Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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OrrrtT , No. fill IAD 010 F nsxvt Si
NKVT VOBK Omrri. lioow Ki.Tnniu.NK
Ilt-H.lUM ,
l'nbll > ir(1nreTTtnorrilnir ( utocpt Simitar. Tli
only MoiMd ) tntmilnir imper jmlilisliwl Jn th
rriiM' tiv MAir , :
Ono Y r. . , . JinflrtThrro Month1) ) . . J2-
HltMonlIi . firt ) Ono Month . 1.0
Jim WM.KI.T HIT , ViiMMiO'l nmjf Wcdntsdnj
n 1KIIM1 , Will-Alt ) .
Ono Yenr , with premium . I-S.P
Olio Year , without premium . . . J. "
S-lt Moritln , without premium . . . 7
Uno Month , on trial . . , . . 1
AM rnnimiinlcollons rrhit'nir to neira mul fill
loriiil liiiilU'is KliouM bo uitiliossed to tlio UlH
TPitOi'Oiir Nun.
Nun.MWI'Sr.'S t.I.ITCns :
Ml liiiMnrM lottoM mid rotnittnncrt Mioiilil 1) '
lnMllIC l til Tilt ! llKK I'L'll-.lSlllMJ ( . 'OMI-VNY
OMAHA. Trnfts ) , cherts nml po tolllco nnlcr
to bo inoilo r > nj able to the onloi-of
R. llOi-HWATKII. Kntrnn.
SINVTOU : StttniMvj ? will bo thn ncx
presiding oillccr of the Fctmto. Thh 1
j surer limn that ho will bo his owu Btteoes
K her on the floor of llml lioily.
Atii. Horu's urnii is | ) liyln ; : i tntu
\vliloh will iloninrnlizc the mayor before
it ! .s finished , It3 own columns bulio I In
.stul-omont that Mnyor Hoyd'a speech o
1'Yldtiy iwe.ning wng I'urblud. For that
Mr. lloyil was misquoted in the report
I'jtor. TICK Is ( lend , but Prof. Coiicl
still lives nnd lias taken the contract foi
furnishing blU/nnts for thta westen
country. Hu lini started in well , nm
siiyd ho will yive us some more diirinj
this month.
SAJUIKT. . ! . TIMJNN is urging 'ipon ' Mr.
Carlisle this nccosdUy of liberal npproprl
nllnns for coital ili-fcncus. This ouglil to
huitSam Ilitndull if il cnn be pln.yutl oil
ngiiinil llio coming controversy OH tnrill
l'msiDi.NT : : GMVIIANI : > 'S message will
probably not bo delivered until Tuosdnj
afternoon , lloth liousci of congress wil
vury likely adjourn linmedintuly : ift i
roll call when the olllcial announcement
of Vice President llendricks1 death i <
exchange devotes : t
columii to "the futureof KIIS. " Onuilui
inior 5 interested iu the present. The
gas shu gets is jioor and expensive. Jl
the praeul conditions could bo rcsulalcd
our eitixons would bo willing to lot the
future tuko care of Itself.
Tun Sandwich islands arc for sale. As
Glaus Sprccttlcs the sugar king owns
four-fifths of the property already he
ought to bo the prospective purchaser.
The United Slates is ruled by enough
monopolists already without adding Air.
Sprcckles and leprosy to the list.
A. has finally conic to the front
at the national capital for an honorary
position on the republican slate in the
democratic house. The republican cau
cus nominee for chaplain hails from this
Htate. They might liavo gene further
and fared worse.
.Sr. Louis mny bo u IJip Van Winkle
city , but ut least one of her loading mer
chants id wido-awnko and enterprising *
Ho knows the value of printers' ink in
waking np Sleepy Hollow , and Accord
ingly tilled four pages ot one of the. lead
ing St. Louis dailies with his Christmas
six internal icvenuu collectors of
republican politics remain out of the
total number , eighty-four. Ono of those
six posts is Hon. fi. W. Post , the Ne
braska collector. Ho is like a willow
fence-post. Ho is in tor keeps. It will
take n patent stump extractor to got ] i\n\ \
Tim Hfist tiuio I- . Miller leaves the
oily he-should Instruct the hirelings and
understrappers , who in his absence edit
his paper , to leave the di = eus3ion of local
nll'aira severely alone and devote their
brilliant talents to national politics. The
adage "fouls rush in whore angels fear
to tread" applies very forcibly to the
ventunifionici crow who are trying to pilot
the Jhraltl through channels which they
never navigated ,
SDMI ; one ought , to decorate tlio editorial
rooms of the Omaha lleralil with u dic
tionary of the Bullish lun < ruago. French
and Latin le.ieonseem to bo plenty in
the neighborhood of our many-sylla
bled contemporary. Its editorial columns
nro daily fruscood with foreign phrases
which are alKJreel ; to tlm average demo-
crab , lr , Millnr ought either to start u
tichonl iu plain Anglo-Saxon and compel
bis now Importations to attend , or ulho
hu should iesiic u ffcrnltl extra with trans-
lalions r.iul explanations of lib editorials ,
Tun Pullman company has ovorsinoo
its organization paid its porters tint
princely Hillary of ton dollars it month ,
and permitted them to make up the bal
ance of u decent salary by receiving lips
from the passengers. The porters huvo
oomo to look upon those tips as u matter
of right , and oven go so far as to demand
payment for u few brushes of : i man's
coat nnd giving his shoes a .sliliui if thu
passenger doe * not promptly shell out n
quarter or a half dollar. The pu&sengor
ivho docs not respond to their calls is put
down as t > skin-Hint nnd is elton insulted
by the purlers. A reform is nec
essary in the management of the sleep *
ing-car business , and one of the lirst
things to bo done is to abolish thu tip
nystem nml pay the porters a living sal-
nry. The public- will bu pleascd'to learu
that at least one railroad company ,
the Wisconsin Contra ! , 1m concluded
to inaugurate such u reform ,
It will begin , when it opens it * new
through line later in thu winter , to
abolish the system of tips to porters ,
paying Us. employe. ! J50 a month'intend
of thu ruling $10 , and ruqulring'thum to
perform full service us now , without
compensation from passengers , tiiulur
puhi of discharge It will also continue ,
but on > > more extended Knaln , its present
system of grading sleeping car rates ,
According to miloiigo. It is to bo hoped
Uat ) other railroads and sleeping c-ir
eompunlro. uspcowlly thu Pullman , will
lalloir the example of Uio
The tlt h Scnro.
