2 MflB OMAHA DAILY BB , TUESDAY , DEirifiJUJJfiK 1. 1833. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advrr1l * mpnts under lhl bond 10 cents per lit r for the tint hit-onion , nnd 7 rents for oaoh fub-vqiifiil tmertlon. hcvcn words wl 1 t o count. cd tn ihp. line ; they must run oon'ceutlvoly find rmiMliovaMln fulv/iiifa. All ndvortlsomonu tntt-t tPl.nliurd In bnloro 2 o'clock p. in. , nn l tinovi no ciiruiuMunuM will they lie taken or dt-Ul.tInlHlbVt ! > hOIIO. . . . riirtlosinUcTii''lnif In tlieo columns nnd hay lnKtliRH'w Tf rd(1rm ( > < xl In CM-O of Ili.n.wll r.Uinso fk for check to nimble ttiotn to pet their fftlf-rt , us mini ) will bn delivered except on firotntnllnii of pliro * . All ani crs to miter- envelope * . TO IOAWMONEY. . rpl ) LOAN Moaoy Inuny Amount , .1 f n nil cln i-s ol m-nrlty f-hort time I > i us i > re.d < r Into. I-one iln o l < on * on ten ! pMiilu , .Monoyto tonnlm ( but els. Atone " > loim on cn.lnlr . rnl * . Munoy t" Ii nn on imy K < > OI ! Mxrunty. 1i'.i s o ty. i inotosnlt Apnly ttni < f m ilm Flnnn'MM I\rhnnKO ! 1'nrki r H bnlldl itr , KVV corner of FifU-iUlh und Fnrnnm sis. 4J1 " ONKV for ovprylKxlyt You ran borrow lanmy tin ( uinliuru. liorsce. wniri'iH , tilniHH , Mock of nil lilnils , dlnnionds nnd linn i mutches on your own tlmo. r yin nt leeolvotl at nny time , nnd lnleri t reduced pit ) lain. ' rroiH-rty left In jour o n poooMlon. 'Irrnts low HH the lo ( ft. Cull andn mo. IluylnoM oinlldentliil. Nondimitiiitntalrn.V. . IL CJi-oft , Uootn I. WllbiH-ll < New ItulldliiB.Northdnsteor- ner l.llb nnd llnincy. t\ > \ rilO I.OA > Ono or two thousand dollars bn- J niMMlely'for 1 or S yonrs. W. II. ( li-wii , inth nnd Fiirmmii ! * 1\TO > KVUilottnonrpnlr9tnlo seonnty. N Jjl poinuitBslou cbartctil. U. F. . Maine , li.th mil Ilirnani. f-1' ' N v. ' - < ' ONI7V TO LOAN O. F. Dnvls A Co. ItcM M Kstnto nnd Lonn nsuiiH , 1605 Fiirnnm St. Gil MONKV , room 7 lUMlluk Mock , WJ rnrnam St. ! l' ' _ T\ONrVTO LOAN On phtiltPM. Woolny & l l Ilitrrifou , room ! JO , OmaluNationnl hank bitlldlnif. &W _ TO T.OAN-On real estate nnd chat- MON1JV ! V , U Thomas. M _ lOANiiOn : chnllcls , cntrnto , IL MONEY bought uud sold. A. Fornwn.siia TO I.OAN-ln Mlins of i 200 nml tip- MON15V on HrMK-liifn n > wl cstnto Bnc-iirlty. Totter & Cobh. 1M3 riiriium St. f ' ! _ _ ONKV I.OAXii : lit C. I' . llcciKV Co's. I.onn M Olllcn , mi fnrnlliini , iiliinoi , l jiropcrty of all .Indsimd idlothur nr- sof vnlun. without romoxnl. Uror 1st Niit'l Jlinik. corner lath nnd 1'uninm. All ftrlctly conllduntiil. Xt AXi ESTATE. t : Improved fannR , III Inido for improved city property. W. 11. Oroun , over Isl Nn- lloinil Itiuik. fwi _ " DUDlirESS CHANCES. fltO IJXOIIANni : Now rest Icnoo pnilicrty , Jililutd nl tAvoila u and doll. Irs , uolllocu cd , Flondliy lenidl , Intluiltv tonn In "cstoin lunn , for nt ( oK of hrirdwnro , or Imrdwnro , atoxo mid tinware rnn m'.d citHh If nccoiRiry. Address Jlootor , WlllioImyA ; I'o , Oinnlni , Nib. 70J < ! niitof IniplnoM , I ollnr for ndu : my GOIN dry Hoods , IKION nnd hhocs bo ow coat. MOIIlor tout which Is " - by KW li-ot. ConntoiB , MicUhiff mid show ciiscs lor Halocliciip. I. l ivy , 71'iS. Kith hi. 7KMII [ 7 ) lt HAl.n Itoolmuutit nnd nfn'cctlonery J ? Kloronnd tlumviln nllnu loat on , must bo Foil lininwilnti'ly. W. ll.Crcon , iJth and 1'iir- Illllll ttS. 7.W SAU : In sinnll towii.Kennral etoclcnf 1 inuruhnmlltOHiul btorolor luut. A SO. Heo Ollioo. Cfliilecl * i.X : < : ilANSli AII Improved farm of 100 . HViinilcs weft ol ltdil Onk , Iowa , will IIP u.x- clianucd lor ( loilinblo rcMdonco propcily In Oiniilia , ollhor Improved or iiiilmpro\cd. - drives , clc-crlliin. ' ? proport- , John HII.M-S , Hud Onk , lown. ( RJlUcciO * * | 7IOK HA MS llakery dohuf n fair InHnoss. JJ Good tcaions lor BclliiiK. Addioss A 10 , llco Olllcu. T71OII KAI.K-Tho only leiithnr nnd flndinff JL1ilniMncEH In I.lncoln. which his l' ' < rn car- rloil'dri lor ten \cnrs vorvpuccessfiilly : the run- pen lor Mcllliitfdeath of the proprietor ; 'capital ' > eiUlied | , from $ : iiU.I lo JI.KJJ. Address Mis. Jucob lluborlo , Lincoln. Nob. 57" TT'Oll HAI.K Smiill Htock of diups nnd medl- JT cities mid toilet articles tor halo ut n bnr- Kiiln. Will Iiuoko $11X1. lloxulf ehlpnicnUJ A. Hoodor , 703 N 16th btreot. bit "till : CIIANCH Till ) proprietors of the Metropolitan llcstaurnnt.ltt ) S. inih st. , bo- liiK nbout to oprn the new Wlnilwr Hotel , olfcr ho restaurant totfothor wllh lenso of llio build- IriK lormlo. This la nn excellent oppoilunity for thu right parties. Apply at thu rcalnurnnu 77i STOVE REPAIRS. lK W. tt Mot nprStove Itopnlr Co. . Ill South Itthyt. botwucn Dodtfo und loiita.s. ) romiD. . Ul' Ily tbo undcralKiiod , a black M. iiiiilopltf. Owner can hiuoKiuno by paying rha/H'ca and proving properly. Mrs. KleiiHli , Urownut. , nour Bucred Heart Convent. NJhlol * ZOBT LOhT A sniiill brlndlo cow with btrnp around horns : n miltublo rowm-d will bo paid lorrc- Uun to : ' 15 WcbBtor. 7UKtO > LOST A rhlld's plain cloth cloak. I.PIIVO at j'enatort'Staiirantundgct ro\vu.d. Mr . M. A , Ji > tlatnaiu. 710 LOST A ladles jillltrnlor skin bus , containing- U' aecoi.ut liooliH. Finder please Icavo at Ut-o Ofllco. Il BOARDZVd. IXTAif'tKl ) Firm-class table board In prlviilo T family , near IIIU.IIUMS center , loronuor two.Kentlemen ho will pay f.ilr rule a dbo .pcrmrment ItEiiltud. Addrosn A lleuOllk-e. . 6SU 6CU-2D * ) OOM nnd lionrd , $ .1 per wc _ ; very host lo- * cut Ion. 1H14 Uavonport tit. IGiklixilJ' FEKSONAX. STIINOOIIA I'll Kit ft TeloRrnph Operator wIshpH situation coinpotont olllco mint. Ad- tln-83 limcrboii lieu olllcu. 7BJ-2 IDIIIKOWAI : I'm tits ownlmr or conlrolllnsr .1. real iistuto , deoliInn loi-elllho aamo will do well lo lint with J , Ii. lllie , icnl o.iato bioker , MISOHI.Z.AHEOUS. $ aoo rtwniil und no iupstlons ) ntkcd for ( lip ret n ni ol thndlnnioiuU stolen trom my Jewelry - elry store , cor , llhband llaruey , ttopluinber , th , Jt-ts > . H.JoniiMin. 775-Ti T ADII-S In. want of K < x l domcMlohrlp can JLJ bo fiipidleil by calllnir on the Oiniilm Km- 5l loj meat ( Illlcii , liooiii f , iiuaimum'ti IllocK. Mri , \V. Morrlbon proprietor. 874 33KIVV VAIil < Ts ginlis , cesspools cleaned ; , ontlrHjr odorless way. K. Hwlnir Ad- dices tlutnigb poktotllce , 4U1ICH . < Al/lVAVSoiihnudnt n bariraln , No. I fccoond hand carila u pbuuioni > und nldo-bar bujf- Kltt , at A. J. blinpson , Hu'J und Hll Doduo t. 657 PIUVV vnults nnrt pcsspools elrincd In nu odoiK'M wny by 1' . U , Abel , 1' . O. llox : i7H. U15 JTkOHK.M.i : riicap , newbHi-n 18 by : with 1 e\ cry com cnlcncu , lniiilro ] ) iunatore. lUth und Doupho. 777 -inoil K.ll.li 1 mnrblo top contrp Inl lo. F.nsy 4 ? iiphoUtiiied 1-hnlrn , cano t-eiit nnlood ( hnlrn , cinch : mattiese , uiiittlnt : ottomans etc. , cheap , liu1 I'm nnnikt. ll iop ITIOII h. .B oic Tli.