r r MAHA . | rIFTEENTll YEAH , OMAHA , THURSDAY MOHNttf © , DEOEM.BEU 10 , 18S3. NUMB 13tt 140. HIE FAMILY AND FORTUNE , OLarming Half Hour Amid the Bullion Bags Stored Away by "Undo Billy , " ROTTEN WITH THE EVIL ROOT. 1 lii Dnith of tlio Demi Money ICIng 1'aln 111 MDIO tin- 'MnrhctHAn Ifitlnmti ? > of Ills Wealth. The Panilly anil Porliinc. NnvvYoiiK , Dec. 0. Scward Wi-bb , Cor nelius nnd William K. aio both actively mpmnl In the management of thefamllv milw.iy Intuests , and will so continue. Coincllns Is chairman of the boa id of directors ol Iho New Yoik Central nnd Michigan Central Hvstems , and \Vllllain K. the s-imu olllie In the Lake bliorcand Nlekel'l'liiles ) stems. Pieilerlck K. W..vvho is about thliltwo ) iin sold , Isdliecloi In all the roods. Yandcrhllt was , it Is thoilslit , ilchor than any hlngle ineiubei of tlio Holhsclilld faintly. 'Iho Duke of Westmin ster Is sild ( n bo worth fc'JOO.onO.tXK ) , but Vnnderbilt was ilcher IH-- IMIISC tinduko's money only pas him idmut two I'oreent ' , being mainly in lands and houses. YamlurhUl had a iiuteli laiger In- V . come. Last ) ear he held W , IXHV . ) ol fem per cent bonds , nnd later ho led need this amount by iajUO < vx > J ot goveinmentujj pei u-Mts. Ills government bonds weio worth utmost SfMowXK ) ( ) . At one time ho owned itto.ooo shaies of the Michigan Central , iMO.OOThliartM of the Noiihwestein , and .10.000 shales of llie Lake hboie. Ho is nahl to liavo sold considerable Lake Shine lately. In addition he hud : : oooo in the Chi- rngo .fc Hock Island , 'JO.MKlin the I Ma wan ; , fe Lackawaiina. and about ) , ( KKslnues lu otlici iallvv.is , making In all nboiit N ! < ) , IK.KI Miaics nt iiillvvnyotiick ; ulso $ 'lm\m wouli of i-allio id bonds , M mooo ot state and city bonds , and 9 ,000,000 In v.uions mannraetni- ing stockH and mortgiiei. Ho valued his house on Pilth avenue with Its ait tieasuies id fr.lOo < MM. His oidin.uy liouseliold ex penses weio MOO,000 a jear. In IWt he gave u Inll that costs 10,000. Ho loved IIOIM-S , and ' \vas a good judge of hoiscllesll. He 'sold Maud . lei S-10,000. Mi. Vnndcibllt was Although hlsloitunoshiank lastjeai mati-- rlally through the big decline in stocks and thioiigh biiHlness depiession. the "bull" movement of ( he past lew mouths bioiight It up again. Ill- , Income was calculated as fol lows : M)7'Jixx ) ) a ) ear fiom govcinment bonds , SM > 1,000 fi 0111 ralhoad stocks 5-.71- O' ( | fiom mlseellaiieous si > miuties ; total , over M,0 ( ) < KtOJiivcai' ) , 01 Sis.OiW a day , tV-OJ an hour , 01 31'.i.i. ' i u minute. He made no osk-n- tutloiis display of Ids wealth and vvascli.ul- tablenltlioiigh in this lie had to bo quiet or ho would have been ovei- inn vvltli Impostors. Ho was sluewder In business than main supposed he was , lie knew enough to sell ! ij0twi , ) shines ot New Yoik Central slock live years ago at IH.'O and buv Koveinmentsat pit. Denew. to-nlglil , said : "At tlio funeral ot A'tiniierblll , vvhleli will take pl.ui ) Piida ) , Hie lolloping gentlemen would act as pall- beaieis ! Samuel K. Haigei , C. Jl. Depew , J. I'leiiepont M oigan , Chailes C. Cl.uk , Judge Kap illo , Judge J. 1 * . lii-ady , Willhim luinbiill , William L Scott , U'illlam Hllss , n. O. Mills , tlcoige.l. Mawe anils. \ \ . Caldwell. Thetuneial will lie held In St. Hailholo- iiicvv < lunch , and .idml.-.Mon vv ill bo by lickets which will be issued lo inoitow. " A nuinhci ol piouilnent rallioad and busi ness men , who have been acquainted with Vandciblll , called at Iho ic-idenco to d ly. Amoni ; them weie J. 1' . Moigan , Hev. Di. John Hull , Hev. Dr. C. P. Deems , .Samuel Sloan , Aitliui LeaiCvrus W. Pield , Jobn I ) . Hocklcllei , ( ieneral Mcieditli Heed and Ito-coe Conkllug. Cable ilisji itches ol iespe < t and condolence vvero icccived from James IMeHeni ) iiudJ. S.Morgan , London , and Messis. Hinges and \Viiitlnop , I'IUH. Lecn ( mid lolegiiims weio also icceived Irom Hlsliop I'otter. John A. King , Samuel 1' . Cot | , o. b. .low in , Moiibignoi Capel , ! ' . D. ( lovveii and A. J. Diesel. Judge Hapallo , it Is said , drew Iho will of Vanderbllt , add Its contents will he made Known Kiiday , after Iho luncral. William K. aiid < ! oorgo Vandeibllt aru to-nlaht keej- Ing vigil besldo the icmains of thek lalhei. lifTcotou tlio Market. Xuw YUIIK , Dec. 'J. [ Special to the HKI : . ] Thoelfcct ot Vandeibllt's death has not been aspresdng on the block exchange as was anticipated. Tlio general feeling Is that liiu Yandciblll he-unities aio good holdings unilei any ciieumstaiice.s , and that the death oC the picat mllllonalro cannot suilously cITecl their value foi any length ol lime. In the language of one ol the leading and most conservative biokeis In Wall street , the in ice ot .secuiities no longer depends upon the solvency or in-olvcnc ) , 01 even upon the lite or death of anv one man in tliu business vvotld. Million. ihes can take nothing with Hienioiitof the woild , and why then should ( heir death oiled the values ot good piopei- ties In the niaikct. The stock nniiket today opened lev 01 isb vvilhiv declining tendency , but boon iccoveicd. Niivv Yonic , Dec. U. The Imnionso crowd pic.sent at tlm Windsoi hotel last night and this morning , far exceeded an ) thing w It- ni-sseilhiiio this .season and was aoeepie * ! as evidence ot ( lift vv hie spie-ad inteu-st taken by Ihe public In the death ol Vandeibilt and a deslio to asccitain what clfect U would pio'iabiyhavoiipon ' HioniiiiKcl. Asfileud met hlend , nil liuiuhles icl.itcd to one subject the stock m.iikel , and nnxlOus llsteneis vvero lonstantly on the alert lo catch a vvoid that might glvu anj in- dlcsitlon us to what the day would In lug foitb , Theabscuio of any settled opinion was a conspicuous Icatuio of the talk eiuly In the evening bill as llmo gave an ojipuitn- nity for an Interclnngu of views the opinion Ui came veiy inev.ilent that theio would bo a bieak In Viui'icrMlt blocks at the opening. not , how evei , to exceed Uin : i per cent , and that any siippoit vvhlcli might bo lound nee- CT-aiylo piovenimoiobeiiimsderllius would promptly iiiako itsell iiianltest. The Sun this morning has tlm lollowlng : "It vv us generally undeisloud last nlglil , and einetul inqiiiiy rather coiioboiatcd tliu us- Kiimptlon , that n iiool had been loimed to buv ' 'DO ( "OOshaics " of stock on tlio declining scale. 'Ihopuiehiscsiue tobu imido both In London and In the domcstlo maikcts. A confeieiicu of capilalisls Inteiested In the tinnk Hue deal was held In the otllces of Diexel , Morgan & Co. us boon as Vandti- blll's dciith was known , and kiotcd Into the ovenlni , ' . 