Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1885, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , FKJDAY. DECEMBER . 1883. THE BEEF * COD ! GIL BLUFFS , nmm MORNING , ic : i. orriCE ; No. 13 reurl Street. in any pait of llioclty at Iwt nt ) out * ] . IMN.'Jn.iov , Manager. Ml SOU .MHVriO.V , Reitcr , the tailor , for winter goods. A rare entertainment is promised to night In the Masonic hall. the music in tin- Masonic hall this c\cning. ( lioic" music is to be given at the en tcitaitiiuent in Masonic hall to-night. There are about ' . ' 00 pen'-loner.S in this county To day is pay day with them. Notaca'-ein police court yesterday. Lltlier the city is getting better , or the police worse. The Congiegational ladies invite you to dinner in Masonic hall to-duv. Only twenty-lhc cents. Rigular meeting of Fidelity council No. 1W ! , R. A. , this ( I'riday ) evening. A full attendance is dcshcd. A carload of oscunionlsl * from La Crossc , Wis. , passed tin ough here yester day en route for MHithern California. Anyone desiring to get a Hue farm at a big bargain should read the oiler of R P. Oflicer , of thirt eil > , and communicate with him. In making arrangements for the Fuller- Mefkol concert , at the opera house on the Jltli , it has been decided to place the tickets at fiO and iff cents. The ladles of the German Catholic so ciety mot nt the residence of Mrs. K. Stockort yesterday afternoon , and last evening , Mrs. Stockeit ga c a parly. OThcro wasi : ha ppv gathering of friends at the residence ot Mr J. T. Hart last evening. Music and dancing and other featureof merry-making were well provided The .street car company wants the city to giu1 permission for I no turn table to be put into Brondna near the dummy depot wheic the neu street car barn bus been built. The F.uincl'aradi\ ( | ( the opera hotiso , draws bigjiouscs. and excites the great- cst onthuMasm. These horses are won derful , and many of their feats bolder on the mirclous. : . The police have i nn in two colored boys , John Beaeham and George Chris , as vagrants , . They have boon hanging about the city with so much leisuio on their hands as to e.xcito suspicion. "Sheeny Bob" has boon arrested for Vagrancy , and hibca o was continued for two week" , ho furnishing bonds for his appearance. He declined to accept the invitation of the police to leave the city. Gerstenbeig has gone through the mo tions of selling out his saloon business hero , and has left the citj- . Now notice : , are posted up announcing the sale of the Mock mid fixtures on a chattel moit- gage for $50 hold by John Limit. Permit to wed was yesterday given to C. II. Cleveland and May B. Kemp. The former is liom Woodbine , llairison ronnl > , and the latter from this citv- Permit was also granted to II. G. licit and Lena Seibolt , both of this city. All clergymen rchiding in Council Bluffs , who desire half fare permits for 1880 over thu Chicago , Rock Island A : Pa cific , Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul and Chicago As Northwestern railroads , are requested to call at the union ticket of fice , No. 607 Broadway , before Decem ber l.Tand make application for same. The conceit to be given hero on the luth by the. Mine. Fry Concert , company , under the auspices of the V. M. C. A. promises to bo a rich musical treat. A letter from Sioux- City , where the com pany wore about two weeks ago , says : " 1'ou cannot r.ito them too high. They drew big nouses hero. You are safe in guaranteeing to return niotipto all who are not satisfied at the close of the con cert. " Jacob Jacoh on died at his homo , No. 1001 Fourth aNcnuo , Wednesday night about 8 o'clock. Ho