Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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A Special Conclave of tlio State Live
Stock Commission.
Sfnyor IJurr nml Uio Journal Uns
tllnR Hnllronil Worker * A Vari
ety of ACVVH I'rum the State
| mo > i THE nr.i.'H Mxcot.t nunr.Av.l
U'ho statu livu stock comtnUaion , con
sisting of Messrs. IJirnoy of Ureto , John-
Bon of Weeping Water , H.irnnrdof Lodga
Pole , nnd Dr. Ourtli , fetuto vctcrinnrinn ,
hold nn important meeting at the capital
yesterday nltoiuoou , Hog cholera was
tlm principal mib.juct of discussion ,
though othur innltorH rulaling to uniutnl
( Il.ioaA'iA rcccivod cnrofnl nttcntloii. Last
your the svvino plague wns uonllned
nininly to tlio comities of Snundors ,
Uodgn , Douglas , Wnshinglon and Hurt.
ThUyiinr it o.visU iu uvory southern and
ciiHlorn county In thu fltntu in fnct ,
wherever hogs uru raised in uiiy number.
Tha total nnuibur of hoys In Nebraska'
October 1 , was l,803lK ! ! > , und llm number
attacked by llio plngiio wns HitVUKI , nnd
tins number ol cases retulliugfittnlly vvns
Si-V.,1il ! ! ! , rulircfeonting n inoiiny loss of f.-
< 115,778. 'j ho commission have decided
that llicrc in no euro for llio dlson * > o , but
nre in hopes that experiments now in
progress on thn stnto fnim will prove
tlmt inounlntion is a preventive. During
tint H'IN months ending December 1 , the.
ravages of tills disease linvo cnu&cdii fall
ing uf in tlio hog IroightH of the Kopitb-
licnn Vnlloy branch ot llm Union I'ncllio
of ever 3 > , oM ( ) , nnd n similar nmotint on
tlio Hurimgton i\t Missouri. ( } .nndcisis
causing uonbidurnhlu nbirm among
horsemen nnd n Inrgo number of ntl'cctcd
nniiiinis linvo bcon Killed. Itis estimated
that nearly JiiH ) eases still exist in llm
Hlnto. Thu work of Inspectors Hnnin-
( iiotti and Clinmburs nt Uinnlm , Jonnncrs
ut riatUmoutli , Sehotto nt lilalr , Aorlh
at ( 'oviiiglon , was highly coiinnondud
nnd the def-orepauoy in the law romilriug
tlio commission lo appraise ' .ok ani
mals before killing WIIH discussed at
length and Nome needed changes noted.
Tin ! commission hold that if nn niiimnl Is
siuk imuiigli to warrant killing , it is vnl-
Helps * , and therefore nnprnisumcnt is not
iieco ary. To comply with the law ,
liowovc.r , they linvo adopted n
uniform rnto of ono dollnr pur
hciid for till animals killed
MAI on IIIIIIK'.S itiuiNi : ) > iit. :
During tlio controversy between the
city authorities nud tlio Journnl , ns lo
llio power of police ollicurs to break into
bnildiiiKS anil nrrobt criminal.s without
wurntntH , Mr. Gcru publi.sliud an edi
torial denying tlm lawfulness of such
proceedings. This lias drawn from
Mayor IJurr the following letter of in-
Ktriiotiotm to thu police force , which was
sent to Oliief IJcncli ycstorday :
0. II. llieAOir , Ksq. , Ohiof of Police. Dear
Sir In view of thu icmarknbh ! Inslrnctioni
coming fiom HO hljih nnd respectable author
ity us lion , Cliiuhisll. Cere , ( u his mliloiiiit
ot theM ins ) , to policemen , I have to ill-
icct von to Intorin e.ichand all of tlio police
loreo of tlio city ot Lincoln tlmt If they Imvu
icnaonablo 1011 mis to liolicvu that a murder
Is holny commuted In Mr. lieio's house , or
ahorse fitolen tiom his Imin or any other
felony committed about "ids premises , or
tlie pieinlM'8 of any other cili/eu or ot Lin
coln , whether this ic.isoiiiiblo belief is found
ed on "looking ovcrtriinsoms , tluoiigh keyholes -
holes , or npnnd ilown the nllcyn , " or oilier-
wise , it IH iheir impentive duty to nncst tlio
felon or whoot him on t' ' > o npot if resisted ,
anil not to wait one .second for nn Inlornia-
tion to Ixi illcd , or a suarch win rant issued be-
h foio npprcheiidlnj ? the lelon. The laws oC
all clvili/cd communities will pintcct apulice-
111:111 : , under conditions , tor hicaUinir
In doors , foiviun locks , ) r removing any
other h.uiler l > ct .veeii law nud ciimc. I de
sire you to communicate these Insdnctions to
.the jmlico force of the city nt once nnd rcpoit
tome Immediately the names of any ot llio
foicu vvhoc.\piess nn unwillingness to follow
them. Hccpcetlully jours.
C. 0. IluiMt. Mayor.
nusTUNO itAii.ioAUiis. ; : :
Tlio Hiirvoyors of the Uhicngo & Korth-
western who linvo been miming n line
for tlio woposed branch from Fremont
to Lincoln reached this city yesterday ,
und repOrt having found n very practical
and desirable route. Tlio ro.ul will run
southeast from Fremont via Wnlioo ,
crossing tlio Hurlinjrlon iV Missouri tracks
uhotit live miles northeast of Lincoln.nud
then running parallel witli the It. & M. to
n noint nonr thu Missouri Tacllic .yard ,
vvhnro it will divorfro to llm south nnd
nnd have. ! ' , s depot in Iho vicinity of
Strroiiloenth street.
Sujicrintondcnt Nichols , of the Mis
souri Pacific , leaves to-dny for n trip over
tlio route of tlio new oNton iont with n
view of locating tlio point ot junction
with Hie Omahti branch. lie is under
stood to fnvor Weeping : Water ns tlio
proper place , but Is considering the
claims nnd advantages of Avocn , nnd
thus far the honors nro cn y.
The nclion of Iho city eounci ! in voting
to rescind tlio rijilit of vvny granted lo
tlio Missouri rncilio across b street is
Causing conaidernblo unfavorable com
ment. Tlm people generally are opposed
to llio proposition , saying , "wo linvo pnid
n big bonus to get thu road in hero , and
don't want any Hellishly inclined indi
viduals to hamper it. " besides thin , tlm
company Imp put its iron down , nud the
city attorney is of thu opinion it can hold
the right of way against any legal
A plat of the Missouri Pacific's branch
to tint stook VKrds liuH been Hied witli the
comity uhirk. The line is to run from
Klovutith street and X , west on tlio hitler
to the yards.
GAi'iTAi. cmra.
The bourU of educational lands nud
funds met yesterday nud nppioved tlio
appraisement of school lands iu Hitch-
cook im < l Brown counties. In the former
comity 'Jo.OOO neres wore reported at val
ues rniigmg from $1 to $ .V ) nn aero , tlio
nvorago being $ : J.75. In Drown county
thorn urw tKUOO ) acres , appraised at from
50 cents to $10 , nvoragng $ . ' .75. The
rejxiitot thu Itrowu county appraisers Is
aid to liiuinu of tlio most complete ever
received by the , thu nhimictur of
QVitry fgttV acres being noted Iu dutall.
The railway eoinniUaion is at work in-
vi tl ntlnj.c thu churgcft made ugnintit tlio
luuliiiglon Missouri railway by bust-
He1 : * HUM * Ul Ulysses. The depot uud ccr-
Udu corn , orlbs nnullegi'd \ to bo mils-
auics. , und u petition for tliuir removal
lias been presented. A counter petition ,
.signed by some of thu sumo men , Is also
on hand ,
Word vyaq received from General
Trnflio Malinger Kimball , of the Union
I'ucillo , yi tcrdiiy to. tliu oll'uut that ho
had ordiircd15 cents refunded to C ,
S. Yoniiff , of Tnmiont , us runuestud by
Iho eommissipn.v shipped ! Wi )
pounds of f iippjcu.frniu li'umiont to Uonon
ami. AVJUI iUiuniiul AS ciiiiLs uuf 10(1 ( in-
flloud of ! W cents , the tarlll'riiti ) , Ilo made
n protest to tlio bo.ird nnd after some red
tupo got hii mpiiuy , back.
( JITV nitlKKS.
Clark lias uUurgud'Up tlio costs of *
tlio Pound trial to Lancaster county.
Tiiny nniuuuMo$344.HI. (
W-ork on oxtunding the vyntor lunjna
has been suspended lor the present by
order o { Uio weather olurk.
At- the niuYliiiff of tlm city council
Monday night , H. D , l.illli > lic.ld was np-
polnlcdi ) smiciul policttnian. at the ro- of the law and orilnr Imigim. Lit-
tlulinld Is to bo ) > ; til | by tlm city , nnd' ho
uudi < r tlie ( rdnr of Clijnf iU'iioli , but vylll
linvo no regular i unl Tint league pen
pin su > tluit In.1 is lo i' utcli f.v v.i < > lalor.s
of all the ( iixlina M-IH , In t the impression
IH'uvitila that liyjh foik volt moai of his
tlmo to the saloon hicn.gamblcrs and po
lice force.
