THE OMAHA DAILY BJfiM , MONDAY. DECEMBER 7 , 18S5. F'rec from Opiates , Emetics and Poison. SAFE. 'SURE , PROMPT. AT M1C0013T * . > T1IECHftBUS A.VOGELEtl CO.BALTIMORE , I Hole " JanuMical Institute k Chartered by IhsStateoftlU. jjnaift for theejEprcitp arpets ? ofgivingImmedlato reltelln j ill chronicmimiy nod prl- Ivata dictates. Gonorrhoea , IGleetandSyphillalnalltbelr ' complicated formi , alto all dlseatci oT the Skin and Blood promptly relieved and permanenllycured by reme * . dle .testedlna/'orTtfrciirj , ' . KSSMf-wf K bpmall'rnclltf. uemlnal ( jWcr.linrM , NipM Lo eby Dreamt , Ptmplet an tliel'nce.Lcut Manhood , fottltvelu tnt rerl.llim itttofxpnrtinrnllniii TIi : npproprinte remdy u at once ustrtln each case. ConeuHatljns. per- nonl or by letter , ctcredly conndenlUI , Med- / lalnttt a nt by Mall and xpre . No mark * on wc ota lo In die * to contents or sender. Address DR. JAME3No. Z04Washinglon EI.Chcagolll. ! t' Contagious. 1 nm n native of r.iiKlnml , nnil wlillo I Hint oiniiiliT I ( ' ( inlrncli'il u li-nlhlo blood poison , nnil ( or t o . \ rniiim under licattnont nmin oiM/iloor pntlunt tit NoMliiulinin llonpltul , JiiiKliui'l , lint WHS not ciiioil. 1 stilluicil thu inu-l iiHinil/.liitf iiuliis In my linnrn , mul wm CD\- ctcilwllli sum : tll o\i'i' my liodv niul limbo. ] 'itmlly t coniiiluti'lv lost nil IUMIO In Hint conn try. nnil "iillul for Amoricn. nml irasliuntDil nt linusovvltln llils Jit > , IIM uoll us by n luniiilni'iit | iliytlclun in Natv Vorlt lm > ! nr ; no tonncctlon Mliti tlio liiwiiltnl ? . I criw ( ho iiilvortlsomtnt or Sniffs Specific , miiM itotcrnilnoil H > Klvo it n tilnl. Itoiikilr bol/JoH aiMl 1 unit n Jlli ( rn'iifjoy flint they liufo ctitoil lito cutnely. I nm us round uml % \ i II lie I ever wnslii ni > llf ( > . , > . 1. . f in.u llAi.ionu. Now York Clly , .111110 li'tli , 1 . In Mm oil of Jnsl M > nrlBS4) ( ) , Tconti.ictnl blood ) KIOII | , uiid living In hiiviimiuh , ( In. , lit the Ilino , J Mcntintotliu liosplinl thtio lor tiontmunt. I Kiiflc'it'il vciy miic-li liinn ilieuinntNiu lit thn Miniotimc. 1 did not ( jot \u > , l nmlci thutiTiit- - jnyiil tlicro. nor \\au I omul b > liny of tlio usunl i i nitniis. I liuvo now' tulion si'Von linttlos of l ' Sulll't ) Specific mul nm soilnil unit ull. It ilovo the iiolton out tlitoiiKli liolUon tliosUn. DAN I.KAIIV. .lorsoy City , N. .1. , Antr. IfSV TicntiM ) on lllooil mill frkln ln-oatos nmllod fin.- . 'J'lin H Ml'T Prninr Co. , Ornncr 3. Atlanta , On. A' . 1 * ,157 W , MUBt. A rrcaUrer&'lu&tiof two Ue41cilC llrpi , bulecn loncif cnKite < llnttieiptltl irfktliutit of CtiEonie. NIB\ODI , 8 > i and IILoan UIBIAII , Ihnn ftnr oilier r&jllelao Ioit.LoiUt. 3fltj r rcra bfiiran4rll alireiMtnlikoow Nervous Prostration. Dotilllty , Mental and Physical Weakness UMercurlal anil other Alice * lions ol Throat , SKInor Banes , Blood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulcers , are tn > i i niih cniir ieil : tueecu. oo latex < cl ull Jo principle , . Bi'cljr. IM > l lj. ' Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Execs ; , Exposure cr Indulgence , whic-j rroJcc icne of ib lulluwluj clTtcUl nct.ouiLt , , , Uitlliiy , dlmnti , or debt tDildrreellfaldcalorr * pllnpleibB Ibfl rket , phrdettdecfty , nct loDtolb utliljor ( cmsloi , ouNiloi of I4tii , els. , rendorlns UmrrUKO improper or unhappy , at * rermn'oUy tir l. rimphlet(86 ( piceoa ) tbo l oT0 , seat loi-aleiltnrrlapr , frulo aor ndirtn. CoDiiillillguitef- teoor bjmill n . . Inrlul lad itllrll ; e < oOj < mU1. A Posltlvo Written Guarantee dnn u amn. rtblo CAM * aedlclD icot t ryw& rotD U or exprtis. MARRIAGE GUIDE. 260 PAOXB. riNE FLATX9. clatot ctolb and jrtlt llDJIcf.ic<it for 5Oo. ID pBitsctorturriueOrer mty woulermt penpteturct , trua tvltrof trtUInontbfl follower , , hoodpliT Ic ldtiT , flffi-en ofcflltaef ADdoietii.tht rti/i lolojj ofrepr do ilon , toJ njtny niore. ihmd Ktarrltd roDlcmrlaiiiiR nitrtli ( * klivutl r ti ft. I'-prt r td.tloa ft cover. Ufio. Afl < lre ml > o t I ) . Whtt'- ' ' SIcdU'al AVorl : for Vouug and > . iMh lcllc Agotl > Ien , enl > gl by mall , j . THYSELF. ' " , A PREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD { ) \ KibanMOil Vitality , .Vrrroni iinil Physlcnl nobility - viHinMur lJotlinoln lun. Klfors of vuutli.unil thu iiiitniU ml * rlpp , ifiultlmtnnn Indiscretion nnil er ci-ffpR. A book lor ; cry roan , yomiir. middleazcU ami old. HiiJiiIalm riiprcxrlinlnni lornll nculeinj rlironlt\ill < i ui , ciKltunrnt nlilch Is Invnliiablr. Sn fiiunil liy UMJuultior wlimci f > xp rlqni-n for Ul > t > nr > l > xiicli HH pnib.iblr noror before fell In the lot or unr jili7tliliur. : lpapei ) , bounil In bB-iiiilful l-'rcnrii mus lin. rinlioriHCil covum , full irllt.unitantrr.l tu buu nnar inni'uy niuii , poaiiiQiu. juusiruieii gamma ivii. Pcudnow. Gnliluicdnlannrdpil tlioniitliorbrthi ) Va Ilimal Alcdlcul AjioclMltnii , lo tlio uftlcera of itttehhu Tl > Tl'riiu Hcloco of UfBihnuld bjr tlie srunzfor lintrucllnimpObjr tlio iinilftod lorrellof. U wlllbeno' bitflled tiio&Uillof nilDlliurpliytl. stiocliitly.Siicli < Iroutoil without nu Instiiiico Wfiniloif tlilt.pHiier , UMPHREYS' HOMCOPATniC Veterinary Specifics CuroJIi ( ic cf Her 08 , Cattle , Sheep DOG3 , HOGS , POULTItY , . In UHO for over 20 yeara by runners , Stoutbi-ccdorg , Horao 11. It. , Ac. STABLE CHART'S * , f/K.K ( unte4on B tera A Book Malltd Tret. umvbre > y Heft' Uo. , I (19 ( rullor | . , N , HOUEOFATIUG SPECIFIC No , _ _ _ „ _ In UMUOj-eiirB , Tli on ) ; auccruful Kncd/ for > Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , end rr Htr llou , rom i./or-yrurk or other MIUO . , for ii M r oij * ' .irrii | ) H > HI. , A.V. " ( J t'r'1 I / ' ' . ' ! 