THE OMAHA DAILY KEE , WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 0 , 1835. should also be observed In the nrr Mng of poultry. Well drcsfed stock will hardly everlose the shipper money , while In ferior f > tock Invariably ha to bo sold at a dis count al6nKftldQ of cholre. Turkeys and chicken < should bo dry picked , head and feet cut off and entrails drawn , Turkey , strictly choice , dry picked , ll ia- : fair to good. IKg l'c ' ) ; chlokens , strictly choice , tt&c ; fair to good , 7c : duck" , strictly choir * , 10@llc ; fair to good , WiOo ; gcu&o , strictly choice , lie ; fair to good. Plo\ ' . , CAME 'Ihcrels nslleht dtvllna on dc r and anU-Ioiio carcass * . " , while saddles remain unchanged. Tliere will boa rood demand for deer and atitclojie saddles for Uie next two weeks to till Christmas orders. Birds of all kinds continue In fair rrnncst nt quota tion. Prairie chicken * , per doz. 8.1.00 ; mal lard iluck . . . per . III'/ 'i ' ? > | ? -'X3 ' . .Wj teal , * \ & ® 1.50 ; mlxrd. Sl.avaUSj quail , 81.0 < Sl.3-i ; ri.v. Sl.Wfil.a5 : geese , S3.WXS3.M ; J ck rab bits , ! < 3..7KY/f.OO ; small rabbits , Sl.00dtl.23 ! rlcer saddles , per Ib , ll@12cj carcasses , G@ 7 ( nntolnne saddles , per Ib , 11(3120 ( ; cirras'es , GM7o ; elk saddles , per Ib. 8tt9e : carcasses , 5 COMH HoNr.Y Cnlllornla 2 Ib. frame , GO Ibs. In , per Ib. , 15c : extracted. 2 Ib. in cans. 2 doz In CAM , per case 84.00 ; 10 Ib , framr.s , Nebraska , INc. . „ New York refined per bbl , 17.005 do Imll bbl. . 54.W. VI.VK'IAH tt bite wine , ICn ; elder , ISVc. CocoAM'Ti. There Is a liberal supply In the market at S4.00W4.fiO. . _ . . . . NtwFios : AHII DA-IKS Figs , Smyrna , 00 Ib , kegs , per Ib , lie ; layer , 8,12 and in b. boxes. wi Ib , lVil7c ( { layer , fancy. 45 Ib boxes , IKT Ib , 25c : lajer. fancy , a Ib. car loons , pri Ib , lo > . Hates fancy i-anl - , 13 Ib- boxes , per Ib , He ; fancy Persian , 50 Ib. boxca rs rib , lie. PniucIIcs , 20 Ib. boxes , per Ib , Ni'TH Hickory nuts , largo , perbti. S1.2S ; do shell bnrks , 1.7V cheMnuts , 12 < ! j pecans , large polished , lie : pecans , medium , l c ; Ktigilsh walnuts , no ; almonds , Tarragona , 20c ; do. LniiRiipnoc. 17 : Brazils , 12c : lilbi > rLs , 14c ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy Virginia , 'SA'UKU KiiAtiT Best quality , IO.GO per SO gnl.barrel ; per } { bbl. Sll.75. J III1hJIIVt.ri JKI.I.IKS , BTC. Prcflorvfss . All kinds , 20-lb. palls perlb. , 10)fe ) : do 10 iiall lols. lOo : nssoitcd. fi-lb. palls per dor. . S9.00. Jellies , all kinds , lirst grade , 20-lb. pails , per Ib. , 6fas'ortod , lirst grade , 5-lb. pails per dob. . > ; do. 8-lb. p.iils , iier doz. . 2.7 , > ; to. Mb. p.ills , per cnsp , a do ? . , 82.2.1 ; do. fcchoonere , per do/ . . ? 2.vH ; do. tumblers , per casnadoS1.40 : all kinds , second prade , IW-Ib. palls , per Ib. , f c Rlinco Meal , best grade , 74" bbl. , per Ib. , 7c ; do. 18,38 and GS Ib. palls , per Ib. , Kc ; do. Mb. palls , per do . , 80.00 ; aiplo | butter , extra ilnobbl. . , per Jb. , 7c ; do. 40-lb. pails jwr Ib. 7Ke ; ilo. ft-lb. pails , prrdor. . Srt'W ' : j > each nnd plum butter. 40-lb. palls , pcrlb. O c : peach , plum and quince fmtti-r , asflorted. 5-lo. palls , per rioz. , S7.50 ; rmtsup ( SnMler's ) , finest made , per case 3 doz. pint bottles , ffl.OO ; horse radish , uint bottles , per doSl.W ) . "Pins' FICKT , Tnii-K."AND I.AMIW' TOXOTTRB -PlRS1 feet per M Ibl. . 34.75 ; do. X bbl. , 82.40 : do , per kit , 81.00. Lambs' toncucs , per > < bbl. , * : ) . ) ; do. per kit , 82.75 : do. quart lars per doz. . S5.M ) ; do. pint Jars per case , a doz. . 87.00. Tripe , per ' bbl. , J > 4..W ; do. per W bbl. 83.23 ; do. per kit. 05c. Broiled mack erel , new , per ease , SO cans , SO.W. LEMONS New Messina , per box , 55.00 © 6.50. 6.50.OUANOES Valencia , per case , 4-70 sire , 87.00 ; Flotilla , per box , 83.50 ; Louisiana , per box. 83.23 ; per bbl , sn.W. Ai'1'i.Kfi Faney New Vork and Michigan pples , perbbl,83.75@J.OO. : : limey Now York mid Mfclilgan apples , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. , 82.05 ; fancy New York and Michigan apples , 10 bbl. lots , i > er bbl. , 53.50 ; Illinois apples , | > or Mil. $2.75 ; Illinois npplcs , ft bbl. lots , per bbl. , 82.51 ; Illinois apples , 10 bbl. lots , per bbl. , $2.40 ; Missouri ( , euitons , 5 bbl. lots , per bbl. . J2.2.T ; Missouri ( , enltonn , 10 bbl. lots , per bbl. . M.OO ; fancy eatin ? , per bbl. . S.I.A'i ; choice Michigan fiuit , S3.50 ; In 10 to25 bbL lot * , saas : car lots. S3.00. OiiAi'Ks Malaga , per bbl , 87.00 ; Calawba , per lniKkct. Sl.ifl. CiiANiiKititiES The demand for cranber ries is very brisk fdnce cold weather net in. The market Is well stocked with tancy Cape Cod cranberries also choice Ji-rscv Hell and Busies in birrels nnd boxes. Uape Cod , fancy dark , per bbl. . 80.00 ; Cajte Cod , laiicdark. . B bbl. lots , prr bbl. W.M ) ; .lersey Bell and BiiRle , per bbl. , 8 .00 : .lerrtey Dell and Hutcle. 6nol. loin , per bbl. . 87.50 ; Jersey Bell and Buele. per box. S'5.50 ; Wisconsin Bell and , Cherry , per bbl , 8o.50 ; Wlsonsin Bell and Chert.v. B bin. lots , per bbl.56.2.r . CAUF OIINIA X IIIIIT Pf nrs F.Bcnrrc an round ) carn , icr I ox. * MO. ( irape Emperor , rer crate , 0 Ibs. , 2. 0 ; doub crate , S4.M ) . PnoviBioKS. Hani. 10K@Hc. breakfast bacon , H CO'.IC : clear side bacon. 