The body of Hubert Treat , the bfnko-
ninn killed Saturday nl Garrison , wn
sent to Hockvllle , Conn. , Monday even
ing , by the Odd Follows , of w Inch society
deceased vvnd n member. The conductors
and bmkcmon on thu Atchison & Ne
braska division nroputtingtliecustomnry
mourning drapery on tlielr cabooses , in
respect lo his mtmory Tlio cicws ol
Conductor : ) Cunningham , Gngc , Austin
nnd Pliilhy have already performed the
sad work in .a very neat manner.
The IJiirliiigton & Mls ouri ollicinls nro
on the lly. ( tonernl Passenger Agent
KuMis wont eastwnrd Monday night , nnd
President Potter and Mannger lloldrego
\vuntvvcstward lo Denver.
Miss Coy's resignation ns n teacher 1n
Iho city school * has been accepted by the
board of education.
Manager ( Jerrntis , of the Western
Union , Is entertaining his father , James
11. ( jerrniiR , of Detroit.
Yesterday wns a good time to rend
Whittior's " " "nil
"Snowbound , for dn.y
long tins north wind bore , its blustering
brentli , tlio wind before. "
The current issue of the Police : ( JaJietto . illustration of tlie Lincoln police
force arresting the "still's"on the pointer
finnishcd b.v ( he Dr.u.
Tlie monthly report of the city treas
urer shows n balance on hand of 5u,8ii.U7 ( ,
The receipts of tlm wnter commis
sioner's ollico during November wi ro
$ lU'i'J.2l. ' ' Supplies , nininlv pipe , lo tlio
amount of $7u7.'JH were ordered.
An oidlnnnco hns been parsed by the
oily council , providing for submission to
thu voters of Lincoln of n proposition for
raising $ .0,000 in bonds to reimburse tlm
men who wont on tin ; bond to Indemnify
the Missouri Pacific road for nil ii.vnonso
above sfSO.OtK ) In securing right of vvny
nml depot grounds in tlie city. Mr.
Nichols put the cost of these items ut
f 100,000. ,
Mcetliifjor Hallroail Man-
Cnir.vno , iJee 8. [ Special to the 15ii : : . ]
The niccling of the milliards of the
roads In thuvvcslcin tinnk line association
bipartite combination , is helm ; held nt Com-
inissioncr Viiilmr'sollice to-ilny for tlie pur
pose of consldeiitifc the pioiioscd leillvlslon
of the pcrcciitnycs. Under tlio pii"-ent con
tract die business of the Union P.icinc cast of
Plum Creek Is luiiiurdivide lennallv between
the Itock Island. Wnbiisli , and Milwaukee i\ :
St. Paul. Since the coiitmct was made tlio
Wnbnsli has dropKid ] some of its piiiiclpa !
nianclies between Onmhn nmU'hicn o , and Is
Siild to he no longer able lo command one-
tlilitl ol the business , coiisi < iiiuntly | the Uocl ;
Inland nnd jMllvvnukco V St. Paul dcninnd
that the Wnlinsh's perecnta o bo ( educed. As
the \Vnb.ish Is not Inclined to nllow
a reduction oC its nereontnife , nnd
claims full Hhnionspiovidcd lot iu thoorljlnal
contraet for the w hole term conlr.ieled. which
hns .vet to inn tluce tlieio is Ilkciv to
be serious trouble , which may force tlm Wn-
basli ontof Iho comliltmllon. The niilcomo
of this contiovoisy is w.ilcliL'd wlln consider
able Interest as upon it depends in a Krent
munsnro tlio sottlcincnl of tlio vve.stenn
trel ht assoclution tionblcs lefiaidini , ' Oimha
iliessod heel tr.illle. If tint Ulp.utito roads
Ket into a rovvmnoiiK tliem-elves , thu vvc.slern
freight association agreement cannot well ho
enfoiced ns the v.iilons pools of tlie latter as
sociation icciuni/n lljo tiiice tiip.iitite toads
cast of the Alissomi river ns one line.
THIS nownv WKST.
Ifcr Prollllo lusturcs I'roiluco the
AVhurevvlth to Fill the Order.
OHTOAOO , Dec. 8. The Faiibnnk cannbiK
eomimny , of tills city , has just icceivcd
through Its president , Nelson Mori is , an or
der fioin the French Koveinmcnt lor 1,000,000
kilos ' -V-IOO.ODO pounds of dressed beef lor
the IHO nl thoKiencli army. The contra" ! . It is
believed , is the lirst onofjiven to an Aincilcnn
Iirmliiviinpiieheietot ! ore to other coiniliies
and was only given nllerMoirls hud visited
tlm Kioneli capital nnd given the ofllclnls nn
oiporlimlty ] tonii.ily/e the mc.iU and ovei-
comelhe piejnillco which bad seemed to pio-
vnll iiLMliiht the Ameiicnn article. Tlie con-
tiact involves Uio slaughter ol ' j,000 head of
Supreme Court.
Dis : > Ioi.vis. : Iowa. Dec. S [ Speclnl to the
Uii.j : : The sii ] > reme comt oiiencrt the De
cember term In this eity to day. Tlio follow-
ng cases were dccldod : N. Oarnolto vs.
Phtunlx Insnranco company , appellant ,
Decatur district comt. lovosod ; H. 1. Web
ster vs. Conllnentnl Insiii-anco eoinreinyot
Now Yoik , upjicllant , Andnbon oil mi t com t ,
lONcist'il ; .1. 1) ) . Cook vs. K. J. Iliuniltoii , ) ) , Calhoiui ciicult cotnt , nfllnned ; 1) .
\V. Names vs. Sarnli Niuiicft , npucllnnt ,
\Vebstur circuit court , utlirmed ; Neilsnu T.
ItmioiiKlis vs. ( Jcorxo nnd Anna Satoilcc ,
njipollanls , J3nna Vista circuit comt ,
AVIII Oppose Tariff Agltnllou.
WASIII.X'OTOX , Dec. 8. [ Siteclal to the
IJp.r. . ] Itobcit P. Porter says in a dispatch to
thu I'liiliidelphin Piess that the lopubli-
can senators will oppose KOIIOIM ! n 'ltutloii of
the tariff question ami nil icdnctlon ot duty
nt piesuuu It Is probable in n few dntxnt
the t.irlhcst these views will be ciystalll/wl In
bomo form or other. They iinipns , it ) ) o.s-
slblo , pnttlni ; an end to the evils arising
tiom amirelunslon of a icdiicllon of customs
duties \\hich 14 llttlo slnirt of actual icdnu-
tion so tar as unsettling values in iniiincsj Is
liy llio Ksti.ntca. | .
WASIII.NOTO.V , Dec. 8. ( Special to the
nii.J : The friends of the Mississippi river
mid other liver-tflipioveinolits , uio somewhat
discenif.gcd by the small estimates In the
book of the secretary of the treasury for rUer
and harbor linmovenicnls. The totnl esti
mate IH only n trillo over 10,0JOiJ ) , nnd
\\hcnltUrcineinburedtli.ttlt is the h.ibit of
conKrcss to cut those estimates down fromlM
to Wi per cent. , It is easily seen the prospect
tor larger estimates mo
Hens Of Toll In Sosslon.
Dec. 8. Tlio fifth minimi
session of the federation of organl/e. ! trade
and labor unions of tlio United State * nnd
Canada bc au In ( Ids city this inotnlni ;
Twenty-llvo delogiites weio present , nnd
are wild to represent n con.stiluonoy
of nhont Sso.OM woiknmn. The inoe tin was
cal.ed to older by J. W. .Smith , of SpiiiiK
Held , III. , chairman of the legislative com
mittee. lie Introduced Coiiiiicssman I'ornn-
\\lio made an addicsi upon the import.inco to
thu louuiliitf clasps ot the
Arrested by InUiKunnt'Aiioi : , Neb , , Dec. 8. [ Special to the
IlKi.J : Adams , a dilvcr ot last horsus. and
his bon ntlempteU to drive Mr. Slot oif of a
clnlm tlmt was In dispute , In Frontier county ,
on .Monday , nnd was uiiostod by Indignant
neluhbaisniid put In lions , \\liere lie will le-
inuln mull comt coiumuntui , UN ho cauuot
l\o balL
AH lowa.PoHure.
