Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1885, Image 1

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Hon , dims. Aldrich's Magnificent Donation
to the Iowa State Library.
Tlic Only .Slgnnttire of the
Itttlcr In Amcrlun A Itcitmrk-
nblo unit Vntuutilo Collcc-
( Ion of Antournphi.
An Album of Treasures.
Moi.Nr.s , la. , Dec. 0. [ Siwclal to the
HIK. ; ] A visit to the stale library In the new
wipltol Ii rewarded now with an opportunity
to Inspect one of thu line. * ! collections of
autographs In the United St.itcs. Tills col
lection , known as tlio "Aldrlch collection , "
l.s the gift of the Hon. Charles Aldrlch , of
Webster City , and icprcsents the accumula
tion of a llfo time. Mr. Aldrich has been
very enthusiastic and very assiduous in this
chosen work , and has spared neither time nor
oxpcnto to add to Its expense and value.
Heallzlng that comparatively few could en
joy Its treasures If kept at hl.s own home , he
has picscntcd tlio entire collection to the
stale , on thu aimplc condition that a suitable
place be prepared and set apart for It , that It
bliall ho always open to visitors , and that he
Hhall have the privilege of making further ad
ditions to the collection. The trustees of the
stale library may gladly accept the gift on conditions and are gratillcd to know
that the donor is intending to make still
further additions to his already very valuable
The collection now numbers several thou
sand autographs and portraits , and some of
the specimens are almost priceless In value.
The autographs of a large number of promi
nent people are accompanied by portrait en-
L'l-aviius adding much interest , to the collec
tion. In some cases several pictures are ox-
Inbilcd , tdiowliu thc.sublect at different ages ,
and in some Instances his birthplace , or other
places of Interest connected with \\\s \ \ \ name.
One of the latest additions to the collection
l.s the autograph ot the emperor of Japan
tlio only ono In America. It was procured
through the joint services of Hon. Frank
llatton , ( at the time postmaster general ) and
Mr. liingham the United States minister to
Japan. These gentlemen communicated to
the mikado tlnough various ollielals of low
nml high degree , the desire of the people of
Iowa to have his autograph in their now
state house. Through the Iriendly assistance
the Ko-Kos Pooh-Hahs Nankl-Poos and
01 - , - , - ,
possibly a Kntisbaand a Yiim-Yinn , the
\vlshwasgratllled. The Mikado's slgnatuio
written on silk , coiined with gold and bright
red , fastened to a suedes of card board about
six inches by eight now rests peacefully at
the top of the collection in the new library.
An cnlcrpiiHing linn In Philadelphia wiote
Gov. Sherman a few days ago , making the
mode : ; ! request fora lone of his royal high
ness , autograph to hang in their bhop win-
clews few days to draw attention to their
store. Hut the mikado will not leave Iowa ,
und his ollleial signature and compliments
are very caret idly and jealously guarded.
Another valuable addltli n to the c dlection
incenlly icecived Is the gut of GUI. W. T.
bhcrnian. It is the ollleial icporlof what
wus known as the Klg lilaek campaign or
expedition somu twenty miles t-oi 1 1 of Vicks-
burg. The report , wr.t en in tnu Held , is
about twenty pages long , aid nil In Gen.
Sherman's handwriting , and is directed to
Gen. Grunt Ihiough his adjutant-general.
A nether letter , which will always be rexur led
with peculiar interest , is thu letter written hy
Gen. Gia it to Gen. litickncr concerning tlio
surrender of Fort Donclson , in which Grant
announces "unconditional .suriender" as his
only terms of peace , ( ten. liuckncr's por-
'tralt ' ilud autograph a 'company. The collec
tion Is peculiarly rich in the autographs of
American pouts' and scholars. All of the
Ii a ling poets of America are represented ,
ninny of them witli steel portraits as well as
autographs , and many of them furnish the
vvholu.ira part uf one of their poems. Long
fellow's face apnears In half a dozen differ
ent poll rails , taken at different times , and ho
has contributed in his own Hand a manu
script of the poem "Tlio Anon and the
Song. " Oliver Wendell Holmes Is rcpie-
FOiitcd by porli.illH and autographs and by n
proof sheet of ids poem "Ave , written for
tlio Atlantic-Monthly , mnrkeil with the typo
graphical corrections In bis own hand. Ac
companying the poitruit and autograph of
James'cll Lowell is the manu
script In hl.s hand of his poem
' 'Tho FiistSnowtlake , " Thomas Iluchanan
Head bends the lirst stanza of his famous
lines on "Sheridan's Hide. " Hret Harto con
tributes a stanza of the poem that Includes
the well-known lines "For ways that are
daik and Micks that are vain , the heathen
Chinee is peculiar. " There are half a dozen
portraits of Horace Grecloy. taken atditfeient
ages , and an interesting letter from him , and
a lac simile of the editorial ho wrote tor the
Now York Tribune on "The Aictic Calam
ity ! " Klla Wheeler Wilcox sends in her own
writing her poem "Thu Creed , " while accom
panying Ihu portrait of Mary N. Murfrco , the
now famous "Charles Egbert Craddock , " Is a
letter from her to bci pubMshers thanking
them fora present of a Longfellow eilendar.
There is an interesting letter from Haynrd
Taylor , a part of a poem fiom Kd ward Clar
ence Stedman , a letter from Flu Greene Hal-
Ice It , a letter from Niithanlcl Hawthorne , one
from K. P. Whiiiple , one from Jean Intiulow.
onolrom John G , Suxe. ono from Whlttler ,
and one fiom Charles Dickens. The author
of "Proverbial Philosophy , " MortinTorquan
Tupper. is rcmeseiitcd bv a pa it of a poem
on ' .Self Iteliiince. " Grltco Greenwood sends
-A favorite poem. IL II. Stoddurd contributes
n verse. Anna Dickinson tends with her
poitralt , the sentiment , "Tho world belongs
to those who take it. "
There arc many letters In thu collection
which possess tar moro than mere auto
graphic value. Thus the heroic struggles of
union women during thu war are ivc Uled by
n letter written by Susan H. Anthony from
Iho oillce of the anti-slavery society in Now
Yoik jlty In IStK ) . urging upon a fellow
worker to do all that is pnsnihla to uphold thu
( minis of thu government and encourage thu
hoMicis In thu tield who are lighting for the
union. Theio Is a modest letter from Will
Caileton , the poet , to the managing editor of
Harper's Weekly , asking If theio Is any place
In that paper for ono of his ballndn , which ho
Incloses , Old J'Olin Drown , wliosj s'oul goes
marching on , Is represented In the collection
by a laigo poi trait : and a long and interesting
letter written during exciting times , Theiu
Is a proof pa go Horn ono volume of Han-
croft's History of the United States , with the
typographic corrections marked In thu mar-
Kin , just as he sent it back to thu printers.
There Is an Inteiestlng letter from Josiah
CJulncy.piesIdent ot Harvard college , written
in 1K17. A line poi trait of Victor Hugo , ac
companied wltli tils autograph and u few
wotds of compliment , were obtained through
thu kindness of lion , Lcvl It. Motion , lute
minister to France ,
The whole field of American litcratuio Is
most admirably iepieented , JJchldes
ulieady mentioned , there are letters or auto
graphs from nearly every prominent poet ,
novelist and magazine writer in the country.
