Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    TJfJB OjttAHA DATLY EE , KlUDAY , OKUMMB.KK 4. 1885.
Ailvc.rtl < M7icnH under thU hcml 10ccnt ver
Jliit-forthonrst liwrtlnn. mid 7 cent * for each
I tilrtrquunt Insertion Soi on w cml wl 1 bo count
ed to tbo line : they must run con'ocutlvclr and
inutttio fioklln advance. All ndvertlwjments
ini.H t < Minded In l > cloro 2 o'clock p. m. . and
turner no rarcuiiiMntict- * will they be tnke.ii or
illMxiiitlnuffibi Uleiihone. , , _
rnrilcntHcrtl litiln th "tc rolmnns Imf
ln < MI j in wiTi dddro-t-d In rixro of Hre.wli
ileiiM , ) Of * fortlicCkl C'iiaM'tlit"ii1tfi pet their
Icltfff , ns none will bo iHlrtiwd except m
All * t" inner-
l > rti < ontntlon of clieeK. answer
UKmiontsUionlilbooncln 'rl n tnreloi'O *
TO z.oAir-TaoKEY.
' LOAN On f a tel security. Ill
MOXm'TO ' . II , I'red
suiii-f-omfliflloi'lcoo. Appl ) to
tnnti , cnreloninn Hioi. rorlio ifo A' lllli. ! * * }
TlMt LOAN Money in nn ) r.motint ,
5-liort lime 1 i'ini < > i e il P ( Mo
lxilC : tin e l < nn on ii'nl < * itute.
Moneyto lei n on tliatii N.
Nnncy td IOHU on cell U ( rnl * .
Mono ; to lonn on any jtood security.
Tci n n f > t mo to n t
y\l > t > ly i't liieOintilm 1 innnclnl L clnngo
Ihirkt r ft hiilMliic , . W corner of
I'lttecnlli nd nirnwii Ht * , lips ni 4Ul _ _
TlfONfiY of ovoryt > oiyl ! Yon rnn borrow
.Ml money on furiilltmbor c < < . win ims
jilntux , Mnrk of nil klml , diamonds nnd Him
wntchi niiymirown time Pnsmcnt' ncolved
lit nny time , nml Intcro t rfduced pn mill.
I'ltipeitv leh In'joiir own po i * . | oii. Terms
low tip thelomnt. . fnll nnd pep mo. HiiMncs *
nitilMoiitlHl. w. IM ioit ,
JUx.m 4 , Wllhnoll'K New llulklliitr.Nortliciist cor-
tier l.ltli nml Jlnniey. IM
r1 | > I.IIASno \ or two thoiiHiinl rtnllnrs lm
1 medltitcly for 1 or S jcirsV n.aieen ,
ir.tliiintl rniiinin. _ ltJ )
ONliV TO l.OAV O. K llnvls&Co. Itcd
M1 IwMutonnd Loan iifcnts , I'M rntiinm St.
. 'JO IX1AN On rood scntrlllo ? . A
MONT.Y , loom 7 Itcdick Illock.loOU Faraiun
fit. a77
TO LOAN On olinltfl * . Wooley k
MONUV , loom 'M , Oinului National liink
ImlldiiKC. W8 _
TO LOAN On ruiil tstnto nml Hint-
MONIJY ! 1) . I. . Thomas. f"0
T\fON15V l.OANl'.n On chnttel * . rnt into , Ii.
J. > J it , tickets bought nml sola. A. rormuji.-lJ
ntOXKV TO LOAN" til Minis of J200nilil ll | > -
Jil wards on flr t-cln s ITII ! otntu
1'otlor & Cobb , Ifil'i J'lirnnin i-t.
T\I ONHV I.OANKO at C. V. HeedV CO'B. I/nn
il olll < 0,011 fiunltuic. pianohoisn" , wnffom
iiciMmal inwtity ot nil l.lndsnrid nil other nr-
Hi lot , of Milne , without removal. Oxer 1st Knfl
Itnnk. corner Mth and Vnrnnin. All bu ! ness
Mi lolly eonlldental. K > l
liniroved | fiirms.wlll trade for nnpiin'od
PINK propeily. W. II. Gicen , over l t NH-
tloiml lliink. ' >
! clinnee lor an niioiretlo lii ) lni s
man with nni tlioiiMiml I'olhnspn'li eapltn ! ;
can b ii ) oneol the him | in\int' liii lnoi-i" * In
Omnlm' : trulofiilletnbhshcd 'lliisoller holds
iroeiil lor trn illiii * onlj. AddiCbS A 01 , lloo
Ulliee. * -01
fpo i\iHANii : ( : Now lesilcneo pmpcity.
-L valued HI twollinil nmldoll'ir' . ttPllliwiiteil ,
ttoadlly tented , in thtilty tonu In western Iowa ,
lei MnoKnl Imidwiiro. or limdtiinv , fcto\o < anil
tlmuito- cnn ndd cnsh If nece-sny. Addiesa
1'oclor ' , Willielmj & iUninlia , , eb. 7Ui
out ofliiu'liicssl oiTer for Fiilo my
GOINO loclt of dij oods , liootB nndlioes
lolowooit. Hoio lor lent uliluli Is SS bj' KM
leet. ronnlPis. f-hplvlnjr nnd chow caws lor
fc.ile ( heap. ] . Levy , 7I1S. liuhbt. ' . "nJ-dl
TT Olt. SALi : lleMsiuinnt iintl coiirpctlomry
J1 store nnd llxtmi's In ullne lojnl on , must l u
rodlinnuKlhilely. W. H. Green , loth mid 1'ur-
lllllll BIS. Jl
IJIOi : iNUll.\7CRi : : All lnuni wl faun of 1W >
J1 y. miles MOst ol Hcd Out. Iowa , will uo ex-
Jmm'iHl lor ileslriiblo ri--iilciico propuily In
Omaha , cither Inipioved or unliniiroved. Ad-
die tt. ilesoi-iblnir propeily , John lln > ( " : , Hcd
( Ink , Iowa. , , KlldecIO"
Tjiou SALi : The only leather nud nndlni ;
* , J hm-lnusH ill Lincoln , which bus IIOPM bar-
lied dii i or ten , \ CUM very successfully : the icn-
Miii for dc > llln r , death oC I lid iiroprielor ; cnpltiil
lCKilliP | l , fiom ? ! IIIOI to frtWJ. ) AddlCsS.Mis.
.Incoli llnhprlo.Lincoln , Nob. 67 !
1 TUMI SAM : Small fitotk of driiKS and meill
1 clues nnd toilet mlli-lus lor Mile nt n hiu
WllllnvoUoflOH. llo.\cdl hlpmcnl..T
A. Itoedor , 709N loth streot- bll
: CIIANCi : Thu proprietors of the
Metropolitan KeDtnurmit.lK.'u S. 10th St. , bo-
Jiiir aboul to open the new \ \ iiubnr Hotel , olfor
liu iistaurant tojrothorwltli lease of the build-
inpfoi-Milo. This Is nn lacollont oppoitunlty
Jor the light paities. Apply nt the restaurant.
MiAKEN iir-By tlio undurslffncd , a WncU
J. mule pi > r. Ounercnn ( lni\o fciiino hy rnjinjf
iiKi'H nnd proving projiertjIrP. . ICleiisli.
lliowiiHt. , noiir pncrcd. Homl Convent. fcOldol *
TOST On TiiPMlny , Dee. 1M. n dmlc bionn
setter iloflr , about onoje'iroUl ; liii-t coc'ii on
X'llh , belwN'it I'liiiiiuii ami Dodco. l'lea > eiu-
turn to 110 > Hiiinoy st. nnd HOI lewind. bJh
T OPT At or near lojd' ! oi > era hou = p , on
J-J TuchilavevenliiK : , u lloxlblo mild bueelel.
I'milur > tlll bo bultably ruunrdcd. Jlw. .1. .M.
M. K71-lf
1 OS'I' A child's plain cloth eloilLeiuo at
JJHi'mili ) ri'Miuiianl mul net icuu.d. .Mrs. M.
A. Mc.Maimir.1. 740
MXI.M mid hoiuxl , friiior week : very hcstlo-
tciillon. 1SH Uavonpoil St.
Piil80NA : 1-IIon land le Co. , of nilenito , per
trait nrtNtH , nro now in tliNcily picpiuedto
i lioilriUlf , In Ii din ink , ciajoii , pnslol ,
iillmid nHtercolurHllnel ) llnislioil in ( cry\n-
r.cly of htylo known lollio art. A low oulcis
c.m bollllcd befoio Hollilaib if htiuded In at
onco. Hooin : ! Ai Illusion block.
in . - i
\ ' * ' TJIJIHONAI * The huly who was looklnir for
i , ' 4. tullel i-ets lit low in iced , can llnd the loncmt
inlccH in Dice I ) ut Mooily'b clilmi fctuie , coi tier
t ) WU !
i IMhliliU Ju\cniH > rt , -
' '
'iHH'oNAI.-l'mlles : ownliiff or contitilllnv
- .
I -v. rpidnMate , di'tlilnu to cell the eiiino will do
well tn llct with J. It , Itlcu , real ustntu bioKer ,
l - liirmim st , 755
frijoo icwmd and no iiiiostiona nskcil lor llio
P leluin of Uiu ( lianioniN btolnii fiom mj Ji'U-
cJry bturu , cor , l.ith nnd linrney , Seiilemliei1 7 th ,
IhSi , ti..lonuhiin. 775-.1
TV ! KS fJJIAKltll Thot'ebriilcdfortunuTeIlcr !
-I' I llcrildcmo 14th and Jiickbim wiaici >
, T AI > Ii.S : inniit of eiMid domestlehelpenn
1 JJ bo Kupiillcil by callliw on the Omuliu Km-
jiloj munt ulllee , Koiun l , liuaiiiiiuu'u Illoek. .MrB.
l f , J. W. MOI rjsou pioprletor. H74
'I.IKIVY VAl'f/rs ' , fcllil.5 , i-cSjil8 | )
' ' ' 'JL ' entirely ortiilc ( > < : s way , Ii. Huiiijr Ad-
'drees ' through pohtolllee. 4bldec'- :
IW AiiulU aim ees < pools dcnneil Innn
JL odoile , nuy by I' . ( J. Abel , 1' , 0. llox a"h.
