Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Aiitfrliseirunt * under this head 10 cents per
but ! foi tliu flr t Insertion , and 1 t-rnt ? for oncli
Milxctinifflt insertion. Povtn words wl 1 be count
ed totlit llnoj they must run con ccutircly nnd
iini'ibe I'tiM ' In advance. All iUcrtl eracnt
inlift behmvtftl In licloreSo'tlotk p. m. < am
unttTtK' UHuniMuncts till ! tiny lo taken o
1'iuthMi.urrtlsliitf In ilitso column * and hat
lnir ihiinn niM * ncldrf'id lit tnrc of Unr. iri
plf n o usV lor check to tumble them to et the !
letter * . HS none will bo rtilucred etccpt on
presentation ( it check. All nnv cr to ndier
t-tliU'vd ' In rincloprs.
.iVlMmi Ponl tlOotofhm Atpl | > In I. II. I'm
limn , cmoHonmn Htm , tor DOJUU X l.Ilh. f Ht
rpo I.OAN' Money inniir mnount
" c 11 nil clncsof sicnritj ,
-hortthfic loiinj on t < xil mtntc
lioiiu tin o loans on rial oMnlc.
Monpvto lonn on tliHttp | .
Moiifj to loan on cijlhilcral' .
Mow ) In Ion 1 1 on any Rood security.
Tornif pn y < tlrao to Mitt
\ppli lit Ih ( ) tnnlm l.ubnnse
Iliitkc i Imltdinir , S'V cornorot
I irt ( mill mid rnrnnm st . . upatnua 4 1 _
MOM.V or oirryoodylou cnn borioir
iniinci on luinliuro , lioitt , natrons
pianos , Mot It > 1 nil klnd , rllninonds mid fine
YiHtihiMiu ) our nit ii time Payments it-toll ci
at tun Hum. utiil Inlire t ipduttil pro uttn.
rropntl lift In jour turn | > os p lon. Terms
Ionm tin' lowest. Call mid sec me. Htislness
ronndt ntial. NunilvntiliiKO lakim. W. It. 1'iolt
Itoom 1 , Wltlmell'sXitt MulMIng , Notthen'tcor
mtrlfith nml Ilmnoy. 1)51 )
ffio MIAN Ono or two thousand dollars Ini
1 mcdliiti ly for 1 01 S > tars \V. 11 0 rot n
13lh anil I'limam 103
M "OM5V TO T.OAN < ) . \ \ PnIn & . ( Jo. Henl
Kitiito BitU I/oftii nsuuts , ID05 raniRtn St.
OMKV TO LOAN On good su urll ! < ? . A
iM Mc'lnvock. room 7 lledlck Illock , 100'J 1'nrnam
TO LOAN Ori chnttcK Wooloy A
llnniion , room 0 , Otmilia Juitlonnl bnnk
btilldhiff. 013
TlONiTO : I.OAJ < Oil ical estate and ehnt-
-ill ( e ! I ) . Ii.'Ihnmas. 650
_ _ _
MOM.V I.OANi'lOn : chattel' ,
II. tickets bought and told. A. I'onimn , "IS
S.nthPt. C' "
_ _ _ _ _
MOMi10 LOAN In sums of y.W ) and up
wards on first-class rcnl eslatu ei.'cnrlty ,
1'otler \ Cobb , I51' I'm nam Ht. ' " -I
l. lANii : ) atC. I' . IlrcdA. Co's. I-oan
ollii 0,011 fuinltuie , pianos , hoists , M.iaons
personal pi open \ ol nil Kinds nnd nil other nr-
ilclcs olidiio , iillhotit icmovnl. Over 1st IS'nt'l
Hank , ( oim r lilh and Knrnnm. All businu& '
Urictly ronlldentnl 5M
1711 > I. Inipioved rnrni'.iTlll trtido for unproved
L' ( luptopcil ) W. II. Green , over l t Nn-
tlotii" [ " Itank. Twi
rpo l.M HAMii : Nou ti'siikncc piopdty ,
X Milnidiil luo tlioiiMinil ( lolliiis.ntl ] loculcil ,
Ktondllv i cal ol , In I hi If I \ town liintslcin Jou.i ,
lei "lui-U oflinnlnmc , iu hiudwitio , sto\iv and
tln iui : i nn mill insh 11 iippc'Wttj. Adihcss
ir "toiVlllichnyJr To. , Omnhn , Nc-b. 7' '
GtMMi out ol bii-lni" " " , I oirer for sale mj
unlhohtockol drj oed , boots and shoes
below toM. Moie lor lent wlilelt Is " by 1W
lu'l. Counters tliPhliift mill --how CHSCM lot
Nile i IK up. 1. 1CVJ.715K 1 Jill St. 75T-dt
' . S.ALI : llcalnuimit and tontpclloiie
btou and lUttuesiii alliulocation , must
Mt'd immediately. W. ll.Utten , Uth and J'l
nmnt - .
. Oll s.ti.i : Tn simill townfenuud ( Bloclcol
I. mi icliandlsu and stoic for ion. A 50. Uco
Olliie. noTilocl *
171OK lA'cilAMii : An tmpioied farm of 100
JP II1 J ; miles uPHtol lied Oik , lown , will he ov-
iliniiKed lor desirnblo n lilenco piopetly in
Omnlin , olllipr iinpio\ed or unlmpioxod. AJ-
ilu" " . ilesLilblng1 pioptitj , John limes , I toil
OnkIo n. KitdtclU'
"I71OR SALI' 'Jlio only Kalhcr aud ( Initlnsr
J3 busnt | < s in'oln , i\hlch has been cur-
iled nn lor ten jears 101 vucccialiilly ; tlio reii-
hon tor bi lllnw , dentil of the propi irlor ; cupitul
icqlllird , liom S1.DQ3 to M.IOJ.
.Incob ilnlierlc , Lincoln , Nob.
oit SAl.i ; PiualUtoelc oI'drupR : uul modi
I 1 tlnp-SBiid toilet arlkles for sale at n bar-
( iiiln. \\'lll linolio JUKI , lloxcdl shipment. , I
A. Holder , .IHIN IBlli si i cut. Ml
AimtlJ I'llANCJ : The piopildors of the
Metioiiolltnn ) B. luth M. , be-
iiiKidiouttoopen the neiv W iiulfor Ilolel.ulfer
liuipstiiurant tosetherwltb knsu ol tlio hulld-
liiKTlor t-nle. Tills is un e\colknc oppoituiiity
lei the light pintk % . Apply at the ic
rpin : W. C. > lel7iici Ptovo Hcpah Co .lllfaouth
JL UlhSI. botwciMi Dodffo mid
X IJT-Mj 6"undcr3l neil , n black
imiloplir. Onnn inn lm\o 15.11110 bv na\Inu
11.iff | us itnd piniiir ) piopeity. .Mit. Klensli ,
t. , ticnr 81101 rd llomt Convint. MUdut *
1" OST A niiull Inindlo < ovM > stiap mound
1 J J lioins : n siillahleiouaiil w ill bo paid tor ir-
Hum lo ' HV ( bstoi. 761O *
I-IIST A chllil'flplnln plolh iloak. I aic at
JLM.iiiiiiiji-stiiiiiHiU and iril lu.iii.d. Jfrs.AI
.A. MfMmmliit. 710
Vl A > Tii : > 'Ihipo KcnllemiH boaiilii1 ! in
T piiiiitn liimllj. fcoiithuest coiner 17lh
n i id \ \ i'li-lci tit- VM " nndboitid , $ jpar week ; \ciy lio-t lo
cal Ion. 1MI la\unpoitSt. ioNlnel'i *
'IJI'.ltMINAL II ) tm liuvptiliim > oi ivnt.just
, . . 'J. ' Mini wind to .1.1. ,'s ieul
and houco i cut IIIK ut'ciu-y , ) " - > - 1 in IKUH ht..oier
j I'lt'ilt ikKV lint noic. VJ.
. : : , v Toletfiaph Ojiciator
uWn > \ mouiion ( imipctunt olhtu num. Ail-
41088 Dnuixiri lleoollku. WjX
| - Kltso > AL I'aihci ' otMilnv or conhollliKf
J ri'id c < lnt ( > . dijltlnsr to Kill tlio tliieilliln : \
veil to list with.I. I. , Ilkp rcnl c tate InoUer ,
irj.1 Iiu mini K , 7 ; 5
$ : iiio ic'uind mid no iiuoMuma ntkeil lortho
ii'tiiinol the dlamoiulK stolen liom my | mt
eh vInic ( , coi . Mill and llii ScplmnhKi'7 1 ti ,
l i. K.lonnton. V."i-r.
LA 1)1 IN hi wiint of irooil doinestiohclpean
bo Mippllfd by tailing on tbe Ouniha J > n-
t Hltico , liiiom iliii hiiia > r JUoel > . -
JV. . .Miiiiidiiii piopiiotor , N't
I"ltl\ V VAl L'ls7 t.mks , co-
enihily oitoilosa ) , i : Ad-
posiiollitc. 4"Wti-S. *
AI.WA \ s on ham ) at a luiiKalu'n. . 1 &u ond. .
hand cm i iusro | iliat.toiis unit > rli Imi-lm0'-
f , at A. J , blmp < ( > ii , 110U and I 111
' < ' | I Iil\V vuiillb fuiu cit6)ool.s ) eleuntd Inn
,1 X odoili'Sb way bj 1' . ( i.Abil , P. u. JJuxMS.
, * ' . ' 11
inou isi.ij iu TKAIJI-A ; hniTtiilinoi .
, f JL1 ) ir old ponies at IfilO IlL-nc ) . LiJ-U'
| j-OK SALI : I'iuu fitddlo iti : < ) biiule , 1 M i
.1 HilU-'lll llllllH > r , ' 'Clllljlr , Cliuilll lOlt..lsl | . J ,
I , , llko , ! . " 1 niiiam tl. , * < ; <
I71OIC hALK Ilil ) IllliM ) , 0 jc'ars old ; nl-o'.U
J } i mils dry onU ttood , cheap. Amnc s An- ,
lien ( ) llh is IK- , '
POIt , SI.I. . ' . ' 01 oid dry cnU itoixl ; nUo , 1 ay
man',0)curOldi'he.i | > , Addiu Aio. Itto
Ulllco. . 7fe7-i *
I7 > OKBAI.lJ-t'lu pnPWl'.ini H by R !
ointy eoiiNOnkncu ,
"I71OK npAlhcr blrlpe. Ktonn bash mid c'.oou , yo
JU to r. I ) . Mi-ad , LVJ rf. ISth st. KM
I MU KAl.i-Two liu m IMlinm I'Uco , ono
block It inn MH-et cnr tuict. Jiiqulro 218 sS ,
IDth'sticet. K
No opeiatlon or n rlr 8 trusses. Dr. M. M
Moore , J Wnbasii n\a. , Culciipo. Will
bo < U I'omms Houiu , in Omniin , in eiy til ihiys
K X,1 > .
