.1'HJfi OMAHA OAILY .BEE , WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 2 , 1SH5. / MTVTI ti vtMitnin Titr > ( ENhRAL NEWS OF THE The Hcndriclcs Memorial Exercises iu the United States Court. SENSATIONAL DIVORCE SUIT. A Urutal llnpc Cn e-Tlio Frauds A Hlrlko AMIOIIK tlic Jmir Ifnrdwni'C 31 en in Convention , fOIc. Memorial After pxaminiup one witness In the case againslJnck Martin , charged willi counterfeiting , llio court suspended busi ness for the day. District Attorney Lam- bertson aroo and moved adjournment In the following words : In view of the sudden death of Thomas A llcndiicks , vice piesliient of the United Slate" , at his home in the clly ( if Imllnuap- olln , WcdnoMlny Insf , and In * .low of the fact that this day has been sol apait for the final oWqtiles , nnd for ( ho observance of np- proprlate iiirniuilnl exercises In honor of the illusliloiis < lcnil , theiofor It would stein most lilting and ) > rni cr that this eouit , one of thu co-ordinate bnini.-hes of the ptvcrnmrnt , should reuse from Its Inboisol the day out nf ( liicrcpiid loUie conspicuous vlt lues nnd eminent abilities , the SIM vices and steilliu , ' character of Mr. llendrleks. and from due icsjiect to the blu'li oilire which he held and M ) acceptably tilled. Thcreloie , 1 mine yotir honor , that an adjournment be granted of the couit this day out of respect to the mem ory of the deceased. " I Messrs. Woolworth and Ualdwin fol- owed with appropriate remarks nnd the court formally adjourned for the day Following was Mr. WoolworlliN speech , which he road frommanuseript : The sudden death of the vice president Is an event of factious moment to the nation , and demands solemn notice In the courts of the tcdeial juilsiliellou. In thii civil polity ol the country , his rank was next to the chief mniflstnicy. Jlisolllcc wascieateil to supi ( iienmf prompt sue- cession , In thofU' . of vacancy in the presi- dcncy , so thai , the supremacy of Hie Inw should continue without suspense. Hut by a reversal of thu order , lie , aualnst the misfor tunes of whose demise .solicitous provision was made , survives in the exercise of his du ties , wldlo he who in the exigency was to . succeed to ( hellish functions himself Is dead , So do thn devices of men come to naught. Uy a singular and wise provlson , the organic law ordains for ( ho vice presidency Inactlvl- tfes rather than a Isu epait of the strife and passion of the administration ; so that the personal character and relations of the in cumbent illicit be held in reserve , and , if un happily called thereto , he should come to I ho chief magistracy a new man and of hlRli char acter. Xext in rank to thu president in whom are vested exhausting and transcend ent power.he ' was charged with duties little less than formal , and responsibilities that iinfrciiucntl } are giavc. And yet in the country , amid Ids fellow citizens , be held no second place and wielded a scepter of no small potency. Ho was a great character , and men paid him the homage age of their first and reverent attention. J5y a long career of nalilotie service , lie had earned the right to speak lo thu people ; mid they gave heed to his words as those of a wise man , and they were largely swayed by his opinions as those of a pmv , honest , faithful leader. Xo second plucc was his in the pub- lie. confidence , and no uncertain memory will lie yielded his name in tin * national aH'ccllon. It was not the olllce which -Mr. llendrlcks held that made him Illuslilous : butlijs ser vices , ills character , his life. Among the semiloifi. and mlnicUmr with the people , ho was a grand liiruro. Nature had set her mark upon him. Ills goodly Joini rose In dignity among his fellows ; his amide brow , Ids mild lint glowing eyes , his benignant countc'iiaiice traced deep with the lines of thought , til bespoke - spoke a wise , a serious , a vlgoio IH mind , And his gracious and graceful heaiinu , never lofty to the lowest , never ImrMi even to ml- vcrsarics , told the tale of a life full of charity and service and self discipline. Such be was as a statesman. lint to the bench and bar of the federal courts liu was more. In these forums , where great cause.- : are mjilatcd , qiiolions of the last im portance debated , and final judgments pro nounced on the gravest issues , there lie most and greatly exenistd ; himself. His giaco was that of iheeoiiMimmntt' liyerbls ; diet Ion ( lie purest KiigliMi ; ids thought us clear as the waters of ' ( ho deep and silent river ; his illustrations as abundant as the experiences of life : his leas'onlng as cogent as the vital truth ; his tiulhiuliicssas certain as the en lightened conscience of HID good man. 'Ho was a lawyer all Ids life , lie beitan his career at the bar ; be ended It there. He held to his profession amidst thu cares of otllce and the excitement of party strife. When chief magistrate of Ids state , he tried causes ; when senator In congress , lie argued In thu courts ; from the i popular assembly , lie turned to the Judicial forms and illustrated them with ins great advocacy. Jlu was more than a statesman and lawyer ; lie was a devout Christian and faithful mem ber of the Kpbcopal church. Senior warden of St. i'aul's cathedral , member of the diocesan cesan council of Indiana , and at one time its chancellor , and delegate In the general con vention he spared neither labor nor thought nor money for the church. Ho believed in her dogmns , he rejoiced in her services , ho received her saciaments , he died in the cath olic faith. Ho rests In peace , and a perpetual light shines upon him. With what , terrlblo frequency this people has bcon called to the open grave of her cieat servants. One of thu lord oh let justices of Kngland , pronouncing judgment in thu great contest about the earldom of Oxford snid , " 1 heard a great peer of this realm and a teamed say. when In : lived there was no king