was aged about -H year.s , and leaves a wife and two children. lie had been ill only about two weeks , iiouralgia seemingihe chid tioublo. He had lived hero about bcven ycais , and bofort coining heie had lived a number of ycarr , in Omaha. He had been con nected lately with Bechtolc's hotel , and was for a long time in the employ of l & Sxvobe. The funeral will take plaon Saturday morning , the gathering nt ( ho house hoing at 8tO ; , and the .ser vices at the Catholic church at 9 o'clock. A blunt time ago a colored , girl named Ada May Monroe , was arrested for M roll ing about the streets late at night in company with while men. She has been in the county jail since her arrest , the tiuthnritier ! hardly knowing what to do with hor. She claimed thai her home was in Omaha , but that she had been driven out upon the world by her mother. She Is only 18 years of ago , and yet she seems much older than her years In ways of depravity. Yesterday a Jotter was icccived fiom n Mrs. Monroe in Omaha , asking aboutthcgir ) , the description answered that of her daughter who had run away from home. The mother states that she lias boon un- jiblo to do anything with the girl , ami that as soon as plio would got back home , frho would run away again. The mother iisks that the authorities here bend the girl to a reform school. . . . . Correct Ab-traets of Title and Real F.s- tate Loans at MeMahon iV Co's , No , 4 Pearl street. _ The oleotrio belt of Judd & Smith , 1.0 Fourth street , ConncU Blulls , positively cures rheumatism , neuralgia , dpnp.sia. . piles , paralysis , indigestion , tits , cold foot , nervousness , hcadaoho , kidney and liver complaints , loss of vitality , lead poisoning , lack of nerve force and vigor , wasting weakncs of those diseases of a personal nnturo in male and female. . " " Having put in a complete now stock of clothing , tiirnishing goods , hate , caps , etc. , Fox & Hughes , No , 1)15 ) Main street , invlto the publio to give them a 'trial. Their expenses are small , ami they can nflord to hell cheap. ' ' . 1'araKi'iiplis. Mayor Riley Clark , ot Noola , was in the Bluffs yesterday. John Sclionntgen has gone to St. Louis on a bilof business trip. Judge Aylcbworth in expected to return from llui east Saturday. N. Itootli , a prominent business man of Ilarlan , was at the Pacific veMunliiy. F. L Clark , of the WoilsFargo express company , has returned from an extended trip to 'J ox-as , Miss Alice Comstock , of Mount Pleas ant , is spending the winter with her sis- tor. Mis. K. C. Colo. Mi'H , Fred Lamb , or. , Mrs. E. Huntington - ton and Mrs , A. F. Smith , have gone to ( jlonwood to visit friends. O. llaldeno is being congratulated by his brother attorneys and oilier friends on the arrival of u llttlu maiden at his homo. Col. W. J , Hancock , general superin tendent of thn American express com pany , hns returned homo from a three months' business trip , J. M. Carter , superintendent of the F * now court house , has gene to St. Joseph , * . bis homo , to spend the winter , work be- jng suspended until spring. Winter hata at greatly reduced price v tocloso them out at Mrs , O A. Rogers HOT THANKSGIVING DINNER , It Ends in a Father Assaulting a Son , anil a Separation of Husband and Wife. ATTACKED BY THE TRAMPS , Knlr Ij.tdlos nml tlic Ij.idlcV I'ulr Interest Injj News for Clear .Mak ers The I own llortlciil- turiillats Cltj News. Hot ntooil. The J'.i.i. bi icily chronicled .1 f.imily row alAuieu , which occurred on Thanks- ( hiy. The further details arc now and the latter results. Mr. James Giuliani is a wealthy and rather prominent farmer who has lived near that place for some years. It