a. jar- THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 2. 185. 1 Til ] ! ) . \JLY COUNCIL "BLUFFS , 'H'LsDAY MOKNLNG , DK < \ i. . * * OrriCE : Wo. 18 rcarl Street. Ilflhninl lij enn.t-r in nny pait of tliocity til tvriil ) tent * fifr wc-iJ > . H. \ \ . 'lii.iox , - - - Tll.NOH MK.NTIUN. ni'Ilcr ' , Ilio tailoi' , for winter Rood" . 'I'lio Knights and l.atlin * of Honor liave n liop ( o ni lit at tlio Aicatitiin hall. AVintcr hats at I'Nitlj iviltit'cil IIHCCS to floM- them out nt Airs. ( ) . A. Itogcr * . Tlii'i'otiricll Intl no qtiorum last evening - ing- Another attempt \\ill lie matlo at : ( ) thi aflornoon. jl'arMes have bni'ii looking over the cil.v williin Hit' ' pat few tlay s with n view of Htartmuncw j n-t works horo. Tliu.vworn fa\oraltli lnipiv. * r < l with the preliinin- iiry Httrxc.v. A ttain Ix-lonniny toVillinm Martin , anil attai-hcil to anpn' < ! wugon , look- it run near llni transfi-r. The team ramp to asiiilileii halt by one of Ilium falling down and breaking his nei-k. Stipurvisor . .lonesliu was in attend- mice at the hoard merlin ; ; .yesterday , re ports a fa t htf-kinp ; on Ins farm. Thf * man got away with lo'i lii ) liels in nine hours and thirty-night minim" * . The police matlo 1"i ! .irrrsN in Xovem- ber. 'I'lio ' rash receipts paid into the treasury was sfyo , a little more than fifty cents ai > iure. It pays Ijeller to run In cattle or eolleel license on dog * . Mr. and Mr.s. ICddy , of ( 'ontiei-tiettt , nro in the city , the gui-Ms of Mr. and Airs. Olmsled. Tlit'j arc on their wed ding trip , and are going as far west as len\er. Mis. Eddy is a cousin of Mr OlinMcd. Four team1 , and about eight men are being employed in general work on tiie Htrcot.s. No hpucialstreel improvente.nts are now being made , the work liuing patching up "hail places and making nee.eary repairs. J'rof IJarthoiomew's wonderful horses continue to delight largr andionees at tlte opera house. Thc. e animals are certainly man els of training and intelli gence. The nelly and excellence of the entertainment on MI re great crowds at all times and places , 1M AVright , the well known .steno grapher and Jjpn writer , ha' severed his connection with Van Hrnnt , Thompbon iVr < 'o to accept a position with the Coun cil Hlnll's Insurance compiinv. He is one of the lj--l ( in his line in the west. Not mueli attention is paid to the ordi nance reiiuiring the taking out of build ing pei'nnts. IJut one permit lias been granted , or even nkcd > for , that s-olitary niManci' leing ) an alderman , who wanted to ha\c his record -trajjjhi m every de tail. tail.The The Young Men's Christian Assoeia- tion has arranged for a rare musical t roat for the people of Council Itlnfl's , in the form of a concert by Mine. Try's con cert company , The date lived upon is December lo , ami the place the opera hoii-o. Da\id Dunklo has bought out I lie sa loon \ \ \\hichliasgamed unenviable rep utation umler the management of Fred die ( icrstenberg , and proposes to make a decent place ot it , in comparison to what it lets been. There have been very few placet in Ilio city , public or private , which have been decorated with mourning goods in con- Requeued of tlio death of Vice I'residenl Ilentlr'u'.k.s. The " -orrow is doubtless just as great , but the absence of the us ual tokens is noticeable. The Milkmaid's rnt < vtainincnt in Ma- f-onie hall Thur-.day evening promises to ho a novel one. It will be I he opening of the fair to lie given by the ladies of the Congregational church. Friday evening another cnlcrlainmont , entirely dilVerenl , will be given. The mayor : ind a number of aldermen of .Nobra-kaCilv ai rived in this city last evening , and called in a body atlhc IJr.i : ollice. They u ill this morning insjiect the water work- , paving and oilier ini- | ) ro emonts bore iinder the guidance of the mayor of the city. If the patrol wagon , nhich lies idle , could be traded oil' tor improvements in the tire alarm -.vstum , it would bo better tor the city. The $ ( ! 