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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1885)
THE OMAHA DAILY EE * FIFTEENTH YEAK , OMAHA , SATURDAY MOUNTNG , DECEMBEU 5 , 38S5. NUMBEll 142. THE TRAIL OF TELLER'S TOOLS TLo Appalling Bobberies Perpetrated Upon the Public Domain , COMMISSIONER SPARK'S REPORT VJgoioHi Attempts IJcliiR Made to Hunt Down the Pramls Kaltronils anil Ciitlto Companion Constant- lj Violating the Ijnw. Opc-r.itloiiH of theImnd Ofiluc. WASHINGTON , Dec. l. 'l ho icjioit of Laud Commissioner hpuks foi the liscal j ear end - IilU.IimcW , 18 % " , has IK-CM submitted to the becrelarj" of 'he ' Inteilor. 'I'hc pctlod covered liy Ihoicporlwaschlully iiinlcr llio picvlous iidmlnlstraUon. 1 as imed the duties ottho olllcc .Maielr.23 , lKi ! , says the commissioner , ami aceoidliiKly have but thrco months anil afewdojs of my own supervision of tl to account lor. Tnls brief pciloil was lusulll- clout to unable mu to moio icall/u the Hltiintlon , and to make a commcncomcnt tow aid such I soon perceived were Imperative In thu public Intuiest , the need aiidlmpoitanccof which ! me become more and inoie conspicuous with each tlaj's added experience. 1 found that the minlllccnl ! ; estate of tlio nation In Its public lands hud IH en to a vv Idc extent w asted undci dcfcctho and liiipiovldcnt laws and throi' h u laxilv ot public administration. astonishing In a business ecnso if not cumiblo In icckless- ncpsot olllclal lesponslbility. Tht' widespread belief ot the people of thin country tint thu land department has been voiy laixoly rondiiclcd to tlie advantage ol speculation and monopoly , private and rnipmalc , rathei than In the public Illicit' " ! , 1 havu founil supnoi led by do\cloimicnts In eveiy branch of thohcrvlee. thu pie.vailln ; , ' Idea running tlnoiiKh this of- lUcand those siihoidinatu to Itns lint the government had no distinctive lights to bo considered and no special intciests to pio- tut ; hence. as between the government and npolteiH of tin ; public domain , thugovein- menl usually had the worst of it. 1 am satis fied that thous mils of claims without founda tion In law 01 equity , Invoking millions of acics of public lands , ha\o been annually passed to patent upon the single proposition that nobody but thu gov einment had anj ad verse Interest. 'J'ho % asl machinery of the land dcpait- ment appeals to have been devoted to the ehlcf result of convevlnt : the tltlo ot the Hulled States to public lands upon fraud ulent entries undei strained eonsti actions of impelled public land laws and upon illegal claims under public and pihatu giants. li om the repoits ol the sulmidlnatu divis ions ot the oillco II appeal tint dm Ing the last IKcal ycai the sales , entiles and belcc- Uons of public land undirarious acts of iotiiessichliiiitlieictociiilrace | { ) .3)liltUn')7 ) ; ) ) HCII'S , and of Indian lands bHlbjU.yi acies , nuking a total of ! . > oOQ.V > i.r : ) 3 acies , being a dccicacu , iiscninpaicilvlth the jen IsSl , of 0S acics , and an Inciease o\ci the jc.irlbSlol l.-WvISO. ? : ! aeies. ' 1 hoiecelptfl fiom the disposals of public lands aio 7,0'3(1UI.SO ( : from sales of Indhn lauds , SUU.lM.'U ; a total of 5Sil ( ,5Uii : W , belujr a decrease , as comnaied w Ith the v ear IbsM. ot < Hirr. ! ) .01 , and with ISsiof SJ.'ObO- 1I7.SI ( ! , to which is to be nddcd " 3,8'l.bO for ( crlilied copies of leeoids furnished by the L'cncial laud otllce , making the total leeeipts lei the ye ir from all sources 5rSGiS,4i0.iy. ' 1 ho total numbci of entries and tilings made dining tbu jear Is 211 , 521 , asrKrcKatlntc : n-r , > 0t0 ! ! acres , a decicaso ot lr > , wJ entiles and filings as ( ompaiedvllh the jeai IbSl , and an Increase of Ifi"A \ o\er the v e u IbS ! . 'J lit ) number of entries and tilings jiostcd on the lecoids Is : it'Styj ' , ) , an incicasc ot 71,507 o\ci the jcai Ibbl. The number of public and private cash en- It lea and ontilcs under the homestead , timber. cultuie , tlmbui-land , and descrt-lind laws improved for patenting is 70,050. an incic.vso Oi HbO. ) : ! The total cash sales , Including land sold at public and private sale , pre-emption , com muted honicbfcad , mlneial lands , umber and Mono hinds , etc. , amount to G , XKTb.54 ) ucics. ' 1 he amount of receipts from cash salt's Is > .7l , an averagu of u fraction less than M. U > poi acie. T\vo Innuired and forty-three tracts of land , embracing S.oys.TO acicsero sold at imbue silp in the vailous land dtstiicts at an avci.igepihuol SH-llJ/peracie. Fifteen thousand eight bundled pro emp- lion entiles were made dining thu jear , em- bi.iclnif an area of 'JiUlaiK.7l ) aeics , n decrease - ot 5tSO untiles and ' . . crease , b'-M/iW.lB acies. 'Jho nnniberot pio-umptlon tilings lecorded ilurlng the icaius 47'J-M , which , at ViO acres cadivould cover 7,071SCO acies. The number of original homestead onti les iiiadodinlni ; tliojeai lsr > Jb77 , embiaclngan aic.i of 7,115bb5.KJacre3. Final jnoof was made on Oi.Ofti entiles , em- biactng 5io.t,07U. ! 1 1 aeies , an Incieise o\er the picvloiis jcai of 22J entries , and a decieaso ol b7,10l.s : ; acres. Uno thousand live bundled and pltlie hohlleis' homc.slead duclautoiy statements cio tiled. co\oilng ' 50,400. Thlity thousand nine hundred and clght > - elKht ttiiiber-cultuio entries ere made , cm- biaclngl,7Vi,035.r > 7 acies , an Incicaso ol1,0'K ' ) untiles and 070,541.70 acres. Klmil juoof was olfoml on 750 entiles , umbiaeing UO.iiOO.CO acres. Two thousand seven hundied and sixty-six dcsirl-land entries were made , ciubiaclng . . .Stalo selections under educational and In ternal Impiovement giants w cm made , nj'tno- galtng'J'CJ.'JRMW acies , an incieaso of 11.- , uJT.tK ) acres over thn j ear IbSl. iiKliti'on ; railroad patents and one \\nnon road jiatent wcio Issued dining thu last ibcal jear , umbiaclng 1,151 , 1W.4J atros. Jdbls of detections aiu now on illu amount ing to aeies , out ol wlilcb 12,557- , : EI'.I. ' 17 acres aio Mispended on IK count ol the failure of the companies to complete tholr loads within the tiiuo it'ijulicd by the giant- lug acts. line hundied and sixty-four and one half miles ol land-grant laihoad vvciu lopottcd as coii.stiiirU'il , maUing tlio total lupoiied con- fctrinlion to.ItinoM ) , ibN'i. n.iKH.iit miles , The imbliuburvojs ni.ulo dining the jear embrace thu fidlowlng aieas : bia\c > s of public Innds. S0.w\o : < j.oo ; htinoy.s ot pilvate luiid claims , 47ty7.0U ; losiiivcys ol publlo JamK l,170.r ( < J ( X ) ; total. ; U,5iJObi.OD. ) Hhtccn fraudulent townships were dis covered in Colorado , and a judgment for { jJT.OOOvas obtulnud In ( lie couits airalnst coiitntellng denudes for fraudulent leturns ol survey , Thu commlbslonor thinks public surveys lia\o been extended during tlio last live jears lai bejond the needs ot legitimate occupation ol thoHoll. Nearly t'.owliolo of the tenitory \Vyomlng and laigo portions of Montana b.uu been Biirvejt'd uiult'i thudepobit svstom and the lands on thir Htieams ) raudulcnlly taken up under the dc.