Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA DAILY lilAlS : FttlDAY , DEOEMliEB 4. 1885.
OMAHA OmnR , Xo. tin AND Olfl FAUSAM Si
NEW VoitK OrncK , HOOM
I'lio ! cvptT trvoruInc.cxcfplPitnilny. The
only Monday monitnp pnj/or putllsUcd lu the
Mlitl .
milts nv jun.s
Ono Year . SHUn.Tliron Months . $2
Six Months . rj.WJ.Oiio Month . 1.00
TUB WI : : KJV HIT , I'nlillfitiwl Kvcry Wwlnostlny.
mim , rosTi'Ain.
Ono Ycnr , wlllt | iromlutn . J2.CO
One Ynr , wltlimilir | < milum . i' '
Ri.x Months , M-ll limit ] ircinliini .
Onu. Month , on lilal. . ' 10
All cmtimiinltntloin vclntliiir to now * nml evil-
fmlnliriHttm-K thoiltil bo udilrusscil to the Lotion -
ion ur-JHi : I ! KM.
iit'siXKW :
All Imslnofi leftnr mid reitilttmiop * MiouM 1 > o
fuMriwtrd to Tut : llr.K I'l'M.isiiiMi COMPANV ,
OMUIA. Pi-nits , checks nml po-tonicf orclfri
to bo iniulo i > u ) nlilo U ) the onlorot the company ,
K. H03K\VATntl. KtitTOtt.
.So long iis the line weather continues
the building boom in Omaha keeps til
Nothing will slop it except a very cold
KINO THKHAW is u prisoner to the
Knglitli nrmy of invasion. As four
special commissioners have loft England
lo govern llurinnli , Thebaw's kingly titlu
may bu considered a thing of the past.
DKTKOTIVI : , who killed the one-
legged victim of u put-up job. has boon
pardoned by ( Jov. Duwes. This was not
unexpected. Jt was n case in which thu
governor ami the detective had to stand
by each other.
Muxioois having annthor revolution.
It is the whirl of Mexican politics caused
by a change of federal officers. The
United States docs things better. With
out waiting to bo kicked out the olliee-
holders resign if there Is no chance for
the retention of their scats.
ONI : of Iho first results of Sheridan' *
trip to investigate Urook is an enlarge
ment of his eonimnnd by the addition of
the district of New Mexico to the depart
ment of Arizona. This is the kind of
censure which will not bo satisfactory to
General Crook's enemies.
Ki.iiVATOits in buildings have become
u necessity. The man who invests in a
three-otory brick tind neglects to provide
elevator accommodations makes u fatal
mistake in those days. People seriously
object to climbing stairs when they can
save time and labor by using the ele
THE city attorney has his hands full
tlieso days in defending the city against
damage suits. These extravagant claims
against the city for changes of grade
and fructnrcU ribs are very much like
libel suits against newspapers. They
generally terminate with : i verdict of
Jive cents.
Tin : republican senatorial caucus is
called for 1-Vidny. The choice of presi
dent pro tent of the senate lies between
Edmunds and Logan. So far as quulifi-
cations for the otlice are concerned , Sen
ator Edmundsstands : head and shoulders
above any of his colleagues. The argu
ments used jn favor of Senator Logan's
election are purely sentimental.
IT begins to look like business when
substantial three-story brick buildings are
"being torn down in Omaha to make room
for live-story structures of more modern
design. There is plenty of room , how
ever , in the business center for three-
Ktory buildings , and we wish we had more
of them to take the place of the wooden
rookeries that yet remain to mark the
pioneer period.
Tur.ui : is no use of a controversy with
the Ikruld over the law and order meet
ing. When Dr. Miller returns and looks
over thu list of signers to that call
lie will at once plant himself in the edi
torial chair and hurry on"an editorial be
ginning , "Nothing that the Herald has
said can in any way bo construed as tin-
Inondly to the organisation known as
the law and order league. " Our
weather-cock contemporary can take
duo notice and govern itself accordingly
JIJSTICI : SIiu.iuof : the supreme court
at Washington takes the ground thai
Senator Edmunds is still president pro
tern of the senate and remains .so until
his successor is elected ; and the Jioslon
Globe refers to this opinion as ; i novel
one. In our view , as expressed , on the
night of Mr. Hondrioks' death , it is the
only reasonable ground to taico in the
nmorgenoy , It is in accordance with the
theory of the tenure of olllous hold by the
Honnlii , vlthat ; they are continuous
from fiC8.sion to session ami are never
vacated. The wpoakership of the
house lapse * with the session , the pro-
hiding olllcer ot the senate holds over till
relieved by his .successor.
I'ou an introduction to an audience
which , was certain to win for its sim
plicity ami honesty commend to us
( . 'anon I'arar's remarks before opening
hislcoluro in Chicago : " 1 am perfectly
destitute of any power of oratory , and 1.
have had absolutely no training in elocu
tion , The American press , which is a
jiiaryol of porfcot frankness , has said
that my voice is monotonous , nml that 1
do not know what to do with my hands ,
uiul with equal frankness I um con
strained to admit that what the press
has said is so. " If some other lecturers
less gifted understood as well their defi
ciencies Iho lecture platform would gain
-J > 3' their absence.
ei : Mtu.ui : IB quoted in Washington
n-i being of tlieopiuluii thatIvilmunils is still
president pro tern of the senate. lie holds
tlnit the sonata Is a body in perpcriiu , and
that when it has elected a pr tsldliii ; officer
tie holds the place until Ids successor is elect
ed. This , It will ho remembered , was ilr.
'J'hurniAii'ti-viuwn feu- days Hgo. fiJiicoJn.