In chiislendom had Mich a subject as Oxford. " And then speaking of the mutability of hu man nobleness lie said , "and yet time httth his revolutions : There niu-t boa period and an end of all temporal things , tlnls rerum , an end of names and dignities ami whatsoever Is terrene ; and why not of do vere' , ' Wliciu Is Itohnn ; Where's Mowbray ; whero's Morti mer ; nay , which Is more and most of all , where is l'lnnlaanctTlioyaroenkiiiieillntlio ! urns and Kcpulchcr.s of moitality. Ami so we. looking upon the great fame of our coun try's recent dead exclaim , Where is Grant and McClellan , and thu other great servants of thu country In thu day of her distress : and now , vu > , name with them Thomas A. Hen- dricks. Where arc they'.1 Kntombcd in the. urns and sepulcliers of moitality. Such is thu human greatness , save another life fol lows after this. Mr. lluldwln's remarks diflercd from those nf the gentlemen preceding in this fact that tnuw wore extemporaneous. Thu speech was brief but paid in olo- qnent terms , a splendid tribute to the dead statesman. A PKTIT10X D1VOUCK. Anil the Tulo Thereto AHA Case. A petition for divorce was filed yesterday in tlm district court ; thu story of which , if it bo true , is a somewhat 'remarkable one. The title of the wilt is WiU'ltim Scott vs. Marian Scott. According to tliu petition , the plain- tift'isan old man , ( JO years of ago. Ho * has bcon married to the defendant something like forty years , The prayer of the plaint ! ! ! ' relates that during the last Ion j oars of this timu Mrs. Scott has boon guilty of extreme cruelly to her husband. Sim has beaten htm repeat- ? iHy , Ills saidwitli ; clubs and sticks , etc. , calling him hint at the same timu such names as bride , dog , drunkard and scoundrel , Sim has also , it is said , urged her children on to deeds of violence against him , and taught them to wil fully chastise him on thu slightest provo cation. On one occasion , it Is alleged , the plniutill' was get upon by bis eldest daughter , Mary , who beat him cruelly. On maiiy occasions , It is alleged , the plaintiff nas been driven from homo with the blood prickling down Ids faro , from wounds inlliefpd by Mrs. Scott and the children'The jdaintlli' stales , that this tori of ( lung | ias boon going on for the past ten > .years , nnd that within thu last twelve monlhir.hu lias boon attacked by tils wife at-jcrfstu do/on times. To onp H' ' ° pUtriiuc \yJuittfiu \ petition states to M "H lonj ? soriO'J of orm-lll'S , two or other three months ago , Mrs. Scott tiled information boforu tun comiuiseion of insanity of Uoughiscounty , li at her Imbniul was ins.uic. Ho was brought before Inc board , nnd after n carolul examination was discharged. Mr. Scott inninl-iin * that he i perfectly sane and able to take elinr o of the prop erty , hN wife's allegations to the contrary notwithstanding. He says in his petition that Mr. * . Scott has rnado to his friends an oiler to allow him a certain amount ofall money from the income nf the property , provided he would leave her alone. Tin ? the plain- lifl'in tlio nclion is unwillin to accept. The properly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Scott i of iioinpoiiMdcrnblc value , union" other tilings there being a. valuable lot or. Douglas street , on which there is a building formerly occupied as a bakery. Tliis lot alone \alued at 12,000. The petitioner prays for relief in sever al directions. I'liM , ho seeks absolute divorce from Ids wifn. Second lie n ks that a receiver bo appointed to collect rents and maintain a general control over the proj > crly , and third , that an equitable division of the property bo made ; and fourth that ho bo given custody over as ninny of the live children as nfay choo. = o to live with him. Mrs. Scott was scon by : i scribe yo.-ter- day , at the residence on the north side of Douglas street , between loth and Kith. Shu was nikcd about the truth of the various statements in the petition. "AH 1 can ay , " . | io replied , "is that Mr. Scott Ts Insane. " "Hut ho was discharged by I ho board of insauilj ? " "Yes , because his ease wn hard ly bad emiutili to send him to Lincoln. At least so thu clerk of the dis trict court informed my daughter. " "Is it true that yon have beaten him ? " "My husband is in uno. That is all 1 can say. Ho is not responsible for his declarations. " A DK3IO.VS IKKI > . A IIltln ttii'l llnpc'il liy An Unknown Assailant. A case of rape under peculiar and ag gravated circumstance" , came to ligld yesterday. Monday evening about live o'clock , little Kmmii ICranse , a twelve-year-old girl , left her homo near Mul/'s brewery , sent on some trilling errand by her mother- She had gene but a. few steps when she was met by two women , one of whom ac costed her and remarked that .sho would show her something nice if she would accompany them. The littlis girl , as she says , followed them without thinking that any harm would result. The two women look her oil' into an old barn near by. Here she was set upon by a man , who threw her down and made her a , victim of his lust. In the muunlimu the women lied , and the girl was left on the spot in a semi-uncon scious condition. Thu name of the as sailant is unknown , but the two women who connived in the crime arc believed to be neighbors of the. ICraus'es nnd their iden tity is a matter of wcll-nigli absolute certainty. Fred Krause , the father of the girl , is a watchman in Mutz's brewery. GIGANTIC IjAXl ) PK.VUDS. The Pci-ixjlfalors of Which suto Arrive Jlcrc To-XijIH From Denver. Deputy Marshal Allen arrived last night from Denver with live prisoners , who were indicted at the last term of the United Slates grand jury. They are charged with having de frauded and conspiring to defraud the United Slates of : i largo amount of pub lic lands bv causing various persons to enter lands at the. North 1'lutte land oJlicc nnd thn MeCook