\ii-A : One team of a- 4irjldr > onle.iat tin Huincy , Foil uciithor trln | , Monn t fh nnd doom , go lo F , U Muiul , LU ) B. ICtil 81. t'.M T71OKAI.i.rTwo ! { : lot ! in I'nlhnm I'liUX ) , ono JU tlncl. Jitnu ttiovl car irnclc. Jiupilrti-18.i. ' ' h FO1 ( SAI.i-r : wouU irudo for n | ioo4 here mid lniKiry , WIICKM la OU.IKIcounty. . Ai > - l3rtoSl8oulh Wilt gtrc.l. Kj-V CUBED. NO operntlon or useless Irussea. Dr. M. M Moore , \Vnba.h ova. Chlcaico. Will I'O nt Couuiia House , In Uninlin , ovcry U ) days ' JWJI.P. \\M > "rtit : ( Hit lor truiual byuu-wo.l . , nt UMS.lttUst , r.u ii \\7ANTii > A peed plrl to ilo jtcnrrnl bon p- T * woik In n smnll Ja-nlly. must l > o n R ol Inundrets , Ot-rniftn pn-fertrd , 421 Convei t cf , it-- ANTII : Aprt'il Hrl for cencrnl bon p- W work Ian mm 1 Inmlly. Apply nt m dillo n.vrwt side 01 Virginia fo. , bet , 1'opplu- ton nml U'ooin-ortli. " 73 \\rANTiu-aood : nurse glrfnt 10' ! Farnnm. 770-a \\fA5 lr 'fi A poo.1 . plrl In n siiiiul fnihlirnt > < X ) WobflirM. 7781 * _ " \\rANTlil : 0 ( food femiilo eooks ftt onco. * ' coed wn ; e i illnliifr r om p.ils nml Kills for ( rencnd bousowork ; call 112J Farniim st. W I HlUlrl nl F.nstcrn Hotel. * B.J > VAT 1\r.\NTii ; ) First-class waiter at 'M south M nth st. 7f 7-ljl ! vtr.VNTKH A mlilillo nsed womnti cook to lonvd ihu clly , bnst of n tes paid and two oed dlnllrr loom vlrlv liuiiilit ) room t Hush- man's Itlock Kith nnd Dou.i'rust. ' 717-dl I ( food cook , nher nnd Ii-oner , no"d n es. ? M ; u \\rANTio : A cempelent gill for trcncrn' ' ' hoiifework In n Mimll nnd convenient II UMI Family ol lliroe Apply nl once lo Mr. I.oo l4irl oii , No.KM Turk A\emin. 71ft \\fANTii : tnimcdlntoly n first clft s fcmnlc > cookniid dlMiwasher nt 1017 IIo mn st. 714-dl * - for nil klm's ' of ilomoMIc WANTIIIl-Olrlc ; ( ( ' lo Bills free of cliaiuo ; dill at NcliriiPkn Kniplnymout Airenoy , HU If'tli ' Bt.cor. Unpltolni-o. , Oromno'3 blook. K(7 ( \\fANTHI > T.adlos to u-orfc lor us nt Ihnlr ' own homes. S7 lo J1U per week cnn l > o niilclly inmlf. No plioto. iinimtii' , " . novniiviav Inir , ror full piutl"iilnrs. plcn o ndJros , nt onco. Crcstiiinl Art Co. , 19 Ouutliil St. , lloston , Miig . _ Hex riiTi ) . ss HELP. : > I'lvfi fffiod men to dlftrltititn cir WANTii culars. Apply , from 3 to 1 , nt l 'l J Dnitiiliu r root , 'SI \\'AJ Tii : ) I'lruriiMi liojslo work In 1-iriro > ' iftull bloiu. Apply , trom "toI. . nt 1-13 DniiRhw bt. Hi Int ; wrltttn rofcrcnco for lion oily. 7KJ "ll ANTI ! ! ) 'lliren clotlilmr pidesiiinii nnd two ' ' nit'ii on ImiK nnd f nil liliiu ucxl * : also Inn snluMincn Mrho Inu'o Mild nnv elusH ol > ioii ( s , Apply , from 111 to Int l'lt : Donglns Mtx'cU ' > rittjn ( lelcrunco for lionc.sly. 7IJJ " \\MVni : > A tmslilntr , cnortretlo niun.wltli ' Fomo I'npltol , to Intmliico nml tnko tlio nffnncv lor H'lseltv mid vl lutty ol n ptiptiHor nml IIIST srllliiK toilet nrllclo. Addict-s Win. Ulmjtmlio , 0 il Noith 1'iont tl. , riillnda. Tfi-KW * " \\7ANTI'.1 > 1'orMins lo Instruct In book-keep > > luff. J. 11. Smith , 1 J nirnnm. 7r > - ! * XA A NTKD A limn nnd wllolo work on t-toclc * fntm , i'0'iroltv. Mini must tin 'e ' stiind fnrinliwnnd'-ell : md lfo wllllmr to dr ! ; , will bo 4 t II men in conk for , uooil ro o-cncH le- oitiiid. 8lnli ninnliurlii fiun.l ) , Ad areas fully , 1' . 0. box 4ii : , O niiliii. Mlli i Aitont . mnlo nnd female to can- vnss this anil n.ljolnlny clllos nnd lo ns. Amcrluiin Hpcclidiy Co. , room 11 liull'iuimm Bt OmnlinNeb. 711) ) dl * \\'ANTII ! All nctlvo InlolllL'ont mini for ' > milasninn In real cstiito olllce , must U-iow tlio clly , own lioix ) nnd IniKiry , to rlwlit iiiitu llbernl compensation. j\ddioss/ ihN olllce. _ _ " 1if ( ! ; _ " 1\7'ANTI2I A gcntlomoii rooirni'to. In T T private lnmllyoxt'ollc-iit room , co tul loca tion , Itl.l.lones st. TiH-ao * T\"ANTii : ) -20 j-onmr men and Indies to on- ' ffiiifii In the te'ojrnphle fcrvlcc. I'or pur- tlcnlrs luldi'L'bS- . D. 1) . , Crounso Illnek , llootn 1 , Ilitn Bt. BMidctiU * Vl TANTKn Strnoirinphur , who Untolofrr.lph TT operntor. llov (135 ( , Uniiihn. ' \\rAXTHIl--Apont8. Address Klcctrlo Lnrnp nml Sto\oCo. . SI. Louis , > lo. . tor clroular , cut nnd turmsol'CU cundlu po cr Marsli Dloctrlu Lump. 111 ! AtJKNTS ScllliiK Missouri fctcnin wither innlio bljr money \Votth , Solo Miimifno turcr. St. I.ouls Mo. UOMcoHp BITUATIOKS WA1ITED. LA Dills | f yon wish for good trlrls for ffcneinl lionpuHork , plcupo visit tlio Neb. ITmployniom A coney lor lomulo's only lt 10th HI. Ciounio Ulock , room 4. 771 VyANTIJI ) Situation by OMioriencod ' clorl ; who wtints to coinn wcs . Heieronci's Klvcn , Addvoss . M. Woodwuril , Conwi r I. N. II. _ . 71tU-i A jomiif miin" ! years old wants iipns'tlon ' atiinjtliimr wl'o oho cim niiiko iFioli iisotul , IIUH 'omo kiinnktlgonf printing nniilMi tonlcctlounry biiiliiets. Addioss A. n& lee ! olllce. ? 't WANTKII Ity fjood Rlrls who undcrstnnd hoiiRmrnrk coolmiL' , dliiinr room work , o'u , ; Kootl placoi In prlvnte fumdlus : cull nt tlio Nuliuisku KinplnyniLMit Agency , ll'J llith st. nnd MI3CEI.I.AJTEOija WANT3. " \\7ANTKH YonuKKOiitloinnii doslrea nicely > > jiirnlslicd room vitli or without inonls ; piefuiB ii net Inmlly with no ether rooinurs. Aildrons A f > 7 , llco otlico. 710 JO * \ \ A.\Ti : Four frcntlcniuii to take tw ° i' looms nnd board , 5 per wcok uuch. 4 JNr < Ifith St , TulKKl * \\rANTii-To : trodn 7 lots for hoi > os C. II T T Miiyno , 8 , W. cor , 15th nnd I'm num. & 5 > Deo. 3 FOB KENX-HOUSES AND Z.OTS. ItiNT : A nlco new hoi.s' . suvcn rooniR. Foil bay window , china closet nnd imntry. ami cloiolM In all loontH ; line view , tenth and rnat Irout nnd lull lol : ten dnllni-H a month without bnin nndtllteen dolltii > with burn : Wnhmt Hill audition. Iiujulro ot Ldholm & IH'lcl.son , opp. I1 O. 7bl fTIOIl IlKNT Two ID-room boiisps , 2 , " > th and JL' Domrlan 8H. ; wntor. uus , butb-rooin ; nil modoi-nconvenluiiccs : Mublu will ono liousu ; cadi 141 per inoutli. lloir s & Hill. ' , ii7- . " > 771011 ItKNT-Newlist-cln ( shnu ipiiD- : lo JL1 at. , with nit nu item linprov < nient ; carpets und Blovus fortulo. Apply on prunibes. 7U4-U * ltiNT : It-room collate In school boil' . ) FOU block , Blibm'a ndd , Apply lu'17 Fnrnnm , 7ul TlOll IIINT : New O-ronm cottaKo ; nil con. JL' vnnli iicen ; taflilbt St. , botw con l.ciu en worth and Musun tt. 7.8-1 * OK HI'.NT-Two-btory brick house with linsmncm : inodein Improvements , j-'ccond door trom ht. Mnry'd uve. on Uotbst. Apiihto Mrs. Clarlthon. fiG " Oil HUNT Ten houms from { 10 tofci'o per in 'month ' , llallou llro-s ! 117 B lllthst. 74tdJ I neil KIINT Now collude of n rooms with nil necessary convunloneo. Iiimiliuiit-llii 01194 st. 710 il. * Oil KiNT-ltcdom : ! > o N.V. . c-or. l th iiiid ( 'ulltornin tt , . A. S. Vnnkurmi , V. V. lly. llcndQuarters. . 7 171011 liriNT-On in lift enr line , cur. Pith nnd . Fnul ( ticctn , now 7-ioom house ; nil convon- cnrus. TOIIIIH moderate. 