- )0l ) I'UlCial l.OUM'HOik lit
WANTKU-Ulrl . , 77 WO
; ANTl-iJ : A cuOi'tC'llnscUdk. ' Juouho' X'a '
U y imnn. jlu. J. /'iiuibioii. . F- . '
\ \
ffMNTMJ-A nursogliliit N.V.ioi. . U ;
1 1 mid UIMCU tts. *
\ \ rAlNTKI ) Woman to assist in houseworV n
few hours cnoh liny , Mr . Corbett , Kill
WANTI2II Good pirN for t'Mitrnl bou c-
oiks tl-o p who nro good iook Itoom
t , Uusliman 11 ock. 8K-7
I tTANTIlli A peed cirl tfTdoRpncnil IIOUM >
II oik In : i stimll Ifljnlly. inliM be a jrood
laundressGerman preleircd , 42 ! foment st.
770 J
\\fANl 1:11 : A ( , ' &pd jrlrl for itmoinl housework -
> work in nsmnll family. Applv nt middle
hou'enc t Side or Virginia it'p. , bet. Popple-
ton \Voolwoiih , 7M
" \\\NTI'I > A jounif lnd > to fliii h I'lioto-
irniph nt Hem's'iRllry. ' 8SM"
: ( Jood niiiscflil nt KOI fflninm.
_ _
\\rAN 1:11 : A M' < l glil In u email rniniljat
> LWJ obstbrM. 778-1"
" \\TAN1 I. II ; i guuA fcmnle tooks nt onco.
Boortrnpoi ; tllnlnp room fliN nnil fills
for puneiol housework ; cull 1140 rariinm M.
it *
A\A > 1 Uli A tnljdlo need wonmn cook to
> lonvo tlio tlty. b'-st ofMtsts pidd uml two
ooiltllnlnirrooin Kli'i ' Inquire loom 4 Uush-
nmn's llloulc ICth ami DtniRln" ft. TIT-Jl
\\rANTHD A crmpcleiit irlrl for penem !
> i lioubtwoiU lii n smnll nndcion\pnl''iit lnni't1
rrtmlly of tlupf Apply nt once to Ml" .
iJirisou. < o ra 1'iiiU A\c > nuo. 715
Tl .l ) Imninllnlcly n llrcl cl i fcninle
t cook and iiliunhti' at 1GI7 llo\innl < t.
WANrr.n-Oltl * for nil Unil * of ilome llc
work ! ] ilai'i" < Blveii to pill * free of ilmieo ;
pnll at Npbruolcn Einploj incut Apency , IIU It > lli
St.cor. Capitol trie , Ctoun o'ablouk. rr
\\rANTJi : > I.aillns to iMiilc for in at tholr
own 1101110" . 57 to $1(1 ( per week can bo
nulotly nmdo. Koptiolo. palnllntr ; nocnnvass-
iiiff. ror lull paiUciilurp , pltnso HilUio" nt
unto. tJrchcent Art To. , Iti Centinl nt. , llo lon ,
Mils * . HQ.-C . flcc ± :
"V\rANTI5I > Two peed tp.nvus cis lo tnUo
ft oitlois foi Itoiftl iioods In Iliu Ulv , mid
llucn peed men to iakf > otiler foi nin-eiv
ffoudt Intliotoinitry. Cull nt JOl'i fnpitalnM1
nioiiilmrniul inciting. Hujnioml Hic'l * ! * r
l7ANTKD-Carpenteis at Stock VardsHoiel
Vnit ) A Mionjimtin ol pleasln a ibrss
tonvl aitnucllmcsalehimin ; ti inn nppui-
tunlt } to IP u n ii pnjiw ( omntuiciiil bii im- :
pioniotion ulll be nln'tins meiltcit , AdduH
Mn > > oii M'tlch , Omaha , Nebntskii , TM'M ' *
\\rAVni : > VUc nod men todlitilbntoelr-
> culms. Apply , lium to li nt IMiilioiiirlns
r.iccl. 7Jt
\AANTin ; Viiocn n nojsto noik In
letall Mote. Appl ) . iiom 8 to 1 , nt l.'l.l
Douglasst. llrlnfMlmii / toleic'itio for hon
esty. 78,1
\A 'AXTKO Tin re i lotli'mr ' salesmen and tno
> > men on hats and rtit'ilbliliifr HIKI ! * : nKo
ttvo Hiilusmen ho hni e wl ) d am cla ol woods.
Applv , fiom 10 to 12 , lit 1'1H ! Doiiijlus Mioct.
llrlnjivilttt'ii tofoicneo ioi lioncst.l. 7bi !
WAN'l iu : Agents , mule and lotmile to eaii-
i.i's this , und nljolnlnj cities nnd tovtns.
Amoilean Fitcelnlt ) Co. , room 11 lUiH'itimim
Bt Omaha Nob. 740-dl *
ANTii An mtlve Intelligent man for
salesman In teal estnto ofllce , must know
the elly , onn hotfo and biiBt. ! , to il ht man
libeialeompensatioii. Addtess A. 51 this ollice.
71(1-111 ( _
"l\7AVrin > 20 ; ) otniff men nnd 1 vlle to onT -
T ffiipo in the tolc'ginphio 'Cilice. 1'or pat-
tleiilrs , addtc'bS It. 1) . I ) . , Ciotinsu Illoclc , lloom
1 , Kith Ft. 6'iOdceSi *
W ANTii ; > Slenojnapher , who Is utclopraph
; opciator. llovfL'j , Omaha. 4b'Jdecl
\ TTANTiiApcntD. , : . AddlT'S niccllic Lamp
nnd StoxoCo , St. I.ouK .Mo. , foi clictilnr ,
cut and turns of Gb candle poucrMaish Klcclnu
Lamp. l.K
AiNTS ) Sclllns Mis oiul steam waehor
mnko biff money J. WoitliSole Mmiufao-
turci , SjUr.oula .Mo.
LAI > li : $ > if jon I h for Rood wills lin-
geneial hou owoik , plcifoi3lt the Neb.
llmploymoiit As'tncj toi teimdo'is onlj 111 ! Ilith
Bt. Ciounco Illock , loom 1. 771
"V\ANTin Situation by oxpoiitiippd drug
M cleilc who nunts to como west. Itefciniicr's
( rhou. Addic3sA\ . \S"oodwatd , Concord. X.
JL ' "
man" ! > e.usold wauls
n position at nnjthnif ? wlioie IIP can make
hlinsclt iiEcfnl , has some knowledge ol pi inline
and also conUetiouari buslucfAddin'S A.
55 IJoootbco. 7'il
V\'ANTKI lly good prirls who undcistand
housunoik cooLnw , tlinln-r Uiom woiK ,
iitc , ; irood places In ] irlvnto lijiiillps : call nt the
Kibiasluillmplojiuenl trpncv , 111' ' t'Jtb ' st. mid
Capilolmc. _ _ _ Rs !
vvMl.u TobniihpisA suiiable lei do-
I' liitij Viiiffon. irlu ] < rhoibi' ' lo 181" , llmne >
WA > Tii > To tiodo7 lots toi lioisca. L Ji.
Mnj tie , b , W. tor. luth and I'm nam.
BW-Dee. U'
IfOH 1 ItliNT House , } \ looms and l.llelic'ii ,
V.'J South ICth. V'Ki '
Foil I.IINT A nconow ! hoiific , heitin lo.ini * ,
bay window , china ilo ct ami pmilij.tmd
closets In nil rooms ; tlno vlnti , "until nndiiisi
liont and lull lot : tun dollaif. u monUi ttitlmiil I
bainandiirteeiidoiliusitithb.ini Hill
ndilltlon. Ituniiio ol Udholm I'litUhon , ojii ) .
1' . O. 731
Foil nn.NT Tno 10room house-- , ' . ' 5th nnd
Doimlns Rls.j watei , pn , b.Uh-ioom ; all
modem cumunipnccs : btablo tvitb ono luni-i ;
eaeh 41) ) per month , llo/jt's / & Hill. 7iV- " ,
TTIOU Itl'.M' Now ( list class hoilii. , "iUJlodt P I
JL1 El , vllh alt nuddii Impiot euiriit ; cai in is I
and Moves lei i-nlo. Apply on | 'iimlic" ' . .ill !
FOIC ItiNT ; New Uinom tottn t. ; all inn j
ioiilriiiesb'uii'Mhl ; ht.,1 c'ttunii l. < .liimiiii ib
nnd .Miieonbt , lie t '
ltiNT Ttco-sloi > In Ms honvo 11 ih
J. ' basement ; moilein imino\eiii ( nt j. N'unul
door liom Iht. Jdai'sa\c. on "Othbt. AI > I > H io
Jha. l fnilM > ii. iTi
37"OU KKNT Ten bouses fiom Sin to J.'o i , jr
'month , llallott liios U17Sl li6t. 'lid :
IpOK niVf : Row cotla o ot li IOOIIIF with ill' '
uecufew } cotu'cnlo ute. Iiujuliont'iliu Cnca
M. 71fld , '
Tmoit KKN'i'-ltc-ldenco N.N' . cor. l"lh and
J-1 Callloinlu gts. A. S , VauUuimi , 1.1' . 1\ ! . .
lIoadQuaitcrs. . ' , : :
* | 71OK niM'-Oiihtiott : car line , cor. IWh and
JI'atil sticots , now 7-tooiu houio ;
enios. Tcims laodcr.ito ,
ijioit KINT--U. : iDem hoiihe. I'oppuion uvii.
