THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , THUKSDAY , DECEMBER 10 SPECIAL NOTICES. " Ailvirli'f-n'enM wider tliU hrml lo nt po < Ili < lorthwflrft insertion , und 7 cents for onct fciit'K-qutnt Insertion. Soi-cn ortU wl I bn count rO to tlm limit they must ton coiiMrutlvfly nnd tnmtlio iftMIn Rdvmice. All mix MtlMMiu nt < U'l.umi'd Ui lie-lore 2 o'clock Ji. in. , m n1) cituiiiMiiiHt-it will llioy bo taken 01 uiKoiiinuc < ibYi < iei > lioiii- . l rllf" nilicrt pftiirln imso filiunn * nml n y Inn tlio niinH-ifi mlilic-vcd In euro of llru.w I tilci > FOMk for cheek to enable them to put thcli Iitkrp nn iniii'1 will bo ilt-hun-d t-xcept 01 iirfMiilHtion < < f i tii-its. All iimvfr * to nil\er list meljtB Mitiid'i br < nclo ed In envelopes _ TO LOAW-MOHEV. _ T\OMV 1O OX > in hoiio , waxmn nil I'l fiiinituri' w IKII , t re Minn l . ' < uswell Iliom in , linn i. ink liullilunf , I'.th nnd I itrninn liiLe < K'Viuor. tMjiinb * O.SHVTO LOAN ( hi olitrlol Mxmrlty , In M ni f'0in fltflto41 " 0. Appl > HI . II. mi' loninn HUM , corl.oi o.V Kith , > -IJl l l.o.VN--.xiiiiT < T"ittnny nmoiltit * - i null OU.K-SO KK'iirliy M.url tiim-1 inn. " n i ro it e Into tx ti | * tin oti im on toil estate. Money to IDIIII oil cln.t c l . None ) to Icmti on eo'lrilrrti1- ' i Not'ov inli mi on any in oj lo i H o sy. i me toMi't ' Apply tt. i'i nulm I'limnclnl Ilxrhiuifre Hut ki r B b'llldl m. h\V ecu nor ot I illci tub mid ruriuim lf. p ' " * ' or nx-i-rjnottyt Vnn n liorrow MONKV on futiilniio , liorfCH. wusrom , plnuo-i , ftptk nf nil kind * , illnnumdi uud linn wulche" on yonr own time. 1'iivnmntn ncel vod at nny tlnit' , mul liiturost , reduced pro rutu. Property loft In jour own POSMKOII. | . Tenni low no the low rut. Cull I'nd cic ) me. Hu'lnesH confidential. NomlvimtPKi ) taken. XX. II. Trot t , ItCMim \VPlmnll H Now Ilillkllnir , J orllu-iu < t eor- ti r lAlli nd Iliiniry. 'J' > 1 ? I1O LOAN Ono ir two thotiMmd ilollni * Im. ' imsllHiclr for I or 3 } uu.i XV. ll.tlrcen , 13th and Knrimin. 1"'J 'ONI'V TO LOAN O. P. Tluvl * , V Co. Hcul M Eetnto unit I/mn agents , l.VJJ I'm mini St , ONKV TO lfl.\N-On aciotl prcnrllloA ) M McUiivoch , room 7 lltilluk.llloclt , I5uj t'arniira 6t _ 77 _ 6tM OMJV TO LOAN On ehnltcK XVnolcy St. M Iliirrlr-on , room Cli , Uondui National tiunk O.VKV 1 0 MIAN On ical cstnto mul uhnt- M toip. 1) . L. Tlioiiins. KU OM5V T.OAXKIt Onchnlti-la , nil into. It. M It tickets bought will solJ. A. roriiinu.'U Ml TO LOAN In wiina of JCTO nnil upwards - MONKY on llr.-M'liiM renl estalo ei-curliy. Teller AColil ) . lliin Kiu'iiiiin St. KX l.OANI'.l * atC. T. Iti-fsUVro's. I.onn MONKV olKc\t , on iiirnltnro , plimos , IIOI-HIM , WMHOIIS pC'rHiiiid pninirt | ) i f nil Klinls anil nil oilier ur- lUU'KOf viiluti , wll limit roinoviil. Over 1st Nat'l Hunk , ccinu-r l.ltli mul Funmiu. All IJIIMMUSS ptrlctly coiitliluntnl. _ f ' l BEAI , ESTATE. * I71INiiniirox | > ( 'tl fm m .w-lll Inulo for impiovcil J city property. XV. 11. Orct-n , ever 1st Nn- tlumilllank. . ! M BUSUTEUS TTIOIlSAI.i : A peed pnymir irroccry Flock : J \\-lt iiiolcinlMini ft. wi , A uood t.iuln us- lalpshul. Heti'oti lorNtlll'ir.ill iieiiith. Cull ut Allen Iiiov. , Hiu DiiUKius MI tor. iwi SAl.i : Uo-tnuiiuit mul con'octlonery FOR und II ? tiir"nii | iitlno lo 'lit o i , ni'istbe Ktd linnii'i.lutcly. XV. II , Orten , l.dh mid Pur- limn l < . WJ T71OK KXVIIANtiT : An liuprovrd farm of Hit ) JU : ii ) miles west ol Itod Oiik. lowii. will bn ex- rhumiud lor ilexlrubo rcMtktico piopcrty In Oimiha , either Improxeil or nulinproxed. Ad- iliOH. dct-cribluir piopeity , .lolm llaxin. llud Ouk.Ioun. lUldeelO * ITlOIt SAI.K The only Irulbor and nmlliDr JU luH'm'i-H ' In I Ircoln. which bus I o n i-ur- rlil < n lor tin \ eursiri Mioressfi'lly : the rot- wm for Hwlllmr , dc-ulli of t u proprietor ; eiiidliil riiiilr | < > d , fiDIII ji'Oi ; ' m yi UJ. Address Mrs. .luioh llutierle , Lincoln. Neb. i" ' . ' , HAT.I7 Bmnll Htuck of iluiKB und infill aclnrnand toilet urtIt-Ins lor mile nt 11 bar- uiiln. XVIII liiMilrii Jinn , llo.vtd f thlpincut. J A. Itncdcr WJH loth bfreet. bit ) A prlr of uel 1 rlimncd FUND Knoulre of Tluo. XVHIIiiins , lluu olllto.H079 H07-9 Z.OST. TOST On Monday , Dcv. 7th , one opcn-fueu , Jsinull rllvc > r Mateli , i.ulwi un HlKli School anil 11 Ijiniiiiisi. 1'luiise icturii to K118 I'lirnam mid iroulMi itiwiua. . UI.V.I IOSH ll'uchi'oir.piirt lull , with white spot on ' l.tprst , Fiu.iripliuo n t irn to frank BtouttM \ N. Utu St. , and Kd reivurd. U5-.i ; IOST On Tuesday , Jcc. 1-t. u dark bronii ' M.'l'cr do. , nlioiit ( i H , von-ol I ; last hoou on 4lh , between Kuri inn nnd OiHle. | l'leu u re turn to 110. llurncy bt. und ot mwiird. fcS OST At or nenr Ilo > cl' opera house , on liUHhiV'iivuulm. , : i luxlblo Kold brueolet. Mill be NUitiibly loiimded. Mr.s , J. .XI , 71-tr - ' cloth cloak. J.TIIVO at LOST-AclilM'Hjihila ( jet Mrs. M. A. Meiluinura. 740 MIHM unit hoard , $ ' , jxir week ; very bestlu * cutlou. J811 Uux'vnport SU XXOCCZiZiAMEOUS. A fJUNTI.K.XIAN und w lo or twopontlonion Xcuu | oliluin rooili und biuird witha prlvutc | fmnlly mo cliiliirtiii in Ues.ruble location by ud- ' tlrustdtiK A ( It , l u olhce. HI J itsc'llAHrn-ThijcciVbiiitedfoitunoleller M Iteeldenco lltli uud .luekson. IAUIK.S in want of proud domcstio help onn * bo tuppllcd by calling : on the Otnulm Km. plnyim-nt tilhce , i.iinin I llujamuu sll.ouit. Mra. JXV. Muriihonpropiletor. 74 pltlX'Y XAHI/I' " , funks , cesspools cleaned ; 4. ontircly odorle-fl way. li. hwlnjr Ad- Uri > 8 lliionrli pofitolllce. PHIVY viiulta mm ccs pooH cleaned in an odorlfes * y by V. U. Abel , I' . O. llox U7S , VI5 8TOVB BOPAXUS. milK W. U Met/iierStovo Itepulr Co. . Ill South JHtlifit. . lntwccn DoJ o uud CUBED. No operation or usolois triibsm. I > r , M. M Mooiti , Ul.l XVubiiiih uve. , CliU'.atfo.V1II IH ) at C'oncim lloiuo. In Oiauhii , every ciluya ) ZOB * } 7)Olt ) HAI.K A Hlc-ndld | wood himtlnx frtovo , Jtfblj Chiiilob Bl , , ttlfmi' uuldltiuili .Inn. II. Conns. II97-U * roit 8AI.K-A' iplimiilii klin of brick ut Hn" din wood , lou-n. XV. II , Mlu-bell , lf.7-10' Tpoit h\liK Sornu luriilturu , also u ( rood A sowlni ; miicxluu , ly jiaity loaviiiK the city , N. 1C. corni'iUoilfn mul loth m , ir.H 10' Foil HA 1.1. SlnuluiixprtBi wuuon , homo und tiuinrht' , 111 in Rood order , heap for . - i. A oo , lieu Ollico I'll-b" ' JjXIUHAl.tClioiip , nmvlmin 18 by : n with 1 every tnmx cnlonce. Inijulru DriiHftoic. luih unit DfMlivlrlu 'I'rif FOH xvrHtlu'r f Ii iH. | Morm KU&U mid doors , ire to F. IX Sit ad , rj s. lUth Bt ww FOHSAl.r-Two " Polliiim I'liico" , emu block fi-um btrobt cur track. luaulre-lKd. l tli htrtct. Mi WA > TKH ImmmllHtely a o d servant