THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TIJESDAY , DECEMBER 8. 1835. TIFE DAILY' BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Tl'ESlUY MOUMN" , 1 > KC. g. OrriCEi Xo. 12 rerl Street . ltl\crc ) ) l liy ran icr 5i > any | iart of Iliocily nt ' ' K. InMity trills r'ir'w H , W , TII.TON , MIXOll .AIICXTIO.N. Keller , Ilio tnllor , for winter gooiK t Woallicr slrip olV. . U' . Clinpinturs. Tlin ojicrn IIOIIM linrbcr ihop will yliorlly linvo Imtti room's. I'rof. H\rtlioloinn\v : nml Ills womlnrful , lioi > i-j ; ajipi-iir in Kt-oktik lliisv iik. Tliu lualc eoinini-iipcd yoslcrdny nt Hie romily tri'iistircr's ollicc. ami \ \ viiltc.iiiicd \ \ , Sivi : ! ltn-1 nml oxolmlo < 1" 1 > , wuatliiT "trips for doors iitiilviinlows of Chnpinnn , The llr t mini to appour on I Inwlrcnts in n cutter this puaaon was I red IJivis : , ol Jnris & hnml , .ycslcrtlny. IVrmil tovril MOJ honii K'IVCI ; loV11 - llnmS. V n Kiik , of Silv.-r Cily. ntl Alary Haroiitt , of tliis nil j. Sloi 'lis niipcnriiil for Ilio llrst tiinis this ( K'ason on Ilia strncls yesterday. It was iMHirsk'iltting , bul the. llr."t and bust to bo ii.iil. There lins been Hltlc lii-anl latnly of tin ) new stri'et oar c-ompny whicli was llmllieniDof sifow daysHiilk sonic tlmt ? > Tlio finioral of ( lie lilllu bubo of Frank Jlalliday was liuld Sunday afternoon. A large number of tlio frlondi of Ilio bu- rcavcd ones wuns in allimdance. The oitv Is to luivt ! homo rare miHiual Ircnts. Tlic Fitlior-Moi'ki'l conoertontho 31th and this concert of thu Fry com pany on Ilio loth are two of them , ihey are both worthy of crowded IIOUMSS. One of tin ? spiritualist , mediums of this oily makes the prediction that there will bo'n Viri ( lulu .spring nd flusb on the M reels in April next Those that duliyhl in prophecies will sllt'k u pin hero. . Mr. Ooojior , n painter , i.s showing to his friends n vciy inp-nions bit of wliit- tling donu by him. Tliuri ) are .scventi'en distinct pairs of piiu-crs. ent from onu liiouo ol wood , nnd all so nii'ely con nected and lilted that they all fold into the original block , Tlio Chicago , Uurlinston& Quitipy was laic ; ye. lcnlav morning , and in making up tune n remarkable run was made from FauiHf.Jimutioii lo this city. Hie di.t4inu ( ! in sixteen miles lo the local de- jiot , and this was niuilii in a fraction in side of twenty minnti's. The police are waking tip. They have lately been trying to .stop the potty thieving bv running in suspicious cliar- rioters. Unfortunately they seem thus far to irct hold of tliuvronp ] ) iirtns ! , ( ir else fail to got the needed evidence. It is oncouruging to see tho' try made , bow- wr. Thecily eoiincil in proposing to make- < he saloon licenses $2tf a niontli in cash , or $50 in warrants , seems to hold that cily warrants are worth only fifty cents on'a dollar. The oily fathers will hardly bo willing lo admit ( his , and yet such scorns the mferenou of the proposal. Tlio district court was to have opened ypstisrday , lint .Judge Loofbottrow was 'detained nl.lcilcr.3on. Orcen county. The trial of three men , charged with the murder of a miner in the recent strike at Angus , is in progress there. It is expect ed that tlio court , will open hero on Wed nesday moiniug. The Gcrslenbcrg cases have been con- tinned until ne.\t Friday. It is trying to the patience of the taxpayers and law- abiding citizens to have this family con tinually before thu courts , with their troubles , and never gtUlmg fairly settled. The charge of vagrancy i.s now put against them , and un eil'ort will be made to get tlio Gcrstenbergs to move out of tlio city. For home time ( lie tire department lias been in thu habit of hitching up at noon when the ; licll taps , .just as if ( hero was u lire to go to. This has boon a part of the practice and drill of thu department. It is said to hiivo been abandoned lately. There arc few llrcs in the lilnfl's , hut the discipline should not bo allowed to become - come lax on that account. * i - Ladies and gents got a ticket lo the grand drawing on January ] , with every 2.T cents world of goods purchased of Arthur Lofkovilx. 