This is the position taken by the ligi :
without coiuulling uuy great constitu
tional lawyer. It is thu natural and
common tense interpretation of the con
stitution and the laws passed in pursu
ance thereof , coupled with the idea that
thU government ilou * not expire with the
death of any one nuui , especially as
the United Statesscnuto ton continuous
body , whoso president cannot vacate Ids
ofUco until relieved by a duly elected
The Coming Session.
Congress will convene on Monday next
l-'or the first time in more than twenty
years the administration and the lower
iioiis-e will bo in political accord. The
senate remains republican by a majority
of eight , and will prove a valuable check
on purely partisan legislation. A large
number of important questions arc press
ing for early consideration. Foremost
among them is the presidential succes
sion. Sir. Hoar's bill , passing the suc
cession through the cabinet , was fnvoin-
bly acted upon by the senate at the last
session , but failed in the house. The
death of Vice President Ilendricks , and
the fact that the country has been twice
during the past four years without either
a president , of the senate or n speaker of
the house , forces the subject with ve-
doubled importance upon the attention
of congress. The necessity of immediate
action on the matter is ho universally
admitted that Mr. Hoar's measure , or
one of similar character , .may bo ex
pected to become a law before the Christ
mas recess. Another question which de
mands action is the suspension of the
coinage of the Ulaml dollars , and the
necessity for legislation to maintain the
value ol silverns thu circulating medium.
Congress is greatly divided upon the
proper action to bo taken upon this issue.
It is safe to predict that no measure look
ing to the adoption of a single standard
will bo passed. The west is n unit
against thu demoneti/alion of silvet ,
while at the same time it is prepared to
support any rational bill which will
enhance the value of the silver
dollar or decrease the pres
ent ratio botwcen the metals.
There is no reason to expect that the
tariff will not again bo a disturbing
issue at the eomingsession. Hoth parties
are pledged to a reform of the iniquities
of the present laws regulating the tax on
imports and the leaders of each are as
strongly pledged to leave untouched im
portant industries in which they are dij
rectly or indirectly interested. Any bil
introduced , however much of a compro
mise it may bo , will meet with violent
opposition. Among the most important
questions which will be raised is the
regulation of inter-state commerce.
Senator Cullom has already prepared a
bill which will call for strong legislation
to nrevcnt extortionate charges and un
just discrimination between shi ppers.
The passage of ti national bankrupt law
will also demand attention. A bill for
this purpose passed the senate at the last
session but failed in the house. The ne
cessity for Btich a measure is too appar
ent for discussion. Among other ques
tions which will force themselves to the
front is that of the upholding of
our merchant marine. Wo are now pay
ing a hundred and lifty million dollars
annually to foreigners to do our carry
ing trade. A wise policy would seem to
demand such .stimulation to American
enterprise as will enable us to maintain
the existence of our Hag in foreign
waters , from which it has steadily
driven. With American steamship lines
to South American ports our export trade
would receive an impetus winch would
well repay the cost of such bonuses. Da
kota , Now Mexico and Washington are
asking admission to the sisterhood of
states. Whatever may bo the arguments
against the admission of the first two ,
justice demands that Dakota's pica
should bo granted. She has the perma
nent population and possesses all the re
quirements for statehood , and congress
will fail in its duty if it dualities to re-
cogni/.o her claim. The passage of ti
proper electoral bill , and of measures
to carry into ell'ecL our commercial
treaty with Mexico , are also demanded
at the coming session , together with
legislation for tiie improvement of the
navy , the strengthing of our coast de
fenses , and tiio improvement of our in
land waterways. All those questions
call for the oxereiee of broad and liberal
view. The most cursory examination
of them shows that the long session of
the forty-ninth congress will have ample
work to occupy its attention.
A New Motor.
While Kcely continues his experi
ments on "etheric force" and the pock
ets of the stockholders in his motor
which does not move , a practical experi
ment in explosion as tv motor has been
made in the launch of the Eureka
from a lirooklyn ship yard. This little
vessel , which has been quiolly undergo ,
ing construction for nearly a year past ,
is expected to prove the ollleienoy and
economy of explosions of gas from thu
submerged sides against the water as a
propelling force and a substitute for
Meam , The Eureka is a vessel of about
75 tons , being 100 feet in length by l'j in
width , with a depth of about 7 feet. Two
lid-covered port holes tire placed cm each
side about 8 feet forward of the stern
post. Thoynro connected with chambers ,
these ftho two aft ports pointing to
ward the stern and those of the two for
ward ports toward the bow. The dis
charges will bo through these ports from
a central point , the stern battery for
driving the vessel forward anil the other
for flinking her. While the exact explo
sive material used is kept tt secret , it Is
generally supposed to bu gas , goiioratcd
from coal oil and ignited by electricity.
Several su < , 'eo.ssfnl trials of the now
motor have been made and there are
strong hopes entertained that the inven
tion will prove one of the most valuable
of the century. A rate of 6peed of six
teen miles an hour has been secured and
the dinieultyn'rst experienced of control
ling and graduating the explosions
has at last boon overcome , Any
number of pulsations up to forty
a minute can readily be obtained
and the rate of speed can bo regulated
accordingly. The great point gained in
the Eureka is the saving in the cost and
cnmbor.s.oinenes.s of machinery. The
Now York HUH , from which the facts in
in relation to the vessel have been ob.
tained , states that thu enginu takes up
only a space of six fee.t in the length of
the vessel and presumably the space oo.
cupicd would bu proportionally smaller
in larger vessels. Enough power only is
required in the Eureka to compress air
into a steel globe two feet in dinmetur ,
whoru also vapori/ed petroleum has been
forced. "The same small coal boiler runs
a little dynamo engine to furnish the
electric ppnrk that causes the explosion.
The economy in coal and in the space
taken up by coal seems to bo clear. However
over , with this device , as with submarine
boats and manageable balloons , the
main point is to lirat find whether it will
bo successful for universal application ,
With that determined , prospective ad
vantage * will take care of themselves.