'IIA'OAN'S Magnolia Balm . is a setrct aid to beauty. Many a laclj'owes herfresh- , ( pess to it\vlio would rather , : / * tfell ; and , > 'c > w can't tell. Deaths nudTunersh of Clinton and Oetrj- Wliftt the llewapapeH Said , Slrnnso ttcatli The I nnt Vice- I.'itnornl . Something \l nnt Vlcc-1'ri'stUcnt Wilson liaat Hours. The dolah of Vlco-PrcsiilentIIendruks ; , says "Carp1 tlio Washington correspondent pendent of the Cleveland Leader , makes thu story of such dealln in our past especially iuterc'tirur. Fire Vice Pros- tlorils have dlctl in oflido , and in onch O.T-O tln deceased has been over si ty j-onrs of ago. George Clinton , the virc pie-ii'lciit wlili Madison , whp died in ISIS , was .sovolily-four years old. Klbridgi1 Gurry , who hccamo vice prcsl dental Ihc novl I'lcotion , died m.1M14 . al the agft of sovcnty ; Wlllian II. Klrig , vice pre idtMit with I1 rank Pierce , died at { Ixty-MivtMi , in 18.V. ) , nnd Vice President Hunry M'il.-'on , wlio dk'd here in IHH , was eixty-tlirro year * old at thnt tinio. Tluvb of the o vic < ! presidciita liuvo dii-d in November , and tile other two in April , nml strange to .say the date. * of tnoiv ihiutln tire almost at llio same time of thn month. Oorgo Clinton died April U ) , nnd William iV King im April 17. Henry Wilson died on tlio sttd of November , Illhrldgu Getrvim tht > 2Kd of Nuvcinbur , and Thomas A I lend ricks on the tloth of Novomber. TIII : , rntiT vton piir.sinr.NTiAi. HKATII was that of George Uliiitou. It took phico lioro at Washington , anil his de.ilh was the lint occasion of the great de stroyer's cnloring the high nlllcus of the "ovcrnmcnt. Ho hnd boon Ihu vico-prcst- denl fornonrlv ciifhtyciiH , serving ouu1 tiirm uiuU'r iilnuisoii nnd one under Thomas JofToroou , Ho was as nmcli , if not more ) , noted in the politics of the time than Vioe-Prtsidont llonilricks i j in tho-jo of to-day , lli'ginning lito na n sailor in n privateer , ho had been a brig ntliirgoneral of thi' revolution , a. IIIIMU- bcr ol HIP provincial congress , anil lor i ighiucn years "ovcrnor. ol Is'ew Voik. llo dlod nt > Washington ou tliu i0th ! and was burled huio iu 'tho Congrcs.slonal cpiuotory on the 'Jlst of iSovomber. Iu 1H1' > -nii-h a thing as li'eping : a corpsi1 tor weeks was unknown in this country , and both Gerry ami ClinUuioro buried the ni'.U day after tholr douth. The time Clinton died \\abliington ilty contained under ton thousand people , and the funeral could not have been a voi'i" grand ono. Thi > body was takott on its way to thn gi-ivo from tlio iMty to thn cnpilol , nnd hero a rest of half an hour was , taken. Thcnco it ninvclin ! onward in a martial parade. A company of militia preceded tlio hcarj-o , and the eight pall boaters who carried the colliu from thn hoarse to the nriivo wore all revolutionary soldiers. I'ho senate attended in a body , and on lliuir rutiirn to the capitol IJioy rusolvud thut the vice president's chair m the ben- nto ohambor boslirotulcd in black during the session of congress then as ombloil , and that each senator hliould wour mourning in the shaiic ot ; i baud of crepe on the arm for thirty d.iys. now vii'j : ritLsiunNroniiH DIED. The hcconcl vice presidential death oc curred two yoard later , and Mndibon's administration showed the curious coin cidence of two vice presidents dyhijj dur ing its continuance. Mr. Gerry had presided - sided over the senate on the day preceding - coding his death , and ho ate breakfast at Mr.s. Wilson's boarding house as usual , saying he felt well , but had' ti slight op- pro'-sion of the chest. After breakfast ho walked out to 'do t-omc business nt ono of the noviH'iimout-depurtmimts. Ho had gouo but n short distance before he he- came indisposed and took a carriage to return. " \ \ lion the carriage roachuil his boarding hout.o ho wa found to bo insensible - sensible , and on , being taken from it ho expired wilhotttln groan or .sigh. Tliis was belweon 10 and 11 o.clock in the morning. The senate at once ad- .iourniHl , but the house continued its session , though it adjourned for the fiinoral next day Thi ) funeral took piano nt tl o'clock and from the Intelli gencer of that I see tlmt the Rov.Obodiah Brown pronounced the funeral service. Gerry was buried like Clinton , in tlio Congressional cemetery , nnd though in his uay ho was ono of tlio greatest men , not a ilo/.cn statesmen iu this capital city liavi : seen his monument or know that ho ill's here. He was n graduate of Harvard college , a