TrfTlUt NAMJ OK THAIir A line tcillll nf J-
JL1 } urod ! ponies ntlMO Hmney.
' TTi tSAia : A very Hnc
JO JciMiy iw , lietli , jrlvi * three irnllunsol
iieijorliillkncluy ; wiiirnuictl , I'rJco , Hr > . J.W ,
'Mnrblmll , l&ui I'lirnam. 15-4
'rnOK hAI.i : r.k'pant luinllure nnd leueof
JL llrst-cltt'-fcImutoon host ineiiueiu . . . .
will tell ut u tuiiKulu to imrly that umlei > tandti
1.replug lioinileiB or roomurt ) . I'liilkuliii's lit
IDUi I'timum it , Ouniliuor ItxM Wuiiuttli uve. ,
Clilciigo , 111 , b71-.r > '
FOU HAI.K-rino ruddle Bud hi Idle , 1 get
hhitflu Imiiii'da , > collars , chcnp lor cui-li. J ,
L , llko , liisj'iirnamtt/ 7V.I
"liJii : Hiiy muip , U jcuwnld ; alMi'JU
oak Moot ] , vhtuj ) . Aildicss A OJ ,
iicoonicc ,
I71OU onV\\oodal-oliuy ;
J-1 ninic,0)cui oiavliuai. | Aiidrt'sa , lluo
. - , now barn IB hy U3 wllh
FUitSAI.K-ChC4ip . Inquuo Drurfatoio.ioth
nml Doujflui. 777
T7U > U weather fctrlps. vtorm fash nnd ilooif , jo
X1 toF. IJ. AUnul , SoaJilGthbt. t'M
. - Jots in I'olhamriiiro.ono
FOUSAl.K-Tivo car traut. IiiquiruSISS.
> A Rood plrl for kitchen work at
fi04 H. 13th St SM-S *
\\A > TI'l > A ptil for gcaernl house
> > Ai ply at BJI.h. lkin st.
T\'A > TI.O-Olrl lor housework. 1117 Jack
ii wm.
u A ( food girl In n * niiill lirnllr at
r t. 77M ,
\\MJf n : f , fv ] ' linokUni'cr , Jnnunty IM
ii AU > ( s.f , Ik'Sin isti Fninam.
\\ANTil : A proot Rlrl to do cnuklrp 111 n
' ' * mn"l tuiHlrM c t liotol In tliotoiinti ) ;
( rood pine a ntid wnjro , < p'tnnn rucferrod. In
< | iiireniM .Inrafj Hotel , 0 iinln , Ncl ) .
. . . . l'.l > nirl for illnlnif room work and
rtlshnfl'h up. Inquire at 713 8. lltliit.
iMNTti > A clil for ircncral hou e oil > .
I ' ,04 8 IMh it. Wl 4
\\'ANTl.t ) A nooil > rlrln rooV. SJ03
> l fflnniiih Mix. J. M. ThutMuii.
"lArANTr.l ) A nislKln3 liuly. ISl * rnpltnl
> > nvo. IWI-
H"\ woman to u ift In housono'-l ; a
> > lew hours cnch i.'ay. Mrs. Corhett. low
- M. KJ 5
" \\7ANTii : > Ajjoort wlrl for jfoncrnl tioiic
' work. Apply at 3.J1V Doilffe Et. Kt3
\\TAXTi : (3oo ( < l piri for K
T ? vroikt tlto o whti mo good cooVo. llnont
4 , lliiMimnli H'oclt. RN-7
' \\TANTI.Il A peed KiFTto"tr < T7IFnnninioiior-
ii work In n Hindi linnlly , inilft bo n irnoil
lantidresA , Obriimnpiofnitd , 4iJ Cotm-nt si.
tTn *
1'\7'A > Tiii : A BO-xl ( fill for Roncral IIOIISP-
T \\ork in n < ; nmll family. Apply at nilddlo
lioti o , wi > s ( pldc of Virginia nyc. , bot. I'tipplu *
ton ntid WoolHortli. ,71
: i need ft-mnlo t-oolts tit onco.
jfood wiwrm : illnln IIHIIII trliN and ( { Iris
for g-CMit'iol liousowoik ; callll-d I'uiiiiuii st.
> 'Tii ; > GliNlor all Khula of dome = tlo
WA7 "
work : plncirtx | en to jrlrls I reo of clmrco ;
rail al Nebraska Kniplojmoat Aitency , 119 tilth
bt..coi. Cniiltoliivo. . Crounso'sblock. GS7
\\7"ANTiil t/.ullei to work for in lit their
onnhouip-i. $7 to IU tier week cnn ho
( liiloth miido. No photo , pulntlmn iioeiilivaB -
luff , ror full particular * , ploupo nddi ( , at
onco. ( Iiei.-Piit Art Co. , ID Central M. . Huston ,
Jiims. iiox.1170. . nHCdcea : * Etl ? .
KI Tire infii to onnvnss the oily
with wngon. Cu.l at Dillituico stable ut
8 , . ' ! '
"I VTANTi : ! ) i\perlencrd ; linok men on
> ' ( Jranl'K Memoln. Cull nt Ooos Hotel , nf-
tt imon , between 5 and (1 ( o'clock. t > 7U-4 *
" \\7"ANIUI > A Pilc ! mnn. Ono who lia wild
ii Koodson lii = ta'liiients ' piofciicil. Apply
at oneo lo M. K .Mat tin. 2t b70-l
" \\'ANTin : A flief-e'assbarbcrj food ' \mrcs.
l > a\ton Hotel Iliubcr fhop. b7.-'l *
nml le\ol
men lor U. l ( . location and construction.
, b > letter Chid llntjlntcr U. P. lly.
" \\7"ANTKD 'l' o p-ood cmivn'Ptn to tiiXo
ii onlcrf for Hot H ) Rood * In llio cltj , nnd
tbrco rood nitn to tnko aidiiv > lor jiui-ciy
iroodsiu the counlry ; Cull nt IflU I'npllnl uvo.
inoiiiliiff uud C'veiilnss. lninond ! Hood. KIh-3 *
" \\rA"rii ) A stroncnmn ofplcaMiiffnldross
i T to net no tiuvcllnp salesman ; n into oppor-
li'iilty to Irani u pn.rii r coniineirlnl lMMnes ;
I > roiHOtIonl lbu \ \ i\onu > < nu'iltuil. AiUli
.Ma oiiVolcli , Uniiilia , XuluniUi. 7tI'-7' '
) Airenti , undo and fonmlo to cnn-
vnss this mid adjoinlny cities and touns.
Aincrlcun Spcciiilty Co. , loom II 14IM I'm mini
ht. OinaluiNeb. T1U *
\\'ANTKI An nclivo Intolllfrent innn for
ii Riilesnmn in renl estate ollico , must Jnow
tbu cit > , nun boi'So and biiRjrj , to rinlil man
llbcial compensation. AddtessA.W this cillicu.
, _ _ 71fi-df :
\\TAXTii > UM > onnr ! men nnd lad I os to on-
the toiOi'i'iipliio penictTor pnr
tlcnlrs.aUdicsalL 1) . U. , Ctounso I Hock , Room
1,11th st.
WANTKn Slenoprrixpher , who is ntuloRriiph
opuulor. llox Clij , Omaha. 40'Jdccl
TXTANTiili Apcnts. Address Klcctrio I/mnp /
T V mid PtovoC'o. , St. Ixjnls , JIo. . tor olrcnlar.
out and tcrmsolCU cnndlc power Maiali Ulcelrlo
Lamp. r L2
AOIINTs ScllliiK JllSPOinl Ptemn
mnko blwinonoy J. AVoith , Solo Mnnnrao-
turcr , St. l.OAiis , Mo. IKWdecllp
\VWNTii : > Munitions by t o rlils In hoard *
II inifliouboor hulcl. Apjil > tolWi S. lltb St.
_ rA-.a _
TTTANTUI ) Voiuiir litJy with o.\poiienco
1 1 wishes position in diy nnd millinery
store ; ( rood rokrcnccs. Addicsfi A ti-J , llco
WANTIIO A youiijr man wants a Hltuntlou
in t-Iiipnlnp dep.utment of wholu ulo
houto ; not iilialii of otk ; can show irood rc-
Icreneo. A ft. , Uco OUlce. hiiJ-S
LADIUS if jou wish for Rood jjhls lor
Koncinl hoii'-owork , plon < so vJsIt the Nob.
KinplnyinuntAironcy for tcnmlf's only 11(1 ( llith
fcUCiouncolllock iooiii4. 71
\\'ANTi : A jduiiff mnnSl jonrsold wnnls
ii n pnsilion ntunjthtnir wlioro ho cnn iniiKo
lilinsi'li iibulul , bUHMimukiunsledftoof piintln
and nlco contectlonary bublnoss. Addicts A.
ariHoooiiito , T-'i
'riCU ' One huly , two younir limn to learn
bookKccjiini ; . J. 11. Smith , i"J : Fanimii.
MKWi *
'V\7ANl'l'li 3 iinfuinislied rooms In prl\ale
i fnmlly lorllsht hoiiBokeoplnjr. NOHITOUII
uou&uprulcrrcd. Addicss A iri , lieu ollice.
Ijlou'iSKNlQ : houses nt UldniiTT Xiclioiiis St. " ,
J-1 Jis each.
( loud-I mom house Hurt si. , near Acndmny of
Siicred Heart , $ IU' ,
r > loom cottiwu on Siuiiidcrs ft. near Cunilntr ,
A now 7 loom house on Geoi lu nve. , J'"i. ;
biU5 JlcCasiic , opp I'oslolllce.
