Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1885, Image 1

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The Capital of the Nation Draped in
Appropriate Mourning Garb ,
lit Connection with the He-
publican Hrlcotlim Clcvcl mill's
Honorable Cournc wllh lieu-
drlukb Capital News.
WAsnr.vnrov , Xov. SO. [ Special to the
DM.J : WnsliliKton Is very ijtrlt't to-day.
AlU'jcs arc on Indinnai > ells and the np-
proachlni ; event in which the president and
bin cabinet hid : Iiiteiidcd to join with the rep
resentatives of tin- entire nation to do honor
to tire memory of thu dead vice president.
The president , however , after consultation
with senators and others , has linally aban
doned his proposed trip. The ( 'ossipof the
hour wlilch Inquires what will be the ne\t
step In the mill oh of political events has been
suspended , In part , nt last. The city wears a
fuinral aspect. Thousands of yards of erapo
have been put In place Mute Thankculv Inn
day , and tliouMiuds of dolhus expended in
this Inst tribute ot honor to the dead.
With the ehuo of the i-ciemonle * at Indian *
npollslo-nioiiow , the members or the senate
will turn their laics towards Washington
nir.iln. The expected caucus of the publi
can senators \\lll beheld this week , and a
irtimi ! selected for the picsldlni ; ollicer of the
K'lKilu. Tlie Impifssioii still juuvalls
l.ouinr will be decided upon for that place.
Talks witli rcpubliian scnatois who have
bcenhcicof hue Indicate that a lai cpio-
portion pieter Loian ; lor tlio potltlon , nnd
looknpon Hie work ot the convention whlcli
Hoiiilniilcil him lor vlco piesldcnt us prac
tically an instruction in this ic nid.
Cleveland has been very much depressed
since the death ot ilcndricks. The lelatluns
between the presldont and Ilio vice pieshlent
were milch more Mildly tliun o"sipeis would
have the ) ) iillic ) believe. Theie was no clash-
lnir , and while Ilendrlcks nmy not Imvn licld
vlevvH wholly In accord vv itlr those of Cleve
land in IC.MU ! to the distribution of olllcos ,
Hint fact did not nt all luterteie with their re
lations , wlilch were entirely harmonious.
Ilendrlcks has never had occasion to com
plain of the piesident , nor ot his treatment.
Tlio talk about dissatisfaction on the part of
Ileiidricks with the i-haie ot olliccs allotted to
him to distribute was Kioitudless. Now that
llcndilcks Is dead , tlieie Is no impropriety in
givlni : Urn ilrt , ills ot what pa ed between
him nnd Cleveland on this subject. U is
known to very few people , but will bo inter-
( stlnrcat this time.
IIi'inliicKs and Cleveland had never met
until alter their nomination for piesident
and vice piesldunt icMiectivelv. Then lieu-
drlcks tmuloatiip to N < > w York , and called
upon Cleveland at Albany. The conference
was long and entirely satisfactory to botli
these jreiitlcmen. llendricks was entirely
f-atisilcd with Cleveland anil with his
suK e.stlons. In the com so of conver
sation the question of patronage aiose and
received some attention. It was considered
advisable tint Ilendrlcks should know in ad
vance what positions would bo tit bis dis
posal In ruse ot the successor tlio democratic
party. This was considered entirely proper
and indeed necessary , as thu management of
the campaign in Ins own state would be
airu ted thereby. Cleveland told htm frankly
what hlsvlows were , and what sham ho de-
Biied Ilendtlcks to take in the distribution of
p.ilronnne , especlallj in his o\vn state. The
fiupgestlons or Cleveland weiceiitiiely satis-
J.ictorj to llcndiicks. This talk took place
in .Mi. Cleveland's ollice , and as the irioimd
was bcln none tiver lluiidiieks picked up n
newspaper wrapper , vUiielr chanced to lie
neat- his hand , and made a memorandum of
the ollices which .Mr. Cleveland indieited
that lie should desiie him to nil , should they
be elected.
Altei the election the newspapers began
talking ol u disposition on the put of Clove-
laud to make all his o\\n appointment.- ; .
Homo of Hemliick'fl iricnds seeing tins
called upon .Mr. Cleveland and diiected his
attention to these statements. "Tell Hon-
drlcks"ho said , "that ho need not bo dis
turbed by tbesi ) statements , Ho shall have
not only all that was au'iocd umin in our talk
about the matter , bat moie. lie has , 1 think ,
n memorandum of the agr cement ot that oc
casion , and every detail ol that shall bo cai-
rlcd out , and mote will be added. " And this
vvasdone. Cluvcl mil not only kept his lull
ngi cement , but did more , and llr'iutrlcUs
ncu'i li.ul occasion to eoninl lin ol Ids treat
ment , either petsonal or olliciai , at the handset
ot thcpics.hh-nt.