J1 Ji"i : b.i-oomhoiibo , lth nriliii\iiipoit ) , JiU
i.r. : iiiiigcr.iiuN. i5t ii. _ oifl
fJIOIJ ItllNT Cheap ; ii Loinfoi table icslilciu < >
J,1 and barn ; boiibolma 0 loonu , ilsipui , will
mid nt > walei , tmlli iimm , ilo-oti. s-Uiiliiiai\
wash tnbJote. , , ilc. Imiuliolmmeli'iltli ot 1 ,
U. roo.oiNV | ( in. ! ! < l .lii'l lIutiM. l.l'i
ITltli : ItIJNT Xico ft-ioiim ( oltaffo I , ) K. 'J'
JL1 l'eln'3C uS , l. ' > tli\ Hoiiijl.ii.rn ) |
TTiOU Ill T A Sstory'briiKbuIldhm siui- , . ,
J. trout on Cn-H , bet. 14th unil l" > tlit 1- , * ) r
mo. C. L' . Mnno , tor. lllh mid 1'uiieim. dl
* | Tlt K Itl'Nr y btoiy hoiirp olRioout"IM ,
L' Ua\eii)0il. ] ) Inrpiiio Ii 1C. Slim t. , : j'H Da-
icnpoit. ITI
liioit KliM'-C.iiiawo on Ibth nud , ' '
.L1 looms , pp. pei'inontii. Alootuita i on i'lih-
loinlii uiid' M sts.Vi-ooins , J-.ij tier mo < i'i ' , bold
in thoioiiub u pair , Inquliti of A. ( ' . . ' .Vnl.f-lj ,
on rQ'ii'iha National hank. _ _ _ ; "i : ) _ _
"I71OKISIINT rcioralcottayoi , Jii > loS Oper
. * . inomli. Win i en buli/ler , 'il ? Itiln-t "d7
" | j"OK 111 N i' HmTsir"beioii5inK to'tlie i tate
JL1 ofJiulfo C'lmdttitk.tiOa I'.ul : nioiiiiv.V.J. .
I'oniioU. "M
FOlt ItlJJ T A ctora loom ulia vfloiHPlUr.
1 W Hurt Ettoot. Apply to Jo'iu II ttini -
] tOi : illivr StabfotiPiir hl.'li Fchool. I'om
1 Mulls , ( .on I lOQi.i lor canlJKUS and lir > ,
Appl ) to dro. V. li.iitl-i. udj
IIMIK ItKNV * svtv lioiiso H ii.oma. Ono of ,
/ 1 est built houHir In , Omaha , ud Lelvvcui '
, .
Tuotiont oihu.3 tiL'0id | story Jlarlccr Jock
lit h and I'aniaiu , '
Tuo ] in1 ( , ' ! ( . ( .nii . In city hall buildlnir ICth r.iul
1 mn.uii. L' . L. Maynu , Utli and raiuam ,
pOK i:5 : T : aTv .ImilsQ 0 room * , bno'of
' be.l Luilt liou-.c < in OmfUiiinil bctneun
inning und lnnlt- &
CottUKuU looms , uetli near nouslas. ? 3 ,
Oituiiuiii oilicoa atcoad stoiy llarlipr lock
I5iti mul j'anmiii.
Two liui'o looms In elty kali bullilluif 16th and
Omorltnte mil utoiti rooiiu on ICth st near
I urn un I * ' ny HnH building ivtll bo nriantri-J
In mil lentil. U , U. Miltic , 15th mil rarnum.
Foil nt.XT 1 room bou e np r eor.Vth and
Podso. M.l' . Martin , SIC 3. 15tlt t. a"t
FOU KENT Two nwrc idencesC room ench ,
cottnporirooms.housc 10 rooms. J. 1'hlpp *
HOP. _ _ &YJ
TTlon KLNt Two now 8 undo roomed bouses ;
JL1 furnace , bath t com nnd all modem coin en-
IPIICPS , ono bloik from street purs. Inquire .lo.
1' Uatton , Clt Kith St. , or SinHtine V < at'kf. SB
FOH HKNT Two-Mo ry dwdllnK , 7 rooms ;
peed locality. Appl ) Cor. llth mid Douulns.
r T. . 715
Tnvlor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FOH IlENT 2 Stores on Dili and Leavenwortk
M" .
1 torp on Poitth Utli * t. floth flrst-rlfi" bn I >
ness Iccntlons. Also housed to tent A. Mcdav-
tick. KU
llIINT-IIoiiso of P room- > . Apply Cor.
_ JHth nnd Dougln" . C. T. Tn > lor. ttO
TTiOIl HKNT-Sciprnl dwcllinp . A | ply Cor.
V nth nnd Domrlnf. ( i T.Taj lor. 716
"ITltilS HUNT I'm nlshcd rooms. ICfly llnrney
J1 Kll-7 *
"iron llUNT-Elcjrant suite 7 > t iitilniiiMied
J moms with Hrnto and bn ) window , nnd one
plm-tnnt luinMiodrooni ; modirn com nl'-nees.
oiiuuth , ncnrSt. linn's me. JnnulieS W. cor.
18tb nnd Dodue. 633- : :
I runt nrj 'T TofiTntleninn nud wife or two
gentlemenplenum ! fionl nlcoie loom with
boaid In priiato laniily. Ai'ditM A " ' > , Itee
Olllco. J-"K5 *
FOU liUM * With hoiud , tno looms ndjoin-
ins ; ftont room , toutlieast VM1 "At hMer.
IftOlt HUNT-Nicely fiiinMiod rooms. Hie
1 blot In fiom P.O. 8078. Iflthst. OHM *
liliM' I'lirnlshid loom , Mis .lackson
"Wlnnl *
17U IIXT : : Fuini hpil loom inltablo foi
tw o jrcntlemcn ; modern conxcnlpiicc ! nKo
\Mintriliiililo boardui ? . lC3 ( Capilola\e. 75'kIJ *
17101 : ItlINT A htmiHoii'o fuinlMird rn--l
J-'fnint slltinir loom with nlcoxu iiiiillnigc
clocctstiett cnr at thi'Uooi , ll-S. i-'liil tt.
7. ) I
HUM' furnished fiont loom. ( * - , y.
7lllt *
IJIOJt JtKNT-Sttuo.UlO.V. . 15th st.
! 711" *
_ _ _ _ _
"J tii : I'KNT Cholcp onicn looms on first llooi
.1' one no\t to finnt window , jrijoil loctlltx . No.
1'pOT I tunniii st. Apply to IMwin llaUI5U )
r.nnaiiut ' . 1HI2
FOIt ItiNT : Litiro fuml-hpil fronl room ,
with bodioiim oil. irimiiitclv 01 timothi'r ,
112 1'Uh ' mar \VubMor. .in ill *
ITIflU IMNT : Xlcclj lurn'slictl ' roonm. IC-t !
U Doilfc-r. ' 717dm *
IiL UJ ! ICUM'--To gt'iitlcineii , fiinii-IiPd liont
-L loomvith laife'o vloacl , I.I. inllotnl.i st.
FUll KI.NT ruuiNheil Im.isc Iti iii.inid ; in-
iliihoot L. \\iiuh 1,1 "it Poiii-lijst ,
' '
fioil 1CHN1' Apailmonls of K looms t o
blocks tiom the tout i hnii'n , iinliiini-hiil.
Appli tit SOU ll.uney , or to IMnln Oa\H , 13'jU
I'lunnni st. i-l )
"I/IOK iiNT : l > lun ntit looms , tuuiNhcd and
JiinlmnlMicil , 101 ll ht liousrkccplii ! ? , nisi
iisiiullv be lound iu llocmei's lllOLK , coiner
d llonanl. tTU !
F Oil HUNT I'mnl&hcd loom. 01 ! ) S. 11th.
FO15 Iti ; > T Nicely luinlshod 1001113 wltn
boaid nt 711 : < oith 18th St. fluids
THOlt KENT 1'uruished loom" , Jfli l > odce.
J-1 4V1decl
IjHlT > lsirir : > rooiu"Ith ho-mO lUl"
J ti'Jdeei *
POIt HUNT j liont looi.ts III Lee
bitlldlnir , on Ilouaid - - . , < l. inth and 17th
Ft" ; maj bu lunlcd sopniateU. liiiinlto on the
o. MS
Foil HKNT lland'omeiv liiinMiod tiont id-
rove loom , "oiithein i'\o-niu | : also
hliifln loom lei > . ( nl kuipn cnlj , with oi without
board. J7lsiiovt" ( . IpJ !
"l/ioit HKKl Nicely finiilsliud front loom ,
JL ? - . \ \ . cor. l"th and Si. Mary & me. 430
[ . "Oi : KENT Furnished tooins. bIBS Ibth st
L1 iradecl1 :
F Ol ; liKNT A lar o liont loom fuinislicd
ivithllte. Unnuiruat IGliilluil st. IKS
{ j1fH liKNT 3 looms uiul basement , cor IPtb
and South in olU ; per month. .McCnguo Ilros ,
opposite postollice , 977
rioit RKNT I'mnhhi'd looms , with or with-
JU out boaid 1701 L'upilul ave. Cll
JjlOll HUNT To ( fontleman only , nicely Inr-
L1 nished front room at b L' coiner "Otn and
Jlouglas sts. WK
FOK ii ; > l' itooms wii b 1 o.ii. isir.ible for
summer Apply att. . 1 1 : u les Hotel. Ml
' SA ti : Ji n ncio on Mieiiirm avenue
willbcEOldii h Laigaln. '
Itiennuu , l"ill itod e.
ITKIKSALi : Tno lots on Ooil o i-tieot near
' SUii , veiy cheap. Cunningham .V lllcnnim
Till lodf.'e. arc-1
tilOK SALi : Cheap lotH in llnn-ioiu I'bicn
monthly pjymonts. CnimiUKliiim X Iticu-
nan , 1011 Uodge. KO-1
'I71OII SALi : A splendid losldincelol on Park
" ' * " ° ' m"lllllu " " " "
lo ) l"c. "y".1
F"tIl SAIi : On Vnvinli luentie , cast trout
lot lHOvlfiO , coi IP i ; benlitilul loeation lorn
Iiousi : \ ill ho MI ! I clieup. ( 'umilnuhiini X Iliou-
nan , 1.011 Dodeo. S.'U-l
| I"OJ * SALI * Ono of the be l cotnc'i lots in
DonlseV add. , fouth and en l liont , & 7.\1 ' ,
onlyiHOO. J. 1. Hlce.UU I'ainum. KJl
| ) iiVKIiiti : : : Aero lots , . OD lo f 500cach ;
LJ most nccessl'ilu ' , neiitia and rl.tnpcst aeio
ptopuitt lo bisliad. 0. K. Mnjno , S W cor 15th
.mil r.unam , TTWol
'IJIOK .sALi : The only lot lull inTowu'f. first
1. mill , inr > : , " > ; \\oilh In ti.\ uiDiitli'SiAH ) . J.