American humorists uro represented by Mark
Twain , P. . Shlllaber , ( Mrs. Parllngtoni ,
Aitemns Ward , Nubby , Dnrdette , and P. T.
Hainum. The latter in u letter to thu editor
of a western paper announcing the coming
of Harnum'3inly 'ieatest show on earth. "
The poets of Kuiopo ore represented by
Goethe , Schiller , Tennyson , Tom Moore ,
Campbell , and others , and historians by
Kdwaid A. Freeman , Itancke. whoso "Popes"
are famous tlio world over , Cenllus of Her-
llr. whoso history of Greece every col lego boy
is supposed to have read , Moiunsen. whoso
'Homo" U equally famous and valuable , and
> uu" " ' v other popular writers. Thu scientists
iuu Darwin , Huxley , Spencer , Audtibon ,
Agusslz , Ilumboldt , and many other names
famous in the new world and thu old ,
Tlicio are autographs of a long line of Am
erican statesmen , including all the presidents
of the United States and the moU prominent
politicians of the country. Thu autographs
of ljueen Victoria , the Marquis of Lornu and
many other lords and ladhs of high dcgico
Abroad lie with great democratic tamllianty
igalnst the names of thu nntltled lord. of
Ameilca. The confederacy Is represented b > !
letters from Jelf Davis anil other prominent '
rebels. An Intcicstlng uuto ranh is Hi .t ot .
the great rail load klnir , Tom Si oil. It Is
signed to nn nnnnalpnss over the I'nion Pn-
clue railroad from Omaha to Oiden and re
turn , and heirs the signature of Scott as pres
ident of the road. It was ivitied to n former
meiulicrof congress from Iowa. Tills col
lection , so rich and rare In many lives , Is re
ceiving constant additions tiiat add toils
value. Mr. Aldrich , who founded It , has Jmt
sailed for Kuiopc to obtain severa1 Important
autographs that he has not .vet liad. The people
ple ot Imvnfecl very proud of ( his grand col
lection of aiitocrraphsond let i > r . nml all who
visit the capitulaie richly repaid by inspectIng -
Ing it.
Borne Chronic Grumbler 1'roplicflcs
Kvit to the Irish Convention.
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 0. [ Special to the Hu : . ]
The rablo annouucemnnt that Parncll
would not visit America to attend the
National League convention seems to bo no
surprise to Itlsh nationalists here. They R.ny
they hardly expected he would come , and
Homo of them go to the extent of saying they
knew ho would not. However , there seems no
doubt now ho wilt not attend theconventlon.
As the parties are now so evenly divided It
will be absolutely necessary for the leader to
stay at home to watch the moves on the polit
ical checker board. It l.s oven doubtful
whether any prominent member of the Irish
party will attend. Sullivan , lord mayor of.
Dublin , lias just been elected for two Irish
beats. He cannot resign the second one until
parliament meets , and as Parnell needs every
available vote to retain his balance of power ,
ho will wantSiKllvnn's second constituency
tilled at the earliest posslblu date. Sullivan
Is likely on this account to stay at home. T.
P. O'Connor and Mr. In the same
position as Sullivan. It Is entire ! probable ,
therefore , that Iho convention will have to
proceed without the counsel of an Irish
delegation. Ono or two members may come ,
hut they will nut betaken from the leading
A prominent Irish nationalist said to your
correspondent to-day : "I really think Par-
nell clad of such an excellent excuse for ab
senting himself from the convention. I have
been Informed he never positively piomlsed
to attend. His visit to America with Dillon
in 18 Owns not n pleasant e.xpmlence , and
things have not mended hero since. You
may put It down for a dead certainly that
Parnell will not be In Chicago next January. "
Further Inquiry cmcernlng this has brought
out llio fact that tlio national societies
in this city and all through the east are split
up into numerous factions , each one hating
the other bitterly. A year ago the Ancient
Order of Hibernians split In two. There are
two rival organizations now , said to be
equally powerful. Kach will send delegates
to the convention. If both sides are ad
mitted they will bo moro Intent on lighting
each other than on carrying out the pur
poses of the convention. A prominent Irish
national weekly newspaper , In view of these
facts , published iti It.s issue this week thu
following :
"It would be n very good thing. If Par
nell intends to come at all , to defer his
visit until after tlio convention. H Is
evident from the present complexion of
nlfalrs , there Is going to ho a very ani
mated session at thu Chicago convention of
the national league , and that honest nation
alists are determined to see If the machinery
of thu national organization hero cannot , be
taken out of Iho hands of those whose Inlln-
cneos aio only directing them to knavery ,
chicanery and political corruption. Tins
contest is tlio Inevitable , and it should 1m
madu without any interference from the
presence of Parnell. When the result Is de
cided , let him then como , and he will receive
u welcome that Is litting for ono of the great
est living statesmen and one of I'm rcul lead
ers of thu civilized world in tlio present , day.1'
Accident on the Brooklyn Bridge.
Ni-w : YOIIK , Dec. 5. An accident occurred ,
on the Brooklyn sldo of the Kast Itiver
bridge this liiornlng. About 1 > o'clock two
bridge trains collided. One man was killed
and ( woor three wounded. The cars weie
badly .smashed.
Six persons were badly Injured. The fail
ure of the grip was the cause of the accident.
It happened nt an hour when the cars were
most crowded. A two-car train stalled from
from the iltooklyn terminus packed with
passenger" . Tlio train had gone within l.VJ
yards of Brooklyn when the grip on the cable
gave out unit came to a stop. Despite the ef
forts of the brakcman it began to back down
the Incline with tc.nllie speed. Another
train hud just started and the disabled train
displayed a danger signal , but It was too late.
When the passeiucrs saw their danger they
were terror stricken. The trains crashed
together in a common wreck. Shrieks
of pain and horror arose from
struggling men and women while the police
and train hands with passengois waiting on
tlio platform ran to tlie rescue. The en
trances to the bndgo were barred and none
admit led to increase thecrowd and confusion.
Ambulances und police were summoned.
The condnutorof the second train and Victor
Schaumlmrg had to be cut out of the wreck.
The latter's ankle was broken and his feet
nearly cut olf. Four or live others received
serious Injuries , hut it is thought not fatal.
The wreck was soon cleared away and travel
on the bridge resumed within half an hour.
Ilolmimon the Indian Question.
Nnw Yottif , Dec. 0. [ Special to the UBK.J
In nn interview In the Sun , Congressman
Iloliuan , member of the special committee to
Investigate Indian affairs , says thu commit
tee hopes to have its report ready about tlio
middle of December. He says : "Speaking
for myself. 1 think It n good pulley to Induce
the Cheyenne , Arapahocs , Wlcliitas , Kiowas
and Comiminclic.s , who occupy a vast region
in the western part of Indian territory , and
other unsettled Indians , to move eastward on
the unoccupied region , and to obtain the con
sent of the Indians Including the Chcrokeest ,
to a sale of the wcHern part of tlio territory
to actual .settlers , the proceeds to bo lnve < leJl
for the bom-lit of the tribes Interested , This
policy would in some degree consolidate the
tribes and Icavoth'-m a country as largo as
Ind'aiiH , form a fair sized stdto for wblto
eltl/ens in tlio westein part of the territory ,
and destroy every excuse for organized In
vasion of Indian teiritonI believe the
tribes would readily see the benefit of this ar
rangement and eheertully consent to It. "
Thu Mexican llevoliitlon.