appears that ho and his wife have not been living hnppily together , paiticularly of late. Ho seems to have an almost uncontrol lable temper , which Hashes up on short notice. She had applied for a divorce , and he had been endeavoring to induce her to drop the matter. He gave her tin- lilThnnKsgiyingdinncrto decide whether she would join in a treaty of peace. The hour having arrived , the matter was thn subject of talk at the table , and she de- elaied she would not drop the proceed ings. At this he is said to have become very angry and began to use abusive language. His son' , Walter , n lad of about Hi , protested against his mother being tallied to in any such man ner , nnd declared ho would not stand it. The ire of the father and husband was then aroused againM the son , a stormy scene ensued , closing with the elder Graham picking upti pilehcrand hurling it at his son. H struck the boy on the side of the head , felling him to the lloor , while tlieblood fairly gushed from the wound The father , .staitlcd by the result of the blow , felt the deepest remorse , and hurriedly picked up the lad , placed him on a couch and staunched tin ; blood. The ivpoit How over town that the son\ skull had been fractured , and that he might die. Graham was ar rested and gave f-10 ! ) bail for hi.s appear ance There \\is : considerable excite ment over the ull'air. The on was not so badly injured , however , as was at the time thought. U appears that an artery had been enl. causing the great How of ( ) ! oed , anil when this was stopped the in jury proved by no means serious. The ire of the father was renewed against the son , and he made him leavn the house for his interference on behalf of the mother. It is now learned that Graham and his wife have oomo to an understanding , by which she is given certain property , in cluding the homestead , wnile he has moved into Avocn. The separation thus made , with the division of the property , will probably end the matter , and the divorce which she is seeking will prob ably .bo allowed by him by default , that being the present understanding. 1'ieot IVibb ns in the latest color a. Sirs. Rogers. Finest display ot mcorsliaum and smokers' goods for holiday xltls. T. D. King & Co. , Cigars and lobaccos , 5J3 Uroadway. Every one buying A" " ! cents worth of T 1) . King & Co. , has a chance , free , in the great drawing , December 24. Murderous Trumps. A brakeman named Hurley was slug ged by tramps while making thu run from this city Wednesday night on the Kansas City road. When the train ar rived at Bartlett four or five tramps were on the rear platform. They were ordered oft" , and obeyed , though indulg ing in threats. Shortly after the train left liarllett Hurley found the tramps had again boarded the train , nnd he reached for the bell cord to have the train stopped to put them oft" . Two of the fellows grabbed him before ho could pull the cord and threw him oft" the train. When Pacilic Junction was leached he was missing , and it was sup posed that he had fallen oil'or met with some accident. An engine was sent down the road , and he was found lying on the bank , badly hint. The event has called forth many threats as to the fate of the tramps if they are caught , and search is being made in various directions. The KaiiFan City has been bothered a good deal of late with tramps , but this is the boldest and most brutal act committed. Ladies and gents get a ticket to the grand drawing on January 1 , with every ! M cents worth of goods purchased of Arthur Lofkovitz. G23 Broadway. The choicest candles , California fruits , nuts , cig.irfl , etc. , always on hand. For hardware and IIOUPO