'Iho conteienco icsiilted In the agreement leteircd to. " "Could jon ulvu mo anestlmatoot Van- dei hilt's wealthy" asked u jemirtor ol Jay Uuuld. "No , I do not think I am able to glvu any thing like a Inlr estimate , although 1 Imvo Known him In n business way tor a lung time. It IH mdto ceitain liowevei , thai ho was by lur Uio wealthiest , man , not only in Now voile but In the entlio country. Ho nlwib : maintained a ictleeiuo upon the v.dnii of his own ) iioprity. Ho.istlngln that line was wholly beneath him. Inevei lieanl him bo much as intimate tlio extent ot hi.s foituiui. " "What utrect will Ids death luvo on the slock nun kct , and cs | > cclalv ! upon the stock ot the New Yoik Ceiiluil nillvviuV" "U will Ixi sale to bay th.it his death will have tlui ell'ect ot ih-piusslng the maikel , en- iieclully In llioso stocks which ho hud l.ugo noldlngs. Thesuaiulho Nev ; Yoik iVntial. Lake Shoix- , Michigan Central , unil West Shore lo.uU Vandeibllt held only $5.000- OOJoiitol t'.K,000OOU ) of stock ot the New Yoik Cenli-al. > lost of the block Is held by capitalists In Knrope. You ean see that his holdings of ibis stock wcru smaller than was Mtppo'-ul by many , The death oi the iiinui- clei will not , 1 urn ipiltu tei lain , have other than a tunipoiary utfeet In < luuu'i > slnjheso stocks. Tlio ju-oporty Is nil Kooilund lellablo us InvostmenK If tliu market value oi the Mocks tall oil u few points to-moi row they will go h.uk to their ougliial Mtliioln a few weeks. Should tliu Vandi'i- btlt liuldlng , bu thiovvn ii | < ou the nmtke-ls , theiv mo plenty ol capitalists who would bo glad to puivluiso them at a tail niruie. " Cllir. vno , DeiiJ UM'i u. m. The death of ViuulcibllL had no 4pivilabe | ! i-tfi-ct upon tlio roursu of values In speenUilUe grain | nidohcii\ May wheat , whiih i IOMI ! at list evening , sold otf toUle and Is now ; Com sold up tuM c , und Ie now 4 % , or the sime ns la t night's doting. Other mar- ki Is knew no change. LoNiidN. Dee. i'-llic ' dc-alh of Vnmlcr- but liashnd adejiresslitir effect on Ameilean ' ecurilieat the sto"kexeh iiue. At opening the \iu > ilc.in list sliowcd adi-ellneof Ito.l permit , ns eompaiiil witli the cloiinir la t evening. At 1J. . ) the Vevv YniK Central wa limited at lot's , a dc-cllne of I"Irom \e" tcidiy'si losing. li : ) p. m.-American sccuiltlos me Im- Jitoving. N'hvv YOIIK , Dio. a Wall stiect brokers mid diteclois m rived at tlieirotllces at an tin- usually i arlv hour this mornlni ; . Tin n * was anxiety everywhere lo know what stocks would do at the opening , butaconildc'tt ' lone was otiM'ivablc In eveiv Instineo where opinions wcio exploded mid London ipioia- lions , which weie lieie hilf all huin before the oiienlin ; of the stock exi-haiigo weio 10- assuring. On bond adensaciov.d of luokeis stood In the Like Mi'iie ' eoin-r ivv.iltlng tin- fall of the ehaliman's uavel. When Itcaiuo it was followed by wild excitement foi a tew niiiiuli-sand a strtuglo between llioso who had outers to elo u out their accounts at the opening and other * who are tlieio to suppoit the niuket or buy upon llie assumption that Hie opening liguies would bo the lowest. Ill othei paits ot the town the ciowd was less pu ldng and the excitement not L'roitor Hi in Is Usual at the oMMiiiu. | Lake Shoieopened at sr > c , nil- vmiced 'us latci to ' , e. Dculiius weie In laigo lots. MJ to 1,0)0 ) sh ues. and lei a shoi t time dllfeientpilees weie ruling at lliesamu cllnes liom'iCeto lae. Lake Shme touched s * > V' The excitement in the Like bhoio ciowd soon subsided and the whole niuket advanced ' e to 1'fc. 'I he nalns weio mostly lost Inlei in tlu hour. Atll o'clock the mai- kist was active and utliei licav.and gener ally a little above the opening , with Hie heav iest trading in Lake bhoio , SI. Paul and Western Union. 'Iho vvlies both eastand west ale vvoiklng tiadly , enltliuoll toi a time both selllinr and sitppoitingoideis liom out ol town custo mers , LONDON' , Dec. 0 2 p. m. Stocks In eailv dealings weii- excited and there vwio wild lluctiiatlons in American seem Hie 1. Since the iccelpt of the opcnlnc prices In New York llicie has been n general advance. Low pi Iced slocks mo stionger. Nr.vv } on if. Dee. ! . Stocks continue dull and steady. It Is said the leading operators have agiocd to sujijioit the maiket by giylng largo oidcis to biiei-s. Tlio Coroin'i-'rt Inquiry. Niw : ionic , Dec. l ) . Coioner Messlmei this mot nlng look the lollowlng statement from PicMilunt Hobert ( lauett Jot Iho Haiti- iiioio ifeOhloiailway on Vandeibilt's de.ith : I icielied Vandeibllt's lestdetico about ln. : Hoieeelved mo in his libi.ny. We ( onvei-ed lo ethcralioiit an hour , pot haps a little loiiL'ei , when Vuideibllt's speech be came Indistinct , and the next minute I no ticed a twitching of th muscles about tlio mouth and lace , and almost the same Instant his faio was suddenly convulsed , lie was sitting on tbo i dgo of the chaii. He full toi- waid mid I teaclied him in time to thrust mv ai in undci Ids sboiildci and piovent his falling lu-av II ) to the Hoot. 1 pla cd a cush ion wlilch was at hand undci Ids head and Iiumediatelv summoned a sei v.int and called lor waler witli vvhleli I bathed his face until thoaiiival ol Ids son d'eoigo Vandeibllt and Di. Miller.Vodid not leili/o Iho tact of his death until the aiiival of Di. McLean. Dln-ctorles to Take Action. Ni.w YOKIC , Dec. ft Cliauiieey M. Dcpovv president ol the New YorkCeutial laiho.ul ] said this luoiiilug that the boaul ot elliectois \vlllprobibl ) hold a meotlnii toiuoirovv to lake action on Iho death of Vandeibllt. Meetings ot the follow lug companies , in the dlieeloiies ol which he was inleicsteil , will bo hold : Canada Soiilliein , New Yoik Sleep ing Cai company , American Distuct Tele graph couipmv , and \Vestein Union. Depovv visited tlio Vandeibllt muision thin moinlni ; and held a eonfetcnee with the members ot tlm lamlly icgaidini ; tlio tuneial. Tcll-Titlu fjiMtern Hovcnl tlio Clinic of an Ijloplug Girl. SYIUCUM : , N. Y. , Dec. 9. Sov eral days ago Frank iloiulilon , a mairled man icsid- Ing near Corlland , twenty miles south of thU city , dis.ippeaied , and Miss Nettle Hobie , a pretty nelghlmi , leaving town suddenly at the same time , ju-oplo concluded that the pah had olopcd. CiiciniHtances atlerwaid occtnred which strcnglhened ( ho belief. It secuib th.it white Mrs. lloughlon's oldest child , a gill of 10 > ears. was at play near one of the barns belonging to the lium of their former icsldfiiHo , sue discoveied a panel on the Mono foundation , ami , peeping under the wall , discoveied tvvent ) six letleis apparent- I ) wiitten ( o Hougliton prior to the elope ment. In one ot these tlio w liter sas : "Kiank , jou aio the only ono that knows lam a muuleie.s. " Suveial other expies- sionsof a hlmllir charactei aio even moie emphatic , but Mis. Hoiighton de-lies not to h ive them undo public. Miss