delegate to the continental congress , n signer of the declaration , and one of llio makers -of our cpnslituiion. though ho rclused to sign it. Ho had been several limns iu congress , once gov- arnor of Massachusetts , and also minis ter to Fnmqo before ho was elected vice president , nnd Ida whole career hnd been a most Ftirring one. During his early days in congress ho narrowly esonpcll from the British by hiding in a cornliold , wlion u bed } ' of lioops captured the hotiau whore ho wits Maying 'mul were search ing for him. llo wns the first to inaugurate as governor of Massnchusetts the present political system of rcdi.strict- comcs. AH a sample ot the ontei'priso of IBM nnd 181'J , contrasting witli that of to-day , the chief paper of Washington city where these two deaths occurred , contains nbout n quarter of a column the day after they died in rognrd to _ their ilQ.iths. ' It desonbcH the funerals of both in losn thnu Iifly lines , and gives only the barest' details. Thrco days after the death of Garry John Gullinrd , of South Carolina , was olectcd president pro ( em ot the Fonato without discussion , nnd the Intelligencer does not consider the situation of enough matter for an editorial , VIOn did not die in Cuba , uqsonio papers state. Ho was in- Cuba for his health at tlio time of his election , and had resigned from the fimnlo bomo lime before on ac count of Ul health. Ho Imd consump tion , nnd nt llio limn ho wnt * sworn in bo- t'oro.a CoiuuUn Cuba ho did not expect to live and had to bo prevailed upon to tnko the onth. Ho whs too t'eeblo to stand nlono nt the time nnd Imd to bo supported v.'Jiilo It was ndministoicd. Ho sailed for America and grow worse during the voyage. When ho landed In Alnbamn il Was evident that ho would never got to Washington , Ho died the day af lor ho limited.The doparlmuuts \veru not closed in honor of his death , and ho did not liavo n public luneral. He wns the lirst baoli lor over etocted . to ono of the two highest olllccs of thonntion nnd ho had long been u senator , having sorvo.d for moio than ton years as president pro torn of the senate before ho wns elected vioopicbldiuit Jiko HcndriekH , ho Imd boon n member of u constitutional con- vcntion of ln > > Bl < to , nnd ho was elected to Ida lirst term in the sonata during the year iu which , Vieo President Hendrioka wns horn. ' Ho was for thirty years n United Statof , senator , nnd had twenty- four years of continuous survico thoro. In addilion to tids ho served live years in the lower house and two years ns minis- torte I'rnnen , Ho was six feet tall and very erect , Jfo wns n good lulker , nnd was probably tlitf great rcmlnisconco mnii of bin latter da > ? . TIII : LASV VICK I'lttainr.NiiAL DKATII heforo tlint of Hondrioks wns that of Vice President Wilson , who died here in WiibhiiiKton just nbout ten yean ngo. Ilu jiudboon sick for some time , and ut N'mv York had * irtd nn operation jwr. fonmid in whioh his epiuo wns geared. ( u \VjilJi"J.rt9Q oftcv-tho ouer- nllon ho indiscreetly took n warm bath in the senate bath room. This weakened him , and his system did not recover from it. Ho was taken down sick at his boardinghouse ing-house , and shortly nftcrvwmU died. Hi * death occurred at 8.05 o'clock Mon day morning , November ' . ' .M , Is.1) ) . The entire wns si-t down as apoplexy. During his last tioilrs he , like Hondrir-k * , was working upon a volume of memoirs or history , and ho hoped from thcso to Inavo some property. He said in his last hours that ho would like to live to finish his book. Shortly before ho died ho picked up n hyninbook , in the front of which Ins wife's picture wns pasted , ami looked at it for aon < * timo. Fifteen' minutes before he died he heard of the de.ith at Senator Ferry , of Con- i.ucticnt. nnd It is believed that this knowledge of the death of ono of his dimr friends hastened his death. The death of Ferry had occurred the day or night before , and his friends had de ferred telling him of it nnlil the Inst mo ment An morning went on and the time for tlio newspapers to eomo around approached it was seen that it would bo impossible to keep the news from longer. He was told of it and WHS greatly shocked to hear it. Fifteen minutes later he iris dead , Ho apoke of his long lifo just bo- f01 oho died and snld "Since I came to the senate , eighty-lhteo of the members who first KM with Viitfin tlio seniito have passed away , ami I doli't anVpnso any living man u\eopt , perhaps , Hnmlin , can say that " Vice President Wlhon had n great funeral here , nml ho was carried with solemn celebrations t6 'Boston. ' I tliluk his bodv lay in slate in Independ ence hall in Philadelphia , and nt Uddton ho wns received with great Honor. CUUIOUS I'M'tS IN AMMl'tOAN IHSrOltV. There nro many curiotH faot * in American history. Here wo Inivo three vice presidents , Gerry , llcndricks , hnd Wilson , dying in November at dates \vhicli might all come in a single week No president either iti or out of otlico lias died in November , though nix hivvo died in i .fuly , nnd four in June. Oavliold ilird in i Soptombur ! , Lincoln inAprilTuyldrin Jury.'and Harrison in April. 