THE OMAHA JIAILY BEU , SATURDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1885. TUB DAJIiY ] ! KIO COUNCIL"BLUFFS. . SVltltim MOHNING , UKC. . " , . OrriCC ! Ko. 13 reatl Btreet. tfliuirdlij f nn Id in nil- purl oftliocllynt II. \ \ ' , - Mnmignr. MINOIt MENTION , Hi Her , Ilio tnllor , foi' winter K Stijilcr As l. ( > Hinnti liiu - iiul nil elevator in llnirliiiitdinir. 'I lie oily rniitifil will uieul Monday infill In regular CSMOII. HiMt ham , colored , lini been sent lo jnll for leu il i for HonM ntiil ] ior < ! , low prices nlT. N. V , No. 1M Main street. Inold at any nrlui * lo elo n Imsi- i , boots and ilioi-s. 'J' . N. Hrny , 10(1 ( Miiin Mrci't. Piiwliliitf In ilic IliiiitM I'linrcli Sun day inornitin liy tin ; jmMor. I'nion nerylciM In the r.vrninj , ' at T.ill ) . I'tilon jouiitf | ) tioil | < ) 'M iiicHlnt ; al ( I 'IJ ) > . in. Litli'i1 reiiurlftnrn lo llii' i'11'ci'l thai Mrs. ( \ S Claik ilinl in Hoiidu on Friday iivetilnj ; InM. The ovcnt c.illH foilli tlui lonili-ri ( I fljrmiMitliy for Mr. Clark , who IniB hosts of frluiiilM hero. Thi ! storm made niieli trnublnltli Ihu wire * llml thi ) communication hchvrnn Council llhifl's and Omaha InM nlchl was tii > l\try satWni'tory for Hiipplyin the re.'uli rt ullh Council lllnH's news. Tlio Coiifjn'k'Mtiniiiil fair prmcd quilt ! : i KUCITI * , deHjilto thi ) .slonn of jeslurday. TliHv was a liir/jn iinniler ) who took din ner \\ilh \ ( ho ladles , and the entertain * moil liiit iiMmlii passed on'nieuly. . Thi ( pollen have nahlied a man whom llicj Ihoii hl answered the ili'vriptlon of the fellow who reecuilly robheil MM. 'lleknnr The called at the staiion to loot , at him , hut declared hi ! was not thu man The mules , who funiMi locomotive p ouiMo Ihu Main stieet car , seem to k tiou what HID i ll.v wauls heller than the company itself. 'I hey look a run tip Ihu tin ) aliandonud track almMhe ( O iltm on llroadwa.v , taking the empty , driver- It" . * car along at a .str.idy # ait for u him k or so. At the C < > iiKre < ; allouil : church lo-mor- row niotniiir ( Ihero will liu scniuos as UMiiil 1'rcac.hinn 1 > \ tlie pabtor. Sab- joi'l ' , "llncoii railing \VonN. " In the C.VD- iilnjC llin-o will bo a union Miivlcu in the llaptUt elinreh , in wliieh the ( 'onpreia- ; ; tiomil , Pivibj lerian ami liaptbt ulmrclies and piiiur ( > will join. Tl'oonnjc business man who li urcd so pioininently in the recent I'eail htreul hunsuion is mil a member of any church in tlu cit\ much is lie an oDiuiall. Tlioi-o w ho arc MI uajjer lo drajr the chnrohos into Mich scandal' * .should hn\e the man- line's to correct any statements they hiUim.ido in tliife regard. Mr William Lnilil is mnklii" a move for oitf nil/in a merchant police forco. Such a foico is nei > ilt > < l hero "tuatly. Many sti > ivanil olliees can haidl.s alVord to cmplut a special watctiman , 'lint by clnbini ; t i fethor with others tlioy can so- cm i tlu > needed | iroteetion b.v pacing OM n i small .sum weekly. Thu mor- t' jmliee would provo a great pro- tit lion tiom liiv , Mii'ivk thieves , bnrglaiN , and night prowlerI'ho exnonso is h lit when thus ilixided among many , anil the- city am ! the property of the sub- mi'ieisijrhen ' more than oiuniKh addi tional sccmity to warrant the expumli- tnro. It is to bo hoped that the move will mod with .siilllcient onc.our\gonu \ > nt to vr.irrant Mr. l.adil in havinir a goodly nmnber of men on duty. Genuine cal skin cap * at llcnoX New nmlw inter ktyles of ladies dress fuoiU. See tiifiuat Hono's. . - , . Vorov ryliiinjt in the < ; rocorv line give the new linn of Kinu vt Ivleob , 103 Uru-i \ \ \ \ , u trial. I'.M'rjthlnj ; now and fu'sh ] ani'i jioce ; Ies a specialty. Do.itti < > rMi- -Mueller. . Ti