7e : dry saltud hies , Be ; sfioulders. sugar cured , 5) ) e ; me-sa pork per bb ! . . 8U1.00 : lard. 40 lo. cans , nor Ib , 7 < 7K . ; 10 , fianda Ib Falibanks , 7Ji@3e ; dried beet hams. 12c , BKAJJB Good clean stock meets with ready dale. Hand picked navy$1.75 ( < t2.00 ; medium , 81.rOi.H.73 ; uood clean country , 81.25@1.40 ; Inferior , 75ctfl.oo. ( OYHTKIIS N. Y. counts , 45c ; extra selects , 88c ; selects. ? < < : sUndurds. OR ; mediums , 25o UNIONS Salt Lake stock Is selling at 81.00 per bushel ; common home grown reds , 70@ 75c. There aie u few extia choice In the market that aie held at 81.00 per bush. VIOETAHMH : : Salt Lakeonious , per ib.Eo ; Jersey sweet potatova , : ) > c ; ho e radish roots , Co ; hotse radish roots , per bbl , 85.50 ; clery roots ( German celery ) , per doz. , 75c ; elcry , 40e. CHAIN The following are tno prevailing prices imld tor tlio wagon loads on the streets and al the mills to-ditv : New corn , 23c ; now onto , 25c ; wheat. No. 2 , ft'ie ; rye. 40@4..c. . Elevator prices lor car lols : corn. 2ilic : ; oats , 2-to : wheat , dOe : rj'e , 47ibinlev ; , 5.c. ! ' Fiouil * Nn MII.I.BTHKKH Winter Wheat Finn ; bestr ' patent at a.OOgi.HO. ( : Behind qimnty SSBiA&ino. iBprlns Wheat-Best quality pilcnt at 82.50 . UucUwhwii Flour In bairels , 0.00 ; ready raUed , lb imckages , 54.00 ; 0 Jb packages , ilran COenercwt. Chopped J-'tH'd I'er 100 Ibs. 80c. Corn "Menl Wlilte bOc , yellow 75c per cwL Hert'cnliiB No. 1 , 75c per ewt ; No. 2 , 50o. Hominy $1.50 per ewU KhortH OOe per cwt. ( iraham S2.00 tier cwt. Hay-Bales S0.00 * r. < i < > tier ton. t'uim AND bKiNH Mink , each , lOOTTOc ; Biimkrat , winter. 'Xiffio ; do. kits,2c > ' 2.fiUv < i < l.U ) ; tikiuik . , short striped , . ' ' broad strl COOM , No , do. Wo. . , . _ do mountain , 9'J.OO@S.OO ; wildcat , 15 ( 40 ; bea ter , 9U > ( jji.Vlp-r Ib ; fox. each , nS&Sljat dirrskln ; , do winter , l. lttc per Ib ; do. talj and HiimiiirrtKXjt . lliDKB ( iroenbutcbeiH' , 7 'cjrreen ; cured 9a\ \ dry illntlc ! ! ; dry silt , lOu ; damaged hides two-thirds price. Tallow 4c. Grease , prime whh > .4 < * , ShecDPeHn-aVBrtSe. L.EATHKJI No. 1 ritlfburt ; liarnesn J. C. L. A HOUR , 3 c ; No. 1 Pltlhlimir , K. & 8. 8o ! ; No. Cincinnati , Hta ; No. 1 lace leather , liOu ; prime IK uli ter note leather. 2 : i"e ; pi line oak sole katlier. Ma utte U piwr leather , IH.T foot. 2 1 & 3 c ; UemkIp.7.Xg8.r > coakklpl85vHi.'kFrenrU ; ! ; kip. 9I.OOutl.25 ; Jletu calf. 81.00@l.lO. oak c lf. I.tWMlM ; i-iench - call , I1.25WU.M : - roft-o bmit let , ! @ ; K ! ; Moiocco oil fckittWc ; toppfncs mid llnln s , per d loop Imuii-a , jrl.-ii ; X 0 I. O. * > \ jriuiiti"L735 TH. . 1 , O. T , haniM. S.wii ( perfection jMds , J .1 : 7 rin. Its , 5.V ; Bmlwnrs No. 10 tin-end , 'ft jj n bietts * 8tJ1lw Himei'-jiOc ' : SO Jtfteait stratisildtvlOi ; i > $ x C .1 loon champ T buckles , I1.05i laiiH loop rlmmnT buckles f8.0 ; Ci'imaii tiiiajw , ! > , ' 13.00 , 1. H.ift. K 1.4 < , M Vl.40. HRAVT UAUUWAHK Iron , rates , 13.15 ; plowRteel , bix-elal tiist , 4c ; crucible steel , Qo ; ni.tttiiol.siio , rJ&lbo ; wa.on tipokes , per * et , . % : ) . ; hubs per et , tATelloe \ * . sawed ry , 1.40 , tongiifti , each , 7fio , axles , each , 75c ; Equaiv nuts , IKT tt > . , 7 ( . llc ; collchaln per Ib , t l'Jo : lualaule , bo : iron wixige * , Oo : rj bnrn.6 ; harrow teeth , 4c : sprliiK steel , ilni ilcn's horse tthoeN > 4.'J ; liurden'a mule lutes , JW.4' , Baibcd Wire in car lots , 94.00 cer 100 ft * . lion Nall.s-Hatc * . 10 to 60 , 93.8.V. Bliotl.M ; bnckKhot , ll.b-V oriental powder , ke/s. ta.Vcj4.00 : do. half kegs. 2.00 ; do , uuarU'r k VK , $1.50 ; bla-.tln , ' , Hees , 13.35 ; fuB.- : per 100 f4 > t ! .We. Lead. Bar , Sl.tis. COAL Autiiiacitu j i , , t , ft : f g , .7. ' ; rmnge , .0 ; N me 9 . : Iowa , 93. ' Od : . * , ; Walnut block , 93.75 ; Illluolg , 94.5x1 B Klcli llill.94.wi UKV I'AiNTR-Whlto lead. e ; Kreneh tine , 12c ; r.via wliltliiif. S'o ; whltlnKKllders.lJic ; whltliiK.coin'l. Ikic : lampblack. iH'rnninliiwn. 1'ic ; Icnipbltick. ordinary , 10c : Prussian blue , Uc. , untrauinrlne , 1 : Vandyke , brown. 80 ; umper. burnt , 4c ; umber , ruw. u ; sienna. fcurnt , tei klenna raw , 4c ; P * IB grHtn. geou- Ine , iV ; runs tim-n , common , UJu ; viiroute griH-n , N. " \ . 'JOo ; clirome cretin. K , Iv'o ; vrr- Million , -EiiBlWi. In oil a > t , iV ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib can * . lee ; raw and burnt fleniitt , lOu ; vand > ke trown. } hc ; n.inod Minpblack. 12c ; roach black und Uory black , UVi ; drop black , 1'io ' : Pm.vsUii blue. 40o : ul- tnknianne blue IKo : rhromu Kroen , L. , W. A t > . , Ko ; Ulluii aiul uUutlu : locn , L. , Al. & i.t Ifie ; Paris preen , 18c ; Indian red , Me ; Vene tian red. 5 c ; Tuscan red. 22c ; American ver- million. I * A D. . 80c ; yellow ochre , PC : li. M. & . D. , I8c ; colden ochre , lOc : patent dryer , 6c ; gnilnlnc colors , llpht oak , dark oak , wal nut chestnut and ash 15o. . . . . PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha , P. P. Tc ; Tfhlte lead , S , Lou In , pure * 7. , Mar eil- lea jrreen , 1 to 5 ft can * , 2ito ; French zinc , green seal , 12c ; French ? .lnc , red seal , lie ; French zlnc.ln vnrnlsti asvt,20c ; French zinc , 75c ; vermllllon. American , 18c ; Indian , red , 10cro ; c olnk. 14o : Cookson's , 2ic ; Venetian rrrt , Amcnran , l ( c ; red lead , 7 > | c ; chrome yellow genuine. U0c5 chrome yellow , K , I2c : ochre rorhelle c ; ochrft French , 25fc ; ochre. Amcilcan , 2o ; winters mineral , 'Jxc' I hltrh brown.2lfc ; Spanish brown , ajic ; Prince's inlneial 'M OILS llOcarDon.per ealloii. lie. : 1M > head- JlKht , per enllon , UV. ; 175o hradllpht , per gal lon , life ; IWo water white. 