-'urt land act , to the ex- elusion of fntuio settlers dcMilng homes In those teulturles. Neaily all ot Colorado , thu choicest eattlo raining portions of New- Mexico , the accessible timber hinds of Cut- Itoinla , largely the fonuu of Washington leultoiy , and the principal part of thuplno lands of Minnesota mo already sunujcd , and hi all the western land htatea and tuitl- lories the Mirvejs Imve anticipated actual poiiulatlons fur jeais to come. To enable - able the pivsslng tide of \v extern Immlgiation to bcctno homes upon the publlu domain It Is nixesiary , not that further Mir- \eys bhoulil bo hustened , but that the hundreds of millions of acres of public lands now unlawfully appioprlated bhould bo VMc.stcd fiom lllcL"il eontiol. Ueferi Ing ( oralhoad land grants the com- 'Jhoreixiit of mllioad constiitctlon show ( hat 17.UJ1 miles of road luuo been con- hti ucti d uiulcr the land-grant fctem blnee its 0)iii ) menci'iiieut. In the meantime npvvaid of 100,000 miles hn\e been mil \vlthoufHio aid of congicislunal giants. Many ot the laller have been constructed tluuu li uiulu- \oloped country , \vhllo comti-iictlon under luiny of the iorimr has been dtlayed until M'tllohionta outride of tallioad lim its liavo suillcJeutly advanced to tnal.e eonsductlon tuolllablollhuiU public subhUly , and until tl.o disposal by the govoinmeiit of len'Uid altetn.ite soctlons mid the iilllm : up of the luck counti h.tvo euhnnced the pilcoof lands given ai > an ln > nt in < I i i < l < > d * . iSiuh delaj.s jen made possible tlnough oniilalnu- uJ tno luiU ttt'i'aumcnt In vv'thdrjwlut' ' from public approprinlloti lamls within as- "limed limits of ro ds and relaln- Inirsucb lands in indellitite re eivalion. Tlio grant tni ; acts generally make no pro vision for olliclal wlthdiawa1 * . ( Ji inlod lands wcio to bo idcnlliisl In tlio ( tixed location of the Hue of tin-road. Until then the giant did notatttuh to an > land , but all Hudson the line of thcpiopo'el reid remained \\Uhln the dlsposiblo tiowei ot the pivciiimunt and subject , to settlement and uitiy. An odlelal withdrawal of Innds from an jiropilatlon and di pn-il under the public land hvvsbcf > ro thctlmn arrived \\hen thu light of appropriation and disposal was con cluded by fie I uvftil Idenlhlcitloii of giantcd lands wa i clearly an net of w um to th. * KOV- eminent and an injutle.j to M'ttlun , while of great and Impropci .uhantagc to the i.illioad oorporatloii" . .Such vvlthdrawats have , however , been made , surh wnituand Injiisllco paipaliated Uinn | theritl/cnsiind the govcrnim-nt , and such advantages seemed bv gianlees upon uhose ieiues | s and foi wiio o benellt the wlthdiawals vvcm ordered. In thurarly pel- lodoflho land 'rant sstemorroneons views seem to hive been entertained In ie pect In what constituted a llxed dcdnlte location , and piematnro wltlulrawals lodowed liom that crroi. In latei poiiods wlthdiawals ap peal to Invc been made without regard to legal eoiistuictlon. and appaiently without uonsldeiatlon ol olllclal icopoiislbilltlc- an example of the Iiillei ciass may bo men tioned tliecaooof the I-cavenwoiln , I'avvnet' & Westein railroad in Kausts , n torwlilch on a pioMematical toute was made upon noothei basis thin pencil lines diavvn iiciossa teliitoilil map by an uniccreillted attoiney befoic the liliui : ot the compuo's aivept.uicti of thu act Jiiilting the grant , and betoie any othei conditions had been pei- termed which would have uiithoil/eI the tiling of : in > inapol the miking of an ) with- diawal. 1'ioblemitleil lines on IMIIL-I , have lu this manner inn over iieaily all p ir- lions ot Washington tcrilloiy , and widely dlvcigent lines m ido the bisfs of dltrcient withdrawals In Minnesota , D.ikoti , Montana and Idaho. Imils emu withdrnvn have been icgaidcd by olllclal tavoi as alwav.s \\itlidin\\n sofaras anj nirt ol the willi- diawalswero v\llhln the lines of tli new ones , and such > \ti < inpoil/ed withdiawals on experimental lines have been ticited as statutoij ic-ei\atloiis , and made elleillvolo delcal settlement lights. Die lesnlt ot this looseness In the adtnlnls- tiatlon ol gicat publlu trusts Is shown in the fact tint neaily everv landgiaiit rallrond re ceived an excess of the grant. The Wlnona As St. 1'ctei laihoad of Minnesota iccelved an excess ol : tuoUO , ) acres ; tlio Atchtson , To- pekaiVSinta l-'e , . ! UOiXK , ) acies : the Alalnma I'lorhla , ill acies per mile ; Mlssomi , Kan- S.LS it Texas , 500acie.s per mile ; ICansis and Denver r.icllic. 200,000 acies. Present esti mates me that the aveiaire late per mile ol load at whlchlaiids havebecn oveidi.iwn will reach 500 acies icr ) ille. The total length of constructed and iincoiistuicted land-grant louls lor which uitlidraualb have been made exceeds29,0. ) ) miles. At an aveiage late of 500 acies per mile , the aggiejate aie \ of ov ei- dtawn lands will amount to 10,000,000 acius. which vast amount h is hitheilo been tieated as the absolute propeity of tlio coipmations , but Is in tact public , land of the United btates , rccoveiablu to the public domain. In1bb.itho dcpaitmunt adopted a ruleio- qulrlng lutnio indemnilv selections to be m ule on a ba ls of allegi-d loss , but this rnlu wassit.ibldu lei the accommodation of the Xoithern IVtlllc , which coniL > any al lowed to Itlo its selections without any speci- licatlon. Thocoinpiny then swooped down on an Immense aiea of land , far exceeding any possible indemnity right , ami under color ot such selections bold vast aieas to foi- olgn s ndlcates and compelled seltleis to ji.iv exoibltant puces tor land on which thcvhad established their homes. The illustration m.ulu by Hie land otllce showed that the area covered by appiopiiatlons or claims of iccoidadverbc lo the mllioad claim within the limits of such withdrawals is257.TW.m acres , exclusive of ntibiuvovcd lands along a poilion of nncoiibtiiictcd roa 1 acioss the Cas cade mounlaliib , where ttilliiuif or no lobses can exist. The total area of indemnitv se lections in Washington teiiitoiy nled by the lallio id company ib Ot'.i''S.bO acres , or .IbO.- urJ.l'i aeies more Ihan as appeals lioni such examination the company would be entitled to receive if all questions icspeeting the right 'ot the c6mpnuy to Indemnity lands on any poitlon or the whole of Itbioad vveic decided in Its favor , and if every tract adverbt'Iy claimed by settleis should prove an ultimate loss to thocompiny. Included In these lists ot selections aio 10,000 acies Unit wcio em braced in bolllenient claims iinUigoniicd by the company and decided adversely to thu settler 01 canceled byreHnmilshnient. Instructions have been issued since the commencement , of tlio eiinent je.u dlteclliiir legistcis and lecelvers ot United Stales lanil olllccs to lemiiie lists to bo tiled in eveiy case of appllcaflon by railroad companies toi in demnity selections , specifying thepaitlculai alleged deliclenulcs for wnlch indemnity Is claimed , and that in cases where Indemnity hclectlons have heretofore boon made by any company without speellicatlon ot losses lo admit no finIhei selections by such compa nies until they have designated the claimed deticleneics to which the lands alieady bclcclcd as Indemnity aio to be applied. Dining the past > e.u patents weie Issued to western tallroadsas follows : Union Paclllc , SO 1U(9.1)7 ( ) acies ; Central I'aclllc , 'J-.OJt.yb . ; bt. Jotcph it Denver City , ICO. llofenlng to the forfeiture of uneaincd land grants the cominlbsionei sajs : "The amount of unpitcnted lands cmbiaced In all the giants subject to declaiatlon of forfcituie is estimated at 100,000OJ ( ) acres , an aiea eiiual to that ol the combined states of New Voile , Xevv Jeiscv , Pennsylvania , Dclawaie. Mary land and Vnginia. The restoiatlon lo nub ile sett lenient and cutty ol this gieat body of lands Is a subject ot the lirnt magnitude and ol profound national impoitaiice. The nucb- lion piebonled isstilctly one of legal light , The rights of thG coiporatlons have been upheld lor Ivventy and thlity jeais. 