li .ith of MrJ. * . Mueller , wife of tluvi ll-kiu > wa uiusiu dealer , occurred nboi : * iu'olook je twnlay morning ; , ami as tlu.ill news was passotl from ono to nn'Hl r > f the in-iiiy t'ricuN : , sorrow ami ii ri i" * . fwmil many expressions of the ilttMK- > sympathy , MM. Mueller hail tnxn iu iMicato hualth , wtth approaeh- n motherhood , but there feuutetl no wa : o for fear , a bri tit little j\r\ \ \ , robitt. .An l ho.irty.botn-iborn , when Mid- ilonlj tlw mother's life went out. The blow to flw tniully is a peculiarl > heavy one Tiu-ro are a number of children who noi-il the euro of such a mother aa > she l'hi husband , too. with all his bur- K-iH ami financial troubles , needs sorely > uv'n wito assho proved herself to bo M's. .Mueller WH : a noble woman. Her rt-ul worth was rcab/eit in the homi . to whioh her .strcngtli an t time wis > j f-uthfuilyjjiven , but many there anon * -ihlo of tlio homo eirele , who have hail opportunities to know what jjraml W'dii.itihoott was hers. Slio wa aelivo as a member of fho t'on re alional ehnreh ni d soelely , and will there bo greatly mou ' 'ied and missed. Her inlluonuo has ro H'h.'d out beyond family and church , and thirt community hat been buttered in nitinv w.ivs by her kindly , true life. The deatn of niioh a onu eurries sorrow into inany homes in this oity. ami the sorrow- injr husband ami inochorlohs children would tfot pomfort oven in thuir deep bo- na\em 'iit eouhl'they ' ri ali/o how great and tender is the sympathy felt through. out tins citi , whom the family have lived 80 1(1)1 ( . All linen Indios' collars Ro nl Beno's. T'li- ' line , ! fringes , foot ro. ts and fancy olu-niMo ilowoi-H lor fnncv work at Is. i \ ! l o.'s , No. ! W.r 15 roadway. All ' .indflof Interior draiingi ) > , cornleo no ] , s , shadno , oto. , the very cheapest in the w.t it K. .SlookortJi Oo'd. About "t o'clock yoitorday afternoon tlu ro w is x bla/.o at the residcnco of S. Tlieodoiv , No. 90S Fifth avenno. An at tempt was made at three dlllorent boxes to semi m i Urn alarm , but only ono IIOSQ company , No. I. responded , lly the tlmo they got there the llro wan nuont put out. llieiuw wad a defective line , and the iliumige w is miiinly to thu building , whU h was owned by Clay I'latnor. The hirnlliu. ' w a insured with A. ( Jans in the Mow Yuri ; Underwriters for $1,500. Correct Abstracts uf'htlo ami Real Us- Um > MoMuhon & Co's , No. 4 Purl . .met _ Tlio flocirlo bolt of Judd & Smith , SO fourth Mi'i-at , Counoil IJlulls , positively C'nri-8 iliruinntUm , neuralgia , dyspupsia. piles , ji.iialyfl9 , , indigestion , fits , cold fret , nmouMiutis , headache , kldnoy and l\er | c.imp aints , los of vitality , lend poisoning , Inek of nurvo forcu anil vigor , injVe.iUne > is of those dlticasea of u nuturo in male anil female , Haying put in a complete nnw stock of cloth ng , fiirnlshjng goods , hata , caps , Mo , Fox & HiutUos , No. Uir. Mulu street Hnijotho jniblio to giro them u trial. Jhrlr < ocMiisiys | arq small , unit they can .llord to M' W t < " hats at great Iy roduecd price lo fit out at Mr * . O A. Houors THE WILD WINDS WHIRLING , ' [ hey Hai e Havoc With Movables ami Tin Roofa About Town. THE CITY TO TAKE WARRANTS. TinSklitphif ; Mllllncr-Oisli or War- ranisDc.tlli of SIi-H. .Mueller Oilier ( JntliiTliurnof Ncu hi ( lit : AVIuil , Whirl or Hit AVIiul. Yt'slonlay was tin- worst one for wind which this diy has known in years. Tlio gnMs began to sweep down from the north al about I o'clock in the morning , and kept al Ilii'lr frolicsome ) work al da.y , part of the time becoming quite Mri. oils rather than playful. The streets were protly well cleared of foot pnssen. gcr.s and teams , few ulirringout only