15c : linseed , raw , per jrallon , 44c ; linseed , bolted , per gallon , 47clnrd. : winter str'd per gallon. f > c ; o. 1-t9c ; No.a , 4 e ; castor XX.\ , per pallon , 81.MNo. ; 3 , 81.44 ; hwert , per gallon , 51.00 ; Bpenn. AV. 11. , per eallon , gl.GO ; 1Kb , W. li. , irEallonri5c ; ncxitsfoot f.xtia , per K lion , BOcMo. ; 1.68c : lubricatiii ( < , iero , per gallon , TOc ; summer , I AC : eolden machine. No. 1 , m-r pallon , We ; No. 2,25c ; Rpenn , signal , per gal lon , 75r : turpentine , per gallon , 450 ; naptlu. per gallon. " 4c. . . „ > Anjnsiir.s Harrels , per rallon : Furn-t turc. extra. 51.10 : furniture. No. 1 , Sl.oo ; roach , extra 81.40 ; coach , No. 1. $1.30 : Damar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70o ; aspnaltum , extra , Me : shellac , $ : l.50 ; hara oil linlsti , hpiitiTS-Colofrne Spirits 183 proof , $1.1 ! ; do. 101 proof , 91,1 ; spirits , -second quality. 101 proof , ; do , lb3 proof , Sl.n. Alco ol INJuroof , saIOiM > r wine uallon. ncdlstilled whiskies Sl.oo cl.fO ; gin blendeil , JUXH < ? 2.00 ; Kentucky bouibous S2.oofO.OO ; KcnTucky and Pennsjlvatila rjes S2.00fdO.CO. ( Jolden Mieaf , bdurlion anil rje whlsklo , SI.rKK dom 81.5Wrtt.uo. : < ! in Imported , 34.50 (1.00 : do mestic. S1.50'.ri.OO. : Itums Imtiortod , 4.50 rs.8.00 : Now Knclanil , Siooou.oo ; domestic , 81.50 < < < 3.00. Champagnes Imported , per case. J28.00/234.00 ; American , per case , 810.CHK3 10.00. ViBb. HUnill.VQS 18.-5 CATCH. _ Lakelifch of all Kinds aiuoi'y lirin and acaice. An ad\nnce mav bu looked lor at an Cnilydnt ; . ru-incs ) < ! quiet. llollund herring , new , per keg , 8. > c ; now long split stockfish , lOc , new bhoit split fltocklish , UJc. SLNDUIKH Domestic Holland herrinijs , kegs , 50c ; llussian hardines , 43c ; Ancho vies In glass , Die Bull brana. per ao/ , 8:150 : ; Anchovies in kegs , } { Oi Bull brand. 84.00 ; spiced Hamburg herrings , skins and heads off , per pall , 1.15. COI > FISII Now laise bank cod , 4c ; Fen king , Geoigea chunks , HKc ; ctii\er leaf , ( icorges strips. fiUc : 1 Ib rolls , 2 Ib boxes , 7c : prairie flower , 21bbrlck,6e ; wild lose , 3 Ib brirk. 5 c SMOKT.D FISH llallbut , new. lOc ; new scaled herrings. 25u ; muuUeiel I2c ; salmon , 14c : smoked htur eon , iCe. Dry GooiU. PKIXTS Steel li\ir , 4'fc ; American , 5) c ; Arnold'ri , lc ; Coeheco , tie : Manchester , lie ; Lynian , 5c ; Gloucester , ftMe : Uunnell Jac- qtiard.Oc : Lhimicll , 5evlndnor. ; . tic : I'.v Ihc , 6c ; Hnrmony. 4 } c ; Anchor Shirtings , KC ; Menimack Shillings , 4 } c ; Berwick , c. c.BLKACIIKD COTTOSS farmers' Choice , # c ; Cabot , 65fc ; Hojie. 7.i ; Hill 4H , c ; Ilill .OXe ; Lonsdale.8 ; Fiurt BtVc ; Waia- autta , I0)c- CoitsKT JEANS Keaisargo , 7c ; Armorj- , 7c ; Pepperell , 7 > < c ; Indian Orchard , Gn } ; FINK UHOWN COTTOXH Pepperell 11 , C' o ; Pcpperoll O. 5c. Atlas. 0 > c ; Statue ol Liu- ertv , 6c ; Suranac R , OJ-st1. PKINTB Steel Iliver , 4 fc ; American , 5 > c ; Arnold' ) ) , Oc : Cochfcco , oo ; MnuclicMer , 6c : Lvman , 5c ; Gloucestt'r. 5Uc ; lun- ncll Jaciniord , 6c ; Duuiiell , ' > % ; K.iin.v po , 8e ; Windsor , Cc ; I'aciuc. ftc ; Hannony , 4J c ; Anchor Sliirtlngs , 4'fc ' ; Merrimack Shlrtlngd , 4) ) < c : Btiwicklc. . DK.VIMS Beaver Creek AA , lie ; Ilcaro Crrck , BB. 10o ; Beaver Cieelc CC. flc ; .laffiey XX , lie ; .laltrey XXX , 12c ; Jalfiey ) & ' , 12is'c ; Columbian , ! 2 > < c ! York , lile ; York , fancy , 18 { c : Everett , l5c ! ; Haymaker'.s blue jind brown , 7 c. l/uH'K-t U nbleached-8oz. ) Magnolia , 10.jc } ; lOor. JiB yiolla , 12cboz. : West Point , 10.o } ; 10 or. West Point. 12V c. Duoit ( coloied ) iJosica ' > oz. brown and -Lnib , 13 > io : Boston 011 brown ciid drab , 'Jc ; Jlostm ; XX brown and drab , iocs L'nston XXX brown 2 : > d drab. 11 Uo ; Boston O P blue , HKc : Waiien TriCOt. ! " > . JJUOWN CorroN J.a ' .rence LL , 5c ; Shaw- mutLL.&c : Beaver Dam i'L , &c ; Atlantic Ll > , 5c ; Indian Head , 7cYauci ; ! Mset OJ c ; Crown XXX. U < ic ; Clifton CCC , 0 > ic ; Utica C. 4 e : Atlantie P. 5 > . c. TICKINGS AmookeacACA. 12 > fe ; Thorn- Ike OOO , 7c ; Thorndlkefanny. UXc ; \ 01 k A , lOKc : York faney , 12jfc : Millbiir" iJ1/cr : Pearl Kl\er , HJ < c ; Ilamfl , , , \ & > Swit't ' lUycr ejiq : ahctncltPi , . Sif0. shetuc'ket SS i ' * Amoakpa ; : , cheeks , 9Jfe ; Amov , Htr'jT > es Hjio : Slater , Milpes , be ; Edin- , fXovfnt : ndon , btriw-a. 8c : Ulen- , X' ; Otis , checks , 9 > < e ; Otis , strips , 9c , > < nyal 6 % < Amoekeat \ ; , nappe < l , 10 ] < c : I.u- my , book fold , 12c ; Obcron , book fold , ll > c ; Enuurance , book fold 12o , SWOAKB Powdered , 75-4e ; cut lo f. 7Wc ; .eranulatcd , 7 > 4'c ; contectioner : ) ' A. TCJ Standard extra C.C o ; extra U , G e ; medi um yellow. I'M * : New Or'eaiiH , mi KICK Louisiana , prime to choice , 6J4c ; ancy , UK"i' ' c. MATCHKS Per caddie , ! i' > c ; round , rl. case , 45c ; Biiuure cnses , $1.70 ; Oalikosli cases , ur. , ; mullH'liiarfl. . < I.HO. CANDY Mixed , lOQiac ; etlck , lOQlle HOIIA In Hi papers , 3.25 case ; salsnd * kex per