Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1885, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA' DAILY J3JCK A mPAY , DECEMBER 4 1885. 3 tin * 3 aril > nil mtnimcr a.o coins Into winter I , . I , , \\jatt Will no In his llomo In ( Jn r ley , < 'o ! . . tinlaj. .1 , II. WrtlierlKr liaq coin1 to l > ciiT.iiiiI.I , A. Ilarlm.iti lias been lo'-aSCil nt Sidney , uluro lie will look after tin * ( HljtiMincnt olchl'tii for the low of catllo. OMAHA WiroijUSAIjB MAIlKBCS. Thursday Kveiilng , l > t-c. 3. Ocnctal Matkcts. lions Tliuniailal W.H s < tioiiKrr nua ir- cciidi not largo , tj.ik'scrc made to-iloy at iivni.ii-Tlietnaiket continue very i. nml the dcinnml Is mall Sti Icily choice roll , 12M1.V ; fair In good , IXglle ; Inferloi. * f , Ciiu : iThe mmket Is strong ana choice Od. make N not p.enty. runny full croain ( lioddar , Oct. make , 12c ; Innev lull cream make , I'iV ! fancy full cream l otiiiK lints , AincrlwsOct. nuke , l'-"v ( < tr' < ; full cream Oct. Hats , Aiiff. make , 10e ; full PI cam Young Americas Aug. make , lie ; full eieam. .nily. pliant , r/ e ; 1st quality .Swiss tlice = e , 1 < V-M ; ( liiallty hwUs cheese , l.'K > 514e ; brick cliche , I'otn.i IIY The iiotiltry market lias lin- pro\cd to some extent , but colder weather is needed tondvancc pilccs. Dressed chickens , choice , jterlb.'M f ; turkeys dressed , fair Ui coed , ( VaH'.MrlcilK choice. liejlSc per Ib ; ducks , fiilr Id KCMH | , ] ) ll,7 ) c : choice , low lie per Ib ; KCCMJ , dressed , choice , p r Ib. 10 ' < UMI : The receipts of deer arc on the In- Deer c-ucfls-ses per Ib , O&f.r ; saddles , l"12e : Antelope caitasses per Ib , ( C < t7e. ; paddles , HXiJiac . ; Klk . carcasses .per Ib , i\fe/ \ * \ - ' - - * .j i ! * > ! ; Jack inallnld liil\cd , " ( n'M nits N" . Y. counts , r.c ; o\li.i Kk'\ \ selects , Se ! : xUtidanlo.nOi ; ; mediums. ! 1V. ONIONS Salt l/ak stwk Is scllliif , ' t 551.00 tier Ini'-bel ; common home KIOWII reds , 70r < .fie. 'I'liero nio u fo\v extia cbolen in the market that an : held nt Sl.OO per bush. Cmm HOKKY California 'Jib. name , fiO Ibs. In case , [ XT Ib. , IRc ; cxtiacted , - Ib. in cans. 2 doIn ease , per case S-I.OO ; 10 Ib. irames. Nebrask : . ) , IS.- . vniiit , : New rk lelincd per bbl. , S7.00 ; do half bbl. . S.t ) . . . . , , , iri. TliTels a liberal supply InK DA TIS Chestnuts , 10c ; K l , lie ; pecans , medium N ; Kniilish walnuts Ific ; nlmomls 'I'arra- Venn , 'Mdo. \ . Ivien , We ; Urails , ! ' . ' < ; lilherls , lie ; iiickory mil" , laige , Int. JjUWrl.W ) : do small. IMI. il.MV'U.W ; peanuts , band picked , Vliclnfn , Tedo. ; roasted. ' .V : JN , new , 8j , < b. lio.\es. per Ib. IHO : do. 100 Ib. keen , per Ib. , 1'Jct dates. Kard. liilb. kecsnerlb. lie. SAI'IU : KitAur-llesI duality , 50. . ; " per CO gal. bairel ; per > Jlill. ) 8t. ! n. 1'uiH' I'jir.r , 'I'nu'i : , mo. Pigs' feet per K bbl. , S 1.75 ; 'do. X bbl. , SWOdo ; 1K. | Kit , Sl.OO. hamlis' longues per J bb ! . , S.l.fiO ; do. per kit , VJ.75 ; do. ( juait jars per do/ . , K.'K ) ; do. pint Inisper doSa.W ) . 'lilpe , per ] 4 bll. ) , t4.X ! ) ; do. per } i bbl. S'J.W ' ; do. per klt.tne I'ii : > iitvnl : > . .nr.i.iKP : , JHT. Pinserves : All Iclmls , iiO-lb. pails iM-rlb. , JMftj ; a > l''ili 5-lb. pails per do7.S .OO. Jellies , all k IK s , lirst grade , WMb. pails , per Ib. , Sc ; nil kinds , . . . . . . . hCiiiMinrir * , in i nut. * , .i * " * " - doin case , iiere.ise , 51.10 ; apple butter , 40 Ib. pallaperlb. 7' c ; pe.ieli and iilutn butler to-lit , palls tier Ib. U'tfe ; Fancy "Homo Mntlo' catsup , 'J ( lot. pint bottles per case , i5.00 llor > radish , pint bullies , per do51.5. . Ai'i' : 1'anc.y N. \ . apples , per bbl. P2.75fiti.oo. : ; fiiiicy N. . iipjiles , 10 bbl. lots. S'iiifi : fiuirv N. V. .np- Dles , 2Ti bbl. lois , S'.M ) ; Illinois apples per bill. $ " . . \ Illinois apples , 10 bbl lots S'J.nO ; Illinois apples , 23 bbl. lots , 82.40 ; choice lisMiuri and Kansas apples , 25 bbl. lots or moie. ! ? 2. B@'j. ii ; lancy eating , pur bbl. . 5 < : i.MCi.T. ( : : choice Michigan stork , ft.i.50 ; in 1(1 ( to 'J5 bill. Jots , $1.2. % : car lots , SI1.00. LKMO.NS Ne.Mtosina , per box , S"i.00@ 5.60. 5.60.OIIAXOK" ; Louisiana , per bbl , $ " .00 ; per bov , Sl.OO ; I'loiida,54iJOrM.W ( ) . ( iiiAi'is : ilalaca , per bbl , about Co Ibs 21 oss. S7.00. OnANinnnns--Cape : : Cod , fancy daiIf , pot bbl. . S'.OO ' ; Hell and ouglc , pur bbl. , SS.OO ; Hell and cliuny. choice , per bbl , St.M ( ) . OAT.IKOIIMA J'liuir 1'caru K. Bctino and pound peai.i > er liox. 5aoo. drapes , Kmpeior , per crate. 'JO Ibs. , 52.50 ; double eiale.SI.Oo ! I'novisio.vs. Ham. lie , bacon , ' .V-icleai sid(3 ( b.icon , 7 e ; dry baited slde.s , ( Wfe : shoiilder.s , smoked , fiVc ; mess poik , | H > I-bbl. , 9ii.OO : : diied beef hams , 12c ; laid , 10 lit. cans. 2 in box , "ii . OHAIX The rolIowliiR are Uio picvalliiiR piiccs paid lor tlimMmun loads on the streets ami at the miles to-day : New coin , 2Jc ; new oatsi'eheat ; , No. v'.OOc ; rye , iOc. Eleva tor pi lei s for ear lots : coin , 'M c ; oath , Sic ; wheat , OUe ; rye. 47e ; bailey.ri3e. . § POTATOES Hecelpts continue small. Fair lock hnds icadv snUs iit.MIr' . - - - - S2.00 ; hand I clean conn Whea i'inu : best ( iiuiiTv p.ilent at 8300gao. ( : ; Second iiiiallty-S250 < ? r : oo. SpiliiK Wlie.it15est ( iiuillty patent at 5280 Second quality40(22si ( ) . Uuckwheat Flour In luiielH , 80.00 ; ready inlK-d , : i lbp.icnj'es ) ; , S4.IO ; 0 Ib packages jlran 4J.V per rwr , riiopped Feed i'ei 100 Ibs , SOc. Corn THeal-Sl 00@l 10 per cwt. Screening- . 1 , 76e per u\vt ; No. 2 , GOj , Hominy SI 50 per cwt. Shorts 70 perewt. ( i2 ( K ) per eMt. Hay Hales. SO cio a 00 per ton. KHUN AN'it hKiNh Mink , each , do. .No. ! 1. 