Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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Ilnilm * , rlr. . < ! .
rrif.cliltyLcDl . Ailircssl : ' ns'tJulon.
aol. lor tbeeTpreipvtrKie |
ot Rlvlnclmmtdlnte ntiOln
vate dlteaici. ' OonortficH ,
OktnmIS > rhilluln all their
coinpllcattd formi , alto all of Uie akin and
Dlocd promptly relieve Jf.nd
' '
_ K. Bemloil
WcoVnrea , Hf-in Lost'eauy DreamsI'lniplw on
JlieP ctLostManliooilJi Jl i'c/t/rM V/.37irr
tstiofXpcrltiitiitliHj , 'Iho nrirroprtite remedy
II at onto used In each cn . Coniultatlonfc. per-
tonnl cr by Idler , sacredly confiilenllnl. Med.
Iclties Kent by Mall anil Kxpic . No inirUi on
Itaclii n to Indicate conlenta or lender. Addrcca
. DR.IAMES.No. 204WashlnBlon SI.Cnlcaaolll.
1 inn n rmliU ! of KiiKliii'l ' , nnd wlillo tMisin
Unit colintiy I tdntrm led n tonlblo Mood
jMils-ui ) , nnd for tv.u jmimva * tunloi tinntniDiit
us nn oiil-iloor piilIiMil ill Nollni.'liiuii [ HAipit.iJ ,
Jlnsliiinl , Ijuttiis not uiti'it. I EiiircrfU thu
iiiyl iiKiiiil/lnir piilni In tin Itiincs , mill \un cm
< rciMvllli tnios all O\vi HIV Ijoiiv liliiljlliilj'
Ifnnlly I ootnplnlrlt l.nt nil liopu iu Hint t.oiin
\.imil . FnlNil lei Anicrti''ii unit nn < < tr < , 'i > Unl lit
Itiin oxclt III tbK iil\ , ltd i\ < II us liy u pioinllirllt
l > li5Flcliui in New vurl : IIIIMIIK no LOnnoctlon
\ltli tlio liospitah '
I mw iim iidu'iti-imlnt nf Sttirt'B Frcfclflc ,
Mini 1 ilflnniilnr.l lo ? l\n lt , u tilil ) . Itiol. i-l\
liottles mill 1 onn iiij ivltli CK it Jov Dint thuv
JIUMI < uroil inn ( iiiiirh. I nin us touml and
Xtllns I ovtt < fnsluiii.Ilf <
1 , 1 iii.n JIvuotiD.
lnMmc1ionniticiiffl'uM ' | . f contu'ctoa blond
| iiil < on , niul Ijtlnff in Simuiiinl' . On. , nt the time1.
1 put Into tlm lio'pltnl Ilicic lei ticatiiitnt
MilltiKl vuiv niucli Jiom iln ttinntl'iii itt t
Hiino time. 1 did not K' ' t wi'.l . iimlcr lliotlf-
inunl tlirie.nor ivus 1 turod bynnj ofllii' usual
iiii'iiiif. I linvo nmvtnliiii tw n l.olt ra < ir
hwlll'rt bpidllt ; mid IMII to-inil nml wi-ll. It
iloiotliu jiolhini out Ililough loils < in lliifi ( < in.
.In soy Tily , N. .1. , Aw. T , U-5.
Tii'atleo mi DlooJ and .SLtn Diseases innlloil
triit : Swinf pi > jqu | ( < 'o. , i > ia Lr3 , AtUmtn ,
( Jk Ni Yi , J67Haidfat.
617 St. C'linilr-iHM.I.oniNMo. (
etul r&l > a u * f f two li 2IS21 Oellecci. 1 ti I fea lon
3 | l in the cv * ' * t irpkttncak > i r C JKONIO. hrn tt h
. * Ltnany oil
icUirM < > ' > < > 1'cntrjli'Kf9iU > nt\ccir.
Nervous Pioslration , ' Uiblllly , Menial ami
Phytlc l Weaipefls ; MnrourlAl and other Afec-
Iktni Gl Thrctll Skin or ilnnes , Dlood Polconlng ,
Old SorOS and Ulcers , rc trntrA nllb n"r" 'ljl !
lUffen , n l ti > t trlrullla p'lncll Itt S felr. Prll altlj.
Diseases flihlng Ifoln Indlscrollon , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , vLith i'tojuc iom r tb
fvllvwlt | Hcclil licitouincri. fleXllltr , Qlmnet * fit ilftil
u < lilfr < llmmf orr. i ippl if > i/il4 r c , phr U lieir
nrrr lc.nfatlip ? tcljof fcriktft. coDfutki of Uctj. ets. ,
rcndgrloff Kffarrlujro lupropdr or uiibtppy. :
l nBiDtolly currd. Pulilctlt&tazcion ) | } Ibetbuve , Ijot
f Dirtied < UviU > r'V rrtftoaD7n liri.ji . CcTiiQltilk&at of.
Croorby m II frrf , Invllfdnid ( tilcltj ctndilcatlal.
A Potltlvo Written Gutrantao s' ' " " u trirrei.
tl cm. A"JIJut.'i ( al cvtrj rl-
a , PIWTl ILAf US. cli : t oloth end lilt
M > 4li > , < Lal > arurOOc. Inpo'UfroT tnrtcw ° * " > ' " /
wmj ] ttrtl I CD pi start . lite lo Iliol irtlcltcou to following
ASLiii'lird M'lteilVoilc \ for Vonns ami
MliliJto Auo.l MJI ; , . only si by rn. ll ,
l Vlt-illty. KMTOIU nnJ
! ) < line In M n , krroM ut vnmii.niut the
iinlail nslBcrlcs faulting iroru In llnrotlon pnj a < c
cei-np A 0tlk for T ( > iY nmn. yiiin , iitlilillo-njwi
mnl old. Itcuntulim li'iirc | < Tlplloin furull nruionn I
tlinii\a \ < litret.nial'inni'iI wlilrlr It Inrufii ililn so
1 : Jrnin | bjr thunulhur wtionu rxrorlolica toi iroirali \
nuri-r I'Cforolnll totha lot < if mjy
ei-i.liouiiil In I'CUiUftii Krondi niuv
Incmli0 | o lc < ? yi.i < , full ulll , riiHriiiilocd to tmiitlicor
ucrk. | e * try s.u li-iiccli ilffll. Illeniry nn I
liinul-tlun.iiir oilier woiU In till * ruuntrr forS..H
orlhl. fi.iiit-yMlll 1,0 rofuml In nTviy [ inunio. i'r | o
nulr ( ] liy ninll. iioiip.iW. IllnXintoil Hiiinpla , IM ,
KCIIUIKIW. ( Jnlu mo.l il r.iviir.tO'l ' Ilia Hullir.i-Hr tlio N'i-
i lon l Muillt-nl AejochHIol , to tlio oniooH of , Uloii'lio
" fheS'leftrto/Ufofhoulit bora-ul br tliarnimwfnr
Inttriiclkiii und by ilia uanUeU ( or rolluf. It will
111 * III lonJou L.IUOOI ,
. ' ajiiir8l nomi > iul/cruf toclety to wlmni tlifl Solflnco
nl Ufo win not ho iKtiul. nliotfiur joutli. v"\t\ \ I , j ur-
Ulan. Inttrnctor or cl8rginuii.-tAr < u mut.
, Aililrrrt tli f r.tlK'tly M itlcnl Initlluie. nr lr W. It.
l' rli r , Niv liilriiK'liBUe | t. lliiilun , M , whoinuy
f'O.bOniiiiltc ilon all ilMstat ronuirlnit skill anJ uipui f.
