tim j > iw-cdiuc
. ton j ears it was l t J .ast j eaiS fai in val
ues vveio 8.S per cent J jvvci th u tlie ten jeats
milled in IbT" ' , dim nut nly m fuller Kuiopeun
piudtiftlons anil a smilfer torei n demand
lor flie win plus , nwuly < < iiial to tuio-thlid tlm
ntliu ciop.
Opposed to nenioiidizatton.
WASIIINOTON' , Jiv. lO. Vaiioitb petitions ,
isia'il by citizens of Iowa , were plac < t | In the
* tliluii box of the house today , lecitlntrthat
the presldid , prcr < lie of tilt1 tKasnry , llic
Aincriritn II inker's a'so iitlon , and the
leadliif ; nowspaiers of the t'.vstcm cities have
joined in noniplr.iry to Inrrc.T'u the value
an 1 iiiudiaiu' ji > vi r oi tun I , i .lehts and
liM-d Incoiiiis lliiiiti ll tlie tlrpu" lalinn of
teneial values , liv tnu ileinoiilil/.ttion of
sllu'i 01 tlie niispeiiiion of Its coinage. Tliu
pe .tioneis ask c'nure s to i- i t'io ' colnncu
01 siivui onan cipiahlv with ilie loinavre of
K"ld and a < k thai lertiiieales lie contin'icd ' ,
that lelssnes ho midiion mil' end two dollal
iiotci. and too piiulit dii i > i ! lMHidated | as
t Miuily as thii rev on uy o : t . ' go\ornmList :
We Must lie "I Jura Dry. "
WA III\OIOV , Dae. li ) . Unllisl Stales
Consul rrlsbic at l < yens , Krainv , icporls a
lihuitominal incieasu In tliu shipments of
chauip.une to l.m ITtutcd rii.ite * . Dining
October , Ks : > , thcshlpau > ni.i , u'iv ated SHJ- !
fi'fi. an iucreisj of $ lti , Ki over the same-
Inoiltli ol 1H < I , and all i'ic'i-e | ol l"-\i.M (
overOololiei , KM. Krlsltlc suv-i the sales ot
ehainpune me In * inanv tn-isons iej tided
the batomcler lei thu ine.tsijim ' ol co uiiier- ptiNpeiit.v , and Octobci Is generally
t ikon as a tint u.iat'i. S.I'IM to Kuiupcin
eoiinliles show no such iudiMtlons ol bus
iness ueli\it\ .
roiiTV-xiXTii covnitiss.
WitiViTov , Dee. lu. Mi. Kdinunds in-
Itoditeed a bill to piovldo foi the establish
ment ol a postal telegraph , Itufeiied to thu
committee on po tolkcs ! and post loads. .
Mr. K Itnunds s ia ! it wa * the samu bill he In-
tiodiici'd at the last session ot con iess and
was icpoited upon by the coiamltteu so late
'n ' the session In1 hoped the eominlttc would
now take tlie opportunity to report on It. He
wished topless It to a vote alter icasomblo
dlsoiisslou and c\aiuitiatlon. It may be , hu
added , that diirciiii fioni his fo'incr posi.
lion on the subject , he should now bu witl-
I UK to purchase at actual vaiuu thu plants of
any tele. raplde company that m iv wi-lito
sell them tn the United Stales , not at the
value ol the stork wateicd 1101 unvvateicd ,
but the actual matuiI.Uubstanco or thliiB1 * .
lines. Implements , etc. , ut as iiincli value as
nmy bu appiaised bv in which
the hill would haveeoniulence.
Mr. SiuliMnn.v sild the ui'iimiHce ' on post-
olllees mid post loads had at the last session
l\en thu subject caietul attejition and ev
auiination , and had icjioilcd upon the bill as
e.uly as practicable.
.Mi. Dlmunds disclaim : d anyiellecllon on
tlie committee. Thu subject is a most Im-
I oitaut one and needs considerable examina
thii. ! The ci , o moils powei al-o of the ojipo-
snion ton ot this kind and tlich demand -
mand to bu he.ud b > counsel ami to c\imino
witnesses andinesent aiLinuenis and ienet-
allv that sort ot investigation tnitirieit cor- '
poiatlous alwajs ilcslied , li.ul the ullec.1 ,
whether intended 01 nol. to nieitlj delay
in.itleis beloie tlie couiinlttee. Km now thu
commiltee on | iostollices and post loids. be-
liu ; in possession ot ail the liNtoij ol thu
Mihjiit and tliu bioad lints. Involved , they
would nol have to tut ovei it lualn In detail.
Mi. Ldmunds u\picsscil a ile ue that thu
subject bu bioUjjht to a sole aMIOII as possi
ble.The lesolutlon olfered h.v Ml. Moiilll was
iiificeil to dljei'linji pav menl mini ilie contin
gent Innd nt the senate ot tnu actuil and
iiecess.n-j espouses ot the senau coaimittcu
appointed to attend thu luneud oL ( Jen.
( iiant.
Tlie resolution olJcicdby Mr. Dolph was to calling on thu tcenlarj of war to
tiaiismil to the senate. i copy ol thuiepoit ol
Capt. W. 11. IJItby , United States engineer
eoi ps , i elating to tlieseacoasltoiliiKatioiM m
liuiope In Ibs ] and Is U.
Jlel'heisun \ piosculPil a idlnticsolntlon
of the Xew Jcisehxislatuie leeommeiidin
comiessoiial ! imiuiiy into I lie. iitncss ol a
poitiouol tliD Umtoiy of Alaska lei thujnn-
lioi-eot a penal colony lei Ion ; ; . 01 lilu
tenii coin icts. Held icd to the to nmitlcu on
ten holies.
A joint lecolutlon Intiatlnccit by Mr. Moi-
rlll was passed , re.ipjtolnUin : Iliu picsent
bo.ndot ie'uiithof thu huiUlisont.m institu
tion , excejitiii ! ; ( icncrul bheunan , now
Ineli ilile , lei whom UeneiiU Meigb n sub-
ill. Dolph Inlioduced a bill to repeal the
law "of the-lnsl M-ssion piovidmtc fora ettle-
nienl of tlie claims ot ollic.'i- , and enlisted
moil ol the aimv lor lossof piivatu projieity
ilestiojed in the udlitaiy seivicu ot the
United btates. This Is thu liw u > which tliu
president tails attention in his met-smro ; ib
"indeiinltu in Us leims. " and ic aidini ;
which lie s.ij.s : "It it Is toiemaln on the
statute book It mcds aiiieiulna ut. " Tliesu
comments , togcthci witli thu poition of the
it-port ot tliOMHielaiy of war en irattcii/ln
tliolawasdillienlt to Inteipiet , wi-ie lead by
icqiicst of Mi. Dolph.
Jili. Hawlcv was astonished thatnny jicison
capable ot iillint ; thu position --eeiel.iiy of
vv i shoual and any dilhciiify in constiuiiiK
the law In question. The seeielaiy ot war
should be able to decide what aitlclcs weie
uselnl , netessary and pioiier.
M r. J.ogan also claimed the net admitted of
no doubt as to its Intel nretauoii.
On motion ot .Mr. Dolph the bill was rufcr-
icd to thu commitleu on mdiiai y aflalis.
