THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , DECEMBER 8 1835. M FROM THE STATE CAPITAL , General Manager Oallaway Details the Union Pacific's Condition , A REPORT to THE COMMISSION. I'ollovvcrt In Must In- llnlrl MIMI Intvi \ \ \ \ Trouble Various Cnp * lint [ rnoM mi. iitc" * u.vroi/ir neiiEAu.1 The following report \vii : received by the board of railway coitimls ioncM from fionurnl Manager ' ] < ivvH $ , of the Union I'ncilic to-ilii , - ) OMAHA , Dm. fi. O. II. CiKtti : , Knq. , Srerofnrj ) r Sir -I \H \ > U to ne- ktiowli-tlj.'o ret-clpl of your favoi of le- ) ci-nibi-r - i ) . 1'p to tin to tin- ' following disposition lius lici-ii ' made of .your recomiiirinl\tioiis : \ HO far its Improvc-iiii'iiU ' arc coiicuriicil. Waterloo All reroinnicmlntioiH fjrnnk'il ns nncM-mry tuitl ililntbl , and litoiiH drawn for " .111110. Valley -IMiini of a new dcj ot With nili < iiiaio | phitforiili hnVo boon made. Clonr Crook * Nanio Of Stillion chiiiigctl to Yntaii. U'itlioo Nt'W depot , ndditional ciili'- track , and othur improvements planned Itir. \Vcslon - - Iteconiniemlullont. . carried out. Valparaiso- depot and extciHlvo diiti"rfl : arranged for. HolmcsvilkI'ho clianpc of Irnok i-ros'uir } appro.ieli to luid o lia- < been planiiud , but a * . the change involves a 'liaiif5o of line for a long ilistancoand heavy work it cannot bu undertaken this M-n'on Ueatrien The company has made 11 I' plan for general impiovc- ment at tld&tallon. . David City I'roMing has boon put in. llenlon The minus ramiot convenient ly , , bu changed .to "Kiclilaml" o win ; * to llio fact of tlutro belnsj ty elation of that name on the Kansas division of tlii road. Tlio matter of the enlar oinenl of Ihu .stock yards at tliis point lilt's been investi gated and phin . drawn up. Columbus -Tho improvements recom mended at thi" > point are HOW tinder con- . -duration ( , and plans for tlio same are bc'niK made. IMatto Center- All right of way fencing asked for in this vicinity and other portions tions of the state have been furnished , and of llril iiialily. | Scotia A large new depot has been planned. North I.otip The vroijo ed extension of the road to Old will relievis thi- station Jiiatorially , and render enlargement nn- Shelton Cro > shg ) and walk recom mended have been constructed. Ivoarney CiossiiiK iccomincndcd at Hiirlinglon avenue Iw * been put in. Udc&saSide track has been moved sea a % to glvw room for a depot , grounds filled , and location given U > r elevator and coal . hcd. CJothonburg Stock yauls are built and oUeiibion ofide track in hand. The improvements pliinned out in the foregoinp , tinil other- , recommended by yon , will bo earned out as quickly as the resources of the- company will admit. Tlio operating expenses up to the end of last year show an increase of nearly $ " 00,000. indicating that the couipanj is doing all that it can bo icjisonably ex pected to do in improving the phjtical condition of its property. In rcgiiitl to our train service : As rec- ommumlcd by thb board , a first class passenger train , running between Lin coln and Stronisburg , was put on No vember 1j. ( Grain ! Maud and North I.otip trains will bo changed to run to Is' jith Loup at uightaml return to Grand Kland in the "morning as soon as the road is extended to Old and Loup City in tlio.ipiiiig. To do so before would neccseitato Hie building of 'engine houses at North Lotip tmd Howard , vyhich would become n = eless after the line is extended. Tlio followingelmngcs have been made in the taritli. referred to by you : Itisings On September X'l the rates nn cut Mono from llolmesville to David City wore uquali/ed by malting botli 7 } fonts ncrlOii pounds. .Shelby The fourth class rate from Omaha to this station has been reduced Jiom ill to HO cents per 1UO pound * . 1'latio Cuntor You wore incorrectly informed as to this company's tales on coal at this point and Fremont. Wo de liver Hock Springs oonl at tlio same car load rate to 1'latte Center as to Fremont. Silver Creek Grain rates from this station and Oscoln have been made the xnmc. Clnrks The rales on stone to this point have been satisfactorily adjusted. In respect to the charge that our local grain and MOCK rates to Omaha are equal , and in many instances in excess ot ho through rates to ( Jhieagii'I would state thatlhcre i no truth whatever in tlio charge. Our local rates to the Mis- .somi river are the oami } a ? our piopor- tlou of the through rales to Chicago. This is ul-o true in i expect to freight Irom the Missouri river to points in Ne braska. In regard to the complaint made in western portions of the state that wo charge the same price there for our HOOK Springs coal as is charged fmther east , wo think our position tenable. Taking in to consideration the cost of mining the oul , tlio banl over 4UO milea of mount- tuitions road , the cost of switching and hauling , the pricu ot fC.OOIn western No Imifekii allows , little or no margin , Ap preciating aa we do the Importance of nettling up and developing the Mate , by making no additional charge for the dis tribution of coal hmulred.s of miles fur ther cast , we tail to face where grounds for reasonable ) complaint can bo loiind. In regard to * thu general Mibject of ratea in KebnisUa this company de&iros to bring mime facts to the notice of your honorable body which it trusts may bo of Her * ice in your frequent discussions with tlio people of this xt.itc. The company now operates -1.