The present experiment , meanwhile , has
nn interest among the many now making
to drive steam from thn throne whicli
only a few years ngoitseomcd certain to
occupy for ages. "
Klcctrio Street
Denver proposes to try the experiment
of lighting her streets with electricity.
The Denver municipal electric lighting
system will comprehend twenty circuits ,
with twenty-seven lamps to a circuit
when each circuit lias its full complo
ment. The lamps will bo placed on the
prc.-cnl gas-light posts , extended up
some four feet , whence the light will bo
thrown a gieator distance limn if nearer
the ground. The light will be fully three
times greater than the present gas llame.
The lamps will beef _ the latest improved
.Edison make , m. , the incandescent
lamp with a filament bamboo carbon are
burning in a vacuum the same as in the
platinum arc lamps. We have always
supposed that the illumination of thu
streets could not be done as cheaply by
electricity as with gas. It was only n
few days ago that the statement was
made in the New York papers that the
aldermen of that city were diiousslngtho
proposition of doing away with eleo
trieity on thu streets on which it had been
ntrodnced , and returning to gas , as a
saving of $100,000 n year could thus bo
made. It may be that gas can be pro
dueed cheaper in New Y/ork / than it can
in Denver. The cost per electric lamp
in Denver is $ ' . ' 8 per year , against
? ! ) . ) , the lowest oiler the gas com
pany would make , thus saving the
city on its ' 1SO lamps , $3,150 per year.
The street electric-lighting plant for Den
ver will cost only fc'O.OOO , and it is ex
pected to have it in operation within
thirty days. If thn Omaha electric com
panies can do the .street lighting as cheap
as the gas company , or cheaper , we have
no doubt that propositions from them
would be favorably considered by our city
council. The cost of producing electrici
ty has so far been the main obstacle in
the way of its coining into general use ,
and another drawback has been the un
certainty of the light. . The expense ,
however , is being gradually reduced ,
and the light is constantly being made
more steady and reliable by the improve
ment of machinery and material. It is
certainly the most desirable of all illuminants -
nants , and with the cost reduced ami its
reliability insured it is destined to become -
como the universal light in cities , both
for streets and buildings.
The Hanks nail the Currency.
The report of the controller of the cur
rency his ; been made public. To the
majority of the business men it will be
the most interesting of all the govern
mental reports because it indicates the
state of internal exchange and the char
acter of the great bulk of financial trans
actions whicli are conducted through the
medium of the- national banking system.
The number of national banks now in
existence is 2'J7J. , ; Of all the banks or.
gauix.ed hinco the founding of the system
only lot have passed into the bauds of re
ceivers. This fact speaks volumes for
the safely of the system to depositors and
for thn public confidence which has bcon
the bulwark of the banks during their
career. During the past year 115
now banks have been organ
ized with an aggregate capital
of nearly seventeen million dollars.
Notwithstanding this increase in the
number of institutions , the decrease in
circulation amounted to $15,515,101. In
( ho opinion of tlm controller , this con
traction in the currency is duo to the tax
on circulation and for the purpose of
preventing its continuance lie advises
the abolition of the tax and thai the
banks bo allowed to issue notes equal to
the par value of the bonds deposited
with the government to secure circula
Wo bolievs that the coming congress
will take no such action as recom
mended , The continuance of the national
bank currency is no longer a necesiity to
procure a market for the government
loan * . Treasury notes and silver
certificates can bo safely issued to
take their plaeo as fast as the bonds are
called in. The national banking system
will be continued even if the associations
under it cannot issue circulation at a
profit. Evpcrionco has nhown that it is
for the best interests of both the banks
and the public thai thu business should
bo carried on nniUir a general law having
ofl'cot throughout the whole country. As
a matter of fact banks are no longer or-
ganixed for the more of issuing
circulation , and in the great majority of
eases only the minimum amount of
bonds required by law is deposited for
the purpose of securing circulation. The
people have been educated to a knowl
edge of the governmental supervision of
the banking system and the inert- title of
national bank is valuable in securing
Tin ; Omaha committee on law and order
will meet to-night to perfect somu sort of
licrmunett OTKani/UI ; < > | i. A certain amount
of attention to law and drdur would not be
out of place In this community. For thu
l > i\ t seven yearn bttrglarlc.i.havo boon ex
tremely frequent in Onr.dia ; during Hint
time uittaslnslo burglar has liuon punished
by the law. The detectives In and out of the
police 1'orco have been tit poivnrlpss to pre
vent or imnlsh bur0'lary as a child In arms.
Any man who makes suoh absurd as-
ficrtious docs not know what ho id talk-
nig about , If he will search the records
of the district court or go to the penitenti
ary ho willflnd that quite n number of
persons have been sent up for burglary
from Douglas county.
IT is to bo hoped that Nebraska dairy
men , who are to assemble in annual con
vention at I'rotnont next week , will not
overlook the fact that there id altogether
too much bogus butter , commonly called
buttorine , palmed on" on the unsuspoct-
4iig people of Omaha and Nebraska. As
a rule Hie vile-sitdlVis not sold for what
it actually is , buf for butter. The gro
cer who sells a customer butterine when
butter is called for is guilty of a crimin
al ofTeifoobtaliung money under fahe
pretenses ami Ire can and ought to bo
prosecuted for it. The interests of the
dairymen are being materially injured
by these compounds and the people are
being continually imposed upon. It la
high time. lhutthu dairymen should take
vigorous action in ttils matter with a
view to having butlerlne sold us butter
inc and not as creamery butter.
Senator Cameron has chosen Frank llurr
forhlsblcyraiiliL-r , and the biographer of hU
father , Simon Cumuion.
llatoncss Uuiddt-CnutU worked like r
beaver to secuie the election of her husband
and he was icturned.
Henry ( iiwKu'.i eldest son is heading m
Into a political economist.