'Two vice presidents liavo been indicted for treason. Those worn Aaron Burr find John C. Hrookouridgo. Ono viOo imis- ident , John 0. Calhoun , lias resigned Ills otlico , and seven men have hold both presidential and vice presidential chairs. John Adams , Washington's 'vico presi dent , succeeded him in the white hottso. Jcllbrson , Adams' vit-o prosldcrtt , did likewise , ami Jlartin Van Biireii , one of Jackson's vice presidents , wtu , his suc cessor. The olhor live became president by death. They were , Tyler , Fillniore , Joluibon , and Arthur. An Important Crisis. " DetroitIreo Press : The- three of us hnd been tramping over the battlefield of Malvorn Hill all day long , and as night came on there was every evidence of a steady , soaking rainstorm , Wo had to got shelter right away , and wo found it in a small farm house owimd by a wid ow. She was willing enough to.furnish us supper , but whim It came to lodgings , she was greatly embarrassed. "You .see , " she .said , "my house is very small. Indeed , I have only" this room with n bedroom oft" . " "But can't wo sleep in the barn ? " asked the colonel. " 1 liavo no barn. ' "But you can go to bed nnd lei us. sleep on the tloor in this room , cah't VoiiV" " but but " "V-e-s. "Oil , you needn't , bo iitrnid of us , mad am , " protested the colonel. "It isn't that , sir , but " She blushed like a rose , but none could understand until she said : "Well , to tell the truth , my beau will bo here to-night. "In this storm' " "Oh , yes. William would coincuif it rained pitchforks. " "Well , wo won't hurt William. " "No , sir ; but we that is , he will ex pect , to spnrk me , and and " "Exactly , "said the colonel. "L see the situation. You don't want to disappoint William * " "No , sir ; I don't ' want to turn you gentlemen our , cither. You toe , sir , it'.s probably my only chance to gel maniod , anil it won't do lo offend William. This is Ills sparking night and he's got to ' ' " eomo'live'miles. "Well , wo won't sliind in lire-Way wo will hunt some other phieo. " "No , sir , you hliall Slav ; bill you .see how it is , 1 think I can tix it. I'll take this room , nnd 3'ou three can have the bedroom. " "What ! Deprive you of fileon ? " "Oh , no. sir. William and I always spark till daylight. If you would only lix it that way , mr. " Wo did. After supper wo locked our selves into the ucdrobm , and , taking the pillows from thn bed. lay down on the tloor and slept like bricks until culled to breakfast. When wo wont 6iit the col onel asked- "Well , did William show up ? " ' "Y-ycs , sir , " she stammered , "and ho nuked mo to m-mary linn. If wo hndu'l lixcd tilings maybe he'd ' waited n whole year longer , It-breakfast is ready , and I'll ' never forgot your kindness to a , poir } widow ! " i , , ' f j , She Vindicated lie I' Jlonor. j Toronto Week : In Itiissiun Poland a lady recently becaimi her own oliampiou by liRhtinfj a duel with the man who Itiul ouluuiniiitud InnIt appears lie hnd ollurud his hand , .whioh she had rcfiiKud. Stuiiff by her rojocllon , ho set himself to sx | > Ji her good name toy sprgyiUngvfftho reports about hnr. Thereupon this plueky lady declared Unit , , u , duel nlouu could vindiu.itc hdr Itonoi" , and , fofusiiiK the assistance of several gentleman who were anxious to intiko' hoc cause * their own. she Invited her Iraducor to "Pis tols for two , and collue for one. " Thcro was nothing for the man to do but ac cept the challenge , and thu combatants met in a place outside Warsaw ; lloth missed their uliu. 'J'lip lady proposed n Bocontl shot , but the secoiu1 ! ! iieoliircd that full reparation hnd been made , and she had to defer to tlroir ruling , , As for liur advursiir.v , ho was 6 moved by her masoulinii gallantry Ihat ho tundorcd lior a formal and ample npoW yi on the spot. She accepted it. Tlio Gem Ora/.y QiiHt. The jmn of the CHI/A' quill cxhiliilion in Now York is ono of eider down and pale blue sill ; einbroidorudvitl | white , the tloral pattern filling thn contor'aiul each corner. This was presented to the late John McCullou h in India , An autograph quilt of diilieatcly tinted fcilk in star pattern lias the autographs of Quucn Victoria and notabilities of nil na tions. This look the \tr\to \ \ nt the Now Orleans exhibition , and is the work of Mrs. Wright of Mjimi-a'polis ; who values it at ifl.iMM ) . A quilt poiitainiiig 8,700 , ) ) ipi-es of dilleroiit unitorms is tim work of soldiers in the British army in India , anil $ ; i)00 , ( ) taitb price. Till : IIP.ST WASHING COMPOUND of the day is undotibtfdly , J AM1W Pi'LK'S PKAltLlXi : . It cleanses the dirtied and mast I'lo'fanl fabric without injury anil with liltlo labor. J'or § ale by TooU OtT tlio M htn , Detroit Free Press : A Michigan avoniio barber invented a jiroparation to remove grease and paint , and went totmnirititcr lo secure a proper label for his bottles. Ho hnd written nbout what ho ivuutuil nnd closed with : "And people who wonv clothes will find this an invaluable thing. " "Aro there niiy