New Mexican Indian 'lYotiblcs ,
WASIIIXO ION , Nov. UO. Adjutant ( Jenoial
Drum has received a telegram tiom Ocnural
Crook , saylm ; Sanches brought Into 1'oit
Av. 5ho last evening the head "of ono of the
liostlles named Oiaro Qualali. Ho also ic-
lH > ils the hosllles killing all the White
Mountain Indians they can nnd scattered
over tlio reset vatlon. It seems piobablc that
up to ( his time thov haul killed cloven
women , limitccn childien , and n\e men and
boys. Tlio White Mountains threaten to
retaliate on theChliicahmis reimilnlngon the
reservation , but thes-o arc close to Koit
Apache , ami eaiofiillyguarded. The Indians
on Ilio reservation are o.\ticmoly aroused.
Koventl parties of .scouts and tioops are hunt
ing the liostlles. All the Indian canius have
been riotlned. Tliero Is reason to believe that
rnoio liostlles will bo Killed ,
Oon. Ijogan Inter-viowoil.
CnrCAno , Nov. iiO. [ Special to the 15ir. ; . ]
Senator Logan Isln town to-day. "All I
can Siiy Is , the death of Hundrlcks Isrejrret-
ted by ov ei j body , " said he , when asked con
cerning the situation relative to the death of
the vlro president.
"II Is a mallei of mere speculation , " ho re
sumed , "as to who will ( ill il.e . vacancy. "
"Your name has been piomiaciitlv men
tioned foi the position , " was suggested.
"Ves , hut that was newspaper talk. I have
not asked nor have 1 made any attempt lo
obtain the position. "
"Itut jim would lakolt If elected , " added a
trlend , to which the senator made no icply.
"Thcie will pioh.ihly be nothing done until
after the holidays , " said the general , "Wo
hav on caucus Kihlny and the matter will bo
talked over , That's all 1 can say , "
1'ont masters Appointed.
W.V&niMiio.x , Nov. BO. Tlio president
to-day appointed the lollowlng presidential
Colllnsvllle , III. , Charles A , llartmaii , vlco
Sar-nlr II. NYNon , suspended.
The iKjslmastt'i' uoncral tinlay. ttppolnted
the lollovv Ing toiutli class postmasti-is : " :
Illinois .lohnsiuivlllf , bamiicl 11 , Cook ;
Mermi , Michael Could ; Kullcr.sbiug , Algernon
Ford ; Spring Hill , W. 11. Friller.
Nebraska Factorjvillo , 11. II. Frank ;
Union , William II. DavK
Invva Claienco. August Warder ; Cambrlll ,
1C. S. War net' ; Dillon , it. N. William * : Hald-
vvluil. ll.Spniydlonnett , lIumyM. llauna ;
( 'baiter Oak , W. W. Casimair ) : Lanevllhs
Jwtao. L.Stevens ; Low moor , Mi s. K , llasklns ;
Ointlovv , James W. It titles ; New London ,
M. U. Leach ; Welton , Patrick L. Donejjan.
A Good Hula lo
WASIIINOIO.V , Nov. 80. With the approval
ot Secretary l.amar , ( Jen. Johnston , com
missioner of railroads , to-day promulgated
lilies fora system of sworn reports to be sub
mitted to him by the laud grant railway com
panies , The regulations are piiuclpally upon
tlio subject of nc-tiiud K\oss.i',11 \ nlugs , and in
U'lntlon tiuu I vising him of the proceedings
lit stocUiolderV nnd dlicrloiV nieetiuts-'i'tT y
nroqtiltii elaborate and "appW-mly ot the
rnostslririgerit c'haiacter.
- , I.oft For IiiillanapollH.
) VsAsuiNt.iox , Nov. So. The congression-
Hrommlttee | , as well as assoclato justices ,
who were appointed to attend the funeral of
Thomas A. llendiicks , k'tt lor ludum.ipolls
, this ruoiulrii , ' .
AMtneinpiit in DotVait tlie Cnnmllnn
I'innlor's Uovcrtiiiicnt.