tor 'Kcnernl l > oiiiework. ( oriiiuii preltrretl. C' l | ut niiithwesl txirner ofltl.1 U'ul ' Unit. VM 11 rANTKli-aiil for gouerul housework. B-fl * _ ' l'N.R. cor. I'tll Una \XrA > i'l'K-l1lrKi.o'jk6i | illulas-ronra. ( riila at T > the JlotTopojium Uotol. ' * wi \\TA.NTKD-A SKuiiiilnavafi ffhlforKUehcn IV work In lootumunt. Ai > ply 4U Kuith ith : ; i' f ct , 1W la * vI , Hi ) fmuiJD * upilted ) wlln K < in < l KhU t Ogrnuin iuilt/inuut-Avciic : | } ' , 41U U. lith , " ntitr lloxxiutl. ANTii : - nuia Kilt. I'M Kainam \ , \ _ _ J l\TA > TKlA girl for Kttaonil house work 1 ft 1WI Jt'uruutn. VS7-10 " \\7PAVTKI > Inlit < nnd Bonllcnioti In iH 01 li country to tiKiilitthl wfik luthe.rowi homrs. f I to ft n I.HIinIll made ; we r % o i bnml ; nociinuImr. . XX'i' u.xe n po i < ii mnnd fnrtniMtnr * mid turn sh ctf-nily mp'oy inenl. Addre . with s-ti nip , Cioivn M'l V Ull Vine ft , Cincinnati , Omn. ll'AM Cll-Out rr-HIwkirttiimmn : al ( > ' two apiremlei' < lor int' s iimkln ' . Ate Mint utili ) L'irl tim liuifi rt-oV MIIJI foriloliiirimi liourt w rk inf inln mul nx < n iu Mlsi 1'ehr Hm , } < . XX.tKir , ban and bt. Jtnr.i'hii\'e. JKIU " \\TAN f'o : Utllr n"tl xniuur men toilcror ' iileCir't u s New > cir and 1 ! M' nov fit o . I i lull In onnntloi iiddio-s II crillu Ail XX ik4. 7 r.vchniiKo Place , lUwli.n , Mu VVrANTi-Anoxprilinced : ! p'tl forrtJi'rn ' ' lioiifctitrtirk In nlmnllyof two A Mvcdt prefoi rc l : l.tonwi-ond tilrl. Impure Slinpl ) lot me. , lift , hour * of uud 4 p. m , .ivy-i * \\rA > 'THIi Shbl makof < fit Ouinlin .hln fnaoi.x , iiN. 16th si. " \\rANTIUi A po < "l o.vporleueoit eh ! fur iron end l.ouyunoik. Appl ) ut SHU St. Mnrj'f nvc. J 12 WAvni : > ji ttinxrcniuln \ coo't ' * at unco ( r < iMl WHKCilliiln ! r iitom irliHTiml Kill ; for Ki'iicrul Ixiusuxiurk : full lU'J rurniiiu s. \V/Tvi'i fii - ( I i rTs"foTull Ulii'ls of clnm'eMlc ' work : pllil' s irl'Mi to ifliln rreoof ohiuvn ! Cttllnt N < iiiii > .lia iiiiilotiiiuiit : | Avi-ncy , 119 IHMi Ft. . cor. Olpldil nix- . ,'8 block. GI7 T\MM"ii : IJi'lU' * lei work for inliMUuli : o n lioini" , $7 to $ H1 | mr week enn l > r nnlLtlv mniloi No pllntn. tinlntliu ; nociiuvae * ' In ? , rii ifull | i.irtlriilnr4 , plc'l- mUln-n. ut once , rie.vs-iil Art Co , , III Central ( . . llo < > toiii llQXnl7U. MMtttt ! * _ WANTEU-MAiB IU3LP. J _ " \\rAN'ril ! > A > oumr limn liorfi t" > to IS jcnr * ' olit , wliociin imiko hi iioi'lf Kt-nt-rnlly ii" fid. A ) < | il > nt Ull I'tmimn st , UKl \\ANrr.U-\n uxmvniH-iilc'pni'rankof ' wild > IK cnpa If o ovcr n I wu uliop mid run rl o vr-lt rcjiiuus. Hey u.-li need uppiv. AiN dross , "To HI-CO 11 * , " lli.isoilicu. 10J-11 \ \ 'ANTil ; ) AttUo , oiinmetic cnnx-no iin ' ' Ininilli- mini mplil Pt'llliif li'iii'uhnld ' m tle'r vor IlltroJ. . ced. I'tolltn IIIIT" { * > .ncl I KMilny ntity ami in ivnrils miiilu. Ilioiupson A Co. , ' \\rAVriUi-Contsatul pnntrt maki'p * to work In tlteshopiiLJ. U' . Xapvcr's. I'S10' ArANTiiltciMijrrnplier. : ! . Paliirv $ MAd - dii is XX , tare box ttJ > , Oimdm. ! 'iVVf ' > \\fANTii ) AKOIIU to pelloo U for tlin6 tiaj incut house. Call at 117 tf. lUth Pt iw-K' \V A > TiJl-A i u ID O Nelll & C TirM > 1-aT ' niim bt. , Omiilni , Nob. AATANTIJH " 0 young ; men and Imllos to en- ' Kairolu the to'ojrnplilu 1-01 vice. I'm par- tlculrs ujdrobs H. D. 1) . , Ciouujo Illo k. HDOIU 1,10th St. ' \\7'ANTii : > Aecntl. Addrets IJlpctrlo f.atnp ' mid SlovoCo. , fl. fjiuls Mo. , tor clrotiliir. out and terms ol HI cuiutlo power il.'irsli I'lcetrio I.mnp. 1U AfJKNTi Selllmr Ml-conrl Mcam wnsher iiiiiko lii > r money J. XVorlli , Bolt ) Manufac turer , HI. Louis .Mi ) . VOtMcclIp SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTii-A portion as liltcheii ( fhl. Cal M7 Chlcaio rt. IKI--'I * " ANTIID Slunitlim bv u flrM-clnss moat mul pastry ' ook. utl t ictluu irn rantei'd.I Adih < > s Ai fru.-t [ , L'/ , Oiiiumi , Nub. , emu ( iruon Ticolloil-o. IKO-PJ' 'ANTliD A hllunt'on ' by u o uij ) niiin to woi-U nun nln s and nVi'iiliiitB tor Inn board uud no toso'.ioul. Addict "A in. ' iiuooillce. l'i.UI ' LAIMK11 yon wisn for pond ( ibis for cenoiul lioifonoik. p1ou uislt Ihu l ll. Kinployiiieiit Aironey lor lomale's only ll'.i ' liitti rt. Ci-ouuro lllock loom I. 771 lA ANTKI ) A > onu msiii SI j nars old wants > < a pcsillou at iiiiUmnr whoio ho inn maUe lilniKili iifofnl , bus somu km-wlcl eel prlmiiii ; mul nlso conlietlonuiy busiuosi. Addic-s A. 63 l.coollleu , 7i'4 MISCEIiIiANEOUS V/ANT3. 17Avrsn To rent Fniall.houjo or - nnlur- ' nlsUed rooms. Addiu sA , , 71 , llco olUco. WANTIM ) : i to 4 hundred yearling nnd ' . ' - year-old steers , atruuuo lire : . , Sioux City , Iowa. HUM7 TOB BENT-HOUSES AND Z.OT3. Foil ltiNT : A cottaje with Iliorooms , com- tortubly lurnl ti ( > d. tuoclo pts and plent ) of wiitnr. liniuiio ut No " 7lrt Dccillur MIC.OI. no und u hull blocks wet ol ted cur lino. 101-15 171 OK HUNT 7-ioomod house. Inquire ot JL1 Thos. Swift , 103 N. 15th. IKJu Foil KHNT Aii-nom house , Uth mm Dodfo. lnrjulroliS. ! ) ! IStnst n > t-lU' Tjir > u HUNT state , UWN. 051-12' TTKHl HUNT Hoiiso ft room" . N. K. cor. L'lth X1 und Cuss i-ticuti * . liuube ; next door. P O. JIumiy. _ hVV ) * OK HUNT Hoiisuof" rooms und burn on I CeorKfu UNO. , iiuur I.ouvenwoiih , .AI per mouth. 1'olter .V Cobb 151J I'lumun bt. fii-J Iioit KINT : A nice new houso. seven rnoins , buy window , chmii cloi-et und pnulry , mid clo-cin in nil looms ; line VH'W. ninth nnd rasi limit mid lull lot : tun ilolhu.s u month without 1 urn mid Uiieon dollar * with burn : XX'alnut Hill iM'i'tlon. ' Imiuiro ot ll.lliolm , V lUIeksou. opp. > OU IIKNT Two-ntory brick house with IT ' liiisvmciit : modem ImpiovimiontH. becii leer liom tt. Mary's avo. on 'JlUiU Apply Mry. ClaiKsiin. .ii.i Fen KKNTItosldeuco N. XV.or. . PJtli mid Culllornln sta. A. S. Vunkuriin , U. p. Ity. lleudijuaiUirs. 7i ; Ir oit itKNT 11-iooin hotiBo. I'opplcton HX'P. , FJSi Sroom lieu o , lth und Uu\cnpoil , f,10. U K Itinirer , 111) ) N. istli. Oiu "IT1OK ItKNT Nlpo 0-rooin cottu o by 8. T JL1 l'ctci oii , 3. K. cor. IStli i : Douglas. Ml Foit KINT-A : 2-story brick bniidliur store , trout on Cn s , bo I. Uth and 1.1th : * Jj per no. C. K. Miiyne , ear. Uth und I'm mini. Ull Foil KKNT-2 story lionsy of 8 rooms. 'J < i Duvonparl. Iruimru Mr H. Stevens , 'JJOI Uu- X'enport. 