furnishings get prices of Cooper & McUcv , No. It Main street , Try John Tomploton's "Ro e" cigar. Chinese ClgariunkerH. Mr. Wolf , president of the eiyarmak- eis' union of San Francisco , passed through the city yesteiday en route for the cast The purpose of his mUslon iu to sccuro eigarmakers to go to San Fran- oiFco. The situation of affairs , as de scribed by him , Is peculiar. Some yoais ago some of the cigar manufacturers be. gan hiring Chinaman to make cigars , As these Chinamen learned the business they began starling shops of their own , until now they havu a largo number of factories. Ono Chinese factory alone employs 800 men. The factories where white iHbor is employed have snflared greatly. Now a union has been formed among the manufacturers , and an organ- i/ed otlbrt will bo made to drive the ci- garri made by Chinese labor out of the market. The combination of white manufacturers want to employ about H.OOO men , and to bccuro men is Mr. Wolf's object m visiting the east. Ho lute arranged special rates of trnnsportH- tion , so that the fare from New York to California will not o.\coed ifJfl. It ia pro posed to institute a .system of boycotting againbt those who bell or UNO the cigaro made at thu Clilnu&a factories Other measures aru to bo u ed to drive the uhc.ip cg.\rs ! \ from the market and make loom for butter laboi. The very finest fringes , line silk plushes , line upholstering of nvery do- scilption , foot rests , ottomans , cornice poles , window shades and all kinds of interior dr.ipings the very cheapest west of Chicago. Call on K. Stockert & Co. , No. SOU Broadway. Council Hlulls. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans , J. W , , & K. L. Sijuiro , 101 Pearl street , i . . Iowa Iforifculture , There are two thriving horticultural societies bcbides the Stato. The Western lowu has atUchcd to it many good and faithful workers , who are doing much , good for this important branch of agri culture. It meets this year atGIcawood , December 15 , ISA1) , Mr. George Van liontcn is secretary , and being a retired editor of more than ordinary ability he naturally i.i"kes an efliiKiit oflicer for such an institution , o-peci.illy aslintako * a deep interest in horticulture. At the Olnnwood meeting uch nractieal men as the following will take an active part1 L. A , William ? , president , Gluunood ; S. W. Wil-on. Atlantic ; Fred Taj lor , Pres ton ; K J ) . Hammond , Malvern ; AIis Louis K. Colman , Corning ; MisDai - thula Van llouten. Lcnnv , Prof. J , K. Todd , Tabor ; II. W Jle.\ei > , Cie < toii ; K. 1) ) . Smith , Atlantic , George Van Hunt- on , Lenox ; L. O. William's , ( ilenwood ; A. F. Callmiin , Corning ; ! M Needles and Silas Wilson. Atlantic : 11. ( ' . Raymond , Council Blurts : John Wragg , Waukee ; R (5. ( Moon , Bedford ; ! . H. Laughlln , Col lege Splines ; If. D , M'Geohou , .Atlantic ; 1171) . Lamb. Red Oak ; A. O. bnbln.Gleii- % vood ; I\I \ Vincent , Tabor ; M. S. M'Geo- hon. Atlantic ; ! ' . A. Keefer , L Mars F. F. W. Meneuf-y , Crescent : 1'rof J L. Build , Ames ; haul Batnard , Table Rock , Neb. Such men as these can miiko things Interesting , and plant their im press on horticulture on that best poition of Iowa for successful fruit culture. Great Cloning Out Hiile Of the large retail dry goods and carpet store of E. bowling. Having determined to retire from the dry goods business , we will oiler our immense slock of carpets , comprising the choicest coloiing and the newest makes of W J Sloanc and K. S. Higgins , and other leading manufactures. Wo will offer our immv'ise stock of silks , Including a full line of Gircmnnd Bio.s. , in all colors and black , for which wo have been the exclusive agents for Coun cil Bluff and Omaha for the past fifteen years. Wo will offer our immense stock of vol\ eta , plushes , brocades , dress goods , flannels , linens , towels , nankins , hosiery , notions , bracho mid imitation Indian shawls , cloaks and all manner of outside. wraps nt prices that will close them out in the quickest possible tiui" . Remem- these goods are not bought as the major ity of merchants buy goods , but were bought for cash from the leading mnnu- fnct HUM'S and importers , and only goods .suited for the linest city retail trade. The Fair La > t evening there was an excellent entertainment given in connection with the fair of the Congregational ladies in Masonic hall. A large number of young Indies appeared as milkmaids , arr.iycd 'n ' pleasing costumes and provided with tin pails and .stools. Their marching and mu ie was charming. There were some excellent recitations , chosen with great appropriateness and well rendered. The audience was very enthusiastic. The other features of the fair were also ex cellent. To-day from 11 until 2 o'clock the ladies will serve dinner in the hall. The business men should patronize them lib erally , They promise a feast of good things. The location is so handy that no time is lost and the proceeds are to bo devoted to a. most worthy cause. This evening a choice entertainment is promised. The programme is a varied one. It is as follows : Quai lotto . . . "roiiMMNhiMoMv Lo\e Lies Dieaminj : " Mrs. Nell , MlssJossefyn , Mr. Westeott , Mr. MeOwmld. "Tho SOURS Seven" . ( Announced in by Master Louie Squire ) .Solo . "The Koiububh" en M iss Kinnia Jossel yn. . I'yuiiullon anil ( Sal.itea SoIo."Mv Soul to God , My Heart to Thee'1 " .Mr. F. We-tctt. ) Statuan . Orpheus and Eurydlco Holo. . . . . . . - . "Barbara Fritchie" Mrs. .1. Rolf. Quartette . "Tho Wolf is on the Hill" K i tatuai j . Apollo and the Muses Cottage ranges. Garland stoves , Ra diant Homes and Hub heaters of the very latest patterns at bed rock prices , at Cooper &McGco's. No. 41 Alain street. Christmas presents at Homer's. Drs. Judd & Smith's Electro-Magnetic nsolcs. Only fifty cents. No. 301'ourth St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Agents wanted 1 Charles Cleveland and Mary B , Kemp were married yesterday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents on Colonel Sapp'.s farm , about four miles from the qity. Justice Schurofficiated. . A goodly company was piccunt. Mr. Cleveland is a young farmer living near Woodbine , Harrison county. * - For everything in the grocery line give the now tirm 'of KinU & KJecb , 103 Broadway , a trial Kver.ything new and fresh. Fancy groceries a specialty. For the best and cheapest oysters call at Chicago Lunch Counter , -101 Broad way. Oy-ter soup all day , only 10 cents Be sure and ask your grocer for the bread made at Smith t&Loorke's bakery , No. 52U Main f-trcot. It is the very best made. Try it and bo convinced. HOTEL For Sale or Rent ! A nonrly new nuiv and the only hotel In the wldc-nwaUo tun not MACEDONIA , IOWA , Ton bed IOIIIIB , trool jiailor , odlcn , room uiid < o1lnii < nd sarnplu o MM. Wtcor runt < n in M > ahlo term , u u loot 121 ciniin , JlDilliici : Co. , I'coiilos' hloif , fouiicll IHuilH. or Addicss CUAS. P. K3EHIER , MACEDONIA , IS. RUSSELL&Co Mf nufiictuidrsof ll fl/osif AUTOMATIC ENGINES Kbpcctall ) losft-iiPd for Itunuinir , MILLS. GHAIN" KLKVATOHS , AND KLKOTU1C LIGHTS , Tubular nnd I ocomotive Hotlors. Now Mas-.illon TlireshcrK. Cuieyaml Woodbury ITor. e Powers. STATJONAKY , SKID , Portable tind Traction Engiiios , SAW MILLS , ETC. Knctorv > ra < silloii , 0. Branch Iloufce 