Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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ucki , SS.S.vaQ.K : llvo turkey * . 7(3Sc (
t > erlb ; messed cliIcKcni.clioIco , per Ib , 7 3c ,
turkeys , dressed , 9 < diOe per Ib ; ducks ,
aimed , cliolcc. n r Ib , 7 < gOj gecsc , dressed ,
choice , per Ib , 0g10c. (
GAME Deer carcasses per Ib , TraSc'
raddles , IS lOo ; Antelope carcasses per Ib ,
7(38c ( ; saddles , 12r < ? i.Tc ; Kfk carcasses per Ib ,
( Wo ; saddlrs , HXclllc : prairie chickens , 82.75
fii.OO : ; nuail , si.oo i.ta ; snli > e , 75c@81.oo ;
Jack rabbits , gS.SOauX ) : small rabbits. 81.60 ;
mallard duck * . ST.7.V32.W ; teal , l.Wfel.75 ;
mixed. Si.Hxai/iS ; geese. S3.WK33.00 ; brants ,
; Ov TiH5 Jf. Yconnt , c ! extra selects
8c t elects , 33r ; stamlanK30o ; medium ? , 'X > c.
O.vioKs-Halt hake MocK Is sclllnR at $51.00 $
per bushel ; common home grown icds , 70(7 ( $
7Gc. There ate a few extra choice In Mj"
market Hint arc held at Sl.OO ; ; 'utisn.
Cosin Hojfnv-'Jsi'ilornla z it ) , iramc , CO
Ibs. In j-.r , porlb. , 15c : extracted , 2 Ib. In
cans , a doz In case , per case S4.00 ; 10 Ib.
frames , Nebraska , 18c.
v-it > iit : New Yoik refined pcrbbl. , 57.00 ;
do halt bbl. . $4.00.
COCOANITS. : There Is n liberal supply in
tinmai lid at $4.00 ( < f4.r > a
NUIS , r'tos ANI > DATES Chestnuts , 10i ? ;
pecan H. lai KB polished , lie ; pecans , mrdluni
PC ; Kiik'llslivnlnuts. . l. > c ; almonds Tarra
gona , 'JO ; do. Ivtca , lite ; Brazil * . IBcj filberts ,
14c ; hickory nuts , larpc , bu. Sl.s.yl.w : do
Muall , bu. 8l.fiO@1.75 ; peanuts , hand picked ,
Virginia , 7ndo. ; roasted , Oc : tics , nuw , W Ib ,
tioxi'K , peril ) . IKJ : do. 100 Ib. kctcn. per Ib. ,
12 ; datco. Kard. 12 Ib. kc s nrrlb. . He. KttAUT Hest quality , $ O.M ) per 30
rnr.M'.nvM. .lEt.Mr.p , Kir. T .
All kinds--I' ' ' ' palls tier lh. , 10) e ; nssotted ,
Mb. pailsper do/SH.UO. Jellies , all kinds ,
tlrstgiadc.liO-lb. palls , per Ib. , Be ; all kinds ,
sceoud made , ! X > fb. palls , porlb. , fie ; Assorted
Mb. palls , per do/ . , Stf.Oo ; do. ! Mb. palls ,
J2.75 ; Uo. Mb , Uiioin rave , per case. M."i :
schooners , per doz. S2U5 ; tumblers , S
doz. In ease , per case , $1.40 ; apple butter , 40-
11) ) . palls per lu. 7 > j ; peach and plum butter
40-11) ) . pails per Ib. 01'e ; Fancy "Home :
catsup , a do/ , pint bottles per case , 85.00
Horsu ladlsh , pint bottles , per do ? . 81.5.
Ai'iM.f.s Fancy N. Y. apples , per bbl.
S2.7rxs.oo. : : ; lauey N. \ . npples , io
Mil. lots ! > ; faner N. Y. ap
ples , 25 bbl. lots , S2.50 ; Illinois apples per
bhl. S'J.75 ; Illinois apples , 10 bbl lots ,
82.50 ; Illinois apples. ! J5 bbl. lots , 52.10 ;
elioico .Mlssouil ami Kansas apples , 23 bbl.
lots or inoic. S2.2.l@a. ' 0 ; fancy eating , per
bbl. , sn.000i.2. ; : ; choiceMichigan stock , SWX ) ;
lu 10 to ai bbl. lots , 33.23 : car lots. 83.00.
LKMO.VR Quotations am : Fancy Roill ,
per en11. Sa.OO ; fancy Kodl , per box ,
Sfi.50 ; Jlosslna , small fiult , per box , 51.00
C < i-t.M ) ; Malaga , per box. S4.00 < ? l > 4..f > 0.
OiiANiiKS Louisiana , per bbl , S7.00 : per
tiox. 84.00 ; Floilda Kussett oranges , $4.50
© 4.75.
( iiiApr.s Catawba , per basket , 75a90c ( :
JJalaca , per bhl , about GO ihs. zioss , 7.00.
CiiANHEmttr.s Cnpo Cod , lanevdailc , per
bbl. . g'J.OO ; Hell and ougic , per Mil. , SS.OO ;
Bell and cherry , chulce , per bbl , S0.50 ; Hell
amichciy , ROOCI , SO.'J.1) .
CAMKOIIMA nu'tr I'ears K. Beurre and
pound pcar.s , per box. S'J.irKgrt.oo. ( irapes ,
tinpenir , per crate , SO Ibs. , S' ' , . * ; double
crate , $4.50.
PitoviHioNi. llnni , HP , breakfast bacon ,
Sc : clear pldo bacon , 7'V ' ; dry altetl sitU" ? ,
O'fe : shoulders , smokod. Ti11 ; mess poik ,
pcrbb ) . , * ii.)0 : ( ) ; dried bcci' fiiiiiis , 12c ; laid ,
V ) Ib. cans , 'i in box , 7.Jv. }
QUAix The I'ollowinj ; are ttie prevalllno ;
prices paid lor the M.IKOII loads on tnn streets
and at the miles to-day : Now corn , 'jyo ; new
oats.a''c ; wheat , No. a , COc : rye , -iOc. Kleva-
tor priees for ear lots : corn , 'JTic ; oats , 'JJic ;
wheat , nTVo ; rvo , 4i : barley. Go'e.
I'OTATHIN L'hero Is but a very'slioi t time
Jell to hhlp potatoes safely. I.ate recelptH
liave all ntelilh rr.wlvsale , prices iniiKHiK
from ) % , " > "e per biibliel , aecoidlnK to the
quality , und ( hen ; Is a peed demand.
JJiiAXis Ilnnd-iileked navy , S'J.OO ; band
picked medium. M.50(31.00 ( ; icood clean conn
ly. 5I.aOuM.40 ; itifeiior. 75 ( ? 00e.
Ki.orii AMI MII.I. SrciTS Winter \Vliea
Firm ; Iwt quality patent at a00@t : 0.
Second iiuallty il SOiJi.JJ m.
Spring Wheat IJcst quality patent at S2 SO
Second quallty 5 < 'MOa280. ( ,
JUuekwheat Klour lubairels , $0.00 ; ready
raised , 8 II ) packages. $4.10 ; 0 Ib packages
liran CSc per cwt ,
Chopped Feed 1'er 100 Ibs , SOc.
Corn Meal-Si 00@l 10 per cwt.
Screening No. 1 , 7Go per ewt ; No. 2 , SOc. ,
Hominy SI so per cwt.
Shoits 70e per cwt.
( iraham H'i 00 per cwt.
Hay lialt'H. SO 00(37 ( 00 per ton.
Funs AND bKt.Nb Mink , each , 10 < , .Wi ! ;
muskrat , wlnterv art.V ; do. kits'Jc ; Utter ,
5'J.50il ( .00 ; skunk , Miort.striped , inffi-i'ic ; do-
broad stripped , 10 ir. ; bad or , U5u50 ( ; Itac-
coon. No. I larRe. 40 50 ; do. No. 3. WoSlSO ;
do. No. a , lOtJfSflc ; wolf , praiiio. W ( ? ! Ji.OO ;
do mountain , Sd.OOfflS.OO ; wildcat , 15G&IO ; bea
ver , 1.5 @J.50 per Ib ; lox , each , W &I.SO :
dierbUIn ; , dry winter , lOdtlSc perlb ; do. fall
and summer , 20@3e.
lliOKS-Oreenbutcheis' , 7K ; erccn cured.