1 , . lllCP , 1 ! ruilinitlnt. KO
p , LVJ-niii : : Acre lotsoJ to
U most accessible , ueiiKbt nil cheapo tieio |
piopeitv to bo had. U K. JJnyne , S Ivroi liith
and 1'irn.ini. 7Vdel !
ITIOIt SALi : Siik-mlid coiner In Viilcs x-
.1 ? Heed'suild.oiil.\ . 'lids is tcrtnlnl ) iv'iin. J. I. . Itk'i' , I'l.'jra'iiam. Bill j
Biiviiiit ; ; ) ; : : Aei loia.j'in to fw onoh ;
most tivoca-lblo , mm ct-t mil oheapiiit ucio
propnty tobohtd. C , 1M.ine ! , S IV eor loth
and I'll num. VJMol
iALU unrlino lotu In Tabor Tlace. In
\\'p t Onmlm iiddltlon , will bo sold id u bar-
p.dn/or 11 blunt time , ( iiaham , CieljThton 1I1U.
$ Hii ( I'H-e nSiii Kiildioodut tOOiMch : $ r
ciih , balauio Jl'J ' pcv month. Ilidtoui b
, ' -U ' r. .Oldi-el
Bii.viititi : : ; : ACIO lotn , j of ) to tTntiL-ich ;
most iicio'sib o neiircist and i heiipost nero
plop1 tiyiu bohuil ( J. II Mnyn > , f" Vi loririth
mid 1 inimn. 7r ! > del
| jO.iti9ALi ; Xcirlioiiic , ] ! IOQUIS ,
,1' loti" , finlt.roppU'ton nvo.rlic'nii ;
ilons.i , i Jot , H. 17lh ht. , I.W
llciilio mil lot , btiiiuil ht. , yi,033.
loom liutibiii lot , " 1th and Daienpott ,
I'louso. ' ; lot..Mtb and Diirnrort , Jl.1"/ " ) .
j houses , " lot" , 1'opploton \ e. , ? tf.00\
Home , ij lot , 1'alri { pit , J"1.7W.
U loom house' , Hili , nuni t.iiii , $5.riOO.
Cornel lot.'hoif-cs , Chill. , neur lHh ! 511,60 } .
t'-iooin ' limuo , I'Jih , nc.u i I tij\ , f'.lV J.
i.Till lolb , l iiiinlinlu , S'iVl io ti/iu.
Jiilots , Mturhtidd. , * luJio ) ( l.non ,
15 1' , lliMiiu , iiu 1 v , i5th.
'i > it.viiiici : : : : AOIO lot- , * . o to * > woBPiii
* J mo t upcwjlhk1m.iio't nii'i th < uppst iiciii
pjopmty to bo 1 ad. t1. U 'Ia > ne5 , IV cor i th
nnd I'm m m. '
OUSALi-Hnlflots : III JltuiMJom.Place , $ ' 175. '
iidum , Ciulubton IIIU. lu.1
i ii.viitiiti : : : ; APIO tots , ) io rwo each ;
.1. ) most arcofolblo , no.uc-t nnd cheapest uuo
| tioioity | lo bo had. U.I } Majnc.S W cor IMIi
i lU I'm n am.
. * ( ! ' . . : > t siVlli st.cbflp ;
' and naj iiientiddrcsa 0. S. Chlimian , Lin
coln Nob. ) i > \
GYitiKNU OOli-ilp.iutiViil ocro and half uoie
I lots , line looalloiill'/i uilloj fiom 1' , U. , only a
1d , v uicmientu i\all ; from llunscoui I'atk. ALTPS
) MOO. Half < crCii83'U. iu poi-ct'nt ' cash , balance
month ! ) imyiuuiitb. C , E.fliiymi , S.V. . coiIJIU
und 1'anmm. 47J
UfTIlXh.\M-a'hc : M. A M. lt.ialhoadin
Koliiail.a i\ltl boll at imbllu auelion , in f.In-
colnt'17 ' O ttiOC'toininenclii .Innuaiy 1. lt > l ,
und fOiilioiiliiK iillli ) > ii > pt'r luljouiiiiiiciiti until
iltroods have bcnn sold , a IHUK .1U itiou : qf
unrlatmed mil u'futjd Irei/I.t , r < iii Mlnir of
fun a linplouitmte , hnuoioM ! KiicnU , luinlltiro ,
it'puiieanda lot of | > duuiiWe < H > ) Hit at
OmultftilCDOt. Tc'o ' DtL. Jl.
TTIOfs Stt.I-'Na4tJn-t'rplofssplcn
L1 did lien-of Oikditf : ( lie flnot npre | > ropirtt
utloic-i : cc Nnvjioit nnd IIP loniinpod : ut y
paj minl , lonjr tanp. AMCS , 1W7 raninm ,
inon SALK Oa1cOhntlinrniPniiiidor- <
-I1 Depot of 11 < It Une is located In this nddit on ,
tome utulbce t bete lots. A r , l"t > 7 Fartmm
FOUSYLi : H If nciclots In Newport , l > o t
mid chipi'st , * or ilc. Ivoitpotl halfncicson
stnf.ll pavnipnts. ml AMK , I50i I'miium
1701 : S lLi-Pllinl1t : ! -"MUI on ilo V { in hand-
Jsimicrlots foi thelnoiiPA nud srlllnc fust.
BK AMU" , l"iJ7 I'ai nam.
1J iltil. SA i.f : heimnn tlcio lotsoppbjso bnll
J- grout dj. 'icash bitutnco on lon f tlin /
"IjlOlt * > ALi : Harlalow I'lace. on r.enien
JU woitb , thi pdc ( licit l.lnc mid Jlo. Pncillc
depot , llnrknloir Place I" just put on the mar
ket. , and If i on iriint lot * on Le.iiotni-orlh t. ,
near both to Pmk Ru-mc'treet cm "and to Hilt
lilne depot lint knto\v Place \\lll suit ion. You
cmtjreto O cei lots In belnp iimomr thu fli-st to
Iinv , and liftrks on Place olleis a Hist cla s In-
irMmenton icij ca i iiii'inent * .
R.H ' AMI.S , 1X17 I'nrnntn.
Foil SAI.I3 Ncwpott neip lot ? nnd half lute
lots. This piopciH will suit jon when ion
c It. It l felling to w Hoe class ol bu > ei and
nui t < the demands oi the o seeklnif .ulo and
pi riminciit hivc'tinint. AMIS ; , 16071'niimin
T-\iM-ritiN : AODIIIOV Adjoining Wni.
J > nut Illllon the ( -onlli. nice lol , ( Uilh' , enrh ,
J-T'i tof4V ) oiieh. on nionthl ) pament . r I ! ,
Mnjiie , S W cor lutlt and rariinm. TliO'el
JTOI5 SAT76 LotTFn Spnldlnjr it Kuhn'a nTv
' ( lUi lnn , cn.Bf oi licit l.lne. on monthlvpaj-
ment . ( liahamC'ixifhton Illock. 'J31
1 > iLVKIiiti ; : : Acm lotH , tAO to J.WO cnph
JJ most accessible , neaieit and eaeapest nnio
piopnity to I o hml. C. I Mitiieb W cot 15th
nnd Kin nam. TMdel
"Ijion SVLKOII HUM' ' 'O acics Improved ;
JL1 ' 0 acres coin on Innd now. Inquire S. IV.
cor.1st and ULick. MJdecl
Foil WT.r-lJ.-iiirnln' : In llility lots In Spnul 1-
lmt& Kuhn'a snbdlilsion , on Dndiro sttoet ,
cast oi llelt l.lne lallrotid , $40a to JilVl , on
monthly p.tjnients. W. T. tir.iiinmCioltfhton
HloeV. 771
irioit VALI : VchnAo mil , Tn minntpmilt -
JL' fio'ii Ilinise-oui Path-lots VW mid * ni on
ei > \ patineiitsol ten per cent doirti , bttlait'c
monthl.utini teilj , or } cm Ij * .
t S Aw s , 1.T07 "ni trim
Foil SALI-Lots m llmiscom Place , fivn to
' ' . ( linlmm , Cifiirlitoti block. . '
J" ii.itiiti : : : Airi lot . S-llO to fjtxi raih ;
- > mo't nccibslble , neaiual and ( lienpt"-t iKie
proper ! } lobe hud. C. II. Jlayne , S V ? em ifiili
and I'm num. 77'dl
" 171OU SALI : cheap loton monlhlypayineiits.
JL' on Uodjje sticet. ( Jiahnm. C'lolBiiton lilocK.
SAI.i : I'iiK lots in lliiitlutt's addition ,
$1,0011. nialmm.CielBhton IIIK. TM * *
BKM iiliili : : : Acie ots. $ - ' ( ) to ! ? . ! CO each ;
mo-,1 nece-sible , neaiest and choapp t uire
pioi eily to be hud. C , II , Ma ) tie , S AV eoi 15th
and I'm nam. TSidcl
inoit SAM : ii ) .i.I : . uuo ) \ Co. , sis s. nth
JL sticot.
ICO leet on I'timnm , ut nr court honsn.
1'ull lotiu. : . l.owei I'm mini , $ IUIK ) |
I'ull lei , fiiKI'-i. ippei I'm n inn , desirable for
8 full lots , bn pialo , south fiont , coiner , on
Dodjre.$1,600 foi both.
inuiueton Piiik.uo. , ea t fiontrnnnineback :
lo HI cct , $1,74 ! .
I'ull lot in lliin com riaec , on Cathcrln St. ,
e'Uhl liont , tl.OISl i ,
Hull lot , tiontlnicon Hanfcom Paik , flU
7 lots on Ceciiila avb. . tKil ( to f LWii.
lllotsonSanndeis sticet.4 blocks iiom gicen
carllno , notth. cavt ifoiil , $7" > 0 each.
10lots , ! i blocks 11om irteon eai line , ? 550 each ;
easy pnjnicnl" . ) I
lolotson 17th and 15th stucts , near Hiiscall's
I'utk , $ TuO each ; ea-j" ntjment .
- lull coiner lol- . ono block Horn ted ear line
and Klnjr sticct School hoiibo , $ ltjU ( each. IJur-
ffains. ' i
I'ull coiner lots , H bloiks Uom ted car line ,
$ ( ( )0 ) each ; e asi pujirteilt6.
I'ull lots. no\\-eommoitlous , 4-ioom bouse , cis-
lern. onthonseH nnd' ' femo" , ninth liont , 8
block" itest ot Pink ave , , Slr0 : cheap.
Coiner lot , ( ijvISK.n lib alloy , ono block Irom
St. Mmj's > nO. Thlsisiei ) cheap.