10\i/'ir > eolf ; , jiraliie Xjf91.00 ; do mountain , S'.OOfflil.txlldcut ) ; , 15CWO ; bea- TerSl.f > ' ( i2.Opir ; ' ! lu ; fov , each , 40S1.60 ( : diei-hkln ; , dry winter , if Ufxi perlb ; do. fal | and htimmer , 20 ( i'io. Hi is-iieen : ( butcliers' . 7'Jc ; Kieen cured. -viNit. l I'lttsburif. K. &H. 8a ; No. Clncin- iiatl , ffiu ; No. l lace leather. M > c ; puine llin liter sole leather , iisfe 'e ; prime o. u sole leather. : WiiWa. : Upper leathei , per foot , 21 ® 24e ; Hemklp,'ie.joakklp.K'XitUSe. ( ; Fiencli Kip. S1.00 ( 1.2 , > ; Hem calf. 31.00 < I.10. o. k ealf. tl.OOc < il,2T : J < iencli call , M/J.X' ' l.bS ; Mo- locco boot lei' . JiOfidKo : Aloroeeo oil pebble. U-Xi/iWi ! ; toppfncs and llnlncs , SO.OOQ10.00 per do/ . MAiiin.KiiY ilAuinvAui : XCeomblnatlon looji Jinnies. V5.5 ! ; X (3 1. O. T. hame.s , 34. J3 ; vai. 1. t ) . T. luimeti. St.5 : ( ) ; perfection pads , S .7 : s7 iln , ' ills.5.rH ! ; Itaiboum No. 10 Ihread. Ki ; j n Mrap slide. SOo : XO bieast btratihllde , lite ; 1J'X 0 : i loop champ T buckles , $1.05 ; ! } > < lapiHoopchaiiiD'rbupkles 1. H.4.-i. K S1.405S1.40. . ' HIAVV HAitiiwAiiK lion , rates. 82.15 ; plow Meel , special east , 4e ; ciuciblo btcel , t > e ; east tools do , P.'Gilfx ) ; waiion tipoUes , per net , $ l,7Wi < il.Hl ( : hub.-"ier ) .set , 31.25 , lelloes. sawed dry , S1.4U , longiK-s , each , 7f > e , axles , each , 75o ; buuaix ) nutr. , iMiHi. . , 7c < Uo ; coilchalii per Ib , el2e : malable , i-u : lion wedges , oc : crow- II.IIH.O ; hnuow teeth , 4e ; spilng hteel , " ( fo ; liuidcn A huiso hlioert Sl.'J ; liuiden's nuilo fchoe , S-VJ . Haihcd Wlio-ln ear lots , Sl.OO ix > r UK ) His. Iron Nails-Hates. 10 lo 60 , 3.1. ! . bhot $1.50 ; Inuksluit , S1.W ; oriental jMiwiler , kegs. J.vx ) < < i.ou : do.lialrUegH.S-.oo ; do , quarter kegs , iSl.N ) ; blastlnir , Itegs , ? : ) .S5 ; , per 100 feet. Hk : J. Md. Har , 81.05. COAL Anllinielto egg , 5 . .r > J : nntliiaclto nut , 5S.7.T ; nnthnicitti range. Ss. ? fl ; IOWH , tli.M ) ; Walnut block. Sa.'Oi ; illluols , SI , 70 ; Jndiniia blcH't , J5.75 ; Vun Bcott. $4.25 ; Well Hill. SW i DKY J'A J.NTSVhlto \ lead. 8c ; Kreneli zinc , 12ul'aii8 i.'Xo ; > \ lilting glldeis.l c ; . . Uii : lampblack , tiermanlown. Kc ; lampblack , onllmuy , 10o : 1'iussiaii blue. 65c. . untrainarinu , Wo : Vandyke , brown. He ; umber , burnt , 4e ; umber , raw , 4o ; sienna , burnt.Jo ; ulenim raw,4o ; 1'a Is irrcen. genu ine , 2oo ; 4'arw Kicen , common , KJ ; ciiroiuo given , N. Y. 'JOc ; chroinu gieen. K , l-'c ; vermillion - million , KiiKlMi , In oil asst , Vxs ; raw and bin nt umber , 1 lu cant. . UK ; ; raw and burnt filcnim , lOo : viiudjko brown , iao ; reiined lampblack. I2o ; eoadi buck aim Ivory bluck , itic : diop black , ino ; I'liinblun blue , 40c : ul- traumrlneblne. Ibo : cliromu crecn , K , ii. A 1) . , lOo ; blind and blnmer green , L. . . M. At I ) , , Mo ; I'nils green , Ibo ; liulinn led , l. c ; Vene tian red. Iks ; Tuscan red. iis ; Amerlaxii v 'r- miltlon , i. . & U..aoc ; jellowoclirB. c : L. M. < k i , L ) . , Ifo ; golden ocluo , iOc ; patent drj'er , be ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , wal- nm chestnut and asli 15r. IN On. \ \ hito lead , Omaha , P. P. 7o ; white lead , St. Louis , pure 57. Marseil les green. I to n tt > runs , dc ! ; tiench zinc , KTWII seal , r.'e ; Kicnch zinc , rejl M I , lie ; French zine.ln vninlslia t. un ; 1-iencliziiic , ? . ' : \ermllllon. Auifriean , Ito ; Indian , icd , KVi ; rose pink. 14c : Venetian red CooUon s , 2ie : Venetian rett , Ameiican , l c ; red le.nd , T c ; cluouio yellow jwuuluc , we ; cliromo vpllow , 1C , Ii2c : ochre roehflle . .eochre Kii-ncli , a4c ; ; ochre , American , 2c ; AMnu-ra mlntral..Sc' I-ehiuh brown. 2 ; > ic ; Spanish i brown , aj.e : Prince's mlueial > OILS liucarix.n. ] > er callon , lie ! I.0 headlight - light , per callon , 1. * ; 17..3 headlight , per gal lon , I'c ' ; IMC water white , IV : linfcced. raw , per gallon , He : lln ced , boiled , Jier gallon , 47c : lard , winter stij < t Iter callon. 5 c ; > o , J , 4 ° e ; No. 2,4 c ; ca tor XXA , per Ballon , Sl.5Xo.r,5I.4 ; ; sweet , tier gallon. Sl.OO ; cperm. W. . , per gallon , $ l. i ; li hV , , U. j1cr2Jlnji. ' 5o.iHatafool } extra , PCI' gallon , Wc ) ; > fo. i , CSo : lubiieatlneero , JKT g\llon , 70c ; summer , 1V { iroldcn maebine , No. 1 , per gallon , : ve ; No. 2 , S5c ; < | > enn , signal , per gal lon , 70p : turjieiitino , per gallon , 4 jc ; nnptha , per Rallon. 74 < . . _ \AKNisiif.s-Harrels , per pallon : ? " > ' ture. extra , S1.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , Sl.OO ; ( oacli , extra S1.40 ; coach , No. 1. 81.20 ; Uamar , extra , il.75 ; Japan , 70c ; aspliattum , extra , 85c : shellac. ? 3.W ! haul oil finish , SI .VI hiMMiTS Cologne Spirits IbS proof , $1.11\ \ do. 101 pioof , * , spirits , oecond quality. 101 proofSl.U ; do , IbSpioof.SUI. Alep ol iss proof , 52.10 per wine Ballon , Ieill ! tilled nhrRklPs$1. Xtl.fiOn ; \ blended , Sl.50 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 32.005fl.oo | ; Kenturky and I'ennsvlNania r > cs , S2.oowo.fio. Golden slicaf , bouibon and rjo whiskies S1.GO ( 3.00. Uramllps Imported , S5.00f < is.50 ; doni " > te ( , Sl.Mi.l.OO. ( ( flux Imported , Sl.W/iO.OO ; do- mestie , SI. ' OiTfl.oo. Hums Imported , 84.60 New KiiRhind , 5'J.axil4.ou : domestic , jl.MXihu oo. CIiampaKnes Imported , per ease. S2y.fKXVii4.00 ; : ; Ameilean , per ease , § 10.00 ® 10.00. MmlMS--l ! < 5 CITClt. . , . . Ill's 11'fill's Or. 1I1U Pis Kts . I1SII. I aw 100 00 W 40 Ji 12 10 .Munn's 004 00IC-.2 ! Oil 70 7:1 : U.1 70 l.'iro tllb'cd 00M 1 a ri 1 SO 1 flO 7S M 60 i/Kojnmi'ro rvy.'i ' < * > ; i 6oa y > i 70,1 M 75 ftf , , to "J.AKF : nsit ( Ifs'i Catch. ) H'l ll'ls'o'r ' H'ls P'ls'Kt ' ' * Now I'lsh. KM HO I 60 40 | 12 I I 10 . (1 ( r,0"i 'i .1 5512 VIOl US I Wi . .1 ( a 701 Ml ff ) W5 SO , 4 MM ms a. a 10 71 is . 