] J Olt ItKNT House of-7 rooms nnd bain on
( Icorplu live. , near liciivonwoith , ? u ( ) jxir
niontli. I'ottiir & Coltb , I" > 1 I'mimm st. b.ri-'J
POlt KINT 5-room homo , pantry , cclliir nnd
onthuuFe , 1 < K1 H. Jbtli st. ttUi , *
Foil ItKNT Cottn i > ,0 looms , contrnl locu
tion , llibt clii a nelifliborhoud , nnd fianltino
In Kiimo for mlu at n sueililoo. " JV. . > lni > liull ,
J5Wi Km mini wt. tu i
_ _
"ITIOH IlKNT CottMRO , 5 rooms ; Imnl laid foft
D wutor. Appl > KU7 I'nellla ft. CIS- , ] '
Foil HUNT iibo , 8.x looms mid Idtclicit ,
WJSiiuiliBth. i-ii
HTTioit HUNT . jiiwinoiT hoiiso , so\rn rooms.
JL1 buy window , ditmi clotut und imntry , mid
L'lorettiln nil looniHi llnu vJuw , H > uth nndtiibt
liont mid lull lot : ton dollHis u iminlh without
luiiiuuui tltioinUollarn with bain ; Walnut Hill
nilillUim. Jiiijuim , yl lidliolm tV Uiluksun , ojip.
"filOlt "UIJ.NT Tn < * JU-iiuiu ) houses , 'sjtli uiid
-L' llougliis Btti.uiter ; , mi9 , hiitli-ioom ; till
modem conveniences : btublu with ono hougui
ench H > PCT pionlli. ilouirx & Hill , 707-Ti
TJAOH IINT : : KUW tiieuiu iiuiiM' , ' . > JUii.idnci
J. fct. , With ( lit IllDilcill lllll'KlM'llHMIIHi ' Cllllietj
and btovca lor salo. Apply on inemlsin. TUl-'J *
tK.v Two-stoiy bride honsu with
. ' biisc'inent ; modurii IUIIM-OVCUH ills , peond
door lioin H.Mury'buvc. onOthtt. . Aiiiily to
Jliij. ClaiUSDM. fa'i
17 < oit JSUNT Tun houses fioin S10 to $ Co pot1
J-1 moiilh. JJnllou ilios antiUiliht , Tlldl
FOK lll'.NT ItcfeUonco N. W. cor , 10th and
I'aliloinla tu. A. B. VwuUunui , V , 1' . Uy ,
HomlQnuitciH. ' , ;
Foil HUNT 11-rooiu lionee , 1'opiikton nvo. ,
* i * > : h-iooiuliouse.'illi iiml li\cii ) : | > ort , U ) .
U. Itliufcr , lia X. 15tU. U1U
Fou IIINT : chciipacoiifortubtu ; rcsldenro
und barn ; house hut > U looms , cUtcin , wull
nnd city witter , I'alh room , closuti. . stmloiuiiv
w nnh tuba , ate. , cte. Inquire immediately ol 1.
1) . Cooper , NW cor. Sid nnd Hint at , uua
Tnilll HUNT < -Kloo 6-room cottuae by S. T
-i-1 IVtcm'ji , tiK. . cor. 15th to Uoutlas. Ml
IJ'tHt llTlN r A" i atory "Urliii buiMiu > r rtoruT
J3 Iront on Cuss , bet. Mill und JMIij Wi pur
mo. _ 0. K. ilayiic. cor. 15th und I'limnm. _ Ml
" "
OK IU' > 'T--S blory hoube of sTooma. siaa"
Ituvonporl. ImjuiruMr It. Stoxuiu , m Ua-
" _ _
| 71Oir"KjNT-CottliffO : Oil 15th and Hurt , T ,
-1. ronms. tltf pcrmomti , Also rottueo on Cull-
lornlu mid M eta , Ti-oomn. t JO per monlh , both
In tliuituuh ivpnlr. Imiulio ul A. I ) . Wakuly ,
oM'r Utimlm Nuiluniil bunk. 37n _
T7\llt \ ( 1IKN1 llouso U.loiiKlni- the cxtitu
J Clmdwlck , WJ 1'iirk ueimtW.J. .
Council. _ _ _ _ _ ? ! _
JU > U UKX lloiiro 'of riioms. Apj'ly ' Cor.
1 Hth mid Boutins. C.TTiilor. M )
lirVT A torp ronm with'jro'xl Pollftr
1 IPvA Hurt street Apply toJon Hn n i
lOi : Itl.ST Slnblo near lil h fchool. 1'onr
I1 'tnll * . trooO i-oom for cnrrtntres nnd hnv
Apply to Ueo. I' . bcmU. i S
I.t i : ltiXT : Mew hmi'c n r x > in . Ono o
I1 bc t built lioi.keo in Onmhn , SSnd botrccn" .
T olront oillces second sior } ' UnrKcr lock
IBth nnd t'arnain.
Two Inrfffi i-oons : In oily Imll ImllJinir 10th nnd
1 mnam. C. V. Ma } nt , lath nnd rnrnani.
ii Itr.v r-5sovr iioii'o "tFi-oom bno 7 > i
bf itbnilt hon e ln uinnlui , 'Jinil bctwenn
Cumltifriiwl trtni" \ > .
Tottnu'c a rooni" , xSth npir llnuitlm. ? S.
Two fiont otllrc * eecond story lliirker lock
IMh nnd I'limam.
Tire I irjro rooms In elty ball biiildliiij IGtli nnd
Fnrnntn ,
Dnpor two sinntl Moii > rooms on inth ft near
1'nnmtn In t'lty llnll biilldlns will be nrrnmrcd
to sultrcntcr. C. U. Mnyne , 15th nnJ 1'urtiiiiu. *
. ' Two nowreldcncc's6 room1 ! each ,
rotlAfutimoimsliouiulilrooms. J , 1'hlppj
' '
: iivr : TwoiiowSimiin i-oomod houees :
fiirnnce. bulli itiomnnd nil modem convnn-
lonoe . ono block Ironi tit ct curs. Inquire .lo.
] ' . Ilniton , 314 AMh St. , or Suit ItlnpVoiK ? . Sal
TT'OinXT TBIMIOIT ( iBolllnjr , T roomq ;
-U ( jnoil Ideality. Apply Cur. Uth mid DourlRS.
( XT. Tn > l r. _ _ _ _ _ 71" ' _
? OIt HUNT Sstnroionmh nmU-envcnwortli
8t .
1 Rtoro nn Sontli 1 tth M. lloth flrst-tlnhn liuil-
n polecat Ions. Also IIOUSPS toicnt. A. Mcdnv-
ek. _ ' ' , <
HluNT Se\enxl dtvclllnjrs. Apply Cor.
Uth mid Uoutfliib. C.T.Tujlor. 710
rion IttlXT Kkpnullj limilihedfiontroom'
1 . modern cunveiilciiccB : price reaMimible.
401 ) X. 15111 Ft. SSt-y
"inoit IIP.NT Mcxly fuinlMiod , plon nnt loom
-I with breuklast ntiioVlocK nnd Silinluy din-
Here ; pns and bnth ; IU > J Hurt. N-7-'J
: -rumiibea looms. 421 N. nth sf
HUNT riM-cln < < fin nlflied room * for
Foil or Hi'iitlcinon ' , MIS I'npllnl \ \ \ e , f..V
HL'NT Fiirnlsliod loom with bimid ,
1 181JJ Hotlifo. M7S
' 17'OK 1SKNTWith bnnrd , n loom Millnblo lor
JL7 one perfon. I''ltVcb lcr. fcO'J '
TJIOlt HUNT I'unilshcd looms , -"OJ Doileo.
i Kvi iniWieitii-ii iooni.i ( -
? I'.thtl. . 74S-dJ'
'I'wo iiio
HUNT nlceh fuinWied
nbotit n blnuK nortb ol Mlllaul Ilotil , : \
Ill N. lUth st ; nlio , wniiled table boarders.
niiTi V Fiiim-hoitrronlioiim lor man
FOlt wltoor two hcnllemen , nitb or without
bonrd , n t Xo. Ill unitli llilli street , one bloJc
north nl Mllhird Hotel , NM !
17 0lt UKNT-Suitu of furiiUtiod rooms. Xo.
i : JS'J Chlcairo M.
poll JtiNT Furuislieil looms. KM K. nth.
I 1 MO .s *
FOK HUNT I.uriro rurnl'-lii'd ' fiont room
and bedioom oil , or tojrothcr.
712 linli ; t , near Webster. bi'M
Poit ItllNT TnoniifuriiMiPd rooms f or ltilit
l ir , on llrsi lloor ; nUo liniiislicvl
loom , nl 'ItJIv. Irth bt. R3 ! > *
Poll JtKNr I'uiuUhcil loom with boanl.
701 P. 16th slroot. SKM *
TJ OK ltiNT l'urnl3hcd looms. 1509 Itnrnoy
"I7iOi : iiNT ; To ffpntlpimin unit wlfo or two
JJ ( rontleiiien , pltnctxnt 1 rout alcove room with
boiml In prlvnio lumlly. Addict * A r > 'i , lice
Olllcc. K.'K1 *
] 7loit KKXT-With bonrd , two i-ornns adjoin-
-I. Inu ; lionl loom , fcotitheUBt. 1911 Webster.
171OII HUNT Nicely fimiMicd rooms , tlvo -
-U blocks Ii om 1' . O. C07S. IGtlist. U1U-7 *
POU IE12NT nirnishod tooni , 131B Jackson.
KKNT A lmml oino Xlirnlshcil
liont E-lttlnr ) loom with nlco\o
clo et , itieot cnra at the door , in S. x'Uid tt.
FOK IIM' : stoic , SOD N. 15th st.
FOK KKNT Nicely fumishod lonms. 10S1
JodKO. 717il-10 *
FOK KiNT : To pontlemen , Uirnl = hod trout
itjoiu with laigo closet , Kl'J Ciihloi nlii fct.
KliXT I'lirnUhotl house 10 rooms ; in-
( juiri ) of L. It. Wiljrht , IK I lioiigUs it ,
KKNT Ap.iitments of slv rooms two
1 blocks fioin the court house , iinfurnU-liod.