people who deut ! \venr clothes ? " queried the printer. "Oh , I sec , " .replied the barber , nftor n liltlo rotlcotiou , and ho changed it to rend : "AH people who wear clothes in the dny-timu , t-to , " THE CELESTIAL EMPIRE , t The Travels of' ai Eiray of a Gnn M nn- faqtnring Firm , Thousand MHea on A Cnmrl ami Ot > servntlon < t of Agent l.Iai't-y Comstock. Mr II. COIHOCC | ( ! , the ncent of nn American giln imnmifacttirmj ; nrm re turned to SanFranoisco last week fiom China , nhero hi ; hnrt spent considerable time dlfcposniK of rifles nnd nmmiinlllou to the Mongolians. According to hla statements the Chinese nro arming them selves rapidly with the most Improved rllles , and there is great competition for the trade between Kuropean and Ameri can linns. _ To n San Trnneiseo Call reporter M" . Comstoek saltl1 "I hnd to deliver a sup ply of nrntM to Lieu Mine Cluing , the uni tary governor of Formosa , last Decem ber , and could not get through the HUM. A stunnier wns regularly engaged In blockade running nnd always got tnrotti { , ! with safety , So the guns nml munitions were packed' her nnd delivered at night. For their during and suoeesa in these ventures three foreigncM wore recently - contly ndornedith lh m ilnl of thp or der ol the dragon. U had been accorded only to the ( hineio before. The throe wore J. J. Bueklieister , who represents nn American linn in China , n Dane ajid n licrmnn , whose names I have forgotUm , r.OUKlNO fOIt A ritlNCn. My great trip was over a thousand miles of desert , when I was traveling in search of his excellency , the seventh prince of China , the father of the pro- f-eut boy emperor , witli whom I had a business appointment. I was to have met him at Peking , but on arriving there , nfter much dlseon.fort , I learned that ho had gone to his summer lesideucu at Chagcr Tai , in the Mongolian moun tains , four hundred miles away , t fal lowed Ihithor jn company with three mandarins of high rank , two of whom wore Prineo Kung , the viceroy of Formosa mesa , and Lieu Ming Cluing , thn gov ernor of that province , and agtiaid of Iifly Uurmisisiiui coldicrs. The Barnus- eslnus attend all high dignitaries , but they aie a vagahomlish sort , and I was constantly airaid of being robbed by them. They were formerly armed with bows , arrows , Mioars , and Mich old-fash' ioned weapons , but lately they liavoboeu taught the use of improved guns , which they carried. We traveled along the top of the great wall of China for about three hundred miles. His indeed a won- durful slrueturo. It crosses rivers , val leys and mountains , and goes ihruugli forojils for 1'Ji ) ) miles , and pathways from it slope down to streams where travelers can obtain wntor. .M.A.UNO WUJ.VKS. After a liofli\tigmng ( day.when , we campnd , we y/orii warned by Mongolians that there WCIM wolves in a cave near by which would tcai-ry us oil' in tlio night a- > they had donn otjuumen. . Against the requests audaprcjtustntions ot tlio Mongols gels , 1 took iyy iv.Uo and fort , ) rounds of timnumiliou ynd yrent to the eavc. The he-wolf was ouUsiiJo. I shot him , and when the . . . . female nnimal came out to see wlval the matter was , I killed her. Then Ccnmt into the cavern and captured suvyniUittle cubs , From that timn 1 was lopki > f | up to vyitli roveroiico. The entire | ) opijlation of the ad joining village turned bitilo see the bearded for eign devil , tl OUiensiitiiiH wuro called , who had dcst&oyod the wolfish ravagors. The e ljuopio .whml all herdsmen. All Mongolia is n grazing country. Tho-ani- nnls they lnrvfcrrratln : camel , buti'alo , ynch , llama , goaf's and fehcop , as well its borne hogs , originally wild , but domesti cated. The1 camel is not only a boai > t of burden , but furnishes wool , which is sheared early in Juno. It is a horrible animal for a novice to ride on long. ItlDIXfr A CAME1- . After llio first day the novelty ceases nnd the .serious business begins. The constant shaking throws your internal orgnm/.ation into a frightful state , The camel in traveling forward nlso Sways from side to side. You grub him and hold on hard in order to Keep yourself from being thrown in every direction. Then jou got tired and let go , and yoiii4 liver is knocked about with great vie lence. I have estimated that lor ovcry mile tlio camel wont , 1 travelled nt least thrco time as much Finally you get nccu.stomud to the riding- and it becomes very pleasant. The inulo litter is an ngrocnblc cairingo. It is ti chair with two long poles on each side which rest on the ImoK of a mule. You have a donkey on either side of you. The aiii- mais arc urged to jog along by' little Mongolian boys. Wo arrived tit Oluigcr Tai ten da'salter leaving Peking. Itisn beautiful , cool , shaded spot jiii the mountains. Near it arc mediemat hot .springs. One pagoda there is about the linost and largest in China. In it arc hung 102 bolls , which chime when the wind is blowing , and they are hung hjgh , enough to catch the ptt.sing : nirt every minute of thn day. MO.VUOUAN MAItlilARU CCKKMONY. . Ono custom that I noted at first with