Hoiicennd Ic.t. ca t trout , Klh and Center
btreptb. J. 1 ! . llllcj & . | ' 'i _
Bii.ViiiitK : : ) ; The OiH'M and cheapest acie
piopci-ty. C. j.3I.ijiie : , Boloujent , SWcoi
' "
1'iUi am
DONioiihK * AntilTM X AdommrVal
nut Hill on thesonth , nlcn lots , ( > . ' \.llii ear li
? -7r , to Jl" > 0eacli. on monllily pnj incuts. ( I'
ibi > ne , SV coi 15th iind I'm num. Tinsel
ONLY 50 lots to trade for impO\ea piopoity ,
will assume mm tsajres or pay ditlerenco m
ensh. I'artloti lslins ! to trade bettor call at
once. W. II. ( liocn , over 1st Nntionnl Hank. 174
BiiViiiiti : : 'l he finest and iheapiHf uuio
proppi ty , C. K. May ne , olu ascnt. R \ \ " cot
loth mid I'mnam. 7 < ? < U4
Foil .SAI.i : Thiity lotseiikt of Hull Line on
monthly payments. Giahatn , Citib'hton
Illock UUS
DOXJCKIN : AIHUTIONAfijoinhi > r"\rni
tint Hill on the tontli , nice lots , Uvltlj imcli
$ J7."i toSIV ) each , on monthly pigments K. C
JMnjne , S W cor ir > th mid Km num. T.ijdfl
Fou SALI : i-'uo lots in Khu oed nijiwi
each ; SSj cath mid J-1U n month , lierltoid X
FOTl SAIJ2 ritPiippst line iii'icUi ptopcit\
themaiket , U'sidence lots in Hllbidi add ,
KCo to 81loo. Potter \-Cobb. 4'Wtl
BiL\KIKlli : : Tlio lltu-sl mul clielpi" . ! lint
piopoitj. C. K..M ino , fcolo asenl..S V > tor
I'thand I'mmuii. 7 u'.lol
P t K-Hy Potter M'olili-
Choke ie-iidiiic.e Int. uti feel fiont by 187
feet deep C3nd ( .ti cet ) , ( I . ' ,000.
Kino ncui In Noi th Omaha , fi.
Two acie lots in Disc's mid , each Jl.dOO
' 4 ucie in 1'Hik I'luuMb.ii iUn' ' , f IJWJ.
! j lot mid eight-loom house IIP tr Illah School ,
Loth in I'otter'b addition , at coinpi 1'ariuin
and I.OHD iiMiiue , ftV ) in Jiini.
Very Hun inopeitv siiilhwe = t of eltjIn li-ntu' ,
JO-ueio.oryu-iioio tnirtt , tltPiip , jtci ftPie nt tl'S ,
Illllsido ailditloiH cheap. fiU ' lo tl.R :
Two lots , IIilii i HIM I'liite , uncli $7O ) .
1)59 ) 1'imill A. t'Oltli.
BKLliati.lil Tlioflnc-l ami cla apesi iuu >
piopeil.v. C i : . Mn > no , solo i cnl.S W u > r
I'ltlituid 1'aimm. Tf.'dpl
Jjioi : SALK A iirst cins nml iMiiriTajTioK
boaidhiK1 house , cpiitrnllv locatPd lei jinitif
iilms Addi-p fiC.X. Hpeiiflieo. COI
l l-MMiKKK AlHUTIO.V Adjoimig Ual
J/iiui Ilil ' .on tliu bOiith , nice lotb brxlmiui h ,
tT."itoI.Wciichon miHitlily payments. ( 1 !
Jlni ne , hV cor 15th and I'animn .fludct
FOI ! SALi : Fh lot * InTTcii-kwood i tT "
ouch ; $ T > cash and { -10 per month. Hcdloid
FOItSA liy llioui& HmUi .lfeal I3 talt
AtrptitH , N. W , fiti. Mtli and Douglas st .
Some \ciyde-liiible lots and ilntlllnv house ,
on I'mmim s-licot.
Also , n cottuire and lot , ! iU\IIJl , on Iliinej
Sticot , IIOHI buiilnr4 > .
Tno lots ami uittiiKC-i on I'lununi Minf
Kiaded and well located lor ii-slilem e.
Onn Kern ot eottmie nml lot , fc'iadul , wi II
Jocnted , near ti < 'el utllnH ) .
Also mani valmiblo lots Wl
piopi'itj' , C >
ISthand rmnam ,
FOHSAf.i : A t o slory , ! i\il ; ( , Irumi' Imild
Inij.hiiltabloforii stoic , nuar 10th mi ll'ar
nam tits. Appl nttlUa pinco. 017
" AUIHTIO.V AjouiiiH''ni
nut Hill (111 ( illy fruiitli , nk o lots , ( tivlU'i pitch ,
S-JTS to j.iyitaob ) mi iiiiDiitlilj | injnicnt-i. '
Ma > iiobV copli'itlllluid rmntmi. 711'del
- - - -
1 > ii.Vii : : iti ; lliollm > t anil ( heipt m n
IJ piom ny. t' . 1 ! . Majne , toloaBtnt.S \ \ tot1
J5th mid I'liiinuiu .i " > Mol
_ \t.TiL \ _ _ , _
IiVHt SAI.i : 1iurtf.VSnt In lott , on Dod o Eticnt
fnv ) to ( ixr ; invmomiiiy jinjiiic-nts. i < i.i
ham , C'loit.'htoii allot * . U3b
* . .it jj * _ . _
FOK fiALi-Tots : In llan'com Place , mil
tronts. $ ; ( f ) to Jl.Wpi easy terms , ( iiahnin ,
ficiRlitonlllott , HiS
. , 'I h < ipieiienceimioii
of the cit > . Moro IMIIIMM urio bulll In
Wiihuit Illlldiiuiijdliti pnst hinnmei tlnni iniiny
othei jiait of Omaha , and all nice oneF , tor , J'oi
u sltflnly U cation. IIPUIIIV to Hilt depot anil
btreut cuis ononeol.ik iulncln | 1 , stc > lottim
fit } , ti-o \ \ alnilt Hill leVi * OJ lo 1& ) . Viu j en j
tcnn . C. i ; . Wajnc. ' 11.7) )
BiLVjiiiit ; : : i : Aeroltiu , fSi'to fWeuUi ;
most aicetrflbli'i nenicst mid ilmiipest nuo
properly to Lo liud. U. K. Mn > no , H W i in UtU
mid I'm num. 7"fdel !
( ) lt'i ALI -101oU , block Hi llJjd'H addition.
tot tcnuf ino.uiro of A. I * . MtliuUf. 471
* .IJAYSiK'n nllbdiU loriim fouth
BAHKKK blocks. Mtutliof btieot rarlliif , nlm
lots , } l5piichlnonthlr pum > mttr. ( , i : Main' ,
8 W i or 15th and lltt num. 7Nlel
SAI rliiHpcst ( t .r lii tlif ity | , l
Oil SHI Mill 14 rt , * ll i'l ' .1 U Kt t I"- I'll
miiu bl. "I1-
PO 'i.VLi : Hon o nnd lot corner of Eil ! nnd
Diuenpott 6t . , nemIliph Sihool liuildltir ( ,
pi Ice W ( KM.
' . * - ' feet on Tnt-nam < st , $11. WX
Iloii e and lot tornerofil t nml Chtiafro t .
llcnntlfiillol in ? hlnn aild. , ,00d.
One lot in - > hlmr < add. Si.,0.
Thrpe lot in ? hlnn < " , ld ndd , at fJ.WO.
TITO lot In Parkers ndd nt jl.OAl onrh ,
ronrot ! in Wilnut Hill at $ Wl each.
-Molsln DivlphtA. t.itmn ndd "
1 lot in Iv'lt kn oed ndd , $4W.
K"i icet r inmnst , near-'Jth ,
1 lot with. ! Iioit < p4tpir ! 1'nrmini * t $3,700. n
gri'iit tniiifalii.
AUoalew more lots lit Saundets & Hhm >
Innnli's ndd.
'I Ills propel tv l evidently the chcnp - t prop-
ott > non oifrtf d to the public pi ! ( ( > continue at
from $ ' 'iotor,0ppi lot. Monthly pa ; mint * .
A. y.inndeis . * . Co. , Iton'iuimm nt , , Onp.
I'avtou 7 KM
1 AltKlilt & MA Y.sTl's pnbdU Won till FontiT
IJ ltd tnboil(5 ! tout't ' i f sltcel car llno.tilco
lot" . tli * > each ! immthh pAjiaents. C. 1 ! . Maine ,
S W coi lllh and rmnnm TOdei
1 ; < O | { sLi : rim loMdPiuo piuppily. .1
JU Ilk-p , u rmnam. S17
1) MtKIIIt & | AVN1J.4 siilMllxlsUm on
> I' h st. , ; i blocks south offttrett un line , nice
lot , $4i > cach ; inonthl ) pnjnients. r. II. MHJ ro ,
8 W cor IUn mid rmnnm. T2 dl
BAItKini I UAVMVS nul > ji\Uton'im stmth
1 Hit M , ! 1 bloik south of Mieetcrirllmt , nice
loli , ( iTTioiu b ; monlliH payniLtits. t' 1 ! , Mnjne ,
S AV cor ISth unit rmnnm. "xSJef
BAIIKitt : C JlAVlslJ's snbdlt Islon on fioiith
13lh et. ! 1 blocks outh of stre toti lliu.iilce
lots ; $47ponch monthly payments , t' . 13. .Mat ne ,
S 1\ tot loth nnd I'm nam SMdel
Bl I.Vii : > iii : : : lIuMlneM und i hcapeM nere
piopeitj. I' . 1 * . Mii.t no , sotoiiKent , 8 \ \ cor
b'lliand rainnm. T.l.Mul
POlt SAT.U Hot fill ft fiontiiffo on Sheintaii
ave.uoit hot Nicholas. Very tlcsliahloic"-- !
elcneopiopeiti ; } . ' , "V )
l lot < Hl tl I rout on 17tlt-st noith of Nicholas
DesltabloiPslili nee property : $ lHV ) .
Corner lot on Sid Hint llntt-sts , MvllR. Can
boused either loibuslne s or ic'Mdonco imr-
pn es lait peciillail.i nibipted for a tenement
iilotk ; $ IGO ( ) . Supplied with miter , pas mid
sanitai ) setter.