ST. Louis , Dee. 5. Thu latent advices from
Monterey , Mexico , are dispatches received
there yesterday from the army of Mexico
suiting tint General Tiovlno will arrive there
Monday next with such Instructions U > Act
ing Governor Supclvcda and General Kevis ,
commander of the government forces in New
Leon , as will result In the ro-establlshment
of the state government under the protection
of federal troops. This news has highly
elated thn friends of the new administration
and caused dismay among the revolutionists ,
who relied on the neutrality of the federal
government In their struggle with the slate
uuthoiltlex. it Is not known whether the
revolutionists will quietly submit If they
do not. It is believed tlie president's orders
arc ample to overcome all resistance.
Rvperlmcntint ; with Hydrophobia.
Nr.w YOKK , Dee. 5 , Dr. O'dorman , of
Newark. N. J. , who has taken great Interest
in the cases of six children bitten by a dog on
Wednesday , sent Iho following cable dispatch
to Prof. Pasteur , the French scientist , Thurs
day : "Six children bitten by dog sup
posed to be mad. Dog prematurely killed.
Will you take char e of children if bent to
Paris. ' I have hea I and spinal column of the
dotr. If you wish will forward. Answer. "
Yesterday Dr.O'Gunmin received tlio fol
lowing fiom Pasteur : "If you fear danger
.scud children Immediately. " It will require
one lliuiis.iiid dollars to scud Iho children to
Paris. Onu bundled and titty dollars hare
uhcudy bucu subscribed. ,
The Cunon Sails.
Niw : York , Dec. 5. Canon Farrar sailed
for Kngland this morning on the steamer
1'mbrla. ItUsnldon Ids arrival ho may ho
olTered the oltdioprltt uf .Manchester iccontly
n ado > .u jilt by thy death of his friend , the
late bl : ' . . p.
Chicago'a Peaceful EabbMh Disturbed by
Very Serioiu Burnings ,
Prairie Tlrca In Kansas-Oil Mill
Destroyed Mississippi Packet
Ilnrnctl Steve Komi dry
Two PI re tn en tludor the HnliiH.
CmcAOo , Dec. 7. 1 a. in. Shortly after
midnight thu largo live story foundry of
Crlbben & Se.xloti was discovered to be on
tire. Three alarms were sounded within a
short lime , but before the engines reached
the spot the building was n mass of llaiucs.
The plant Is u valuable one , all the linn's
patterns nro stored in Ihe building , and
should it be destroyed the loss well bo great.
8 n. m. The lire Is htill burning fiercely but
It Is believed to be under control. It Is
thought , however , that the stock will bo al
most a total loss.
2:40 : a. in. The walls of the structure fell
out burying two lircmen , who e names could
not be nsccttaliied. Strenuous efforts are be
ing nude to get them out , but It Is feared
that llfo Is extinct.
A $ ! JOOOOO Illi o In Chloaio.
CHICAGO , Doc. ( I. AS the temperatiuu approached
preached zero this afternoon two alarms of
tire were sounded In quick nuccossion , sum
moning half a dozen engines and shivering
lircmen to a blazing building near the corner
of Van Huron and Franklin streets. The
tlamcs hail gained such headway that the
volumes of water soon brought to bear had
aupnrently no elTer-t whatever. Oilier en
gines and men canii ! to the aid of the itrst on
hand , and while the uro continued to burn
liuicclv , half a hundred liremun became.
coated with Ice uoin head to foot. The street
and sidewalk looked like a skating link , and
adjoining buildings like icebergs. Hy the
time the men were thoroughly chilled and
exhausted the tire burned itself out and thu
building and Its contents were a total loss.
The burned block is Iho Sv'in building , 207
to 'Ji ; Franklin street. The property de
stroyed Is roiu'hly estimated atSW.ow. ; Thu
occupants of the gutted stores are : Morrison ,
Anderson & llaeharl , who carried a line of
jute and paper bags valued at sjiW.OJJ. C ) . M.
Henderson liMt$7.i,000 worth of boots , shoes
ami raw material. Itollins , Shaw A Co. ,
dealers in worsted goods and handlers of
dry goods on commission , carried a slock
owned mostly by eastern houses , valued at
* UM.OUJ. A late survey of thu premises snow
nothing worth speaking of saved from either
tlie biilldiiuor contents. The buildings were d by Conrad Seip and valued at 3WOM.
The loss is covoicd by in.suiance. Rollins ,
Shaw fc Co. arc the heaviest losers. The in-
aiirancc is 3131,000 , and distributed in amounts
of s'i'i.OJU between forty-four eastern and
southern companies , S-1,00) ) each with the . , ol Pittsburg , and Greenwich , of
New Vork , and S 1,0 JO on fixtures In the
Girard ot Philadclpina. Tito ouilding is IU-
PIII cd for about. & ! . ' > , O.X ) in the Connecticut
and Commeicial Union companies. . Hen
derson state ! his stock was insured lor
375,000 , but would not name the companies.
Morrison , Anderson & Co. carried only
S45.0JO insurance , which is placed chiefly In
Ducat it Lyon's agency.
Thu orium of tlio nre is a umtery. The
Piirmclco's stable adjoining
burned buildings created an excitement.
Flame and smoke occasionally shot over thu
stable , and Dually it was deemed necessary
to take tlio horses out. They were turned
into the street and nearly created a stamp-Md
in t'rklit. Several lireiiiea had narrow
csca > ci owin to the co.u of ice which cover
ed everything , and one was quito seriously
injured by tilling from a ladder. Xot in
several years bus a tire occasioned hitch com
plete destruction in so short a time.
I'rulrlc Fires
TOPIHCA , Kan. , Dee. 0. A special from
Uurton , Kansas , says during thu high wind
Friday night a prairie lire broke out seven
miles north of that place which swept over
nn area of about thirty miles , destroying 1.000
stacks of bay and grain and numbers of
sheep , ho.'s and cattle sheds. It Is not stated
how far cast thu lire extended.
Further ami moro deiinite leports of prairie
tires In Silver Lake .ownship , tli'm co.inty ,
Friday , liriiu advices of ten add loss to prop
erty , but the amount cannot bo estimated.
On Kdwards' ranch r > .sjj tons of hay were
burned. Johnson & Williams lost .WJ tons of
hay besides fences , sheds and crops. Patrick
MoXeery was entirely burned out losing
ovurvthing but the clothing on Ills family.
An Kdwaids county man was fatally burned
and John Leejicr ami John Kerry are not ex
pected to live. Thu lira Is suppose 1 to have
originated on Pottuwatlamlu Indian r.sorve.
It will hu seveial days before the full loss
can bo given.
Flnxqcod In Plumes ,
INDIANA Dec. tl. Thu oil mills of I.
P. Mills A ; Co. , located at the intersection of
South Delaware street and the Union rail
way tracks , were destroyed by tire to-day.