CAUUOU. , la. , DJU , 8. [ Sp to the KICK
The fiiiluro of Kdiuon C'onter , dry goods
and grocery dealer , In this place Is announced
this morning. His liabilities icach StOJ : , ) ,
while hU assets wll | uot cuvcr hall the
wuonut , _ _
A Mlmlon Palltiro ,
Hr : ; TN , Neb : , Dt-o , e. ( Smclnl | ( o the
JlKi : . ] J. ! : . Fonsp , clotliln ; and gouts' fur-
imods , failed here thlrt.moinliiK. Lis
i5JVU ; cost price ot ttlock ,
Tha proof silnilltil ( | In ilia > tiiuoo lode
mlning.clailii , Iroin Upad > v Hd ) lalw , pendIng -
Ing nn iipplicathiii for a paliint and cunlllct-
lii'wIlliu pi lor placer claim , h.m. Ucun ai- |
by AcUiii , ' SuueUuy of Urn
IJanry U. ( , 'Brijentcr , of , UUnQJe , has been
npixilnlcd conniliiiillal cloV ; aid | ijiiv.itii MW-
iciaiy to tlm cummMoiiLc coiiural of Iho
l ild ulllce.
liciiiy 11. Vcwioivu , QfMlsdoual. . has
npuoiulii.1 .siKX'hdiin'cJit.of. lotimboi | )
daiiunIn the cum-aJ
Henry Cniju'iiU-r it-whorof public
, - uione > 3
nl Kiiiviin , hcvnatt ,
t\P 'fn tlATtrC1 AT
America's Man of Greatest Wealth
Before the Leveler of All ,
A Smitten Cult to Meet Ills Maker
DyliiK In 1114 Htutly , AVItli None
of the Fnnutjr Nonr Him , of
r rnl > otH of the llrnln.
The Ainoricnn Crwsits Dead.
Nr.w YOIIK , DL . 8. 1:10 : p. in.VIIIInm
H. Vnntlcrbllt died nt dro : o'clock lids nftcr
noon nt his residctico. The fact \\ns kept
fioin the public , The cnuso of death vuis
paraly.s of tlio brain.
Kiw : Yotitc. Dee. 8. William H. Vntuter-
hilt U dc.ul. Without n moment's warning
thoniusHa o ciiine lor him nnd ho was ti < >
iiioix1. Tlie Kilt Iron cro-w o er the p'to lends tn tlio KK'iiiuls ' of thn lEinnnn
I' orplinii asylum on 1'lttli nvcnun
Kicaincd britfiitly under the eleclilo lampto-
nljjht , seen from tlio firnnd entrance of
the Vanduibllt in.uision direjtly oppimlte ,
ucaliHt the Hombre irey uf tlio marble It \ > its ( he only iheurfnlMn : \ \ !
on the wide desuilcd ntcnno that seemed
nlbo stiickvii as uitli sudden death. Tin )
lajsof Its bri litut ; wcie tellecied in tint
\\iiidows ot tno lingo In-own stone pile , be
hind wnoso rlost'd curtains ono of the rli'h- '
c-t men In the \\orld lax deud ttiukeii oud-
dcnlj tiiul vithoutatiiin , ' .
Tlie uttsy hum of trntlle nnd ( ho noises of
the sticet car \\cre IjtHhed In the block" . tnr- !
rl.uti'H tin ned out und passctsby sio | icdto )
Impiiio II it > MIS line the lullilonaiio w.i4
dead. Item/ told tliat they had lumiil nrlil.t ?
Hid } \ \ enttlicirMI > solieicil nnd silent , trti-
r.I . I UK' , mayliap , n iiilnnU to iue plttyln.'ly nt
on tlie hn e stone pile. Inside , scrvunU nnd
lilumls tiptoed about witli ini\o ; fsurs.
The door bull was nun ; almost
eu'iv inlnnte , and the wine IKIII.IM
HUUIII ; o ] < en to admit other friends wliocnino
to liiuurn witli tue moiirnoi.Up tiuis , be
hind the dr.iun cmtains of tlie million-
nlie's bed loom , ucio sobs nnd tears.
The childieu or the dead \sun ; KHth-
eied them about Ins coipse. None of
them had liven with him in the hour nl his
denth. To none had ho had tliiiu to speak n
uoul of liuowoll. As ho lay upon the
curved lied in n laiKL' , wpmic loniu , the windows
dews olhicli < i\cnook luo avunue from the
northeast comer tiom the south win
ot the builtlliiK' lo the left of
main entrance , Vundcihllt looktvl as If ho
( mil fallen Into a Kentle sleep. Ills tuntiinM
were ns peaceful and natural as If ho had just
ceased tulkiiu mid laid down to rest. His
death had I'ueii us painless as it was midden.
Vniidcibilt was always an eailv riser.
When in hi.s yonm : d.ij.s howoikud on his
Staten Island farm , It was his custom to rise
vilth the sun. nnd ho used to
say In later lifo that ho had often
aiiseii at 4 o'clock to tfo to New York ,
aiuluieturncd to liieakfast nt * . OL' late
\ caw ho had made It n practice to leave Ids
bed : U T or not much later , and t hi omrli-
ont the increasing 111 health ol the last two
\\intcrslio hadndheied to this practice.
After arising to day he hail Ins usual eon-
feienco with his sons , Uoinellns and \Vil-
lliun K. , who ere the active managers of
his railioad properties , and altcrward
wiHi Mr. K. V. Itosslter , his private
secretary and treasurer ot the Now \ orlc Ccn- railway , to whom he entrusted a Inrco
shaio ot the management ot bis private busi
ness alfairs. These eonleienccssere held In
Vnndeioitt's study , on the ground floor of
the mnnsion , In the corner to the left ot the
main entrance on the avenue. It was his
tavorlte room , \vlieio he wrote and transacted
all Ids business. Dining the moinin
conteience to-day lie liad been more than or-
dinaiil > actho and alcit , so much sons to ex
cite comment , to which hu renliud in n r > < > d-
Inmioied , jocular M'mlie had e.tten a uuml
liie.ikiaand ! was looking lorw.ud with
lileas.m t anticipation to a i idu up the brmlo-
\tid with his son ill-law , Hamilton Melt.
T\vomley ! , in the afternoon.
At 11 o clock he sent to tlio f'.rand Control
depot tor his old timu Iiiend , O.uun > M.
Doptnv , iiresidont of the Now Yoik Central
lo.ul , with a message that ho wif bud to sec
him. Depew was unpaired in coiuereiieo nt
tin ; depot and .sent w.iid that hu would not
bo nine to come lor an hoar or two , and
Vandcitiilt delayed the appointment
till 1 o'clock , and to occupy
the went down to the studio of J. ii.
A.Vaid \ , tlio sculptor , in West Kilty-second
sticet , to sit for a uion/e bust ot himsclt
\\hiclilhe Collet , ' * ) ot l'ii.\bieiam mill Sui-
Keoiis wished to ) ) lace in the vestibule ot the
cohere , tor the erection ot wlncn no mcontlr
K'.ive halt n million dollaif. Ho ictuined nnd
took lunch at 1JU : ( witli his wile , Ins .son
lieoiyeand .Mr.Tworobiey. A t the table lie v > as
noticuablj blight and checrtnl. At 1 o'clock
Itobert Ciarrctc , picslilent of the Haltlmoroi'c '
Ohio railway , called upon Dopmv nt tin )
( iiand Cuntiai depot , and iindiui , ' him still
detained ilicie , went nn to Mr. Vniiderbllt's
lioase to int'oim the inllllonaiie and
take Depew s jilace. Yandcibilt icetcd
him cordially and entered Into n loii
and animated conversation with him about
railioad matters. The conieience lasted
niDii ) than an hoar , und Vandeibllt stint
woid to Twomb.oy that he would be com
pelled to loit'go Ids intended diive. The two
railioad m.iunatea were discussing the new
terminal facilities ot tint Ha > timoro < V ; Ohio ,
and the new inlet Into the city it
had sicared by \\ay of Staten
Island , and Yandcibilt bhowed. a lively
Interest in the lesults that wcru to
lodow for the island of his blitli ftoin the
It was \\liilu tlio inlk turned upon the
scenes of his clilWnoixl nnd early wore , con-
tu-'Jrd wit" , iho tioiiiiiiidous aehe\Oiiiiiiit ! oC
Ills old apt that Ciariett , sittini , ' on a HUM
nnd lacing the millionaire , vtho leaned
loiwaid in his aimchair , as was Ills habit
\slien Ilioiou hly inlereste.i. that the presi
dent ot thu Jialtlinnru A Ohio was inndo
siiddetilv \\nio of a Might Indistinctness
In .Mr. Viitideitiilt'H S | > tjcch that KIUW Into an
Inaitlculato HotiniL As hit lo.liu'd ' o\cr
to catch his words , Air. Yandeibllt
iiltchcd forward without wainini ; and fell
lie.ivilvon the floor on his luce. Mr. ( iarrelt
spraii'to ( his feet uitli an exclamation of
ainrin , and sulrliiK a pillow Iron ! the sofa laid
It under Ids liiend's head , and then sum
moned .Mis. Yandcihllt and Ccor e , the
jonnxost son. Messunters were sent In
nitsto tor physicians. One from llio neigh
borhood icMpondcd ilrst , and was followed
almost Immeillatcly by the family physician ,
Dr. .lames W. McLean. Such Hlmpln restora
tives as ueioai h.ind had licen hurriedly nji-
nlicd , but human mil was in vain. Vander-
liilt never .spoKe or moveil niter hit fell under
the sudden sttoKc , and died in a low iiiimtttM
without a struggle. To all intent line ! pin-
poses no wus dead tholi'.striiitho toll on the
floor ,
It was 2iO : ! when Or , McLean led the strick
en widow Irniu thn room wlieio her hiHU.iud
had snt plunnin nnd working in the mil
pi Uio of health und stien tli nvo minutes bu-
lore. pionminccd Ids death the
icsult of n sudilun biioku ot paialysls , duo to
the huLstln , of a luvu lnond-visiul at
ot the brain of the kind that aio absolutely
fatal at the moment. He stated that Van-
dci hilt's death was as painless as It was sud
den. Thuductnr knew his patient mosfin-
timiduly , unit piomiitly ccitined thb c.uisn of
Idsdeatii to mold the unnecessary foimallly
of a coronet's I mines t and an autopsy.