The alarm of tlio federal officials niu
the ( icntilo population of Utnh culml
nnted on I'ralny in an nppeal from Gov
crnor Murray for hoivy reinforccmentf
to prc crve law-abidinp cilizens of UK
United Slates from ma > ncrc. This wa1
the cause of the hurried consultations ni
army headquarters in this city , tlu
prompt dispatch of a light battery to the
front and for the telegraphic order :
whieh placed every company of inf.antri
nnd every troop of cnvnlry in the depait
incut of the Platte under waitlnjr order'
for nn immediate movement. The mys
lory in which the all'air was sought to be
shrouded gave much greater importanct
to the matter than itdesierved andraisot :
inanj * groundless alarms. I'lsili , as oui
dispatches show , isnot inastato of rovoli
against the government and , althoiigl
feeling runs high , there seems to bt
nothing In the situation which indicate ;
that the garrison at Kort Douglas wil
not be amply siillleiuntto .suppress ain
disorders that may arise. It , is iinren *
on.iblu to believe that the lenders of tin
Mormon church will penult their vasl
properly interests to bo jeopnrdi/ed i > . >
any organized opposition of their fol
lowers to the national government. Sneli
otpositiim | oniliiig in armed contliel
could only have one conclusion. Ko OIK
knows this better than the wealth1 ,
enpitali t3 of Sail Lake among thu
Saints , who .serve Oed through Mormou
and halaneo pravor with property anil
leligion with riches. The Sharps anil
Smiths and .Fonnlngs nnd men of equal
ability and judgment among the church
leaders may ostensibly approve of fanat
ical outbursts in the meetings and eon-
ferenee- * , but would use all their iullu-
once to suppresi any outbreak of violence
lence on the part of the rank and file ol
the saints. The guns of Fort Douglas
sweep Salt Lake City and an entire regi
ment , of regular * arc ipiarteied in its bar
racks as a constant menace to disorder
ainl u bulwark to the unpopular lederal
ollioialswhouro enforcing the luws in
the teeth of fanaticism. The prepani-
lions of Friday and Saturday for throw
ing three thousand troops into Ut'ah at a
moment's notice weroin accordance with
the present policy of the government to
crush out all disorder by n rapid concen
tration of the largo-it possible force at the
sentof dilllculty MR .soon as danger be
gins lo show itself. This was the plan
adopted by Gen Sheridan last summer
in the Indian territory when syniDlomsof
trouble among the Cheyenncsbowed
themselves. It Is the method \\hieh he
proposes to usx ( in Arizona through
Crook in disposing of the Apiirlte cam
paign. Such means arc the suuesl pre
ventive of actual trouble. The certain
knowledge that any outbreak in Utah
would bo followed by it prompt occupa
tion of the territory by the army and a
remorseless retribution upon the offend
ers is the safest assurance that no out
break will lake place. The Mormons
may bo fanatics , but they are scarcely
AH Uncalled for Attack.
The malignant personal assault of the
Herald upon the editor of the I5ir. : is as
stupid as it is unwilled for. The zeal
with which that paper seeks toervo
ihiior lloyil is doubtless ohielly respon
sible for this rancorous outbreak , but it
dues not , excuse it for imputing corrupt
motives whore none can bo shown , or in
making charges which arc refuted by
the records. The lling that the editor of
this paper has sought to "jiOao" as an
advocate of law and order before : i re-
speetablobody of cili/ens "asan evidence
of reformation from ways ho practiced
in former days , " is us .slanderous as it is
malicious. If the advouUir.ii'i ' who , in
Dr , Miller's bVe'ncc , are editing the pa
per will sustain as good n reputation for
decency , sobriety and respect for law by
the time they have been in Omaha twelve
mouths as the editor of this paper
paper has established in twenty-two
years'residence , they will agreeably dis
appoint their most intimate frioiuU.
Those who are well informed about
the course pursued by the editor of
this paper with regard to the law and
order movement , will bu surprised to
learn that thu wholu scheme as far as wo
are concerned was an c tort to attack
"an executive whom an indignant com
munity had selected to root out the junta
( Ilupartisans ; ) which had been tunning
ilot with municipal nll'air.s. " They will
be amazed to learn that "a polilica1 clique
sucks to break down the mayor solely be-
cnusc lie is in tko way and balks and toils
their .schemes of jobbery and rascality.
They beguile- few respectable- citizens
with llio sounding phrase 'law and or
dor1 and thus biglld themselves 0.3
having fair purposes when in reality they
are scheming to execute foul designs ,
With an anti-saloon hue and cry , paving
rinsrs , grading rings , and all tlio other
ringtf , are seeking to strike ul the incor
ruptible mayor. "
This kind of talk is about on a par with
an editorial in the Herald two or three
days ago , which declared that "it is nil
well enough for those howling dervishes
and cheap jacks of municipal rotorm to
cry out raise thu property usbo&smuut
it amuses them and hurts nobody. "
When any man charged with the respon
sibility of editing u newspaper indulges
in diich rant ho shown his utter uiilitnuss
for thu place. Such men are more lit fo
an lusuuo asylum than an editorial
The people of Omaha wjll learn for
the first time that Mr. Uoyd was elected
mayor by an indignant community to
put down n junta of Nun partisans who
wei'o running riot with political afl'airs.
The common impression in Omnlm Its
that Mayor Uoyrt was brought oilt ut the
Academy of Musio by a junta of demo-
cratsund mugwumps after a carefully
pruparcd programme , which put the
lights out nml rung thu curtains down
within tun minutu.s after tjiumooting was
culled to order. The indignant eiti/.niio ,
mugwumps und democrats combined
hardly polled votes enough to glvo Mr
Uoyd 103 majority , when without
the indignant citizens he hud over l.UOO
majority four years previous. If this pa
per at any time bus slilod with paving
lings , grading rings , or nny other cor.
rupt combination iu or out of thu no tin-
nil , the eit'x.ons ' and tax-payers of Oma
ha have not ye hwird o | It , On the eon-
tr.iry the Hnr has always been foremos
in exposing nnd lighting municipal job
bcry which has almost Invariably fount
warm support or silent aid or comfor
from the Omaha JIcrahL In the Holli
water works light which , after a contest it
the city council and in the courts for ovoi
eight months , terminated in tie ! over
throw of the jobbers and saved the city r
half a million dollars , the Her. and its ccl
her led the opposition to jobbery whilt
the Jfcratil defended it and uphold it
In the light over the sandstone rinf
which was made alone by this paper the
Jlcraltlgave the ringsere ! cordial sup
port. These facts nobody knows bet lei
than Mayor ttoyd , together with the
fnct that the Hit : : and its editor have lit
variably been found on the sldo of the
tax payers as against the tax robbers.
It is simply preposterous to say that
there Is any political combination 01
conspiracy in connection with the law
and order league or any effort to break
down Mr. Hujd in the discharge of hl
olllcinl duty. At the meeting in * thu
opera lioitsu the mayor was not attacked
by any speaker or his motives impugned.