-I0.1 miles of rend , and either controls or has largo proprietary Intel u tin l.iU'i miles , mak ing a total of : > , HOI. In thu operation of IhiM system thorn are employed nearly L'0,000 men to whom ate paid over ? ! . ' , - 000.000 annually. Having for its eastern termini llvn of the most impoitaut of the Missouri river i-ltlus , this mileagii U spread over the fitatej anil territories of Nebraska , Kan * Kttf , Wyoming , . Colorado. Montana , Utah , Idaho , Nevada and Oregon. Ac cording to the latest returns thu popula tion of these uino .states and territories vrsn but little more than ono-h.ilf thu population of either the otato of New York or Pennsylvania. In comparing the oo t of transporta tion cast and west of the Missouri rivuv it would seem but seasonable that this great disparity in the to.sources and pop ulation of the two sections should bo fully considered. It need * no argument to lUmionMratii that vijudb situated like tlio Nrnv York Centrul and Lake Shore & Michigan Southern , which carry the products of thu trans Missouri conn- trv to the lidti water , in addition to the enormous trailio of the intervening Mates , and thu valuable local business of the * latea ihiougli nhlch they urn , can work much clicatier per passenger , tind ] ior ton iH < r mile than van a linu like the Union i'licitio running thtoiigh a Epnrsely wittU'd country , m'urli ot which is dail > traversed by its trains tor linn- dreds of miles without supplving a sin gle | > asN > j > ger or a car of freight. Notwithstanding tbeso o cuptlonai conditions , this company' * rates havu been gradually reduccil until to-day the earningprr ton per mile upon llio Union division of the I'tiion Tactile rail- wavMone half of which lies n the Mate of Nebraska ) are very little in i-xwo of the rate eat tied upon the trunk llne 'a t of ( liieago , and art k-s.s than the r tc wr I6n fi'-r ' mile enrncil by the r.silro.uN of * neli old nnd p ( pulnns ( rlllllfri * B ( iret : ( Itrilnin. Krlgiifin , France and ( Jrrmany , fi will be ei'ii Iij * a ( icritnl of th6 follow- iiig tatiMicsv e . lvartintr ! < ? per Ion per mile , tnion di- \ision Union Prtcilic railvay , 18an to Veni. Mills Year. Mill' . isii-i . Vjsj | ; . . . . . .Id ] < ro . t | ss . ID 1S1 . 4IIS1I . IT Js7J . 'J4 I SI . 13 1ST ? ! . . , . 'Jilssi . IS JS74 . llttte. . IT 1H75 . . . , . . . .Wfls l . IP , 1510 . ' .lltsM . 14 Statistics for 1839 ( the latest obtainable ) give the average earnings per ton per mi In , In France , 1 ? mills ; Hilgium , 11 ; Germany , IT ; Great Itritain , 15. llnd ( lie trans-Missouri rates of been as high as has been so frequently , the fielghl earnings ot tlie sys tem would have ; ipi > ro.\imatcd lift.\ mil lions of Tlipy were but little over .sixteen millions. "In t * < T5 the earn ings per mile if rend olier.'ited by the Union L'wilio compnnv were over * ! - ' , - OiM ) . iii IbSI thc.v WITP eon-iderably le-ss than half this sum As is well known the earnings of the cormianv have the past few year * bcon tapiifly decreasing ; indicating that it is alieady sharing very largclv the ill ctlectsof the existing com mercial depression. Tlie.strviigof | the public" with relative fairness upon a lineot such magnitude ii one of tin * most porjilexing and dilllcnlt questions with which the eonipan.v's olll- cers have to deal , the mi rchauts of each locality. and each individual shimmr nat urally desiring to cnjn > rates winch ili - criminate in iK or his. favor. In the making of r.itcs it Is the endeavor of the company to so regulate tlmni ftom time to time as to deal justly and djslributu fairly the benefits nnd bindons jncident to its occupation , alwajj'.aking into con- -idcration the diverse and conlllcting in- teivstsof it niimeroiis jiatron5 ; , scattered as they are over thousand" ot mile * of territory. 1 amvlth , reflect , your obedient ccrvanl. S. 1 > . CM.IAWAV , General Manager. s-ri.Nr roi : nnvvv i > Ajivm > . Jcfl'Olass , one of the proprietors of the Windsor hotel , lia. brought * \i\l \ \ against hisjiartncr , Nat lirovvn , in the district couit. to recover s2."i)00 ( ) damages for pcr-onal injuries received in an as sault committed last week by the de fendant. Glass and IStown hav e had some trouble of late about their business rela tions , which culminated last week in a passage at anus , during which ( \\iis \ was knocked down and .seriously hurt. He has been confined to his bed ever since sti tiering with a lame back , hemmorrhago of the.Kidueya , and other internal com plications. TUP riHKMUN's UVNfl At the ball to be. given by Mtrgcr.ild Hose company at Temple hall , Christ awarded. The lirst will be a gold-headed cnno to thu most popular attorney ; second end , a china toilet set , to the most popu lar lireman ; tlfird' two silver cups , to the be t lady apd gentleman waltxers. Music v\ill bo furnished by the full opera house orchestra. CAI'lTOl , rilll'ji Slntc Treasurer Willard hiis his semi annual report nearly ready for = ubmis- sion to the governor. Secretary Itoggen has returned from his otlieial vi-it to the oa-tcrn salt fields , but has nothing of intciest to communi cate as yet. The school money * available for ap portionment this veur amount to : > Hi , ' , ' 15.87. There are ! ! o5 ! patiunts in the hospital for the insane. The total amount charired to countica for their care is $12.4'J.S. Douglas county heads the list with thirty-live inmates and Lancaster is second with twenty-seven. I' I' , Lanigan , treasurer of