7V-'dccl * Olt ltiNT : A barn wlib two stalls. Apply 17 nt IB07 Farnum bt. , IIOAI county court hon.e , ITiOll IlKNT ll-room house , l'opileton | nve. , , ' - . " > ; Moom house-Uh and Dnvcajioii , 5 0. K. F. HinderHUN. l.ltn. lilll Foil IIKNT Chcnp ; a comfoitable roHldcncn und burnIIOUMI ; has U rooms , chlein , well mid city wnler , t'ulh loom , clo-tn , hluilonnrv HHI ! tubsolo. , clo. Impilreliiiincdliitely of F. I ) . Cooper , KVf eor Bhl and llnrtbt. _ | W Foil HIINT-NIco n-rootn POttaKO by H. f I'otc-n-en , H , H. cor. l.llh . iV IHnlKhis. H 7Tibu'liiNT3A : sTtory brick bnlldlmr itoru , JJ front on Cas-s , bet. Hth nnd l. > lh ; txi per no , C'ti ; . Mnyno , cor. ISth nnn Farnam. cul 771OH UFNT S htory house of 8 rooms. ai j .L1 Daveii ] oil. Inquire Mr IU Slcvcin , L'6ol \ ) . \ . vonimit. tsj Foil Ui.NT : New etoro on St Mnryt Ave anil llth M. , J-i per month. Nuw house , I ) roomscllyrator , nil lonvonl- one )3 , nd , near runilng- . , f ii C. U. ilu ) ne , B V cor 15th mid Fnruam. 411 Foil JIINT : Cotliwo on I8ih nnd liiiriTs ixiouiA , flH per month. Alwi cotlntro on Cnll- fornia uud ! < ) his. , i rooinu.t-U per month , both In thorough repnlr. Hupilro or A. C. Wakely , oer Uinulm Nujlonal _ lumt 3ti _ ; _ FOlt IlKNT Suvoral colludes , $10 lo PJO per numiluVariua.Srtulcr , Sill lllh t. tut TTlO'VTrilNT ' lieu oT > eTon > ; hifr to the estulu X' of Juduu L'hndwic-k , fcVJ 1'uiU nuauu..J. . Council , _ [ 1 IjMUl ItnNT A store rooni with peed cellar , 1 I'.MI Hurt 8ircf t. Apply to Juja lit i ID.- . ] | 6iMt7ST : StiiMo nearldsh MliooiT"Koiir 1 nullirood room for currlnKiM nnd bar , Apply to tiio , I * , llcmla. liCJ iVT Now hou o fl rooms. Ono of 1' t p t built him > n < In Omnhft , 'nJ between Uiimlnrnnd I7snli" > . Two trout olticw second story llnrkor lock 1'th nnd Fnrnnm. Two lurtco moms In cltv Imll bti'ldltitf ' 16th nnJ fnimm , C H. Jlnynonth und Fainnm. llVNT-troonrFioii oncnr cor.Sth nnd ixxlfro. JI. 1' . Mnrtln. uiflH. tr.th st. WI 'iTWUItKNT Nw lioii fTi f om Orib of X1 bo t built homos In Omnhn , nd between C'ntiilnc nnd Irani , TJ" > . Cottiifro : i roomi. t th npnr Doupln" , ? . Tno Iront nfficosw-oond story Hatkor lock IBth nnd 1'Arnnm. . , Two Inrfto rooms In city hall bulldlmr 10th nnd Fnrnnm. Onoor Iwo smnll Horn rooms on Itith st nonr I'nrnnni In City Hnll bullilln ! ? will bo nrrmiKed to suit renter. U. 15. Mayne , IMh nnJ Fnrnain. TWO now residences 0 rooms pnoh. FOKItKNT . IU rooms. J , Fhlpp- Itoe. fvV , 771OII ItKNT Two now Sand ( i roomed homos ; i fnrnnco. bulb room and all modern conven iences , ono block Irom Micet cat * . Inquire .lo. F. llntlon , 014 > tli St. , or SmtttlinVoiKs. . K S irOII HUNT Two-story dwpllliiff , 7 rooms ; Ju inxxl locnllly. Apply Cor. 14th und Dons-la * C. T. Ta > lor. 71J _ _ _ HUNT 2 stores on Olh nnd Iorivouwortli I l 1 strVre on Fouth lllb Bt. Ilolh firat-olnvi binl- ness locations. Also houses lo runt A. Mtflnv pck. , | MI _ . . . ItKNT llouso of o rooms. Apply Cor. 14th mid Douglas , ( i T. Taj lor. ( , W OH IlKNT Scvrrnl dwellings. Apply Cor. Hth and Douirlas. C.T. Taylor. 716 ron _ " i1 i ( > U KK.viv-Tiii nlshoil mom wTlli tonnl for 1 t oBonllcmcn nt iOI818lh st. TiOlt IIKNT Kuril l lieil mom sullnhl" for two jrenllemiMi ; modurn conventuiiceH : nlni itcil tublo bjiinlutv. 1KI Uiipitol uvo. T.V.mJ * EOU ItlCNT I'nnilMipil front mom with board , If desired. a 2 Ilm noy st. Sl'.HM * ] 7HK UINT : A linnd omc fiivnlshcd east ( rent claim : loom with nlcoxu mid In clottt , btix-ot cin-d nl the door , tU .S. Uiil st. 701 ( UKXT iio"iint : Milto of nnfiiinlstied 37iMt with irinlu nnd l > : ij window , nltliieo oflnitniilo - nio teems on tiiHl > onr with Inr n Hheil UlUlii'M , llet'otemoiix > iiiilrod , IS.OM txth street. TUdl IMiNT l-'nrnlshoJ fiont loom. N. Bt. TiSslt * 17101 : KiXT-Storo , WJ N. ISth 61. JL1 7IW HUNT Choice olPeo rcomion IliM floor JjlOIl ' oni'liexlto lioiit wmt'ow. KOOI ! lounllly. No. l'i-U , Fiunain&l , Apply to Kdwln l.a.-ls IMt I'arnnm tt. 711 < Vi Foil IIKNT r.iii-KO rnrnl'liPit front room , with bedroom o 1. Koimrnlolj" or losether , 71 * lUth Hour Webster. .O.i-dl * 7tOK IlKNT Nicely fiirnlshoil rooms , loa J. Dodgo. 717d-lj * 771O18 KUNT To ( icntlciimn , furiil-ihed fiont JL loun xvlth lurgu closet , 171'i Caliloralii bt. IriOK KKNT riirnlshcil house 10 looms ; In- iiilro ] of IIt. . Wng-iit , lo-'l Ioiijlns ) ( bt , 7i.a III * F lt ItUNT AimrhnontA of slv rooms two blocks I rom tlio con 11 hcm-e , iintiuni-litd. Apply at 'Mil I hit noy , pr to IMwIn Davis , 16o"J t. U l T lHl ItnXT Sinull fmnlihea i-ooin ulili liurrd. li'dl llouard stitol. inou ItUNT-l'len-nnt nioin.s. lurnUhoil mid milurnhihcil , tor llulit hou.iuKcup.iu , < un ii inilly I'O loiiml In licoinor'tf Illock , corner Klghth nnd llowm-d. IJTU JIOIl HKNT-Furnisliod room. Ol.T H. 1'th. LOSdcci. HUNT Nicely fnrnhhod rooms with board nt7H Aorlh Itth bU UtH-2j 1710K JJR.NT l-'urnlshfd rooms , ! i.'ir. > noclsro. JO lOUilcel * TTJlJitNTsTfiT > rooFa with board71lI7 IlivaTd" ( -L1 4UMocJ * Ijioie HUNT I-'urntshcd room , 1017 Chlongo 1 t-lroe-t. fill IflOIl KKfiT Nlocly fHrnisliod rooms , "tlvo 1 blocks from I' . O. 5U7H. ICtu ut. tllWij * FOK IlKNT 5 front rooms In f.eo &IIIjrln'H ( building , on Howard st. . bot. loth ana 17th fcts. ; may bo icntcd bopntntuly. Inqulruonthu promlsca. WA 771011 HUNT I'our i coins ftt a ) Douglas 6t. JL1 S HINT Ilandoonicly furnished fiont alcove - Foil cove room , sonthoun e.xposuro ; also l.irKO HhiKloroom lortcutlemunonly , with or without bourd. 1718 Doiljjo. ! WI FOR IlKNT Nicely furnished front room , S. W. cor. 1'Jtli and St. .Mary's uvo. 4.IJ TOK 11KNT Furnlbhed rooms , bin 8 IHth at. Foil ItnNT A Inmo front room lurnl-dicd with tire. JJiiquiiuut lOlli JJurt-t. sa IriOll ItKNT ; ; rooms and basement , cor P.Hh nnd Bouth uvo ; i 10 pur month. McCii iiu Itro- . , ojiposlto postolllco , 77 Foil IlKNT Furnished rooms , wilh or with out bourd 1701 Capitol avo. till EOH IlKNT To Kcntlonmn onlj- , nicely fur nished front room ut S i ; corner -Mtli and Douglas sis. IKU HUNT 2 stores n ho brlok b nlldimr on FCIl Howard bt. , bet lUlli and 17th , No 1U15 nnd 1UI7 , Iiujulro at drujr bXuru cor , lUlli bU VKi Foil IlKNT A nlco , plonsunt room , furnlsh- IH ! or unfurnibud. Iniiuiro ut 1SU Lenven- woithblreet. 440 Foil IlKNT Hontns with tour curable for siiiiimcr. Apply at St , Cl.nrlcs Holol. Ml TOR BAi.E-nouazs-r.OTa , Bl : I. V K I ) KIIK * A cre lot s , J'.oTt o" $ TOO each ; most nose.-tI lie , mnii-ia and cheapest acio pioi oil to bo bad. C , U. .t.iiynu , HV cor 1Mb ana Fill nain. VMt > l IilOll 8AM : Ixit ( JOiliJS , 8 room ( . -ottiiffo. boini tllul andoiciii | ; i ilVH l'niirtotliiOsIUKKto ) ! ) 0'JOO ' L itnln Klrkuood 4O ) It tb lii Illinuliiiimh's nr'tililim , acres , fine l.OIB III HlUIOljft , Kll A I'.iUuiriOll'H Bill ) . . . . ! IUJ Lots In I'aticrrim 1'lauo , 60J For Uont Tinoocottiiifes. now , Jfl5 nnd (30 , It. U , 1'ntloison , Utli und Funiiim. G. U Bii.viiiiti : : : ACIO lots , --'iu t moMtaecus-lblo , nonrrst III I uhuiipott ticro piopni-ty in bo had. C. K. Mu > ne , \Vciiri5Ui nnd I'liniuin. 7 ( dcl LOTS In West Cumlnir nddlllon , wlll.bo put on hiilc Jlomliiy.oy. . 