Hobie's motliei died suddenly a shoit time ugo. It is allegt d tint hei mother , who WHS a cilpplc , and who had btrenuoiisly objected to hei daii0'htei's many sultois , bail been thieatcned many times by hei dauglitei , who made the old lady's lilo a burden , which she was not will ing to lay down. People now lee.ill the fact that a physician was not called In to see Mis. Koblo until a low hours beloio her deal i. Houglitondescited a wife who Is a highly re spected lady and two little gills , licmoit- gaged Mis. Hougliton'ii pi opt it ) , sold all tlio cows owned by her , and appiopilatcd the money to his ow n use. Kllloil Her SIstiT in a Fib of Jealousy llAunnii , N. C. , Dec. . News comes f 10111 S.uideiV Ciosslng , six miles west , oi a shocking affair between two status named M.uy and Jane Itcedy , belonging to a ie- spt-clablo family. Miuy , the elder , had been coin ted by a man named Tiout , who trans- fen cd his directions to Jane. Last Sunday evening wlillo Jane and Tioutwoio sitting to- gelhci , M.uy hied a shotgun thioiigh a win dow at them. The dlsiiimgu stiuck both , kllllin : Jane and nioilally wounding Tiout. The muuleiess then mounted a hoi.se she had .saddled and lode away , and has not been lieu id fiom. Tito fessngo autl Vanilerbllt's Jo- Nlvv : Yonif , Dee. ' . ) . [ Special to ( ho Hin. : ) The Herald's London eablo sas : All pa pers pay gieat attention to the president's message ami to Vandeibllt's dealli. A ic- bunmol Iho loimei occupies a lull tolnnin In both the Telegiaph and ( lie Times , and these two papers devote a I.ugo space to mi obltn- my ol Vandeibllt , evidently piejuied tiom personal knowledge , Miuilcrcil liy Moonrililnoi'H. ST. Louis , Dee. . A bpuci.il Irom Chatta nooga , Tenn. , to the Post-Dispatch , stale.s thai Deputy United States Marshal W. I ) . Kullet was wajkild and mmdcied last night while on Ids way to Stall ) head , Ala. , to laid mi Illicit dlstlllciy. It Is supposed ills mui- dcicis weio moonshiners. Tlio .Missouri CloNoU nt 1'lerie. Si. I'.vui , Dee. U. A I'leuo , Dak. , special to the I'ioneci Pi ess bas navlgiillun closed to-diy , and teams will bo crossing the Mis- bouil river on llie Ieo theio to-moriovv. The niuicui ) is tailing last. Tlio Cream Oitjr'H I'ress Clnli. Mn.wAiKii ! : : , Dee. l . The iln > t annual on toitainment of ( ho Mllwaukeu I'lVasclnbat tliu new academy this evening dievv ono of the liugest aiiilicnee'severseen In a Milwau kee theat 10 Man ) nutablea took i > ai tin the vaued pio0'rnnnic < . Gun , Do Ctiuroy Iteoalleil. J'\ii4 : , I > tH0. . ( ion. Do Coiucy has been recalled from A imam. ( Jenvral M. N'u ricr suriinds In comimind of the Pieurlilioops. Do Coinev Is niviiscd of having In hlsieuoits iiuignluou Iho situation In Aunaiu. PIAPF f\ FOR SPARK PKXXIFS ,1 , 1 LllULi rUiV 01 a IV Li 1 LuuULiO ) The Postal Savings Bank System to Lo Urged This Session , SUCCESS IN OTHER COUNTRIES. Ilypcrot Ideal Lltorntoiirs Analyzing Clovclnml's Me sn.p Van \V jolt's lllll Cor Taxation of Unpatcnt- oil llalltoail Postal .SaxliiRt Dunk * ) . WASiitNoio.v , Dee. I' ' . [ Special to the liui : . ] Illinois to be a vigorous elloit to gel this congress to adopt a sjMem nl savings banks In coniicVtlun with the iKHtollleo de partment. An olfort ( slicing made to show congiessthulnaderiiiaeyof Hie present sav ings buiK system of the United State' * , and the lack of confidence In tlicni , by the \ery pom Hslcm which was tutioiluceil. In ( lioat Hitlaln Hie ) have been a meat success , ami luxe now extended to Hcldum , Japin , Italy and the Netherlands. At any postutlice sav ings b ink deposits are received In uiij sum not less than a shilling ( a.- , cents ) nor moiu th.ui .C.W ( clWj. In oiio > oar , when Urn de posits iiinount to JC1 (8 ( * > J , Intel cat Is allowed at tlm late ot a1 pi1 ! cent per aiiiiuin. At every postotllco blank lurius can be had lice ot charge , upon width ' „ penny ( a rents ) postage stamps CMII bo aiilxcd , mill when the KM in Is thus tilled It will be received at mi ) postulllce s.iv Ings bank. Atn deposit ot t\\eiit\-nve cents e\eiv deposltoi In .1 post- otllce savings b.ink iccoives a deposit book , b ) tin * means otlik'li lie ean make fie-ih do- posltsat 01 withdraw his nionev lioiu any postollloo siv ings bank In .the united King dom Tlmpopul.\iitv of llilssv stem is shown by the fact lli.it deposits In these postal sav ings binks now amount to home i-MO.ouJ.OJO , \\hllo the number of depositors Is ne.irly : i.ouo,00ii. The real value ot this hj stem Is shown by tlie ( wet that it seems to have actu ally created all these sav lilt's , tin the business ot private savings banks in thu countiy has gone steadily on In the meantime. llli : VVIUSin 1MKIII ST. Your correspondent heaisooiisiderablc talk going \etyipilelly regaidlng action din ing the coming session ot congress in the. In- teic-9t of the whisky distllleis. Tno lesultoC the seven months ( which was In ic-allty nine months extension , and was Intended by those interested to be Indeilnltc ) has been , thecommissiouei ot internal ie\enne states , the cause ot n tailing oil in revenue , and no doubt this noticeable decline In icoeipts eaiiscd a halt in the grant ing ol fmtlier extension , as.is asked tor by .Jobn I ) . Thompson and . ) . T. McCibbon , botli having laige uiteiests at stake , and who made evoiv elloit to Impiesa Commissioner .Millei in Ihcli tavoi. As Is politic with this administration , the mattei ot turthci inten sion will be icfeiied to coiigiosx , with a recommendation rather lavoiablo to tindls - tllleis. That the lobby will beieady to aid as bl-foio Is not ilonbted , w Itb one pniso | , that Is that the inteie-N tube aided and iepiie\e < l shall put up money. Piomisosillnutaii - swei. swei.CLUVPI , vxn < ! r.ssVYov MAnitrAnr. Lltcnuy cxpoits who ba\ecaieinlly exam ined tbo piosideut's message have iifcntiiiotl the anlhoislilp ot poitinus ot th it long and Inteiestlng document. Thelnlroduetoi.v p.ua- giaphs weie Irom tlie president's own baud , aseie the aigmuenls in ta\or ol the sus pension ol sihei coinage mid civil seivlce lei loim. About one half .11 the message al- thatiolatiiig to loiolgn atlairs is liy .secie- taiy H.iard. Hut the most intcicsllng discover } made by tlie-e literaiy experts is the. fact that Miss P.ii/ehotli Hose Cleveland , the accomplished lad ) of the while house , Is the author ot much ot the paragiaph against polgamy. The toilowliigoNiiact , vvhoneoiu- n.iieil with the puiiliai liteiaiy stJe that eliataetoii/eil Miss rievi'lnmi's look , leaves no doubt ot her authorship ot that poitlon ot hei biothci's muss 140 , to-wlt : "Thostieiigth.tlio jicipotuily and the des tiny of the nation rest upon our home , est ill- INied bj the law ol ( Soil , gu mled b ) puental caie , uvtilatod by ] > aientat aiithoilty and saiu lined bv puenlal love. The > e me not the homes ol polvgamy. The motheis of om land , who inle the nation as thej would the iharacteis and guiile the actions ol their son1- , living accoiding to ( iodS holy oidl- naiiic. and eacli.iiuie anil happy in the exclusive - clusivo love ot the fatbei ot net chlldien , sheds the vvaun light ot tine wo nanlioiid , uimt'ieiUd and unpolluted , IIIKIII . .illith - In her pme and vviiolesome lamlly cliclc. These aio not tbo cheeiless , eiusht'd and un womanly motheis of polygamy. The fathcis of our families aio tliobesi citl/ensot tliu ie- public , wife and thlldien aie the BOUICCS of jiatiiotlsiii. and oonjiu'.il : ind parental alTec- tlon beget devotion to coitntiy. The man who , undented with plural man iaie. is MII- lomuted In his single home with his wile and children , has a .stake In tlie countiy winch in- sjilies him with lespcct lei IN laws and torn- age lor its defc'i e. The-.o aie not the filth- eis of polvgamous families 'iheie Is no fealuioot this iii.ictice i , 01 the bj tcm which faaintloiis it , whidi Is not , oppiisal to all that Is ol value In out Institutions. " ( ieneial comment heie IIJIDII Ibis little cssiy on the beneiieleiKO of maitiaue and the family , Is that coming tiom an old batchcloi and an old maid , It is veiy gouil , Hcpnrl ofilio Allorncy ficnnral. WASHING ro.v , UOi. % 0. The annual icpoil of Attorney ( ieneral Carland was issued to day. Ho .suggests the advisability ot build. ing jails In each pinto In the conntty wheie Unlled States couils aic held. The necessity of building a jjoveinment peiiltentlaiy vvheio allpcisons convicted of United States ol- lences could be conllned , Is stiongly uiged. hiuch convicts , hosav.s , could bo employed In the manulactuio ot suii | > lles exclusively toi the government , which vvoik would assist In making the Institution Veil sustaining. Ho also biiggesti Urn proprlclv of electing on the grounds ad- lolni ; the derailment of justice u iiioper building toi tlie acioiiimodation , in audition to that depaitmcnt , of the biipionm < ouit and othei jiioix'i cointsaniliomiiilbsloneis of the United htates. The iciiort closes with n Inlet statement of the Union I'adno lailway litigation , and * a.vs that u motion will be tiled b > the gov eminent In tlie biipiemo couit In a tewdav.s toadvanco Hie appeals on the docket o as to have n speedy deteinilnatlon ot them. The attorney general cdils that tlm motion will doubtless bo granted and the mattei disposed ol at an eauy day. Sctmtnr Van Wjck's ( Joutl Mennute. WASH aio.v , Dee. 0 The bill Intro duced In thb K'nate to-day by Senator Van Wck , providing for tliu taxation ol mi- patented l.iiuLs owned by lailioad eoni ] > anlest imjtilrcs such companies to pa > the cost of 8iiive > lngand loeatlngtho land within hlxt > days utter the passage ot this act , 01 th.it ill detault thereot , the lands hh til be subject to entiy nndei the hoiiie > tead and pioemption law a and liable to taxation. Tlm Senfito CoiiiinlltceM. WASIIIXOTON , Di-c. 0. The caucus com- mlttco of ittpublkan senators having In rbaige Ihoariangcnientsot tlm membership of the committees , hold a meeting this alter noun. It Is nndei Mood n decision vai re.u lied to tendei to Si'iialor Sew ell the i hall- man-hip of the joint lihraiy committee , vaialon by Senator blieinian , and to ( ien. l.o-'an his old placu as < halriuan of the i inn- iiiitteo on niiiltaiy nllaiis , held by ( ien. fcewell. Three I'ernoiiH Killed by n Tniln. HitVAN , Texas , Dec. U. Late labt evening at the closing ul tliu Texas Ceiural railway about a mile lioin hftc , lev. ! II. T.VINun and two d.uuhtent , letiiinlng home In a wagon , vveiobtiiuk by an engine and all Iliieo liisianlly Killed. The uia'lnvcr has been aiu'stetl 1'Ieusliijr KIIVV YUIIK , Dee. ' . , I'VjdinaiidVnul was tiaiibteired to-day timn the htovo bhop In Sing Sin , ; prison , vvheiu ho W.H employed tu hi'lcct e.istlngt and carry them to the btovo mounters , to tbo olliio in IVrrv ACo. . In the prison , whcio hovas tct KHOUOHT TO Tlie He nll of I ho I'ni-llnincntiuy IJIcutlons lu Crcat Dritnin. Lovnov , Deo. a-JSpcclaMo the III i : . ] The iitilsh of the election race all one way There maj bc something liiiljw-late-t ivluins Jo tell a different talc , but jwlcrdav's rustic pollings gave uniform nnd ovx-rw helming lib eral \lctorie * . Of 10 non-lrlsli division's jet toote , the toilcs , at the most , hope only for 0. If the llbeials carry the 10 others , Ihey \\Ill have O.J.1 member In any e\cnt the house will be evenly dlvlikut for all piacllc < U purposes. xv lib the liberals on their side nnd tnotorles and Irish on tlm oilier. 'I ho lories can hud- ly lioue to be able Ion , ? to keep In wlthl'ai- nell. Tiieyaro m.iklnif dcsperato elloits to peisindo tliem-elves that the host of moder- anllbunth arc icady to join them In retain ing turner , but In their hearts they know bet- tei. One of two tliinitsi > cems ele.u eltlu r ( JladMone will come to turns with 1'ainell and concede homo rule , and ex change n score or so of vvhlgn , lead by .Moshen and 1'ord. for the Hi natlonalx , 01 | iaillament will K-arcoly llveto si'e prlmio'csln Ajull. It Is Hue that all this Is eountlilg without l.oul lianilolph Chuichill , who lately has bum as itlllasamotise. He may have a H-hemo by \\Mt\\ \ the lories and Irish will get on to- gethei ; It so. the secret Is magiililcenlly well kept. Alieadv theronro ninny signs of the iiiuiilllci-nceot the loiy leadeis to thoiural poor , and tlioh sudden conversion to Ihe theoi > of allotments of land Indicate that they expect new elections MJOII. I.DMIOV , Dec. U. Itelitnw up to n o clock this allernoon show tlie election of ! Ut lib- eials , HIS conservatives and 81 nationalists. lll.osDOV , Dec. ' . > . beven pullameutary brats remain to be divided. The llbeials count upon oh I , lining three ot these scats. which would ial o tlieit tolal to iMI , ng.ilnst ! S1 J conseivatlves and natioiiullsts. A repoit which is bellevx'il In libeial clubs Iseurient tollieellei'l that ( Hailstone has de cided to sleze the inI chance to oust the con- sci\atltcd. He Is said to bo eaget for olllee , proposing to conclude Ills public life with the production of a homo rule mcasiiio for Iio- ' ' I.O'SDOX , Dec. f. The cabinet 111 meet on .Momhy next. The Dally Cevvs .saj sit Ie mis on high authority that tlio government does notpioposo to conciliate with I'aruell , and will endeavor by coalition to icslst him. Unless ( iladstono moves n want of conil- deiiccinthe government , the new pallia- inent will adjouin until lebruaiy. , Tlie Servlo-Koumellnn AfTnlt1. CONST VM I.NOPM : , Dec. I' ' . 