THE OMAHA DAILY B10E , WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 2 , 1883. REDS TRADE To ( MARK. V' OUGHfURE f T Absolutely free from Opiates , Emetics and Poison. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. AT nnvomsTs i THE CHARIES A.VOGEIER CO..BALTIMORE , MD. , H le rr rtl riu A VINE LINK Ot Pianos and Organs -AT- WOODBRIDGE BROS' MUSIC HOUSE OMAHA Nin'.ItAS Chartered by thcSt teof III ) . noiafor thcc.tprcisfiurpoto fofmvinzlmmedlaterellelln Rail chronic , urinary and prl- Ivata dUcasen. Qonorrhcea , tGIcctnndSyr hills in all their 'complicated forms , also sit dbcanca of the Skin and Blood promptly rclicvedand permanently cured by reme- i dies.testedinn I'urtuVrar * \SlittialI'racticr. bemlnal Weakness , Night Loscesby Dreams , Pimples on the FaceLost Manhood , Jioitttveti/ctit etl. 111 era into cri > friiir llnil. The appropriate remedy 13 at once used In each case. Consultations , per- tonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on rocVaje to indicate contents or sender. Addreta OR.JAMESNo.204WashlngtonSt.Chlcagolll. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC Is nnUiio's own icmcOy , mmlo from toots KiUlicifd from lorqstsot Umwlu. Tlio nboxo cut rcpictciils tlio mctlioil ot Us niiimifiictiuu twenty 7CIUSUKO , 'I'tioiloniiinil lias been Brad- luilly IncionsInK until a SUW.UOO Inlirntory N ow ncct'h'iiirv lo Mip | > ly tlio tinilo. This icut VCB- otnlilo lllooil I'ntllh'f cuios cniiicr , cntnrrli , i-riornln , ecvuimi , nlcor , iliuuniHtisin uml blooa tulnl.liuiL'dltury orotheittNu , wltliuut the Hie K. Y. 15TV. . SJil sf. Drawer .I , Atlnutit , Team Is your child peevish and fretful ? If o , ns- L'l'itaiu if ItMlooil l-i aiich > < II should bo. Oltcn , tliuujrli thu mother Ims a tu llcicnt quantity , u iimpcr lnve tinnllon will snow that it Is tittorly lUL'kinir in iiiuillly. The nso of KiilKc's Food is Invaliniblo as an iilt'Jinato niuiil lor the cliilds and the mother cnn often uilfu the ftnndaiil liy adopting Ilidgu's 1'ood 3 iltiuvtcU for invalids. HUMPHREYS9 IUCIILT J10UXD1NI CUOTII nnd GOLD Mailed Fi-ee. icaol Ohlldronnr Adult * . ' . ! Dtiuntrr . Crlpmff. Bilious Oollc. . ; . .21 l , Vomillng . 'Jt ! tbolrr ; Iprbu 'oillm. t'olil , lironchit . 9. IVrliriliiU , Toolh rUe. l' ce ehe 91 lleadachr * . blclt Ued oh . Ytrtl o .aI HOMEOPATHIC S P E C1 FIGS. or irot poitptlil on - receipt of DOCTOR WHITTIER HIT N ( . 'b rlo Mt.N.I.onUMo. A rriuUr | r Jail ef two M 4lc l Catlcn , In I fin l Dn vLit J la theipt'allr ' tni Btor CMSUVIC , NOTOD * . Hci * ted III.OOD Dmiiu < h > B ujr gtktrrhfileltiiUEt. Load. ( i * Hr f pri ibov ao . 11 oU rttldtnit toow. Nenout ProitrMlon , Debility. Menial and Physical Weakness : Mercurial and other Artec- tlons ol Throat. Skin or lonet ; Blood Poisoning , ( . old Sores anil Ulcers , tr trntt * wiu oop.tiiicuii tuccnt , > n utcit i l > aillc ptlucliln | , HiMt , rrlntdr. , Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , bxposur orliUuli nci. hi ii rtlUwloi iffieui mti um M d btiu , o . .cl.iyor rtm le , e I4w > , ttt.t r n < Ur > n UlaTtUgv Impitmtr MTUMwndrcore ruDpmit9Vr | > c In itil 4 Qr lope , freolo nj tdjre.i. ' * T "U tm. In. II. a u a mid I , * Positive Written Guarantee iu t KU ( > T < t ; li < tt \ > } mil MARRIAGE GUIDE. seq PAOES. FIITH TLATBS , tiecut ei th .ni , ut Hnjll . cildfor6Oo. lu I'j.lmcr jurrcmr. Orer Oflr m > iultrul | i a iilotutei , trua lo III. | irllclii on tb. rollonlnr xbjieui > banirniirrr , W > i > t. liilii > iikoM , voaiia. . . i > > U > lfM < ri Vt iialMUfc * r"ii4Mwii ikVt.- , . . iliTi > rrfir jae ( [ . aJ . | | a. many ia r Thwit raarrlej or iiUleiaf > 3'l ' C l rrl | < lu > ul4 re II , l prlir r1loa ! PWNa < t > ickcrr. JNIIlHlM' Bnnlr l > r inall. HF.AI.KII rRl'K COICAL CO. , BUFFAL HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm Is * ( a senct aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it , who would rather not tell ; and you can't tell. POUNDING ON A DRUM-HEAD , What Democratic Aspirants' for the Post- office at Beatrice are Doing. Ilie Land Office right Tbanksglvltie Olworvnnoc Klcctrlo Iilcbt , Street Hallway and Otlicr IJuslncss Improve- incuts. UI.VTIUCK : , Nov. 27. [ To the Editor. ] The opening of Hie postofficc light against Mr. Drum , the present incum bent , ha ? resulted in opening up the old ant ! bond feeling hero. Mr Drum , it will be remembered , was appointed six 3'cars ago as a reward for his services to the old ring on a rctnvning board that Mirovotitone precinct in this county , and declared the pro | > osUioti of $00,000 Union I'ucific bpnds. carried , nnd which the supreme court subsequently reversed. It was currently reported at the lime that $10,000 of the bonds were lo go into the pockets of the parties who worked up the scheme. Mr. G. L' . Marvin , editor of the Demo crat , is unquestionably the strongest can didate for the place and hence Mr. Drum's friends aic leayiug no stone un turned to encompass his dcteat. Marvin istl't most active democrat