Old Simon Cameron li slill in politics ai
Ilnrrlsbnru' , Pa. , in an advisory evpaclly.
Congressman tiiirlclph , of New York , Is
fiilb'cly , and can't sit still IhomlnutoJ at :
aThu wife ( if Thomas Power O'Connor U : '
handsumc Ameiiean fiirl. She was a Miss
( tovoninrlloiidty , of Ohio , will ret tun to
his law pnu'tieo in Cincinnati , which
him f ilJ.OOO a year.
Mr. Iluiulrlcks' fortune Is estimated nt
5100,030. Mrs. Ilendricks has for a long timt-
litid charge of tholr business Interests and In
Joseph Areh. the English nKiidillitral la
bnrer , is a preacher or the primitive .Metho
dist persuasion. He is a candidate for the
pailinmcnt. f.on > , " > treet Is writing articles 01
lie war which will appear In the Centurj
A Soli Sardonic Smile.
AViw rvrk Will' .
There was a soft sardonic smile on the
face of I hit Wall street broker when one
atioku of Jay ( iotild's retirement from
Wall street.
A r.evol Hunilod Statesman.
Clilcuijo Inter Occnn.
in choosing a president pro torn , the
senate should make choice of an acknowl
edged and level-headed statesman rather
than a more partisan.
, anil
Chlmyn 7V//'iic / / ( ,
We notice that the German rciehstag
enjoyed a healed debate on the budget
the other day. Wo don't anticipate any -
thing of that kind in our own roiohslag ,
which meets in a fuw days ; but. judging
from the actions of the whisky men , it is
not improbable that there may be a
heated debate on the budge.
Dakota ntul'llic Democrats.
Kl. I'niil Pioneer I'nvs ,
Governor Pieroq thinks it quite proba
bio that the democrats in congress will
agree to the division of Dakota into two
distinct territories-as this course would
enable the president to appoint two sets
of territorial pllieers. There is little
doubt that any plan which involves an
increase of patronage will find a demo
cratic welcome. <
A Now fidlfor's Salutatory.
J'jllji'ni ( On. ) Courier.
Wo close with the trust that when the
corroding tooth of time shall harrow its
no more and the tangling pcrphmlius of
life shall no longer harass the soul , when
we shall gather ourselves toguljicr anil
Kurrcndor to ( lit ! black , bnnner of dciith ,
111:13' : tin ; comfort of a life well .spout anil
the eoiismousiica.s of duty performed
usher us into grander realities , where
the refrain of angels is hushed in the
hong of eternity.
Fay Tcmplotou Siiotl lor Divorce.
Chicago' Times , SOlli : William II.
West , the "negro" minstrel , will ask the
superior court to-day to grant him n di-
vorcu from his wife , Fay West , boiler
knoxvnas Fa.vTomploton. The bill for
divorce will bo filed this morning.
"P.illy" claims that Fay has deserted
him. 'They were married in Nashville ,
Tenn. , May -'Olh , 1S83. A few days after
the marriage he wont to New York ,
whither his minstrelsy called him. Ten
days later Fay followed him , and for
three weeks they lived in Now York as
man and wife. They then cninu lo Chicago
cage , where tor throe weeks they enjoyed
connubial happiness. Then- Fay left
him anil went back to her first love her
Mr Wusl says that when Fay married
him she promised to renounce' stage
and attend strictly to domestic duties ,
but thai Mm lias iorgottun her promise.
During his six weeks' n.xpuricncc as a
" " ho did the
husband "Hilly" says very
best he could lo iniiku Pay happy , and
that Hinou felio deported him he has used
every endeavor to get her to return tote
to him. She , however , refuses to live
with him as his wile , or to give up her
He asks thalKhu bo summoned heforo
the court at the next .January term to
nmko answer lo tlio hill.
Mrs. West is at present playing with-
Ricu's "Kvangelino" company in Now
The Champion Pmloslrliin.
The whole stor.v of Habbi Hrownc and (
Ids funeral march to llivcr ido park is
very picturesque and of no little moment
to the Hebrew communities. He was in
vited by Gen , Hancock to represent the
lowish faith in 1,1 , 10 Grant funeral proces
sion and the day bujng Saturday Habbi
Browne nslccd'icrmssion ] ! to walk n * the
USD of a carriage a violation of the
.lowish Sabbath Through the unpro
nounceable stupUlty of somebody , the
request was denied him , but the ( Irani
family learning1 thtf facts , overruled I he
veto and the distinguished and honored
rabbi walked in the. procession trom the
city hall to the -park some eight miles.
Now it is knou-n that there Is an ortho
dox and a progressive wing to the Hu-
brew faith in this country , and Iho jour
ney of the rabbi ImS'Kineo then boon the
theme of sharp ! dispute in many of thu
synagogues' , the * re.torm Jews being annoyed -
noyed that ho should have undergoui' so
much pordanu ) discomfort m ofuur to
rebuke progressive icluiy. 'J'ho orthodox
party claim that Ktil'bj Hrowne got there
just as quiokb' SSif ho had taken a car
riage , tutd "thai this was progressive
oiiough for any one. So impressed havo'
Ids orthodox friends jjocomn with this
thcologlco-fuuoral jfumt thai during the
Thanksgiving ceremonies in Habbi
Hrowno's tomnlo the representatives of
ten synagogues presented him with a
gold modal representing him in high re
Hef manihing "From Oily Hull to Riverside -
side I''irk , " white on the obverse was the
Hebrew ; "mossed bo ho who sanctified
the Sabbath. " Hubbi Urowno thus be
came the champion Hebrew pedestrian ,
having broken ail previous orthodox re
cords ;
Dr. Fierce's "Favorite Prescription" Is
everywhere ) acknowledged to bu the
stiinittird remedy for fctnulu eomphiints
and weaknesses. It is sold by
Nebraska Jotting'1.