4 00i : 002 30 1 tO | ' " _ Ml. MAPKKIT : , ( iss.1 CATCH. ) Now I'lsh. llhls. llnlf niiln'Qtr ' lllsL BUD I 100 90 I K ) 10 1 = lllontcrMe s . , v. oo 18 m in 25u m - M \ 05 ET. No. IHh'r . 24 0012 Will SUB MT , 10 I < ( ) No. 1 Shore . , is oo ti no M iu,4 M : i no i 10 JleJ. No. I bhoic. . 1 ! 00 7 00 0 .l-iil V > 2 ' . , K > liny 11 oo n no fi 41:1 : 012 no , ; r , ruiinly 9 00 R ( Mi 4 n.V2 ! < " > 2 10 l > 5 Tut " . . 7 00 , 4 U ) ,1 fi.2 ' < f , 1 70 .Vi ' . ) MM.MOK. iltlilg HIT Hills yr. llhls Palls or l.lls KMT H FAT I aw , iiw no wi 40 i is is 10 lllood Itotl . . . u 007 fio'o so3foi : 101 avi 01 oo Dlood Ited Cut 14 Wjanffifl ! so a 101 a'ii | oil rom ' m : risii. tlhhS'cAi in. lllblH IllflllilsOr llhls I'nllo orkln i . . . . I. .y , , JUO W ) M 4tf i j. jo jy Nonve lnii . , . , , KKK Mer'ltissll 007 Mfl 60,3 SOS 101 SSI Ol | 00 Noiuo lun ' KK I lei rings. 11 (07 ( oo'r n.n s-vs noi 10 PS HllXtllDKR . 8 MM Wl UOSJO ' 1 _ _ _ Coni'isii New brsro 'linnU tel , ) c ; re.i Uiiif ? , Ceoipes ehiinks.r.Vne ; clo\crleif : , ( icoi es strips , OJ e ; 1 Ib loll ? , ! i lit lJo es , Tc : ] iialrIetlo\Ne.r , 'J Ib biluk.c ; ; wild lo e , 'J Iblulek. Cc. SJIOKKD KISH llulibut , now , lOo ; new fic.iled liei rings , "jc : inucKeiel l.c : . ' .ilinon , He. Holland heirlni , ' , new , per fcci ? . Sic ; now lone split slockllbh , IOc , M'Vf bhoil bplit stoeklKIi , U > j'c. .Su.vnitius Domestic Holland heirln s , I UKS , r > Ue ; Hub > lun siKllne.s 45e ; Ancho vies In K'-I ' S Oic Hull Iniiiin. per ( to/ . , SM.W ) ; Aneluivies in ke'f. ( ' < Oio Hull br.iiul. Sl.OO ; .spiced llanilnni ; heiiings akins and heads oil' , per pail , S1.15. Dry Goods. PJII.VTS Steel n.vti , MU ; American , fil i ! ; Ainold's , Cc ; Cocheco , lie ; I.inelieitcr , ( Jc ; J.ynmn , Re : Oloticf-ter , rOe : Diuincll Jnc- rjiiaril. Cc : Uunnell , 6Jfo ; Windsor , dc : I'.i- ihe , uc ; Htiimony , 4 e ; Anchor Slilrtiiics , Xc ; Meiiiniack bhirtliiKs , .je ; lieiielc , COTTONS I1 aimers' Choice , C e : Cabot , ( Vke ; Hope. 7c : 11111 4-4 , 7 c ; Hlll % < ! % c ; loiisdale , 8 ; Fruit , S c ; Warn- sutta , 10) ) < e. CousinJIANH : Koaisanje , 7c ; Armory , 7n ; 1'eppeiell , 7 ie ; Indian Uichard , ( Jie ) ; NaumUM , 7c. KIM : HHOWN COTTONS Peppcrcll I ? , G'o ; 1'cppeiellO. 6J c. Atlas , G c ; Statue of Jjib- eitv , fie : Santnae U , 0i u. I'niNTs bteel Itiver , 4J/e ; Ameilean , 5 > < ; c ; Arnold's , He ; Cocheco , Oc ; Alancliehter , Oc ; Lvman , IJo ; Gloucester , 5He ; Dun- nell Jacintaid , Cc ; IJiiiinell , % ; Kama- po , UJi'c ; AVindbor , Co : I'.iclitc , fie. ; Haimony , 4V < fe ; Anchor ShlrtiiiRS , " ' MeiTlmaek blilrthiKS , l > uc ; Uerwick , 4c. and mown , . DucK-Unblcaclit'd ( ) 807. Masnolla , 10 Mnniioliii , I''c ; 8ot.Vcit 1'oint , Wo/ . West Point. 1'JWc. DUCK ( coloied ) Hoston t ) oz. blown und dial ) , liiXe ; Ho'iton O II blown and diab , 'Jc ; lioston XX brown and drab , lUc ; Hoston XXX blown am ! drub , It'ic ; Hoston O P blue , llj e : Wairen Tricot , l&c. JJnowN COITON J.awiencc lAj , % ; bluiw- nuit LI * ftc ; Heaver LL , 5c ; Atlanlio \Ai \ , .PKJ ; Indian Head , 7c ; Watichuivot O 'e ; Crown XXX , CH4c ; Clllton CCC , GUe ; Utlea C. JWc : Atlantic. I1 , Tu-KiNOs Amo-Ke iL' ACA , 12J o : Thorn- ilto OOO , 7 fc ; Tliornillkc fancy. UJ < c ; \ oik A , loisVork ; laney , IJ c : Mlllbtiry , % ; I'lMif Jihcr , HJiTe. ; Hamilton. I''c : Swift Klvcr. OJic ; bhetueketh , ti\ic : tjhetucket SS UMc : Montauk AA , I''c ; Wontank HU , lO c ; Onu-ea ACA. liijcc. lii.NOHAMH Ucufrcw. 0@10 c ; Amoskea ? dress. Oc : AnioskcaK , staple , 7 c ; Ivi m Ko ; WamMttta. K" : Nubian. & eVa ; - wiclt. j c ; Wlilttundon , Uc : H.iles diessix ! ; Hates , slajile , 0icj ; Kundolpli. btajile , ,0 Latihdowne. 7c ; ( .Jloucester , < J < e. . OHKVKITB Amoskear , ehecKs,9Jc } ( ; Amps- g , Ktiipcs , 8)c ) ; Slater , atiipes , hu ; hdin- bur < , U3ic : Wnnteiulon , sir pes. be : ( Jlen- rose , fc ; Otis , checks , OJic ; Otln , stiijicsk \ ; Koyal OJfc ; Amoskeatr , napped , 10' ' c ; Lu- ray , book fold , 12c ; Obcion , book fold , HJjc ; Eudurnncc , boolt lold 12c. Groocrs * Ijlst. SudAiis l' < t\\ut.ici , v4o , out loaf. 7J < o ; granulated , 7hc ; eonleeliouers' A. 7c ; Stand.ud extra 0. } c : extra C , il'sc ; medi um > ellow,04c * ; New Oiieius , 5fai ( Vjc. CANNBI ) liooim Oysters. Standard per case. 8i. : : straw ben let. , tti. . pei ease. 5 > 2. 0 ; raspbesiied. 2-lti , , pere-iso , S-'i-'i : C.illtoiuU pears , per cahc , S5.UU ; apricot ! ! , per case , 84.71 ; peaches , per caho , fc4.75 ; whiteehei - rles , iiercase , (1.00 ( ; plums , per ease , S40) ; whortlebeiries , per ease , S2.40 ; egt : plums. 2-ib , , pei c.ise , 5 2.K ! ) ; green pines , 5-B > . , ppi rase , 52.W ; plno apples , 2-ib. , jior ease , S'J.'JO i ; 6.0. 6.0.KICK Louisiana , pnmo to choice , 4 , < 3 ft , e. a.ii1 i lieu' MAICIIHH Per caddie , ll.'xj ; lound , rl. case , ISc ; sijiiaro ciu.c.s , 31.70 ; OnliKobli ctbcs , r , , 81.20 ; miiht Miiare , $1. ' ! ' , CANDLES Hoxcs , 40Ci , Cs 12c : Ss , 12c ; boxes , 401b. 10 oGs , l-o ; hall box , 2Ulb , Uu'c. CdKFEKS Ordinary grades , 'c ; fair , 10jllc ( ; miiim , 11 . . ( gia u ; choice , 13 4u ; ia-4c : fancy giecn and yellow , 14'iu ' ; 13140 ; old government Java , iW iiOj ; InleirirJiiva. nij vsT-Ou : Mocba 22ca,24e ; Ai- bucklo'sroasted , l eJlc ; uui-'lilln .sXXXX roasted. 1 o ; Pihvoitli's lil e : lied Cum , Mcl.aiiu'hlln'.s. Aibncklu's and Me ln's XXXX are sold We per case off above prices in : t-c.asu iot.s. Fusi : CUT Hard to Heat , 70c ; Charm of ( ho West , < X > o ; Fountain , 70c ; tiolden TliR'.ul , C7c ; FaM'Hte , ( Xio : lliuls. fjOc ; Itocky Moun tain , . 