'W , at tiom J IJU to ( ) , onotontlicatih.baluncoon cnsy turins. 14 .conipiUlnv Ihu oilvlnal pint ot lids nldltlon werohnlddiirlni ? the month of Ailltnst , Thd.-o lots imw oltciud urn very line and win ire inplil. ly. CallcHrly , McCutfiiu , Opp. 1' . O , Giuiu KI.VHOHKIAcio : lois.l'1) ) ) to f-m ouchl moncoosslblo , ni-nrest i.n I chrapc-t nci-u propoi ytobuhtid. O. 15. Majno , a W cor IMh nmtrumini , "CJdul NAMJ-Ourllno Ion In Tabnr 1'loe , In iVepi Uimihn addition , will bo fold nt a bar- jfiiln loriibliort tlmo. tiiuhnm , t'iclKliton Illk. ' $ IOO-nve otsln ICIrkwoodnt ftOOnicli'S : oiMi , balaiiuu 910 pur month , llcdlord A fnuur. 7uldccl Biiviiniti : : : : ACIO lots , jaw 10 $ w cneli ; nio-l ncie-Hili o nearesi and cliciii.ost ncro propoi ly to bo bad. C. 15 Majne , 8 W cor ISlli and 1 u mini , 7ijdcl ) itNAI.i : Newho\i8dll looini , lot , trull , I'nppleion nve , , cheap ; OHM < . Ji lot , f. I7lh ! . , H..VHI. HOIKO lull lot , i-un mil ht , , 1- too in houpu , Ii lot , tih and Davenport , iloiif > o. ! i lot.Sllli and Davenport , : ) lioiiM'B.U lullPopjileion a\c. , > House , ' 9 If.t. rnli-vli ) , ; i.7l > l , II room lioiire , Iini'iirii8 ( < , t. . Corner lot , - bom-en , I'laiW. m.'ur llith , (0,60 } . U-rooin boiiBU , I''lli ' ' , iiii .link ( , $ U,5JO. JOJ lots. Oimthn view , V ) lo * uw. Iiilou , Marah udd. , 1 1'Uito ' > l'i . U18 K. t' . lHMJi.il , 119 X. ISth. Bir.vii : : > ini : : ACIO lots , i t most lu-cossllilo , IIPUICSI iui-1 chcapoi-t neru propci ty lo bu had. C , K , Miiyno , ti W cor 1'i.h and Farmm , thU nddltlnii , fo lV. ( HiiMonih down , balance flu pur inontli : on llult I.tnu.ihreo hlocku from ( lujmnir tic-t depot ; be * ) nnd ulicupcst propoilyon the markut. Mtt'iijcuo , Opp l'oBtoiiicu. tVK J BKl.viiiiti : : : Aero lota , VXil to f/JO cnuh ; moHt nctoalblu , miire t nnd cheupuit IIL-IO properly lo bo bud. C. i : . Mujuu.S tor ISlli tal 1'uiiinrii , rt' lcl FOll /\M--Housonndlot2iiS2 : : ! > lhit.choiip : nncl pttymonts. AdJif ss 0. B. fUlpmrm , l.ln- i-uln t\cb. ) < 071 J.l \ 77011 < 5\Tl > tbtA In S > pftldln7 Sr Kuhn's sub- .1 dlrUlon. east of Hole Mim , on monthly p.iy inrnM. ( Irnhnm , C'rclc'iton ' Illo.-k. ftH Br.iviiiitH : : Aero lo' * , $ w ) ti snia one ! iinwt ito > cWl bl ( , - nctiieit mil oioivi-wtncifi pronoriy to : a Uad.i 0. U. ilnyno , d W o tr 15tl > nnd Fnrnnm. ' t I 7.vlol 7 Oll SAT.i ? oil 'llKXT-W nci s linprovpd" J. 70 ncres corn on laiU noiv. lii > inlro S.V. . ror. 'l t nnd Chirk rdxlecl * Foil l.r-llnrJrnltn In tidily 1ot In Hpml t. IliffA Kiilin's.siitillrl , loii. on ) | ? Htroet , on t of licit l.fno riillrond , til ) to Sill , on monthly pii > iiitAiKV. \ . T. Graham , Crolir'iton Illock. 771 | t _ 17 on SAM-i : ! < itJiriInnsoom | I'lrti-e , JXW lo X' J-1VK ) . Urnhnin.Ci-olRliton blook. SIJ BUt.vi-i : > iuiArt : : * lots , SA to $ x > ) nciT mtul Hcocs lhlc. iipArnst nml rhoipii * ) nrro pixipTty to bo IniJ. C. K. Mnyne , 8 W per Ifilh nnd I'.irnnm. * 7.cdt ; 7,1011 SAM. ChoaptotM on immthlvp.iynio.it9 , JL1 on U&lgo street. ( Inilnuii. UroUhton blouK. \\V | : * > r "wMTjftJThivo "blocks tro.iT T > liltiodepouoiiCnmloi ; treot : hn-tfo 1ms p.ifyinjinonts , splcnJI l InU'Stmeut : on naK no\t wcekj enll cmly. JSIcCngiio , opp I'oslodlno I poll SAM- : Kino lots m U-irtlotfs ndillllon , f 1,000. ( lrnliniiiUt'llilon ( ( ! Illk. < ! , " , WALNUT HIM , Tim flne t nisldceeo | > or lion of the c ty. Moro hotisos won ) built In Walnut Hlilthirinjt llio past siinniicr tlum in nny ether pint of ( ) nir..ia , nnd nil nice OHM. too Kuril Hithtiy lopntlon , iu > nrnp to I clt depot nnd street curs , on nnorii'ihp prlnelpiil street * In the el y , son Wnhmt HIM lot- * , film to $ . Very easy terms. ( \ K , Mayno. 7.11-H BKI.Vr.nnKlfAeiti otR. $ . to $ W ) each * iniwt nox'sslbln , ncni-tst and o leapo-t iicn property 10 bo had. U , P , Ala ) no , SV emI I Oil and rnniHiu. 7ldd ! ) -iiyj. 12. liiicy . \ : cn , s JL1 HI i vol. IfiO teot on rnrnnm , nc'ir court lion o. Full lotnUYl.K , l/iwer Fnrnniu. $ luo03. Fulllol , rmtlNi. Upper Fnrnnm , deslrablo for ic-ildcnce St.iiW. U full lots , on ( ri-nilo , toutli front , oorlicr , on lodHj.flMiO ) ( for both. U/i Icot on I'arknvo. , cast front , running hnck to Mn > oi$4Mi , Full lot In Itiin com I'laco , on Culhorhi ft. , cast Iront. M.ir.'o. 1 lull lot , irontliiKon IlHtiu-om Park , tl.CjO 7 loin on OcnrK'nme. ' ffiM to fl-VHi. Olnfon SiitindfrsMieet , 4 blocks Irom ( jrcon cnrllno , noiili. ta .t front , $7. each. ID lotn. f > blocks Irom green car line , ? .VH ) each ; cnsjpnymems. . lulotxon ITlhimd 18th Mroet ? , near HascaH'a I'nrk , $7. ) each : ca-y pnymeiiu. "Inllcorncr lols , one block 1 mm red car Ihio nnd ICIns street M-liool hoiibo , JIAW each , . Full corner Inls , a blocks from red car line , fiiHOpnc.h . : cn y pnyinniiH. Full Iol8 , now coiiiiiHHlloiis 4-room house , cl - tern , outhouses and leiices , south liolit , U blocl > west of 1'arlt ave , , tlflM ; cbciip. Corner lot , CSxliN.ulih nlley , ono blook Irom St. Jlnry'a nvc. , f 1 ffM. 'I'M * is very cho ) i. Honsoand IU. cnM front , 17th and Ccntor strc-ol& . J. F. . Illlc > & Co. . Sir , S. lath St. b.U Bii.Viiiiiu : : : : ThP llne t and chenpo-t neio pmiieity. 0. 1 ! . Jlnyne , ole n o nt. SV eor 15th ami Farnnin. . .Udol UT.sr < 'rMIN-Thren ( ; blocks from Melt I. ne depot , on OiiiniiUT * ticot ; lur o lot- , ciLiy p.j iiioni.s. tplendiJ Invest incnt : on snlo novr week ; call euily. AtcC'iiirno , opp 1' . O. Do.viritiN : : ADOITIOX-\djoinlmr nut Hill on the south , nlco lots IU'YIIM rue i , { c.7r > to5l."iiicniii.o.i ) inonliilv p.iymcn.H. ( ' . ! ! . Maync , 8V eor Lull and Fnrmim. Uual \\rAI.NUT . 111 M. The nnost vesldcnco per > ' of I ho ll > . itiloru bouses uere built III Viilnut Hill ilm lniriliopi : t MI minor I linn In any other part of Oinahn.and nil nletionos too. For a siiflnly locnlton , nc.trnc to llclulupot and strict car * , on ) me < Tt the prine p.il streets in ho pity , FICO Walnut Hill lom , tJCW to WM.ury easj leiniB. C. II. tyayne. 7,11-iM ONI.VfiUloti'tOtr.