HOSTOV , Nov. ? . A special to the Olobo
from Toronti ) < ays everjbody in the Domln
Ion Is looking forward to the defeat of Sir
John MiieDonald's government on the open ,
of parliament on January 21. The Trench of
the Province of Quebec have determined , Ir
respective of politic * , to unite with the liberals
to secure that result. It Is thought that the
governor general will call on Kihvard Blake ,
leader of the opposition , to form a new min
istry. The members would have to go to the
country for re-electron belore Inaiiguialing
their pobcj , which would probably Include
reciprocity uitii the Pnltea States and tlio
operation of the Canadian i'aclilc railroad
only so lar as the development of the country
demands. Thccoiisetvativesextiect Increased
suppoit from Ontario , but the mange excite
ment there died out after ItlelH execu
tion , and a strong sympathy tor Hell
"coins to be springing up In tunny quarters
where bofoio there wits only race hatted , il
Is a ptevalent opinion ( n this part of tlio
country that Sir John executed Iticl because
ho felt certain It would nt.rln moie votes
than the execution would lose , or , In other
words , that he would lose more slrcni'th by
leprievliu : del than by hniii.'ing him. If tlio
French Canadians could have polled more
votes for Kiel's lifo than tlie Orangemen for
his death Sir John would have commuted the
sentence. In proof of this It Is asserted that
on the Thursday before the execution Sir
John acknowledged that ho was pn//led to
knovy lm\v to deal wllh Kiel. If In the coming
elections Sir John chances to use the act pro
viding for the appointment ot revising bar
risters passed tin- last session it will return
him to power. This act takes tlio revision
ot the volets' lists out ot the hands ot non-
parti an olllclals anil gives it to government
ottlclals , who are ics-poiisible to tlie ministry.
Any voter having his name stiucl ; elf can
sectiio icdtess only by appealing to the high
com is.
SiiHpectcil Case of l'ols < oiiln ( > by Ills
ItCHt'H Mother.
KKOKITK , Iowa , Nov. : x ) . ( Special to the
Unr : . ] A suspectedcaso of murder by poisonIng -
Ing has developed In Davis county , near
Uloomlield. IJphrlam Christy , aged ll > , had
been com ting Libble , the H-j car-old daughter
of a neighbor , Mrs. Brooks. Tlio mother had
been heard to threaten a dog's dose to anyone
ono who ciinc to see tier daughter , but had
not threatened Chrbty. One day last week
ho stopped at the hoiiso anil
was In company with the .voung lady
awhile , leaving lor homo about 10o'clock.
Thu next moining his body was found In a
straw-slack forty rods distant , with his face
puilile und his clolhlng partially eovcieil
with a wlilto fiothy substance , ns though
liom vomiting. Suspicion points to poison
ing as tlie occasion ol ills death , and tlie
Momath ot the dead man has been taken to
KcoKiil ; tor a chemical analysis.
Aila Sweet
Cnn.ut ItAi'inu , la. , Nov. : . [ Special to
the Bti : : . ] Miss Ada Sweel , ex-pciislou
agent at Chie.igo , was married recently to J.
Bcidine Carter at the residence of Capt , I ) . S.
Sammfas in Babylon , h. T. Mr. Sammliis Is
tin undo of the bride. Uev. Cieoigo Carter ,
ot New York , cousin of tliegioom.pfilormed
theceiemonv. Mr. Caiter isa meicliant in
tills city , anil the coitjile have setlled down
here. Jliss Sxvcct will lie lemembeied as the
pension ajeut v\ho liad a lively till with tlio
adminhtialion bctote she resigned the otlice.
A Ttniiro.-ul Iiuiul J'urcliiiHC.
Uunuijvr : , Iowa , Nov. : ; o. The Chicago ,
llnillnglon .fc Not them Italiroad corn piny
todiy pnu-hascd ] nr depot gtonnds a latge
snip of river limit here , pi ice 555,000.
1'ho Deail A'ico 1'rcsiaent.
r.ts , Ind. , Nov. SO. All trains
coming into the city lliis morning vveie
ciowdcd. The several roads wcie compelled
10 run extras to aeeommodatii the people who
desired to como to the capital to witness the
funeral. The remains still lie instate in the
corridor ot tire cotttt house , whence they will
bo removed to the family residence at 5
o'clock this evening. There was a steady
stieani of humanity paining thiouu'h the
com t house all day. Tin' doois vveie opened
at T o'clock tills moining , and from that time
up to noon tlio crowd passed through at the
rate of seventy-live a minute , probably 2r > , oo I
viewing the icmainb up to 1 o clock. A great
11 ut of thesi ) were liom oitislilo thu city.
Hon. David Davis of Illinois , who wasexj
peeled toanlvn bete lo-day , and deliver an
adilres- I ho biirunvtlng , telegt.iplis that-im
act-omit ol the death af a relative at Spring-
held lie will be unable to attend.