Amen othoi bills luliodiice.l and appro-
prl.ileh lelciied weiuthu tollonin :
) { } Mr. Con ei To enable the hunt house
boaid to Ineieasethu nninhei ol light house
distiictson the vvcstein ilveis.
Hy Mi. Wilson of Iowa To protect ( he In-
teiests of tlio United States in u s icet to any
liicumbranrus on piopeity vvlieiem it has an
Inieieat. It eiiipowcis thu stcrutaiy ol thu
tieasuij.nndei tnudiicctionol tlie pivsldent ,
to pay olV any iavvlul Incumbiancc upon iro\-
rrument piop-ity wlionuvei In his opinion It
Is deemed expedient.
HMr Wilson offowa To jnouiotn pence
iimoiif ; nations. It aiithoii/e > tlie picsldent
teenterinlo nenotlatious willi oilier KOVCHI-
luents wltli a vlow to the oi aiii/allon ot
an lutt'i national t ) lor the aibitration
ot an ) dllHeultlus that m ly occur aiming na
tions , and request j thi'ia to invite oilier na
tions to bend di'Icjjales tea pioiiosed Inteina-
tlonal peace convention In vvasuhuton at
such lime as he may ii\ , and nppiopilates
inj.iKjUlor the put nose.
Uy Mi. I'lumb To oj > cn to homc.slead nct-
tleiuent ccitain iioitiousof Indian leiiitoiy.
This U tbo Ohlaliouia bill ot the lasl con-
iMes" .
Hy Mr. Van Wyck-To establish an addi
tional lauddiMiict In .Velnaska.
Ity Mi. Plinab To Impiove the clllcieucv
ol tliu militia. It thuds tliu tmctaiy ot
war , on application ol anv slateor teuitorv ,
toil call unseivlceahhioiifuanci ) issiird to thu
militia and Itwita the kind suppll'd
to thoietiularainiy ,
liy Mr. Call To all enactments pio-
hlbitlnt , ' punuiims towoiindiul aoldieis and
olliceis without pioof of loyally.
Ity Mr. I'lumb To make an additional ar-
tlcluol vvar. It iiiovides that any olllcei
seivlni ; with ( loops 01 any soldiers not on
finlouuli who cambli" ' , 01 an > olllcer of tlio
aimyvhethuror not sen inn wlthlioopa , who
by L'amblliij'sliall win iiionuy from an in-
teilor olllcer , sliall bo touit maitialed , and
that any post tnulei who peimllsiublin ( : in
his cstaulishmunt shall have bis appointment
levoked , and makes it the duty ol evei v coni-
lu.iiuliii ollleei toeuloicu the piovblons of
the act.
1JMr. . VoorhcM To topral the htatute of
limitations on allovvancesot pension
On motion of Mi. Allison thu senate went
Into executive session , and when the doors
icopent'd , adjoin ncd until Monday.
At to-da > 'hppsslon ot tlio American public
health association , Dr. .lohn li. Haucb , tecro-
tary of thu state boa id ot health nt Illinul'i ,
lead a paperon " .Mailtlme Quarantine fioui
the Mouth of Ihu bt. J.awiencu to the Itlo
( inuide. "
The senate committee on privileges
and elections to d.i > took up and nib-
cussed the pieslduutiul biiccession
bill. It will meet for tuithcrconsidciutlou
ot thu nieasuut next tiat unlay.
Kt'iiator I'.diuiiuds to-day Introduced a bill
fin the establishment of postal telegraphy
Tim picsldent scut a balky message , sup
posed to bo a batch of nominations' , to thu
senate- this nttt'inoon.
The sen ito adopted a resolution calling on
tliusviclar ; > of war for copies of thu report
of dipt. Uixby on Kuropeau sea-coast do-
Wt-atlicr lor To-day.
Missorm VAI.I.KV Kalr wrathor , ( dl
rise In teuiporatuie , winds bucoiniiiijv.ula
Jsiti's DouWo Dealing in the Swvo-
Enlgarlan Trouble
Ad. trie Ittilsaiinu Idnes tint
pulned riie ll.Un.iui Murt
1'ali * to Crpnlo
Tlic Ttoiiinrllaii
LONDON , Doe , 10. [ Speri d lo iliu Hn : . ]
Latest devclopmouts itv'arding tlio Ilalkan
! mbio'llo ! make Hcvldunt Hint the prc'erva-
tiou of tlie peace of Kuropo ilcpcuih inoro
than e\or upon the fateof I'rincc Alevindcr
II tsccilain that Russia Is | ) laylng n double
game , but It Is uncertain wliclhcr Tnikoy is
a victim or an accomplice. Hustcm Pashai
Tuikish ambassador at London , Infoiuicd
Loid Sallsbiuy Wednesday that tlinsuillan's
aimy would Invade eastcm Itoitmclia 11 Iliu
Tniklsh commissioneis weie i"pulsed. Tlie
same notiiication was nlven Geimany , and
pi'itiably lo all tlie meat power * .
It Is almost certain that It was Riven to
1'iUssia , lor Union He ytael. liussiati ambas-
sadoi , came at the liecls of llmtem I'asha to
the loielun ollice and annouai i d to Sallsbm y
that Ku-isia will not allow the poitu to erusli
the ItonmuIIaus. This announcement is sin-
piislnt , ' in view ot the uotoilous lad that
Ktis-lan agents have been In Constantinople
for week , mxiiu the porte to liivndo
Itonmi'lia with 01 without a pieletise.
'I ho theoH at tlio totelitu ollice is that
Hnssla is secietly I'irKiucon the | unte to in-
\ndo Itoumella , and that she lsatthusimu ;
tinm inakiin , ' open piepaiatious for dechiriut ;
sncli an act lansus belli against Tuike.v.
This would linolvo thu icpulatlnn of thu acts
ol ICiisslan seeiel aircnt" , but tills is an old
tiick in Mustovlb * diplomacy , and displaced
agents could bo luvvaidtd by tat olllces at
XissDec. . 10. I'oity Servians lm\o been
shot lot iiintll.itiuir themsohes by blowing
their tili'soi impels oil and otherwise injm-
ini ; themselves to escape udlitaiy service.
Kmn Milan ordcied the cACCi.tioii.
15i.r.oiuvii : , Dee. 10. 11 Is not belloved
heiu that the powers will be able to pieveut a
decisive battle bulmjlonglit between tlio Hnl-
( 'aiians and Seivians. Tlie beiviaiis will
not admit they have been conijncied. They
have a huge mm ) , composed of the llower of
the nation , conceutiated heie. and aie buiu-
injr to ictiieve tlieii inillUn Illinois. Scrvla
has sent ac'ncular ( o tliu loiel n ministers
heie stathiiX that she cannot acce | > t the Bnl-
liiiian tondilions as the pi ice of peace lv-
i aiise thi'v aie dishonoiable. Jlostilltius will
be lesiuned lids evcnluir.
LoN'iioN Dee. 10.The Servians to diy nt ,
tacked the Hulijaiiin ontiiostsat St. Meholas-
J7ooi and Kiltoler , and were repulsed at all
TovsiVTINOPI.K , Dec. 10. There Ins
been a eliaiure In the attitude ot ISnsiia In
iejanl to Ihe Halkan iiuuslion. M. N'clicloll ,
Itussian a nbissadoi , has sent a note to Said
1'asha , Turkish prime minister , molesting
aif.dnst Tuikish intenention in lioinnulia.