'Hie government has not been in laches. The lands have been Kent in rcbcivatlon , material tor building tlio loads has been fiecly hup- pliul fiom the publle domain , and extensions of time torconstiuctlon have been allowed. The detault of the companies has been voluntary. The lights of tlio public aie now to bo considered the light of the people to repossess themselves of their own. The ease Is not one calling lor bvmpithy to the coi- poratioiiH : It Is one calling toi justice to the people ot the countiy. In the management of their grants , as of their loads , railtoid companies have bhown little sympalhy lor the publle none lot bcttlcrs and Lltl/ens w hose pie enco and labor were buildln-r up tralllc , and \\liosu eainlngs weio paying all the trallle would beai over loads uonstiuttcd by publlu bounty. Holding their ow n claims thiough Hie indulgence of the government , dellnimentcorporations havepuisiied settleis with iho htiong foic'is of coi potato power , not only fiom local tribunals to the executive department , but from the executive depaitment to the courts , to wrest fiom them the homes they had acnulied within the houiidailcs of lallroad grants. It Is my Information that n patent from the United Mates to a .settlei .iimlei an award by adjudication of this dipirtinout IH not i > ecinf- ty to his lights against aralhoad company , but that the policy of compelling settlers to defend tholi patents In the courts has been hjstemntlcally adoiited bybomo of the com panies hav Ing the largest giants and being In laches to the goveiinentln respect to their own obligations. Appeals have been made to mo by holdeis of such patents asking for aid 1 had no means to give in defense of their titles , which ihcy said they could not main tain at their own cost against vexations , dlla- toi > ' , and expensive proceedings , toiccd up m them to compel them in pmclmbo fiom the companies tlio milot of the titles which they had , after piotiacted Muiule. obtained fiam the United States. 'Ihobowho t > cek equity should do equity ; those who demand charily hliould show soiiut icgard foi the lights ot othusand their donois. Thu agents of thu department have secured avast amountof cvldciuo of iniudulcnt en- lilus on publlu lands. Unsciupiilous specu lation In the worbt forms of land monopoly Innobeen fostered by the land laws. In many sections of the conntiy , notably throughout leglgiis dominated by tattle rais ing Intciests. the vast aim I ) Ing west ot the ninety-ninth meildlan cifuniiulluns , whei- ovennuk1 , hail developed at all points that entiles were thlelly lictltlous and fraudtilunt anil nude in bulk tlnxuifc'h eoncerti-d im.tliods adoptcil by organizations that had iMiieoled out the countiy among thciuhclvcs and wcio maintaining belied possessions ot unenteicd hnds by boundaries and Inclosuuts defended by aimed ihlers and pi elected against liiiml- pratlon and settlement by aj&lems ol espion age and intl.nldatlon. n In other cases , as In farming regions ap- pioMiiuto to the cattle belt , It wut > shown that Individual peculation , following the progress of public turvcf , was eoverlng townships of agrlcultutal l\ud with entiles made for the purpose of selling the claims to other * , or In enli ies pie < lire 1 lot the .vuilbt- lion of lands In Hige bodies. Again , In tlmbeied regions the foiests were being appropriated bv domestic and foielgn corporations lliioiuih suboined en tiles mitlc In fraud ind cva ions of law. Xewlv-dlscoveitd coal IK Ids weie being sei/ed and posseted In like manner. Asa Ineasme of indNien | ibIu pi coalition the rom- nils-ilonei notltied thuolllccisof Buveialland divisions that tlml action would be sus pended upon entriis made in .st.Uc.s and let- rllories In which a jjreit degree ot Ir.iud had been developed. The lesult of this action , the commlsslenci think" , has been "alutiiy , and satlsfactoiy to bon.i lide settlers. Mbls of suspended cuttles ln\o been placed In tiie hands of special agents for examination and icport. The averaire estlm ite of fraudulent entiles now made un der the pie-emptloii 1 iw , as i ported lij * spe- chl a ttits , In Washliuton tciiltniy , Kansay , U\kota , Color.ilo , Xebifvska , Xuvv Mexico and not them Minnesota , range from 75 to t J per cent. A new abne has glow n up under the tim ber culluie law. A timber cultuie enliy may run lei thirteen jeirn , and as much longet as Itsieeord icm tins iineineeled. lly piefcent practice this Is a icseivatlon of the land dur ing the whole period of the cxUlcnco of tlio cntiy. The faeillllcs lliusalfoided of holding land fora long teimofeats fiee of lent , in- teiesl 01 taxes have faigely been availed ot In lute vcais In stales and tei- ritoiles In whlcli thoeven mote facile desert lindaetlsnot oii'rative. Wilhln tile stock lainrusol Xebraska , Kansas , Colorado ami elsewhere , one quiiter ot neirly ever ) siction Iscoveied bv a timber-culture cntiy made foi Use of the eillloowncis , iisinlly by their hcidxinen who make false I indallldavlti asaputot thu condition ot theli emplov- ment. The reservation ot the land pieveiiis a nuwentty Iroiu b.'ln . mule until the foi- ni'T ' one Is contested or removed , and , the ranches being IncloM'd bv fences or defended by lorce , rontests aioeiy geneially pre vented If n itoliei ) mule enliiuly lnipos lhlc. Thocommis-tioner tn'eiitl > reeommeuds the repeal ol the law as the only lemedj lor the evil. lleal = o iccommeiids the abrogallon ot all laws autliorl/ing the sale ol publlu lands foi cash , and the pieseivatlon oL the public domain lot actual settlers. Twentv-threo agents ha\o been empliljed dining the vear , at an avciago length of service of little le--s than eight months each. In the tn\etiiition of lies- pisses on publiu tlmbei and assisting In pios- ccutioiif > foi i ecov cry of damages lo the gov- einmcnt. Thieo hundied and ninety-six eases h ivo been spoiled , involving , i nmket value ol timber unhwtiilly cut .imountlng lo nearly SOJO,0Hi. ! ( The amount llius lar le- iccovertd Is , and the amount duo on accepted [ impositions ot hcttlement is inVj.iit. ( ) The amount involved in pending suits Is Sl.V ( > 'J,00.- ! . Depiedatioiib upon public timber are util- \ , llarrantaiid limitless , Whole ranges of townships coveied with ] ) ino timber , the foiests at headwaluis ol blieams , and timber land along watei eoniscs and i.iilroad Hues havebecn cut over by lumbei companies under pretense ol llllo deihed thiough iiie- umptlon and homuslcad entiles m uly b > their employes and atteiwaid assigned to tliu eom- ) > inies. Suit has been comment l against one company In Calilornla tor the iccoverv ot the value of CO,0iO,000 leetof lumber , and one airalnst a coijioiatlon in Montana , ot which Iho Northern I'.icllic railioad compaiiv is thepiineipal slockholdci. The depaitment h is taken \ igoious meabiiies to put an end to these depredations. 