This eveniiig the linlshliig tonche.s vveie
given to the niinnniiig iit'coiatlons. A sin -
iinr.ind inerinereaslng thiong was to be met
at almost every point. When the great doors
ol Iliocotiit. boiisu weio cluscdall p. in. , u
crowd numbering thousands vveie ! > till In Hue
wailing to tat.o a glance at Ilio face of the
dead. Tor some time previous ninety per
sons a minute pas-id tin ! body. It is esti
mated -tO.tilH ) people v lowed the remains diir-
Ingtliedav. The casket was letmncd lethe
pallor ot llendilcHs' homestead , Oscoi ted by
the fiuu ludiaii-ipolls milltaiy companies
and the ( 'olumlms mllliary band. Until 10-
moved to tlm clmiih to-monow the body
tests bciipnth tlie loot wliereetc spent Its
last Using hums ) .
jj TlrclinwSiirrpiidi'rs the Capital ,
HANCIOON , Nov. : W. King Thebiw , ol Bur.
mail , bticomingalaimed at the rapid nppin.iuh
of tlioBiltlsh expcdltlonarv force , not\Ulli-
standing the resistance oiU'icd by tlm Bm-
rnese , sent a nu'sscnger to 'Sen. Premli'igast
liegging lo grant an aimistlce tor thu purpose
of peaceably settling the dllllrnlly between-
Buirnalr and the Indian government , ( ion.
1'ieiideigast In rcplv demanded tlio snneii-
derof thu lUirmusonimyand.Mainlalay , tlin
capital , slating that onlv then could bit ua-
teitain any icipiest looUlug to the hottlement
ottliedlMiiilu. King Thuli.ivv acceded to the
terms ami the Aw.v loits with twenty-eight
gnus , weio tinned o\er to tlio Hoops.
Agaiiisoti was pl.ucd Ihcio. BillNi li
proi-l'cded to Mandalay oir the asth irist ,
StniulliiKltyl'IrpIr Colors.
LoNriox , Nov. ! . The National Leagitu
of ( lie.u Btltain has telegraphed the various
branches In every parliamentary division In
w hlclr a polling h s not yet taken place , say
ing : "Wn trust that the Irishmen of your
district will slilvo to stand by the distinc
tions contained In Mr. 1'arnclrs manifesto
and vote tlio straight ticket and thus add
another to DID alieady iiumeious vicloile.sof
our counu ynit'ii in JCnglancl and Scotland , '
I'ai-llniiientary ICl
LOIIDO.V , Nov. SO. In Tyrone Lord Earn
est Hamilton is elected to parliament over
John Dillon , Irish nationalist * . In Now
C'astlo-ori-Tyne. J. Cmvln , libeial , de
feated John Morely. radical. T. M. Healy ,
natioimlNt. iteleated Sir John Leslli > , consui-
vntive , in the eounty Monaghan. This is a
clear nationalist victory.
Woalhcr For ToDay. .
Ui'i'iniMississii'i'i Cloudy weather , local
rains , stationary , fo lowed by slow rising
tempcratuie , wlnd-sbiroming. variable :
Mis'sir.'ii ) ! V.u.i.uv fair , vv arruer weather ,
WASiustin NNov. . 80 , The president
to-day appointed 'Wm. Uarr.rnd , ot IAW-
rencevllle , HI. , to be receiver of publiu money
nt I'noveiinc , Wyo ,
- Hie I'ubllo Debt.
WAsin.varo.v , Nov. SO , It Is said at the
tieasiny department tlteto has been an In-
ne.isu instead ot the usual dcw-ase In Iho
piiblludi-bt diuirisithu urolith of November.
Mjsn'rj Solvctl Tint r-
tlct-or AttcitiptH Siilclile.
HcATittci : , Neb , Nov. X ISpeelal to the
Br.r : . ] .Jnrncs K. Chestnut , a farmer near
heie , moved last February to Norton county ,
Kan. , nnd from there to Beaver City , Neb ,
He passed through here on his la t trip to
Kansas. October to last. On the evening of
November 1" he caininvl near Hlce , Cloud
county , Kansas with tour her > cs and a
spring wagon. The same evening a man
named .Wells , living near Kice , went out
litintliur , rettuniug Inte the same nluni , and
then disnppcmcd. Nothing more was pen
ot him. Foiirda.vs altenvard tin' desnl body
ol a man was found floating on the Bcpubtl-
can river near here and u-coirni/ed as
the man who had camped near Hlce.