510 Pearl St. , Council Blulln. BEND FOH 1886 ANNUAL. I'.T.Mtixr. ji ; A. 3 II V/.F.I.TON Real Es'idte Exchange HI. 1)1 [ Vn-H ) i-oct , Council IllutlB , IOWH. Dcalcu In Io\\n , Kansiib aiidXubiasla I , udi LOTS IN COUNCIL DLUFFS AND OMAHA A SPlX'IALTr , Jtca ! ] "slato bou lil : uul bold , A. W. PATTESQN , & CO. Nos. 1 and 2 , Masonic Temple. Council Bluffs , Iowa. Wo wish to call the attention of the public to our fine line of Gents' Fur- dishing Goods , and would most respect fully solicit n share of their patronage. Below we enumerate n partial of our goods and feel confident thann inspection will prove profitable ; Hats and Underwear , White Jrcss & F Shirts , 8/tirts , Nectoioear , Gloves and Hits , Hosiery , C rsaud Suspenders , Mufflers , Enr Mufflers. CJtest Protectors , Wristlets , Sleeve & Scarf Holders Rubber Coats , Rubber JIat Covers , Umbrellas , Etc. . Etc. . Etc. CALL AND SEE US , A. "W. Patterson & Co. Nos. 1 and 2 , Masonic Temple , Council Bluffs. CARPETS Council Binds Carpet Co. Our stock Is now- complete In nvrry depart racut nud contains all the latest styles ami effects In CARPETS , CURTAINS , SHADES UPHOLSTERY GOODS , ETC. . ETC. -TUK- Largest stock -AND- Lowest Prices. Till ? ONLY EXCLUSIVE CA l > ET HOUSE IN WU8TJ3IIN IOWA. BAMW.KS furnished upon application to o own parties. FINE UPHOLSTERY WORK TO ORDKE Council .Bluffs Carpel Company I Ki'oadway. Chicago Water Meter Power furnlMird from hydrant pi-pssuro for drivlntr nil hlmls < if llitht luut-hincry , i pr.ilal ntlcntmn l\cn to churcn oigiui iiluwlnK. No inn in hit iuic ) OS-POH , inent choppers , icocicnm frtwors | ollt.liiK ! , tmln , ? mecbincj , ilc , Thu lc-1 tlunpi"-l motor made t 'ml lor fir- ( uliirirl\lni ( lull partlculai * . A fcs m-ei of this motor In ( .Join o I lllulln : HwHtjuti ollico print- Inif prpoMMj rn i & .t 'hm.dt , nwi < go ma < . ) ilno ; ( tikiiK'i Mem Maikct , Kaui-u o maihlnu , tiinl- /i mloi for K Mint Marl > ( it , muMife-u mauuiuu : Hmlth & Mnyrr'hMitooiii running luiib ; C.iiuicll IIIuffH Ti U phtmo ( i > , , running t ? ( 1 1 < alor ; Kurt/ ; Kit t li. jriiKi rs. , ruiuiluir coffin Krim fHoi \ ) - < Tt Jlutllb , iiimiiUK willfo ifrindcrj II L Wlll- tuiu , riinninjr bCHlnp H 'n1'1'0.- ' , u. ' .tlJ.l.lAMn. ' . , . , gclllnvAK * nt , IBMaln M , Council llluUie , lovin. 1111 KuriiHin StOaiuli . _ R. RICE , M. D. or other turn irs rcmoiod without the kiilfo or ill tnlog of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES " ' O\cr thirty jcaiV pr ct cj | cipuileuje , OUlwj No. 11 I'l arl Micc-t , Uiuiv U lllutl . c ! KOTICi : . gpcclal ncUfitlsononM , fitch ni I/o / t , Tound , To 1/oan. For Pnln , To He-it , Wand Ho.itdlur , ilc. , will be iii prtc < l in thl < toluninnt Ihc loir rate of TKN' CK.V PS I'CIt 1,1 ST. for the first Inscilion and K1VB Ci\TS : t'IMl MM' for rnch fuliscqupnt Inccillon. I ave advertise. metitsnt our oflieo , Xo. IJ l' .arl street , near Ilroadway. ro" SAI-K At I00acio , n < 5 inllps smilliuot or ( linnhii. room Iiou-e , oollt nt will and c-lstei n. 2 liaruc. one for pljrht hoic , ouo for i.1) ) ions : lien , tool and wtijton houpcsi 10) aci-oa In tlmolln : CI.IKO forc t irros , cotton wi > odtlack wnlnut.'aslt and mnpln ; Rood ordmrd , Hpplne , chprrli > , plums , Kiapci nml niil | frult . Never falling eioc wator. H. l' . OriuKii , ( , 'M llioadnay , Councl llluils , lena , W\NTKI ) . To buy nil thn niM 1n > . speonrt llHIKl lUHIM'lmM poods Hint BIO OtfOlCll IO < a'e , Mich ns rurnltuip , cut pots , slo\os , nlo rcr-joiu not Imvinir HTUIITI.V flr t.clHM KOOI ! willsinctlmobynot ni.plylnp. All otliciR wll jcccUo piompt attention iui < l will l > o paid UK hliHirct market prices by A. .1. Mandol , : u llm dtrayd < > nler In now nml sti lolly tlist-clnss tecotid-liniid fmnltuic , utc. , oc. Jj'Olt PALE llolnjr ih'Pliouq of tinnltiAto Dmixlm.oti ncx'outitof tny biiRlnrs ? , I oltrr lor sale 1117 icsldtnuu , > mpr rnu.