When It \\tis ascciluliied beyond a doubt
Iliut Yanderbllt was dead , men He i van Istio
snmmoncd and helped to cany the body up
stairs to the bedroom ho had occupied in
hi life.Mis. . Vunduihllt was prosti.Ued with
K'riet , nnd telciihune messages ueie sent
to the ii ! and Central depot to bummoii
hur hous , and lo the ru-sldcnct ot her
sons-ill law to Inform thorn of their bereave
ment. CoinellutVilliam ) \ K. nnd Frcdeiicl ;
W. Yandcibilt had been to 'other It ) the
oihccs nt tlio depot less ihnii Uw'-r. ' " Sour oo-
foj-o tin' "irsja o came , ami Inul Kouo away
iiiKruivr , .
The mu&wga found Cornollus In the mcot-
Ins ol tlio tnioU'cri of the Aineilcan lilble so-
ciely at the Iliblu hot e. He hastened at
once to the hoiiau uliiihcr Mr. Depew had
pieccudcd him , dumb wdh d.stnss | over his
liiend's death , One by ono thu other chil
dren nirivud. and , as the report Hpi cad with
liKlitiilir like nipl'lity ' tliiou 'h tlio oily ,
nn.trer friends ot- the deul inagnutH alr-o
came. Unhcrsal coiihtm nation and gilef
liiuv.illed at tlm niCi > t iijioxp tud nuwd.
Ynndcihllt , whllo hu hud lor nut yeiu > i
past town \ictlm moiu or liu > s of IndlKos-
tiunylji ) iUi attendant HU and kindiud fnri- ;
oiu dlhuulci's , had lultily , do , pile fiuinunt-io- |
IH'ltjiof ' liU iltMth , bucn upiiamiiljy inciljitf. | | )
Tlu'tti Inul beun tin linmommont Ui thp nw\- \
QII ; | tMiiotirhiiiliMlUiuitt | , < iH parUqulariy
Hit.ii ( > .ablg to | y. On Midny ; night Im aJ-
ten.leilii jwiloimaJlco In thu Mclrupulitun
l.Hiw ) MiiWiUitf \ fB Was mmmeii
fiiiUmr fjinn Ida , niliiU tun | biijduu Uua
LILu luuat iHxiplf , Yaudurulu luiU his ouu
prlvnlrsupcralltlnn1' , and ono r > f them \vM
iliat If lift ever pn od tliflnjef > r < v , wliloh for
seine ren'on In llio family s history
ho looked upon n"h critical fuc , Im would be
coed for Ivvetiiy jvais iitii-c. | Hi conversation
vvllhn ticflr flietld iiiore tlmn tluw weeks
OKU , he slnleil Ihisftis hli belief vvlion llm sub
ject VVHS liioiiglil up. and rejoiced In
the knowledge that the turning point
was nearly readied. Had IIP lived to
May 8 ne\t bo would bo f > jc is of ano. Ilo
wns born at IhoStaleli Island linmoMcnd In
llm ycnr 1831. ft'lir litniiiem uf Ihotlino
which ho con lleicd ( crltlciil uavo him no
nppiront concern , hovvcvrr. tin did not rx *
pott , iiellher did Im fear ilenlh , Urnmn tn
him , If very swiftly , verv tentli. Hu dt'l not
Know it when U pcizid him.
llj nrrnnucnieiif of the ne.irest friends with
the mptnlicrs of the Htnlly It was decided the
funeral should bo on Kthlnv next nt in o'clock
limn bt. Itariholotnew church at Madison
nVLMIno nud Forly-fonrili street , M which
Itcv. Dr. Cook is the pa lot. Vniidorhllt Was
n vestryman In tlio church to Iho eon-
Minctlon of which ho had contribute ! !
lau'ely. Tlio se\ton of Iho chinch was
charted with the fimei-nl armncemcnls. At
A'ntincrhllt's own ilcslt-o ho will be Interred
In ( he family mausoleum nt Moravian ccin-
etcty , iit Now Dorp. Stntcn Isl.ind , which lias
Just boon complcled.
Views of His Axs
Nr.w YOISK. Dec , 8. ,1.1'icrrepont Mortran
said Yanderbllt'sdeath would have llttlo erne
no effect nn the market , but that the West
Shore negotiations would go on as before
and that a cablegram hns been sent to
don with Information of his death , which no-
doubt would ho rccehedthcio with n
deal of icirct.
Pool UomniMniicr Pink oatd Ynndcrhlll's
dealh would ha\o no cfTect on pooling , as ho
had been out of the nrmnsemeiit for wimo
time. No doubt the death of such n | uoml-
nent man would bo felt ns n ( .rent lo s by the
mercantile world.
Henry Clews said Yandcrhllt's death , no
doubt , won il hnxc SOIIHI cllcct on the market ,
ns it would be used by those who nlwajs
Miuxhl to make capllid out ol n calamity , lint
that this would not lie usurious eharacter.
TheiO was iiothln to lean
.laydonld , in an inlcixicw tills evening ,
said : "Vandciullt's death was cerlnlnlj n
siuiirlso to me , nnd its-id one. loo. Hisdcatli
will boa meat loss to the world of business
nnd nuance , tor lie coitalnly wns Hie foic-
most nu'iiie In many ol the gicalcst ciiler-
iirisos ( lint have b'cn ciirrlnl out In this coiin-
liy diirlni ; tlie past twenty-live > ear-i.
'You have been Intimately ucqiitdnti'il
with Yandcihlit for many \eans have > ou
" 1 lirst mel nnd became acquainted with
Vandeibilt In It i7. At thnt time I was prcs
Ident of tlie Krln inllroad and ho was vice
president of thu Hudson KKcr railioad. I
ioiiuil him to be n man ol w hie ic-nmccs and
sound judgment , Afteivaid he became vice
pie idtMil ot the New Voik Central and llj-
uied evtenslvely in tlie Imildlnu' up ot the
business of thnt toad. Our lelaUmm up to
tlie time of hi * dcith had always boon of a
pleasant chaiaclcr. "
"What is jouropinton of Yanderbllt as a
financier ? "
"I have for many > ears considered Yan-
iTerbllt as a man of unusual ability in Hie
tnana.'i'in > nt of lai o linaiicial Interests.
\Vlien his latherdled aim he cum ) into tlie
possession ol his vast loitune , Ynndcrbilt
wits not lout ; in demonstatliitf his ability lo
manage tlie iirojicrty which had been cnlinst-
ed to his care. He mnUo no move upon the
ohcckciboard of nnniicus until ho felt ts'itN-
lied that his nioxo was : i safn one to
make. Ilo would mil run creat
risks unless ho was absolulely compelled lo
by force ot circiurwtaiipes. which I assure you
was not very ollcii. His jiuhnncnt upon
values was always sound. Few luuo made
K ) lew mistakes in the handling ol nominal
inteicsts as Viuuleibi'lt. Hu was uot a bold
venturer or ejierattir.
News of thu Death in Chicago.
CHICAGO , Dec. 8. Thbdbpatclies aiinonnc-
in the.sudden dt'ntli ' of Willliim H. Vnnilei-
biltweietho.slfiialfoi ; each of tlioattcriioon
papcra to Issue nn , extra edition. The news
seemed a surprise lo everv one , ami by many
flic nrst icport wast not cicdlted. Thu board
ol Unilo adjourned , but IcnditiK brokers
olliccs weru still full of speculator * and
scenes ot con.siilcrnhli ) excitement w'hen It
waslcaincd bovond doubt that the uillroiul
was dead.
Seiuiti : .
Dec. 8. After the loading
of the biMiiito Join nal the president's nu's ajjo
wasdelhoied by I'rndon , his assistant pil-
vale sccictury , and nt l'J:15 : Its leading was
he nn. The most Impiessivo silence maikcil
tiie leading , ninny senators leaning foiwnrd
on their desks to catch the words of the
The leading was concluded at 1:5. : p. in. ,
nud thMui"i. ( nw was , as Mcnitomniy , oidcied
pi inted and to lie on the table.