PC ; dry Illiit,13u ; drvsalt , 10u : damaged hides
two-thirds price. Tallow llj'.4'f ' [ < ' , CJrease ,
Bilme wlilto. 4o. Sheen I'elts iBc 'ae.
KKATnnu No. 11'lttsbuig.l. C. L. .tSons ,
SBc : No. 11'ittfiburp. K. & S. So ; No. Cincin
nati. : c ; No. 1 inco leather , COe ; prime
iguuhter solo leather , iW@.tic ; pilmc oak sole
leather.VfaVKe. \ \ . Upper leather , per foot , 21 ®
S4c ; Ilemkip,7f8ocoaklclpb5'iil)5c ; , ) ; Krencb
kip. S1.00Q.l.anj Hem calf , Sl.oo oak
calf , $1.00f/l,2r ) ; Fiencli ealt , Sl.'iWl.Bo : JIo-
yocco boot'lei. ' . : ! 0(3a''c ( ; Jlorocco oil pebble.
28ic ( : c ; toppinca aud liniiiKs , SO.OOiTjlo.W
- - ilAitnwAitn XCcombinatlon
loop liamcs , 85.25 ; X 0 I. O. T. hames. S4.75 ;
var. J. O. T. hames. S3.50 ; perfection jMds.
47 rliu ' 'its ' , 55o ; Harbours No. 10
( bread. h5 : J m breast strap slide. : Wu : X C
bieasthtiapslide , 40c ; 1 > < X 0 3 IOOD chami ) T
buckles. 81.05 ; IK lau' l foopeliampTbuekles
J5o ; IJiX O 3 loop ciiampT buckles. 81'JO ;
15i Jap loup champ bueklos , Sl.-JO ; cop
ter rivets No. 0 , 20e ; Uiistol snaps , \\4 \ \
tfi.50X 8I.50 , 1 $350 , % 53.50 , ? i
13.W ) ; ( lerman snaps , lf S3.0J , ! > / $2.50 ,
1 , $1.45. H K1.40 , % 1.40.
UKAVY HAnnwAKE Iron , rates. 53.15 ;
plowMeel , special cast , 4e ; cruelblo steel , Oc ;
fast tools do , laiJjlHo ; wai on spokes , per set.
. ( ' . ( ; bubs , rcr set , 1.'J5 , felloes , sawed
51.75S'3.IO tongues , each , 75c , axles , each , 75o ;
duttare nuts , per tt > . , 7@llc ; coilchaln per Ib ,
eSl''c ( : nmlablt' , 80 : irAn wedges , oc : erow-
IiaiH.O ; hairow teeth , 4o ; spilng bteel , 7@Se ;
Unrden's horsfl shoes S4.'J. ; liurden'ti mule
hoes , 5.2Harbed Wire lu ear lots , Sl.OO
per 100 n > s. Iron Nails-Hates , 10 to CO , $3. : .
Shot-Sl.M ; buckshot , Sl.b5 ; oriental
powder , ke s. S3.f > 0 ( < M.OO : do. half kfgs , f'J.OO ;
do , quarter ki-KS , 31.60 ; blastlnvt , kegs , 83.35 ;
tUKO , per 100 feet. We. Lead , Har , 81.KS.
foAiAnthraclto egg , SS.Q'J : untliiaclU )
nut , S.75 ; anthiaeite laugo. $8. 5 ; Iowa ,
13.60 ; Walnut block , Sii.75 ; Illinois , H.7oj
Indlamv.bloclr , 5.75i Fort Scott , * 4.33 ;
DUY 1'AiNTB White lead. 8c ; Ficneh zinc ,
12eI'aiIswhltli ; ) rfe ) ; whitlnKKllders.l ir
whlllnc.coiu' ) , lUu : lampblack. ( lermantiiwn ,
! 2e : lampblack , ordinary , 10o : Piusslan blue ,
Me , , untramarlno , Ifc : yandyke , brown. Ho ;
umber , imrnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4o ; sienna ,
buint , 4c ; sienna raw , 4a ; 1'a Isercen. jtenu-
Ine , 33u : runs Kreen , common , ' oa : elirume
gn-en , N. V.20o ; chrome Breen. K , I2eer ; -
million , KiiKllsh. In oil nssi , I5c ; raw and
burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ; raw and burnt
cleiinn , lOe : Vandyke brown , ibo ; rojined
lampblack. 12c ; coui'h black and Ivory black ,
lOo : diop black , IRe : Prussian blue , 40c : ul-
tramarlno blue , IHc : chronic urecii , L. , M. Sc.
I ) . , UVi ; blind and shutter Breen , I , . , ii. .t ! > . ,
ll ( 3' I'ailSBiet'ii , Ife ; Indian rod , iftc ; Vene
tian red. IK ; ; Tuscan red , 22e ; American vermillion -
million , U & . , soc ; yellow ochre , Ho : L. M.
& ( ) . J ) . , Itfc ; cqldeti odiio.lOc : patent dryer ,
Be ; graining colors , lljilit oak , daik oak , wal
nut ehestiutt and ash 15c.
JVlITtini ? ! Vll \Vhlto lead , Omaha , P. I' .
7o : white lead , St. Louis , pure 7. j.Marsell-
les KHHHi , 1 to 5 Hi cans , ! 20e ; Fieueli zinc ,
green seal , 12c ; Fieneli zlnp , red sea , lie ;
rrencli * lnc.lii varnish aist , aoe ; French/lne ,
We ; venullllon. Ameiican , ibc ; Indian , icd ,
IOcrose ; pink. 14u : Venetian , retl Cookson'H ,
BWo ; Venetian red , American , Ijtfc ; red lead ,
7 } < ' , chrome yellow genuine. ) o ; chiome
yellow , 1C , I''o ; ochio rochelle , 'c : ochre ,
Ki Biu'b. 25 < ooehie ; , American , So ; Winter's
Kiminera . : l.i'hluli brown , ii'fc ; SpanUh
browu , il ! < ti ! I'nnco's iithinint Kit
OILS UOcaroon.per irallon. llo : ISO * heart-
light , per uallon , lac ; K5 ° headlight , per gal
lon , li c : 1500vater white , l.Vi ; linteed. row ,
- - ' "
- - -
boiled ,
o. 3 51.4. ; sweet , perngallon , i.oo ;
ej > cnn . W. ! > . , per callon , Vl.fiO ; tijliV. \ . 1) .
allen , ( vr > c ; nentsfoot extra , per gallon ,
f o : lubricating , 7.010 , per Rjtllon ,
per KHllon. ,40
\ AKNisiir.s Uariels , per gallon : FuriH
tumextnt. Sl.iO ; furnUuiu , No. 1 , Sl.W ;
couch , extra SI. 10 ; coach , No. I. Sl.'JO ;
Damur , extra , S1.7A ; Japan , 70o ; asphaltum ,
extra , 65ct shellac , 53.30J barn oil finlsli ,
bruins Cologne Spirits 1 S proof , Sl.l j
do. 101 proof , $ l.u ; spirit * , second quality ,
101 proof , 5U2j do , ISS proof , Sl.n. Aleonol
1SS proof , S2.10 per wine gallon. lledUtlllcd
whiskies , 51.00 ( < > , l.SO ; jrlnlilrndwl , S1.50@2.Wi ;
Kentucky bouibons , S'iOOOiC.OO ; Kentucky
and Pennsylvania iyes , S3.00O.O.WX Golden
sheaf , bourbon and ro Tkhisklc * , 81.50S3.00. (
Urandles Imported , S5.00rtt3.60 ; domestic ,
Cliampagnos imported ,
. W ; Amciican , per C.1JO ,
10.00. _ _
KM ) ,
nrmtixosl 3 CATCH.