Ib. 2.25. VINEOAB ClDKK ISQlScJ VillltO wine , 15 . PICKI.KS Medium In barrels , S7.00do ; lu half barrels. St.oo ; numll In ban eh , JH.OO ; uo In half barrels , $4. . ' > 0 ; Kherklus in barit'U , IO.OU ; do in half barrel" . > 5 ( O. SALT Uray loads , per bbl , 91.53 ; Ashlon. dn.S'-Sk ' Mtks- A8htonOCfli bbu . , - MaK r gloss , 1 Ib. eUe ; Niagara 87e- 87eCHACKBIIB 4)arneau'a ) coda , butter and plcnlcBVo ; cre-ims , b 'c ; ginger snaps , 8 > , 'o ; SoAi'H-Klrk'n Savon Imperial , 83.00 ; Kirk's satinet , 83.19 ; Kirk's Mandard. V3.50 ; Kirk's White KuMlau. § 4.CO ; Klrk'u White Sricits- Whole Pepjier , 19e ; alsplce , lOc ; Garden allspice , 12Uo ; tnlbAr clou * , I5p ; Amboyna cloves.Oc : , rn-vila , lOu ; < "e Ion elm non,4.'c ; Saigon TKAS < lunpowder , fair , S'Q45 ; good , We : cholw , ( > x 75c ; good Imperial , KOJ choice , WXs'Oo ; ; \ oung Uyt > on , good , SX ) < g4.o ; choice , GOi$7U ( Oolong , good , H.V$40c ; Oo- lollg , choice. 40u iOoKuglfMi : Brt-akUst good. " 'Tc ; i'lioW , MKsivic ; Dduvhuutr , KOOU , UXj rhofct , So i. ' * ; Japan * , fair. 25 ( S5 . swiVj ; choice , WsT5c ( : Tea Dust , i ea Sittings , . CAXNKO Jloons-OystcrJ , Standard per case $3.7 1 : tra * berries , 'i-ft. . Txrca' ; > e. S2. o ; raspberries , s-ft. , ix-r v. e , f'ias ; CalKornU pears , per cnse , S.1.00 ; aprlcol < , per case , I4.7.V ponclicc. rcr ca e , 34.76 ; white cher ries , per C.1JC , tfl.OO ; plum * , rnr CASO , 5400 ; whortleberries , per caic , g'2.40 ; egg plums. a-a > . , percas * ' , S2.W ) ; preen pastes , 3-fc. , per ca o , gJ.W ; plno apples , U-tt. , per case , S3.205J 'CANnrr.s-Hoveo. 40TbCs llj c ; s , ItJ cs twxesiOrt. . , 10 oz , os , H ; c ; halt box , 2on > , We. We.KINH CUT Ilnrrt to neat , 70c ; Clmrni of the 1't.uo TonACCO Climax. 4tcper ehoe , 4Gcj Star , 42c : Spearhead , -Mo5 Our Hope OOa ; I'lrx-r Heithick. COc : I'unch , 40oj YouncPrlt ? . 41c : Silver Tnz , 40c. ItnpR titaa ) , H Inch nud larjer , S i'c ; Incli , c ; Klncli , tc. uiitit > KIlUlTS- . 1 Quarter applei , 4' ' c ; 8 iwuc : tilackhrnit1 ! , qtiai leans sn.oo. UoFKr.its Ordinary cnuic , rc' fair , 10 c ; pi hue lifetime ; ciiolco , lUlj : ( il.T cj fancy green nud jollow , H' ' virile ; old cor- crntueiit Jnvn , utHtt-Ai , : ; interior Javn. Kt'iW 20c : .Mocha , .WaUle : Aibuckle's roasted , ! ' c ; .Mo ntiKhlln'.i XXXX roasted , 1H c ; Pilworth's IMMc ; lU'il Cross , 13Uc ; Jlrl.itiu'liliii'ti. : Aibucldo'dand McLaURhlln's XXXX me sold We per case off above priced In 3-cnie lots. Dry Shingles have advanced 5c and dimensions COc Iu Chicago. DIMENSIONS AND 71.M11KUS. I c I I I I I ' 12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft SO It ? ! ft 24 ft Cxi . I5twi5iwi.j.oin.oni7.o | ) < ) if .wion ( 2xl ( . ) 11.50 I4.SU 15.5' ) 111.50 Id M WK ) iixs . 1500 15 ( KM i .no K.m 18 ui ) inwi - xin. . isw ) i.oa ir , . j WM K.maxxianfiO ixiu . r. CM 15 * w 15 oo m.w 17.00 inmsoix ) 41 6x8 . 15.00,1500150016.00,17.00,19.00,10.00 . No.lboaid , 12 , 14 mid 10ft . S1 < ? . .V ) No.'Jlmaids 12 , 14 nnd 10 tt . 14..V ) No. nimanls , 12 , II nnd 111 ft . No. 4boauls , J'A 14 and 10 It . 10.50 m. , 5f I' ' " ' ' While rino . S .oo d Com. , & Inch While 1'iiie . 2a.50 ! Clear " ( finch Yellow I'itio . S21.50 t'hsir ? H inch .Vorway . 14.00 2d Com. , I'M ' Inch. Noiwnv . W.OO KI.OOltlNO. 1M Com. Glneh , hlteplno . ? " 0 00 2d Coin. (5 ( inch , Mhlte pim- . ! M IX ) ad Com. r inch , \\hlto nine . 2900 1) ) . G Inch , while pine . 2000 Com laud li Inch yellow pliu1 . 17.50 Star 4 and ( i inch > ello\v plno . Ibttud2d clear yrllnw pine , -Wi Inch. . . 21. ta blur I.M- . No. 1 , Plain , 8 nnd 10 Inch . . . $17.00 No. 3 , riain. 8 and 10 Inch . 15.00 No.lO. < i . 17.M ) PINI1II1NO. Ibt nnd 2d Tlenr , W Inch , . 2i . 1st nnd 2d Clear , lj and 'J inch , s 2s. . . . fiO 00 d Clear , 1 1 < luuh. s-Js . 4S 00 ! M Clear , l1 and a Inch , s 2s . 4800 li Select , 1 ' / . \ A and a Inch , s. 2s . : r no 1st and -d Clear , 1 inch , s. 2. > . M ) 00 Sdelcai , 1 Ineli , s2-i . 44 , iO A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s . 4000 1J Select , 1 inch , s. Ss . 2050 bTOCIC llOAtmS. Aiainoh , t s2 , 14 and 10 feet . SM 00 B " " " " " " . 41 00 O " " " " " " . HIJ 00 13 * * ll * * n .1 .1 , . , . ' " 2.t 00 Xo. 1 Coin. 12 in. B. 1 s. 12 , 14 and'lfi'ft" 17 50 No. 1 " " " 10. 18 and 20 tt. . 18 fa No. 3 " " " 12 , 14 and 10 U. . 1550 rori.Aii M'.Minit. : Clear 1'oplarUoxlidM.K In , s 2n . S.Tti 00 " " Jiiii , panel MW wide , s''s. 27 00 ' " ComuratedComuK , % . . . . 21) 00 BAT1HNS , W1U.I. TUI11.NO , 1'ICKini. O. 0. Halts , -Jh'inch . SOO 70 " Wxi. ! S IS . 00 & 5 3 Inch Well Tallin ? , ' , 1) . & M. and liev. . 20 GO Hitisoi.r.N , LATH. * A * Standard . S'i GO 5 inch , clear , $1.50 ; G inch , clear . 1 GONe No 1 . 1 10 Lath . 5220 POS1S. White Cedar , Cinch , halves . S U " JV-i " " and a Iu ij'rs 0 " " 4 " round . . . . . 11 Tennessee red cedar , split . 14 } { MJIK , irc. : Qulncv white lime ( best ) , 5c ; cement. Akron , sl.7. % ; plaster , S2.I50 ; hair , pr bushel SOo ; Nu h , 'JO percent otf list ; doors , blinds , inouldliiL'ri , 50 per cent elf list ; taricd loll , per Ot. . 