Grecley county , was in Auditor Uabcock's yester day getting > 4,0K ( ) worth of court'house bonds registered. t C1TV IlIMFfa. Henry Lizicli was run in by Marshal .Smith ye terday for writing scandalous letters about his brother's wife. Martin Poulick , a blackhearted wretch who has enlivened his spare hours by turning his feeble wife out of the house. was hauled up by the police yesterday , nml a promise ot belter behavior in ifie future extracted. Clerk Slyer , of the districl courl , is at work again after a short but annoi'Iug illness. The report of the city treasurer will be ready for publication .January 8. S/TA n : AHHIVAI.S. V. Fletcher , Crete ; Fiank L' . Lawrence , Utica , Joseph Tighe , BraiUhaw ; P. S. Heacook , 1'alls City ; Jnjncs A. Wood man , Omaha ; W. Meyers , Aurora : J. Maealitm , Unndilla ; L. 1) . Vo-.c , Fre. moutV ; , I1. Miicmaugh , Omaha ; M. A. Dun' , Syracuse ; W. G. Miller , Utica : W. G. Hue. Dawson Collins , It. II. Miller , Nebraska City ; ( J. Thompson , O. A. Pierce , Ashland , P. J. Nichols Omaha ; Z. F. Broth , York , Gov. Furnas , lirown- ville , Thomas Abbott , IMoomington ; Dr. Wells , Aurora ; Dr. Knapp , ( Jeorgc Hop kins , York. Death Decree * Divorce. Among the eil'ecU found in tlio trunk of ( lie nun who died mysteriously in tlio city jail. Saiurday night was a summons to appear in the circuit court of St. Louis , Mo. , on this date ( Dec. 7. ) and answer wherefore divorce should not bo granted his wife upon her petition. In the docu ment the deceased's namu is given as as Fredora E , Mack , and the petition er , his wife , signs her-ell Kato Mack. The petition alleges that the plaintiff married the defendant on June 10 , 1833 , in the city of St. Lpuis and that her life was rendered miserable by his drunkenness nnd failtiro to support up to September IS , lb'S3 , when ho dis appeared altogether The paper was found last night and Mr. Drexel at once telegraphed the tidings of thr defend ant's death. The coroner will hold the body a day or two awaiting the order of friends if such thcro are who care tulll- ciently to sec to its disposition. Over Uio Uiver. Hilly Trosller , the suspicion * character who has been it frequenter of the city juil for the pa l few days , was released yes terday afternoon. Hilly promicd faith fully to leave Omaha and never return , nmUi policeman was detailed to escort him to the depot und .see him safely acre s the river. A Mire cure lor Ulitnl nicinlliitr , Itching nnd L' fi'i-atcd Piles hua been ilNeovervil liy Dr. \Villlnius \ , ( mi IndUn remedy ) , called Dr. \ \ Illlanis * liulliiii Pile Ointment. A. hinslii box has cutetl the worst clnoiilc cases ot W or Ucar5Bt.inalnB. ) No one nc a biilfer live iiiinutes after iijiiilylns tlsivvomlerful booth iiifiiuaiclnc. . Lotions nml InstninieiiUdu iiiora haun than Koutl. Wllliania' Indian Pile Ointment nbsoitistlio tumors , allays the inteiiso Itihin ? , ( | > aitlculailj at alula after petllna VV8IU1 in bed ) , nets as a poultice , irlves Justaiit lellef , anil is iuji ixi1 only for Piles , Itchlii , : of private parts , mid foi nothing else. SK1X DIHKAHKH UUKKD. Dr. Fiazler's. ituslc Ointment cures as by niftiilo , PhiiiilM , Jlhick Heads cr ( JruK JMoiehes and hi iijiUons on the face , leav Ing tlie skin rleai and heaatiful Also < viuvsltch. j'i1/,11.1"/ ' ; ° , to NIl'i'fi. ' ' ! Bore U | > s , ami OKI Obstinate Ulcois. Sola by drii Uls , or malted oa icceint or . Iti-tallfd b > - Kiilin .t Co. , anil Schroder & lloelit. At wholesale by 0. 1 * , UooUnun , Fulconer will sell dress good * Monday cheaper than they can l c nuwufaetua-d. THE PROMISE OF PARNElL , President Egan Gives 'A&suranco of Its Faithfnl Fulfiillrtent. THE COMING IRISH CONVENTION. The Idcn of n J'nctlonnl CiiithcrlhK nnit IrUti-Ainerlcnn Dl'srnslon Itelinkcil A llmljjct of Slntc Spcclnls. TJir Vl ll > f rnrncll. LncOLN' , Xcl > . , Dec. T. ( Special to the lHt.J : Tlio attention of PatrU-t Lean , pit-si- dent of the IiMi Natldiial Lcazuc , vvas i-alled b > .Miur cdir " ' | > oinliliil , llil.n uvetilnif , tn the HKK'S j > oclnl from New York , vlilch aniiounciHl tint Pnrnell vvoatil not ntlcad the Nntioiinl conventinn In tildcticn and lull- Hinting , ( lint considerable bail feellntr v\ould prolmbly Imoxprt'ssrd at that tlimv lu ie ) > ly to IntcrroiratiiMi" a to his aitvlsOs on ilic mnttcr , Jli Kcaa Mid ; " 'lite jtiiteiiii'iit that 31r. Pnrnell will not mint1 over K t uni sure , uieic ixmjwtnre. lie ban promt'cd to come. 1 Know he Is nn\icm < to come , ami I believe helll come , liiniivmio Hire1 df the very U t men or the party v\lll ccitnlnly Iw i'nt otcr. The statement that the lord major-eltvtipf Dublin , T. I ) . Sullivan. Mr. Hi-aly or Mi. T. P. O'Coililoi c'Mild not coinu on ( lofiiittit of each of these gentlemen he lm : oleeti-il for two ciiiistllneiieles Isnlis'ird. The new parliament v\lll meet about the second Thursday In IVbinai v. nml whoever eoiiu-s over \vlll have ample tune to m-ttuok by thiil time. With ix-pinl to the leporti'il fartloiitsm , 1 hnveouly to . .iy thai Iheie are sniiiPiiiiTerriH-i's iiiiionic t tlieliNli- . \uitMlriii > , jiHt as Iheie nre In vnrfous Anii'iiiMii patlv otpanl7ati ! > iis. but , tortit- niitely , they nre cnnuueil almost en- tiiely to New York. Taking the Irish. AmerliMii element as n whole It Is united on lids It Mi national question as It has ncvei helot u been , mid I haveeveri leasoii to expect tlml the tiiioneh- | iup convention at Chicago will he ascvciy otlici convention sluretliecominencciiieiit of this movement has been a model ol older , M-lf re < icct , luinnony anil ] iittiotlc devotion to the cause or Ireland. " Hi'iiifj iiie | tloiied In lecraid to the icsiili of the Unulisii elections , Mr. Kau ) lepllnl that lie felt nssiucd of tlio MICLCSS of PnriK'U's plans. Continiilni : , he said : "Kven should iln Gladstone haven small majoiltv. which now seems highly hnim > l > - able , the Irish party , bcliic all vvotkers and men \\liu will ' t.'ij eonstautl } by tlie house of coiinnuns , cntild worry his govciiiiiionl nml absolutely dictate their own terms. 