, cn " | Hr H'rlir Qr. Jills Pis hts
risn. i JJJQ 100 IJO m 4U K u u
Minm's Kt No.l 1'b 7 10 1 00n < W 2 05 1 TO 7M frJ ,0
I.VoOlb'eil 1'nncy C 00 a r-03 I ! . " , 1 801 50.75M , W
1'K < > KM Sh're rey'fl ' ( JO 3 M3 25 lJOlflO7SWjUo |
it-fl8S5 Catch. )
.No. 1 WliltO I'lSll | 0 ) f > Kt S BV3 tifJi US i M
1'ain lly " 3 00 2 701 80 I SO , BO ' 50
No. 1 Trout. . U fit ) 4 OOM BY * 10 74 Kt
NoJI'Ickcrol 4 ( flS H02JWl ) C3 _ J)0 )
MACKiiliir-Hyj : > ATCIt. ) . _
ITlbK Half nble'Qtr ' 111. .
XoirTMi . , „ , .
> C1T
oyg jq , , yg XQ 4 ( ) 0
lllonterMe S . % " ) CO IS 00 10 is'9 ' ( HI M iH'i '
l'.x. No. 1 Sh'r ' 'A 0013 5011 IWO HOT , 101 40
NO. 1 HllOIC 18 K ) II 50 , f IV ) 4 Will PO 1 10
Mod. No , 1 Phore. . . 13 m , 7 o 6 ! I58 S' 3 ' . > 0 | Rj
" tiny . . . Jl 00 n Otl S4,3ffi2nO 75
t.nrgo Tatmiy ' . ) no 5 to1 4 S' > s M'-j io' ' in
Tut " _ l , , . . 7jOOi 4 ' 00 , _ 3 _ iSMtt ' I 7tl ' B'i
j'ifK i .ii ; _ > , BAT'MQ.V.
' nbls.f ill llbl.Or. llbls I'nll ? or kits
SEW * t'AT
Ml I 100 DO j W 10 , 15 12 10
lllooil llcil ,
AJ 9kn . . 11 00,7 N,8 ) SOS SO 10 1 35 I 04 TO
DIooilKva I , ,
Cul. . . . . . . , ' 00,7 , 50 fiW _ 3 60 'I 10 18.U _ " 4 CO
IMI'OinKl ) KIHU. ( lbti. % f.VCTII.
, , „ i II 111 R Ilil I ll.l.i Or llhls lrall or llts
lpu' ! MO ' 100 00 ! 50 10 I 15 K 10
Norwcslan I I I I I |
KKK ller'lngs 11 ( X ) ' , .10 fi SOU FOO 10,1 25 1 01 , 00
KK HoirlliRB.'n ' 1)07 ) OOC 4. , a S52 901 10 08 85
Urlstlln { 8.8 ( ) " 4 504 01)2 ) ill ) , I WlLj-O ; JJB1 J
CODFISH Now" Intzu bunk coil , 4c ;
sea kliiK , (5conPS ( chunks tP-Jct rlovn leaf ,
( corKus snip0) . ' , < : 1 Ib ionsIb boxes
7c : prnlilellowor , Slbbiickv'evllil ; roe , ! i
Ibbilulr , Cc.
SMOKiin Fisu Halibut , nuw , lOc ; new
scaled licirlngs. 'Sic ; umckuicl I'-'c ; salmon ,
He.Jlollainl liciiliiL' , now , pur ken. Sr j ; new
UK split stoukliah , lOc , nuw bhoit split ,
SutNiiiiir.s Domestic Hollniul
kegs , COc ; Uu-i-fliin sntilluesI5c ; Ancho
vies in glass , Ute Hull bniiiu. jicr do/ . ,
Jf.M : ! ) ; Atichnvlea In kegi , , ' 4 Ole Hull brand ,
94.00 ; suleed llninbinir lieiriiifcs skins and
heads oil , per pall , SI. la.
JJpy Goods.
1'itiNTS Steel Idver4'4i' ; Ami'iienii , ft"c ;
Ainold'H , fie ; Cochcco , Oe ; MnucluMcr , tic ;
Lyiiian , fie ; ( iloueebter , iToe : Dnnnrll Jau-
qiinul , tic ; Dunnell , We ; Windsor , tk1 : 1'u-
ilic , ( ic ; lliiunoiiy. 4Mc ; Anchor tjlihtln ,
Jie ; Meriiuiack. Shu tings , -iijc ; liciwiclr ,
c .
Ui.KAcunn UOTTOXS I'armris' ' Choice ,
6c ; Cabot , 0c ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4-1 , 7 c ;
Hllljjf.iyfe ; Lon ilile ! , 8 ; Fiull.SV ; Wun-
sutta , I0ie. }
COIIHKT .1 BASH Kcarsavcjc , 'i" Armory ,
7e ; roppciell , 7'fcj Indian Oiehanl , OJ e ;
Lvinan , .r > p ; Gloucester , 5K ; Iiin-
ncll jncquard , G : Dunnell , fiJi ; Huina-
po , il cViiidsor ; , c ; 1'acliic ,
Co ; Harmony , 41 c ; Anchor .Shhtinl lrc ;
Jlerrimack bniitiiiKH. c\ \ Herwick .
Dr.MMs Heaver Cieek AA , lie ; Heave
nil brown , 7HC.
UuCK-ljnbleaclicd ( ) So3laciiolla , 10'iCe ' ;
) Magnolia , l'Aoz. : . West 1'oint , 10'Jo ' ;
10 of. . West rolnl. ri > .
DfPK ( coloietl ) lioston 0 oz. blown and
diab , 13Ke : Boston O 11 brown and drab , ! > e ;
llotton XX brown and drab , lUo : Itoslon
XXX brown aii ; ! di-ab.ll u ; Boston O P bine ,
llj.'o : Wiuii'ii Tricot , I5f.
JinowN Corrox Lftwioiicc LL , 5e ; Sha\y-
mut LL , 5c ; Heaver Dam LL , 5c ; Atlantic-
LL , 5c ; Indian Head , 7u : Wutichu-.set O'fc ;
Ciown XXX. G,4'c ? : Clifton CCC , lie ;
Utica C. 4c : Atlantic P. . ' . 'sc.
TICKINGS Amo-ikeac ACA , 12B' : Thorn-
Ike OOO. 7 < c ; Thorndlkcfancy. iUac ; \oilc
A , lOUe. ; Yoilc fancy , 1'J'ic ' ; Mlllbnry , 13'jis ' :
1'earf Jtlver , HJfc ; Hamilton. I''e : Swilt
Itivcr , fi'fc ; bhetuckol is , h'.c ; Slietucket SS
ll.c ) : Motitauk AA , 13c ; Montauk J113 , 10' ' c ;
Onicea ACA , 13Jjc.
ii.NcjiiAMS Kenfrew. Om'lO e ; Amoskeag
dress. We : Amoskeag , staple , 7 > ac ; Iv.i UK-
9 > /e. ; WnmMtlta. } 3'c ; Nubian. B c ; Wa-
wick. S > . e ; Wblttentlon , Uc : Bales , dress So ;
Bates , stajile , flXe ; Randolph , staple , ,0fo }
Lan-idowne , 7c ; Gloucester , 71-Je.
CHEVIOTS Amoskea , cliecks.OJ e ; Amos-
ksag , stripes , 8ic ! ; Slater , stripes , Se ; Kdln-
burg , 9Kc : AYliltlonUon , stripes. Sc : < Jlen-
rose , c ; Otis , checks , 0 } . ; Otis , Htiipes , e ,
; , ) , e.u-
ray , book fold , I2c ; Oberon , book fold , 11 'e ;
Endurance , book fold L'-'c.
SuoAits. I'owderuti , 7 c ; cut loaf. 7 c ;
granulated , Tj/c ; contectloneis' A. 7c ;
tandaid extra C , tyc : cxtia C , ( We ; medi
um yellow , OI P ; New Orleans , T > % ® J e.