1'ilnco Alexan- dei telegianhed ( lie poito tint knowing of tlieiiiocecdings of tlio eonforeme on the 1'alkan question , he Is tnnblo to decide on a course ot action lespecting tlio Htilgaiio- Koumclljn utl.ili without having the assist ance of and the view sol the national asM-m- bly icgaullng the situation , and ho piopoM'd to ddei bcttlement ot the mattei until t'cb- inaiy , , CONSTANT I.VOIT i' , Dee. D.i The sultan In- foimcd Hen IfadowltCJeniian ambissador here , that Turkish lumps tvllj jnv.ide Kastein Itoumcli i should 1'iiiKH ) Alj'Nandei oppose the Turkish coiumissinn. 1 VIUNNA , Dec. .i. I'o.ice nt'iotiatlons have commenced in eainesl on aibasis ot the iter- Binial union of liulgaui and ; I his nomination ol I'lluce Alexandoi to be uoveinoiot Uoll- nielia lor live jcais. 1 Tlin COUNTKV'S Itauk nxoliaiiKes at tlio Loading Cities fop Last \Vook. UosroNfass , Dec. 0. The following table compiled Irom special dlhp'r'.ches Irom man- aL'eisof the Icatling cleailn thouses of the United States shows th giws Imik cxr changes at each point for jilfa week endine Dei ember 5 , lbj , vvJUi p ! > iccntagc of do' ciease and incie.isc compircd with the coi" 's week of IbM. A TUOUIUKI VOOJj. A Tripartite Kick Against tlio AVa- biirth Hoail. CnicAno , Dee. 1) ) . iSpecial lo the ilni : . ] A incetlngol the Wcsleiri Tiunk Llneabso- clallon ( lilpailite coiiibinatlon ) , which was held In this city ) csteiday lortho purpose ol eonsldeiinutile demandoftlio Hock Island and.MliwniikeaandSt. I'.uil loads to have tlie percentage ot the Wab.ish leduccd be cause that loadhasdioppcdsoiiio ot Its Coun cil Hlulls lines sliuo I lie tilpaitlto contiact was entered Into , has been pos'.poned until two weeks tiom ) csteidiy toi the leasou Hint Trallio Manager James hmltli of tliuVabash Is piiivented liy sickness'tioiil attending tlm meetlng.it this lime , ( ieneial Managei A. A. Talmageot tlio Wabash was In the city , but claimed to be unable to coiisldu the subject with the manageisof other ro ills wi bout hav ing bis Irallle manager ( Smith ) present. Theiu Is evlilcntl ) a dosiie. on iUe jiait ot the \\'a- \ baslitodetei coiisidciatlun pi this Inipoilant Mihlcct us long us possible , thinking latei on atlalis mlilit ; liavoihangol so us to have a bellei iJiaiuolo picsent u bctld fiont toother loads in tbo combination limn at picscnt. TliuVabash \ does not feel ludiped to give np bonutiling it lias uiuK'r tlm < tripailltu con- tnut , but tlm Milwajikifiufc St. Paul mid Hock Island loads seem , d { tei mined eithei to compel the Wahash to.aeicjit smaller pei- cenl.uuheiealter , 01 foron ii/out / ol the com bination altogetlici. It Istluiguneial ojilnion tlieio will boa big low befonMho mallei is settled. Closing a Unllrojul War. ST. PALM. , Dec. 9. Appcnrancvs indleato that tint lailioad ticket wur pill closu to da ) . I'assengei ilepaitmcnts ol 'tbo ' Milwaukee ) Omaha and .St. Louis havoiuiyed a leturn lethe the tarllf rates to morrow mornliu and they hope that the Minn sola A. Northw'isteiii will do tlm same. At ail ) rate ilnw other loads will do so u-gaidless ol tlui I.ittei. A conteiemo Isbeln held with Mr. btlck- : iey. It is inulcistood ili.il hu wants u dillei- entlal rate , and tint It lie. cannot bo argued onto ! It somiMoiuesslon Iv III iKMiiade. hr. 1'vi'i. , Dec. t > . Tho'Jdilwaukee , Omaha nnd Hock Island trunk ; lines i < .stoied rates tn-d.iy 'and haired t-eiilperH , roiiinilssIonH. ' 1 ho Minnesota A ; Noithwesteru c. aim they will maintain ratenbui rvnotvcd not to go Into tliu pool un it-ss the dilleunlial In colluded. llie other trunk lines qliiini theygivea ) Hat rate to Chli ago at 67 Unm ) . Tlie sealers n - bolve'd to hoi on tliu oilier Chicago tunk | lines in favor ot thu 'Minnesota , & Noith- Western. f Vju.i.KV-4'nlr wtMtlier , nort'i- ' erly winds , sll lit chaiiKe-s lu teiiip'Miilnre. ' I SPECIALS FROM TWO STATES , Decisions Eentleml by tbo Iowa High Juilicial Tribunal , SUNDRY SIFTINGS FROM WAHOO. AH Icmn ilnry l"llps I'etinlei tea a Vi-rillct A Vnileiy of l Is li.itchci l foiii Itco Coi- .Supreme Court Decisions. Dr.s M oiNrs , Iowa , Doc. il. ( Special to the llni : . ] Tlio supiemo court toda > icmleieil the follow Inn decisions : Mike 1'atlersoii vs. Olc Anderson , foil , ap pellants , Wlnucbaiio circuit court , lleveuol. William Williams vs. Nallinn Collins and others , appellants , M.uloti cliciiit couit Modllled and alllnnul. lleniy lliitchinsoii , appellant , \ . Walt NVells , et al. , Delaware circuit couit , He- versed. Iowa Fulls it Sioux Cltj lailioad compnny , appellants , vs. John Heck ; same v . James X. I'leld , admlnlstiator , elo. ; same vs. Levant Wentworth , and otheis ; nine vs. Slocuin N'ichol ; suno\s. Thomas J. Stone- all appeals liom Wooilbmv distilctcoutt In volving conllktlng claims toceitaln lands in Woodlmiv count ) . Allliim-d. Thos. ( ' . Huliee , assiijiiee of Mis , Magelo Olson , iippellant , % s. It. J. Uumliton , shuiill ol Cauollclicultcimit. lievei-sed. 'I'homasSnell , appellants Iowa Home stead rompinv. lueui ! Vista ciix-ult court. Aflhmcd. Opinliin b ) Judge Heck. In this case the plaliiiill's attorne ) was sick lor ten months utter the appeal , and this was a point Involved. Tlm couit held that It Istheditt ) of the client not to obstruct and delay the decision ot tlio cause bv failure to employ counsel to take tlie place of the attorney who beuimes sick. "Ol coutso , " said tliocouit , "we speak ol a case sm basilic one befoie us , wherein It Is not mane to appeal that another could not conduit the case as well as the disibled attoinej. " Margaiet ( ! reen , appellant . the Incoi- norated town ot Speiuer , Cki ) circuit court. Reversed. _ Sundry Sin IIIRH 1'roiti AVahoo. WAHOO. Neb. , Dec. ' . . [ Special to the I5if.J : Portlneedajs this place has been shaken vv ilh a stiong not th vv Ijul , tilled w ith sifting snow. Travel Is much impeded by the driving , di it ting Hakes , and block of all kinds , without shelter has bUffcied .sovciely. Many small buildings and out-houses have been unioofcd and oveituined. Hon. John bobieski , thoeelebiated ti > mpcr- ance talker his been dealing out piolilbltlon sentiment to crow ded hou > cs foi tlneo suc- ( CssKe evenings. The leiiilt has been veiv gr.ititing to the tempeiaiico peoiil.i ot Wahoo. A treat number were Induced to sign the pledge. Tcmpeianco woikeis ine vcry enthusiastic ami leel conlnlent of tlie oveitlnow ot the saloons at t lie coming spi ing election. The saloon kcepeis report a gieal tailing oil in iheir business and several have asbcitcd iheiriiiteiilion ol ijulttliu tlie busi ness as soon as theii p ilil up license expiies. MeWade's Hip Van Winkle was not well received b ) the tail audience with which he was greeted list night. Ills suppoil Is pio- nounced vei ) pool. the . Aver.iJif t ns , Iowa , Dec. ! . [ Special to the Hi