'Iheeommibsloncr recommends the Immedi ate witluliawal fiom appiopriition , sale , 01 disposal ot all public toiests and of lands vahublechlellv tor tlmbei , btibject to future legislation lei the peimincnt icsenatlon ol designated areas and a moie economically go\erned disposal of such timber lands 01 tiinbei as it may not be necessaiy Indeiiultely to rebcrv e. _ _ oiir.riioxAi.ui : ; O The PI > ; lit Over the Portico of tlie Gureutt Mansion In lialtlinurc. BAMIMOIU : , Md. , Dec. 4. [ Special to the Hin. ] Tliequiuel between Ileniy Jajnes thu millionaire , and Hobert Oarrctt , presi dent of the Baltimore & Ohio Ualhoad com pauy , over a portico on the front of the lat ter' B house , continues. Gariett is building a line house In Mount Veinon place , which when Mulshed , will cost over a million dol- lurs. The objectionable portico shuts ott the light from the windows of the adjoinlnghoiu.0 owned and occupied by Henry Jaynes , and the kilter applied for a mandamus requiring Mi. Carrctt to tear it down. This mandamus was gianted , whereupon Garrett took the case to the couit of appeals , where It Is now pending. The Ill-feeling between the two men glowing out of thu mattui has become notoilous. Yestcidav it was rumoicd that ,1aynes Imd dibcoveicd awaytowieak sum- maiy vengeance upon Uaiiettlu case the court ot appeals decided that the portico could stay where Ills. Ho had decided , it is said , it the poitico was not torn down , to piesunt the house and grounds to a colored orphan asvlum. This thicat to establish such an Institution In Mount Vcrnon Plato has aioused the propeity owners to a high pitch of indignation. Detroit's Pouting Poles. Dnntoir , Mich. , Dee. 4. St. Alberta Polish Catholic chuieh lemalncd clobcd this mom. Ing and no tioublc occuired there. About daybreak the women turned out to the mini- bei of about 000 , and said moining prnyeie , kneeling on the steps and In thu yard. A reporter w hose account of the trouble had not given satisfaction , was met by a largo number of uoiuen and dilvuu fromtno neigh- hot hood. John P. ( iaspard , couespondent , was attacked labt night while leaving Father Knlasinski's house and roughly handled. His injiii les are not bei ions. No trouble Is ex pected until bundaj- . The Poles insist on iiav ing mass that day with Kalablnski , while the bishop has ordered Father Dombrowskl to olllelate. * A Cliocr for Gallant Ijouth. LJ.VCOLV , Neb. , Dec. 4. Patrick Hgan , piesldent of thu Irish National League ot America , cabled to-day to Mr , Painell the following message in refeienco to the defeat of Phillip Callan , hi the county Louth : LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec , 4. To Charles S. Pai nell , Dublin : Numerous blanches of the league ie < mest me to congratulate tluoiigli jou gallant Louth , on Its splendid vlcloiy over treachery and Insubordination. PATIIICK EaAN. AtlvertlHl UK Swindlers. CHICAGO , Dec , 4. Hand , MeNully & Co. , publisher , of this eltj1 , are In receipt of In formation from western states bajing that parties rcpiccnting themselves as advertis ing solli.Itois aio swindling iiieichunts and others by collecting money on bogus con tracts and drafts in their name , Ihoy appear to deal veiy extensively. Hunk Jtobbcd. PiTTsnuno , Dec. 4 , About five o'clock this moi nine the private bank of Hentel & Co. , of Freedom , Pa.tvventyciihtmlub ; vveht of here , was robbed of $12,003 In cash and M'ciuitles. Thu lobheiy was committed by four men who exploded thu halo with giant powder. Theio is no dim to thu lobbeib. A Kidney Cure Comet. PkoniusTiin , N. V. , Dee. 4. Prof , narnard , Vandcrbllt university , Nashville , Tcnn. , an nounced the Jlbcovciy of a now comet con- Rtellation in Taurus. It Is faint and small. This makes the liftli mUe ot iJXi ( won by l'iof. Hainard for the dbanery of cornels. Honors to T , American Ijadj- . | LONDON , Dec. i , At Wiudsoi castle Queen Ylctoila personally Invested Lady Hindolph Churchill \vllh tuo insignia of the impcilal older of the crown of India. Tlio Paillamontnry Election. LONIION , Dec. 4 Total returns for mem bers ofpaillament up to 2 this afternoon showSili liberals , 215 eonsei uitlvcH and fifty- three natlonalUU have been elected. SQOALL OF THE SQUADRON , Mild Torrent of Talk Froth tlio High Gap- tain of Our Great , Navoe. SECRETARY WHITNEY'S REPORT. The Dcp.iitniciitM KxtteiultliiiCN The Dolphin AnalrVolk ortlic.Siiiiiiil- ron < s A Coiulcnso'il Kcsuiiie of the Voluminous Document. The Naval flcoretni-j's rippnrt. WvtiiN'iiros' , Deo. . The secretary of theiiavy today tMiismitleil to the piesldent thciepoitof his department lor tlio IKca \ cat ended Juno SO , 1SS3. Thuiepoit opens with a statement as tothodtlfcrenthiiuadioiis of the navy and Is as follows : The North Atlantic soiiadion icmalns uiiilci the command of Acting Heal . lames K , .louett. The Hmokhn was put in commission on October IS , and now lornis a pait of thlssqttadron. An-rlous levolution , thieatcnlng the tianslt of the Isthmus ot Panama , having occmied on the Isthmus early In the spiinir , a foieoof about ooo blue- Jackets and maiiiies , was pent thlthci in Apill , to act In kieplng the li-anslt open and In maintaining treaty obligations , 'lldsfoieo was withdrawn In May. Ihocs cls ol the Ninth All intic b'piadion at present aio the Tennessee * ( llagihlp ) , Hiookljn , dalena , Svvataia , Alliance and } untie. The boiith Athnlle sijtiadion was icen- foieed bv the arrival of Ueu Admiral Kail I ngllbh In his flagship the Lancisier , at Itlo de .lanelio on Julv 1. The only ( ilhci vessel on this station is the Nlpslc. liccause ofev - eial lounilalnts leoentlv forwaided fiom Amei lean eltl/ens In the Comoio Islands and X in/ib , a , the Lane.i'-tcr had been oideicdlo make an uxtended tiulso In the nelghboi- hood of these places. Acting Ite.u Admlial .Tnhn U Davis is Mill In command of the. Aslallo station. The on- teipii-e has been oideied to piocjed home by way ot AustiaUi and Cape Hoin , and the .lunlatatopiocced homebv way ol Capo ot ( oed Hop . The Aslatio station has been re- enloicedby the Omaha and Mai ion , jo that it now consists of the Tienton ( lla shlp ) , Omaha , Marlon , Otslpce , Alert , Slonocacy and 1'iilos. Ot the Paclllc wpuuli on the Lnckawaun.i and Avachiisett have gone out of commission , II having bten reenforeed by the Mohican and Adams. The squadron now consists ot the ( fold ( llagstilp ) , bhcnandoah , Mo hican , Itoquois Adams , and Pinl.i. L'he Ilinopean siiuadion now eonslstbot the Pcn- .sacol.i , Qniiincbaiig and ICcarbage. 