THIS im/VIIADAILY HE IS , Tl'MSDAY , DEOEAIJJJfill 1. J&Su. THK COUNCIL BLUFFS , ' 1UKSDAY MOUSING , 1)KC. I. orriCE : Ko.iarefttl Street. rfllvMHI'yrnrrliT In nny j > nt tot tlio ell jnt 1 uilj rcnti'crn | < 'iU. 11. W. Tmo.v , - - - Manager. > IINlt .MKXTIO.V. T Heitrr , tlic tailor , for wint'-r oed . A meeting of the city council is ex- ] icetcd to-ni lit. 1'earltreet has been left in a horrible condition for the winter. The Imperial club jrives ils oieniiitf ) jmrly to morrow evening in the Msi'-onie ' nail. nail.Tho The Kniuhts and Ladies of Honor tire In KIVI- ihinre in Hoyal Areanutn hall to morrow evening. Thoalarinof lire yestenlay afternoon was caused by the attempt to patch up Hid old lint alarm system. The county board is ( ' \peclod lo meet for a conference to-dny , but not for the transaction o. ' regular bulnp- . JiiilgoAylcswortli is expected to return to-day from New York , whom he was called by the death of his sKtcr. The Kansas City train has changed its time 50 thai it arrives here How an hour earlier in the evening than before. K. Talmud has remou'd from Omaha to tills oily and opened a clothing and notion More at No. - ' - . ' . " > Main street. John lVler. on and FredSeheiMiw wore arrcxttid Sunday night for stealing coal from tlio Northwestern yards. The former was lined and the latter had his ease colitinned. Kdward Chamberlain , who was report ed in a llii : : special ye.-ienlay morning as having been killed at Meregor ( ! , Iowa , formerly Jhcd here , and was employed | as u butcher. He has no relatives here so far as ran be li-arneil. William A null , ho hnerved MI well ns ilcpnt. ) eounly auditor , N to be retain ed in that position by the newly elect , Mr. Clausen. This Mill " iti'-fy tin1 pub- lie , and will insure for tin- new auditor a careful handling of the business of the ollice. lid. Alberson , who lived here -.01110 3cars ago , but ivhoso homo is in the east ern part of the state , is paying his old fricnd.s here a brief visit , being on his re turn here from Nebraska , \vhorn he has been .superintending the putting in of gas works in tome oily. I'rof. Ilarlliolomcw'H trained horses occupy the opera Iwuso thi.s week. They drew largo houses in Omaha and their opening entertainment last evening was in. keeping with the reputation earned I elsewhere. There will be a matinee Wednesday , Friday and Saturday. At the. Wednesday malineo every lady will bo given a handsome palette. Mrs. Abe Trot I , of Creston , wife of the brakesman who \vas killed in an accident near Hed Oak last .spring , has become insane , and has been taken lo the asy lum at Mount I'leasant. The sudden borrow and the struggle to provide means for herself and four little chil dren , proved too much for her mind lo btand up under. The case is a very sad one. one.The The arrangements made for tlic fnhMo bo given by the Congregational ladies are Mich a's to insure a great , success. Tlie fair opens Thursday evening witii u ' repetition of the Milkmaid's entertain- nienl. The novelty and excellence of thu programme should cause Masonic hall to be crowded , Friday noon there will ho si dinner and Friday evening another entertainment , with si pro gramme full of new and interesting featured. Mi.-s 1'nllor , of Mt. Pleasant , and who Is now one of the leading sopranos in Philadelphia , is visiting tricnds here Her presence in the city has induced some of thu music lover * to make a move tor having her appear in a concert here , it is probable thai micli an opportunity to hear her will be pre.