1 consider that the lesult of the present election practi cally proclaim * the 'termination ot Knirllsli itile la Ireland tlirotig-h the medium ot an parliament. ' ' Geneva Havinu a Itoom , (5rsiv.v. ( : Xeb. , Dec 7. [ Special to thu UnK.J ( traders on the railroad Hue fiom Fairmont to ( Jeiieva commenced wotk at the Geneva end of the Hue thb moinhij : , and they have been at work on the Fairmont cud for scvcial days. 1'vcrythin ; In ( Jeueva is boimiit < raiid om prospeeta sre immense. Pealiod ) , Scott tv Co. started their elevator one week nu'o to-day , and another huver com- ml'iiced work S.itmday , so competition is brisk. _ Thrown from u Train. Xnmivsif.vCtrv , Xet > . . Dec. T. [ Special * o the Uir.l : James MeAIcer , a iiroiuiiient Brain merchant of Unadllla , > 'cl > . , while tiy- 1m ; to pet on thoeasthoiiiid tialu from Lin , coin this afternoon at P.ilmvi.i , while in nio- tion , was thrown -.iulently ' to the giuiuul striking Ills face on the track , making quite a severe thouch not setiott.s v.ouiid. The train was stopped and the wounded man lakeu on board and left at his home. A Horse Tail Bobber. Xi.itnASK.x CITY , Xeb , , Dee 7. [ Special to theIJii.J : : At Tecumseh Clunley Urown was yesteiday bound over to appear at the district court of Johnson couutj in the sum ofil.OOi' ) to answer to the charge of bobbing the tails of two fine horses , the piopcrtv ot the Uev. Mr. Wood , of that city. I'rnlrio Vires Hcportcd. Li.VfOi.v , Neb. , Dec. 7. [ Special to ( he IJnn.J It Is repoitcd here that n destiuctlvc prairie fire Is now rasing in the westeni part ol the state in the vicinity of Logan. Xo particulars obtainahle-here at present. A Failure at Hastings1. HASTINGS Xcb. , Dec 7. [ Special to the linn. ] A. N'oolinan , hoots aiid siun-s , as. signed to tlie sheriff this inorniiig lor the benefit of his creditor" . Condition ijf busi ness unknown. A. Urcvvery Burned. \Vu.DUJ ! , Neb. , Dee. 7. [ Special to th0 UEK.J The bicvveiy of M. B. Hokufl here hunied last niirht. The loss is complete , es tlmated at 5'0,0i . insurance , unknown. THU COIjX'jriJUS UKAt'TV. iMinnic Dcslincr anil bor Strange C6n- ilitlou A 1'liysiclan's'icw or the Case. A reporter for the IKC ! met lr. Ell- wood , of North ISend , in tlio 1'axton ro tunda last night , and in the course of a conversation with him gained onic in teresting points about the Columbus won der , Minnie Dcshner. The young lady , the public will doubtless remember , lias for more than a month lam in a sort of trance , neither speaking or moving about. Dr. I'llwood has just arrived from Columbus , and while in that place made a careful examination of the giil'f. condition. ' Yes " ho eaid when , , questioned by the reporter , "I managed to i-tio the young lady , though' 1 had some difliculty in procuring entrance to the house. The papers have made &omo falr-o and ridicu lous statcmenti about the cafe , the doctor * have become over pressing in their attention , and the people. In overpowering curiosity , paiutully obtin- sivo. So the old gentleman hah con cluded to bar out ropoitero , doctors and the public , nnd none Ihtt the intimate friends ol the. family arc allowed to .see the joiing woman. Audi don't blaiiio the old gentleman tor bolng mad. Ono of.lho piiperc , for instance , .stated thai the house vvhiiro the Dcshncr family liv'ed was a dirty Dutch hovel , and that the girl had lain in a lilthy condition , without a change of clothes for four weeks. When 1 met Mr. Deshner , nnd told him what I wanted , ho wnR Inclined to bo crabbed and savage. The first thing ho said to mo vvas , 'Well , I suppose jon have coimi to teethed dirty Dutch hole , phf I pacilied him the best I uould and then went in to take a look at Ids daughter. ' ' 1 want to say here that ncarli every thing that has been written about the case is rroneous. The gem raj Impress sions entertained are in the main decidedly wrong. In thu first lilace the girl is not asleep any moro you aio at the present , ( line , It is true that she has her hours of .sleeping , but most of the lime she is in a stale of what tin family call waking. In this hitter condition slio hrcathoa regularly and her cye.s twitch noLTuusly all the time. Mio requires food , the anio us you or I do , but enls as often as every three IIOUH. She sits up and Mvalluns mill ; leiuonado ami scraped npplc , etc , without aiii difliculty. Once in a while she will icfuso a certain variety of food us though it did not pleasu her , When eho drops oil' lo slwp , she vvill 4nnro regularly , and her every in- Mention will bo that of a person In Uio rcposuof blumlxir , She lies in u loom oft' the Kitting room , U hen ruin enters thU apartment and t > ros the young lady lying on tlm bed in thu far cor nor , his lira liu- prej ion is that thobodyisa corpse. . Hut tht. idea iii teen dUjicircd upon closer in