The chair laid befuic the senate the annual
icpoit of the secretary of tlio tieasury ; also
a statement from Iliosecrctaiyof tlie com t of
claims showing judgments rendcicil by that
comt for the past year ; alsou statement ol
thu secretary of Iho senate showing the ie-
celiitsnndcxpemlltiii-iiol his onicu for the
past jcar. Tl > iliair also laid before the
senate a na-morial mini the JcgM.ituio of
No\y iiaiiipsili | ( > , 'Inch leijuests eon icss to
{ : riss lcls.ation ( that may sccuto exclusively
to tint Amci lean people tlio public lands of
tliu United States , and prevent , their .sale to
persons other than cltl/ons ami tlio ii Intenil-
IIIK to bccomu siien. The iiieiiuiriiil Was read
nnd relcircd tolhucommllteeon public lands ,
Messrs. Ycst and Coekicll priHuntcil joint
resolutions of the slate ictfislntuio of Mis-
souii iiieinorlnHi'liiK conKiu- for aiinpiuo-
priation lor the pniteetion of thn bottom
lands In the soiilicntcrn ! poillons ol thu
state ol MisMJini liom tlioiiiiiiiial inundation
ot tlio Mississippi river. Also urtrin the de
feat ol tuu Huckncr hill to Misiiint thu fur
ther coinage ol silver. Kef erred.
A lai-L'o nnmlit'i ot blrf ! weie thoK liitje.
iluccd , the most Iinpof taiit of which nt-io thu
liy Mr. Ur > nr-To proviso for the pciform-
iof ( Hie duties ot thn olllcc of pio-ildent in
case ol removal by dMlli , lusi iiailon or Ina
bility both of t iu iiicsideiit and vice pruil-
d Jiu ; also to esiubliBh a nnilurm sysloia of
uailkrhntcy throii hunt the United Suite's' :
also lo amend an act entitled , "An net loald
in thu coiiMtinetlon of a railioad ami telo-
xrai > li line from the Missmni river to Dm
rnciiiu coa t , and to secure to thu Kovcrn-
munl llio s ol the same tor postal , militarv ,
nnd oth r pnioscs"njjrovod | ) | .Inly I , loii. :
tflsolo iix the salaries or Jnd > rcs of ( hu United
Stules district courts at 6.1U J per annum.
My .Mr. Kdmmiil * To nx a day for the
meeting of thn electors of the president and
vice pifsident , and thu decision of questions
aiisln , ; UIBI eon ; also to a mend nn act enti
tled , ' 'An act toamulid section ftflM ol tlio
revised siatutes'oi'iiliil United Males In luler-
cnce to bigamy and fonolhcr puiposcs. "
liy Mr , liiKiills To ruinovu lint limitation
In payment ot ariVi | , of pensions.
liy Mi , YooilieetpTopiovidufurthufonna-
atlon nnd ailmihsliin fn the union ot thoicr-
nuiryot1 Idaho. > ' ,
liy Mr. Dawes-'l'o d vldo a portion of the
reservation ot thuKlrtiiv Indians in .sejiauito
rcscrviiiionH , ami ttiMturo lullnijiusliincnt ot
thu Indians' tlt.u to thu < ruimiindur ,
liy Mr. Ciilloin-t'l'o ( inxivide tor the con-
striictltm ot thn jMliiiiiXun &
iluTcutml , and to.iclii'apun linnspoitation.
Tills hill is ideiitlciiiVitli .Mr. Cullom's bill of
last session , Known' n 'tho Hcniiupln oannl
bill , save Iliatit leihuos the aniDimt ot , >
piopriution mndu 'AMiriablo ' by iu i > tiHHHn'o
mini sf , , : * . ) .OvO to it > M/wo. /
liy .Mr. 4'nrviilni ! , ' for the ad mis-
slono | Washington , territory lux ) the iiiilun
as a state- . . , ,
I'r.Mtj.YooiiicasU'aisrtloii ' or
me loiiltuiy ol Idaho to U'u-liin ' ; ton lenT-
liy Mr. Cullnm ToielmbuiHhwejnl.s.tnlos
for inuiicstpaid on war loans.
liy Mr , lliown i'oi ihuiollff of Alexander
It. 1-autoii , of ( ieoi 'ia.
liy Mr. Mandeisuii To IncruuHo the efllcl-
ency of the infantiy bnineh 01 thu in my ; leqidiiiit ; no'.icu ' uf n duiiuleiicy in HID
nccouiils of prlncipa H lo bjKiven to.sureties
upon bomltt of Unueil Status olicials | , nnd
tixinir a limitation of time within which suits
hJuill bu hruiiuh ) . u iiiiist siiiotlcs on such
bonds ; also icmiliiui , ' thu tnuisoiiith of Jndif-
incuts of United i.ilos coiuts lo bo nlml
with county ulllcum ; also to loqulru UniU'd
States juihe.s lo udiite their IlihUiietioiirt to
wiitiiii ; where utiito judo's are iuiUiedt | ( { < do
Ml.lly Mr. WI No n of Iowa To forfeit lurt of
cuiuj/i / laiui gr.iiilcd lo.thu .staU ) ol lniilo \
ujd Inlhfcon.siiiH'tlou ( II i-.dlioads ; ulso. lo
quiet Hut tiUu of M-liliis ) on DcsMoiutM ilvor
lllllOs ill tliq ajatti o luiw ; ilfQ.m (
puisliif | ( | > lo ohlicrs uitd MI IIS ot thu
win wur , unJ t > olUlcrd and bailers
in the United Stoics tirnir nnd Imvy thirlliff
Iho war of the rebellion.
lly Mr. Hlair-Tdftld In Iho * MaWl hmptit
and Iciittxirnry sitpiuirt of t-nimtioti . cliiioNi
hlsn , proViilliuf tm IlidMudj thctx'ln ofpliyj-l - *
oloi j nnd tlio I'tTeet * ( if Ilitoxlrnnts.
The bills wno npiroiilntoly | | tvfoH-rd.
AiiKing the bills Introduced for the roil'
structloii of public winks weit ) the follow Im ; !
Hv Mr. Culldin for a bridge over the Mis-
slssiiiiil river nt Alton , III ,
lly Mr. Ycsl Twobrldife * n ro the Mis'
sls lppl ilvnrnlSt. I , ttK Mo. ' nl m , brltki
across the Missouri river Iwiwcen UK inoiitli
nnd the mouth of the Dakota , and across thn
Mississippi river liclwccii St. Paul and
Natchez nud aeios-itliu Illinoisri\er between
Its mnulh and tlio pound ,
Hy Mr. Saw > cr Kor n pnhllo bnlltllns nt
O hlsosh , Wls.
Cameron offered the followliifr reolnllon ,
whleh wasn-ndnndreferrL'd to thu commit
tee on finance :
Kcsolved , That Inasmuch as tlio
IndiHlrles of the country at privent seem to
ho ivvlvlmr , It is liietiH'dleiitdurinu IhKcon-
jre ; < H to pass upon any legislation looking to
n reduction of tut ill duties.
1'esolvcd , That any ttiturn icductton of
tariff should bo based upon in fin mat I on com
mon to the country , nl such dcilnlto periods
ti t can tw rcadllv nntlclpaled nnd mot by tfio
dllfcrcnt prodiisim ; industries of the eenntiy.
.Senator Plumb Introduced by request a
joint lesoiution ] iroposini { an nniciidmctit tome
mo constitution of llio United Stales in i ela
tion to thn inamtfucUiio nud sale of intoxi
cating liquor ; ; .
Adjoin ned.
\VASIIINOTOX. Dee. H. The e Moti of the
liiiiHii opened with pnncr by llio now ehaif
lain , Itcv. Dr. W. II. Milbuni.
The committee appointed lo wait on MID
president nppcni-cd nt the door of thn house
and nnmmncvd It had performed Us duly ,
and hud l > emi requested bv the president to
Inlorm thehoiLoe he would ttaimult the communication -
munication Inrthwilh. liiiiiiLdialuly the
inesldent's pihate assistant secictnr.v was
annouiiccd , and duliu'icd the iiresideut's 1111-
iitinl ini'ssaue. The bpenkcr laid tlie docu
ment before the house , nnd It was lend b.\ \ the
clerk and listened lo attentively. The lead-
In was tint concluded until ) lItp. : ) in. Thu
document wn-ithcn ouleied printed and ru-
fened to thu committee of the Whole.
The dentil of Mi. Klw'oud. latu ictirespiila-
live fioni llllnoi.o. wns announced l > > Ids sue-
coisor , Mr. Hopkins , and as a mail ; of ic-
spccl to the memory ol tlm deceased tlio
! iousonti15 ; ! ndjoiuned.