inthecounty , n piomitient member ot the state demo cratic committee for two years past , was a delegate to the national convcntion.and was one of the "Glorious Nine" so elaborately lauded by the Omaha Herald larft year as voting for G rover Cleveland in that convention. His opponent , though a good business man , lias no standing in the partv. His principal support comes trom Mr. Drum and Ids Paddock friends. This has naturally thrown to Marvin many Van Wyck re publicans and he has thu solid support oV the rank and tile of the democrats , and there seems to be no doubt as to the re suit among those best informed and not bia cd in the Paddock interest The land oilicc light has assumed a pe culiar pha < e. The rccunj appointee for receiver has been unable to raise the reqnistc bond and the same element that is trying to let Mr. Drum down easily arc pushing Mr , Fogg for the position. There seems to be but little opposition to Mr. Fogg nl present. Thanksgh ing day was generally ob served hero yesterday , union services being held at the now Lutheran church , A general gloom pervaded the communi ty , however , over the news of the sudden death of Vice President Heudricks , Most of the Hags of thu city were placed at half mast in honor of the distinguished dead. The track of the new street railway was completed this week. . The running equipment has all been purchased , neces- sarv employes engaged and ears will commence running next week. The recent comiiletion of works is received very favorably by the communi ty and the company is worked lo its ut most to supply the demand for fixtures , etc. The light gives the utmost satisfac tion and is nialerially interfering with the electric light plant that baa been in operation here for : i year past. Mnny merchants are substituting gas for the unsatisfactory elee.tric light. The prospect for two new railroads for this city i.s tlattcrmg , namely , the Wyan- dottc , Nebraska & Northwestern , and the extension of the Fremont & Elkhorn from Lincoln. During the past sca = on the city has en joyed the most extensive buihling boom of its history. Three magnificent new churches have been erected The line new Peoples' bank bank building , one of the finest stone structures in the west. has been completed. The First National bank building' is now about completed and is conceded to bo one of the best buildings in the state both as architec tural beauty and completeness of detail. Numerous other buildings , inclusive of the Yuto block on Fifth , tne Clancoy block at the corner of Fourth and Court Streets and Davis it Urumback's largo new elevator on First street , arc among the year's evidences of Beatrice enter prise. . Aim vou seTFcniNO FIIOM i. cold , ustlima , bronchitis , in * any of tlm vnrimn ii.ilmomuy tioublu3 , tluil so oltutieiul In consumption ? If so , u3o"W"illicr's I'ure Cold 1. 1IT Oil nnd I.irnc. " u sale uml sum irtni'dy. This Is no quack nrupanitlon , but Is regularly cd by tlm nu'dlml luoiity. Miunifne lun'Jonlv by II. A. WiLBOn , Chumlst. lloston. .Sold by nil druggists. N UGGETs'oF GOLD. The Slio nnd Viiiiio ol' California's 1\\K \ Ones. Virginia City Enterprise : In the win ter ot Ml ) iho Writer ot this saw and hand led the largest piece of gold that had ever been louiiil in California. I weighed 22 pounds and 1) ) ounces , ami was esti mated , by carefully weighing in water and otherwise , to contain about five pounds of quart/ , the rest , being pure gold. The Jindcr sold it for $5,000 , and it was .subsequently sold in Sanlrancisco for $10,000. , It was found at Sonora , Ihcn known as the Sonorian camp , in TnolnmneOcounty on the headquarters of Wood's creek , by a lazy old Mexican "greaser" who was rooting or "coyoting" about in holes or pits that the whites and others had dug out and aban doned in the outskirts of the town. AH soon as he found it he waslrcd it oft' , too * it to the nearest "monlc" bank and lost i)00 on it as soon as he could conven ient. Naturally , when the game got such a good hold on the "chunk , " they did not let go , bul kept the old fellow drunk for a. day or two , or till they owned it in full , allowing him $ " , OUO for it. He had lots of time in a short space of time tor his if.'i.OOO-iiiiggnt. In this connection the ( irass Valley Union of October 10th prints the following information : Louis Hlandlng says that Iho-gonorally accepted statement , that the largest nug get over found in California was worth $ ' , ' 1,000 is an erroneous ono. Ho says lhat J. , J. Finnoy , "Old Virginia. " found a piece of gold , about six * miles from DOWJI- lovillo , Sierra county , on the twenty- llrst day of August , 1R77 , that weighed 5,000 ounces. The gold of that vicinity was worth $18 an ounce which would itmko'tlie vnlnu of the nugget soniO'UO- 000. TliM would niako the rinnoy iiugicut theJargcst piece of pure gold over dis covered , BO tar as accounts go. Heretofore the Australian nugget , found in the Hal- ' larat gold fields has been considered