Wounds were found in his head ,
made by n rhargu of shot. Wells
was suspected. but could not bo
tound , tliouih It was discovered that lu >
hadi-hipiicd two bor esniid a wagon to An-
gti'ta , 111. , under the name of I'aee. Kansas
authorities went to Aitittista and did not Und
him , but ( raced him to McComh. 111. , where
they found him in jail Indicted for forgery. Ilu
hail possession of the horses and wasjon. and
a trunk containing Iho name of J. T. Chert-
nut on paper. Blood was also found on Iho
coat and blanket In the trunk. I'lctines
were also found wliTclr were on being seni to
this place reeognl/ed as being tlio likeness of
Chestnut. Wells being ae < u-ed ot the crime
denied It , but ( be same night attempted sui
cide. Wells will bo taken to Kansas and
tried for the murder. Chestnut was well
known heie. Ills family llvo at Beaver City
and have been notlilcd to go to McComb and
claim the piopcity , but as jet nothing has
been beaut from lucre.
A Pork anil Huttur HnOin. |
O'Niui.r , , Neb. , Noy. : ! 0. [ Special lo Ilio
HIM : . ] Tlio O'Neill Packing company are
making extensive preparations for stnuirhter
lug boas and curing tlie meat for the western
market. They expect to make a saving of
freight to the vaster n cities nnd return by op-
elating Irc'te , and the successor the enter
prise Is evident. The O'Neill creamery lias
dining ( lie past season produced 7."iKX ) pounds
ot gilt-edged butter and about lO.OX ) pounds
of cheese , which realized over ? iMKW. : With
the advancement of the aire O'Neill keeps
pace and Holt county Is sinely destined to
become one of wealth.
Street Cni-H llunulni ; i" HenU-icc.
BnAinrci : , Neb. , Nov. ; . [ Special to the
UKI : . ] Beatrice Is growing metropolitan.
Street eais have arrived nnd began making
regular lilps this morning. Ono trip was
made Saturday afteinoon and the car was
follow ed bj a cheer Ing crowd.
A Jack itahlilt Calamity.
Pr.AT'rn Cr.xunt , Neb. Nov. " > 0. [ Sixvlnl
to Iho Hut : . ] Dan Mackin , of Ibis place vv as
thrown from his horseesto day while hunt
ing jack labblts. He is in a critical condition
nt the picsent lime.
A lUjOODhKSS MOB. llent , on Doling Out n
Dose of > ) ml < ; < ; Ijyuuli.
MIXXKAPOUS , Minn. , Nov. : . Sunday
morning a mob , bent on bieaklng into Iho
county Jail for the pmpos1 of taking 1' . J.
Telpnei out to mctc out to him
justice alter the code ot Judge Lynch , rallied
in formidable force , but they seemed to lack
organization. The crowd was demonstrative.
and shouted itself hearse In attempts to
screw up sufllcleiit courage to make a silly
for the haired doors. Tlie police , about fifteen
In number , in command of Chief Wesl , and
at nidi with Winchester rides and revolvers ,
weio placed on picket duty sui rounding the
building , and continued the vigil thioiighout
the night. At about 4:80 a. m. , the mob IMJ-
panto move , at liist rapidly , but as the v neaied
the court house yard they grew cautions and
vvaveicd. Dually the leader , armed with a
ponderous sledge hammer , ciicd
out for the mob to follow him , and
a rush was made. Tlio police formed in an
Instant , and. with lixed bayonets , repulsed
the onset. The leader was eaptnicif. His
face was blackened with bttinteoik , and ho
gives ills name Johiibon. He is still
in custody at the jail. He stated that he had
not intended to take part in tlio attack upon
tlm jail. He had retired tor the night when
a dcrmtation liom Noiden hall , in Centennial
block , when ! the crowd had assembled early
In tlm evening lo consummate an organl/a-
lloii. called upon him. Alter the arrest had
been made the mob began lit Ing pistol shots ,
and veiling like demons. At 5 o clock atottr-
hoise team , loaded with Scandinavians , came
dashini ; up thoHticcts , the men jelling and
keeping up n continuous volley of revolver
shots , but when they i cached tno jail they did
not halt. They drove past with the horses at
a lull gallop , reluming a tew minutes later ,
repeating tlio same progi.imme. With the
dawn ot day the ciowiUdlspcised , and the
olllcers retired to their lumies for needed rest.
Two Prominent Citizens ; Probably
Killotl by u 'Mlcjliigaii Ilully.