Wltilo Mayor Hoyd now disclaims any
intention to'nullify law , the natural in
ference of every Intelligent hearer of his
speech was iu accordance with the Br.K'i
editorial comment. The speech as pub'
lishcd in the HII : : was identical with that
published in tlio mayor's organ. We
liavo given the ma.yor fair treatment in
this connection and -have no desire tn
obstruct him. The estimate in which
thu pub.lii ; will hold him will depend
upon his future conduct. Meantime ,
during the absence of Dr. Miller , ho had
better mu/c/.lo his fool friends.
The eleetrhi light companies of Omaha
are exhibiting a ro kloss disregard of thu
ordinance- thu ' tringimrof their wires
across ourhlrcoUnnd hi 1 dings. Hovera' '
accidents have oeeiined recently fiom
ihscaiHe , and ii e aid propcity have
been endangered by bivn' s in tlio civ-
cuts and the e cipo of this current to
n < I jhborii g wires and i n It-flying wood-
wo.k . Only a fiw d lys ago the lire
a'a'in to'pgraph ' was r mlered prno ieal-
ly nsclu H aid M rious dnma c doiu to
the sy-a. in by co : i t of tu eteetrlu
light wires u i'h th' < line. Diui g ir'y
1 a'f ' of t le tw inly-four h urn t t re
use u' o ot the to c lie o sy t m < o-
s t'oyed by the iiuinciinn to tli sinv er
Ul re it * of llio olootra ; light e bin.
anne a ice ca i d n ! I . ' o os in eon- an , e orinuus i o. 10 < o I : of
t c danger w bit .suuh roikl < ess
br ugs to li D and property. h
to m nh < a o' p s < .l . n
o d mince n ; the on.truction
tf el - elrhl. l. ht ctirr n t in the
city. It. provnhul fully against possible
interfeionou with the telegraph and tele
phone wiles by ordering a li\ed dislaned
for crossing above or bulow the lineof
those systems It also required the pole.s
to be placed on opposite sides of llio
street in order to prevent the escape of
thu electric curicnt. The ordinance is
being placed at defiance. No attempt is
made to repaid its provisions. It i * high
time that the eitv council should take
steps in tJie matter for the protection of
our citizens who have so freely given the
companies access to our streets and alleys
with their dWigiUing poles and obstruct
ng wires.
Revolution in IMovlco.
Mexico is enjoying a revolution , which ,
while at present of small proportions ,
iromisc3to embroil the whole republic.
I'lio Male of Nuevo Leon is the < -eil ; of
war , and Manuel l otlritfti- tile leafier
of tlu ' ' "Tomiioni-Jti. Tlio source of the
trouble is said to be in the recently de
clared purpoeo of the national govern
ment to prosecute ex-President Gou/.ales ,
whom llodriguo/ ! represents , for alleged
gigantic cmbcz/.lemjntsoil'ected while ho
was president. Goiuulcs is now governor -
nor of the small .state of Guanajuato ,
south of Nuuvo Luon , and the Mipposl-
lion is that ho will presently take up
arms and throw himself into the move
ment ojgnn bv his tool KoJriguez. Con- !
zolus will prove a formidableantagonibl
as hu has b tele of him a great number of
the most powerful elements in Rlexico.
Hi ) is the strong sst in in In the republic
with thu army , and will b3 supporlnd b.\
hundreds of his partisans in thu north ,
who have recently been ttirnud out of of
fice by thu Dingovorntmnt. . Against a
combination of the army and the oilicis
holders , the piesunt government could
not fctiiml a week.
Tun Pni.sjlvania law against t ) o
manufacture i nd ale of cUe n ,
b itter n > . : u d oiuur such < omoumN , i : n
been d o'.trod ' by the suprumo court ut
i al atn o o lie i o i.-t Imijiml A u hilts-
sale grown- , determined to test the c. n-
stitutii n ilit.j o ! the law , sold a quantity
of oleomargarlno , was arrested , tried
and convicted , tlio couit rosorv n Its
( intil dcuision on alnw po n5 that the act
was nn.'onst t Hioni 1'Thu judge before
whom ! > t"ietl all comma iweal h e.vll
cai s announced his opinion that > h < act
was constitutional , The most imptrianl
f jiituro in h . - , opinion is > to to the oD'oct
that , as 1,0.v imtnufactund and sold ,
oleomargarine is a deception vf lich
the Icgislaturo has a right to pro * e it.
This will bo welcome news to honest
dairymen urcrywlinro , nnd also to the
Qonsumcr.s of butler who are constantly
being duouivcd by the bogus compounds.
If .such a law b constitutional in Penn
sylvania il would in all probability bo
constitutional in any other Male that
would adopt it.Vo would suggest to
the Nebraska dairymen , who are to as ,
somblo in annual convention ot Fremont'
: o discuss the subject , and tuko Mops to
liavo ( hu Pennsylvania law adopted by
thu next JS'cibr.uKn ' legislature. Itogus
butter is now sold In nearly every gro-
scry store in Xobraska towns , nnd in
most cases ii. palmed olTforguniiiiio but-
tor. Tuis certainly not only afTcets the
inferoaU of dairymen , but it is an impo
iltion upon consumers that &honld bu
A few lucky opcrutortt in Wall street
ivho maiilpulaUid llio lute boom in clocks
jle.uiU'd up Mivernl handsomu fortunoB
joforu thu ttroot tlattvnud out Thu chief
if them wajVm. . II. VandorblK , By
) iij'inr ! up Now York Uentntlstook at the
depressed prices and tlion closing tin
railroad \\nr liy purchasing the Wes
Shore he Is aid to liavo nearly if no (
quito recovered tle iffty millions whlcli
he lost two years jigo. Taskor II. Mar
vin , the retired broker who made the
purchases for V-mderbilt , cleared the
neat little sum of "iDO.OJ.1 on his own ao-
count , and \\Mnsloiv , Lander & t'o. , boltifi
eonneeted with the secret through the
negotiation * of the \Ycst Shore purcliasc ,
got about .tl,0)0 , ) O.)0 . ) In the deal ,
WwciIshoflVr who operatetl on hia
own account on the btdl side of the mar
ket added a cool million to his bank ac
countHm ICuonc cleared $100.001) ) . und
Wash Connor $ ; l,00 > . 'L'ho brokers
made. Immense profits from commissions
whieh on some days wore greater than
over before in the history of Wall street.
These are interesting ligttros of gains.
The other side of the story is equally in
teresting to the lo er.s. For every million
gained by the Vnuderbllts ntitl Keenes
there was a million drawn from the
lambs who were sheared in the street.