-ented lo tlie pub- lie at an early date , ami dial tlie Mi.saos Merkol will join with her in presenting a programme of merit. Such an entertain ment would snroly merit u crowded house. There is n howl about the way this city wiifi nFi'd by the company whieh pre sented "hi the Hanks" here .Saturday evening. Jt seems that they shipped all their ( special scenery to Dos Moines and put it on exhibition tin-re , and served up the show hero on the half shell. If served on full shell il would lie none lee good , fudging from the presentation hero. The oeal management , as well as the citi/.ons , will bear the company in mind , nnd it will bo tt chilly greeting for thorn to reeeivo if they come" this way again. Mrs. M. 11. O'Neill lias been presented with an elegant easy chair as a recog nition of her tiervicos in connection witn thu Catholic fair. Shu lias labored en- tliUBiastieiilly nnd lias done much lo innkn it a Miecns.s. Hov. Fatlier honahan , of Sioux City , in behalf of Mr.s. O'Neill , inivo expression to her thanks in a neat Jlltlu address , lie was an old playmate of Mrs. O'XelU'H , and having been ac quainted with her for year.i it was very appropriate for him to thus speak for her. her.The The young man , David Cnhn. who was Killed .Saturday evening at the transfer , while switching , was engaged to Miss Darling , of thib cily , and they expected to bo mariii-d next Sunday. The bright outlook wlileli tile future contained makes the event seem the more gloomy. Thu young man had relatives living in I'cniin lvania , but thu exact luhfress could not be , and ollbrls to get communication with them have not prov ed btieoe-isfnl. The young lady mm her family desired that thu remains should bo buried here , unless somu word was re ceived from his relatives expressing n ditlerent desire on their part. As no such word hail been received up to last night , the funeral will probably hold 'hero. _ Ladies and gents get n ticket to the grand drawing on January J , witli every i0 ! cents worth of goods purchased of Arthur LcfkoviU. foil Hroadway , The choicest cundie.s , California fruits , nuts , cigars , cto. , always on band , For hardware anil house tnriiislnngs cot prices of Cooper & MeUee , No-11 Alain street , At Hciio's Ladles' jowolry. Try John Templeton's "Koso" tiigar , Fineht display ot meersluuun and mokern' goods for holiday gifts. T. D. King & Co. , Cigars and''J obaecos , W3 liroadwiiy. Kvcry qno buying Sfl cents worth of T D. King & Co. , lias u chance , free , in thu great drawing , December i ! ! . The very llnest fringes , fine silk , line upholstering of every do- in , foot rests , ottomans , cornice , window shades nnd all kinds of ulterior draping * tint very cheapest west of Chicago , t'nlI on I' , Stoeken & Co. . No. 801) ) Jirotuhvay , Conncil JlluiVs. Substantial abstracts of tltlo and real ( istadi loans. J. W , , & K. L. .Squire , 101 Pearl street. Cottajjo ranges , ( iarlaml ktovcs , lla- dlunt iloinc.s and Huh huatora of thu very latest | iiticnib ; at lied rouk jirii.'OH , at ( * oo ] > cr fc Mctieo's , Ni11 .Main street. cheti | ) ut Homer's , L 3 .Main St AWAY WITH DAIRIES A Ghat With n Oouucil Blufls tcaler ) - j . . ' . About Bntt r. COMING TERM OF COURT. The C'onl'ci ciico ol' ( 'In i t hiuVoikui's Tin ; Cost of I IK : Avoca Court Clly IliTvltli-H mill Pel1- notial Mutter ami Ituicrlii ( < > . "How is the butler business now ? " ki'd I In ; rejiovter. "W ll , to say tliu tnitli , " reluniiHl Mr. , "il is very tltill .just at proM-nt. 1'lils is our dull M'n-ou. Not nnicli "What season of the year do ion con- . idiT your In1)V" ) ' "U'hy , during the mouths of June and July wo soil about as much butter anil do about as bi ti bUMiiev * as wo do during all the rest of the yra.r put together. Those two months ishat wo term our bti y .season in this line. " "In what manner do you conduct this bu ( ! ? " "Wo buy all Ilio butter we eau ' ' at our prices from the frrooory stores hero and in country town. " , and wherever wo enn K't ( it , taking it nllOROtliur iii"t as it Iinpii'ii8 | to be , "rood , bad , or imliuVrrnt , put it all together , put it .through : i pro- co'1 ? of oloimhifj , wi/rkins over and eolorinf ? , pack it. and hhip to New York and HoMon and elsewhere , labelling it aeeordiiif ; to the m'ado. " "You } ; rade it tliunv" "Oh , yos. It must bo rndud. NVo can't buy tainted butler and put it through anykind of a process that will take the tainted and Mronir ta te out of it. I''olks ' bccni to lime an idea that , wo cin ; take IKII ! Miicjlin butter niul make ooil butler out of il , but the idea is u inhtalccn one. JSuelt a lliinp ; csinnot 'bo done. Of eoiirso we esin color it niooly and sweeten it up a little , but wo cannot inako oiid butler out , of it. There is no jtrocos yet learned throti < ; li whieh it can lie jmt to make it wood. Wo have to ornlo anilell it for what it is , and buy It for what it is. Hut the prolils of this butter hiisini'-s are fjnidttally deoreasiiiK on account ot the manufacture of but- teriue. " "How is butterino maniifnctnred' " "II is made from lard and butler. The compoiitiou is three-fourths lard and one- butler , medium jirado , but of coui > c lh y vary according to } ; radc , the better and higher jiriced grades having more butler in them than the poorer and lower priced. They claim that a certain Chicago entablisli- ment is making one grade that contains no butler whatever Don't put a parti cle of butter in it at all. Jt is sold for a cheap grade of butter , but is compo-od more largely of lard than any oilier in gredient , perhaps sweetened and given a butlery taste with : i little sweet milk or something of that kind , and colored to resemble butter. Hut the medium grade of butteriuo i.s very nice , for both lard and butler are of the very bust grades that can besoloetod.Thelardisdeouoii/.ed after whieh wo call it neutral. The lard they use is leaf lard , and the very finest grades of butter i.s mived with it. Jt ro- ijuires a large capital to run a butlnr lactory in the right manner. A Chicago lirm that makes -10,000 Ibs per day re quires a capital of from twenty to twen ty-live tliouMiml dollars to run the busi ness. There is probably ns much butter- iuo sold in Council lilull's as there is country butter , lu Omaha the same way. It takes the preference because the mer chants make a nice prolil.ou it. Now , for instance , 1 bought a lot of butter from u man this morning , which was so poor that 1 could only allow him three cents a pound for it , and ho had probably paid a largo price for it , whereas if it , had been btilterino that had spoiled on his bauds his loss would have been considerably less , as it would cost him so much less in the first place. His lo s on this lot that L bought , would prob ably bo enough to cover the profit on lifty pounds of good , lirst-olass butter nt a fair price. So you see that the butterino trade is spoiling our business inasmuch that wo cannot tell any of our grades exceiit the very best , and our poorer grades are driven out of the market be cause wo cannot allbrd to sell it as low as they can the butlerine and derive any prolit from it. " "Whnl will you do with the butter you bought this morning ? " ' 'Subject it to the Mime process as all the other that wc _ buy. We put it all into a largo box that is capable of holding an immense , quantity , and when we get a millicicnt amount in there to go to work on , wo heat the room to mnlt the bnlter until it becomes soft and easily worked. Then we woik it all up together and miv it up thoroughly , when wo transfer it to another machine , over which n brine keg i.s biBpiuidcd in such a , manner that the brine drins upon the butter all the time the work is in progress. A roller passes backward and forward over it , cleaning out all the old buttermilk , dirt , gait , etc. , in the tame man nor somewhat as the work