AJJUIAX , Mich. , Nov. 0. At a late hour
Satinday night In the village of Tecumseh ,
nor that tins city , Aaron Palmer droll ) . P.
and Irwln B. Andeison , merchants. Both
ate still alive , although In a precarious con
dition. Palmer Is a young rulllan , aged
about 23 years , who has attempted murder be-
tore. Ho masqueraded the streets of Teciitn-
seh last evening aimed with knilo and re
volver , and succeeded in terril > ing citizens
and otliccrs. At 11 o'clock he entered tlio
posrnllicc , which was open for the late mulls ,
iind began lloinishlng a long Unite. B. P.
Andeison attempted to p.ielly him and sue-
ceedc'd In reaching tlio street with him. He
then turned to leave , when Palmer
called him , and as lit ) tin tied , shot hint
in the Ineast. Tlio wounded man's
brother , though unauiiod , sprang on the
mmdeicr , and engaged in a teiiine hand to
hand htinggle. The bystander * worn numer
ous bat weio alr-ald to Interfere , and utter a
fi'iort ' mid heico contest the oilier Andeison
fell piciced by two bullets. The desperado
then smashed a lantern wlilch was lighting
the scene , and sprang away into dm Icness.
Fled B. Wood , a young attorney , orgaui/ed
tint leiillicd mob and bcarched the town , but
without success. To-day armed bodies ot
men ate .semiring tint town and countiy , and
if tound Palmer stands little chance to enter
n court looi , ! . Palmer relumed from tlio
west seven mouths aio , and .since then his
picsence has niado lite a burden for those
coming in contact with him. Some months
ago hi ) aljjuJuptcil lo .shoot two men In this
city in thoroomsot a woman of nuc-stloiiablo
repute. Ho was then ni tested , but leleated
on a line. Tceum-eli abounds with .stork's ot
bis cineltv and luiitalily. Before thu tragedy
last night ho diovo bis patents fioiii their
homo at the mu/ilo ot a revolver. The Air-
demons mo prominent In business circles of
the county.
Coal Miners Strike.
PiTTsnurto , Nov. 80. Contrary to oxpccta-
tlons there was no tioublo at Coal Valley to
day. The sttlkeis assembled at the Pine
Bun mines In large numbers this morning ,
but no attempt at violence was offered when
non-union men went to vvoik. All Is ( pilot
now , and as the ttller- ; > say they will not
illsttii b men w 01 kin g , no sctious trouble is
apprehended. The Lynn mines tit I'lne Bun
are the only ones In operation. There Is a
dispute ute the number of men at vvoik.
Operators claim that thlity men went in this
morning , but the strikers say there vvi to no
more than
A Mayor In a Street right.
LOUISVII.I.U , Ky. , Nov. 80. P. Hooker
Hcod , mayor of Louisville , nnd Wharfmaster
Charles Kremer had n street light yesterday.
The major was consider ably bruised about
thu face. The dlllloulty had its origin in the
luuted aldermaulo race Iirtlm Seventh waul ,
In which tlio tuo arusnppoiiing rival candi
dates. Kietner sajs that he knocked Heed
down because the mayor tried to bubo and
intimidate him into supporting the admlnla-
ttatlon c-indldate. This Is Mr , liited'd third
encounter since ho was elected mayor.
Pinding the Body of Barren S , Yntes on
Baiting Iilahd.
A Prominent 1'lgura In Illinois' Ills-
torj I'a .t s Avvny A Kciiiark-
nblo Operation
Finding Yonnrr Vales' Hody.
NEW YOIIK , Nov.80. [ Special to the Hun. ]
Tlio open boat containing the dead body of
Wai icu Samuel Vales drifted ashore at Bait
ing Hollow , Long Island , Saturday. Tiio
body was lying on ila back , fioett fust In tlio
lee which covered tlin boat's bottuin. By his
side was Ills gun , coated with lee. Victor It
Caldwell , room-mate of Vales at Yale , and
who slatted ontvvith him on aduck hunt on
Thlinblu Islands on the Connecticut shore ,
on Thanksglv ing 11101 nlng , arrivedat Halting
Hollow by tialn soon after the finding of tlio
boily. Ho had been on Long Island looking
for Ills fi lend ever since bis own rosette on
Thnisday evening. Ho will take charge of
the body after the tinniest at IMvcr Head to-
dav , und will send It home to the young
man's parent- * . How It Is that the little boat
drilled about In Unbound nearly nlxty hours
ina lough sea \slthottt upsetting pU7/.Ies
cM'rjboily. It is par 11 v explained by the tact the body lav in tlio bottom 01' the boat ,
and thus served to balance It. Vales' hands
wore lunch blistered , indicating how hind ho
had struggled with the oars. Only one oar
was round In the boat.