the largest. Jt was valued at $60,000. Fin- ncy , "Old Virginia , " as ho was familiar ly called In thoio dav.s afterwards went to Waslioe , when the great silver discov eries wcro lir t made Ihoro , and trom him the town of Virginia took its namo. The man whodi covere < ( the largest nug get in the California mines andgavo lu.s name lo the richest mining camp in Iho world died in cMreme poverty. .Aflrretx in'oatlis Imn nnstrd , tlmiioiloil ot dentition Hill n-qiilru' to liu os-pi-ciiiily'looUul nHcr. Ittdyu'g rood posst < ii iif rlniits In no othurm-omuatlon , llio liono-fornimsr elements. lllsrfcUlu nllmmtiuiltli , niilion , ric. , mid is a porlvclly fenfndju for nil ula. cs conditionsIt ! ull dliwtlnim tiio fnllcv.voil. I'nt ill ) 111 tin , four size * tile. , KM. , us suid iJ.i.j. I-'osxil .Shark l-'oitnd hi Vulos Oonuty , S. Ilartwright in the Punn Yan Chronicle - iclo : The remains of a fussit shark , con- slsllns of a porliou of a defensive Jin splnu , were found in the drift in a culti vated iicld in the town cf Itenton , in thh county , by Mr. Davfd ( 'roarer n few day.s ago The specimen was partly ino.isoil in u Mock ot coniforo s limosstono from mos' of the limn ImdheoudU , s il > cd nut , leaving theluual llinly liorns : vi i ' i a laypruf clmllr , The portion found was two ami three tenths jnclus long , and the cntite spine nnK have been at lcnl nine Inches long. The ex tinct shark to which it belonged is known in paleontology as Maclucrcanlhius major of New-berry , and is often found in Ohio. This is supposed to be the firt time this _ species has been found in New-York Stale. The fin spines of this genus of shark were formidable weapons ot de fense , being shaped like a double bay onet , and anclpital or two-edged , but curved like a tusk , and fixed tit the base into the cartilaginous skull , and hcnco were nol movable , as arc the little I'm spines of the cattish. The sidles of the spines are concave on each side of the rat ed angular ridge running the wliolo length through the middle of each side , andarc thus like two bayonets applied together by Iheir Hal sides , giving great slrength , They occurred in twos , and were rights n'nd lefts. Those ancient sharks had no real bones , and their framework or skeletons \ \ ere of cartilage , except the spine , which was bony ami covered with smooth enamel For Ibis reason it is rare lo find fossils of Ihe oilier parls of these sharks , the soft pa 'ts of the skeletons gem-rally decomposing before pctrilacltou could take place. James J. Mitchell , Sitpt. Stone Dept. New Capitol at Albany , tf. Y. , writes "nn Lark Street , Juno 'W , 1831 , I have been using Allcock's Porous Plasters on my own person and in my family for the last thirty years. I deem it a mailer of duty to bear public testimoni to their exceeding usefulness a- nil internal rein ody. Placed upon the pit of Hie tomaeh , they warm and tone the digestive organs , On the small of the back , they give \ igor to the nervous system , anil act as a won derful diuretic. I think fullcifes of dyspepsia they > hould be worn both on the luck nnd ou the pit of the stomach. In this way they art as a stimulus to the \ \ lirile system. " IS IT REVOLUTION ? isecor'M lOlecli'k' Yai'lit thu Liilest Nautical .Sensation. Crofutt's New York Letter- The launching of Sccor's electric yacht is the nautical event ol to-day I went over Saturday and saw this "Eureka'1 sleeping on her ways ready for a dive into the East river. She is a schooner , rigged , and looks like an ordinary schooner , except that close inspection reveals - veals two protuberances on Iho hull be low the water lino. I'he-o arc of iron and are funnel shaped n.otiths project ing into the water , one opening to the front and the other to the rear. Above thc'C "blow pipes" is a steel globe about- two feel in diameter , into which air is compressed by air-pumps. Into this globe a thin stream of crude petroleum is forced , and here an electric spark tires it , generating a tremendous ga , which , combining with the eompiv-ed air , rushes through Hie bleu pipes , and presses the boat backward or torward by contact , with the water. It is su ; < l the-e , will exert a thrusting force of thirty tons at each explosion , and there is about ono explosion a second. The iinentor boldly announces that this is losuncr-edo steam , with all of its engines and boilers , paddles1 and screws. The. date of ( he trial trip is not yet announced. We shall see what wo shall sco. A luxury is said to be .something which you don't want until you se < . somebody elsowithit. In that ease St. Jacob , Oil is not , a luxury. You want it , not be cause someboih-else has it. but becan = o you know it will do you good. Facts About London. The London city press publishes some interesting tacts and iigurcs of London. Jn the metropolis there ate lot hospitals , in widen one and a quarter millions of people are relieved , and which dispense outdoor relief to four millions annually. Twenty-live per 1,000 of the population are paupers' , and are relieved at the cost of over 2,000,000. Jt al-o seems that there are many more lunatic wompn than men. Cabs have increased during the last ten years from 10,000 to over lU.OOO ; 11,478 children were lost in London last year. Grealer London contains an area of 41SW ! } acres. The population for this year is given as 5,1,1CI ! ) ! ) ( , of whom ( KU'.Y.J are foreigners , -1,551 ! ) Scotch. 