Thu lucky bulls wore oll'sot by the un
lucky bears.
Mil. C.Mtitsii : has been mtanitnou < dy
selected by the democratic caucus for thu
next speakership. This is a compliment
which the larilV reformer from Kentucky
will doubtless appreciate. Sotuc. of Mr.
ItaudalN friends are afraid that it moans
a revision of the Imnsi ! rules and a re
duction of thi ! tarill' , neither of which will
bo grateful to the Poims.vlvuuiau mono
. \oicKitosr has left his signature on
tlm windows ami anuoiincuil correctly
the coining of thu cold wave.
Senator KdinttniH Iseslimatud to be worth
Wllklo Collins has become as lobnst as
some of his novels.
lion. .Iniucs 0. Illalnc kicks thu beam at
neat I v " 00 pounds with his winter overcoat
Miss Iiouisa Alcott is said to have made
over SI00KM , ( out of her slmius lor young
-Miss A ( in 51. Sweet , ex-pension agent , is
not marilcd us foul import hud It. , She is as
Sweet as ever.
I'tineo Hlsmniuk Is once more as ficsh us n
daisy. Ui.slripto I'licduilclisrulio was ox. '
cwllngly benelk'lrtl.
Pi luce Alexander ot IJiilgatin plays Iho
piano three hours a day. No wonder the
St'ivians vvanl to slay him.
Young Ilole-in-tie-Day ) wants to go to
West I'olnt , where lie cqn learn to IJL-COIIIO nn
old P.iliil-thc-Tovvn-ltcd'Man.
Unless n Home corespondent is nt fault
the Italian who mmilod Sllss Kve Mackny
bus ahead ) srntandticd'her ' foilnnc.
An Amctican mimed Woodcock : has become -
come ( lie court fnvoiitc ol the King olVin
temlmig. We have lienid ol hi- * little game
plnved befoie. '
.small Oicen , of Xoitlt Caiollna
owns the largcjtlneyard cast of tins Blena
\ev.ula1 * . ( ircun liulds delight him moiethati
congtchslonal pasltue- < . '
C'oiigicssmaii ( itiy , olf.'iiiUlniin , is said to
have a million dollar * a Jiis call , lie Is a
sugar planter , but'it is his sand Ihat makes
life seem guy nnd sweet to him ,
Mndamo Nllsson has dNnpiiolutcd thu Co
logne nnd the Merlin audience * . Very severe
ai tides appear in thu ( icimmi papers about
her voice , her singing and her gestures on tliu
conceit pluUoim.
Fmc. Modjeska has sent to the Now
Oilcans exposition a doll diessed by ber own
hands as the Scottish ( jut-en Mary , and tlio
costume is nn exact copy in mlnlntuii ! "r Jler
Juss Kate Sauboin told the Crltlo's "Loan
ycr1 that tlio giasslmpper on tlm cover of he
' Wit of Women" ! > n lat > dld. "Miss Hos
Clevelaml , " she said , ' 'had a ruse on th
cover of her book , so 1 oho > u a kat ilid. A I
my fi lends call mo Katy , and this is the book
that Katy did , "
OlatisSpieoklcsis thostiirnr icflncrof Unit
fouila , the vlitual king of the Sandwlcl
Islands , because lie controls its sugar land
nnd cultivation ; hols al&o the owner of a
licet ot steam and sailing .ships , and will now
cany the mall between San Funclsco , llono
lulu and Auckland , New Zealand ,
Tlio IjiiuciCase. .
Hnrvdril Courier.
The case , from its peculiar circurn
htanecs , has attracted great attention
and the trial will bo of iiiiumnil interest.
Contempt ol' Court.
l' < il > illlt i Time * .
Minnie Dishncr , the wonderful Colum
bus sleeper , has a worthy lival in the
per.son of the judge of the Harpy county
district court ,
Nothing Ijlko Tin-in. '
American newspapers are said to have
peicoptibly allected election results in
Knghmd. American women and Ameri
can newspapers arc thu prettiest and
iiio = t useful tilings in thu world.
Farm Mm tR
Annwlwc ( Nib , ) 1'lonccr.
AYill thu man who said that Nobiaska
farms hoavili mortgaged to east-
urn capitalists peat in it conspio-
nuns place in liL-i mind thu fact that
Ulair tionnlv , P < wiihyvania { , farms are
ecourily for ! p-OUOOi)0 ) worth ot loans ,
Al'olutcd Question ,
Hy llio way , has'auy'bf our exchanges
hoard how that 'liber suit of thu Omaha
Republican termlhatedy AVe mean thu
suit to recover dmnogcs fiom onq , of
pmuiia's prominent ulti/.eu.s for publish
ing the fact that . ( ho railroads dictated
Ihu utterances of ( lie Hopnblican.
Tlio Kf-njiierwaii Cnso.
JlHriHiril lloitrlfr.
The attornoy-g'i-iierlil has gone to
iVashingUm to ai ! u6''tlto Xiinniernian
jiiso buforo the supreme court , It Is
Ktinful to reflect that possibly Mr. Zim
merman's grcal grandohildron may liavo
heir gray hnirs brought in sorrow to the
iravo ! < y hearing pronounced n sentence
o the ctVc.ct that their illustrious pro
genitor was guilty Pf committing nn
i. saiilt with a deadly weapon , or that hu
larborcd Ihu purpoau of doing tome one
jreat bodily injury.
I. . .
No AVontlcr.
I'liMurluzcttt / ,
The Unitud StatcH mar hal brought
nto Omaha from Dmivor tlfteon purnons
irro.slc < l for mtudulont land entries in
he wott-rii jinrt of this Mate. The busl-
iocs citdiiid to liavo Iii'tiii oarriud on quit t
ixtenblyuly nnd H.Vhteinutlcally and it is
iui" this bjiut-iua ol uron\i-dnu | a icccivud
some attention. Xo wonder POUIO of tin
largo stockmen in the west linvo ncqttlrci
vast tracts of land tiltpn the cowboys ii
their employ were enabled to mnkn iron
ono to do/en entries , under lietltioti
name1' , for the benetil of their employers
Scnntor Vnu Wyok'i Itccortli
Winner Counti ! Herald.
It imiRt bo admitted that Senitor Vai
Wyck has done more , both in and out o
congress , to arraign and e\po o the ills
ImncM , thieving cncroai-hnienti of cor
poraliona upon the rights of the pro
dueers throughout the west , Ihan auj
other one man. And It is through thesf
actions he has nroused such a , deep feel
ing of reeenlluent among the monopolist !
and the snbsldixed press , It will sooi
duvolvu upon lliooters of Nebraska ti
declilo who Rltnll succeed Van Wvek ti
the senate , and allow us to predict thai
lh < 3 worktngtiicnof Nebraska will declare
by their ballot that he shall be his owi
successor and serve them lor .six yean
longer , regardless of thu dictating cor
porations and their hirelings \\Iio will
jointly and strongly protest against stioli
Uhlwiflo Itentld.