' > not > . < Olirunio uiitl obsiiiiiuo tlittj.
tiiilloO tlio fl ( III of nil other iilijol-
olniu , , a MM MUy. fjiiteh trnirml
gin ( . sfulry U-ltliout nil liiRtiuiuu
ullullutcs .Mention tUto Duueiv
Tl > 3 Una of
Sunshine ,
and Tropical Scenery ,
A 1'ot 40rlOO fact , la Siljar
: BntJniri'l'eii ' , Horidtt , cat310
/ f no r/ ! ; /j onlit. Uvoty mnn ,
i WDipn'J ! < 1 child Miovkl awn o Int. llli'li. dry ,
i' . colnjiK Jaud. VKa biujnpj , or malarjs. liou'c- * ,
etorcH , r otot , already liullt. Bovernl trnfniiUllr.
flVO-ftcfo1 oraiiso IjroYo tracts , ? 200 cncli. A
s-ldBtiil.tbotowii.nhowlnjstrccld , dchurcu tlt
ficnot , &aA-c , ; tluo OruriRO nrovoln cltuil
brilliant colors , vrlth claeant , 4S-PiRO dcscrlif
ttvo book ot oat town , and ulons printed list , ol \
.tivcxliOillflinl Biiroluuter' ) , All Soul Frto. I'oi ) '
ulitioa 71 > " " ' ) "K y arrl'nla ceklf BtrHH-
xycE. inn. If. ( fakjeu , IVm. National Cltlzem
'Jfniik , rJnw York. A-lriri' " , for full iisrttciilarft
L H.uowRy , pRuiGrNr , I ta usc ow , NEW YOP.K
'Ilie OrJeinnt Hurt Only Ciruulne.
KEEPER oirus irlliin ; ; iTcuJoi uliu 1'n : u.ii- " > .
nil jonr ou niil illic < , oii r > it r fJ ljr |
wi.f onj you "ill iHiilollehird. Menllon Dili rviptruwl
* aJi < - H. 9. HMITH , Pub. , Omnha , Nab ,
> - - ' * - -
"HMagnolia Balm
aid to beauty.
- , , -f owes her fresh-
to-iiiwho would rather
ain't tell.
Singcra Who OonM Not Live' Witbnt
* . *
A-t > al < 1 Ui | h iiitforil r > mi ; iini1cr of
( lie 'IWcr ftitniirta Itt
Hll MaKlilHcenl OfTor ,
Colonel MapliJon's opera company is
breaking tip like ,1 fi o/ut river in a wtfrm
and early ajnin ! ? , .says tlic New York
Morning Journal t < t laM 1'riday. Heir
] Kr < ilo as an ice iV ilor with his lee hone
only half full
lite colonel.U dji'rtfyllaluitagisl. . Me
flr t studied 'ilraTegyvlten \ lie led lit *
Tower llallllcle Hcglmetitby Hank move
ment" on Iho Miriotinillng nav-ricks and'
chit l > en cpopf ) . . Tlio rnlotiol has bfcen
making flaiik movement" r\or since tot
tc pe howling ? ) < kholtlfis and angry
fieditors , but liis strategy , purfef't n IU
] , cimiot aid him noWl ;
Thin pKiIimitinry eriiijl ; of the ypv/\J \
panyV disruption owntried at the 1-9-
licarl ( ( -'Manon ' ' ji 'tlio AcadMnV of
iMuMc nn TnMJay'nft'uf nflon C.-traceiola
1" thn bnfl'o basot the eolotiol'.i coin-
paii.x. llo has : i Mjieo thai r.vngo irotn
thn tli'ol llnor way ilown to the second
snli-eullar of the bnxs eerie Colonel
Mnplowii a-slginl ! ! ( bint fi part in "Man-
on" tint \ruoKt ! take ngCbil tetior lo
ping. Car.icolola . tartL'd ' in to lohear e
the patty bur he could not get blgtf
enough. Wieitlu ftotontlie loofoftlic
ucaitomy and still could not gel high
enough bo gave 11(1 ( Iho part lie come
down niul told Colonel Mapleaon , with1
nil the wiiirnth tVf hi' Urtllfln ilittiuo , Hint
bo liopod Ve.iiiviti * miglit ni\or ! blow him
up again if ho Avon hi sing that part.
"I cannot sing it , " aid Caraeciola.
"Von c.i\UiU" ictiu'iirul the atiRO ( ' ° l
tuicl , striking the tittitiide lie silwiij * ai >
unii'S when ho nnlurs hi * regiment to
cliargo. "Voif .ojiwif v-'Ale ' )0J'i 3' ° "
miiM sing it. "
Atditi , Iho leader of Iho orehosjra , laid
down IIH Iviton and lived hi * bi : = jlisk eye
on the uolonol. Tito colonel did not sco
hinl' . - \ >
lY'immu itd1opeatcd the colonel , who
A\i : i getting > rmail. . "Von must sing
U. " l <
* * ! rc ? gii"cUtdGaiMCctola. ! ) I tliroAV
up my eonmietr1 Chcme my money and
let mo o. "
"I lee a1'1 evclfiimod ! . "I too a
will go. I'm Inll-n nji to r.n neck and
ra ago inn-a oor put of my car-a , " and
Anlltl , springing tuoln hi-i ( = eat , kicked a
hole through tlio big drum , knocked
down ono or two dog house liddles and
Hew around to hl . hotul , Iho Helvodero.
Colonel MaiToson | was M angry that he
paid Caracoiola hih salary before ho had
K covered his temper Caraeulola be
lieves he Is ! tlu < only member ol the com
pany who lias been paid up for his servi
ce since the season began. As soon as
Colonel M iploaon ru.ih/cd what ho had
ijono bovas very sorry for it , and ho has
been getting soirier tjvc'V sineu.
'I'ho colonel answered acall q.vcr the
telephone and asked who as theio.
"It's De An.ia. " C.tmo Ilic answer. "I
resign. Uivo mo 1117 nioiiev "
Tlie colonel seatea himself in the Xew
YriK hotel ilinni"'loom A\l'0n ' ome one
w.ilkod nj > and stood by his side.
"Tnrtlo soup to begin with me boy , "
; aid the colonel , Avilliont looking up.
" 1 resign , " said the supposed Avaitcr ,
"gi\e mo mv money * ' "
It was HJi\elli , the tenor , AVhb had
been in ambush lor the colonel.
The colonel lay drpamina : -orchestra
chairs at 10 npiece "anil prO'teniUni
bo\es at'J 1,001) ) the beacon AAlu-u a still ,
mall A-oicoawoku him.
"I resign"h.ud the melodion-- voice
"Cii\e me my mono.y. "
JIllo. Dottl w"as Speaking through the
kov hole. "
Kvoiy artist in rlhp conipanv wants to
follow Caracciolo's'ev.iimpil1 , tor so only
do thov think that , they willl get the sala
ries Every artist , envies CarmcioloAvlio :
w PI sot sail in n day or two for his home
in Italy. Fearing that they all would
icftign and remembering that ho had
mimed yesterday vAthe day of nettle-
niont , Col. l.uijv'Sou summoned iill of
them to tho'Academy ycs rday. They
gathered expectant > ind hopeful. The
colonel mounted a piano and mnde a
most genwous. uobto and Self acrilicing
proposition , lie .ollbred , if the artists
would hing for hirti ior ono month with
out h.ilnry , lo pay them what He could at
the expiration ot that time.