80,778 Irish , S.'JM ' blind , and 1 , ! ? J deaf and dumb. In 1881 there were 11,70 ! ) licensed public and beer houses , and 15,51 ! ) males and 0,018 females charged with drunkenness. In the same year there wcro 205 persons killed and ! t'i)2 ! ) maimed by street acci dents , and 85-1 suicides. There wcro 20ii7 ( ( articles lost in public conveyances , of which 11,218 , were restored. There are 107 newspapers published in London. There Shall ho no Alis. | W hen Napoleon talked of invading Italy one of bis ollicors said : " 15iit. sire , remember the Alps. " To an ordinary man Iheso would have seemed simply in surmountable , but Napoleon responded eagerly : "There shall be no Alps. " So the famous Simplon ] jiss : was made. Disease , like a mountain , stands in the way of fame , fortune and honor to many who by Dr. Pierco's "Golden Medical Discovery" might bo healed and so the mountain would disappear. Jt is specific for all blood , chronic lung and liver dis eases , such as consumption ( which is scrofula of Iho lungs ) , pimples , blotches , eruptions , tumors' , swellings , fever-sores and kindred complaints. A Story of Head ricks' Father. Cleveland Loader : The Vieo Prcsi dent's father was a good business man , but his mother was a better ono. About a.year ago , in talking of Iho elder Hen- dricks , tlio old pioneer id : " 1 think John Hondrioks was the bc t man I huvo over known. His example would make any son a great and good man. Ho was very prominent in the Ohio community in which ho lived ; waa a captain of the militia , a surveyor of considerable ro- puto. an elder of iho L'robsyterian church , and for years the church's chief support. I bccamu well acquainted with him , and1 wo wcro morn like brothers than friends. , lloas kind-hearted anil conscientious , but would not nhow himself to be impos ed upon , I remcmbor once , when u cus tomer came in and bought a single hide. When John'b back was turned lie took another and wrapped it up in the one ho had bargained for. John suspected > omo- thing was wrong from the si/.o of the bundle , and soon discovered the cause. Not desiring to oxpoio the fellow and create a disturbance in the community , at the same tlmo not wanting an iinjiHt advantage taken of himself , ho quietly nmdo out a bill for two hides , and hand ed it to Ihu fellow for payment , Tt is un necessary lo &ay that the bill was not dis puted. Purify your blood , tone up the system and regulate the digestive organs bv taking Hood's iSaroupurilla. Sold by ail druggists , In I he Ilor o Car. f ran forgive the careless mini Who heads upon my bunion. Lint his great fault 1 can't comtono Whose breath smells loud of onion [ Hoston Uiulgct. „ , Tin : iiorsi : iyr. I.IVK IK , ( iv OTHEU words , our bodies ) are held on repairing leases , Wo must strengthen and renew thorn when they exhibit' signs of wfcak- ness and decay , In pr. ' Richmond' Sa maritan Nervine the Debilitated , the JJil- ions , the UUcumalic , and the .Dyspeptic , will llml the mo t genial Tonio anilllo- storntive over offered to the siuTuriiu ; in valid. 31 , W , RECALLED FROM THE DEAD , A Disckirgetl Solcher's Experience With Ju gc Lynchi The ScH atloim of Hanging llo\v He V\"n llcvlrrdnclVifiiiutlun nncl HnVl } ' Man Inge. St Paul Pioiu-cr L'i"I < know what it is to die , for /have MifVored all the agonies of clcallf,7 * .ahl a .jolly proprietor of ii St. Paul uMnlilfclmioul. " 1 ilon't care about ItnviHg my nnnii1 mentioned in connection with the tilValr. W th tlm understanding that no names or place-s arc published , I don't mind telling tlio to me never to be forgotten accident. Well , to begin my story , I will say that in the spring of 1801 , 1 was at home on' my father's farm in central IllitinN. t was still attending M-liool , although 1 ! ) years of tige. I. had l.iKcn but little in * lore-t in tin1 war , attending closely to my stndie , pi c-paring 1113 * oll" for college. I was on my way home Irom H'hool one day when , in pa mgi : croud of men , I heard that another call hud been i ued for li'oopUefore ( vpaehcd home I had made up my mind to unllM , and told m\ parents of my intention on en tering the house. Al > mothur cricil and my futhci1 Uatly refused to listen to it , ( liiniiii : that" 1 was too young and in- uxpcrienc'wl to willnlautl ( lie hardaliips ot'Avar. . 'Let him uo. ' said grandtathur , ti veteran ot the Me\ican war. 