Apply.ntOil Hanioy , < jr to Kclwin iavK ) iwy
I'lirnam bt. till
"I7IOK ItBNT I'leoiiint rooms , furnished and
JL' iiiifiiinialiiMl , lor llL-lit houbul.ecpliiir , can
usually iio found in Dccmor's lllock , corner
iilUli : and Howard. lull
FOK Ki\T-Nlcoly furnished rooms with
boaul ut 711 > 'ortli 10th f-t. O5l-2h
TTIOKKUNT 5 fiont looms ill l.ou As
JJ building , on Howard St. , bet. liith ami 17th
Etp , ; ma ) bo rented supiuutoly. Imiulro on thu
piomtses. 603
TTTOKIUINT Handsomely fiunlshed Ironl nl-
JJ cove loom , fioulliern u\posuio ; also largo
Rhifrlo room lor i/oiitleuicii only , with or u Itlxmt
boiml. ' 1718 Dodge. fJW
T71OK HUNT Nicely furnished front roum ,
Jc S. W. cor. linli mid St. Jlury's ave , 4 iJ
OK ICKNT rurnUhcd i-ooma. 8IC S Ibth st.
I lOi : HUNT A laisro front room furnished
1 with ( Ire. Enquire nt luiil Hurt Bt. : ui
TJIOK ItlINT a rooms and husement , cor IVth
-1 ; and South live ; f 10 pur month. MeCiitruo llros ,
opposite poilolliee , U',7
FOK ItKNT rinnWiotl i-ooms , with or with
out homil 1704 Caitltul avo. b4 !
FOU Iti\T ; Uobms with Lour oslr.iblo for
suiiuuvr. A'liilv ut St. Cl.nilesHutol. Ml
inoil S.lll-7'iooin hoiii-o nnd fill lot on Vir-
-1' Binlu avenue , )3 jUJ , ctu > t lionl , UuiinlnK-
Imin A : Iliennmi.lJll DoilKO. bil-t
TTiOJt SAMC A few more cheap lots In
J com 1'lace on monthly pnymonU. Umr
liln ham k llreminii , loll DoUpo. t > 81-4
"T71OK SA1.K S-room hoiibo und lot on Oc > orvl :
Jnvcnue , i'J 'iOO. Cinmlnfliain & jlieiiiinn
roi : K.U.I : 3 liousts and lut , noith : du ,
' , ( iO ] ; n biutfiilii. Cunningham & . llicmi.ui ,
lr > ll Jloilse. tM-1
' 17'OK HAIJi Anew 7-room house and lot on
J ; ( leoj'Kln iivcnue , enst front , 4UJ. ) Oun-
lilnglmm tVIiiciiiiiiii , J&llDod o , ei
\ , . \ . : A house nnd loton Dodge ttn oti
1 J-.1W : iiuy cheap , Cuiiiiinybmii i. Iliou
iunjnii Jloiine. tll
ITIOK 8AI.IJ Or will twdolornoro properly ,
JU oed lot and two IHUIHIH on N , Ibili btreet ,
Kent lor 815 a month , Cunningham X'llieiman ,
Kill DodtfO. Wl-l
I710K H.H.i : S ' loiH In Hiinthoin uddltioiii
JU tU,4UL Uasy tgims , Ciimihiirhmn & llron-
nan , 1511 DodKe. t-bl-4
| 7iou SAM : Klca-niit rt-sldcucu propeityin
X1 Hmuoom I'lueu. I'a-jt tiontd. Ciuiiiink'biuii
le Uiunmiti , 1511 DudKC , tc-1-1
T71OK SAl.i : a lull lots nnd four houeos in
JU Flmll's addition , $ , WU : n irooil invcdtmcnt.
Cilliulngliumi. lliciimtu lill DodKO ht , M-i
FOK S.M.i : ifomo splendid businfsi prop-
crty opposite new e.Ypiultlnti building will
le sold \ cry cheap , Cutiuin-fhum \ llrcnmin ,
1511 Dodge , 81-1
oil KALI' 4 loU in llr.nwom 1'laco , dust
liont , on ! rriido , f itOO lur alt , Cunningham
jll D.Klijc- . ttfl 4
TJ71O1C SAl.i : Ann e on J.eavciiworlh ( ttco1
JJ will bo will very thcnp. tlinnlnithum &
llrcimun , till Dotlj-'O. tai-l
T71OK 8iu : HjV-nd.M | leiidenoo pitipert > ' near
-L' euicrcU Heuit Ai.iUoiu > . J nv iiiiw ; HUB/
terms. Cuiuilugham Jlicninuj , J511 Dodve.
HAI.K 7-i-oom lioutiP , birn ; , laive lot ,
FOlt Kooil looulUytiUD.TliN H n buiynlii t'un-
ilnuham kV Hrcmum , 1)11 DoJi | < . btl-l
l7ll l ! AIJ : ] Uiiisi rooms , lull Jotj
JU 9 > Mor will tiniio tor tiMim.etc.
NuivhoiiM > 4rciom , ctlar , tlkterii , betiutlfnl
ot ; chtup , il.'jOJ ; buutllcaib pajmciit , bul.iniu
nonthly ,
I'ro pect l'l.ieobirtra ; > nut *
5 tts.
FOUSXlV rtj Totter A
I'.ioleotots inI/owo KIMtniUK5ito$4HI
eneli. . , ]
ro'ncr Ih Isaac A Seldcn s ni'.d. , I'
. . .
1'1'K , lots im Tl'rown St. , 30tl50 , nt $700 : e
e < j lei mst , I
Acre lot \\iu \ ! \ cheap , cor Ill-own nml California
tt , J" , < vm. *
nnnd 1 1 'iVro ' "tmct < on < nsy terms nt JI7" > to
{ tSW ; biirsnln .
A ( w'ehftfcolotsiltiTuoiiibiirjrriuce , on Uel
l.b o. c.lie" v i
S 10 , I. . B "inn's Tlilnl , $ 00 onrli.
Klne bu nu-drorim l'irnam l , f IO. ( ' > 1.
l.ots Irt rtfttcr'a nitd. . iSMto ! W1 nneberj ;
Clll'Hp. , .
A ttiwlinb.o'l ' HiitiS'Oin Vlncc.nt f 7"iO cneU
Cn 1 und MM < W > Imr/nln * In ni re trnti
Di'i ' li > m n V Ooiiii. 151 1 1 in nnm Ft.
"TTIOIt SATK1 f.l.wfl IfiO-iiem Improved fnru
JL In Snrpj Co. , Neb. , or will tr.vle for stock o
( roorti , or lior p < npi < l mule * , nnyun.vjou wiuit
Cull , lei paitlciihir * , 011 J. l . Htco , 1 ± ! rnuintn
1.1OI : SAI.H iolc ) , II room now hnnso. eot-
Inite.lriii'ft'.jnili m il l > "l'plPton nve. ? - < .iOJ.
CViUiu-o , t lot , 17th n-iil Ii-iiu n oithlCiiH.
0 room rotlmi , lot , Bp.Miri ! :
iwwn si. , a month.
Lot , S robin htin o , 0 room ooltni ? ? , nftni , < rt.Mi ,
cell ft ami bMii vented f-JO a month ; 2 ih nmt
"lo , : i lioimr . Vopplf'nnnvn ' nnd SMli , Jd.OI
n rofim lmit- * > . > 4 lot , Tnln-lew t , ? l,7i i
Uit , IIOIIM11 room * , Hurt nnd ' 8lh ? nv .
\jnu'r lot , Scot wi , 1 th iieni''Ntk , ir > W ,
' ' li oni lmu < e. Citk \ nnd Ifllli
, .
/'r ' om bou-l'.VKliii , B blocks li-oin posldlllce
lu.tintii ( Iione-'l5t nnd CMllfnHil" .
S lotfl , tloublo hell e , Hhlnn s ndd.
l ) t Opp hlffll pphliol. fTi.'UHl
JHoti lullimcioni
HI loll In ndd. M,1W to I,7R (
"A i lei s ItlOmiihil Vlen. t o. > to Jii R ) .
811 I' F.
H"H.'T'Al riiiisoN.TTifiTmd rnrimni. " "
Tor Sale.
l-otft In lltmebn'ifrh ntid I'ntterson Vlnce. . $ " >
L tslnSmnuict'it ntt'l HlmebrttiKli'ii n < id n. ,
l.o s m Wnliiut Hill . 100
Aeit- in Mn.Mleld . ttK
' . .
Two line cottage * , lots oaxtoj . n.ixw "
- dtd \ len-of tlioclty : the llnc l nci
oil ore I : sen Newport and bo ediivlnecd. eiy
pa > meiiis , Ions lime. AMI : * , J5J7 rnrnnm.
J71tl : MAI.T : OnkClintliiim.Snnniiots ttrcel
Dt'potol licit Line m located In this tuldil ion
come anil sec these lots. A MM , 15 J7 rnrnam
M.iiraeielot'lii ; ! ! NeiTinut. bevr
1 iiiiltliiiiMiori ) > iiie. Nov. port hall ncrcMiii
flinall puMneiil < . 8JI AMI.-I , leO , I'm mini.
" 1701 ! s M.t : Plnltniow stdl on do"lt : no hniid
JL1 imiei'loU lortho inonuj nml ollliiir fust.
8fJ AM iIfii'i I'uiiiiun.
IilOlt Al.lfheimiin a M-n lot f.opp bnso bnli
Ci'nuncli , 'j cash bnlniicn on Inn ? timo.
bSi A.ML-J , 1507 I'lii'iimn.
"ITlOIt SAM : Itaiknlow Vlnce , on Lenvon-
-I1 worth , thN Mdo Hell l < lno nnd Mo I'nelili
depot. Ilnikiilow 1'lnce Is Just put on the mnr-
Itl't , mid II joiiuiut lots on l.o.ivennoiih ht. ,
near both lo I'urk n\en\e Mieet riiriiiulto Holr
l.lno ilopot. H'ltkniow Place will Miltjou. Von
ean iwt choicer lots bybeinir ainomrlho Ilti-t to
bii > , unit It.irkalow 1'hu-o ullois n llrst-clii'-s In-
\O5lmenton\cri cn * > puymeuts.
KW AMIS , 1M7 rnninm.
"ITlOIl SA1.I. Xunpott nero lots nnd hull neie
- ilots. . This piopeit ) w''l ' Riilt 7011 when > on
fee it H i * > elliir ! | to u lln ulnss oC bujois nml
mi ets the iJeimimlH ol thee sceKlnir mle and
tioimnnciithivtiliaent. AMIS : , 1507 1'mnani.