land oilieo under the names of fictitiousparties. Many of these were employed in Denver for $5 and.expenses to proceed to MeCook and North I'latto land olliccs and en ter the land in the- names of fictitious persons. Some of the persons so employed * have niado as many as half a dox.cu entries of Innd all under fictitious names who never went or slept upon the ground or entered it properly. Most all of these swore they resided in Cheyenne county , Nob. , and had made the improvements required hy law , and th-it they were all residents o'f Denver , ( . ' 1 ratio. The number of fraud ulent lam. a tries made will reach from 101) ) Io200. U is thought that the defend ants arrested are backed by a largo mon ey syndicate , nnd several of the defend ants have remarked that there was a mil lion of dollars behind them. It is also understood that largo fraudulent entries were made in the land ofiices in Clioy- enno , Wyoming , by the same parties. The names of the parties who arrived hut night are arc as follows : .Ino. C. Turner , Frank IIur.it , Hugh Hvan , Alanzo M. Wells , James Dormin. They were all locked up in the county jail. A Poor IlonrdliiK-l'iiicc. Kd Kane , a suspicions character , was arraigned before Judge Stenberg yes terday. Ho is a perfect wreck , being an inveterate opium eater. In fact his intel lectual powers are so completely shuttered , that ho is butter lit for thu lit Bane asylum than the prison. Among his other foibles is that of thieving , llu can not restrain from this propensity , and will invariably walk away with anything ho sees , if his fancy so dictates. This time ho had stolen the overcoat belonging - ing to a young man in the Knmiel house. "How long have yon been out of jaih" asked the judgu. "About livu days , your honor ? " was the reply. ' 'Where do you livu ? " "Near thu Emmet house. " "Where do you board ? " "At thu Republican ollleo. " This re ply , unexpected and comical , brought down the house. The judgu reasoned that Kunu if boarding at this hostelry would get nothing to eat but liberal hunks of the 1'ier.son sensation , which would bu enough to account for his thin and general disorderly condition. Ac cordingly in order that the poor follow might bu not tempted to get on a Homier , thu judge decided to turn him over to the county authorities to bcQlookcd after as a pauper. A OIILOJIOFOII.M noimuiiv. Thieves Operate ivifli the Alii of I nij8 ( A Gootl Haul. The residence of A. L. Uergsten , Sev enth and I'inu streets , was entered by thieves Monday night , who gained au en- .trance by forcing open the rear door of thu housu , Mr. anil Mrs. Hcrgstcn slept on the lirst lloor , and in their room Is n closet containing some .silverware and other valuables. The thieves entered this room and ransacked the closet in the most thorough manner. About $ r > 0 worth of sHrenvnro was taken , and some $18 in monov from a mirso in ouu of thu drawers. There is no doubt but that thu family was chloroformed , as a strong odor of that drug was perceptible iu the house this morning , and a sponge which had evidently been soaked with chloro form was found. Mr. Hergi-ton says that ho is very easily awakened and Is conlldent that had not the thieves operated with the aid of chloroform , they would have awak ened him , There is no clue to the rob bers. The Cilj Hull ( * Mr. B. K. Myers toll-graphs from De troit that ho will bo hero on thu IfHh lust. , with the plans for the city hall ready to submit to thu council. WOMAN'S GOODNKS9. Kxcinpllllctl In the 3U-PI Inn i"l AVoik- iriK * ' "f Iho Women's ( . 'hrlMlnn Aid Association. Tue annual meeting of the \\omen'i Christian A. . < 1 association , was held in the basement of th ? Kngli h Lutheran church , yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. There was an attendance of about iifly well known Indie ? , and the : ittondanr > i > would have been much greater had it not been for the umiMinl attraction of nn Abbott innlinoc. Mr * . W. 15. Doolittle , president of tin- association , occupied the chnir. Mrs. Dodge neteifsis ccrolary. The ineoMng opened with n "Heading of the Scrip- lure ? by Mrs. Jlnolittlo , after which Mix Jardimufureil prayer. A short poem " " then road after on "Active Piety" was , which th" roll was called by Miv. Dodge. Acommillee on nomination of ofliecrs was then appointed and consisted of livu members. Tin- minutes ) vas thenivnd by Mrs. Dodge , and approved by the mooting. The treasurer , Mrs. Dr. hud- inuton , read her report , from which the following excerpts urr made : mriivii : : : > lirniM ) TIII : yin. : . l-or building fund . ? KWI I "or general fund . tttvsi from "chaiily ball" committee . ! V.v.M.Tl Tolnl . . I'rom ircueral fund . -I- "CO.-tn l''iom "charily ball" fund. . 2.2-il.Tl J'alaiice on hand luM year . i'.sno" Funds now on band . Srtlf. to Consisting of ISulldliig fund . siJSVi.l ( .Iciieral fund . : .W.i' > r > - SCl'.MO ' The report of the matron , Mrs. M. I'ligsh-y , was replete with interest Another poem on "Christian Liberty" was read when the annual report was read by Mrs. Dr. Moore. Tliis was a carefully prepared document and .showed up the beiielieeii-e of the association in semiring temporary homes for moro than " 00 women and children ; securing per manent employment , through its agency to about ( he same number ; distributing ! ! 