CANNHD Uoons Oysters , fjiaiidard per
case. $ ' . \ . : strawberries , 'J-tb. . percase , S'3.0 ;
rasibeines ) > . , per ease , V..55 ; Cnlitornla
pears , per case , 85.00 ; npilcots , per case ,
S . " . " ! ; peaches , per ease , 54.75 ; white cher
ries , percase , go.OO ; plums , per ease , S40J ;
whortleberries , per case , $ ! ) .40 ; eg plutus.
a-a. , iiercase , S2.90 ; green pases , 'i-lb. . per
case , S'J.Oii ; pine apples , ! i-ll ) . , per case , ?
D..W.UICK Louisiana , prime to choice ,
5 ; c ; .aiiH , ta7e.
MATCIIBS Pereaddie , 3fio ; tound , rl. case ,
4nc ; wiuaio eases , Si. 70 ; Oshkosli cases , [ jr. ,
8I.-0 ; mule Hottare , 5fl.o. : ;
CANDMIS Hexes , 40Di , Os 12c : 8s , 12c ;
boxes , -lOlb , 10 o , ( is , 12c ; liall bov , : iOU ,
"L'oi'i'EKR Ordinary grades , ' -c : fair ,
lo iic ; piime , n @ 12 > , e ; choice , 12'4V ; ;
la. c ; fancy crecn and yellow , 14i/e ;
15fc } ; old covernmcnt Java. MOCtio ;
inteii'irJava. WHWMc : Mocha , ' . " 'ilo : Ai-
above in ices In : t-ciso lots.
FINK CUT Hard to Heat , 70c ; Chnriuof the
West , iJOe ; Fountain , 70c : Golden Thread ,
shoe , 44o ; Star , 4''e : Spearhead , 40e ; Our
Hope , Mu ; Piper Hflidsiek. COc ; Punch , lOc ;
Youna Fritz , 41c : Silver 'las. 4(5c ( ,
Horc Sisal , K Inch and larger , B , c ; Inch ,
U ! < e ; Winch , 0.
iur.nFuuirs No. 1 Quarter ap
rants , new , tl'/iu'ij ' ' : prunes , nn . s
OANDV Mixed , I0@i2c ; stick , I0@ltc
SODA In Ib papeis , $3.'J5 a c.iso ; salsoda
keg per IK 8'.25.
VI.VKUAJC Uinun 18Q1805 whlto wine , W
PicKi.r.s Sledluin In barrels , $7.00 ; < ! o lu
half bauds. $ IIK > ; small lu baruls , S .IHJ ; do
in halt barrels , S4/10 ; gherkiiu In barrels ,
I'J.OJ ; do In hull' barrels , 85 iw.
SALT Uray loads , pcrbbl , S1..S5 ; Ashton.
In sucks , * : t.i.v. : ; < sacks , As ! ton , WHi ; bbls
dalryr.8.0 < K < i'J.75.
quaitcansJS3.0o ;
Ki'icr.s ( Jround Black pepjier , boxes. 15
@ ' -5c ! ; alnjilef , LViiOOc ; cinnamon ISiitWc ;
cloves , IJKa'-iSc ! Klngcr , i < % 2rjo ; mustard , 15 ®
27cOnACKKiis ( arne.ui'8 snda , butter and
rlcnlft 55cs creams , B.c . ' ; ginger siiaii.s , fa ) < i ;
City soda , 7fe. }
SOAI-S Kirk's Savon Imperial , 83.00 ;
KliVs , satinet , in.15 ; Kirk's standard , 3.50 ;
Kiik'fi White Hu luu , $4.00 ; Klik' * White
I'ap. S0.50 ; Dome , S4.40.
SPICKS- Whole Popper , ifo ; alsplce , lOc ;
Garden allspice , 1'JKu ; Xanlbat clou-k , 15o ;
Ambo > na cloves , "Oo ; , cassia , 10e ; Co on
rim * mou , i''c ; Saigon Cit.ia ; , nutmegs ' ;
lone. cliolet'.40aCOcKnglfsli ( ; Breakfast coed ,
Dry „ . .
Shingl'-s ' have advanced "uc'nnd dimetiMoiis
fiOt1 in tliiwyr'A
niMnx.Moys AND Tiimrns.
' ' ' ' ' '
'lufi'u rt'iBft is ft'20 ft'a ft'21 ft
Sxl tvio 15.09 15.0118.00 17.00 IfUKI 1 OD
nnAttno ,
No. 1 boartK 12,14 and IGIt S1P-.V )
No. 2 boards , 1C , 14 and 1C , ft 14,50
No. H hoards 12,14 and Wit 12.50
No. 1 boards ' ' - , M aud 10 ft 10.50
No. 1,4 AC Inch , 13nnd llfeel , ioucli-.5H5.of )
No. l , 4 , V C Inch. 10 feel , rouitlt in.75
No.2 , ! t 0 Inch , 12 end 14 ieel , lotigli. . it.75 :
No. S , KCinch. . 10 feet.rougli 14.'i5
1st Com.'Inch ! , White Pine : 'AOO
2dCom. , % Inch While Pine 23,50
Clejir , $ { Ineh Yellow Pine 21.50 ? * 'inch Norwav 14.00
I'd Com. , : 'H ' inch. Norway 13.00
1st Com. Cinch , white pine SM : ) . >
Bd Com. C inch , \\hite pine "A oo
"il ( Viiii. 0 Inch , \\hlti ! plno ' 'liOD
I ) . Gineh , while pun- ' . < ) )
Com 4 Htid C Inch yellow ) > liii ( li. * > )
Star 4 ami C , inch . \ellow piuu 'JUKI
1st and2d clear jcllow pine , 4-J ( Inch. . . 2 ( .50
suit1 I.M' .
No. 1 , Plain , S and 10 Inch 517.00
No. 2 , Plain , 8 nnd 10 Ineh 15.W
No.I.O.C 17.50
1st and 2d Clear , 1)inch. ) . s. 2- < S. " >
1st and'M Clear , j' ' , ami'J inch , s'Js. . . . WOO
: : d Clear , 1 4 inch , s2 * 4SOO
HilOar , lU and i ! Ineh. s 'Js 48 m
H.Select , 1 4. ! > „ anil i ! inch , s.'s : J5i)0 )
1st and''d Clear , 1 Inch , .s. 2 * 5000
: 'deleir. : 1 Ineh , s'Js 41.Y )
A Select , 1 Ineh , s. 2s 4000
JJ Select , 1 Inch , s. L's J'J 50
si on ; in\ii : > - .
A 12 Inch , 1 s i'J , 14 and Hi feet S4fi 00
II " " " " " " . . .f. . . . . -11 00
C " " " " " " " 6 00
I ) " " " " " " S3 00
No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. l s. p > , 11 ami 10 It. . 17 50
No.l " " " 10 , 1H aud 20 It. . IS 50
No. 2 " " " 12 , 14 and 10 It. . 1550
I'oi'i.Ai : i.r.Minit. :
Cleat Poplar Box Bits , H in , s 2 < i W , 00
" " Mill , patifl stk wide. s2x. 2 } 00
" " CoiiugatedCellliii ' , , ; < . . . . ii'J 00
iiA'iThxsviu. : . i citixr , , IMUKKIO.
O. ( ! . Baits , 2 > . , Ineh 500 70
" 'CV ! . s Is ( K ) 35
a inch Well Tubing , 1) ) . A : .M. nnd llev. . 20 M
MllXdI.I.o , I.AI'll.
"A * Standaiil 2 CO
fi inch , cleai , S1.50 ; tl inch , 1 GO
Nol. . 1 10
Lath S220
' '
While Cellar , G inch , 'hah'ei ; . .S It
" " 't'a " loiin'd ' . . ? 11
Tennessee red oedar , split 14Jj'
I.IMI. , mv.