vestigation. " : "How do you necoimt for the rcmark.i- Me condiliotK of thi * Anting woman * ' "Hi my opinion , "he i ? suflering with R case of hysterlc-ratnlepsy a hy tpric liter or catalepsy. Tliests fftsc arc imitc com. fnon and are generally curaolc The patient ought to have careful medical treatment , and in the event that he does the recovery U cenerally hastened , ( Jenorall.v , however , the afflicted person come * out all right in lime -the period of Ihc trance extending in , ome caocs to mnnv months Oco.iMonallv a Violent .shook , such as that of a battery , or Uio application of hot vvater lodill'erentparts of the body , vvill bring the patient to Jiis seizes by suddenly arousing htm. Yes , the .voting woman in question appears to be in a. state of absolute insensibility to pain. You can iiriek he Ilcsh violently with a pin or a sharp instrument and die will never wince , nor will any move ment indicate that she feel * the pain " i "You think she will recover in time , then ? " I "Ye * ; I am confident that she will- that ! If her condition is maintained us i at present She appears lo be in a per- I feetly healthy condition. Since the mo- [ incut she first lati ed into the trance tale , forty-three days airo. she has not lost a single pound Her llesh is not I marble-like , as ha4 been stated , nor is ii I llabbyor spongy , but U normally linn I and moist. When I examined the gitl her pulse was regular and sound at SO , with temperature USHitnl respiration ! * < . | The action of the heart is regular. Hie I are healthy and the bowels I move regularly. In fact , as I have al ready said , I could lint discover a s-injlo al'iioinial symptom Thc c featured of the Vase inspire in nit ) the eonlideiice that the young lady will pull out all righl in time. 1 think when she does recover that hei faculties will resttiuo their wonted condition that she will be as bright and liealtliv and active as ever. Medical attendance * No , shu has no regular alteudant physician I think thai if her father would turn the patient over to some * competent practi tioner , relief would come much sooner. IJut as it is Mr. Deshucr refuses to allow any phvsician to ns < nituo control of the . " case. _ _ t Teas. The ( incst ' tin colored .Tujian Tea in Omaha. ( ! rauil Union Tea Co. Sign Hig bteam Tea Kettle. You can buy furniture cheaper of A L. Fitch ACo. . , 12th St. , bet. Farnam and Douglas , than any other place in the city. Bargains , Bargains Bargains in Cloth ing at B. XUVVMAX & Co' * . A s-pecial inducement will be given at Klgutter's mammoutli clothing house iiu- til December ' . ' .Mli. ' Every person vvill bo able to wear El- gulterV line clothing. A special reduc tion until December 23th. 1001 Farnam street , corner Tenth. Stylish Portland and swell body cut ters at low prices , at Novelty Carriage Works , corner 10th and Chicago. A TOUGH GANG. S UMiicious Strangers On tvvitt oil by Mr. C. McDonald uiulllis Imly Clurkn. For several weeks back a gang of suspicious individuals have been making almost daily visits to the store of Cha > . McDonald , opposite the Paxton. From the windows of. tlie latter place they have watched the store , nml generally visited it when Mr. McDonald was away , .sometimes goiiiglhero at 7 o'clock in the morning wneti tlie store was opened by the boy. They have never made any purchases , although they examined about every .suit and cloak in tlie assort ment , always giving as a reason that the party they wanted the garment for iva out of town , or was commie into town , or some oilier transparent tale. Latterly they introduced a female confederate , who with Them carried out tlie umu scheme of trickcr.v , in which she vvas discovered by Mr. McDonald and his lady " eleiks. A "week or more ago Mi McDonald informed the police , and the hitter tried to catch the fellows but failed. In the meantime Mr. McDon ald's clerks and him-olf were wailing and watching for auother visit of tlio suspected people , establishing an under standing with the police headqiiartere that a certain telephone , mcssags couched in modiste language should be sent to the latter place in case of their appearance Yesterday morn ing the gang , three in number , appeared early. The ladies and Mr. McDonald were piepared for them. The former engaged them in conversation and Mr McDonald sent a telephone to the jail to the effect , "Your dress is ready ; coiuo and get it. " Some minutes elapsed , the police did not come r.nd tlio gang wont out. They were followed to the .door by one of the ladies , who , noticing Ofliceis Whalen and Mat/.a coming , beckoned to them lo hurry , and then pointed to the crowd going into the Paxton. A chase took pluck. A fellow going bv the name of Barren was arrested in the ollicc , and one named Maher was found in a dry goods box in the alley. The ( bird es caped. BHITOII vvas hero nt tlit > Ilnnrj- Fell pri/o light and sailed uniter the name of Jim Morgan. He is a slick and hard looking customer Last evening Judge Stenberg released lho.meu , with instructions lo leitvo the city at once. _ MOST PEfFECT ? MADE Prepared with njjecl lri ! ril tt > lieil * . Nu Ammunta. . IJonor Alum PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , WHAT WOMAN WAMT3 IN SHOES : l , Close-fitting andOraceFul * hoe. _ iHo orture. Easy av first , and afna/s snug anJhandsome , ALL THESE DESIDERATA SHE CAN FIND Id _ Th6Wtebraieti "J. _ T , Cousins' New York-Shots."olallkinds and matenalsjn 14 m'dUisand