TinI'mkis'i ' mlni'jterai ht. 1'etei-siiint ? tele-
Kiajihs th it in consequence of Anstiias aet-
iinr with Seiv ia , the Itu-sian uoverument is
piepaiin to ellectually .suppoit Hnlgaiia.
Son v. Dec , 10. Xo losses weie sustained
In the attacks made by the beisiaus oil Unl-
gail.m outposts to d iv.
LONDON , Dec. 10. There nru tonfeienecs
of libel. il leaders atllawaiden daily. Loid
Oranville was there on Sunday and Monday ,
a ) il llicuce went to Chatswotth to meet Loid
llaitinptoii. ; To-day Karl Spencer and Loid
lioscbeiiy conteneil w 1th dladstone. 1'iom
the pie-ence of KailSpencei it is
the Iiisli question was considered , Loid
Sallsbm v lias made nvci lines lor an alliance
with the duke ol Aijjjlo and Mr. ( joscheii.
The duke is lavorat ) ! ) disposed but Goselicn
retusus to listen to tlie pioposal.
Tlio Canal to bo CoiiHtructcil.
15r.iu.tN , Dec. 10. Tlio bundcsrath has
unanimously approved tlic bill lor the con-
sti action ot the Ions spoken of ship canal be
tween the Baltic , the Klhe and North rea.
The canal will cosKJeimanv about I.VI,000 , K1
marks It will bostiontjlv loitlued and will
have grual military as well as commciclal
\aluo. _
France onil Biirmah.
KANOOON , Dec. 10. Documents have been
discovcicd at Mandalay showing that an ot-
feuslve and delcusive alliance existed be
tween i'laiicuand Duriuiili ,
lOmpei'or William Seriouily III.
LONDON , Dec. 10. A dispatch fiom
Herlln says that Kmpuior William is scr ,
iously 111. Keais aio pntcrtaincd that this
ailment Is ot a sei Ions character.
The Hotly Taken to AViiiolppfj 1'or In-
tcrincot A Mnnil'osto.
WINJ.IIT.O , .Man. . Dec. K ) . Kiel's lemalns
were bion ht hcie laBl night trom lie ina In
chaib'eof two Catholic piicsts in a pilvato
earTlio movement w.isscciet , and nebo y
was at thu station. Thucai inn acio-.s the
rlvei to Honllaee. Jilcl's brother Alexander
and a uumborot Imlt-biecds placed the body
on a sleigh and drove It to his mothers homo
at M. Vital win-in tlie lainib weie in walling.
The box was opened disclosing ( lie taco
somuwhat blackened unit slight ! ) dlsiijnic'd.
'J'ho hoiisu wasdiapoil in black. Thu Inneial
will take plu ) Satinday. The body will bo
bionn'ht to hi. JJonilace cathedral where a
lequiein mass v\III bu tclelnaled , The body
will be burled in St , Jiouitaco Catholic
A icIilnshopTaohp has issued a inanlfcPto.
In which ho l.ivstho blame ol tlm hallhieed
npiislui ; on the Koveinment ollicials and
hoids inu Metis blameless. He aigias that
the Indians wcii'hadl ' ) Heated bj the covein-
iiu nt ollicials. Tliu aichblshop dcclaies the
Indians aie not tciiilhcd by thu menl exe
cution , and thcie is danger ahead which the.
government should avoid. It was
piactically Impossible for Kiel to ie-
sisl the demand ot thu hallbrceds
that ho should lead tliu movement torridiess
ol llieh u'rievaiiccH. Tim outbieuk was the
result ot tlm inionsldciate attack on them at
Duck Lake , which tlm Metis icgaided as a
declarailon ot war. In conclusion tlie aieh-
bishop demands the lolcauo ot the hulfbiecd
prlboners. _
I fTorl to Huddle the Canadian Pauitlo
on the Imperial tiov-criuncnt.
OTTAWA , Out. , Dec. 10. [ Special to the
llKU.J It Is known that one of the objects of
Sir .lohn MucDonald's mission to KiiKhmd is
tonwkonnelfoit to induce tlic lliitlxh gov-
ernmunt to take stock In the Canadian 1'acl-
liciailvvay. Aiiarnuna-nt , or ,
will Im iisid that nnlcsc tlm Imperial povcin-
munt puicliasebiicontiolliii ) ; iuieiost in tlm
load ( lie company will sell It out to a synd -
catu of United Mates capitalists , who aio said
to have made an otter to purchase the loid.
The dominion coveinment Is said to bu anx
ious that thu scliomu sliall succeed , because If
it falls further aid will have to be granted to
the company Irom the Canadian ticantiryto
enable tliem to operate thu lines. The Hilt
ibh Columbia section of the Canadian 1'aciiii
load has not jet been taken out ot the handset
ot the contractors , D. O. Mills it Co. , ot New-
York. The olliccrs of the company will usk
for 'S' ' tiom tbo t'oveiument to com
plete the road.
Opposed to Other Action.
Sr. PAUL , Dec. 10. The Minnesota a'soda.
tlon of trotting ami pacln ? horse breeders.
which held a meeting In the ollice of Comiiio
doro Klttson. elected the old olliccrs , with
Klttson pnsuleiit. They resolved to lix tlm
natlvlt ) of foals on the place ot foaling Instead -
stead of stallion service. This notion is di
rectly opimsed to tlm action of the iioitli-
wc-atcrn breeders at the Chicago mcvtiiiK.
Sets the \VIMHIK Swlleli , l llli nu Kn-
Klnrcr and : i > cs t < i ,1 All.
Ki'tttJV , N. Y. , Dei ! . 10.L Immo'liitcly
after the ; ? wreck nl 5co ! TjiUisilny morn-
Inc. in which an ensfln irw ikUltilnnd ! "ev-
cral cars , InclndiiiK slu > > pnNw < > ro burned ,
the line compauv * pit a halt dA/on dctcciivcs
on llio truck , who have succeeded in scenting
( he man who r.uwl Hie1 accident. He Is the
operitnrat Solo station , William Howard , a
jonngmin , Howard nuke n lull confes
sion , and Is now in the ABc 'lieii ) county
jail on the charge of inanslmjclitvri Ho saj s
bu KO ! on the cnb.iosp of tmin Xo. 31 for
Ihi' puiviM' | of eloslns ; the switch after
thai train had pulled out to the main
tiack. Instead of vetlliiK off at the hist
switch herode to the Teoud one , which Icts
trains In at the Ivu-k ot ( he dcpi-t. The
s.vilch was in propci tiosttiuti , but n lds
llKhl had gone out lie did not notice tlio blun
der hu was making , and tinned tlic wroni ;
switch , leaving It nl-o in n pnsltion lo llnow
the east bound Iraitis I'ruiii the track. On his
wa } to thu ollice lie tussi d tliu tatill svvltcll ,
bat did not notice it la llu % daii.ucsf , tnere
bi'lim no lij hls upon II. The Itack
icmaini'd In this misplaced condition tor
sixtv-Hve minutes between thedepartuu-
the Height tialn and the ainv il ol tliu last
expicss. When the fata crash eaum the
operator inn out , and icali/ini' the mist , ike
be had undo , lost no time In sett in ; ; the
switch back in its piopei | n > sitiou , but the
inaiks ot the wheels on th" ties showed tlie
cause ol the inn elf , Tlm operator was not
iMi-tt'd as to the position ol tliu switches ,
beluga new man in ( lie plan > .