4 1 FOH ltiNT-Cottniro : on IHUi and Hurt. B riHiuij , f IH porinumh. AUo cottage on Cull- loinlumidSMHtH ,7 looms , $ .JO per inonlh , both n thoroiiKh tepalr. Ininiliu of A. C. NX'iikely , nurOmnhn National bunk , U7'J ItKNT HotlFO tu'loiik'ln to Iho cMtito Foil ot.ludtfu ChudwIck.WJ 1'utk uvenue. XV. J , Council. l'jj ] 71OIt HUNT Two nowflanctn rooiupd tioiiRes ; tiirmue , biith mom and all modem convcn- encce , one block trom bl rnel cum. Impilro Jo. ! ' . llmtoii , 314 UJlli bt. , or timultlnu Winks. BUI TTMW HKNT A Etoru.iooin with treed collar. JU lUoO lluttbtreet , Apply toJoua 11 4 mr , 14U _ OK UKNT-Blablo near hish ohool. Four If Mails , Kooil MKIIII fur cuirlweg ami hnv. Apply to Uuo. 1 * . lliuuU. UOJ 7 OK HUNT New tiputo ii looms , Onn nf liiillt IICIUMK In Oimilni , ml between Two 1 1 out otlucs teeoml etoiy Ilarker lock Mh and I'm num. Two lurgu loom * lu city hull building Iflth uud hurniim. C , II , Mayno , 15tU mid furmim. FOKHKN'T New house l ) rooms , OIID of het limit hniiM'A la Owiihn , na bt > t < viim Uumlnciind l/Hrd , . Cottutro il tooiiirt , Will near Pouirluf , t . T o trom oille 4 6oconit btory llurkor leek Mb und rurnuni , Two lnrne loouu In city bull tuilldlni ; ICtli und 'uriium. Ono or l wo small Morn rooms on intti Ft near rurnum jn City Hull biilldlujr will ba uriunu-od o bull renter , C. K. Sluyuc , 15tb and I'm num. rr > OK HKNT Two nowiii ldiiicps0 innnn o oh , C c-ottiiixu . ' ) vnynm.Uoufco I'JjCAjin ' * . J. 1'lilpps .tiui. ' t 55 ItKNT Sstorosonl'tU uml l.uuvimworth . 1 gioro on Hoiith i : > th ft.Ilcilh llrbt-olusi mm Iccullous. Abq liuusfii to reuu A , McOuv- oek. ' _ U * OB KBUT-KOOM * . IT1OU KKNT-t'Cwonlco unfmnlohod looms lu V bublnqjipurtul city , Jpiiulici'17 N. lUth bl , _ uiuoly fuinlilied n-out riHmi.lll poi' 'nuiiithi ultoS mmiller rooms vlthor w.taout boai\l,7lo oiuii lltlitt. lul-U * Fun attNT-l-uruUhed rooan , X * Do < lfi . 4M-15 * _ ITIUlt UUM'-FuruUUcd rooms , TMbouth Ifith. . Itr.xr Nlroljr fnrnl hol room * , nn 1 blotto train P. U. r < J7S. lOtnst. _ I'.IR-H1 . To BCtVloineti. plcnilllt. fl'lll ITMHMtKNT d.nii.wno. Slit > j lur iitiliiiu. No. IU Soul l 'Aid _ _ HI' ' Ijioit III NT Nicely , pliii unt roon V with bM'iil.fuftHiidCo < link mul Sunday din nc-rs ; pin and bntli ; iH.1l Hurt. Wi- 171"it iivr : : To furuUhca ioome. "i" H'tti ' JL1 nt-nr XVelistor. gl" ' ' HUNT SinifutliUlioil Itonl looms 2' ' 1 blocks trom P.O. liiniitliu l.cU tlnmrliu M ttt.Vbi * - . > OU KI'.M A furill hed room ixilllUmn J.OU north IDtli street. " . .I- iriOlt HUNT I'mnUhcd uicmiwith lonti J. siniiililefortwoKoiitleincn. Ii I llodpf-t l 'jl , -M IHI.VT-OMO : nicely furnished room fo Jb'M Kuntlcimm. liib Ciilltornlii. MM'r-lu * : NT-ritrnl > tiOil moms. 424 N' . ttth st Itr.NI' I'mulshed room with bomd 1ISlSDodtfr. . k',8 17MIU ItKNT-XVIIh tMinnl.-n lotmi-sultntilo lei JL' one pcr-on. lull XVt > b ter. NW poll HUNT XVIlh board , two moms udjeln I Injt ; liont loom , sonthc'iist. ivil XX't-lnter. Wljftllt IIJJNT > I'mnl-ilied looiu , 1JII8 .tnckson F TtOJnnl * tJIOIl"ltKNT-NlrMy fuuilslicd roonm. 1 7l7il-U' 7 OU HI'.NT Aputlmeiitx itf sK nMimc tw-f ] blocks I rum ihn cuiiit IIOIMO , nnliirnl-ilieil Apfily nt "Ott Iliirney , or to IMwln Davis , ifijs Kurmmi At. Ml 'I7TOH 1tiNr : Pleii nnt tooma , futntsluvl am ! ' iinlurnlohrd , tor ll'jht houseki-npln . cur iismilly ho touud in Itceinoi's llloek , eornui UlKhthmid tlowmil. ( ITU / HUNT ft fiont looms In ta-e & IIIffKlnV 3/UHl 1 Imildimton IlinrtUil st , hot. llHh utia litli tts ; may bu tented sopmutcly , liupilre on the [ /tilt ItCXT-l'uniljhed ro'img. bin S IHh at , L1 . il 'dceL' I71OH HUNT A larjfo 11 tint room fmiilsho.l 1. with the. Knoulici ut Kjt'i Unit ut. .M 171OU KKNT .1 room's mul ba emcMit , cor I'ltli -1 hud < > utliii\oi : hi per mouth. MeOayilo llros " r ot ! ItiXT : KmiiNliuil jooiiw , with or with out buiird KOI Capitol live. Ull KIN : T UoiiiiH witli I oar cwirablo for guimuur. Aopls at St. CLurloj llolel. Ml roa : Konco 8roomsIut5i.xll5'Cfor- -A.1 ( 'iu ax u. . lluoloeiinoii , $ , ( , iu I. " I. II lot , u loom boiibo , barn , "Ctb uuil 1'tiirco. a bar alu.yi. IU. I 10 mi c'olta u. llclairnro st . $ lrxn. II mi JIM no i < v.Mli ami I iij.l. | tun axo. , $ IKU. ( l.ol in iliuriibtiru nIII , jl i > . S coltiiHiIms ti\Ul. ; . i ta ami Hull , f 1,703. t ! lutd , W\nd.iiitli and ( iOi'x'n ' uvo. , $1,4CO each. lu liits , Atar-li mill. . SI,031 lo M 7X ( ) e.cU. . -ni lo H in Out ilia X le > \ , $ _ ; "ij u fj < A ) . I.ois m lliiv.t niiiihoip. "lots ilcnibli * liiiuso , riiimn'.siull. , $ 'I.X ( ) ) . II iiMini bouse , lot liluulvs liom post- ollico , ? nm. l ii on Dn.ipo opp. liiyhcliool. . $ "j.)00. ) lloiibuiiml iol. Virginia u\u , l.'HI. 1W1 1' . r. Itnuor ll.iN. IJtli'troct. Ijioit SAl.i : AMI.X 1507 I'armim. X' NKWi-onr , iieiireit.clionpt'ii aero lots. NIIWI-OUT , neiuost , clioapostiieio lots. Ki.wi-oui , iiiire IOIB , luoiulily pa > immls. NKWCOIIT , ncio intsipiiiiic-rly piiymums. KhWi-oitT , auiolmseiil \ puj muiits. i.i. , elt > fcils nc.'iil llan-ioiii I'arlt. llviaiusK HIM. city lots m < ar Ilmiauim lark. Mhl.HIISK 1111,1. , $ i.Htl > $ .rtM a lot. Mm.uosK MILL. , urn per cent iloun. Ml.I.lioiK IIH.I. , It'll | > or eijnl iliiHii. Ml.l.llOMIiill.i. , S-X',0 lo . - ; > ! ) a lot. HIM. , 10 minute : , walk from et. , cart ) . MII.HO.-I : : niM.iuomlily puyiiiL-ms. Ni-xx I-OIIT , ncro lots or hull iit-ros. Ni\x : I-OIIT , act e l't.s or half autos. Ni'wccmr , aero lot ; ! , cheapest and best Ki.wroiir , iicio lota no. 1103 town. ci\ic cjn.\riiVM. Samiilors t-t , city lots. OMCCIUTII , x\t , lie-It llnuiiepnt. ' I'lwXi.svimr. city luH. eu-flo-it lorms. ] 'iINVIKV. . c-ll > .lo ! * , lowest prlct'i- ) - HlllllllTO.N , IIL'IO Illt , tU. < . IlX I'i : I'AIIK , HCIO lot ? , 10 , Corn imii.u.vviK , ncio lots S17r . , ' Vu.XTT.s.siimnvi.sioN , aero lota , SIOO to ffljO. CLMIKMKIN. city lota. JOi.i to j.T ! > 0 1IAIIKAI.OW I'l.AC.'h , Oil I.eilVllllWOrtll ht. II xitK.xi.oxx' I'l.xt-i : , near I'arkuve , caw. llAHKAt.ow I-I.XCK , ii mfu piircha o. IUllKAIOW I'IVT.COIUJ mill M'O It. IIUKAt.ow \ci-ol : : l on .s mill piiyracuts. SVMIIUATK I'UXCF. IIK1O9 bOUIIlWUst. fcH Miic-AiK I'li.xrK , f.hi mi aero. SVNIIIUATI ; PI.ACI : , beaulltul lorntlon. riiuaai-s AiiniTio.s , l ah st , city lots. I'uir.i.ii'-i AOiiiiio.v , Castu lur mid llancrofti't I'uiijaes ADtiriio.v , fold onontr \ ttmo. ILxr-si-dM 1'i.ttiK , lots in lairpilced. ItKIIICKs AIllllTION.U'-llll'IR'O lots. IlOtlSI SANK I.OT-i.lll all lltlclltluilS. KK IDKNCI : i.or.s. Ill all location ! ) . CVM.A.M ) MKU , for jo rsuir. KH AMKS .1507rurnain fit. rOKS.xi.i : Ilmisci.'l looms , full lot ; SitVl. or will triido lor loum.uto. Now luuiM ) liiiomcol Ar , cUti-rn , beiiulllul ot ; cheap , * lr > 50simill ; onsli payment , biilanco monthly. Lot lu Prospect Place ; bargain at g" 0. lleml , inth mul Do ula a bis. i J'i FOK SAI.K Hy Ilinwn .V Hawley , Itoal K-tato AKcmx , N. XX . unr. 141 h and DoiiKlai st * . Sonio very ilusliublo loU and tltVLlluu houscn on raimim ttiuut. Aho , u cottiiKii mid lot , 03x131 , on Iluuiey su cct , near buolucs ; . Two Iota ami uoltatros on 1'nrmtm strt'Ot ' ; Knulcii and well toctitiid lor ru lduncu. OiioK'oniot a council unit lot , uruilod , well ocixlc-il , noiir ftroc l lalhvay. Al-o initiiy viilmililo lota. WJ jlOltS.VT.K A two Btory,3Jtro , f'amobulll L ? Jmj.sultaljlo fora more , near Idtu and l'.n- Applynt thl * oiHoo. U17 nwitHAt , ! ! Ilarirnlns In lots on Doilvo street - 1ilM to St.V } , on monthly piiymuntti. Ora hum , Crolphion lllorlc. ' K13 Foil HAI.K I-oH In Ilanscom Place , east fronts. (700 to (1,000 , ; uuav tetuis. Urahura , CrolKbtuu 11 luck. W-j FOU SAI.K-lOlols , block 10 Ilnyil'8 mMltloii , tor lerni" tnquh u ot A. 1' . Nlclmlm. 