surprise in China is that compelling the bridegroom to make a display of liuu fighting for liii urido before thoiivmar- ringe. This is a relic of a warlike , rigp. The arrangomentri for ovcrysiiohunion uro mndo by the parents of the pair , and the young man is.not allowed to , sci > , his sweetheart until the marriage utuwn - nien take place. In this country , ' you Icnow , the courting is done before , U'ed- look anil the fighting takes plnco affer. There thoio order ot things is rovj-rnoU I wn < i the guest , of u Mongolian , u prliuji ; for whom n marringe had been arranged nnd was asked to bo present at his wed ding. He was very frlendjv withBio , < hv account of the ineidonl of Ihu woLvoy. Thn bride was placed in n new , white tent outside of the village , and around at ? wore .stationed two do/on or mornyoung' men armed with .spimr.-i , Tho. pi'inco , ' with about fqtty attendants , likewise : armed , rodn Qv ( | id ntlanked them. Thn yelling becaiuojjj.foarfiil that I duppo ed the battle waTiiroarnot , nml was think ing of using my rillo in my host's iaust ; , wlien the noilFffilvoiee.s ami the chish of spears c'casqtfliii'uLand ' as thodustolearod away 1 saw tuu iJtido led to a wliilo pony in for liur. The party rode to nnothcr tent - ) Uro ) a grand fensL of boiled lice , QL&U nnd sweetmeats wns sprotitl , and tlio banquet was concluded" by wishing the coiiplo health , hapiiiiuis nnd a large family. A COUNTIir VITIIOUT rOIN . In many parts of the Chine o Kmpiro Ilioy liavo no coinl at nil , Hlieop , goats , ilogs nnd ether articles nro oxolinngod for food nnd clothing , One form of cur- ronoy is a L'jjjfAKof ton retii o. All the Just and drippings of n lea establishment iiro prosm'd into Hat cnkes , ono inoh thick , Ion inches long and MX inches iviilo , weighing llvo pounds. These [ akciaru used in Mongolia and Hu. mn Siberia as money , . _ Thu . _ imuiufacturo . . . _ of . t * - i I t. 1 J ! T [ In1 in is entirely in the luiinlH of HII& ' inns. They are carried several thou sand miles on camels into Siberia. Thorn ire no roiultv.iya * there , so they travel 3vnr momitainoiis paths , The peasants > ( Russia prinplpally iiurchiiso th H lea , Little blocks of failvor nro IIM ! > iir-oil in Jliinn for currunoy. There in an ciior/ nous amount of Mexican dollars I hero , ind the supply of thorn is being con- itantlyinurca&ud byhiuttiucu ( reluniiuir lomo. Dl'M , tnri'ii IK CIIIK.V. Mr. Coinstocl > snld that there is i gciji > ral stagnation of bu.-iiu1 and indiiitry n ( 'Inn.i nuw iu co -qncnoM of the Jiitu var. 'Hi- of the I'nlti'd it it'm bi'in la-Id In genernl cent inpl. nnd h < con lderod the ehango made will tend to rftls * the opinion of It entertained there. THE PUUMEO KNIGHT SPEECH Hastily Serlblileil at Mght After lrocrn tlnntlon. A CJcvt'lnnd I'laln Dealer correspondent pendent recalls the htorr of the making of Ingcnoll's IHn'no ' speech In 1970 Up to thai time h had been simply a reason nbly successful lawyer of 1'cnrla , 111 Ho was ono of the reuibllcan ] delegates to the Cincinnati convention of 1870 , tinrt strong Ulalne nun , He nnlvcd in' Cfnciunntl with several ether Illinois dclcgatos several daj'3 before theconvcu- llon assembled. The oitv xvns full of people , and'lhev wer nil having a high old time. The lllalno men hnd mcell ig.s uvery day , and did everything in then- power to "boom" tholr candidate It was linally decided to liuvo thu noiiiliiut ing speech made by sonin Illinois mun , nnd tlio Illinois delegation settled upon Inirersoll. There was present tu the city Mob's favorite brother , who died : ifowyeai later , and at whoso grave the great nthclst delivered his world-renowned oration. Ho immediately told his brother of the selection , and that he * had promised to deliver the speech. The brother , who \v s somewhat uenou.s tvied to persuadu him not to try it. 'You are not famoiu enough , " he per suadcd. "Von are gutting along nnd mnkiug n fair reputation , but this is lee big a thing for you. 1 fear yon will make dead fniluru of It. " lint Hob had plomiscd nnd would not back out. "Well , if yon are determined to do this , you must do vour best. You must make n success. To do this you must get tit it immediately. Don't ' wait a min ute. Uo into that room and leek llio door , and begin the speech. " ' 'Oh will do " Hob , to-morrow , urged , and besides I have promised to so with the boys lo-nlght. " And away liu went. The next day passed , and , although his bi other spoke about the speech several times , Itoburt did not touch it And so the time passed till the night before the convention. The brother , meanwhile , had got nearly frantic. Hobort came in late that niglit and in answer to hia brother's solicitation , said- "Oh , brother ; let's get a good night's sloop.1 And so they retired. Ingorsoll ' ays that he novel Mept * o soundly in his life as ho did that night. Finally he woke m > .suddenly nnd felt perfectly refreshed Ho got'ii ) ) hastily and looked at his walcTi. It was 3 o'clock ' a. in. lie went to the adjoining room vc r.y quietly and closed the door , so as not to