00 put into the patrol wagon to "ratify \\liim of the mayor is needed in a good many places , but in none more than in tiie tire alarm Fred Cierntonberg now promises to leave the city for the city's good , lie says the HKI : has t-aid so many mean things about him that ho don't want to slay hero any longer. The 15ii : : lias only confined itself to chronicling tlio facts in which Freddy has been prominent. In some now Hold ho may bo more of a man. Tom Deorwe'lor , who sells canary birds , was arrested Monday night for pairing counterfeit money. It was claimed he got a man to change a half dollar for him , and the half being bait ho rolncd to takoilback. As no one ap peared yoMorday to prosecute him ho was discharged. The county board mot yesterday , and made estimates on the woi k done on the court hou e. The bill for piling was al lowed at * . ' 5l , ( lii.08. The work seems to Jnno beun done to Iho cnliro satisfaction of the boaid , and much confidence is expressed - pressed that the now building will have a ioundalion which will bland tor years to come. The organi/ation for the helping of boys is not dead. Tlio olllcord of the as sociation havosomo money in the treasu ry , and will ? , olieil fresh contributions as fast as ( hero is need. The purpose is to llml good homes for boy.- , who Jiuvo none , L ! I tl < t has been done during Ilio Mimmer , but as cold weather advances , the de mands for such an organisation natural ly increase. L , M. O irom , a farmer in I'leasant township , has become insane , and yester day was taken to the asylum at Ml. Pleas ant. His molhcrdicrl in an asylum , so that .h < I rouble FceiiH hereditary. Lii&l winter e fell on the ice , hurting himself riuito i.ulb.and this injury teems to have i ii'"ht ' out the lurking mental disease , ir ! n 'o then he has been growing worse : u I wor , I' s I'ntler , of Mt. Pleasant , together JnhoMii-esMerkoI , of this oily , arc 11 v.i a concert in the operix * house ou ) i'i > mbcr II. .This will lion rich musi. i'llreat The Misses Morkel are great ui'.tcs hero , and arc always gladly i 't'lintl ( o. MU Fuller is a songstress iv > hem loualitiH cause to take special jrlilc She expects soon to further her wNeal ctiltnro in Kuropo. With such lovva artists the houboshould bo crowded , , City Clevk Dulrymplo still holds in his possession fUUl ) of city warrants , subieet to the orders of the powers that bo. The warrants wern paid into court fortnloon licenses and lines , but the council 1mb ordered the clerk not to receive them or give the parties credit for them. Ho Simply holds them , therefor , as a custo- dittn , until the court and the council coinu to some agreement as to what hall be done. The judge holds that the city should recolvo its pay in the same kind of stun" with which it pays its bills. ' The council take n ditleront view , and such a olicy would drain the treasury make warrants u drug in the market. _ * Chrlsdnas presents at Homer's , for Iho best ami cheapest oysters call , . -Chicago Lunch Counter , -101 Uroad- wsiy , Oyster soup all ilav , only 10 cents. rOLND AND " MADIi A Mlb ) 01 A Sensational Breaking Upofs Dressmak ing Establishment , A CONFERENCE OF CHRISTIANS A llcmaikalily Health } City Tin Cilj riimiiijcs Oilier GlcanliiKS of Ncvvs 1'crsonal I'nru- A Scimntlonal Partner. A few months ago a bright looking , rather attractive young woman "nrrivci in this city , claiming to lie from the oa t She opened trc ! ni j king room on L'ear -trcel , near Vital avenue. Her skill as a dressmaker did not seem to bo wonder ful , and them were numorott * complaints among her hul patron4 as to her work Among a few it was whimpered that slit was not so much interested in dressmak ing as m other less respectable but more