THE DMAHADAILYJBEtfj VEPNjSSDAY , PEUJjMBjgRJ ] ) 1885. In1 rolnrd bv tho'r ' ro prctUc eov- " , and Hint em-li a lm < < nlivnily Ix-en foln . n id Inclrcnlntion shall Iw n-dcemp , ! In gain ' > ' the country ( if Its coinage. The r foil tothid rxiHilidiit ! > > runtimes innjVtll nrrr t tlm nttcnlioii of lhosx who * iipD-td tlut unrein siiwt < l without shock 01 injury In Hit1 ttllciupt to circulate upon Its tnurlfd nil tlie silver vvn may ruin under the provlMons ot our silver coma < art. 'Iliu condition In which unr treasury may IHJ plnml by n iivrMMriwe In our pros- cut tour-o Is n malti-r ot concern to every patrli.llr citizen who docs not desire h's ' irovcinmcnt In pny Inliver suoh of Its objivtlons"a fthouM 'lie i ald In Hold , Nor should ourci ndltli n be mioh as to oblige us Inn pnident'eiiii-nt of our affair * to dlM'ontlnufl the calling in und payment of in- teiiHlH' \ T UK iibljiTKtlons which we Iiavo thu right now toiliHchariru , and thus avoid thu pnvinintof Innlicr InleifM' tin icon. The MM-i.l'od illmorcln'H , for whose boucllt the conunut d compulsory coinage of silver Is in- MMed upon , HIV. not dNhn est bcciiusn tlmv me in debt , and tliev should not be < uspec.tnil nf a duHiiotn jcopiuill/o the nn.inrlal uf tlm country In tinier tint they ninycanrel their present debts by pn.vliu the same In de- tin.-rlntt'il.'iliillnris Nor should It ltd for.'otle.n thai It Is not the rich nor ( he I'loiicy-IemU-r iiloimtlfnt unfit tmbmll to such a it-adjust- inclil i-ntorced by tlm government aud tneir debtors. Thu pittance of thu widow nnd orphan and tlm Incomes of helpless I-ni'ticlarles ) of all kinds would IHI difuMiously reduced. Tlm depositors in foiv < iu"i bunks and other In- ( dilutions whl-jli hold In trust the savings of the poor when thulr little accumulations a re sealed down to meet tliu nuw order of things , w , uld In their distress painfully real ise thu delusion of tlm promise made to them that plentiful money would Improve their conditions. We Iiavo now on hum ! all the nllvcr dollars tu-eessary to wiphly tlm present niM'd of Ihn ( n-oplu and lo natlsiy those who tjoiuHiiitimcht wlfli to see them in ciicnla- lion , and If their colnairo is HUHtended ] they ran IK ) icwllly oblnlned by these who desire them. If tlm need of mine Is at any Hum up- j-Bient thnlr coinage nniv bu lesiimed. That dlsHstcr has not ahe.uly oveilakeil ns fur nishes no proot that daimer diH-s nut wait uMn | ) u I'lHilinuatiim of tlm nreseut silver W HAVK IIKI'.NHAVIill liy the inost.rarel til ni.inir uiiirnti J .pi-dlnntH liy u coiiibinallon of I in luimtc ( .oiidllioiiH , and liv n eoiiililont expectation that thmxmimoieoof the novel niiiont In re gard toiillver colnaue , would lie Mireillly | changed l y notion ol riiiiuie-f * . i'roiperily LiwItaliiH upon our thie.shold bi-eau e ol dan- per.snnil llnel'ltnllltle > l MlllllllldllUlllNlnl | s- tion. ( 'apltiil timidly f-luliik.s fioin trade , and InveHlorn ate unwilling to take the chance of tliu querillonahle Hiapo Inlilch HIM r iiuincy will IHI ii'tiimi'd to them , while enterprise lnlll.s ut a lUIc a ahint which cniti ami MXtcjim. iiiiina oinent do not liiulecl. AH a inwwMir ; > cnnseiilU'llee. lahof Ifldis iinploynuiit ; ) und siillVrinii nnil olstieHS are vlcittil uiion "a portion of our Iclloxv eili- eiM' | < July ; eiitllleil lo the eaieful eonsid enillon'uf those ehaiwd with Iliu duties of legislation. No iuteu > , s | appeals to us so { .tiongly lor a s\fo : and stahlo cnu-incy us the viistiiunyofthuunemployed. I iccimimund the suspension of commisoiynlnairo : of Ml- v ver dollars dlicclcd by thu law passed In JMuuaiy , 187S. Various Itiireuus. WTK.VMUOAT I.N.S'iCTK | : .Y. The steamboat inspection service ou the ; Xth ) day ul June , lbS " > , was compo-e.l of 140 Bisons , including ollicei.s. clerks and me.s- .Hungers. Thoo\pensc.s of Jhu MM vice over thu receipts \vpre $ l , KSi-7 , ! dining thullseal year. ThuHix-clal inspection of foicign steam vessels orKunlved under tlm law passed in l&tt ! , was maintained dining the year at an expense of } ? ! iii.41t ! ' ! J. Since thu clo.suof the fiscal year reductions have been made In the foieu employed which will result in a saving dining thu ciiiieut yeurot Mt.OJO without aU'ecting tlm enlcienev ot the sei vice. Tin ; HUi-KiiviHi.Vd sur.ui'.ox mNiitAi : ; , reports that during tlm iis il .vear 11,711 pa tients have received nllef thiougb tliemirlne liuspltal service , of whom IJ.biM were treated in hospitals , and ttS..Hlat dispensaries. Ac tive and oltcctlvo oltoits have been undo through the medium of this service to pio.eet tlie country against an invasion of i-iiiuer.i , which has inevailcd ill Spain and Fiance , nnd thu small pox , which recently broke out In Canada. , 4 THE wri-sA.viNo : SKRVICK. The jnohtKratltylng leMilts have attended : fiho'iperatfons ot'thu Jitusiivli'i , ' servjev dit- rill ) , ' thu past lifieal > uar. Tim obeivancu ; of the iiovi.siou of law re.ijiiiilng theappoint- uicntof tlio foice emjiloyed in theM-r leu to 'beiiiadu "Solely with i-eferenco to theirut- , mid vflllmut ret'eience to their political pr rally atllliatlons , " has secured the lesult which may conailenliy bu expected In any branch of public' employment whciu such a Mile is applied. As a coiisuijiicncu lids service ia composed of'men well ijualliied Jor the performance or their dangciou * und e.\cciiliHialy ) | impoitaut duties. Thu iiumhcr ( It .stations lu commission at tlm close of Iliu j'ear was o : ! . Thu number of disas ters to ve.Hi-elaand ciatts of all kind within theli ileldot action was : rri. Tlio number of ' 'juirMuiH cndatigeicil In such diMisters was ' ,2.4'jy , f whom. iVJ'Js weie saved , aud only eveu lost. Oilier Ihcs whlch were iuiH ) > r- lltil , though nnt-lry dlsasteis to slilppiug , . wcio also ics < 5uid and a largo amount of pi-op- jprtyUos avcd throiigli thu aid of this ser vice. Tho. cost of Its mainteinincj during thu year was twiStl74f4j. : I'OAfJT SU1IVKV. The work ol the coast and geodetic survey \viis during thu last liseal year carried on r. , within theboundailobiuid elf thu coasts of Uilily-lwo Hlatcr ! , two territories and thu dis trict of Columbia. In July last ceiialn ineg- ' 'ularitieH ' weie louiid to exist in the manage ment of this bureau , which led to u prompt In- vi situation-of its methods. The abuses which M'ere brought to light by this examination und nwklerxs dlsregaul ol duty and the inler- j'.Htsot tbe > v.iiveriuifeiit developed on tlm part tOf'smnuOf tllorfe'-couiiceled with the sei vice . . < juadu achaii o'oDs.uiieilntuntluney and a few vi f Itsothwolllceiij uuvu.ssiiry. Sfncathubu- reau has buen in new hands an Introduction of economics and the appllcition of l > uslucss methods have produced an im- ] > oitiint .Having to tliu government and > < pioiolM. of ni'iro useliil results. 111'iiln bt-rviooUms never been regulated by any- ; 'tiling Jt > ut thu must Indefinite legal on ; t- jucniH and tlio most uusatlslaclory rules. It was many roars iigoMuielloiiedapiiarenlly fora puiiHivi ivguixlcd as tempomrv , nnd ruliiU-d to'a Mil vey of .our coast , Jlavlng , v . iiincd'a ( place it-Uiuanprupilatlnns made bv ' ' ' tfougregy , ; It Jtts gradually taken to itself "jniweni'aiHl objects not contempiaU'il In ils . 'cuyuiou. nnd exteinleU iUojH-ratlons until it 'L.v aiUy litcdn Ji'Klsliitl ve. altuntlon. JSo far as a lit * . ( .further survey f our const Is wmi-erncd , thtuii SCCJUK ID bi ) piopriety in triinsleiring o ; tuat work totbciuvydeixntieent. 