Del Gardo , n Daring .Sdntlierilei' ami
Three Follow ei-t Killed.
C5Ai.Visio.v , Tex. , Dee. .10. Tliu Xew's'
] : aKlur.iss snccid says : "Sherilf Ofilesby ,
with Ifobcrt Doweaud .lames Oliver , \lsltcd
tlm Del Gaido lanch last oveninK with a vvai-
nint for the aiicst ot Mpiinel Del Cimilo
nn tlie cbaiL'e of hinu llm ; and
hoiso stealltu ; . Tito lanclm is twenty miles
below r.a lu 1'ass , on the Uio ( iraude , and
has been famous for many ) l-ais as the ivn-
de/.vous for hoi. so thieves and outlaws Iiom
both republics. A icaiiK of sunti'-
glers and dcspciadoes ni.nlc it tlieii head-
Ai riving at the IIOIM ? , ( lie olllcers
found Del 1'aulo asleep on thu
lower tloor anil were about to seiru him
when ho awoke and tiled at Dowe , the
bullet gra/ini ; the lattciS hvail. Tlio sherltl
Instantly Hied , sending a bullet thioimh
Del ( Jaulo's ho.ut. The liilig | aioifcd tlie
gang , who all.uked the otllceis and
diovu them from the ranch. Obtaining
lemlon ements Horn this place the shciiil
again attacked tlie ranchu at r o'clock this
moining. Man ) shots were cxehangul.
Tlnee Jlexicans were Ivilli-d. The test
escaped in U ) Mexico ran v 1114 sevenil wonndtd
with them and taking about : * ) huises , all ol
vviiicii ate bi-Iieved to be slolch.- One of thu
sunlggleis was aiicslcd. Milch plunder wvs
found on tinpiemlcd. . Del ( iardo had been
a tenor to the bolder and wi-s icputril vui.\
ilth. It is believed tlio attAiil : will icsult in
the I'M ' , iking up of tlieworst kang of biutig-
glcison thuUoidcr. t
- < i
James Cray Auciihcil
UN IJo.som Companion.
Kr.onnsvir.i.i : , Tex. , Dec. ip. Intelligence
vvasieccivcd Horn Lodl Wedoesday evening
ol tlieimudui of Ooutvler , a lending
citi/en of tlie Village , by. ! ftipcsinij ( , his In.
tlmato liicnd. Tlie tiagedy is snnoiiuiled
willi a good deal ot myVtcry Tliu'killlng
took place in tiont of { Jmy' store at night.
They weie alone , as It \ < ras Qolimer's lmlit
forye.usto call In ami see ( ! my the last
thing b''fo < c going homu e.icli nl ht. ( iray Is
aciijnile , and when auested he was < -taniliii > ;
In tlie middle nt his .stoic with Ills
pistol in Ms hand , as though medi
tating self dfstii'ctlon. .lust outsidu
the dooi lay his bosom iilend.
Coiiivler , shot tlunugli tlm heait , wldlo
aioiind thu corpse was the usual belt , holding
a levohei , which had nrit been drawn. It is
thought they ( junirclrd over some trivial mat-
tei , lray ! sa > s tlte deed was done In self de-
teuso. A pecnlinr liuture about the homicide
is tlm lact that Comviur for nttcen jeais
in lor to the death ot .lames < ! rav , talhur ol
the sla > er , was Ids inseperahlecoinpaiiiou ,
and on the death ot the lather , a number of
jears ago , the ciipplcd son took his place in
the warm atlectfous of Comvler , who was
univeisnlly estcemeil ,
A Minister Stoned to Death.
PiTTbnuitt.ii , Pa. , Dec. ! . Intelligence has
been 101 eived heic of a probably fatal assault
on a young minister at liaiUcuviile , a hamlet
in a remote comer of Veuaugo county. Piof.
W. II. Yatus , ot the Uaikcivllle academy ,
and a miulstei ol ( In chinch ol ( iod , luc'iiied '
tlie enmity ol cx-Kldtr C. W. KonnU , who
had been expelled tiom thu clinrch. Kount/
has gatheied around him a religious sect who
look upon tlieii leader as a piophot. A plot
was an anged to hi oak into Vales' house.
and cany him bodily to tlieii meeting and
compel him to listen to their doetiines.
The plot was attempted one night , but tlm
professor was absent. The following even
ing they met him on the stii > et and stoned
him until lie dropped insensible. He
taken to his home and it was lound thai hu
had been injuicd in the siitnoand othciwiso
fic-i iously hurt. He Is believed to In' ( atally
Injmed. Thcii > is Kro.U excitemcnl in the
rniiinnntUy. Yalos' assailant. * h.ivc not been
m tested , bill are uiidt-r stnvelllance. It
Yatcs dies his lilcnils tlnv.itt-n to Ivncli
them. _
A Flrctiiic Snuffed Out.
KINTO.N , Teini. . Dee , 10 , About 2 a. m.
Tuesday two cleiks In thostoio of While .t
ISojIe wcio avvakcmil by suflocatiir ; smoke
and discoveicd the stoic to bo on llio. A
thlet had entcied , stolen some goods and
then hied the IIOII-B. The HHIIIIB weie.
piomptl ) extiuguislieil , Had thoclciXMiccn
a tew minutes Inter in making tliodiscovciy
tbej would undoubtedly have been binned to
death and Hie whole business pmtion of thu
town di'stiojcd. Sam Fowlei. coloied ox-
convict , was caught with the stolen goods in
his possession and w.iH promptly jailed.
Vesterdny moiniug his di'.ui boih was lound
ilangllng lioni a ( ice vviieiu a mou during the
nlghl had Iniugeil him. '
The Rudding Statn of Dakota.
Sr. PAUU Dee. 1U. A Huion special to tlm
Ploncei Picsssajs : Messrs. Oinnpbull , I'lshiT
Itehl nuil Cain aio In thur city making
au-angemonts lor Monday's session ot the
legislatuie.i Tlm plan IK for ) ho leglslatme tenet
net on the provisions ot the act of 17S.7 , and
lully establUh a state govennncnt , ami vet
hold Its tunctions In ane anee dining the
session of congies.s , and if - < iusress takes no
action set tlm machllicry Ubgoveinment in
lull operation as Mhhigaii did. btuwait
Smith , .ludgo Chmch'8 sncxfcwioi , proclaims
luinscu a candidate fur . United States
kciuitor. '
Proonriui ; 1'rovenaeriritli
GALVKSI N , Div , I0.A > dlspitch from
Laredo sn a : Intormallon | uis i cached hcie
that the levolutlouist Kode'jurK , nt the head
of about 700 men , i-ntc-ied Vlllnldama , Nuuvo
Leon , jostexlay and levied a iorceit loan of
SiOOandaiiuantityofcoui. Vill.ildama is a
city of neaily 5,000 Inhabitants on tlm Mexi
can National iail\va \ > , sixty miles this side of
WASIIINOION , Dec. ' Ul The I'Vdcration ' of
Labor Unions of tuo Ualtnl States and Can
ada to-da ) nassed a loolnlluu providing that
thu tiit'lit hour rule sliall take ettect May 1 ,
and such organl/atioiisflsaiu not capable of
euloiciiig tlio inlii lit that timu shall lend
theh assibtance to tlio.o who do niideitiiku to
cany out the resolution ,
Damaued $70.000 Worth.