No ono accepted tlit ! oft'or ami the col
onel trembled In hi4 Wolliimton
lopbootjundertlioaeowlb that greeted it.
The company is broken up. Ivfino. Lab-
laclte. Mmc.'S.iceoni , the o''fmitlte harp
ist. UavcllI and Do Anna , the swoot-
Aoiood basso , will make a concert tour.
The lost : uo loft to their nisoureos and to
the colonel's lender mereic'i.
Hnvoiliill ( Mass. ) Laborer : "Capital
and labor are pariiiori. " All light La
bor wants its share of thopartno.ghip
hi-nolh. *
Napoleon (0 ( ) Signal : The demand
upon the part of the people for n cheap
postal telegraph system and their roleasu
from the fol/bervof the present telegraph
monopolies should be promptly mot by
S. F. Norton : Tnstea'l of giving rail
road corporation * * 120,0X,000 ( ) , if the gov-
oinmunt hud expended that amount in
helping honi < ! lor < s faniilU'.s to settle upon
fiontior lurids , how inlinltely better it
would have been for the government and
the wnolo country. f
Knights' Of J/iuor Orator : If a man
ownf'd a cow and took' euro of her , ho
will entitled to the milk of that cow , but
no nvm owjij'd < < ne cow , and milked
t'neo ' imk'ss he took the * milk of some
other man's two eowa. When u corpora-
tloir watered its tUock-to three times tlio
tnmnint of its original cost , then the divi
dends Him rod by the ineorporatora were
the mill ; ot threit cows , two of which did
nut belong to them.
Caitll'UW ' ( MoOJVess : Tim necessity of
n ilionul laws to Control i intor-statn com-
mi rco , or , what would bo better , of hav
iny nil great transportation lines owned
and operated by the goTorntnont , is
made vary app.irentUy | no action of the
gieat 1 1 link limn in advancing all freight
rates from the Mississippi rivur east ju&L
as nil watdr navigatlou i closing for the
winter , - '
Ljnu ( Musi. ) Tlnin ; The individual
roti'V w | o neglects 'to vote ntedd ro-
fonniug as much as'anything. . When
every nian who | in : a little property or
who 1ms children in ihu schools , or who
has boys and girls growing up to bo in-
llnenccd by thojr surronnding1 ? , will
cop o to renllxqtliut hehnshonu\ \ personal
rcspoii'-'lillili' ' in iflgard to the things
nhoiti whicli thuro isjust complaint ; then-
and not till then , shall wohavogoodgov
Tabor ( Iowa ) Nonconformist ; The
raihund companies are vifst opongcs nb-
borbing thu wuull ( | pj tiip producer fnstur
tliiui lie pUid'K't' ; i. ji ) ' , , ( tljeoibi nil thu
incrcosci Mid pint of the capital stock
eaehyoiir , fwkoouoyear with another ,
and wo liellovo it la capable of duinon-
Ktiation tliut tlm i'armer la fanning "on
the halves with the railro'id corpora *
tjpns" \ \ aying4uA49 \ \ | und family ox *
wjthliU owfuhaU , and bo ; rowing
on n out-lliioiit n ortga e the half the
railroad Has , stolen from him to in vest in
improvement1 * . How 'Jong will it bo bo-
foio the people aru reillicoil to surf j
II . A. Cjlfren : If wo till our legis
lative b-tlls for ten years more with
bankers and lawyer * who can bo hired
by tin corporation * and syndicates ; ytfa ,
more , who are thfimehrs fii jn ntlt
Shareholder * In tho-e eomb ialKins , ( hen
your ihiMipn ami ours will bei wuiocd
lo the condition of tenants or < erf , with
few ereeiitioni. unit will iiirj ; Jtyr lltf
greit landlords und jnoiiopoli is of the
future. Is this the Ju-ritago for ftldcli
the Anttricftn people .IfAVr ihli fnr la-
boredt I this the cofulil'oif ' Hi Vhli h
j"ti ( " are ( ilcased to lea\o < n1f"litll (
nllpn your powi r to oig- " > i/i' , work : Un
Vfltc iiffrtliut it is gone"Vii i- f-j , < H ji
woilh.f of tlm day in " wmi-li , jifif mo ?
An you stilt sileift * , AjV'ynn. pViU nt
ease a ,5011 conl'Miipiale 3mi1 icsiill-J'
' '
ll'to the QttJiHii
Itlfjllt . ' 11111 llCl'l.
. \Vedne-iday \ liisl * ( Silln , . !
one of his eharaeU1
C'lttenary chtirch , liu
y oftlir cUiy r frM'e'euM
' ' '
\fai 'spiritual 'gi'auMtid. mir
ness. Tlm following .arD iijtv ' yJ
"g > 'tns" frojii hi'disi'iiuiM'tt ' ' J
\ lady fold mo slio 3voTilU > jiaAfir'i
up-al one of my niochng- , ; ) ) iit-.MMnv
to t > H rt-batl ne'tr.nlglflptard , .lu
Allied fc , o. , ii/5 / . , i e
Neeijet , lliougli , Imvt rlUloud "t1 'lt %
fore Hod and said I wpuliUi't suricjuler
t < i Him bceairse of soinn ( levirmt-n I
Wattled lo do the nest 1I.Uh'i > nV W' { in
plans I liave nuvor i ri-Hinaue.irtnis | on
for sin. Some people provide' 1i" lli icir
fitHou know , and tiial , W Uiuwvlnl of
ehod-'ing ' the lc < er of lltu-twoi'-rll Is
Igjrc t fraud over ho
mult * . * :
A man MU- , thai in * 5uiHt
' ( * , either at'Jiojne ,0.1' .UJ.-
M > bo "iios os he'll choose'.ssov.t : nd
he lakes a thmiijlmn hprn'e ftlHf hr'lioiiso
lo make all his1 chlldivu , driluk'nnl , , { He
with the fiast.
After lhat comes tlu neNloli'inon , ' { of
joy contentment with tfuv lU't' nt ! a
contented man is hajd U I'uvd. i,0ne
always has to have a bntter hote-p or
than 'cjlsUi "Miiny
turnout someliody a
man in Now York , St l.oilis. aiul
Chicago is ninning hi.s life out , \\itli Ins
tongue lolling out' trying to keep "nlitad
of the .slteriU. llo's lived uborehis
Mandard. That. s all
A woman that , wanta diamond ung
; iml knows she has lienn , ( il-t to thv poor
and simply desires thn pretty -sloiie is en
titled toil , but if blu > wants it iimpllie -
can1 o her neighbor's got Olio , she's U
poor , silly thing. She mtii not be wielad ,
but she's mighty weak.
Hnppinea * u toimd in the COIIMMOUS-
ness or doing good. Thcru is no Moment
-c'llishness without nn element of Mil-
plmr , and when a man gonoiatcs uiiongh
aelli-hno5s to kill him , ho mis enough sul
phur to hum him. '
About all si man gels in this woild , any-
waj , is clothes aiulMOtuals. lie content
ed ; ' that's best. A man offered his plan
tation lo an man who was eontenti d ,
ami when an individual presented hlm-
seltasthe eontunled ea.ndidatc he \ \ & *
lion plued with the imestion , whi.if
lie was eonlontcd , no didn't -lay at home ?
borne men s .iv ; Ihev are atraid to prav
at home All aid to nr.iy. If I was a
woman anil had mariiea a man like that
I would petition tor my maiden name.