'I'heother duties chuigo of thin establishment , il they cannot Upioiitably attacjied to some uxMIng depaitmeut or other bin can , should bo prosecuted uuder u Jaw oxaclly du- ilnliiL'.thcJr > co ] > u and purpose , and with a w tMeful ( lltejlminutloii between tlm hcientllic Inquiries whldi may prnjierly bu assumed by llm iroverumeut. and those which Hlionhl be snulwlnkt'ii by thu btatn authorities or liy in dividual t-ntcrprlsc. JUs hoped that thu rujxirlof Uiecougiv-sbloniUcoinmlltce hereto- loreappoliitcxl to luventlgatu tills and other , Jke matteiM , will aid in thu acuouipliahment of pivjaT kKlbJatlon on this vubjixtU TJII : VKAII. , U'lie rjMJil tif ilia hccielary of war Is licjxj- wlth snbmUlwI. 'J'liu attention of t ? b liiviU.'d to thu detailed uecouut which it con tains of thu administration of his dppaituicnt nud tils mumimcndutlon.s und suggestions for the linjinivement of thu service. The uimy coimlstcd , at thu tlate of the last con- 'ft4 tjoihinted returns , of 3,151 officers und Ji.TD.'i vnlibU'd men. TheitxjHiiisc.s of the depart- Jiit-nts Jor tlio lisc.-il yt irendlug JuuelUi , lhN' . ' including blfUiil.wLw for public vvoiksauil river mid liaaiwr improveiiicnts , were . Aiuf A.HI . r.t ' . . , - u- T > W.\I.-H \ , . " Ik-sides the troops which ivcro dispatched 'tH 'in ] Ui uit of the ffiuall band nf Indians 'who lett tlielr re.sei vatlon In Aritona aud' ' conuaitttdmurdirs aud ' outniT.i ) two ifgiini'iitsi of cavalry and one of , \ n Infantry Mere bent laKt July to tliu Jiullan ' territory to i > ' 'evoiit an outbreak which c'eeouud Imminent Theyrcmalnt-d to aid If KocosMury in the xpulxlon of intruders upon „ thfl icjwTviiUon , who have c.iusod the dboon- itmt ainouitlm Indinns. but the executive i iKtclumatftiii waruiiis them to remove was * * 3 > MipliHt with yyitliout Intcitereiice. Troops writi tilsoTjent lo ItockSprings , In Wyoming . erriUirj' , after tlie luassacru of Chinese there , Ciilt luwvont ttirtlwr ilixturlMnoos , nnd after- Ua vrnrds ta&eatUe , in Wasldutton territory , to avert n n-ftttiifd Attack upon Chinese labor- uvi and < toiur tlc vloJcnce tli re. In both „ : uists the iiH-ru ) WMMICO of tlm troops had'the ' ltirfd olfivt. Jt tipears ) that tlio tiumber of , > 'nionijl \ < ! illiiinlBlii.diut tlmt durini : J tlio hint I'Mtalcar ' thev uiimben-d stti7 , nuil > n < si Inrtnuesiriven [ by the lleutunaut-vun- Wjilorewxili-vrtiOti ! ! by < lm h.-vme it-cniit. I niiuoinlncsi that Ibis iinmU'i-dt df.stfilons * aii Js-mucbillminlolus : ! by better dlsi-lpllue ctind ttoatmi-ut. but the punishment ahouui . " tni liicrrnMd for repc-ated utlnures Titcao 8. ! i t-MfitloUb ulfht alsotmn'ducal bylesit-uiUK the term ol first onlUtnifnt , Him nllovrlne n dNcontonJod nvrult tooontc'iipbte n nearer < llciiir ; o nml Iliu nrmy u pro.itJilile riddance titter onn term of service. A ro-t > iill'tiuent woihl be rjirt'apt to ss'iirp n contented rc > - emit nnd U'xi.l soldier. Tli tarttiujn I e ad vocate lumuial reports tluil , the nilinlKM' of trials by u'eneral comt martini during the year was 3,8 and that ll.Vil trials took j > laro bi'foiu irsirrljon andre ro imntal cmrt nnitlnl. Tiic su.'ia's- lion thnt priilnidy m-iiotlnn linlf the nrinv h.ue bi-en ttied for olT.mses reat and .small In ono i ear may well arn-it Attention. Of i-oiirm1 many of IliCiiu 1 rials iMiiore artlhon and le lmentaleoiirts mntlal were for of- fen -es almost trlvn'oiii ami thf-ro * > tmilil , I think. IKJII way dovlstsl tndlspinnof the ilu n moie sum nary nud le < s iiiMtivenlont manner than by eourt If somti of tlm pror < H-ilinis of edtiif-t nnrthil which I have hail occashm to ovamlno , prennl the ideas of justice whii-li ceiietally pu-v.ill In these tribunals , Iain i atlsiied Oial Ihov ulionld be much reformed , If tin ; honor and thehonrsty of the unity nnd navy arn by their ln > tiumuntallty lo \iiidtcaU-datid protected. rut : im.vjsii oN-HoimnrATiox nc other defenses app.ilnt.-d in u.irsu.utco of Iliu provNIons uf tlie act of ijoiiitioss ni- | proved luroli d , IW , will in a short time pie ent tueirreiioituiid it Is liopo.l that tills may uinatly aid tlm legislation so necessary t lomedy tliu pros'-iit defenseless condition of otirjieacoa-it. iiir. HHI AI. 8i : vicn. Thu win Ic ot the Unal service has been prosecuted ilurlnit thu last year with rusulLs of Incic.islm : beneat to the eounliy. Tlm Held of iiiHlnicllOn has beun enlarged with n view of mldiiuto ; Its i'he limn- Iwr or Ht.itlous in operation. .Innu MO , lis- * > , was Irjii. ' Tulcxrniililc reports uru reeeive.l daily from -UJ htalions. Itepiirls are also iu- ecived from 75 Canadian tit.itlons , i\t \ > voliiu- Iner observers , fij aiiiiy miwons at milltaiy po.sls , and iil foielyn stations. Thu uxiH-n e ot Hie siiivice dmiiif , ' tbi ] year , alter drduutini ; the receiitU fioin military telegraph llne.-i , was STUr.r/J-J.Or. In view of the fact ID- lcne.d to bvthn .secretary of war , .that the work of this service ordinarily is of a scleu- tine iiiittirj. ami tlie further fact that It is us- Hiimlim luruer proportions constantly , und becoming more nnd more ( insulted to tlie il\ed inles which must uovern the aimy , I inn Incliiii d tq tu'ix-u with him in the opinion that It cotillion hcpaialcly estibllslied. If this is done the scope and extent of its operations should us nuirivas possible lie definitely pre set ihcd by law and ul ways capable of exact ascertainment. . r.UiMIIil.TAIV : ) ACAtlP.MV of West 1'olnl is icpmted as helm ; In n high state ol ellliiieney and well eipiinped tortu" Hatlsfaotory uecjimiplislimciitol tlm purposes ot its miilntenanee. Tliu 1 act that the class which graduates ne\t year Is an u'nisu.illy laiLje one , has constrained mi ) to decline to make appointments to second liciitunancies In Urn army ( torn civil life , so Hint .such va- caneiesitMjxIst in thee places m.iy bu 10- herved lor sucli uradnalcs , nnd yet It is not probable that Iheiu will bu enoiiLrh vacanbicH lo piovlilc io.sitious ( orthiiin all when they leave the military t-chonl. ITinier tlm pievail- in law ami usa c not thus assigned to duty never actually enter the military .ser vice. U 1 sUL-pt.-tteil that the law on this subject bu chunked so thai .such of thosu yuiin men us ore not at once assigned to duly after Ifraduatton may hcictaincd usMccondlieuten- sintsin theaimvit fiey desire it , subject to iiviluniuejit vshon an opportunity occurs , iimlcr piojicr inle.s as to piioiilvof seleelion. 'i'lie expeiidituriK bn aecouill of tliu militaiy iie-idemy tor thu lift JIM/II / ! year , exclusive of tins .sum taken tor its jmrp-i en Hum the up- proprhillolis tor the suppoit of thu army , ' ' , . The act approved Jfarch 8 , 1SS.1 ; , desii nod to eoiiiien ) ate ollieers and enlisted men for losso ! pnvatu piopuityhilu in tliu service of the United btates , is .so itiduJnlto in Its tei ms siiiil auiuioiitly admits .si many cliiiiH , thu adjii-tment of which could not have been contemplated , that if it istoreiualn on the stat ute boot ; it no.-ils aim.