0t ) Ions of coal , 10 > ) pairs of shoes and actually keeping not less than KUO fami lies from starvation. ' The report fur ther showed that the * 1VH.71 reciVed from the charity ball committee had been accounted for'to I he same , and been expended as directed for only four things : food , fiielelothingand medicine. There are now on hand ifiUJ in tin- build ing fund , which , however , cannot be ex pended until the city redeems it s promise of donating a lot to the association. A paper , "What is the true end and aim of Women's Christian association work ? " by Mr.s. S. W. Inglinm , of Cleveland , < > . , was read by Mrs. J. C ! . Ihiines , of this city. This was followed by a vocal solo , "Your mission , " by .Mrs. A. P. Wood , after which Mr.s. Doolittle delivered the president's address. The report of the nominating committee was made after which the election of ollieers took place , as follows : I'lesidont , Mrs. IJarr ; lirst vice president , Mrs. .1 , J. McClain ; second end vice president , Mrs. L' . L. 1'errine. The hymn Christian Sympathy followed and tlio Doxology brought the meeting to a close. IMtlSONHK Iio\v lie May JJc Jtclcascd JVoin .lull anil How Ho Looks iu Jlis Cell. Since the committal of John F. Lnucr on ihc charge of murdering his wife , Ids counsel , John M. Tliurston , has been hurrying up the work of preparing to se cure the former's release on : i writ of habeas corpus. The motion will be brought up on next Thursday and argued immediately. Lauer passed a sleepless night anil as his cell is isolated saves for thp adjacent quarters of a condemned murderer , il can be imagined that his dreams brought to him no soothing fancies. His cell is on the second floor , llio farther cast of the two especially con trived for the restraint of desperate char acters. Vet that has no significance , in factns the chamber is snacious , well ventilated and Hooded with light. In the center of the room , itself secured by heavy doors and barred windows , stands a cage , seven by eight feet in lateral di mensions nnd about six mid a half feet high. Its grated door is locked and its lattice frame work is of steel .so highly chilled that no liie or saw can make an impression and no heavy sledge bent ! or break its unyielding temper. In this enclosure , upon : v pallet lay John Lnucr when the reporter called tins morning. The prisoner lay with n blank et drawn clo.-eiy about him , nnd at inter vals would shake as though with a chill. His face betrayed suffering nnd he look ed altogether Hke. a sick man. The re porter asked him if Iio was ill , to which lie nodded assent. Laner had little to say. Ho remarked. however , that his committal without bail was no surprise to him. Ho did not know whether a writ of halloas corpus could bo obtained for him , but was satis- lied that Mr. Tliurstbn was confident of being able to do en. A few friends had called in Iho morn ing , but up to noon no ( lowers or delica cies , as is so frequently the custom , had been brought for him. Army Xotcs. Gen. Howard left yesterday for Kansas City to deliver a lecture on " ( ! en Grant. " Col. Henry , department instructor of rillu practice , lias prepared his report of the standing of the various po.sts within his jurisdiction , in the matter of target practice , during the year IbW. The fol lowing are the figures : Foil liridgw . fiaor Kurt Douglas . 5T.KS Fort I.aramlo . 7-Ur Koi t McKinney . 7li.w : r'oit Itnsscll . ci.C ! , ( ) 1'oit Sidney . ra.u 1'ort Steele . itt.liJ Fort Xlobrara . WJ.OH Fmt Omaha . 47.r : Fort Koblnson . 40.IM Fort Waslmkle . Rl.M ( 'mill ) Medicine Hutto . IM.OO Cinnp 1'Ilot Jlntlo . liy.40 The work done by Gen. Hatch , Ninth cavalry , at Fort MoKinney , standing .second with two months practice is most creditable. The barracks being built at Kvan-ton by the Union 1'aeiiio company , for the accommodation of the troops now sta tioned there , will consist of a main building 'JlxlUl feet on the ground and a wing ! i xM feet on ono side. Thu ceiling wilHw ton feet high. The building will include a well equipped kitchen , tailor shop , barber shop , etc. , and lifty-two iron bunks. A porch nine feet and ten inches in width and 1'JO feet eight inches in length will run along thu sutu facing the railroad. A high , tight board fence will enclose the space , two sides of which is formed by the main building and wing. _ _ Hallway Mutters. Largo quantities of materials and sup plies are being shipped daily from this city for use upon the linrlington & Mis souri extension now in progress from Kllwood to Ognllnln. Thu contractors , Mallorv & Ciishing , sent out live car loads of teams , wagons and implements , ami lifty men followed this morning , Mr. Hackney , the selected successor of 1. II. Congdon , tne renlgned superinten- doiu of the Union Pa ciliu motor power and car departments , left Kansas City lnst night and arrives hure this morn- EC. G. Hurt , superintendent of the Iowa dixision o the Chit.tgo& 'orthwestern , is Iu the city. tt. P. Itumphrle ? , traveling ngcnt for the Chicago V Atlantic , Is In the cit.y. K. W. Winter , gem-rat nianngor of the Chicago. St. Paul , Minneapolis Ar Omaha , arrived ypslcrdav by special train from St. Puiil. Mr. Winter's present business here is connefltcd with the pending ing injunction suits of hi * road against the Oinnlin llelt line , llo i slopping at the PnMon. A.MKSH3JHXTS. KM.MA Aiinorr IN i.TKAVIATA. . Another crowded hou.ec greeted the i-lo'o of the Abbott season hero la t night nnd lUloned to u splendid performance of "La Trnvinta , " an opera which con tests with " 11 Trovntore" for the rank of Verdi's masterpiece. So well did Miss Abbott MiMain the role of Violctta , meeting at once its dcmnnds for song and drama , that Mio has won the assur ance of perpetual big butties ? from the Omaha public. "Li : Trninta" re-riets ( Its active duties to lvn members of the east , and last evening the work devolved upon Miss Abbott and M. Micheletin. How well they met Iliti requirements of their parts the plaudits { 'rooting their every ami and duel loudly attested. The singiii"1 of Mr. 1'ruette should not bu overlooked as it earned him in Ihe .second act a call before the curtain. The chorus nnd orchestra were both in harmony with the excellence of the lending part" , and the grand opera was rendered perfectly and smoothly. "LiTrnvlnln"i : n musical adaptation of Dumas' drama "Cnmille" and sustains the strong emotions of its prototype. It \vi\s \ with much plcu.unthat the evi dence of Mjss AJibolt's dramatic taji-nl1- Vi'ort ! ijeroeivud in her excellent delinea tion of the character of the ill-fated nil- venturers. Mr. Miehclena nl'o proved himself an actor , so that the opera was well acted and well sung. The Omaha public has been generous to Miss Abbott on her present vi.