You co that yon who have married such
fellers have only married a little , not
much , only "tolerable , " "kind of sorter '
you know. If I had a husband like that
'l would ghe him a litllo tin hoiv-e : | nd
toll the childicn to keen him quiet. Or f
w'ould strive- his whiskers oil' , knock his
teeth out and iiui'so him. Don't you
know you h.ue 111:11 : lied just u lUinj ; ,
thatV all.
There are lee many Himgs . > } ho
church I would rather have my cl\ild \
in an orphan asylum than. , have Jlim
inlsctl in aoinu Methodibt 'Ioif1 > es. And
thin these leading inelhodiMs 'or .
tist-i , or 1'rcsby crirns. Save me tionj
being Brother btuekup or yon fiom he-
ing bistcrStueknp. If r wanted lo make
my bov an inlidol f would join = ome Ing
Motho'dist church , and be a big man , g6
to conference" , etc.
and St. IjouiH Feet , i
Chicago Tribune : "Have yon over ox-
liibiled your feetin yom home , St.
Louis' "
It AVIIS in ono of the dime museums
Aylieru tlio display of women Avitii big feet
AVas in piogre s , and the question Aras
asked by ono of the visitors Avho had
stopped to talk with Uic St. LauiQiuau
the possessor of the b.iffse > l f H > t shown
and the pride of the tn.inai cinetit. Slio
was an affable creature and apparently
look a teal pride in her f&iit , chattering
fioely about them iind about herself gen
erally. The feet were cort.iinly marvels ;
they Avere each about thp bi/.o of sheep
and shaped A-ory much like a cotlin. Slio
answered the question put to her Avithout
"Exhibit them in St. Louis ? No , cer
tainly not. lATOuIdn't dr.uv there , you
.see , boc.tuso my foot wouldn't attract
any attention. I Avorkod out there in n
minibor of tamilioa , but my feet noA-or
caused any eomm jnt. They \Aeron't any
bigger than th foot of the people all
about mo. They don't ' bolhoc mo.
any. "
"Hut don't yon see how much larger
they aru than the foot of the people all
about you horoY"
"Of cotirso I do , and I don't under
stand it. Everybody eem .to hftVe ntioh
tiny feet in Chicago ! 1 don't see how
you onn manage to Avalk AV th them. "
And then slio added , In nil innocbnco :
' Ifctippoioit must bo somoth'uig in the
climatn " i , > j
Inquiry of the managori of the rauseilm
illsolo. = ou the fact that tb > 'y"l ud Hindu no
r > U'ort to t'eotiro what would'lia 'rt hovojty
in St. Louis.Thoy had ? lmpb'telegr. nli/iU
down Iheroto send up n hfrcdgirl. They
know the toot Avould be all right for the *
Itenl Estate < l' utf n > rri i
The following transfers
0 , with the oottuty cJi rli , siml
for the 15KE by Ames' Real I3 t.itov
Agency - , T. " < r I "
Lnniii .M.iy Wblttleseyand Iiiiihand to fij-o.
11. ilUMIinOlllI .V CO. , JMlt'ljt ,4 Hltl < " , - VCSpO' li
II , til , Doujlns county , wd St/Jiri' .
ClaieiK-u .1 , Ciiiian and wlf and ntlicrto !
( Jeer o II , Kir , iuU
Mnynclil add to Oinahrr , w , . , ,
JlenrCibson and vlfo to Susan \ \ 'el /r
Kotiiit/.q " Itntli' 3'hl fo
Oinalia , w d .lHXJ. :
Atio'iiitns ICount/opiul ji/jCeJlij Amuh-t USs-
witw \ of lot ST hlk fy'Jvalinifr & I.irtS't ,
mhl to Oin ilia , w d 8,175. i *
\Villlum ( i .Sands fo .JiiincWWevtlM , Wit It
oftot'i , bik no. onnrM.-wcfMwtonJ. = - t
Clai-enni.I ( 'nnau and wife unit othen M < >
ssii.PalliicdB , lutsUS and W
ni. Unitihii , w -SJ.itw > - - ,
Kllen ' 1'iilly , slnsli ) , to M-.irtli i I < Salmon ,
lot K ) . lil Id I , iluiibcom l'l.ce ( , Uniahn , w ij-
* Kdw'iiul P Kochor , .single , lo Alo\anier [
JtiJivot'l ; ( ( { , lot IV. blU W IXwIshj 4 LynmilV
aitii , OmalmV d-SW.U J f W
Anna Hinith and Jimliand to Henry JA.
Kostors ; put of sec'5 * l5-j 1 Douglas C'o. ; > w
U-S 1,571) ) . i * * >
Clifton K. Sfnyno anil wife to J. W. Roile-
- It Ui , blUtf , llaiibooni J'lace , Omaha ; , w
5ci- '
" "
Jiolwit II. WaUou fslnple ) to ficoitfo ) J ,
Lane ; n , Tntilo's suhillv Ulun of s'i ( U uJ'
ami nH or fc > c 5 l. " > , # , l > ontln > ( LJow
\Vuol\voilh lot 3 Wot,1 1 ; OakhiiralaUd Uiuahii
n c 5:500 : , * ' !
Sam K. nogrws nnd wife to Jo Iah Kent ,
nt } allots l > iw\i \ MS- 1ifm ! n < trt Qmulta
. „ . ,
Alof Ihinsen and wife to Dexter fTJiomns
lot 4 block 7' . ' city uf rloiciice , Douglas Co. ,
no-Si 13.
Jterbeit J. DA\enpoit fslngloj to prank II.
Cutter , lot * block WVest \ Knit add Omaha ,
w d ? ! , ( ! .
i M
lAt t IT 4 fM VPV
lJlAN AGl Ci ,
Cheat "Progress or Urn Indians ill All In
* V ,
> ln. | , Llftlituet ; takes Leave of ( lie .In-
Iir/ > | |
ooiWWMk CJohi
Crcighton - Woncor Mnj. I < jl ! J * ,
Light nor , uv-ngont of the S.inho .In' . *
dinn , wn In tuyv'n ln t ovoninj { ( hnrittft
hid ndloii to tlio'hsjntio.y of which ? ho
for the p.m rijrlit y 'im boiJti stiph'hu ef
ficient hend. llo hit * turnrd orotund
government piop'oil , * , to liisirf&c\icHor. '
Mij. : riurlt" Hill , tuunbjrln *
arllelu , atifli *
now a /rot1 / in in from Tin * cavc of n ) on-
plo in wli > so iiiliii'-.t ho has boon tr
H father , t no tin in j'n o-i nn up ml by I hi ?