'Hie vessels of the navy on detached seivlco aio the Powhatan and Pospateh on thoAl- lantie coast , thu Michigan on the lakes , and the liangei on the coast of California. The bcciutaiy traiibiuits in' condensed foi in lepoits fiom tiie dirteient burpiiii heads ol his department , and tlierecommcndations made. The follow Ing aie the most inipoilant : Iho chlet ol the bureau of navigation re- poits the operations ot the tmicait in lefei- ence to the manutaeluie.xnd testing of com passes. Ihu e.xamlnati on of compos lepoits toi eiuising vesbds with a view to the piepi- ration of a new vailatlon chart , and the imbllcallon and distribution ot intoim ttion on tlie magnetism of iion and steel .ships. The rcpoit dwells upon the urgent necessity of establishing compass stations at thu piin- cipil tcapoits. The chlet ot the bureau of yards and docks icportb on the condition of the nav ) jaidb , locks , w hat v es , bulldjngs , and oilier pi opei t ) , witliieeoiniiiciilationnas > to the moat Ing impro\ements reimli J ( . 1 he chlet ol the bureap of crinlpiiicnt and re cruiting desciibcs In defc > ' .lt.tlio operations of the Imie.ui In the puiclraso inaiiutiiclure , and supiily ol coal , sails , hcmuv cordage , ehains , ancliors , gallej : ? , and oilieraitteles of e < iuip- nieiit. * ' The chief of the buieau of ordinance de scribes the operations of the buieau In refer ence to the dt'bigu , construction and testing otgnnsaiidtoriiodoes , and to experiments and improvement * in gunpowder , gun-cotton , gas- checks , gun-carnages , toinedoes and their liftings , ammunition for the JlotehkibS gun , and electrical apparatus for tiring great guns. The supcilnteiident of the naval obbena- loiy pit'sents a statement of the astronomical work performed dining the yeai. The icpoit of the chief conslnictoi desciibcs the woik done by Ills bureau , recommends tlie purchase of supplies by annual schedule , presenthwitli some detail his views as to the requirements of the navy in the mattei ol newbleelesselh , and urges the completion ot the monitors. TlieMipetintendent of the naval academy repoits that the prescribed totiibo of instruc tion lias been cairied out during the pibt yeai , and the iibiial piaclico cruibo li.ib been made. Under the head of appropriations and esti mates hoba\s : Tlie amount of appropiiatlons applicable lo the ciinent expenses ot the hibt bK months of the liscal yeai was 7 .255uy ! ! , the amount lor the last sl\ months ending Juno 80 , ioYWO,2.V.b5 ) , making the total ! . ! , - 185)3r.y. ) , In which Is included S 7fioJ lians- feried from navy yard Biooklii , lb , to that appiopilation It S per appropriation waiiant No. ils.i , &HO.OOO from macliinery doublc- turreted monitois , imloJinite , to bteam engiu- eeiing , 1KS > , per appropriation wairant No. : ! 00 , and . ' ,101.87 nay inisecllaneoiis 18-sr . ap- piopuatedtoMipply de/ieieneles / for said lib- cal icai perapjiropilatlou wairant Xo. IMl. Tfiero was a balance on hand at the com mencement of the hscal jear on account of pay of the navv and pav of the mailno corps of SJlOi,40l.k : > , The total gross amount , theiofore. which was available lei the jcai Aas Sin.b'i. ) OiS.GS. Theio should , however , be deducted from this amount the sum of WSW , appropriated toi the navy asvlum , as that sum was brought tothecieditot the asylum Kebruaiy'ir > , ISii , by icqiilslllon in Its favor , and Is Included In the exhibit of expenditures chargeable to navy appiopiiatlons at that time as icfundod and deducted from the amount diavvn in that month , also il.-lOVJr-.b ? duo to geneial ac count of advances , which leaves a balance of SI'.tU available foi the year , being Sl.lOl.biMH less than thu amount avallablo lei thu fiscal jtat ending Juno ao. 1W. The net amount di awn from the treasmy by warrant during the last liscal jeai was sl1M7W7.7J ! , which leaves a balance un drawn of ilOW)7n.OO ( ) ; to this should bo added ( ho net amount unexpended In the hands of pay oliu ers on Kild .lime ! W , JSS5 , as shown by the otUco of : the tointh auditor , S1'JM,570 ill. leaves an ( igifregato balance un expended of ; $3l $ < i'S.iH5,7. ( > . which stood to the credit of thedejmitmtut.-it the beginning uf the present liscal v ear. That Is , the total net expenditure for tliofibchljeai cndlngJiinoitO , lb& , was that much Icbb than the apppropria- tlons. 1 The appropriations available for the present fiscal jcai. commenclngl July 1 , lhs. % ore SlH.'j'W.'OJ.stt. Theaaiptnjt drawn by war rant from the tieasury ifojil July 1 , fsB1) , to November 1 , ibs , ) . ( Ipdadtum that refunded , is 841'is.'i,7GO.i1. ' ; , Tnq iimiiiint drawn by war- lanl dining the same pefliWof his tj car was sVlte.lUJ.lSj. ! ! . ] The estimates for thdnnrj * for the flpcal year ending June ! W , lWi ( ; > nwunt to 5K,10l- , \\lilclisumuit'ombi-aocd estimates foi new objects , nut thbseonlliiarlly tor the hervice , amounting to * ? ljtOyUr ( ) > o.'J4 , leaving for the eiiatoinaiy pufitobJ uf the bcrvitu feiyoH,7 : .Ui. They eralmico for Increase of the navy S10.Sl,7rO ; for the completion and aimament ot thu duiiblMtinvtcd monitors , -l-X)4il'il ) : and foi public works and Impiove- iiienls al the and'hmtlons tf l' Iteferrlng lo thbdlsturhanecs at Panama , and the work done b/ the North Atlantic. Suadioii ( | dining the trouble , the gecietaij goes over the whole matter In detail and con cludes s lollows : The otllreis and men charged with icstori- ( Ion of the tiecdom ot transit on the Ibth- inns discharged their duty in a highly satis factory manner. The action of the depart ment was carefully confined to mcabiires only as wtroiievcsbary to enforce treaty stipula tions , every prct'auilon bciiu taken to re spect the autonomy of Columbia ; and our in- teileiencoeeahcd urn moment the object had been accomplished and the freedom of Iran- bit had been M uuielyre-eatabllhhr < l. Among the lesults of these navul operations upon tlio Isthmus , by no means'tho less gratifying. has been the astiiblUhment of htlll closer and moru friendly rcUllnns with a slbtcr repul > - llc , while our comiiieJdal oihrother Inteiests In Ccntial America tM , < been Htrin < ; thened , andan addltioa4lgulbnlHf hccuiity has been ulvn to tlio iJE.iiitllt ) enUi iso of Ameik i i-t t'-'s ' ' . * & - Jt Is lately for Iho puipo c of piolectlin : the mercnutilo innrlno and fora sMing ltsheallhvdeveloi- | nienl that the nav v exMs ; and theio mo ie.v sons for Itelknln ? lint IH services on the Isthmus dnrlnir the monlhsof A pi II and Mtj will have linpnilinl and far icm hlng con oiinonecs In this tliiecllon. Mi. vVhllneyiiivscoii'.ldciableattcnllnii In his icpoil to the dlllleultv Incident to the fail ure of the dlspnteh boit Dolphin to meet the leiiuliemenls called lor in the conlrai t foi her toiibtiuction. The Dolti'ilu , ho .si > s , as she Is now , should be legaiilcd more ns a plea ino boatthaiias u boat , ' 1 he.uloiu ti lals and tesN to which she was submitted aroreteired lo , Hie absence of oidliniij pio- lection of IKI machine ! ) ' fitun exposure to fire In ease of hostile conlllct.and compul- son mule with slmiliu boats ot Kngllsh eon- stiuetlon. The work of the advi oiv bond detailed lo examine her after completion Is gone ovei , and Iho eorie-poiideiiee with the conliiutoi , , Iohn Ko.uh , is submitted. 