-ldofor ' Improved property , will assuniu iiioi'tsaKcs or pnv UlUoronco in eash. Parties , wihliii , ' to trmlo' boiler call at once. W. H. C.rocnover IbtNiitlonnI Hunk. 171 I'.l.VKDr.llI1 : 'IVo Ilne-t nnd cheapest aero B1 B1property , - " 0. Iw.Miij nu , solo ngunl. SV cor llitli and Farnnui. I 7d1 ! SAI.K Thirty lots cast of Hell f.lno on monthly payments. Uiuhnni , Uruhrhtnn I Hock ? > U-W AUIHTIOS Ailjolnlnsr Will D nut Hill 01 that , > onlli , nlco lots. iUvllt > rni : to SIM o tali , an monthly paymoms K. C. , S W eor Ifilh and I'lirniuii , Tlljdel OK SAI.K-Fivo lots In Klrkwood nt $400 each ; i'3 cash and $10 a month. ledford& ! Souer. ffiWilecl ) SALU rhonpest line msldo properly in FH the inmkct , lexldonco lotd in lllllsldo iuld. , f'Do to Sl.loo. I'ottcr A ; Cobb. 4W-tf : Br.l.Vii > iUi : TholhK tand clienpost aero property. C. I ! . Mtiync , bolo agent , S W cor ir > th n .KI Fiu-n un. 71 "Jut S.YI.K HyI'ottcr tc C'obb FOU Choice rcIlonuo lot , axj tout front by 137 loot rtoeu ( SJnd hin-eti. $ I'IXW. Flno aero In Notlh Oinnha , f.r'n. ' Two ncro Ints in ( liso'H ijdd , each $1.7) ) ) . ' /4 ncro In Park Place , Ibiiwaliu , f ltVl. lot and eight-room huusu ntiu - High Bohool , . , l otsln I'ottcr'd nddltlou , nt corner Fnrnnm und I/ouo iivnniiu , f IV ) to ( > IJt ) . Very line pi-oiicrlysouthwost of city , In n-iiuro , 10-acro , orai-acro tracts , cheap , per ncro at $17J. Hlll-ldo additions chcup , K > ' to $ U'XX ) . Two Jots , lluuscom I'liicu , vach fc'.w. IGO 1'orri.it Jc Conn. BKI.VKOKIIH Tlio finest and cieape-t ) aero pr.ipeity. r IJ. MajiiK , boloatfont.S W cor 15th nml Faiivim. r.t'dol 771OU HAI.K A TirsfcTass and well pnj-lnif JU boardimfhouj-e.ccnlrally located for paillo iilai-w. Addrc Mi.X. lleoolllco. liOl T\oNic'KKX : AnniTioN A \J mil Hll .on thoFoulh , nlco lo h i c.xl. . < each $ - 7510 1.5 each. on monthly paymunix. C. I ! . Mayne , H W cor 1Mb und Fnrnain. HAM : Flvo lotn in Kiikwood at J10 < ) Ir ciich ; 5 cash und fli ) not1 month. llodlQid r. 700ducl FOR HAM1U : - Drown ( { Iluwloy , Itcul F.stato AJIII ( , N. W. cor. 14th and DoiiKhi r-tM. Somu vciy ( leairulile lots anil dwelling houne.s on Fainnm blreet. Also , a cotnifin and lot , IClxlill , on HurnOy Bticct , near burlnovs. Two lots nnd cottnvos on Fnrnam Rtrect ; graded and Hell locutexl lor residence. Ono Kern of a cottuuu uaU Jot , KrHdod , well located , noarfttrnet railway , Also many valunhln hits , f < W > : < Viil-ii : : : Theflneht nnd chcnin | t ncni Bir . C. I' . Muyno , solo iitfum , B W cor IClh mat Ftirnum , Vi.del FOlTsATJ-A : two felory , S3tl . fmo billlT lnui < iiltnble fern hlorn , near 10th and Far Applyat thU olllco. UIT NI- : < ; KIN : AUDITION Adjoinimr Wni nut HlllmithOfeouth , nL-ololn , iljxlii , euch , f.'T&to t-i.Mcuuh , on monthly payments. 0. 1) ) . l o S W cor l'"t 1 1 nnd Fninimi , 7ttOdul i.ST : CUMINO Tliieo blocks from Holt Mnodepnton Cumins ; Httcet ; liir u loin , easy payments , splendid Investment ; < m balu next weekculleiiny. ; SlcCuifiieojiji l'.O : . : Tlm llnctl and cheapest.no.o BKI.VKDKUi | i U Jlu ) nc , f ole a ent , SV eor 1Mb ai.a FurilKat , | i ) [ 73ftlol 771OK SA I.K-r > Tlarotilns In lots on DodK-o btieel J$4iK ? ) to tli'd' ' . no monthly pujnu'iild. ( Jrn liiiiii ' .0-i liiim , Crcl Illodc. \XrAI.NUTJIII.I.-Tlio finest nsidenco nor- lloiiol ttidcity. Morn homon wuro 'milt In U't Iniit HlllilimtjK ihopasi smmmiriiun n any 01 her pnM.br ( iiiuliii. and all nice onus , too , Forail ibtly iici'ilnn ' , urn n .f * to licit do o mid blioet cnrfi,1 , It' 'iiu ' of ti.o principal Htreii In the clly , ( > ( , \lVdii\ir \ Hill loin , Wtoa tit WU. rt'crjouij - lenrfR , . "I" , I Mayan. iJKW hj [ 6ll S.Vl.i : Lots In IlniHcom Phioo , easl J fronts. T"H,61,000 ( ; ousy term. . ( Jnilnini , UlUk'fcUfl' VH \\MI.NllTiriiXy5 hXlno-,1 rci j luni'ii poll Ion ' of the cjjfx. % on > lioiiM'S WCMI built in Wiilni.1 Hill iluunx.Vho pii i kiimincrliiriii In any otlinrpait of Oihlilm , and nil nlco ones. ur. Fein n hltthtly Icoillon , nenine.-s to Hi II dcixil and Mrcotcuta ouoricof h prhicipiltliee 8 it the 0. K. .Mil ) lie , BiiViiiitK : : : Ai-t * to FMO each ; most uix'tshHllilo , in-ill in nnd ihenpesi acie piopmly to lo had. O. K. Mayne , H W cor lit i and l-'arauni. U \\TIST ; < ! IIMIMOiltiot8 In IhUtplcndld uddT- lion will b i put fm tnlo Monday , Nov. HI ; ( .heap und easy H-riiiB. .McCunUd. Ujip Post- ott.co. ' - If OK KAI.i-101ols : , block 1 lloy < l'6 uddlllon , for.tcriuf liuiuiroof A. I' , Nicholas. 471 " B0\iccN : AIDITHN AdJolnin ; Wa- nut Hlllon the south , nho lots.iaxWi cjich , Kbto | > IVi uach. on.monilily piij nionin. C. K. llaynu , H W lur \ wnnd \ Fiirnum , "KV tt GIlKKNWOOU-Utamfful ncro und half ncro luU , tine locution , mile ) Irom J' . O. , only a fun- moments wulk Ire til Hunt-Mini I'.ul : . Aon-s KIW llulf ucivS3. . In' ponimt cnsi : , buiuncu monthly payments. 0 , II , ifnytle , P. , W cur. IMh nnd Fat num , 47U AUCTION SAM.-Tho n , A M It railroad In Neb n.kn will nell nt publlp nuotlon. In t/n- eolnP17OMrcet.co ( hmoncliiK .Inn nrj Itn I \ , mid continuing with proper nitlo irnmciiN until K l froo.lt I n ft been "old , n Inrjrucollpctlnn 0. unrlnniod and rcfti cd frolxlit , poinl-t.nir of fnrin ImplementhoiHolMild ( xifiirnltiiio reH | -s nnd a lot of propcrij dninn 'eil by tire nt Omiun di'l-ot. 7 - Dec. 31. SAI.K House nml lot corner of SW nm . Uaveiitiorl sts-.tienr High School building pllc-0 fjfttj. KJ terton l'nrim' < i ft. , Jll.noi. lloiiso nml lot ooi nor or Jlst mut Chlcftgo H ilcnntlfiillot In Pb | ins M. , tl.OOU. Onolnt InS.iiivi's.lld. 5 , . Three lots In Miinn ; M add. , nt * ! , W. Two loln 1'iirkciH ndd nt * l.ivtloich. Fo ir lot * In Wain u Mill ul fMJoajt S IOH : In lwl.h ( A : I.y nuns ndd. , M.B oao.X 1 lot In Kirkivood n < i I. , f til. 2.1 fuel I'nnmin ft , tienr nh. 1 lo lib Xho.isesno.tr Fanimi st. K1.7 * ) , a grenl Inir/Hln. Al-o H lew moro lots In Snundcrs & Illmo This proH | > ttyU evidently the chotipoit PIOT euy now o.lored to the puhllo pricescontltniu nt from f.M lo.til per lot. Monthly payment * . A , Suundprs & Co. , lltd I'mimm St. , Opp. I'avtou. 71,1-1 7AtmiinxrMAVXK'.S subllvUlon on south J.J tilth stlboi-ti : ! ! Bnuthrif Ftrectci.rl.m , nlco lots. MT.ie.KM.nionthU payments. C. i ! Mnyno , 8 W eor inih and I'm-nAm. ; i. < dul AIWKH & .MAVViN s'llrdivlsfott oil South ilthfl . .ilhlooxs lout i f ireel cnr line , nlco lotal7i > carh ; nmnlhl ) | niiiunls. C. II. Millip , S V ! cor l.'ilh and I'llinnin 7.'Hdul BA I ! { Kit AM A YNi : S subdivision ( * n south 1. " UM. , ahbcks soutiiol streoteiirlino , nl"rt lots , } .loneli ; inomhly pa ) incuts. U. K. Mnyn * , HV cor 1'tn mid Fai'nnm. ? J.dl > AllKKlt & .MA-YNK'S sub llvlslon on snutl Cllh M , : i bloekHNOuth of sireel cm il 10 , nice lols , JKfieaohi m n > t < iv paymcnu. C , K. Ma ) no SW cor 13th and Fai linoi. . 7.Blof BAKKKlt & MA VNr.-JTmibdivUlon on soull ISlb st . t ! blocks south of Htrocto ir lltn.nlco lei ! f4r > eaoh montlily payaumts. 0. K. MnynD 9 W corl.Mli nnd Farnam. fCstol Sl'HOIAl. Harjrnl-is In lloal liMnte by .1. Ii Illte , liy Faimim , over Fivderlck's II B ore : Iteiuitlful corner In VntosA Heed's ndd. , tOOr D7.fl.au. Ko 'lint lot In JJenlso's tulil. , 67x123,3 , anil I fr .nt. -ii. Lot fronllmr on Smtmleis Rt. , 1'i ' inllcJ from poMolliee , liKl-M. eheiii | nl 1 nil. hot out is l.owesl'n--it a Id. , only p 101. A llnolmpHue I reil ncopi-oport ) on Churloi bt. , on street car line , uoi-ili io.aii , can hu liimirlil 'or Jt.lx. > r tiikon soon J. Ii It ct : , Heal i.s a o liiiiKcr , I'J Kiirunm rt , , eor i.lth. I * . O. llo\r,7i ) . BF.I.VinillKi : Thullne-'t and obrapn t ncro prop'trty , O. K. ilnyno , sole : UKUIII , S W cor Inllt and Kariiilm. 