\ rites and Caldwcll wore sophomores. Hoth
wereliom Omaha , where " \ ales' father is
president of the Nebraska National bank.
A heavy northeast wind was blowing when
they started out in the water , and before
they had a sense of danger , thev li.ul been
driven southward almost bcjond i esetic.
when at last they saw their danger , eacii
tried to beach their bo.iton one ot the numcr-
ous llttio islands. Caldvvell succeeded with
great exertion in runninuliis boat on an is
land known as Oulcr Uoek. Hcio ho was
obliged and watch Ills friend , < is the
latter vvucarried out on tlio oitud. Vates
knew little about the management of a boat ,
and people on the many Islands saw him
standing up in his boat wringing his hands
ns ho drifted away. Caldwell , uftei being
rescued , letmned to New Ha\en and after re-
i)0iting the loss of Ills friend , Marled at once
tor Long Island in hopes that Vates might
dtlftover alive. The boat dilltcd about lif-
tcen miles.
Dcntli of Lincoln's Tutor.
Si'iaxoi'iiin , 111. , Nov. DO. [ Special to
the Bui : . ] Hon. John T. Stuart , an old and
honored citizen of Springlieid , and a man
who was a prominent liguro in the earlier
history of the slate , died Saturday afternoon
at the age ot 78 jears , and of "Illness that was
not regarded as serious until an hour or two
beloie his death. He was the. peer of such
men as Stephen T. Lo itn , Anraham Lincoln ,
Milton Hay , .John M. Palmer , and others a a
eminent as they In their piofesslon. He was
the tutor of Abraham Lincoln , nnd utter-
watds Ills law partner. He early became
prominent In the polities ot'the state , .and
was frequently elected to positions ot honor
and trust , lie \\as a walgduiiiig the Hie of
that party. In \\Iieatyut'J. . > years of age ,
he was elected to the 1'Jvver house ot the
legislator , ami was milcclcd In 1SJ . In 1S > ;
he made a race for * representative in eon-
mess against \ \ illiam'l' . .May , and was de
feated. In IKitf he again became th nominee
ot his party , tills time against Stephen A.
Douirlas , and was elected. In 1WO hoas
again elected to concress and was
reco-jut/ed as one of the working mem
bers of that body. In Wi lie declined reelection
tion to congress and resumed the active nrae-
tlce of law. In Ibn'J he tigain became a candi
date for congress and in addition to tlio lull
democratic vote he received votes ot many
republicans , and was tiluinphnntl > elected.
In 1WH he was the democrat ! candidate for
concress , but was dcteated by Hon. Shelby
M. Ctillom. From time he ceased to
take active part in public atlairs. During the
lil.ickh.iwk war ho was itiajnrol a batulllon
in wlilch Lincoln commanded u company.
In Ib4i : Mai. Stuart termed a law partneislifp
with Hon. Benjamin S , Edvvuids. In IMS C.
C. Blown wa-s taken into the linn anil that
partnership continued up to the day of Maj.
Stuatt's death. He was one of tineo commis
sioners for building the new state house , was
chahman of tlio executive committee of the
Lincoln monument , association , and In all of
these positions discharged his duties intelli
gently and homstly.
Maj. Stuait leaves a widow and live chil-
dien. ' 1 he eldo-t son , .folm T. Stuart , jr. , is
a citl/en ot Chicago. Ho was a man ot spot-
let-s character , anil dies lamented by all.s
Daring .Siu-Kical Operulion.
NBW VOIIK , Nov. 30. f8 ] > eclal to thelSmi : . ]
The Tribune this morning reports tlio Ilrst
successful arterial tiansfusion irr Bellevue
hospital. The method was tlio Injection of a
solution of halt and water into anaitery
against the action of the heart , the theory
being Ural the heart Is btlmulated by arterial
tension , and that one Innocuous lluld Is us
good as another. The patient was a middle ,
aged woman with a strong constitution , who
had been shot by her husband in a lit of
jealousy. The ball entered the right side of
the tare , carried away apaitof Hie upper
jaw and badly tractmed tire hone. After n
week ot apparent progress in
the hospital the rimse discovered
late at night that Mrs. Connolly was
d\ing , secondary lit'inmorlmgo having fet In.