-lh avenue nd Ninth street. Inqulioim premises. A. llrnlnard. OUSKS 1XU nK H Js'o. 4 1'curl stri'i't. FOll SAT.K , VOll HUNT Oil r.XCHANdrl . " ' ' " " ' ' ' "iloorrpnt.on very llbcrnl terms Tlio Council lllutr * 1'npcr Mill , complete , will thoIarKo boarding house ftiid iluou noics o U round. No. 26 A business property In Cherokee Cherokee county , lown , will trade for lands. Value , bout 14,000. No. : A beautiful home In the town of Hnst Inirc , Mllls county , Jowa , for Nebraska land * No. 41 A Rood business property mid also _ jrood tesldonie property In thu town of Clicuvo MeUnn county , 111. . low down for cash or wll cxehiiiiKO for wi'strrn Inndt. No. I'D A pnlcnilld farm , well impro\ , MO acres In Dli'klitFon county , Iowa , jolulnir the town of Suit it Lnku. 1'rlco , for n Rhoit time $ , ' ! . ' > per Here. Nn. 1M to 187 Are four lupnnoil farms In I'lillllpicountyKunono , oaoh with n unall In oumbriuico. Ihociiultas will bo cxchniiffuU for uulnuumbcixHlwild hind In NubrnhLa. No. Ml 480 HITCH In Holt county , Neb. , impioxtsl , at a bijr bulletin. Wants to c.\c Tor ineiohandUo. No.M A ttuu two story bilck rr ldcnoo , one of the best locations Iu Council lllufls , will tnido for good unlncuntieied Kansas or * ' ' lands. Viiluc , $ ir > , ( K ) . No. Wi nml 11 Are two other beautiful homos In Council llluir * , which cauli payments will buy at n banmln. No. M A beautiful cubuitmii location In fowa City , Iowa , will ujilnuiKu lor western lamia , "nlr- , - , . - . - Thcalimo aio only a few of our special bar- KRlni. If } ou'\oirnt iiiijthliiKto tradoor * ( ! ! orwiiut to eell liny icul estate or nic.ix'handlsov wrilo UH. Wo hao buouil Rood Blocks of goods to trade for lands. SWA.N A. WAMvKlt , Council Jllutrs , low * . UNION TICKET OFFICE J , L. De BEYOISE , Agent. No. CO" Itioadway , Council Hinds. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL WATTS. The following Is the time of nrilvnl nm i1c ] > niturcaf tialiiR by crntrul btandard time , nt the local depots. Trains leave tiunMcrili'pot tor minutes earlier and mi ho ten minutes Inter : . CIIICMIO ft XOUTIl l-STFIIN. 0:2. : > A.M . Mall nml I3\pipss. . . , C-Wi ) . M. l :4ni' : . > i . Accommodation . 4 : , ' > < ) i' . M. OMUl'.M . i\fUI : > S . 'J.05.4.M. LIIICVCO & HIM K 1M.4MI. nS."iA. M . Mull mid i\ : | > n > i < H . . . fiBti : > . M. 7ir . \.M . Vtcommodation . . . . .1:41 : P.M. 5:301' : . M . Expri'hs . 'J. 03 A.M. ( .IHCVdO. MlI.WAUKKi : & hT. IMUI. n : ' l A. M . Mail and Kvpros . fl.fiOp. it. 0:4ai : > . u . E\prc < - ' CIIIOAIII ) . KlIKI.lNlirONglH. . 0 : 5 A. M . Mall and Kvpuss . ( iMi' : . H. ilIOp.M : . i\piehs . S \VAJU n , 81. LOUISA ] > \ClFia 2:05 : p. ll.lxjcnl bt. Louis n\prcPS Ixciil " :50 : r. u.Trnnsfcr bt. Ijiiiilti IX Tratwfcr.3tfJO P. M KANHAS CirV , HI. , KIE & ( .Ol'.VCil. BUIH-h JO.OflA.M . Mall and Express . t > :40P.M. : 8:55 : 1'.M . Kxpr-s . 6:25A.M. : HOUX en v & PACIFIC. T:15A. : M . Sioux City Mail . flnOp. : M. P.U" , pM . St. I'nnl Eiprcib . 8:2.5 : A UNION i'Arric. lOiiUA. M . Thmiivh KxpiCM ) . . . 6:45 : P.M. 2:1.1 : P. M. . . Lincoln Pass , Dm. & H. V. .2:05 : P. M. 7:50 : 11. M . Overland lemons . 8l.'iA.M. : DIIMMV TIIMNSTO OMAIM. I.eavo Council llluffs 7:0.1 : iub : a : ! 10SO : 11 ! 