Sheridan eountv has organised an asrlctil
tural society.
A cemetery piomotion society has been
orgnnl/ed nt rimdron.
Frank Kendler , n H. t 31. hrakPinnn , Is
l.ild up with n cruihed ankle at Holdiege.
Tiie Mnsonle fraternity , ot Keatrlcc , have
decided to Imild u temple nv.\t frenson Hint
will cost S.'K'.Oi'O.
Two street railway companies have licpn
organized at Hastings , ami buth will opeiiite
on the council fora eliaiter.
Tlio unsold school land * of Hie state
amount to l , : rtKX ( ) acres , minieienl to keci
tlio school fund out of poverty for some time.
The pile brlduo nt Nebraska City has prac
tically killed the Iowa Mihnrb. Trains are
now pulled OUT Iho road by n pony engine.
South llend , Cuss eountv , has discarded
Iho duds of bahyhood , and Is now robed in
the red top boots and short pants of an in
corporated Vill.lSC.
Thn'JO per cent money lenders of Xchraskn
( Ity are afraid to Invest in a canning fac
tory le t some of the prolit would bo lust In
varnishing the label.
Doe Conner ot Nebraska City slid down
the stair bannisters In the Sta'ats Xeltnnt *
Imlmiiiic and cracked Ids shoulder on the
nuwell post , lie was hurried home in
In addition to a comt house. ! union depot ,
n Jew vhurc'icfl mid a windmill factory , the
aching void In itiishvllle is .1 roller skating
link. Tlio nntl\c.s are anxious to polish
their shins.
An enthiisinstln Wayne mixu has piepnred
n man of a feasible route for the Onmlm
iNoilliein road which he proposes to exhibit
to the originators of the scheme In this city.
The c. W. m. , Is probably unaware of the faul
that the prospects of the load aie on
the wane.
A costly bit of ciKsstp was welled in the
district com tat Nebraska City ndny orh\o
OKO. Mrs. Kwh , wife of a piomlnenl Tnl-
mnie ] > hysieiiiii. was slandered l y n Mrs.
IJoiul. and sued for . . \iXU damaires. When
the ease was called Mr * . Itoud failed to ap
pear , and judgment wnsenteied lortlie full
liennctt P.ell , of C'ass county claims to ho
( he champion eorn hiisler ; of the slate. In
chiillt'iiKliiK the world IIUMI > S ho lias imt In
the cub live loads of corn , each load contain-
111 ! ? twenty-live bushels , and one load of
Jllteen bushels makiiif ; HU bnshelN. Undid
this between lircaklast and snpnor , on Tues
day. November iil. The coin was nicasiiiod
in th wmon by Keltin ; ; the contents In cubic
feet , and Inkliij * : tour-tenths of It lor tiie
bushel. Oneliiindied and tu utfour ears
of this corn weighed seventy-live pounds , or
one lin-hel , ami the total number of ears
husked was estimated at 1T.OOO.
At the election on last Wednesdnv In Westside -
side mid Westnmrk townships for urldifo
houils to build nbtiilKC over thu Platte liver
south of Ovetton , the former township ensl
sixty votes for bonds and none asalnst , ami
the latter township east sixty-nine votes lor
and none m.ilnst. ; The people of the above
towlisldiis have done just as we should have
done Imd we l > ecn one of their number. The
fact that wheat brings from ten to fifteen
cents moie per Im.shel on the Union I'acllio
lailroail than on the Hurlimrton A : Missouri
is snniuicnt in Itself to drive these farmers
all to the Union Pacific markets. [ llolrirese
Iowa ItcniR.
The supreme comt docket shows CU : eases
set for trial at the December term in Des
The wife of John Davis , eountv treasurer
of.Ioflerson county , died suddenly of heart
disease at Fairlield last l-'iiday night.
Davenport Is nrejiariiiK to treat itself to a
"Central Park , " thirly-thrcc acres in extent ,
and "of hiirpassing boauly In its natural
state. "
SamantliaA. Hunt has commenced suit in
the clivuit court al ICcoknk Ameiolta
Dickinson ami Im band and others for iinrti-
tion and ownership ot real estate valued al
Frank Itildridge , living near Des Molno * ,
was i rightful ! v injured last Hatucduy after
noon by the niiml'iir away ot his huiscand
being dragged by one foot caught In the stir
rup. Ills ankle was broken , Ids lelt upper
arm was fractured and he was kicked and
bruised upon nearly all portion.1 * of his head
and body , lie was insensitilo lor hours , hut
at last icporls there was some hope of his
llnal recovery.
Mrs. Abe Tiott , of Creston , wife of Hie
Imikcnmn who vva' < killed in an accident on
the hi ! ! eastol lied U.ik last spring , lias lieen
( alien * o the asylum tor insane at .Ml. Pleas
ant. Her husband's death left her di titule
and with four young children to provide for.
The shock of her sutldon affliction and the
strain of keeping the wolf of Iniinrcr away
from tin ; little ones was too much for her ,
and her mind became unbalanced.
Whealland has a married couple whoso
combined ages are only 33 the boy IS , and
the girl 15.
The stage fate between Duffalo Gap and
liapid Oily is § ! i by the day coach mm § 5 by
the night coach.
The auction sale of lots in HulYalo ( Jnp last
week was unusually lively. Some ot them
sold as high asSl,7.w.
The Dcadwood Time1 ? , commenting on the
letters of ( ! en. Hrisbin recently published In
the HKI : . says he has not ulvcn the lerrilory
and the Hlurlc Hill country a fair show in his
statistics. "His Jigurcs ore derived from trie
tallies of 1SSO. Since then the cattle interest
hasgrown mightily in this territory ofDakota.