The death of MeUlellan and llendricks ,
coming within a few weeks of each ether
or , marks Ihu tirst serious In-oak in thu
ranks of the old-time democratic leaders
with whom this generation has been fa
miliar. Almost nil of tlm conspicuous
opponents of them men passed away be >
fore 1370 , and the leadership of the re
publican party was entirely changed be
tweeit ISIi'iand ta ? i , While death was
busy among the republican chiefs thu
democratic Jluudnrd bearers of those
days lived on , jiotno of them in retire
ment , but many of them still in actlvo
business and political life
Oov. Seymour , now almost an octoge
narian , survives in reasonable health
and with his mental faculties unimpaired.
( ! ov. Tildunt though feeble in hotly , is
as vigorous m mind as ever , and , at nn
age of morn than Hoveutv year" , appears
to bu able to uteri considerable influence
on the politics of his country. Jmlgo
Thoman , al o beyond three score and
ten , is enjoying a green old ago nt his
home in Columbus. Tlie u , besides
others of less prominence who might be
named , were the contemporaries of Lin
coln , Howard , Phase and Simmer , Thny
entered polities when Clay , Webster ,
Hentoti and Calhoiin wore at the front.
They lived to see n man of their own
faith in the White Housp , but ono who
was never hoard of outhido of his own
town until they were almost ready to lay
down thn cares ol' lifo.
The next few years will witness the
oxil of all thusn anuicnt loadeis , pro-
.si.-md by singular fortune long beyond
I he time enjoyed by their adversaries.
The first two to go were both the juniors
of those remaining.
Rich Indian * ) .
St. Louis Republican.
Gun. Sheridan's report reminds the
American public of a , fact which will
probably surprise it , viz. , that the Indians
who give us so much trouble and are
Mich a perpetual pu/.zlo to our .statesmen
are the richest class of human beings in
the country. Take the Crows , for ovam-
ple. There are only . ' ( , .100 of ( hem , all
told bucks , squaws and pnppooscs and
they own a reservation embracing 4,800-
OOJ acres of hind , and involving the t > u-
pi-rlieial possibilities of a half-dozen
Uhode Islands. Gen. Sheridan proposes
that an allotment of a half .section ( iUO
acres ) bo made to each head of a fnmilv ,
and the rest of the reservation bo bought
by the government for $1.M : an acre , the
purchase money to constitute a perpetual
ttinil , the interest only of which shall bo
paid to them. If this wcio done , each
Crow fnnnl.\ would have a , homestead of
; i.iO acres ot hind , with the chaiieu
of a silvur mine on it , and tin
annual cash income of about
$ } " ) ' ) besides. The S.OJil . Chcyennes and
Arapahoes endowed { n th'J saw * * -/fay /
would huv lai * t-nolipii for a good farm
ftiruauh head of a family and § JJla ) year.
The Utes have over 5,1)0) ) ) acres of 'land
ii ; their reservation ; thu tribes in the , In
dian territory liavo a still larger domain
embracing as choice lands as are to be
found on the continent ; and the other
tribes arc endowed with similar nuinili-
ceneu ; and if the Sheridan schemes were
adopted and carried out , evorv Indian
family iu the west would bu able lo live
comfortably , and without work , thu ru-
mainder of their days. There are not
fewer than live million while men in the
country who would be glad to exchange
places with the nomads on these terms.
While it mny not bo possible for ever ,
one to write nn olognnt Imnd , every on
can wrilu n plnin hand , if ho cares I' '
tilled the pains to do so. Thin wnnt o
nttentioh is moro nnnoyinu ; to editor
tlmu to nny other class of men. Tlu
ardor of composition mny bo nil excuse
for the illegible character of thu tirs
copy , but. it is not an excuse for inflicting
it upon tlio editor. If the nrticlu is wof tl
publishing it Is worm rucopymg , am
the writer's ' tlmu iy not moro precious
than the editor's. Other Ihingd buin < ,
equal , Iho mnnn.soripl which mvus thu
least trouble in its pertiHal JH the mos'
siiru of receiving early and cnrufn
attention. Thu iiluu mny hnvu oxistud.
in somu rumotu period , that thu more
misurnblu the scrawl the moro learneif
tlm writur ; but it is curtain that we dc
not entertain such n delusion now. Noi
ririi manuscripts so freijnently prepared
iind sent under tliu absurd conclusion :
"Hiiro is a nianusoript ami thuro is uu
editor ; all Unit is noe.e.srtiiry is to bring
thorn together , nnd. ii true appreciation
3f genius will Fettle the rest.1' ' So long
iispcoplo contlnno to virito in n carolusH
way , so long will editors bo bored nnd
Ihoir waste baskets ovorllow with the
"chaolio mass of sweetness' . "
It is highly probnblu that the typo-wri-
, cr will work out the careless suriblor's
riidomplion. for it could not do illegible
ivork even if it hint the duslro , Invent-
vo genius has not exhausted ilsulf , nnd
luncu Ihu typo-writer of the future will
) u a small , simple , chimp instrument , so
hut pot-bons ot ordinary cnpaoity and
mm in will bu nblo to operate and own
> nn , It is trnu , in some degree , that n
utter wrilton by a typo-writer looks cold
mil formal in the eyes ol a friend or lov-
tr , nnd in somu ca&ns ceases to bu con-
idenllal even , buoausu of Ihu knowledge
luil il was dlututcd. But nearly nil legal
vriling is prepared upon it , nnd when
t.s usu bccoinns general no one will re-
oicu moro than Ihu editor , uxeupt pu < ' -
laps thu compobltor , who will liavo the
lyesight spared and Iind less occasion to
ndulgu in profanity ,
' .Iliii-Janib" IB ua Oltjcottona
"Amy , " rornarkod the high school girl ,
'you ' saw Frit t Kiniuctvlieu hu played
iuro , did you not" "
" \ us , " nse > cnted Amy.
"Well , hu bus had another itltnclof
lie Jnmus preserves , "
" .Jamt-s prestfi'vusr'1 ovelnlnu'd Amy ;
what on fiu'tlt nro Jainei pr uurvis ; ,
"Well , tin * papers said 'Jim . 'awn , ' but
think that a voryobji.ctinii.iblo uhruio..1
Thu Hiiox mill tliu I'annnia CanuU an :
iu iluapest ami vyidc t 'uitta' in thu
orld , The \voraV cuts r n b hcaliMl by
t. Jaoobi Oil.
wateiwoiks will l > e In operation Ii
a few days.