_ 2' JL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wl _
F01 { -jotenSpnMlng ) ! * ICiilui'i sub-
dlvislo'il , t'it--t of licit MUD , on monthly pay
ments. Oi-.ilmiui'CroIsliton IlloU , . : Ui
TTiOK SAi-Mclroso | , : Hill , 10 nilnntox wullc
Jfuim Il.Vuico'n ' I'niic : lot" f-.V ) und $ . ' 501 on
en y paiinliUoiten per cent down , balance
monthly , ciiiittoiFly | , ( > r yeailj.
Wo ill * AMI : , l.Wriumim.
FOlt J.\r.i : Lots In llnnscom I'lace , $ avt to
5'WO. Oi-nlmiu.CiutKhlonblocU. : ;
FnitSAiiiJ oionp lots nn monthly pay menu ,
on Doii ! > j BtiHet. Umhiiin. Crelg-uton blojl. .
fHOIJ s.lHl ! flno lots in lini Hi It's , uldit Ion ,
JJ il.OOO. nrnluunCieIhtoii ] Ull ; . ( ijj *
"irfiHt .NATCi Wy-l. U. Hiloy As Co.C15 sTitii ! !
JL' btKv l.rn M
' , near court house.
KuII lot.iiiKl'y : , I.owCr I'.irmunJIO.OJ ) .
Full lot , fiUvlM. Upper riirmun , deMniblo for
' 'lull lots. on priiile , south front , coiner , on
Dodiro , Jl , WM for both.
IDOiecton 1'iiikiuo. , oust fiout , iunnluilincl {
to street. ? 1,7.V ) .
KuII lot In Hnnscom 1'Iuce , on Cntherlu Et ,
east liont , Jl.Oi" ) .
Hull lot , tiyinliifTOi ) Hnnscom Pink , $1,213
7 lots on (5eorla uve. , ? JO to $1 , ! > UO.
tot ] on SiiunUors .sti-oct , 4 blouks from ( jreon
carllno , IHU th. ou t fiont , ? 7.VJ eaeii.
10 lots , fi blocks Irom jrruen ear line , 8553 each ;
cosy payments.
Ill lots on 17th nnd IRth Ftrootp , near UnscuU'a
1'nrk , f750 eneh ; easy payments.
y full corner lots , ono block fiom led car line
und King btrex t school house , $1,050 each , liar-
( fllillS.
KuII corner lotf , 3 blocks from icd line ,
{ COO each ; e.isy pajmcntH.
1'nll lots , new eomniodlous 4-rooin IIOHEC , cla-
torn , outhouses nnd fences , south iront , 3
blocks west of Park ave , , S1.WO ; cheap.
Corner lot , iLlvliti , with alloy , oiin block from
SI. JIary's live. , f 1,500. This is \ ory cheap.
House and lot , oust Iront , 17th nnd Center
streets. J. U Hiloy teCo-UUiS. Hth St. WJ
. . ' . ' '
FOKhAl.r.-nousoandlof-'l.'lh'Jnh nt johonp
nnd payments. Add ! ess C. y t lilumim , Lin
coln Nub. . 571
: : \ WOOD Deautlful acre nud halt' ncrn
lots , line locution , IP * miles liom I' . O. , only a
few inoiiionta wnll. from Hau com 1'ark. Aeies
$ IW. Halt ucred X , 111 puicont c.ish , bidiinCo
monthly JIQJ ments. C. U , Muyne , fc. W. cor. 11th
und Km num. 47J
AUCTlON.s'.U.K-Tholi. ' & M. It inllronil in
NdbinHkn will poll nt public auction , In Lin-
coin , U17 O btioet , commencinc .lanuary 1 , IBM ,
nml contlnuliii ; with pi oner adjournments until
all ( roods hum been hold , 11 laiKueolleetlon of
unclHiiuod and icfiiMxl freight , ( oi lttluir ot
im in Implements household nootK liiiiilture
lepnlrsnndalot of propeity dnmuired bj thont
Omnlm depot. 7fco-lco. ) ill ,
< ilT"HAl.i-OI : the 10.1 ncro lots In Marshall
F i ; l.olueli's dlvlt-lou I''jfiuiilji unsold ; only
bcnn on the mmket two das ; SIW anneio ;
eat > yteimi < . J. W , 3Ini lmll , 15UJ I'utniiin. MM
ONLVOOlotdtotindefor impiovcd iiropoity ,
will msumo mortBiisei or pay dlllcnuieo in
cash. Parties' wlniilnir to tiadQ butler call at
onoo. W. H. Oieen. over 1st Nutlonul Haul171
SAIii : Thirty lotu eufct ol Hull Uno op
monthly liaymciUs. ( Ir.ihnm , CielKhton
lllock US
0K SAM- Hi'Oii .V Haw lj . Hiallnao
A ent , N. w. cor. Ittluuid Douwlas sis.
Boino very clwjirublo lots und dwelling houses
on rainam tiuct.
Albo , a cottawu nnd lot , XM'Jl , on Hnincy
Blicut , near biiniiiCM.
Two lots 'mid cotliiKOj on rurmun btioet ;
inudod mid well locatett lor lusldoiK u.
Oaoxem or n cottiuru nnd lot , ci.ulo'l , well
loonteil , notirttieei railway.
TTIOUS.IM-A : two Btory.sjxiu , frmno wiliu
Jv Inv.sullAhloforn stum , Will nn'l 1'ir
nambu. A | > l > lyatthH olIlEO. UI7
T7IO15 SAIIKMiuxaliib in lots ( in Ho l.'O Mroot
-I.1 J ! J to 4 l t on monthly puj incuts. < ira
ham , CrolfffioiiMllock. UJS
_ faK "lj i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _
OU KAI.K tots III lliinscom 1'J.ico , cast
liontd. i-7i > i lo $1UUU ; eusv tcnus. lUnhnm ,
'roiifhtoiiBiiortjji D.IJ
OK HJUJS-atlJotsi block 10 liod'H liUdlllnn ,
Jor luinixhuiiJiiuof A. 1' . Nicholas. 171
'ITlOKHAlfaKt-Uheupeatlot In thoclly ,
JL1 on Hiuiuamst. , tl/XJO , J. IKlco , J' . i i'ar-
immt-t. , _ bl B
. rcjldcnco pro pcily. J.L
.main. . f7 !
frontigro on Hliorniuii
\'c-ry Uo-iniblo ro3l
. oiTj'thist north of Nloholin
Deslriihlorc-iWonco proiiorty ; f I.Hjj.
Corner lot oi > , M anil Unit - * > H. nUxll ) . full
ho used cither lor hui > liicv4 or re-ldcneu pur-
lose * , but i > oculliirly uUiipttul tor a tcnuiiiDiit
block ; fl.r i. UujinlluU with water , { fu * and
I lot on luMVOiiwoith-fct adjacent to railway
truck , ! xrtirorwaiuliou o iiuiiiosrs ; , - ! )
Miiiulota oiitKivitlUiith-ot.iiliiot Iront ; $1,0) )
ThumoatdeslruWolotln Campbell' * addition ,
coriierof aothnndC iitor-iUi,6Jxl5J lut't : i JVJ.
Ono houbO ofnino i-ooms , mid Jot , on south Uth-
Btlic.arL'hiirlostorSltjW. ( , . , „ „ , . . , „ . . „ . ,
In'iuiruut IIUOH MtJliPHV ,
1C4 IJco. I aro.l6Q3rttrmim-st.a < .tlloor ,
IpOItHAI.Kl.otM iu SiiiiUllilif i. Kilhn'HSUb-
J1 division , ciibt of licit Line , on monllily imy-
iiiuuta. Uralium.XViilirhtoii Hluck. M
KAIli 1V-II liousea and loti In various
portions of the city ot rcu-omiblu prleod ,
ninglnLfionr frl.tjju to $ I2.0JJ. Uitb
civpri vthere. It will pay juu to sect mo bclorn
juu bu ) , J. \ .Mui-ahall , VM rainum bt. 7.10
OUfjAM ! U-Mory brl. U dlouk ii-loot fix > nt
Ii by lit loot ilec-p" , VrnU for lux > u jeiir.
t'W.OOU IV H.CIrc'-n , I/i'inn-J 1'urutm. las
FOK Ali : rino cotlnee. 7 room * with nil
modern conxpnlenecbnrn. . lotoixl.W feet
on FnttiHiiiM nut of 24th , < , OJO. W 11 Urooii ,
lath nnd Knrnnm. 167
H O.Mi : SKEIvIUlS , ATTKXTlOX-Kor full par
ticnlnra nlout fn > o and . : > '
Western NctninKii ndilrrM IMttet'oti ji \ \ liltp ,
Itciil Kstate Attcats , North I'liitte. Neb. ;
"If" II \.r NeiTjKnt , nenreM , mid be < t ncro
-L. lot fortiio mmipjr. An ncie lot innkot fi
oil } ' lots. Acid 01 linlf ncrcs in Xo | ort : t-ixy
terms. AJIUN liu ; I'nrimm.
J710H ' 'Mjn-fflJnoMwnt Junction 11. & M. and
IMo. . I'M , tnllroitds '
- - , $17 > pPi' item
it" A.Mns 1007 rarnatn.
171 Oil SAMi-VinIm fennk ) nmtlmtn , nar-
AI'ndcm , Arlington. AMI .IW r < irnnm.
Foil SAM : In IIiii : eotn Pliteo , sool lotion
monthly pnj mums. Avibs , 1507 I'm mini.
FOlt SA1.K Arru property on on y forms !
monthly * < iuuitcrly oc ; jn-ni Ij iinyinent < >
OS AMI.S , ] V)7 ) rurnniii.
Foil Aere.Sis mid r.ncio property. J.
W. Muisliiill , lit * ! rni nnm. 7ir7
TT ( III SAI.t-LotT : In Mclroso I
J t.lnn , tit fill ) to 5JOJ per lot :
down : bnlitu-o monthly , tpmrfrlv oronrly. .
OM AMi.t. 1507 I'.iriinin.
Ir < Oll tAlii : tintuu I2ih IIPr \ Oc nlor. on nl-
Icy.ttJxIi. . witii o . ,1 iioiuc , voll nml rl < -
( fill. J.'jiil' . in ; t loriiiu.