0 u. ni.j 1:110 : 2X : ) ; ) : ; 4:11) : ) r : & -CK : > 11:45 : p. in. Sinidujh 7 (0 ( .3v > IIHl : > a. in ; Sili .n r > 25-fl : KI ! ! : < p m. Jxivfo Oniahu -41:35 : 7 : : i5 8:60 : 10:00 : 11 : 0 a. in : lin-a:00- : ) : ll.X4:00 : 5 ft ) : 0 : fi llli : ) n. m. Sundays < l.il5 8:5011:00 : : a. m. : 2:00 : .1.03o.OO 0.0.'j11:10 : p.m 342 and 344 BROADWAY. RETAIL DEPARTMENT Hens Fall & Winter Wear Mcns" and Iloyn' nusinet Suns. Mi'iib * and Hoys' Dress Pults. Chlldrfiiis' Kvcry Day and Dross Hulls. O\oicoat foi > i ( > n , Iloys und Clilldron. MoivhantTuIlor Suitf. Merchant Tullor OvcicOiUS. MCI chant Tallbor rowsnr * . Uqualto il < osfto order , At half the prlco I'al Meim' RullB and OxorcoaH. Lean MOIIH' SultH and O\oi coats. Fcamk'bti Phlrts mnl Tniwuors In Scotch wools , Medicated Bcarlcta , Extrn Hoavr lUlbrlptrdna , I'uiK'y Colored WooU und mixed ijualltioa , fiom .tc cucb DUNLaP AND STETSON HATS VOH THE FAU , OP 18S3 - Croons Gloves , Neckwear , Suspenders , Handkerchiefs , Collars And Guffs , Of flret clflRS qualities and reasonable prices. RETAIL DEPARTMENT 42aud3H llroiilivdv. Couuell 011139 , IOTU , Chicago Lumber Co. Wholi'siilitiuid iftitll Inmlicr , I Hth , hlilnwlt'S fcafh , Dooit. and lllJnds. ) ! hvvnl * tor thu Iclmitctl Mnrblchcud Conc.-nlrJttd Whlto t.inf , S , I' . MAttojiM M. , Muu uer. We Propose to Go Out of the Retail Dry Goods Business And shall commence the sale of closing out from date of our entire stock of Dry Goods , fixtures , etc. , in part or parcel. LUUn I Hi ll Will find it to their interest to attend this sale. i Council Bluffs , la. W. JT HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER . . . Ilrlck tiulMlngs of any hind rnl'iod or moved . mid ( .alislaction fimianlcn I. Ki.uun houses more on Mttle Glunt trucks the bett In tUo woild. . 808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Stiver. J. M. SMITH LEADING NO. 7 and 9 MAIN STREET , Council Bluifs , Iowa Siatter Hotel MISSOURI VALLEY , IOWA , OHAS SUTTBR. Manager Jlfipcclally adapted for the tiiivcllng nnlilln lKht In Iliu litiMncnHuontci. Jtutcs { ] DOuday tlrat data oainplu room. STEAM LAUNDIIY ( GEO , W , SCHINDLLE & CO. , ) No. 540 Bwadway , Council Bluffs. All v , oik mini nil t col equal to Troy Lniindi ; vvorlt. Woik culled for and dnltvi'iod l-'ltlJi : . AllKooda by mall or cipiosa iccclro pioinpt at tention. Hpiirlulilc'i Clcnullncss and piomplness. Tel rpbouo No 1M. ONLY HOTEL In Council llliiffu havlnj Fire H3sosLp > e And all modern Imniovemonts , call bills , fin ftjarm liolle , via. , li the CHEST ON irouspt . NOJ.15 , 217 Hiid 31U , ? lulu Blrcei , MAX MOliN , 1'ioptiolor. MERGAN HOTEL , Main St , , Council Hlnirf , Near the ( J. . . A Q. ; 0. , .M. te St. I' . , nnd C. , It. I. tt P. lallway iH-poH. htm-t > ars door , Kycnj tiling new and 1'ropilctoi WEHMAN & MEYER'S Corner Pearl Street and Fifth Avenue COUNOIfj Illnlc for rent for I head leal balls , panics , etc. All Muds of lofioslinifiils and a litre I.L'MI | oMiry moinluy. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , \MJrtUTimU ! AMI DLMtJIlt IN HAIE GOODS. No. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW COTJNCIU BZjTJJ ITS. 1'ractlnca In Slat * and Federal t'ouil J'.uoms 7 and f , Snu rt H.ock Tiins.ornccn. \r. u. v. rus.ii. OFFICER & PUSET , BANKER COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 1W5. Northwestern Hotel. Xcwly ffltcd and furnlbhcd. Opp UrowJ\v ; y IJiiiiiiny I > ujxit. Sl.flO per day. SAMUKL TATJ5,1'JC\ ) L. H , DKUSHAVV , Manager. Dress Making Palors , MBS , J. A. LABELLE , / Of Now York City. _ . ! 1O7 nroadway , Opp. People's fitoio. PpiciKl jiticm. OuttliiK mid iittinar. taytfc d > fclomi.wholo null , $ ' ; bafiqim und rolon W ) tir > U ; ntutr or tailor-made droffcoa , (3 to 54 I'l N. SCHUBZ , Justice of the Peace. ir American lli CVmpun ) .