'Ho is young and henity. and will mak good soldier. ISe-ide. allhoitgh ho has heretofore - fore been a good (103 ( , lie nmU sooner or later i-ttw his wild oal-i. and the war is as good a plaoi as any for that purpose. ' That night m\ , lather and mother did not retire until alter midnight , and I knew they were debating whether lo let mo go or nol. The lu-Ni morning 1 wa- , told Unit 1 eould enlist Iwillpa-s < ner tlio tearful ] > artln& with p.irenls , friends and " selioolniastci1 , and simply say that I served two years without ac cident. His hardly uocusMiry to 8:13- : that 1 did sow my wild oats. From a mode t , upright ho , } , in company with men of low natures and many vices , 1 sooli became a v rj bad man. L remem ber my twimty-lh'it birthday was passed in thu'giinrd-hou-e for drunkenness. On receiving my discharge and pay J went to Cairo , 111. , and there had a long and protracted prei > . I did not fully awake to my utter li : < ; k ofili respect until my last jicmiisas roue , and a now Miit of clothes was e\ch. lilted for a poor one and a lew dollars. Without a cent in inv pocket atidragged clothe * on my back , but determined to reform , I Murlfil on my tramp back to my father's farm. On the night of my third day out from Cairo , I entered a .sawmill that 1 noticed on one side of the load. TIII : m u DIM ! ox nun. "The lire unHei Jhu boiler had not ye gone out , ami as the night was chilly , L put some snvdpnl and small pieces ot w'ood upon the lire , and then prepared a place to go to sleep. 1 .soon dropped to sleep , notwithstanding an cmpltorn - ach.Vhen \ 1 awoxc the llanusvcio all around me and 1 fras nearly sutlucated .with smoke. Lni bed out us quickly as my conl'iiicd sjenpi54 w'oiild allou. 1 was no sooner out of the burning building than I was suited by a howling mob ot infuriated mill hand' , who Miupo-od that I had sot the mill ion lire. One of them shouted , 'Hang the wretch:1 : which was taken up by the ro-l. Some one started for a building a short distance uwaj to bring a rope. Jn vain did 1 plead with them , It llmg them that I had only sought shelter for the night , and that I could prove my innocence of any intention to Jii" > the building it they would give mo time. J'Ficy would not listen to me , and my tears and threats were alike in vain. A rope was soon se cured and one cud was thrown over the limb of a tree , while the other was made into a. noose and put around my neck. I was then told that two minutes would be allowed mi ! in which to say my prayers. 1 sank down upon my knees , but did not pray. My thoughts were of home , fath er , mother and iricmls.of the happy day ; Iliad npunt with tlio companion.- m\ childhood ; of the wa.\ ward path in which my feet had trodden since leavinghome. J know that mother would look stint look for her only child , and never know the reason why ] did not return. .All this , and more , passed through my distracted brain in those two minutes. I was com pelled to htaud up. and the signal was given to pull , ' \ \ ilh a sudden .jerk I was raNcd oil my feet into eternity , as 1 sup posed. Words could not lull the sum-r ing I endured for the ( ii'st twii .seconds , alter which a iingiug. > cn-ation was felt in my head , and the pain began to dimin ish. "Then evei\\ihing \ was still ; I could hear nothing ; I was out of mi-cry , and it seemed as though 1 WHS lloaling away , away I knew | tel where. KfXr.UMXi. I ONM 101 * M. - ' . "The sun was shining through the half open shutters of ti co/.y little bedroom , and bending over me was u lovely young girl of about Itcars ! . of age , when L opened my eyes the ne\l day. Of course it was natural , alter the. experience of the night before to think that I had passed into another world , but this idea WHS soon dispelled when J attempted to risu on my elbow bj tlio .young lady say ing : Voii must be as .still as ti mouse , and try to .sleep some moiv. To-morrow the doctor will be here again , and then perhaps he will allow you to tit up and talk ; but for the pre.-ent you must no questions. | inctiLl.y obeyed , and before making an efVorl to sleep I put my hand to my tliroaMhinking perhaps thu dread ful occurrence of tlm night before hail been but a terrible dream , but no , si great well had been loriued completely around my neck lo the rojic The mor row came , and with it came more strength. I Was Allowed In con verse with' those who camu into my room. Tci initkn a long story short , I | f > oouIJMiovrtX'd ( that I was in the Ifujb&f-uC tlm owner of th mill which iMfM miliiU'iilioniillj ' de.- Mroyc.d. He Mijwj ab.out a mile from [ ho mill , , and nt'lu i-cclug the tire had jumped iiUti.Bfajj | ) > euid ) 1:01110 : with all po-siblobpeeiiK-K scene , arriving .just in time to c.'in rfpU' < > ] ) r , letting mo fall acro-s thu lim'-TOn frout.'of him , and taking mu in tin- position fo the nearest ] ihy.sician , tlmrr.bViNti.ving my life. I ni- mained a motrttiih Ills lioii&u and helped them build ; nu'/U//'iuill. / ( / ( 1 was treated with the gniUi' ! ( i khidiii"js li.v the men who souglit toiituk Miiy life. 