-it , for not less that $ : ) , i > 00 were receipted at the three perlormnnees , and "altogether the people spent for'opcrn in the two days past , fully * r > ,000. IIK AVAXTiTlllSVIKB. . A Coiii1o ol * Itunawnys Who Arc Headed Tor Omalia. I\Iar \ > lml Ctinimings receiyed a letter yes- torduy from Chief of Police Tnllar , of St. Joseph , Mo. , directing him to be on thu lookout for a runawaj wife who is badly wanted in that city. On llm ISth day of November Mrs. Charles F. Genshoen left St. Joe in company with a "fly" young man calling himself Frank LongkKo. They were headed for Onuilin when last heard trom , and il Is supposed that they are now in this city. Mr. " . Geiislu-en de serted a family of several small children. Her husband , who had never suspected any iujidulity on her part , is almost crazy over hw wife's act. Mrs. ( lenslieen is described a ? a woman 21 years of age , -1 feet 10 inches in height. She has bine or gray eyes , light hair , and of general light complexion. She is round-shouldered , and lias a sear on her right wrist. The police are ou the look out for the guilty couple , but as yet have no trace. If. of 1 * . ltlKiiiutric < . At the regular annual meeting of Mjrtlo lodge , K , of P. , on Monday last , the following ofliecrs were elected for for the ensuing year : P. C. , W. F. Man ning ; C. C. , W. W. Wells ; V. C. , Charles Connors ; Prelate , W. F. Baker ; M. of E. , Dave Kaufman ; M. of F. , M. F. Miaul ; K. K. ot S. , K. F. Simpson ; M. of A , Fred Fuller. After the honors had been conferred , David Kaufman , the newly elected M. of K. , 'generously invited the attendance , numbering about liftv , to Higgins' res taurant , whore a delightful and short- noticed supper was spread before and enjoyed by all the gallant young gentle men. Awaiting n Word From Home. The remains of David R. Kolms , the brakeman who was killed on tiio Union Pacific' track in Council Bluffs on last Saturday , at last accounts were In Un dertaker Biirkct's rooms , ou North Six teenth street. Sonic friends of tiie de ceased in the Bluffs had telegraphed to his relatives , in Connorsvillo. Pa. , to as certain what disposition would bo made of the remains , but had not received any answer. Kohns was engaged to n young lady named Dijrling , in Council Bluffs , and was shortly to nave been married to her. The violent severance of the plighted tics has worked severely upon the object of the young man's utlection.s Police Court Docket. .fudge Stenberg had n full houfo , yes terday. The following cases were dis posed of : Ed. Borkenson , drunk and disorderly , $5 and costs. Mrs. Dillon , intoxication , discharged. 11. A. Nichols , drunk and disorderly , $5 and costs. Ed. Gibbon , disturbance of the peace , ? . "i and costs. Pat Fox , disorderly conduct , * ! ! and costs , committed. Sam Love , disorderly conduct , dis charged. Ed Kane , suspicions character , ordered into custody of the county. Dave Ilnrsl , suspicions character , 20 days in tlio county jail. John Ritchie , Charles Florence , suspi cious characters , given 10 minutes to leave the city. KcIoaMMl , Sam Love , a "dandy dark , " faced Judge Stenberg yesterday to answer to a charge of disorderly conduct , the real charge against him buiug that of stealing a woman's dross. According to the htorv ho tells , ho had' ' n quarrel with his "solid woman , " so "just to spite her" broke open a trunk ami'took therefrom n dress and gave it to ono of his friends with intimations "not i to tell dat Li/o about whah her dress was. " Li/.o con cluded to turn the tables , and soul I'olico- man Donovan after her property. That olllcor not only secuivd tlio dress , jjm m- rested Love. Upon hearing , I rva Avns dismissed with instructions not lo play any moro jokes of that kind , Oradi ) of l.oavcmrin lh Street. Tlio people on Leavenworth are divided In .sentiment as roganls Uie bencllts they are to derive from the compromise ordi nance which last niglit passed thu coun cil establishing the grade ot that thor oughfare. And j'ot , il Is the only ono that could have been accepted , when 1hu bonctit of the greater number WAS con sidered. It is a question of tearing down bills or filling oven to thirty feet of some of the hollows- ( ho street. To each of these ant found some objectors , and their next stop they say will bo to light thu Improvement in the courts. Held for R.vuinliinllon. Victoria Howard , the colored girl charged with stealing a clonk from Hro- deriek , the clothing man , was held by Judge Stenberg yesterday i * 'i- i cr examination. Her bail was lived at 11,000 ami iinablo lo give it she was re manded lo jail. KXGJXJ ; IIOISH xo. K Which i i .Soon to IIP Opened on I'hM Shcrldnn Avenue * , 'fhe underfill grow tli w hieh lias taken place in thr southwestern part of Omaha lias ncco-sitafed an engine house in that vicinity. Uecogni/.ing the fact , though tardily , Iho oily recently had moved to Phil Sheridan avenue , between Leaven- worth street nnd St. Mary's avenue , the old 1'aston stable , whieli hn now been so altered as to answer iliv purposes ad mirably A new joft has been inserted which will le n ed in part for dormitory and other purposes. Tim former will be connected with Ground lloor by means of stairs and tlio sliding pole , now in use in nil our engine lioit. < e . The first lloor has been plastered , and the side * wain- scotled , in the rear , will be s-tatloned stalls for llio hor--e , while iu the front will be placed tlio steamer nnd lio-o : cart , 'fhe building is loeateil on a large lot , centrally located , and in the