-iidmenK Theiu should lie a general law of eimijiess prohihitlnir the constinclion of hi lilies over navigable wateis in .such manner as to obstruct navigation , with provisions for jiicvi-ntin tlie same. It stumis that nn- dur existing .statutes the Kenniient cannot intervene to prevent Mich a construction when entered upon without its consent. thotiiih when such consent is asked and granted upon condition that authority to in sist upon Mich condition is clear. Thuslt Is repicscnlcd .that while thu ofliccrs of the- ; Hint me with gieat caie icuardin : ; . the obstructions of nnvisaiion by a bridge ncniss the Mississippi river ut tit. I'.iul a laiye ( iiur tor a bridge has been built just below tills place diiectly in thu navigable channel ol the river. If hitch tlilius are to bu permitteil u stioni ; artrumcnt is ] ire entcil against the aiproprlatlon ] of Inrje sinus of money to improve the naviga tion of th > and other impoitauc highways of commeice. Tlio Navy. "itlSTOltY OP Tllf VKAIL The reptirt of tlie bceietnry of the navy phe * a bistory of thu operations of his de partment and tlie pitsent condition ot tlm work committed to his chance. He details in iJill tlie couise iiur.sued bv him lo piotect thu luhts ot tliu government In icspect ot cer tain \es els tiniinishcd at the time of his ac cession to oflice. und also coneeruiiiK the dis patch boat Dolphin , claimed to Iu com pleted and waiting tliO'tictvptance ' ol the do- paitmcnt. No one can fail to we trom tlie lecital contained lu his jeiiort , tlmt only the application ! ' business principles has been Insisted tipbn In tlm treatment of these sub jects , and that whatever controversy has arisen was caused by tlie exaction on the pail of the dcpaitmcnt of contract obliga tions as they weio legally construed. In the ot the Dolphin , wltn enliie itistnens to tlm contractor , an a rujinant lias been entered into provldini ; lor thu ascer tainment by a judicial inquiry of thu com plete ot- partial compliance with thu contract In her coiii > tiuction , and fin HUT providing lor the assess ment of any damages to which the Kovcrn- ment-may be entitled on account of a partial litlliin * to perform hiieh contract , or the pay ment ot the Bum still remuinlnn unpaid upon JUT price in easu .a hill perloiumneo \ ml- judged. , llwcoiitrai'tor , .by leason of his lailut-tt In bunitng < , bein uiiablo to eomplete tlm other tluvo vessels , iheyerutakenpos - session of by the Koveriimunt In tlielr uniin- Uhed condition under u clause in tlio con tract perindtluK .such a wiurse and mxi now in iiroi-jess vt t-ompletion iu thu yard of thu contrai-tur , but ; under the supervision of the navy depaitment. CoiiKrus.s in its last t < c t > lon atitliori ud the coiihUitctlon of two additional new cruisers and two Kiiu-bonts at a cost , not exceeding In tlunisr i'o ate , Si.H.n.OJJ. The aiiproiirlatlon tor tins purpose having becomu uvatiablo on the 1st d.iy ot .July last , sU'ps were at once taken for the ptnonieiiifiii ot biicli plans for the construction of these vessels us would bu likely to liisuio their usefulness when com pleted. Theio are of the utmost importance , considering the constant udvancu in thu ait of building ve.-ibeU ot this character , nnd thu time is not lost which Is spent In their caietnl consideration and selection. All must admit ihoimpuitaimeoUmi'tfecUvoimvv to a na tion Jifcu ours , h.tvilif ; such an extended sea- const to nrotteU Vet we hu\e not a tiiiigle vessel of war THAT COULD KKti : TJII : IAS : iirrft-cla > s ven-Htl of nny important . tjuen a condition oiiKht not longer to Konllnui' . The nation that cannot resist UK- I'jc.ssion Is constantly exposed to It JUt tor- t'ijfii luiliey Is of necehrtityUMkiiud ltsnei > - tiatlous tire conducted with dlbudvanta'robu- c.rttise It is not in condition to otilorus tlm terms dlctutiil by IU .seiibu of light nnd Jus tice , inspired s 1 am by the hope slmied by nil patriotic citizens that thu day is not far distant when our navy will bu sucluis Inuils our .simiilin iimon tlie nations of tliu until and rejoiced at eveiyslep tliat leads in thu UiiLH-tionof tiuch n i-oiibtinimutluii , 1 tiujiu it my duty to especially direct thu ntu-ntlon of congu-ss to tliucloeof theiejiott of the sccietaiy ot the navy , in which the liinnliiat- Im : features oi the jiroMMit oriani/.ation of this ilcmu linen t Is exhibited , and tliestait- JliiK .abuses , und wnstes of bis present metl.KKl are wcpoMvl. TJm conviction is lorcisl upon us w ith the certainty ot mathu ; mutlcal UciiioiiBliation that btlorovu jno- ' ci-iul tun her in tlm restoration of a navy , we needn thorough m rn-nnlml navy dcjiart- meiit. The fftet that wJUdn Ku\entiK > n > ears luoro than sevcuty-liye million dollars have tkton spcut in the coiiblructlon , repair , etpilp- meiitaud nrmamontof VJ-SSI-IH , nnd the further . ther faei that instead of an elfectlvc and crediuble rlcpt. % vu luro'only tlio discontent aud aiipn-liiiiislon of a nutlon undefended by wnrYessels , added to the di.srlobtitcs nm/ made , do not penult us to doubt thnt every attempt to. re yi v ow navy haslhus far , for the mort i rt. been inlsdiicctod and all our effort * fn tli t direction JM.TO been' llttlo better , tlun blind .ifrojiliigs und expeuilvo uuI ( aimless follitti. Uiiijuesttounblyif we are cuiitcut witli tliu iiiKlntcnaiiueat a navy depart muut simply as nn onumeiit thojjorerniueut , A constant wntcbtnliiess may pivvnut wmn ofjtho bean- dal und abtwe wJileli have found jndr way into our present orxnulzaUnu , and lu lucurn- li ! > waste uiavbj induced lo the uiluluiuui , but Ifve dciiro to build Mfs for jimteut uw ) , of navi' r > nln IrN of the thys thit nreii.i' < \uunutt t hua a dppnrtiiipnl nrenn- l7cil foi tlio worn , middled with all the talent nlul lita'niulfy : our cfittnlry affords , i > rop.ired to take advantage of the oxp. rfentn ot ntlir natlnii * , Bystoiuiti ed so t hut all offolt sliull iinlli ) and InoiiMllr'Otldii. nnd fully Imbued with the conviction that vess nr. < now n < e- less unless tlmy combinn all tint tinItuonti * Ity of man liai up to this dav iirou lit forth tvlfiilui ; tn their construction , I uurni'ytly ronmii'iid the portion of tlio secret iry'a re- jwrtUevotel tothls subject to the notion of { 'oiijrw" , in tlio hope that thu suir ostlons toucliliu the reoiXiinl7atloti of Ills depart ment miy b ale it'll as tin ilrsl step tovvanl the leeonstiuctlon ot our navj. _ The 1'ostul Datinrtmont. ( irniiATioNs roil TIII : YI\II. Tlm nITaiM of tliu ii ( U. l s'rvlcj IIM exhibi ted by the report or tlm postmaster uuiiural , whleliyill be laid bafoio you. The postal levenue whoiu rates of i/aln upon tlm lislnif ami K'O . tliu pio-iperlly uf I4iJ , nut.slrjppcd inc.reaslnifexnuntiu of our urowlni ; burvico was chwlved by lim reduclhm in tlio r.Ueot leltei iioitaw. whloli limkelleet with thebe- L'lnnliw of 'Oiilolur hi tuo Inttur yuir , and it diminished during the two past , in tliu proiioi lion of SW.fiMI" 1MI to3' illJ3in ) IsS ) . The natural icumlli utiil dijvelopmenl Irxye iinantiiiu increased tlm eip.indituro rodiiUliiL ' , in a deuclcucy In thu nu'imuo ii > the expanses of the department of live nnd n quarter in liion diillars for I IK- year issi , nnd ul lit and one-third millions in tlm last liscalyuar. The anticipited and natural revival of the levenue has buen oppressed and retarded liy the unfavorablu Ihislness condition of the country , of which the postal service is a faithful Indicator. Tlio { cratirylnu fast In shown , however , by the report that our to- tuiniiu nnn 'erity ' IB marked byiifum of $ : :5U.iiJii : ) ! tlmievenim of , tim latter Inlf of the Just year over tlm coi rospjiullng iierlod of tliu pracoillni ; > ear. Tlie eliango in the weluht of miller , whicii uuy bu caniod for a sln.'le rat j of pista'u lio.n a half ounce to un ounce , and the reduction by one-half of the rate of newspaper postage , which , under lecent legislation , beu'iin with thu eiiriont > ear. wlll.op.u-atu to restialn thu iiiuinehtatlon of lecelpts which otherwise mth'lit have been expected to such n decree tlmt tliu > > calo of e\ninse | may naln upon thu ruvunue ami c.u e un Increased - creased deiiciency to bj hhown at its clo > o ; yet after no loui ; pciio.l