Tlilovli ] Importoi-s Iirutif > ht lo Tor HIM
? s'iw : i'oinc , Dee. S. [ Special lo Hie Dri : . )
The Tiibuuo says that Assistant Appraiser
Stevens IsKrowlin ; thlnandpnlulnliiselToils
to coricct the Invoices of iinpoitcis of clas.s-
\vaie , china , porcelain , elc. , and adds , "So
ignorant appaienlly arc some of the impor-
teis < il these seeds , that their invoices have
IKKSII ndvantcd in certain cases fiom SO tof > o
per cent Tlie imports of these inun
ninount to about SWO.OOO anmmlly. The
invoicMl ( value of nbont one-eighth of IhcfHt
imiiorls last jenrvveiu atlvanceii b > tlie ap
praiser. Within the last lew months the
total advances on tlicMi wiuc.s made by the
appraiser wns upwind ot fcW.OCO. It is said
it the puiblstciice ul cuitniii importers in
under -valuations holds out and Stevens'
stienirth does not fail tliucnd of tlie fiscal vcnr
will * liow a total of .yMi.UOOiovenuc of w filch
some imiwteis in these waics hoped to dc-
piivu the government" Tlio Trilmno de
votes much .space lo an exposure of the man
ner in which the ring has bmn systematical
ly beating the custom laws nud minim ; lion-
est Impoitcrs , who cannot compete with Ilielr
juices. It aKo nllcges tlirnugh the niil of dis
honest employes in thu depaitincnt the lins
is kept informed constantly ot nn > com
plaints to theticasuryilciiartniiuit und fui-
nishcd with copies ot anj or nil documents
atlec-tim ? them , within forty-eiuht houis of
tlm timu of their icceipt or piepaiatiou at
V ) IlblllllgtOll.
Tlio Parliamentary Klcctloux.
LONDON , Dec 8 Up lo : i:00 : this iifternoou
ftJt lilicials , atr > coii.servntlves and scvcntj-
tive nationalists luue been elected.
Kumoisaru cm runt tliat Lord Sallsbuiy
luitic < ia'ned , but not coiiiiuneiL
The C'lilnc.oo to l c Di-ivon Out , Hut
Not Knougli JMon Ijol't.
A mnniifnctnrer in this city , who is not
n crank nor a politician , says tlio Alta
California , hns .submitted to us a propo
sition in relation lo tlio which ho
believes to be the lirst step toward rid-
dinfx the country of those people. His
plan is to utop employing and putroni/-
mg them , and to stop employing and
patroni/.iii those who do employ and
patroni/.e them. Tlio rolniler is to boy
cott tlio wholesaler who employs (
labor , nnd -wholesaler is iii turn to
boycott the retailer who is guilty of the
same odunsu. The banks are to refuse
credit to merchants anil manufacturers
who truck or trade witli the Chinese ,
nnd in this way the Mongolians are to bo
shut np to fitow in their own gravy.
It is a plan that can be carried out
only if backed strongly by a vigilant and
practically u mnimons public r pinion.
Wo dump the Chinese together and con
sider tlie meielianl. and the broker , and
insurance man us tlio yoke-follow of tlie
cooly , nud tins increases the dillieiilty of
a general boycott. This indiscrimina
tion is no help ton solution of tin : quus-
tion , since tlie prosunoe of Chiiicso mur-
elinnls here is merely the complement of
the presence of American merchants in
Cnina , which is necessary to the mainte
nance of our trade with that country.
Wo CUM sen no valid objeolion to 1'ft '
presence of Uhincsu men-liutU Jioro lo
engage in foreign trade , miTl if we maku
their exclusion u ; : nrtof our polioy we
Tiiust b'e rsTfdy to ftccopt Its' con-
soiieiion3 ( | in the cxeiiibion of
American merchants from China.
Its consequences include A defeat
of our whole sehemo of exclusion of Chi
nese laborers , since tli6re arc enormous
Commercial interests in Itoston nnd New
York embarked in Cliirio o trndo whlnli
can inlluuiiRo nnd will inlliicnco and
ought to inllucnco eastern public .senti
ment and congressional action. We ho-
lievo in atteiuptins possibilities only ,
and so believing , we think thnt the e.v-
pnlHivo energies of our people Should bo
directed against Chinese labor. 'I'liO
Marquis Tseng lias said foimttldng about
evitn thnt brduking diplomatin relations
with China. Well , then , hit them break.
The mnrqnis need not bo told tlmt the
presence of American fnbor in China is
an impossibility. It is not permitted.
Then why Miould the presence ol Chi
nese labor bo permitted hero under a
treaty thnt IT based upon thu theory of
reelproVnI advnnlaged 1
Hut to return to tlio mnnufactiii'er and
liis boycotting proposition. Jlnvlug
pointed out in very intelligent detail llio
way to get rid of tlie Chinen , lie vviwl'ly
considers tint substitute for the labor tlmt
must bo ready to fill tlio vacancies , and
thereupon makes thu remarkable -umiiH-
hlou tlial hiieh labor is not in California
and will Imvu to Im imported. Ho pro
poses u joint stock company of guaran
teed immigration which will pay tlio fnvo
of hi borers from thu cast , niKl guaran
tees them employment for n lixed period.
Tld siiirgitrji * u really siirjN'Jiinu1ludiu *
tMiiVeoiiiiition. H is reported tfmt Iheru
are many imcmiiloir.d white niun in this
fat.-iLu , but the propo itiun to im
port labor implies tlmt the linblt of iiilo-
MU9 iscoiilinncii buyond wfouuation. It
menus also tlmt thu Invasion ot thu Uifr
lucent brnneliMS of skilled labor by tlio
Ciiinesn hiiti kept while mun from ncqiir- |
iiig trndcu , so tlmt llient uri ) not oiumgli
Uijli M , shoniiiiikors , e.ltfjU'-iiwHe.r.s , vlttlr
net's , cookd nnd laumiry ucii skillnd in
those trades to take tilt ) pliiee of evicted
Chinese. And this mc.niiri n very impor
tant revelation of Iho harm dpini by Uio
nruscuct ) of this alien ncoplo. It is i- ) (
deed n most rcmnrknblefncnllilt < l PIIJ- ;
illation of n million while i > eoi > li | < nniift | (
recruit a furco eiuiil | to tlo'iniuinfimttuxj |
of articles of iiccussity rcqjiirgd fpr i > / <
o yi ) uso. Wo do io | | bellevo thnttiMCh n
stnlo of , ulitli ] > ever uxibtud nnyujiuro in
Miia.ecpiutry below , and itgoc * far li o\-
plnji ) nrnpy uf the soiOd ; and ; ] ) |
phcuuuiuu of tluu const.
McOlellan Romcmbored , Heudrioks For
gotten in York ,
Amusement ICvcnts Donation * to the
College Museum Church , Court
niul Other Mutt cm
YoiiK , Deo. 8. [ To llio Ivilitor.l A me
morial service wns held ln t 'I'ucsdny
evening , nt Hell's hall , in honor of ( ? en-
crnl ( luorge H. McClellnu , under the tins-
Jilcos of ( ho Urand Army of the Uepubllo.
Colonel Crnbb presided. Addre.s-u s wcro
delivered by Colont'l Webster of Cehtrnl
City nnd Hon.V. . T. Scott of York.
No survleo of any kind hns jptboon ! m-
nottnccd In memory of tlio Into vlco pies-
Idout. Ku-n though wo Imvu n demo
cratic postmaster , nothing him been done
to indicate any respect to this Into promt *
nent mnn , except the henry lending of
the columns of the Democrat.
Lli Perkins has been hero , nud lectured
Ion full house , nnd with line ell'ect , on
"The Phlhxophy of Wit nml Humor. "
Kll is an orator and n wit. Ho captivated
his audience and hold them entranced
for two hours. A fuw nights Inter enmu
Mrs. Mnrv A. Llvermoru on "Has tlio
Night , of Ill-nth nn Morning * " Urandly
did she sirgne philosophize on ( his
great theme. Then enme I'eck's Had
lloy , nml bud it wns caste , couiDnny nnd
piny , ns well nn "boy. "
A bicycle club is talked of. The num
ber of inabilities are ineieasing each
week. Two of tin- college profes-ors and
sovernl students are becoming exports in
thn management of thu two whculcd
Tlio college hns received some flue donations -
nations to It.s nniMMiin. Mr. Kr.rn Plum-
mer , ot' Lincoln , cnmo over , bringing
some curiosities wli'mli ho Imd been col
lecting for some months past. A box of
minerals is just arrived from Wvoming ,
the gift of Prof. W. C. Knight. Tlm Atfi-
uniaii Oratorical iiPtocintion wns dis
banded by action of llio facility. The
iidminislnitioti is quite .stiicl , nnd of
course the boys will do some kicking.
Tlio faculty claim tlmt they will linvo
order nud nt nny cosl ; nnd
they hnvo mndu a reputation for vig-
Hanoi ) which they intend fo .sustain.