'Iho causes which led the go\einmciit to assume the completion of the Dolphin and the con struction ot the three diuveis the lloston , Atlanta unit Chicago-ale given , anil thesec- ictat.v eoncli.iesbwjli1 ! ; ' II Is of no use to illMtisi the ehinictei or tl'c boattheli nieillsor dcmeiils. Tiidei tie ! pioscnl cli- enmslances all that the govetnment can do I torn a business point oflevv Is to complete them. Whatevei Ihej tuin out to be they vvllldemonsiiatei In pi.ictlce. Alter dwelling at some length upon the oiganbatlon ol the navv dcpnlmcnt , and pointing out Its delects ami Miiigestliig iciiie- dles , thu ' ccietaiy ays : The eountij lias expended inee.lulj 1 , IM ovei 575,000,000 on the constittctlon , ie- pah , equipment and oidnuucu ol vessels , w hlch .sum , w 1th a vet y slight oxceplloii , has been snbstanl Lilly thrown sxwaj , tlio exicp- tlon being a lew ships in piiwossot construc tion. Thu fact still icmilns that for about sovenU of the seventj-ihemllllons expended lei thecrcallon of a navy we have jiraelliallj nothing to show. II N iiu | slionablo whether we have a single naval ve scl finished and atloil at the piemen t lonld bell listed to encounter the ships ot any hnpoitniit powei. faiich Is not the kind ot navy which this eountij it'iiithcs noi such as It U en titled to have. The problem of keeping pace w llh the maich of Improvements in these lines of In- dustij is one of Ine.ilculablo dllllcully ; and jet unless the government Is piepaied lo mall itself piomptlv ot all the lmpiovemunt.s that ate made In thecoiibtiuctlon and equip ment of Its ships its CNpendltmes uie I.ugcly useless. 11 is of little sou ice to a nation to have any navy at all unless iv fall expulsion ol the highest ol its dav. The desliitctivc power ot the. modem Iinploments his become so gicat as lo dominate in actual waifaie. rorthcconstiuction and maintenance of such a navy we have niailo but little piovl- slon. Tolia > e and m lintain such anavj Is , 1 believe , the wish of the counti y and the duty of the goveinment , > " : t * * 'Ihu poltcj of enlisting piiv.ilc enleipiNo In thn woik tends to the eie.Uion and development ol ImpoitaiitbiancliCb ot indiibtij within the country. II the 375,000,000 spent since l os bv 0111 govuinment had been used to stimulate com petition among otn people in the piodiutloii ol modem ships ol war , it is ( niito fair to as sume that the activities and agencies at the disposal ol the goveinment would have been by this time enlhelj' adequate to Its needs. It has been wasled by government agencies upon worthless tilings. Sulllee It to bay om gov ei nniont has placed itself in no iclation to the inventive genius ol tlio counti j * . and is without the rich fiuits which such a couise would bilng lo It. Mj hiiel expuiioneo has sitlslicd me that whatever changes ma > be dcsiicd , it is of Hist necessity to sejnnite , as much as piactleabie , the woik of diiection and dellbciation liom the details of execution ; in othei woids , that theie should be In thu coiibtiuctlon of a n.i\y , as In cveiy other kind of business , a piopei dlstiibutloii ot labor. " It Is pioper to say that many Improvements In Hie piebcntoiganUatlon made by thosecietaiy wltho it additional legislation ; .ind to the extent to which , altei full con- sUlciation and dtbuiibslon. changes will .seem to be judicious , thoj will be undei taken. Annual i.v , Dee. 4. The annual report of thu sucretaiy of war was iceulvcd to day. lie speaks of the opei.itlon of the tioops In Oklahoma and Aiizona at some length , and cites the fact that Lieutenant Geneiul Sheri _ dim is now Investigating in peison the con' dllion of alfalrs in tlie latlci tenltory. The secretary concurs In the recommendation of ( icnci.d Shcildanofconccnlrutiiigtiooiisand putting lai go gaiiisous in tlie siclnlty ol the largeclties. IIo favois theietentlon ot West Point graduates and additional second lieutenants In tlie army ifacancies me in- sullleient to piovido places. Ho lecommends all the state troops bo armed with the same \ \ \\canonasthoiegulararmj- judge ad vocate general having been foragiavc of fense suspended lei twelve jcais , which in hlb case is equivalent lo letliemcnt , anothui appointment to the place 01 legislation to meet the emeigency is iceoinmcnded. The enlisting of a trained cook foi each company of tioop and battery , and a baker lot each gaiilsoned post it > also recommended. Thu secielaiy speaks of thu lepoits sub- mltted iiiion the necesbltj * for coast defenses and thcimpiovcmentof the Mississippi , but makes no ccncial iceommendatlons. He urges the necessity foi the appointment of an assistant secielaiy ot war. The seuretaiy calls the attention of congicss to the tact that the Minne.sota & Noithvvestcin lallioad , u private coipoi.ition. acting under authoiity ot a tenltoiial act , Is obstructing the main navigable channel ot the Mississippi , within a few hundred feet of the spot \vheio con gress , In authorising the city of St. Paul to build abridge , piovidcd theie should bo a span over the channel leaving. ! clear vvatci- wav ol not less Ih.inlWO feet In width. The expcndltuies tor the jeai ending.Tuno SO , lbN5 , were , of which 8il : ) < H,000 w is for public works and harboi and river Impiovements. The total also includes ST1G.- 000 cicditedto the Mibsldlred Paellie ndlioads foi tiansjioilation dining IbKi and prioi > earFor the jeni ending .lnneio : , " 1 , llioappropiIations.iggiegaloStl.TllsOOO , of w hleh only yJVI8 , 00 Is 101 publlu w 01 ks Msllmates lot the fiscal jear ending JtuiOoO , 1M7 , amounted to 55HI,7MJ.KW. ( This the lel.ny reduced lo HV-OI , < XH ) , allowing toi public works , Including river and liaiboi 1m- pro\ements , otiiiiinry. MiurAuivii : : , Dee. . U'llllam Alilileh , c\-meinbei of eongiess liom the Hist Chicago dlbtilct , was stilckcn with apoplexy at the homo of his mother , In Fond du Lac , to d.iy , middled a few hours later. AhUlch moved from Chicago a few jearrf ago , and hah since been engaged in the milling business at Fond du Luc , Tough Men from Nuponcc. BLOOSIIMUON , Neb. , Dec. 4. [ .Special to the ULK. ] CJeoigoS'arlln , Hob Ingiam and Young Hooding , bold men from neai Na. ponce , who aie In the habit of ninnlng the town when they come , were arrested last night for riotous conduct and lined MO cadi and costs. They undertook to icslst the ctllcurs , but got badly used up. Montuna'H Mineral Wraith. Hr.i.n.VA , Dec. 4. The inliiliiir and stock exchange ojiened last night with a pi and banquet. Seventy membciH. thu moat pionr ] ) iomlnent capltallbls and mlneis weiepich' cut. Mining developments me io ) | iessng | lajildly In this vicinity. Nuvv stilkes are ru- portirt dailj1. Moxicau lull-rent In tlio MIIXJCO ( via Oalveston ) , Dec.I. . The sll- \u question Is agitating the mess , niid great Inteiest is tiiken In t-jieculatloiis legaiding President Cleveland's rorthcomlng mebSagu. ilu > HUHO Dull Statement. Itosiox , Dec. 4. Piesident Sodeii , of the Boston b\so ball association , denies the eoi- rectnessof tlioCldc.igo dispatch pinpurtliig to give thu composition of the league lot next jear , and pays the committee having the mat er In chaiguhavo aulved at no decision. ultHlnctia Failures. NKVV Youic , Dee. ! . Business fai lines the last bincu days nunibei ZW , ugahidt "U last week. A WISTIIX : n The AVllil Wlml TiFYosterdnj-\\Vsf- oru t'ulon WUc s Down. Cute \io ( , Dec. 4. About 1 p. in. today < now bewail to fall heie. The ( lakes were tin usually hice. Toward evening sheet car horses laboied heavily