profitable use of her powers. There was no open talk about her , hovrovcr , ami no general suspicion , but llml the little woman Was just what she pretended to be. She did not make a great success at dressmaking , and business being dull with her , she concluded to get a partner. for her. Her renrcscntations were so smooth and plauMblc that she induced a Anting woman to take a half interest in the business. The now partner belongs to a most highly re- speeled family , and during her long rc i- deuce here ha1- borne a --pollens reputa tion. Hue is also looked upon as being thoroughly ; poMed and very skillful in drt s-mak'ing. This partner had not been in tlio concern very long before her Mi pieions were aroused , and she found that there were Mime gos-ip concerning the liltle woman from the caM. Jsho pro ceeded to Investigate , and as a result of her watchfulness a Martling revelation was made. The little woman from the east was in tlio habit of .sleeping in the ( " tablishmont. In order to lind out just what was going on after the business of the day was over , the new partner re sorted to slrategom. She got one of the girls in the sliop to return , just after till had left the place , and make an excuse for stepping out into the back yard a minute , The girl asked the little woman from the cast to go out with her. as .she was afraid , it being dark. While they were thus "onu the partner slipped into a hiding place behind a partition. She awaited the re sults. The girl soon left the shop for home , and the dressmaker .supposed she was alone , never dreaming that her part ner was hidden there. The partner had further prepared herself by having her three brothers stationed outbido the build ing , ready to respond to the first signal for help. Time \voro on. It was nervous waiting for the plucky partner. Four hours passed , and then her waiting proved not in vain. A young man en tered. From her liidini ; place she rec ognized him as a young business man of this city. The young merchant and the droisinaker sat and chatted in a very fond and familiar way. Finally they re tired to another room , and the investiga tion Inning proceeded lar enough to sat isfy the hidden partner , she could bear the excitement no longer. She gave a wild screech , and ran for the door. Her three brothers entered , two from the front and one from the rear. The amor ous couple were found under circum- stancoa which were decidedly unpleas ant for them. Of course there was a scene. Tlio worthy young woman who had been duped into forming a partnership with the dressmaker could not stand to have her reputation jeopardized by such scandalous proceeding ing- ' , and Iho business of the linn hud to be. brouuhl.al once to a stand-still. The dressmaker naturally consented , to selling out her intorusl , and this settlement was reached niter a good deal of trouble. The wayward woman stopped out , and the partner will continue the dressmak ing business alone. Her many triends and patrons sympathi/o with her in the queer posit ion in which she iiau been placed by no fault of her own , and by nor being duped sO badly in becoming associated in business withsueha woman. The dressmaker from the cast left , the city yesterday to start in business else where. _ _ Ladies and gents get u ticket to Iho grand drawing on January 1 , with every T ) cents worth of goods purchased o'f Arthur J.efkovitz. Mi ) Broadway. The choicest candies , California fruits , nuts , cigars , etc. , always othand. . For hardware and house lurnislungs get prices of Cooper & McGec , Noit Main street , _ CliriHtinn Conference. The meetings at the Uaptist church continue to bo intcrosling and donblloss profitable to all who attend. To-day is the closing one and the following is the programme arranged : Morning Meeting led by Uov. Oilman I'arker , of Kmerson , Iowa. Subject. "Seek ( Joel With the