is performed on : i small quantity with a ladle. Of eoutvo as that is working out the salt the brine drip is constantly adding more to it , and in this same machine , the coloring is mixed in. " "You go on the principle that a great deal of salt is required > " "Well , that part of it depends upon where the butter is going. Wo know where we are going to ship it and salt it accordingly if it is going to St. Louis it requires but little halt. Not nearly so much as if it were going to Now York , while in Boston they want , it still more salty than in New York. A Gorman pop- lalion don't want their butter very salty. A Yankee population want all the salt they can get. Taste in that dirccton al so varies in dlll'ornnt localities. Our poorest grades of butter go to Nova Sco tia and the fisheries in that vicinity , and the hshpnncn take it out with tlTein to cat during their fishing excursions. " "Wluit is the diHerenco bUwueu oleo margarine and buttorino ? " /'Oloomirgarinn is made from beef fats mixed with a little butler , while the other is mudofrom pure lard mixed with good butter. The latter is preferable , and far ICKS objectionable , as they are less particular about what goui : into the coinnosltion of oleomargarine. " "Won't this immense manufacture of these articles hurt the butter trade with farmers , creameries , do. ? " "Certainly. There has got to be .some thing done or farmers will have to btop making butter for the Jnidu. From the lirst of October last year to that date this year , wo packed nearly 1100.000 pounds of butter In this town , and what came in from the small towns around here. Creameries will have to make better butter , because packers have been losing for the past two or three years on account of the manufac ture 01 butterino. There is a law against dealing in this article , having been made to protect the interests of the farmer , but it is not enforced , It is now pro posed to establish a license upon thcisule of Imttcrino and oleomargarine , and putting - . ting it under the United States internal revenue laws , which 1 think will be the beM mamur ; of adjusting all'air.s. " Tlio COIIIIIIK Court. The. bar docket of the district court in now out. The December term is to open hero next Monday. There are on the docket MM civil cases , and ii'J criminal ones. Another interesting feature of tlio docket is that Uconttilll * ° 3 ! i'rV ? 5' - < lind 10 ca os ngflliiM tlm city. The following are thu jurfe * a < oraw n : ( Jr.ind Jury howls Smith , CJarner ; ( J. C. Weaver , Wright ; J. uSley Hough , Ha/.cl Dell ; Joseph Hoiler , l/ivtoii ! John Inman , Kane ; Joseph Dillis Mimlen ; 11. 1) ) . I'eddicord , Pleasant ; A. Wheeler , Kane ; William Orrie , Crescent ; 11. ( Jit- tins , . r. , Hoomer ; Thomas Kearney , lel- ! knap : K. Ho encrans ; Kann. Petit Jury James Million , Kane ; Chark" Ca on , Silver Creek ; C5. S. lve , Cai-Min ; John Warner , Valley ; J. W. Hamilton , Macedonia ; W. 11. Brown , Kane ; 1 ! . V. Phillips , Kane ; 1. A. Borcn , CrcM'eut ; Mark Leonard , Xeola ; Joseph Beck , Kane ; K. Cantor. Hockfurd ; K. Mottux , Kane ; H. 11. Wells , Lewis ; John Booth , sr. , Kane ; C. 11. Norton , Knov ; L. Joii'-on , Hoomer ; J. Herwein , Katie- Joseph McCinnK Wright ; J. W. Kilgore , Kane ; Henry Brandos , James ; John Parker , Pleasant ; L. Kosi , Kanoj Dolor- nm Parish , Ha/.el Dell ; J. K. Wclmotl , Neola. For everything in the grocery line give ' the new 'linn of HintKleeb , NiJ Broadway , a trial. Everything new and fresh. Fancy groceries a specialty. For the best and cheapest oyslow call at Chicago Lunch Counter , 101 Broad way. Ojstcr soup all day , only 10 cents. Cb r IN ! Ian Con Terence. The Christian conference opened last evening in the Baptist church , in accord ance with the announcements already inado. The meetings promi-o to bo of "special interest and importance to all church workers , and the invitation to at tend i.s broad aim cordial. The following is tlie programme for to-day : TucMlay Moruinir Con-eeration meet ing , led by Jlrtv , MarM-na Stone , J ) . 