The mills contained about 10J.OJO bushels of
llaxseed , 'J , OJ3 of oil and a considerable
quantity ol' oil cake. A still gale was blowIng -
Ing from thu west causing the ilnt to burn
with lierccncss , and fora time there was dan
ger of the llames spreading to adjoining
property In which uvent a great conll ignition
would have followed. Hy hard work on thu
part of the nrmen , several ot whom were
slightly Injured , Hut limit's were eon.ined In
thu building In which tlnsy originated. The
[ of.s will closely approximate ijl.V.iOi > J.
Itiirnod to the Water's
CAIIIO , Dec. 0 , The Anchor Line steamer
City of Uayou Sara , was burned to the
water's cduo this morning at Now Madrid.
The tire was discovered in the hold , and soon
enveloped the entire boat. She had about
twenty passengers , Including several ladles ,
who escaped satcly but lost everything. Thu
boat hud about l.SOJ tons In her cargo. She
was built at JelTersonvlllo for the Anchor
Line , and made her lirst trip in June , 18al.
Shu Is a total loss. .
HU Men Go Down.
KVAXSVILLK , Ind. , Dec. 0. A special to
the. Journal states that Friday night's gale
did considerable damage along the lower
Ohio river. The Hat boat , J. W. Hllss No ,
1 , with a cargo of U.IOO bushels of potatoes In
bulk and .VX ) In barrels , was capsized by the
waves at .Morris1 landing , live miles below
Metropolis. Ill , T.en men were on thu boat ,
six going down , and three , besides the pilot ,
savlng themselves by jumping Into the river
and swimming nshoie. The names of the
men lost nro : Louis Nelson , Josiah
Lindsay , Ueorge Heady , Joseph Farmer ,
William and George Craig , all of Galronda ,
HI. The boat was owned by J. W. Hllss , of
that place , and was going to Nuw Orleans.
The boat and cargo was a total Joss.
Train Wrecked.
GAI.VIHTO.N" , Dec. 5. A report from Ab-
llone , Texas , nukes mention of an accident
to the west-bound passenger train on the
Texas Pacific road , nine miles east of Gor
don. Twenty-six nassonuers are reported
badly Injured. Owlnr to the latoncis of the
hour ami thu storm it was impossible to ob
tain further particulars.
Weather for To-Day.
Missouri Valley Increasing cloudiness ,
with light snows , slowly rising temperature ,
lower barometer , winds shifting to east and
south , but occasionally variable.
The Wnr Department Tr'ents the Mnt-
tcr ns of No Impiirtnnce.
WASIII.VUTOV , Dec. iK 'l'he ' war depart
ment has recently received aiuh reports from
Its olllclals in Utah ieiardin tlio very un
settled condition otalfalri In that territory ,
growing out of the enforcam-nt of the laws
against polygamy , as to cause some uneasi
ness but no alarm. The recent shooting of a
Mormon bv a United States in ir.slt tl created iu excitement a.iuag tlio Mjr-
moils , and soiii. ' uppiv.i nsloii was felt nt
Suit LaKe that there woilid bean uprising
union , , ' tiiein. A battery of artillery
was reocntlv ordered fioai Omaha
to Fort Doiulos , winch is
situated a few miles from Salt LUKO City.
This movement , however , Was not particular
ly on account ot any fear from a M ir.uon re-
bt-dioii but had been in conicup.atiou for
Mime time. Too force now at St. Douglass
coii.ii"ts of a lull regiment of Infantry an i a
battcrv of artillery , und Is under command of
Gen. McCook.
In the event of trouhlo In Utah all the
troops in the department of thu i'lallu eo.i- .
slsttngof aitoiitlojJ ; nun. eo.ild hi concon-
tratcd at Ft. Douglass In a very few hours.
No serious trouble however is apprehended
by the in my otllclals.
Salt IjnUo In Excitement.
SALT L vuu , Utah , Dc-c. < l. [ Special to the
Hr.K.J The Inllamed condition of public
mind hero is can-ing s-erions apprehension ,
and the movement of military is designed to
check In advance any oulbioak , nml secure
beyond possibility the preservation of llfo
and property.
SALT LAKH. Dee. G. [ Aisociated Press. ]
The city win full 01 rumor.s yesterday
Mormon seeiet meetings nml the storage of
aruK and on the otm'r hand this movement
of United Stales troops. It l.s pretty well set
tled that a coiii.Kiny of soldiers from Foil
Douglas will picket Lie city to guard against
disorder and protect life and property. A
battery of attlllcry from Nebraska Is said to
he on the way here. Crowds of Mormon men
In the Temple blo-k this afternoon caused
the starting of some wild ruuvirs , but ills
now thotuht that there Is no sUnidcanc ! at
tached to It. Tue nrlng of salutes In memory
of Vice President Hendrlcks at Fort Doug
las set the city on edge until the cause was
A Sensation ut Cheyenne.\.vi : : , Wyo. , Dec. 0. [ Special to Iho
IJni : . ] No little sensation was created here
yesterday by rumor * that the military forces
stationed In this vicinity had been ordered to
be In readiness to move at a moment's notice.
The Union Paclilo officials were ordered to
prepare transportation for the troop.s , and at
So'eiock In tlie evening preparations weiu
complete to start 1.000 soldiers trom Sidney
westward at very short ninlc.e. A telegraui
was received hy the commanding officer at
Forl D. A. Uussell trom thd headquarters of
Iho department of the ,1'latto oidenn , ' six
companies of the Ninth'Infantry , which is
stationed there , to immediately prepare for
marching orders.
Situation Yesterday ht Bnlt I/ake.
SALT LA.KI : , Utah , Die.1 0. All Is quiet
hero and no probability of trouble. Pro.
cautions fol' the prcserva'tlon of life and
property Is ample , Tho-'action of Governor
Murray and General MeOook , reporting a
threatening situation hero and gettin'
authority to station troops in tlio city , and
the ordering of relntoreeinonts here , have
removed all apprehensions1 tor the present.
Mo.Murr.iy , supposed to Have been fatally
shot by Deputy Marshal Collins , is recover
ing. *
Under nrurohln'ff "Orders.
CiJBVK.v.XE , Wyo.Joc.b , Katterlcs Band
C , Fifth United Stales1-artillery , passed
through here this afteriioon en route to Salt
La'-oClty. The troops at Fort HasaoH , Sid
ney , Steele and Washaklo are under marchIng -
Ing orders to tic. ready to muveat a moment's
notice. Many rumors arc alloat ro-jnrdin-j ;
the uprising of Mormons , but at SM : ! p. m.
your eorrospondent has inforuntlon that
everything Is quiet in and around Salt Lake
Troops Ordered in Readiness.
FOHT Honi.vso.v , Neb.'Dec. 0. [ Special to
the UKH. ] The troops stationed hero re
ceived orders to be in readiness fur a hurried
move toward the Mormon country yesterday.
No explanations were given as to the cause ,
and no information could bo obtained trom
the officers. Tlie movement occasioned con
siderable speculation amen , ' the people in this
vicinity , and developments are awaited with
much Interest.
Troops on the Road.
FOHT STIILH : : , AVyp. , Dec. 0. Troops
passed hero at 7i5 : : to-night , destination un
A Ilnrfo Wire Fence Ten HI lies LOIIJ ?
Cut in 10very 1'uncl.