471 K U > ts In SimlilimrA ICuhu'H u . .eiisl of Holt 1 , inu. on muntlily pay- neiitB. Unmiini , t'rtlgUtoji UlucU , UM SAM ? Ton lmu = es mul lots In various portions oj the city ut rciismmblo priced , raniilmr Hum fl.iiO to JlL-.D-w. Yueant lots oveijwliero. II will pay you to too mo before you [ my. J. W , .Mui-bludf , I.VXJ Furniim ht. TJO rOHb.YI.i : Chenp > acios 4 lulled MHitli of llauscom pmk , neiii-btockymiU. Kusy teimb mil no eommlsdlous. loiiuu Admits , -1 1'Va/tu- llocli.opp , P.O. Ws-IS FUU8AI.K-UUln ( > | miaUr ) ) It Knhu'n sub- dlujloii , oaM , ol Holt , l.luu , on monthly pay- nonlrt. Urahaiu , Ciulylium lllock. icil | 7 < OKSAIl--Utaiti : llHiiMtom Plaeo , fUV ) to' i1 IWXJ , ( iruhiim , ( Jit'lxhton tilouli. XII Foil SAM : Clioiip lot s on moiithlypayiuimts , on Uodtfu atreuu Uruhuiu , Crelt/iitoii / Uluu . " TOIt 8Ai. K-l'mo lots ni llurtlotfa addition fl K ) . UrHliaiii.Cicltfliloii Hlk. C-V , * on anil lot 811 B th t < t.chpap ; JL' oiid pnyiuema. Addicts U , B. L'hlpmaii , Lin coln Nub/ & 71 AUCTIONSAI.K-TUoU , k M. U. rHtlroinliii NcliittsKu will aell at publlu uuctlou. In l.ln- colii.l'lT ' O Htieut , eoiiimi'iiL-lmr Junuury I , Icisil , uml continuing with IUOIIIT adjourmnentii until nil good * havn beiin NM ) , a luiKuiollctJlloii ol' ' unclaiiiiiHl uud lutilrod frulyhl , eoiibUtbiK of I ami Implements , hmibuhold Kooils , t'uiniiuro i i-piilr * uml n lot of piopeity iluumHod by II ro m Omaha ilc pot. " ! n - lieu.l \ \ , ONLY { jQ lots to trudo for ImprOvcxi pniporty , will usjumu mortKUKCJ or nuy dlircreuou In c-nflli. Purtlc-s irlahlint to trndii bnttnr cnll at unco , XX' , II. CJroou , over Ut Niillomd llank. Hi FOH SALE Thirty lou cast of UolLT.Ino on monthly paymciitK , Oraliaio , I Dock , I ri OMK BKHKRUS , ATrUNTlON-Vor full par tloulars about frw mid elioup lamU in West urn Nubnisku addroa T'uttbrwJu A ; VvhltiJ , Ueid KtKtyAnu"li ; , Xofiti I'luttu , Nub. itM TAOU SAI.r.-3-ttory brick block 44-foot front by lit ! foot deep , leiiH for f l/WO ayeixr. 1.10,000. Vf. H. ( Jruuu , filth uud Fvnmtn. HAI.K-I'lno cotlngo , 7 rooms with ull modern uonvunloncod , barn , lot lilil'ti foot an l-'urmim st. east ofith , ttffKI. XV. U. Uruou , l lh iiuii 1'imuua. 107 FOK HAI.K-Acro.2iJ undOiiorOiiuiporty , J. W.Wu- UuUlt/.Mi''urm\uj. 1J7 rr * Cihb- C icleo lots kt lime's r'irjt ml 1 . * -v ! ' . to CI'C _ Comer In I * ine tt ScMPn s add. , ISMfoi f 1,1. vi. H . i I'liic lots on llrown 9t.KI\17i , at $700 ; end t-a.iy tctin * . I i Aero lot xery eliwij ) cor llrown nnd Cnllfornli st . , U'.Mi.l 1" 5 mid II ftoro-trnct on en } - tcrnu nt ? l"itc S.Wi irre U ImrHVitin. A low elmleo tots lit Thornbnrff I'lnw , on lleli fiinc , chcimi , ' . ' ici.s . In 8 iilnnVrhtnl. $ < 00 t > neh. l-'lno liu-no 8 ) r cm l-'urmini * t . $ IO.VM. ( Ixit In rottti's iidd. . J5JJ to J-SJJ ciieh : vorj i lii-iip. , , i A Ic wflntilot'iJIhin-n-n Place , at f 7oO cncli Call ami see uurliurxiil't * In neu tin 'Is. hi. * I'o1il u A Conn , l 'il. " > rarnnin St. TT OU SAM : A ( runrrnr tiit > rchnmll o lm JIn u iiipldly pruwlmr town not fur ( mm n > ln. Ik-si iraoo uud Incntlnn In tow-n. A tplon < did opportunity lor n party uMilm ? u trool opniliiff , and Imvlmr froiuhox'ct. lotonthoiHiin I dollars In ciKh. XVillsc-ll tor rn li onlj .or purl ft\t\i. \ biilani'O real diiito In Onmlni. Adilrusj .Merchant lleoOillco. Six GUIIIINXVOOIi-iicniitlful ncro nn t hnlf uern loUs , Him location , a1 1 inllctlrom P. O. , oulj u fmv mo'iiptus.wallc frit n UK i cnm I'.Tik Acit.-a fliil. Half iicreSJi. , " . 10 poix-cnt cn 'i , linlanon mmitlily paj monts. C. 1 ! . Mnyiie , S. XV. itir. loth uml raimuu. 4TJ OMAHA UK.XI.-IXr : LOAN' CO , John l.cdwk-d. Vrcslduat. Mlehnel l. ( e , ftuirntnry. < ! < iiuo llln. Ins , 'Urn i iiror. Kooni * i. J inn ! si ; , XX'itlincll block , nen r I. " Ih nnd I'liriium. llulldfmrs for rc'M improved nnd unimproved propci ry for KS'O In nil pnrs : or thn city. f-nr'tiKMixt-rt ili-i.rrtt ) o' phs-t' of linprix-eil piTpoily m < nr Iioavenwoith ctrect , a ImiKiiln , W.V4I. I'or sale , u corner lot In Collco ( Pliico , llvn mlnutiH tvalk tnnn Rtieutciic. $ ( * . * > I'orsii e. Unit iM-ii--tiuy and biiioment i eM- dciico mi I'Mh ' g | . , nngr Ht. .Xlury nvn , .siippl ivl with alt imt lerli luipro\oncuts. This Is a bar- Knln ut M HMI. A lot on ( lisirKln nv. nt f 1-JtO. Ixiton \ liclnl i m--il "ii. Tor culiu nice qolt ii > on Otoritln nv. , In mi-iCoineV id : I. , client' . Also a f illtot imdcottajfoof U rooms , mtnu nl'i'i-l , cheap til | : liijO. ( 'oini'iprcipuil ) , uiiliupiovi'd , Vlrttlala nnd I'npplutimiiv lull lot mid nk-e two-Btory house cm VlrKlulii aMinmi Full lot mid c-otl-xire nu Douulnsct. . neixrS'lh , don i lalltoevammti t ilsbauuii'MI. ' . A lull lot on U. .V M tiuek , nunpu ciifft'r depot , a splendid waro'u u o properly. Tor wdi ) . iicrci on So , t i uv. , nuar l.caveu- worth , wl.h Im niivomeiiH. eheuii. I'or H lie , u coincVlot facingllan coiu 1'iilk , ehiiiip. A t plemlld fifi-foot lot on Capital nv. , near H. It. Two IO-H on Slicn Idun ft. , near J'oppleton ax- . ( loom mmu isiillmcd cheip. : A vend lot m Ilc mi ml 1 ornlo , Hi a ivM ut hm I no nr Ilolvlow , felJ per ucie. ! ' i-piile , lot with cotta-eon South Ifi'hst 1'or.siilo , lot lu ttio-i's 1st ud , on Oipltol uv. , ni' ' o comer. l-'orwi e , lot I'c-blorv ' boliso. on south irti ! H. , Ivoiml/ Knth sad . .S . .00. I'or snk' , H lot on touth liitb St. , near 1.8. I m H In , I MII e'ioii4 ( , lots cm H. It. track , con- x'cnii-nt to business put I of city. I iirsalc. IM lent on DtKlpo near l.Vlislie. i. u - . . I'm Hilo. IJ-\1. ; ' . lutneeu IU 11 truck and raved Miucl. 