fOsfapt3 o foes and heels. They witi not rip ; mllnot slip at tfie'fesff will not wrTnTiJg , 'andjare the perfection of achieremelii TiTtiie sfiotmatcer'3 art. Look on Solsi ( or Kun * nd Addrttt ol J. & T. COUSINS , wnw YORK , ' BUSY , BUSTLING BLAIRITES , Railroad Connections Improving Their Traffl Accoraodations. An 1'xccllent U'nto.r Works Sjstcni 1'iojccicil 1'nokliiR House Tlio Political FiKlit nitiltlie Itcsitlt A Ijaily lo tiijltrc' < . HI.AIK , Neb. , Dee 7. [ To the IMitor. ] It has been tome tiflie since our last visit to this place. While there ha" not been a rapid grow th , the litlle city still shows steady advancement and perma nent improvement. Business is active considering the fact that farmers are still busj in the corn Held * . Crops in this county are reported evei llent Much stock will bo fed aud fattened here this winter. The powerful arm of the Chicago o > Northwestern rail way company is plainly seen nnd felt hero 'in railroad matters. Instead of one mived train each way a day , as of yore , there is n cmi'taut nimble of pacing irains. many of which are loaded with cattle Irom the While 15'iver eotinlrv. and with the lmmen > > o trallic of the Klkhorn valley , both roads now have first class i n etiljcr scrv ice. 'Hie old Sioux City A : I'acitie and the Klkhorn Valley lines now \riin elegniil sleepers daily to Chadioii. nearly live hundred miles northwest fiom here. Among the improvements worthy of notice Is the Danish Kvnnirelieal Lutheran college , which has been lo- caled herand ! is-said to be the lii'st of that denomination in the United States , The first building quite a line and im posing structure located on an elevation northwest of the citj ! < > approaching completion. The city i moving in the right direc tion in establishing a firM-ela' " . system of ' water works. Fairbanks iVCo' , of St. Louis , me tin. contractors , and have llio work nearly completed The test vvill probably IK > made some day this week , i'liere will be about four and one-half miles of water mains to stall with , to which more vvill be added next year. The supply vvill bo from twenty-four gal- Viunzua pipe wells driven 100 foot deej ) . The < vatcr is clear as crystal and it is thotiglil that lite supply will be inex haustible. It will be forced to two res ervoirs on the top ot the south hint ! ' , which is about 200 feet above the main portion of the city 1 learn that parties here , of which Mr. II. B. Dexter and a Mr. Wilkin-on are the principal movers , are about to estab lish a packing house of considerable ca pacity. This is a much needed institu tion here , and Hie farms of this county can readily .supply the stock. Among the new" institutions here is the Blair Saving" : bank , recently started , and now in full operation , with a capital of ! ? 100)00. ( ) Heavy capitalists both hero and abroad , are among the incorporator- ' and stockholders. There was an adjourned let m nf the district court held here bj Jud o W.ikely in November , and we heard a citi/.on re mark that it was a term for the relief of siifi'u'ing humanity , a.s no les than six divorce ca es were tried in one da.v. We learn that the recent political con test in thi county was as usual , some what spirited , and resulted , as has been reported , in a complete republican vic tory , the niajorilies on the state ticket being about ti.'O , and on the county ticket rangingfrom a. " > 0 to Tx''i. This K .said to have been Ihe lii'st timi for many years that the entire republican county ticket lias been elected. This is aid to be due to the fact that the unsavory Frank Hil- ( on bolted the convention and withdrew amid storms of applause , and with his area I personal influence and hi * wife's Pilot supported the democratic ticket. The joiing Indv recently appointed po'tmlstress a Miss Clark has been duly installed and everj thing about the ollicc looks tidy and comfortable. A little-change in Ihe management of Iheliotels hero would not injure the iep- ntation of the place. So.ioi'iiVr.K. 25 YEARS Eft USE. The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age ! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Ijonsufuppciitc , Uo reacoKl1'ainln the licnil , nlili n dull en'i tlon In Ili back pnir , 1'alo unr tbo ehouldrr- blailr , L'ullncafl after eJllnir , with adU- Inellnatlonlo exertion of bodr orralnd , Irritability of temper , I.OTV spirit v , vrltti n fccliatol UnTliiff ucelcclcil eoruo duty , VV > * rlurM , Dirtiness , Fluttoiinirnt the I'.onru ltotItofurotho crca , llcadachv over Ilm right ore , RoitlnsnBMa , with fllfal drciiino , Hljhly colored [ ! rlaracd CONSTIPATION. TCIT'S FiljtiB ar cspeciallr atlnyitml to such cases , ono dnsa olTotts Hiiuti it cljanprooffeelliipr.'nto.istonlolitlicsiilTfirr. Tb T Increase t lie Ai > peUr , nacau clb bodr < o Tnlte oi J'loli.thin th tyrtcm Is nonilslicrl.ana liyllielrTnjiln Action oa the lMuntlveOrsmn.Itti : l' > rHtoolsaro yj. 1'rlcoartc. i-t TUTT'S EXTRftGT SARSiPfiRiLLA Hon'jvatc-i ibe body , makei ) t > altliy Dot > . strengthens , tli vrrok , repairs the vciMn of VtiesjfK-ni irlth pure Mmnt unJ hard mu clc ; 1/oae.t the m-rt'Oiu Kjstein , InriKoruteE tlm brain , and Imparts the \ijor vl tnnnhooU. 