MisiiAW.VKA. Hid. . Dec , 10. A. IL An.
drevv's si heel furniture factoiv , Miller Bros.
Hour mill , and PcikinV wlinimltl factory weie
damaged 15OOUb ) ate to nijfUt. lusiu-aiicc ,
P'P i TH i\im'iin\Tin nntvpp
Oloso of Their Very Successful Oonvoatiou
at the Oity of Fremont ,
The Ptoeecdini ; ; or tlio Closing Day
i-s Ulcctoii Atloi'iu'i ( Ji'iieral
c-so on tlioXlinmcrmaii C.IHO
Snlelili' Near Lincoln.
mi'ii's Meeting.
, Neb. , Die. 10. ( Jspi-cinl to Ilie
llt.i : . ] TliUatteinoon's se.sloti was opcMied
by 1'tof. C. i : . Uessuy , oftlmStato uulvc-rslty ,
who read a iwpcr on " ( Jjasacs and t'm.ijo
I'lanti. " I'liis paper brought out "otno excellent -
cellent lematks fiom Mr. Whitnt'iie , Allen
Hoot , Mr. Colllu , Mr. Heed ami Mi. Hoard )
some taking is-mo w.tli 1'iot. lesit\ ! ! and
others sustaiuiug Ids tlu-otlus.
Hon. li. 15. N'lchodemus then lead an In
teresting piper on "Seeding Down to ( trass
and Chnet and Stoi'l ; Management. " This
pnpei was well iccelved , hem , ' lull of prao-
ilcal comnion sense stuiccstions iiom a juac-
Heal taiiuei and stock lal-ei.
Tlm sulijtvt , "The Daliv Cow. " was then
taken up and eulogies in onouiiccd uion | hei
bj Messis. Collin and lloaid ,
The picvdilonl then nppiilnlod tlm co iniit-
tee on nominations as lullow : \ \ . U.
Whitmoie , O. M. Duise. O. Magumi , VA. .
Caipenlci and D. I' . Asltbuin.
I7 ] > on motion ol Mi.Vliituiore \ thucitilois
of the local jiapeis who iiave f.dtbtully
chionicled the piooeedlu.'s ot tlio convention
weie made honoiai } niciii'ici ' * .
Adjoin ncd to s o clock p. in.
The closing i > c-sshm ol llm association was
called lo oidei al b p. m. , and vvas open-d
with a song by Company I' . Xi-liraska Na
tional ( itiards , entitled the "Kiemont lilties. "
Tlio oommlttio on nominations lopoited
Dixoii A\eij. ot Kicmoiit , lor ptcsideutj I ? .
M. MoInt.Mv , ot Jsewatd , vice iiii'sldcnt ; 11.
11. U'ilig. ol Lincoln , seeietaiy and trcas-
uiei ; S. 0. llasseit of ( iibbonV. . U. Whit-
moieot Valley. W. A. Caipenter ol button.
II. It. Nloodemns ol FieimmU O. M. Dulse ol
Lincoln , bond ot dlicctois.
A pitu-r was then lead by W. A. Carpenter
on "TlieCreamciy and its Relation and Ad
vantages to the N'ebi.v-ska rainier. '
Then lollowcda duet bv Miss IMitli Tinner
and Mis. J. 11. Wheeler , entitled "The Alpiuu
Maid. ' '
Mi. Whitmoio tlien euteilained the audl-
curewlth a well wiitleu and well dclivctul
addtcss. Mi. Wldtmoie N a nonius and lias
added woudeilullv lu mailing thu convention
a success.
Altei a cornet &olo by D. IJ Stewart , L. S.
Collin icad a paper coveiliu tlie dahy pin-
suits In gciieial , tnucliing somewlut uiion
the disadvantages undei which some tanners
labor because ot the niiiuev loaning tiend.
Miss Edith Tin nor and .Julius ( i. Lumbtrd
then lav oied the audit ncu with a duet en
titled "The Kishoiman , " belli/ loudly en-
coicd. Mi. Lumb udc uuc lei waul and sang
" Ye ' . ' '
"Aie bloc-ping , Mavgii
Mr. Hand then cnteitalurd tlie audience
with a lew funny stones whlih uonvnlsod
evorjbixlv iitesvnt with laughter.
Mi. Luiubaul. who is also a icpipsonlativc
of tlioStai Union line , came lotwaid and in
a shot t speech detruded the. i.iilio ids against
souie lemaiks wuich liad been made bj some
ot thusuealiOis.
The committee on resolutions , then icnoit-
ed which lepoit was adopted.
The convention tiiun ailjouined.
Attorney Goncrai Lccsc flcturns.
LINCOLNNob. . , Dec. 10. fSpocial to tlie
Uni : . ] Attorney ( ieneral Leeso returned
lioni Washington last ui 'it. ' He couinms
tiie assoulalcd picss icport of. tlm siiinumo
coin IN ncilon in the Xiiinueiman case , anil
s.ijs lit1 intends to olfer.v icwaidol "Oior "
Idscapluic. Thi ! opinion piev.jils that them
Is not much chance ol getting Ximimiaiau al
that ligiue. Lcosn ex'piesseil his disgust at
Die laihnc of the bar committee to lepoit on
linn's connection with the o.iso. and savs he
will make a motion hiui'-cl for thu attoiney'.s
Driven to Destroy Himself.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Dec. 10. [ Special lo tlm
IH.i.J ; Jo-oph A. Oadei. a fanner living ten
miles noitlie.i'il of Lincoln , suicided last
niglil bv culiinu' ills tlnoai with a r.uor.
Oades was a widower , 15 jeais old , and
leaves two sons and two il.umliteis , nil
grown. KOI some past hu has stilleied
with St. Virus' dance , and bi'oodmg ovei bis
allliction Is supposed to Iiave diivcu him
cr.uj. Ilo u woalthv and respected citi-
yon. Coionoi Ueachlc- > decided an
nuuccetsaiy , _ _
Holeotoil for the ( i. \ . II.
it , to Grant.
WASIH.M. ioDec. . 10. A geucial older
has been Issued fiom the hL'adiir.aiien ol Ihu
C. A. II. in this city , informing tliu mi.-mbei 8
of that orgaul/Uion that Wasliiugton has
been selected as tlie site of thu pioposcd ( L
A. 1C. monument to ( icncral ( irant.
"To siut'iblj mnk tlie event , " sijs the
oidei , "and to evidence lor all time thu equal
sliam ol all the comrades of tlio ( ii.uid Aimy
In lids woik of commemoration. " Ihu various
posts aie lenuestulto lucpaiciolls containing
the name , rank , legiment and post ot each
donor , whKli , wlien icluincd to the na
tional hcadiuaitcis | , will bo bound
Into volumis ijnd piopcily eaiexl for , and
piovlslou in.idi ) to fmnisli each put n litlio-
( 'laphie 01 othci suitable tonn ol cngiaving
ol tliunnishiil mnnuuient. Tlu1 iUailenuas- [
tor has been din-clod to deposit the Hindi le-
ccUcd as contnbulious with a ti list company ,
and they aio to bo solelj dedicated to the
election ol tlio monument and subject to no
oilier clmr o , sive only the cost ol ptinting
and ilMiIhiiling the rolls and piopoac.fl en- ; and all
thu time and laboi e.xpended in this b 'half
1 > > the Claud Aimv , or anv ol its comiades
01 authoiities , .shall bo wTthout cost to the
liind. _ _
A Hatch of HcrcsH Appointments for
WASHINI TO.V , D-c. W. The piosidont
sent a large bitoli of nominations to the sen
ate to-day. All except a tew minor poat-
otllccs weieiivoss appointments' . Tlm list
includes llm lollowllig :
LamlM'it Tieo ot Jlllnols to bu minister
icsldenllo Hclgium.