against thcdilfllng snow , and the wind , \vhleh vvasbjglnnituto cam the name of "bll//aid , " was to-night blow lug fiercely froni the northwest , and the which stilt falls thickly , lsdil\cti i the streets with bllndltii ; foicc. Theiu Is every ludlcitloii of an nil night slego. wind and s-now , which If continuing even at the piesenl do- giee ot veloclt\ mid volume , will , before inoi nlti ? , biing travel to n tniUMtlll and de lay Incomlinr trains manj houi . As to the v lolence of the storm outside of the cilv some Idea maj be foimed. ' 1 \\cstcin Union telegiaph companv lepoits a bad condition of Its wites as fai west as Omnlia , ami north- waid to bt. Paul on account ut Iho wind and snow , which opeiiited moieor le s surlotislj amlnst the ti.iiismlsslun of dispatchers fiom e.iilj tlilsmotnlng. The ltll/7aril al rteiiiont. I'lii'Movi , Nel ) i Dee. 4. [ Special lo the Bt i : ] A teiilble wlndstoim came up this moinlng at about I o'clock nud has blown n feat ful gale all day. The loots liom seveial hou es have been blown oil , outhouses anil tences flattened to the gtound , and the lum ber In Hie dlllereiit jaids scatteied to the loui win'iK 'Hie pi He glass in the store liont otV. . . I. Dav leV drng store was blown in and smashed in a thousand pieces' . Trade Is almost suspended , eveijono feeling sitls- licd to i cumin in the house. The MotlioillMt College Ccviitvt , t'n v , N'ob. . Dec. ) . ISpeclal to theBr.r. ] Utiiingtho hluh windstorm tod.ij the noith end and west side ot the new Meth odist college building were pail hilly blown down and the entlie building Is in dangei of being mined , bo fat the damage Is estimated at W.OJO or HOW- The lili//ard at Bt. Paul. Si. PAVI. , Dee. I. Abllz/aid set in here about 10 o'clock. The sno.w was dilven In blinding shiets thiough the stieets. No ic- iioils h.iM ) been leeched liom points wobt. out the Indications are the btoim Ib general thioughoiit thu noithwest. Ilnrrlcano at JOM Dr.s MOI.MS : , Iowa , Due 1. IS pedal to the But : . ] A bli//aid raged here all daj. A % eiv stiong wind pievailed , with a slight spilnkllng of snow , which was blown elf the siieetby ulghttall. Themereui\ twentv- llve degices between sundown and U o'clock. at Itloonilimton. UI.OOMINOIO.V , Neb. , Dec. ! . [ Siicclal to the 15 1. 1 : . ] 'Iho hei\lebt wlndstoim evei known in this countiy is blowing today. bovcial small buildings have been thiown ovei and thoiools ot othei buildings toin olf. tf IO TUACI3DV. A Jealous Jfusltaiul Sliool.s Ills Wife and Kills Himself. Ni.w Yonrc , Dee.J. . [ Seelal ] ) to the Hi r. ] Ch is. A. Kay shot bib wife , Mai Ion , In the left cheek Intituling a bciious wound , and then shot himself thiough thu head , Idling himself almost Instantly list evening. Thu bhootlug took pl.ico at No. tooj Madison avo. line , wheio the couple vvheie boaidlng. Kay was only .20 j-ears old , and was three jcarsoldfefHiaii hIrre7 Thcyw - < ; ro nmr- iledin this eltj about tlnee jeais ago , and almost Immediately alteiward wont to Mexico ice , where he had a contract lor putting up a diy dock in one of the Mexican senpoit.s. They btajed in .Mexico until about a jeai ago when they icluined to this citj' . Ho had some trouble about the money due him liom the Mexican government , and the vvony from this and the bad ctlccts of the climate caused him to put himself undei medical treatment on his arrival in Now Yoik. He 1ms been in bad health ever since. Ho iccovercd sulll- clentlj logo Into business n shoit time ago and took a position as mipeiintendentot the railwavcable electric signal company , bo fai as Is known the mariied life ot the couple has been happj. Hay retuined home fiom his olllce j estorday afternoon about H o'clock , and. abw.ib his custom , went lo his apait- mentson the fointli tlooi. His wile was al ready there.Vhatoccnrrcd between them is not known , but it is said that voices weie he.uil , app.iiently In a heated discussion , and shoitly bulorc U o'clock the household wab slailled by thtco pistol shots In quick suc cession from tlie sluing 100111. Mrs. LIu den and .servants tan Into the room anda most nor- ilble sight met thcii ga/c. M is. Kay lay on thu tlooi , lull leaning against the dooi which led fiom the room Into hallway. She was toveicd with blood which flowed in a btc.idy stieam fiom a wound in her let ! cheek lust back of the nose. A toot uw.iy laj her husband clasping in one hand a heavy pistol with which ho had shot away almost the whole top of his head , livery- thing possible was done for the Injured wom an and aftei a hhoit time she was able to speak a little. She said to Police Captain Gunner that her hiilband had shot her and then killed himsell. 'llle was jealous , " she said , "hut ( jed knows ho had no cause. " She sild that just before thu .shooting her husband had Kissed her and she had slatted down stalls to dlnnei. When slio reached the door he Hied the shot and I knew no 11101 e. It appe.u.s for several dajx Ituy been moody and had little to say. Mis. Kay Is a handsome woiinn ot .M jeais. Collision at Boa. Dec. ) . The Btitish ship Magi- clan , from Cardiff foi San Fianclseo , lias been sunk by a collision with the Biitlsh hhlp Ben Dowau , fiom San Fi.incisco. Part of ( heciewandpasbongeis of Ihu Magician Imve ai rived al Pel namlmco In iho ship's bo its. Tlio Ben Dovvan also aulved heie. The ship was badly damaged and was compelled lo jutllbon 100 tons ol cargo. n.u lliiialco | In Algiers. , Dec. 1. An eaithqiiake has thiown down many houses at Moscoia , Blid/ and Medeah , and ileslinjcil tluce- loiiilhs ol the town ot Moila. J'hlilj'-two peibc.iib weie killed. The Italkaii AVnr. PA ins , Dee. 1. The Journal des Debates Moles that II Is proposed lo hold a eonleience nt the powcisat Berlin to delimit the So i \lan-BuUuilan liontlei. , Social and Intcllcoliial. Lust cvunin one of the horie.s of leotuics and social oiiteilaliiinoiits of tlie Kount/e Memorial church was held , and Jn spite of the change of evening sot for thti enlcitiilnmunt tind < hu ( lisagieeablo windy weather , the clinruli wab lilleil with Iho nienibei.s and filoniN , who vvoio well lepalil \ontiiiing out. J\Ii \ , J. T , Clink , snin.ino , hvn : "Hobo- link" with her usual spiiit and tasle ; Rov. J. S. Detvvollur , thu p.iblor , then jravo his leeluro , "How to Aliiku a tipeuuli. " His illiibtr.ilioiib of tlio oddi ties been in the pulpit , lostrnni , otu. , vvciu very hiiniorous iuid kept his inuli- ( iiieu In laiightor. Kuiining througli his entho ( liseinirso vvoro valtuiblo hints whieh , If follow eil will lionr unoil fruit. Amiiiilelto liy MM , ( Jl.irk , ilis.s Itnth , Mr. Kusto- mill Mr , Noilhrnp , "Coino wheio thu Lilies lilooni , " v\is : cMjuisiloly hung , and an urgent oneoivi was u. tiled for hut not responded to. Mr. ( i. T. Majer plaveit some fine organ .selections. Then , ' iipo'n Invitation , ull adjoiuned to Ihu rooms below , vvhuio u happy sooial tinio VV.IH had , and thu Indies of iho clanc'li ills- l > unfiu < l the hospitality. Thubu eiilerlainnientsnic. .justly becom ing events of the season , and no 111010 de lightful and tliot oughly fiiloynbli s linvo over been given in Oinulin. f i iit i pni n nTT''iv / mA ( CAVIiL COLS A-BECCING. Qcueral