of n ) iwakened pros perity , by proiur economy it Is con.ideully niitlciimfcd that even the present low lates. no w as favorable as any country afords , will bo adeipiateto sustain tlm cnl of the service. Tim ojierntlon of the po.slolllcedeiiailiiicnl IH for tlie convenience ami of thu people ple , and the mi-thud by which tuey nay thu Iliu clunres of tills itsjlul nnil of tnelr pahlic service , so that It bu just an , I imp irtlal , Is of less liiiimit'.iuce t ) them than tlm economical evpundittiieof the means HUM provide for its maintenance , and tliu HIM improve ment of its agencies , so that tln-y may enjoy Its highest ujiuuliuss. A piopcr attention has brcn directed to the pittvention of wastoor extravagance , nnd KOOI ! results appear from tlm report to hau already been accomplished. I appioso the iccommendatlon of tne postmaster gene ral lo reduce HID chains on domes.lie money urders ot " > and less irom eight to nvc cent" , This change will materially aid Iliosj of our jieople who mo-st of all 'avail ' thumsulvos i > t this instiumentallty , Imtlo svhom tluclciuuiit ot eheaimu'ss Is of the } fi'i te' < t iuipoitauee. With tills icdiiction tliq system would .still remain self-suppoiliti . Tin ? tioe deliveiy system has been extended to nineteen addi tional cities during tliu year , nud Ki now en joy its convenienees. Kxpjrieiico has commended - mended it to who enjoy Its beneilts , and tin ther enlargement > t ' jls laciiitics in dim to oilier comiuunitics to which it is iidopled. In the cities where it Is estab lished , taken to. 'ether , the postage uv- ceeds Its maintenance by 'nearly SlrlW.OJ. ) . The limit to which tuis system is now eon- lined by law has been nearly reacavd , and the reasonsgiven justitv u.s extension , whicii is proposed. It was decided with ipy uppioba- lion , after a siilllcient i-.xamiuation , to be in- exedlent ) fur tlm postolllcu department to contract lor carrying our foreign mails under tlm uddltloiial mitliority given by thu last congress. Tliu amount limited was inade- ipi.ue tu pay all within the purview of the law , the mil rate ol'5J cents per mile , aud it would havu been unjust ; and unwise to have given It to. .spmo nnd de nied it to .others ; ' nor could contracts have lxcti ; let umlcr'thu Jaw to all . ut n rate to have bioiuht tlm aggregate witldn thu appropriation witnout sncii practical jire- arrair'emenlof terms as would iiavo violated It. Tliu ratu of sea and inland postage , which was protlered under another statute , clearly appears to be a lair compensation for ( he du nned bcivlce , beinir three times tlio price necessary to sjeure transportation by other vessels upon nny route , nnd much beyond thu charges made to piiviitu persons lor services not less bunleiisome. So.uu of tlio steamship companies , upon the refusal of the postmaster general to attempt by thu me.ins provided thodlslrlbution of tuu Mini appro priated us an extra compensation , withdrew tliu fiervlces of their ves-els , and thereby occasioned slight inconvenience , no considerable Injury. Tap mails have" been dispatched by oilier means.Vhatoer may be thought of thu policy of subsidizing unv line of public coineynncu or travel , 1 am sut- i.sued that it should not bo done undercover of an expenditure incident to tlm administra tion of n department , nor should there bu any uncertainty as to the lecipicntsofthu btiosidy or any discretion lett to an exec-utivu ollicer as to its distribution. It such gittsof public money are to bn mmle for the purpose ol aiding any enterprise in tlm supposed in terest ol the public. 1 cannot but tulnk that the amount to be paid and thu beneiiclary iiiUht better be iletcunined by cofigre s than any other way. Tlm inter-national congress of dcle/atos fiom the pjstat union countikH "convened in Lisbon , in J'ortugal , 'in 1'ctiruary last , and after a session of some weuks , urn delegates signed a convention amendatory of the pies- < : nt postal union convention , in some parti ; c. liars designed to ailvan'cu its purposes. Tliis additional act has had my approval und will bu laid before you with tuu departmen tal repoit. I lyiprovo the recommendation of tlio post- inasr r.gvnerat that anutjienisilstaiit bj jno- vided for his departuiunt. 1 invjto. your con- Hlderation to tuu bevx-ral other rucojuuion- dutlous contained in bis report. The Judiciary. OVEIIOUOWIJEIi COUKTS. The report ortlio uttorimy geimrul contains u history of the conduct of the depai tment of justice during the last year and a number of valuablo'Hiiggestlons as to needed legislation , and I Invite your cftfeful attention to' the sa mo. Tuo > condition of business In the courts of the United States is sucli that tlieio seems'to be an imperative necessity lor reme dial legislation on thu subject. .Some of these courts tire HO overburdened with pending causes thatlhu delays on determining litiga tion amount olien to a denial of justice. Among the plans tmgcsicd for relief Is one Hiilimltted by thu attorney general. Its main tcutines tire the transfer of all thu original juiiiilletioa of the clrouit courts to the dUtriet courts , and an increase of Judges for th < > ' latter where noeeosary ; un addition of judges to the ciicuit courts und constituting them exclusively comts of appeal , and reasonably limiting iipH.-als | thereto , further restrictions of tlie il'ht tu remove causes trom thu stale to tudenil courts , permlttiiii , ' appeals to the supreme com Utroin tlm courts ol thu Distiiut ut Columbia and fioin the territories only lu the same cuses as they mo allotted from state conns , and guarding ngainst an uunec SMrv number of ajipcals trom tlm ciiuult courts. I nppiovo thu plan thus outlined and recom mend the legislation nncessary for its -cntioii to our f udielal Bystem. The Inillans , A IIL'IIKAU OK BIS. I recommend thu ) > .iss < i-'o of a taw author- u.iiu'the uppjiointment of Mix commission ers , three 01 whom shall bu detailed trom tlio army , to bd charged with tliu duty ot n caro- . Jill Juapactloii titmi tipm to time of alt Uio In- diaiiK upon our re-servutions , 6r subject to thu card and control of tlm government with u , < vicw of discoveriug their exact c.onditJon uud needs anri dHcrmlnlHg what stops hhall bo taken on behalf ot the government lo im prove their situation in the diiet'tion of Ibolr -fcolf Ui > porl aud complete iilUatiou ; Uiat Uiey ascrinin Xrom miuli iubpection what If i any of the nervations muy ho reduced In rc.i , aud In wueh nines wluii part Is not need- id loriatliaii occupation uiuy bo piirc.liH d by tliu goruruuient-iroin tUo uidlaun and dls- fur thulr benwit. f . . . , , The niRAsaga rooouiin utt4 te repeal aud inodiiicatlon of certain of .the laud Jaw * aud di-mxiuteitlirt falllugtif largo tracts into the bauds of vyndlcutes lor euoculatluu. The prt-ildeut nrgc.s that the tnitu-ttoutl- iieutiUiuxdslHheUl to fitrtct OuCouutabillty In the matter uf thelrgrants. The uiiMsauu cites ilutt in July. 1883 , there were ai'j.lii j raons lionie upon am iwiiKlou rolls uu lucicase duriuif 'ten vears of J Ki.OOJ Utt ivoomiuwidilliatcare bftaluia too'cinsj thctolh from any fraudulwit j > cr- snnn.ges. fc , ( ' THK MOIIMOK ( JUK TIQ . . The tnessdju' lays : in the territory of I'tali thu lawpl-thi ! United Stales ILHSLM ! for tne suppression of po.vinmy Ins been uncr- getitfliiy nnrt'lnUhfully executed durltig the r past year , wlltt liAMSUrably irood results. A number of convictions havot eoit sTctired for nnlawi'ul rolnbiirUnin , and 111 Stiini ) ensus plc.itorgnill.yjkv'Je been entered nnd sdght punishment Imposed upon the