ItosExnuiin , Tex. , Dec. 0. [ Special to the
BKI : . ] Fence cutters have begun operating
In this section of the state on n Urge scale.
Last night a barbed wire fence surrounding
the immeiis > pasture belonging to ICountyo
Urothers , the New Vork , Omaha and Denver
bankers , and A. II. Pierce , the cattle king of
Wharton county , weio cut Into thousands of
pieces. When II is known this fence was ten
miles long and was cut In every panel it will
be seen a sm ill army of men wielded the
nippers. Somu panels are nipped at both
cuds. The fence Is completely mined.
This fence was the northern boundary
line ot a pasture conl lining Siu.M )
acres of iaud , upon which were ir > , OJO head of
young cattle , many of whicn were not
branded , and will thus prove n total loss
when they get out and mix with other herds.
The cattle are owned by ICoiintwi Hrothers ,
who also own an interest in the land. The
big pasture contains a line stream of llviiu
water , and that Is why the feiu-o cutters
opened a way for thclreattle , 1 ho ranchmen
In the vicinity are g o illy excited over tin )
mutter. Woodshed will certainly follow if
the perpetrators are appiehenued.
An Imbcuilu'ti Dreadful Crimes.
KA.VHAH CITY , Dec n. The Journal's Jeff
erson City ( .Mo. ) special says : Mea'ro par
ticulars have been rceclvcil hero of a triple
tragedy that occurie.i at Lljin Creek , In Camden -
den county. Dr. Lyons , rc-sidln , ' oa a farm
near that [ dace , has for. Kaveral years past ,
purely as a matter of churity , cared for an im
becile named William * , who has hitherto
been considered harmless- * Yesterday , with
out a word of warning , thaldiot snatched tin
an nxu and struck Dr. I.VIMIM on the head ,
cleaving his scull and killing him instantly.
Ho then attacked the dMor's 11carold
daughter and killed her nlo. A young son
of thu doctor , hearing of * the disturbance ,
came upon thu scene at this Juncture and
proctirin ; a rltlo shot the idiot , dead.
Suit AKUliiHt Grant's Holrs.
CilirAiio , Dec. 0 , Harvey S. Hutcheldcr ,
of Now Yoik city , tiled an attachment suit In
the county couit yesterday against thu heirs
of Gen. U. S. Grant und the lirm of Giant .t
Ward for S' .OOO on n'ny property thu defend
ants inav have In Cook county. U Is not
known that Gen. Grunt left any propeity sit
uated in this county to the value ol thu
amount named , It any at all.
Another Cruiser Launched.
CIIUNTKR , Pa. , Dee , K The government
cruiser , Chicago , was launched at 11:80 : fiom
the yards of John Koach &Sou , now operated
by the naval contractor. U. W. Steel , acting
for the bua'an of construction , and Chief
Kiuineer Dungan for ( In ) bureau of btcain
engineering ,
Thu IJIU/.urd Up North.
ST. PAUL , Dec. s. Ve-steiilny'iJ gale subsided -
sided diirliu' tin nl ht an I this moriiln ; It
was clear , calm and cold. Thermometer at
zero at u this Jiioinlii.j.
Commercial Oirolos Imbued with a Peeling
of OonF.thnce.
Jay Gould's Retirement Questioned
I-jfTcct or tin : Now llules on Union
I'uolllo The Ccntral-AVcst
Shore Deal.
Woolily Review of the Stook Market.
Niw : \ OIIK , Dec. 0. [ Special to Ihu HIK. : ]
The close of the week leaves a moro en
couraging feeling In general trade circles.
While business devvlo.ted no paitlctilarly
new features , and indeed have been mod
erate In volume , the week Is icg.uded as sat
isfactory , and gives rho to Increased chucr-
fulness rc .trdln. ; the outlook after January
1. Mild weather has rctmlcd tlu develop-
meiitoC winter trade , and ret tilers are nut
buying as freely as uit-unm try. Neverthe
less , tiio movement ot the week Is taken us a
sign of coilddeneelntlie future. In all the
Important adjuncts to general business there
also .seems to be anticlp.itluns of an increased
trade baud on the future entirely. Commer
cial paper was abnormally scarce some
mo u til 3 ago. 11 lias now entirely dlsap"
pearcd. The largest dealers In merchants'
notosln New York are tui.ible to lind any
notes , of re.nona'jlo activity tlio
trouble Is usually the other way , being that of
n selection from an immense amount of
pan tr off . 'red. Just at present , however , cap
ital lies-Idle and nn notes of any dcscilptlon
are nbluinab.c. At tlio samu time both ha.iks
and dealers accept thu view of the meican-
tilecommunitle.s , and await the new .year's
comliu in the belief that conditions will bo
1 n stook exchange circles the whole week
has been spent In walling for correct tips In
the West Snore injunction case , it looked as
if Ioud in had It , Saturday , for the market
theie in Americans was very strong and gave
considerable Impetus to the Now Vork mar
ket lu which the general public wore not in
formed of the compromise of thu matter and
the withdrawal of the suit until about noon.
The Vundeibilt Interest have again scored
their point and everything looks like a bull
market next week. That l.s about all tliut
can be said so thoroughly does the conditions
of speculation seem to hu In the bauds of a
limited nninbbi1 of bull operators , wuo , acting
in pcifoct aecoul , are apparently able to do
what they please with prices. The past week
was not their time to do anything. In fuel
tin ; more the mnrkct hail the appearance of
having tlie bottom knocked out , without at
tlio same time really going to pieces , the bet
ter it suited Ihc.r pnipo-w. It rather fell In
with their design to depress prices and make
trading an action as a m % an.s of showing tliut
untold disaster would to.low the upholding
of the injunction prohibiting the pin chase uf
the West Shore bv the Ne.v Yon ; Central.
Of the suit Itself there can be. . no doubt it was
an invention of some ono nut far from the
stock market , and it would be interesting to
know how it was squared and with whom.
Wail street is unkind enough to he very
chary In taking .stock In Jav Gould's In
tended retheiiient fiom the stree. It bus
long been an axiom In the street that when
Mr. Gould is quietest lie Is doing the most ,
Consemienlly , if Gould docs leave his laith-
fill henchman , Wash Connor , and move nis
oftleo few blocks up Broadway to the West
ern Union building , ttiid pretend to bo busy
working on the all'air * of ihegiealand glor
ious and proiitabie Wabash. and nil his oilier
railroads. Wall sheet will look. , out for him
all the same. It knows If It docs not do so ,
tiomcduy It will lind itself RUtferlntr from an
excruciating twist administered by the afore
said Jay.
Tlie Huston crowd In Union Pacific made
one of their characlemtie. moves during the
we < ; k. Gen. Johnston , United States com
missioner of railroads , in his report lays
down new rules regarding Hie leports which
subsidized roads must make in tlio fu
ture. One of the. troubles of the cas-o
has always been that the roads and
Iho Union Paeiiic have always effected
their various vinlattonsol law before the gov
ernment olllelals knew anything about it.