7J.'nol 7710 II SAI.K Hot 01 fl froutniro on Sherninn JL ! uvo. , north ot Nloholns. Very doslrablo rwl- donco property ; fjissa. I lot ( Uii front on I7lh-st north of Nicholas lc. ) lr.iblo residence properly : PI.8.V ) . L'onicr hu on"J nn.I llml-sts. i Uin ; , Can boiiH-d either Tor business or ro-ldunoo pur- po > p.s , but ixjcnlhulv aibipted lor n lenuinenl lilock : fl.ri > l. Supplied with water , Kns and ninlinryj'ewor. 1 lot on I.LMiven worth-st ndjacont to railway trnck , L'-JxIIC. , for wnrohouto purposes ; $ ' 1,7. " > ) MneloLs otiHotitli 10th-st-iloot trout ; Jl.O ) ) oacli. The most ( leslrnblo lot In CamphoU's nddltlou , eornorof"Jth and Center-Ms , ml\l. " > ) I pet ; $ ' . " > J. Ono liousuol'nimi rooms , nadlolon bOiuh'Jth- t.tnenr'lini-lcslor Sl.SJO. Impiirool' lltrnil MnitPIIV , 1I ( ! Dec. 1 No. ir > 0" > Fiirntim-st , ld ! lloor. F'lt ' HA1.K Nowpoitnonru < t , ami bc t IIM-O lots lor 1 10 money. An ueni lot ninUos r clly lots. Acrcioi-hulf acres in Nmv ort ; onsy terms. A.MKS , IJD7 l-'ai-nuin. tU HOMisr.r.icriis : , A' llculai-.t abdiit fruo and cheap lands In \Ve-torn Nubruskii nddrcss 1'uUur.ion i ; While , Hcul r.slnto Agents , NuVlh I'lattc , Nub. UJj BI lVii > iitl2 : Tlm finest nnd cheapest ncro proiit-rty. < ' . U. Slnyno , solo agent , S W cor 15. Ii mul Fin 11:1111 : , iJ.dul iriirit > Ai.i-aj n"wcJaTjTiTHiioirnri3r."a5a 1 Mo. 1'uc. nillroiuls , ? l"j per iicui. IKS AMKS Itiu" rnrnnm. FOH SAI.K IMnlnvlew , Oak Chatham , Clnr- nndon , Arlington. AMIIS , 1507 I'niiiaiu. 0'J YjlOU SAMTn : Htn : < coni 1'liieo , ifnod lots on JL ; inoiithly pnymems. AMKS , 1507 Kaumin. 1J1OK SAM : Aero property on citsy terms ; - immtlily. quuiturly or ycmly pilymuntR. Q > AMU.S , J jt/7 Fnriimn. FlK SAl.i : Aero , S1andfi ; aeropropertv. J. \V. Jliu-bhidl , IDtOJ'aiiimn. " > ' i : Ir > autlful3 < i acres in Ilrookllnc , $1,0X ) . C. U. Muynu , SV cor | jh | n-id r r- . ' - > ol SAI.K Lot on 12 b no ir Center , on nl- Foil ' . ( . ! . ' . ltliK < > d hoii.-o , well nnd t-U- toni. tJ.i in. Knsfto.nis. Cbolco U't in bleu , ( , cast front , Haie-com PI .co ; J-l.l i. K.isy toims Comer lot on . o.ltO street , Wo. > t Knd add. , $1,01 U o by terms. i.ot.'idvliu on ISth ncarFuulsrot ! , lli ! h u-o 2' < 4I. &V-JI ) , ou-y terms. A btirgiuii. I'rolconci-o lot In JlrooklliiOH. d il roomhn so well and cl.tcrn , oii-l fiontfl > J. A good bar- tVii-ncr lot of Ilorcns nnd 1 Ih , G0\lt8 , f 1,100. unit lioul , A i-p ei.dld nncht uont. 1UJ acies wlllifiiy miles fro.u r. 0 , of HclL Line , $ Sior | uoio. llts Investment oliercd , Ono ' 1 IOK " H inures 1'o n o urt Iiou-o , in Gr.in.,1 slntul ? , Uj only , gplond d bargain. Welllniiiroved stocx larm ot , t Mi es.one mlle tsKofOllinoro t it on , 8nriy uounty , will lo | sold cheap. A-k tor'prko Ciiok'olols In rnu'M.'ii'hiiild.troniKI'X ' ' ) to JIOOO ,771-Tij I'liulsnn iV to , l-itl : I'm nan t-t. ' . - llnosl und clionpesi i o o pioiieity. C. K. Muyne , solo iiKeni , S \ \ " cor Ifitii nnd Furmiiu. Tbilisi -7ll ( { SAM : Lot l'.i\ir , | , with oed linuso nnd U olucrl iiiprovunieiuii. ajth 8t..nour Ct-ntcr , K ) , oiu-uiy leniH. Tills Is n baiiraln. as llio hmo Is worth mnru. C. U. Mayno , B \ \ ' eor 15th nnd l-'aunim. 7I'd ( "ITltlK S.ll.i : Lot und hone of I rooms , Pros- JU pcct I'lueti , $ lriiXJeiibli , C. K. ilnyno , ti. W. cor. Kith and rarlmm. 7-odel SAI.i ; ; i noros with iroml liouto , barn FOU , tiult trcos , lllmiibaiiKh'i * audition ! , un\i > iinorlii8t. , ? .Vw > . U. II. Mayne , S W cor Jfith and I'urnum. VJiklol _ _ T7OU8A.rK-rj3la In Molro-,0 Hill , on lu ! J . l.lnu , nt ir ) U ) t-'M per lot ; JU per oua down ; bidaiico monthly , Qiiiiitnrly or \ early. 'tnj AMIIS. 1W7 I'urniiiu. " AlTNl"7 rnVlTlilTHllOHt I'Sldcnco lloil ! ! - I ' pni of tlin city. Moro housed oi bill It In Walnut II. II durlmr tlio pnt Min.ino iiniiiln an > oilier pan of Oiimliaand all \ \ \ \ . \ . uncs , too. I'or a r ff uly location , ncarncBS lo Hull depot vt caiv , on OMO ol llio prlml.ml hlreots In Hie city , t-eu Wnhmt Hill lottnJJ , to 10 Very eai-y lei ins. 0 H. Mayno. 7 1-JW KIVii : ) : it K T.m 11 nest and cheapest ncie propotty. U KMiiyne , sole UKunt , H W cor l&Ih and IVi-num , 7V.Uul : .toil HAM : Ut8Tii ) TiiirKJTnI" | i ICliJm'a gub. I ' division , imsi ol llelt f.lno , on monthly pny- inentM. ( Inilnuii , l/'reiirlitou llloek. f-W * KAI.i : Ton lioiioci nnd lotsln various I7Oll of llio city nt rca.-oiiul.lo . mires , vutiKhiK' Irom ? l-'Vi ' to fMI ! ) ( , Vueniit lots cvurywhuiu. It will pay yon lo sou mn boford j on buy. . .1.V. . Miu-bhull , 1'jOU Fiu-niiin fct. 'M IjtOK hAI-K 3-story brlok blook 4 l-f cot front JU by ] ! U fiM.-t drop , runts tor fl/WOayear. MI , w. II. ( ireon , lutli mul I'm mint , Iti .SAI.KI'mo i'ottnio , 7 lonms with nil Foil conveniences , barn. Jot ui\iJ | : fuel on Karmim H , eiibt ol 'Ith , $ BOWV.H. . ( Irmui , l.'lth and rariiam. M7 ipoit SAJ.i-lly : . . Shrlvor , I ull loteotta o 4 looiimon IStli and Paul , hts. , a b.nvnin . SY ) ru 1 1 lot.tottn. o J roonis.l'ro-tj'ect I'lacn . lr xi I't 11 lot'eolta o u inoiatcoruuoigiii uyn a n < I 1 'iivii.wjilh N ( . 4 , " * ) I ml lot , cotlab'o I IOU.IIB , cor IMtdck uvo olearllno , UOcas/i / Iml nn llmo . . . I.J'O ' In-ies murstouk yardi , , per avm . in J8d acres near Block yards , per acio . IW i or jiliiM-ololM 4 in It's iiom l' . H , , on mil limy mad , i-flca libiilancu on orbeloio 4lliirrijcir. ; : ' < , per KOI-O . - . 1- ? OOIM ! lot on ( Jcui-rflu nvo ncarroppkton IIMIIIIIO . . , . i . . . Iff" Niceloion Vli-rlnlmivo ( , cH't ironl . . . . . . iW ya. . on llarney et near Kith . , W > \ I3tftl on Ilowiiril iicur lutn . . . . , . . " * ' . . . . . . / M\Vtt nn 10th near lUrimy - - , ,7/liH 75 > ! W \V . OK HAM ! A uviiou'l ' mci-chuadl-u bmlnuai JT lu a rnpldly viouluir ! vu not Iwr Irom l.ln , coin. Hot Ini'lo and locution In lowu , A splun. dU ( ippoitunlty fur parly wl llnv | , fc'1 } openl wnnd bavbitf IrqpiMivor.tptonthoiiband Iloll.ir 1n cu.li. Will soil | or ciub only , or,1'Urt OmidiB. Addiosl OH ! > li , bidiuico real Citato In ilorelumt UeoOllico. * ' ' . - , , DBEXEL & MAUL , J.O , Jacoln , ) AND KM HALM HltS , At UiodldMimd HU7 Furimm St. Orders by nietiiaph wibcliwl uml prtnnpily otu-ndod to : 'eluidiuiiu No. ' i DAILY COMEKCIAL REVIEW , The Wheat Pit in a State of Vigoi Throughout the Session , PRICES PUSHED UP A POINT Minor Ornliifl 1'lriu and Slcnily The ly In llio Iilro Stock Pens Itollnbto Homo nnd l'or Kcports. OHIUAOU CSItAIVMAUKICT. . CiitOAoo , Nov. : w. ( Siipcln ! In llio Hr.i- : ] The Adniim crowd nml tlio Miltors' ussocla- t'.on iii.idd the wheat market ( ( ulny. llotli wern > ory llbcnil buyers , nil thu ny tin fnmi 61 to 8" > o for .Iniuiarj' . Cro l > y , Itlisnlil ) tnolt nlNiutI.OOJ.CO ) 1m curly In tlio day tor millers' ncoount ; "nml I think , " rem - m irked oloso nbsoruT , "that thwo folks luvonnt only covered tliulr sliorls , hut nrn now n little long on the matkct. The bulk of Itvns bought with tlio nmikct hanilnn ; arounil 8l > Vo , l v undur thu highest imint. l.iiincdlivlo.y before tlio opening tin * croud m uiulunlnlily bearlHh , the fotnulatloit of t.ih feollng bclm ; ixn nbsoncu of ntiytlilug ex- o vt ilojiri'Mslon and lower prlcas In publlu cables , n ml n foil of u Iefl-A\er liiipivs lon f.'imi Saturday , when , It will bo romi'mbcicd , tUo nmrki'tvnt nltoitclhi'r too \M-nklo ( ttanil n oiu % but light liiip.vlion Satuidav nnd tlio lu. oncu of any liwh lull ; or niakhii ; nuy l.ireor iiiurH ; on Ihu vlslblo than tlu > crowd h.ul huaul for t o or throe days iinst , slartvd ( i simrt t " hoit" iMivcilnu' wnlcli inovcd c mtagloiH. itnd by 10:0 : : : nu.nly nil tlio cro\\d Wviio on thu buying hide. N'litumlly , this undo niters losi live , mid prices slowly inoiiiilod iijiwnrd , belli ) ? strong e\unurouml 8i'4c6xiVo ( for.Jiinimij , though uioiind tlmt lUure. thu iidvamtt was slow , owlm ; t-i jreiierat covcilnr. 