as neoe. sity aroM ) . What teams there were out FCemed to bo out only for the pur. pose of running away. There never was Known to be so many runaway horses ht'ro before. Whenever the clouds of din-l would clear away long enough to give Iho ob"er\er a glimpse a Hying horse and scattering wagon could bo seen iu any direction. Near the Ogdcn house , on upper Hroadway , yc.stcrday morning , there were three teams running - ning abreast up the sliccl. It seems that oiid had Marled from down Hroadway , and as they Mew along Inspired others to break and join in thu run. Ho far as could be. learned no serious results foij lowed , the wagon repahers being given some extra work. One , belonging to .Mr. Davis , was somewhat hurt. The team was standing hitched to a load of wood , when a runaway team btriiek tlio wagon , overturning it. There wore a largo number of build ings in the city more or less damaged. Tim large agi ( cultural machinery ware house of Da\ld lli'iullcy As Co. Minered mo-l The tin roof was torn oil' , ami .somo of the limbers of the roof , and a | portion of ( he brick cornice and wall blown down. The amount of damage in j dollars has not been accurately estimated , ] i A lumber of other roofs were injured. ' There was a large section of thu tin roof on Urn building occupied b.v Pcrcgoy As Mooro's wholesale Mock , which was torn oil' and hung for a long time over the edge of the building threatening all imssvrs by on Main street. It finally tore loose , and came entitling down. There were about thirty telegraph and tele phone wires .stretched on tlio poles on that &ide of the street and it was thought that many of these would bo broken by the falling of this tin roof , but when it came down it grazed these so that their united .strength proved sullieicnt o prevent - vent any serious breaks. A portion of the tin roof on the building occupied by the American l-Xpnus company , corner of Itioadway and Main street , was torn oil" , and came down into tlio alloy break ing one ot the electric light wires. Two brick chhnnojs on Ollicer As Pusoy's bank building eamo tumbling bown , the bricks Hying in all directions. Ouo brick .struck John llarloy on the hand as he was naiMug. It left a bloody wound , and bruised his arm .somewhat. A hatchway door blown Ironi ( he roof of tlio Slmgart block eamo dashing down onto .Main street. Harry Curtis , secre tary of the Young Men's Christian asso ciation , was passing along there at the tiuii ) , and a young lady , Mi s Jensen , was coming from the opposite direction. The falling hatchway barely missed striking both as tboy were passing each other. Onu of the large tr.uiMmis in the front of the county auditor' * ollico. in the Ma- souio building , blew in with a crash , stailling the occupants of the ollico , and narrowly missing -onto of those at tlio desks. Another window in the county recorder's ollico was blown in A num ber of the windows iu the building were blown iu , and the cupola , rocked as if it would come down , J'ho pupils iu the upper rooms were sent home , and the parents of some of thu smaller scholars eamo after their chil- dieu and took them homo. Ono of the latgo doors of Mr. 1) . A. Spooner's stable was blown from its hinges , and struck u domestic employed in thu lamily , Miss Anna Johnson. Her collar bono was broken. Sad havoo was placed with the tele phone and telegraphic wires. Frank Vandcrburg , while trying to liv some of the telephone wires , was blown oil' from the polo ho had climbed , lln fell quite a distance , sprained one anklu , nnd was badly shaken up. Ho wasablo to hobble home , but will lind himself pretty lame to-day. A portion of the buck chimney of Hayes & ( Reason's store was blown