'l'in > Is u cliolcu miipi < ii > at tlJWJO Wb EDWAItB KUEHL , MACISTKU OK VAlAlYSTHUV ANII CONDI TIOXAI.IST , UUlTomh Sticut , botwcon Knriiiun mid Marney , will , uiili thu aid ol' Kmirdian tplrltoliliiliihw lor any 0110 a tilaucu iu thu part mul present , HM'l of ccituln conditions In tholutiXro. ltints ( mul nhoos mmlo to ordur. ' Chanpe ot Timo. ' ( ; ominonelmr'1Koxiu.iiliDr ( J , Ilitrllniton llonto C' . , II. \ g. II. If ! ) tnirtti l-v Chic i o mid SI . Louis li-iivos Omiilni iU'K' ) ( U , .t.M. It. It. ) nt U p. m. TlnoiiKli leepfrs , couches uml dlnlnjr eir. No truiiblor. , v , IIAUItV Dr.lJKf , , .TicKot AKCIII , l Ji I'lumim tf Proposals" for Qridje Construction. TliiH llour.l 'or.l'iiliho XVoiktof the city of Omaha , Net1..jt."il o proposals mull a o'clock p. tii..lmiiiury 1'lli.JHyl ' , lorllm con triictlon of tt viaduct on Ittli stieot , oioi the. Hacks of the I'nliiii I'ucltlo atiailtJrlhiston A ; Ms = our ! Hlver ritllrimiM. Pi-oposuls inuitjwj biis.o.1 upon Ihn specllioii- lion" nnd oiitliriii j iuis on Illo in Iho o'llLo ot Ihu bomd of pliHf3' ( ( > l > ' ' ' * > I'upics ol which will bo fiifiilshed upon uipllcallon. | Illds iiro to ho m.-coiiipiiniQil with ilotull duiw- iiiitMiml stiuin heviitiidiliull speciy the cost ol Mipei.sciiielurc tor u " ' ) li-et loadwiij mid u : ; j tout niadway , mi I slnill t-epiuvito the hiipcr- etrnctino trom litu louildatlon v..ork , r.acli liiililei-blmlldepo-lt with hit piopos.d a em tilled cheek , piiynhlu to iht1 ouler of Iho mulct-signed. In l lioi-uiii.ol'om-thou-uud ilollurs lo Im lorti'Ilcil lo tlm city of Omaha lu ease ho Hliall fall to uvt-eutoii cpnlr.iet and build vatls- fuclori lo the boar I. wllhlti iMilny.s ill lor the notllKatloii oCthoiiwiuil , should lilsiiropo al bo accoplcd. Thoboaril ie ervns ( ho rlKht to icijrct any or iilllildH. Tin : Itoxiinoc I'i'm.ii : XVoitKs , J. K. Hiil'sE , Chaliman. ocU-'il-x'tw tojan B Master's Sale , In Iho fit-cult Couit ot lluUultod States for the District ol Nobiii-ku. ( Jeortjo llio 1 x-.s. > Ijif lumcory. L. M. AX'miier c-t al I umi.ui.osi'iii : of MOIITCHOK. PII1II.1C notlco. Is hereby jl\ 'ii In pntflil- unco uml by X'htuo ol a ijei-iisi eiilon-il In tlio nbovo unliton lln\i il iliiy ot , lanuary , KM , I.l'.llln I > . Illiiihowcir , iii-'cnil .Mu-li'i hi Uiiiineury lu mild Lsiui , will , on tho' lili daj ol Dccoubor , IhKi , at Iho huiirof U o'clock In the forenoon of tlm said tiny , nt noith door ol the United Hiatus foiuthonso and po-t oilieo bnlldliu , III the cltj of Omaha , lontlan county , Mme and dlMtilciof .N'dhriHKn.M'll at nuctlon tholollon- liwdoieilbi-d piopeity , to-wlt : b. e. > \ and a. ' < f = w 'i si-o. P4. n. w. 'i of n o h and n. o. } j. of n. w.Jtou. . Ill , Tp. X7 , H. l ; a i > . ! i ol u. e. 4 mid n. o > -i 01 H. e. U tee. H , Tp. 'Jl Hmitfii W ; n. ' 4 of s w. > t qt o. 'i mid . w. ' 4 of H. w. ) i ol H. e. > i t-wi. ' 1' ' , ii. ' /j ol K w. vt mid n , v , nl n. w. ' 4 Kixi.iU , e- ' ot s. wr. i foil. ! , Tp. i'7 It. V , cunt In Diikotu county , Kcibriiska. Ci.ras I , . lliiuiuwrn : ) , Speelul Muster In Chancery. JX' , WIIIOIIT & Hi IWON , Attoineys lei Pt n till' . ' clnno rol'il Ml' . ' rropoauln for Curbing and CiTX'TiiijAhi'iuai'H OKKIGI : , ( . OilAMA. Niu : . DiH'cmhorH , IbS'i. j ; . \ . " ) Vioposuls will Im lujclvcd al this Si\l.l"I until December B.d. Hi. , , m i : : noon , lor the pin chase of iU.i Ju ol cmhlmr uml gut- Inn nit bonds of ihuilly ot Oinu'iu. ' Hiild boiidu uro iluied.lumuiry lilt , INU ) , und will bo due in one , luo.tliiro. lour. Ihc , six , Mivi'il , outfit uud nlno.\CIIM liom llielr dunitn opuil amount bccuiiilnir duo nuclr your : nre In muni ot live hundred dodnrit each , uud bear InlercHt Inmi thordiiiout thu rain ol * lx porcentum per an. num.puyiihlo ! . . Thu principal mU lu- torcMuro both pujiiblo at the olllce of Kouutzo llrod. InNoiv Votk. Huld bniidsmolhsUDil imdur thoelimter power othiild citymul will I'uitelixeied to purcn.nmri , on payment llicrolor nt tau city treasury In Oninhii , on Jiinuuiy Ibl , Irt-U. llids will lioiidiliiv-M'dio thu iindurplK'ucd mul lloiiild , " mul must blutu the lullI iiiiinu und ad dress of Die bidder , the umimiit of huld bunds de-mieilinn o piul amount dun ouch } onr iro.n one to nineycui and tint prltu moporu-l to bu paid. paid.The right IH roBcix'oa lorn'o t unyiiudull lillx liJCK , Cily'lieusJier. Proii BealiMt piopoUrls'V'lhKti iccelvud by Iho tin deibUm-d uuilLio'iVA-ki ) , m , , ilonuay Det-ii'ii ' Uei'Sfht IH , irir tml lolloHlinr ilcccilhed 101 t tmeoltuiiuid'oh't ' 'BH , H. Cor. , of HiMlKu mid KJo until ht.lnj..oclty of Oaiuhii , mid kuoun at. thu lloilyct-t. W'liool l lopuily low it lot nil an Ibloek 101. Thi > Uoiirit i e.-ei ves the i Itfht lo re. J < ei miy or all)10 ? ' ly ( filer of the IKiunl of IMucallnn. .tCiA | l.l.eCoMiv .n , N-uiuluiy let no UNPARALLELED OFFER ! -T- DEMORESTS „ -THE - ; BESI Of a\ri\k \ \ ) Magazines. rONTAININa Une . Coemitiml olhorUiertry llr ctlcnitjmbi/ ( Arllktlo , SclenllHo and HouiehoM mjllfM. * , . ' Itluntrntfil iMl/i1 Orlfitnnl Kttrl iinini'liiitoiirtii-iirej > , till I'trtunt uml ] lno WowlfliftHtmtikiitjj It ? / < o.Vocl ttaiiHtttie of , .iinri'li < i , Wo tirniwsMocl'CccujUrriUeuiUntlon to tl.i-Uiind I'rlilklll i < l-utly i'i'v W" ' ffno utl lit lEO'l liuJKirtiiit unJllvcluv.r.tU < ut4Lf t-o Jay. A Coui > un OiJi-r , i HUlhik' l > > IiuUcr tn Hie ili'i lli.n cf an/ luiltern lllu iruld In Itc f Mil&Q UtfjirluitiiltuIbatbum * Hrml Iwoiayctuti fwr Ilio current'nmntxr ltli I' llfro OobiKio anil you will etrtilmriut'Krlbc Two l 11 f"rj ' ' ' iS'JJwrtngi rJwnweA'i'piwishlBrj 17 E , 14th 5U 5J8wYerk _ nOBT , II , UtI.NO.XN. , , ' , . Af.BX WAl.t.AO . /IVU.phoncj 4W DUNCAH A WALLACE , Plumbers , Steam and Gas Fillers STKAJI UKATINU A Kbtlmuici furnbliiHt , or jv'lll cull , . Auenib for the limnn'iul tti Mncldnu. Ib tt , ll > lh n. . Onmuu. Nj > b. l.mLic CANDIES. JWEEMS The Great Invention , For EASY WASHING , IN HAR3 OR SOT , HOT OR CClO WATER. intlwiit Ilitnn to P.I HHlVvr llyi > S , nnil phrilculnrly mtaptccl to IIcm cUmatti , No family , rich sr \ < oor , sUmiUl IK > ltliout It. Sold by nil uroccrs , but linear * ot vllo Imt t-Utons. l'j.t ni.iXJ3 niftnufactxircJ only by JAMES PYLE. NEW YORK ; Ik , ] > lmt * . lit-rf kill A mi1 * l ill turin * I' tilTM * . fii | . A ! 