1'Hor to tlin tlmo fie niaiK'ct touched tlmt point Monday t lero win uury sutNfarlory volunio 01' biisinus-i. It \YH : notli-eable that leneroiileis than nMUlcaino In tiom New York orlhes-oiith , jirctty iniioh all ontsldo m u kt'ts tollowlns i'lo ely In Cnle uo's tiactss. At the lU'fjIiinliiK "I the aiU'riiiHin hour iv t'Uil ' yell lunln went up \\itli all lt < < vi or , ( ivvryhudy in this pit \Mintiiua small lot on tile la ) ls ul b i''ae ' bid for .lanuary. The ofl'er- liif. Imwexui , wuin tettiloted , tlm sudden er.ixln tor wlie.xt tenilliiK to niaku holders MHpicloiH. Tlio deninnd eontlnued. hoofer \ \ - ofor , up to tlin cliijc ( it the niouilni ; Mission , .liimiary having -old at & . " > ie , 'I'he ni.uket was stion at this ngiire , an advance over Satmday < il 1-V"1 " ! .e. . 'Mi.voi : ( ii : VIN.S I'ricos for enrn averaged hUher than on .Saturday for all options , year bolm ; the la\orite fiitiiro nnd selllm ; up le lUL-r theopeiilnicilinires. OtherKr.ilns weni Inc.lned to by funtiaulvss , while at the same tiiuu linn. I'IKIVISIOXH short Inti'ivsts and local traders \\eie quite liberal buyers of piovls- Ions , piliicip.illy pull ; , the .limitary option tiickim ; up IT' ' e and simtnlnlin ; the ailvance. The wluiiu list closed linn at 1 o'clock. CHICAGO in * 10 STOCK. Cmc.voo , Xov. : > 0. [ .Special to the Hrt : : . ] C'A.TTI.I : riluic , lli'st class natives , of HOD to l.'jOJaiiil upwaid , niu iiiakim ; S"Q , 5.s" . nndxuu to choice bccoml class nati\ < " > o 1 > 00 and upward are making Sl..sii.i"i ) ; iiicdlmu natives , St.50jrJl.CO. Tliore was one train of Tuxnus , and ] > .irt of a train of north- urn rancors , all of which weie sold out at rtwnt last week's prices. l'i line , lirst class f it cows and heifers will m.ike 5 > : ! .00 it i. . " > 0 , and ; low Lfi-.uk' mill eoninioiicows , Ij.uiold atiliimlsill not make much moie t mnhat their hide.sandoUalaro woitli. In iii.iuy easeaucli do not pay Irululit and ox- liv-uius , mill sell anywhere lioml.r > JivJ. ( > per 11)0. ) Shipping stcCrlilVl to 1.V1. ) His , sf'.O j.OO ; l'-00 to tivlln : ) , SUKKf 5.'JOrxtoI'JO ; { ) las , S'J.TJMt. ? . " ) . Tliromh Texascattle-Mcjuh ' : inu to 105D ibs. iii.nKrfii.-i ) : 7.in toouo Ibs , S2.0 ( ii ! VJO ; 0 W to 70 > ) Ibs , S'J.IJO i * ! .1 ( ) . lions An active iniukut and n slmilo stroiiKeriincps aic the re-ults of to-day's transaction : ! , the market cioiiiis steady with stock sold out For ( lie lir.st day for neaily a month , tlieie " 'us a spin t in the lt'ht ! hoj ; tiadu , and lor ( he lii' > t day In about tlm same time light sorts sold up to about the same prices as mixed 'Hid mediums. 1'iimo pack- imr soils sold at SWW.N' ' . and prime heavy atrji.ftcoi. ! ) : ! 0 , with liu'htat SI.S : ( | : { . ' .KI , mid skips at MOCWitJ. racking and sliippini , ' , jo tone ibs , 5ji.70i-i.i. : : ; ! FlNA.VGlA.rj. Now York , Nov. SO. MOKV 3foney 3 < iJ ) per cent. 1'JIIMC ilnitOANTII.B PAI'KII IJ W Pr ) cent. KonmoN Exor.vNnn Un.i.s Sl.SJ ; do- niiinil , cM.sri. ( JovKii.VMisrs Steady. STOCKS Dull and teatmcloss. STOCIC8 OX WAI.I. bl'IMiUr. 3t cent bomb. . . lUi'jjc. &A. W . HH'f ' U. S. ! ' . ' . HS.y preferred. . . i,7 : New 4W . rw x. v. o . vny I'aellleli'sof "Ji. 1SS B Oieu'im Trail. . . Vtf Cential I'aclilo.lay IMcllic Mail . 7V C. AsA . iw : II' . , I ) , ifcli . ' ' 1 , ' jiroleiied. . . . 150 IIM'.0 . 1M C. , B. iVJ ( . liil I Hoi'k .Island. . . . l'J7 I ) . , L. b\\f . 1'JOJJSt. J , . , tS. R. . . i tf IfcK. 0 . : . 'Jl-VI jiiofonod. . . 47 Kile. . 1..VtC. , M. vtSt. I' . . . 91'C preferred. . . . r i inefened. . . 11(1 ( Illinois Central , . WTJjSt. l'.tO ' . -ilK I. . . AV . iilty pieferroil. . . W.\ \ Kansas .tTexas. ! -jTe\as Pacific. . . S : ! LakoSliore . biy.'HJiiIiml'aciiiii. . . L. & N . 4S'V. ' . , St. h. .fe I Mlrh. CVuthxI. . . . 75 preferred. . . 'JO Mo. 1'iicllle. . 10)i ) , \\Viterii Union. 7nlf ( Not thorn 1'ao. . . M1 * O. Jt.it N 107h' piefcrred. . . . i > < I'UODUOK. Chloauo , Nov. ! 50. Klmir Maibfit dull and net'lceted ; .soil sililnt ; , ! . > I.71K < TIU | ( ; Mlline-ota lukeis , SlMiSWI : patents , JI.7 : \Vlsconsln \ S4.C5 < Jl.s.j ; Michigan , S1.50 , - . . Wheat At the oponlnu was easier nnd prices 'ffjoMe lower than , Satiirday'n closing , ator reacted ) fe , and closed nliimt l ° < ii over Hatuulay ; ( jV Nl'ifu ior c.ish ; Kija'o tor Novemlicr ; # & lor December ; WJwJ'BKc ' lor .January ; tW 'c for l-'ebniary ; Via lor May. Corn A trowl meonlatlvo business tiaiis- acted , and tlm minuet ruled firm and higher : near intnres advanced JijX' ' < l c , and closed hc-hlnher than Saturday ; -ipje I'or casli and Novemlier ; UJ nturlU'eonibui : 1'Aj for May. OaU Hosu early , ic.u.'ted , and oluied at a peed advance ; y.iV lor rash and Ninemlwr ; iSitfOKi-y/c tor Utw'embor ; y > ; fu for January ; II Mi for May. Il > e blow , with light demand nt file. H.irley Klrm , with ijooil ditmaiid at ( He. Timothy .Mnileiutfl } ' jiclivo at I.IKJ. na\M'ed-PiiIr demand : No , 1 , clear. P.U.Vii.ViO : blunt ribs , SI.tt.Vjfl.ti5. \Vhlsky-\oinlnalIy SI. ! ' > . Hnttrr .Steady ami nmio Imiuliy ; incdlum to laiioyereamny , USi'W ; fair to line dairy , l'JK C lictso-l'lnnor : full cream rhcddars , yv < ft 10o ; llati , KK.J1U' ' , ; skims , b'stfv. Kai-uM . . Jlliles UcaV ) cieeii Milled , fully turfd , 8J < o ; Hunt , Do.1 ilamaited , 7 ; btillhldas , fJ'c ) ; Iry milled , \ l'udry \ Hint , liXriHu ; call hi ; ins , 12c. Tallow .So. l cnmiliy , 5e , JlCfltlptS. SIlIpljlOlltH 'loiir.hbh . J ) , ) K ) iM.ii O Wheat.bu . ( > r , ( i P. 00 orn.bi . . itts.oiH ) I.US. ll ( | . WtXX , ) tye.bn. . , . I1.IKIO Harlevbu . S-'J-WO Now York , Nov. JJO. Wheat- - ; imiuilH.Yi.K ( * ) < bpot hllieriiitloiH ! : | [ o.Ti linn ; inieiiiueu led , 7iKi'0. } ' . ! : No. U ml , lomlnal ; OocemkT , clodng at Vi > tv. Corii-IIec-fiitf ] , liOVJcm ; oxpoiH , joon Spot lower , oiitloni nctror : in.triadcd , jed JfttVo ! NX2WMiiVxjh ( > . ulouUor ; l > ocom > ici elo-ilm : nt .ViKe , Q.its-Ulalic-r ; iccelptR. I8 , | exports , ( xi ; inKed western , 2 > . ( | > : ! 7c. retrolwnu Knm : i-lnnednl hWo , ' ' - ! > | HU ! ' . . Laid hite-im fcpot , SH.40jiO.-n , ullcr-U'estern at c ? frS. ! Clico4n--Wciturii Hal at Nov. BO. Wheat RvoNominal. . SU Trtmfs , Nov. S0.