Clioleo lot In Mods " , tMi't front , llnnstom
I'liu-nJ $1,1 H. K.v \ toiins
Cotnorlot on Doduo stiiTl , Wo t I'.ml ndd. ,
JUHX ) , o ty Icnna.
"xl I , , v > )0 ) , p i y tci tns. A Imi KIIII
( Jholc'ii nctt > lot In UtooMIno n id M moniho o
well and ei'-tcrn , cnt front , fTOJ. A Rood bur-
Coi tier lot of Dorc'iis nnd Ttb , (13x1 ( , $1,100.
n * t tinnl. A Fp'ondld ItUPMtnmil.
1IW acii'i u'ltlnnil nillos from 1' . U. , 01 : Hull
Line , . ' " ( per cru. llrti Invosl mi'iit nlltirml.
Ono liloolc 2 siiliut's liuin u.ini't lion o , in
( iranill Mitnil. $ . ' ) i onlv. gplondid'n ' ,
\Vcll linpro\ * tou' < liirm ormnptt"ono : ) nillo
SUM ( idinoio M it'on , Pnrpy county , will bo
bold olic'iip. A l < tor pi Ii'o
Clioloo lots In raiiNcn'sndd , Horn ffto \ T
i 4- ? > I'tiuhmi \ i o. jnii : rniiu
"ITIHIJ SAM : A in'iioinl ini'tvlinnilho Ime
J In n ntpldly R-iowlnir tnun nut lur ftoin Lin
coln , ItcM tnidu and loc-iitlnii in tovui. A nplun-
did oppounnity lor n pony vlslilnc u reel
ifr , and lnIn ; ; I mm Mivpr.totcntlioiiMii 1
In ciiiu. Will soil lor ftisli only , or pint
bnl.mco Oblate In Oiniilin , Address
Melt limit llooOllk'O. hJo
.111 South
14thSl.l _ > eiucoii Doilpv ami Doupmi.
" \Ti operation or u = , eh < tru es. Dr. M. M
J- > Moore , SKI Wnbnsh live. , Chlctifro. Will
boat Corzons House , In Omatin , uvuty iWrtajs
Nebraska National Ml
VAID Ul'APIr.r ( $ ' ,19,000,09
Si isi'i.l's May 1 , 1\ > " > 2jOJi.03 )
II.V. . YAIKS , I'rt'aitli'iil.
A. K. Tof/.Ai i\ . Vice I'rosiilout
W. II. .S. Hi-rius ! : , Cashier.
\V. V MORSE , .loiivS COLMXS ,
II. \ \ ' . YATKb , Lr.wid S. Hur.u ,
A. K. ' OIr' ' IV ,
Co. 12th nnd Fnrimm Strceta
Commission Merchant
And wholesale Dealer In
Country Produce , Frails , Butter , Eggs , Etc.
323 N. ioiii St. , Omaha , Neb ,
Hereronpo" , by lVnnls lon Flrnt Nntlonal
Until. , nnbiiqitP : A. P. Onrrct ) < on , Cimhler Sioux
National llnnk. Slum City ; loivuNutloual Hank
Dot JlniiiLs ; H. M.Kinu-man , At-filstmit Ciishlur
i'iist National Itunk , Chlciijro.
Time Table
Tno following1 is the time of arrival nnd do
imitmoul tmlns bjr , Ceiitriil btundaid time nt
t loenl ilupo H , TrahiRot the ( ' . . St. 1' . , M. k
O. nrrlvo and dopnrt Jiom their depot , corner
it 14th nml VVotie-terhtreels ; trains on the II. .V
M. , ( ' . . It. Jc tj , nnd 1C. C. , St. J. i C. II. from ihu
11. , t } | , depot ; nil others fiom the Union I'ucille
[ lci > ot *
luunon TitAiNs.
I'rliU'o ' tinlns will lenvo . I * . < lepot nt 0.n-- ;
H7.n : hIW : b:4t : > f:60 : .l in.OD-llrK ) n. in , ; 1 00
-IrtJ Ifl0 : ; ! :033:0) : : 4:00ri.UU : - ! : .iU l.i,5-
- IOTXl11:10 : ( : p. in.
J.euvolrix n-ter ior Omnlm nt7l ' f ! Sl."i -9:30
-.Mi'-n i :3i-io.J7- : : , n.m. : l'i-2- : : ; (
II : i7-iaj-a:37-4a7-5.41 ; : : : 7KO-TW- : :
11:5 : ! p.m. .
pQjj.-jj ufo | lTNj : ? .
Anlval and ( loiiurtuio of ttalna fiom the
tun' for depot nt Council Itlulfs :
0:11 : A.M , . . .Mull nml Hxprcw . 7 00 P. * 1
M Uv. M . . . Accommodation. . . . 4'X- : ] | . > i
lUMP. M . K\tv s * . Ulri : \ . 31
9:15 : . > i . . Jinll and i\piesi : . 7.fOl'.il
7:1.1 : A , M . . . , Acrnimmdutlon . 5iW : iM
0 : 0 i * . M , . . . JJ\picfS . H:1D.\M :
Clllt'Alil ) , MIl.WAI'KKI" & > T. I'AUI. .
! i:10 : \ . M , . . .J inil and i\pieni : . . 7flOi' : . > t
5iU : r. M . I3\piofs . . . . 0:15 : A , > l
ciucuio. iiiiiu.i.Miiiiv / . yri.sur.
: : tt.M . i.Mnllnml i\inc-hn : . :30i' : . M
5.U-J1' . .M. . . . . I\PICIH : . i:15 ) : A. M
wAHAsji.xr. i.iinn e. iMCinc.
Jir : i > . M.Ijxal ht. UiuN Kxpicng Local .
J.OJi'.M.TimisfciKt. lxnilnlx.TiuiiKlur.3i'JUi' . M
KAMiAb t'JTV. hT. JOK * . CDUNClh UUlirrd ,
0.'W\n . . . .Jlnll nnd i\pro-ij. : 7ir : : > r.M
8:55lM : . Hxjuosh . : ' . )3 ) A. H
7.05A.M . blouv ( Uy il. | i . 7:00 : p. M
7:931' : . M . . -St. I'.ml ixpies4 : . . HSII A. M
DpDnrt. W1J5TWAIJ1) . " AnTvii
A. M , I i' , l. I UNION I'Aumc. A. M. I r. t.
. . . 8:2Q.\ : , . .I'lielllc I\IPIO-H : 7.VJn : . . .
" . . . . 4tOn :
1 o.&nni' . VA'IIIV. :
. . . . J-'Oii : . .Mull nnd I\IIK : .
II. .Vil. IN Nlill.
KIOu' : | . . . .Mnll ami IXpicni. 0:3n
. i\iicts ; |
DepmT. _ WIJTI ) 1 WAH _ I ) . _ A rrl vo
A. M. . l' . 31. , .M IbhOIHtl I'ACirR'.l A. M : r. 31.
UiWii . . . . l.i > { \iro | . ( IS3 : < . , .
. ' 8lSb ; . NlalitKxpiess . I . I UUJiv :
I t K. U. , hT. J , i C. II. I I
BtfQit'Mr.l/.VIu ' 1'l.itlnmiull I 7Kkl ; ( . . . . .
/ , M. i r. > i. I ( ' , KT. 1' . , M. \ O. ' . * . M. I'.1 M.
bUUn : k.HIoux City i\piCHM : I
Dpp.ut. nASTVVAIin. Anly-ii
o , ii \ i ) i A > 7. i iCw ,
.Vln i at Minoiith. . ) I'.aj ' i. . . . .
Will I. 1 * . depot , o.iiuliii , at 6:40 : 8M-
JO5-1U | Miuin.j " : li afx7i.26 | > MM
J.niveS'O'ik > milij forOinuh i nt 7:1i 10:25 : a
in. : li.Oi-I-'i 4:4 : < t 11 < 7 : Siip. m.
Niiri , A if-in dully ; IIdHl.y except Himdnyj
f ! . ihUlycicupt t-uturJuy ; 1) , dully cJtccptMon -
i -
Man and Beast.
.Mustang Liniment is older than
most men , and used more and
more every year.
Til i r\r > i' /'TH ivrv iMfinin
Our Drtily Special Rcsumo of Chicago's
Leading Markets ,
Trntllnu Very Idvoly , Milli tlio Clo-ip nl
About Yrstorilny's IM nrci ll nvy
I > nj' < Itoc'oliits InCnltlo Prlino
Horvrs Splllnjj I.oxv.
CntoAoo. Doc. n. [ Spopial lethe ltcn.1
W IVT : The lirst bis operator ' " tnako his
Inlhioiu'ofelt in the inarkot todayn
Nat Jones. li > ImUiih talk on I be rnib. whleli
was very oasilynlwoilied In thollsht olos , -
tord.iy aUci noon's rvonK tlio imrUot was
opened nt Sr a'o. ThUasnn mlsanpoof 'jO.
JoH04iiiinodlntrIyliiin | sclllni ? Indisprttn-
Inatoly , liroaklnt ; the market dnwn to S7c >
Scclhc that tin * inniltvllnckoil any oltMiionts
of Inhoivnt Ircnu'lli. nnioh lc" < < than
desired ninoiiiiN could bo unloaded \silhout
bKMllni\.tluonll tniijoc v , the wlioiuo of
imttin nbotil n tln/on brokms In the pit with
indcr.s to bull as nmoh us po siblo nnd liny as
little us they oolild got tilting with , was i-c-
soiled in , with nunvot lo < s MIOPOSB. II lent
snoli tin ntntMinnrtMit'nrlhlty and st
to Iho tmrkol that \Aluos Immodlatoly
ctreiiintf tip. not stopping until Ilicv i
f > 7v ' for Jnnnaiy. Noiilv all tlietindots
veto uinlot thu impro'aion that Now \ tukois
wcro scnillni ; In isortd sl/ed uitlors , nnd
ItoiiKlit no'ordliiKlv. At the top , how-
c\cr. ilnni'.s ln'irnu lillln tlio
enmd up , nnloadliiK OM-I l.OKi.lKW
iHisliol1' , the nun l.ot inniln Ine.iklnt ; down.