Ono hundred turkeys wcie dissected will
thank4 In Crete on the Mill.
Chmlrnn Is n-velliiR in the ln\tiry of n brns
band nnd n teller skating rink.
The nipcs ed valtintlon of Doiliro county li
? " , lStKKi.O'.i. ( 'llm loxy IM I mills.
{ 'nrdars nro maVliifr fieiiuciil culls on tin
suburban residents ot I'latismonth.
. Chndion will send n commit Ice \Vnsltintt
ton this w Inter tu lobby for a land ollice. '
The brick smoke-stnck of the \ebraski
Cit > tllstlllery went do\sn In the ualo Fiiday
Wcephii ? Wntet Is inovlnc foi a cnnnltu
factoi v. A stock company Is to be oriaiil7cil ?
Nlohraia Is threatened \\tth another demo
cratlc paper. The town has a Kicat deal It
euntemlUth. .
Kurnns county has more native timber than
any other ( .utility In thu state. So sa\s the
local hlstotian.
Tnnclllm ; fnio faUr < made a clean tip ot
? * troin the unsophisticated UmKs of Hail-
liitttoii last week.
John ( fallen , of I'lntte rmintv , irltirneil
fnnn a dud ; limit recently , \\llh ti mutilated
liitnd In the game ! MK.
Twelve bundled ncrcs of school land In
foi ly-.ino tracts were lecently sold In Ante
lope county at S7 i-er ncio.
One TliiunitH .iMTtey iimsncal ranch neat
Ovloul tosilppl > theitemaiidor Ihu L'hlnesi !
oi Oemor foi teiului lellnes.
Sausairu Is the pupul.n mllele of diet In
\alleyconnty. The bill of laiu is ocinsloii-
ally spiced with si-a oned hnsli ,
The Hastings Klectilc Miht comp.tny .
llueatciiH to hhui up simp unless the business
men p.itronl/.u It mere libcially.
A rarmer named Wlncliull , in fcwaul
coimt.stietclied himself mi his b.un i-aflcr
last wcel , . Theeuioiici sat uirhlni.
ritilMnio trumps with Union I'nellle brakemen -
men just now. They lead with the little
JoKt-r vvht'ii titimpM me oidcied up , nnd play
n lone baud.
Chunks ot coal liom the 1'oiler mine , near
roiicn , have licun tested and loiind to burn
tieely. The vein Is said to bean extensive
and valnablu one.
'i'ho Morning Mall has made Us appear
alien In 1'hittsmoiilh. evidently to till a "long-
tell want. " ( Jummlngs , Keithleyniid l.cault
tile tin-piopilctois.
A ffas well has been sttttck in the neighbor
hood of hong I'lne , with iiidientiiuis ul oil in
the dlsMiao. This ( mulshes a theoietliMl
basis lor thu iccont blow.
M. B. Mellrldennd wife ot ridleiton nat-
invvly escaiH'd snifocalion bj eoalgasun thu
night ot the tailli. It took tlm doctms scveial
hems to lestoio Ilium to eons-c'musiiess.
McDoiKtugh. a piisonur iu the Plum Cicek
jail , altomptcd to caive bis way to freedom ,
nut was nabbed while unhinging thu tioni
door , lie Is now catering the sontniy.
Miss DNlmer , the Hip A'nn Winkle of
1'lntlo county , has passed the totllcth dav ot
her naii. She mows Cut on milk nnd wine ,
and is having a ie llul goud time of it.
J. A. Coiinoi , of I'lattsmoiitli , has pur
chased the loo-acio laim ol W. II. nceilng , ii ;
Uouw'las countv. The land Is live miles tioui
Omaha and will SOPH b j tinned into eity luK
Chadron continues the rustling town of
noithwest Ncbt.iskn. Tlm extension ol the
liillrond to lltilTalo Gap , tlihty-ilvu milt-.s
notlh , served to inctcasc tins business of thu
The O'Neill Trllmno , the hcailllsht of
Holt's democincy , nillrms that the Ur.iIs
"tlm leading republican newspaper west
ol thlciuo , and u model ol tvpogmphlcal
Weeping-Water sends greeting to Plaits-
mouth , and gently but Inmly ussmes thu mo-
tiopohs that tlm Idea ot electing the county
e.niil hoiiao there is too piopojtctou- bo so-
liotisiy consldeu'd.
The mimmoth hennery stalled at Haiting-
ton will eventually employ U.nuo hens and
suvcml patent iucubatois. " The supply ot
springchk'kons thu-atens to annihilate tlio
miauling house loustcr.
Thojonnir men of Weeping Water aio so
utterly devoid ot 'the lust principles of line
manhood" that they piotain- the house of ( ! eden
on thu Sabbath. A movement is on loot , lo
treat thunt to a hypodermic Injection ol bole
The laimers of. Itulfalo cnimtv have de-
claiL'd war on the gialn buveis of Keainey ,
and piopose. to bojcottthu elevator syndicate.
Many lanners aio lianling their giain to
( iiand Nlnnd , vvhcio bettor pi Ices aie
The 1'apillion Times rcsucctfu'lv ' Vut " " , ' ?
"piavs the lioiiorn1'1 ' bill d 'uy jiid-'i. of "this
Voiut tOWaU 'lrj7ami ufvo us a llfllo moio
.i'.jiieo and less law , and thus save the
county fiomunnecessary expenses. " Mny
U please the couit.
Thn famous Maxcy Cobb rascs ; in Saipy
county , Iu which Hon. A. J. I'opploton sneil
Jor thu ri-coveiy of n herM % , have been si'tticd
to the. satisfaction of Ural gentleman , and hu
has invited both plamlltu urnl defendants tea
a big Chiislmas dinner.
Saipy county's tiCASiny Is Just aching toi
the completion of the Missouii 1'aeliic and
the Ashiand cut-oil ot the 15 , it M , Tliu
county now icecivcn * l 1,000 in taxc.s liom thn
unbuild : * , and expect * to double the sum on
Iho completion oi thu new nyils.
A taiiiily or ei'ht poisons Jiving near
fetiomsbiir , ; wcio scii'insly potsuned with
aiM'iiioThanksirivinijday. Tlie poison was
mixed with baking powder and u ed in
making bicad tor the family dinner. A
doctor artIved in time to pump them diy.