I lot on Lent en not th - > t adjncnnt to
tinck , Sill , ; ? , lot vritrohoimu purpo'-es ; $ : ; .7Ti )
Nlnulots on south Ifith st.'i foot ttont ; $1
Theme l ilp liable lei In I anipbcH's addition ,
c'oinoioiiMthmidCentci Ms'iMVi feet ; J 'iJ.
One h'jtt'ool nine i ooms. nnd lot , on south ; ilh-
bt. near f'hailos , lor J-I.-'O
In iidreoL III Ml ML'HPHV ,
'ill Dec 1 No IW 1 aiaam--t.adlloor ,
; Nun poll uiMii'si , and be'tticio
lots lor the mimeu IIOIP lot makes Ti
i ill ION , Aetesoi h'tll .HMI In Ne | ioil ; rasv
l < nn * AMIS , 15')7 ' ) I'mn.nn. "
HOMI : siiiciits : : , ATTHNTION-I or mil par
tlciilni-s about lie-u and cheap kinds in
WtMfTu Xcbiuska address Patterson .V White ,
Hi al 1'stuto Apents , Neil h I'lntte , Neb. ; tl3
piLVtiLKi : : : Tlmthieat nnd ohenpestncto
J J piopei tv. ( . . i : . Jin ) ne , tolo iiyenl , t W cor
15th nud rainam , IJ.Mcl
Tj-T lf sATTiSfneies nt Jmu liiril" ! ! iTM.Tind
-C JIo. 1'ac. inllioads
- , $17i pei neio
nit . Aiu.s , nw rmnam.
I/OK SAl.i-Plaimli : w , Oak Chatham , C'lnr-
L endon , Arlington. AJILS , 15'JT rainam.
T71OK " 5ALI : In Ilmispom Place , icood lots oa
J uionthlj pas incnls AMI.S , 1597 I'mniin.
Tjloit SALI ; Acio piopoiH on eas > teims ;
-L monthlj.iiimilcib orjc.ulj pajmenl. * .
O.'j AMI s1507 I'm num.
Gfion SALI' Aeio , S'i ' nndSuciopiopeitv. J.
W. Muif-hall , luWii'mnam. 7J7
TMHt.sALi : llMiulltnlSVi ucic.s in lliooklino ,
-1 * * lO.X ) . 1. 1 : . Maj no , SV coi Ijth nnd 1'nt-
nnm. 7'.t'r'8t '
Jr'OIS SAI.i : Lot on lith near t'enler , on ill-
ley. rO\J."i. AvltliBood house , well and cla-
jM.OO , ) . l'u ytcims. *
t'hoicn lot In block ! . ' , ea t fiont , Hauscom
I'lacc ! il.lUD. Knsj terms
Corrcr lot on IJodge sticct , West Knd add ,
fl.UOO , pi-y teims.
I.otJU\l4 ( ) on 18th ncHrl'atilstieet.with hou = o
i\H , S-V-'i'O ' , piny tci ms. A Imtpain.
rholcoacie lot In lliookliuoudd ' , ' loomhoiibC
well nnd citlcin , ctist fiont , $ WW. A ( rood bin-
Coiner lot of Dorcas nnd 11th , Ui\lS8 , $1UU.
pistil out. A splendid investment.
IMI iicues \ \ Itliln IJ miles liom I * . O , oi < licit
T.ino , J.-5pci ! neie. HLSI iiilc&tluonCoQeied.
onebloclc 'i Minnies liom conit hoi e , In
Ci.-uid i si-mil. 'TOO only , gpluiulid bai irnln.
\Vpll iniii | ( ed stock luim ot Ji'iOacies ' , one mile
SIJol flllmorc btiition , feaipy county , will bo
oldulipiiu. AM. lor pijic.
Pliolcelots In I'nulsen's ndd , f i omsino to SWO
_ ? , 1-5 _ PnulsPii & " " i'OjJMS raimui PI.
i ii.VKIiKi : 'Ha the t""niul chcaposl nc.o
* ptopeity. C. U. MHJ ne , sole nxcnt , SV cor
1'itli and I'mriam , 7fi.'dcl
ITIOIt sALi ; Lot l \vlthwoodboiiseimd
JP olliui Iniptmcmi'iit- tt. , ncai Center ,
$ " , tiK ) ) , oneav > tiimt. ' 1 Ins Is a hnnrain , as the
ffiound alone is wotth moro 0. K. Jim no , h \ \ "
cor nth and I'm n mi. 77i1ol !
Pen SALi : Lot and hoii-oot I looms , 1'iov
pctt VI ice. Jl.'jflO cash. I . U. Mai ne P.S .
cor. nth and raimmi. 7'"nlol
l/oit SALI ; J ncies with jtood bolide , bain
I etc , fitilt ticeb. Hiinclmiif-li's nddltloit
I.oavcnttoitli St. , fl.WJ. t. 1 ! . Miijne , S \\r cor
Ifith nnd rmnam , 7''lidol
! * < ! ! : s.VLr-Lots in Jliboso Hill , on llo
I Line , at J.'lt ) to $7)0 ) per lot ; lOpcricu
doiui ; balnnco monthly , qmuleilv orenly. .
il.'u A > IIF. : l.wr t'armtm.
BIJAlIIHIIti : Tlio tlnost and cheapc'jt acio
piopoity. C. 1' . Ma.Mie , solo agent , S Wcor
l.'itli uiul I'arnnm. 7 i'dl :
TM irsALi : I.ots"in bp.Tidliil' ArKuTili sui >
JP illusion , eii l ot Kelt Line , on monthly pay-
' lihick. irw
SALK Ten houses mid Jots inmloiifc
FOIt ol the cilv at rcu-onablu piuos ,
laiiKlntf liom fl iOn to $1',000 Vacant lots
ovpijwhoie. It will pnv jon to hco HIP bolorti
% ou buy. .1. W. .Maipliall. lriifl r.iimim st. " , .lii
fiTOnSALL'-n- buck block 4t-fPOL I milt
by 133 Jcet tkcji , tenti foi $1,000 a jear.
W. Il.diten , Ililinndl'niuam. 103
f 'i-OISAI.i : 1'inii eotlajro. ; iiionid tilth nil
minium ronieni'inte , IIMIII , lot HK1 U lucl
onlmnamft in t of ' 'lib , tS.W W II Otein ,
J nh and I'uniani 1ii7
j oij. SALK-U ) \ \ ' . t ; . siniiu.
I'ull lotcottavp I loomson Iftli nnd Paul
| | slt > . . bnitritln . : . ' , ' . ' 50
Mill liitiottiiio | 4 loonis.Piospecl I'inpo . 1,1W
J'i'll lot.eoltuuo U loonis.corliioifrin ate
and Jemenworlh st. . . , 1'luO
1'ull lot , c-ottaire 4 looms , cor Patrick aio
ill CHrllnofli eali Iml on Unto . . . . l , l )
'Dncjefiieiir bttiek.iiuiU , | iei acu > . . . UK )
" ! > . it'll" ' nour htoi k jniiln , peraeru . I DO
f > r 1(1 ( ncrolots 4 miles fiom ! ' . ( ) . , on mil
it my road , l-rieasli balance onoi boloio
Ijd in M joins , per iii'io . K.'J
( moil lot on ricmtria ave ncai I'op | > leton
aiemio . . . . . . 1,000
JsUelnt on Vii lnlaiue , i n t fiont . . 700
! .if ! l ; on Hume ) btneur tilth . . . . f'fn
T.'il < 6 on linwaid near loth . . iLUlo
.Klvl'iiiinlOth in ar llainin . 7/ilM
' , -fl-Jt ) \V (1. ( Bin h er. Oit | ) P , O ,
Ij'OK SALi : A ffpn ml mineli.mdleo ImslnfM
in ampldl } eionliitoitnnnt I ii-l om Liu.
win. llebt tiadounil Joc.Uiou . in.unui. , A spiin-
ilfd oproiunlty ( lei nnpmty wlnhlm ; a ttaoii
npeiiluK , mul Iiuvinufioui se\ct. to tciulumsnnd
ilitllarsiniu'h. "VIII 'ell for ensh only , or-puiu
ciir-h , balnncn real ISIHIO in Onmha. Addiess
'Icn-Iwiu lleooillcu. Wi
UlOXAMbT , W/I tenth Hunt , bttwi'iii rainiim
and Hainey , will , with the aid ol Kimultan
bplilts , obUInhir ) lor : mv ono n alnncc in tliu
past and pu-fcnt , nml ot ceitaln tondllioiw In
the future. Itoota nnd t-hoiis made lo ordui.
California A KM
St. $400tp$625
S.K. Van Umuen ,
nt ! ! rrlntliiy fh
New Restaurant and Oyster House
.Mi al KLiiodicbuhii. mi don bill pi fine. ,
Mi ill ilkktu lou'UUUrhoaidcii.
O. F. DAVIS & CO. '
Nebraska Laud Agency
i'if ' hi Itoal I > tai laud Ietuiiio ! ;
t. , Oinalm , .
? . MM 111
The Oonilitiou of Wheat Anything Bu
Buoyant Yesterday.
A Heavy Stook or tlir Cinln In fatoio-
Coin nntl ProilslotiH Kent me * ( Ilic Stock , llonip mill
t'oi'plun Ilo'tortM.
CiiirAno. UPP. 1. [ Special to HIP Uni- : )
\Vlient un ns-iotind this mniiiliijr anil
pounded alone on HIP bottom prellj much all
day. Tlit'io lias no Ineipase In HIP visible
supply of 1,4JW,0K ( ) biislip' : , to h"flu ? with ,
2ff.,000 bushels of which tppioi'lilptl the In
crease of stocks of u at this point , ami
all tojtPlliri imuit < the miiKet nn > thing but
buoyant , tlunn-li pait 01 the effort ot Iho'C
luctp.isps. mis tllspottntptl je'tPidsy. Until
Is n matter ol hlstoiv Unit bis ; fUrmt" ope
way or HIP otlipi InvarfHblv nioie the minliol
o to-day they held thp deptpsslou , thoitqh
IllPJ were In aRleat mc.isuiP expeelid. I'ltn
tact I Iml the esslotl was thp tits ! Intsinnss
day of the inoiitli. and less than hilt n ihij s
session nt that , oil ItifC to luonlbli deli PUPS
Inking tip the Hist liom ol tin aftpinnoii
session , lso Ipiult'il lo make
business of n hnlida ) uharacler.