Qulnev whllii lime ( hesO , "VH ? ; cement ,
Akron , Sl.7.1 ; plaster , S'o : ; ; Jialr , per bushel
uOi ; sash , GO pi > r rent olVlist ; doors , blinds ,
mouldluirs jier cent olV lUt : tin red felt , per
cwt. , 31.75 : Mnuv hoard. $1.00.
HvrcHson of Its central potoii | ) nU rtofn rflntlonta
all inlnclp l line , ) > st nnil Wctt. i > t Initial anil ter
minal iioliiln. constitutes the nioit ImuoiKnt inltT-
lolillliwitAl link In that ijrtrin at llnoiiKh Irnnrpor.
tkllon lilrh Invltei nnil la < llitntcs ( inTi'l nnd tlaOIu
l ) iw ncllle of the .Mlantii- und rarlflo C'ontK It
Is alboihorauHlla nn < l licit iout to and from points
Ka.t. Noitlipft t nntl HontliPA t , nd roncinuii'ilnc
rolnta West , \oitli\rcst nnd Soullinoit.
The Great Rock Island Route
The Famous Albert Lea Route
l tlio dlicct mid furoiltn line lietitctn ClilciKoanil
HlnnupiillmnilSi. TJII ! . ulifro cuiinw lions are roadn
m Liilon Ik'poufor 11 iolnt3 in ( he lf > iiltoil i n.l
lltltlili 1'rovincos. ocltills loiita 1'alt KxlUflo
Trains nrt nin to tlie Hatorliii ? pj oep , duinmri' re-
ort , i > icturosiuo loeilltlcii , unil l.nnUni ; and flililiiK
Sraiindiior tuua and illiiiiejota. 1C ! > nUo tlio moil
c'liable route io the rlcli vhcat Hold ! aud pastoral
lamlN 11 f Interior Dakota.
Still aiicHlH-r Dtiil.Cl1 USE , TJ Scnir * nml Kan-
kabri * , imiieen \ uiicnvd betwten f liirinimtl , InOlan-
roU and LafiiTPitn. and rouncll HlufTi , Ksnf nCltr ,
ulnni > R | .llHiinil St. 1'anl anil liitonnnUtAtfl points.
For ilrtallcd Inrurmatluii ni-o .M in nnd I'oldi'rs.
obtcliuble , a'l wpll n tickets , at nil inlni'ipal TlcLtS
OHk-n in the Unltcil States auU Canada ; or by ad
it. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN ,
Prcs't & ( Jcn'l K'e'r , Oeii'l T'.t ' ) A. ! ' > . Ae't ,
or tlio Iihiuor Habit , 1'osillvol/
Cured by AtlmistcriiiK' Dr.
Ifndios' Golden SpeullU ; .
It can bo given In n em > of collco or tea with
out tlio l-niin-leilire of the person tiiklntrlt.Is
ub ° olutcly hunnldss , mul will ellfct n permn-
nent anil speedy euro , whether thu patient Is
amoiloriito ilrlnkcr or an uleoholUtvreek. . It
Ims beun Klveu m IboUEuniH of cii ca , ami In
overs * InMimco 11 perfect euro IIHH lolloueil. IT
Nuvr.n KAILS. The pjftcm once Inipn.'g'imtcil
with the fpeeltli ) , It becomefl nn utter Impossl-
blllt > lor tlio liquor niiuetilu to uxht.
Tor.nlo by Kulm ArTo. , Driiircists , corner 15lli
and Doiih'lus , mul ISlh mul f'niiiliig ttrcctb ,
Om'ilm.Nel ) .
dill or wrlto for pamphlet eontnlnluir bun-
ilredh of tobtlniunl.'ils Irnm thu best nome.ii nnd
mun from nil purls of iho country.
- .
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Tlie only road to tnVof.u-Des Molne.u , Mar-
ilinlltown.C'ednr Kapi. IB , Clinton. Dixie , Chleago ,
.MlliviiuWci ) nml nil iioinlb oust. To thu people of
NobnieLu , Colorado , Wjoniliit : , 1'lnli. Iduho
Nnruda.Uronou Ulniloti and Cullfoinlult
ortors superior advantages not poislblo by uuy
other lino.
Ainontf H few of tlio numerous points ot supe
riority enjoyed by thoimtrons of this icndbe-
ItYwm Omaha mid Clilcntro , nro Its two trains n
day of HAY COACHUHhlvb uro tlio Unuet that
human nit ( Did Innemilly can create. Itsl'AI.-
ACi : BLKKl'INO OAIIBhloh are inodeH of
romfoit nn.l uleganeo. lib I'AllLUIi DRAWING
ItOUM ( 'A ttti , nnsurpacsril by any. aud Its wide-
y ctlebruttil HAr.ATIAMJININl } OAIIS , the
equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere.
At Couuell Hluirt the tralng of the Union Pad-
Do lly , connect In Union Depot \rlth thoFe of the
Chicago it Noilhvreeteru lly. InChlcUKO the
I rnli IB of thU line mitVo cloee uonncvlion with
IhoMjof nil eixstirn line ? .
IV i r IVtrolt , Columbus , IndlunapolU , Cincln-
IIHII , Nlnirnrit Vn\\s \ \ , llulfulo , 1'iitsburir , Toronto ,
Montie.-il , llofton. New Voik , 1'liUuile.lplilu , lial-
lliniiroViisliIiiirliin nnd nil points in luo cast , nsk
the llekct Bjfi'iil for tickets via the
"Mllfni-WlISTKUN , "
lf\ini wish the het.1 ueoiiiimiodatlone. All ticket
11. 8. IIAIIt ,
< Jeii , l'n . AirBiit
flllf AliU.
UN > IIAliriCK. )
GfU. Agent , 1U2 antuiu M , Oinnliu , Nub.
Billiard Tables ,
TUB HHt.NsWN K llAI.KtM'OM.KMll.i : A. Co
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
And Saloon , Office mid tlanlc rivturrc. MiuVrt
nnil Huron SIS , llilcngo. til. Oninha olHco.BOJ
S. 10th St.
Book Binding ! Etc.
" * * "
uiu ; ? nu.vnxo c.n. , "
Book Binders ,
ATlJ Tilnnk ItooV. Manufacturer * ! , No ? . 106 mid
IDS South Hlli ' 'Mci I , Onmlm , Neb.
Butter Tubs.
Manufacturing of Buiter Tubs ,
Mib. ! : c ; < nS-I.K:25ir : : : > We-son-.e-.v : 1011 n
Ins , We. 1Mb. nnil I'lrn e t Oititilm , Neli.
Cigars and Tobacco.
" "
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Duns ntnl Ammunition. 21 : , to t nSoiilh Illh
Street , to Itt-M rnrnmn Stun , Oinnhn , Nrli.
WEST \ riiiTfH tiKit ,
Manufacturers of Fins Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dealer-In Leaf Tob eeo . Nos.
104 ami 110 X. 14th Sheet Ointiliii , Neb.
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works ,
Kponc'er ' , 1'romietor. Miinurnrlitrpp of
OiilvMMliMt Iron nnil oruico. t r.J Dndr.c , nnil 101
anil 10T , Noith 10th Street , Omulm , Xcli.
] tiTiMi'iN : < ; & noi/rE ,
Manufacturers of Ornamental
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , I'lniiK Il ! < - . . JillS. ) Kill Ht. AVorkdotio
In mi ) pint ol thueoiintry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. Fl'KCHT. Proprietor ,
fltih'nul/eil Iron Comlees Etc. Spc-eht'slm-
inoMul 1'mcnl Metnll'eSk > liKlit. 503 mul MOS.
12th St. , Omnlm , Nell.
DootSi Sasli , Etc ,
ling Mill ,
Dooii , S'.li nml HllniR .Ms-o nil Ulinls of
lu-nliiff. Hoiolt mill Slulroik ol oveiy do-
' A. UOSKNllKltvT
Manufnctuicr and Dealer In
Doors , Sasli , Blinds , Moulding ,
Kto. Stulr Hulls n specialty. Ti'lephono No. UJ.