disturb Ins brother lie turned tlio light down , and. nlofcing his eyes , imagined thu great con vention hall , and Ins audience before him. Then hit began to think of Hlainc. Finally he began to .say his speech over to himself. When ho had llnNicd he took pen and paper and wrote it out as carefully as he bad said it. lie laid it away in. the drawer of the bureau and wont quietly back to bed. It was now past 0 o'clock in the morning IloA\as very soon last asleep again , and did not wake up till past 8 , when his brother was standing over him , vigorously shaking him. him."Hob , get up , get up ! It's 8.30 , and the convention assembles at 10 DO. I thought you were goinir to got u ] ) early and gel your speech ready. It will bis 11 dead failure , and we shall all bo dis graced. lilaino will not be nominated. It's too bad , too bad. " Hob slowly waked UP. and rubbing his eyes urged thut it would bo best lirstto get their bteakfait. Hut the brother in sisted that he , should not leave the room until he got down to but-inoss on the speech. By tins time Hob had donned his pantaloons and remarked. "Well , vou be thu audience and sit over there and wo "will see what I can do. " He then started in and delivered the famous speech , word for word , as it was given that day iu tue convention , be ginning ; "Massachusetts is proud of Henjamim II. Hristow , so am I , " etc. Ho wont on easily and rapidly until ho reached the following : "This in grand year a year filled with the recollections of the revolution ; filled with proud and tender memoiies of the past ; with the sacred legends of liberty ; a year in which the sons of freedom will drink from the fountain of onthusia.-m ; a year in which tins people call for a man who has preserved in congress what our soldiers won upon the Held. " Hut the real climax of the speech was the following- "hiktt ' mi armed warrior , like a plumed knight , James G. Hlainu marched down ( hi ; halls of the American congress : indlhiewliis slnniii lance lull and fair against the bra/.ou loruhonds of the de fame M ofc lite country and the nialigiiord of his hoiior. " It is , perhaps , needless to say that Ihu brother was completely captured. When liob had finished ho rn.shed to him , and , putting both of his arms around him , embraced him in the 111,051 , enthusiastic way. ' "It is simply snblinip , " ho cried , "but when did you prepare it ? " "Oh , I scratched it off last night when you wore , asleep. ( Jo to the drawer there and yep will find the manuscript , While I dress , ) ( road it over and see that I delivered it eprreoUy. " The gruat point with Ingorsoll , niy friend'qoutinued , is that ho is alwa\s 'self-poSs-.sSiil. ( Ho never gets milled. SQUID of , Jlu > greatest orators in thK country havj ) trembled before BO great an occasion us this. li&h Ingursoll never baid anything that gave him PO much reputation as that hit about ( lie "pluniud knight. . " It has been quoted over MIICC , 'both ' by Jjlai'ne'.s friends and cnunilc- . Tho'ebjwiiiliqn wild over it Hut it could no ) make Illaino president FEW MAN "OEYER'S ' Cornor.Pearl Street and Fifth Avenue , It ink Tor ifiil ( thcntiicul bull * , imitics , oil- . ll kinds of icri-oslmiciila uiul u r/iu / , r.i II.MJ MRS. D. A. BENEDICT IN HAIK GOODS. No , 337 Brondwny , Council Bluffs , JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW OOTJITOIIj BIjXJFIPS. Practices In Stat * nutl federal Co'irts ' , Ilooins 7 nnil a , Siiu rt II ock Mono , THUS. OfHCEU. IV. U , M. J'UaCV. OPFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , TO is : Y Qtie of the Hcst and fairf/cat Fttoclts hi the U > . IS. to Select from. No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator il. BURKE & SONS , LIVESTOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , OHO. lintKH , Mniuifter , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA. NEB. HKKEHUN'Cl.S : Morolnvnts mul rnunorV lUtit.rtHVMrity , Xob.j ICourney N'atlounl niutc.Kovt nor , Nrl > . : OnlumliiH SUite HaulColtnnlni" , Nub.J JtoUonnld's llnuli , Mirth 1'lntto , Nob. Oinnh * National lliMili , Oinnlis , Noli. jmy cuMoniors' ilrafl with bill pt luillnif utticliixl , for trro UitriU valuu o ( SAtf * . Po\vcr furiilslied from liyilinut pressure1 for iliivlns nil Idniln of IlKlil inuolitnorjr. SiH'tnul uttimtlou KlM.'ti to church 01 KIIII lilowliij ; . V.'o inn prliilliurpinsji's.uu'at clmiiiu-ra. tcorrcnm 1IOC7C1-.M , pollshlnn Indies Howliw iiiiu'liinci , lc. Tin1 bust cliciipcst motor iiuulo. Semi lor clr- ill atIn rso In Contivll lmitli > by lice Job olllco. 1'nno &Peliur. < ll.inr' t nmrliot. Matl.ct. Umltli.V : . Kill It A : ICIi'ub , PelT Hubert Mnllls , LOffoo irihului. Ii. I. WtUIAMB. i'lllmrAg-piit , IK Mnln r , Conncll llliifru , Io . 