Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1885, Image 1

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MMnvpinpwrtn MESSAGE
Olevelond'a First Effusion a Document of
Uncommon Length ,
Tbo Country at Peace with tno Potentates
of Foreign Powers ,
A Vigorous Protest Against the Coinage
of Cart Wheel Dollars ,
Tlio Different Cnlilnct Kpports Con-
uhlcrcrt Opening AltiiNlon to the
Dontli of llcmlrlckft The
Message In Detail ,
Tim Dcntli of HonclrlokH.
To the Congress of the Uniled Stales Our
assembling Is cl < nulc < l by a sense of public bo-
rpavptncnt by the death ol Thomas A. Hun'
drlcks ; vlcc-ptesldcntof tliu United States-
Ills distinguished puhllu services , lilt coin *
plote Integrity ntiil duvotion to every dntyand
his pcison.illiuips will iliul honoi.iblo icc-
ul In bis country's history. Ample and 10-
pcalcd proolsul ihu esteem andconiidi'iico In
which ho vvaihi'ld liy Ills count vmenweio
inanlli sti d by bis election to : in ollloe of lliu
most Impoit.intand highest dignity , and at
lon/lh , full of ve.u sand Imnois , hu has been
litld : it icsl amidst general boirovv and bene
diction. _
I'ovvrrs mid It Noiiflll > llltlP8.
'I he constitution , which icquiics tlio echo-
BCII to IcuHlate tor the people to .innually
meet in the discharge of tliotr solemn tiust ,
nlbo rcquliis the pieddi'nt to give to eon-
KH si Intoi niation of the state of tliu union ,
nnd iccomiiicnd to their conslili'iatlon bitch
nie.isuiisiislio bliall diem neiessaiy and ex
pedient , Al the llncsholil of tliu compilation
with these constitutional dliectlons It Is well
foi us to be.u In mind that our usefulness
\VI1I ho pioimitcd by A constant appicciatlnn
cil tile vi ope and chaiaetcr ot oin icspectivu
duties as they lel.itu to lederal legislation.
AVIiili ; thuovcculivu may leujiiinicnd such
measures .is hn may deem c\pi'dirnt , tboie-
Fpoiisiblllly lor legislative action must and
should lost upon those Delected bj the people
to make thc'ii laws. Contemplation of the
LT.tveand le-Mionslble lutictloiis assigned to
thoo.xei utlvomiinclicsol tliu goveiniiientun-
dei Hit ; constitution , will dlsdoi.u thu pai-
titliinof ) power between oin respective du-
parlnients and theli Independence ,
nnd alho thu need toi the exorcise of. all thu
power riiliustid to e.ieb , in that spirit of
comity and enunciation which Is essential to
( lie piop < r luhillmcnt of tlin p ittlotlc obliga
tions wludi lest iiion nsus fallhtul beiv.wts
ol the people. Tliu Je.ilons watchfulness ot
our i onstltucnclcs , .mil small , supplo-
niont-i theli sulh.uio. and thucfoiu ut the til-
bunal they establish eveiy public beivant
should be Judged. _
Foreign Itolnlloiifl.
AT PKACi : WIIII .M.I , I UK VVOltt.n.
It Is gnilllvlni ; to announce the lela-
tlons ol thu United btates with all lotcign
poweis continue to bu liiemll } . Oui posi
tion , uflw ne.irly nconturv ol MiocesMul con-
Dtltnlloniil government , tno m.ilnten.uiee of
good l.iltli In all our engagements , thonvolil-
uiunot Loniiille.itlonswitli other tiilionsand
consKtent and amlcablu attitude toward the
filiongand wcakulikc , liunish prool ot a po-
disposition which icndi'is piolessions
if good will unnecessary. Theio are. no
inesiiolis of dllllciilty pending with any foi-
eign government.
The Aigcntino government has revised the
long doimant iiuestlon ol the r.iulkland
Island by claiming fiom the United .States
Indemnity tor their lobs , attributed to the
action ot the commander of the sloop of war
Lrtixinglon Inbtc.iklngup aplratlca colony
on lliosi ) Islands In lh.ll and tneii subsequent
occupation by ( ! reat Hi Ulan. In view ot Iho
ample justllicatton for the act of thu Kexlng-
lon and tliodeiolict condition of the Island
beloio and alter their alleged occupation by
Argentine colonists , this goveinmeiit con
siders the claim as wholly gioumllcss.
A diplomatic question has arisen with the
government of Austio-Ilnngaiy touching the
rcpiot-untatlun ot the United States at Vien
na. Having undei my constitutional prero-
; ati\u ' appointed an estimable cllUun of un- , probity and competence as minister -
tor at that court , thu govcinnicntot Austin-
Hungary Invited this government to lake
cognUunco ot certain exceptions based upon
allegations against the peisonal acceptability
of Mi. Kclley , the appointed en\oy , asking
that in view theioof the appointment should
\\ithdi.i\Mi. . Tim i caseins advanced were
such as could not IHJ aeiiule > ccd in without
violation of my oath ot ollice , and the pre
cepts of tliu constitution , .since they nccessa
rlly Involved a limitation In favor of a for
eign government upon the right of selection
l > y the e\ecuti\ and requited Mich an appli
cation of a religions test as qiMllltc.itlon tor
ollice under tno United States as would
have resulted in the political illsfrancldso-
mcntnt a largo class of our citizens , and tl)0 )
nb.indonmcntof a vital piiiiciplu of oui gov
ernment , Tliu Aubtio-Hung.irlan govein-
meiit tlnallv decided not to lecelvo Mr. Kelley
us thu envoy of the United States , and that
gentleman hat ) slnco icMgned his commls-
nlon , leaving the. post vat ant. made
no new nomination , and thu Imcicsts of this
gov eminent at Vienna are now In thu eaio
ol the secietaiy oi legation as cliaigo d'alfalis
ad Inteilm.
Miiaiinoniioan WAII * .
Eaily In March last war InoUe out In Cen
tral AmeiiiM , caused by the attempt of
( iiiateniala to consolidate thu soveial htates
Intu a .singlegoveinmcnt. . In this contest be
tween our nel.Jiboi ing states thuUnltedStates
foiboto to Inleileic actively , but lent tliu aid
ol theli trlendly olllce.sinileinec.itlon of war ,
and to piumutu and eoncoid amou ' thu
belligeients , and by .such couiibel contributed
Importantly In the lestoratlon of tnumnility
In that locality.
KmeiL'cueles glow Ing out of the civil wai In
( ho United Stales ot Columbia demanded ot
Ihu L'uveiniiient at thu beginning of this ml-
iiiinistiatlontheeiiiilo ] > iuentot arm dfoices
to luliill itsguaianties undei the tlility-nltli
nitli'lu of thu treaty of 1M . In oitler to Keep
thu transit open acioss thn Isthmus of I'.ma-
tna , < ie > lrous of o\eiclslng only thu pouers
exjiri'Mly icvived to us by the tieaty and
tnindtul of thu rlghtsof Columbia , the tones
cent to the Isthmus wuiu insti noted to eon-
liiui their iicllon to "positive ! ) and efllca-
cloithly" piou'iitlng thu transit and Its acces-
eoiles fiom bumg "Intel nipted or enibar-
The execution ol tills dellcato and
necesvailly Involved police
connol wliuiti thu Imal auihoiitv was tern-
jxiniilly powerless , but alwa > Kln aid of tliu
fcoveielgnty ol Columbia. Tim inomnt and
fulfillment ol Its duty by this gov
eminent was highly appieel.ited bj Hut gov
ernment id Columbia and lias been tollinved
by expulsion of It1 * Fatlstactlon and blub
pialhu tu thu officer * and men engaged In this i
borvlce. 'lliu lostonition ot peacu on the
li-thmus by llm re-establishment of thu con-
t-tlluted Kovi-mmi'iil being aicompllbhcd ,
Ihu foices ot thu United b tales wcio with
draw n.
rending Iheso occurrences a question of
mm 11 impoiuiniu was piocntcd by dicices
at the Cohniibian goveinment pintlalnilng
Ihuclosuicut ceitain IHJIIS then In thu handset
ot thu Insurgent * , and declaring vessels held
by theii-volutloiilbts to bu partial and liable
to captino by any puvvcr. To ncithei of
tin-so piopositlons could the United Stales
ks-si'iit. An elleollvc closureot thu ports not
In thu pas.sesslon of ihu guvernim-nt but held
by hostile partisancould nut bu iciu nl/od ,
neither could thu vessels of liibingunls
nyitlnst the legltlm-ite sovereignty Ixsitoomul
"Jlustes liunianl goneiis" within the. pru-
i-opt.s of IntoiiKitlonal law. Whatever might
lie tliuiU'iinlllon uiul jtcnalt ) of their aits un
der thu municipal law of lliu statu aualnst
whosoaiilhoilty they wcio in ivvoll , thudn-
nlut bi this goveinmunt of thu Columbian | > UKdld nut , however. lmpl > thuad-
luKsslun lit u belligertint ntiltlls un llm pitituf
tliu Insintjciil.s. The Columbian govein-
incut has exploded its lu iiU4 < > -
iiatf coin cntloii.s lor the adjustment b > in hi-
' ' ' '
luJUiVcUJiUK by'
inp nut ot the ilc'trnrllon of the city of Av
plnwall by the Insuiix-ctory forces. .