'A : : Kunry,4fio ; Dulhy , We ; Noitli SUr , 7Uc ; liood Luck , 5."Xj ; nil ii M ) 1'i.un ToiiAfco Climax , 44c per Mi ; HorhO- shoe , 4 < o ; Star , 4'o ; Spe.irliead , 4ii < j ; Our How Mie : Viper Heldaick. ( Kc ) ; Punch , YuuiuKillA 41o : SI MT'l'a. ' . 4V ( % 0 ll"1wTnci"'lV1 lnCl' ' atUl larscr' ? 8 C' limi ) > Kiyrr : No. 1 Quarter apples , 4)/c ) ; cvaponitcd , bines. 8 i o ; blackbcnies , boxes U di'l c ; inivchea : KILIII , viiC.iWc ; peaches , evapor.iU'd , I5lj@t7c ; .Sill "Lake. new. vg' ( ' . o ; ra.spbe r.e.s , now. Q.X&iTo ; cur- iwilH. new rt' ' , x nriiii s. n fl r > } { ' , OANOY-Mlxed.'JlVgl'iijbtlck , lO I KOI > A In Ib papeis , 53. " a casej CniKU ia@i8c ; white wine , 15 "PICKLES Medium In barrels , 37Hdo ) ; lu half liairelb , ; binall in barrels , fcMO ; do In iialfUuruhi. .54. * ; gheiklns in bunels , VJ.Oi ; do In half barrels , &rw. . SAi.i' JJrav loiids , per bbl , 81.55 ; Asbton. In . _ sacks _ . , SilS. - ' ) : X KacJze , Asiiton , 'JOu ; bbU ! - * } l\ -21 * * 61b.8 t foitl'ti bulk. 4c. r i tstaudnid O 2c , bblsj do 4callon Vrts ; , S1.3iNew ; Orloan S slTe per callon ; > le bjntri , ' , liarnl. ! ' ( ' lrlrllyvuR' , TCepei gallon : I gallon cans , SWapordozl 3y gallon < . .iii'SVr per doz ; quart cansV : 3 , SMCES ( iroinid Blar-k pepper , boNe * . 15 < ? M5e ; nl pice , 1fi"fJe ) : elniinmon is < . : oe ; cloves , KM' H : , ' ginger , IJcriV ; inuslaid , 15 BTc. BTc.CuCKr.r.9 ( Sarneauu od.i. butler and plenic , ftWe ; creams , b e ; ginger snaps , 8jac ; City soda , 7Ve. odAI's-XirK'a Savon Imperial , $3.00 ; Kirk's satinet , $ .1.15 ; Kiik's-talidard. MM ! Kirk's Whlto Husslaii , Sl.OU ; Khk's Whlto t'iiiimmoiii 4Jc ; Saiumi Ca'-sia. 4'u : nutmegs , waft' * . Tea S Irv Shingles have ndvaiiced r > e nnd dimensions 50o in Chle.iijo. _ 1I1MH.NS10NS AM 11.Mllf.lt1' . _ 12 ft U 11 1C ft IS ft 20 ft'J2 ft 24 ft 2l4 , . . . . iJixi IS 00 t ft ( Kl'10 ' ( V ) 17.00 18.PO 19 W Jxll . 14JVH.VIH..Vj.r.1l)18jaill.BO ) ) 20.50 SIS . If , I ) I l' UO II DO Id ml 17.0018001900 2x10 . iijiiir > ( nH ooifiooi7.ti02flOflairiO , 2x12 . inwuMio.iRm'ionOiiT.oowcosooo ' 4x4-8x8. , . . | ifi.nuif ! > on ir dUi | i 00,17.00 , i oo i ! > no No. Ibo.uds , 12 , 14 and in ft . S10.W No. S boards , 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 14. W Xo. a boards 12 MandWft . la/fl Xo. 4 boards" " , 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 10.W Fixcixn. : j'Ainiiio.v. 1st Com. , f inch While I'ine FHO.OO 2d Com. , 'finch ' White I'ine 2.J.0 CKlLlXd Clear , % Inch Yellow Pine S21.BO Clear - Inch Noiwaj 14.00 2d Com. , ; ' inch , Nonsnv ID.OO Kl.OOllINO. 1st Com. 0 Incb , white pine S"t > 00 2d Com. 0 inch , white pine l " 0 tl ! ( Com. 0 inelililte pine "J oo ] ) . Oinuli , ANhite pine 2000 Com 4 and 0 inch j ellow pine 17.50 Stai 4 and 0 ineli jrllow pine 21.00 1st and 2d clear > ellow pine. 4-0 inch. . . 2.1.50 SIII1' LAI * . No. 1 , Plain , 3 and 10 Inch S17.00 No.2 , Plain. Sand 10 inch 15.00 No. 1O. ( J 17..10 FIXISIII.NU. Ihl and 2d Clear , I1ineli , H. 2s SMOO and 2d Clear 1J , ; and 2 inch , s 2s. . . . M ) 00 3d Clear , 1 'f ' inch. 2s 4U 00 ! ld Clear , lk and 3 Inch , s 2s 4800 1) Select , itf. l' < J and 'i inch. s. 2.s : r(00 and-d ! Clear , 1 inch , s. 2s WOO id ! clear 1 ineli 2s 44 50 j\i iftiif A i ii v ( i , 8 MO * * ( < * > * * * > * * * < u A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s . 4000 H Select , 1 inch , s. 2s . 2U50 STOCK HOAltUs ! . A IS Inch , Is IS , 14 and 10 ieet . 5W 00 jj " " i " " . .11 00 0 " " " " " " . 30 00 1) ) u u 14 u u 'l ' ' 2.1 00 Xo. 1 Com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and'lrt It ! . 17 SO Xo. 1 " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 1850 No. a " " " 12 , 14 and 10 It. . 1550 Clear HoHds , X in , s 2s . pnii 00 " - < yt in , panel Mk wide , .s ' 's. 27 00 ' " CouimntedCcllinK.K. . . . 2(1 ( 00 \T1KX8 , Wm.I. TO1IIXO , I'lCKKT * . 0. G. Halts , 2K inch . SOO 70 ' < M. sis . 00 35 8 incli Well Tubing , 1fc M. and Ucv. . 20 50 l.iS : I.A'III. A * Slandaul . * i CO 5 inch , clear , S1.50 ; 0 inch , cleai . 1 KO Xo 1 . 110 Lath . $ ' 220 1'OMS. White Cedar , 0 Inch , liaises . S 11 " " 5.'i " " andbiiKi'is 0 11 " 4 " lound . It Tennessee icd cedar , split . ll 1.1 MI : , r.ic. Qulncy white limo ( ) , S3c ; cement. AkionS1.7. ' , ; plaster , ; hair , per bushel SOu ; s-asli , 60 per cent oft" list ; door * , blinds , mouldings , 50 per cent off list ; taried lelt , per cwt. , S1.75 : wtiaw board , Sjl.GO. WHO 18 UNACOJAI'ITtD WITH THE GCOOKAPHY OF THII co JNTHT v/u L en ov EXAMINING ! THIS MAP THAT THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISUND 8 PACIFIC RAILWAY UT rntvn ot III ceutral porlllnn and COHI relation to II principal Ilnej Fast KIKVtBt. | . lit Initial and ter minal potntK , rontdtnlrn the tnott Important ml < f. contliiiuital IinU In that prtt ni or through tritn por. ( atlon irlilch invlto ami farititat > a travel and tr nio lieitwtHmcillcK of the Atlniitlr MTK ! I'nrinp ( on ti. It li aliothafnTorlta and lirrt routu toand from polntl I'att , Nnithpa-t unit Boutin-art , and currotiundlDir ( joints We t , Morlhw .t and Noiilliwrtt. The Croat Rock Island Route OnaranteM It ! palioni that tente of personal irrii. rltj arTorilrri hjr & oltl ! , ttinrouxlilr b.ill tc.l io il- li il. jnmnlli truoLfl of nintlriMCiia tied rail , inliitan- tullyliiintculi-i-rli anil InlilfcM , rolllnKMixk K , rn r pffrr.itiun M ItuiUMii klll ten make It. tlia fat tT Appllancf-3 of patent buffer * , plntrorniM ancl air hrakcr. , and tliat fmcllny dl lptlno whli li ffovelliM Ilif pla > tleal operation of nil KM trAlim other Fpecjaltlr * of this route am Irannfrra at K ) | conticulnir iiolnti In Union