In linns. liti.vMliit : . ; them M ( ItllUtiiYt ,
to ki'Jpstcal / hl , , jv-irp the
f > i ks yi-\ \ ( I'Qoiii ' , whiitliiu-t t jifly
liituintfM 'old' , hroMnrtSnirt-yl
t liy u lionnl of ntrvoytir1-
unpointed l ( lie : i < rottt. Whoit Mnj
took onniffo of tlio o
ho found th m In dl < ur < jani/ed nHliv.
on Ing to tin- absence of n ilutnrmifuil
jot lust ncpnt ; l > "t ho luiiri'i thorn vfr.r.
sMCccssfnl In their farming putsii tv-
Klglit vcais ago the government U'usf
.obliged to hunt about tlio country rind
buy L-orn for thorn , but now. IJiow liatu
.t-urn tor suit * , and Ilio trudor'i f jywlllctl
corn-crib * driiote tiicir piospcrity. Tl \
agency grist mill , in order to keen its
from rusting , Ma * sol to work foiv
weukf. in the your to gi ind the wlnml iiin >
chiucd from settlers liy tlio .government
to suiidv ] thr lndiun. < with lloinj jnU
now till-so Indian * mUc theii own wheat *
and carry it to the mill tr bo
imido into lloni' , thereby sivlnii oonlin-
nal onndo.vnuMit to the mill , which
ges Millieioiit loll to pn.r ti miller ,
Any surplus of grain or jirodneo is
fully sloicd an-i. : > for winter by most ot
thorn , or taken to market , and the In
illan farmer at .S intee agency is folljiw-
ing the exnniinoof hN white biotlteri as
nearly as possible Mnj DghUior. wlillo
sometime : ! M.'emingl.y ' .severe , lias beoil
jinl to the Indians , and his deter
mined and poiilivc ehnuietor ha * been
tin * very oailso ot thulr linprovomeiit
When tlio rmlltuifi live jcar.s ago worn
icceiving oxen , the wiitur wns ut the
agency when some of them wore being
( llsltibulod. One of the rules the
n gunt impressed upon their 'minds tlio oonrnc to be given to
work with , and being the bieaking
&e.tsoti , ho had ghcn t'lom ' a eoitnii
nnutnnl ot l.ind to hr > ak An Indian had
como in to look after his joKoo/ / oxen ,
and the agent said through the interpreter
tor , "Take th'tU.tokc of black Jtecr.s ,
] ) lonu tin' am'ilml of 1 nid llm farmer
marks i > ron , mid \\orK the land > ou
hiivo alroadyiflJnitiil , for when winter
comes you will have to starve if you
don't attend to jonr laim. " The sanii'
instruetions fi.vJ Jion ; , ! given all the In-
diftiti , and , IK flsult was lluil a largo
of Avork-ARif lone that summer and a
good crop fefl nr-d. The "reward of
inoiit" . pliii8jvt : [ I pnhaps "oared Into
them at lrstBiit ! ? ahts has groAvn upon
them so lhatlhq ; login to ee for them-
elvcs thu fnitsf their labor.
The seltoor" ' d to.their ulmoel
capacity , botj and Mr.
inll 1 exton
iattH < irc EMM iff lo education ntore
dily ottinfgJ ; i anit , tio. ! > say"whilc
wdh.ill neV4CTj3ntifh better ihan JAA-O
are , AV wish olWtfriTlmlen to bceomo net *
tor. " The indu-lrial part of the eduea'-
tiou ismeytin jWitb bueeess , tlio
iiiitural tumlcno of an Indian child be
ing to imitate
The little Indian ciiy of Santee agency
is not known by many. But it is one of
the most oAteiifciA'o and progressU'e/
places in Knox count , * , in its way. Aiido
Irom the agency buildings , Avhieti consist
of the various residences , for employes ,
Avareliouses , shopolllccs , , wnv mill ,
briek kiln , a largo goA-ernment school , a
trader's store , etc , there are extensive
buildings belonging lo lite congrega
tional home iui4tionary , society. They
aio indtistilal boarding schools for In
dian children of all ages and both sov'es ,
which liavo grown-tiom ulittlo log build
ing into their piesent ininiens < i ditnoii-
flions , meeting the demand : ) of Indian
progress. " Blaj. Llghtncr informs the
Pioneer Mr. Higgs la having an
artesian Avell bored and has already
reached a depth of 100 feet with Avliioh ho
expects to supply his ninnoious buildings-
by means of a nystem of Avater ivorks.
IIIn "rtovclntlonp , " His Dtrectlons as
a I'ropliot nnd 1IU Will.
Perc Andie , writes a Kegina corros-
pondcntou the Sdth of NoA'einbor 10 the
St. Louis Hopublieiin , kindly ailoued tlio
Uepublicnu ronroiontatiA'o to see a num
ber of Louis Hiol'i * papers loft iu Iho
bands of the loveronu father for disposi
tion in tlio most advantageous Avayi
Among them ave two books' ono of lop
and the other of 143 closely Avritton
pages of "Kuvelation.s and Instructions
iron : the Spirit , " relative to tlio regen
eration of a now world , of Avhich lUol
AYIS : to bo the ruler. In those ho.givc.snoAV
names to mostof the cities , riviSrs , nnd
mountains of Canitd.t , to the MIII , slurs ,
Mid eoustoltntioiH , and mentions tlm
present location and nt.ito of niimor'
ous historical personages , from
Cliurlemnngo anil the itomnii omp6rdr- >
'to Aiehbibhop Uourgct. Thu latter , ho
says , is OIHI of the greutost Miinta'in' '
Heaven , greater oven than Ignatius tlo.
.Lojola , the founder of the order of
'jile-sulls According t' > hit dlractiona , the
HUH is to bo called "Joan" Lengthy ; n-
hti notions are also given to the present'
pope , Leo XIII , icspccting his'policy fo-
garding Camul.i. lie lit to visit .thecity
of "Mount Hoyiilo"mukmgit thot-eeond
city in the woi'Jd. ' Homo rism.ilnrug fu'st ' ,
nnd is. to i'esidoit for sjA'cralkmonths
of tlinyoar. call an "wnetimonl- '
cat" council oTAjTH'ricnn libiiops , clorgv
and _ ] ) ious laiU'inand from them aoltet
and appoint ( twenty \vliom Jiu sliiill
create aiohbihhui ) , bishops , mid iHer'gy
to look after the interesti ot thp Catholic
chtireh on this cuntinimt , AVilli DIIQ ; njin
at their head , . < ' ' ' j
Most of tlm rovolntlons are in Fronc-h ,
andoarofnlljTt'irl'fon out at length | I ,
Ho also gh'etf MiL"fiigin of the fndin : { < t
on this eontiiionl. Ihoio of tito noith lyoin .
deiuondantH fc'MIt'tjroxvs ' and the o'bf lliir
south Ejy.ptVH' ° rrw < l" btnili'd on tjii-i
continent at nio nma of the ( t.xodns fuim"
l'-Jypt. Amoitgid the lonn manuscripts
are evplauatlonn of the lirst chaTitiir oT
( icnesisj Hldo.uiruieinoriiil , to the nor h-
Avest council ie 'iueling his trial jat
Itegina , in Avhit'khe oluiins thojlglit to
have iiijurv of twelve I'Venehmon am a
rrcnclt iuiigo ; a histnry of lialf'bieeii ,
in which ho , < tinionstrato3 their light to
tlio lands of the northwest , | , ?