Littles or nutliilii : was clone bv the tid'
piowd , last night's I'losi ! ! ! * iptotallnus tin ! hi
tiiK in tin.i niatinci chaiwd. I Iu olllelal
opening In Januaiv MIIS ' "i jr , whhli
flume ivasiilthln ' 'si'of ' the lop. I'i out S'I'HP
ihcdpcllnc toS" > J4i itas tpiitp skMilj and at-
tpitdeil bj a mtuioloiiims laek" of liituipsliin ;
fealtnps. Keiier Iitise lots ihaiip-d h.tinl ! )
than on any pievhmul.n Iiu a week. 1'ieltv
much all HID ioipliii mil li p.s helped the heats.
Hauypi. OII'H Milwaukee ponvsponilont , fin-
nislieil slatpinpiits liom llnnpiti.m paiiuis
under dale of N'oiPiubprt ! . wtylnj ; tliat ek1-
vnlois nl Odessa , mid In MPIO so
lulled that iiheal lias lieiliis dumped on the
Kioiiml itltim ; the i.tllioad ttacKsithout
pioteetlon ol anj Kind. On the nioinlnj ; dp-
ilipiles ol about l MK ) ) luis'ii Is
went around.
In pom and ) ) toiisions tlipdeliie'ilpswpic
modoi.ilc' , and not biiehas loatlai'li to Ilirm-
sehes iinv slcniiieaiire. 1'ioilsioii tuuli'i's
made little in no attempt to huh ! up the 111.11-
lict , iihleh lei 11 ant ol this supprul tended
MM ) | | ; doitniiaid. 'I'he oiih thiuifs
snioilns ol fealuio iieiei puieh.isL's ol Janu-
hud c- . " ! . bv -
aiy IK .ri"M.171J ( paeMii1 : mm-
panips. They kept the maiket eleaiPd.
CIIICAOO. l > cc. 1. [ Spui'liil to the Unu. I
( \\i ti i. Tiailp latlier dull anil ptic't's
uasiei than on Monday on oulinaiy run of
tat iiatiu'IJtnin iins mostlj in the hands
ol dic'sst'd beet dea IMS. As Is usual on Tnes-
daj the shippius ; doinaml is geneially lisht ,
Sk'ckcis and feedeis dado icimitn in almiit
tlie same eoiulition as last week. Li Jil little
things Hint would bu nu t iitetul to a laimei
h.uiiit : plenty of locldti woo never elioapu
than Ihej ainatpiosL'iit.and may lie ipioled
al liom s'J.ou to } J.IMper 100 for avenue of
aioiind ahonl 710 to boo. Theip woie no
miss i.injfeis or Te\ans on the maiket. One
lot m it-elul L'oinU'd'rpMiiis made Q-l , ' ! " , and
thi'io weii : spu'ial dtoieol eoinfed ran en.
hhljiplin ; steers. 13V ) to l. " > 00 Ih- , c.H ( ) ( 'i.wi ;
? \i0 a 1.10. Thniit n rl'e'\as cattle , slum ;
'JMl to 1010 Ibs , P.M' ! < i..7.1 : ; 7'0 to IHW Ills , s-H ( )
p'i.21 ; dOO to 700 Ibs , S .ra.l.tW.
lions The maiket opened aetiio ttiidei
abllelitup ttun and closed ste.uli with tlio
pens well ele.ued. The hulk ot packing
sorts .sold bpt\\pen S".riO nnd S.M ) . anil iiiimp
btsi-classassoited hc.tij at ? ! .Kifi ( i.oo. Liiclit
hints , i > sppclnllGtiicllj .isstnIcil light , sold at
S 1.70(35.75. ( } und plus at S'AiH ( < " > 00. Packing
and sl'iipplnTjO ; to 10011) = . , VJ.701 ? 1.00 ; light ,
New York. UPC. 1. 5lo.vr.v- rail ,
easai " ; @ ! per tpul.
at I' (5.V ( ( | ppi rent.
rojjini.x KXCHA.NOE BILLS Dull at SI.W ;
demand , i'4.b"i.
( iovKKNMiiMS Dull but steady.
SIOCKVSloeksuioweak Tlieonlvtle
vldedlr active btoek'was Union Pacilir , whiih
oppiictl a .sliado lower nt.v > and lost ! to r.v5 | < ,
tlfrlliiptl In the loienoon to r > > ii on nnla\oi-
jiblo inteipK-tation ot KoMMiiient icpoits puli-
lislu-d tills nunninp ; liom WnMiliiglon , ial-
lied to.'iiiU , .sold down to fij' ' and eloM'd al
TM' ; . with a net lo'-s of ; ; per pent. Ollur
lni'S weie IP'-S llnn'i poi conl , HIP nio t
'l'p\as \ % ,
Yoik it N'ew Kniflunil and Omtih.i commou
I'j , Texas I'acihe ami OIP 'OII Tianspoil i-
tfon 13 , OiPfjon Xioictition , JieadiiiK , 1'aeiln1
Stall 1 pei cunt. Otluio iieio less I PPI
to the niiiumncpini'iil th.H ] iioiniucnt , bond
liohluis ot lliecompanvliail dc'iinsileil bonds
under the ico' ain/alioii plan , and that
ollieis to iln so al DIM e
Sf pplit bimds. . . Hi ; iO. A/N.W . 11- ' t
U. tj.-PfV . . . . . IVi' ' ; ; iiieleu.'d . . bill1 ,
Npw-l's . I'J ! ' .V. V. < . H't's ' '
I'acllieli'sor ' 'Ji' ' ' l'i"H Oicuon Tiali. . . - 's '
( Vntral I'acihe. . i'j'IVHU- ' ' Mail . w ,
C.AA . 1HS 1' . , 1) . .Vi : . 'JI
pu-leiied. . . . IM IM'.C . 1.13 ,
C. , B. ifcQ . liK''j ' lloc-k Maud . 135
U.UA.W . . . . r-'ovM. L. AS. r. . . uj'4
n'&H. G . ' -a jiuiciicd . -ur ,
EliP . ' 'IV. , M VSt1' . . . ! ' ,
ptolem-i . . . . M inefeiicl. . . llti
Illinois ( . Wi bt. I1. & O . l 'i
J. . H. it W . ! . ' ! pl.'IPtleit. . . . K"H
Kansas , V.'IV\as. I ! ' " , , IV.iI'.ielhe. . . . ij )
J.aKi'Mune . NI'I ' 1'iiioii I'.ieih" . . fu'j
L.A N . 17 \ \ . , SI , I.X I' . M\ . 71. . pipfpneil. . . a0'4 '
.Mo. I'aellu' . 101 lU'eniein I'tiiull , % '
NoilliL'iii I'.t" . . ' . "i . . 0. It.itN . 107
pii'Ifiii'i' ' . . lii'ii
' l'\ Illll'list ,
ClilRtiuo , Dec l.Wiieatl'nl Dili's did
not laiv much immesti'iil.ii'F clostjith
ooilili'i'miiiil , l'mc talllfil < r I < | i'itho\o the
oieliili | ! ? lik'nies Inli't lewdide , then lult'il
riulel ami Mp.uli ami elo nl aiioiit ' ( e lintel
than u'slcidax'sekiM' : M54OCsl i. 101 casl. ;
p J e lei Deei'liibi i : STiV11 ' ' „ ( > lei .l.ilill n \ ;
HW./.ViJiiC lor rebtiiaiM Wyi'n , lei
" '
i'o'in Moileiate ilem.tnd nnil steady ! ) ' ) ' < < "
40JjTc ioi cash anil JMcmlici ; : ' ( , S-4c lei
Januanriaifi sc 1or .Mav.
Oats I'll m , iliillnml sle.'nh ; 2' Ve lei MSI ] :
C'.M lor Uccemlipi ; ' . 's , ' lor .Inuii.ti * ; ! ! ' ie
lor May. '
Itjc-Slead } al fil .
11.11 | py lilli't | : n ' 5'ie , \
- d Hotici ; N'o. I , . .
'L'litiothv Stion.'i'i i gooil to pi line , M. < ! '
1 I * ll
' '
stpady : .s-iii'S''U ' lor e.islTitnd iicmmhei ; '
Sio.oli'40.0Jji. ) ( lei ; srlo.'iJ > /'in..v."j
Ijiiiil ' 'riadlii'i lU'ht .iml * ' , ( > ? ? * ' loiu r per
tl.Oi' , : ' .jaiiiMi' ) 4ff.l'lVii .r ; JVbuiaoi , |
vMi 'i < ( dji"i. t
] Jttir .MeatsSlio'iMi'M. . ? : ! .70W i.,1 ; ; shoit
leal , ' . > .W. 'iOi ; i-hoi t ulH , * l.fci ; "l.lM , , 'l
\VliNlvj 41.1 * .
llnilvihjteiitlj.anit inmu lninili > ; mcilium
lo l.itiu ) tK-iiuuii , llj/j ( ; I , ill lo lint1 ( Lili.\ , ; >
- .
uif > pl'.i ior-nuu : ( h ai i IIPUU iir. f ;
tlals , lo'/iW'.fc ' ; > oun ( , ' , V
. [
Flour , bub. . . -M.OJ ) -1MJ (
Win al , Iiu . W.WW - | ( OJ
Ciitn , bu . Sl.,00i ; ( I i'j ' , < iJ <
Dnts.lm . W , W VI'-MM
U.ii'bii . < . . 7,000 11. . ' Jj
JJiillin'.Inu . r. . . 13 . > K'l l
Ht. l < ouU , UPC- . 0eiii | ! | py |
nmlfitlvuiitvil Jfpfih'flliiisilanil In iiu.sti'.tili ;
-No , ' . ' . iel..I'sli ( , vti'-'it'i-W ' li ) ' 'i mbi r , u , ,
lnnuiryo ? frrilnfiJi.\'J7r ; : Mni.h . - = 1.0 : ; ;
f"l.o : ) . I
"Corn Dull but 1'rm : cash , . " < : Dpfoinhei
iSl WillKe ; Juiliilii v , J.P f blil ; Mi > , ' * > ) * ;
Oats- Flint ; e.iali , 'Jl'iso ? Picumbi-r
'J7' vl il : Mn\"iV.
! ? > < - Vv.
\\'hlsly-Mp.tdyitr.l : ! ) .
I'Dilchjiaily ; wMO. . "
I. .ud-Sto.iily
Hatter -tlull anil
Kansas dllv , l > rc. 1. Wlioal Mloui'-
ii , i-i-li , 0"i' ' . . < i''iS'f ; ,1.111'ui ) , i" .1 WU ;
7.'casvplVeltniarj ( , * , V : Maitfsn1 . Y
pa li , 'A > \c bith SJTo as'td ;
, tie bill , -7 c ntkpd ; Atnj , 'XV ,
. o'oi' a kpl ( ,
O.its-No bids.