1) . , of Omaha , Neb. Afternoon Mooting" led byl'ev. F. W. Parsons , of ( Slcmvooir Iowa , Sermon by Hov < ) . A. Holmes , of Blair , Nob. Sub ject , "The Knducrment of Power. " Kvening- Meeting led by Hov. J. W. Harris , ot Omaha. Sermon by 1'ev. J. M. Whilehead , of Nebraska City. Sub ject , ' 'The Importance of Importunate Pniyer. " ( icnts1 booN and shoes at leno' ! . Correct Al ) > lraes ( ol'Title and Heal Ks- tale Loanat McMahon it CoV , No.1 1'earl street. _ Thu Avoon Court. There have been grave doubts ex- pre'-sod about thu court at Avoea being a paying change. The Avoea papers have Iieen very wroth al any such intimations that it was too much of a luxury , but now the Delta , witli u .spirit of frankness , ' ' ( July one case was tried lo a. jury at tlie late term of Avoea court. As rtio jury received about $ ' . ' 1)0 ) , and the ease tried only involved ? bOi ) , it looks liUc paying considerable for thu whistle. " The electric belt of Judd & Smith , SO Fourth street , Council BlnH's , positively cures rheumatism , neuralgia , dyspepsia , piles , paralysis , indigestion , fits , cold feet , nervousness , headache , kidney and liver complaints , loss of vitality , lead poisoning , lack of uervo force and vigor , wasting weakness of those diseases of a personal nature in male and female. Picol Kibb ns in the latest color a Mrs. Hogers. _ Great CIos in < > Out Halo Of the largo retail dry goods and carpet. store of E. Dowling. Having determined to retire from the dry goods bu. inos.c , wo will oiler our immepho slock of eariioli , comprising the choicest coloring and the newest makes of W. J. Sloane and E. S. Iliggins , and other Icadingmanufactures. Wo will oiler our immense .slock of silks , including a full line of fJirnmand Bros , , in all colors and black , for which we have been the exclusive agents for Coun cil I ! hi IV ami Omaha for the pa t tiftoen years. Wo will oiler our immense stock ot velvets , plushes , brocades , dress good * , llannels , linens , towels , napkins , hosiery , notions , broehc and imitation Indian shawls , cloaks and all manner of outside them out in the quickest possible tim . Kemem- Ihese goods are not bought as the major ity of merchants buy goods , but were Louglit for cash from the leading manu facturers and importers , and only goods suited for the Jincst city retail t ra'dc. Sec Bono's now woolen goods. Short Hand work and Typo Writing , Eil Wright , with Van Brunt , Thompson & Co. Drs. Judd & Smith's Electro-Magnetic nsoles. Only fifty cents. No. ; ! 0 1-ourth St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Agents wanted i What * s the use of dying with diphtheria , when $ 'i worth of Dr. Thomas Solleris' nrcrcntativo and euro will protect a family from its ravages. Ten yearn trial has proven it to bo infallible in all eases of pore throat. Keep it on hand. For sale only at Dr. Jell'eris' ollico , No. 23 South Kiglith street , Council Hlnll's , or pent by express on receipt of price. Haying put in 11 complete now stock of clothing , lurnisliiiig uood.s , hats , caps , oto. , Fov it Hughes , No. Hlfi Main street , invite tlio public to give them a trial. Their expunges are small , and they can allbrd to soil cheap. ( Jent.s1 line Marts , / nliVlijrJvoar"lioVicVy' ' , ' gloves , etc. , at John Beno it Co.'s. Bo sum and ask your groom- for the bread made at Smith iS ; Loerko's bakery , No , 62 ! ) Main street. Jt is the very bo. t niiulo. Try it and be convinced. WEHMAN & "MEYER'S ' Corner Pearl Street and Fifth Avenue , COUNCIL IIUUFKN. Illnk for