Plattsmonth hoists of a brlndlo cow with
as much iiitolligunce as a loafer and a dis-
ctiminutlngscnsn of . .good tiling on a cold
day. A bennie Is a I east for ticr.ind when
ono Is Idiinil Rim b.nksiip to it contented ,
chews liui cud and tans the smoku with her
A swindling moneylender is oneiatlngln
Ihu towns along the Klkhoin. Hu pictends
lo loan monuy nt six. pur ( unt , but the nixt
condition icquiicd of n boinmcr is n cash
iiiiiehase of a 8'i" inercaiitlle rcpoit. iVIion
Mm shnrjicr makes n luw sales ho skips lor
Ihu ne.\t town ,
TlmXoilh N'ubinska LiglusaysVaynn : : \
enmity bus onlv about onu-tuntli ol' ItsLuid
in cultivation , bec.iii-o .spiTitiatois have got
uild ol it. Thn man Davi'iipoit , who inn tin
'overnor in New York this j car , has S.OJO
In n body , and won't sell any ot It , o\
: ut tiiney ngines. Such nusn me neiiiso
o \ \ ajno county. Cedar county Is , to some
sxtciit , atllictcd la thu same way , "
The surveyors of tlm Klkhoin Volley load
uu mapping the proposed extension troin
ienbner northvvtut. They me now in the
jhell creek valley. They niu not stirvcylni ; a
trelimimiiy linn us was nt nmt s-upnosud , but
ne locating the ro.ul and Kcttlii' ' , ' Knulo
itake.s , which accouni * , tor the length or tlmu
hev con.suiiiiIn mal.'Iimthosinvey. A paity
if li. A M. survejnrs hnvo been smvujmg
Mstnnd noilhot Himijilucy , Imvlnt ; sttnivil
10111 FlCilKI , . ! .
IOM.I I loins.
Thostatolfsblntuiu convenes Jnunnry 7 >
A county hunt war tlnentens to crimson
Davuniiort has os'pon'l''d ' ' SH.O'JO . In siicut
ul : this year ,
Dt" ? Mollies' prii. | > ecl' . torn gl.ibs factory
lupiinelully clobc.
Iiiiuliiin nut innliliiLt iHinieioiis inoiitibln
ilds on thu tills ut Sliuix City ,
There aiullS.isSJ Ohlnboincitkeiib In iu\vu
nd 118,717 millvus of Illinois.
Jtiiittiini'ty ( ( county tuinuM's have lobtovcr
w 01 ih ut hos by eiiolera ,
. mlld-iol t.dlKuitln luwiion
hlch null suvUiu IH performed.
The What f'hem I'atilol advuwles u slate
nllcf loicc toi'iiloit'D pioliiLiltiiin.
, An organl/.itlon ot HiuMlur re.ldt-nis In
m Htntv tins bi'ttn iicrleiticd In Dos
Theii/bullt I'atlc huiiiu , at Stoim Like ,
III he oj > i > ncd with it giand bamitii't on
Sinus City has cnmniRiiwd llgiirlng on llm
i-t of sliiri piing , .Hid moposti to stall the
mil woili next -cur.
Mr. ( IniKlciiotiph , of livimr , chiliiik to luvt-
( ipi'i-d ' the i.ivaij'ej ol' lici- ; cholera in hli held
j'tnw usuufob.H'Cii ,
A pup 'r hus licwu stinted ut ( iliddi-n fur Hit )
upOM > of tpkllntj Uu atlinjo that "NothitiK
.Kxirtls . like Stuvt'sK.
li-f.iitli ( county has an ulcplmnt on lla
mil' ' , Tlm animal will bo sold ut unvtlun
the slioflir next .Saturday. ItaphU votivl ubuoit twi lo one
; aln > t Niiimi ; 70.uuo Iu bonds to lilt Ihu
latlng lnili'bitdnt" > < at the town ,
Oillcors found J',1i Ixjitlcs ot beer In Hu *
lUito pilu ui ixiiiitluul IVtt'rf.011. of ( lit *
UIIICI'M hotel , til L'ttlar 1 ulln i ' * -iitl > .
The UyMi ( uld tun oVV. . h. vVubstcr , of
csrewcd with " liorso't liccl
Thursday and died alimut InMnnlly.
"Xolsy George/ the lord lilijh shoitterof
the Snhatlnnmim at Cedar HnpiiK When
bo ojwns Ids moitih the eaith trembles.
Aithtir Chase , assistant poMmastrr nt
A\i cn. comes In fern Sl.iWO.OiXl slmreof tlio
( unions Chasoe < : lnte , Hint Is now being settled
In nnglnnd.
Twi-ntv-sK iiicinlH'rs of onn fitmlly In
Mnishalltown met tngetlter thn other day.
The oldest vvi'SMi years and the iimmrest bt )
dav * .
'I he city ofDe * Mollies Invested S0.500 In
a < | iilt clitlm deed to ceitaln city lots nnd
lotmd that the document was not woith the
The cit.v Is out Just that amount by
tnllmi ; to hlo the deed with tliu proper of-
A well-kiimvn Uitilluztoii cltl7cn lias up-
pcnded to hlsvvlll n btsiiu'it of gtOJtotho
newspaper mnii wlmvvlll wilte , at hla dentil ,
ho neatest ind best obituary notice , his wife
t" coastline the committee of nwiird. The
repoilcrs nro nii\liuK that the clause be made
i > l > erati vent once ,
A brnkemmi on the tioith-bonud p'n $ cn *
got tniln on the 1C. 0. Thtirsdav evenlttjr was
tlnown from the linln about" mile and n
Imltbelow I'acltlc .Innctlou by trumps who
weio .stealing n tide. He vvassooli missed
and n switch en lue sent IUCK to tind him.
He wn found wnlMnglownitl the town with
snino huiitun ) . One oC his aims' had been
A liiakeiimii nnmcd lluiley was. tlnown
fiom his tiatn neatllnlllelt , FiiMiiunt countv , fl
nlnht by n pnily of live tiamps
vvhnm he vvas persii.tdltii ; to gel tilf. He was
tint missed till the ttafii nnhed nt I'aoliie
.Hiiiction , when n switch eiii'lim vvns sent
back to Hud him. Ills Injuries vvcto loUml to
lieveij s\c ( ( | , If not
A number of Cedar Itflplds.icsldcnts vvero
mj. stilled last week on tecclpt nf bluod-rcd
eanK the sl/e of postals , einbi'lllshed with
n hilne nnd vivid sUidl mil ctoss-beiics and
ho m.vsteilons and awe-lnsnlrliiK litscilp-
lion , "Hevvai-e ; the 5lVstle l.eaguo has ltd
eye upon you I ' Just what this incaiii l not
Kiinvvn , but the leclplents nio nut greatly
nlai Hied.
P-i some time | ) as | the clll/eiH ot Ml.