Whole Heart. " Afternoon Meeting led by Hov. John Harr , of Villisca , Iowa. Sermon by Kov. ( Jeorgo W. Hofoy , of Malvorn , Iowa. Subject , "Prevailing Power With God. " Evening General confeionco meeting , led by Hov. G. 1J Coo Icy , 1) ) . J ) . , of Coun cil Mills , _ Try ilohn Tompleton'.s "Koto" cigar. Finest display ot meersliaum and ninokors' goods for holiday gifts. T. I ) . King it Co. , Cigars and Tobaccos , CIS Broadway. Every onobuying 5 oont-5 worth of T 1) . King & Co , , lias a chance , free , in the great drawing , December 21. The very finest fnnge , h'no .silk plushes , line upholstering of ovury de scription , foot rests , ottomans- , cornice poles , window shades and all kinds of interior drapings the very cheapest woH of Chicago. Call on E. Stoekert & Co. , No. ! 500 firoadway. Council mull's. City Income. City Clerk Ualrymplo has made up the following showing of the receipts of his ollico for the past month : llnrial puimits , . S K.MJ Lii-ciisus . , . . . 1 A 13.1)0 City criminals , . , , , . , . w.'M St.ito criminals . , . . . . ' -.oo t'lvll causes , . . . , , . .id.to Xntuia/.uUiti ! ! ( papers . , , Itl.oo nd impiuvemcnt jxuinlU. , rU Total , , . SJ.WOAO Substantial abstracts of title and real cstalo loans. J. W , , & E. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street. _ Coltago ranges Garland Mines , Ha- limit Homes and Hub heaters of I lie very latest pat I cms at bed rock prices , at Cooper & MuGeo's. No. U Alain street. Lamps cheap at Homer's , 'J3 Alain St A Healthy City , Council Hluu's appear ? by the records to be ono of the healthiest cities in the west , ' In October there were only nine interments here , and of the o three died elsewhere and were shipped here for burial Another committed suicide. In November thcro hayo been twenty burial permits ihsued. Tlio causes of ile.ith were varied Thine diedofoan- tcr ; , two of old age , two of softening of tin brain , and one each of marasmus , heart di'eas , . , membraneous croup , lack of vitality , liver complaint , epiico tion of brain , pneumonia , paial.v- isof the liesirl , titi-rie fevur , hemmorhngc , overdone of morphine. One was suit here for burial , having died cKe- when1. Such a record for n city of W.OOO ( o 80,000 inhabitants shows this to lie a rcmarkablj healthy plaeo of residence. Having put in a complete new slock of clothing , furni.sliing goods hat , caps , etc. , Fox > vi Hughes , > , o. 015 Main street , invito.tho public to give them a trial. Their expenses are small , and they can aHlrd to 'ell cheap. Gents'line shirts , underwear , hosiery , gloves , etc. , at John Hone & Co.'s. - Ho sure and ask your grocer for the bread made at Smith iV-Loerke's bakery , No. G'5 ; Main street. It is the very best nut etc. Try it and bo convinced. I'crfionnt I'nrntfi'aplis. It. F. Niv , of Hamburg , was at the Pacillc yesterday. W. J ) . Cromie , n prominent grain man of Woodbine , was in the citi yesterday. Goo. Mu.sgrave , editor of the Harrison County Courier , of Logan , was in the city yesterday. II. ( J. Myers , editor of the Modalc de partment of the Harrison County News , was in the city yesterday. J. C. Schimmerhorn , of the Nonpareil force of tvpos , has gone to Nebraska , to look up his landed estates. Mrn. O. A. Iloeers , the. milliner , has re turned from Chicago , where she has been making purchases of midwinter mil linery. Kd W. Hart , of flic Water Workr com pany , has gone east for a month's vaca tion , during which he will visit his old home in New 1 ted ford , Ma * . Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Clapp and their son , D. O. Clapj ) , of Chicago , who have been in the city vi itin j their daughter and sister , Mrs. S. P. MaeConnell , have returned to their homo so much pleased with Council Hlull's that they expect shortly to return and make this their residence. Drs. Jmld & Smith's Klcetro-Magnctio nsolcs. Only fifty cents. No. : > 0 1-ourth tit. , Council lilull's , Iowa. Agents wanted I _ For everything in the grocery line give the new firm of Klutz & Kleeb , 103 Hroadway , a trial. Every thing new and fresh. Fancy groceries a specialty. Correct Abstracts of Title and Heal Es tate Loans at MeMahon tfc Co' < , No. 4 Pearl street. The remains of David Knlins , who was killed at the transfer Saturday evening , brought hero from Omaha last evening , and Coroner Council proceeded to hold an inquest. The object of the inquiry was to deeido whether the company had made itself liable by furnishing their employes with sticks to use in coupling. The iifce of the stick has been partially abandoned by the men since the acci dent. _ _ _ The electric belt of Judd * Smith , ! ! 0 Fourth street , Council Hlull's , positively cures rheumatism , neuralgia , dyspepsia , piles , paralysis , indigestion , lit" , cold lect , ncrvoiiMK'ss , headache , kidney and liver complaints , loss of vitality , lead poisoning , lack of nerve force and vigor , wasting weakness of those diseases of a personal nature in inale and female. Picot Ribb ns in the latest color a Mrs. Rogers. Great Closing Out Salt ; Of the large retail dry goods and carpel store of E. Dowling. Having determined to retire from the dry goods business wo will oiler our immense .slock of carpels , comprising the choicest coloring and the newest imikcs of W. J. Sloane and K. S. Iliggins , and other Icadingmannfaetnrc.s. We will oiler our immense stock of silks , including a full line of Giremand Bros. , in all colors and black , for which wo have been the exclusive agents for Coun cil Bin If and Omaha for the past fifteen years. Wo will offer our immense stock of velvets , plushes , brocades , dress good" , llannols , linens , towels , nankins hoMe.ry , notions , broehc and imitation Indian shawls , cloaks and all manner of outside wraps at prices that will close them out in the quickest possible tini" . Kcmc.ni- these goods arc not bought ai the major ity ot merchants buy goods but were bought for cash from the leading manu facturers and importers , and omy goods suited for the finest city retail trade. Alfonso. He was a kinpr in spiiitand In tiiith Xolile by natine as he was by With , And them was valor In his loyal youth Sweeter by tnr than all the gilts ol eaith. For when the nlattao ran riot in his land And piled Mntlrid with dylnt ; and with deait , Then went he fortli with succor in his hand And southed his people while his cour tiers Hud. foil ! rest his sent hcpl.ayeil a kingl.v pait And deeds like his u'ccivo reiitille above ; Dut comtoit then , dear Lord , the widowed heal t That slimcd lib kingdom and his gentle love. "J'is not for Spain nor couit beioavcd wo piay W J pray for her whoso young and loyal Jlle Weeps in the presence of Its dead lo-iliy - God ble.ss the queen ( Sod ble.s.s Alfonso's wile I I'lIjFS I'lIiPS A sum euro for Ullnd , JJlecdln J tolling nml Ulcerated 1'ilea has been diseovoiod by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr. Williams' Indian 1'ilo Ointment , A Mltijjlo box has cm wl tlio wmst chronic oases ot li'i or IX ) years standing. No ono need .suffer llvo minutes alter apiilylfig thlrf vvaiidurlnl .south Injj medicine. Lotions nnd Instruments do iiidio luum th.ui good.Villinins1 Indian I'ilit Ointment ahsoihslho tnmoiH , allay * the intense itching , ( paitietilaily nt nluht after Kcttlnjr win m In bed ) , acts as a jmiilllee , uivos Instant loliof , and Is prepaid ! only lor I'iles , Itehiti ! ; ol nilvatn nans , and tor nothing else. SKIN DIHK'AHKH CUJKI > . Ur. I'Y.i/lf-i'ri MaulcUIntinont euros as by ) iin'lc : , I'lmtile.s , lllack Heads or Uinlis , Jihiti'lics and Kntitlons ] on thu face , leaving the skin clearanii heaiittt'nl. Also euros Itch. Halt itheinn , Horn Nipples , Soio Lips , and Old Obstinuto Ulcois. Sold