Tlio Intel eM. of the United States In .1 prac-
lu-ihiU transit for stilps across tlio strip of
land scMi.iling | the Atlantic fiom the 1'acllic been rcpc.dctllv maiiitested durini ; the
last halt'ccniui.v. . . .M > Immciliatojiiedccc sot
caused lo ho negotiated with Nieitiucim a
treaty foi tin : i oiislutction b.v and at lliu solo
cost of tlie L'nit d ist.itesof a can I through
.Vieairunaii loilltoiv and laid U buToiu thu
Miiatu. rending thu aitioii of that body
thueuii , I withdicw the Itcalj foi ru-exalnln-
ation. Atluntivoconsldcntionof lls provis
ions leads me to withhold It Irotn refeiencc
to thn KMiati' . niaintalniiifr , as 1 do , tliu tenor
ofaiinu of precedents , trom Washington's
day , wiilch pii'crll > o asnln-t entangling alli
ances vvilh loreign states , I do not favoi n
poilcj ofitpqulsltlun of new and distant lent-
tojj oi the Incuiiiniatiuii of riiimilc iiifeie. > ts
with our own. The laws of pio-rress uns vi
tal and organic and we nuistbo i oiibclom of
that h resistible tide of commercial expinslon
vv hit h as tlio concomitant of our chlll/.Uion
day hi d ly Is lielng in ged onw.ud by those
Incuablng faeilltii s of iiiodtictloii. transpot-
t.ilidii ninl coiiiiininUntloii to which steam
and clccUicUy IMS given blitb.
Hut out duty In thu pre-ent Instance In
stincts us to addicss oiiisehes mainly to the
ileiclopment ol the Mist icsoiiices of tlie
gieat atca committed to our o.h litre , and to
tliu ciilllv ation of tlieattsof peace within our
hoi del s , though leahiiHl > in proventlni ;
tiie Aiiieiic.'in licmlsphcio tiom being In-
volvid in the political piobicmsand comili- )
callous ol distant goveininetits. TheicToie 1
am tillable to lecoiiimend pioposllioiis In-
volvlngpeimanenlpilvilcges of nvMii'ixlilp
01 right outside ol out own tenltoiy when
coupled with absolute and unlimited engage
ments to defend the teriltorial 'inteirilly
ol the Btatu wliuio such Intcie-Us lie.
Connecting the two oceans by means ol a
canal Is to b ? encouraged , lam ol thu opinion
thatanj end to beconsideied
with lavoi should bclieo iiom tliu tealuies al
luded to. Tlie I'eliuaiitupec loule is dcclaied
bv englneei.s oi llu highest icputu and by
competent scientists to affoid an onlliely
nautical lor vessels andcaigo , and by
means ot aslilp railway liom Iho At Ian tie to
thu I'aciiie the obvious advantage of biich a
route , if feasible , ovci otheis iiioic lioin the
axlil lines of tmlllc between Kmope and the
I'acilic , and partletilaily between the valley
ot the Mississippi and thu western
ciust of Noith anil Soulli
Amciica , are dcseivlng of conshlciatinn.
Whatever hlgliway mav be cousti acted
across tlie liai i ler dividing the two gie.itcBt
mailtlmeaieasof thu woild must be lot Iho
woild's , beneiit. a tiust lei mankind , to be
lemoved limn ( lie chance of dominallon by
any single power , nor become a point of Inv -
v llatlon ot hostilities , or a pi l/e tin waillko
ambition. An engagement combining tlin
coiutritctlon.owncishlpaml operation ol such
a vvoilc by tills goveinmcnt with an ollenslvo
and defpiislv e alliance tin its pioteetion with
tlie toicign state whose lespoifibillllcs and
rights wu would sh.iie. Is in my judgment-
inconsislenl witli stub ilcdicatlon tounivei- and use and would moieovei en
tail nieasiiies lei Its icali/alion be.uimlthe
bcopu oui nation d policy or piesent means.
The lapsu ol JCMIS has iibundantly con
tinued the wisdom and toresL-lit ot these
e.ulici Eulinliiisliallons which long bcloic
Ihe conditions ot maritime Intercom so weie
changed and t m.ngcd b.\ the pie iess of thu
age , ] ) ioclaimed by the vital need ot Inter
oceanic trallic acioss Ilia isthmus
and lonsccratcd it in adviimoto thociiiniiion
use ot m inkind bv then positive dccl.ii.itlons
and through ( he obligation ol tic.itics.
Tow aid sucli iiMli/ation the elloits of my nil-
mlnisUallon will bu applied , evci bc'.ningln
mind thu mlnciplos on which It must icst ,
and which weiu declued in no mneitiiln
tones ol Mi. Caswlio whilp ot
state In lb. > b , announced that what tlie United
States want In Central America next to lite
happiness ol its people , is "the security and
neiitiallly ol the intei-oceanlc ionics which
led Ihioiigh U. "
Tlieconstinctlon ot three tians
lines ol i.iilway , all in successful operation ,
wholly within our tcnitory , and uniting the
Atlantic and the I'acinu oceans , Ins been ac
companied by ii'sults of a most inteiesting
and impiessivo naliuo and has created new
conditions , not In tlie ionics ol commeice
only , but in political geography , whhhpow-
cifiillyaffoctotn lelatioustowaid , and ne < e--
hiuily our inieicsls in , anytrans- route which may bu opened and < * m-
plojed lor tlio ends of peace and
tiatlic , or in other contingencies ,
lor USPS Inimical to both. Trans
put tutlon is a t actor in tlio cost ot com
modities scaicelv second loth it ol theli pio-
duution , and wek-hs as heavily upon the con-
siniiei. Oui existence alic.uly lias pi oven the Impoit nice of having the. competition
between land-can lane and watci-caiiia o
lully developed , each acting as iimotcctlon
lo tins public against thn tendincies ot mo
nopoly , which Is inherent in Ihe consolida
tion oi wealth and povvci In tlio hands of
vast coipoiations. 'Iheso suggestions may
sei veto emphasize what I havu aheady said
on tlio scoio ol the necessity of a neutiali/a-
tlon of any Inter-oceanic transit , and this
can only bo accomplished by miklii' tlio
nscsot the i onto open to all nations and sub
ject lo lliu amblllous and wailiku necessities
of none. The diaw Ings and rcpotlota re
cent sinvey of the Mcai.igua canal route ,
made bv Chief Engineer , will bo
communicated lei voiu humiliation.
cni/.iNS :
of the United btates for losses by icason of
thu Into operations of Chili and IIo-
llvia , aio tliu subject of no'utlatlon tor a
claims convention with Chill , pioviding lei
their submission to aiblti.itlon. Thuhaimo-
ny of our relationsvvilh China Is tully sus
tained in the application of the acts lately
passed to execute the treaty of Is O , icstiict-
tvu of thn Immlgiatlon of Chinese l.iboreis
Into thu Uniled Slates. Individual cases of
haulshlp have occuued , bujond lliu powei ot
theexecutlvu to remi'iiy , and calling lor ju
dicial duteimlnatlon.
The condition ot tlio Chinese iniestlon in
the western htates and ten Holies , it , , dchpltu
this icslilcllvo legislation , tar tiom being
b.itlsfactoi v. The recent outbieak In Wjo-
mlngleiritoiy , wlieio niimbcisot unoffend
ing Chinamen Indisputably within thu piu-
tecilon of thu treaties and tlio law vveio iniii-
dcred by a mob , and Iho still moru iccent
tliie.dened oulbie.ik of lliu same eli.uacter in
Washington tcuiloiyaio htill fiesh In Iho
minds of all , and tlieiulsiippiehenslon lest
the bitterness ol teelin a.Minst tlio Mongo
lian raci ) on thu t'acluu blopo may tind vent
in slmllai lawless demoiistiatlon. All the
power ot tills gowininc.nt bhotut bo evened
to maintain tlio ample-it good faith
tovvaid China In the treatment of
thesu men and the. inlloxiulu Hteinnessof tin )
law in biinging lliu wiong doeis to jitatlco
hliould bu Insbttd upon , i\eiy : clloit has
been made by this goveinment to piuvent
thesu violent oiitlnuiks , and to aid thu lepui-
henlallves of Chiiu in their Investigation of
tliesu ontni us. ami It Is but just tosiythit
they aio traceable lo thu lawlessness of men
notcltl/c'iisot tlie United Slates , eng.ised in
competition with Chim-Mi luhoieis. Uaco
piejudlce Is the clilet tactoi In oilglnatlng
thosudlstinb.iiiiesand it uxlsts In a l.ugu
11,11 1 of our domain , jeopatdl/lng our pcaeu
and the good relationship wu try to maintain
with China , Tim admitted light of ngovein-
nientlo prevent thu Inlluxot eluiiiunts hostile
to Us peaeo and scemlty m.iy not bo
questlimed , even vvliero ( hero is no tieaty
stipulation on tliu hiibject. That tliu excln-
bion ot Chliusu lalior Is demindi'd in othei
countries wbeiu llku conditions piuvall Is
fitiongly evidenced by thu Dominion of Can-
hit i wliciu imml iatlon Is now tegii-
latedbylaws moio excluslvo tiianouiuwn ,
Uuxistlng laws am in.uU'qiiatu to compass
thoend in vluw , I sliill be pivpaieil to ivu
e.iinebt loiisidcrallon to any linihei icui-
fdlal mc.isincs within thu treaty llmlUs which
thu w ibdom of congiess m ly deIse. .