promise by the accused that ; tlirvf would not again oifend aKilnsttlm livviiirftihlse.coimselnidorabet ( ; in a ly way IH Violation by Others. The Utah e.u.ninlaiionpMoxiiM'ss ; opinions based upitii such Inforuuttim ns they ulu able to obtain , that but few polygamous mairlagc.s Iiavo taken place In , Um territory during the last jear. They flu ther report , while there cannot Uo found upon llu reglMra- tratlon list of voters the name of a man annallVKullUiif polygamy , find while none of class ate holding oillce. . yet at the last election In the tOriitory all thu ollieers elected , u.xeept In our county , were mutt Vi\i \ . tho.igh not actually living in Ihu iir.ictlco of polygamy , stibVrtbVto tlm doctrine of polyga.noiifl m.iirliiirc at n divine revelation anil a law unto all , higher and nioni binding iiioii | thu conscience tliAti any human law , local or national , Thus Is the strange specta cle piesened ( m ncoiliiiiunlty piotouted by it leiiiiblicun form of L-pvernmonttn which they owe allegiance , sustaining by their suffrage a principle anil n bjllef which sets at nau.'ht that uhlkatlou ol absolute obedience IK the law of the land which lies B * the Inundation of lupiihilcnn Institutions. Tliesticiigth , the perpetuity , and tlm destiny of the nation upon our home , established by Hie law of ( iod , guarded by pnienlal care , regulated liy parental authority Und winetliled by puiiinl ! ( love. These are ; not tin : homes of polygamy. Thu mothers of our land , who rule the nation as they would tlm characters and guide Iliu iu'tlons of their sjous , live aivoiding to ( iijil's holy ordinance , aim each , pine and happy lu the inclusive love of Jim father of her chil dren , sheds the warm light of trim woman- homl , nnpcrvuitcd and unpolluted , upon nil within her pine aud who C.-MMIIO family ulrrlu. These aio not the cheerless , crushed and mi- woni.iuly mothiMS of polygamy. The fathers of our families are the best citi/.cns of the republic , wife and c'llldrou are Hit ; sources of patriotism , and conjugal and parental affection bv'get devotion lo counlry. Tlm man who. nmle.iled with pliii-al marriage , is Hiliioiiuiled in Ills single liomu With Ids wile and children , ha < a stake in thu counlrv vvhlch liisphes him with lespccl for its laws aiid courage for Its defense. lire not thu fathers ol polygamous families. There is no featurn'of this practice , or thu sy.siem which sanctions II , which is not op posed to all that is ot value in our Institu tion * . Tlieio shouldbu , no relaxation In Iliu lirm but just uxemitluii of the law now In operation - oration , mid I should b ) glad to approve HUU'I further discieet legislation as will rid tills eouiitivof this blot upmi. Us fame. Since the pcbple In our torrllorUv * aio iclnforccd bv immigration from oilier lands I ice miniend a law b > passed to prevent the impoitatlon oC.Moimons into this coun try. " THI : Aniiict'i.TriiAt , IXTHIIININ of tlio country , tins message says. d'Miinnd ' iii trecogiiliiuu and liberal encouragement. & sustains win ceitainiy and uniailluv : strength our nationalpro | ierity and beats its full siiaio of ( hi1 burden ot taxation without complaint. Out of our total annual repot Is mine than tluw-fomths aielhe products of agriculture , and of rtlir total population near ly one-half are e\clushvly engaged in Unit occupation. Thu leenium'-'iids ' tlmt especial altcijljnp bo paid to this department. Iteferiinir trv-prmiihitory laws adopted by .several countries afenidlng th1 impoitatlon of our nnliual'niriinliulrpioiliiclv ' , the message suggests the imporfcinva of such pivciuthms for the piotecljim of our stock of all kinds against disease riv ; will disarm suspi cion of din -1-.uiiil cause tlie ol stuh injuipiif ; [ jiiohibition. Thu president ' dent reci > niim'm'ds.iulditloiml legislation on this subject ii'jucew arv , ami iwommciids to the consideration of congrcs- ! the suggestions contained -tliuit-port ol the commissioner of agrjeultuie. , n Theclosingiiorl liin of tlm messig' ) Is devoted tu the civil mvfeiu iuesthiu. The pieshlejit says : " 1 am frVcllin'd ' lo think that there Is no sentiment mola'ul neial ill the minds ol the paoiileof our country than the convlellon ot the eoriectiiijaVIoMthe piineiplc ujioii whicii tiio law ontorcing civil neivice lel'orm Is based. " "JlujrrltMru' < his lormer exploded views ou.tlie.lujJRt ) ( , und Knys : "I ventnrftto hope that we n a'shafl ' aain bu remitted to tliesvMem wliieh distributes public positions purely as a lowunl'ifoK partisan service. .Doubts may well bj euteitainc.l whether our government could survive the stiain ot u continuance ot this sysUtm which upon every change of administration inspires an ImiuL'iiso'army of claimants lorollic" to lay siegu to the patroni o of the govciiiiuenl , engrossing thu time' of iiubllu ollieers , nnd their Importunities spremiing abroail the con tagion of their disappointment , and lilllii' ' Uiealr with thu tumult of their discontent. " Tltl' I'llliSMNiNTIAli SITr'CI > .SIO.V. Tiio message concludes as follows : ' -The present condition of Ihe law relating to suc cession to the presidency in event of the death , disability or removal pf both president and vice president is such ns to remiiro fminedlatu amendment. The siiblect has repeatedly been considered by congress , but no result has been readied. The recent himeutnblu death of the vk'e pifHdcnt and the vacancies at the. name time in all other olliecs , the in- einnheiits ot whicii might inimedliitely exer- ercisu tlie functions of ilie presidential otllc , has caused jmblic. anxiety and a lust deimiud tliatarecurreiicuof such a condition of at- lairs should not ho permitted. " In conclusion , I co.nmuiiil to-lhu wlno carp nnd thoughtful , attention of congress the needs and welfmo of nil intelligent na tion. To suboidinKtu these to nuriow ndvantag'es of partisanship or tiiu nccnmplishmunt of fcchish nims If to violate thu'pi'oplo's trust and lL-tray tlm pso- p ! < i's inu-resls. Hut an Individual st-nso of lespoiislhlllly on the part of each of ns and a stern determination tu perform our duty well must give us peace among tlm-u who have added In their day and generation lo the glorv ami prosperity of our beloved land. ( Signed ) ( 'IIOVKII CUVII.ANU. : Washington , le.p. 8 , fllK MAKKBT JJAHJCIST. 3 Jfousekocpcr Can I'lirchaso lu tlio Liuutil .Marts I'rlees aud'Varieties. , IN TUB vifjirAui.i : : i.ixc Onions-areAellinH at - . * ) ' ) "cunts a peck. Heels uro worth " 3 cunts a peek. Now turnips uro worth 20 cunts a peck. Cab- bajjo is brin in Ul to l i cunts a lieiid Potatoes , bostyariuties , wo worth 05 to (5.1. ( .Salt Lake potatoes are romiu in , gulling for B , " cents a" " bushel .Sweet po tatoes , liomoKniwii ind Jurioy svvcot , ( Jl eents a pound , llubbiird ilnd Marblolicad ermashcs sell tor U ) to 25 cunts aplecu , , . Carrots are worth 2 > oonts a pc-uk. Oybtur | ) laut sells lbuuchu.s , t'oraquar- Parsley is Bfllil atfi''cnnts ' a Imndlo , 1'arhiiips at 1 uut3 a pjuli. YauUjn pumpkins uro worth from Jl ) to 23 cunts each ; Nvvootiip)4vfinipkinH ) thubumu. Celorv suIWit'ffJ'undO'Joiintsa ' down. Now hot-lioutut.J ( Uutand " r.idl < ; lius S cents a bunqnvsd | j . UtUITlJ. The markcta are not will stocked in Iliu line ot InJli.lSlatavvbaK''ijes ' ' 7.cents to ij-1,03 pur Iwwliol. U'os huedliniJKi'ajH'S n-lail at lafjemlls M ponml. ( Jalifor- niii K l" " * 'fP'i'LS ' ' 8l'MJi ' at u "t r cunts a ponifgi VJualn a Crapes tell at 3'J cents n p'ojYint , IVr-sian dates 15 cents n pound. 