Tlio public schools nrn doing well.
Prof. Houston hns done much to remedy
the hnliit of tardiness by giving iv Imnner
which is to IHI held week by wee ! : by Hint
room having the lowest pereenlnge of
tni diness on thu purl of its pupils tor tlio
week previous.
Thu m > w Methodj t church
wns used for the lirst time on last Sun
day , IJov. 11. T. Davis , the pastor ,
in-caching on "Tlio church , its Founder ,
its Influence. " Only the lecture room
was occupied , yet 48."i persons were pres
ent , the capacity of tlio room being fijri.
Tlie audience loom will not be Imishcd
for some weeks. Tlie edifice ns a whole
is very imposing , nnd will bo one of tlio
iinesl in the stntu when oomplcted.
Tlio great wind ol Friday last blew oil'
the luutnl ornaments on the cast tower
of this chinch , but did very little harm
in cither town or county , borne sheds
and out houses were blown over , nnd
some hay stacks injured nothing lurther
Unit wo luive heard of.
District court is now in osflion , Judge
Norval presiding. Hut two or three
trilling cnsos of assault mid battery com
poses llio enlire n-'miinal business. Tlmt
is what may be expected in a strong
temperaiieu county. Several civil bints
nro iu progress , but nothing of Mnto
The snow fell lasl night , n fnll of
nearly two inches , and is drilling lo-dny.
Tempornturo at noon , 'M ° above zero.
A fire in Milwaukee yesteiday entailed a
lass ot ; 3tJi,0 I , ) . Two hromeii weie seriously
injuied by tailing wails.
The Uiitisli bleamer Palpave , CnidlfT to
San KraiioLseo , Is udillt ntsc.i and diainjiil-
Icd. No positive intelligonue as to the late
ot hercicw ,
I'roparod with f ppclnl ri-suril toKe
KouinwiilD , l.lnio ur Alum.
tlifi hoiiil 10 cents per
line for llio tlrst Insertion , nnd 7 cents for oncti
futi-ciieiit ) ) Insertion. Seven words vVl I bo count
ed to thu line : iticy must run , consccutlvoly iind
hiustuo paid In advance. All ndvftHlliiiiiiunt'i
nubl ! beliiniiletl In Loforo 2 o'cjduk p. in. , and
unuei-jiu clitiuiiiMuiiuus wilt they bo taken or
Uitcontfnncd | v tclonhuno , ,
rnnlc6iid\jiti-iMK ( in thc&n Oplnmns and tnr (
fntr thu nnswcni duiosLo < l in cnro of IIKK.UII
pleiiflonsk forclioclrtn unilblo lliern in pot tliolr
Idlers , ns none Will bo delivered uxcopt on
rrconlntnii | of check. All UIIHUUCM to ndvur-
lUcnienin ch Milil bo onelojcd In iinvulo | > tis.
MONKi TO M\Ncn hoi-Ht" , wugnns nnd
fiii-iittlirti wjtlioi.t niuivnl. | ( . .1. Cunu'e.11 ,
Id oin IU , In/n / i.iink lltiildliif ; , U.'lh and l-V.imim ,
'jntoclcvmor. HMjniiB *
MONIJVTO lo.\N-On olta lei ecoiulty , Iii
sninhf-om f 1(0 ( loy.luwi. Ap | > l > lo . II. i ted
n an , euro Ionian Bios , eorlloj u \ I3ih. Kijl !
rpo l.o.v.v sioncj miinyniiiniinl ,
X f n i\l \ ) olii'i-'sol loeoiliy ,
Bhort tlino I ) i us o i u latu.
Ixinp iin a K nnon iciil dnao. .
JlDiieylo loim on clii'ticls. '
Monnlo loim on co I iu rn's. '
Wont- } k nn on noy Rood focnntyi
TBIIIH i ) ty , 1.1110 liihiilt
Apply i.t inn Otn'iliu ' Kinnnelul Rxohnnini
llaiku-H bnlldl iir , SVV t-ornbrof
1'iftoi nth und I'm mini ktb. ups illra V'l '
MONRV or ffv'c6' o'lyt v/on cnn l ! > rrow
nioiiKy uil luiiilliire , liorK'H. ttuvons ,
pliuios t-to < > ] { nl nil kinds , dlnnmniU-'iiiict line
MlllCllllMll ) > UIIfOUII tllllO. 1 IIJIIIDIIIH IDCVlVCd
nt nny tlnio , nnd Intcrci't reduced pix > rntiu
J'rppi'rty IfM lujoiir own pof'ofFlon. Tcrnm
- --iM-
Kiiiulviiiiln fliliiliiii. ( W. II , dull ,
Ituom 4V Illincll H Nan flulldlnKiNui'hcnfttcpr- '
! > cr 16th and Kiiinuy , U31
MlO I.OAV Dno or two tlionwiiid dourn ! ! Im
1 medlulL-ly for I or } , turW / II. Unxm ,
jiii ; ) imd I'ltriinni , ipj
M < INJy Ti > lt\t\tr lh V. IJiivJs & Co , Itoal
Kstutu und I-OHH nsi.nls , lUi ) 1'uinam Bt.
ONHV TO LOAN On nomt BiMiuritliw. A
uvouki rpom 7 l xJIuk Illuvk , KW ffurnuiu
St. U7I
MONjy 'I o l , < > < V.V-On t-linWi U. W/ioluj-
HiirrlMin , i-ooiu SO , tmmlm Nullonul Li.nk
TlfONIJK TO IOV01 | riul Oilato anil qhiU-
tju |
v TO/ / M. .
14HdnlH on lli.l-cliuvf ruul n lulft wx.'iiriiy.
I'otior X Ccbb , lljj Kuruum SH. kJ
MoS-tiv i.nANih : nil . . ItOMt
on c , nfl tntnltnro , i < lnno < , bi > r rn.
r uf llliM mlil nilMli
-loM value , witlmnt n-indvuL ( ( ) rt > MM JfiU'l
ItnnV , , cottar l.tih nml l-'iinlBrt. All '
Miltlly ronlMontnl. Kit
' " Improved fimiiK.ttlll trnilc tor minrovod
J oilr pniiK-rtT. W. 11 , tlnt-ii , over 1st N.i- llnitk. h'A
IjlOKSAl.U A MH-il put lav ( U-DCfry i > tock !
' H llin.olconloiii tl.Ma uiioil tintn c -
tillslied. len ! ( in rorsrlll tr.lllhcixltli. Cull nt
Allen ftnio. , II In thu lm si net. ft. I
SAM : Driifr itflo In n IKMI ! Urn nnd
Dlinvluir Uiwn.MlxK will luvulcUlllHitit f-
llliiHKl-l , ( Ids oitlcp. W
Fen RAM niul
st ire mul > ln ii linn lo nt nn ,
to d Immiu.liitolr. W. II lulh niul I'nr-
nnm * l < .
7,1011 i\CIIAMsi : : An lmr ivo > l riinn of liX )
.1' : i'i milesi | . .I neil Onk. town. WK | | | > ( < X.
cl-nnppil lor d - ltnbl i re lildioo proirtj - In
Oinnlm , nti ! ) < r Improved or iinlmt > i-t > rrxl. .Ail-
ilru H. ( l'M.TllilnK pKHfit ) , Jolui Ilnjei. llcvl
Onk.lowa. KlidcolO'
tru > K SAM : Hm only l < nllior unit flnillmr
J-1 t u < lniM Iu Lincoln , wlilrli tins dc'ii cni-
r'cd MI lor tm jonrs v err iiui > n r idly } Iliu 101-
ron for i > lllw , ilfniih of t'lo pniprlotor :
iiiHilrod , fioin * ! ) , Hll to K.lO.1.
.liu-oli Iliilurle , l.liutilu. Noli.
SAI.K SmnllMiickorarturi nml nic < .
J1 clues Rinl toilet iu titles tot Ftilo nt n lini-
pnln. Will ltiM > | ( - $ | i. ItiMdlf ftilntncnl. ,1
A. Itonlerm N Mill Mrpnt. Ml
tnot'N'D ' A i-nlrof irrM-rlniiiliil < vi > Rlns i i
' Ihi'iidrc ' ol 'IIioo. wllllitiu * , llf ( > oHU o.
"I O3r-lllncktlOff , pnrt I ti'l.vltli ivhltO ! > | 'Ot ii'i
J t Lrninl , rin nip plcii-o let nn to mink
8tollt , hVVS K. UMli HI. , niul ml U'UHr.l. ' ! > , . > .1 ,
LimT On Tiic < lii.v Dee. l < t , n ilnrk litiwn
Bettor ilo ' , nhont oiui vn irol li lOKt Ftvm na
"lib , linl\te > ti IVi-i tun unit Doilue. Plcusn it >
tiiin to tlUi lliuiioy si. mill KOI lOMiiid. HsS
"I OST At or near Hojnl'o o | > oru ho < i f , itt
J 'JtUMlnr ovi'iilnir , n tuxlbli ) golil luiu'olol.