uu : fo.M.o ,
Tlie liidencndent htato of thu Congo has
been ouanl/ed as a government under thu
sov eii'lgnty ol Ids nmjesty.tlio King ol the Del-
glans. who lesumuu its ehlet maglstrac-y In
Ills peisonal character only , without m.ikiiiK
the new tatu a dupendt'iicy of HiMglum. It
Is foilim'.Uo that u iMMilghted region
all it has of iiulikpnliu eivllization t ) lltu
beneiieicnce of lliu phllanthropict hilnt ] of ( lie
inumiuh , should have the mUanta.'u and be-
cuiity of it.s.boneMilent sunei vision ,
Tim action taken bv this guv eminent last
\ ear In being thu not to roco ni/.u thb tl.ig of
tl lu i n toi national ussoclatioii of Hie Connu
lias been follow pd by toriual U'co nitlonof
thu new nationality which Micmils to its
soereign IKIWOIH A conft-ivncu of d legates
of the iiiinclpal comiuerclal nations was licld
ut Dei tin list w Inter to discuss methods
wheiuby thu Congo basin mlghl IHJ Kept open
to tliu woild'.s trade. Delegates att.-iuled on
lieli.ilf of the United btutes on the iiuiler-
t-taiulliig that their part hliould bu merely dev
v , without luivanluK ty tLu
nny binding character so far ns thn United
btates was concerned. Tills reserve -
servo was duo to the Indls-
po'dtlon of tills government to lnuo In
any disposal bj an Intermtlonal coiuie sot iniestions in lemoto foreign ter-
iitoiles. Tin-results ot conference wcio embodied -
bodied In a foimal act ot the nature of an In
tel national convention , which laid down cer
tain obligations purporting to be liindlni ! on
thublgn.itoilps subject to ratification within Notwithstanding the lescrv.ition
mulct which the delegates of the United
btates attended , their signatures were at
tached to the general act In the
same manner as tlu > c of the plcn-
Ipoteiitl.iltcs ot other government" ,
tliiis making the fulled btates appear with
out reserve or ipialIacatlon as Miiutoiies tot
joint international engagement , Imposing on
the signer' tliu conservation of the
intpgiityol distant regions , vvliero we have
no established Interpsts or control. This gov
ernment doe * not , hownvsr. resr.ird Its reser
vation ol llbiityof at lion in the premises as
at all Impaired , and holdltt tttut an
tnciit toHbam In tlioobllicttiMi of enloicing
nciittality In the reniuto valley ol thu Congo
to bo an alliance whose Responsibilities wo
are not In a condition to assume. I abstain
from asking the s.uution ot the senate to that
' 1 ho correspondence will bo laid before > on
and the Instinctive and interesting icport of
the agent sent bv this govei nmcnt to thu Con
go couniiy , and Ids lecommendatlons lor the
establishment of commcicial agencies on the
Atiican arc also submitted foi jour
'I ho commission appointed by my prrdpccs-
sorlast winter to visit lliu and South
Aiuciican eoiintiles to icpoit on the methods
of ciilaiging the lelatlous of tlio
Uniled blates thciewllli , has submitted ic-
poits which will bo laid before jon.
No opportunity has been omitted to tesllfv
tlie friendliness of this govuinmcnt toward
Coiea , whoso enttanco Into Ihe family ol
tieity powers the United btates weiethu ths-t
to rccogni/e. 1 leg.ud witli laver the appli
cation made by the goveinment fo bo
allowed to employ American olliacis as mili
tary IiibtructorH , to which ilia assent of con
giess becomes necessary , and I am happv to
bi > that this icqucsl has the coneituent sanc
tion of China and Japan.
The aiiest and Imprisonmpnt of Julio It.
Santos , a eltl/en of tno United btates , by the
authorities ot Kon.ulor , gave rise to a conten
tion with that government , in which Ids ikht
to bo leleascd , or to nave a speedy
and Impartial trial on announced chaiges ,
and with all guaranti o of defense stipulated
by treaty was Insisted upon by Iho United
States. Aftej-an elaboialo correspondence
and repealed and eainest lepix'sent.Uions on
oui p.ut. Mr. Sanlosvvas , ailei an alleged
dial and conviction , eventually Included in
a guncraldcgice of amnesty and paidoned bv
thu Kcu.ulorian execullve , suul relo bed ,
leaving the question of his American citi
zenship denied by thu l > u.ulotian govern
ment , but Insisted upon bv our own.
' 1 liu amount adiud ed by lliu Into French
and American claims commission to lie duo
from the United States lo 1'icnch claimants ,
on account of Injuiics suireied b.v thorn dur
ing lliew.u ofeec'ssion. ( . having been appio-
in i iti-d bv the last congress , lias been duly
p dd the FiPiich government.
The act of rebiuary ! i , VSprov Idcd for a
piellmin.iry seatoli of the leeoids ot a Piencli
jiri/e court foi evidence bcaungon tiie claims
of Ameiic.m citi/ens against rninco tin
spoliations committed prior to JbOl. The
duty has been pciioimid nnd the icport of
thu agent will be I lid belore jou.
I regret to say lliat the rcstricllnns nnon
the iinpoit.ttion of cwr pork into
1'iancn have not been w'.hdi.ivvn. not
withstanding tliu abundant demonsiiatlon ot
the absence of sanitaiy d inger In Its uw ; but
1 cnteitaln strong hopes that with a better
tiiideist.indlng ot tlio mat lei , this vexatious
piohibitinn will ho lemoved. It would be
pleasing to bu able to hay as much vvithie-
spcct to ( jeuiianj.Aiistrianndotliei countiies
wheiu hiioh pioducUs me aosolutely excluded
without picscnt ptospcct ot ic.isonable
change ,
The inteipietation of oin existing treaties
tit n.ituiali/ation by Oeiinany during the
pist jear has attiacted attenllon by icison ot
an app.uent tendency on the pint of thu im
perial government to extend the scopu ol the
residential restiictions to which retaining
natiiraii/ed citizens ot ( iciinan origin are as-
seited to be liable undei tliu lawsot the em-
nlru. Thetemperalo and Just attitude taken
by thlseovcininent with regard to this class
ol questions will doubtless lead lo a satisfac
tory understanding.
i in : C\IOI.INIS. :
Tlio dispute ol ( ioimaiiy and Spain i elat
ing to thu domination ot thoCaiolinu islands
has altracted the attention ot this govein
ment bj luason ol the extensive inteiests of
Ameiican cltl/ens havinggiovvn up in these
nuls dining Iho last thiitj-nlno , and
bet.uiso thoipiebtion of ownership Involves
jmisilietion of mailers atlectln thu stains of
oui citUuns undei civil and ciimlnal law ,
\\hllbt standing wholly aloof liointhu juo-
niii toij Issues raided between thu povveis. to
both ol whlcli the United States aiu tiieiidlv.
Tliis gov eminent expects that nothing in thu
present contention shall unfavorably atfoct
oui citi/cnscanjingon a pe.uetul com mere o
01 theie domiciled , and has ho in foi mod Uio
govuinmi'iitsol Spain and ( icimany.
1111 , MsllKIlll.S ( JUII.SIIO.V.
The maiked good will between Hie United
States and ( Britain has been iiiain-
taineddurliii : tnu jiast jcar. Tliu termina
tion of the lishlng clauses of the tteaty of
Washington , in jmrsuance of Ihe joint icso-
lutlon ot March : > , lbi > 3 , must luvo ivsultcd
in tlio abiupt cessation on thu 1st of July of
this jear , In lliu midst of their vuntuics , of
thu operations ot citi/cns ot the Uniled States
engaged In fishing in llritish Ameilcan
wateis , but for it diplomatic understanding
leached vvilh her majesty's government In
Juno last , whereby assurance was obtained
that no iiiU'iiuptlon of these opeiations
hliould taku ] ) laeu dining thu eurienc season.
Thu iiuestlon ol the Noith lisheries
is one of ninth lmi > oilance. Following out ( ho
intimation given by muvvhcn the extensiaiy
air.ingemimts abovu desciibcd was negoti
ated , 1 lecommenil tlmt eongiess jirovldo
tor thu aiipolntment tor a commission In
which thu government of the United btates
and ( UiUlan shall bo icspcctlvely iep-
teseiited , charged with the consideration ami
settlement upon a jiiit , equitable and Honor-
ablu b isis ot the entile question ot thu nsli-
ln < lights , ot ihotwogovtinmunts , and theii
ic.spcctivecitl/unson thu coast of tliu United
btatesand Ihltlsli North Ameilca.