1'ijis from -0 to iiU vents a iiound. iiu * ing i > > ( ) centfl a do en. i/'ranberries TiViv orHi 15 cunts a quart. Lemons 20 tV3itrtetrls. ( Florida oranges are now in nr niiirket milllny 'I5t < S5 ceut.s per dozcjiu 'uarc ; , diirernntCaUfor- uia varieties , Iii cents : i pound. i Choice cooking mid uatiuu applet , 35 to 40 ccuts u pccK' JJ.OO to ? J.5U pur bar rel. - MEATS , H8H ' ANI1 AME. In thoJiim-.of fresh-wator < i h , vrhito Ilsli , ( rout aifd bis : retail ut 13 vents per pound ; jiiekerol is bellinij at lij cunts ; croppiti-uud Jiprch cuu be had for 12 ] cents ; caUisli sell forlGccnUujiouiiiU Frubli Columbia river sulmon uro worth 35 cents a pound. "Jvfesh vela suil for 20 cunts a pound. > .Salt irattr fifb ; are ajrain in the market ut the folidwlnjj prices : 1-Ypsh halibut 23 oonts u pound. Codllali uud haddock , 15 couts a pound. Mackerel. 15 ixiuU i-jwh. lxb t rs urovvorlb -3 oenuu pound.Bhriutps are soiling lor 40ouuUu pound. Oyter , Nun * Vork counts , iO ; suloets , 40 ; wtulldnrd , 40 ouuti Uodlisli tongues and Bcollops are u rarity uud oua bu Uad through thu bal- nnco of the wlntnr. CVtilfl h tongues soil H ( 'JO cunts 41 pound , Scollop * , OJ eciiLs n quarts I'rairlo clilckein nro vcrysenreo nnitro * tail nt10 cents c-aHi. DIR-KS nro si-llln : tonl. 'JO oontsj Mallard , il'i nonts. Quail nro just beginning to como in , and sell lit * The best citU ( if sirloin soil for 15 cents- rumps und upper part of round steak ut 1 , ' ] , Itoastlnir ribs , linn and juicy , onn bo bought from 10 lo UJ oonts. Veal is ovtromiily searco und comes liltfli , from Ifi to it ) c-onts , ucpordlilg to the olioicenoss of the pilrt. Swi-el breads can bu pur- ulniseil ul 15 cunts n pair. Corn buuf IB Hulling at from ft to 10 emits , according to euts. Prime lei ; of mutton oin : be hud fur 1. } cent.s ; mutton ehojis I J } to lo nonts Hum is worth 1'J ciiiiLs in bulk , 'JO cunts sllecd. I'ork , 10 to 1U1 fonts1. Sansatje , 10 to 191 cunts. Spring lamb is sol HUT for $1 for fore quarter und .tl.a.'i for hind miarturs. Sitrliii'oliiokciisuro worth from lit ) lo < IO minis : | ) ( ! . Tliu Hospital Oouoert. The following ) ire ramuio has been prepared for the oonmirt ivhk-li fa to take phu'o nt thu opuru house on Wcdnesilny urunn ! < r , December 0 , tlio proeumls of which uru to bo ilimute.d tn St. Josuph'n ( iDspital : ritnniiAMMK. Address 1'rof. \Valther Septette , for tuo pianos liocthoicn Mlssui 1'lossle Cotner. .M tmle ( Jieen , Adaline Wiith ami Kinlly Doin. Duo Oh 1 Hante , ( 'rlmsoii Moinlnc : Luela dl I/aaimermoor JIlss II jll Ouwlnnor an IV. I \ . Snnder-i , Ocean , Thou Mighty Monster..C. M. Weber Miss Kaniiin Arnold. Violin Solo Coneurto K , Jllnor Mendolsnohti I'lol. A. Jennings , Mr. M. Calm , aecompiinlsl. I.I tu JI , A limils Dciira Mrs. W. W. Klmdcs. March Hohemienni ! . for two pianos By U'eber. A trail neil by Moiidelsson and Mo.sehclcs. UVVaiKo Vision Verdi I ( ( Seher/o Meiidelssohii j li Impromtti , A Hat , , . . Chopin I r Campunella \Vallcnhiupl \ : Valso Song Sullivan Miss F.innlo Ainohl. J.ct All Obey Leach Mr. Kovel I'Vanee. ' l.e.s Hois Ciiassu ( limiting in tlm woods ) i 'nuleii t / ) Inqtiletude Al. Drey.schock 1'iof. A. Walther. Thou Fairest \ Ision ofilv Dream..Lasscn Mrs.V. . \V. Uhodus. The Woiitlinr. The "bcuntitul snow" IIUH continned to fall since Monday night , unil nt -1 o'clock this morning lid ; ( renehuil n depth of about six inches' . The festive cutter was out in gr.wt nnmburs , an'il tlio tinkle of the morrv slufeh bulls was hcuird on all sides. At 7 o'clock yi'stenlny morning thu thermometer indicated a tumpuratiiro of 11 ° , and at 4 o'clock .yesterday afternoon tlm mercury had climbed to a point ao above /.uro. Aeeonlinj' to tlio liiirlin lon it Mis souri bpecial reports , the weather at the noints Ijii'iiw ' is as follows : I'latt.snionth. Lrele , IS0 , snow ; lir.ind IslatuI , Ji > ° , cloudy ; Kearnoj , 14 ° , snowing ; Me- Con ! ; , 'o0 , sno\viig \ ) ; Denyor , i ! lc , cloudy. Tlio river at this point is Mninninir ] \ clear of ice. At Sioux City il is roportud fro/un. A. H. Carl , ot Lincoln , is at the Mil- lard. ' ' O.r. . Hice , of Croighton , is at the Mil- lard. II. W. Curtis and wife , of Ashlund , are 1'aton guests. C. C. Valentino , of Lincoln , is quar tered at the l'a\lon. ( J. J. Itailshnch , of Ashland , is regis tered nt the Millard , II. II. Uorsjy ii'itl 1) . McLennan , of Wtilioo , uru at the I'axton. Karl Hussull unil ( J. llalfour , of I/on- don , are at t.iis L'.ivto.i liotjl. .Phil. p. Miller , of thu Live Stock Indicator - cater , Kansas City , is at tiu : Millnnl. lion. Ocorgo A. Hrooks , of Uaxilc Mills , is in .this oily , a guysl al--tlio Mil- Jiird. Jumes IJoJl , of Divid City , uceomiin- Tiled by his son , is' slopping ut the Mil- lard. George \V , Uest , of Poyoko IJros , , has roturno'd from an extensive .Uip in the far west. L , M. 15'jnnet ' , the superintendent of tliu local I'ullmun oillco , left lor thu cast yesterday. A. J. Uunlaii'l , Mks W. P. IliHnmU an < l Miss M. Douglierty , of Norfolk , are ut the 1'aMon. Miss , li.'lle Wwndisll , of PJattsmouth. and'Misses.J. Palmer an 1 C. Gr.ivcs , of Lincoln , am at < ho Paxton. W. D. Thorn Fremont ; J. L. Ritlor , Norl'i ' ISend : J. R. Porter. Haider ; G.-1I. IClk Creek ; J. S. Tuwksbury , \Vntor , are at tUu Canliuld. Charllo Gorlium , who has been repre senting the Hosk Island r.iilrond ut the -Union floek yards for sum j months past. und who has ilonti mtioh to maki ) his road popular umongstnukrnunjms bouii appointed traveling stoek u unt. 1'u will start on iiis lirst trip to-day in' No- braska. < Vhu police havn benn informud that Patsv-O'Donnell , thu l.Vyear-old ton of 'J'liomus O'Donnell ' , left tils homii Mon day night nnd has not since returned His parents are very anxious about him and Imvu instructed thu poliuu to maku a strict. Hcurcli for the wanderer , Mrs. N.orton , who ' was cut by her hus band so luiljy 'Sunday night , sudilcnly jnovcd frofu. hur home on Fourteenth nt rout yeslorduv , having weld her household - hold goods. Wliero HUO hs ; ( moved tu is un Known. Atturnoy N , J. Uurnhain" is preparing another \vriL \ of habmw corpus to sneijro Ilie ruluasuof Pat JJ.innon , the uuspio- ious character 'Uowotmh'ned ' in thu city jtlil. Another of tlm cases against Mrs. Mann foe selling beer in a house of prostitution has boon sut for trial tills afternoon in tlm police court. Judge McCull > ah uallod tlio dockut in tlm founty court yesterday. There wi-ro forty-two cases rucordod for trial tiii s tuna ! I'JM:81 A suru euro for Jillnd , Klcodlng , Jtchiug and Uleer.ituil Piles has been dibcoveied by ] ) r. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called J > r. \Villlanis' Indian IMu Ointment. A Klnglo ibu.x Jias called tlm wiist cluonie iust-3 of y > or 'M years btandinj , ' . No < mo neott tutfcr tivo mlnute.s ulterajiiilyiug this wuiutertul sooth ing luedlciue , J < otlou8 iind insttuuientudo motu harm than good. William * ' Indian 1'ile OIntnient.ab.soib. > > the Illinois , allays tlie intense itching , dartlcularly at niclit attcr cettlng Miirjii in bed ) , acts as a poulttuu. ulvei liutantixiliej' , und id pivuuicd only for J'jUw , itdiili- private parfd. and for nothing ke. .SU1.S JI8I2AS1SH CUlti | : > . Dr. Frailer' s Magic UJntinent cures AS Ity inu ie , PJiiuilus , liluck JUads : or Grubs , Uloichas and JCriiptioiis un the f Me , leaving ttiu skin clear aud iKuuitlful. Also < mu Itch. Unit JUienia , Huro NipplM , Sore Ups , aud Old Obstlnuto Ul - . tiold by ilrii BliaB , or mulled ou receipt of & Co. , At v/hvJi-Mle by C. F. Uoodmau. Tlie only Oriclnal liusUm IJrowu Hrnait Frwli < luly ( nt A'KW ENGLAND liAK- KKV. Alojo lluiuo intide filiiiwi Metautl Mliico Piti. TRADE FAGtS AND FIGURES , Dirs Forebodings of a Uotntor Sqneeza in Year Oora , THAT PTI.ON RULING HIGHER. .Striken the AVIiunt Tit , l''oroliir ' | thu 1'rJeo Up n Cent tilvc Sltiek , Hiimn ami Kut-rlKii Hcports. CJ1ICA(30 OKAIV CHICAUO , Dec. S. iSpueml to the UKI : . | Conx Tlie uihance of u\cr l3o ? in year corn was the thing on ( ttu Door that ovei > hul owed everything else at tile opjiilng. This opium In thirty nilniil > 9K > Iil up to l cand Rhoweil cveiy Indication ot lieeping on up. The jiar deal lnKcttini ; tu-nritKcrLsl atuviMy- body knims if theio U u large slim lago tlm cilsls Will bo with the shorts , and if theio Is no great amount of shoilagu then the cn- irhiL-ui-i of the deal w (11 ( teen uud It col a.i'lng. I'tnf , 1' In temperature : mid tl0 | of pio\V | \ is just uhat these jieop.oanlod. . It will check r.