llapoiH. und the nnfiirpaiigeU cuiufuiu ( .nil luiurltfrioi lu PaiicnKfr Lijulpinrnt. The Fait Kiprom Tialns hftwwn Chlc ( rn and reorla , Count II HlutTn. KanuM City. l aTen i.iih uiiii Ati'hliion i.ra no npuKCd of n l | vrntllat4il. finely up. lintKlciel Hay CoKfhes. Mnrnlflrrtit I'lillmon I'alnto Hlerprrinf III * | \lr t ue ltn. and nilnpluoii. Illnlnir Citt-4 In whIUl eUliornlly i onted nienli , ait. lelrtllclr ritin. llrtweenClilcairo and KunjasClly and Al < liltoa ore alia run the Uclrbra ( d ItecllnliiKL'lmlr Cars. The Famous Albert Lea Route If th direct and faiorlts line betiveon ClilcaaoBiiJ Mlnnrapolliandst. I'mil , whvr * connc. tlcnn are made In I'nlon ' UvpotH rur all points In [ lie Terrltuilti and lirlUnn l'ro\rlnro \ . ( Iter thU innle Fait biprr Tralni are inn lu the wMnlnif plaiei. iiiminri re- lorK. pltur iiie IncKlliieii ni l liunilnH aiul flihlnv arrnuniliiiif tuna anil > llnnei.uta. It I * nlni the iio > .T d hliiibleiiiute ti > Hie ill h wlieat lltldi and pa loral Ian l < of Interior Dakota HUH anotli r P1HKRT I.1NK , via fcnera and Kan. Itftkt L * , na4 li en oin-ntU lMtweell l Inclnnwtl. Indtitli- a n ll and I.afa > elle. and C.iunrll Bhlf ? , Kan > a City , allnii nH > ll < unilKt I'aut and Intirniedlalo polnlR Inr ilrtjUltd Inforinailon rra Mapi. uiul I older * . ohtalnalilr.Ki well ai ilrkou , at all print IpalTUket onitet In the Dnlttil Btiln anil CnuaUji or by * d- Arv\ng \ M. ft. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , Prti'l i Utn'l M Vr. Oi n'l TM .t 1'a NORTH- n WESTERN Onialia , Council Bluffs And Gbicago The only > end to tnko 'or DPS Molnra , Mar- filmllloMii.Cfihir Inplil8 ( , Clinton , Dlilo , Chlcairo , Milivnukdu iinil all iiolnlH enft. To the pcnploof NflhiHnVn , ColorKilo , Wjoniinjf , Dtiih , Idaho Nttvnd i.Oioaon , Wufhlnirtou nnd ( 'nllfoniiu It oiroidbiipuilor ndvuntftgcs not iiosslblu by uny oth < < r linn. f < i" " of the mmmroiia polnta ot fupo- riority rnjojrdliy lliu pntrons of this road tic- twceii Otnulia and Chlcugo , are IIH two tnilns a day of DAY COACHES which mo the llnc t thm liuimui art ami Ingenuity inn crcnto. Itsl'AIr ACK Hl.lIEPINCl ( 'AItS , which Hro models of comfort mid ulwance. Its 1'AIII/Olt DKAWINO 11OOM CAItS , nimiirpiKkctl lir unv , mid IIH wldo- y cclobriiUHl l'AlATIAMlNINi ( C'AHS , the tHiuul of which ciinnnt ho found cl cn tiero. At ( "oiindl HlutrHtliu trninsor tlio Union I'ucl- Ho Ity. connect In Union lci > ot with tliofo of thu LlilcuiroJt Northwctitorn Ity. In Chlcaito tlni trnln of lliln line iniiUo cloeo councctlon with lluituof nllrii ti'rn line ? . Tor DBtrolt , Columbus , Indlanapollg. Cinclu- imtLNIaa-nru Viilln. Iliillnlo , I'lllBtmrar.Toionto , Moulit'iii. lto lei ] , New Yorl. , I'liHHdclphln , Hal- tlrninc WARhliiKtoii und allpolnlbln tlmcttbt , list tbo ticket uitcnt for tickets vlu the "NOH'HI-WKSTKUN , " Ifou wUh the lio.-t nucoinmodutlons. Alltltkut H.B.HA1B , Ucneiul ManaifCT. Ocu. 1'uss. CHICACO. CHICACO..N.HA11COCK , Gen. Ageut , UU Bream fit. , Oiuubu , OMAHA MArjUFACTURERS , Billiard Tables , Tim 1UUT.NM\ UK-IIAI.KK-C.'OUKN'liir\ : Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables , And Snloon , Office nnd Hank natures. Mm-kct nnd Huron Sis , Chlcnjo , 111 , Unuiha oftlce , 5 P. 10th St. Book Binding. Etc , ItEES PlllNTlNT ( XX , Printers , Book Binders , And fllRnk Hook Miinufncttitcr * . N"o . 106 niut 103 South llthStu-tt , Omnhn , Nib. Bulter Tubs , * " " " " J. SBYilOL'U. Manufacturing of Butter Tubs. M 8 > . .t'o ; 4 < i ft , noc ; a i , 24cj 20 it > , ac : : 100 nrk- Ins , We. lth nnd 1'lcico ht. , Omnlm , Neb. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX. MEYEll i. COT Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , , , , , - , nnd Aminunlllon , 215 to 221 South Hth Street , ltt.1t to litI ! Kmnnin Sticet , Unmha , Neb. rtcroHv. WEST A KltlTSCHKlt. Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Dnfllem In I < tnf Tobacco" . Nos. 10 ! ) nnd HON. 14th fctteot , Omalni , Neb. Cornices. Eagle Cornice Works. .lolui TtponoterPropilctor. Manilfnrturcr of OnUntilml Iron nnd Coinlco. RSI Doilc.o , uud 101 nnd 105 Noith 10th Street , Omnlm , Neb. HUKMPlNd & IJOI/1'E , Manufacturcisof OrnnincntM Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Wfndowe , KinnK Etc. , IllO H 12lh St. Workdono In liny piirt of thu country. Western Cornice Works , C. SPKCHT , Pioprlotor. finlvnni/cd Iron CViinlccs , Etc. Ppccht'R Im. pi lived Pntent .MetnU'uSk } light. COb and 5103. -'Ih St. , Omnlm , Neb. Doors , Sash. Etc , Planing Mill. Doors , Hash nnd lllinds. Also nil kinds of turning. Scioll nud Stair oik of o\ery do- pcripllou. A" HOSUNUKUy , Manufacturer and Dealer In Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouldings , Etc. Stnlr Hulls a specialty. Telephone. No. SI. 15th nud Jlnicy St. , Onmlm , Nob. Electricaj Supplies. Electrical Supplies , L. W. WOLKK i CO. , Electricians , Mnsonlc lllock , OnmhB. llui lur Alainia. Iloll8 , 1'linAhiriiK , Kloclrlo.MnltlnR1 , SpouUIni ? Tubes , Gold , Silver nnd Nickel 1'latliitf , Etc. _ Iron and Nails , Cut Nails and Spikes , I'll c Nulls n Specialty. Oumhn , Nob. Omaha Iron Works Company , Machinery , Cii'-tlnsr" , Steam Engines , Holleis , Aiililtcftmnl lion Woik , Iron HrldKOS , Mlnlnp nnd Mill Machinery , Odlco nndvoiks , Uulon Pucllle It. It. 17lh und 18th Stieots. Foundry Works. Cor. Hlh nml .laukson Pis , prcpniod to do all kluils of Iron nnd llnics ( astlnes ; nlso , O , 0. llMnnNter's Hoekluar Oriijp liars launiifnutured Mattresses. LM. . iroi E , Mattress Company , Mnnufnctiirinir Miitttesses , Ileddlng , 3'eatbcr Pillows , Cots , Klo. ISWi nnd Ii03 lou ) lKS Street , Omaha. Neb. Overalls , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Punts , Shlits , Etc. , 1KB and 1101 Douglaa Streel , Omaha , Neb. Paper Bozcs. J. I * WIfKIE , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , ICC B. 14th Bt , , Omnhu , Nob. Oiilcn by mail so- llcited und will iccelvo pioiujitjittcntloii. Safes. _ Omaha Safe Worl ( I. ANDRKIIN. Mamifuetuicrof Kiioiuid JlurelarPi Vault Doom , . 