Tlicnsliin IntetustH being intimately re
lated to other general questions ilu | > endeiit
upon Intficoinsu , eoiihideia-
tlun tlii'ieof In all lheiQ > gfntles niUht also
pioKiil | > lomu within tliu ninviuw ol uucli
commission , and thu fullest lallludu of ex-
iiiession on both hides should hupcimilted.
TliocoiiP-noiidunco In leliition lo tholUlilug
rights will bu suljinltteil ,
Thu t. ictio exploring steamer Alert , which
was so geneioiisly given by tiei majestj's
goveinment to aid In ttiu ruilet of thu liioely
expedition , was , alter the suo.'osstnl attain
ment of that humane puipose. rctuinedto
( ireat Uiilaln In pursuance of the uuthoiity
conferred by the act of Mniph a. Ibb1 } ,
The Inadequaev of the existing engage
ments fur extiadlllon between the United
blales and lliitaln has been long apiu-
icnl. The ti nth arlltlo of the Irpaty of Wl'i.
onuof the eailiest compacts In tins regard
c'liteied Into by us , stipulated for surrender
In respect ol a limited number of offenses.
Other cilmcs nu less Inimical to thu social
wellaie. bhould bo embraced , and the proccd-
muut extradition brought Into Imunony with
prisent Intcrinitlunai practices. Negotia
tions with liei majesty .s gov eminent for an
cnlaigcd tieaty of cxtiadUion have baen
pending since 1S70 , and 1 entertain strong
hopes that a satlsfactoiy result may bo soon
between Alaska and British Columbia , as do
nned by the treaty of cession with Htissla ,
tollovv s the demarcation assigned in a prior
tieaty between Great Uritaln and Itussia.
Modem uxptoi.itiun discloses that this an
cient boundary is Impracticable ! as n gcograph- fact. In the unsettled condition ot that
legion , the question has lacked Importance ,
bin lliu dlscoveiy of mineral wealth In the
Uintory the llnu is supposed to traverse ad
monishes that the tlmo liaa tome when an
accurate knowledge of thu boundary is need
ful to aveit juribdiellonal complications. I
iccouimcud , therefore , tlmt provision be
Hindu lor u prellminaiy reconnobancu by of-
liters of the United btates to the end ot ac-
qulilng muiu picolso infoiuiatlon on the sub
ject. I havu invitrd her uiajest > 'H govein
ment to consider with us in the udopiion of
more onvenlent line to be c.stablishcd by
obscivutluns or by kuuvvu geo-
giajhlcat features without , the neccbsityof
an exj > "tislvo survey of the Whole.
The late Insuravtionwy movements In
lla.vtl having been qnellcHL the goveinment
of tlnl rcmibllc has made promut provision
lor adjndicatiiii ; the IOJPS stilfered by for
eigners becatisu of hostilities tlii'iv , and the
claims of certain citizens of the Uniled Stales
will bo In this manlier determined. The
long-pcndliKt claims of the two cltlrcns of
Iho United States-rellctler and La/arc
have been disposed of by arbitration , and an
award In favor of each mint has been
made' , which , by the tcnns of the nurccinunt
is liinl. It rumalni for conerefis to tuuvltlo
for tbopiymnntof the stipulated iiioloiy of
Ihopetneji. .
An confcrenco to consider
themp.insof arnjstlng the spread of choieia
at Itomo in May last , and adjourned to meet
again on further notice. An expctt delegate
on liehilf ot thu United States has attended ,
nnd will submit a icporr ,
ot'it ituiAiioss WITH Mi\tro
continue to bu most cordial as bcilts HIOMJ of
neighbors bet ween whom llipstioiw-t tlesot
friendship and commercial intimac } exists as
tlio natural and growing consequence of our
slmllaiity of Institutions and geographical
iiioplnqulty , Tin1 lelocallon of the boundary
Hno between the United btates and Mexico
easlw.itdof the Klo ( Sninde , under the con-
M-nllon ot Juli 'J't ' , Ibb'J , lias been unavoidably
delajcd , but I appiehend no dltllciilty In se
eming a prolong itlon of thu peiiod 'or its
accompllsliment. Tin1 lately concluded com
mercial tieaty with Mexico htlli awaits the
htipiilalcd legislation to carry Its piovislons
into elTcct , foi which one > ear's additional
time lias been M'eiirwl by a siipplc'inentiny
aillclesiirneil In 1'ebiuiry last and slncoiat-
Itied on botli sides. As this convention , so
Impoitant to the commcicial welfaioot tlie
two adjolniiiKcountriPS.has been constitution
ally conih iiicd by tliu tienty miking branch ,
1 express lliu hope that legislation , to make.
It etlei the , may not be longed delaj ed. Tlie
large Influx of e.ipltaland enteipilteto Mexi
co I loin tliu Uniled States continues to aid
in thn development of the lesouices and aug
menting the mateilal well-being of our sister
icpubllc ; lines ot i.iilway penetrating to the
heai I and capital of the country bi Inglng the
two people Into mutually lieneliclal Inter-
couisu and enlarged facilities by transit and
to juoiilabio commeice , create new markets
and linnlsh revenues toother Isolated com
munities. With the gradual iccovery of 1'ciu
fiom the effec'ts ol her lulu disastiouscon-
llietwitli Chili , and in that dlsti acted coun
try , it is hoped that pending war claims of
oui citizens will be adjusted.
In contoiiulty with noliiication given by
lliu government of i'ern. thu existing treaties
ot commeicu and extr.idlllon between us and
lliateountry will tei minute March BI , IbsO.
lt"iSlA. !
Our good iclatlonshlp with llussla contin
ues. An odlcei of the navy detailed lor the
pin pose is now on his way to SIbeiia bearing
the testimonials voted by eongtess to those
who gencumsly succored Iho sun Ivors ot
the unioitunatu .leannettenxpedition.
ltr.l.AlllXS ) WITH SPAIN.
It is gratit.v ing to advei t to the cordiality of
out Inleioouiso with Spain. Tlio long pend
ing claim of the owners of. the ship Ma
sonic toi loss siiilcied > throiL'h | the admitted
dcrelic-ion ot the Spanish ttiuhoiilics In thu
1'lilllipiiinu islands , has been adjusted bi ai- ion and an Indemnity aw.uded. The
] > incipleot ! aihltratiimin such cases to which
this United btates have Inngitnd consislenlly
adhcied thus leeches ufiosli nnd gratif.ving
eoninm.itlon. Other questions witli Spain
have been disposed' of or are
undei diplomatic consideration with
a view to just and honorable settlement. The
opei.ition ot thu commercial UKiocment with
bpiln ot .lanuaiy li , anil i ; ; , Ibbi ,
has lioen lound inadequate lo thu commercial
need of thu United bUtcsniid timbpanish
Antilles , and ihe tenifs ot the agicementaie
subjected to oontlicting Inleipiet.iUons ( n
those islands. Jjegotlatioris h.ivu been In
stituted at Madiid 101 tv iltll lieaty , not open
to thosu objections , i nd in tho-lino of the
geneial policy louchiu the neighborly Inler-
couisoot pioxImal L'omniuuitlcs , to which I
elsewhere adveit , nnd aiming , moieovei , at
the removal ol exibtiug bin dens -and nnnov-
ing lestiictlons , and , although a satisfactory
teiminatlon is pi omised , 1 am compelled to
delay its announcement.
was held at Hcrnc in beptcmbor , on Iho In
vitation of thebwissgoveinment. The envoy
ot thu United Stales attended as a delegate ,
but refrained tiom committing the govern
ment to thu icsults , even by signing the
leconimendatory protocol adopted. The in-
tcicsting and impoilant biibject of interna
tional copj light has been before jou lor
sovuial > e.irs. Action is cerlalnly desimblo
to effect thu object in view , and while there
may be a question as to the relativ e advantage
ot tieatlnir it by legislation or by hpeciuc
tiealy , tlio matured views of thelieino con
ference cannot lull to aid } our consideration
ot the subject. . , ,
The termination of Iho commcicinl treaty
of lb ( * ! between the United btales and Tur
key has been sought by Unit government.
Whllo UiPie is a question as to tlio biilliclency
of the notice ot teimlnation given , yetas the
commeicktl rights of our citi/ens in Turkey
comu under the favoied nation guarantees of
tlie pi lor tieaty of WJO and as equal tieat-
ment is admitted by the porte , no inconven
ience can icsult tiom the assent ol tills gov
ernment to the icvision of lliu Ottoman
t.u ills , and which the treaty poueis have
been Invited to join , 'lliu questions con
cerning oui citl/uns In Tinkey may bu atlcct-
cd by Uio iwrto's non-acqiiiescenco in
the right ot i-xiutriatlon , and
the ImHitIon | of religious tests as a
condition of residence , is ono In which
this government cannot concur. Thu United
btales must hold , lu their intercom so vvilh
cvcrj power , that the Hiatus of their cltbcns
Is to be respected , and equal civil privillgcs
allowed to them without regard to cieed and
affected b no consideration savu those gi ow
ing out ot domiclllan icturn to the land of
original allegiance , or of iiniullilcd personal
obligation , which may siuvive undei munici
pal law alter such voluntary notion.