down into the alley. A wooden Ecatlblding on tint north side of the new Episcopal church was blown to the ground , giving rise to a report that thu cnurch had been seriously damaged. A window was blown in at the residence of County Clerk Shea , and numerous such breakages of glas wore reported. One of the turrets of the Congregational church was blown over. The two story carpenter shop of Mr. Lawsun was moved from its foundation two or three feut , but no special damage' I done to the building. ' Throughout tlio lower part of the city i the w'uul had a full sweep. Ou the hot toms haystacks wore blown over , out houses removed , and smaller articles carried hither and thither. At thu river the wind , as usual , was still stronger. It was n galo. Ono man went down to thu river with his wagon for a load of wil lows. The wagon was blown over as if it had boon a feather. The wind , as it swept across the bridge , wus so hlrong , that it WHS considered unsafe to run the ilummy'trains , and they were abandoned after IU o'clock in the morning. At that time the last run was made from Omalni hero. Even then there were not over a dozen who would venture to ride over in the cars , The wind almost liftedthu train from thu rails. There was little USD Irving to USD the telephone yeslwday. There were thirty- live instruments rendered of no avail. There could bo no communication with Omaha by telephone. 'J'ho wind diil a little mischief at the pump house of the water works. It blow borne thruo-iuoh o.ik timbers from a tem porary roof on the north side , and thuso timbers eamo tumbling down , knocking $01110 of the slate roofing ol ) ' . liy ( i o'clock thu wind had so toned down that the dummy trains were able to make their trips again aeioss the river. v Collage ranges. Utirlamt stoves , Ra diant Homes and Hub heaters of the very latest patterns nt bed rock prices , at Cooper & Mcico's. No. 41 Main street. Christmas presents nt Homer's. Wild U Hlio ? CiitANi ) ISLAND , Ntb. , Deo. a. Kditor of the HKK In your issue of Iho S4 J lind an item under the head of "A Sensational Partner , " iu regard to a dreh-miaker from thu east , Onu bearing a like de scription to the principal in your item arrived in Grand Island December 1 , on the evening train , and bus connected horsulf with two of the first families of thU olty. My suspicious are that she is the same party who cut the li uro in Council HlutVs. If you uan scud uu Jhu name of thu lady and will do * u 1 will U > greatly obliged. K. The Hii : : , iu publishing thu sensation , j suppres < etl HIP names , as ilwas not de sirous of attaching unple.isaut notoriety lo Iho'c Nho were unfortunately I iicctcd with it , through no fault of their i own. II was also thought best to lei the , liltle dressniaker from the e.\s | quietly i retire from public notice , although she | seems to h.-ne hardly deserved Mich char ; liable treatment , llv hanging out the i sign of a respectable b'nsinos * , and solicit ing the patronage of respectable ladies , , wlio in vi = ititi hrr place of business jertpardbed their own reputation * , she injured others as well n herself. In order that no olhrr.s may Miller through any further shielding of her identity , the HKI : would slate that the namn by which she went hero was thai of Mr.s. A. H. Kobeits. She claimed to have come hero from New Vork. It Is hoped that if anv innocent dressmakers are in Grand Island , or anyothei place within reach of the l > Ki : , that tho.y may not suf fer by any suspicions of being ( he one refcired to , now that the name is given , Of Iho largo retail dry goods and carpet ! store of K. Dowling. Having determined to retire from the dry goods buslines , wo will ofl'er our