I'lea nnl have been rcjolrlmr over the supposed -
posed me-cnce ot a live-fool vein of coal
under tMe rlty. .Mi. Clnrlt , on whoso land
Ihcdlsi'oveiy WHS iiiiidc , has gone to S'lOUO
CMiciiM-to ptoouiv mnulilnuiv fi < iiu Uhleatco
nnd sink a shall , only tu Und that his hunt
had licen salted by some | oKci , and not a
paitlele of coal can bo toimd.
Klonv Knlls Is iR-soHntlng foi u , awmlll.
Tlm liquor llcuitbu In LawicnoO cuiinty lb
" > 00 n year.
Surv uuii.s are still nl work on the Dnlnth ,
llmon Denver ionic.
Tliunoithvvesiein depot at Vnnkton wilt
tie completed in tlmu to le elve thu Hist pas-
heagei ttnln ten day * ) hence.
Thol'list National bank nt DeSntet has or-
cnnUtd lo commence biisiucs < i oil the Hrst
dav ul .Ittniiaiy with n capital of WOtK)0. )
A lallioad line Is being surveyed fi'om ' Hn-
ion to n point on tliu Mlssoinl ilvui ncai-
Wheeler. It tans Willie Lake , and the niu-
pie I heicnrc jubilant over the prosiect. )
Ijowon Smllh , who took unison n few dnvs
iiijo , at Mimx Tails , | s dead. He WHS.uwing a
laruo ninonnt of money , his crouiloiij woio
Dtisldug him for payment , and ho was forced
to jump thcStjx.
The military telegraph between Koit Yates
and Koit Sully , In lakotn , lias been pur
chased tiom tliu government by n syndicate
hlrling Itself the Missouri Klvor Telegraph
and 'lelejihone company Tlio line Is neatly
new nnd in good cnndlti
AVyoniinjj ,
eiimimiiy of Chicago capitalist ? aio about
lo btdil Jaiyo beef packing huuiusnt LIUK-
The libel suit of Kdwaid Cionclinnliisl ( ; thu nc riiin icsiiltcdin a vuullul tor the
l\els 1 * . Nlckell , of Cheyenne , was icscuril
mm thi' IHWS ol a moiintnin lion by Ills doc.
> \lm smote the king ol the jungle hip and
iliUh , nml both succeeded in dispatching the
A piomlneitt citien of KocK Stiiiigsde- )
ilcs tliat the minci.s out of wujk thcteaiu
stiuvlng. Ilesa.v.s that tlieie me tweniy-llvo
niuilics d ( > penilciit iiiion rhaiity und that
IH-J will be pun'Idcd for until wort : Is ch
The woiK ot chuiiKlng the IJnluii Paclfm
irldfrcat D.ilc Cic k so ns to uiako It one of
ron , Ihiiuiglioul , is rapidly
leiutofoio only the centinl piutlon vvnj , ot
ion and the bill nice , . .iciichlu- 'iiu ( Hulls
MI eltlit'i * -r- ' : , was oi wood T'ho Improvc-
niiiit will givnlly sliengtlien tl-c j-liu tiiio
and cnal'e ' it to bcnr up salely Iho huuviest
tiains which may be diawu o\ei il.
The engines on the l.niamlc divi-Jni ) of the
Union I'iiciuc an ; bi-ing uttcd with hu : ; * )
snow plows tor winti'i. Tim plows weigh
fem Ions , nio lwi\l\u \ feet wide anil sixteen
lect huh nl the wlnu's , and cnn thiow snow
lorty ft el hiuh on cither HliKor Hie tinck.
These gigantic snow shovels are balanced on
the piuik. pliitlurin , bciiiu' scciitcly biaccd by
l > atsi mining along the frame bcliliid tlicnvl-
In.lcr.s . , und bolli'd to uprights ic.ivjiiu , to tlio
Liai-ls of the plow , Tlm shcnis oi ed-'t-s niu
somit eight Icut bejoiid thu pilot jilatloini
'Hid ' just c-Mii ( | ! the rail. Thu jilows are shod
lieavlly with lion.
rrvmofJrent llaNiiinlo DU
J. llll'iildii ( ft Wliuu
ttfewfrrvmofJrent f'luo , ( . 'un
ttfewf 'mill ' I'lr , Murlgolil , rtovo
ltl < snimj , otc. , cnlltil HVN
MHin'fi IMMcvi , t'l'ltn , for
the ImiiKHliiilo iclluf mill
puniiiuioni rnro of nvciy
1 in in ul I'm m ill , I rum a
Hlmplo I'nlil In tlm lloml to
i. < -i of Hindi , Ta-l ( nnd
Iluurliiff. CoilKli unit t a-
minimi Consumption. ronii1"H | > ( icniineiit ,
oiitUtlnirnl on" hottli ) IliiilKnl Cnioonn hov
'utnrilml Solrunl , mill ono lniio\tvj | ) lnlitil ( > r ,
n ono iinchiiKi > , niHy now lie Iind of ullili'tiwIslH
or fl OtX At-K for SAtwuin'H It vDum , Cunt : ,
lomplote Inhaler with Treatment , $1.
' "Jlio only iilitolntc spctlMo wo Idoi : - of. "
Mod , TinicH. " 'J'lio lin- no luivii lonnil In u lilo-
inio ul' aiillcriilM' . " ( HiV. Or , Wl gln , llotton.
Allorii Iniitrxliuttinn wltli catarrh iho Itmllciil
'IIIO llllH fOliqUI'IIMl ' ( KlU. H. W. MOIIIOU ,
Anvltlmrnli. I'll. "I Imvonot loiinii u Liihothiit
iilldnoi n < llu\out once " lAndruiv l.tHim
r , Mllcrt.
ii uiKlOlieniioiil CoUo ( < u
not lio'tr tlilii pHln.l ii''lio nil onn' . and
iuithlnif f U > cldc.v m nny sm U
ItUIU'l.ULllllVUIlIUtD. | | . I lOIIIHI ( Mil
horum-ts , f-miioiu i , ItuMuit um U
. .
- - >
Jilt nun , oriiflnnl aiul elcKiint 1111 ( ' < l.itft lo lut'ii '
nd lutlHiiiuiloii IlioOriii'ijnvNti J'ti.v I'I.AI-
in : lCi.uK-lull | > - niii | > l i | lo liulloi lij | ( iai < in nf
gileUcittooloruiiilirii tin iiifxiiuli-u ) IKIIHII Mr
i u.Rl H. S3ct llvu for tl MjJIuil I lee liyl'ot f r
i UK unJ Clirmlcul Co.
" r > Miii.rlliU * | l/Kiiloilulln I'i
> 4U.1 vJ villl hj.lell.tiJl'iili ;
Jt.3 ! H. U. UflMTH , l > Ul. . Omnfltt , Null ,
Man and Beast.
Mustang Liniment is older than
most men , and used more 'aad
oie every year.