rout for Ilicntrlutil perloriiuinecB bulls , paitlcH , etc , , M1 kinds of icfrcsliinvntj aiul u rui.r. I.UIINO every iiioriilnf. The very latest New York styles re ccivod weoly at .Mrs , O. A. Ko gers. I'oworfurnished from hjrilint protsmofor ill'IVInir nil Kinds nl I It ; lit iiiaclniiri-y. hpeciul iKientloii plwn to flnireli orjjwi Ijliiuliiir , Wu nmiirinlliiL' ( iiu eeuieiit elioppoiit , luo eiouu lix'e/iiix , | ' < > ) l-liliif : ) lullics , M-wliiK1 iiniclnnf' , ctn. Tim I'C-t i'ii'ii ! | > i/M inolur iiiuile 8i'inl tor eli-- ctil.ii'Klvliiif lull | iiiilli > ului > . A low u osof ilils muKiclii Coiiuo'l lilullti : Ileeujoli ullleii pilnl- intr ' iMro V S'hniMt , inncliliio prt'3iMro ; iiiu nicd ; Clileao ; Mi ill , Miutnuu iiiiiclilne ; i < i l- zvmloilir'H .ML-II : Mai I.el , MitiMivn niiicioiie : Siullli > V Meyoi''kMil < > oii , iiiiliiinv ram ; Council lllnirNTeleiiiiio | | < 'o. , iiuuiliiv uri unitor ; Kmiz > V hleeb. ytwer * , liinnlmr I'litlen | ! ilnii'i' | ; IUIK | MullU.iiiniiliiK ( will in u'liiuliT : H L Wlll- lunij , iiiiinliiK SC-UJM - n : i 'liiue. II. I , . W1I.IIA ) | ! , u .AyoM , Ccutii'll lllutif , Iowa. A. W. PATTERSON * CO * i Nos , 1 and 2 , . 'Masonic ' Temple , Council Bluffs , Iowa , Wo wish to call Iho attention of tbo public to our line , line of Gents' Fur- dishing Goods , and would most respect fully solicit a share of their patronage. Below wo enumerate a partial of our goods and feel confident tlman inspection will provo profitable ; JIa ts and dtps , While Dress & \nicy Shirts , Uulaudrictl Shiris , Neckwear. Gloves and Mits , Hosiery , Collars and ( Jtiffs , Jla ndUcrch lefts , Mufflers , Mufflers , Chest Protectors , Wristlets. Sleeve tt tivarf I folders Jtitbber Coats , , Kuhber flat Covers , ( Jtnbrelhts. Etc. . Etc. . Etc. CALL AND SEE US. A. W. Patterson & Co. Nos. 1 and 2 , Masonic TempFe , ' Council luffs. RUSSELL&Co Mumi Tiii-lii mi 8 ol * nil fcl/csof AUTOMATIC ENGINES Especially MILLS , CHAIN KLKVATOHS , AND JJLKCTHIC LIGHTS , Tubular mid Locomotive Jjoilcrs. No\v Mu'-Hillou Thrcsihorri. Ciiivy and Wooilbmy Jfor.- Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction "KMgmcp , SAW MILLS , KTC. Factory Massillon , 0. IJrnncli olb Pearl Sh. Council Bluffs. SEND FOB 1886 ANNUAL. CARPETS. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Onrftooli Is now coinplutu In nxeiy ilepnrt mt'iit unU enntalrid nil IliuliitebUti levnndt-ireuts - ii CARPETS , CURTAINS , SHADES UPHOLSTERY GOODS , UTC. , EJ'O. Largest Stock -AND. ' Lowesli prices. J1IE ONl.V liXCI-USIVK AJll'MT IIOU8K IN WKSTEWN IOWA. BAMl'I.KS fiirnisboil upon uppllct\tlon to o of town parties , FINE UPHOLSTERY WORK TO ORO Council Bluffs Carpet Company 05 Broadway. N. SCHUBZ , Justice of the Peace , Ollico Over American C Cumpuny. NOTIOE& - - - - v * . > . * - - | > l'lll ! ntiVP * * v , 41.4JlS1IC1I iH f.o < l , round , To , Tor Snip , To Itcnt , Wmit llonrdlne , etc. , will lie Inserted In thl coin innit Ilio loir mto of TttN CUNTS I'KH MNKfortho Hrst ttueitlonnii'l I'lVK CUNTS I'llll l.INU for cseh * nb < cqucnt in crllon. I.envo ndvcrll o- mpiitsnt our oOlcco. . 13 Pearl street , near MA NTS. -To Imy nil tin , flrot-clnsisseemnl Imnd linnsi-hold peed * Hint nro ofli-inl fnr -li n < ( furniture , enrpt , Mo\i > 4 , etc dot linvliiK STiitiTi.v iirsMiLun woodi lll ntlmnl ) > ) not applj Inr. All otlicis ull ; < - < < -lvoptom ] < l sittcntlon iintl will lie paid tlio - iiuitXft pi Ices Ity A. .1. Mniulcl , ill" y , -liMlrr - In new niul strictly tlr nl tiirtiltuic. Mo. , ce. ] ? OH 8Al.U--HMnf ( ( ileflroiH of inottnr t < Oiiiiliiion ! iHTouut of my tiij.iies ) | 1 iitTtr for nlimy i evidence , corner nnt.