4 nflllrftrl t lrl * lxn ftitftf ' " " " ' v.v.V. ! HAIR'S Asthma Cure. This Inx-alnnblo ppcclllo rundlly unit porinn * nenily eiiH-s nil kliuls of Atllmiii. The mo t ob'timito mul lonsr Mmnlln r CII-IH yli-lil nrDiniil- l > til IN wmiiloirnl einimr propel tlm. It Is Liionn tbroiltrlKiut tlio uoilil lor Us inirlvaloil cllleacj. .1.1 , t'AMiXX'iil.clt : > of Lincoln. Nob. , writer , . .Inn.J.'i , Indl : MIICD uiiiii' Dr. Hub s A-uli-m ( n in. I or nun r tlinn onejuiir , my wile Ims been cnlln'h well , mul ivl o\uu u symptoia of luo ili--oii-c > IIIIH npncnreil. XVIU.1AM lir.NNirn1. Ulclilimil. loiv.i.rltw , Nov. IM , ISSI : 1 IniNO been ullllutiil ultli Iliiy It-XL-rnnd Astlmnt sluco ts'VI , 1 lollmn-il jour illii-rtlons and mil linppy to Pay that I nnvor sli'pt ' biiluiIn my llfo. I am ul'iil ihut 1 am iiinmm Hie inivny who can spent , so favorably of joilriniiH-ille1- . A vallialil" < > | imuo troiitlso ooiitnlnliiff slmlliu loot i iii n ovorv "Hull thu tl. S. , Cutmilu imJ rent llr t i''i will In inillol upun upiiliiutluu. Any iluu i-l not liivliu It In stocK lll pro- re ft. ' ' ( 'mcHM mr inu 11 POSITIVE ' mod Ojio S'/rV1 / One b i Wi [ " the mo > t oljtlimtucus-n in fourdnyaoi IO-.H. ! " JAOnlULMnJU\r \ 4U No miusoUDiis do-os of c b IH , c-opu bn or oil o si ndulwiioil that mo eiMua to prouu < il)8pep a by d iiiioxlni ; tlio coatln/s ol tiio b oinucii I'nuiMfii. Snl.i . all dni.'xi.iis or mailed on icie pt ol PUL-C. K ii- f iu ior part Kid us sml lei uirrtimr. P. o. lol.i'l ! ) . U" . C. - - jZj.IfcT --CURE. b. ) John- . , Nuw Vork. Dotiilitntctl Men , YouaiealloMed nfrcc. trial for thirty ilnys m Hie of Dr. I\o ) * t'elebtated Volt.ue licit xx ith Klect lie bus c usury Appliances lei the speedy reliel anilin'rmanent euie of Nc-rsous Dehllltv , los > of Vitality nnd .Man hood. and all 'kinllred troubles. Also tor manuihei Complete testoiation to health , x'ijor and manhood. No lisk Is in- emiid. llnisiratcd pamphlet with lull in.oi- mation , terms etc. , mailed tiec by uddies iiii ; Yoltaie Uelt Co. , .Mai.sliall. Miuli. A lakceoinpiisiiiK l'J. > acres , near the vll- lauc. ot Jtlxeihead. I. on.l.sland. . . Ims been chained , and the bottom , which is liuiiul to be .sandy , is bi'iin ; leveled and .slumps pulled up and boles nbed tor of i-Mul > - lisliln an immeiibe cmlix'aled cianbeiiy maish. of cither . e\ lioxvi'vuf inducL'tl , Nputttlil iintl jiuiiiiu- nentl.v cured. Book ot | iartiunlai\s III cents in stamps. Address World's Dis- iicnsarv iMeciu-al A sociution , UGU Main Street , llullalo. N. Y. Two xx'iipon loads oC opossums xveio of feied for .sale at 'rallade a , Alabama , last xxeek. The mn\h spiead , nnd now tin ; lo.nls arc' lltcially lined xvilh ( olored uentlenien making pilgrimages In beatch ol the "pos sum. " A Itoston ] ) aior Miyn that it knoxva a rnanxUio lias rluuiinatisni , whieh has treated him in thn must t-niel manner ; and yc-t is no end of the things that niun'has iloiii' for that rlieiiniatisni. If ho would he .selfish for nncu and ffivi ! it u bottle ot St. Jauoli.s Oil , ho wouhl never bo troubled xvith rlieiiinatiaiu a ain. Ills bdlex'ed that in ten yeats Vanklon , 1) ) . T. , uill bo an inland town. In limit ol the city , xx licit ? tlm liver tan twenty feet deep live Beat's ajo , then * a HI now 10J aere of land bix leet aboxu high xvaler nmik. IJitturH , the world renoxvned iicll/.cf ) | uml inxlgoialor. Used now over tlm whole c'lvlll/.ed ' xvoild. Tiy It. Imt be wain ni Imitations. your Kroeer or dnufjlst I'or the enuiini article , piep.ued by J > r. J , l ! . U. Hlcxclt Jc Suns. Tlm delesalu xvho toes to Washington with [ his electoral vole ol' Oiu/on Kcts Mimethliii ? ner u'VJJ ; lor lilfi lute both ways , though II Iocs not him u tenth ol' that sum , lor hu ; iau-Uon a pas. ? . , - Coughs , Colds and Soro-Tlii'ont .ylol readilv to H. II , JJotiylusd & Sous' ' Cap. * , i Drou.s. A husband and xxlfe at l/elpslc , named 7.\\ \ \ ' aek , lueently auiumilucd to their n lends litoutrli the cohuiins ol tlm Taieblatt ; that a Oil tlmlr twcinj-iiiiitli child Had been Mini to tlium , Catai-rh ! H a very provnlont and u.\rccdlngly dls- ifjri'i'iiblu dihcasi. . liable , il neglected , lo h'velop Into Hin'iotitt coiiBiiiiipiidii. Bn- UK n tioiihtitiltloiiiil iliseuno , it ieiiire.s ( | n Miiisiitiitionnl reinedy lilut Hood'H iSai'Mi- mvillu , xvjiiuli , nutiiu ; throiili thu blood , eaolie-i uvcry jinvt tit lliu s.yatoin , ( silent- i > ; u radical and punu.iutnt | oiirn of -a'lnrrli \ i iivuu ib > most aevere forms. Undo only by U. I , Hood & Co. , Lowell , An iiulo iaph ot the Mikado of Japan , IIKIII mU , xvith t'oi emi.s led IncU llnminaled with leueiinu ofpild , has been rcelved trum Yokohama by ( iovi.'inor .Slier- ii.ui , ot Iowa. Hillliaut n * nay , Thu beauty of xvoiuan , it > thu ntilnrnl mil worthy admiration of thu Did to heighten it by all Mieh le itimato neuimasarn not inimical to hmillh or nbx'orhlx'n of "ood morals Miould bo one im of fumalo cxintoncc. ' . Thu skin is onu if thoao parts upon which thu moat 1m- irovi'iiient cin : bu made , tind by the use if INtnnl'd 'Medicated Complexion 'owder' ladies may ox'nruomu any want if tluit peachy pulpinimi that pearly irillliincy and velvety fHiioothnin-rt wliioli , ri ! 1(8 ( greatent cluirmB , Unlike too iiany preparations this IB purfi-ctly ianuled3 mul can Im u * > nu without thu HxhUisi fear of detection , and xvill nex'or xtiitu n y of thow diwnwu xvhich ou hen , rcndor follow or cniuo Iho nit- ieaniiu-0 of unsightly pimples. Itin sod uxtciifclvoly hy the btarn of opom nd drama , mul no faohiouublu lady'd iiiltttte tablu is coiupluttily furiiifahud athout U. MARKET FIGURES YESTERDAY The Effect of the Money King's Death in Ihi Oninxjo Grain Tit. j _ * PRICES FLUCTUATING FREELY A Spoculixtho Kfriipt 1'alli tti KrrloiiJi ly lUstm-li U'lipiit Mvo Stock Slovvniul l'rlcoIjoxxor - < 2o oral IMnrU'el Hupoi-tH , CHICACO UltAIN MA HICK T. Ciur.xno , Dee. S > . ( .Special to the Ur.r.- ] \VIIIAT : The popular tlilim to-tiny xvm Ic In-ar tloxxii ptctty heavy on bulb grains ntu 8tix.-k.-i. Speculator ! ! bewail on this kind u xxorkonthu Mipposltloii that the M < x-k Us xx as goln } , ' to break all to pieces osvlnj : to tin death of Vnnileibilt , The ( > ) > i nlujc WIN at r .shaip decline , hat mtbicnuont t-ffoits tc support the IK boto such full ! Umt befou noon tliiMloelltie had Iven pietty ueneiallx rouixeied. In xvheat the feetitii ; xxas undo ulublv heavy. The sympiith ) Tjcnxeeii tin twti ill.s is MI CUMI ( hat it XMiulil hot be Mir pilsliif , ' . itmwrKed trmlei.s "If the jjialn llsl suilDUd iieatcrc.cWsciinonces liom ( his ill * inuring IMUSU than the Mcick list. ' to u ceilaln extent tint follo\Mnii \ course of the maiket hoio out this vluxv , lliertixvas he.sltaney lor tlm ni-st half houi aitet the opening In detei mining \xhnl notion lopui.siie. Doubt was uicaler than ordlnaix lot the leason that neaih- all the Xt xv Yoili wires xx em iluxxn.ui il hut Ilttlo could IK iloiiti In tlm xxay ol mdeis. I'ow , In tact , xxeie recelxed fxc n later , when eommnniea' tlon became n--estalilsheil. | ' 1'liu.s it xvas n ilayIn xxhlch local tradeishad things law ly then-own xvay. l-'iom the oK'iiin ] > ; ut Ni'4e Jut- under yesteida > 's closing nuuies-.lan. ilarxx heat lecmded a pietty Mea Iv decline , hvypttoi tlm ex out xxhlch htincd up the \\noio sieetilatlxii ) cotnito , the openlinj mild di have tu-i-u lilirher , for cables came In