by drugglbts , or mailed oniecelpt of fiO I'DlltS. Iteialled Iiy Kuliii & Co. , nnd Schroeter & Heclit. At v.lmlcsalo by 0.11' . Uoodtimn. Gone With Another GUI. Thoovesmay bp.ukle , the lips may smile , And mlsmy men Intent folirnj The tongnu may je.st , and all tliorlillo The huait feel a bitter pain. And so It h with tnu maid to-night Tim maiden fair and vouni ; ; Her OVOH ant bright and her laughter light , And the jest Is on hcrton iiu. But , O , the maiden's heart makes moan , And her liuin ) is hi a whirl ; For her bean to the sl ; Uut : link has gone To-night v\ith another gliJ. IJJoston Courier. For Sale or Rent ! A noiuly now now and tlia only hotel In the vldo-iui nko IOMII of MACEDONIA , IOWA , Tt'n tied in ins , vim I parlor , ollico. ( luuvlriir oomnnd i-IIur , i nd t-tiinplo o in- . \V 11 sol or KIK I II IVIti-O .llllll tl-rilll , U llllMlf I'.l IIIIIUII , todiliio. ( o. 1'i'opics1 Nmv , Coiinull llluiU , ur CHAS , P , KOKHLER , MACEDONIA , IA , Metcalf Bros. 342 and 344 BROADWAY RETAIL DEPARTMENT Mcns Fall & Winter Wear CLOTX-IXIfcTCr. Men1nml TlojHiiMneef Sii Moils' nml Itoj.V ] ) H i Hull * . ( 'lillilUMis' i\rrv : llnv iunl lic SiuM. Ovcn-onto for Mi-n , Hoj mid I UtUlton. Mcic-lmiit 'I'nllnr Suits. Mcitlmiit Tullur UvvtcOKtS. Mcvolinnl Tnlllior vouion. liniml to the csTto order , At linlftliu pi lee rut.Meins' Knits mid Orcroonlc. J.onn Men1 * ' Stilts mid Overcortts. 1'Ht Mt-ns' Tiowsns Scnniloss Shirts ntid Trowwrs In Hi-ott-li wooli > i Mtdlcntcd Scailuts , Kxtm Itcnvv UntlirlfTRitiis , rnncy Coloiod Wools and mixed iiunlttics , tiom 25c each to $4.50. DUNLAP AND STETSON HATS ron THU TAM. or IES-I ur tiTisiiiisrcs000:03 : G-loves , Neckwear , Suspenders , Handkerchiefs , Collars And Cuffs , OTDrst class qualities nml ictieoimblo pi Ices. RETAIL DEPARTMENT 42 runl 344 Bioadwuv , Con neil llluir , loirn. WEHlAlT&'IVlEYErrS Corner Pearl Street aud Fifth Avenue , COUNCIL lUiUFRS. Hlnk for icnt for thcatilcal pci-farmanccB bulls , pan let , etc. AH kinds of lolioflmiouts mid n ntr.c i.t'liNC ovciy inoriiliit , ' . P. T. Mvv.vr. A S. H P. T. Mill/lie & Co , Real Estate Exchange N ) . 101 l'i'in-1 Stii-ot , Council HhilU , lo\in. Dealers in lonn , I\iinsit& ami Xuliriiskn r.and LOTS JN ( XFX'IL ( 15LLTFS AND OMAHA A .Sl'l-X'IAL'L'V. Kcal Khtnte Ijoujjhf anilold. . RUSSELL&Co Miiiint'mtinciaol all H AUTOMATIC ENGINES for Hiinninir , MILLS , GRAIN KLKVATOHS , AND KLKCTJtIC' LlOllTS , Tnbuliir and Locomotive Hoilor- . Xuvv Arussillon Thn'snM'.s. ] Cmvy ami Wooillniry lfor. c I'owore. STATIONAKV , SKID , Porl.iblo and f' ' raetion Engines , SA\V 3I1LLS , JJ'(5. ] ( Factorv Mn.-billon , 0. Hranuh HOIISP ' Bl'O Tourl St. . Coinifil SEND FOB 1883 ANNUAL. 1'ower furnlbhi'd fiom liy.lrnnl ) iirM > inofor ill IvIiiK nil Kinds nf IlKlit maclilni-ry. Hn' | < 'l l iittfiilloiiKlvi-n to i-huH'l' Oicim I'limliiK. ' W inn lulntiiiir proses , mem .nu'i'is | ) | , ICOI-H-UIII ln.T/.ors , luiilblilnx lullii'- , Fi'nlni ; nmrlniii" * , ute , Tim ln'-t clicnprsl inotnilimdo. . Bi'iul for clr- uiilurKUiiiir lull | iurtli-uluif. A Imviirrs of this motor In Cuiiiicll lllnOH ; llfcojoti oltiru juliit- Intr | ircBsi 1'iu-ii & Holulitdti mu-uirti inac-lilnu ; CuiuiiKO Muut Muikut , Houi > H n inucliliui ; Lif-i- iidorlur'u Mfiit MmUi-l , .hHiisnKii mucliiiuii Hinllli A : .Muyfl'H Fnloon , lUlllllnflr trtiin Cuuiu-ll ] ) | iiirsT'loiioiH | | ) Co. , iiiiiiilnk Kfiienilor ; Knit/ It Kli'iOi. Kioi'iTH , running toBi'u irliul > r ; Itoli- i > rt .Mnlllf , luiuiliipr cotlon urlndi-r ; H. li W1IN Inina , i umiinjr Ei' IIIK in i. i. . vv ! ! , IOHII. MORGAN HOTEL , Main Ht , , Connuil Jihills. Near thn ( ' . , I ) . Je ( } . ; ( ' . , M. it St , P. , and D , , H. I. A-r , uiltvviiy ik'p < iti. . Strct't rara u iloor. Kvviythlng new and liiht Ooeni'd Dec. 1st. 1MIIL MORGAN , Piojirletor anil Munugt-r. IT. SCHUHZ , Justice of tbe Peace , j Offlco Ortr American Kiproe * , i Coiujuiny. / 1 SPECIAL NOTICES. , ? seri < I : . Special advitl < cincnl. , such ft' ' Ivosl , 1'ouiiil , To Iionn , 1'or Palo , To Kent , Wnnti ItofiKlIng , do , , nill IIP lusoi ted In this column m Hit tow rule of 'I UN rilXTS 1M3II MNUforttu 1 flM Insoitlonnim I'lVC CUNTS PKU MNB foi 1 nnch subsequent 1ii < ortlon. I ave advortlso j incuts fit our office , So. U 1'varl street , nem Itromhvny. _ \\rAX1K1i 'fo I.