Now York. npp. 1. WliP.ilItp
lU'.OiXi ' ; fxpoils , iiinic ; spot cailnprv
but nulpt ; options opened \\pak , nftcriianls
lpilfHton pr , ploslnir , how-over , licav.v ; un-
ciadpil ipd , fclfrftUJjc : No. 2 red nominal
i'iWp. cloiator ; , aiiimt > . cosit } , 4c ,
Torn Lower , plowing IUMIJ ; ictcipts. is
p\pnits. 1M.OOOJ tinlrtaileiK 41i f liMnl t ; ; No.1 ! , fil s M'4r in pit-
\ntoi , I > uf'oti'ae ( ' tilloal ; ilo iu , al
Oats -Lower ; nioiltrotltoK active ; IP
eolpu , irvoi"J ) pxpoits , lr > ui : niKeil MP < I
ern. : < rf 7iihltc : vcslpin , ! MiXijiu\p
IVliolunm bto.ulj ; uiiilftl closed at ki .
n lined s p.
KK&rinn : fair ilemaml ; rpcclpts , n.OOti
I'orkDull ; IIIP-.S. S10.03.
l.niilVoij dull : < iilas. Pppinltpp , vfi4K' ' (
a4 ! ; January , S0.-i ! ! < in' . lit.
HuttpiStpaUj foi cliolcp.
( Juiet and \\pak ; is i-slptn llnl. 1'g '
. .
K'N'oiv OLlonnsPep. . 1. Coin Dull * . i\e.ik
niul lower at Ho ; titlipt.s utichauned ,
tlllivnukcp , DPP. l. WhMt fit in
cash , Sip ; .lanuaiy. siVr' May ,
Coin Meailj : No. 'J , 41c.
I ! > t'-Qulnt ; No. 1 , ( Up.
Uulpy-KUin ; No. ' ) . 'i'Ji- .
I'lovlslons Dull ; mess poiK. paib. ohl
i' iiPW.SH.07.
Cincinnati , Doc. 1. Wheat I'limpi , N < >
ted , W ft c.
( 'oin UasXo.U ; ntlvnl , ! i7i- .
Oats Kit m ; No. 2 mheil , iiOWc.
Itjp ( Julol aniltlrmo. ; . a , Mk' .
ll.iiloj Finn ; u\tia No. .1 spline. filtifuc. )
1'otli-guiet ; ilrmly hfltl nl fcliVJ. ' . .
I.aiil-Dull ; SHOD bid.
U'liisKj-Mo.ulj t Sl.lMl ; snlta , ts | ; bbls
on this hiuK
Mliuieaiiolls , DPP. 1.VhiMl Active ;
osoitnsimiluilrntpt ; No. 1 haul , sl'je , cash
anil Deoemboi ; b7'4is lYLiruuir ; Wjc. Muv ;
No. 1 noitliein , Sl , e. cash anil Dtri'ilibei"
. " .P , .1.11111111.1 ; ! NH' . May.
riouiLimited deniaiiil 1ml tiiinlv held ;
millets nut anxious ( o icall/e ut pipspitt
prk-ps ; patPiitiSliTJ o.Oii ; b.iUut" , S'7 ' ; < ' '
l.'eerlpts-AVhpal , 1IW.OOO. *
.Sliipaicnts Wheat , ( O.OJ ) ; liom , ' . ' .O-XX
Tolfilo , Dec. -Wla-at-AcliU' ; cash n
f it IP.
Coin Aelho ; hnipr ; cash , Dpccmbc ? i'V '
O.lts Qllk't ; P.isll , , ! 0f.
lilvi-rpool , Dec. 1.Vheal \ Domaml
hmiio\lng ; nc-w No. 'J ivlulpi anil siuing.
7s ' -I.
1' ' 1(1111 ( --5s Id.
Coin Pair ilpinauil ; spol ami Dctomliet ,
Is ii'idJantiatj , isId. .
Clilcajjo , OCT. 1. Tlio Urovcis' Jourml
icpoits :
Cuttle ItppelpK 21,000' steady : shipping *
steels , N.10r ! ( ; 1 Ml : sloekpisaiul toed PIS. VJ.V *
0 ! 3.70 ; tlnouijh TC'MIS ' will IP , btioii } ? at fe-l (
II 000 ; opened 5fn me hiilt
tit , vloslinr \ \ Aallou ; li and mixed , . ' ! r > . * > ( 't
8.70 ; pni'kiiiif andshipplntr , 6i.7iM.Wj : ( ) ( light ,
$ : i.Uii.v : ) ( : ( > : sKips ti oVjH.ii ( : ) .
, shppp-IlP eljitM , 10 uou ; I \ os l.r'fi' ! CO.
VPStetlix , Sa.OiWlO ( ( : ! ( : Ti'\aiis , M.u..MJO ( ! ,
aiubsiici lipatl , s"B.'r > OC'fl.40.
KiiiiNUM Oily , Dot ! . 1. C.illlp KpcoipU
, ' ) ( H ) ; .sliipnientt , 1IOO ( ; Imtdiei stinl .shade
liirhci , others stcadj ; oxjioilert < , ? '"i'4"i ( ,
common to clioicu shipping , frt i'lOiViW
stoukt'is anil ttvders { J.MJdi'l.T.'ii to s.
. ( K ) . ill. 10 ; KMssTcvnsitceiN J. JOcg.'l.'i'i.
Jlogs Iteceipts , li , iiiO ( ; slilpmenN , 1'JOO ,
opened him and closed vcaK , .r'i"Wc lo\\ui \ ,
Kood to choice hea\i , ! 5 : > .0cii.7.'i ( ) : ! ; light nml
nKeil , si.y" ( i ? i.fiO ; Lommon. Wiocif.'WO.
tshecp Upct'Iiit" , WM ; sliipnieiits , none ;
inlet ; common to treed , Sl.&i 'i.OO ; scala
vags , # 1.0irfl.7 ) ! > cacli.
St. liOiilH , Deo. I. C. ltlP llL'cfiiits 1,400 ;
hipmenls , ' ! ( JO ; steady ; nathe shipping stetiri ,
. .7VrfVJ5 ; native Imtehein * t-tcciN saMei-Wi ;
o\\sitntl lieilon , U.lTif'W.V ) ; slocUeis and
eedei" , M.nocii.7fi : ; lanirets , ' .nodiJi.tiO.
hheep Tteci-lptt , IHMl ; shlpmunU , 000 ;
tpadj ; coirmon tochulcp , Vi'iVrt.l.GO ; lambs ,
< -S.'M ! .0.
Tuesday Koiling. \ . I'iv. I.
Thpcattln laiily actixu to-day
1 jt-sleidiiy's piice-i. The ho < maiKolab
tionyiT and thu demand good.
Cattle . f-Od
' -00
I'ooi to ( iollll tO
Medium. JMia.
l.10il Ibs mid i VPl Nl
i.ra il.i > uii ll ' 4 ID I
i.w l50 ! Ibs iu on. : ; U3
i pedeis " : ; io , : ' , r. .
dl.lbs 'J'f'.Nallh i 7ij ! _ _ liOO
Western Hangers
\ntl\o Cons '
\\f \ sctu | Cows f's 01 . " , 'X ,
I IXi a 10
Iliua '
J'oiifth Jfi r r , : i : to
lleavI'aeldns. .
itiriiisr.M'\nvh : : s.u.i.s.
i : or I'lttcr.s ron i
pxtienip innse ot pilccs for ioai'h
picking and flliljipini ; ami llKl'l '
lie u fet seven dayt > isohonn lirloiv :
Hiiii.tih Heavy. Lteht
UUe , .Mlxu I , I IMcUIni ? \VeiKht
Snliiiitay n.u/i : i '
Monday u ID it t in ; i nr t i wi
AV , . .
Klif i\iiiBtholilKliPs | ami loiiest pikr1ji.ild
on Ililnuikel lei hon'rf ( ImliiK Urn past
sini'ii ilfiih , ami foi the uunoajioiiiling tluiit
lii t inoiith ;
'l'np.ila\ Jl.l-'i
\Vpdiie-dai . . . ] : UXJ
Tlinisilaj :1.10 :
> a ! m day. . . .
Miiinliiy , . . . .
l'lll > llIV . . . _
I'\flCUIfi' l'lJtiiAnl'.S. | : |
Miiniliii ; Ibo numlipr otWK \ > hoiiulit hy
deal ) Mi.or-i ! oil tlio Omall.l iiMlIu'l iltllinj
IlK'i'il ' } .
I. I. , lipjd 1.J1T
li. II. Il.llnmutitl iVCo. , b76
I. 'I' , hloitail , ' . ' "j
Nnlc-Allhak'soJtitin'U in this iiiJikd HID
iiindppt'i p l , ) hi > will III , niilMi otla \vlsij
liled : , Jcid hotc < sell .it In per lb. lui all
" " " lie ! ' ! li"H than
hid , .Skins"oi s 11 pn'hlii (
| jnoiaiiie. . | 'H't.nuil MiwdHiei' ' '
) MMIVirOMJSAIil3 MiVKICr.Tr ! ,
i l > ec. 1.
\.i.t \ -'j'ho ogif nun kul was Wronger to-ilay
iml salt s nt iicsli fit'n-lv' wcifl madu nt "Ic.
Hi n'l.ii. ' HID tunrUct U dull and tip-
Hi-5.-i'i | . 'I'tic Ijiillcol tlio loeelpts aroof an
liifi'iioi' ( | ii ilty. | and luiVc tobu mid to pack-
ci ? . Dfiileia mil tor tliHvory bust only , antl
In nltio eis.'s out of ten' cannot be sultrd.
SliieJh eholcM toll , Vi lOelalrto good ,
let intci Jor. 4' " ! , ' -
t'iu riiiluiipy : full i-rcam chcddar , l
mul p , l'ii ' ! : fane-y lull puxim Hats ; Oc i ( ,
imikp. I'ijjo ; ianpy lull tre m1 Younii
Apii'iuMs , opt. luake , l'Hf < 8 > Viu : full cruani
llalb , Aiif. iiiAo , l o : liilf rrbw k'OUUft
Ante. liulfO/llo : full cream. July
"ili.mi , 0' ' , lot iiiulity | S\VK. | < ihende , Itioi3d
Hiiality . ' fhepso , DK'JUo ; bi'lvk che i.e <
Wti lv :
i'oi i/iiV ! ; old
ln > \ ' aio in