-tli nvrnno niul Ninth street. Inquire on luvinUos. A. V llnilnniil. llnilH ICKS foil II HXT-At McMalionts757 N'o. 4 1'cnil flroi-t. iron SAI.K , Fou IMNT : on" NO. M I'or fnlo or rent , 1111 vry llliernl term 'llio Council muff * I'npor. Mill , roiniilclc.ultl tlioliirRo iKtunlliiff house nnil three ucies of . No. ' 'rt A liiHnccg propei ly In Cherokee riipioVicounty. . Io n. will trmlo for wcMcm lundH. Vnluc , ntiout $ ( .000. No. : A ticnutlful liotnc In Ilio town nr llnst- limr , Jlllls count > , IOMO , for Iniul. Vnliir , f-VA ) . No. 41 A Rimil lm liif".s property nmt nl o n peed icsldcnco propi-ity In I ho town of OH-IIVO Mi'U-nn county , III. , low down for wish or will I'Achiumo for Mi-strrn InmK No. 1U A Milrndld fnrin , well Improved , ntn acroM in IMekliiMiii eounly , lown , Joining Ilio Imuiof Spirit J.iiko. Price , for u short time , . No. isi to 1ST Am four Inprovcd furiiK In I'lillliprteount.v. Kiin-ns , cuch ivltti n emnll In. ciniilirnnce. The i-qnllii * will ho em-hitiiKi.'d for niiliieuintiered wild la ml In Nolirn kn. No. 1KI IN ) HI-UN In lloli county , Nel ) . , Improx-d , nt 11 WK Imijfiiln. Wntils to c.x lor merchandise. No. M A line t o Ftoiy lirlck ir lilrnce. "tic of the lien loenlloni In Council HlulTs. ivill trade for HDOII tinlticiiiihi'K-il Knn ns or Nulmmkn Jund. . Viilue. HVO. No. WiRiid 11 Aii'lHoother 1-omitlfnl honiei In t.'ouncll Illutrs , which en h piyincms : will buy nt H hniKiiln. .No. Cifi .Ylirmitllul siiliinliaii location In Iowa City , ] < mn , will exchiuijfo lor wuMern liinils. Value , ? 'IWK ) . The iihovu nro mil ) n few of our 'Jirclal bar- KiilllH. ] t y < > ii'\Oot | ! nil ] Utllitf to tiudnor sell , or irant to soil iinj teal citato or n.e'xhnndNe , wiito us. Wo linxe M'veial ' irood KlocKi. of pee to Undo lor lands. SWAN \ WAI.KKII , ( ouiioll Illiitrs , lu\\ \ . UNION TICKET OFFICE J , L. De BEYOISE , Agent , No. 607 Ilrondwnr , Council lluTs. ! ( Railway Time Table. COUNCIL I The Inllowlnir Is the thnii of nrrlvnl niul dppartino of trains by centiiil Mandatd time , ut tin ) local deiiof. TrainIcavo triin ler < lnpot Ion tiilnnluscnillcr nmlnrrlvo ten minutes later : DKI'AHT. AltlllVli CIIIL'Min X MIIITIIWKliil.S. : . ll : ' . ' . " , A. M . Mail mid Kxpicj-s . fl.Vli : > . M. KHO i' , si . Accoiumoilal Ion . -M I p. M. 11:10 : IS M . I3.\iirsq | . UU5.u. : . CIIICAC.O ft MOCK I1I.AMI. nU.i : . M . .Mall and i\pic-s : . fi.Vp. : ) M. 7:15 : A. M . Accommodation . .lull1. M. Cmi : r. M . i\pi : c * . ! lU.'i : A. M. C1IICACO , MII.WAl'KKK H ST. 1'AUI , . 0'J ) A. M . Mall and llipruss . ilt.Mli' . M. ( i : III l1. M . i\pi : Oi-s . 9:0.1 : A. M. CIIICACO. IIDItMNOntN i ( JUI.VCV. H : < 0 A. M . Mall and l\iri4 ] | . 7:10 : r. M. tll'ii ' .ji . i\picss : . : W.\.n. WAiifJii. i-r. Loi'is & t'ACirn : . 2r"i' : . M.f.ocal St. l.oiili 13\iiu rt Local . " M i1. M.Trnnsfer St. l.iiil ) > r.v. TrniiHlerJI : ' 0 r. M KANSAS C1T1ST. . .Hh ) : \ fOfM' ! ! , lll.l'US 10:1(1 : ( A. M . Mull nnil I3\ire | > > . f.:40i' : . u. :05l'.M : . l-\pie : > s . Br.A.M. sioux irrv & . I'M inc. 7ir.A.M : . Sliiuv City Mall . fl : ! ) i'.M. fc:0o : I'.M . .St. I'niil I3\nf | "i . 8i"A.i : | . UNION I'A.'IIK ! . 30.W : A. > i . Thiouirh i\pi-i-fs : . fi:4.'ii : > . xr. ! ! : ! i' . M. . . Mncolu l'a . . ( iu. .V It. V..2iir : r. M. Tf : > 0l > . M . Orel hind Kxtiross . 8:13A..v. Dlt.MMV IIIAINS-ll ) OMM1A. r.cavo Council -7-m-sij.