Kicdciick 11. Winston of Illinois to bo
minister leslduut and consul gnncial to
1'crsia ,
Jonathan F , Oaidunr ot Ncbmska to bo
smvev or general ol Xebiaskaaud Jowa.
itlclmulS. Dement of Illinois to bu sin-
vevor general of Utah.
.Maiio Taj lei of Dakota to bo snrveym gen-
eial ot Dakota.
I'o dm isUis William D. Swail , Jlcivldeio ,
111. ; S. Coining , ludd , Cblcigo : Clinton
Hosolte. Dekalbe. III. ; John F. hiaitli , Kieu-
poit , Ilk ; D. Wilmot bcott , lialena. 111. ;
Klljiih , 'lKails. . Knotvlllo , ilk ; William
bteliier , Oak I'.uk , Ilk ; James II , Hit-haul-
son , Onliiey. Ilk ; Hanoj C , Memo , limad-
head , Wis. : Samuel M , huu-ad , Komi dii Lite ,
Wls. ; Nelson D.tuett , Jetlersoii , Wis. <
( ii-oigo II. I'uul , Milwaukee ; llemy M.
Hovvclt , Wateitown , Wis. : W. K. Lewis ,
Charlton. Iowa : J. W. ishoiman , Ucooln ,
Iowa : William N. Hensloy , Coinmbus , Neb. ;
Johathan A. Wise , I'lallsmouih. Neb. ; C. C.
Koibc-H , St. 1'aul , Neb. ; Willaiil I' . Cair ,
Sioux Kalis , Dak. ; L. D , I'almer , Yntiktun ,
Dak. ; Albert Snydur , Arcola , 111.
Haw 5IIH Hlown Up.
Sr. PAUJ. , Dec , K ) . A Pioneer PIP-S Hupo-
rior , Wis. , sj > ecial says ; The boiler in Tuft's
saw mill , Miveti miles east of here , t-xptodul
to-day and killed Jeiry Moikce and iaially
Injured .lohn Iticton. Two otheis. naineil
Uarluvv , are suvciely injured.
An Ofl'enblvc I'lirliuan.
Oi.ESiHV'K , Mont. , Dec. 10. KederalJudgo
Coburn to lay iccelved hHsuspe.iisioii'lioni
ollko. Thuchaigu j aintt liluila uuUurstood
to be olfensivu
ot'ii IOWA oi-M'iut\s. :
Decisions ttciulei-cd Uy lowa'N High
Judicial Hodj.
Pis Moixis , IVv. 10. [ Special to tin
Hi r. | The supreme iint todi > tendered
fie fi'lt'iwiiu decisions : lr\\m W. Hecins ,
administiatot , Vs. Chk-ago Kock Isluidifc
I'a'-iiu-niilwav company appellant , Cass cir
cuit. A till. ued.
ri.i'iK'm A. I'.nrrer by his next friend , vs.
S. M. 1'ial'i's. PHI mcr opinion adheied to on
rchcailngaiid ease icvetscd ,
btuteof low u Vs. D , L. 1'iy and ICImcr
I KM ilck , iipiicllanls , Ko siitli distiicl. Af-
Scbistlnn Hiel7 vs. .1.0. Altec , appellant ,
Lot * distitrt. -versed. .
A. h. Itilllel , i | p-llant , vs. X. W. It.uKlcy ,
ct at. . Polk cm tin. Aitlimed
s W. swiesvs. . K. W , Motsnu. et al. , np-
pcdliut , llnen.i' Vista cm nit. Ailiimcd.
I'ollawattamiueimulv , aipellant | , vs. Cai-
roll eoiiutj , Canoll enciilt coint. AL-
Joint Itump v . Catlii-iine ScluvarU , ap
pellant , Leedlsliiit. I.OMMMMI.
ChailcsWuk iieid vs Julia ISatlioihim , et
al , aiipcllant. Cass distiict. MoJiaed and at-
I , lined.
hvvaisoii iV 0,111 lor , aitjictlant. vs. L. .1.
Hiitvviel ; , et al , liueiiaisia ciicult. At-
L. K. Collv vs. .1. W. Kins , administrator
appellutil , llnmboldt distiicteouit. Ke.uisc < l.j
.iosepli R Atkinson vs. John T. llanciicl1
> V Co. , et al , appellant , I'alo Alto cncalt
coin I. Alliimed ,
Lewis Davis , apnellaut , vs. Samuel S. Hall ,
et al. . Itouiie en. ml. 1'tvcised.
N. llemiett vs. li. I' , t'aikir , appi'llant ,
Kiemont district , \ppe.d dismissed.
S. ! . r.liswoilh vs. i ; . I , , baitc , appellant.
Woilhdlblrlct. Alllim d.
Lost a Iiiinb and Hay Die.
In.v Oiiovi : , la. , Ic. I . W. [ Special to tlm
JJi.i.J : Chailes Uiisli , ago I - ' , a Height
biakemin on tit" CiieuiA ; \ < illiwstein ,
was nin ovei bj thu eais neu li.'ie 1,1st nU-lil.
His lUlit leg wascutolt and othei injiities
piobably latal weie luilicted.
SerioiiH Idol Hef.teeii Union anil Noil-
Union Men at Fine I'.nii.
Pmsi.tiK , , Dec. 10. Pint linn , about one
mile below Kli/abetli , Pa. , was the scene ot
anothei ilot this uminini : bctvvd'U slilkmg
coalmine-is and the men wlio have bien
woiking tliu past two weeks at a icdiictlon.
This moining , about : ! : : ! 0 , when : > ' miners
were on the way to woik m one of llm mines
a squad uf 20J m.u.kt d men : nut them and de
manded that they letiun to tlieii homus.
Thov icliisi-d to ilo so and the mob made an
attack on them with cmb > . sticks and stones' .
The not lasted two liouis. About ten
men weie injuied. Newton Camphtil , a
diiver , was set upon bv six stiikct- , and beat
en to inselibili.dtj. His iiijiuiis me believed
to bu latal. Itiehaui Hall and I-ainuel M.
Foul weie also scveielv injuiid
Otlieis u 'l ' aw.i > wuli slight cuts
and biuisos. Alter standing then
giound niMil.v two boms the non-unionists
wetediiveu oil and Hod to ] > ) .i < csol siiitv
'Ihe stnkeis st.iM-d m the MdniU ol thu
mines until al ui daj bie.ik , waning iormoie
milieu to come ID vvmli , but none m tile then
atipeaiance. ' 1m * mub tlien wtdgid thu
switch ot the pnvatc coa1 10 id inuuiiig to
thumine , and disappcaiid osei tliu h-lh.