The new rules propose to stop this and oblige
the roads to report not only what they Imvo
aJonu promptly , but also it-port beforehand
what be acted upon at every
corporate or directors' meeting. So the cry
has already 150110 up that this will unneces
sarily be narrassing to tlio Union Pacific and
will bo tioublusomu and expensive. The
price of tlie stock has been put down. Con
gress will bo iloub less treated to the old
chestnut thai innocent investors In the stock
have been forced to abandon their holdings
owing to the arbitrary action of tlio commis
The W st Shore Sulo.
XFAV Yoni : , Dec. 0. [ Special to the Rr.K.l
Speakingoi the sale of tlio West Shore road
to the New York Central , President Depow
said Saturday night : "The plaintiffs In the
suit against tlie New York Central railroad
company gave me a stlpnlalinn last evening
discontinuing tlio suit without costs touither
party. To-day the purchasers of the West
Shore property at foreclosure sale , .Messrs.
J. Pierrepont Morgan. C. M. Depew and
Ashhel Green , paid to tlio referee who sold
thu property , Jud.o [ Cassldy , of Newburg. the
purchase money , 2iO.KOTO. ) and received
from him a deed of the New Vork tYest Shore
& Huffalo railway proneity. Tlieieupon a
new company was organr/.ed. known as Iho
West Shore railroad company , to which
Messrs. Morgan , Depew and Green trans-
fen ed the properly they had purchased. Tlio
new company was eaultali/ed at 10,000,0M (
stock and jn,0-M.)3J ( ) bonus. It executed n
lea-.e to Iho Now Vork Central railroad com-
ii iaiiv f > rH - " " years , and traiistened to the.
Vow Voile C nlial the whole of Its capital
lock and New Voile Central guniuntccd
bonds , wnlch the new West Shore company
delivered to Messrs. Dre.sel , Morgan t Co , ; is
age.nls and trustees of tint bondholders and
creditors , MI I they have hivn do'lvered ' to the
proper parties tor distribution. Tint ro-
t'clvers have surrendered the West Shore to
tlio N'ew Vork Cen nl company , and eiders
to that effect will pie > > ah.v be issued to-mdit.
Thourtit a.-tof Iho New York Central will bo
to pay tint officers mid employes of the West
Shore ( some 5.0 In muuor ) who are In ar-
icars for salaries anil wuies for about three
month * and a pay car for ihnt purpose will
start us bOJii as the inv lolls are received
from the receivers. This will probably bo
next Tuesday morning. "
The Garden City Nnn"ern Serious Dnm-
u o I'rom Iho Klorm.
CIIICAOO , Dec. ii , At 8 o'clock this morn
ing the temperature In the central part of the
city stood at zero. Tlio night Is clear and a
stilf breo/e from the north is promising con
siderably moro thun zero before morning.
Hepoits from outside the city Indicate stcadiiy
Increasing cold. The bll//urd came to an
end ycatorduy morning , and train men report
thai the snow that lell between lieio and
Pierre , Dak. , was insulllcient to impede
travel , though all thai did fall was blown Into
The'damage done hcio hy the storm of Frit
day night is much greater than was at ilrst
siippo.-icit. The lake ban seldom been rougher.
Along sboie. sklitlng Lincoln park , the tem
porary breakwater was totally demolished
and tfio waxes madudpep Inroads , completing
the destruction ot the lake MIOIOdrive which
was beiMin In the storm of last spiing. For
moro than a mlle the entire width of thu
diive , with pavement and coping. Is washed
out and In Its place U a tangled wieekago
of tan bail ; und other rubbish. 1'
amounts to thousands of dolhus.
An Outlawed , Dec. 5. Ulstiop Hort'os < promul
gate l a decree of Interdiction against St. Al
bert's Polish Catholic church on account of
the scandalous conduct of tlio congregation
In disturbing the service * and nearly inecip-
luting bloodshed , The parl h U outlawed.
No iimoM-'s vta be fM lu the churcU.
rouinu.v N t\vs.
The Scrvlnii-Hiitgnrlau Coiilllot Tar
I'rom ItolntrSctlletl.
LONDON , Dee. 0. ( to the llit.l :
Almost complete otucurlty envelope * the
Servlan-UuU'.ulan ipicsllon. Tito l.itoHtJlo-
grains s.\y th.xtScrvla Is oxpeited to rofu < o
the condltloits , In Ruling con
tinued occututlon of 1'irol , an I ih it \'t-trli * ;
will come to the rescue of Serviannd Uus < lii
ho fon-ed to support Uitlgtria. Tlioovln'mo
gravity of such a result in ikes : v co
linduble , although the conlerimco at COD-
stantlnoplo has ab.tndonnl In dn piir
( ho attempt to settle the dispute.
llr.i.nitADi : , Dee. rt. It is tepnrUsI that
Itulu'un.i has proio | < rd new teims Inr tie
e tablMiment ot peaee , the nrltielpal condi
tion iK'liii : that a Seivo-HulKiirian alliance
auatnst Turkev be formed.
NIS I ( Dee. 0. The terms of peace offered
by the government have lieen re
jected. It Is expected that war will bo ie-
newed on Monday.
LONDON , P-e. " . ThoStandurd basaills-
pnlchiroiii Vienna stating that llerr Yon
Tisrn. IluuL'arlan premier , ( 'ount Knlnoeky ,
Imperial | r me mlnliter , and other liigh
oDIelals had a confeienco there today , and
that Co nt Kliexenhullcr , Aiistiian mlnlsler
to Servia. liasslnitcd for Nisch , bearing an
uiA'ut watnlng to Ihu Servian nov Tiii.ient
that re-iumjition of hostilities with llukurhv
will biluadani.'erswliicli e\en Aiislila'sgood
will rniinot prevent. The disp.Ueh also sa\s
that Prince Ahvcandcrluw been notl.ied that
Austria will Intervene if Nlsch U e.iptuied
by the IJulgarlaus.
The ( title nt Colon.
PANAMA , via Gatvoston , Dec f > . The gain
at Colon yesterday was very heavy and caused
serious damage. Fourteen sailing vessels
were driven ashore. The railway Is under
water and there will be no trains until laio
to-day or to-morrow. All steamers have put
out to sea. i
Martial fjt\v : in Sorvln.
VIKXNA , Dae. fi. Tlio l-Vcio Prcsso
publishes a ilLspateh from liclurudo statlni ;
tint at thu mlnlslerlal council It was decided
to proclaim maitlal law throughout Servla.
The Gro.ylioutitl or the Sci.
LONDON , Dee. n. The steamer Orenon ,
from Now York for Liverpool , lias arrived at
( Jiiot'iisiowu. Tito lime of the p.issage was
six days , cloven hours and ten minuted.
THi : 1AM > GRAHIt KS.
Arrest of Three Sltieo Detivoritos Con-
nootod with Ncbruskn I < 'i'atils.
Dr.Nvint , Dee. U. [ Special to the Hr.t : . ]
It was reported here on Krlday that William
J. Wilson , a wealthy cattle and land owner
had been indicted by the United States grand
jury at Omali.x in connection with the recent
ly discovered land frauds in western Nebras
ka. Jt Is underst > od here that Wilson has
gone to Omaha to give bonds. Two moro of
the p.titles Indli-ieil at Omaha for these hind
fr.tuus have been arrested in Denver , und
they have been taken to Om.ilia. Ono ot
them is K. H. Swindler , a land surveyor , of
the ilrm of Swindler & Wells. Aloiuo M.