81.75 : stmw boaid , & 1.U ) . THE CHICAGO AND Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago TWofinly road to take < or Des Moin e , M r- challtownCedar ItapldsClinton. Dixlo , ChlcAg . Jlll milicc uiul all polntRC'ist. To the people or Nebraska , Coloiailo , Wyomliifr , Utah. Idaho Nevada , Oregon , \Vanhlnirtoii and l' lfornia | It otfera supdrlcr ndvantuiros not possible by any other linn. , Among a few of the numeioUH points ot eupo- riorlty enjoyed by the patrons or this roadbo- tvreen Omaha and Chicago , are Ha two trains dny of DAY COACHES which nro the Boost that human art and Ingenuity can create. Its ! 'AI - AC1S SLliUl'INO OAKS , which are modrls of comfort and olouance. Its I'Altl.OIt IlltAWINU IIOOM CAKB , nnHurna aod by any , und Its tvldo- y celebrattxl PALATIAL DININCI OAKS , the equal of which cannot bo found olsowheio. At Council Illiirr the trains of the Union Pool' flo Ky. connect In Union lie not with thone of the ChluiKO& NoithtrosU-rn fty. In Chicago tbu uiiiiH of thlii line make done connection with thoeoof all eastern lined. For Dotrolt.i'oluiiibns , Indianapolis. Cincin nati , Niajrara ralli. lIulTulo , I'itt burK , Toronto , Montreal. ltn loii , New York , Philadelphia , Hal- tlmore Wiiihlnifton and all points In th cast , ask the ticket nuent for tlcki < tii via the "NOUTH.WE8Tr.HN , " If you wish the best accommodations. All ticket Kifonti * sell tickets via this line. M. HUUIUTT. H. B. IIA1B , Osneral Jlunairer. Oeu. I * BS. Agent W.N. nAUCOCK , Gen. Agent , HU aroam tit. , Umaba , Neb ART MUSIC KIMBALL PIANOS Sheet Muslo and Books. EMERSON PIANOS Musical Instruments. Ballot & Davis Pianos Viollos , Guitars and Uanjos. KIMBALL ORGANS Piano Stools nnd covers. ARTISTS * MATERIALS Send So stamp lor catalogue. PICTURE FRAMES Plush foods ni d Novelties. Engravings , Paintings 1M3DOUQLA8 STIIKBT. OMAHA MANUFACTURERS , Billiard Tables , Manufacturers of Billiard A Pool Tables , AndSaloon.Offlcn mul Hunk 1'taturM. Mnrkrt nnd Huron Sis. , Clile.igo , 111. Omnha oflice.WJ B. IWh St. Book Binding , Etc , mns ; I'isi.vrixo co. Printers , Book Binders , And BUnk Hook Mnmifaitnrors. No . 108 nnd , Omaha , Nub. Bulter Tubs , j. SUVMOUll , Manufacturing of Butter Tabs , M nEC ; 40 n > , . > < < ! ai ft. stci ai , KOS iu ) lii , Wto. )5ti ) ) and I'im'o St. , Omabn , Neli. Cigars and Tobacco , " MAX MKVKH * . CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Huns ami Ammunition. 21' , to 1 South llth blrc < t , low to VKt I nrnHin Btrcot , Onmhu , .Neb. iMBit-OrKASPioui rtcronr. Mannfactnrers of Fine Cigars , And U'holo'fllo Dnildisln Leaf Tobacco * . No § . JUS Aiul 110 N. Hlh Street , Omnlm , Nch. Cornices. Eagle Cornice Works. John Kpenoier , I'roniletor. Manufacturer of OHlvunl ? ! d Iron and Cornlco. 9il Dodco , nnd 101 nnd 103 Nurth lUth Street , Omaha , Nob. HL'iMl'INl : ( & 1IOI/FE , ManufuctineiH of Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , rinnls Ktp. , SK ) 8. Klfit. \ \ . Workdono in tin ) ' pott oC thocountry. Western Cornice Works , C. arCCHT , Proprietor. Onlvanli'd Iron dilutees Ktc. Sptcht'n tin- pitived I'atrnl Metidl'cfckj light , WS ) und 610S. Doors , Sash. Etc. OATH CITY Planing Mill. Doors , Fnfch nnd lllliule. Also all Ictndf ) of tuinlni ; . Seioll and-tnlr ! oik of o cry do- A. uosixiiiiY : : JIanufacturcr and Dealer In Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouldings , Etc. MaliHniln a Piieelally. Telonhonu No. 95. r > th and Jiaix-y St. , Omalm , Neb. Electrical Supplies. Electrical Supplies , IA W. WOWE t CO.Klectrlelnns Jinsonlo llloek , Oinuhn. llniirlar Alarms licit * . l''iio Alarnis , Klcctiic. MiltliiK" , ijpoaklii 'i'ulio' , Gold , Mlvcr and Nickel I'latlny , Etc. Iron and Nails. OMAHA NAII. StA UKACTUlllNO CO , Cut Nails and Spikes , Tire Nails a Hjiecialty. Omaha , Neb. Omaha Iron Works Company , Machinery , Castings , f tcam IIIKIK : | > J , Hollers , Archllc-ctnial Iron worknm llriilk'os , Mining and Mill Machinery , Onici- and uoikt , Union I'acinc It. It. ITth and IKth Strc-otH. " \VKAHNE It ItltO. , Foundry Works. Cor. 14th nnd Jackson Stn. , prepared lo do all kinds of lion und llnu.g ( 'actings ; alt-o.O. U. lanni ) tor' Kockhur Gtato Itara inaniiruutiiro.t Mattresses. _ K."M. HUI.SE , Mattress Company , Mnnufactiirln r MattTP CH , Ilodtllnff , Fonthei I'llliras , < Vits , Kta law and IMS IXiuglaa Street , Omaha. Neb. Overalls. " CANFIKM ) JIAXUKACTIIHINO CO. , Manufactnrers of Overalls , Jeans Pants , Shirt * , Kte. , 1103 iimllKU Douglas Btroet , Omalia , Noli. Paper Bozes. J. L. WII.KIK , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , JOO R. 14th St. . Omulm , Neb. Ordmgliy mall so- llcitcd nnd will recnlro prompt Httentlon. Safes. Omaha Safe Works , a. Mamifnctnrcr of 1'lni and IliirIar 1'joof Safes Vault Doors. Jail Work. Shutters nnd Wlro Work. Cor. Hlh and Jackson His. , Omaha , Nrh. Soap. _ _ fc P. J. QUEAt-lir , Soap Manufacturer , Ofllco and Factory , near Powder Magazine , Omnha N'ch. Wagons and Carriages. OHATTON * DRBMMOND Manufacturers of Fine Carriages. 