Vnrlci tlllio Kiiltnbly touiink'tL Mi.1 , M.
Tnurl > toii. 8l-ir
JOiT-AchlM'fipliiln cloth clonk , liivti l nt
Jt-'omilo tostniinint und trot iua \ tl. Mr * . M.
A. .McMimuirn. 7 111
> OOM niul iKiuiil , J.KT vt-pnki very best ID-
I dUlon. JB11 DiivuniKiitSt. " '
f > KK' ONAI'nrt ] CM looMnv fur Im-prnlns/u /
1 mil t > late. < imilutl It , 11111 Riilim. . n pio- ) .
rr y or Improved li'ims In Nolrnm'ni ' , wll HII.-O
n one1 1 > T Lull UK 11 I - ' Kniiin-ii on.I. I. Ill e ,
ro 1 o-t to 110 fir. Ken lil > HP on il IHt of li ir-
gain * on uii ) Ivitiis jon \\iuil , cnnli in-tniito.
) iiisoNArcU.ii.tvcrytiiliur : : Is o
TIIIIfiONMr. I'nrltde ownlnir nr
renloslnlo. ilililiix to toll Iho sumo will ilo
vvotl to Us ! with Jtlj. Itk-o , real eMute biokor ,
IU 1 vi mini Nt , 7Ui
A ) KNTI.i.1IANnnd : w fo or . . . . . ! . . ,
c'lin ohliihi itKini und bonril with u pnvnto
liitnUv ino elillilrein hi ilCHii ulilu locution by iid-
tliossinif A 07 , llouofllou. I'fS '
T Its fIIAIiri > rhofo'nbitiledI'lirtuniitoller
1 ItosldciKu Hlli tinil.liicKHiin.
LAUIIN in nnt of Rooil Uomcsticliolpoun
lie fiiipliu | < l by fidlhifr oil the Oiniihit Km-
) ilo > infill DDIcn , iiiioin I iiusiiiiiun xll.oc.c. .lire.
. .1.V. . JIoritMin prupilotor. 871
jltiv Y V Al I.TS , EiiiKs , n spool ilonneil ;
entirely odoilo s uiiy. C. I'.uliw ' Ail-
icsstlirouKh pustollico. ItSluci" *
I > lIVV ! vnnlls nun i-csititiolx clemied In an
oUorlcM way liy F. U. Alicl , I1.1) ) . Uox .Via.
rplli : VV. C Mnl/nOrHtiuo Ki-pnlrCo. . HISoiitU
JlUhyt. . ttotnotn Doilyo iiml lioiuliis.
XJO o | > erutlon or n olus U HUMUS. Tr. M. M
JL > Moore , SKI Wnuiu'li nvo. , Oliluivro. Will
bo lit L'o//om Uoiiso. in Oinitliii , o\oryi-0ilii8
bil < K SAI.K A fplciiillilKlln of lirlck nt Tm
1 dorvvouil.lovta. n. 11. Mltoliell. l/i7-IU
nioit SAM. Some fiiiiiltiu-o , also a jrooil
V sc hiK-nino.ilno , tiy p.uty lonvmK the city.
N. 13. cornoiDoilKii anil Intli | H. HID 10 *
F lit SAl.i : TwrTwofl-hretl lioiw , ono a rich
i-i loicil buy liiii e , welnliinjr I.IXJJ IIOIIIUIA ;
enn trot InM IH nvo - ci'it '
- : , j tiu-s , veiy liMul-
iiiie nml si ] Ibli , son nil uuil kind ; anil u pnrli-ct
tiimlly IIOIKC. Atai Ininilsoino In own luiifii- ,
' yt t\n olil , HI hnnils lil 'li , uniuhs 1.H75 poiuiils ,
punnil nml kind ; cini ii-nc In ,1 niimncs , ISHI.II-
nlilo for liunllyuso or uliv business iifo. Tlie.-o
borbtsiuiiht Im solil , us the outitir Inn no nsu
lor them , ! > < no Is griilnjf to ( nliruinliu Votjr
low prlcis will tiouHKt'il to rncninnito liniiioiltiito
t-nlCN Cini 1 uhoun nt Btui lioiir-onV HIU ! In. cor-
nur unit uuil fliirnoy sis. Ask lor Mr. Will inns'
HAI.K Plnslftivprrt. ) wiidnn , homo nnd
huinosa , illln ffootl oriiur. Cliouji for cush.
AlKJ , lleoOtllco UU-b'
FHl HAI.i-Klno : nutillo mid brlrtlu , 1
PlnslohniiiOBS.yco.luin , ihunp lur cash.
It. Hieo , las 1'ui mim H. 'I'll '
I > OKSAM ; Chcnp , ncirlinin l by ,11 wth |
1 nvv'itonvonlonco. . Iniiilro ] IJiiiKfctoro , luth
nml HoiiKlni. 777
F ( > IS OHllurtrli > 8 , ute nn niBli imd liooi-s , pro
In K 1) . Muiul , Mi 8. llltli si. BW TWO Irtts m I'clFinin riiicn , oiia
block liom Bticot cur truuk. imiiii iina
litli : btieot.
. ,
tluJ .Mctrnpnltlnti lotol. IIJI
GO > D jirlij biiiiplfiil with moil Hltiiui'ona
und luiiuitN Mipplled uli.i ( fooil ulrlj at
( oiimiii Kinplu/ moat Atfcncy , 11(1 ( S. Jiilh. near
t\-rANTiil-A : jfood ntliso Kill. l'X9 l-'iirnnm
V > btiout. WT'I ( )
_ _ _ _ _
WANTin-A ; it tor tfenur.d lionso uoik
IHOii I'liimim.
( is7-lil-
WANTRii rd'llcii nml contlrtnnii In'cHyqr
coimtiy lo tnku 1 In uirk iu Uio r < nvn
< -
Y\VArNTii-rii : 1 to do roii"i nl li
T flinnll Jiiinlly ; lOcOmmdinlntltiDS'iii ulruit !
Apply 111 li.Soiitli I .nil at. llot-o *
V4-\NTii-OiuiriM.ius : ! > Bklit iiliiniicriiiln )
i t oupi-ri.lqis ( lor oie s miiKlilAid -
fipca'nlitOffirl cnn hiivi * ivco r nm Mn olm-ono
hour'k w ik m < mliiKiiinlovin nt. .Miss f'chr-
bon , P.V. \ . cor , tt.ili niul Ht. Jliir/H'iiVo ' U lO *
" \ 7'N''llf'"d : \ < unrtoiin f iiion to iletpr-
IT uti'Oii-'Htfii ' H Niiw von- mill K ' 'r ' eov
ell o < . I . I'lull IrtiiiDiiutib i iiililiu-H Decr.nlvo ,
AirWdiks. 7 liAi-liiiiiitH I'luco , ilo&lon , Mg. \ ( .
p. o , ilox.iiis , Ufi-ai *
" . ijvperTJTiKJciT jf'il f'or li n-rnl
liolhi'\.oili ) \ In i ( family ol i\to. A htv fo
ilriro'ii ) > ( iiicuifc : | < 'coiiii ftii. ! iii'inlio ' si n i npi.
10 ! no. , btit. htitiriof.'iiiiii < p. m. i'VU' .
VV flu lory , ! IW N. IMIi Hi. U.Mi ,
WAfiTi ; A fxoJ ( wJrl
W.V.STKlir-A noitd oxpvrjoncuil ffirl liu-uen *
unil Uouwwurk. Apjily tit aii St. Mtiry'a
nvc. (11 ( , ; ,
nvc.WA TKOr-Alfood ( ilrl tor itnniuvil liinisu-
\\orklmi.sjimJI limilly , Aiiply nt iniifJlo
hiiuso.jUHtBMeol Vh lia | | HVo , ltt. | ] 'iiji1 | | ( > .
ion \\ooHnnlh ,
-r V
WA.\ThMr-U Kood fuuuUit colikn lit
ootl uutru-i ; illidni ; iiioin nli neil lrl
l ligiib < < woik : tall tl-'j I'ltrimm xt.
rA.STKIi-airlu for nil of < iniiU'fli | >
IT work ! . - ticoof ciaiKt ! i
Nfibiicki | ) liiiiiU ; ) > nio a Avm-y , Ujt I'.iti '
nl. , cur. Cailiolitki4Ci | < HiiiMi'Hbiuoi < . ' UJ7
WA > Vi'iM-liillfi4 | t < j w/iiH f r Ml.H' Ut'dr '
own helm K. * i ij > ( | J per nouk vim l < o
fiulctlt uii'lii. ' , " ; 'o iifiiiio paiiiiliif : nnaiy 11-
.ntr. KUI full put ijciihir * , nliiaHu nO lrn <
nen. i.'i < : a-rn | AjUfr. , ID Ctmtral ; > ! . .
MUM , liujiuJ.J.