Wells , thuotuer iiiemberof this linn , is under
indictment , lie gas'o S'l.OiK ) munis at Omaha.
Imuished hy the Omaha National bank , lie
has H-tmii.'d to Denver. The oilier man
arrested at the slime time with Swindler was
a cowboy named Sylvester Ynndt. who has
been In the employ of Howard Urothers ,
cattle men. It l.s intimated here Hint there
are several prominent men connected with
tills land fraud business , and that their
arrest will soon follow.
Illegal Fen co Ilallitoc Arrastoil.
CIIBVENNK , Wyo.DdaG. . [ Special to tlio
liii : : . ] What will prove to bo a notable case
was commenced I'Vid.iy . before United States
Commissioner Fisher. United States Mar
shal Cuirane.sled C. F. Fisher , a cattleman ,
I'm-maintaining fences on Ihu public domain
about eighty miles from Cheyenne , lie inter
posed a demurrer to the complaint , which
will bo argued to-morrow. United States At
torney Campbell piosecutlng. Fisher was
released on his own recognizance. Tlio eao
will prove Inlerestinir , as being tlio first ar
rest for a violation of tlio public land laws
in Wyoming.
Having n Salutary ICrfect.
Four COLLINS. Colo. , Dec , 0. ( Special to
the HKU. ] The recent arrest of live men In
Denver and their subsequent transfer to
Oimiha under indictment hy the United
States grand jury with exten
sive government land frauds In wcstrrn No-
Imtika , Is bavins a salutary effect in Col
orado. There has been a special agent of Iho
land ofliee In this city and viclnity'for several
days making investigations of ulleued land
trauds in acquiring of government lands.
There is considerable speculation as to who
the Investigation will affect.
A SiicucHuful Convention and Xio s of
CI.UVUI.ANI > , Dee. 0. The civil engineers'
conference , which was in .session here , closed
yesterday , and the majority of the delegates
fit for homo on the afternoon train. The
delegates were much elated at the success of
theconventlon and iimonnt of work accom
plished. It was decided tocieato a national
committee that woidd bo known as the "civil
engineers' committee on public works. "
Delegates to the convention will servo on the
committee until they are replaced by iiu-mliers
elected from tile societies. The following
was adopted :
The loiemost nations of the old world
have organl/.ed .systems of internal Improve
ments. Thu United Stnte.s at picsont has no
Kiich system. The marvellous development
of this great country demands t > nme adequate
organization of sncli a system. In the loriua-
tlon of such an organl/.iitlon advantage
sho'dd ' be iiilcen of the bust features of the
KyMems of other nations. Tim main reason
for success of such works In foreign eonuti les
Is duo to the fact that tlrny are conducted
under thn civil administration , nlthoiiih the
governnnn'M the nsclves In other respects
are nuuu essentially military than our own ,
Under picient methods of government wo
cannot possibly secure such trained si,111.
The reason is that no emoluments or reputa
tion rommonMirato with the service mulcted ,
or equal to what erin be obtained on civic
woikn , are at lain able on the public works of
ourgovcrnmont. These facts deter mini of
oxpoiicnce from entering th service of the
government , and also thost wh > have trained
cxpciioiifo therein from lemainlng In its em
ploy. Ui'cogni/ing that n cn.nprolicnslvo .
system of public works Is necessary , wo ru-
spiiftfully suggest that congress establish a
Imieau of public works. The b isis of this or
ganization Is to In m.ido . n .subject of study
ami a report hy the board appointed by tlio
president of the United States.
Know lell to a depth of nix Inches through
out Ontario Saturday ,
It Is repotted that Spurgcon , the mcaehcr ,
Is HitlTerliu fiom heait disease , and ft , perma
nently biokcn in lie illh.
Tim pre.sldent Saturday'appolntcd Tlnudhy
I * . Murphy to ho United Stales attorney for
the northern district of Iowa.
Tlio president Saturday appointed the fol-
fnwhiK po tmast r : At Peiry. Iowa , D , C.
West vice P. C. Ittide , resigned.
Slo son .Saturday night won for the second
time In Iho billiard series , Thogamuwas
Ixitwccn Slosson and .Shaufcr. Score , ( XX ) to
'Vho main building of the Northeastern company'H works , In Milwaukee ,
burned .Saturday night. Loss , vJt.ojo ; in-
Kurunce , Sl.Knl.
Cliaile-s 1) ) , Wright , author of "Kernel
Gutiippah" and oilier widely n-nd newspaper
sliittehe.s , and well kiiown In Chicago and St.
Lotii : ) as u Journalist nf nhlllly , died at limit-
vllle , 111. , Saturday ,
It is aintounecd that If P.inicll slioiiid ilnd
himself unable to attend tbeeomliu Chlca i *
convention lie will send a deimt itioi ) to iei- |
icM-nt him , consNtliu proh.itilv orM - , > .
llealeyi Sexton , and 1'humus Piiwcr O C > ui-
A Panpunsa Can ba Ajty ! Applied
to the Eoraaiuiog Oovtuty Oontoiits.
Tlio Known Result So Kronly Hid'
tluit the Blny-at-llomo
1-jlcotor May Succeed lit
Turning tlip Scale.
Tlio Common * oftho People.
I.OXDU.V , Nov. 0.- ( Special to the llr.K.J
Liberal .successes In the Kngltsh counties have
fur outrun liberal calculation. A BUIill num
ber ( if elections nio still to ho hold. Tlio Par-
nrllltcs and loiles completely moinpoll/.o :
Ireland. Actual returns fioiu tlio wliolo
kingdom nearly balance , lint with llvo-slxllis
of tlio house already chosen It Is ( .till uncer
tain whether tint lib -rals will have a majority
ovurboth parties. Whether It Is n few morn
or loss nutters little. A liberal plurality over
the torics , If obtained , of 10J would bo lob
slight to do morn tit in expel tlio lories from
oillec , Tlio HIirr.ilH on succeeding wonUl
lind themselves Incapable of carrying on lh
government unless by the help of IMrnellitfl
iilllanee , which they denounce the torics for
accepting. Tlio ehaiu'us mo Mill against any
liberal inlnoilty whatever , and
against nny working minority of the
nml PnrnellilcK. The probable not result ,
tlii'rcrorc. of the election Is a .short , stormy
parliament , epecdy dissolution and another
general election next year.
The llhcniK nevertheless , are de
lighted hy the contrast which the counties
oiler to the boroughs. Liberal county vic
tories tluomthout Knulnnd and Scotland uro
most strlkine , the chief exceptions being the
home countfes and Lancashire. Gladstone ,
who passed fmm extreme dejection lii"t week
to extromi1 elation this. Issued a fresh election
eering address Thursday , which sotuo ot Ills
friends reiMtd as singularly wanting In dig-
nlty and prudence. Ho utlompls to belittle
the Higmiieiinco oi'Dtliu tory gains in the
hornuihs , nnil intimates that , they \vero thn
work of landlords , ehniuhmen , nobles and
Parnellltcs. whereas in the counties yon hear
the Irno voice of the Knglish i > oople. Tlio ox-
elloment ot the contest peihiips excus. a thin
perversion , llo warn * I.oid Salisbury h
must expert no help 1'ioin the moderatn lib
erals and proclaims that henceforward , as
heretofore , It is collectIve the gnu-
cral M-nsoof tlu > liberal ! ! which will pnldo
the councils of the parly.