Logan Declines tlio Caucus Nomin ation for tlio Senate Presidency , AFTER UNANIMOUS ELECTION. Tlio Cnwiis Itooomeni'M To-tlrtj Scu tor AlllMoti Kot'iine-4 to Conslilor tlio Position of I'rcslil- iiiK OUlcer. Declines the I'lO'.lilotioy. W \sittxoiov , Dec. 4. The caucus of the icpublicanseiiiloisiiietproinptlj all o'clo k today , Scintoi Slieinuii In thu ehali , and piececdediit oiieulo consider the question of the election ot a piesldent pro tempore of Iho semtomailo necessarj bj the de-ith of Vlco Piesldent llendilcks. bcnalot l-'dmuinly , slated thai hstsummci when the lepublleans of the nation in convention nominated t'cn , Logan for vice president he ( I'dmumts ) had thought It light towaid Cell. I.onan and toward the p-ntj that ho should rctlio fiom the piesldency ol the bcnate and Lo au bhould picside In his place , and as they all lemembcted , ho had eommun'ealcd ' that opinion and dcslie to thu leimhllean senators in a foimal vvaj , but lie thought at that time tint a change'would not bo made , especially as Logan did nut wish It made1. At the pres idential election last lull Logan had ie- eelved , he believed , the votes ot all the ie- inibllcausvho had an oppoilunllv toole - , nnti CIIIIQrrj neat belli. ; thu clioico ol the people lor the olllco ol vleo piobident which would have m ule him ex olllulo president of tliesi-nato and under the law ehaiged with the dutj ot c.inving on the government In ca < = oof any disability of Hie piesldent of tin1 United Mutes until an election could bo had. In this state of things he thought It right that the lepubllcan bcualnis bhould lenew thu esptcb'lon ol eoniideiico In Logan by nominating him foi piesldent of the bCiiate and heiicundinnlv movid Logan bu nomi nated by acclamation. buveial seuatois spoke lutelly In fiuoi of the no'iiin.ttlou , and the quest Inn was put and iiKteod to unanimously. The ehaiiman then announced the unanimous nomination ot .lolin A. Livan as ( lie eindl- elate foi piesldent pie tempore ol the senate. Logan niose. and sild : Mr , Cliaiiinaii Kioin the depths ol mj hcail 1 thank the re publican sen itors lei tlio conildcneo tliej re- juibe in moasespic'ssed bv thu nomination ju > t leinleicd mu acclamation \ lor Ihr iwM- llon ot tempoiatj presiding olllccr ol the bcnalc. I not nnlj thank them but the people ple ot the whole coiiutrj lei the dcsiie ( hey seem to led thai I hugrvon this vei > honoi- able position. I was howevei , sh , tlionoinl- nee ol the K'puhll an paitv ioi vice pie l- dent , and was voted foi at the hist chctlmi. I was not elected Im that nomiiialion. 1 then thanked the lepublic in pu ly , and tlnounh the senatois pie'cnt I .uain leliiin tnankH to tlio lepublleans of the countiy and my grateful in Know ledgwueiiK If 1 thought I could bettci MMVO mv constituents and my countibv accepting this position I would most unhesitatingly do bo and pet form the duties to the bet of mv abiltljI do note think and 1 am sine that I can , by ( tie woik necessuj' to be pel foi mud on eonunltties and olhe'rw Iso do moio that m i v be us"lul by leiiminlngin my pie ent position. In lad , Mi. Ch linnin , the position is not to mv tni-tc , and unless 1 thought 1 could peilorpi Hie duties In a moie atlsfm toiy manner tluui other senators , which I do not , 1 can MJO no necessity for mo to occunjtlio chair in vief.- enco to any of my bioilior senatois. And now my brother senatbis , I want jon all to know that 1 fully iippieehilo join kindnc'bs and the compliment paid me , but jou must allow mo to s.iy Unit after ( aiefullj' considering the matter I leel that I otiglu to decline this nomination and new most in- SpCCtltllly llohO. " Caucus adjoinncd till to-inonow. Tlio President Pro Te-inporo. WAbiiixenox' , Dee. 1. Scnalo i Hcelc ehaiiman of the dcmiKiiatlc caucus ol sen atois. has issued u call lor a conleienco to take place at o'clock to moiiow in the cou- feicneo committee loom of the bcnate. The chief puiposo of ( he meeting is to nominate .1 democratic candidate foi the tempoiarj pies ldency of the senate. Senator Allison , who has been named as the possible piesldent pie tcmpoio ol lint senate. anthoii/cb a .statement that he lh no ) a candidate lor thu phieo and should decline It if tendeied him , nelleving lie could not dib- chaigo the duties ot the position without iu- signing the chalimaiiship of the committee on appropilalions , which he pieleis to letaln. The Koi t Kolmiuoii Sonr < \ WASIIIVMIOV , Dec. J. Suttleis in noith- v'Oblein Nebraska have iccently beeomu alaiincd bj thu lepoit tliat Foit llobliibou , on which they depend for protection fiom In dians , was to ba abandoned by the military. Senator Van Wjck lias been untieing en- qiililes In regard to thu matter and iccclvi d a letter fiom Adjf. Con. Drum stating that no piopositlon for the abandonment of Fort Itobinsoii has been made , and that no Mich movement Ib in contemplation in the war depaitment. They MiiHt Maku AtllelavitH. W \siii.\ruo.v , Dec. I. The commlhsluiier ot pensions to day Issued an order that after the llibt ol .J.innaiy , claimants be ieiiilied | befoie pension agenls wlthlield any poitlon ol allot iicj s lees lo make an allidavil , stating In detail tlio lime and mannei ot payment. The oidei Is issued in the hope of expediting iimtlcrnM ) us to lelleve thu ovuibuideiiiel appeal doekeL _ Nern ) ka I'dKlinnHterw Appointed. WASiiiNfiio.v , 1) . C. , Dec. 1. The post master general lo day appointed the follow" Ing postmasters : Nebiaskii I'lno Camp , James Clear ; 1'owci , It. b. Ciaham. Tlio Nortliivoslcra'H I arnlncN. Nr.vv YOICK , Dee. I. Tlio gross earnings of he Chicago & Noithwestein laihoad lei ( ho month of Novembui weio S'J'Jkioo ) , an In- cieasu ovei the bamu month last jcai ol if ' . " " . Catarrh Cured Catarrh la a wry prevalent dlse.ifco , with distressing and oflunslvo nyiiiptoni3. llnoil'd Haitiaiarllla ( 'lvct , ready icllcf .iml speedy euro , from the fact it acts through tbu blend , mid thus readies u\cry part of tlie ej&tun , " 1 BUffcreil > rlth c itarrh fifteen j cars. Took Ilood't ) Sai sjparill i and 1 am nut U oublul any with catarrh , nnd my general bonltli IB inuoli bolter. " J. W. , Postal Ckrk CliiLigo & Kt. Louis Uallroad. " I suffered with catarrh c 01 8 jcars ; tried m my wonderful cures , Inhalers , etc. , ipcnd. Iiigncarly onuhiimlrcd dollars wltlioiitbtnc/lt. / 1 tiled Hood's Sareaparllla , mid was greatly improved. " M. A. AIIIIKV , Worcester , Mass , Hoods Biisipirllla Is chiracfrrlrcd l > y thrco iHtullulllis i ut , the ruiniliMtton ot icmcdid nyciits ; 2d , the jw/wrttoi/ , III * jiroccis ut setrrliiK Iho nitho incdlcliial iimlltlc9 | , 'iholesultIsanicdldnoofuiiiiMul strength , effecting cures hlllioiln unknown. Bend for book containing evidence. "Hood's Hir < urarllh tones up my Fystcm. purlllm my bluoil , .sliupcnsinymipetiu ! , jud sociiis to iii the mo MCI. " .1.11 , luouisot. , Jleislntcr uf Deeds , l.iitvi'11 , Ma . "Hood's Ban-ipirllli Ixatii nil others , an * It < > l } I' ' * WlKllt III K"ll. ( " I. lUlllimUTOM , JJO Haul , blrtct , Kow Yoik City. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold \ > Y all drurk'ltts. $1 ; six for | 5. Made only ba 1. HOOD ft CO. , Lowell , Miui. i IQO Doses One Dollar *