Thu li am coming along ah ul time 1 itei
w'cisthiown lioni the Hack and tlu- engine
uptuinod. No one was hurt. Woidwasbu-
mcdiatelv tclegiai bed to tills eitv lei assist
ance , and at H o clock Shc-iiu liia > , witha
piis .o , Jolt tor the si cue. Thi-mob is snp-
pnscd lo bu onu oiganl/td to visit all minus
to day whercinTa itRT woi kin ir at Iliu icdhc-
tlon , and moiu tioubleMS antU-lpatcd.
A Spook ol' in 3IlssourI.
15ivui : : , Mo , , Dee. 10. The wailike prcpa-
lloits being made huiu ful the past wick still
continueTheio aio twoieguar companies
composed of white men , dulling daily with
iVinchcstur nilus. It has been discovcicd
that an upon thu stockade
Is to be mule jatnula ) niu'lu it Mi. Loomis
dus not disniin his mon. This lie positively
ictuses todo. He hasdiscliaigeil th loughs
and ilisiopuUble ehuacteis. TliOM ) v , ho ic-
iiiam hekiKuvs will not p.ntieipaiu in a uuai-
icl unless In sell dufeii , L * . In anlicii : | ition ot
Ilie i oiiiiiigconlllct sovoial nioiiiiiiuut Uml-
Hes have icmoved tiom heie.
u\T ix PACU.
A Solemn ICeiitlem M.n-i for tlio lie-
| to-i'j uf Alfonso'Soul. .
WASHINGTON ; Dec. 10. A solemn ic-inlem
mass for tlm repose of tlio soul ot the late
king ot Spain was celcbraled at St. M itthuw's
Catholic cluncii in this city tiiis moining.
Six bundled Invitations lie.tvilj bndt'ied
with uhi-k , weio Issued to the piesldent and
cabinet , diplomatic coips amfollicis. 'I'lie
aiidlioiiinn ol the i lunch was ibaped in
nioiimiiu' , In tiont ol the allai rail stood a
catal.ihjuo , o i w il.M was a state oaslu-l ol
black in namcuteit ' .vilh sllvei. Thu hiv'ot
tin ; eatatalmie was draped with Spanish thus
MU mounted 1 > \ the hU'iish | national coat of
aims. The altar was diapid in black , the
filial" nl tlio label n.ule belli , entwined witli
bl.u'l : bimtiiNo ) iluweis vveieon the allai
and a simple lloia ! wieatli rested on the toil
oftliecasltel. VI precisely 1 1 o clock Pnsl-
ilont Ch-velaml and Sci-ictaiies I.'ayaul mid
Kudlcott eiitend ( litchut Mi and weie as
signed seat i in the diplomatic coips. Allie-
maiued ht.mdin , ; m the pie Idcnl passed
down the aisle.
imissii : ; ) Hus in UATHSI.
Another l n'ort to Ciimpromiso the
Ciiif-Aoo , Dec -Special [ to the Unit. ]
An etfoi twill bn made to day tobilnii abmit a
sctllemcntof tlie tumble icgaidlug diessed
beet nilis between Oiuaiia and Chicago. As
tlie coiinaisslonci was picvcmcd fioni.'allinu'
a medtingunlil all toads had settled tlien
hiHnccs gieat dilTiculty was found to hilng
about a meetinirot tlio manageis to imisidei
tlie complications anil biing about an , uieo-
nienUix whidiwai on Omalia ami Ncbiaska
business can be avoided , but alter coiisldci-
lible ( oiicsHiniieni | e tlm mana/eis of HID
vailous madx interc'stod in that business
au-icdl to hold an inloiiiMl meeting at tlio
olhiu of Comniisslonei r.dllioin to dav ,
I'linii this It issilimlscd thai the loads which
hist objected to the compimuiso that tin-
Mllvvaiikcei\ , Pan ! wa > willing lo accept
liav e changed Iheii minds and .ittei all atu
lead ) to coinpiomisu the mattci on the lei ms
How tlie JMenHano AVas .Sliortencil.
WASIH.ST.-IO.V , Dec , 10. ( Special to the
15ii : : . | 'Iliu pie.sident told Senatoi Cnllom
jestciday , reluiring to tlm latlei's Intci-statu
commcrue bill , that he had bcvu compelled to
taken deal of matter out of Ids ine.s-.ue
that hail been VMitten and put in t > puin
oidei to shot ten the document , anil lie
thought It was much lee Ion , . ' ; is It was hut
MI hi bu would piobablv have a chance tosend
In tlm rejected jut Is at soum fiitmu time and
would carclullj laj it away lor that puiposc ,
Tlio Money
x KitA.srisoo , Dec. 1U. A Chiouiclo 12
Paso special .says : KcpicneiitalUus .if a syn
dicate , of which ex-hecielai } Wlndom U a
member , have auivid here. They statu
money has been piovidcd lot the coiistiuc-
lion of iliu Hint Va miles of the Kl Paso , St.
Louis it Chii-airo lallvvay. Thu load will
open a vast auction ol thu southwest.
Defeated llio Uatu-UaiHln I'lofcu-t.
Ciiu-AOO , Dee. 10. Tlmueueiid pisso.ugei
agents of tlm eaMcin lines mc-l huu to-day
and made nn otfoit to advaueii Hie u'u limn
Chic.u'olo Now YorK to s-0. Thu vvcakei
loads , however , demanded a d ileicntal in
tint event ul rates being advanced , vvh.t-b was
oilectiidl In dcleatliij , ' tlie piojcct of the pit's-
i nt at least.
You can buy tnniituro cheaiwr of A
L , 1'ituli .V Co. , Utli St. , but , r.irnain and
Dou lad , lliuu uny other place in the city.
Aloul Ik- Only TLiug That's Citlafo Aloat
Undo Billj'a ' Pile.
l'iojjio ' , inn with Arr.uifftMiionts I've
( lie Million. itoV I'nnoial - UN
iK'Hs to ( It'll. tit ant Itcinum-
lii'icil liy tlio family.
Tlio Dead MIMIC ) ml
N'r.w VOISK , Dor. H ) . ( t-pcrUI to tlio lit i.l
r. , D. Woicoster , secretarj of ( hu Xovv Yoik , tldnks Vunilcibilt'.s cstalo woith
SiiOUJ.iim His teal osUle , including llio
family residence , valued at t-tOWOJO ,
amounts only to , . Ho held 53J.MO , .
CVK ) of ie | steicd I pel cents , wotth nt present
puces ovei { Mi.Oiv.iOJ. 'lliooiid \ linrosi (
mil the value id the estate , to bo SHWVy ( > .tXW ,
and primates tliu dallj Incemo al SJs x ) .
An e\ainniatioii of its details , however ,
seem to show that these tlgmesuio toohlnh.