-ij . all Ilic flrst-cla sei-ond T luiiM iioii-rhoM irootls Hint nro oHY-ii-d lot ac , MICU a fitrnltinc , vnrpcls. MIUI , etc 1'mons not Imvlnir TiiirriY fliNlD < uooili will siu < ( line iiy not niipljlw , All ollirm wil rofi > l\epiuinpt iitu-iitlon mid Hill lie pnld UK lilglieM iniiikrt pik-cs Iiy A. .1. MnndH , ! U' Itrondiviij.ilriili-i- tii-iv nml Mrictlj lU-it--l < . ! - fmnlluuetc. . , oc. IP OK SA1 L'-lIeiiitr desk-am of tnnvltif ; tc ( Imahn.oii net-oiintofiiiy bii'lne , 1 otfei for snta in ) lesldcneo , eovner rmi.-ih tivonnr anil Nlutli stieit. Inquire on premlH' . A. i' . Ili-ahuml. . 01 SlIs'llllllinXT- MoMnlmn \ CVs , No. i Penil street. 1 roi : SAI.K , roit nr.Nf 01 : i\DitANon. : HO. M-Vor e.iloorieiil.oneiy llheiid ferine I'lio Council Hinds Paper Mill , complete , vtltl I tbolnrKO hoarding hoiiso and Unco auros ol Btoillld. No. SO A business property In Cherokee jiicioKoo : county , Ion n , will tuulufoLwcstcrr iRtiils. Value- , about ? < , ( )00. ) No.ft1) ) A hctiutirnl homo In tlm town of Hint Injrs , Mills county , lu a , lot Nebraska land Viijue. f : j..V 0. No. 11 A ( rood business piopert ) nnd nl o n Rood icMdcncn ptopcity In the town of Chrnvo McLean count j , 111.low down for i-us-h or wll cM-hiiiiKO for w oMtMti lands , .No. 1VJ A splendid Inim , well Improved , fitt aeies In Dickinson eoiinty , lonn , julnhiK tin timtiof Sphit Lako. 1'iieo , for a Mioit tlino , f ! ITi per iici e. No. 184 to 187 Ave four Inproved farms In Phillips countv. Kiuisii , cm-h with a sinnll In- cilliibiancu. The eqiiltns 111 he oxc-liaiiticil foi uiilnctinibeKdwIld liiiul In Nehrakii. . No. 1I 4HO ncies In Holt l-nuiity , Neb. , imitly impioved , at H bljr Ijiiignln , M'lints to e\iiianit formeiehnndlse. No. M A line two story brick ro'ldenee , oni of the best locations in Council Illufls will ti-.idt for treed inilncitiiliered Kansiid or Ni-biaskn land" . Value. fiiUUU. ] No. f nnd II An two other beautiful homej In Coiiiu-ll llluffi" , w lilt-h wish paj inenis vIII buy at n Inn ( in In. No. fit ) A beautiful cilbinlian locution In town City , lowu , nlll oAolunigo for wcstfin lauds. Viiluo. -1,1100. . Thcnliovu arc only a few of our sprciiU bnr > Will" ? . II jou'voKot anjthliiK : to tntdonr .sell , or want lo M'tl iinj'ii-al citato or ini'iclnuidl-c , write Us. VV'o have seveialjroodtotUs of need ( ottadufor liimU SWAN & WAI.KIIU , Council ] 'lulls , Iowa. UNION TICKET OFFICE J , L. De BEYOISE , Agent , No. TOT llnjiulwar. Council Hliilts. Railway Time Table. cot'xcn , m.riTs. The follow luff li the tlino of arrival and depart IHO ol luilns by centrut > tundnid llmo , til thu local depots. Trains leave liaiisler depot ten inliiutcs cuillcr and arrive ten inlnuti's later : DKI'AHT. UMIIVi : . CIllCAtiO & NOIITIIWKSTI-RN. S:2S : A. v Mail and 13\pic s rtrn : , p.t. . 12:101' : . M . . . . Aeeoniniodatlon. . l.VIi ; > . M. :40r. M i\-pie--s. : Uo : . A. M. UlllCAOO a HOCK IblAMJi 0:2.i : A.M . . . -Mall and i\pie : s . . . . O : . " ! ! ' . it. 7:15.4. : Mceoniinodallou . . . . rcl.'i p. ji , 5:30i'.M : r.\picss UWi v..M. CI1ICVGO , MM.WAI'KI'h Sr. I'U'I , . dOTA.M : ilail nnd Kxproso. . . . ( i : , * > 01M. . tillO I' . M llvpicts. . . . . . . ,8OjA. : M. cinfAcio. nrni.iMiro.v & QI-INCV. 'JMflA. M . . .Mall nml U.\pr < s . . 7:10 : P.M. UUOI'.M Ktplc'-S. . . Sol ; ) \ . M. . . . ' * . wviusii , ST. i.num.i PAI'IIU 2r. : ( . 