The negotiation with Venezuela relative to
the. iche.iiing ol the awards of the mixed
commission constliuted under the tieaty of
Iboii , was lesumed in view of tlio lecent ac
quiescence ot the Venezuelian envoy In the
piinclpal point advanced by bis goveinment ,
that the eitecls ot thu old treaty could onlv
ho set aside by tliu opciatlon of a now con
vention. A icsult In .substantial aeionl witli
thu advisoiy .suggestion contained In the
joint ipsolutloii ut March : i , 1HS ) , has beun
iigieed upon and will slmrtly be .submitted to
tliu senate tor ratincatluu.
Aquusllon aiosuwlth Haytl dining the
past > e.u by reason of thu exceptional tieat-
meiit of an American citizen , Mr. Van Uok-
kelcn. a leshlentof 1'orty-au-rrlnco , w ho on
suit by cieditors residing in tlio Uniled
btates , was sentenced to Lmpii'-oiiment , and
iinilci thu operation of JIaluen statutes uas
denied the lelluf seeincii ttf * n.itlvu Jliiytlcn.
'I'hisgoveinmentasseited jlis tie.ity light to
equal tie.iiinent with natlvusol llajti In all
bints at law. Our contention WHS denied by
the llavtien goveinmcut/iwhlch. however ,
while still protossing lojtiainlain thu ground
taken against Mr.Van JlokKelen's ilghls.
termlnaled tliecontr.ovornHby6fttliig him at
libeity without uxplanatiuu ,
Truat l iiuU.
Under section U0./ofitliu ) < uvisod statutes'
all funds held in trust bylUo United States
and the annual iutcrt l accruing thereon ,
when not otherwise leiiujrcdliytu-aty , are to
be invested in stocks ofrthu Unlted Stales ,
bearing a latoonnturpstnotjless than S per
centum ner annum. 'Uiero being now no
procurable stocks paying Miihlgh a rate of
Interest , the letter of ihesUUito , is at piesent
Inappliahh ) . but Its spliit Id subserved uy con
tinuing to make liivcstnu'iits of tliis nature
In eunent blocks bearing the highest Interest
now paid. Tlio statute , however , makes nu
promlbo toi thu disposal of Mich aceie'tlons.
U being contrary lo ihe uuneril inla ot this
government to allow Tntciost on claims , 1
recommend tlio repeal of thu provision in
quu-sllon ami the lUaponitlon under A uniform
ruloot the piesi'nt accuinuliitions from in-
vcbtmcnt of t
Tlio inadequacy of existing legislation
touching eltUeiiblilp mid iiiitiil-.ilI/-Ulon tie-
inuiuls jour consideration. While ixcog-
nUIni ; lliu right of expatriation , no btatutory
provision exists providing moans foi renounc
ing citizenship by an American citizen , natlv o
born or naturallicd , norltii tenmnalingand
vacating improved acquisition of citUeiibldp.
Kvuna fraudulent detree of naturalUatlon
can not now bu cancelled. The pi h ilcuo and
franchise of Aine.ric-.iu cltUeiiohlp should bo
Branted with carp , and extended to thosu
only who Intend In good faith lo assumu its
duties and responsibilities when attain-
Insr ts pilvllc es. It should ho
withheld from tliosi' vvlio merely go tlnoitgli
the form of jiattirall/atlon with the pinposo
of p c.iplntrdutlps with their oiiginal alle-
giancq without ttkln upon themselves tboso
of their new status , or w bonny acqul ru tlio
ijchtsot Amction cltbcnsliip foi nu oilier
than a hostile putposu to v.uds tlioli oiUlnal
governments. These evils have had many
llrtirrmit IlliHtrall'tiu ' ,
I ie'ard witli 'a or the sit2ge tlon put fortli
by ono of my \ r 'deces-ors , thai piuvlsion
may bo made foi a ccntnl tmreMiiot recoid
of the decrees of natiiin t ft ion bv tlio vari
ous court < throughout lliu United Stale * , now
Invested with lint power.
TUP rights which spring from domicile In
tlio United Stiles , rspocl illy when coupled
with a on of intention to become
a cltfo-en , ate woitliy of dutitiltloii
b.v statute. The stranucr o mlng hither
vv lib Intent to remain , i".tablisiiing his u l-
deuce In our midst , oontiibutiiii ; to thu gen
eral w.'lfaic , and by his act dechi-
Ing Ills purpiHO lo iissump tlio responsibility
of citl/enshlp , ihereby gains an InchoUo
status which legislation may piopeily deilne.
Iho laws of ceiiuln Matesand Iciilloiios
admit a domiciled alien tu tliu local
cidses , contciiln onhiui the light of cltl/en-
slilpton clegiec whlcli places him In the an-
iiiuoloiw pusitlon ut being a eltl/en of a state
and jet not ol Iho United btates within the
pinvlevv of Icduial and Inteinatlonal laws.
It Is Impoitant within the sco | > o ot national
leghliition tudciinu Ibis light ol an alien In
domicllu as designated lioui natuial-
izalion , _
Conuncrulal Kolatlons.
The commcicial lel.ilions of the United
States with their Immediate neighbors and
with Impoitant areas of tiaillc 110,11 oui
shores suggest espeuiallv tntcroouiso
between them and us. Following tliu tieaty
ot with Mexico whiih letted on the btsis
ot cxemiitlon liom customs duties ,
otlii'i Mimllar tieaties weru Initiated by my
picdeces ots. Keeo-oil/iia' the need ot less
obstructed tialllu with Cuba and 1'ort Hico
and met by the deMio of Spain to succoi lan
guishing interest in thu Antilles , stuns
were taken to attain those ends by a tiealy
of eomnieice. A slmllai tieaty was attei-
vvinds signed by thu Dominion leiiubllc.
Subscquenlly overliues weie made by bei
Biit.iiiiic majesty's goveinment tor a like
mutual exlcnslon of commeicial Intel com so
witli thu Hiltish West Indian and South
American indepcndoneles , but without iu-
Milt. On taking lliu nllicu I vvlthdiuw tor
re-examination lliu treaties signed with
Spain and .Santo Domingo , then pending bu-
loie tliu suuate. Tim icsiill lias be-en to satis
fy mo of the inexpediency of unlciiuglnto
en-.igements of this character coveiln the
entiiu iralllc. These tiealles conteiuplaled
tlichiiuender by the United States of hu o
levcnues lor inadequate consideiattons. Up
on sugar alone the duties were suncndcicd
to an amount fai exceeding all tliu advan
tages otfeied in exchange. Even were it In
tended to icllpvu our consumers , it was evi
dent that so long as Iho exemption but par
tial ) } covuied our import ition , sucli lu.ief
would bu illusoiy. To reliiiuish ( ] a levunuu
sp essential beemcd IiUhly iminoviduiit at a
time when nesv and lairo d.iins | upon tlio
tieasury wcio contemplated. Moteover , em
barrassing questions would have aiisen under
the t.ivoicd nation clauses of treaties witli
other nations. Asutuitlici obiectlon. It is
evident that laiiffic ulalion by tieaty dimin
ishes that independent eon tail ovei ilbown
icvenues which is es lei tliu s ifetv and
wellaro ot any goveiniiient. imein'ency ;
calling lor an Incituisc ol taxation miv at
anj time arise , and no eii-.uemunt , with a
toreign powei bhould exist lo hamper llio ac
tion ot the goveinmcnt. Uy thu lomteenUi
bPctlon ot lliu.shiiiping act , aiiprovedJune M ,
Jbt > l , 'certain i-pduclion and conlinjgent ex
emptions from tonnage dues weiu madu as to
vessels , entering pints ot thu United Status
Irom-any lor il'iri > iiit In .NorMi and Central
Aiueiica , tliu West liidl.iislandb.tliu Itahamas
and lieimudas , Mexico and lliu Isihiuusas
tai as Aspinwall and I'mimna. Thuguvein-
meiitsol lielgium , , Goimany , Portugal
tugal and Sweden and Nouvay , havu assert
ed under the i.ivuml nation clause In then
Ucalies with life United Stales a claim to
like liealment in respect to vessels coming to
thu United States horn thcii home poits.
Tliis government , however , holds thu
prlv lieges gianted by the act aiu pinuly geu-
giiiphieul.ineurl'ig ' to any vesgel ofany for
eign powcis tiiat may choosu to en0'asju in
tiallic between tills country nnd
any port within the denned /one.
and no wairants exist under thu
most favored nations clause , lor thu
extension of the privileges in question lo ves
sels sailing to this country Irom ports out
side th limitation of thu act. Undoubtedly
the restrictions ot .commerce with any near
neighbors whosu teuitoiles form bolongii
tionlier line difficult to bu guaiil : il , and who
lindin our own countiy and uqiiallv olTei to
us natnial markets , deinand special and con
siderate Irc.itmcnt , It rusts with congiess to
consider what legislative action nny in
crease facilities of inteicouisu which
contiguity makes natural and dcsliablc.