The last cen.sus shows that Dakota lias si- :
. ' ) ! ) : ) cattle on thn ramres and in her liens , with
evaluation of gSi ooo.noo. This show.s that
Dakota's cattle has more than doubled
the past four years. If the general's calcula
tions are all made from the same source of In
formation , it Is easy to i-ee that the cattle
wealth of the west Is htill lartrer than the gen
eral shows. In the Hlaclf Hills country the
increase has been much nioie than that east
of the Missouri. Herds iiom every dliecllon
have liNiii continually headed this way until
the cattle now in this ncluhhoihoodest of
the river , can be placed at over 4i ( , ( iOi ) head ,
with a valuation of about Jil'
Property Kxcinptioo l < 'rom Tavntion
( /Vciv/dwZ / Lattlcr.
With each passing year there is an
enormous increase in the properly cv
empted from taxation. According to a
recent statement made by the tax com
missionore of Now York to an investigu
ting committee of the state senate , the
value of such untaxcd property in tho"
municipality alone amounts to 1207,000- .
ion. The liguuvi are simply iiimmng
and the question may well bo askedi
what is the sum total of exempt property
.hroiighout the country ? The great mass
ot the exempt property in the city of
STe\v York , belongs to sectarian bodies ,
ind some little ot it , suoh as the Acade
my of Medicine and the Masonic Temple , (
oneeular organisations- is not church
wildings alone whicli escajio taxation ,
jut valuable l.indsund institutions which
ire a sonroo of money-making to their
nvner.s urn included in the list.
For instance , the Hlooiningdalo asylum
myu no taxes , and yet no one can bit-
onto an inmate ojvcopt at cost ranging
from 9lf > to 50 pur week. Thv co'ivnnl '
of Iho Sacred Heart enjoy a rich patron-
igo , its doors buiuj ; olosod to charily
M'holurs , uji'i yet the entire properly
lays nolhing to the .support of the gov-
irnmont from which it receives ptoteci-
ion. One of the comniitiiionora t > aid lethe
the committee that it was bccomlngquilo
common for a few men to buy up outl.v- n
ng properties , consisting of old nnin-
sions and grounds , naino thorn nflor
t , supply them with afewin-
Hgenl inmates , secure exemption from
axatlon , and in a few yearn find thoin-
solves in nossoMion of nrst-clasi invest-
mints. When thu property becomes val-
mbio the inmates are turned u drift , hut
n the meantime the owners have es
caped all taxoi. Through these methods
ind the temporary investment of their
neans in government bonds by the
wealthy , the oily tnmsurv is robbed of
nillions annually * . The practice which
obtains in New York is lollowtd in nil
arts of Iho country , to lh great detri-
ncnt of honest taxpayers. J hero should
> o some means of reaching the wealthy
who shirk taxation by a temporary eon-
version of their wealth. Such transac-
ions ought to be made misdemeanors ,
lunishable with line and imprisonment ,
or it is us much ot A crime lo cheat the
state or the municipal corporation as to
rob an individual on the public highway.
It is time too , that the attention of legis
lators us turned to the property now
wrongfully withheld from taxation. No
property except that belonging to the
national , slate and local governments
should be exempt I n the absence of any
union bel ween church and state in this
country there should bo no support given
to sectarianism , iis is now done by the
exemption of church property. Itlidue
to the public that every dollar of such
property should be taxed for the sup
port oflho government which gives it
Unulo Hilly Ct-iuiioi1 , of Mllwnnkuc
A Uomnrkuulc .Journalist.
William Cramer Is one of the most
con pieitou-i , and by all odds the most re
markable , journalists In the northwest.
He is almost totally blind , and has been
deaf since his boyhood , and yet ho is one
ot the hardest workers and most
thoroughly posted men in the newspaper
profession. The range of his informa
tion is really remarkable when his
afflictions are considered , and he has
long been regarded as a veritable walk
ing encyclopedia. His infirmities have ,
if anything , sharpened and quickened
his naturally .bright intellect , and his
memory is something to be wondered at.
The loss of his cyc ight is due to exces
sive work in and out of season. His
deafness is the result of an accident whun
In ! was a mere by
Mr. Cramer , or "Uncle Hilly , " as ev
erybody calls him , is one of Hie familiar
figures of Milwaukee , and lie is known l > y
sighl ul least to nearly every man , wom
an and child in the city. Although gen
erally accompanied by u lilllo boy , Mr.
Cramer can without the least diilieull.v
visit any point or house in the city , and
gets around about as wejl as the ordinary
run of people who are in possession of
their oyp.sighl. Mr. Cramer lias been the
editor-in-ehief and senior owner of the
Evening Wisconsin for forty years. H.y
hard work , frugal habits , and the closest
application to his business hi1 has amassed
a very large fortune. Ho is married , but
has no children , and lives in handsome
apartments at the I'iankinton house.
Air , Cramer was born at W\terford : \ ,
Saratoga county , New York , Oct. . - ' ! ) ,
1817 , lie graduated at Union college
soon after attaining his majority , and
fliibseimently .sludjcd law anil was ad
mitted to practice in the court of chan
cery. Mr. Cramer began his first news
paper work in 1KJJ1 as a contributor to
the Albany Argus , ( he organ of the New
York state democracy. Mr. Cramer
eanio to Milwaukee during the year 1NIO ,
upon n visit to a brother who had net
tled hero Ihreo years previous , lie was
greatly nleasod witli the village and
formeil tne acquaintance of many prom
inent democrats. In compliance with
\vishesot _ several leading politicians
of that political failh , and tempted by the
Haltering inducements ottered , Mr. Cra
mer returned to Milwaukee in the spring
of 1817. Mr. Cramer has always held
aloof Irom pfiiee eokingaltliough'lio was
a presidential elector at the second elec
tion of ( ! en. liranl.
in Cnlifocnln.
istwrinncnto lia'ord-Vnlon.
Whoever has closely observed the ten
dency of public opinion must have noted
its rapid drift toward the application of
the high license system in municipalities.