1815 iiinl l.n ; ijarHfiy street , Omaha. N 'b. Role iTK In NohrasUi * forJotieV CVlcbrated Split EnUbllBhcHl IS.V1. A. J. BIMI'SON , The Leading Carriage Factory , 1400 ana HU Dmlgo Street , Omaha , Noli. White Lead. OMAHA WH1TB I.KAD COMPANY , Con-odors and Grinders of Perfectly Pure Wiiite Lead , Omaha , Nob. I.cvl tarter , 1'ren. ; 0. W. Mua4 Vlco J'res. ! H. W. Yatcs , Bcc. and Treas. OMAHA HOTEL DIRECTORY. Tie Hillard , Bheara , J , B. Market Thos. Swobo , Proprietors Omaha , Nubraska. Arcade 'Hotel , Jamoa'Cag yi Proprietor. J215 and mT Duuiclla Ht. , Omaha , Net ) . The patroimiro of commercial men respectfully solicited. Thby rill And this the ben f i H day bouto wett uf Cotcwo. . K Honse , C. E. FEBKIfi , , PllOl'IHETOIl. s , 11.60 per day. i Street can from U. r. tepot , within otiu .tilock of hoiiM , ' . Corner and lOUi etrcutH.'Onibha ' , Neb. The Cozzens , P. Ruiasey it Co. . Proprietors. Rates 12.00 per day. no dark rooms. Also I'aiac * Hotel Baiita Fe , Omaha , Neb. Canfleld House , Cor. Nln.h snd Farnain St . The tn-st | : l per day hou < i In Omaha. Itemodrled , rrtiirnfshel , rodoi-rattd ; one block from urmy headiuartorii | ; ojijKHitu Union 1'iu'lHo hcaduuartorxi ttreet cart p a the door. ( Joorge Ctuineld & Co. , piopno- lorn. Alto Union Block Yards Hotel , South Uiuulia. Hotel d Coos , P. (5OOS , Proprietor. European Plan. The only centrally locatt d f 3 day hniuc. 'JTir e doors from lioyd'H Opra HoiiMiand one-lialf block from thu Po tollh i and the rouii ( louse. 1AM , UU > , UU ! I'aniam OHIHJl JOBBERS' DIRECTORY , Agricultural Implements. " U.Vl.NGEK * MKTTAU * CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Agricultural Implements , Oflicc , Corner Cth and PatHleSt * , Om bi , N ( > 1 > . PAJIMN , OHKNIKmiT A. M All TIN , Wholesale Dcnlora In Agricultural Implements , Wagons nnd Uuwlc5 ( , Omnhn , Ncli. Boots and Shoes , W. V. MOHSK A. CO , , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1411 J'arnnm Street , Omaha , NVli. Manufactory Summer Plreet notion. Carpets , S. A. OltClIAlil ) , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mailing * , Curtnln Ooodc. Kip. . 1(2:1 : Knrnfim Blrcct , Onmnn , Nvb. Coal , Lime , Etc , , ) KFF W. Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Office , I13S. 14tliPt.Onmlia , Neb. Vnrda , 9th Htul Davenport Stricts. OOUTA.ST A : SQUIHUS , Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. licit vm Ictlrs. Oftlcc , 21'l S. inth St. Telephone No. UK.Oinnlm , Null. NKHUASKArUEI.CO. . Shippers of Coal and Coke , 2HS. 1'Jth St. , Onmliu. Neb. nro. I'.Tnwi.E , rrceMcnt. Gro. Vvrrmoov , Si-c. tiinl Tr J. II. lll'l.m.UT , K. A. llAM-ll , riopri.'tor. MiitiRgor. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NiilUAPKA. : Onicn , ' . ' 17 H. IJth Snoot. Telephone 41) ) . Gto. T. LiiiAnit , Vro" C. 1 * . CIoowuN.V. Vice. J , A. SUMiiiiiiAM ) , Sec. mid TroHS. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers or hard iiml Rort coal , ElM S. IJth fct. , Omnhn , Neb. OMAHA CXAI. ) AND I'lfoHuCB Ctt Hard and Soft Coal. ExcHiutto dealers In llotihlcr Colorado Conl,217 , fcOllth Mill blllCt. Coffee and Spices , U.AIIKI : nuos. * ca , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills , Ton Coffees , Fpiotw. Hultlnj ; 1'omlcr riatorlnR K\ti acts , Liuitiiiiy Illim , Ink , etc. Itlf-lU ll r- nt'ybticot.Oniuhu , Neb , Commission. Etc. _ _ UHANCIt Si CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , 11" ! I'ninaiu St. , Omitlm Apples Our own pack- liur I'latt ALo. Thicr lirnnd OjHtuiii , lluttcr , 1'SKf , ( Jamc , 1'oultrj1'utnturs. . JOHN r. General Commission Merchant , Produce , Pi o > Wona , I'mite , riunriind IVcd. 10T > P. Hlh St. , Omaha , Kpb. Consignments eolicltud. He-turns imido promptly. HUi.un : Jobber and Commission Merchant. Cluct-o , Sniisiiprs. I'liiilP. Ilutdiors Tools nnd Supplies. KVi .Jcnu-s fct. , Onmhn , Nob. W. 15. General Commission Merchant. BPECIAI.TIEH ( hreuo. Uiittcr. KPRS , Poultry nnd ( Iiuuc , 112 S. Htli. , OmaliR , Nub. Telu- D. A. HPKUJV , Commission and Jobbing , llnttpr , nppfl and 1'roduco. A full Jinn of Stono- wnio. CouHlKlimcnts coliullPt ! . 1111 Bodtro fct , , Oiunlio. E. MOHONV , General Commission Merchant , r , Kniff , Cliop > o and Country Produce iron- ciuIlyWJ ; S. Utli St. , OmiihB , Nub. MrSHANK A. ECHUOEDKn , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. JlcfriKf rntor nnd Puchlnjc Ilouto , Htli & Loavoo- , on U. P. 11. It. Trnuk , Omnho , Neb. Kslnbllslicd ISTIi. H01IEUT PUItVIS , General Commission , Sll 8. Hth St. . Oinuhn. Nob. Spetinlties Diittor t'H- : , I'oullry nn.l ( intno. J'EVCKK 11ROS. , Commission Merchants , Fruits , 1'ioduce und Provisions , Oinalia , Neb. A. P. HCHAC1C , Wholesale Commission Merchant , , Beixls und Producn. No 21 , ) S. li-th Street , Omiiliii Nobnisku. TllOXKI , ! , & WIMJAMS , Storage and Commission Merchants. Smite. Flour , Applp , Stonowiiro. Cldcr.ViiippHr , Oiafisyp. ls , Iliiltcr nnd Ksri ( , ai3 and UIO South Uith btrcot , Omaha , Nebraska. . - WIBPKMAN & CQ , Produce Conimtssion Merchants. Poultry , Butter , Onmo. iTw K'0"OH. . Hlh St. , Omnhu , Nebraska. A. F. iiirin.JE , Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits , JIflits , Lard , Jolhi-R , llntter. V.HKS , Cheesu , Etc. No. 05 H. 12th.Bt. , Omahn , Neb. WESTEltFIELD DUOS. , General Commission Merchants , MM Dodge Struct , Omnhn , Neb. Coneiymncnta Solicited. II. Me. DONALD. COMMISSION MIRCHANT. 