.Ml. liepew sjij- , ; "As to piobablodispo
sition in his propcii.v , 1 am not now in posi
tion to saiinjthing. . 1 do not even know i I'
theie Is a will lenimg lain date than thootio
he made when I was intimately connected
with him. 1 should nol woudoi.'hovvoveT , il'
theio wa a .sarpiise in slow tor thomIio
Imagine Ihe.v know a about it. "
? twoiiii. . Dec. 10. ' 1 lie nndoilakei was
pinlv at the \ audeibill house this umining to
see tlial evcrvihing was In oiiloi. He had
been to.Novv Doip. Staten Island , ami nude
piopaiations lot the unal interment. 'I'wo
sons ( it thu dead mm. William and Hpoigo ,
sat up all nt.lit as wati hois. Mrs. Vandei-
biltpas'-ui limns beside the dead bed } of her
husband. With moining came many nics-
s K > ot coniloleiice and cauls of lilelids.
TiiiInneial aiiangemeuls will nol bo
changed. I'riviitosenues will hchrldallhn
house , mid aiteivvaid tliu lakes pl.itu
tiom bt. I.aithnlomew s chuieh. No autopsy
will bo made as do eoioni i is snt' iitd that
ile.uli was caused m ccrebialapoplex.v.
The inneiai sen , ius VMI ! bu as sliapli' as
possible , men Iv thoillnal ot the 1 pfsi-opal , without anv simon , Onlicla'hoi '
will be admitted to tlie cliinnh. ' 1 he u-manm
will then bu taken bv coach and boat to .Now
Doip , Stateii Isl.iinl , and deposited In the
\.uiit pending completion ol the family
m.ui oleum. Detectives will bo on duly at
Ihu thurih to wain away suspicions chmac *
tois. Two meiubois ot tlio ilelectlvo foico
have been on gu ml in the nuluhhmliuoil < U'
the mansion ami i N s ih | , jnanl will bo
jilaied ovoi the vault pendlin ; lumoval of the
lemalus to the mausoleum.
Among those who cilleil In tlio moining
was Col. Tied ( Slant. Latei in the d.ij Col.
( , ianl , in combination jihoat the sudden
death \aiidoibtlt. . expic. ' ul n wiim
teeliug in the matter and said : "My
moiher and oui lamllv doujilv svmna-
tlil/u with Mrs. Vauileilillt and
the lamllv ai this time. This w blow and 101 i
ot Cieii. ( limit liitve pociiHai leeuius Of n > .
gut al the death ol Vainltibilt. Mj fatlicT/
was dtopt ) M.ilelnl to him , not alone lot the
tnsl kindness hut lorth'iilelU.iev will ) v\hh li
jioooadiii ltd tins mallei - , ibsuiii | > 'iillj. AVe
all tell \eiv giatt-lul and u-giet be has died ' '
Dieil from TriuhiuosN.
T\nr.v-it M , Pa. , Dec. 10.Kiuteilok Hans ,
mo.vei , a well lo ilo ( ieiiuan , died .vestuiday
tioai tilchiuosis. and lo-day thu f.idiui and
mother , two bmtlu-is , and tlnee sl.sU'W ate
d to die any nminent ot the atno
Two weeks njjo they ate Kikul C'Jn-
i.\W polk.
Thfir hargo uml Ijlr nnt Stouk of
Diamonds , Gold and Silver Watcli-
oICto. .
A < ; many people ini.itne ; tlml on
ly kings , princes and millionaires can sif-
foul to wear diamonds and that one must
Iiave a .small lortunu and a lar u im-oiuu
lo own ovona { iold w.itoli. This cironu-
oiirt opinion has originated from llio 1
that in tlie past thu pi'ico.s of thuso i
at ne.uly uv if .lewulry store in tlio hind
havu been tabnlous , so to speak. But ,
now a change has uomu river tliu Feejic.
Kdholm and Kntkson have placed prices
on diamonds and u'd ' watehoH HU
low' , eompaied > vith old piioes.
thai ninnv | ieode ] who never dio-.mi.-il of
sneli Inxiuies can novv alloid liiom.
This linn .110 now displaying a line of
diamond lings , pins , bracelets , nueklao.uii ,
etc. . and elegant and buantilul eai'Vttd
old vvutuhi s with diamonds set in thu
outside of tlm ease , that positively anr-
passes anyt hing of tliu kind ever before
shown in ibis city. Thu pi ices on tlicfio
irtieles will a.stonish any one who will
lake the trouble to investigate , and tlio
A ile ( from tliin llio counters , sl
and hliclvts ot thu Htore are loniUjd with
iisefnl and ornamental articles hiiilnlitu
lor holiday presents.
Thi'innsic dep. irunenl will lindp.sudmit
as .soon as pos-.lble , and'HC'Vu iil mro lni'- )
gains in pianos and organtt may bo so-
eiirotl brtoru thu lirsl ot .January.
Only t\vo mori ) days roniiiin of llio ashigne.0 b.ilc of line clothing , liata
etc. . 'lit No lili : ! Douglas. htryet , Ointiha.
U'hi ) More lias buun ciowdod cvury day ,
and wo advioo tliodu of our read urn who
liavo not availed theinsolvoi * of the op
portunity to go at onco. Tlio following
are a fuw of the barjj lins A ningnilloiinb
daik mi Ned fciiil of iiii'n'H ' ulolhcs for
Jr..70 ! , gnarnnteed woith vl > ' , or moiHW
rcitunieil , a splendid pair ot inon'H piuitn
! iHenntsgnai. intend worth iBl.riUontionoy
ivtnniud , nion'rt elegant uloth couta ,
! ; > . ' , ir > , giiarantui d woiih $ 'i ' or moiio.y
returiiud , i > iun heuvwinUir overcontB ,
5 > ) , gnaninli'ud uoiili $15 or inonuy
rutnined , also a largo line line casH'iinero.
corkf-crinv , .silk and hatin linud niiitn ami
lini ! overeoatH itt a iroinendons tuui'ifiou ,
lion's late > -tMljIo u\tra line inr hats , 01) )
coiitfl , gniranteed , worth ? ! ! or money returned -
turned , Underwear and ili.imo ( lilluntnt
other goodH wo have not hp.KMi to moil-
lion heio , nt l.lo D.xiglas stiucl bolwenik
Twellth and riiiitciinlli ntieot.s opposite
Millard hotul. Omaha , htoru open fiotn
8 in tiio morning until U nt nlglit.
My Card.
To the public that , are nftor bur-
gaiiih don't buy n cent's woith of cloth
ing until von havn M-WI my immense
block ot olothing , of overcoats , sniU anil
nmlurwear , over coaU for l.U ! ) ccjits
and up , imdei'Bliii ts and dr.iu'en for 25
cUs and up J will hull you good stiaight
goods and no bankrupt Mock of old
truck , v > ur money lulnndod if all id not
IIH ropimunlcd at L'olack'.s ' . , iilj ; ( 1'avnjvin
is you can buy a boy's stilt ohu. p
now at 1'olack'h , 'M pur rout oil' otu-
plain ijguro maiK .
Try at ) per cent oil' our plain low llg *
- ' '
Jilsliatlonal I < e/i uo ,
Tlio meeting called at Cuiinln- ; ;
ham'd hall for Saturday night , for
tliu purpO'U of orgaiii/iug a lethe
eal blanch ot the Irish Nation-
ill tea to bo u jreat biui-
cus , puoclh isill bu inailo by thu bust tahnu among Omuha'tt Iri.-iht
Anioiican eiti/cnn , anil it is to bu hopud
In it tliu ijitondanco Will bu MI I a rye that
oigm/'iton can bu nudu and llrnily
toinird at oncu ,