-ceipts und alfuct tne grading mi- lavoiaiily , Lester \ \ : Co. , It is app.uent , have sod out the bull ; of their Irildtius , mid now wimtever theru Is to the deal Is In the bauds ot McUoriimck , Kent As Co. Their piiiieipals ans at Xuw York. They nio tlc ) bi'steoiiuuis- s , ( Mi men lu this pi ; , and the OIK'S ' who ran the most smvosiul eofncr u\ur en- glneeu-d. Tlm bull clhuiu must bulge this corn nil to about 53 ? or lose inonc..1 ; oilier wse Ihov cannot sell out at a . If they had to jll now tlm niarkci wuuiil go to pieces , tiooil management \\ouhl maKc a gieat success out of tnu sipisc/.c. Jtecelpts , of course , will be large if the pilco is uil- vanced and slloits aiv allowed to n.uig olf. It will take a slprp sipu.-e/u to tiiijhten the shorts. The advance to iD con tiading in "year" did not exceed lWh ( j bushels. I'he weather frightened a good many. Wn HAT Wheat aiousi-dltsell from its liil1 lethargic spell and stretched picpar.itory t < i awakening. Itiinnlng thiougu tliennndsoT u huge majoiltyol trail r < was Ihe hope that nceumulatloiis would soon begin to Mop , and that when that was once n lat. . the long list ol InuiiMsi's would be lolloped by a ducH'a-u , nud In their minds they saw May beyond th dollar mailc. lu actual fact thev bouv'lit wheat ou susplelon , fur nothing iu tlm piosenl outlooic warrank'd even a giu-ss that wheat was going to bo less penty than it Is now. HoweuT , tlie action ot a few men was contagious , unil blore ( buy know it they wuio all bu.Nlngheat , foicingthe price up justonecent. I'he leacllon came , as it al ways does und cairicd pi ices bad ; until half thu advance was wiped out. Wheat trading was of u very dull chin-after , jet the was tutotably linn , ut , tunes almost strong. Dining the last half hour January hung quite steadily around bSo , and May aioiiud t > IJ < ( ! OI'tlie latter having pievlously sold atU'ic. The i-lose 01 the morning .session was steady ut the veiy slight ehangj noted fiom yesteulay. I'mivisioX' : Thu crowd boomed to have an ulfectlun lorye.iteid.iylUiues of S'.i..C ' ' , and arouail theio for January pork , and 'i.tu ' for hud , and clung lo them pretty inii'-h all day. The market was quiet and entiiely ieatuiele > s. C1IICAOO 1IVK STOO1C. CiiicAii ( ) , Dec. S. [ Special to the HI CA.TTi.K-Tr.idu was lather slow and prices h.irely as Htiong as on Momhiy. llud tialns arrived on time with : vli fie cattle duo for tin- day juices would have ruled lower. Low grades and common native steers range be tween & : i.roC't'.S" ! > , medium 5 l.-iVg ! . " > , good to choice fat cattle SVUO < sV > 0 , and prime lirst class natives fc.'i.iW ybO. A load of fancy Christinas steeis bold at0.59 { last week. Stueker.s averaging MO to i < 03 may bo quoted at SS.a.X J.SO ; avcr.iges of 70) ) to WJJ , S'.MM. < : Wi. recdOrs iiM'-ragliifr t > l.WJ niiiv be ( itiitti'd ut SU.iO M.n. ! lixpoit entile trade continues to show signs of revival durin , ' tin- pist ill U-L-II or twenty da > s. The shipments noiii tills side lo lintish maikeis have jiaid but a small instead of a large loss as ycaror cig.iteeii mont is. S'llp- ' pi ng steers , 13V ) lo 15J.I pounds , c.ri. n .S.'M ) ; I'iW to iW : ) pounds. S4.W.UA.V ) ; .Wl to 1'JOO ' " s Tneiy is little or no'change in prices , and tor tlm pist week values have ruled steady , conshlei ing tlm laet io-eipts Iiavo rivcragcd about -J1,0J ) a day. The market to-day op-ned st-a ly , and so ruled until near the close , when salesmen reported they weiu nimble tj get as good pilco-s-as at thu opening , \et thu demand was slrcm r from nust to last , and elo.-ed ftteuiv The best lujavy sold at . . ( Wc l.iN ) . and tlie mixed .packing sorts at * ! . " ) ) ! l.v. ! A lew loads of pa iking suits sold ill ) to "Ho40J Jbs. . New York , lec. -MoNKV Dull and easv atUJZJJa percent. PKIMI : VI Kin1 vvru.K PAPKIS If ? ) percent. Koiti'.iox KxqifA.NOK Uu.i. > < Quiet and linn at Jrt(5 ( * ; d 'iiaiul , 5' ' . ! ( JoviiVMixr.s : : Activu ami strong. S rouK Stoi-ku weio iiin uallv irresrular and in early dealing feverish. In the halt hour them wax a decided decline in Van- dei hilts. Western Union , Li > ulsvlllo ( VN'ash - ville aud Union I'.icliic , but the losses were generally rojoveicd bdfoio noon. J iU-r deal ings were ai-eomimniod b\.a moie steady tone , moderate advances uml. on jy slight re actions , clo-sing htiimg .within a-smill trac tion of the Itttnt ligure.s of the duy.Tlm death ot VnniJe.i bill was not known in Wall stieel till an hour nlU-r the elo.s.t : MI ! thu < ; w.hane. Most of tliOf leaUljijc brokers had lelt tlm strc-ei beloieeven the rumor jeyiullng the matU'r was s4JirJil. ( and the olftvt upmi to- nioridiw'ei slocks a 01 alter of eon- Jed me amoug tliu belated brokers und ollice clerks , STOCKS OS WALL STIIKKT. .IVceiitbunUs. . . lll'.j ) > ; . tVN. W . H l/Ts. - iK's.ll'JJi pinforre.1. . . New/s . J'ilJJi.V. V. g . 10 PiicilicO'ftof 'HJ. W > H Oregon Trail. . . Ccntial 1'ucltic. ; Wj Kieliie M ill . C. &A . W7J4 P. . W. i\5 \ K . prefeired. . . , ist ) . , P.P.C . C. , ft. ArO . iao/Uook iHlaiw. . . . 1'JJ4J ! > „ L. i W . .W4J4 t.'L , .Vs j. F. . . . 4J J ) . < tU , ( ; . "JO pieleinsd. . . 47a rlo . : . . ! ftJ C.M.&St. P. . . a- . ' prel cried. . . . Kl L urel'iirrud. . 117 niliiohtlJ < . VJT USt. P.A0 . J. . JI. iV : W . 24' ' < "p/elerrrtd. . . Kiinsiu , iVTu : , is. 'l-t Tcxiis P.iulilc. . . lil LakoShoic . . S ' . Uulou . P.piiiic. . . Ki } ( H r UiU ; ) cporl4 , nunu ronirleil ) ; jtpwt ! v'f < $ /e hUlier but very < iuiiUijitjoiis ; opv'tiuJ weak , declined ' /fitfei1. Jater rnliiit htronger , ad- vaiu-fld IGfi i ; elo. > lng trlrauy : mier.ide'l aid , BUt < iWe ; No. 2 red , U7e alloat ; Jauuary closing at ( WA'C. Coin J ? pot. active ; options opened . 'iWJ ' c lijfchor.ater | Jell back toWMr , closing .Ktcudv" leoniptu , 1UJ.UJJ ; < > xM | > its , none ; UIIIIUI | < M | , Jv < r-ie ; Xo , Ji , ftlj iiiisin oleiator , &i ® ' > J > ( u ; Junuury closlui ; - Ont -'Sliade b ( ? aud very , < jul t ; ro- coi | > ts , liJ.OOUj exHjrts | , none tvpo lied ; mixed western , "ivjiJJc ; w.i > t ru , No a jiuxed , Ultig , JVtioloum Steady ; united cj < ) yxlat ; y. and .demand moilerate ; re.- fliiuUCiJ pacuef s ; ovteni , J > jUc. Pork ( inlet und very steady ; iuew , * tW . ' . Lard Le4s active ; weMernsk'am spot , S'UU ' : Jnmmry. fiJ.4Tisn.4aw. UutterUuict und , llnu ; v Ujrn , SWJOcj JCltfin areuniery. " > lv. , , . . , , , ChuetMt bn'ady and botter-dcumnd ; west ern Hat , 7 ( < jJ'.4c. - . . Wliest-TnsfttloJj caoh , Sfjic : January , T icj Mar , W/ie / , Corn HU-ady ; .Nu , y , 4i > fc. OaU Hteady : Ko. S.