5-jJ : Broadway. Tlio choicest candies , California fruits , nutd , cigars , etc. , always on hand. For hardware and house lurnishuige get prices of Cooper & JleUuo , No. 41 Blaiu street , _ _ Try John Temploton's "Ho , o" cigar. I'crsonul 1'uruurapliH. J. A. Hamilton , of Nuola , is in tlio city. A. W. Cofi'man , of Avoca , is in the city. Louis linsen , of JJcg Creek , is ill with pneumonia. Fremont Uunjamln , of Avot-a , is lioro to attend court. Wiley Mlddlelon , of Missouri Valley , was in thn city yesterday. 1) . A. Williams , of Atlantic , is in the city , ft guest of the Ogdcn house. John I3o , 8 , of Missouri Valley , is visit ing liis > brother , Hugh ( Joss of this city. C. E. lUuhaardd , tlio attorney of Ucd Oak , is in HID city to attend the district court. 8. 1. King , of Logan , arrived in thu oily yesterday , to look after some legal business. Judge Aylosworth , of the superior court , is expected to arrive homo from ( ho cml some iluy this week. Itoburt Hunter , of Tabor , who has lately resigned tliu principals ] ! ! ) ) of thu imblie Hi'hools thtro , is in tlio city. Mr. Hunter is thinking of entering tno jour- nnlistlo Held. Miss Lou Carson , daughter of lion , George Carson , was taken suddenly ill in the school room yesterday afternoon , ml had ( o bo removed in a oarriago to lior homo. Thu trouble proved not to beef of a very eonuus nature. Frank A. Sliepard , who came from North 1'ltUte some' time ago , and has been lying ill at the residence of his brother , C. 1 * . Shepard , on First avenue , yer since , seems to bu slowly recover ing. JIo had boun unconscious for two ' weeks. W. M. llushnull , H. Hope and sister Nelliu and daughter Dcrtio , of St. Paul , arc visiting with the family of Mr J. T. tiliver , on L'ark avcnuo. Mr. llnshnell is on his way to southern California for his bftalth , nud will remain u few days here , which will give an opportunity for his old friends hero to meet him. un oppor tunity whicli they will gladly improve. J. W. Mills , an attorney located in Colorado , is in tliu city , and under the escort of Mr. Jacob Sims , the well Known member of thu bar here , is taking a note of the growth and prosperity of the Bluffs. Kir. Mills , as well .es Mr. Sims , is a Badger , and a graduate of a Wisconsin college. Ho kuvos today for his west ern homo. _ Substantial abstracts of title nnd real efctati ) loans , J. W. , & K. L. Squire , 101 1'earl utreet. . . For the twst and cheapest oy lors cal at Chicago Lunch Counter , 401 Hroad way. Oytior uoup nil day , only 10 cents Tim warmest garmenttlio latest cra'/u for men the Jersey jacket at Bono's. THE NEWS ABOUT THE BLUFFS , The Little Mayor Finds the Tree List Sus pended About the Shows. A MERCHANTS' POLICE FORCE. * < Jitnritai1 On a HOI-HC ' ' ' ' Union Hiirns-'I'lio I'rlnHri : * rointn I'orsonnl nnd ltiior ontl. l'i'C < - Knnponilctl. Mr. IMisliloi' , the niiinnypr of I'rof. Hnrtholomuw's Miintnu Paradox , docs not ffulvtjry khully over the niiittur of his arrest for not luulnfe paid a JICPUMI for liis . lio\v in HID opersi liotf-c. As iw generally conuudoil it \ the place of lite owtior of ( lie opera horne to lik : out such HOPIIM ; , If any liucnso is ncrdi-d. Thnt inttltRr hnu\r jicndlng before thn council. Mr. JUslili-r's sliit monl of the nn ir is to the eflVct tlmt the mayor had a personal reason for trying to niaUe him trouble. He say. ' * that while he was at the door , at the Saturday matinee , FOIIIC hoys presented : i note to him from Ilio mayor , asking for .some complimentaries. HtniinR that the mayor would be pleaFetl lo reciprocate by giving the show a "pun' " in an ad verlising sheet which he win gulni ; to yet