midst of ono of the most promising neighborhoods of the city. The barn was secured in exchange with the Puxton lot. It cost sf-.ViO to move it from Nineteenth and Fnrnham streets- , and the improvements which it has un dergone have cost about $ ir > 0moriNo cheaper engine hou-e was ever erected in llus eily , and nearly all of the changes made iu in it have been made by mem bers of the tire department. The build ing will be ready lor ocenpany by Satur day next. Oing \ to the lack nf pre -uro in the hydrants in tliat part ol' the eily. one of thn tire engine's which was used before the erection of our water works will be located there. It will manned by four liremen , including the driver of tlio lie e earl. A XKW KXTKKPKISK. The CclcbrnttMl rUnnon & Iliiinllii Or gan and I'lnniis in Omaha. TinMUMMI & Hamlin organ and piano company are about to establish an agency in this city of their celebrated instrii. meiit.s. Mr. K. M. Kppsteiu , ivpre cnt- ing this company is now heiv to look over tlie field and will doubtless offer n valu able opportunity for a successful business to an eliieieiH representative , ifneb Ran be found. Mr. E. is stopping at the l 'o/- 20113. HIS TiMiini ) on ; DA boy named John Simms , living on the river bottoms near the bridge and employed at ( lie nail works lost the lliunib of his right hand in a peculiar manner. He was sharpening the. point of a raking hook on ono of ihe large grindstones when his baud slipped and his thumb was thrust'against the ' tone. So rasping is its surface and so fast does the stone revolve , that in an instant jt had ground off the boy's thumb to the lirst joint , 'fhe injured lad was led to the ollice of Dr. C'albraith and the wound dressed. Hardware Men in Council , The \uirdware \ dealers of this city to gether with many of the trade from abroad , have been holding : i meeting to. day in rooms 133 and 1'U of HIP Millard hotel. The purpose of the meeting i.s to establish .some uniform currency of prices , to reach bettor arrangements with railways and ( o take various itep.s of ail van ( ago to the bu-.inc.ss. . Among the vis itors arc Messrs. C. W. Hackett and Adam Decker of St. I'uul , Minn. ; Win. West- fall and C. Sehrciber of Dubnqup , la. : I. 1. I'ulkn. of Ft. Dodge , la. ; and ! ' . A. Gardner of Connecticut. Pai-nelliicst at I'latlsinoiilli. A large mass nieeliug was held nt riatt.smonlli last nightfor the purpose of taking measures to aid Parnell in his ef forts to obtain IcgNlutiyo independence for Ireland. Among thosu in attendance from Oinalin were Hon. J. Sterling Mor ton , Hon. John Hush , lion. 'I liomas lirennan , ex-seerelary of the Irish Land League , Hon. Hobert U. Livingston , Hon. Sam. . ! . Chapman nnd oilier local speak ers. A largo delegation will "o down from Omaha this evening to lend its voice ami support lo the cause of the meeting. Hrevltles. Vesterday morning the class in politi cal economy at the high school had a discussion on the merits of protection and free trade. Four scholars were chosen to represent each side. Tho-e on the protection side were Mary Ludington , Nellie Hall , Victor Uoscwnler , and Cliarle.s MeConnell ; on llio free trade side , Julia Nuweomb , Augii.-lus Detwilcr , Art Uoso , nnd Enoch Kllion. 'flic argu ments on both sides won- well chosen and prcsenled. A vote of the class gave the victory to the protectionists. Striking Pavers. The pavers on Thirteentii street , twen- y in ninnbcr , struck yesterday against a reduction of hours and wages , John Fox , the contractor , had been pay ing * 'i.V5 for ten hours daily work and as llio days are growingshortor and dark cuts oil'work so much earlier he determ ined lo lesson the working day by ono hour and reduce the daily nay by twenty cents. The men refused thc .c lerms and < mit work. The matter will either be unlimited or new men obtained. Tlio Sloukyards niu/c. There is still considerable mystery about llio South Omaha lire of Sunday morning. No little talk of arson is in dulged in , though as to where tu ! < blame is to resthero ( is by no means a unanim ity of sentiment. Some people believe th'nt Alex Wiftlmrl Is responsible for the lire , while others insist Unit .Jones him self ; started iho blaze , simply for spile. The loss ou the building and property i.s about .flS.OOU. Tlio Wrong 1'ornon. Mrs. Julia Wade swore out a warrant yesterday in police court for the arrest of 'her husband , who had ill-trailed her. The warrant was placed in Iho bauds of Policeman - man James Hratlyfor ervico. He made a bad mistake and arrested Julia herself , instead of her husband. She was released when brought into lliu police court and Uriidy will "try It again.1 ' Theatrical * at llio I'orl. The olllcurs nnd ladles nt Fort Omaha have prepared for another theatrical en- tertninmcnt , on Friday evening next , December . This Is Ihe second occasion of thn scas-oii. nnd as thu presentation of My Uncle's Will and The Old ( iuard , some several weeks since , was so success ful , II was felt warrantable lo again call ( ho hUtrionic ability of tlio talented folks who make up ( ho post souioly. rtiirlon-lfoliiian. Married , November 20,1885 , at llio res- idencp of tliu brido'.s uncle , Mr W. D. Duller , 551 North Illinois street , Indian- po .i. . by Iho Hcv , J. P. 1 > . John. I ) . D. , ofDuI'anw university , ( eorgu \ \ . Bur- ton. of Orleans. Neb. , and Alma lloliiinii , of Indianapolis Indiana.Address for thu whiter , -Nico , Alpos Maritimcs , Franco , Distillery JiiiH' | > veinolitfl. The Willow Snrin a distillery'is now running nt one-half capacity on account of new and costly apparatus being put in , The machinery , which U of the latest ftiid nlosl nppnn oil sort , will hi ready for operation probably to morrow \\heii \ the lmpro\cmenl i completed tin distillery will bo ono of llio inoM lim-h o < | tilppoil in the United Stales. Mnrtln was Drunk. Pre\ ions to the adjournment of the United States conrl yesterday , ono wit iio s was examined in tlio Martin case. His name was John McCarthy , wlu Mated that the counterfeit money pas.sei by Martin had been borrowed by ( no de fcndnnt , nnd further that tin- latter \\n * intoxicated at the time and unable U distinguish between pure and pnrioii < roinv Thr ease will be continued to-day N'o Decision Vol. Judge Wakeloy informed a scribe ycMor day that all arguments iu the mailer ol the Pnddork-McCormlek demurrer had been ninde , but that he would rcmloi no decision until two or three wcek. hence. Both parlies to tin- suit li.