rJ The vridict in tlie case of tlie state vs. ChailcsIIempslcad , last week ntKhlora , will be one iJMfTecinlobltiojof lovvti legal litciatuie. One of the members of the jiny , Mi. IIsi | > rodet , ot Steamboat Hock , it is al leged , pioposcrt to settle the ipustlon ot n veidict by Hipping pennies. A Quakei on the jtliy stiongly objected , bill bcioming sliejiy he 111:1 eed. Hcloio tliry pioeeded a \n\vtv \ \ was diawn up which all the jurois signed auieclng to u-ndei a veidict accoiding to tlio icsiilt ot tlie Hip iin. Heads stood tor the state and tails lei the deleiidint. Tlio coin was tossed aud It ( amo down tall up , or avcidictfor the detendaiit. Hut the jmors were so sleepy they hid loigottcn who was "head1' and who was "tail" and biouicht in a veidict lor thestaie. The veidlctwould have held good had 11 not been tor the luililF , who lieaid the ltd ) tlhipiut : tlie pennies , and he icpoitcd the iiiideiitandlng to Judge Hen- deison , who thcieiipon set tlio veidict aside. AVnntcil In Dnlcota. GUAM ) ISLAND. Xcb. , Dec. 9. [ Special to the linn. ] Charles A. Keelin , alias King , alias. lost Xotlinagle , a desperate cluuactei * w. is ai rested here today b ) Detective H.iuy Lacey , ol Sioux Palls , Dakota , where ho Is wanted for foi gen. embcv/tlemenlandscveial otbei kindled cniiges. Kechn has been hcie for the pist week and was tiaccd heie by detcdives thiou h letters aiilvlng heie tiom ( Melghlon , Neb. , and othei jilacos. Ho is a noloitoiis haul ease and will be Uken to hlonx J'ulls , Dakota , to-moriovv b ) Detective l.ntey and chlet ot pollco ot this city Van \\\c. \ Tlio Olllulul Canvass. Dis : 3Ioi.M > , Iowa , Dee. U. The official canvass of tlm voles for all tlie Mate olliccn except irovernor and lleulenaiitgoveinor was completed by the slate boaid ot canvassers today. Poi hupeiinteiidentol public Instiuc- tlon , Akers. lepubllcan , has 177illi : ; Mome , tiisloniNt , liir.liT ; Aki-is' majoiily , lei ? ; . Poi jiuUeot tbesupieme couit , Heck , ieiuli- | llcan , has nil.tOi ; Itraiinaii , liisionlst , lnVAVJ ; Heck's majority , s > , ni ) . Judre lEeliiiver , reimblican candidate for senaloi liom Kloyd and Chlekasaw counties , Is elected by5majoilty. Guilty ol' 3lariHlaiichr < r. Dr.s Moi\is : , Iowa , Dec. ! . [ Special to thelli.r. ] The jiny In tlio district couit at ,1 elf el son to di ) , brought In a veidict of guilty ol manslanghtei against Iliuli Me" C.iull , oiiuot thostiiklng minors at Angus' who was tiled toi shooting n non-union inlnei Inthuilota jcai ago. The Weather In Chicago. CIHCAOO , Dec , 0. It rained heio nearly all night , eauilng gieat dlseomloit among jio- destilaiib and leaving Ihe sheets and hide. walks lu u bid condition. It lias been giow- Ingi'old since b o'clock this moinlng and the si.'iial MMvliuliuiiMii piedlcts that the tem- peiatnio will fall horn J * > to < ) dcgiess vvltli- in the next thlitvtvvo horns. The telegiaph sen It o ol tlio entile louuliv is vei ) Impel led , with a pioipect that the vvlies will be bin no down In many sections under thcli load ol lio/cn sleet. The Tie | SotiliiK ChiuiiloiiHhlp. | Nivv : Yoiiit , Dee. i' ' . [ hpeelal to the Hii.J : : A match has been aii.inged between Jo , Rcph McCiinn and W. C , Haines , ol this citj for a t ) ] > o setting content to take pku o on the 1Mb ot the month. They aie two ot the most i.ipld compositors In the eoiinliy , II not in tlm world. The iititchlstoi . vxia sldoand will lust fem hoins , thotpo ) being solid min ion without p.uagiaphs. A OiiHlied Itollor Mill. Dr.vn.'h IMKI : , Dak. , Dee. H. Pivo thou sand bushels of wheat i rushed Ihiougli the third tloor Into the the cellai of the Devil's l.aku mild nillla this moinlng. I.ons , C'IAW , besides the delay to biiiinev ; . Cholnru in Itrlu.tny. I'AIIIS Deo. ii. Tint ( iiilolb s.is thalchol. em has liccoinu an opldemlu hi Hiltl.ui ) anil Iscoiiimlttlng tiUhtful nivage- , , the seouign Ix-lng worbu.it Audit ] no than It wasiit.Miu- seilles. Oponine Her HlK Hotel , Sr , I'.viM , Dec. I' ' . Kiglitu-n hundred tiom the noiihwe. t and east .no ban- ijuetlnlonljit at tliu fuinul opunliiK ot Hotel ft ) an. roirr V-.N i \ ru COM ) n iss. 'Iho Monalo. WASIIIVOTON . Deo. " . Among the Milt Inliodueod and icfouvd weio the following : Hy Mr. Sew ell To amend < ectlon 1001 of the revved statuc ( < , makliiff an annual ap- propilatlon topiovliloniinsnnd ainmiiiiltlon formllltli. 15) Mi O ulloin Torelmbui oscvoralMatcs foi inten-tt palilon vvai loan' . P. ) Mi. U'llson Topiohlblt theinalllneof newspapers containing lotlei ) adveithe- ments and prcscilblug Iho penalty for violation lation of tlie same. It piov hies that It shall bo nnlawtul to camby mall , 01 deposit In an ) leceplaele foi mall mallei , an ) nevvspiporov otliei publication couttinlnir any udveillie- ineiit of n lottci ) , nnd piov Ides a penult ) ol s.'O1) ) for each v iolnlion ot the 111 1. Hy Mr. Nun Uvck To lax nnpfttenled lands owned bv rallwav eoiniMiiie-t ; al-o , tor Ihe tclief ot s , Hleis and piiii-luiM-ic of the public doimiiti In Nebraska and Kansas. H ) Mi. Culliim ronutliuil/o the Dlllluc- tinni lav ! IMIIuuit , v ; Navlirallon compaii ) to build budges In Washington teiiltory. A luint u-soliitlon vvn Intiodu-ed b ) Mi. Hlnli pioposlniriin amendment to tliecon tl- tutlon ot the United Mates extending the right of surname to vvonn-n. Iteloucd. Also , pioposlng an amendment to the constitution in ickition to alcoholic liquids nnd othei poisonous hovoiago- . . This , at Mi. mall's 10- qnest , was tenijiiuaillv laid on the table. Mi. Hale olieivd tlie lollowlng icsolution , vvhlcli wasauiecd to , dlieetlng tlicpostmastei general to i mulsh a ll-t of ] ici > ons icmovi'd 01 appointed postmasters In Maine , the. . pipers nl which cases b ive IK on endorsed by onoS. S. lliown ol flint siti | . Tim losolu- lion iccllcs tint Hiown his been wilting applicants that he lus seemed their aiiolnt- ) ) ment , and adding : "It von leel like se-inllng a small sum to delrav the expenses of attend ing loom Miiliiu matteis von nmv do so. " 'Iho lollowliur lesolntion , oltetcd bv Mr. Vest , was nirioid to : "That llie jiiesldeiit bo n iUe'sted. | It not incomp itlblo w lib public interest , to ti.iiisuiit to Iho senate the eoire- spondence had by the government ol the United States with Hie goveinments ol Italy and AiMrlo-HuiiLMi ) in rekitlon to the ap pointment b ) this government ol A.M. . Koilo ) as envoy extraoidinai ) and mlnl'toi tilenljuitentlai ) , Hist to tlie uoveiiiim-nt ol llah and then to that of Au-tiio lltingaiy ; and also anv other coucsiioiideiice 01 In- tin mation vvliich may bo deemed b ) tliopiesl- dent of Impoit.uieo and pertinent to the sub ject mattei Ol tills lM ! > llltltl. ( ' ' A ic-olidlon ollcied b ) Mi. Meillll was