51 l.oenl St. I.ouls lUiness Local. " : jl > r. M.Tran = ler St. l.ouls Uv. TriuiKli'i-'I O I' . M KA.Ns S CITV , ST. .Illi : & ( .OI'M II , 111,1 I I S 10:104. : M. . . .Jliillniul r.\pio . 11:101' . Ji. U:05i'.M i\piesi. . . i25A.v. Sioux criv s. I'Afn ir. 7:15 : A. M . . . .Sioux nty Jltill fi : : li . M. SiOJr.M. . . . HI. Paul r\pies-b : ljo : \.u. T.NION I'ACII 1C. I0i.\.M ; : ) Tinouuh n.\piepi -liini.M. 2:1IJ : v. M. .Lincoln Pus' , . Oni. & II. V .2:0.'i : I' . M. 7:50i' : . 11 Overland Kxnref-s. . . 8:15A.M. : DUMMY 1 MAINS TO OMll 4. Leave Conned Illutls 7:0 : , " > aus 'Ji0-10nO : ! : II :0 : a. in. ; lyo-2 : : : l-aaO-i:3J : 5'n-0w- : : : 11:45 : p. m. Suiidiijb-7.m : iU : ; llriJO- . in ; 2 IJ ! ) . : a-ri5-0ij-ll:4"i ) : : : ; ! p.m. Leave Uiiiiihn liSIV-7:3"i : 8.VJ : 10:00 : 11CO : a. in : 1.00 2:00- : . . . .W-lDO-5.0J- ) : : : l.- > -lllo : p. m. 6:50-11:00 : H. in.:2lX : : ) - : : OJ-S:00 : I Fancy and Staple Groceries. No. 162 - Broadway. Opposite Ogden House , Council Bluffs. - - la. This lion-u Iti'ms n now one , oon.se- niu'tillj ' evrryJhintfJn Htoi k is uuw : md fresh. rric. ; ; as jvasontiblti as any oilier gro eery in tlio wost. One trhtl lt > all wo ask. KINTZ & KLEEB Grocers. J. M. SMITH LEADING I Tailoi ! HO , 7 and 9 MAIN STREET , Council Bluffs , Iowa HAIR GOODS -AT- Mrs. D. A. Benedict's , No. U17 llroiulnuy , Council Jllull > , Hair G-oods Hair G-oods Of nil Ulmts made to Ofovc-rj htjlo imdjr order. made. Hair G-oods Hair Goods ONLY HOTEL In Council llluffi bavins Fire Esoap © And nil moaerii Improvements , call bells , Urn ularin l > t-IU , etc. , Ib tlio , -CJKESTON - HOUSE i , No'IS , 217 and'IV , Muln iiticci , MAX MO1IN , Pie pil cti i SELLING OUT , We Propose to Go Out of the Retail Dry Goods Business And shall commence the sale of closing out from date of our entire stock of Dry Goods , fixtures , etc. , in part or parcel. Will find it to their interest to attend this sale. Council Bluffs , la. T No TRAVELING AGENTS ! , . EMPLOYED BY ) M J'lIII.LIIS , U'HOLKSALi : DKALKR IN Boots , Shoes &Riibber Goods No. 413 Broadway , Council Bluffs. . Our intoim > is not I hihcnelit of the I-\K ) use thus nvt'tl Sciul for price liil < HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER . . llijcV. Uiillillnpfs of any bind rniifil or moved . and atlslaction uniiranlooil. 1'iatne on Mtllo Olmit tiucks-tlic IJCSL in tlio woiM. SOS Eighlh AviMinc ami Eij-lith Sln.-ul. STEAM DYE - AND DRY CLEANING WORKS , No. 29 Main street , Council Bluffs. S-uttter Hotel MISSOURI VALLEY , IOWA , OH.A.S StTTTEJR/ etnagGl" KspeelBlly adapted lor the traveling wililiu JtiL'ht In tlio IWBlneiJS center. Hates 1 WJaday Hii clubs nninplo loom. STEAM LAUNDRY ( GEO , W , SCHINDLLE & CO. , ) No. 540 Broadway , Council Bluffs , All work gimrniiiDul equal lo Troy I.iimnli > unit , VVoik u.illcd for uuU flelfu-iml J'JIEK. .Alliroods by inullornxpicEsrcculvo promjit tit- tt'jltloil. SpecialtiesClcmillncss mid ] iiiiiiiiliiu-n. | Tel f | > tionoNol5J. B. BICE , M. D. , , - mmm l nlilmut rSUPPRQ " ' othfi- Illinois thni/EiIiu UK , kuifi ) or ill uv > Injr of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES or "n i MwcmMr. Over ilility jcaiV pinctloiil i-ipuilunco , OlUoj No. II I'vuil t-urct , I'omicll Illull * . ' JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW In Klati iind I'Vdoial Couits. Jtouni-i 7 uml s , iSiui uit Ulock , liciui , unoa. omen : . w. n. u , OFFICER & FUSE Y , BANKER COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , IR03. Northwestern Hotel. Nuvvly flttcil and fin nlhhcil. Om | JJiu.ulv Diiiiuny Depot. SI.W ) jH-riliij. h. 11 , ItKKSHUV , Manager. Dress Making Falors. MRS. J. A. LASELLJ-J , Ot'.Ven V in I. ( 'Hi- . : tOT Itroailxvay , Oi | | > . I't-nplr-N Si n % i Hprtlul iiilueii. Ciilliiu : < ind lltllii1 T- > Ilk HVtloini.uliolo mil , t'i I'M i | icii'id iu I u ; j I glXO ; Kiiir or lalliii-iiuuli dii t f > lu ' ' ri l-elata' '