-lWe , , lf- 'Sifi * ! . ' , , , j uietw > } orl . .cash , old , ; now , . . Dec. . Wheat - Aftlvii and . , - Corn-Kasli-r ; No. A Oats-Dull ; * fn.Mlud.U : : ( ! . UyKa > derj So. , W wjttr , Uarley Fair duiuuud aai4 Uu4y ; oitraNo : , . . . i'orlcOulfct ' at KlU.'il. 1arrlFirmer nt . JMf. } . ' LO . Wbiaky-itciuly'at | pti.iiurd : lukw , " cousin , _ . WheatKirn , advanced 'nc , and later cased oil under l lr > oftcil ijts ; no sj > oc- ial demand ! Jluclimlt-d wlfiiln small lunge nii | | closed steady , about the .saint1 as ) ester- day ; Hfiko lor December ! bSj.-tNi'io ' for j.iniiiry : M 4 for May , . Corn M mi doing ; ruled llrmcr and higher nil arm lit ; hearfutuics advanced lot B'o and closed f to'S \ ' lilahcr : vn K'lor Du'cmliOi ; itt'tut V lor January ; ds > 3 s lor IVhruarv : UV 4 for Atav. OAts-I lading light In cash and future's ; steadv'He ; foi cash' : ! \ < iJA ) for December ; UsJje foi January ; : ! t f JTl' ; - for May. live-Dull and Ih'.ivy at llc ) cash. n.ulevDullaUiV ! . Tlmothv rirm aud easier at for vilnie. Klaxsevl-\Veak ; No. 1,81.1:1. : Potk l/i rm 5 tiillj higher ; S .PO.i0.0) for ev'i ' ; "s.uj . . . ( s.s.iii for December ; $ s.l > . i litH.snrorJ.imt.iiy. Ijiuil lair demand nud a shad' higher nnd eln < ; od Btealv ; Sl.OJ'itrtUH lor easli ; Sit.uotiM.ui' ' < lor IKvember : SsUttttl.U ! , tor January ; " ? i.I7fc ( tfj'-'O ' tor l-V'iriur.v. Hulk Mjils-aliiuihrs ! , tH.r.irHn : short clear , jVU > 8 .1.1 ; slim I ribs S I.SJ.'f ' ! . . " , \Vblsk.\-ol.l5. Huttor Klrmjerwmcrr niedlmuio Juncy , fi1 ; tlnlfv fnlr | o due. Uf ) iflt-e. iic'sQ ( Jiilel ; fuU'erenm cjieddin. I'tjCtf ' ; ilats b'viJIO'fc ' ' ; youiiij AmeriiMs Mjj it1 ! skims , fiji Hfdcslie.ivy green s.illeil fully cuied , f'yc ' ; IIMit , IDC ; dauuue.l , Sc ; bull hides , 0'4c ; dry nailed , li 'o ; dty Hint , U'xjjillo ; e.i'fskIns. i'.ti . Tallow Uuch mi ged ; No. 1 count ly , IteceluH. bnljuiHints I'lour. bbl : ) 11,0) ) , ) v I Wheat , bu 10 .0 > l 17.UOO I'oiu.Dii lHitOJ , > It.UUO Oats , tm inoui ; ) IM.IXH ) UxiMll It.OJJ 7.1KX ) JJaih' W.OJJ t-i.M ( SlIiiueaiiDlls , li'c.S.VliMt \ riitn ; No- 1 haid , casn , Hie ; lpepiiler | ! 'l ' $ ; . Janunrji UJl . . . . . . . . iialents , ; bal.uH. S i.5.UW. ( ( Ji ( > i < oliU-\VhiMt."c | > . . ( ) ; ( lour , 1U" . .Shipments Wheat , H.OtM ; Hour , l."i . Toledo. Doe. 8. WliLMt ip cash , Ui.yji.Vf ' . Coin ; cash nnd yi-ar , 4'Jo ' , Oats-Dulle.ish ; , : ilc l.iverpoul , DciJ. 8. Wealhw frosty. Wheat-SI advund f.iirilimiand ; olVeiinvs nioilerale ; spring and winter , Is id nfs 11 ; ( . ' .illloinia , I'M II < 7s M ; clu i , 7s 'Jl ( , s hi. I'oin-Stioiigait.l in i.iiriL'.ain.l ; I1,1'jd. ' . ICuu is City , D.'f. 7.Vliml \ 'i ' llet ; No. ! l.-il. easli , , h ) bid , 7f | ilskl ; .1,111 MIT , 7V bid ; Keiiiii.iry , 7 c Itld , Mnslt d ; May , b'J'sC bid , bli-asked. Cmii sitrongcr ! e\sh , 'JT'j'e ; j7'o j bid'JiV as.te.1 ; I'eliruiw , Ji'i ' < - bi l , : & } & asked ; Mij.Mle bidi'5'-asUed. : : ' ' U4U-.NO. - ' , cadi. 0o bid. MVB STOUK. Rbloaso , Dec. S. DroyoM' Journal icpoiis : Cattle-Uwelpts , 9,0.1) ) ; dull and 10- lower ; shijiping tei-rs , Si/.fcO : ) ( ) ) ; siijpk is and fec.l'is ' , S' ' . ' " > ) , I..Vjco.vs ; , bulla'id \ mlM'd , sLlMrtLOJibiiLt , 5i.sOi Wi ; Texius .7r > M ! ! .7 ° i. Hogs KecelptsS3.013slow ; ; and Tie , lower ; roiuh anil inUi'il , S'l.lMil.O'i ; pnkiu ; anil shipping. S.rJjiM , ) ; > 3lUit ; ! , ; i.liiWJ ) ! skips , S..Mfi' Sheep lt"cepts ! 0,0) ) ) ; vveikanl a slridii lower : intivij < , jiOji j.s } ; w.-stjin , SJ.O > jJ : i.oOTuansf..UJ ; I.'JJ , lanus o'U 'il.7 . UaiiHu.s Olty , Dje. s.-Jatlle-KiOjlpH ( ! 2.4UJ ; suipm mis , 7JJ ; slmv. weak and a shade lower : expoiters. S'l.DJ.nXA ) ; common to choice shipping , jf r V'.J.lK ) : stocUeisaud lePdeiN . ' > Jr l.n ; cows , SJ.OJ Wt ; glass lau r > - steer- ) , -.lijoi 1.1 > . Hogs-Kccplpls , itJl ) , ; shl-ments , fi.OOO : ste.ulv ; goo I loe.ioiee , > l. . " > > . ; ' ! . " > : litht and nilM'il , Wiif liJ ; eimimou , . ? : i.tUiii"i. ! ) ! Sheep H " - . .elpisJJ ) ; shipneuU , none ; queteuiu.nou ! ; ion'ooj5l. . . " > JiiI.U ) . R' ' St. LouM , Di3. s. ( ; iiUt3-IA'i ! > luK 0) ; shipiueiim , 4JJ ; ste.idy ; ) , ' * ! ! ; } : steers" S.i' : ! > i'ji.i ; nutive bulelicr steers , feil.O , ) l/i'i ; eows an I holfeis , Siiio'VJJ.stockeis : and fci'der > , J..VJ.iJi.7'5. Shl-np-U'cclplS TiJO ; .shlp-ll-illtx. 203 ; ipiictco ; rmoii locholceuiiitlou ? , j ? . .QJttt.5f \ ln\u\uf \ \ ! . 'i'tjSi.'ii ) . / O31AJ1.V l IV/3 / STOOK. Tuesilav liyeulug , Dec. 8. Tlieie was very little activity tin the cattle market to-day. Tlm hog-juaikeL was lairly active and lejjipls liberal , niri2ii'rs. : Tattle . - 400 llo.-s t S.tOj .Sheep i.i. . . U JO rmrn'j. _ _ Poor to | Xiood to Medium. r'atlle J.ttM lljsnnd over . . . -1 OJat ) ,4 , 40 4 00 l-00u1l-J50 Jl > s 0 75 4J5 J-eodeis 1 IU 3 50 ( JmssToxaiis : - 73 , f n : oo \\'e.slern Jim cr. > smsKi av , ow @ ! oa KativeCows . .i j 6U. ; J 74 , s as U'esteiu Covv.s J.O- ) t U ! B Hulls a 10 Hogs- a .a | Heavy . i'9. ' hight : ; i W , u no IIANHK lif . . . for roii'h TliPflxlrontir.iiifo ; or sprites | 11/1 jt'.i it inKcil , picking iii ili shippin ; ami light woUhthofs for six divs is siunvu bulovy : Itiiu , il r Uwivy " "fl T.T-fTit Date. Mixeil.J. Packi.i.U.jWejBhts | Tuesday. . . . ' ] ? > ) JT I..M d us ® 1.10 ' Wi'd nsilay Tbuisday * J''i iday . . , .Salind'iy. ' MotiiUy. . 'J'lioiiJ.iy. . HAI.IOS. coiix rijj. HTKKlifl. ' Xo. Av. Pi' ' No. ' " AV. Pr. 717. ! . . S1.40 , & 7.Wtl ) 0f ) 17. . rai-'iV : cowri. No. Av. Pr.cowri. f.t AY. Pr. 'M. . .101)5 ) nous. ' No. Av. Pr. 'NO.- Av ; Pr. Ii7. . Pr.viu 111 ! . . l'JJO' liU. . : viu " 77' ( VJ , . u.ii ) MTU ; i.rj fiS. . JHfj < ; o , . . . aw' ' . fil. . il.4" tat. . . JJ.Si fl . . i-r. ! M. , . . a. oo 57 . nloiiKsr A.vj ) r.owiisr. . .Showing MID Klglutst and.Jo\ ( irRcs paid on , this market lmr hogs imin | ; "lie jiast bc'ven davs iVudior'tho cuir poudlu ; time Jjst month : Tiiesd y. , Kiidu.v Mi.l'1 .Satmduy . . . . . . . . Mopilay , , a.oo 'J'uuvluv. . . . . . . . j Aoto All nales of stock In tlils market inude per owl. ' 'livo woiglil , unless otherwise ! Mated. Deal hogs Hull ul Jo | > cr Jb , Jorull weights , -fciKiiiH ; " or ho < s weighing Jt-ss III in 100 Ibs , no value. Proliant bOvvs are doc-ku-J s uud slut's HJJlu. VfUl > ltK\IM ftcneml , . . 3xuisI : > eiiwnil luUkaiid pilcesnilo Jlrm Should the pieMinl cold weather coiitinim o JiiKlier uiaiKel maj-bu looki l-lor. htricllj tn'sli , candled. Sj&ifu , . UurriU { There is no matej-lal chauso to ji'ti. ( iood lo choice roll jtiects with fair wile , while Interior ur.ifles aruNtlll dru < iii aud can only bu M > ! d ti * inukeis ut Jew prlcus. Strietly fbwiei ! nill , IXiiUii ; lair to good , y ljcipu-i ; lor. < ' < ( ' > , Oiiii'.hj-'ViHe.vf.ull : ; ! cream1 rlil-ddurs , Octo ber Jiuik . liyj jlatx , IV'ii : I'oim ; AuuirlciH , U ! < c ; lull cii-iiiu ilats , Aurufct make , Mi ; Younp Antrruya , ifn : 'full orum. July , sharp. Uwris { : nut oualityj-iwits bi < iSM ! . lilc ; sowiiul jiuullty , l ii | < : J'i'euvlfwu ' , ' " Limburtfur , IU : . . 3' itt.7UVf1'hu market is now In n torj bfultiiy < ; ouUitioji uud will-probably rcmuliij thus for the , nitxt iwo wftiks. 'Amntlon ofl uhlppeitt is a jalii iiUt-r ] tu th d U/er of lilH | jung Immediately titituru the bolliluys. TJul rif.iiiitsirom .1).lumber t uutil t > urensu-l nllyiar In i.-scvss of Utilimud UJcuUBofS ( bnul' in the lunrltoL.Ji orJty to vuldb Liig cuiuiit In ulnt ; , hlilppuM xJiuitld ii | ku 4ta jioliitloiiavotbclr'iiailltry im tUu later than tlie iuuuiii ( iul f '