1111 I'luium St. , U.iiHlin Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Our stiii'c ] ja now complete in oieiy depart incut nml contains all thu Kitosl styles iimlotTccts inVAJtPJETS , SIT A DES UPHOLSTERY GOODS , nrrc.irc. : Largest Stock , , ' , -.WND- t 'Lowest Prices. THE ONI A * EXCMTSIVi ; OAlil'El1 HOUSB IN WKSTKUJf'IOWA. ' upon ni | > llcntiiiii to o FINE UPHOLSTERY WORK TO OBDJiE Council Bluffs Carpet Company E. RIOJE , M. D. or ( itliiu tun ) IM iPinnvi'i ] iihliotit ihouniroorili nviu of lilooil. CHRONIC DISEASES * kmu. a Mcci , itr. O\PC tllllly JjMlV lUMCt < Ml 0X1101 lOIIUQ OillOU No. 11 I'riii ) r-tifiit , i.oiiir il lhill ! . i ONSI l.rvjioj , rui.c. OBIOir TICKET OFFICE t , J. L.Do , PEyOISE , Agent , No.f nroilQtffty , Ciiiini-II [ Railway Time Ta le. . . Tin fuilrmlni ; id the Iliiui of nulval nnd < H-niniiie | ' I'tr.iliiit liy i'L-ninil Ktnniluiil tiiniMtt llio ill'iiiji. | | Triiln4 lerto f iMii'frr il iiot | Inn nilnnH-.s e.villcniinil itM'lvo u > a niliiiili > i > Inter : IIUIMIir. .MllltVJ , UtlUMUO 1 MHJHW.STiilN , 0:25 : . . Milluili\UV : | | ; ] s . , .fl1 1J.40I * . > l . Acidniiiioilallon. . , . . , - . , - .0:03 : \ . u. t UKIO ! A ISOI'l. -i i lii'M.flvV'i.VAlir. ' ! ; A w. i-vui. 0:20 : A. > J . , M : < II IIIHl l\llo : | , . li.VIj' : . U. UllOU > ! , . . . , .Al'ApK-t. UJliiA. M. run mo , niiiiiisitH.s ) A ijriKcv. ' ' ' . , . : . ' : 5l'-M. Uiinil- . l.l.ftiilii'Kxi'fu b | x > fil. . llivU i'.MT.ii' | > . < ci. > t.i/.ilvUl : . > ri.uii.Hi-jUr. ; : n KXN'nMt. IT ) V. ST , Jill ! 4. l.'df.NCII. Hl.tll til 30.WIu. . , , . MirlUurtl i\nc | s. iljltH' , H. fc:5".r.t : , . . , liMUo * * . ! , : . : : > . . u. . .iiiliriiv ( .v i-M'iiii i 7:114. : M.KIoUx niV Mull . . 'I'M KM , fiiMv.M . . ft. I iil'iain-pss ' . bTii : | , ( jMiii J-.M ; rju ( 0S"iAM : , , , 'Illlii'lllftl | U)1WI | . &i4.l > . M , Srl'iv. M .l.lfKulu l > uM.Om. .VII. \ . : / , t % M , 7:50i : % M. . . .tirciliiiiiUiiuix-i * . . . . * .V , \ . u , OIIXMV iiuixsao IIMVIU. oinitii iiuiirnr- ? " , " - : * - " II . . Is'W-'Vb-Xip-l- Wi : m. | . - - - ! - * Ii in J.r , c O nut - 03T1'3.1iUWf : : | ! ' : > | . - U : U a 111. I : " ' - B.5l > 'I i- , in f TuWon,8t.Vlfc- ( f tia Dnjiro , AIco- . holism , Oft mF.ntlnpr , Seminal WcnkncMt Itupotfucy , 4n > Ulli9 , scrofula , nnd all Nervous nnd Dlood Diseases. Merchants , lljnkera , J.ailii-3 niul nil wlioeo Eulciit.xrvemiiliO'uitmtcausrfll'fcrTimiVroS'- ' ' tratlot l'rieguUrltlcsottlielllood , Stomach , HowclaorlSJilno. ) : " , or who re ulro onorvo , tonle , mipctlrer i > r Rtluml.uit , Samaritan A'truVic Is invJluabJo. proi-lulmltthoninstj ' \vouilerful In nub that ovur BUS- L ( ISSD tern. 31. Klsls. For clitulurt'L uinl * and clitulurt' IDE DB , S. A , niCElitt.ND SEBVIMJ ( ST. JOSHPir.JEO , Tat MUpion int.H'f' ' "nlVxrsaciiU itasij FOK SALE 1JY ' C. JF. tVITH DOUBLE THICK BALL , Two Years TEST The " CANnra " ItrncEr. Co. giro a better Rnb bcr than c.m bo ouuilncd chcvvlirro for llio wuna ainncr , with tholr prc-at Improvement of the UOUIIU ; THICK nAl.I , . Tlio cztrn thlrknrrif ot i tnblJi-Trlihtundi.rtlio ; tread , gives 1'aUBhK V KlB. A k to sea the CiXDEK DimWe Thlcfc B IJ flubbcrs Iu Boot ? , Arctics , Ureriliuo , AJnokas , Ac. A Common iSense Idea GENJOHAL AGENT , Oniahu , . . .i i Ulraaxprrrtand r O cddr . rir)3t. ) . .s w The Land of. Oranges , Sunshine , and Tropics ! Scenery. lot 40x100. . feet , in Bilwi , - , - Park , Florida , only $10 / i00 dava only , livery man , woman and child should own i * lot. Uleh , dry , rolling laud. No mTimihs , or insUrta. Xlousoa , clan * , hotel , alrmidy built. ' Hereraltnln * dally. 1'lvc-wro omogo erovo trsctcUO ciolu A rlatot the townHliovlac trcot. , 4cliuroh Hlte * . depot , Ac. , i-o , ; ulna lluo Oianse Orore In oljdbt hnlllant colom , v.'lth cloinnt , iH-iiatiJcl nonp live book nf oar town , anil a Ion ? prlatodllit ol over 000 land pnrchasiM , All 8 * f Prf . POD- ulHtloa T. > , anil navr arrival wcclcl ) ' ItCfEE- BKcn.vm. . ff. UaklriJ , JVon. NMIorial ! lilrns Hank. Nmr Yorlr. AdifroSH , for full'partlonl ' r , L , N. WOWHY , PHE31DIHT-179 ReOAOWAY , NEWYORK. Vra h Ulflitll Chlc oJJI.ail'4Tflprla fU. or l > iu rjliuir | llnliit , 1'odlUvol ( 'urt'il liy AilHiistni'ln llr. IlninoH * < Jil < l < Mi Sjinclllc : It can bu ( f U-LII iiU ( fiilli 6f'conri'o ( ir ton -.vJlh- out tlio linuy--il | ( ; a ol' Um j)0ffttli ( thlilnff It , ] ) nbwiliiti'l ) liiiiiiik.3iuil ! rvlll.nilcot n | i rlim. nunt niul hppoily ( ; i | f wlfutliViHio , jiHtiuiit la u modi liilo ilrlnki'r or ml iilinlioJi : ! wtuclIt llllS 1)01)11 KlVUII III UlUU/fHIl in Of CXCC.S , Ulul III f < vury iiistiincis U ] ioi IVm oili i < lui" tnlliSwinl , K < .Nt.VKit r\nn. , The : iivoin ( oiiff JiiU | | . with llioKunoIllo. Il hf'i'onu.s an ( ( ' | ' | ( | . lillll ) for thu llfior ] Apjie Jtu lo mtM. 1'or t-ulii ly Klilin .V ( if. , Ohfirtflits.-toV/icrlBlli / ttn-l Diiiitlm , mid ji > tUi ttukiiOutiihur umnlm , Nob. , . , t Call up wrlKi lur pmiiiihlrt coiUulllUHf liun- dn-ilsor IcslimfculnH Irorrt tii i lt l'uOHi'u ! i from nil partiof thu ooimti'j. % Nebraska Mienar Bank W. V , Moitsn , JCIIIN H , H \ \ ' VA-tr.fc , LI\VI : , \K Tn " 'Miv BACKING OFFICE ; ' T//U WON Go. iih Mini Carnnir ) fjtt < i8. ' ' ONLY HOTEL In Ctiiiiirll Fire A ml all iiiuucin ItiiijiuTtinviue' , cull buil > , flrs nlniiu lul1 * , ilu , Ullm VRMKTO N trO USE ! hut , sij , W unit "I' * , iUtu .Siroot , M.V.S