'U'o war a crowd ol duin jiiVrtialics.'expInlm.'d 0110 of Uicin , 'and''Jf/ii' ' / | ought lo hoiner.s . onn of us arrtUtet'.1 ' Aly ilepsirturo was apparently rcgivlfed by maiij of fhi'iu ' , and one cspecJHvmadi [ ! ( mo | > roiuisothai 1 would rctnnijumng the suininc which jn-omii-o , I am gliul to Miy , I I.epl. There is the triio story of an incident in my life of which I do not feel proud. " "Hut what becanui of thu young lady who nursed you * " was asked by an at tentive listener. "She is in St. Paul now ; and , 1 am happy to inform , you , i.s Ihu kind mother of my five children. " GEN. FREMONT , Honit : Interesting ( j < i8sli | About llto Veteran Pathfinder. ' Crotlntt , writing from New York , savsi On Monday [ rdttd in the leading demo- cratie uuwspapu1 of the couiili'i , paragraph - graph hctlingrtidh that 'Mohn ( J , Fro- inoul , the tii-t ivpublican candidate for the pre-idt'iicy , is now 7' ' yearn old , and m u Malt < if eAtrcmo povcrli llu is s'ek ' , sii'l ' | . siin'crinji from want , ami would seem to bt < tan obji tot .sympathy and substantial aid. " I copy this for the purple of | ' ajing that the multitude of friend * of 1 irmont throughout the conntrv need nol yet got ready cither the contribution box or tlio amtnilaiico. Tor that very evening , a I was sheltering myself from the wind in the iiostolllcc corridor , waiting for a street car , n familiar ligure wung by on the sidewalk , evidently walking up town It was that of n smallish man of M , uuiybo , with face aglow with health , and with vigorous and clntic strp A snck coat of j-ough gtod' ) < buttoned up to the throat , anil an uniiMial "xr.icc and freedom of carriage encouraged the lllu sion Ilia ! the man was in middle life It was Gen. John ( . ' Fremont , and Hi an other m jnlli he will be Ti ? yi'ars old His wife , "Jessie IJunlon , " wboie distin guishcd name has always been justly coupled with the general's is ( juile us ro bust and vigorous as he , and as tin ir habits have always been simple and reg ular and hi accordance with the taws of health there seems no rea ou why the twain should not livolo be 100. There are men in business in New York not turned IB who are physically much older than ( .Jen. Krcmont. I luve heard that ho everyday bathos all over in cold water , summer ami winter That is a luxury I deny myself. I am very temperate In these matters. N'ow probably this worthy couple don't like tobogo sipc'l about , but to a cot tain extent they belong to the public , and I cannot forbcRr saying that the Fremonts are not in a slate of poverty and don't need " .substantial mil. " Ju-t now , in transition to a new home , thev are living at a favorite hotel , but they will shortly be. as comlortabjy settled as un.vboilj need bo. It is _ probably not generally known that Fremont was ; offered the democratic nomination ot Vid and declined it before becoming the republican candidali Yes , prominent southerners labored with him , asking only that he should agree to en- force'tlij'fugitive slave law anil not try to get it repealed. " 1 am opposed to it , 'gentlemen , " he said ; and. ns he persist eil , it ended the conference There are a great imiu\ , people who believe that Fremont and Mcflollnn ought to have been put on the re tired list of the army with their old rank and pay , because both remaned at the command of tlm country to accept iiom inntious to the presidency. Isnl Fre mont is pre-cminciUly entitled to such honorable recognition , because to bis boldness and enterprise is due Ihe dis- cloiiiro of the great n'orlhwe.-l to clvill/n tion. s TIIKVOKD , So Don't You Bo the Kirsltu Tell. Translated from Do > ! ovedades , N. Y. , October 10. The wlmlu ticket No. 777 in tin- Original "l/ittlo Havana" ( Gould & Go's ) decided by Itoysil Havana Lottery , October 3d inst. , created a oom- inntion in this city in the neighborhood of the Stock K.xehahge and at the Man hattan Club , by reason of said ticket be- injj sold among the brokers , and though being the sumo number as tlm one en titled to 100.0W ) pe os ( Spanish Hank Hills ) , in the Uoyal Havana drawing the sum of $15,000. which amount was paid , on presentation of the ticket on the 8th inst. , in three ( ' ] ) checks on the Brooklyn baukr > rooklyn , X. Y.eaeh representing payment ot a fractional part of the a'moitnl .slated , towitOOD : : , $4.u ( ) ( ) and ! } ! ) . 000 respectively. If von don't believe it , ask the members of Kvehange or club and yon will find that all know Ihe bottom tom facts while some of them "got tin1 boodle- " We have heard , in bo.hiiod'hour . , the cry of "Wolf , Wolf , whnn there was no Wolf , " but , in this in-laneo there was one , who siji'tis hini = Hl WOI.IT. JJcltl ( isfolhics : Coupon No' I , ill > It. Wor.rr , Jlsiu- Rattan Club , 15lh St. it Oth A\ ' . Coupons ! i , " > and 4 , ( 'IIAKU.S A i M 10 , of AssBNfto & Co.s > in , 18 lv\-clian ' 1'lace. Coupon No. 5. .loii.s SIMONI , Uflmoni- co's restaurant. All X. Y. C'ih . LSL CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000. " \Voilo lieii'liy i erlifv that > > e supervise tU : m Jnj-'c munis ) ov nil theMoiulilv and Srnil-An- niuil ilr.nvhitr ol llu' l.oiii-l.uia Slate l.ottory t'ompaiiy.and in pti oti miuuiKe nnd ( nnlrol th-draninps tlioin elve" , anil that the viimeam I'Onduc'ted ullli liiini'-l.v , fnlriK'S- and in KOCK ! lalth toward all psiitie , and \t uiithoii/o thu ciiiiipnnr lo n = n llil rci IfnVato. wltli fac-liHll.