ctiiloxaillko. [ . but beloie our ojieniiiK at .stock ciimtatlons hatl hi-'iin coming In and fdmwed a decline of 'J , , iit.i points. This xxas the cause ol HID down hill movement K OII to xx heal. bulHeiiaeiitly its ovvnxol htand nil iihM'iau of siiipiut | XM-III the leadui. laetois to the fc.ic'cuative ) tr.uliiu xvas about innailj dividecl between .lannary ami .May. I'loin Ssi4f the lormei tell oil cinite i-teailiy to S7'se ' , lilir houses puiiint : out oiionali xx boat to .supply the demand. On n- eeipt of eible.stliem was a iadual iccoveiy tos > e , then adoxMituin to T 4e , lecoxeiin'i ; to KMahiither lneak to7e ! , , and iiuaiii a paitia reaclion. Thus llm xvlmle c-ouise ot thiMmiiket was nivmilnraiul misetll . Cdii.v \ \ hllo eveiythlni : flse XMIS Ruim. ' tlnxxii. year coin uctually had Hie amlai IIx to mlxaiieu n little , but iiolmdy paid much aftcn- tlon to it. Ihu uiht iti | tatloii xvus over the clu-f , hut subseimenlli this xx s lost. I itivisn ; .ss I'm. | , , , iU eioxxd did a fair though thvio xxasanaiioxx nui : to me llueiuaiioiis.xldle the lone of llm inaiKet xxas xxeak and the direction ot piiees downuaitl , ClllC'AGO 1,1 VK .STOCfV. CiiK'Adt ) , Dec. U. , Special to the Hun. ] C.xi ii.i : Tiade opened .sloxvxlth piicus lather easier than at the dose last nijtht , and inajrcncial > tinoidlnaiy inn of lat eat- tlo may be quoted at l ( ) ( l.'ie lower than Mon. day. The steal hull ; of really KOOI ! fat na- tive.saie s-ellin at tiom $ : > .w to S.V.IO , mid HID hulk ot xx hat ccmnto men elassily as lat call e ate selllnj ; at liom S-UIO to St..K ' ) . how ( iratlo and common natives : ue ninkinii. : o IU.J.M. llifit'Kn plcntiltil .supjiiy of and ciiiinitiKbtoek. and aNo a plentllid sup- jiij ot bulls and otlii-i Imlchurs' Mull' . Tline woie no luxans or rauiei.s on the maiket. llm number ol stock c.ittie on the nmiKci is not as laigo as this times last \\e. k. and theio is a hte.idj demand , with Ilttlo or no xmla- tion , as compaiud with lust wc-eU. Sliiiipinir tteet.s , lMI to J.Mju Hi , . 5l.Nvcjrou ; 1-jij.j . to 1:1 : 0 Ibs. S-t.iOfe.X-ri ; SWto l-M > Ibs , , s : ! . : > 4.W. IhiiHiih 'lv.\as tattliMi'.nlv ; UM ) to low Ilis , * : ! . ( ) ) irci. " . .S.ik-s Ml 'Culonnlo Tcsxans , 1071 Ibs , ? ? 4.lO. ( lions -TukhiK tlm linst ntiivals and the ones earned over , limn * wem liiim IMIIX ( ) lo 7iWJ ) ( on .sale. Kiist s.ihi..hoxtuil littltor no i-haiuoiis vompuii'il with tlmcloM ) iik'lu , but it waixulcnt unle-s MJiiii'iliiimh.ip- poiied oiitiidiMit Hie oidiuar ) run of C-M-IIIS iniucwon.u inn l\\L'i.uiil ( ) ; as Urn day JIV > M.-I | axva.x xalne.s.slo\vl > but ciadiiaily weakened , nnaily c-Iosinjc a ( "nod .V lowi-r all aioiind. 1 Im best , heavy .solil at j-.sV.u : ! : > . Uisst mixed iMokini ; sorts at { ri.7Xui.6U. : ( : IJoiuli odtl.s and ends , s : > .Wi ; t.70. 1'ackine and j , ' , -iX ) to 4V ) Jb.s , : l" FINANOIiVIj. Ncxv Vork. Dee. ! ' . MO.MIV On call easy a I a-jt3 percent. I'nixiKMnuc.vN'iu.K I'M-Kii Ifpei cent. Fcitiio.KXCIIAXCII : : Hii.i -Du'il mu mm and iini'iiaiintii m , ei.Nit ; demand , il.b % , ( iux'KKNMiJNih Uull lint mm ; nnehaimwa cxeejiUls , xxhlch xxeie ' , e hliliei ; nltl. SIOCKN The nullkct was ubiulutclv xvith- out a leatuie allei II o'ciocK. oiliei ihan dull ness and tiireiiKth , tinlll laleln Iheatti'imion , vxhen it ilex eloped uexx aclixily ami niruleiiile itten th lor the geneial list , xvliilo Ij.icKa- . tx'anna , xvhich opened al I'J'-J . > and .sloxxl } : 'n-pt mi lo l'J5. lose lapidly on lieaxy sales to 1-8. The iipxxaiil mo'.ement xvas iiccompan- 'ed by many .shaip leactimis. but ihey xxci. : -oon eliei-ked and luilher Kalns ulxvay.M foi- oxved. Theiosis ihi-n a lneak to 127'J ' and il elos-d ( htion ' at iy-f ? , a uain over liistexen- < " 'Ui ' I'd' ' cent. Tlin lest ut tlm list fielded allulttly Horn tlm liij-'licHt i : alilislHHliiiuiiictliit : tlinn , and Ihu in. M Lei closed .steady. 1'ilev.s tins evening 'ompau'd x\iih the nnal HLMIOS vo-itciday tlioxva Ins-tot llor Lake hhiiro , 1 foi Jei- ey C'imtial , 1 ' , ten lie.idiu , I for Texas < k I'licliiriuuUj to J/ per cent tor tlm test ot iliKiiollxullxt. Noithweste.ii ) Is down % per : ent. Total salt's ilsd'Xi ) shales , an incieaso iver ve.steiday ot : illMOshau-ij ) Jihmc , W.OW ; Iielfawanua , ifijiOU ; hi. I'.uil , BsSOO. Hl'OCK-i O.V XVAI.I , rt I Uii' : I' . lSI ] cent lionil ! . . . . 10i' C. it.N.V \ . 10 ! ; IJ. S. I' 's . 11J'j pielouud. . . IBI : VcxvI'.s . I'iittN' . V. U . 10t % racilu-ilVof 'in. l'"i < < ) ie on Tnin. . . > . entral J'acino. . W ( I'aclnc ! Mall . 1 J. Jt A . j)7"i ; ) " I' . . I ) . AK . -JH ( < inufui u > il. . . . } M ( iM'.o . \u.tell . UM'-f ' Itock Inliimi. . : > . , I..Aw. su l , , , v s. i.\ . D. it IS. U . in- . . . jiruleneil. Itie U. , 51. ASt. . I' . piufencd. . . . .VJJ IlinolsCmitral. . 13r St. I1. , S . . . . . . liixsis , JKitj TUMIS 1'aciau. . . .ukuSlmiu. . , , . . hilJ4 Union I'.ulie. . , . .V > . . .teX . . . . . . . . 4.V'V \ , , t. I , . , V I' ! . lli ! Ulch. Ceiitial , . . . 7H | iitetred. | ) . . 'M do I'aciiic. . . . . WVe.stem Union. 7-Pif < ortliL-iu J'ao. . . ui New York , Uec. ' . ' . Wheat Iowcr , in- i-lpts , 'Ji1iiuu ; M tll , ftl,0 > l : iinu'i ailed led , ticvMUiuM : No.J ml , SM c ; Januaiy loslngat O'l'i.e. ' ' Com Cnilui ; lecelpts , 4.M.OOO ; cxpiuts , 4buOii ; uiip'iadcil , iiiy/Mf , e : No. . 4f.ilJ'-i ' , ! ; o. V ! . .ItXc I" oluvator , r > Wwfv alloat , WMC . i.luul i. : .January i-oiliu | at Mt\ \ ; : l i'voiy steady ; mess , SU.Tft ® I.iml Dull ; December , Sfl.tWj January , iiuiior Klim xvlth fall Inquiry , mainly tor noxradca ; xxestcin , lUWllo ; lOU-lu , t'lu'c.ii ! Quiut mul llmi ; xxc.sti.-iii Hat , 7K ' , Dec. H.-Klour-Quli't and nil- iaiu'fil : Mift sinlu , . f.'J.iiiai.ihi ; MinncMita rikfist'i.V ) l.hj ; patents , 9l.i > v < U.T.iVH ; \ - IIIMII , Sl.iix.Mii'lilran ; , it T..I.IM. Wheat I'n-ii-tllexl and ojiened u Ilttlo nniler n lc'day'sco--ii | | ; tell oil > k- < lo ln-litxx > i'slei- ay , lallfed % u later , deolhrnd j/W-ho ! ndliod iC and closed % u lower than u'.ntniiy ! : : i > S l i IJiicember ; briCi < ji-j Im Jaiin.ii v ; ! ' / ( ! tor I elnnaiy ; ityjvi'.Mc toiMay. . tornVuikor and t ud ) : January du- Ined J-jO and closed A , < ? b\'lnw yo-ilenhiy , ml May K < > under ) 44) ) lorcashtlJj ; ( vcmbiir : : Jf tor .liiiitiaiy { ! ii < lor inry ; HHfM4 > / o lor .Max1. Oath TracUn iinn nally Unlit nnd ut piiw.