'L'ltls is practically all theii3a lo tlu > moni-
inj ; session. Tliomaiketwai lar ftom Miong
around M'.J'O. and when snppmt van \\ltli-
iltiuvn fiom It i'M'i\thliiK sajrired do\\n. Iho
ivaetlon ourvliiR Jannaihoat lohii o ,
tthoiu II .slood at l'Jlll : ( o'clock. ' 1' a
roci\or ( > In i'ic ' in thu fnllowiiii ; llftcon
nilnnteson lopal hn.xiin ; \\nrnows
I'lsoviMioN"H thui'ohnd boon a woalcor
wlipnt maikvt to-day. " Mild a pro\Non ti-a-
dor. "on i jiih'os would have gene tn pieces ;
nsili ) uioslmplv o.isiei. 'I'
tlilnctiikiinr acatnst the inatkot Is hoa\y
H'ccipts. At Iho inlnclpal wo lorn points to-
dullioicaintl.OJJhoad. : . Atllie jaidsheio
\\o hiivo 7i.t)00 : ) This avoiiiw \ \ III sliow
ciinxldorahlv over 1.0X1,001 lot tint month.
Xntniiill ) i ( voakonod the Iho tmiket , whioli
liiul a inilolc ivtleotlon In lutuie- . . ' ' Tboro
wasaiaiigcol about KM in | ioiK.
crncAGo ijivn STOCK.
CmcA',0 , Doe. . fSpoplal to the llin.l :
CA rri.i : The iccclpts untian nllnili'iilntlons
ye.stuid.iy , UMPhins ; Iho ononnoiis ninnbor of
It.WJhioh , uith a few oxocptlons , me the
Inigesl on lecoid. and to-day the rniM\asal-
inost as heavy , willi llio ninnbor loll last
nlt'lit niakhi ! ; nearly I'J.fliO to ij,000 : on the
niaiket , and mnoiiKthu ollcriiif's \\cie : i
jior cent of > ; oed nathos and qnllo a
nnmhcrnf inline , lit-it-elass nati\o Hteoi.soC
150 Ibs. and upwaid. This ela s sold aiound
a'jont ' SS.otKM'j.OO , asalnst tfl.TOCji Vi on Mon
day , but it is nut nn this ckiss that ( he clod Inn
is most sevoio. Take choice 1A10 to KS-IOlb.
beovi's , and hoio wo lind n ilmp ( ifsopflio. .
In some InslaiUTS Into yo leida.v and today
this class nl Mock sold ncailv as low as in Iho
ThniMlaj's panic In October. 1'iimu lots ot
fat cattle , aioiaKiiig liii : ) to 14.10 Ibs. , .M-llinir
to day al 1 > 0 < ? 1.W. and choicn Int n.illves ot
1UOO Ills , nt SM.lXvn.-V ) , \ \ llh medium nt t'l.7.1
( rfl.hT'J ' , and common al S'J.flOj' i.fiTho
Konoial tiuuhlo in juices inoliidosnll grades
of butchci.s' stock- , not o opliiiK fiincv tat
co\\ and hcifuis that ha\c hcictc'ioiu sold so
well. The stueUei and feeder tiado has nn-
' little of no chatiuo.
to 1.1011 UN. , Sl.lKKn.-i.rci : liSK ) to 1:5.10 : Ibs. , gt.OO
C/5.00. Tinmish'ToNaiis 0V ) to 10.10 Ibs. ,
fc.o ! : : < n.70 : 7.10 to fee ib ? . , siweranu.
II ( , Tills maik-et opened nithi'i weak
\\lth \ the hull : tifeaily stum tlc lower ,
und in a lew Insl.nic'us the doollnci was 10c.
but In a Keneial wav prices v.uio only uliouf
fie lower and towaid the close llio L-cnenil
inaiket iiiled lalhur steady. The ( nullity for
tlio jnst few da > .s has been ciinal to that ot
HIIJ period in Doconitior. Tholmlk ( il pack-
in i sot Is sold ut SJi.H.VfW.V and lancj .issot ted t-
ed heavy at S : > .Hi( ( : : I'apkini ; and t
jiiHK , 'M to
Now York , Dec. : ' . JIoTy On call ,
c.isv at lt ( < t ! per cent.
1'imin MKiifA.v m.i : PAIMU : IKH per cent.
Foiiinn.v Kxcin.vni : BILLS Quiet at
Sl. * ' ! ; demand , $' ' ( .
( lOVKiifTMHJiTs Dull nut sleaily.
(5101 ( KS Blocks were moio aeli\o to-d.iv ,
especially in thenltei noon. Then' vtuio only
thicc ( Iceiilcilly : icli\i' stocks bt. I'atil. l.ulo ;
Shore and Kilo. I'liictiiallons woielthin a
moiloiato range. The market clo-cd si
and i 'iii'ia. ! ! } hWX ! > ' ULMit alwvo
otitling. .
fl > ) pent lioiuls. . . viPH 0. itjN. U' IliiJi )
Tr.S.-lW'b * liy1 . pn > fene.d. . . 10'4 ! '
New-1'H 15.MVN. Y. C 10 > rt
I'.icilirO's ol ' 91. l".l' ( ) ic on Trail. . . il-l't ,
Ccntial PaiiUic. . 4 ,1'neilie , Mail 074 }
( j.&A ias ll > MI ) . &K W ,
picfuncd . . . IfiO ,1' , . I'.C 1" . ; ( *
C. , n. ivO. KKJs itoolt island . . . . \'Wi
ni'ife'ijTo. , . ' ! ! ' ! . ' ai'-ii ' picieilcii''ll 3V
Kl IP S.W , , C. , M. > t St. 1' . . . ! H
incfericd . . . fti I preferred. . JM'r ;
Illinois Ccntial. . iar iSt.r.AO ; -10J9'
1. . 1 < . i\s\V Wl l piflferml. . . loa
KansasfcTc\as. HJ iTexus r.icilip. . . ' 'UfJ
87 Union I'.icilic. . . rtl ( , '
L. it N 47 W. , hi. l > . A-I' . , llii
MIth. Central. . . . 70 piefencd. . . " 0
Mo. I'acllic. 10J3/ Wi'Stern Union. 7.1
Northern J'ao. . . O. J ! . &N JOT
Iiwleiiei ! . . , . U-i'o '
, ] ) . : i.Vhuat ( iiii'iicd nn-
settled ; mh.incud > .e ubino jontt'idny'H
eleMi ; inter bec.ime weaker In foollnjj and
declined ; later ruled ctroim nnd closed about
Ihn Mimoanyo-steiilaj ; bilMc jo for oasli ;
bilKe tor jixcmber ! ; BJ.Ve lei Janiuiv ;
May , lMJi' @ Vc ( , ; Xo. a iod. DOo.
C'oni Steady and linn early nnd Jj Ve
hluhcr ; declined J ' e , and closed abimt
the sniiui as yesterday ; -lie for cash ; 40juiHio
lor Dofembei ; Jib tj fou foi .lanuaiy ; Hay ,
.t , dull nnd lower ; eo eo' ' e fin-
cash ; sue lor Uccembui ; tiv u ' " ' Jnntuiry ;
! ii'Ho tor May ,
Itye Steady nt CK
'rimotlrv Slimlu firmer ; boinc ilumand for
pilme at fcUO.1- ,
KJiiscvdMoiit sttMiiy ; No. 1 , Sl.lHif.
1'oiU Acllvu und c.ihlei' ! .Vj.bii ( V.i tor
iMsli ; fis.wi ior IHvi'mlu'i' ! Sy.feOCnO.i-'Jj for
.liinii.irv ; jiU , ( iiiii. ( ! H f ° t IVhrnaii ; blo.Oi,1
"LaidL'nvi > i lint sip.ufy ; Sft.o.voi.oj1 for
iliintmiyi # il.niJ(3i.-iOJoi ( ! i'Vhi' ; SrO'J. ' ( < fi
il.'Jr'j ' lor.Maii'h.
Mutter null and niiehaiit'otl : modlinu
lo < ycuMiiur > , H(3"'ji.ilr ( to line diilry ,
' ' ( Vhotoii'-Cinh't. v.llli . fair. . ( lornand : lull
un-iiiii i-litdiliiii , U'onOc ' ; Jlats. lO.'ilOUo ;
jimnt' AiueiU'sts , nfWiiio ( ) : jiui hkliii Hats ,
jV ; s Sn-ady ; fiinli htoclt In demand at
Jlw.'l-.c ; leu liuiiK' , lO.ii'J'Jc. '
Hlili--llciv > Kieen balled , fully cuicd ,
5'io ' : lUht.i'o : damawd , ' ( ) : bnlllilifoi , O' ' u ;
: lry wilted , ll c ; dry Hint , UVlHc ; e.ilt
' Tl1ovvSo. . 1 couuliy , . ' * : 2x1 riko. r.4"e.
Ueccrpt ? . ' JshljitmuiH
Hour , bbl i . n.itJO JT.iiiw
kVieatbu |
New Voi-U , Dt'c. a , WliuBtKwdliiH ,
i..wm ; oxjioils , sn.ooor Hl'ot dulliiiidi.iiner
' '
ndvuncMd 'jMV
A < II ; : uiitiiiiiAoiitiiiwI nriii ,
atcr , Walviiwl ! drelin.-d < $ ' , . B ' * ( < :
UK litmltlinmwejy of : V"V801 < 1' ' led l
od , h.VjVtriijc ; it'l , nominal in clcvattirj-Jun-
" '
o . , - . Me ; i\o.ur >
in r-luvftlor , .il05o ; Jnnuaiy
' ( Mtv-lVcf'nnd niodcr.ttely activere -
! -lits ) , r.Tooo ; export177 ; mixed we.iotn ,
ivu7e ! : nliltc viuitcin , IW'iV * ;
IVtruloiiui QuU't ; iiullwl CJDSW ! at '
K us-hU'.idy , fiilnlemuiul ; -
Lanl Lower and dull ; sale * , Oecom'rtT ' ,
SCi : : : .lamnn , Sit.4VO.4l.
Hnltcr I'lim and fair demand ( or flno
grades ; western , ! \ < ( ' N ; ; KlKin pte merj , 23
Clipp o-ijiilct nml barely stcmlj J flc.torn
flat T' yW p.