out .Sunday morning. Tlic manager had. about all the advertis ing he wanted , and respectfully declined lo put out any more.complimentaries. Soon Ihd mcj-senger rcturiieu anilshoxvctl tin1 letlcr to Mr. Mishlcr again , remark ing that lie probably had not noticed the heading , lie admitted that ho had not paid .sprchil attention to it , but for ac commodation would do M ) . He ac cordingly glanced over ( he printed heading , announcing that the may or had been elected twice lo olb'ee , that the city was a tremendously big ono , clc. Tlio manager said thn heading did not parnly/.p him , and ho would not be tartled by it into changing iiis decision to re.l'usc the desired cotupli- mcnlnrio . Ne\l came n police olliccr , ho thinks tin1 chief , accompanied by those who had originally brought the order for compiimentarics. Ho verbally asked the manager to let the party in , as they were connected with Ihe mayor. Hi-still refused to put tlio gates ajar for their five adn Ksion , and genially pointed out the strait and ami narrow way which led to this ticket olllec. They de parted in sorrow , bordering on wrath. Tlio next I in know an ofllpcr eame with a , warrant for hN arrest fornot having taken out a license Such is the story of Ills treatment , ab lie tolls it. It Feoms strange that the owner of tlio opera house does not arrange to show tlio mayor sucli courtesies as the prominence of the position merits , but some way Mr. Dohnny does not seem disposed to keep a box awaiting the free use of his honor ami his friends. Strange ! - Correct Abstracts of Title and Real Es tate Loans at MoMahon it Co's , No. 4 Pearl street. _ The eleelric belt of Jtuld & Smith , .10 Foitrlh street , Council Bluffs , positively cures rheumatism , neuralgia , dyspepsia , piles , paralysis , indigestion , Jits , cold feet , nervousness , headache , kidney and liver complaints , loss of vitality , lead poUoning , hick of nerve force and vigor , wasting weakness of those diseases of a personal nature in male and female. The Merchants' Police. There has been a good deal of talk about organizing a merchants' police force here , similar to thu organizations in other cities. The talk now seems to bo ripening into action. AH lias already been announced , William Ladd , who was formerly a member of No. 4 hose com pany , is securing a list of subscribers and is meeting with considerable encourage ment. James T. Anderson has also started out with a list , and has secured quite a number of subscribers. In order to have the arrangement permanent and successful , there' should bo some ono head to the organization. Tlio cily should take some action to define the duties of this police force , -jivethem the needed authority to regulate and protect the organization. It looks now as if there would bo several attempts to organize a force , and tlio enterprise being divided into several weak forces will amount to little. A merchants' police force , if properly organized , will provo a great help to the city. The purpose of such an organization is not to do tlio duties of ( lie regular police. These men arc e.x- pocted to pay special attention to pro tecting from iiro and thieves the properly of those who subscribe. Many stores and business places are not simicicntly largo , and do not need a special watch man exclusively , but by join ing with others , they can bo protected nt a small expense. Many hero seem to have little idea of tlio purposes - poses of a merchants' police force. Some say that the city should employ what police force is necessary , but these .special police are expected to answer in many respects a different purpose from tlio regular police. Thny are lo those on their beat what a special watchman is to u large warehouse or factory. They are expected to look after any doors that limy bu cnrelcbsly left open , to watch for lires , to care for goods which may bo left exposed , to prevent burglars from getting any chance to work and to guard the special property put under their euro. 