81. K < , I.I hrdritirKbiH OV.VICK 4 i .Uiirrn ) hi , . New Vork. "CANDEE" ARCTICS WITH DOUBLE THICK BALL. Two Years TEST. The "CAMPIS" ItcEEir. Co. fire tiiii < .r nb. Mr tlian be ouulned elcenkcre fcr tbo aioner. with their preat liaproTcmtnt of the UOltniJ : THICK 1UIX. Tn i eilra IliUL-iifig ol rubberrijrhtuuliflueUt : _ < lElrM J 3Ull.i ! : H K1H. A > l to ttf tie "CASDEE" DaaUe Thlcfe I3all tlaUt > c In liootB , Arulii , OTfr = liuc ? , AlJSLai , Jzc. A Common Sense Idea AiJXT ( ! , 151'J DOUGLASSTHKKT Omaha , Proporals for R il fttte , Sealixl | nt > po n.sMll1 lo n--cnu-l by Ilm tliT lgm > U until i o i lock p. in. , ilunJ-iy Ubi' bo--l-t l > s"i , rnr the loliowln tUsuriLeil \ ii-tnti'flt JKt ( l fin I oil. 1' . l or. , or l > oilu mlit Kit i-ntli Hin | r-ochy of Onmlirt. and knonii nn Uio Dodtf ht. Mlnxil rroport ) until loui : uii I | i | i-k I , I , Tito Hoard iui-en-0 * iLo il lit In ro- jul uny-ml ) III U. llj o Uerol tlm I uuid of ' i CNOVtiitiixrelry OT di'N * DIRECTORY _ _ Life Insurance. C. T. TAY 1.011 , General A pent NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. Tor N > lirn kn , Colorado nntl Wj-omlmr. Onilt ! . c-oriKT Ulli nnd Ihitli'lns. * Ifue the liopulnr Tontine | > olirlC3. Af ct ovr $ ( v X' ' . Fire Insurance. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS , 211 South Tlilt-terntli Mtwt. Ti'loilioiie ) No : < K\ \ Noitlirni AMiinnm < ( V , lnil'in , Rnelnnd. iirlont ln uiiintoro. . llnntonl. i nnn. t'nlon Insiirnnoc * Co , Siin rratifi'coj'nl. Nnllnnnl fin > lii uriuici'Co. . llnrlfoni.ronn I'iit ninn'f t'unil lil IV . S i x n. Htn\'nnii , Provident Savings Life Assurance Co of Ntm Voik. 107 South Vourti-i'i Ih Slrri't.Omalia. C1irnn-it | Instintiicp ever nllrrn.1 ! > r nn"ol ' line' tonipany. .Vrtuiil morn n jpirli it > durlnr tluienlonil-tfyiux tH , I * * ! ntid lnt > , : it HP 10 , lor Sl'i.ftnj ' , ni.s DRY GOODS. , f. c. ixi\vou : > . Dry Goods , The rlt'Kmit InioK eornorMore.i'M nnfl Ciinij Intr * tn et . lini j l him opened ltli a BCiienil slock or clnpli1 nnrt 1iutc.v ilry iriKiiU. IJIMII , | IO - lint1cnps. . elino . vrorkinv ilotliontid n full line nf iitiilnx'lolliliiR. Tin- l > ot ituallty nnd llio lo it prlCP' " . lull unit FOC. WLLINERY- MKS. K. KIUUT , Milliner , At H/ON lOlli < t. , isilolnir n thriving IniMm's * tn millinery nml liini'.v iroixl > , anil nlm kwpsn mini tier it cmiilou p liu voa Im1lr * ull mnl drof-sinnkinjr. rnMiln'inible mill M > lisi | cti lie hud lit Mrp. Klclil lei neij - , low A tilulonlut sntbllfs nil unit nt'iiu-s pntiiHint'r. MilS.M. . 31. K1XO , Millinery Goods , Tor nn > thitijr In lite mllllnpr.v nnd faney jror l < linojuii i-nnnot ilo botti-rtlinn lo pnlronlre > lr < . JI.M. Kin /'lll Cumins Pt. Tlio Idlest ft > lo .ltio tnoet lii'iuitlfnlurk und tliucry lo t-l in GROCERIES. ALHE1ST H. SA > MEUS , Grocery&CrockeryStore Is tlio plnoe fortlio veoploof JCoithweM Oinnlin totr.iilo lirx'utlsi' it is central ! ) located , : il llio eotm-ror t'uinlnir nnd Pnundcrs s | . Tin ? stot'lc is thu best nnd tlio pilcw us chunp in nny. \viixr.iiT : , Grocers , Tlil-fliin enriles n eholco fre'h Mock nnd n liu-Ine < on tlio smallest profit * , anil li It ha" a MB trade , liny join procciles near home and not n mile or two mt ay. No 17 0 Cum- 11KXI5Y 1KLLN ) % CO. , Stapled Fancy Groceries rit-ldand fJnrdon SooiU. Southwest corner ICIli atul CallfoinU sti-vcts. S. GOLDSTEIN , S , Groceries , Fruit , Feed. liil denier In poultry nnd nil Kinds of pi rue Ojse-r | In sinson. ( iOOK di'Uvt'iO'l frto at nil hourfc. . Uold-tcln , " 111 So. 1'Jihtioet. . fancy Groceries , Flour , Eecd , Etc. J'nulm , Vrc-k Ilntior and KBffs n epocinlty This i , inin \ * loni , ' lieen nntcd us llio lending one in tliolr line tot tlio tlitnl ward Inulc. Alu-iiys en teipilslnirnnil iii ] to the timelth plenty ul ov- IT } thine Hint N ( rood kept constantly In stoik. Hooi 10th nnd Ioil3t' Slicct. GENERAL STORES. I' . 51. BACK & CO. Store. Thisiion'oJnrnlilicsjoin Roods ncnr hemp , Ifjon llvoln Ponlh Ornnha , s-o ilnit wl.on } ou RCI n HIOIIB si/.o In , i lump chimney 01 n Mrmig ) > oniutol butltr , Jon wont 1 3 forttd to wnlk n mlle nnil ( jot nin oicr 1 > \ tlit'i-nri. to tret it c.x- clinnseil. 1120 II''nnd Hit S Tthtl. L. C. KNKV\'OLD. \ At the Ilrnd of PJ. Mm 3 s AVPIIUO , Is hiich u ilvolj linslnc's In Dry G-oods , G-roceries Menu , nnd Hnnlu art ) , thut tic is about to tinlld nnothor ! r.t of rinrclo nei.uniinotl.ito ItU rnplhl lylnvrcflMnqr trnd' Wlint nf id sonvi Is tlirroln u man uoliiK 11 mile nwny fnnn MhPro ho llvch to buy , uhfii inuioMirviutiit'lound iniieh ohuupor KotKls tnn bo buiight light nt lHiiiie''Tlicii- iiono ; honuu tlioiols iciiton foi Jr. ! prosperity. TKCE3 IsTB W House Furnishing Store Cot ICthund noiiitiisieot. { ( .M.iItlCIIKXIiniiG , 1'iojiilctor. Hn Just received a now MO'jk or KtiKlNli iluco- lutednreto ! > e sold nt llio liillovvhu pi tees Winner betN , ISOptecoa , f 11.23 Ten fulls , M plui-e , $ " > li'i Tollut ft'tt . 