'nil U'oik. BhutteiH nnd Work. Cor. 14th nud Juckson Sts. , Oniiilm , Nc.1) . Soap , Soap Manufacturer , Ofllco nml I'lutdiy , nciir Powder Oiiiiilin Nob. Wagons and Carriages , OKATTON & DHCMMOND Manufacturers of Fine Carriages , IDlfi und 1.117 lliirnoy street , OiniihA , Neb. Sole Agents in Nelinuhu lorJonua' Celubmlcd Split Hhuft Stillileu. A. J. SISIPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , 110Uund HU Doilgo Stl uct , Ouuilm , Nob. White Lead. OMAHA WI1ITK MIADCOSIPANV , Corroders imdOilndcixof Perfectly Pure White Lead , OuinhB , Neb. 1 iivl Tnrttr , Pies.j C.V. . Mead Vice Pine. : H. W. Yules , bee. andTiens. OMAHA HOTEL DIRECTORY. The Millard , Bhears , J. E. Murl LlTlios. Swobo , Projirletor * Orouhn , Nubi-usku. Arcade'Hotel , , 1215 tind 1.17 Dunuliis U , Uinuhii , Nch. Tlio piitroinii. " of eomnuTclnl men i expect fully tollclttul. They will lh < d this the boat 13 u tiny houtu wcet of C'lilcHto. " ' ' Planters''House , 0. 15. FiHHI8PJtOPHlETOK. : Kates , II.W per day , mrcut earn from U. P. depot , vlliiin line Mock of IIOIIBU , Corner " uud 10thMiet , Oiimhu , Nub. The Cozzens , V , lluiiifuy ic Co. , Proprietor ! . jutes ( X'.GOpcrdny , no daik rooms. AIM ) Pulnoe Hotel riuiitu 1'u , Ouiahu , Neb , Canfield House , Cor. Ninth nnd 1'iirmim Pta. The best $3 per dayhottlhi Oinahu. Hmnodclud. ieluiiil huJ , rr < JncratHl ; one bloclc liom tinny head < | iuirteiH ; oiKi.silu | ] t'nloii Pufiflo heml'iimrieii < ; fctieet cai-s p.tMtlhoUour. Ueoruu CanllUd X Co , proprio- 1013. Abe Union Stock Yard * Hotel , Boutu Uuutha. Hotel de Gees , P. GOOS , Proprietor. European plan , llic only rnntrrtlly located fj ( iday lioui-o. Tliri'D rioorui Inini Itoyd'H Opera HoiiHiuiul onvhulf blotk fiotn lliu Po tollito and . , . thu . Court . . . House. UOi , 1MO , lili 1'uraaa NeJ OMAHA JOBBERS1 DIRECTORY Agricultural Implemenls. MMMillH A MirrCAU CO. , \VllolCJ-alO Dealers in Agricultural Implements , Offices Comer Gth und Pacific ets , Omnhn. Sell. Wholes ulolHnlcis til Agricultural Implements , Wagons Htitl liupglv * , Onmhn , N'eb. Boots nnd Shoos. v Wt v > jioitsi : i co. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1 Kaiimin Stirct , Omnlm , Ncli. Manufactory Summer Siu-pt IloMou. Carpets. " _ _ P. A. 011C1IA1U ) , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Curtnln Cindp , Eln. . 1VB 1'nriifim Street , Oi. Hha , Nell. Coal , Lime , Etc , JKFFW. miF01tl : ) , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. OOlco , 813 S. tilh St. , Onmhn. Neb. Ynuls , 9th and lii\enpurt ) Streets , "OOUTANT & BQU1HES , Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. ncftxnrlctlcR. Ofllce.2l.IS nth St. Telephone No. H'C , Oninhn , Ntli. MMlltASlCArUEI.CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 114 S. 1.1th St. , Onmhn , Neb. ( ! ni. 0TOWI.E , President. Or.o. PATTI it os. Si e. nud Ti cup. J.I I. HIM m IIT. 1\A. 1. Piiiprli tor. MiuiiiiTcr. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , Nr.llKASlCA. Office , SM7 S. Dili Mil ct. Telephone 49. Cto. r. Ian Mill , Pies , r , I'.OooitMiN.V. Pics. .1. A. SUMiPtii.iMt , fcee. nnd Ticus. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbeis of luuil mid Mft ) coal , iWJ S. Uth St. , Omnhn , Neb. OMAHA COAI. AND PHOUUCR CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Exclut-lxo dealers In lloulder Colorado Conl,217 Miuth Itihbtnet. Coffee and Spices. ci\itici : line Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Tea CoffeoiSpleei. . linking Ponder riavorhip KMinctp , Lnuuilry llliifi , Ink , etu. UH-10 llnr- ncy Street , Oinahu , Nub. Commission , Etc. HHANrH . CO. , Wholesale Fj-uits , Produce , Oysters , 11211'urimm St.Om.ilm. Apples Our on n pock- iiifr Plntt .t CO.'H TIKCI Ilinnd Oysteis , llutter , Keifs , Uiuno , Poultiy , Potatoes. JOHN'K General Commission Merchant , Pioduce , Pio\I < iIons , Triiltp , 1'lourand IVed. 105 K. Ulh StOniiiliH , Neh. Consignments eoliclled. Hetuins mndo piomgitly. I.OL'13 Jobber and Commission Merchant. Chteto , SHIISIIKCV. fmlts , IlutehorB Took and " " - ' . 1315 Joiiub PI. , Omaha , Neli. \V. E. General Commission Merchant. SrECiAi.Tirrh < o o , llutter. E.rJS ( | , Poultry nnd Gumo , Hi S. Htli. , Onmlm , Nth. Tolu- phone No. i ) ' 5. D. A. : i Commission and Jobbing , Hotter , EjryB and Piodilcr. A lull linn of Htnno- waro. Consignments tolIUltui. HU Uodyu St. , Oraulm. E. M011ONY , General Commission Merchant , Hutter , Kirpp , Cheese mid Country Pioduco son- eially , TO ) S. IHili St. , Umuha , Nob. scHuoimni : : Buyers of Butter and Eggs. nefilireiiitoruiid Piicklnif House , Hth AiLenven- woith bt. , on U. 1' . It. H. Tintk , Omuhu , Neb. " Kntaliltshod IbTO. IIOUEHT PURVIS , General Commission , 211 S. Hth St. , Onmlm , Nnh. Specialties Bilttor KKV-Poultiy uint Unme. PEYPICU ItltOS. , Commission Merchants , Fruits , PiodiHe nnd Piovitlons , Oinahtt , Noli. " " A. P. f-CHACK , Wholesale Commission Merchant , rmits , bcedsHiidl'iodiico. No S1JS. U'thSlieet , Onmhn Nchitisku. TllOXEU. i W1I.UAMS , Storage and Commission Merchants. Trulls , Flour. A pplus , Stomiwmo. Oldcr.Vlnopnr , ( i i nns bfcds. Hut tor and KUKS. ! ) K ) nnd oU > South Uth stieot , Oinahu , Nebiaska. W1IZUE5IAN & C0 Produce Commission Merchants. I'oultiy , Iluttvr , Onino , ruiltn.Kio. SlOP , Hlh Si , , OiniiliH , NuhraRka. " A. K. HKTHGE , Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits , Mcate , Lnrd , Jollms , lluttur. Eras. Chuoto , Ktc. No. 3Wi 8. 