-Uii-10TO- : : : : - Jllil a. m. ; ! : ) SK : : ! l:50 : : 4 : : V ft : 5 6M : : 11:4.1 : i ) . in. Simdu\- 7.ui-lii'l : : ' ll.i ! ! } u. in ; : ii--.i : : r > : : i"i- : : i-Hl.1 : n. in. l.eavo Omalui : : -7i1 : : 8.TO-10tW-ll.0 : : n. in : liKjOil : - il : ) 4:00 : OOJ : ( l : fi11:10 n. m. Sunday ( i-Xi 8:50llKn. : : ( ) . m. : ' : iiOt:00 : : . , :0ola : : 11:10 : p.m Fancy and Staple Groceries. No. 102 - Broadway. Opposite Ogden House , Council Bluffs. - - la. This hoiiM ! Iwine a new one , consc- nnimtly uvLM-ytliiiiff in stock is uexv and frcsli. Prluos as riisoiiibl ! ! : ( ; ns any olhor ppo eery in Ilio wost. Ono trial is all we ask. KINTZ & KLEEB Grocers. J. M. SMITH LEADING Tailor ! NO , 7 and 9 MAIN STREET , Council Bluffs , Iowa HAIR GOODS -AT Mrs. D. A. Benedict's , No. 337 Jlromlwiiy , Council DliiUs. Hair Goods Hair G-oocls Of nil kinds niudu to Of ovcry eljlo icady order. , nnulo. Hair Goods Hair Goods STo , ONLY HOTEL In found ) lllufft linvlnx Fire ESsoa/pe And nil niiwrrn Jiniirovtmoiit-j , call bulls , flr liirin IH-IU , ultf. , In ( bo CRKSTON UO USE ! . Noi. i'15 , in fliid 21U , .Mftln Sllft-t , MAX itOHN , 1'iojirIotTor PAID UP CAPITAL , $20000. $ AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 $ , , n er iany l SXJOCESSOK.S TO J. 408 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUPPS , IA 1MPOUTKI5S OK AND DKALK1JS IN Musical Instruments , Musical Merchandise of Every Description Toys and Fancy G-oods. We make Ilio eflcbrnted Huidiunn Vlaiios and the llnjal U'lillne.v oripin , a ? iK > eliilly K\i'ry iiistimiientniianteil. . Send for catalogues JirKM.Kl ! MflSf CO. , CoimelllJ.dlVrt No TRAVELING AGENTS ! KMPLOVKl ) V Jt M Will LIPS , WHOLlAM : DliALHll IN Boots , Shoes Rubber Goods No. 413 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Our customers get the benefit of the o\ponso thus > aved. Send for price HSU. W.P : HOUSE MOVER. AND RAISER nric-k tmllrtlivs of nnjr kind T.itp < 1 or inorr > a nnd satisfaction gunriinlco. ! . IVaino houses niovo an l.ltllo Giant trucks tbo liost in tlio woi-M. SOS lii''litli ] Avenue anil Ei-'bfh Street. TEAM DYE -AND- No. 29 Main street , Council Bluffs. 342 and 344 BROADWAY. RETAIL DEPARTMENT Kens Fall & Winter Wear Mcns' nnd llojV Dusliipsa Bulls. MeiiH' nnil BIOS' Droi 3 Sultw. Children i\viy : liiv ) and m-oss OvereoatH lor > len , Hoys nnd I'Ullilron. jMi'ii'liiint 'I'MllorHiillH. McjclinntTalliirnvuruottte. MriclmiilTnllliorrowcpr * . Kijinil In tlio oiJ'iu orilor , At liuirtlip pilco Kut .Mene' Suits and Overoont' , l.onn .Mens' HultH and Ovci-cout-i. Sonnil < 3 Shlits nnd Trowsori In Hrotch wools , Mcdlciilcd Hcui-lots. Uilru JJcaw llallirlsvani , iiiiiiy Coloiod Woold niul nuicil ijuuliuoj , lioiu . 'Cc ciicti to J1.6J. DUHUP AND STETSON K&TS Tin : i\\i.i < OK I G-loves , Neckwear , Suspenders , Handkerchiefs , Collars And Cuffs , Of flrctclnrs quiilltlti nnd rcntomiblu RETAIL DEPARTMENT riS > ni ] CU llloa-Jn-ur , Cuunvil Jlluirj , S-CLtter HCotel MISSOURI VALLEY , IOWA. VHpoclnlly lulntitoil lor Ilio Inwolliw piiUllo HlKln In the huslnp-isL-iinlL-r. llatos tl rxJitilny .suni > lu riMim. ( GEO. W , SCWNOCLE & CO. , ) ' No. 540 Broadway , Council Bluffs. All v-orlRUitiiinlped - ] ! to Troy Mmidry work. Work nulled for nnd ilellvoix-il VIIKK , All ( roods liy ' mil I or c.\ press luculvo prompt uO- tout luii. ln'cl.ililcH rifujillni'ss uii'.l jnoinjitnoiv. Tel rjilioao No 1'il. R. RICE , M. D. , or other tumor j icinoviil HuliouS thu Knlfu oi' iliawlDtf nl' lilio.l. CHRONIC DISEASES or M wi i . O r ilility yi < .irs * iinictloul nap . II l-eitil MI ' < ) ! , Uiiiucll Jllull3. U.f k'llhK. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY. AT LAW ? In Mat mill KfalorM ( 'omls. 7 anil 8 , Biui 'iirt U.ouU DAIIO , llldP.OrUCKIt. W. H. JJ , r08K7. flWYfVB \ . / 06 XT * 13TTCSTrV U OJu , BANKER COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Northwestern Hotel. Xuwly ITtUxl and furnlfthcd. Opp Jiroadw.iy iMimiuy Ui-jtiit. Sl.M | x-r day , HAMUKh TATJ ; 1'roji. i , . II. UKK-SHAW , Alnnagcr. Dress Making Palors. MRS. J. A. LASELLE , Of Now Vc.rk CHy. : id7 JSrouihruy , ( > i > i > . rcoplo's fitoro - ' ' ( | | iiiciic. ! Ci'itinv luiii llllliiH < Tny' s-fli-iui. nli.iiv cult , $ . ' ; IM .ino | iin.l jiolotm fto ? l u ; < til ; nr uii i--inu.ln dica-ua , | d to } ll S M. . 1J tftll.bUHHUlUld