immeiiso stock of carpets , comiiri.slng the choicest coloring ami HID newest inaKes of W. J. Sloanc and K. H. lliglns ; , and other leadingnmnufartnres , Wo will oiler our imnii'iipo stock of silks , 1 Including n full line of Gircinand Itros. , in all colors and black , for which wo j have been the exclusive agents for Coun ' cil Dltifl'.iml Omaha for tht ; past fifteen years. Wo will oiler our slock of velvets , plushes , biocade.s , dress goods , ' llannels , linens , towels , nankins , hosiery , | notions , broche and imitation Indian shawls , uloaks and all manner of outsldo j wraps at prices that will close them out ' iu the quickest possible tim > . Hciucm- the o goods are not bought as the major | ity of merchants buy goods , but were < bought for cash from the leading 111:11111- : j faetuicrs and importers , and only goods i .suited for Hallm"t cjly retail trade. lrs. Judd AJ Smith's Kleetro-Magnctic nsolps. Only llfty cents. No. ! ! 0 1'ourth St. , Council lilutl's , Iowa. Agents wanted I Ousli or Warnuiis. The dilleronco between Jndgo Alyos- worth , of Iho superior court , and the city council , as to whether the city should receive - ceive warrants for licenses , promises to now reach a conclusion , Tno council ha.s informally decided lo pass nn ordl- nance , or re-solution , by which those saloonkeepers - loon-keepers who choose to pay their monthly licenses before the tenth of each month can do .so by pulling uj > SiM cash. After thu 10th of each month they will have to pay t'lO , but they will be given Iho ehoieo of pajiiig this amount either in city warrants or in cash. Of course , those who wait until after ( lie 10th will pay in warrants , but will have to pay in warrants twice as much as if they paid in cash , before tlio 10th. The lines or appearance money for gatnblers and prostitutes will still have to bo in cash , according to this plan of the council. The change will only all'uet the saloons. Finest display ot inrershnum and smokers' goods for holiday gifls. T. D. King & Co. , Cigars and Tobaccos , 515 ! Hroadway. _ Kvery one buy ing M con t.s worth of T U. King & Co. , has a chance , free , in the great dr.iwing , December ' , ' 1. - Ladies and gents get a ticket to the grand drawing on January 1 , with every SM cents worth of goods purchased of Aithur hofkovitz , .V.'IJ Hroadway. The choicest candies , California fruit * , nuts , cigars , etc. , always on hand. lor hardware and house furnishings get prices of Cooper & McGoc , No. 41 Main .street , _ _ Try John Templpton's"Uose" cigar. 1'prf.onat L. A. Sherman , ono of the moneyed men of Dunlap , got in out of the wind yestordity , at tlio Ogden. Ho was ac companied by his wife. John Sohoentgen has returned from St. Louis. W , Y. I'atton , who has been appointed postal elork on the Sioux City run , has just passed his e.xamination. Jio scored 1)5 ) on the scale of 100. His many friends congratulate him on this excellent show ing.M. M. II. llegarty , of Neola , brought three cars of hogs in from Neola , and yester day took another ono homo to fatten. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans. J. W. , & K. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street. _ For the best and cheapest oysters call at Chicago Lunch Counter , -101 Broad way. Oyster soup all day , only 10 cents Bo sure and ask your grocer for the bread made at Smith > VLierko's ) bakery , No. fisa Main street. It is the very bebt made. Try it and bo convinced. For Sale or Rent ! A iiparly now now and the otil ) hotel In thoM M l'lo > inraku IOH n of MACEDONIA , IOWA , Ton hod rooms pool pat lor , ofllcr. dranlin ; room and i filar , nil sample IDHIII. NV'II ' to'lor loin t n rniM. ) atilit fi-ini , n n < roor III 0:111111 : , Ked : a . - . Co. . 