'I hey are expected lo work in conjunc tion feomuwlmt with tliu regular police and by affording a special protection to their bubseribers they naturally afford hotter protection to tlio city as a whole. It is to bo hoped that thu council will take such steps as are necessary to help some such oganization into it permanent and well working fornf. Having put m ti complete now slock of clolhiug , furnishing goods , huts , caps , etc. , Fox & Hughes , No. 015 Main street , invite the public to givn them a trial. Their expenses are small , and they can utford to Bell cheap , Winter hit tu at greatly reduced price to close thorn out at Mrs , O A. Rogers "Their blood be upon your heads. " Dr. Thomas Jolfcrles , ( of Council Bluils , lu. ) Diphtheria and euro. Ten years trial has proven it to bo infallible. If you will use it in ovcry case of sore throat , it will protect your family from thu ravages of tiiu dread destroyer. No doctor required. 1'rico $ ' , ' , Send for jt , A Queer Her e Truile. Among the cases which tlio grand jury will bu called on to Investigate h one from Carson , the outline of which is learned to bu us follows ; Chas. Maynu owns a llyery stable in Macedonia , and ( ieo , Coll'man possessed eighty acres of land in Nebra.ska. Coif- man coveted a valuable horsu iuMuyno's ' possession , and offered to trade him thu land in question for the animal , which was agreed to and H war ranty deed made out for the land and given to Mayn't , and the latter in turn transferred his right , title and interest in a certain piece of horse llesh then in his stable to Colmian , und JKIVO him an order for tliu horco who was then in Ills brother e keeping at Macedo nia. As tlio story goes , ( 'oilman went sifter tlio animal , but Jo anil behold , when ho got there , ( lie line'autmul had been spirited away nml an old rrowbail left in its Stead. Inain did Cofl'man call for the valuable horce flp. h it was crowbait or nothing , lie then com menced suit against Mayne for procuring the land under false pretenses , A pre liminary hearing wn-j had before Justice Packard , at Avoca , which resulted in Maync being lield in the .sum of The latest midwinter styles in clothing nt Hono's. Men's jersey jackets at llono's. Kor every thing in the grocery line give the now linn of Kinlz Ar Kleob , 1CJ Hron'dway , a trial. Everything new and frc h. Fancy groceries a specialty , The Council Ijnsl Muht. There has been considerable complaint hero about the manner in which the street car line has been operated. The c-ity council has threatened from time to time to revoke the charter unless thn linrs wens extended nnd the conditions of the charter were .strictly complied with. Last night the matter came up again in the council meeting. Three of life aldermen voted in favor of revoking the charter nnd three were in favor of granting the company u little more time. A committee was appointed to inquire into the running of the dummy trains , it being complained that the Union Pacific i.s not keeping the promises It made when the city gave the company the right of way over Union avenue. U he mayor presented a report insist ing on thn opera house paying a license , nnd defending himself ngaitibt the charge of personal spite in the matter. The owner of the o orn house desires the council to allow him free license for ten years as n compromise for damages claimed by him against the ctiy. The council rejected this proposition , hut in timated their willingness to grant free licctiM ! for u shorter period. The Kansas City railway company sig nified its acceptance of the proposition of llioc'lty in regard to the removal of il.s ice IIOUM ; . Ho uro ami ask your grocer for the bread made at Smith & Loorko's bakery , No. 5'J ! Main street. It i.s the very best martc. Try it