-m been ir'ivL'ii two weeks time to lilc sup plonii-ntary papers. Tlit' Xow lloulorai-iL City Engineer l'oewatpr informed r ? eritio j estordny that he had propnred pro liles , eliv , of llio new boulevard and was working upon an estimate of Ihe eosl thereof , to be soon submitted to the oil.1. council. The whole diagram and ni-eoin panying statement will be full and com jileli- . Art-tied ToOfurrotv. The injunction of the Milwaukee road against the Belt Line came up for hear ing before Judge Wnkcley yesterday , but tlio hearing of the arguments wa postponed until lo day at i ! o'clock. . SPKCIAIi HAM * . r.O-Klny 5O Fifty patterns' line Clmiubi-r Set. * in all woods , at greatly reduced prices. Will continue only until sold. CIIAS. SIIIVI-.IMOK , 1200 , ISOS and 1310 Farnam street. I'crsoiuil Paragraphs- . Clark Woodman left for the oust yesterday afternoon. Louis Bradford has been spending a few days in Chicago. U. M. Epstein , general agent of tin- Mason & Hamlin Organ company , is at the P. E. J. Mackid , advance agent for Weslbrook > fc Hacker , the bicyclists , is in the city making arrangements lo open at ( lie rink next week. JolmLiseo , ClarkK. ; . L. Martin , Fair mont ; J. N. Lyniun , Hasting- ; . W. Hurt , Ki.-ing City ; liobcrl J. Doan , A * > h- laud , are at the Canliekl. Long , the yonnp man whom Kads tracked to Alton , III. , and charged witli absconding , had gotten out the latter's reach by just a day at the latter place. An old man named Drowning , of Fair- bury , in this state , is now iu jail here , charged by tlio United States with Pend ing an obscene loiter through the mail to a man in Missouri. Itrowing is about , 00 years of age , and says his letter told the truth , Julius IVyckn , of Wiednmn iv Co. . one of Omaha's most popular business men , will leave this afternoon for a three months trip to ICurope , lie will spend n portion of tlio time in visiting Ids parents , who reside near Hamburg. It i.s rumored that he lias purchased two return tickets. Mrs. S. T. Smith arrived home yes terday and through her , the loss sus tained through the burglary of Thanks giving night , i.s approximately ascer tained. Mr. Smith says that the stolen articles will aggregate in value close to . " ,000. Xo clue to the whereabouts of either thieves or goods has as yet been obtained. _ I Hrcvilies. Jpseph Hobbms and wife left last eve ning for Mexico where- they will spend thu winter. The crticism on "The Mikado. " and the spicy interview with .Mi Abbott in ypstorduy'.s Herald was the work of Miss Minnie Kath. Tom Williams was arrested last niglit by Oflieer IJrudy for threatening to Kill Helen Kininiel ; Kill Moruu and Pat O'- Doinii'H for drunk anil disorderly , and Pat llannon as a suspicions character. The People's theatre was well ( ill ed last night , notwithstanding the counter at traction at the opera house , thu company being Niblo's Iluinply Dnmpty. The show i.s a good one .with many pleasing features. Peters and Holly , as usual , formed tlio great attraction. PoHtofliua [ u Nebraska and Iowa during the week ending November 23 , 1883 , furnished by William Van Vk-ck , of the postolh'ce de partment : . NKIUIASICA. Established Grover , Sewnrd county , lohn J. Hriggs , postmaster ; Lloyd , JCnox county , Lucy A. Middlekaulf. Discontinued Warsaw , Howard county. Postmasters Appointed IJarlouvillo , Frontier county , John Harkius ; Kuda , liiiffnlo county , Edward J. Scott ; llyron , fliayer county , Cyrus Klack ; Lake , I'hclps county , Carrie Page ; Long I'ino , Urown coiinlv , ( ieorgu W. Love ; Lyons , I'url county , Christopher Van Schaiek ; lii-ynohls , Jull'er.-on county , C. D. Moore ; Itochellc , Sliornian county , Mrs. A. M. Oust ; St. Cliarle.s , ( 'inning county , Adam Schiferl ; Schwedt , Stunton county , For- linand Midler : Willow Island , Dawson county , O. M. Collins. IOWA , Establishedfiilpin , Madison county , Hiram L. ISigolow , postma-ter ; York shire , Harrison county , James N. Ab- jolt , postmaster. I'o.stnmsterri unpointed Alia , Kuciia YJ-lii county , C. E. ( 'aincront Clevcs , Hardin comity , ( Juorgn Kleekor ; Cones- vlllo , Muscaline county , Klclnird 11. Wol ford : Corrcetionvillc , Woodbnrv county , M. E. Crowther ; Delaware , Delaware county , Clara Hefner ; DeMer. Dallas county , J. L , Meek ; Ourncr. Hnncook county , Hoberf Elder ; ( Jreen Castle , Jas per county , Hexekiiih Woods ; ( iueriisoy , I'oweshiek county , Miss Maggie M. Uir- nuy ; CJn&s , Taylor county , Mr.s. Margaret Hush ; Hentonvilhj ; Mills county , b.W. AVhomi ; Hnd-on , Kluok Hawk county , Samuel L. Willison ; Linden. Dallas conn tv ; Louis Moore ; Luther , Hoonc county , French Luther ; Maples I'ivor , Carroll county , John Meis ; Swan Lake , Lm- mill county. Ned Midroney : I emiilctoii , Carroll county , Peter Now ; t'lo , Monona county , Enmmit < > . Dorothy : Wankon ( unction , Allamakeo eouuly , Julius Uoecker. DiheontinuednolJy.l'lyinoutli county ri.stolliio ill The decoration of the poitolllco , in eommenioratlon of tlio death of Vice i'rcsldoiit Hentlrieks , is a- decided ad vaneemonl upon that which unused so nucli coii'siiru at the time of ( Joncral Omul's death. The middle part of Iho milding , on Fifteenth street , has broad lands of black extending from HH > cor dec lo thu pavement , 'J IICPO arc loosely interwoven at each of ( ho stories with feMoons lightly falling between the nu- irovlscd sombre pilasters. 