Mlhvnukpp , DM. a. AVhMt Steady ;
cash , Si > v.limitary : , k'ei May , Ki'sr. '
i'oin steady : No. a-tic.
Outs Slc.iilv : No.'ic.
Itjo--Qidct : Xo. Jrtlc.
. . . .
- -iiwcr | ; liii'ss pork , c.ish , old ,
ClnolniijxM , Doe. 8. WlieMt-SUonrj ; Xo.
2 led , Ul' ijiilc ,
Coin IliMvy ; Xo. 8 niKod , new A1 ,
Oats Snout ; and higher ; No. 'J iiii\iM . .OH
" '
"i\ : 'riiin ; > TO. s , crew.
llailej -l-'alr dcmniid , niul
osti i No. ! ! sprlna , fiUiJ'i'V. ' '
rmk- Dull at blO.VJ uilO.Uo ,
\ VhiskMeady at SUN ; tin ot
libly ot llnished needs oil lids h.i
. . , 7'te
bid. tllo n kciL
Oats-Xomlnal ; 2.1 0 MA.
Sti TjiiiiN , Deo. fl.-Wh
Xfrwn lil iior onily , drrlliiod 'i' Vc. | iittly :
n'i o\oivd nnd plo-nnl 'jMM'o hlmvo > ostuula ) ;
No , 'J ted , c.nh , li lo ; l ) < oonibor , t'lUe ' ; < lan-
uarv , ' ' , ( May , SUM.
Coin Itrocitlar nnd slow ; onvh. JlXiJWfp ;
Di'cemlier. ! Hic ? ; .Innunn. : UVo ; .Mny , iid'so
OalR-Dnll : c\h \ , ssjujo ipg ; Doocinbur ,
'J7've ' : .May. : it-\p.
K\c-Julol ( at Wicc.
\\'hMo-&ti'aily \ tit 81.10.
1'oiU Oulot nt MUMufH/JS.
l.anl Nomlnnl ul SS.IVJ.
Hntlor Unehnnu'od.
Arriins'on.v HOMD : Wheat Strong and
' / ( ' < V hlghor. Corn tjiilut. OnW Un ,
T.loili ) , nw -.Wlical-Cloiotl rtctkd
oa h nnd Dooomboi , Dl'jo.
< 'otn-iiilct } ; ca . .h.Itti ? .
Oats-Stoadj ! wh , Blc.
. Ijlvorpnol , Div.Vhcnt ! ! \ 111 iioor do-
jimiid ; Xo. ' \\lnli'i' and si > ilnic iid Dwom-
her , -l.s 0''d : Jnnunty and l-Vbimuy , N Id. "
Now OfioiiiiH Dec. a Com Dull and
IOHOI at-HO'Tjo.
( lati Sleiidj ; olioiwi wostoin , ! 0l ( u We.
llnuI'lodiu'U iiiii't | and sle.ulj
9Iltinoni ( > li < , ) > o..1. Wheal 'I'liomnikct
W.IK 1)11101 ) \\illl llilit ; IfcolntH , nwlllj ; to lllU
laeK of storairo fapillllos ; No. 1 hind , cash
nnd DivonilKT. H7io ( : .lantiniy , JV ; Miy ,
! h5e ) ' : No. 1 notthein. rnMi and Ococinlicr ,
, .
- Inni'llvo ; p.ilpnN , S-J.7.'f ( i.O'J ;
b.iKeii..7rM.K ! ( ) .
UeeelpHVlient , f > n,000 ; Horn , 1 % .
Shtnmr > nth \Yhunl \ , 'J i.OJO.
Clilo.iKo , Uce. .1. The Drovers' Journal
cpuiis :
Caltlo Kocolpt-s , 10,000 ; Xalib nelno and
a -hado lower ; slilpjiin ? Mivrs. t .
sloekers and fcvrteis S'i.40 , < : .iK ) : llnoiigli
TcMsealtlu Mo.uly nt > v'aitt..7i ( ) ) .
llo s-leeeiits ! | , III.IUM lo .Vi.ojJ : stun and
f > o lower ; loimh and mlxod. ? > 10 t.dl ;
p.u klnirnnd siiipplnjr , S.70. : ; . ! . : ! .S.l ; Unlit , . 'M
t.i. " > . ' ! lsKliN ) ; | S' :
Micon ISoeoliHs , 15,001 ; Mondvt natives ,
< l.,0.i.Wl ; ui'sioin , S'i..vj < ri' ; ; 'loMins ,
Sl.W'i-.Mi ) ; lamb ? , 53.0J'if i. to.
Oily , Dee. " . Oat tinKtvelpts. .
1'JJ ( ) ; sliipmeiiH , 10J ; Hhipplnif weak und
lO i Lie lowci ; Rood InitohoiH' cows and Jood-
ors Moady ; exjioileri , S" > .o.\iVJ . ) ; jruod tO'tj
elioieo f-liippiinr , SKKKrfl.iKi ; eommtin to mi- !
illuin , Sl.iv.i i.,10 : slookeis and lecdoH , S'J.80
( rt. i.7. " ) : vin\ " . SU.OOVI.4U ( : ; ui.iss i.ingo
Ho s Koct'lpts 18,000 ; Milpmnntv.1,000 ;
slow , vtc'.ik und 10.ilo\\crhonvyWl.-l.G'i.i" ( : | > :
lidil and mi\cd , y.UO " - . 10 ; cummon , ? ! i.05
She i > I'poelpK 700 ; Rhipmentf , nonn ;
Qiilet : eommou to good , M.i' ' i iiil ; scala-
wais , .Wiri.ic.
St. liOiiN , Doe. " . t'attlo Iteceipts , 1,101 ;
sliipmunls.700 ; ipiiet and rathui C.iiy ; natho
sltiipinj | ; steers. ft.iiff.'K.u'.VJfi ; imti\o biitchois'
stceis , v'j.xi.'ii : ; rov\s and hclfcr.s , S'J.lMc
: ) . .10 ; hiockois and fcpdui.s , 5l.00fi.73 ! ; { ;
i.inire I'liltlo , SJ.'J.ivj.i.iO. !
Hlwp ItccelwS , l,30J : shlimipnti , 70 , ) ;
stc.iil > with Rood demnntl lot best yraiKte ?
coirn'ion lo choiciS'I.O ' ( ( : - 5
031 AHA IjlVi3 STOCK.
Thinnluy l vcninir , Dec. n.
The cattle mnrl.of Is slow and lower on
.shipping cattle , ( iood Imlcliei..stock Is In fair
dcm.nidnnd pricesloady ; iufcilor or lough
fctock is .slowsale. ThchoKinniUctvasloer
to-il.iy , lioln fiiVriOc. 'Jho iwoipts wcio not
( H huso nt jC'iteul.iy , hut feuvc'iil : CUIHcio
left oii. .
liKCKll'T' .
iirniciNi'A.'nvj : : : ! : : HALIS. :
Cji. Av. I'r. No. Av. Vr.
f * * t I'-'OJ SJ.W ) IS. . . 1U17 S1.75
S'o. AV. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
IN ) M , . .
Il.IW M. . .
ft" . 'i17 : ; . 'M 01. . . : io :
M 'JUT. : ; r : uo
n : r.r. : 57. . ; ; , ' : : : i.40
M ! H7 : i.w : r.u. . : na : uo
&T " 0-J . : rxi. .
BOK i'iifs : [ : roi .
The iis'liemo r.iinro of prices for loucli
uivi'd , piickiiiK and shippniK and llnhf
AeiKlil iiu.'stor hiivcn d.u'ei Is shown I
1 Hiillifll llmivy. I l.lKhty
Dun * , J'uckliw I WolKhtu
Veiling lay $ ] .ir Ts en ; iUr Vuift'i.iu
riiui > il.iy
iMWl , 1
ilo i n I ay .W't i m
CiniMMy JJ.15 fi :
" ( : r AND i.owisi : ,
Slmwlnii the lilKlinntHiid loc t prlcos jiald
m Ihlh imuki't lor \ \ < w dnrlni ? ihn i > .iit
iiiM'ii dajs , and lei tlio roiieyuoiidiiiR timu ,
i\t \ > \ month :
5:1.00 : fK\\r \ \
: ( > : ; . ir >
: ; .iu ( ! ! . 10
! ! .ll ( ( ( ( 'i'ifl
timidity. . . . , , . 11,10 ( .jli.'iO
I'ut'siUy , l\ta : \
Vcdnesdiiy ,
I'Af'KKKH1 I'flU'HAfii ' : * ) ,
llio iiiinibcr of Iwg * uoiislit ny p.K-lu'jd on Hie Omaliii ni.iu'cluurlnt , '
ho day. f.n
i. i : . Jiitjd . y.2 ;
! . H. Jlnniiiiimd .tCo . ' "j
; ] , , . . . lev .t ( Jo . , , . . . . . , . , . . . . . . " ' > " ( ' i > tftock 111 tills lu.ukot nro
niiUM 'r ' M. llvn i-lijht. miles * olhi'rwlwi
lalnl Ill-id liuifH will lit lit IIIT H . for all
iH. "hkiiis , " " ! lie 'K wnlKfiliis l tlun
i. , miMiiu . I'legihintbowbttio docked
nllll Ir * . l" ,
Slimsliir ? tin' ' numhni' ot ho d shipped ff
'nlon jji'jck y.iiilsuurln thu pnsl twenty'
imrh'iiifi ' :
in. les
K. w. t'lilca u
Hun load of. coin led rnttlo frr n
> Ial\riii , lima , wcio bold In Iho yar i
Thn loot Is Ijolnj initon till ) now oxelinn _ ro
.iilldllitf . , nnd If iliu vc.ifh rlsurm > Wouy. |
kill not bu niauy duju bo lore U will bu
llIu-Oi ( ; ( .
llolli llio \\rv tom Union and r.ielfic tele-
ruiilt cuinii.iiiiu now lm o ollleej lit
liti fcclmu.'o Imildlnt ; . It IH a consi'iilcneo to stockmen dolujc busl-
iw- , ill II ( ) > aiUb.
The lieavj inn of innso cattle U now over
julll.i biiiid lnsicclo | > \\lio have been at