and bo convinced. Imtlics. Please call and see the beauties wo have in the shape of holiday slippers for you. Z. T. Lindsey & Co. The Typos' Union. The Blutr City Typographical union has elected the following olliccrs for the ensuing year : President James Ktlinger Vice President W. IJ. fisher. Treasurer J. C. Schcrmerhorn. Secretary J. It. Dietrich. Sergeant at Arms A. D. J. Knhn. Executive Committee John Gagnon , George Irwin , Hurt Warfcl , II. G. Oliver and C. S. Fisher. The boys arc preparing to give n grand masquerade ball on Christmas night. They have secured the Havarian band , nnd are making.such oilier arrangements il.s will make the affair one of the princi pal events of the holidays. HPf Boys' Hoots. Hoots , Shoes , Shoo ? , cheap , chcapi nil styles. / . T. Lindsoy & Co. If yon wish lo pnrchtiM ! anything for ladies' or men's wear , bo sure to sec Heiio's stock and prices first , i'on won't bo disappointed. Latest styles hats and caps at Hcno's. C. B. Jacquemln & Co. , No , 87 Main street , take pleasure in announcing to the public that their slock of articles , or namental , stylish nnd useful holiday goods , is complete in each and every de partment , and cordially invite everybody to visit their store , inspect their goods and compare prices. No trouble what ever to show goods. The lincst fringes , foot rests and fancy chenille flowers for fancy work at L. Slacken & Co.'s , No. ! J09 Hroadway. Arrested War Forgery. E. Smith , a hack driver , was arrested last night for forging the name of Mr. Cole , the livery man , to an order for a suit of clothes on Heno & Co. All kinds of interior draplngu , cornice poles , shades , etc. , the very cheapest in the west at E. Stookert & Co's. Cottage ranges. Garland stoves , Ka- dhmt Homes and Hub heaters of the. very latest patterns t bed rock prices , at Cooper & McGco's. No.11 Main street. Christmas presents at Homer's. The Fire Record. Yesterday morning there was a little blaze at the residence of W. II. Goff , caused by a child playing with matches. The loss vrns nominal and covered with insurance in the German American , of New York , : n Odoll & Day's agency. The loss was at once adjusted. The loss on the building occupied 1)3' S. Theodore , No. ! i03 Fifth nyenuo , and owned by Mrs. E , S. Plainer , was ad justed yesterday by Mr. Frank Dale , the .special agent of the Phnmix of Hartford. Hero. Without doubt \vo can show you as nieonlincof gentlemen's holiday ( dip pers as over was in the west. 55. T. Lind sey it Co. Drs , Judd & Smith's Eleotro-MagnqUc nsolos. Only fifty cents. No. HO Fourth St.v Council liluJl's , Iowa. Agents want ed I _ _ Finest display ot meorslmnm nnd smokers' goods for holiday gifts. T. I ) . King & Co. , Cigars nud Tobaccos , C13 Hroadwny. _ _ Every ono buying ' 35 cents worth of T I ) . King & Co. , has a chance , free , 'in the great drawing , December 34. Gentlemen Call and see our now Block of dress bhoc3. 'A. T. Lindsey &Co The Now Vast. The newly organized Usburnu post ( > . A , U. , has elected the followng ofll- cors : L. S. Russell , commander ; S. II Foster , S , V. C. ; John Trox , J. V. O. ; T , Clark , Q. M. ; H. W. Hight , chaplain ; J. C. Hhodabcck , O. 1) . ; O. S. Hnbbard , O. G. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR .For all nucnscd of thu Llvei- , Kidneys , Htomnch and Bnlccn. Tills purely vbgotunlu iircpuratlon , now ho ct'lfliiutcil ns a I'mully Mrcllclnu , iirlgliiulcj In tlioioutli In li- * . Hindu gmitly on the Unveln nud LMuey uiul cor rects ilia notion of tliu Iher , mid id , theicfiii-o , the boat incpimitory iniill- cine , whatever thu Hclmi s intiy iiruvo to bo. In nil common ilUo.iees it will , ua- by any other minikin ? , filed it ly cure , TinIlegulator li siifo to administer In any condition of the tf stem , nnd uniltr no rlicum- stances can It da harm. It will ln > Igoratu Ilkit n glut ! ! ) of trim * , tnit It U no lutoxicr.tliiL' lievcrayn lo Icml lo IntOMipcniiiLc ; will prtmuitu iiiillKt'a- lli > ii , < l ! sfpnte hfiuluc'lic , mul gcuorully tone up SKU THAT YOU GBT TUB GENU1NB. CARPLTS. Council Bluffs Carpet Go. Our Meek h now rhniploto In every depart mentand contains oil the latest stvlesundefleels inC.ARPJSTS C.ARPJSTS , CURTAINS , SHADES UPHOLSTERY GOODS , ETC. . KTC -THE- Largest Stock Lowest Prices. ONLY EXCLUSIVE CAIU'ET IIOUSK IN WKSTKJIN IOWA. SAMPM5S furnished upon nppllcnllon too own parties. FINE UPHOLSTERY WORK TO ORO Council -Bluffs Carpet Company . 