The Diplomatic Service.
INCIIKASI ; nu : avr/Aitn3. ; congiess recast the
appropriations lei tlie maintenance ol tuu di
plomatic and consular bcivico on a touting
commensuralu with thu impoitanco of our
national iutetests. At every post where a
rep i use n tall vo Is necessary Ihe salary bhould
bu ( { i adt dbo as topc.i mil him lo live with coin-
tort. With the assignment of adequate sala-
lies the BO called notoiial uxlra lees
which our ollicei-s abroad aio now punnltted
to treat ustpeihonal pciqulsitlcs bhould hi ;
done away with. Every act lequlringthu
certification and .seal of tlie otlitor should bo
taxable at bcliedtilu rates and thi ) lees theie-
Joi icturncd lo thu treasury , ity icsloiln
thesu luveniies lo lliu public use the consular
hen Ice would bu self supporting , uven witli a
llbeial lncre.isu ot thu piesunt lo.v salaiius.
In tiirthui pu'ventlon of abuses , a svstom
of consular Inspection Hliould bu Instituted.
Tlie appointment ot a limited niimbei ol sec-
retaiiesot legation ut huge , to bu assigned
to duty vvlieiuvcr nucuss.iry and in jnitieu-
lai fin tempoiaiy seivlcu at missions which
toi any cause mav bu vvilhout a head bhould
1 favoi also the aiithoii/atlon for dutall
of olllceift of Iho regular beivicu as
military or naval attaches at legations.
bomu toielgn irovuinmentsdo not ieco iii/u
the union of consul , i : with diplomatio tuno-
llons. Hal ) and Vt'iie/uela wilt only icceivo
Ihe appoinlea in one of his two capacities ,
but ( his docs not piuvent thu reiiuliumunl of
such a b.iul and subiiilislon to the iusp IIHI-
bllitiesof an oillcei wliusDilutlPs liu cannot
dlsx-li.irge. Tliu tltluof consul
general sliould all missions.
1 deem it expedient Unit a well devised
measiuntoi thu ieorn'.uil/.alioii ol the uxtia
teultorlal coin Is In oiienUI ( oiinliics. should
rcplact ) the piesunt HJ bteui which Kiburs un
der llm disadvanta'-'u of coinbinliu judicial
and executive lunutfons in the bimu olliiu.
In several oiluntal countries goneiom oiten
have been madu ot piemlsestoi housing thu
legations ol the United Slates. A grant of
land for that purpose was madu some > eais
hlncu by Japan , and has been releired to in
tlio annual messages ol my piedece > surs.
Thublamehugoveuiment madca gift tu
the United States of leis in
DangKok ,
In Coica the late minister was per
mitted to pnnlmeis a building fiom the
goveinment tor legation USD. In China tliu
premises i en ted lei tliu lo.'utlonaio iavored
as to local ehaigp-s. At Tangier thu house
occupied by our lepicsuntativu lusbjcntor
many jeais the proiu-rty of this government ,
having been given lei tlmt purpose in 1st ) by
the sultan of Morotoo , 1 appiovu tliosuggcb-
lion herctoloro imuiu that In v iuvv ol tliu con
ditions ol lltu and administration In the
pastcin countries thu legation buildin.'s In
China , Japan , Cuie.i , Slam uiul | ieili'iis | 1'ei-
Hla , bhould be owned and I mulshed by thn
goveinmcnt with a vluw to penn money and
becurily. To this end 1 ivcuiiimcnd that
authority bu gh en to at cent thu gifts adv oi ted
to In Japan and Slam and to pini-haso in thu
other uuintiit ! * named with piovlsioii lor
tiirnituru uiul ivp.ilia. A cqiibideuble .saving
in lentals would result.
hfld at Jft'vv Orle.uib last vvnter. ] vv lib ihe-as-
bKUiicu of the federal government , attiacted
u large number of foieUn exhibits , and
pruvcu of great value In spit-ailing aiming tlio
concourse of visitors jjoui Mexico and 'en-
lial and South Amciltr.i iivvidu Knovvlcd u of
tliu various m.inutac'tuiPS and nioduillons of
this luuntiy and ihcli availability in ex-
elungo lor the prixlui ( Ions of thosu icglo'ib ,
nu : \iiirr a v ivoitKo UP Air. :
Pa-t eimuiu us hasu had iindoi consldeia-
tlou thu advlwOlllty of atwlhiiin , ; Ihu Ub-
crlnilnatlon undo b.v the tirilT laws In favor
of works of aitists. Tliuodlum
of the policy which subjects to a liUh lite of
duty the p ilntlngs of toiekn artists and ex
empts the pro tuitions of Amerleui aitists
rusidliKabioul , and whrtiecelve , gratuitous
ly , advantiges and insttuctlou , Is visited
upon our elti7uirs nuga-tod In ml culture. In
I. in one , and havu caused them , witli practical
nu.inimit.v , to ftvor tliu abolition of such an
uiui.iclous distinction , and in their intcicst
and for utner obvious ix'isons , 1 sttongly
ucuinincud it , _
Tlio T ronsnry.
Thoroporlot ihpseciei.ity of the treasury
fully iivnlbits thu cMinditluii of tlio nubile
tin incus and of tlin brinche-i of gov-
uinmurit connected with his dupvi intent ,
Tliosugircstlons of thuseeiotirv iclitlngto
the pr.i''tleal oper.illons ut this liuiioit.uu do-
putniLMit , and his recoiiimeuditious , indica-
Uvoof snu.illiution and eeouo-uu pulioular-
ly In HID \\oik ot eolleetliu eitstuius duties.
are pspuclally urged upon Iho attention of
Tao onllmiy receipts from nil sotncei foi
thu used veat endi'd June M , lss.1 , were rflJi-
liUiiirt. : ! of this sum * lsl.lJl'Ui. ' 4 was re
ceived tiom ciistom-t and SIIIJ. . ,7,5 H tiom
Inteinal luvenue. The total iccelptsas given
above wet o t-JIS3lltfcil ! liMstlnn llioso tor
thu io.u ending .lumt.iu , lbs | . I'nls illmtinl-
lion cmbiaocs a falling off of $ i.Y : : > 5 5i 1.4 J In
thu icccpils liom customs and S Ub7-
: iOD7 ! In the lecelpls trom Intent U reve
linos. Tliu total oidlnaiy u < cpundltures
ol tin1 sro\ui nmcnt lor 1 10 lUcil veirvio
S'J WiM"l ' " > " J , leaving n siiiplm In tin * tieas-
my at tin1 close of tliejeai of frtlM ) ! ,771.U7.
Tills Is W ) .tiri.wl.'U Inss than tliu sin phis ic-
pulled at tlie elo-.u ol lliu pievious vuar. The
e\pundituies iiiei eliisslilcd us follows :
For civil expense's . SJJi.b.'O io.ll
For loii-U-n inloicoui-so . filiOJ0.11
For Indiins . nrVJ,4Jl.W
For pensions .'J '
Foi tliu mllituij , including rivet
and h.uitoi Impiovcments and
iitseuals . . . U,070nS.t7 ;
Foi tliu navy , Includini ; vessels ,
inaelilncij and lmi > iovoments
of imvy > ants . l(5 ( , ( > : ioo.on
Pin liueiest on tlio nubile debt. . . ii'NViV.l7 )
Foi the Distuctot Columbia . a , WJ.KiO.B j
Foi mlscellani'ous expeiidituics ,
Including nubile buiidingslU'ht
houses and collecting tliu luvu-
nue . : . St.TS a-VI.Sl
The amount paid on the public debt dur
ing the liscal year eliding Junu
: w , ibV ) , was sr > , uyi.Kvr ) , and thcio
has been paid Hinco that date
and up tu Nuv umber 1 , Ibbo , tliu sum ol
SM'bJS , leaving lliu amount of thu debt tit
the last named date , Slrl ! ,47 > , b < ilH7. Tlieio
was , however , at that time in the tipasury
applicable tu the genpial pin puses ot thu gov
einment tlio sum ot siiMs.-'J ) : ' . ! . ' .
The toUl leceiiits toi Hie cm rout liscal jear
ending June HO , ( ssij asceitained to October 1 ,
lSNr . and estimited toi the remainder ot lliu
jetr , are & .jriOJO,0K ( > . The expendilures
ascei taincd and estimated lor the sime time
aiu 2I iOJJOoo , , leaving a sutplus at tliu closu
ot tliu year ustimated at 67iiwOJO. )
from tlm United btates tu Uncivil countrlea
clniin tliu last joai was as follows :
Domestic mcichandiso . 7JliiS.OIO
I'oiei n iiiuich.iiulibU .
( iold .