-Whcnt-Very active find hluhcr ; opened % ( rt ( ; c loner ; uvoverert nnd mlvuneod steadily , elosin ? t'ie nunyo .Saturday ; ttl'.e for pa liJ % ® ' for No- \ember ; ftV for Dix-emlier ! O.H. for January ; Sl.onS for Mnv. Corn l4V'l'K'l'rnm' ' ' ' ( ' < ' 'owr-i@1KIfo ' ; ( for rash ; ! ? ( _ > _ c for Jnunary ; ist' o for Slav. O.its-Cn h , ofisy ; oplloni , stronger ; for cash ! ! ilc old for May. live Firm nt : wH'e. \Vlilsky-SteadyatSl.lO. I'oik-Qtilet : old. # ! MH\jjtlV3.\ l.nnl-Steady at skW ; nuw , 50.10. Hutter Unehnnwd. AfTr.nxooN llo.Mii ) Wltcal , * „ lower. Corn , > s'o bolter. OaU , nominal. IilVK HT001C. Clilcaco , N'ov. \ The UrorcrV Journal leiHirtsi Cattle I'coelpK 8,003 ; lio.st sleady ; pom * mini , lUiiir > e lower ; Nhhipiti ! ; steer * . SMVK f . ' .H1 | stoekew nnd feedei.s. S'J.w JI.OO ; Texan- * , steady nt 8t.lO'iTJ.7l : > . lloirs-IUTeltit.i , * ttiM ; shipments , n.lOt ) ; stronger ; roiu-li and mixed , ss.l.VHT.'i.ii.iek Inn nml slilpplnjf , Sit. 7iw .J.MJ llijht wt'lRhts , WJOC < ii.o ; : skills , S'J.i.20. . .Sheep HiHM'Ipts. ! lfiOJ ; steady ; nnllve. , SaOvW OO ; Te.vnn.s , S"OOyiiliO ; tombs , sa.ojg.uo. The Diovors' Journal .special onblpcram fnun Mv < M-pool this week uttotes : Cattle market steady nnd Him ; host American steeis , IteperjKiund duissed. Ht. tioitU , Nov.IiO. CnJtle-ISecolpts , l.fXM ; shtinnenis , NW ; steady : slilpnln steels , St.7.'i ( ! tVi' ; nntlve butchi'is' , Si.RKiU.U5 ; stockcni and leedei-s , SAit . Sheep Receipts , l.ooi ; shlinncntd , 100 ; coirmoii to chofee , S'J.V'Ki.iU. ' OMAHA MVIO HT001C , U.NIO.N SKM-K i Aims. . OMAHA , I Monday Uvenlnit. Nov.JVi. f Tlm cattle niaiket watslovv. The hoit mar ket was active nt .Saturday's juices. IKNI'ATIVIC N.VUVI : bTjiii : ! > . Xo.U. . Av l r. No. Av. Pr. U. . U.'O Sl.7r. Av. 1'r. No. Ay. t'r. 71. r. : , . . 71.Hi ) . a. IT r > r. . . ir'11 ' iiS7 f 'i. . an in . , : . ) . . ! wi 7.1 J1.IO r.i , . iiiu Sltl : i. 10 ro . , IHK ) in 'JI7 J1.IO M. inM M H.-II ) 51 ! M7 ! 1.-IO M. . . . : : , Min > It.VNMF OK I'ltlCK.S I'OI ! llOdrf. The e\tierne nin o of jirlous for mixed , p.ickiiu nml shipping uud lor six ijavrt is t > im\vn below : Itim it f . " i HiMvy l."itit Jatix _ Mved.l _ I'.ielf.iu.V | ( Ijjhls. " " "iji.iv.i ! : : : ( . - . sMfi.'Ur : ! ( 'I'lie day. . . AVedn- > Tlitn- > day . J-'ntlay Sit u t day. . Mond.iy. . . iiuuif.Hr AN'i ) i.owr.sr. Showing the highest and lowest prices paid on this market for ho. s dinini ; tiio past seven days and lor thu'conc.pondliiK time last month : I Ootuber. i November. Monday Tueiil y \Vedne.sday . . . . . [ .no ( in.ir , Friday . " . . ' ( .10 Situiilay : t.l ( ) ilonday. . . . i'.vcl < TKs' : tlie number of IKIJH bought hy locnl rnckci.s , on the Omalia maiket'UuriiiK the liy : j. jHoyd : . mr .ico. llammnnd .fc Co . L-S Slieeley .V Co . 4t5 ! .Note All sales of stock in this intnkct are nade per ewt. Ih'e ; weight , unless otherwise staled. Dead hogs sell at le per II ) , for all welkins. "Slelns , or liozs wel hlm ? les.s tliau IM ib-i , no valiw. I'reKiiant sowa aio docked 10 Ibs and Mug * SU Ibs. . MAIKETS. il.mdny levelling , Xov. : X ) . (7niral ! MarkolH. RUTTIMI. Tito m.uket . is dull nml do- lre. > cd. The hull ; of the iceelpts me of an nleilor iiuailty , and have to bo hold to paclt- JIH. Jealer.s ) call lur Ilm very .be.st only , nnd n nine c.ises out of ti > n cannot ho suited. Strictly choice roll , iB lfle. ; lair to jjood , l' ' @ le ; inleilor , 4 ( > S > < e. Ciinr.si : fancy full eicnm cheddur , Oct. niuUe , l- < " . limey lull cream IKiU. Oct make , VJ'je ' ; laney lull cieam Voting Americas , Oct. IIIIIKO , laJiMUic ; lull cream'1 lints , A u . mtiKe , Wo ; tiul eieum Youn Ameilca.s , Am ; , mukc , tic : lull vieam , July. hhat p , OQ'jre ; l.st quality Swiss cheese , 10oM ; ! quality Swiss chue.su , l414c ! ; brlclc cheese , UMlfa : JjimhuiK cheese , llC'lt'Ju. I'oin.ritv. Tnern IMS Ficon the usual "Thiinl , 'ivlnr ( luU" Itec-eljits on tho' U'th Insl.veie very heavy. TurkeyH wont elf at moderately lair prices , hut ehlckeim were ( Ir.i InK ! sales woio imido ns low as Ho per pound. Thoimirkct I.s now pretty well cleaned nil , and the next few day will Hhowiido- cliied Improvement. Tim following iimtn- | tloiiH on taney Mtk ( ) only , well dreHsod ami Milctlv fe-.li. Tmlceys , Btiietly choice , dry pleUcd , Itw lloj clilekiuirt. Htrietly choice , dry picked , ( 'xi/7j ( ! ( jeew , Htrietly choice , dry picked , lOiailc ; dnrKs , strictly choice , dry picked , 10C"fllc. ( ! . \Mi- : -In good demand , Nice fresh deer and untclojio wanted. .Most of UioairivaN tlniit far , Imvo beun In had ouler. I'lalrio chickenWO ; dm-Ui , Mallmd , 8lJ.W@iBl ; diiekH , Te.il , sl.il.rt ! ) ; ducks , mixed , tfl.'J. ) ( iS i. ? . ) ; iiunll , ( Jl.iwi.vl.-i'i ; miljiu , Sl.oo l.y'i ; eL'"c , Sr.'i.oawUJ ; J.iek rnljlills , : i.'X ) 4.Oj ( smnll rabhllH , .iil.OO l. ' ; deur unddleH , per Ih , I'Jc ; deer eau-asscH , per Ib , 7C'i > c ; auto- Inpo saddles , ll ( < i > r * > ; anlulopo oarnissos , 70 tic ; lk middles , SM'.ie ' ; elkcareassos. Oe. I'ot'j TIIV Mvo eliielteiiH. .VJ.lXW.tf ; old fowls nio In poor domain ! nt jj.-J.OO-ii.-j.UV . Ilvo diiekhnold at fr'J.'J.Vij..T'j : Ilvo tuikeVH , 7 So per Hi ; dinsscd chlcKeiiB.choIuo , per Ih. wnOc , lair to Kowl ! ; tinlioyn , diesM-d , HK'ille , pur Ih ; diiekH , diussod , choice , per Ib , < ftf. ; geese , ( liwe.il . , cholco , | ier Ib , ( ' ( SilOc. fiAMU Deer carentiNuit | > er Ih , 7Bao ( ; saddles , I'XrW-tei Anteloiio eaicasM-s per h , 7W 'e ; c.iddles , l'i ( liej ! Ufk c.ireasMls peril ) , 0/7o ( ! : saildle.s , Id-idlo ; pinliloehlckrnH , fc'J.7S raH.1 ; iiua. . 'e.'ii ; Hiipu , .i. /kck / n hhltsI.BiOflU ( : small Mbhltw , sl.W ) ; mnllaiil dnek.s. S1.7.r 6 < A < X ) ; teal , I..VKt/l.7r. ! / ; mlM'd. SI.Mftfil,75 ) ; Kochd. Sii.7.X''A < Wj biantv , . s N , Y. counts , 4.o ; nxtra Jfio ; i'IeciHKn ! ! ; slandiiidH.iMV ; medumn | 'J.V. OMO.NM Salt Laku htock IH hollliitf nl Sl.tw per biiHliel ; eoinmon liomiMfK'WMKNK " "M 5e. Them HID a low r\Ha elmh-n III the iu.iil < et Hint mo held at < ? l.no IKT | ju .h. CoMiilloMiV'iiHIfiinla 2 II ) . linrno , < W Ih.s. In ease , peril ) , , IBc ; extraclei , < t Ib. In cans. 3 doIn ciM' : , per case 81.00 ; 10 Ib. lrinno.Vebmslta , IN1. . . . . . . . t'iiiin Ninv Veil : lelined jxrltbl , , 87,00 ; a llbunil Biipjily In . . i nesinuts , iuc j > i T ? * , I'n * n. i imii.i ; iiecaiiN laiKiipolihlied , Ilo ; IICUUIH. medium w : l-Jimllnh uiilniilrt , l.v ; iilnmnds , Tarru- Kona , 'JO ; do , Ivlea , ll' ' ( < ; HnizllH , K'o ; Illbeits , He ; lilcl.ory niiiH , IIIIKO , Im. bl.Muil.W' do Hii.ill , hu , hl. ! 'i't\ \ , 'ii peannls , hand pIcKcil , VliKlniu , .r.\i\ \ \ < i. loHbtcd. tk-j IIKH , nuwHj-ll [ > . boxch. per | h. IH ; do. lee Ih. keics. jier Ib. , I''e ; diitex. Find , 1J ! Ih. l(0 n nerlh. . Me. HAl'Clt KKAFT Hest onallty , SO.fXJ j > cr80 fCnl. b.iuel ; per K bill. Si.7' ) > .