claiinsagainsttliogovernment for appro-
prlutiiiK them ami turninjjovcr'poTtlonH
to the JIiuNou lay ! company. lift holds'-
that the government had only the right
to confer hunting' prlvilego * upon tie |
company , nndjiot.sell the lands , wfiinh
Avero the just iitliuritanco of lialf-inciv/lrf
and Indians. ' - x
Thuro Is ate : ! to his AvillVhich
Avas written lij K't'l in hUoell atiTd'clook
a. m. on ovetpbftV It ) , tint day ot his execution -
ocution , Avhleh h as , fujlowx "l' the un-
derniguotl , drf jiftiis.titiit < j I'uro Aloxa
Andre iixccutor of my lu.t ( will and ac
countant dtf uU'niy iiapeiu My will is ,
that nil thu puportt Im hnndod to him ,
and thai tuo light of pnbllralion btilong
to him cntiicliind \ bolely , I buscnoh
hoilj is trtiiffcmd to
St Uonlfaco in cooit time , Hiit my
prtronti mid fricilds tiny prrfy for iiv j
for , although proi > ln > t that I nm , il ulli
b < JiiQccar ) ' In tlttu- for mc < to give tin
fuirnifat of mmi * ioti ( niul 1 Minll want
nil the tnoM forrcnt "rnyeis to iicpoiu-
pnnvmo bcforo the 15 tornnl .IiidgiMvho
trios mid r'tloa in he.n en. I charg and
pmpowci 1 * n AIovi Andrr , m v good con
foMor nrnl spiritual diroettt. lo see
to my family and secure for mi'
tlm grnpfs of n ( "luistlan funeral
My will is that mv funeral
bo Rimpln and surrounded \uth all ten
of religion , mnl that dnsiio for
nnd roiirhnls be removed fat
n yjfom mo and my niottal ii > nmln. < <
utgtvo tho3o who have committed in
jinics against nip , nnd I prate ( Sod to
till jny ( u'nrt u 1th perfection of forgiu-
( nys/or them , nnd to forghe any of
fl > ns > < ) of nnvkintl ns I forgive nn enc-
mlUsT'nir adversaries my opponents aitd
nnlagonls-t1' of all classes or ortVnse * they
' ( > ft.vumiuitliHl ngainal HIP Therefore
I coijsilitiiU' Kov Father AlpxN Amlro o\
pOulof1 ofiny ivlll and of my fun utl , tit
otdUr Uift ( m > ' body tnultir tins case limy
bdviotl ttt to St. Hoiiifaooniidtljero bur >
iM licoid Hie do. ' r roniiuns 01 uiv oiv
, lovc " > l Irttiior. Lot my bodv rest bosldo
' "L0t' UAVID Hip. "
. It'll TWO ; udio's Intention to dis' ' "
pniiopiiper' nnd mannscrpt.s | to the best
ndvo'tililgp for the bi'iifllt of
' *
How Ho I'llco Ill 'irartc AlohU I lie
' * Iliuinon lllvor.
looking and smooth toiigucd
Is on his travels along ( ho Iind
: .sop virtu1 \ islting dilt'orcnt towns antl vll
luges , hiid jilj'lng his vocation with n so
diii'tirc n I r that too often brings giict.'CS
Co * ncih 1,1 pnrson. Ho is can vasstng , si : j
the Now York Times , for a lailion' do
iuiv.tLG book , which , ho nllegos , is used
I V hundreds of llrst-claxs lamilifS
llironghuttt the state to facilitate lieu < i--
hold tlntlis and HIVO : a vast amount of
nifine.N > early by tln rules of nconuniv it
ndvatU'i'S. Of coiuso , no ono has
ynt been able to conlrndlet his
htatojncnt , because no one li i yet
icri-ivod n copy of or ecn the
book , but a number of ladies uhnni
ho has apiiroaelied have been swindled
out ofhuiil sums of money whicli thov
have advanced , and they now tee clearly
thloiigh the tollow's schonie Half a
do/.en families in Kockland county have
been vlctiinl/ed so far as known , and it
is believed that others also have sull'ored.
who do not want the public to know how
"gieen11 they were Tin1 man gives his
names as "i'l of. itichard llamlin , " and
his methdd of working is said to bit about
as follows : He enters a residence wheio
lie thinks the men nrc absent , and asks to
see the lady of the hoiiso on business thai
is impoitant to her. When asked tos'ind
his naino in ho gives that nleiitloneti
above , and adds that ho has nn interest
in her domestic iitl'iiks , nm |
would like very much to &ei )
her. lie is 'im ited in , and ,
when thp lady appears in hi- , pre oiire ,
ho very gfacotully at once enters into
ponverfi.ilioii concerning his. "business '
He rfavsJ ho is part owner in tuo or" three
large hotels in Now Y'ork , ( but he doc *
not name the hotels , ) and , becoming
somewhat allectcd in health , he has dp-
eidod to travel about tor a Hcapon to ro
( npcrntc. Wtiilc doing so he ha.j'hoaon
to ong'igo in a light business pursuit ono
Hint vt ill benefit all wiio become partirs
lo it He then tolls the lady that ho pur
poses to - > ell a book which , until recently ,
has boon Kept private for personal use In
IiN hotels. "It gives , " ho says , "moro
information about cooking , as wo do it
in the city , than nil other book5- com
bined , nnd tells many things about
the running of a house Hint the
, public doco.notknow. . . It K a prize , '
he fioyn , "that every would lie for-
tunutu to get and as L have no jigcnoy
either in the city or olsowlicro , Iho only
way you can obtain it is by ordering ! t o
mo. " llo finally states that the nub-
Hcribers must pay him $1 don on giving
the Older "us u guaranty of their good
laith , " and promises to deliver the books ,
within torty-eight hours. " Of cour o
thoio are many | ) i > rions who rofnso to
pay the dollar , but others , lecoivod bv
his honest appearance and his smooth
conversation , asvell as his neat and line
appearance , are duped and pay o\er
thu money. It is scarcely iipnohsnrv testate
state Unit the book is never received by
the Indies who hnvn sub-scribed , and tlio
man or his alleged iihiec of bna'tiess ran-
not bo found. "I did not know , " sn'd. an
indignant man this morning , "that my
wife could bo dupci in .such a manner ,
but the poor wives are always taken In
and wo poor men have to pay the bills.
Well , the fellow know enough to not
I'Oino mound when I was at homo , or 1
would hnvo taught himo something now
about domestic affairs. " It is believed
tliut the psiutdo ngcnt has loft that loo.i li
ly this week , but it is probable that ho rs
collecting dollars in other regions.
"In thu mountains nbnviC'hlco , ' ' s
Toiauitono ( A Ti ) Toiubstinio , "tlio 10 i
dents idon a lumber Ilinno have a no\i > l wr. '
of ccttlii ! ; tliclrnmll. It is stalled on amtt
ttoin tlio hcudof thelluino at lufrnlni dali'-1 ,
anil the people below watch foi It , t iko out
whut tjofoni/-i to UIKIII , nml then -.IMI-I tint iair
with its juccioiH L'UiKiion ih ( v , aj. "
f w carci h r C ! torl ,
VTlien ibe JIM Chllil , abe cried fur C'mlorin ,
VfTien ibe lierame MlM , oho etna ; lo Cattori * ,
Wb u ihtliu ] CUIlilren , i
lIn ninsGrjii lately tookoul u auantily
'Of.d''Olio ( ( fiotn a inan'M aim , finnieitl-
atoly tiftor\\ml \ : ho anitnilated ( tip lei ; of an *
otliui niiin tot an injury. Then ho took a
laiKO piece ol bone from the ; imHilUrd | liy
nnd | int It In tlm plneoof the dead iKinenl tint
iirni : ' 1'ln-loiio ) In ( . .iinu lirndy attached , and
/.ii lhp uroon nmdo a\eij
ijrii ONLY.
war am N ' ' K'i i ; < I > N ; ? .
IwRlHlw NO . iviiNi't lAlna ;
HMw'iExwwuH,11 ]
. , . ' , ' . .
llltOllfH. Ho > l ( l.y null knAM'll I'lll.K. .
Nebraska National Bank
. ' * " . 'A *
'l iviM * " " " * " "
| > "t i i
'V-1' . ToiiAi.iN. A'ieo'lVp iilrnt.
' W. II. S. HiioiUJ , " i-iiliM
" " ' * ' ' ' ' ' '
ir\\"vu3 \ , LI'AV'II S. li'u.'l' ' ,
Tr A 1' Toi'M'IV , . T
to. lith mnl Farnnni 8trott5.