Silver . n
Total . $7M.lJlibO
Some of tliu piiucipil expoits , with their
values and the tliuy icspoptivcly
lu.ii lo lliu total i'xoilationaiu | as follow b :
Arlicles Value cen-
Cotton and cotlo.i mils Sni,7'.KoiJ' ) > 0. ' J
Manul.iLluies of biead stuffs 10 VUJ.biO'i..OT
1J ( ltb I O11S i 1U7 , UJ-ni , . 14.77 _ ,
Oils , mln'al. ve blc , aiiiinal - - - 4 *
Tobicco.ind its ina.njilaxl'rs ! ( Sl,7(17'JJi ( an
Wood and Its limiiiifiMtme " SiItfJ : J
oUit t
diiiinij the vcir were as follows :
Meicliandiso S' ? , ) , .
Cold ai,001.MW.OO
bilvei 10,5. o.n2r.ou
Total WJi i,3ro s ( )
Thu tollowinyaio given as pioinlncntiuli-
cle.i ot ! iniuus , dining the ye.u with their
valuer and with the peieentago they bear to
then Impoitation :
Auiclfs. Value , centage.
SIIMI and molasses 87o.7isni U.JSI
Colleo 4U.7-'J:11B : 8.CW
Wool and itb 111111111.10-
tuies 44GjOJ8i , ! 7.73
Silk Hllll ill"III I 111 ! IOC-
tiues iO,3JJ,003 ( 0.0a
Chemicals , dyeings and
mi'd.cinc' ! . 3iorosio o.or
Iron and * .lc ( > I and their
maiuitactuies 34I.M)3C39 ) C.OS lii'inp. jute and
their m.iiiufaeliiios. . , . ; ; . ' , &jbTJ ) C.CO
Cotton and its in.uuif.te-
tines Sb.n .OUl 4.83
Ilidi's and skins other
Hi in fui-,1,111- , 20/60,413 3.W
Ot 111) ) entiiu amount of clutleenllccted 70
per cent vvis eotlcvied fiom the following
ai tides ( if iinpoil : Sugar and molasses , 'i ' ;
wool aim its minuf.u'tuies. l" > : sllit and Its
ni.uiiitactiiu's , ri ; iimi and steel and theli
manut.ictuies , 7 ; < otton m iniita < tintU ;
Has , lie-in ] ) , jute and their inaiiiilacttiuM , 0.
Turin tic Conn.
The fact that our levenues ai i In excess of
thu actual needof an economical .utminis-
tratlonot tliu ovuinment justiiies a icdiie-
tlon In thu aiiiotliitevacUiil lioin the people
toi it-siippoiU Our government is but the
moans established by the will ol a lieu people -
plo by vvliieli ceilaln inlneiplcs are- applied
which they h.ivo udujUed 101 their beneui and
piotectton , and it is never bettei .uliniiils-
teud.ind its tiuu sjiiiit Is no\ci belter oil-
served than when thu people's tav.uion tor
Its Mippoit is sciupnloiidy limited to thu
actual necesiitvot e\iiiiiliuuo , ) and distub-
uted accoiilin to a just and u'piit.iblu law.
1'lie proposition with vvhhii wu nave to dual
Is then-dilution ol lliu i.'vi'iiuu leu'lvod by
tlie goveiiiiuont and Indiiectly mid bv tliu
puoplu Horn ciMnms duties. Tliu < | iie.stloii
ol lieu ti.idu Is not Involved ,
nor is thciu now any occasion lei
the general dlM'iis ion of thu vvisilnm 01 cv
pedenu ! > ot a piotivtlvo h > si < > in. Justice
and tiiii ness diet ito tint in any mu Iliii-alion
ot on.1 picscnt laws lelatuu li > imentic ,
thetiidusluu-iuiiil inleiests wliicii h.ivo been
eiieomaged liy MI-II laws , and In wiilch tin )
eitl/uns luvo hu'u invcitm Mils , should not
bo inililesily iniuied or deployed. Wo
should .IM ! > dual with the biuiject In hiicli
maniiei as to jiioioa thu Inti'iuats oif Aiiu-ri-
can l.Uioi , vvliu h is the eaiiitil ol our winlc-
liU'meii. Us .stuliilitj nnd piopei lemuiieia-
liini luinibh thu niiiit jiiitlil.iblu pieiitst lei a
piolcctivu poliuv. Witnin tlmsu limititlons
H certain i.'iluetion t > hoind bu m.uliIn our
customs levuuuus. The amount of Mich
ri-diii ticiii hiviii. lie-en ibtetmined , the in-
ipili > tollows , " can ( Mat bu loinltted ,
and ait.eliHCJn . best ho released Mom
duly In lliu iiitonit ot oui clti/enV , ' ' 1 thlulc
thu icducilon should bti in idu in the luvenuo
diHivud non a tax niiiiii tli < impuited neces-
Hiilos ot Hie. Wo thus illuivtly lessen tlie
cobt of livliu In every family of thu land ,
and tc'leasu to thu public In ovuiy huinhh )
homualiighuniitasuiu ul tliu rewaidsol in-
< lustiy.
The Currency Question ,
Ourlntlia ! > par untied .Vovembar 1 , ISS1 ? ,
It'i national banks vvcru oi/anUcd , with
an j'MUvatu capital of S > w'jiiWJ , , and
olioiilatliu note-i h.ivo beu'i Issued to
thi'jii amountliu to s.l7JHy. , Thu whole
number of tlieuo banks in existence
on tliu day abovu mentioned wan U,7J7. Thu
veiy limited amomu of clicul.iuiig notes is
sued by out national bnnus cumiJ'iri'd with
the amount tliu law pcimith them to luntiii
up < in u deposit ot bonds tor llicli ledemptlon
indicates that thu voluuiu of out
nitidliim may bu lirguly In-
thioii.'h tills Insti.imentallty ,
i Mi ; AIIVIII : 1101,1. vit.
Nothlnxni'trolmHitint ' | thin the piosent
c'liulliidii of our eu11oin/ mid coin u-i ! can
claim jour attention , hliu-ii IVhiiury , 1 7-j ,
tli < ) govunmeiil has , und'T the compuhory
IIIOMMOIIS of law , puit'h.i.sf < { sjlvi't liiilltnii
and culiiiU thu M < IW at the nito of moie ill in
J.UJJo > j ot dollars o'eiy moiiili. liy iliis inn-
( o-.s up to Hit-lUiM.-iH . ( lati ; , -Jlr,7VJni .sver | [
ilulluts ha\o h'.H'ii eoln'd. A IUIMIII ibluap-
luccl ition ot n icle0Mtlun ! ol' pu.vei to ttio
ieii"nil goveiiiuiMit vvoind limit Us ovuicM '
wllhout c-\piess icMlii'livit winds lnttiomi- )
nlu'K needs nnd thu leiiulii'im'iilsi.f thupu1) ) '
lie wc'U.uo. Upon tui thvoi > ihuauthu.ity
"to coin monpv" given congress by Uio con
stitution If it penults the purchase by the )
government of tlio bullion for coinage .
In nny eu > nt , dops not luMlf ) ueh pinobn-.o
and enina e ( o an extent hcvond thn amount
in o led for Hiull tent eiuiilating meilium.
Tiiu tlc'Mio tu utlll/o the sllv or product of the
country should not Icid lo a nilsu-H ) or Ihe
perveislon of this power. Tlio necessity fur
such an addition to thosllu-i euiiencv oTtlui
nation as Is ciimp'llevt bv the "ilvei eolnnaa
i-t Is Health oil b ) the tail tint up to Uio
ptesent lliiieunl.v about liltv mllllous of sil-
vei doilus so coined have actually found
their wav Into circulation , leaving more than
olio hundred and sKtj-lho millions In posses
sion ot tlio govit nmcnt , tlie custody of which
has entailed a considerable expense for ttio
construction of vaults lot Us dc | > oilt. AgnliHl
this latter amount tliciols outstanding silver
ccrtlnc.ites amimiilliiL' to about t'.UiH ' ,000.
Uvciy month fcJ.oiu.iMJ of gold In the pnhllo
tre\suo aio pud out lei J.OU'l.iXX ) or mure of
silver doll us to lu % added to the Idle
miss aliiadv accumulated. If contliuicd
long enoiub this operation will icsult In Uio
substiiution ot silver foi all lliu gold the ROV-
piniucnl owns appllcablo lolls general put-
poses. Ii will not do to rely upon Iho re
ceipts of the goveinment tu make good this
decline of gold , becausti thn hllvei thus
culiied h ivin. , ' been m ula legal tender for all
dib sun I dues public and inhale at times
diimik ! too last six mouth- > i per cent of Iho
receipts for duties b ive been in bllvei or sit-
vei puitliltites ! wliilu the average within that
ppiio.1 has lieen 40 pei cent. Thopioporllon
otsllvciaiid Its ceitlilcates reeclved by Uio
government will bopiobttilv Iticivasodastlmii
goes on lor Ihoioasoii that the nearer Uu )
period appiimelios when it will Im obliged to
offer silver in ] > amunis ol its obligations thn
gieatei iiiiluicmeiit llicio , wlllbotolioiidiold ;
against tlppicclallun In tliuvaliuiol silver ,
or for thu pmpo-o. of speculating. This
ho.irdingot irolu lias ah only be iin ; whoa
thu timu comes tlmt gold lins boon withdrawn
liom clienliiliim , tlien will ho upiuient the
dlllerence between the real valmiol the bilver
dollar In gold , iindthu twocolni
will p.ut coiupins. ( iold , still the standard
of value and necessary In oui dcalinua vvllli
othci countriesv,111 bo at a piemlnm ever
bilver. Hanks which have substituted cold
for deposits of lliuii custouiuis may pay them
with bilver boiicht wilh such jold ? , thus mak
ing a handsome moilt. Kich bpeenhlorj
will bell their ho illicit gold tu theii neighbor
who need it to liquidate thcii Inreijin debts ill
a ruinous piemlum ovei silver , and tlio laboi-
Ing men and women ot the land , most de
fenseless ol all , will tind tlmt the dollar to-
eelvcd lor Ihe wages of thcii lull has badly
It nny be said that the Miter tesult will bo
but tompornv ami that ullltu ilely the price
ot labui will b uulju-ted tu thu cliangu , but.