4O5 Broadivay. Ch'ca o Water Ko'.or Co. , -t DE/VltKORN / STIIEI3T. To wnv furnished from hydrant pressure for driving nil ItindB of H lit machinery. Special attention ulvon to chuich orinui nlowlnKr. We run ntlntinjr proven , meat choppers , leo crenm t'rcczeiB. polMiIng lather , gnwlngmiichmes , etc. The best cheapest motor made. Bend lor cir cular. In I i j in Council llluffs by Htxi job oirioo. 1'nco iScliinMt.nicnt market. Chicago Meat Marliot. IiiKlzondorfcr's Meat Market. hinlth Si MeyerH. Kurtz & Kleob , coffee grinder. BolllngAgent , 18 Jlii'n nt. Council lilutfii , Iowa. * 1111 l-'urimm HI. , O.nalm. B. BICE , M. D. ° r other tmii'irs removed without the knife or drawing ; of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES o ? < xll kinds a Bpoclalty. Over thirty years' | ir ct cnl experience. OJlco JJo. 11 IVurl blrret , Conn' 11 ItlutTs. " ONION TICKET OFFICE J , L. De BEY01SE , Agent , No. C07 Broadway. Council Bluff * . Railway Time Table. COUNCIL HLUI'FS. The following Is the time of nrrlrnl nncl ilcpnitnro of triilns by central htHiuluril tinio , ut the local depots. Trains leii\o trnnMordnpot ten minutes earlier nncl arrive ten mlniitca Inter : UEPAUT. AIIIIIVB. CHICAGO A NOHTIIWF.STKItrf. 0:25 : A. H Mull < 1 K pu-s8 0:50 : p. it. 12IOv. : M Accommodation 4JOp. : ( M. UUl' : , M Kxprcwi UU3i. M. CIIICAUO * HOCK INLAND. B:2."iA. I Mull uiul tixpiebg fliSlp.JI. 7:15 : A. M . .Acconiniodatlon 5:4."ip. : t. 0aUP. : M KxprecH ' . .Ban A. M. CIIICAOO. Mtl.VrAUKKr. * .ST. I'AUI , 0:20 A. M Mall and Kxpruao 6.jQp. : M. Oitur. M KxpreM wu" : . A. u. ciiiutoo. niniMMiroN & QUINCI' . 3 : CA. M Mall and Kxprtes : Mr. n. UMUr. M ExpresH ! i:05A.M. : WAI1ASII , HT. IXlUIKft I'ACmC. 3'fi : ' p. M. Ix > ciil St. Louis Kinross lx > cal UW : ) p. M.TnmsltirHt. Louis Ux.Tr niiler.niO : : p. u KAUNAS C1TV , HT. JOB COUNCIL ULUKKS 10:00 : A. M Mull nnd Hxpress U40r.ll. ; ti-Mi'.u Kxprnns 6A.M. : . PIOUS CITV ft PACIFIC.1. 7:15A.if : Sioux Cily Mull : iWp.M. UMr.u. ; ) . . . ( jt.l'sul Kxprew 8:25A.M. : UNION PACIFIC * lOsa-iA. M Tliiimirli Kxprors 0:45 : P. 1J. itliP.M..Lincoln ! ! Ptiss , Dm. At It. V.2:05 : p. M. 7:60p. M Ovnrhind KzprusB 8:15 : A. M. nilMUV TIIAINSTO OMAHA. LeuvoCouncil BlulT47o5 : - . : . , > -9iM-iO:30- : 11.10 a. m. ; J:30-a : : ) - < lao-l:3 : : > -5:5-0U : ! ) Jl:4.r : > p. m. 8iimliiy7 10 ' .i.ll > 11 : ; > u. in ; 3 > i : . t-5.2j lli : l-ll:45l : , ) . in. I/ouvo Umiiha -0i5-Ta-HSO-lO:00-ll : : : : : ! 0 n. m : 1IK ) MOU- : J:00 : 4:00 : 5 0 : fljift-llilJ I ) , in. Sundnys < IG : : 8:50-11:110 : : n. ni.a:00-a:00-Ki:00 ; : : 8:05 : 11:10 : p.m WEHMAN" & MEYER'S ' Corner Pearl Street and Fifth Aveuuo , COUNCIL DjbUFFS. Hlnk for rent for flieatilcal piTfornmnccs balls , purtlca , tie. , j TO A11 VImis of rcfri.'t.iVni ) > hts nnd u FIICD J.UIINC every morning1. ' , Chicago Lumber Co. tYbolosnlu mid rotnll Lninbcr , I.uth , rilii nglcs 8n6b , Doors and Illlnds. Bole ugonls Tor the cclelirutod Mniblehoad Concontratud Wiiltu iiuo , u , i > . MACCO.N.NKLI. , SPECIAL NOTICES , NOTlrr : . special mivriilfcmenl' , such M l-rt , Pound , To Jxwi , Kor Snip. To llont , wnntu Hoarding ote. , win bo Inserted In this column nt Iholow'info of TEX CP.NTS 1'Elt I.JNK fortlio first insertion and flVK CUNTS TKH UNI5 for often pul > o < i cnt lns < illoii. Lcnvo aitveitlso. inentsHt o poflcO ! , N'o. tl .1'corl street , near llroatlwny. W.N T WANTKU An uoflvo boy , tint yonnurr ttmn foiirtpcn , for permanent piucoln olliuc. < V , HKK nflicr , Council lltunj. _ \ \ TAN'IUKvrijltoily In Council llliiffs to T know Hint Mr. und Mr . llrncliliry. the chump ( ) < > > maki'mnn < l Cutters , IMVO jnit nnh-fil.iiiHl for IrmliiVf will nit mill innVoj-'iir- monts for half pilcf. Cull nt 10i ! NurtH hst. | 7 AltM MlfsAl.K-Atirb ) Tiriilit If fot.l fiion" 1 IflOnrie * , flii inllcD snulli\vp-t of Uumliti. 