agicedto. icipiesting the president , II not In compatible with public intcicst , to tiaiismit to the senate an ) Inftnni Uiim 01 documents leeched tiom om consul jjeueral at Pails , 01 fiom our special agent sent lo the linanclal eenti'is of Uuiope , In rescct | lo the establish ment ol such an iittci national latlo ol gold and sllvei coinage as would permit ol the coinage ot botn metals at the mints ot thc o countries and out own. A lesolntion olleted by Mr. Wilson ol Iowa , was , it his leipiest tempotailly laid on tlio table and onlcied pilnted , calling on the bccict.uyot the Inteiloi lot a cop ) ol eaeh u-poit made b ) the government dliecloisol the Union I'aeiiie i.Ulwav Horn the date of the in 4 appointment ot Mich dlmctois to the ptesent. time. Mr. Hiown piosenteil the petition of Alex ander It. Liwton. ot deoisria , pi.uin to bo lelicvcdot politicil disibililles. "If , " slid Mr. Hiown , "llicie lie an ) political disabil ities in UlsiMse. " I'efeiied. Mi. Hlildlcbcu'-ei , a his own icqnest , was icllovcd Horn s'lvico on the committee on nillioads. Mi. Maxo ) , lit his own rcfiwesf , was lollcved fiom se-ivico on the committee on uiilit.uy all ill s. Mi. Wnllhil was ap ] > eluted In his slead. The senate then adjoin noil. WAsinxnro,1 , Dec. 1) ) . Aftei the leading and appioval ol liy | Jouiiml the .speaker asked , and loceived peiiuls ion ol the house to appoint a committee on nileaccounls and en i oiled bills. Mi. M.OUISOII of Illinois olleied , vvilli icf- ereuce to the committee on lilies when ap pointed continuing to enloico tlie i tiles ol Poit-eightli coiigie s , ccilain niodllica- tionauionc them being lei the distribution of tlio win k ol the appiopiialion committee among othei .standing committees oL tliu house. Mr. Spilngei of Illinois piesontctl foi Im mediate action a codeol inles piepaied b ) him , vvliich have aluiady been piibiislied. Mi. lleibuit ot Alabama raised a jxilnt of ordei against the pi opo-ition , but vvlthdievv it to enable Mi. bpiingoi to explain his pio- lLised code. Mi. Hammond of Ccoigla offeieda ic-solu- lion de'claring Hi it pending consideration of the pioposou codeol the house , It shall be L'oveincd by Ihe tuN's of pioccditio ol the last hoii-u so tai as applicable , and by Jelleison's manual. Cimsidei-able ill-bale ensued as to wliethei the IIDINC VMIS governed by the iiilesol the pieccding congicss until the new ones weio adojitid. On motion ot Mr. Spiliigci , tliepiono od lilies weie lei cued to tliecomiiiittce on lilies , as was al'-o the amendment olleied by Mi. Jicid i emulating the method ot calling up bills lei action mid i.ieilitating Hint action. Hills weie Intiodiiccd : H ) Mi. Heach ol New Yoik I'lovidinir that all eulogies ol deceased nicmbcis shall be deliveied o.i hiindiv , and toi tlioapiioiiit- meiit ot a eoiuXtrco on constilutional iimondiuentb. IJyMr. Andeison of Kansas Dpnj Ing the pi iv Hedges ol tliuliooi lo ex-members. Hy Ml. Heag.in ot Texas Looking lo tlio appointment ol committees in succeeding congresses bv the house itself. H ) Mr. Mills of Tuxas-Makhu H Inonlei on an ) da ) allot the leading oi tliu jouinal tomovo to MIS ) end tlie nijcs and pis bv a niajoilty vote any bill leducin taxation Hill maj have been lepoilcd b ) the commltteoon w a v Mind mean" . 11) Mr. Dln.'le ) ol Maine dealing a com mittee on navigation ami lishcilcs. .Mi , Hammond ( hen amended his lesolntion bypioviillngth.it the house shall bogovcine-d by Dell'riMm manual as modiilcd b ) the p.ull.iuienlai ) pi.vllceot the house ot icpio- seiilallvcs , and as thin amended it was adopted. Tlio spcakoi appointed Iho commltlooiis follows : Mc'siis. C.ulisle , Handall , Monl- soil , Held and lllseock , , Inoidci to give tlio rommltlee timotoron- hldi'l tliu villious luoposllioiis leleiied lo it , on motion nt Mi , Monism the lieu o ad- joiuncd until b A ron.MOK ox < JA.v/ias. / Kansas City's Oust \Vorkn Uxploilo 'J'li ( ! I'l.ico in O.ti kneHN , 1Csvs City , Dec. ' . ' . An explosion oc- cm led at thug is woiks neai the ( iiand Avo- into depot oaily this moiiiing , totally wiecklng tl.o building , Thcioeielonileen or ntteen ( imploes ahotit Hie building at Iho time , but the ) all liavo been aeconnted loi. 'J'lio englucei was seilously Injined , The demand lor lamin today exliaiistdl (1m ( MoiKsof dealeis In the eilv and new sup- piles weio oideud l > y tele'i.ipli , Kxiept vvhcie theeliwIiieiUlit is used the oul ) ic-soit Is the co il oil lamp 01 Iho tallow dip , and the cit ) btrtels this evening inescnt the appeu- iim oof gloomy daikness. 'Ihe pollco Invo In en oblln'cd to laue iiniisii il piciaiilions 101 the pusc'ivallon ot lilo and piopeil ) , Tliu gasiomiiaiiylui'l ' lioiiblu with sumo ( went ) sulking eiuploesse.veial weeks ago and It is Mid that Ihieals have blnco been imulo thcli piopeity. A AVoiiiau I' oiuiil in a Cistern. Ai'i'U.ro.v , WIs. , Dcc.'J.-Mis. Pied Hock- btioli , vvllo ol a saloon keeper was lound dead In Ihuclstein In hei ) aid , In two leet of vvatt'i , .visieidii ) . The body was bruised and had a mail , acioss the ioichcad. him was sixty ) eais old , and herliiowas iiihiticd lor t - . ' ( ) . > ( . 'I bo land ! ) mo in pour clniim- Maiiccs. They say nlio got up at 4 ii'clix k In Iliominnlng to maw watei lei the da > 'n WiLshliig , A ( oionci jiny lound sliu i-.tmo to bei death by accidentally tailing Into the thtein , The I'ool Continues. CHIP too , Dec , H. ThoCh ca < o and Ohio Itlver poid was alii nifi tint ; m Its mciubeis lieio to-day continued to Duiember : ! l , la-U , and theiealiei until thlit ) da\s wiltloii no- tuo 01 ii'iminaiio i Im uhtii. Mi'i iMa - lott , ItUhanlsiiii ul Hand vv ie up uinted a tuiiimitK'i.- icvUo pvieuiiU ui. THE BUTTER MAIIEHS' ' MEET , The Dairymen of Nebuska Assomblcil at rremont , THE PROGRAMME YESTERDAY. DelegaCei In Attend- rioin < 3tliev States-'I ho ThoseI'rowont. . State' Ilnlr > men's Convention , I'ltrvtosT , Xeb. , Dec. l'i ' i ivolal to the P.I.K. ] The Hist anninl session of the Nebtaska Daliv men's coinonUo-i wasopcnod at the open house In this city with a'vurj llalleiing iittundaiuA The convenlloii was called In older b ) J. Dlxot ) , a re-ddont dele gate , aftei sluglug and pi.ooi , follovvod a duct bv MNsos I'.va Le-o and JCMSO Haldlng , Next eaiuo the iiddtossof wok-miio , which was deliveied bv ( ieo. L Limmls , In ( ho ab sence of Mavoi ( 'hilstoiisen. Mi. LoontU In u lew well ihoveii 11 marks welcomed the delegates lo tliu citv. Hcsponsos vveto inado bvex-overnor ( ! H. W. Pumas , ol' llrnwiivlllo , Nebiask.t , anil L , 8. Collln , of PoitDodte , Iowa. „ Mr. Colllubilellv rev lowed the history of , 10 Noithwcstcin Dalt ) association , olaiinhiK , tat the most piospcrous turmeis In the stall's vif Illinois , Wisconsin. Minnesota and Iowa weio tlio-e who