Gladstone had his answer the same day
from Chumbcilain. The rudlcal lender , like
his nominal chief , Imd pn&scd cold
and hot lit * . Chambeilain was disposed , a
week ago , to recognize the fact of his own
responsibility for the liberal disaster In thn II
boroughs , lint now totally ielects it , null
bnldlv aet'iises Gladstone himself of compell
ing the parly to enter mmn the content at n
meat dlsidvaiitaee. lie phiinly Intimates
ho will .submit to nod elation In the future ,
llu .singles out dlsestaollshmuut as a question
for the very next election. Moreover. Cham
berlain , like .Sir Chailes Dllke , turns thu
other cheek to I'arnell nml expresses the
hope that the Irish voters will again support
the liberal iiaity. Hoth parties admit Pamol |
'lias phiyeil his game with courage , skill and
aecur.iie foresight , and Is likely to lind him
self , when the election Is over , exactly whew
lie meant to be , holding practically if not
numerically tlio balance of ppyyer beUvoen
the 'ICngllsh ' pnrllus. Few torn-it really export
the present ministry will survive'tlio'llr l-
sessions of the next parliament ! .
The rapid nml complete success of the JJur-
mosu expedition has attracted ) singularly" ,
little attention amid tlio excitement of the
elections. Thccb.iw'N surrender , the totil
collapse of the opposition , and the indiffer
ence of the neople , make ammxil-
tlon or a. protectorate fnovltiible. Lord lnf.-
lerin will put mutters into liua.1 ( leulslvi )
hliape loiift before thu radicals Imvu a chance
to interfeie. _
Tlin I'nrllniiionlHi-y Election.
LONDON' , Dee. 5. In the AntrlmeaHt divis
ion , Oapt. James II. .Mct'almont , conserva
tive , has been elected over \V. \ Dalvay , llbcial ,
Ketnrns received up to . ' ! o'clock thta after
noon show that the liberals still have a nm-
joilty over the to lo.s and nationals thus far
elected. The Inures hhowed ! r liberal * ) , 242
conservatives , ana Qi nationalists.
Lo.vno.v , Uec. 5. The political Hltuatlon
to-iiltlit ; Is ono of perplexity to ull parties.
The liberals close the week with a tin with the
lories and 1'arnellite.i combined ? There are ,
however , enough co'mtltucneleriyet to vet ' (6- (
make the whole iitbuo one of uncertainty.
Tne liberals It.ivoctcotcd MI : candidalCH , the
ciii'iU'Viitl\ - , ' ) ; ) mid tliel'irnellilcti70 , while
( ilad.itono lias tnei-efie. sinenty nntjoiity
over the lories , they a , d the liomu-mlerH do
LONDON , Dee , fl. The latest returns t-how
JiliJ llbur.i ! * . : i-ti : tories aad 70 1'arnellltA's
elected. Seventy coiistltueiicle.s are yet nn-
polled. Of these twenty-two aio KiiKlIch ,
one \\felch \ , four Scotch and seventeen Irish.
A careful ( isllmalo of the tnob.tblp result in
the nnpolled districts by the news associa
tions show the house nf commons iilmoet
ceilainlv to bocomiio ed ofCU : lloeralt ; , 05
eonservlitlves and M I'arnellites.
LONDON , Dee. 5 , In Antrim , east division ,
Capt. James II. McCaliiibnt , conservative ,
has been elected over U' . It. Halvay , liberal.
James Stephens , ox-hmd center of tbf )
I'eiiinn brotherhood , has issueil a manifesto
to Hit ; Ii IMi iieoplo concurring to the ViOWfl of
I'.irnell that the leslor.ttion of the Irish nar-
llaiuent Is the minimum of tlio demand of
tlio liish party.
Itetiirn.s reeolved ii | > to three this afternoon
fihow luo lib. r its havi ! a H.i .it iii.ijonty over
the toriesand nationalists thus tar elected.
Tim inur'js showed -W liberals , 'J4J cojiserva-
lives ami Oi nationalists ,
Collliloil In tlio Oanyuii.
DIINVHK , JJ 'i : . il , Uut'aiio'o Hicclril | to tlie
Itepuhllcan : Uoviiral men conilni ; down
Amar o ( an > on on the Denver & Hlo ( Jnuido
railroad this afternoon with a push car , ou
tuinlutCii "harp eni'vo collided \Ulli u Irelb'ht
toiii4 ; up , liiit.nuly Killing ' . liunlne , load on the car , and t > criouily : wonndlii ) ;
two outers who wlil die. .Mr. Hays , con
tractor of the Coloiudn Mate capitol build-
in , ; , was ono of tuu numiior who uscapud tin-
I iijuted.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Catarrh Cured
Cntauli la a very prevalent disease , i\ltli
nx and ulTcnslvo tymptonis , llooil'a
gives icaily relief ntut opccdy
rurc , ( mm tha fact It acts Ihrnuch the blood ,
and thus rt-nchcs every part ul the system.
" I HUffcrcd with catarrh fifteen years. Took
Hood's Hai5ii.irlliand : ) ) : I am nut tiouMt'i ) any
with catarrh , and my general health l.s imiclt
belter. " I. W , I.H.I.IH , 1'ostal Clerk Cblcui > g
& 81.1.ouls ItallrouO ,
"J BuncrcdwillicatariJir.orH year ? } trleil
intny : wonilc'-ful cures , lnliii.'rs : ! , etc. , spcnrt.
liiKueiuly out limnred'lullaiH ) without l > Liclit. )
I tried Hood's Hurfnuillli | : , nml was greatly
improved , " M. A. AUIJKVViircitster , Mass ,
llooil'n Snrsipnillla Is cliiirnrtcrlzoi ] by
tliri'n I'l.'cullarillos : ] rt , thu romblaatlvn ot
reiiu'c ! ! : , ) ngcnts ; tit , tlio ) > rniortlont ) 3'lllie
frocfts uf ficcurhi ) ; Ihu active incillflnal
ipiulltlcs. The result In u mcdlcinu of uminua )
Btreiii'th , effecting cures Uilicrto unknown.
BPIH ! for bouh roiitaliihis ailOltlonul evhlcnco.
" llond's BirMrarllla tnnex up my pyitleni.
piuu'n-.t n > y ISiii/u , tli.iri ciisiuv nt'i eliie , mid
M'IMIS to n 'Ito inn I'ver. ' " .1,11. TiJOMl'M/Jf / ,
.Ivi' lotcr uf Dct'lla , J.ukVL-11 , MjaS.
' ( { mil's K > rKi | > ; irllli hcit ; ! ! ollirrj , a 4
| - lV.ln'u'l | ( l tl'lflll. " I. llAltJll.NOTOK.
1M lluiik Hiruol , Now Voik City.
Hooci's Sarsaparilla
B.M.t liv11 ilru-cl' ' < . 81 i six for ts. Ma *
c'dy Ji/ ( . ' . I , ll'xiu ' ft CO. , l w ll.Mass.
K/O i > oeos ; Ono Dollar *