-i < > l'jursijfnntniC5.attaeh'iI in its inlvcitlsmvncs We. lln > uinleislj.'ued hanks ami laiil ) > cis , will 1 > iiy all | iii/rsilnn > niii the l.oitNlnim ytatc Lot- lories hleh nmy bopiet-enlul at our eonnlers ,1. II. OOl.KSr.Y , Pres , Louisiana National Bank. sA-MUKi. ii , KK.\MDV : , Pres. State National Bank. A. it.u.mriN , Pres. New Orleans National Bank. ATTRACTION , UNPRECEDENTED , i vMii.i.Ki.s Ui-uuiii rm LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. Incorporittcd in 18flS forll JI-MIN liylliH ctrls laturclor KOucallonnl ami Chuiluhln pur/io-is / with ueupitul ol tlWiXHIliMtliich ( ( ( a ictervo liind of over $ .Viilnuil hnr. slncn ln > en addeil , ] Iy an ovorwhclniliiK popular vote IrancliiMi WIIH made a p.ul ot the inosi'iil e-lalc rouMiitlon nilopteil Oeeemlit'r''d , A , I ) . b7' ' . ItMpraml iliiRlo niimlier'lUBI tnUr pliicu mom Mr. It ne or cHli-ii or IMI-I ponw. I.ooU. at tlm lolliinlntr dUlrlbiltlon : 187th Grand Monthly AMI THK mRAORDinmiY simmi mm In thu Ai'iiili'inj ( if.\r.ii > ii' , Ni > \ \ flilc'iiiis 'I'licscUy , HKconilict ltli , Ib-vj- IJiiiJerilu1 | iei > oniliiH'rI.MU : | ) Mini mititK : : < ' ' inenl ofUiT. ; ( ! . Ii : u II : < .AII > , ul Lou- Niaiiii , .iiul O.i v. , | UAI ; , , \ , KAIIA : , of Vlr- ( 'iniit. CAPITAL PRIZESI50,000. Notice-Tickets are SIO only. Halves , $5 , Fifths , $2. Tenths , SI- 1.11 o I CUTIAI. 1'iii/Kii i'Ki/i. or . ' . - -o.cioo -1 I.UiCil. J'lll/KH II * flJUM . I.M.IXK ) L'H I'KI/KSOI I.W I. . ' .11,1101) ) ryi 'joo. . : f > , tx i it/i / i " .no . m.oo ) . - mi 'Jt l. 10.000 M > " Jim. . . iio.uuo tfJtl " W. WUOU , AI'I'IKIMM'IIO \ I'll l/l > . "Km Apiro\liiiniraiitiil/i ' | < kor ? * ' ( ) ) . ii.V/XXl A'pplltation for rates to iliil.ilmnlil Iminuda only lo tlm olllcu ot the compnny in NoivOn leunt. , vranls t our fxncnse ) uililrc * o jl , M. A. [ Mi 1 HIN , OrM , A. DAUPHIN. NvwDrluau * , TA. 1 Wut hlngloil , I ) . C , Make P. O. JJonoy Oivlcrs pabablo nn < l ftlili'5i ( ( SSfB SATION'AL HANK , , ( .0. I/UISIANA ) NATIONAL 1JANK , New Orleans , fa. STATE NATIONAL UANK. ISow Oi loans. La. GEltMAN NATIONAL IIA.NK Kovr Orlfiiiis , I * . World's Made In Every Style nnd Variety Known to Modern , Cooking and Hooting Steve and Range Construction PRICES FROM $10 to $75. The above Trade Mark is a Guarantee that Erfry Article bearng H /s ihc Finest and Best "that can e made for the price asked. Beware of Imitations. If your Dealer will not " " direct to furnish you with a "Garland" write The Michigan Stove Company , DETROIT , MICH. CHICAGO , ILL. BUFFALO , N. Y. FOR * < VLE BY TO FURNITURE IS DEWEY & STONE'S One ofHtv Kcst nnd Largest Stocks in tftc ( T. S. to Select from. No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , GUO. lintKC , Mnmisror , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. Itr.llIltCNCES : Merchants nnil raimuvs * llnnk , Dnvicl fily , Xt-b. : Kearney Katlnunl tl.uiklvo\r noy , Kcb. : C'olutulint > Stutu Hiinl : , Columbus , Nob. ; McDonald's ll.uik , Noilli I'lattc , Neb. Oumha Kntioiuil Hank , Oninlin , N' < ; ) > , Will pay customers' draft wllli lll ! of ladlcg ottnclicd , for t\vo-tliinls vnliio of slock. " CANDEE Rubber BOOTS "wrni DOUBLE THICK BALL. Ordinary Kubbcr Boots BlwiTi wear out flrat on the ball. The C'AXnKK Boots are dcitble thicken on the ball , and glvi DOUBLE WEAK. Host economical Rnbbrr Boot In the iccrkcr. L § U longer tbnn any other boot and the PRICE HO HIGHER. Call and ex mine tbe OKNKHAL AOEXT , * 1513 DOUGLAS STKKET. O.MAIIA NUUKASKA. A SPECIFIC FOR ffj/asms , Convul- clona , Falltnfl Dance , Alcohol' ism , Opium Eal- Scrofnla , Ktngt NERVE I.W , Ugly Blooa Diseases , Dysptp' ita , Kervousoegs , " "Sick fftadactie , _ * Rlieumatl in , JVVnows Wtaltru , llralu Worry , Jllooil Kortt , Billousnciis , C'osili-atet * , Nervouiil'rojtration . Infitlllblu remedy h ill liuu\7 : \ Tlio ailllcted \UIHlnil 11 (11 ( lin a constitutional Hpocllli ; , niiil a foimtuln or vitality und vjgor. at ) lefrctliine and e.xhili-itlnr ! ; ; ostu-ol. KU"litiifrflprlni ! o ( \viI ! ( > i'Uitliuii.ucUciluul I.unUu.U'ivelti' ( In Ihetl.'sfit . , To ilt.cllim \fhuiiHlr f ! -Corie jmnU nc 'l'r Bljr Ihe Pr , S. t. lilCMNOSDKEtinSB W. , St. Joseph , Ho. Solil liy all DiucsUU. pc-r lulllf , or four bottlcj for $5.XX ( FOR SALE BY C , F. GOODMAN , _ PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " 'I'lie UriKinnl nnd Only ( Jcnuiiic. Ft'tf tuliilTaji n < fil * . I Tarpnf vr rtlitrft Iif Itatlon * . iwli.tiblt lo LADIES. 4 > 'i ] " " ' llruiialit ' . ' ' rbtrkrtlrr'i r.ntTl.k'- - l l-lg w > mber.or ii.cio * : < Aiuri'Mo u < for i'i Icu1&r fn Itttir Itr rrluri , mull. NAME PAPER. bl * c.ti-r 'hrml : i.l ' . . , US IB MuJliuuquarc , riill J . , I'u. M UriifiMl. 