15lb unit Mnrey St. , Omaha , Neb. _
Electrical Supplies.
Electrical Supplies ,
r , . W. WOW'C & CO. , iioctrlcliuii : ,
Mn ono llloek. Omnlm. lliiixltu1 Alarms. Hollf ,
I'lio AhirniH , llleelilu .Mnttlntr , Sp < iklug Tubes ,
Gold , Silver nml XleVel 1'hitlnr , ite. :
Iron and Nails ,
Gut Nails and SpiKcs ,
I'iie Xnlls : i Spoclalty. Omahn , XV.b.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Miiehliiorv , Castlmr ! ) , Stoatii Ktifflnes , IlolleiF ,
ArcliUPeltiinl lion Woik. Iron nriilife1 ; , MltilnK
iimlMlll Miiehlnury , Oflicn nnil v.otk , Cnliin
I'aelllo It. It. 17th unil IHth Ptivct" .
I : & into. ,
Foundry Works.
Cor. Hth nnd .lneV on Sts. , prepiuel to ilo nil
liinds ot Iron mul lira's InMliiK6 ! nli-0,0 , U
lltiiinl < trr's ItorKbiff tlruto Itnrs manufactiiK'tl
. . . . . Mattresses. .
- v - - -T - - - " - > ' - -
i : . M. iruLKi : ,
Mattress Company ,
MnnuriieturinB : Mnltiessei. lieililiiifr , Teuthci
I'illowb , Cots. , lite. I'.TX ) and 1'OS ! Douglas Street ,
Onmlm , Xeb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jenus 1'ants , Shirts , Ele. , 11VJ ( nml 1101
Street , Oumliti , Knl ) .
Paper Bozes.
j. i. . wii.icn : ,
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
IMP. HtliPI..OniHha , Neb. Onlure by mull MI-
Itelted ami will rocelvo prompt attention. _
Omaha Safe Works ,
Mannfnclurerof rircaml Um lnr Proof Safes ,
Vault Door ? . .Inll Woik. Shuttera HIM ! Wlro
Wort. Cor. Hlh ami Jackson Sts. , Omnlni , Xeb.
v. . ) . QIIA :
Soap Manufacturer ,
Onice anil 'y , nenr Ponder Mngn/iue ,
nmln ) Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
lliri anil iH7 : Huiney ftiect , Oniuhu , Nob. Pol
Acents In Nobrubku forJomV Colobrateil pllt
r'llflftSlllkliil' ' .
A. .1. SIMPSON ,
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
H09 nnd Hll Doiltfi * .Street , Onmhn , Nob.
White Lead.
Con odors und Urliidcrsot
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Onmlm , Neb , T.nvl Curt or , IVes. ; C.V. . Jfeml
Vleo 1'it'i. : H. W , Viitos. See. nndTieus ,
Th.e Millard ,
Khi' r , J , K. Mmkel 1'hos. Sirobo , I'roprJoloiM
Omuua , Xt'brnbku.
Arcade'Hotel ,
James r ( .uy , Pi oprlrtor.
l-'lTi nnd IU'17 DoiiKllih Ft. , Onmlm , Xeb.
Thoimtromiicnof coiniiirrrlnl iiinn n pfi ttully
Bullelted. They will flrtrt till * tin , ' bret t'4 a dny
house woiit of
Planters'House ' ,
C. K. FKHUia.iJl'ItOI'lllETOH.
Kates , tlM iier day , Street caw from u. r.
lit pot , within onti ) week of houfce , Oornev
Dotljro ami IStU ttructe , Onmha , Neb.
The Cozzens ,
l1. Ituinsry ic Co. , Proprli tors.
Kates 12.00 per day , no < lurk room . Also 1'nUcu
Hotel HantnTc , Omnhu , Neb.
Canfleld House ,
Cor. Ninth and Purnmn Pis. The licit $ " per
day hotel In Onmha. itomoilrled , refunilBlincI ,
rvuoertited ; ono block from uimy headitunrterfli
oppo ttu I'nlan 1'ftcltlo headquurtei-g ; street caw
pass the door. Oeorjo Cuuneld & Co. , proprio-
toie. Abe I.'ulun block Yard * Hotel , South
Hotel de Gees ,
1' . ( JOOfi , 1'ropi lulor. ,
i Plan. The only witmlly localnl | 2
uduyhout-o. Tliteo dooru from llojd't , Operu
lloiiMMUiil Olio-hair blufk fiom tin ) I'Ohloltico
mid thu Comt llou'O. 1 , 151U , lolFarnuiu
bt.,0nuilii ! Kali.
Agricultural Implements , *
'A v
1.1MNGKK A MKnALl' CO. ,
\ \ holcsaln
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Office , Corner 6t h nml 1'nUOoSts , OinaliaXr > V.
rJhLiN , uttENDonrr - . MAUTINI
Wiolcsalc Do.ilcrs In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnil Unptrit's , Om hn , Xrli.
Boots and Shoes.
* *
" "
Vv. V. MOHSK ! ; CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
11 rat-limn Street. Om.ihn , Xob. Manufactory
Suminci Streit Hoflou.
Carpels ,
' "
S. A. OKf II.Mtl ) ,
Wholesale Carpels , Oil Cloths ,
MnltltiKS lurt.tin ( Jootlf. lite. . Mil I'mimm
Plrcit , Oinnlm. Nrt > .
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
OniccS139. 14th St. . Omalin , N'ol' . Yards , Dili
COfTA.ST d SQI'lltKP ,
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Ik'ft Mulotics. nniff. Sin S. l.itli tt.
Xo. l4 ! ? , Omnlin , Ncli.
XlMlllA'UvA 1'lT.l. CXV ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
U'li . . 13th ft. , nmnlm , Ni'b.
( I Ml. C , 'I' < M. | . , 1'1-f'Sillollt.
Gro. I'ATll iios , Sec. and Tioai.
J.ll. lli'i.iiuir. 1' . A. HM.I-H.
1'ioprUtnr. Minii
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
e/JlTS. lilth Ptieet. 'IVIcphouo t' ' ) .
( ! EO. r. LMUOII , l'ic < . c. r. ( JUOIIMAN , V. 1'rcs.
J. A. Pl'MH.HIAMI , Si I' , llllll Tlt'll" .
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jnliboisof huut nml Mill eoal. OfS. nth St. ,
Omnlm , Xeli.
Hard and Soft Coal.
KAcluslvc ilenlrv- ItnnMpr rnlorado Coal , 317
MHItll Kill Sl 11 It.
Coffee and Spites.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tea rolleris , Siilce-f. llaklni ; 1'oivdoi Flavovlnu
Kxlrnets. I.umiiii-y Hino , Ink , etc. H11-1U liar-
noy Pliei'l , Oiniiliii , Xcli.
Commission , Etc. _
iiiiAxni & co. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
] ! : ! ! rniiiiuiiSt.OiiiHh'u. Applns Ourunii puck-
inpr 1'latt Co.'s Tljrcr Hi'.intl Oyitcrs , Mutter ,
Ktfps , llatnr , I'onltiy , rotntoes.
ix r. rr.Acic ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Tioiliiei- , f'roxl'-lons. Fruits Vlour ami l-'eeil , 10o
S. IJtli St. , Oniiilui , Nrli. CoiibitrniiKMits Eollcltcil.
Jlrluinv niailo ] ir < niiplly.
1.01'IS HKU.r.It ,
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
fi' , yiin iiirea , Krulfi , llutehors Tools and
Supplies. r.'iri.oiie ) St. , Onmlin , Noli.
W. 13. HTUDEM ,
General Commission Merchant.
Pi'ECtM.TiES ( lioi < "c , Hutter. Kpp * . I'oulliy
and ( lame , liy S. litli. , Omaha , Kcb. Telephone -
phone rCu. U9S. _
T ) . A. iiuriioTy ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
llullcr , T.pH * and Prodnco. wV full Hmi of Slonn-
waio. CoiiElgnnit'iits bolicltod. 1111 Uodfo St. ,
General Commission Merchant ,
nutlor , I3tKS Clico o and Country Produce ecu-
erallj , 'Ml S. I'Jlli St. , Omulia , Kob.