Man and. Beast. -
Mustatig Liniment is oler ! ( tlvan
most men , and uectl more aaO '
more every year.
iiT 2 : TO
lK f T Ki * V ff
i vcw a
Ono of the. Best and Iicnycsl fitocffjt ih the n # .
to Select from ,
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator
: r. . M , BURKE & SONS ,
OUO. nt'UKK , Munnsci- ,
nrd'H r.N'KlWl MpHlifttitsnlid rnrniPi-V IlilllU , DrtAlil CilA-'Ncb , ! Ku.ttllny Xilli1n | > lt llnnk.lCojp
ncrNnViS CMiutnliiK riliilo lt.uil.CoUliuliu3 , Xt'l' . : Mt'UoniiM's llnnk , .Ntitlli 1'lntte , NWi. "
SMIoillll tllt , Otmihil. Nelt.
Will pnr em(6itn.r4' ( iirnll nUli bill of Indluff BttnihcU , for two-third * vsnio ofslnuk.
18 thnaitii Iigf c * ef ot lii | wet at kind atiAcV lota
ttttlliiKhtf * tern til red litJe * , ! . n trrtnt'UriTrltu
tniti ( > met..Uint i i ifhtnvo iiorii 111 RBR.
( fiu
Cured ) > y Ailmisiifiiiiu- . '
Ituliies' ( 'olilen Hiieciilv.
Il c.ui lin jUiyi Ui u rup ofLutlou ortuawltli-
oiittliii Knin.M.'iui ) i 'I' ' " I'ouou ' iiii.uirflt , Is
llfi'-oltltr' ) } InintiloMit , itn'l nlll tltoit 11 pcrnm-
iiont nml sproilv ( u o > b Mii < r tlio pHlenfU
u an nlcnlnilloui < ( < ) ( . It
liiis IIOPII Klvftu in limns in.Is . oT ea-us iliul in
uvetj InnimUMS ii weiULt cmolim lollowuit. lr
Mivi.iMiii i. Tlio sy < tcm onto liiijiipffii.itpil
with the fiioollUi. It lii'c < iniH an niter luiiiujl |
llllllV IJH1 till ) 1I ) IUII llplK'Ittl' 10 U lll.
l\n Hiilu In Kuiin > vCo. , Dins i Ists , voini'i lltli
nhit Dntiirriis mul lith and I'uinhiir sliccts ,
umnliii ) Nub.
Cull in' wrltr for iiinnplilcl uiittixlnliw linn-
( l iiliof tixlliiiouliilIioin UKLeal woiiiuiiiinJ
men Irom alt in Is oC the
\.iio is uNACQi'iNtno riil TH acomAmr or Tin
COUf'TlY ' Wllk S E OY CXV IM1 a Tr. 1 MAP THAT 1MB
The.Croat Rock Island Route
< unrnnttp $ Its patron * tliat ten * * of personal uecil
rlty Afrtntle t tiv n ruril I , j'ipi-n'iitliiy l'ilatf ! < I rrrU
It il smooth t rat h of cmitlnttoiM * m I * | . nitt * * i- ]
prrrrctUn ns IIUIIMH ultlll inn ninhc lr Iho trtfHy
i > l pllnnct nf lutent ImtUrrf f ! ttr rnirmnd nit t uikr .
nnd thitrxActlnvUUffptfno will innvoin tlip ptap.
ti * nl < jfmtljn | ) nf nt ) Itx trJiin < iii i rptHrll t-i ( if
! hlj junto mo Srftiitfi'rj ot nil comi'tUn" i uhiti li
Juloii IHpot . t i thir niwii | at Kl ifmMiti UM !
luiuttet-oi It IVbnt n ei K ] Dl | tut < tt
Ihu Knit KPITM ITMIH l twfen Clifrnfrti ml
IVorla.CViiMcIl ninll , K * ! f'i'v I mvrnw. ilti nu 1
AtchlMiii MID eo ni > . ) * "il-.r uctl ifitll u O t.ii'li up.
Iiul rf risl Pay Cochat , JI irnil1P iit I'nilti n l'nl"f
bloepomrir Um UN'it iletpl n , > il ( mint tuoit * hinliifr
t'nr-t In wMrh elilior it l > ( ookt-ij ihntln ain I * lunrly
vAtfn Hcttrcrn Cblfnfrn .intt Utiii < 'iti' ( > JI > ami At < till on
uro * \ > o nui tlii OlcUr tHl ItcrllultiKdiati .
The Famous Albert ton Route
H tlio tllret And fAvnrltr * line dftwerii CMjfpJ cm ! anJHt lnl , % her tuiintotlun nrr nindtf
lnUtili nlepnt liii nil poluti In ( Lf Tt.nim ( > j nJ
Hrltl u rroviuroi. ( her thN mitii > I ntu Kiprcvi
Trr4ii * aiv run lo tbr * Mnfnilfiiilurr nn/imtT / ie-
fnrl , pkluHtsniuo lornlltlt * . atui ttuntlriK ( Hul ( Ichlni ?
SioumUnf I own nml MliintKoln It H ulFo thu ir o t
rrliatiloruutt > to tlio i ! < 1 ; uhcwt IlrlJj ai.d paaioial
lun U n f Interior I > i.kitt4
Htill miuth r 11111 in1 UNK vl i Hfiicc * ( tint Kan.
kftkioo , Jin * Lipn npeiltil liclwivn ( Jmlnnitf. In < ll.n *
nnoll f\nd Larnroitf.Nitit I'oum II lUnfT * Kf ii flt tlt\ ,
KinniflpollR Aiul St. I'nul nnil liilcrnteill UP point *
I UP UrtniUcl inforiiKitioii # iti ? ! IJM niHi I olilert ,
nhtalnnlilc.fts m II us tklit at nil prltulpalTliUot
OflU * * In thu United h'.atei nuil Cuuadai vi by d <
l'it t ft ( Jen'l M'e r , Oia 1 1 l.t A 1J
Astlima Cure.
, ThlK linflluulilo pjici'lllo icmillly nnd poitnn *
nqiilly LMiii < nil Uliidti ol Astliiu.i. Tlio moil
obstimitomid JonirhtiiiKlInEro'aic" yl < M pniiiit- ) |
ly to ltd -wonderful Clirhix pijni ( IIM. It l < i
known lluoupliout tlm uorlil tar its unilmluil
, , . lAMWr.riI ! , , city of Lincoln , Nob. ,
.Inn. 25. IMts Hlnfto mlnK Ur. Hnlr's Astlnnii
t lire , for moio than nno j cur , my nlfu hut ) houn
ontln ly well , nnd not uvon ix synnitoin of tlio
dMciifo ho9 unfiLarixl.
WIIJ.1AM JJHNNinT. llli blniul , loiva , wrlln * .
Nov. : M , IKS I : I hnvo lioon nillluud willi liny
ruvprutid AfitlimH slnoo I11' * . 1 tollonuil Jiiur
direction ! ) nnd nm liappy to fay tlmt I novcr
Fli'pt lu-ttnr li ) my I if" . I nm rrlnd that I inn
itiuoru ; tlio innny > yiu ) can Pjicaic m fuvoralily of
onridinodlos. . . . .
A valimloHpnKi ) ! ( tortM < ; o comaltiliUfiluilIni
loof from awry t 110 In thn U. H. , C ii ila HIU !
rout jlrllnin , will tin mnllcd npnii application.