0 room lioitf > onici < llrnt well nnd clfti'in , : : Imrnf. ono for olght unrsoft , one- for an cows : lien , tool nn < l ivfiiron hoiiPCiij 1UO aetfs In timothy : mfm fern t trers , cotton wooil.bhirk wnlmit. ash niirt mnploj rood orrUnrd , npplui , cherries plums Riapoa und Mnnll fruit * . Ke\vi fulllnir eto K water. II. I1. OKWUKII , 600 lltondirny , Council , lown , WANTKU-To buy nil the lirfltlii- < > coti.l hrttid household gooiln that mo otTrrril for fn'.p. Filch ns furniture , cm pels , Moves etc. 1'ernon * not hnrltifr STHHTJ.V flrot-vhws KOO < ! B trill pnvntlmoliy not npplyliir. All others will ri-celvo prompt ntlontlon iintf will lin pnld thn hlKheit miirkol prices by A. J. Mitiulcl , 8i Itmatlwity , dealer In now and strictly nitt-cbw * peciiixMinml furniture , etc. , uc. TOK SALE IIHnir ileslroug of moving to JL UniHlm , on nccountof my luialiici" , 1 offer for Halo my rrsldcnce , corner Kou.'tli iivcnuo ftiiUNItittiRtrcvt. Imiulru on iirumlipg. A. I * . Ilrnlnnrd. No. 4 1'otirl street. FOIt SAt.K , mil KENT OK KXOIIAM1K. MJa } 7r"r snle or rp"t ° " vr'T liberal term * . The Council muffs Paper Mlll.conipleto , with ttut mrtco boarding house and tlireo acres of irrouml. No. 2H-A business property In Clierokro , Cherokee county , Iowa , will trade for western lands. Value , about H.OOO. No. : A beautiful home In tliti town of n t- liiffi ! , MUM county , lonra , for Ncbrabkn IntuL Valno. H.VX > . No. 41 A Rood business propeity nnd also a peed residence property In the town of Chenvo Mul.enn county. III. , low down for or will uichanxo for western lands. No. 170 A gplondid farm , well improved , WO acres In Dickinson county , Iowa , joining the town of Spirit I.ako. I'rlco , for n bhOrt tlnio , ' f.V > per twro. No : 1M to 187 Are four Inproved farmi In Phillips county , Kansas , each with n Pinnll In- cumbraneo. TheenultiiR will bo oxchang-cd for unlncuinbered wild land In Nubraska. No. 1 ! 4 ) acies In Holt county , Nob. , Improved , lit n biff Imi train. Wants to oxu for merchandise. No. M A line two Btory brick residence , ono of the bent locutions In Council lllulfn , will trade for treed unlncunbercd Kmieus or Ncbriihka lands. Vftluu. $15UUO. No. M and 11 Are two-other beautiful homes In Council 11111(111 ( , which cash payments will buy at n bargain. No. 5ft A beautiful suburban location In lown City , Iowa , will I'xchmige. for western hinds. Value , $5,000. The ubovo nro only n few of our special hat > trains. If you'vo got anything to tiadoor sell , or want to * ell any real estate or merchandise , wrlto UP. Wo havu several wood stocks of goods to tradu for lands. BWAN & WALKKII , Counuil llluffs , Iowa , STEAM LAUNDRY ( GEO , W. SCHINDLLE & CO. , ) Ho. 540 Broadway , Council Bluffs. All work guaranteed equal to Troy Laundry work. Work called for and dclivmod 1"HKK. All Koods by mall or express receive prompt at tention. Specialties Cleanlinessuud promptness. Tel epbono No 15J. * A. W. PATTESON & CO. Nos. 1 and 2 , Masonic Temple. Council Bluffs , Iowa. Wo tviah to call the attention , of the public to our fine line of Gents' Fur nishing : Goods , nud would most respect fully solicit a share of their patronage. Below wo enumerate a partial list of our goods and fool confident tha * an inspection will prove profitable ; Mats and Caps , Underwear. , White Dress & Fancy Shirts , Unlaundried Shirts , Neckwear , Gloves and Mits , Hosiery , Collars and Cuffs , II wn dJce t 'chiefs , Suspenders , Mufflers , Ear Mufflers , Chest Protectors , Wristlets , Sleeve & Scarf Holders Rubber Coats , Rubber Hat Covers , Umbrellas , Etc. . Etc. , Etc. CALL AND SEE US. A. W. Patterson & Co. Mos. 1 and 2 , Masonic Temple , Council Bluffs. For Sale or Rent ! A n curly new ntw und tbo only bole ) In the vldo-uwako town of MACEDONIA , IOWA , Ton bcut lo'iuxfrool pm lor , olllco , Urnwlnv room mill cjlar , nil sntjipln to mi. W ' 11 < I or eiil nu r i M tulilo ti'i-iii , U u 10 of tl cinun , ted n ( vo Co. , reel li > ' fcioni , I'ouiiull IIIUIIB , nr A del rest CHAS. P. KJEHLER , MACEDONIA , I.\ \ , , PAID UP CAPITAL , $20000. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,0 , , er 1C J STJCCEJSSORS TO J. 408 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA IMPORTERS OK AND IKA1.I5KS IN Musical Instruments , Musical Merchandise of Every Description Toys and Fancy Goods. Wu male thu celebiMlcil Haiilninii 1'iauos , nml tlu > KoynlVlittnoy \ ornns , a s Kvcry insliiimoiil wnrinntcil. Soiul forcatnlngucs. J1UULLKU ilKlsc ( H * . , Council H.uiT HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER Uric * lixilUHiwBOf any kind r.iUed or moved nud Bnllslactlon giiar.intcptl , Kmrac liouj-c mo'v * on Lilt lo G hull trucks thu best In the world. 808 Eighth Avenue mul Eighth Slirct. Metcalf Bros , - 342 and 344 BROADWAY. RETAIL DEPARTMENT Mens Fall & Winter Wear Mens' nnd Hoys' Uuslnrsa Suits. Mens' and Hoys' Ureas Suits. Childreim' Kvury Unv and Itmf * Sulla. OvercoatH for Men , Boys niid CuiMroil. Merchant Tailor Suits. Merchant Tailor Ovorcouts. Merchant Tallbor rowsor ? . E ual to the osTto orclor , At half the price Fat Mens' Suits und Overcoats. Lean Mono' Rultn nnd Overcoats. JatMons'Trowsrrl Seamless Shirts and TrowECM in Scotch wools Medicated Scarlets. Extra Heavy n.iUirigm io ( Fancy Colored Wools and mixed qualltivc , from Mo each to $4.00. DUNLAP AND STETSON HATS FOR THE TALL Or 1855 Gloves , Neckwear , Suspenders , Handkerchiefs , Collars And Cuffs , Of fliM class qualities and ro.isnnablo pricoi. RETAIL DEPARTMENT 43und 3U OroadMrav. Cojncll Illulfo , loin. J. M. SMITH LEADING Mediant Ta MO , 7 and 9 MAIN STREET , Council Bluffs , Iowa SANTACLATJS SUPPLIES AT HOMER'S , No. ! W , Main Street , .Council llluHs. MEB.6EN HOTEL , Muin St. , Council lilitirc. Ni-artliu ( ' . , 11. .V lC' \ . . , M. ik St. 1' . , nnd P. , It. I. A1' , railway IICI > < IK. Stitot rain hu ilnor. Kvi-rytliltiK new and ur t 1'roprivtur uiu RUSSELL&Cd MnnuCucliiri'isor nil tl/csol AUTOMATIC ENGINES Especially ( le > l-rneil for Itunuinir , MILLS , GRAIN KLKVATOU8 , Tubular ami Louoiuotiro lloilciv. Ne\vMn sUlMi ( T lirosliors. Carey and XVitofllniry Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable ami Traolion Engines , SAW AULLJs , B'L'C. Factory MiisaHlon , 0. Branch Moiisfc 510 Pearl St. , Coiuu-ii SEND FOR 1886 ANNUAL. Northwestern Hotel. Xewly ( ItU'U uiul fmnishuil. Opp Irouh\itr ! : Dummy Depot. $1.00 | > er day. SAMlfKl. 'PATH , Vroi > , 1 , . 11. KEKS11A W , JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW PrarUces In Hint' nml OfuH/5. / Jlooms 7 ends * . Snitwil IS.odc Jlono. TllOfi. O1TJCCI- w. u. a. rutr.r. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , 184' . . ONLY HOTEL Iu Council illuffa havliitf Fir © iiiiKicin Impi-ovi'iiiunU , will Ijctlj , Ore aim in bcllf , tc. , Islho CHEST ON HOUSE I Nos. 15 , 217 ftiKl ? > ' > , Main Si root , MAX I'.T. MVV.NF A N Hir.70N J' . T. Ma/ifiic ctCo , Real Estate Exchange N > . Ill 1'JI ! S li-c''l , Count : ! ! Illulti , lo . Dc'iilcre In ( own , Kmuiw uiid Notirft-Iiij I.eml LOTS IN COUNCIL HH.U-TS AND OMAHA A SI'KUl Estate boiiuld ami. . MRS. D. A. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS. NO , 33 ? Bro < ulwny , Oouuuit/Blufik N. SCHUBZ , ; Justice of the Peace. C'oiiipnii } .