1 hen1 is lothingiiifipuing iiikhowork. It looks ndeed like u mecliunioul tribute , and could scarcely Imvo been it s demoiiKtra- tlvu. On thi ) north und a few black clothes lines do duly by falling over iv mtlonal Hag and strongly biigauhl the artlstie skill whirh evoked M > much cnli cism during the obsequies ol lien , drant. his tip A STORY Y Cnrdlnnt tlfoOlt ) kcjj ' Ancudiilo ol' Aroblilslio ] > llu > jlio- and u I'cnn * Cardinal McCloskry was fond of a good joke , llo liatl n keen and lively H-IIW of the hinnorous , and his fnc-nlty of dis- criminnlioii is said by lhoi-o who know him inlimnlely to Imvo been of an ex ceedingly higli order. It is known that he was po sp i-l of nn nccurato literary taste , and Unit IIP was a severe anil criilenl vcholar ; lint to all except the e who stood on tlii- closest terms of in limnc.y with him il may spom slrnuj. . thai < ( resrrvpd ami austere n man hould have been af much nl homo in plon = nnt society as in the pulpit. That sijeli was the ea.-o , however , is fully vonclicrt for. One of llio bc-l stories his EminpiiPi- ever told , and ono wldeh he frerpiently repeated among his Intimate friends1 , was the following incident re specting Arehbi-hop Hughe * : : One wet uiglit iu IStt" the archbliehop was summoned to Ihe parlor of hi ! > resi dence in Moll stivpt by a man from LiiKi-nip count v , I'a. , who gave his name ns Wheeler. He was a < liirdj backwoods clmvactcr with a loiidvaice , an honest. open countenance , ami a candid s-pon taneilyof manner ( lint was plelure qne in the cxlreiue. On oiitcriiig the jiarlor the atchblsboas ] familiarly tiddrpsvpd us "Mr. lliijrhi"t" and > vn a-ked to tauc a sent lie declined ( he invilalion. how- jner , nnd for n few moments stood gaz ing al the M ranger in blank u loni < h menl. He sectn perdc\pd. ( The visitor performed all the honors , and did most of the talking for the lir-l live miniitn- . He explained that il was Ids intention lo enter the I'oman Catholic fold , ami thai ho had coinc on to have tinceninoin performed by the hijilu-l church digni tary he know of. F : thcr McCunc. an old pric t in central I'cnn lvauia , had instructed him in the rudiments of the faith , and he thought ho was about pre pared to begin hi- noieeship. . Archbishop Hughes became interested. HP listened to the man patiently for o\ oral minutes. The stranger talked and talked , without the remotest intention apparently of coming to a .slop. He would not ho interrupted. He. talked about the weather , polities , crops , even thing but the subject under considera tion. The archbishop paced nervously up mid down the room , 'filings were gelling desperate , 'flic vi-ilor appeared to appreciate Archbishop Hughes' di - eomtiture , if lie did not positively en ji v il , and every now and t lion , by way'of parenthesis , would remark : "Sit down , Mr. Hughes ; MI down , ami make yourself at hojiie.1 Although UiNVls ! uttered inlhesin- pcrpst manner imaginable the , novel ! v soon wore off , and after a while from the dint of frequent repetition il ceased lo be even original. The archbishop could en dn re it no longer. Ho was not in an over cheery mood nl ( lie. time , owing tn the dreary state of the weathei ami was not disposed to tolerate iiimson.-e. Hit decided lo bring the interview to an end if possible , nnd ( irmly said : "Sir , 1 am in my own bouse , nnd can ntnnd up or sit down , ns I please. " The IViinsylvnninii was not in thelea-l abashed , lie failed lo see ( he force < > r the remark , as a matter of course , and again n siired ( ho archbishop that hu ought to sit down. At length an oppor tunity presented itself and Archbislioji Hughes bcgai to inlcrrognlt- ninn as to what he knew of tin ; ( ' : ilholic religion. lie began with the ordinary questions in the introductory catechism , which llm neophyte said he had studied. "Who made you ? " "Cod.1 "Why did IIP make y > iiv" "To know Him. love. Him and servo Him in this world and be happy with Him forever in I he next.1 "Where is Hod. " "God is everywhere , but i.said princi pally to reside in Heaven.1 "Where is Heaven. " The man Jiesitntod , paused and for once was silent. Suddenly recovering himself , however , he nnswoYcd : " "Well , Mr. Hughes , that iiu wasn't in the book , but -but 1 Mippo-u it's up above. " "Now , then , " said the archbishop , looking squarely in ( he man's eye- , ' what does tied do in heaven ? " Thai was a poser. The Pennsylvania n was bewildered. Ho scratched bis head in a vain eltort lo think il enl , but .some how the idea had never Mruek him be fore. llo was almost on the point of giving it up , when Ids face bright cued as he responded : "That question wasn't in the book , either , Mr. Hughes ; but between .von and mo 1 guess ( 'oil is in Ills own house up ( hero , and can stand up or sit down as He pleases. " Archbishop Hughes bur.- 1 out into a hearly laugh , and grasping the man's hand shook it warmly. They were warm friends after that. Cardinal McCloskoy related this anec dote with such an evident appreciation of thepointof the story , and with such nn eloquent elaboration of detail that it never failed to produce unlold mirlli. [ Now York Star. > Iiisical Union Hull. At Iho Casino skating rinl : to night ( ho Musical Union will give a eon- cert and ball which will be one of ( ho biggest affairs , s'o far , of the present social season. The full band of lifty pieces plays in concert and the dance. Muslo will bo furnished from Ibirty-iivn instruments. Five hundred ticket- have already been sold. POWDER Absolutely Pure. i mi lmnnllmiry kliiil * , " ' ' " iiicuiupt'l ' I on wIMH in mlll'l'l'l" ' < low . . "i ' . aiym or , | , ( . | ii' ' " > v-.i.r ( * . n. ' . ' "Wdur Ou , only In CMIH. Jloyul Iliikmif " WiilUli-fU JO TIWI6CEN SPHlHG OVEN 4OOOOO KWJJ , IN USE.