12th Street , Oinulm , Nob. Spcn ltlos : Hut- tor , Ktrge , mid Chickens , Crockery , \v. r * , wnioiiT , Agent for the. Manufacture ! s and liiiporters Crockery , Glassware , I.imp ; , Chlinno)8 , l't . Ofllco , HIT South l.tth Omulm Nob. Dry Goods , j. j. imowN & co. , Wholesale Dry Goods and Motions , ) ! fcU Douglas Btroet , Ouiuba , Nob. L. OINSIIIIIIO & CO. , Wbolcealo Deiilorslu Dry Goods , Hosiery , Motions , T.lnens , iJieos , ibrolJary and Whltu Goodn , KMj DouglBB Btrcot Omaha Nub. Lnglnes. t co. , The Baker Automatic Engines , BtMionury and porlaljlu eii iiiea , bolloraand fliiet iron woik , WHKOIIH. uuiiutiliuritl Implu- menu , pumps etc. li.TM-15 Leavenuorthat , Leather , Hides , Etc , L. C. HUNTINOTON i BON , Dealers in Hides , Wool aud Tallow , llli Jutkson titrcet , Omuhu , Neb , BIXJMAN HUOa , WholcbUln Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Baddlpry uml hhoo PiiidlnKM , IIIdu3 , Wool , urn , 1'dts , OifUfU , Tulluw , Ktf. , Oiuuliu , Net , Flour , Etc , * " WM. PlIKbTON. ' OfcO. KlflliHUVOX. WM. PHKSTON & . CO. Wholesale Flour , UX , (10 nnd CUi Plvivo ttrOftUiUlliii : ! , NcU OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY JUll'NO T7.PCIUTK , .III. , Agent for J. 0 lloffnmjr ft Co , Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour lly Hohcrs nnd Hnnmirlnii lrccr * . Warchoueo , 1213 Jones MrrctiOnmhti , Neb. VT.J. WEU > UAN3 A CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain. Manufacturerof W. .1. Wi-hhnns X IV.'s ( JnloX ItnlMnir HucXivhcRt Hour nnd proiirlclorsOinaha City Mlllf , cor. 8lh mi < l rnrnnin Street" . Uninha. Furniture. HKW UV & STOXK , Wholesale Dealers in Furnltare , _ _ _ _ _ I'mimm Strrct , Omaha , Nrb. Groceries. _ _ AM.KN Wholesale Grocers , _ 1110 unil 1112 Douplus SliPPlOiniili i N'olj. K. II. CHAPMAN A I'O. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tolmixo tind .Smoker * ' Aillcle ! > , UH llo aid St. MKVKU . \ \APKK , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Fplce , CisniB nnd Tobflcco < " . lillT mid I3l Un lr- las Slriet , Omiiha , Neb. _ HcCOIIl ) , ItltADVX COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , Cortipr IPlh nnd I'tirimm StreclNOntAtifl , Keb. PAXTON , OAI.I.AOHlin A CO , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , No . ' , ffi , TOT , Tlf ) nnd Ul S. lOlh St. , Omal.n , Nub. Hardware , " " W. .T. IIHOATCH , Hardware Iron Steel . Heavy , , , Fprliic" , Wniron Stock , llnrdwcod Lumber , etc. UVJ nnd ll.'l1 Miuney street , Oinnliu , Nub. IDNIV.V : : Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Cnrrlnpo Wood Stock , lli'iivy llnrdwnro Ktc. K'li and lil'J ' Lvuvuiinorth btrcctOinnlii Nub. HlMKHAtV.H Builders' Hardware , Mcclmnle * ' Tools nnd llnlliilo Scaled. KOoDouir ins Slice ! , Oninhii , Neb , : , rniun A , ro. , Jobbers of Hardware and Ndtls , Tinware , Bhcct Iron , KIP. AKcnts for Ilouo Suilos and .Miami Powder Co. , Onmliu Nob. Mti/rox nocr.its & . SON.S , Stoves Furnaces Tiles , Ranges , , , Mantles , Orates , Itiuss roodx. 1S21 anil Ki'J Tiir- nain SI i cot. iiurron * WIUICLMV co Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Emerson Steel Nulls. Cor. lOlh nmt Harnoy btiects , Onuilm , Nxb. Harvesters. AVM. DKIIIIING A , CO. , CHIC'AOO , Maiinlactuierof tlio Deering Harvester Goods , Write to Wm. M. Airliner , npneiol Apcnt , Omaha. Telephone 019. Iron Pipe , Etc. COWING * CO , Hydraulic end Mechanical Engineers , JobLorfc In Iron Pipe , Iron flttlnga , lion nnd llrues Cooda. Kn/tiiuer / ' SuppUcs. Htli und Uodgo Streets , Omnha , Neb. A. L. BTltANO COM PAN V\ Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Etcxm : , Water , Kullnuy imdMllHtu ; Supplies , Ktc. VO ) , . - . ' nnd ( CM Tni mini St. Omaha , Nob. CHIinCIULt , PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Etedin nnd Water Supplies. Ilf-ndiiuitrtoiii fo Must I-ooot CO.'B tioodb. 1111 Turnum Street , Omaha , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jewelry. _ " EDHOT.M i ECICKfcONT" Wholesale Jewelers , Dealers In SiUorwnio , Diamonds , Watches Clocks. , Jowelots' Tools and MHtorlal-i , Klo. , Wl and HI , 13th Btrcnt , Cor. Uodro , Omaha , Nub. JJENSON" Succe'-soiH to leknn Flemf-en ft Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Impoiters of Korean KWi , Nos. OllflH Jonei Street and U. P. Track Omnlia , Nob. Live Stock. Bridge Stock Yards Omaha. No Yardage Cliuriruil. Oot-o to U. P. Uildwo. Hpccln ) iicrommodntion end H jtood market lor hoRi. K. C. Cooper , Mann - n ur. Olllco , ( WJ eouth 5th Street. JI. nUHKK i SONS , Live Stock Commission * ULO. IHiilio. Manager , Union Stock Yards , 8. Omnhu , Nob. Tele. K2. w. r. JJUOWN & co. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. inico Echanpo llnlldiiitf. Union Slock Yurda , ? outh Omaha. Nob. TolophnnnNo.&j : ] . 5IALIXJ11Y. BON * CO. Live Stock Commission , Union Stock in. . ! ; . CblcnKO , 111. , mid Omnhn , Neb. Frank Clilttonili'n.rtni. t'r Omaha IJrancu. Telcphono No. "i J. Eitabllahoil It i _ W , i , . PAT1IICK * CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Addtcff. nil communications lo us at Union Stock Yards. South Omatiu. Advances made ( in ttouk. Union Stock Yards Company , OK OMAHA. Limited. John 1' . llovd Buporlntondenl , SA.VAGK & ( SHKKN. Live Stock Commission Merchants , BlilrmeuiH ot any and all kinds of eloclt tollclt- < xJ. Union Btotk Yiuda Omuba Nub. Lumber tic , _ LOUI3 UltADlVfltl ) , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , B nli , Doors , Klo. Vardc-Cor. 7tli and Douglas , Cor , 9th MANUKACTUHINO CO Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moiildliius , Btalr Woik and Inteilnr Haiti Wood r'lnlnli. JiiHt opened , N. K. cor. tsth and J.envon- wortbBtioctH Omuhu Nob. CHICAGO UJMIIKU COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber. Sli S. llth Btrcft , Omaha. Nob. V. Colpctzor , Manutfer. C. N. DlKTZu Lumber , _ 13th and California ritroet , Omabit , Nob. _ 1'JtKD W. UUAY. Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Cth and Douglas Blreets , Onmha , Net ) , HKO. A. HOAULAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Oinalm , Nebraiko , CHAS. It. I.KB , Hardwood Lumber , Wagon Stock. Tancy Woode. llrldRe Timbers , An. , B. W. Cur. utli 11 lid IouKl.u ) , < JiiuUia , Nou. 0. K , hYMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Bliads , Mouldings , Jlulltiln Pupcf , lUc. Hoiith Utli f.titet , Omaim , Nubiut > ka. Nebraska Lumber Co , 1'nlil In ( 'rtilliil ) StoiU , | . , i'U i , ujtiiufutiiii ! < i anO 9 llu ml- Merrill.VliJ. . Wliolit . .m < l rciull uuihu , Ntl . ili = . . ' , 'ni il. OMAHA JOBBERS'DIRECTQRY OMAHA Ll'MniUl CO. , l > e ler In All KiruNof Building Material at Wholesale , , Kth Street and t' , P. 11. II. II Ti.icOniAlia ] No 01JI1MAN' H WVA1T , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , J. A. Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shingles , lrtliiiT Paper * . P ) i. l > oot ? , ( Illndd , .Monlfl. Inps , 1'iikets ro l , I UUP , PUMer , lUIr , Cement. Ninth Hiul.lom-i Oi > mha Neb. - . Millinery , nd , lobberof Millinery and Notions , WH HninpySliPot , Omaha , XoK „ \ Musical Instruments , KDIIOI.M A KUICKM1.V , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , Ftrln i > y Ploiin" ! . Weher , Dceki r , llulm- ) und ' iiuiiH. Pnekiiiil OrcratH , CliHto OrgHtit. Kil and Htl nth Uroi t. Notions ) Etc , " ' " " " " j. t , . nnxoiiirf A w y , Wholesale Job Lots , Ilr.T Ooodo , Notion * , dents' I'tunlshlnfT Oocild IJoi'il * liiint Ni'W Votk. Tiudn < nlea dailr. Mrt mid. Mia Hnutli ! c. s. uontiiiini . \ co , French and German Fancy Goods , ' i- UI5 r r nnniOiiiiiha , Noli. J. T. Robinson Notion Company , 4(0 ( and < ( vl S , inih Hl.Oiniihn , Null. WholeKide Deali'i-x In Nntiuni and Oils , Etc. coxsoiitAi in ; TANK LINK co. , Wholesale Dealers iu Oils. Onpollnu , Mica AxloHimsc. lite. A. 11. lllsliop Mntinutir. Oin-Oia , Neb. _ Pork Packing , v- ' - .1AMKS r. . IIOYI ) , Pork Packer and Shippar , Omaha , NcbittxUa. Packers and Provision Dealers , Onieo Pnkm , IfllT Ooilec Stroot. PaoWnf hoiibc , U. P. K. H.TratU , Onmhii , Neb , TPC. ! phone No. lr > 7. Safes and Locks , UOVKIl A. IX ) . , Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s Fiin and lliitRlar Proof t-'afDJ'L'iiiiuLoukft.YiiutMl and.lall woik. WM I'.miam slieet , Ouiahn , Null. Seeds. " " " " .1. KVANs ? , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds. AtrHculttiiHl Veiretahln , lilc. Odd 1'ollowV N. W. Cor. Ulii and l > od o .St. . Onmha , Nob. Drugs , Etc , " ; ) MPANV , Wholesale Druggists , paints , OHM. wind.w rii > iM llnrney f-ticef , Omah > , Neb. C. r. GOODMAN' . Wholesale Druggist , And Dealer in Paints , Oili and Wiiiilair Olktl , Oiunlm , Nub , , Wines and Liitiors | , " riiANK i > ii.rx : > xr. & co. , Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , MI-- mid IL'OI DoinrlHH St. .Omaha , Nab. rnctories N s. 1'd : Di-.t. N. Y. nro. W. DI'NPAN. Siitccssor to MI-NAM MI \ \ . DUMH.V , Importer ! and Wholesale Ueideiri In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , SlG S. 14lh HI. , Omulmcb. . It. H. GltOTTE , Wines and Liquors. VTcsto n Agent J'js. SUilIU Llrouinff Co. T19B. 8th btrout , Omalm. HENHY HOIlNlinilUEH , Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. JCJl Doughti Mrc tOniHhn , N b. , , Distillers and Importers of Wjnes And I.Iitiors. . ' | Polo inaiiiittiotun.-is of Konnedj'a Knu India DiUeirt. JlJlmney \ Blicut , Omnlin , Jvcb. I * . P. LARSON A CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies And Cltfius , and Oonornl Apfints for lliu Phllln Heats' Cclobiatcd Mlhvau'too 15eor , Omahn , Mob. Harness , tie. WIJLTY A" I.ANDUOCJC , Manufuctuiora mid.Jobbers or Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware. Turf Goods , Illunkcts und Hoboa , Sticot , Omaha , Nob. HAMBURG - AMERICANA A milECT LINK 1X311 England , France & Germany. Uliu bleitn lilps of ills ; well RI WII llnu nroull of iion , In water Utfht coiur irtnitmip , * nd ro- tuinluhed with u > crythtnir to make tbo paas < | p botli fufo and a ronnblo. They carry the United Ptuteannd Kuiojxiau inalli" , and loam Now York ThnitdayHmid Patunhiyi for I'lyinouth , ( LON DON ) , Chcrb'.ilif , ( I'AKIB niul IIAMIUJHOI. llatCB FlMt eaUlu , t J-tlW. Htucr i ! to NM Yoik Chicago , Milwaokee & St. . Pau. The nd Best Bouto From Oiuahajo the East. TWOT1IA1NSOAH.V HKTWHIiN" OMAHA ANU ChlcuHO , MiniKmixills , Milwaukee , Ht. 1'Hiil , f Mlar Kajd4 | | , Davenport , Clinton. Jubiiquo. Rookford , Itnok leland , rriwnort , .lanAfivlll * , Klvln. Madlsou , ! . Croitt , liclolt , \Vlnoim , Aud all other important iJiilut ; r.tsl , Tlcki-l olllc M 14ul ruriiain Miccr , ( In p it/m lion I ) , and M Union I'ncliio Uojioi. Pullman Bleepi < ii anil the 1'Jnunt UliilnaCire in Uio ( iild mt run on ( ho nmin llncfi. Hi 1L * Cn i uaolMli.WAUKft iiiriA r. JtA i/f.iy , iud tv r > ntteutlon l paul to imDioiifors hy court * * OMB omployei of the company , 11. Mii.i.rn , ( Icnt-ial MniiRk-or. J , 1' . TircKCii , Afisiitnnt llunorM Mutineer , A. V. II , UAIIPKNIKH , ( Juiunil " Ticket Ai ? nt. ( JKO. K. llr. trroun , Assbtnnl ter ana Tiuioi Avont. P. BOYEB & OO , DKAl.tltrt IX HaifsSafesfVaultsTimetacks ! and Jail Work. UEO 1 inttiiin btrwi ( , S. H. ATWOOD , PLATTSMOUTH , NEB. llrculcrof ThnroiiKhbrod and Illyli Oiiulo Hereford and Jersey Cattle !