-i not maleiially chan i'd- ; i -and DitcHMubci ; ' M lor Januaiy ; 1/i Ityu Dull mid inic'lianKcd ; iilc'tsh : , Itailov Liu-lit and uncnanucd at'l-V. ' ITIumthy hHlnlumand ; jiilim' . il.OV l.f I'JnKsww bluntly ; Ku. 1 , * l.i- > . I'oik Palrlvactive nnd Mr-nd.v ; * > 3. ' 71t' < a 8.iv foi ttv 'i ' , December nnd .laniiniv ; 510.00 ( iMO.OJ'i ' for I'rhiiury ; MM.UV'lO.r. " fet .March ; ? HU7l ! < < rCt < uo'foi Max. linnl - ( ) ' , * jp loxxerantl closed slcndv ; ! < > .o.l for t-aahj su.uin < i.u."j for De- fpiiilwr : Si.07i5.1l ( ( ! > lorJaliuai511.17 ; for l-Vlirunrj , Hulk Mi-ati-Shoulders Sl.70 ? ( . ? J.7. * . ! sliott clear , f * UV " .lft ; fchnrt lib ? , S I.HJv.n.l.s ? " . \Vhlk.x--'l.l. ' > . HntteiFirm ; orramery iiu-illiini to fancy , lit'i > i" dairy f/ilr to niie. I'JV'N- . riuvscJuli't ( ; IMIOI demand ; lull noani cheddar.s , s tl'i\ ' ; tints. I0 ( < no'4e ; .xoniiff Amcileas. ti yMO'ie : skim. * , At < ? e. Kirns Him at Hviy-.v. I tides -i"iu'liuii : * ( > il ; heavy cieen n1lnl full ) ouri'il. ' ii'il'j ' llnhi , liv : ilaimmod. v ; bull hides. oi < t- diy salted , 11V ; iliy Hint , I' fl e ; calf skins , | : i , . . Inlloxv Uncliaiiitc'd ; No. I countiv , oo. . . . . Ueeeipts , s > l. . ' „ Mour. bbh i..o ! o Wheat , Im. IVS.IKXI I ( ) KM Coin , on , 'ris.uo p OKI Onto. Fill lltl.UtiO | sKM , ( j.U'.tm. u.uxj .M" i ) Uarlex.bu 77,1X0 Iti.HH ( ) HI. l < oiiio , Dtv. R Wheat Arllxo. easier ; xnd V Inxxi'ri'iiilj ' aiideliMil ' , f tfloxxtrj - Xo. J red nnd i-ilsh/Mr Iml ; IMe.niKci , l , ej .lanitaiy , W' ' < o'j I'l-bimuy , lH jfj , MIIJ , Sl.U4'Ce. Com-\rf ( , r lowei bat aetlxi-c-ash ; , ! .l" " ej Decembei iiiid liiiiiiaij ol'te ' ; I'ebiuar.x , ; ! t' ( JaisKai.y and V lower : cnsli , 2s\i ; DC- I'oiU-MO.lH ) . l.anl W.liii\ ( ! ! > " ( . Whlsky-St.U'.i. ' Hiiltui Uncliuuircd. iAliillVSJ ! ' , < ! l"A" - ' > " ' " - Wheat , Jtay , hlghtrj ' . ' mil .Wi'i , Corn , steady. Oats , KaiiKim City , Dec0. . Wliwl--Weaker : eash , ,1151' , * ! .laiiuaiy , r'e hid , 7'J ' c asked ; fc'e unary , 7-e ; 3lay , b'J'fe. ' Coin Mondv : eash , 'JT-4'e ' ; .lummiy , US'fc'o ' asked.May'tie ; Mil , JIlUe asked. Oats Vomhial tit -Jil e asked. MllxMiuUee. Dei- , l' ' .Stoadv ; cash. SM e : .lanuaix , b' ' Ke ; Mur , iWJ.u. ( oi -\Voakoi ; iVn. V , i.V. Oats-Dull ; No.Js'sc. . Ijjo Tnine ; No. I , fdt- . Hailey Siead.v : No. > ' , .Vi'V. ' I'nulsionsSiiad.x . ; miss poik. cash , old , Clnolmintl , Dec. P. Wlii'.it Wo.iK anil lower ; Ao.4 led , l li.MVi. _ t'oin Kirmei ; No" : i mixed , : ieN'o. ' : ; ! . ' , Oats Kaslero. ; . 2 niKc-d , IJO'/o. ' K.xe Dull ; \ii.a. ill'.hnttf. ' Iliiiloy-Klini , and uneiiaiified ; < > \tia N'o. "I tililtir flvl . nli-t id sSIO.'r > . lard KUIildoniaiid at $ 'UV ' > . Whisky btt-adj and Him atSl.OH. JUImieapotlH , Wheat Aellvoaiul closed nun ; .No. 1 haul , cash ami Deeemher. il ; Januaiy , tU'.i-j ' l-'i-lniiai.x. tiijMay ( ; , lM4iNo. : . 1 noi llmm , c.usli and December , NJIJanuaiy ; , f V ; l'Vbinai > , Niie ; .May , ' . ' 1C. Klour-Qulcl ; pnlcnK 8l.7."ii.1i.W ( ( ; lula-is. 3) ) . i. > iM Oil. ISeeoipts Wheat , 57,000. bhipment U'hoaU liiK)0 ( ) ; Hour , ' . ' , r > > J. Toledo , Dco.U.VliiMt \ ( Jitlut and bteady ; c.ish. i ) ? f cu.V4o. ! Corn-ijuiei ; cash and year , lU.c. Oats t.uehaiu'od ; cash. lite. Idvcrpool , Dei'A U'heat holdeis otVet model atel j ; new No. 'J wintoi , and Mulnir , 7ft : ! d. Klotir Hohli'is oiler 'reoly at Ss t.l. Com Siot. | lioldois oiler spaiin lj ; spot. ts lHd ; DecomUr , Is I'd ; .laiiuao , Is i : R-b- uiaiy , Is I,1 id. MVK STOCK. Chicago , Dee. ! ' . The DiovvtV Jonrn&l ieioiis ] : < 'attlo-loi-olpt ! . ( ) , : ( > 0 ; slow ami 10@l5o lower ; shippiiiif stems , Nwmi,0i ! ; ) ; stoukora and lecilets , fe-.ViUiKM.tK ) ; iixs , bulls and mixed , S1.7.\i l.iM ; bulk , fr..0j ! , l.-ii ; tlnou li Texas oat . , s.IXInl. ! ! ; . " > . .sales lioll Cciloiado-Texaus , ion Ibs , 4.iKi. llotjs Kc-celj > l.s,4 l.OJU ; active and .V lower ; louuli and mixed , . : ! .rol < . . > .i.v ; packini ; iiml ' . .i . . . aiicep licveipts , 'j.OOD ; stc-adv ; natives W.ttV.i-i.70Te\aiii ! , SI.7.iir > .Uti ; Iamb ? , fey. St.IjouK Dec. 0. Unttli' Iteeolpts , 1,109 ; _ s c..VJ. ; nallvu Imic'hei'i , , fi.J.'j.vT/J.'A'i : 'eoxvrf and heilei.s , ti-J. V .i.'iii ; stockei.s and teedeis , Slieep Kci-uijits , ! KJO ; hhlpments , noun ; icootl grade's te.ulyeoirimm ; to c-lioiuc1 , S-.Oiii3 ) : ! . ' - ' . ' . Kansas City , Dee. t'-Callle-Itecelptj ' * " , UM ; t > lnpmciii.s , l , ! ) ! ; hiioiiu ; e\ioileis | , Sj.OD.iv " > . - . ; cmiimou to choice .shlplilu ; ; , SI M ( iil.'JO , .stoekeiaand t'eeder.s,5'l.lHiizl.7'i ! ( ; ; coxvs , " " ' ' ' ' " " -ifi't-olpts i , 'lU.iWU ; hhipmeiits , ! J,000 ; xcau and e lower ; KCIIM ! to ehoico heaxy , . ii..V.i..O i ( : : IUlit ; and mixed , &UiK .l.'iUroiii- ; Sheep Koi-elpts , . ' ' 00 ; slilpmciils , none ; < liuet ; common to uod , 8l.Wc ! < .j.i.uo. OiMAIIA li STOCK. XVednusdav Uicnliiif , Dec. 9. 'J'ho maikPts weio lower to-day. A fT rnltlu ehaiiKed hands , but tlm maiket wai * ijiilct. Tluiio was a lair ihmiand lor lie s , 'I'he mniUet XVIH > 'xs lower , and thu receipts lighter than on the day pievloiiH. iti'.cnai'is. Cattle . R < )0 ) lliys . ,100 i'itivAii.iNn 1'oor to ( rood to t > iscitii'rio\ : . Medium. Kxtia. Caltlu- lrW ( ti > H and over . St 40@l S3 Xt 4 DO , U 75 < if * 'X li-uiU'i' : ( ID CinsiToxaiiH ii oa \Vcsicin Kan.eis T 00 :1i" : . a 05oo ! Nntlx'a COXVM 'J 50 ( < i'J 75 Weslem Coxxrt linlls , ii 10 llojra MlM'H % y\ \ sea : ; Heavy Packing a 4.Virt : w l.ltjlitVeiKhls \ u a M bkijH y w 7J ItA.Vfll' OP PIIICK9 I'OH IIIKiS. Thoettremu i.uuu of pruvs tor rnu h mixed , p.ieUn : ; und sluppiui ; and li hl lur bis davn in aliuwii behnv ; _ Kmi Ii Heavy l.iiht Date. Mixed. I'lu-k.iu. ' Wpilii.siTay" TlmiHlay . ; i , : H ( ? i.4'i Kiida > . . . : ! , OMIV.J : ) Nnimday. . -Moiuliiy. . . . Tiie.ulax' , . . y , i \Vednmiay con.v f W.KWi. No. Av. . I'r. No. Av. Pr. O'J. . . rs i-wt COK.Vi'in ; ni'l.l.s. ' N'o. Av. 1'r. No. Av , Pr. riitniis. : : : N'o. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. Oi. . . ,1U IIIK. : . Av. -'f' ' , , No.M. . Av. Pr. ml , . . . : ! 7 ? ' - M. , (17. ( ( tt. , ' . ' ( VJKI 8.40 IVI. . KI tuo 01. . jn 77 . ' ! ! ! IM. . jnod -tu a > s a. 10 W. , ; od ID ; ii . ' .7 m M ! , Sit ; i u-io B.M cj ssi : uo 5li ! U.,03 w an 1.10 IIKIIIisr : AND n tlm hl he-t ami loui-Ht prlcoi paid m ilils muiluM lur Im s dnrini ; the past even days and lur thu conv..f'onlliit | ( time mmitli : i NoVL'mlR'r. Dcc < ; iiitr. ( Vednesday . . . ( $ . : 'humility. . ' il.UO londay , ! i.oo s-a * Vi-diu-Ml y " ' 11.10 S' ' I'lJIICIIASKS. Hhiivvlni ; thu number of ho tMiiiutit b/ M-al pnekeiH on thu Omaha market during 10 dux- . , K , lloyil , , , , , . , . i. 1114 . 'j1. .Stewart . , . . . JJW 1. U , Ha mend it Co. . . , , , , , , . . . . < , . , , U41 hu iinmber of Inix * hhlp | > rd froia nutli Unulm tluriiitf thu punt twenty-fuuf uuro :