1'copies' blurt * , Council IlintlH , or Address CH1S. P. K1EHLER , HACEDOHIA , IV RUSSELL&Co Mainifautuioiior nil Kl/cs of AUTOMATIC ENGINES Especially Desfifned for Itunninir , MILLS , GRAIN KLEVATOHS , AND KI.KCTKIC L1CHTS , TiiLuliir tuid Locomotive Boilers. Now Mashilloa Threshors. Carey ami Wooilbmy Ilorae Powew. STATIONARY , SKI1) , Portable ami Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Mussillon , 0. Hnmeli House 510 Pearl St. , Council liluils. SEND FOR 1886 ANNUAL. P.T. MlV.vr. A. 8 f. ! P. May He & Co , Real Estate Exchange M > . Ul I'yl H trott , Council UluBs , Ion n. Dcxlers , In Iowa , Knucas nndXcbiaiku l.nnds LOTS IN COUNCIL ULU1-TS AND OMAHA A Sl'KClALTV. Jieal Kstatu buu lit ; uul A. W , PATTESON & CO Nos. 1 and 2 , Masonic Temple. Council Bluffs , Iowa , Wo wish to cnlllh attention of the public to our flno line of Gents' Fur- dishing Goods , and would most respect fully solicit n share of their pntrojinffc. Below we enumerate n partial " ol our goods and feel confident thci * nit inspection will prove profitable ; J Id 1s and r ivcav , i'css tO Fancy 3/tii'ts , UHluudt'ied Shirts , Necfowcar , Gloves and Mits , Hosiery , C rs and Cujfsolla Suspenders. , Mufflers , Eitr Mnfflers , Chest Jrotectorsj Wristlets , Sleeve it ? Scarf Holders Rubber Coats , Rubber Ifat Covers , Umbrellas , Etc. . Etc. , Etc. CALL AND SEE US , A. W. Patterson & Co. Nos. 1 and 2 , Masonic Tenjple , Council Bluffs. CARPETS. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. * t / < OiirFtoch in now complete In pvcry depart munt and contains nil the latest btxlcsand cireols n CARPETS , CVKTA INS , SHADES UPHOLSTERY GOODS , ETC. . CTC. -THE- Largest stock -ANH- Lowest Prices. THE ONLY MXCI.UBIVIJ CAUl'KT HOUSE IN \VKf5TKItN IOWA. PAMl'I.ES nirnlsliod npou application to o own partlot. FINE UPHOLSTERY WORK TO ORDRE Council Bluffs Carpet Company AO5 Broadway. Chicaco Water Meter Vimerfurnlfthcil fimn hydrant prcffiiro for ilritliiK all lUinlH of IlKht jiHiclilin-ry. HIKT | , > I lUii'iitlon Khi'ii lo iiuilii'h OIKIIII l > loirltir. ) \ \ c run priiitinir piovH.imml vhuiu | | < ri < lcti prxiun frec/ciH , poliMiliiK lutbi's , sowing inuoliiucs , fie. Tlio licit phrupt'bi motor utailo. Bend lur cir- i-ulur. In i : j in Cuuncll Illnffii by Ili-o joh oulcii. 1'iion iik'hiiiMt.iiioat market. ( liUaKn Went MuiKft. llhliulorft > r'ri Mfal Market. . . Kuitil Kli-cli , toffoORTlndur. 'lllnif Acnt , 18 Ma'n ft , Council IllntTg , lovra. Illl 1'immm Hl.Onmlm. B. BICE , M. D. ur ether turner * rommoU without 1 tlio knlfo or drawing of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES or mi ki.d , ei , T. Uti > rllilit > jcura'iH-wtcal ojiMjrtiiiixi , OOloo No. U IVatl MII el. i mini II ItlulU. MTCO.NSUI.TAT10S 1114. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTIci : . SK-clrU | flelrrrllsrmoaK such RS I.ort , Vouncl , To r/onn , For Sixtp , To Kent , Waats Hoimllmr , tic. , mil l > o Insertptl In tlil column at Ilio low into of Ti.V : CUNTS Hill l.INU for tlio flrslluscrUounad 1'IVK CCNTS j EU jt.vi2 for cnch FtilKcqupnt Insertion. U-iuo nihptttan- tncnfeat our ollico , No. LJ I'carl sticcl , near llronJnny. "T7AI1M roit S.UK-AIII liRtwTtiYir roi < i POOH. J. JBOncrc-i , Oli intifg enutlnuM r Oninlni. 