'Iro.ln rut i ii I'ullrr A. 1'iillc/ I'o. fVa. \ . III. _ ISUC GRIFFITH , Commission Merchant , Amivliol ' ' lf IKalciIn Produce Fruits Batter Etc Country , , , Eggs , , GOOD ? ON ( GSRin.Sm NT A WCCI.U.TV. 320 N , 16th St. , Omaha , Neb , , liy r < H'iul-SJon 1'ii't \.illiiniil Bunt , JjiU'-pK ; V. c. ( liirr < ( ( > ) > . ( .1 ' < ' < ! - Inn Natlona ! lluiilc , ; knit Oil } ; IOHU Vi' M in : . 1)05 > I < J Ua ; II. HKlllR"Mtlll , , \ < - ' t I'll I'll 'til' I'll 4' Ni'loii'il tijiii1 , ( lit , v o. Railway Time Table OMAHA. T to iollnwltur Is the limo of itrnval nnd do- 1 ml'ol tialns by. Cent ml Stamliird time ut 1 Ini-iil depu M. Tialnaof the C. , St. I1. , JI.- O. nrrni ) Mini iloiurl | tiom their iltipot. eoniur ot 1 llh nnd Wt'UMrrnttruls ; tiiilns on the It. A ; M. , C. , II. & Q. . uml K. U. , Ht. J. \ C. 11. fiom tlio II. & M. ilupot ; nil others Ii 0111 thu I'nloii rnclllu depot. iiKincr THAINP. rrlilrfi1 In 1 is wnl h'uvo ' . I' , 'lepot ixl 0tl : i- llv iVfiOH : i:0j'a:00 : : 4OU : ri.iW3M"Il6 : ,10-7:30--ll:10p. : in. Lcnvolrii stir I or Omaha nt"l" 11 Sstfi-OiSU 9:13-Ji : lOsSi-IOtiiT- : a. jihs ll | L'i- : ll.v ; p. m. Anhnl nnil ilomtrtnio ot titilns lioin llio tran-torilopot Rl Council lllutls : niii'Aiir. Aiimvi : , CIIIC.AGO ft : ' ) iirinvi. Ti.itx. flll.'i v. M . Mull iinil Ilviu-ess. . . ' .OOl' . M 13 111' . M . Aw i ) liniod Itlon . . . . t'J ! ) I' . > t o0 ; i' . M . . Kx r 9 . . . UI5 : A. M CIIIUMIO A ' K 1-tMMI , nl5 : < . M . .Mall anil Hxpioss. . 7CO : p. M 7.1'iv. M . . . Accominoiltitlon . r > : ! W p. M u0 : : i' . .M Kxprt'ss ' .1:15 : A.M ciiu AI.O , : iiiw.MiKii : ; ; . M- . i'1,1,1 , . ! lli\ ) . M . . . .Mull uml IXiii'L'fs. , . 7-.IXIP..M C..U r. M K.\proB ! I1JA. ; Jt < 'IIU'AiO. ( llflll.t.MlllIN A IJI'IM'V. DsS'iA. ii . . .Mill ! mill Ii\pri > S4. llsiKIl' . M Gslir. M . . . Express 0:1 : % A. M WAII.\-llhT. I.OUIh & I'ACIKK. . 2l."i : P. M. I/or ixl M. l.ouN I'.Yiircss tJilMi'.ii.TrmiHfcrSt. I.onls > ti-r ilu'IOi-.M K \ssn cn v , si , .1111 , i. coii.M n , minus. 10:0n : A. M . . .Muilnnil K\pross. " : " " ) I'.M H:5jp. : M , . . .IJvpross . . ( i"i A. M blOIJX ( ' 111 V I'AI'II'II . 7-iAJt. : ( | . .Sioux ntyM II. . 7:1)11 : ) P. U 7Vir. : M . . . .Ht. 1'anl U.xpre s Deniirt. WlWTWAItl ) . Ai'l'lvo _ I A. M. . P. M ? . , . . | 0ta : De-putt. KOUrmVAHl ) . AlI'lVO. * .M.I P.M. iMihSoinri I'ACii H , M. I P , II , 0iCin' : : ' ' Our Kxprets. . . . " ' " 'i . . .Nlglit K\pii'fs. . I K. ( . ' . , ST. J. Si C. II. i .VI.i J'latlaniontli _ pini't. | NOltrilWAHl ) . Arrive. A. M , I 1Si , | ( ! . S'1'7 1' , . M. .V 07 M. ' p. u. HKIH : Slou.v Cltj l\H'C ) | = -i . . . . . . . CMCIoOiiMmiU Anoiiiiioil'n _ ) llopnil. KAB'JWAItl ) . An-ivo. A.M. 1 P.M. I ( ; . . ii .Co. .Yin lat Kinoiilli. 8TOOK A'AllOrt TIIAI.VH Will leave U. 1' . dopot. thinilin.iil KM f-:0. : * 10:15 10 Kin. 111. ! ' 'sl'lH.'fillMp. : . in. I nv Stock-t' ! n4 liirOinnliti nt 7M'-10 : : 'i a in. ; 1S.OI- I : ; i-llo ! :07 : 0.iip.m. : N'oTiA triln ilully ; y i-\ pt Biliulay ; C. ilnlly t\copt ! atur.niyj J ) , ilinly eACt-pt Mon- "A Ktnnilaul U'otlc for VOMIII ; utid . "illy 551 liy mail , postimltl. KNOW THYSELF , A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD , Rxh.iiuted VltulUp. t.Vrvv1" " " 'I ' I'littlnil I > , il.IMr | 1 rciii.itiiifi ! ) * ' < IH.O hi MnitKruii ul ioulhniid thn untold nil i'h"t niiltlnie iroin hKllnlrrllori mid cv t'-Ku . A tiuiK for < i\rry | iun. J Jiuij. . inMillnmjieil nnUiiht. Itiiintnim I 'ipitKiiliUloii * A f : ll | unite nncl ilimiil < dl > v.ier. riicliiino / uhtrli Ii Inialimlilc. HII loiiiid by tliMnulh'jr whokii tii | < rl ! > iun Jor " > yimtu ( ti--liH > | > rnli.itilf narrr Uciore fell l.illin lot of Hiir iil jUlnpi.JOiinx'M. Ixiuuil In LKIUIIIUI rrrtuli iiiiit lliipui ! < i > srpJcorin < , rullullt. uiMiaiiii'iatiiloailnur woiklnovrryK-nxo nienmnliwl. lltpmrr niul prn01 ilon l-th.iiiiir.irc.ilir ( ; work In till * < oiintr > fnr 01 thcMuriiiey ( Ullltvii'funil lnu\i'i ) luitumo. l'rln milII hy mull , pontiulil. llluitiAli J uiRiMe ; Mt H'ml niiir. CoM nieilnl airnrdnl the n Jlhur I'r ilir Nu- ItoiialJlealMl. UsiH'UUon , to the vllii.ti u ( nhluAlii 1 Th7r > lofeo { LlfeilioulJ torc-acl thnxounK/Xir IrftruvllnnnnU t > > ttmnnilcU'iJ funfllei. lliiUIUopo- llnill.-l.on-lnii Lancet. > 'J'l.fio U tin ipf mlier of 0f Iffty 1 1 n liotu lan Sclouc * ( f l.iro will not biiunofnl , wholricryiiKti , | i70lt ; " ( ! JiLliiStrutloi-or clergy m n. Ar.'iiiiinu AiliiipmthH IV.iti < Kl > Mixlunl iiulliiily. orDrW.II. l.'uUiT Nv. I UiilllliirH sticir. llo'tcm Kt" . , t.-ljo nmy ' r i < mu'ic't on , < tl ill-c3SM icdiil Irs Alll uml iKpcil- i ! ' ! ' , Cliniiilc mill iiliilliialo di-ciii-fis inui luivu I ! ! ! > 1 III. Kill ol n > l other pbjbl 1/WflW I * ir , : t H | > t < | tilty , Midi lienu I Wv It iici > fniijtiiii < iii ( mi in-ii iir iMllllU't. .MfUllfU III ! IT.01 , .