The pocket nerve of the taxpayers has
been touched , and has brought Uiem to a
realization thai the liquor trailic can
justly bu made to bear more of Iho costs
of government than it now docs , Avitlioul
launching any temperance lliumlerbolts.
The two ends high license accomplishes
are to reduce general taxation by putting
heavier bunions upon the Honor luxury ,
and to lessen the number of lowgrogger-
ies that curse all communities ot any
considerable size. In this hitler accom
plishment ito happens that the better
class of liquor dealers see good results
for themsylves , and so they are very gen
erally falling in with the idea of high
license. It is argued that the .system cuts
bhort the right of the poor man to make
: i living by soiling liquor. Admitting
this to bo true though it cannot
be shown that it demands any
{ 'router capital to bo invested in
tlio business it may bo replied
that if that was n prime object in advo
cating tlio system it would bo defensible
on the ground that nothing better can lie
done for tiie poor man than to make it
extremely dillienll for him to engage in
the business at all. In ninety cases out
of a hundred the poor men who will ad
vance the objection referred to will bu
found to he keening places of such low
degree that tliat they are immedi
ate agencies for their dogradalion and
linnl ruin , tind are looked upon
by communities generally IIH nuisances
oi'the worjt order. The high license ex
periments in Colusa and hos Angejes
counties will be watehed with great in-
tercKl by both thn friends and the oppo
nents of the system. A year ago we pre
sented for several weeks ( lie current ar
guments of the license shin of tlio cities-
lion , with many citations of trial of the
system in various parts of Hie Union.
rfineu ( hen observation of the experi
ments hits strengthened the allirmativo
of the issue.
A .Saturn I Salmon Tea ] ) .
0. F. Holder luis an interesting paper ,
entitled "How Fishes Climb Hill , " in
the Christmas St. Nicholas , from which
wo extract tlio following : The salmon ,
the cousin of tin ; trout , is famous for its
method of going up stream ; it darts at
falls ton or twelve feet high , leaps into
lliu air and rushes up tliu falling watt1 ! ' in
a marvelous manner. Ho determined
ire the salmon to attain Iho high and
nrc placed beneath Ihu falls , into which
the fish tumble in lliuir repealed attempts
o clear the hill of wot-T. Other than
human hunters , moreover , profit by these
hcramblus up-hill. Traveler.runort that
on ( ho banks of the Upper .St. John river ,
in Canada , thorn was oneo a rouk in
which a large circular well or pot-hole ,
had bt'on worn by thu action of ( ho water.
Al Ihu fialmon season , this rook proved n
favoritw resort for bear * , mid for ugood
ivnson. Having nn especial tiihto for Mil-
moii , ( he boars would watch til thu put *
hole , and its the salmon , dashing tip Ihu
fall , were thrown by its force into the
rocky basin , Iho boars would quickly
scrape them out of thu pot-hole , and thu
poor salmon would bu eaten before iliuy
liuii time to wonder al this unlooked-for
ucptinn. Thu Dominion govurnuierit )
linnlly aiithoir/.eil a pnrly of huuturd to
llcslro.y tlit ) pot-holoiuul , thus break up the fa >
All rjliKl | > lo < Jaiulldalr- .
, -
Itandall , will yon please use
your pollytneklu eii//wenuo / to got me an
Lippintment in thu navv yard ? "
"I fear the yard is prnclicully dosed , "
iinswurod Mr. Uandall , "and no work
ivill bo done until congress makes the '
necessary appropriations to continue
thu work on thu now steal cruisers. "
"Thu custom house would bhuitmo just i
as well , " rejoined Pat.
"Ihit are you not nwnro , Patrick , that
Lho government requires that all appli
cants for places must pad ! ! u civil survlcu
"Oh , sure and I'm all right Ihcro , and
Is thu uMiininntion I want. There's
lothlng thu matter with mo at-all--it-iill ,
I'll &th rip oil' lorniiibt any uiuu. "
The Vnrloit.t Dcrlcen to Attract I'Hl >
llo Attention.
One of the most important depart ,
nienls of a railroad says the Chicago
News , is thai which has charge of the ad
vertising. Itullroiid advertising has be-
ccmn a science , especially hero in
Chicago , and you can wager your under-
ino l sinioleon that the printers and
lithographer : ) are doing tnoir best to
make tiie roads think their salvation de
pends on it. Hivnl roads running
through the same territory
the s.tme points find itnecess'ary totempt
trav.-lcrs over their lines bv mcniiR of
multiplied advertising , from the plain
"folder" costing n cent or two to the ex
pensively gotten up guide books costing
several dollars. Then Ihero are n thous
and varieties of printing , such as litho
graphed eard-boards.taeked against walls
and fences or framed and placed in hotels ,
theaters or depots. The lashion in these
is capricious ; \ a woman's fnnuy.and the
continual rivrlry inspires frequent ,
changes , each one necessitating a largo
outlay of money. The simple "folder * "
are a largo item , thu qhanges of time ,
etc. , causing frequent issues. Each sea
son of Iho year brings n nhango in thn
advertising of railroads. The advertis
ing agent is generally a live business
man , keen ami alert , quick to nol/o a
parsing event or a prominent personage
and dtili/.e them to the credit of his road.
He is continually wnlchlng public events
and popular fancies , that no may take
advantage of the same in his
work. Tlio methods ol agents dif
fer , bill thu general principal Is the
samei. i. . , to "get there. " Thu
u cnt , among other tilings , has lo keep
i rack of all the newspaper advertising.