15 room houfo.ojn client wi-ll Mini elMorii,2liiuii , tine for olKlit hup-r ? . onu tor a ) co ss lien , tool and \Tiipon houses ; IOJ nen i In timothy : BVOiti foiost lrie < ! . cot Ion uiioil.Mock wnlnut , u > h nnil innple : jrooil ouhnul , niiplni , oKi'i rlr , i > liiins. prnpea mid -nmll fmll . Nc\cr nilllnir stook ' limn' ' UIHU > " ' 6 ° ° ' "owlwnj , Couiicll AVtVN1 , K1 > To IM'.V K. ( .con liaiul lioii < eli < ilil Hint mo onvred lor fu'.p. Midi us linnltiiie , earpcts. flovt" < , etc. ' I'rrtiins not hnltt \ \ JTiuiTt.v nrst-el < n woodq trill riuo tlmo hv not i > pl } Inir. All othcm will U'irhnpromil ] nltiMitliiM mill Mill ho iiaM tlui lilvlie < : t niniket pilt-os liy A. J. Matnlol , : ir > lli-onilwny , ilrnler In now uiul Mrlcily ' - rurnltlite , ele. , cc. 10ll SAl.K-llolnir ilcdliniiq of nmvlnp To Omulm.nn iKfoinitiirmvbuclni o. t oifpr lor Nile my ii'sMeiife , vdincr Kon.'th'nvoimo nitd Ninth tdrect. lii'inlioon iiu'iulsts. A. l > . llialnard. " H OUSKS VOII HUVT-At McMulion & Co's , No. I I'carl stiot't. ' * roil SALE , roil HUNT Oil KXCIIAMIK. H -M-Tor Mdporreul.on VP T liberal terms. The Council HlutT * Paper Mill , iiiniplctc , with the largo boaidinir house and three tunes o No. 5M-A biHncta property In Cliorukcc riicroki-o county , lima , will ttado for westi lands. Value , about J < , OUO. No.iW A beautiful home In thn tnnnor 111. , . Inirc , Mali cotinty , Iowa , fet Nebraska Innd Kn. 11 A peed hii lness property and nl o irooil rt-sldi'iico proppity in the town of Ohonvo McLean county , 111 , , ln\r down for cash or wll CM'liaiiKO foi ttnatcrn Iniuls. No. 17 ! ) A splendid farm , well linpro\pdC(0 ( neies In Dlckln in coiintj , Ion a , jnlnhif ; Iho lownof Spirit Lake. I'litu , for u < < hort llmo J.'Ti per rtui o. No. Ifl to is * Am four Inpiovpd farms Ir riillllps county. Kan a , wtcliIth a small In enmliianco. Ilioomiltimnlll tin oxclmngcil lot tinlnciimbrredwlld land In Nnhiatkn. No. Iff. ] IHU acres In Holt county , Noli. , Jnitly Improved , al n Wf ? barKiiln. Wants to c.\clmngo lor meix'hinidl e. No. M A line two Mory brick ipeldciice , ono of the best locations In Council HlliIlH. lll tnulo lor Komi tiiilneunliorcd Kansas or Nuhiaska latuh , Value. $ I5OCIU. Nn. 65 and II Aio two other Vealillful homes In Council lllnlTb , which cash payments will buy at n Imiiraln. No. nc A beautiful suburban tnention In town Hly , Iowa , will tvichangu lor wcsti'in lands. Value , $ nuo9. The above are only n fair or our special bar Kalns. If jon'\o ot anjthlnjrlo tiadoor sell , or Kant to wll any e tate or merchandl o , XM'ltl'1H. Wo llH\O SOV PI III UOOd Mocks Ol RUOllS to Undo for Kinds. SWAN t WAUCI'U , Council llluffs , Io\rn. UNION TfCKET OFFICE J. L. De BEVOISE , Agent. No. M" llroadwav. Council Illuffa. Bailway Time Table. COUNCI The follonlntr N the than of in-rival aud ( leimitiiro of lining by cent nil Miindmd time , nt Ibe local depot * . Tinlns leave liiiiilerilcpot Ion nilmitPH ciuller and aulvo lea mliuiU" > liilrr : . . . n:2TiA. : V . Mull and l'\pi ( .ts . 0Wl : ) . . lUiJU i1.M . Aiconiuioilatloi . 4flM : ( . M. CM01Jl. . . . Kxpies.3 . . . . OiOi.l. M. CIIICAI.O A nncic iiiaMi. 9 : iA. M . ilalltind Kxpu-ss . 0Kli : > . M. 7:15 : A. si . Accommodation . 5:41 : 1M , 5Xr. : ; ) M . i\pu's ; > . . Ut'ViA. ' M. ; * sr. I-.M t , PM : A. si . Mall and i\picss : . H:50r. : M. . IIUlll.lMIIO.s .S. ! ' : " . " A. M . Mull mid i\uxbi : | . . . (1:10 ( : I'.M . Kxpiess . 11:05 : A , II. WAMAMI , l-T. I.OI11S& I'Al'lHO. 2:0. : > iM.Ix > val Ht. Lniils Kttirt-ss IAICII ) : : : ril ) i-.M.TtaiitforSt. lAiiils llx.'l'iiiiisfcr. : ! : ! i' . M KANSAS lITV. ! M' . JOl ! ft COlTMi ; ! < UI.UH-'S ' 10.00 A. M . Mall and i\piost : . l.MUl'.M. SMr. : M . i\pr : < " . 0"oA.M : , bioux CITY & j'Afine. 7:1"iA. : l . Hioux Cltv Mull . . ' . . 0nOi-.jr. : 8U5r. ; 11 . M. 1'Hlll ll.xpies-i l..MOS 1-AC1HC. 10KtA. : : M . 'riitoni'h KxpirfS . .8:4" , 1 * . M. 2:111 : r. M. . . Lincoln Pas * . . Om. .t 11. V . . ' : ( V iM. . ' .iWl'.M . K ; prc is . : 1,1 A.M. DIIMMV TllltNSTO OMAHA. J.oave Council llluirs 7m b:0f 11:30 : 10:30 : II iO a. m. ; lao2:30J4a : : : : : > : r.