12th St. , Onmha , Nth. WESTEUFIELD 111WJS , , General Commission Merchants , HCO Oodiru Street , Omnlm , Nub. Co Solicit cd. COMMISSION MERCHANT. 12th Strt'ot. dinaliii , Neb. Bpccl.iltluf : Hut. to' , EKKH , andOhlckuiiB , Crockery. V. L. witiairrT AKcnt for tlio Miiuufucturtis und Crockery , Glassware , ClilmiK'jH , Kto. Olltcn , ; 117 South 13th htn-iit Omnha Neb. Dry Goods , J. J. HHOWN 4. CO. , Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , 13 1 Uuutflus Slrodt , Omnlm , Nub. 01NSIIKHO & CO. , Deulurtiln Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , Lnces Kmliroldery nnd While Goods , liaiDotiglunSnout Omnlm Nob. tngines , IIHOWNIIU. k CO. , The Baker Automatic Engines , Plntlonury nnd portuhlo rnglneti , Ixilhirs and fchcct iron \\ork , wuvoiib , uKiIcultuiiil Implements - ments , puinpH etc. 12ll-ri5 ; Ic.i\en orlh fct. Leather , Hides. Etc , U C. HUNTJNtJTON & BON , Dealers to Hides , Wool and Tallow , 1114 JnckMin Hticet , Omaliu , Nub. SIXIMAN I1IIOH. , Wholobulu Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Baddlery uiul hliou rindlntrii , HJdOH , Wool , Furs , Peltf , ( jn'ii c'riUlo > V | I'.tc. , Omuhu , Nch. Flour , Etc , _ Wll. PlIKH-JON. fltO. ltl ( IIAIIDtON , WM. PHESTON i CO. Wholesale Flour , US , (10 uud 6U 1'ltrU ) BtitU.Omulia , Nob. ] OMAKiUQBBERS' DIRECTORY ' niH'.NO TXSCHKK , .11 ! , j Agent for J f. Iloffmsyr A. Co , I Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour 11 > Ioliv ( nnd ntinentlnti Pioees * . | W. ,1. \ \ E1.S11 ANS .V CO , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Mniinfni turei t of W. .1. > \ ( l hnn < A t'oA ejulelc ItnlcliiR Hut kw henl lloili nnd proprletnr Omulm I'itj Mill , 101 Slh nnd TinIIHIII MiteU.Omnluu rurniturc. " DIWEY : A.sro\M : ! , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , ruttiam Street , Omnhn , N l > , Groceries. * " ' " ' AU.KN IHIOP. . Wholesale Grocers , HlOnimlllJ Douglas Street , OinfthnN'i _ > l < . K. 11. CHAPMAN X CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tolmivo and Smokers" Atllcltf , 1-1T llonnrd t. * " MUVUn A HAAPKi : , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Fpleis CJK'iirf iinil Tolmco i . 1117 , nnd lu Sticet , Omaha , Noli. MLCOUU , I11IADY \ COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , Corner lOlli nml Kurnuni Mreds , Onmlm , Neb. PAXTON , OAI.I.AOHEU \ ( XL , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , NOF. TIC , , 707 , TO1' mill 711 S. 10th Pt , Onmhn , Noli. Hardware. " _ _ Vf. .1. IIHOATCII , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , Pprlnpfs , WHinm Stotk , HnnUuiod Lumber , > to. iLXMniid 1-1' 'Ininey t.lieet. Omnhn , Neb. EDNEY A : Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And OnrrliiRO Wood Htmk. Hcaxy Himlwnro Etc Ix'lTiuid U'l'J Li > u\eiM\mih StreetOnmlm , Neh. HIMEIIAtJdll A.TAYI.01 ! , Builders' ' Hardware , Medinnlcs'Tiioliiuid llufluloSciilcs. HOJDotlir lusMicit , Omuhu , Neb. iii : ; , raiED A cor , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet lion , Etc. ApcntR for Hnwo Scales nud Miami Powder Co. , Omuhu Neb. Mll.TON HOCHIIS A SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mnutles , fliates , llias nooitq. 1IK1 nnd Uil Tur- num blurt. .t WIMIP.I.MY ro Wholesale Hardware and Nails , rmcriou Steel Nails. Cm. inth mid Hauioy Stioets , Onmlm , Nob. Harvesters. WM. DIXUIN'O * ro.UIICAGO. Manulnetuier ot the Deering Harvester Goods , Write to Wm. M. Lorlmcr , ficneral Agent , Omiihn. Tclcphono 10. _ . Iron Pipe , Etc. _ COWING 4. CO , Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , iih in lion Pipe , Iron linings , lion and ( iood . Enplmers' Supplies. Hth and Streets , Onmha , Nob. A. I * SI'KANG COMlMNvi Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Steam , Wntrr , Itiill n > nml Mllllni ; Supplies Etc. SL'U , l1nnd 1U4 rarimm bt. Onmlm , Nth. CHUKCHIUj PI'MP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam unit Wntor Supplies Henduumleis to * Mitut I Dci'-l Co.'b Uoodb. 1111 I'uinum Onmlm , Neh. _ _ Jewelry "KDHOI.M & Wholesale Jewelers. Dcaleis in Sll ci are , Dinmondf- , Watcher Clocks .low deis' 'JViolri nml MaluriaH , Etc. , 101 and lit ) , 1'ilh Stieet , Cor. Dod o , Oniahn , Nob. Fish. Etc. ' BKN.SOV KJSH CO. fOiH to IcKcnli'i { Wholesale Fish Dealers. Importers of } 'oreljrn Jluli , Nos. HH U13 JoneJ Hnoet and U. P. Tinek Onmha , Neb. _ Live Stock. Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha , No Vnidrtforiimijed. Clori' to U. P. HrklRc. Special iiccommodntlon and a treed niaikct for hotrn. K. < ' . CoopurMan - g < T. OJlko , OW ) South 5th Strict. M. mmicK & SONS , Live Stock Commission ( Jen. lluikii. MnnnKi'i , Union ? toek Yards , S. Omnlm , Noli. Tole. 582. W. V. ItltOWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Ofllio Kxclmnpo llulldlnp , LTnlon Slock i-oiilli Onmhn , Neb. 'JVIcphonuNo.OJ'J. MAI.T.OHY. SON i , CO. Live Stock Commission , Union Stock YnidM , Chlcnuo , 111. , HiidOmolit , Neb. ] 'iiiul'lillli'iilcn.MaiiMi ( ] , ' ( r Oinahu llrnncU. Ttlcphono No , lsl ! , Kbtahlli-hcd W. I , . PATK1C1C i , CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Addro'i all communications to us nt Union Stock Y.irdb , South Oninhn. Advances umdo on block , Uniou Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited. John V. llo > d Hupmlmcndcnt. . SAVACJK & tSKEK.V , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Shlrmcntu ot any and nil hinds ot Modi solicit ed. Union Stick Ymds Onmha .Neb. Lumbei1 Lie. ' I/MJ1S IIKAWOIH ) , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , gash , Doois , I'tc. YaidB Cor. 'ith nnd Cor , Kill nn I10HN MANUrAfl'UUlNd CO , . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding * , Hair Work nnd Intoilor Hind Wood J'inlHli. Just opcntd. N W. cor. fth nml l.ciucu- north Stitetu Oinahu Nub. CHICAGO I.UMIIKIt COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , BH fa. Hth Strtft , Oinahu , Nub. 1' , Colpoi/.cr , Miumgcr. c. N. mum , Lumber , _ _ J8th and Cttllforulu Btrool , Onmlm , Nobj I'ltED W. OKAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc. Cor. Dili and Douglas Hirccl , Onmlm , Nub. 01-X ) . A. HOAOI.AND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omuhu. Nobiouka. CHAS. it. 1.1:1 : : , Hardwood Lumber , Wa-oii ( Stock , I'liney Woods , 11 rid yd Tnnliera , &c.S. W , Cor , inh and D.nigUbOnmlm , , Nub , O , K , I.YMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Ilulldlng Pupur , Kto. South luth Htroot , Oiiulm. ' Nebraska. Nebraska Lumber Co. Paid In Cupltul Stock , fJ-yjOJO. - l/orer , manu fattuirra nml YI hole * ilo deal- cm. Millsut.M.jrtill , Wla. WholetuUtiind iLtlUl 4iUtrlbutlu ) utU.Ouuihu.Nvb. 61ia. Hhau | OMIHA JOBBERS'iDIRECTORY OMAHA M'Mlll II CO , Dealers In All KlmU ot Building Material at Wholesale. , ISthStrcttMiulU.r. 11. K. ll.Tnick.Ounilm N OKltMAN' 11. W WIT. Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , EOlh niiill7iinisireet. , Onialiii. 2 Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles , llulMlnr Paper * , biuh. l > eon , Itlhuli , MouMA Inirs , Plikiti. Penis Lime , I'hMi r , llnlr , i Omoiit. Ninth niid.lonc Oni.tlni Noli. Millinery. I. , Iinpoitor mid . Millinery and Notions , 12 , N' < t > . Musical Inslrunicnts. KOI10I.M A lilnK ! < UN' , Wholesalers of Masical Instruments , | cln nyrionnVi't > o > - . Deekur. llnlucs nml I'IHIKH. I'Hckrtnt Oig-.tiH , thnso 101 i - ' 3 Notions , Etc , J. li. IIHANDIKS X PON' , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Oooild , Notion * , ( lent1 rurulMiliiir ( JoodN oiU from Now York. TindotiiKt dully. WW l.XW South 1.1th St. , Omnlm. c. P. GooDturit & co , French and German Fancy Goods , aiidStnlloncri' SuiitlilcK Hl.'i l'm > nmn , Oinahu , Xcli. J. T. Robinson Notion Company , 40.1 niul 40.S. . 10th Hl.,0mulm , Ncli. Wholesnlo DcalcrH In Nol'-ns ' uiul Uonts l'ill > ) TANMC LINK < ; o , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , ( Irtollno , Mica A\lo fl reuse , Klc. A. II. Illsliop r , UinaliH , Ncli. Pork Packing. . . , IAMIS : u. nevi ) , Pork Packer and Shipper , OlllllllH , N'ulllAhkll , IIAllltlSS : riSIIUItr Packers and Provision Dealers , Ofllee I'nlon .Market , 1517 Iinlci Sh rrl. ru house , 1) . 1' . li. It. Truck , Oninhn , Noli , 't'olu- phone No. 157. Safes and Locks , P. IIOYKIt & CO. , Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s l Hnfv.'riinu l.ooksVnulli ami Jull work. } ( fM Kiuiinni Mieel , Oiiuiha , .Nob. Seeds. _ ' .1. KVANH , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds. Airrlculturiil VoKctnhlc. Ktc. Oilit TolloxvH' Mull N. W. Cor. Uth nml Uoilgo bt. . OnmlmYli. . Drugs , Etc , i'f. Amiu luv COMI-AN \ , Wholesale Druggists , Jouheisof I'nlnts.Olls , Wlniluw ( llu'h , I III Iliuncy Shoot , Onmhn , Nuh. C. V. GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist , And Dcnlor in I'nInK Olli und \ \ , Omuhu , Neh. , Wines and Liquors , " " " FltANK DIJI.lXiNK & ; . , Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , 12UU' nnd 1WI DoiiRlns St . Onmhii , Ncl > ractorlua NOB. 4 nnd Jtttl , Ikl IJlsl. N. V. OKO. W. DUNCAN , Successor to MCN'AMAIIA .t DUNCAN , Tmpui ton nml WholiHido Doulorrt lit Wines , Liquors and Cigars , 2H iimr.'IO S. Hth St. , Omnlm , Noll. n. n. Wines and Liquors. WcMo n Affent J-is. Schlltllicwlnur ! ( .o. 719S. Uth btroot , Onmlm. HUNKY IIUHNUr.miUII , Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars. l.f.'l JJmiHlns blroot , Onmlm , Null. 1I.KII At CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And MqiiotH. Solo innnuructiiroiB of Ki'itno H' KiiHt Imll.illitloiM. 11U llurncy ijmi.'I.Oniiiliu , Neb. It. V. IAHSON i CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies And TiKnip , nnd Conciul AHcnta lor the Philip Hosts' Cololuntud .Mlhinnkoti Ilcor , Onmlm , Net ) . Harness , Lie , wii/n- : & Mnnufuiturorrt nii'l ' .lubberiiof Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goods , Blankets nml Itoli R. } ttl Kmmun l , Onniliu , Nob. HAMBURG- AMERICAN A milECT MM5 FOK England , Franco & Germany. 'J lie sH'itinsliips ol this well Known line uro all of lion , In wutcr tUlit e < iiniiirtiiieiiii | , nnd r v fuinlHhcd with ciytliliiK to iniiku llio liutli wile und Hyieciililo , They carry the United l Kiiioiicun mnllA , und InuvoNew Yfirh 'J InnKIH ! > H mid HitturdiiyH for Plymonlh. ( MN- DON ) , Cheiliou/f / , ( PAULS and HAMIHJIlt/ / ) . Jtntes 1'iiet ( yibln , ( CU-SIUO. btuer.iKO 10 No < York. Cliicap , Milwaukee & St , Pan The Short Line and Best Route From Omaha to the East. TWOTltAINSDAH.Y limVRUNOMAHA ANU Chle.iiro , MliiiicuiMilN , Mll aulioo , ht. IMiil , CtHlur Uiiplds , DllVt'IllNJlt , ( Union , Dubuqiui , Itochf.tiil , Itoek Inland , Krorjpoit , Kltrln , Mndl'on , Helnlt , Winoim , And ull other linponimi piilnu Kmt , Nurthoasl Tlchd omen at Hul I'linm u alrect , ( hi Ptutoo Hotel ) , nnd nt I'nlon Pm-nio H < i | il. Pulhniinr'lofperitiiiiil ' tlui I'niout Dlnlm t'Jid in \Soildnniruii on thn inuln HIH.'H of the ( ; iiiuAio.Mii.w.\itKhK&Hr I'mi , IUII.WAVmul ct cry munition Ih pulil to pnssniiirerrt by lourto * oiiHoiniiloyeNof Ihocoiiipiuiy , It. Mli.i.l H , ( luncrnl Miintuur. J. V. TULKEII , AssNuuil ( jiinninl Mana or , A. V , 11 , ( JAiii'iTKit : , ( lout ml I'tuoun tr anj aiekot Ajfout. ( ill ) . K. HKUPOltliAsBlttuul ecrundTlckut Agunt. P. BOYER & CO. I ) A I.KltS 1.1 HailfsSafesVaultsTimeoacks and Jail Work , 1020 I'l'tiuum iStrcc I u nt.liii , Jvcb S. H. ATWOOD , PLAHSMOUTH , MEB , llrccilcr of Thoroughbred nnd Hlrh Oral * Hereford and Jersey Cattle S jf i L 1 LiecuuU Jiftc )