.McsHANK &sciiuoi : [ > iit : ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs ,
Hefrlsornlornnd I'neklnvr Houi-o , llth & r.t.ivcn-
worth St. , on r. 1 > . It. It. Track , Omaha , Neb.
cd IS70.
itonnitT 1'uavis ,
General Commission ,
211 P. lltli St. , Omaha , Xob. Specialties Ilutlcr
K if ? , I'ouluy and Gurae.
1'KVCKK llltOS. ,
Commission Merchants , Fruits ,
7troilui-o and 1'iovlsioiiP , Omaha , Neb. _
Wholesale Commission Merchant ,
Ti nils , Seeds and 1'iodiico. No.ai3 S. 12th Street ,
Omaha N ( 'bins-kit.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
I'mlts , flour. Apples Ptonownrp.Culer.Vlnejfar ,
UraRS .Send ? , lluttcr and Epjts. 1113 and UIJ South
13th Mreut , Oiiialm , Kubiaska.
\VIKDi3MAN & CO. ,
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Huttcr , ( lame , Kuilts , Ktc. ! TWS. llth
St. , Oinuba ,
' "
A.r. nUTHGB ,
WholPBB8 ! Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
Meati fliil , JilliiH. llutter. KifKN , riieoso , Ktc.
Nu. 05 S. l-'lh St. , Onmha , Nob.
u ) nuos. ,
General Commission Merchants ,
Jldfi I'Jodtfe Strt-et , Omaha , Nub. CoiibignmcutB
1 ! . Mr. DO.VALD.
12th Street , Omnhn , Neb. Speelaltio : Hut-
tcr , I'.KKf , anilLhlukeiib ,
w. r *
At'Ciit for the Manuraetururs nud Tniporlcrs
Crockery , Glassware ,
r.ninps , riihiini'yc , Ofllcn , NI7 Soiilh 13th
. - Ircul OiBKha Neb.
Dry GOOD'S ,
j. .1. IIIIOWN & co. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
ir.'J : Douglas Sticvl , Onialm , Nub.
u ( Jixyiinitf ! & co. ,
\VliolusHlo Dealeiblu
Dry Goods. Hosiery , Notions ,
Linen ? , I.HCPS. Kmni older } ' nml Whlto Gc
IttWDoUKlss filruut Onmhu Nub.
Lngines ,
& CO. ,
The Baker Automatic Engines ,
Stationary anil portable cufrlnen , hollers and
tber-t lion vrnilr , wawons , imrU-iilluial iinple.
ineiit * ) , pumps etc. liilU KI5 Loanwo > tliai. !
Leather. Hides , Etc ,
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1111 Jatkkon Sticct , Omaha , Neb.
" *
\VUol t'julo
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Badrtlery and Shoo Fimtln s , Hides , Wool , Tuts ,
Pelts , ( lieubit.Ttillow , Kto. , Omaha , Neb. _
Flour , Etc ,
WM , I'jiuvrns. ( 'KO. iliciiAr.uso.v.
Wholesale Flour ,
60F,510and 01" I'iorcu titii > vtOinulia , Neb.
Hill XO TZSlIIUK. .Ill ,
A cent for J C' , 1 toff nun r > \ i % > . .
Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
] ly Itoheis and HunpflrlHnPiOccjj. V meliouH1 ,
_ _ I l3jloiies Mreet. Oiniitin , Ni b.
\ \ ,3. \ \ KLSliXS Jk CO. ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufaetuierii of AV. ,1. Wfl tinn & Co.'fOilleV
Itntsltur llncl-vrheat tloitrand proiuli-tdrsOiniilin
Clt > J4ill5 , eor. Mb and rarnum Sticets.Onmba.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
_ r.irnam Stiecl , Onml\a , Xeb ,
Groceries ,
AM.l.X 1IKOS. .
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110 .1111 ! Ill- Douglas Stveol.Omnttn , XnK
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco and Sniol.eis' Aitlelrs , 1 17 Howard ? ! .
MIVIU : : i HAAPKI : ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spices , Clears nml Tubatcos HUT and 1U10 Potts-
Ins Sticet , Oinuba , Noli.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th and I'mnnm Stieets , Onialm , N'eb.
PAXTOX , UAI.TAUHitt : * ; CO. .
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nut. ' , ( \ \ ,0 , 701 nud ' < 1 1 S. 10th SI , , Omnlm , Neb.
\V. .1. IIHOATCH ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
PininpfVijiun : Stoek , Hnnlnooil Lumber , etc.
lihRi and I''l" Mnrni-y ttieet , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
Anil raifiBKO Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware.
KiIZlTuml \ Kill l.wi\uii orlli Street , Oiiialm ,
HlMnilAt'OH A. TAYI.oTt ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mfchanles' Tocil and Ilitll'alo Scales , llld Ooitff
1mHtuct , Omaha , Neb.
1,1:1 : : , ritir.i ) AT TO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , lite. Agents for llono Scales anil
Mli'tul 1'iiwiU'r I'o. , Omaha Neb.
Mll.TON IIOG1-311S * SON'S ,
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantle ? , ( irate- : , ) lraeouiN. . 1'Ul and 13'SI far-
iinm MI < 'it.
iir.rroit ro. .
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
imcrson : Steel NnlR for. 10th and llmnnjr
Sticuth , Otmilux , Neb ,
WM. DIlintlNO * CO. , I'HICAUO ,
Manufacturer of the
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Wrlto to Win. M. r.orimer. Genet al Apenl ,
Omalui. 'releibotiniitU. )
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobliors In Inin Pipe , Iron till hip" , Iron and
Hrai-s ( loods. Knirlnecrh * Supplier llth and
HodtruSlieots , Omiilia , Ni b.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Steam , Water , Kalluny ami Mlllhnr Supplies Kit ! .
WU , ; ttJ unit U21 rurnntii St. Oumlrn , Nob.
CHfHt'lIU.1 , 1TMP CO. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Meain and Wutor Snppli-- . llemtnuarters fo"
.Mast 1'ooj.t Co.'s floods 1111 rarnniu Street ,
Omaha , Neb. _ _
Jewelry ,
Wholesale Jewelers.
Oealers In Sllvcr iui' , niiunniidK. Watc'lii" ?
Clocks , .Icwi'lorh" Tool * mid Mnti > rlal , I'.li * . , 101
and UK ) , l.'ith Street , Cor. lloilK-e , Omnhn , Ni-li.
IflCNSON-l-I.Sll CO.
Successors to leUen fk'insseii & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Foreign nli , Nos. 311 DM .Tone *
Struct mul U. I * . Trai ! < Omaha , Neb.
Live Stock.
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha ,
No Yuidivro Clmnreil.
Close to U. 1' . lirldiru. Special iieeommoilutlon
and n good murket tor hoi ? * . E. 0. Cooper , ilRU-
flRer. Office , ( TO Kouth Sth Street.
Live Stock Commission
Oeo. Iluikc , Manager.
LTnlou Ftoelc Yanls , S. Omaha , Nob. Tele. 552.
\Y. F. 11IIOWN * CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Ofllco Kxcliamrn llnllillnpr. Union Stock Yards ,
couth Oiniilni. Nob. Tolephom ; No. GUS.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yard ? , Chicago , III. , and Omnlm ,
Neb , 1'rank ChIttendenMnniier Onmlm llrunch.
Tulcphouo No.SJ. . Ebtabllsheil Ibtt , ' .
W. L. 1'ATltICK & CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Adilrest all coinmunlentloiH to ua tit Union Sleek
I'HnIrt , South Omiihu. Advunccs inuilo on slock.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
r.iniltcd. John 1 * ' . lloyil Hupcrlutuiiilcnl.
" HAVAOK , fc ( iltKK.V ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment1 * or : my mul iilllilmUor Mock solicit-
eil. Union Hteek Yards Oinnhn N b. _ _
Lumber , Ltc.