-80 : 11 : < 5 p. in. aun.laT . MU.iJO11:30 - - a. m ; y : t > , i.tV-ri.25 : ( I ! l 11:45 : p.m. Jj-imi OmHha ' ! : io ! 7K ; 8:60 10:00 : 11 : ' 0 a. in : 1HOM : : ( - : iUU : IOJ 5 m : ajflllU : : 11. in. Sundays ' 33 8:5011:00 : : 11. ni.S:00-a.M : ( i:000:03 : : -11:10 : p.m 342 and 344 BROADWAY. RETAIL DEPARTMENT Kens Fall & Winter Wear Jims' nnd Hoys' IliiFlnpM Pints. Hens' and llo > ' Dress feultrt. Clilldions' Uveiy Day and lrp n Suits. Overcoats for Men , floya uiid Children. Murchnnt Tailor Suits. Mtrchaut Tailor Ooivoats. . MorelmntTallbo K'liml to tilt otTio older , At half Iho pilco VM Mens' finllH ami OvcrcoaH. li-nn Muni' SultH and . 1'ut Jlcns' Tniwsnrs Framlcf-3 BhlitH and Trorrecri In Bootcb vrooli , MiHllcatod Scarlets. * . Heavy linlhrlreans , fancy Colored Wooband mucd quallnoa , Jiuiu * io each to tl.J ) . DUNLAP AND STETSON HATS FOU TUB rAIJj OK 1SS3 G-loves , Neckwear , Suspenders , Handkerchiefs , Collars And Cuffs , Of Orel cUia qur.lltlcs and reasonable prlcei. Bros. RETAIL DEPARTMENT 42 and ! H llroadwav , Oouucll Uluffs , low * . Chicago Lumber Co. \Vholt-5iilii uud i ! ail I.nmlK-r , l-utli , .Slingli | , IMirri and UUiiiN. folo ntfrnU * for the i ulfliriUuil MntlildKMi'l roiinuili.ilml Wlillo L.tii * ; , t5 , I * . OUT , We Propose to Go Out of the Retail Dry Goods Business And shall commence the sale of closing out from date of our entire stock of Dry Goods , fixtures , etc. , in part or parcel. parcel.ra ra o Will find it to their interest to attend this sale. ; s Council Bluffs , la. w. HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER . . . Brick Iniildlnja of any kind ralfod or ruorcd . and s.illstacllon simr.intood. Finnic honsi'S mor oiiLHllu ( Haul trucks tli host in thu world. 808 Eiglitli Avenue and Eighth Sfrtioh J. M. SMITH LEADING Tailor ! NO. 7 and 9 MAIN STREET , Council Bluffs , Iowa Slitter Hotel MISSOURI VALLEY , IOWA. Kbppfially mlntttoil for the traiolliitf tiuhllo lKht In the busliK bsccnter. Kutcs $1 Waduy STEAM LAUNDRY ( GEO. W , SCHINDLLE & CO. , ) Ho. 540 Broadway , Council Bluffs. All work RUaimilced equal lo Troy Unmdry work. Woik railed for and dulhurwl PUI28. AllKoods by mail or express rucelvo prompt at- tcntliui. Hprcialtles Clcatillucss ana ptom pi ness. 'Jul cphono No I.VJ. ONLY HOTEL In Council IluT ) ( havlnir Esoa/p © nrovomcuts , call bill * , flro i \ie\lH \ \ , olo. , In thu CRESTON HOUSE ! \ > 'oe. 19.H mid S19 , Main Street , MAX MOHN , J'rovrlolor. MEBGEN HOTEL , Main St , , Con no ! ) DhiMV Nc r tlm ( ' . , H. * Q. ; t1. , M. A SI. I' . , mid 0. , II. J. A P. nillway < -pot t < i. riui-i-i i-tus door. Kvcrj tiling non anil llmt I l'rot > rivtor utitl Alanatcr , WEHMAN" & MEYEffS Corner Pearl Street and Fifth Avenue , , COU.NCIIj Itlnk far ifint for theatrical pcrforninnrt * hulls , purlloc , utc. lofiP-'liiiiouls anil n ritrx O ovuiy nioinliDf. ' MRS. D. A. BENEDICT AM * m : un : IN HAIR GOODS. No. 337 Broadway , Council BluiTo. JACOB SIMS , I ATTORNEY AT LAW J'ractloos In Slut < ami rc.lci'.U < .iiii' I Minimi 7 niiileSniixail Knuiv liciifi. rues. oriiCEii. w , n , M. JH ? M OFFICER & FUSEY , BANKER COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , t Northwestern Hotel. ' Xu\\l ) ffttiilainl liuiiMuil. O.p | Hioa JJiiiiiiny IK'iiiJt. sl.'iJju'i il.iv. .s.v.Mi'i.i. 'j'.i n : , L. H. BKIiSJIAVV , M.III.K-I- . Dress Making Palors , MRS. J. A. Of Now Viul. Cll > . 1107 Droailway , Oi | | > . roopli ) ' * flore < HiKHlnl t > rli' < > 9. Cuitlntr mid lltdiiK. ( T yU ry lcinlwhok ) hliit , ( i ; busipic and loloom it Vl.V ) ; Mull or taiUir-nnulu drt-ttict , 4M to li J'litl clubs \furl ; KimimiU'e I N. SCHUBZ , Justice of the Peace. OOlcuOrer Anierluui Kxprets ,