Anydiuaiflit not havjne It In tlotk will pro *
ro it. '
" "
Coimissioi ) Mercliant ,
pi\ml vJif' ' llo Oc ilt r in
Country Produce , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc ,
320 H , IBth Sf , , Omaha , Neb ,
llrfoicnce ? , liy PCM i vlon-l'lril NnMciuil
Jijnlr , IliiliuiUi | j A. H. ( in i it n. Uish < * l-i'iii *
ICatlnm' ] IliuiK.hluuv fil > i lo ra ; < iilnii | I Itiliil ;
He , Jlolm-i ; | l. M.hiiiffiniui , A J'i't wliler
Vlr'iiltuiful ft in".rlilr-ir > .
A k'ISK MNK ( ) /
Pianos and Ofps
- AT-
Hallway Time Table
T r roi'oMliiir ' l tliu iltne Ql iiritAfti mut do
purl in * fit trnln lir , IVntrnl 'Slntiitiml Hum nt
t lueililnpo . 'I mill * til llin < ' . - ft , 1'- , M.--A.
1) ) . niiiui mxl itapnu Until Ilioli'iluniH. inuuir
ol Mill Vml AVobMf hlM'tt-t linliHoti tlio II. A :
Al. , ( ' . , II. ' & ( j , ntul If. ( X , r-t .1. , V < * . II. linm tlio
II , V M. ( Irtpm ; iillothorl Inmxtho Union 1'nellUi
iiiitDon TIUINS.
1'r'dpo tu I in wi.t Innui . IcjMit nt flTi :
117'ri-S.nn : : llsriln. m.t 1 oil
1 MMM - II rtJtKIt,9i \ 4:00o : 00 ,1M | lll8 !
0M-Till ) 11:10 ji. in.
il'S-n ' ipn' 'in : ! ! ' ' 11 : n.'m.'i i'l : " : . ' : .i
It : i : l'lu : - JU7I7 : : , " ils.l'J " . "U 7:5IJ :
Au'vi.l ' niul do iiitiim of tinlui fidin llin
trim T i depot lit Council ItlulTii
ohfutr. viiiiivu
CHICMIO & . MiurmAi sir.HN.
9115.H . Mull ami i\ne : | . , 7.001 * . n
l.'lji' . ; i . Accn nni'-ilrttlon 4ii : ! e. M
0JOi' : . M . t' < . i ! ) ! t > A. M
( IIIUKIO ( - ll il ( ] 1l.\Nl > .
nl" : > \M Mi\llnilil \ I'vproii * 70 : [ p. M
D.SOi''it ' nxjnc-ifl 11:15 : . \Jt
.IIOV.'I JlnllHIi'l H'l'IOW. ' 7.001' . M
o : 01' . M . . . UvineiS . . Uilo.v.M
Lllie 100. IllMIM.VIllilS S. QLIMA' .
n.B ! \ . M Mnl1 nii'l ' lvilx'i- ! ] < lUTO I * . M
. . i.ontrt e. vv < nn
B 15 e. \i \ al St. l.Onls r.vmiks l.ooiil
JlOJe M ' Ki.Ti
KA imsr. inn ft wir.rii. tmurM.
30 00 A. M , , , Mull nui4 Iv.spiosj , 7 < .rii > . AI
8 .Si e. M KvOios' . 0:53 : A. M
< lti'cn \ * v evfinr.
7 01 \ M Plnuv il \ M II , 7:00 : e. AI
li'IU l > . M St. 1'itnl i\inosi : ! iJ.A : \ . ji
AVKSTIA'AUI ) . Arrive
v. M. i e. M. l'A > iniT ' M ff. it.
. . : J-Wi' ' . . . .
ll0u : , . . , ! . Dnu.voi' 4lo.i :
O. K 11U1' . VAI.I.I1V ,
l.'ttl1 . .Mull mul IXiirais , J Jilflv
, II fcM. IN Itl IJU. '
SlIO.1. . . . ' . .Mill ) lUHl lhUU"d. | 0:3a :
. . IJ-UOl _ _ NlKliir.\iIO-H | ilU:4U :
Dopntt. _ POOTH\yAU [ ) . _ Airt\'o
l > ACIliVrM ( | I * . M. '
I K.C.Hi'.l. eO.II.
L-ii'la l'jatMUOulli ( _
A. 't r. M. I ST. l'si. . & : o. i | i i * . t
SJJu. : . . . . J Ulty IXprcs * 0JJj :
_ " _ _
A. M.I I' . V. I (1 ( , , JJ & V > . I t.At. I t'7-M.
. .I r > . - . ' Vln i ntiiiii > | itli. Lj'rJ'J ' ' .
Will Icino i . J > . ilctiut. O niiliii , lit iM ! : 8'J : -
iu ir > - ! MM. m : -iii-i ' ! : wi- " r.t > . ' " .
Ltim'Stool' ' I'nHU forOmillii ut 7J" : > -10J" : ! , n
m : u.oi. i : : -4 in > ' i7 ( ij p < > n. ,
Nori. \ tr'ln ' d.illy : II , ilniyuxo'pt bninlny ;
P. ( Inllj o\cejl hiUuiM.iy ; D , djily o\icpt Mon-
_ _
Onuihti , Ke1n-nski. :
Caplliit - - - - JIOO.OOO.
Snridus , . . . . . 100,000. ,
Ilomutn IConnlxc , Tn'sidoiit.
John A. ( "roiKliton , Vice I'l-'sident.
1" . U. Wavlo , Cashier.
W. JI. JteRiiniu' . Af-.s't CUihtcr.
Garlichs -Johnson ,
516 N. IGth STREET , OMAHA , NEB ,
Investment Seen1 Itlcs Mortgage Loum : ,
l.onn.s ncROtlatod on city i > roj > erty and 1m-
inot d farms.
Diierccait Inferpstnllowf'd i
Coitm n intli AND loufiLi9
. HTcine i
l i/.ijii.ifi-oi' hnuKiiof.fints . auo , ice
'Die only ictfiiliir snvln M liiinU In tlio stntc. I'lve
l 'f Li-nl inltfrost pHM on ttopo"lti ) ,
.Inn. ' 1 1 ! Jlo.iil , I'l slilont ! Win. A. Pnxlon , Vine
I'lUbbloMt ! U M. ilrnntlt , At mint/luff il
itclon .loJiH K. Wilbur Cuehior.
" ' '
National Bank
S , Wl Cpr. JTarnsm & I2tj.Sts ! ,
Capital,1 100,000
C.f \ < HAMII/ION J'roclilont.
il. J' . IIAIir < OWU | UIor ,
Il. . r. Ciil.ln-ini.i : . W. Hamilton , 11. V , Kmltll
M.'J' . lltulow U. UIJ1 IIimlttiiii. |
WI BOn'afCOilPObND 01' '
V | . ii „ ! C"i 'l , ' \ . ( ' " Alt' ) t 5tl. T o
rniat | f < | iii'.uny ' 6i lli ! rn'v 1 llCctoom
\\tp.l .J l I iv , l'H/i.llllIl > 'ubluKrlH tlltllll III
KI 111. lii ( lit ; | tii/i ( ut'ixli * io > K iiMliiiui ,
t/ J | ) < l I 4 ' i ? lp p t ' 1411 i > t III * ! > < Ull 1) )
inor i I'i't ' irll c i I'Aitl' ' tiv > jftirrinr * It tins no
upi IIP , ill ni n. I c.iiMitiilf | i'ii/\ ! < "ilie iiiln
t > yn\ \ > ' < > t'"i { itt "iL-ni'luiu U IKI u. It ui ' - '
' , ti i uliiiiii al t imjiliil i a ri < ' . < ; ) " > r
t h < mi t _ 11 > ) o.i- fjfU ) jx
- *