oven it tills takes place tliu wage vvorkei ran-
not po siblv gain , tint must iiiuvitalily lose ,
slncu tlie pi lci > lie is compelled to pay lur hh
living will not only bu mc.isuied in coin
heavily demeeiated and lltictuallni ; and tin-
cc'italn Inks value , but this unccil.iinty in
thu value of the piiich.xsln medium will bo
m ule. thu picloxl lor an advance in prices be
yond b ) uituil depreciation ,
and the wutcK utteied in Hit by Daniel \Veb-
bter , in the senate ofthu Uniled States , are
truetodav : "i'lie verj man of all otlie'iB
who has the deepest inteii'st In a sound cur-
loncv , and whu suiteis most by misclnevoiis
legislation in inoim.v matters , is tlio man who
cams his diilv bit1 id by his ihilv toil. " The
must distinguished advocate ot blmelallsm ,
disctibsing oui slhci coinage , has latch * wilt-
ten : "No Ameiican citizen's band h.w jot
leltthesunsaiioit oi elioipness , cither in re
ceiving or expending tlie bilver act
dollai , and those wliu Ilvu by
laboi or legitimate trade never ulll
feel that honsillon ot cheapness. How
ever plenly hilvei dolhus ma.v beiomo they
will not be distnbiiUd as gifts amen Uio
people , and it the labuiliu man 'illould To-
echo tour depicclalcd dollais vsheu' hi ) now
iccclves two , he will pay In thu tlepieuiaUHl
com more than double tlie peicu hu now n'.iyn
for all the neces-ailo $ nd comtoitsof life. "
TlKise who do not ( cor any dlsaitrntn epn-
soqucnccs.uising lirim tliq eontltiiierl com-
pulsoiy coinagu of Oliver as now dhecic'dby
law , and who siijiposi that thu addition to
the cuuenuj ol the countiv intended as 1(4 (
result will bo a publlubqnclit. aiu reminded
that hlstuiy demoiisti.iles that thupoiiftls I
easily reached in tlie attempt to Holt at'the
same time two suit , ot money ol different
excellency when the better will two to b
in eiienlalion. Thu boldlnir of gold \vliioli
has already taken place indicates that'we
shall not escape the usual expel ience In Mich
cases. So , it sllvei coinage bu continued
wu may ie.ison.ibly oxpict that gold and its
tqulvalenl will abandon thPneld of , oiiuhi- )
t Ion to bilvei alone. This ot eouiso most' *
UCK A f > ivinu : co > ritAt i wi
of oin own ciicuhiting medium InbUuiUof
adding to It It will not bu disputed that
any attempt on tlio iiUt ! of thu goveinmeiitto
c.uiso thu ciicul.ition ot llio-i4Ui'r dollar
w oi th bJ cents hide bv sldu with gold ilul-
lai.s w 01 thioj cents , oven with Uio limit that
legislation does not 11111 conttary lo laws' of
trade tn ho siiccusstul , must be .soomled by
tbucontldcncaot the people that liotli coins
will nitaiii tlie.samo paicliasln iiovvei and bo eablc at will. eilorl has Iwcii made by Iho hecro-
tiiy ol Ihi Ueasiny lo increase the amount , of
out allvci coin in eiiculatiun , but tlw fact
thatalaigoshaiu ol the. limited amount ( him
put out has soon letuined to the public tioav
nry In paviuunt ot duties , luuls lo tlio bu-
1'el that tlio people do not now deslin ( o krep
it In band , and this vvilli the evident dimiOMi-
tion to ho.nd gold giviis ilsg to thu Hiisniclon
that therualieady exists u luck ot eunlidone.o
aiming the puojilo touchliu our tinanclal
pi ocesses.
There is certainly notitnnuili silver now in
chciilation to cause niieaslno > sand UKi whole
amount coined and now on limid mi ht , alter
a tlmo , l > . ) absinoiiil hv lliu puojilu w itliput ap-
] > iehonsion. but it is tlie ceaseless stream ttmt
thieatons tooveillow the land which causes
fearand iinceitainty. What lias tliuii
fur submitted upon lldshuhject iclate.s alniOBt
entliely toeoiisldei.itloiis ot a homo nature ,
uiiionnoited wltli thubt'iiiing wiilch tlio pol
icies ot other nations huunpon thu qiicMfuu ,
but it is peileetly aMieiiTTtint | ) | 4i line of ac
tion In le .ud to oui cuirunuy caiiiTut.wltuy )
be set tied uion us , 01 peislstud In wlthont
consitleii'i lliu atlltiido on the subject of
otlim eountiles with wliom vvti maintain in-
teicoui- tliroiighcominiirce , ti ado and travel.
An acknowledgement of tills is lound In the
act bv viitiiu of vvliit h our nilvei Is compnl-
' .uiilj coined. It piiivldus that "thu presi
dent hliiill Invitu the goveinmeiits ol thu
eoiintiles compiislng thu latin union so-
called , and ot hiicn othei KinoH'an | natlonu
as hu may doom ndvlsiblo to join
the. United .Mates In iKonteienco tondojitu
common i.itio bcUveen gold and silver for
the pmposu of I'ht.iblihliing Intel nationally
tlio usu ot bimplallic iiionuy and seeming
livilv of telatlviivaluo between thesu metalu. ' '
This coiileiencu absolntulv tailed , and a.
sliiillai tiiui has awaited siihscommt cf-
lottsln tlius.iiuu dliu'tion , and still wuton-
tliiuuoui coln.uu of slivei at u i.itji ) dlller-
unt lioin that ol any othei nation , Tliu most
vital p.ut of tlio hilvci coliuigu nit rumaliui
Inopeiativoand unuxecuied , and without. an
nils 01 a Irluud wo battlu upon tliu silver
To glvululleircrt loth duslgn of congicss
oil tills biibject I h.ivu m.nlu tiuclul and c.fir-
nest eiiile.niu slnio lliu adjiiuinmciil of the
la-itcongiess , 'lothhcmll liavu ilelivrafcct well Insliucled In lih'.al scJonco
to piococd to thu liii.uii-ial ( unties ot Kiuopn ,
and In conjunction with oui mlnlHleis tel
l , 1'i.incuiind ( iciiuany , to obtain a
full knowled' , ' ! ) ot thu atlltiido and inle.nt
ol thesu govi'inment-i leipei ting Iho estab
lishment of Midi tin Intel national i.itloaH
would i u OL UNI t ice coin ig ol both metals ut
thu minis ut these commie's and out UMII.
liy my dlieulun out coiihiil at 1'ajls
has given ciosu attention to llm piom-dlngs
ol tlio eon ies-i at thu Latin union In mdei M
indicate out Inteients in I ti object * , and ic-
jioit Its action. It hu Mid in Inlet as tlio
lehtilt ol thchuclloits hat Ilioattiludii of the
leading poueiti HJIII , ilns Hiihiiantlally un
changed hliicii thu monotitiy conleionco of
iNdj , nor is It to hu ijui stloiied the v lews
ol thi'sn oveiiinients aiu in i-aih liislanco
HUbl.iliied h > tliu wel.iit of publU ; opinion.
'l'n ) > steps thus1 lai luKcii It tvu llieiefoiuonly
iiioio lully ik'tmiiihiiated fie n ilu snuss , of
tinll.ei ntttiinpt fit picsunt to nruvu at any
it.'nvmcil ! o.i thuHiiiijei t with other natlona ,
In ttiu meaiitimu vviiaio uwuinul itlng silver
coin based upon our onii pu'iillar
ratio to bitUi mi extent , and a-ssuniliiR
so heavy a burden to bit provided
foi In anj Intej national nivoliatioiu
us will u'n.lei us an unde-.iiatilo rally tunny
tiituiu iiionetaiv , conleii'iicK of nations , It la
a r-ignlucaiit i.u I that toni ol lliu nvo umu-
tiie-dimpusln ; t'i ' < j l.mln nnion inenUoncd
In out eui'Ki ' e , ti t , i'iihiirissi | > d with llielr
nilvii I'l'i-ii'-y ' , hav',1 Just completi'd fn
auloiiMiU uui' ' > iij ; ihe uselvuj tlat uu 'DOif