10 nloci3 , $1 ItniRllhnny I.ITIIIB : | , liom fW up IliiiMiflull l.iiinps , liom jj 5i' , niul n number of null In lit \crj low BOOK STORES. OMAHA PUKLISlliNCi CO. Books and Stationery , II * K. Mill Rtr ( > t , Itellajoii' liooVs a tjwlalljr. DRUGS ] PrescriptionsIPerfumery I ATIXT : MKDKJINIJS , CTC. Corner ttorc. Musoulu Hull. WJI. Ci > r. Dwlo'diiiul Iv'lh .Sttcols , Drugs , Medicines and Chemicals Fancy "ml tolloi nrtleloi , Hpiinico , lliuilien , ririiniiory. etc. I'lijfiul.inprtM riptu > iisc.irn- lully conipiniudid , mid urdcra uuBiterint nllli inro und dlj | > atoli. Our Mock ul miullclnu \ cuinelflo , lyiirifttitect uonulno nurt or the ) H t quullt . llty.W. . J. WHITEHOUSE , ICth AND VVKflSTlitt &T3. Druri" , rnlnt , OiU tmd Siationbry , KnioiH l'iln Uliitriicnt uuro * uvury time. J'Jco tu tenle. U - trv loV naituJ. LIVERY STABLES. " 5 > . A. CO1.MXS. Livery Stable , No. 2IOCVinlnr lrtct The Icmlinir fctiirr < > ( tliHrAit'llont stnblii i ft < lui-ry. but iifinxln. department In whlrh irrpnt winl l clvrn | the liin'riHnpfit lior c . A Mwk of lior * * for oilo or ( ! iclianit > NA III l > o krpt nn linnd lh > n't forsct Iho I'lnoo , nnulni. sttvpt , Xo aiw. LIQUORS. _ _ _ JOHN KKI.KK.NXKV , lH-Uor III Wines , Liquors & Cigars , Wt Sjutli inth St. K * NT In nttrmliinfe. A. II. SXOWDKX , Choice Family Liquors , Vorcholoo ( nmlly ll < iuor nnd wlnw for rook ( iikr pin po-i , Ninr Mn'li VVIii > kt vinr.vlnnd II ) i > , I'lno liiimittcd llrnndlro. Ale nml l'oilrrvl lt or si-ndtoA. II. bniin-ilpnXot ! S. 11th St , Omntm TAILORS. J. C. VAl'OK , Merchant Tailor , JsKti-oiith Sttwt. A. KALLS1I , Fine Suits to Order , KtiKli-h unit I'li'iii'li siillln-j pnnls pMttirn < , fcllit - , the 1'INI.sT , J.IO AMI I I'\V Mills ! HATIkl'VI TIIIMII . \T\TI.III IN KV I 11V < V < l UllUI't Mll- ohnntTiillorincc tiilill luiunt Hinili of runinni t. JH illircivnt p.utpni" in uoods to litini. Cnll nnd \nmm' ! floods. Ill-nil ) done. 3W S. Htli , lf > HX KKIJVAX vV CO. . Merchant Tailors , . Piiltsfroni3)lip Ili-st uoods to wU ot from. A 111 nlHn.VhKiiuninttiil VVo inul.o n iieelitltv ol jriHid iliniib'o linsJni'SS nlt . llit t lilnnnlnir iiinl tli t flu- " < irU llcpiililntr ni-nlly dono. DRESSMAKING. MltS. DRESSMAKER , 1tn < c < tiililUlu > d lu-r < > ! ounnl ilit-s < inakln > r pile- lor * In tint n n hnlMln > r ( HX'Uiu luif llinS. VV. corner of St. Mint' nvtnnd 1tb nt , lindn IniwMixpFrk'npo ' In tlio dns ninkinirdo- ] iurtlni > ntsiir the mosi fiiininiiniinuriptiuf IH In .Ve \ ork i U ) , mid nslnjj > . T TavIor'Rveiy superior .jti ni of cuttliiL' . clu > fn-U ublo to Ktinintilt.'C 'iitl'.fiictlon The best of rofrrenccx. l.udlfs air invited to mil. DRESSMAKING- . Miss K'AXNIKK. DOWXS , Hnsn Uiifopxprriencoiis n pmfosslonal drc * - mnki-r. sattsliictlon Is Khoii to all , l > oth In ) irer ! > ntul uoikniunMilp , rail nnd luivo n fe , nilnulc * talk fov that oo t nothing , nnd yon inn ) nvtMiiml ( hum nnd have betlci work by Midoln . No 111 N slrcot , east sldo , Itot. CMpltol A\i > and Uodcostu-et * . MIJS. J. KXOTK , Dressmaker , Ha' a IMVJ.-CMUHI Inuicn-ln lupines ; in dii'Fs- iimKInt' . Viilt Inir nml 111 HiiL' . ttelnv cl ! Known ain siiiu iloi anil lapeilimced mnl.i t ol liulloV MI Iti' , nn utiundniuooriiUfliieos i-nsllysi-oiirt-il - dill or address ns Hliovn nnd the most prompt. mtiMilipn will bo Hironled. MKS. L. J. Fashionable Dressmaker' No. 1000 P.iveiiport Sheet. South .Ship , He- Ivvet'ii KUli niul 17th. ORlntr to my Iniirely lnrica lnjr liiiMnes" , I huvo linen obliged lo iiuiku ilii" clmnpo of resi- d nce , an I am piepnii'd lo meet lill my old cii1- toiiicis and us many new ones as may come. I tfuarantee peilct lit nml entire satisfaction. RESTAURANTS. n. riTiissix's : : DINING HALL. \Vnti anted the host cnp of eoffeo In the elly Meaieannot hcen.iiaU ! < d Hoard liyllic neelc 91 ; ( hurli-menlS.- jH'dplf dally In atlemlai-ee , not srithet reel. MKS. S. WILSON , ! l'.l NICth Mi eet. near Ilnrt , Restaurant , Cigars Axn COM-I.C noM.nv. Mcnlslooidur , A laiffep.Uitmxo liom icsnlar btunler4loentadnenr : tintfient - inlhond ( .lioji * Hint tlio NToit fMoindopot. lloonih ciin lie t e- cuii'il In this ] ) iut of town elu-ajicr than hi any ether lespectabli-1 ( .itlon in Omaha. The American Cafe , 503 SO. ini'II STUKKT , XKAK HOU'AUD. Ladles' nml ( lenllomru's Meals well cookc'd , well ieasoned nud well porvcd. Hull suppers n specl-ilty. llocird nml UckeU , $1 licit cupor coITee In the oily. J , W , Jones , Ha anill fnrulshod , ucll kept , tidy muse nt Xo ITI'i Ciimlmr * . , tiniU all who L'lvo ilm tx trial nlll Inirornlitri-uMmnL-is HodOM its own cooklnv and hU \ \ Ifo atli-ndn to tlio rue- taurant , licnrotherr Is Ilr-t cla s fine unU eio- us H BlioiiM IJP. , 16th St. RESTAURANT CHAS. n. WEBSTER. Prop , Tlm nf ntoM ami lies ! romlnrted c-iiNIno hi tue northcin parlol IOHII. TO us for out M < vk. Ho. irr ; JOth nearriilean til. The Morris Restaurant s llio veiy l > osl patln' ' house In the city , Try It mil ) ou " 111 bo KUIsllril , Tlikct * for SI monls n..j. lluuul liy tlio tveoK . ! UJ. McaU , - , o ooch. 16lh Bet. Douglas and Dodge Sis MltS.J. P..IJ1M.UPS , Restaurant Hns Just taken tlm IMIXK mid < > ommnUiou res , uiu.ini , Itn.itU at Nn. trias IMi hi , , Hiulnwj llteil it up with a tlno ronlLt liuiiurj htnml in Ilm rout , ulillit tlio i Ulicliui i und illnlyi , ' room H nest comiiU'tcly ruinKliod. Tlio rnlcs are : 'Ui < jiur ui-li Jur ilar honnl , KKW , Union Restaurant , YilJVo und l.nuuh roiim , J . ' 17 Jlnnicy tl. , lict L'lli mil lltlihlb. liiiiit ) : lln.i.or K\ : II AT Al.t , MDKI1H. . Dny llUHld ft M I.IKl J | per tc k. ilrn , Wnllor , I'rojirlotuM - . OLD VIC'S Restaurant , ill „ Ktli street. ictturn r.inmiii mid Uom-liu , Sols thotctl tn- illin thu city , > ltal > : it , il $500 Reward 'or n lirttot nip of conro than cuu IH > hnil at Ilia 'nmuiii l.nilles nnd ( iunu roiiunmit. ( > ) brra M I ifUlly. i\ract : | Irom hill oflarc : lUc d.liul- ir und poutoi'4 t-oru-d lth yll mem uml o/ir ( Knurs : l'oiu < r 1 ou- hti-.iU' xj , ilioko rlbMi'uU f * . i-lrloln Mc > k _ < i ! . iiiiitlon eliopg l'i ) , porlc hopk l' e , hiifn und iv r > o. llix-r and Im-on LAI , nd iilhinx In piojMirtlan ol tUth ureot. > . U Smith fc Co. , l'ru | > rletur *