had given up talslnir [ 'lain nnd hud turned theli atti-iillon to the il iliy business , lleeoiupliiuenUd tlm elty of Piemont mid \lcinitv upon Ilielr m.iunlli- cent cieiimciv. which Is located in Ihueltv. Mi. Collln Is ecitiilnl ) u veiv emuest udvo- cato of the daliy business , mid speak" , as he avs. liom actual experience. Miss Kdtlli Tuinei. l-'iomont'ri poimlar vo- calls ) , tlion favoicd theconvonllon with HID solo entitled "Tlio l > nir > iiiiiil. ; " Sbo was loudlv eneoied , and icspondcd by singing "Slut' , Sweet Mini..1 S. C. Htssett , of ( .Slbbon , Neb. , pn-sldent of the association , then iiddicssed the eonvon Holt , glvliiioi history nl the piOM-nt oiganl/ ntlon and dwelt at length upon tluidalty In- toiestsol Nclu.iska , claiming that it would In a tew ) oais lead all othei states in this In dustry. Chic.igo's celebratedsoloM , Julius n. Lum- bard , then sing "t Pe-.u no Poo. " Holng loudlv I'lidiiedlm lespniided by sliiitlng lh- bcaittiliil bcotch acieuade , "Aiieo Sleeping , W , D. Ilo.nd , editor of Hoaid's Dial ) man , ot Poit Atkinson , \ \ is. , was the next.speak ei , who ( "Id the faun'-is some veiy plain tinllis , samlwlli Idiu in SGIIIOet ) liinny stoiles , vvhlcli kejit the audience in a contin uous UplOII. W. ( i. Wliilmoio of Douglas count ) , 1) . r. Ashbuin ot ( iihhoti and Allen liootol Doug las count ) then madoslioil addto-.ses. Comiiililees UIHIII legislation.dalt ) ntalls tie-sand ieohitons { weie iioinlnatod , and K linanee cummllleo then uiipointi d. Altei anotliersolobv Julius ( ! . Luinbiid , the ( ( invention adjourned to meet to inoiiovv at ! ioOu. : m. Tne following is the list of delegates piesonl : P. II. Paige , Lake Mills ; II. L' . Pisli. Chicago ; D. H. Stcphensoil , Sliubcit , Ilk ; Kolieil W. Piiiuas , Hiown\llli\ , C. U. Pii/ell. Chicago ; L. S. Collln , Pt. Dodie ; , Iowa ; W. D. ilimid. Pt. Atkinson , Wis. ; Phil D. Miller , Live .Slock Indlcatoi , Kansas Citv : J. ( ! . Chcuv. Ced.it Itaplds , Iowa ; W. ( X Wlillinoie , Vallej : Mien Uoo Omaha ; P.li ah Allen , Oimilia ; S. C. Hasse Cibhon ; I ) . P. Ashbnrii and wile , ( Slbboii ; 1 M.iHi , Omilia : J. 'I leitschko , Louis Sclnoi- ; dei , Chillies llmlv U. M. ( jiiackoubos , Omaliii ; J. li. Lumhard , Cliloago ; ( ! . W. Hull. Chicago ; ( ieo. H. Stein. Omaha : H. H. Wing , Lincoln ; U' . P. . Klddell , lmaha ) ; llemv Kike , Omaha ; Jus. . Muipliy , Omaha ; W. T. Hausilell. Columbus : Davis Uicliard- sou , Cluks ; P.V. . WelK , Pond ( In Lac , \vris. ; W. D. vVviiKoop. nullahi , N" . Y. ; ( IcA ( H. Peavy , IJulfnlH , N.Y. ; C. II. Vundiirk , SchulciV. ; . A. Caiionlui | , Sultoii. cnusnroo TO DLA.TII. ; The Rol' ( ISnuku ol'u Sewer Itury Kceft JMen , Killing Four. CI.I.VIH.A II , Dec. ! ' . At Aluon , Ohio , late this afleinoon a f-ewer wlilch was being con st meted caved In , bin j ing hevcn taborerB , fem ot whom weie crushed to death and tlneo otheis inluied ho b. idly thai thej will piobably die. ' 1 he cave occuued without a moments wain ing. Thogiound , whleh had been lio/en foi Iwooi llncodays , was bolt encd by the thaw to-day. Tour ol the men were standing on scallolding and lorn othei , s at the bottom ot the sevvci , vvbicli had been excavated to a depth ot twenty-two leel. Siiddinly the timbers luvjan cr.u king and the vv.itei soaked e.ulli lei u distanccol twent > leet on cm li sideol tlm sevvei lolled down upon tlm niiloitiuiato woikmen. Wil liam .McClll , one ot the men on tin ; MMlToliT , escaped , but all the otlieis weio cauglit by Hie mass of timbcinaiid taith. A gieat ciowd ot people soon assembled , Thegioaiisol the men who weie but par- ti.illj bulled weie lieaitiending. Theyealled lor assistance , but lot MIIIIO tlimi no olio would ventme ne.u the hole. Fin illy it laigo loiceol meiivvasset to vvork with Hhovtils , ami in liall an lioiu two of tin- \ htlnirttrn taken out. Tlie.v were vet alive , but in tcirl- ble.igony. Anotlici horn ot digging bioiight. them to the thlid mill , whose moans had guldisl llui iisiHiiiM paily. Near him wa-s ioiinil Iho bodv ol thelouith man dead. It being apputciit at thai tiinii thai the others wcio dead , sean.li was abandoned foi the night , T lie list of killed and wounded H as fol low s : .Max Ilo-ciiwi-lgli , age'7 ! , single , dijail. lleniy l''ie'eil. diTnl. Unknown Itulinn , dead. Unknown Italian , dead. John \Vjckoll \ , a o ' > > , nuirlcd , ( best nnd abdomin einslicd and legbiolkon , will die. lleniy NV.diei , a'e ! ! 5 , mauled , logn c rushed and N-alp wound , may iccover , Angn-tiis Kicbst , ago li" , believed to IK" latallj InJiiKd. _ iDOHII lor ( lie ( Siinililf-tfl. Lot'isv u.i i , Dee. ! ) . Tin-eases ot Iho Law and Ordei i tub agalint the gamblers vvoro on tiialintlie eh * ult couit today , and titty In dlilmi'iiN aualnslelghleui Ioc.ll piofet-t-loiial gambleis weie liideunltel.v c uniiiiiieil on mo tion ol 1'ioH cuiiiu' Attoinoy Caintli. The motion was madeoii the gambleis' ( onfcsslon ot guilt mid Ilielr pioinlsorf never toengagu In tliugiimhllng liiislnoss ag.iln. The liullct- nioiits me Indeiinllely ( oiitinueil ovei them. Pines to theiunovtof liliH ) ( ) wcio assessed against the gambiem by tliu agiticment In tbo above iiientioncd motion , Jlangcil lor Itur-rlnry. CIIAIII.UI n : , X. ( ' . , Dec , U. Nelson art and Aiidcixon Davis , coloied , uoir.lcted ot binglai ) . weio hanged within tbo jail DII-- closiiio in this ( its thin alloinoon , Davis' neck wasbmkc-n. .Stewaitdlcd liom htianun- lation. Until men mouiili ( I tlio gallows with steady steji and exhibitid no emotion , Kacli bade those picseiit liuewell and hild they weio goln f 10 heaven. Thej weioatliiiidid b ) llev , Katlier ( iioss , Undei tlm .North Cairilina Jaw niiiidi'i , ai on , rape and burg- liny aioiaplt.il iiliuos , Forming u Wlil ky Pool. LOIJIHVII.I.I : , Kj. , Dec , ! . About llflepi ) leading inembuis ot the Kentucky Slate Dls- tllh'is iisMicl , ( Hun met heic to-night , | o ionn theas cliition Into u close c < iiKiialun | | under a i baiter tor limiting tint piodiicilon ol Ken- tuck ) whisk ) in Iho ai Unit in ids ol loiitniiiii- lion. Tbo siibjut was discussed at length and Ilio oigaiil/ation will hit completed when u icjiieM iiiiiilvu ( apaeii.v ot I i.OOO bauds shall liavo bi nlncd u de lie to join the ( .oipoialUui. _ Nr.vv \ OIIK , Dee. -hpc-clal ( to the Hi-L'.J James It. ( ) 'ltelnioMiH that tluinntlon.i niiglio iilo | > n es to pli > II sliitnlKikliy ol Sl.-l 600 to I'ainell and the eight ) IliiiM national ists nceiiil ) eltcird to jiailiaiiicnt. Iletayu : " \Vew.int \ ihi'in in live Ilkti gentlemen nnc ( boentiii'l ) independent ol 1. upland 01 her ( .old. 1. as well as nianv olhcix , expect to bland in iho MII ei > ol Dublin and fee with u > v ortuivi \ an lii'li lurjijuicnl ti : livlau d %