It is this olnss of work that brings to the "
frugal editor of thu country weekly his
annual iiass. These papers all have to
be watched ( o see that thn "ad" is not
dropped out , rales of publications which
do charge have to be kept track of , and
1(1,0111) ( ) pate.nt-medieine almanacs , thcalor
programmes , and oilier advertising
"snap.s" have lo be favored to ( lie exten t
of an inch , a half or a whole column , as
the ease may be. Some of the roads , thu
Alton notably , have issued burlesques od
( illicit and .Sullivan's operas , illuslralcn
in colors. The same road has issued beau
tiful eolored litograplis of Mrs. hangtry
and Mary Anderson , the line of the
road with the towns thereon being out
lined in thu Moral trimmings of the la
dies' dresses. Another road has issued
colored lithographs of Messionier's and
other artists' pafulings. The Michigan
Central ha.s several beautiful photograv
ures of paintings repnisentiugiscenes on
thai road. Any of these pictures framed
would be a creditable work of art. Onu
Chicago road has now in preparation u
job which will cost $ . * iOM)0 ( ) when finished.
Some of ( he advertising- departments
employ upwards of thirty people.
I tow a Itevcroiul Gentleman Scoured
a Fortune of $ itOOUOOO.
The Uev. Nathaniel W. Colliding of
Now York appear- , entitled to rank as a
"little magician" in financial operations.
According to Iho account given in New
York this "fascinating clergyman" in
duced Mrs. Mary Jane Morgan , an old
woman in Her second childhood , to
transfer to him a fortune aggregating
about $ ; lOOtW. ) ( ) ( The old woman was
the widow of Charles Morgan , formerly
known as the , owner of "Morgan's LOUIHI-
iina & Texas Railroad and Steamship
line. , " and out of his estate , which was
valued al ! ? 11OU,001) ! ) ) , she received some
thing over three millions in estate and
$ ! il,00 ) ! ) ! ) in cash. Mrs. Morgan died n
short time ago , and llui administrator
found that her estate was not worth over
'itO'l.OUl ' ) . The other three millions had
vanished. The Hev. Mr. Colliding was
her spiritual and ghostly adviser , and in
the course of his ministrations induced
the imbecile old woman lo transfer
more than half her entire estate ! to him.
She began by presenting her dear , good
clurgyninn with a house valued ut $ ri3UU , ( )
and furnishing it an u.Npcusu of $ li,000. ) ,
Then she sent him and his family on a
pleasure trip to Kurone , and shortly
after they lefl forwarded § 110,000 for
1 raveling expenses. About two years
ago Mr.s. Morgan transferred ( o Mr.
( /onkling ! 5iOUOil ( ; ) ) in I per cent govern
ment bonds. The other gifts have not
all been traced out in detail , but them is
little doubt that the clergyman secured
t lie lion's share of ( ho largo fortune ) left
Mrs. Morgan. Weak in mind and sink
ing into second childhoodIho old woman
pn.s od her declining years frnimforring
lier fortune to the fascinating pastor ,
whoso financial tranKaotionn stamp him
as an operator without a rival or peer.
It would lo ) hard to suggest any means of
gelling a fortune uasiur in practice or
more .shamofnl in character than that
employed in this inslanco.
A li ? Jvcl ami nn l-lol Story ,
liarford ! Courant : There is a mons
trous eel now calmly reposing or MVI'III-
mingin Ihu big fountain al Ilcublin'sres
taurant under the opera house. It is 4
feel long , weighs 7j pounds and is what
is generally Known n * thu silver eul. How
ileanmlo bu captured is told by Dr.
ISullock , Thu doctor and Mr. Henry
Roberts wore out riding yesterday morn
ing , and were going along the west road
in the West Park , near tlio tool ,
whun the horsu started at n lon ' dark
object lying in the road. The , doctor .
jumped out and investigated and /c
I'ound this monster eel covered with
dlist. Apparently il had Blurted lo
make an overland trip. It was well
known that eels can make good progress
overgrass , especially when it is wul , and
they have often been seen sumo dUlanoua
from tlio water in the early morning
when thu dew-was on thu grass , going
just lilui Hiiakes. This eel presumably
started early and went all right nnlil ho
reached Iho dirt , where ho stuck until
found. Many people who heard Iho
htorv of lliiH find of Dr. Hullouk' ' * were
inclined to think a gigantic hoax was be
ing perpetrated mid that while Ihu uul
was geniiinii if was nent here from somu
other place. Thai eels of this sort live
in Park river is , however , undoubtedly
Ihu fact. In 157 Muni. Kynn was living
nn thu old Bliss Hlruol , in n housu near
U'horu thu tool housu m thu park
iow htiimlB. A littlu up thu Htrc'im had
Uood thu old mill long since burned
town , and below it was a deep pool. Ono
mining thu lieiiluniint went out after
nipper'and. without any special u.xpifo-
lalininf , FotuHiin fishing. Prusonlly ho
mil a bitu ami pulled In a bijj eel. Iho
io\l niovu WHS to ijiuHiti thu uel'rf head ,
ind in trying'n do llils thu hook was
jroUoi : and thu eel wigirh'd into ( ho wn-
zr. The nuxr. day K.vnn was near thu
dgo of the river and saw a bl < j eel in
mallow water swimming near the snr-
CHI. Ho plunged in and scooped Ihu
ol out in his hands , nml finally got It out
m thn haul ; mid killed It. Thu uul was
ike thu ouu imughl yostunlay , of the j.11-
-er variety , and weighed tlirco pounds
ind one-quarter.
JIo'll Do.
Kdltor "You ilcvlru a position us n.
lolitieal writer'/ " Applicant "Yos , Mr. "
'ditor "You i'tin wrilu a vigorous
idlloriaU" Applicant "Vim sir. Nail
campaign lie , and fittingly rebuke tlio &
naliciou.H mcnducUy of the faeilu fabri-
mtor who penned it , repel calumnies ,
trick bubbles , make stinging retorts , and
Ire hotshot in the camp of the enemy "
Editor " ! guess you'll do. "
If yon buy lumber any whore , without
irnt getting Hoajjlund's prices pou will
osu money.