. 1,01'IS IIItADFOIin , '
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Sail ) , Yards Cor. 7th und Douglas ,
Cor. ' . 'lh ' nml Douglas.
H01IN MANUrACM'inilNH CO , .
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , BlnlrV < nc ] mid Interior Ilnnl Wood
I'lnbli. JnM opiineil. N. I' , cor. Vth nml Li >
v/oi tli Streets Omaha Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
8U S. Hlh Slrout , Onmlm , Neb , Colpctzor ,
Lumber ,
13th and Californin Btrcot , Omnba , Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Tor. Ctli Hud DoufliiB Strufts , Omuhu , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omuhu , Nebraska.
CHAS. II. M5n ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
rnffoii Rtoek , 1'nnciyVoods. . llrMjrn Timbers ,
&o. , H. W , Cor. itth mul DouBhia.Oniu'iii ' , Xeb.
G , 1' , J.YMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ,
HulMInt ; 1'uper , Kto. South I'Jth htrcot , Oinulia ,
Nebraska Lumber Co.
Vnlil Iu I'tipltitl Stoek. jini : ) , < XiO.
T.ogttcnMnunuliu'liiteife mul wliDluv.ilo deal
er * . MHUnt .Moulll , \VholoMiluiiniliKiaU
di lrj\Ulnt" ! ! > uid , Onmhti , Nvb. till S. Vili it.
OMUl \ I t CO. ,
Ikulu- A.I Knitl-rt
Building Material at Wholesale. ,
IFIhSliectamU I'll l ! I ! Tinek.On , ih. N
ISV.IIMN 1 > . \ \ Y \ IT.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
SOtli mill 1 w < l Stifi'ti. ( innha.iiira KA.
.1. A.Kiiir.ll : ) .
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
llulldluc Pnpcv * . Su-b , DoorIlliuds , Mm I
dtp * , PicVel , P k | , I.lmi' . I'lii'ter , Hair ,
Ceineni. Viinh ami .limei ( ininlni Nfli.
Milliner ) ,
i. ,
linpoi tcr Htid , lolil er i f
Millinery and Notions ,
Ulllaiid 1411 Iliuttry SliceOmaha. ) VeK
HT" " - *
Musical Inslrinnentsi
r.nnoi.MA. r.uu KSOV ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Steltnray Ploins ebt > r , Decker. Hnlm nml
lhIgK * l'lani ) . Packard nrcnn ; , Clm t > Oijrnns.
101 and 1H11Mb street.
Notions , Etc ,
j. i , , mixnir.s a fox ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
lliy Cooilc , Notion ! ! , OctitK' rurnbhlliH Hoiiil'
Ooods trom New Yoik , 'IVade sali'S daily.MM
and Wi South I3lli St. , Onmlm.
French and German Fancy Goods ,
liniKBltts' awl Stationer * ' Snnililei. Hl'i Far-
mun , Omaha , Neb.
"TT. Robinson Notion Company ,
1GC1 mid 405 S. 10th St..Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealers In Notions and tjcntk" 1 itr >
Oils. Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Gasoline , Mien A.\lo ( lrc > nUte. . A. II.
jlaiiairt ft Onmha , N'eb.
Pork Packins ; .
JA'MI'.S M , IIOV-I ) .
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omaha , Xi'luii'-kii.
HAUIHS > \ KIMinil.
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Office Union MnrKrt.lMT Dodse Stieet. I'ucklnp
boif-e , IT. p. It. U. TiaeK , Onmha , Nub. Telrt-
phone No. 157.
Safes and Locks ,
P. ItOVr.l ! A : ( X ) . ,
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s
Fin- mid llinRlar Proof Snlcs.Tiim' . l.ocks\"niills
and Jail \ > oik. lO.'Oriiinam Micet.Omalm , Neb.
J. UVANtf ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Agricultural Voeclnblo. I'.tc. Odd I'nllows' HftU
N. W. Cor. llth and Ilodcu St. , Onmhii , Neb.
Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Druggists ,
.lobheisof Palms. Oils Wlndiiw ( JbiM , lltl
llamey Street , Oinnhn. Neb.
C. I' . C50ODMAN ,
Wholesale Druggist ,
And Dealer lu Paints , DIN nml Window fila' " ,
Unmhii , Xeb. ,
Wines and Liquors.
Dealers iu Liquors aud Cigars ,
lai-'iuul 120-1 loii ) rlHsSI..Oinihii.7CQb. :
raeloileh Xos. 1 nnctiuM ; ! ; DM. N . V.
lio.V. ; . 11LNTAN.
SueceiMH1 to MCXAMMIA &Ir.v..s , ImpoittT *
nnd Wlmlobfilo Dealers In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
211 mul-Jin S. Hth Ft. , Onialm , Neb.
It. lt.fiItOTTl ! ,
Wines and Liquors.
\\eslo n Anent , ! ) > . SoblltHmwliiK' To 7119.
Jill Stiff ! , Omnlm.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
littl Doujrlas i-trecl , Onmha , Neb. & co. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Miuoi | > . Sole mnniifartuii'iH < if ICtmnoJy'd
Kast India Hill ere. 111U Huniei Stri'nl OniRlm ,
Neb. _
L. P. r/AltSOX AI I > . ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And Clirars , anil Ooneral Ae'ents for ti ) Philip
Hosts' Celebrated Milwaukee lleer , Omiilni , Neb.
HarncsE , tie.
JIiuuifiKturi.To nnd Jobbcrxof
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf ( Joods , Illmikets inn ] ftohe . H'JI l'nrnm
StieelOniHlil. : Nob.
A niltF.CT LtNR roit
England , France & Germany.
Tlio U'ui i > lilp9 of Ibis well liiiown line aio all
or lion , In water tlibt eomparlments , anil ro-
lurini-licd nttli evui > tliliiK to iiuiUo the p iu > ru
both nato and UKreeHblo. Theyiun > the tjnlii : . |
MaleNiind Ktiropean iniiiU. and Iciivo.NYvr York
'lluiiBiIajfl unil Sutuidayrt Tor PI1 , mouth , ( LON
DON ) , Clieilir.u/r. / ( PA H18 and HAMItl'KU ) .
ItHtcf ) Plibt cabin , t 0-lW. Sfomuu tu N'u *
Cliicago , Milwaukee & Si Pan.
The Shortltdne
and Best Route
From Omahajo the East.
Chicago , .Mlniieaiiolls
St. Paul , Cedar ItupMs , 'Uuvnuporf ,
Clinton , Dubuiiue , Itoukforil ,
Itoch Ulaud , I'rcuport ,
Klxln , Madhon , l.i
Hclolt , WJnona ,
And all other Important points Kntt , NurliioitV. ,
Hint Soutliui : t.
Ticket oflleo at Hv | rrtninin utrretH \ P/wton /
llolcll , mid ut Union Paelllu D. put.
Pullman Sluepus mid iho l'ino t IMnInx ( 'an
In iho Woild aio inn tin ihu muln llniM of thu
ClIJI.UIIO.Mll.WM'KrC.'cSl' I'.Ull , ItAlLWAT , ailj
rveiy Bttenllon Is paid to pasbeiuiorH by court * .
ouHimiployeii of the company.
It. MM.I.KII , ( leneinl MiiiiHM'i' .
J. K.TL'i'KKli , A l lHiit ( Juneral Mannjior.
, A. V , II. ( Mui'KSTbiti ( jeiuiid Pnsjonarr an-l
OEO. : ) ) . Asklstant ( Jrncrall'uej *
ircr and 'J'lektt ABCIII.
Ilieedcrof Thoroughbred nnd Hljh fira u
Hereford and Jersey Cattle !
A nd I ) lure nml Jcr : y Hid Swluo.
P , BOYEB & OO ,
III A 1.1 US I >
HatrsSafesVaultsJimeoacX $
and Jail Work ,
1010 rVDUiim Mi'I'o ( n nl I- ! ' ,