The body was i old and clammy to the touch ,
and the dew ot dissolution was on llio tore-
liead. IIj policlinic injections of whisky
wcniglven at tieqiient Inteivals and waim
bottles and clothes were applied. Tim lacer
ated aiteiy In Urn jaw wa * found will ) ililli-
etilt > , thelieart beating so low that bleeding
points could not bo seen.- All ordinary tent-
edlesfailed. The sing-on then injected a
solution of salt and waierand tlio hcaitgtad-
uully beat stronger. In 11 tew miniitis Ilio
woman ictinned to c > oiisclousurs , and though
very weak lor some days has linally re
covered. ' '
Tlic Foul an ni-i.tbi'Hiooil ,
Nrvv : YoriK , Nov. 30.-jf jjp Ul to tlio Hr.i ; . ]
The Fenian llrutheihuoil published this
inoinlng in the Sun a repeat of Us secret con
vention the first three- days or last week.
Jeremiah O'Donovan Hoss.J jvas elected clilff
executive. Ills report 'feb'Kva that thu 6100
given to tlio nmn who d lrpjed the Audio
monument was not Ivritb have
done , but was given after the
amount collected during litre
twecn &uoooand Sis.uopaud the oiganl/a"
tion now ow es n smal ) strm to Jfoioa. lEoava'.s
report to the convention iiisl ls on the wis
dom ol'htirUni-'todjnainltelt IrUhmen hope
to obtain lieedom for Ireland.
, Trnfjetly Over u Divorced \Voiunii.
I.UUISVIM.I : , Ky. , Nov. BO. C. 0. Stone ,
street , a farmer , was found dead near La
Grange , Ky. , yesterday vvlth , a bullet In hU
head. It Is supposed thaf ho was Phot by
John Kills , a stock trailer. Thu tno had u
quarrel over Kills' divorced wife , and a
bloodless Moniiii ! affray resulted , almntu
month at'o. Kilts' hor.- , and oat ) rid len b >
the dead man , were found together this morn
ing , HUN cannot bo found.
P.mii.-11't * lCleutloi ; CoutCHtcd.
NI.VV VOIIK , , [ Sx | > claltotfio HKI : . ]
The Herald's Dundalk ( Inland ) cableoays ;
There Is doubt that I'arnelPs election will
stand In Cork , aft all his ballots , had jn Intcd
' leatierof tlmrrlsh People "
on tliem/'Parnel ,
and the election laws o orders that no dls-
tingulKhlng marksIwallowed on the ballot ;
beside ; . It Is said lint Ihuro W4 Intimidation.
OiirnlmV Cooil Iteuot-d lit tire 1,1st of
tjt-rulliiir Cities.
Doixoy , Xov. .W. 'Iho following tble ,
compiled from special tlNpatches to tiie 1'ost
from tlio leading clearing IIOIHCS of the
llnlled state-selves the moss clearances for
the week emliin : N'ovember > , with pcirent-
ngoof decrease and lucretse compared \Utli
thecorrospondlng week of Issit
Nem : Minneapolis. Omaha and Girlves-
torr not Included in totals.
"Wheat In Sight anil In Store.
CHICAGO , Nov. W ) . The following figures
taken from arr olllclal statement ol the board
of trade , show the amount of grain In light
In the United States and Canada on Sattn-
day , November ! 29 , nnd thoamoiintof Increase
or decrease over the preceding week :
Wheat r.V tKH ! lucicasc 1,272,124
Corn : ir , > 7-- J increase f > s'.i ) s
Oats 2ils,7- : Dcciea-e. . . . WV-OS
B > e 0115 , "i " M Increase rts.7 ! !
Barley. ! > , .v.nir.i ! Increase 2i'J15
The ptoportlon of this in stote in Chicago
on the dale named was :
Wheat i,7TU'Jls : ( roi n 4f > 7.i7r : )
O.ltS RV'Ot Jjo { iteO/AW
Barley lli ,717
llcvlcvv of the Hi-itlsh Markets.
LONIXHJ , Nov. ! M. Tlio Maik Lane Hx.
press , in ils review of Hie British grain trade ,
says : Heavy rains have prevailed dm Ing thr >
week , and some distiirls of Urn coutitiy have
been Hooded. U is believed tint the wheat
average is below that of issi. Young whcits
look stroinr and healthy. Values aio buelv
maintained , and the tendcncj Is downward
Kltjln Dairy Market.
Cnir.vno , Nov. SO. The Inter-Ocean's Kl-
gin , III. , special says : Butler strong ; ad
vanced to-day. R-cnl ir sales , iil.aaj pounds
Cheese dull ; no sales.
in : GOT TUB emu
Romance of nn Illinois Youu
Man ami I/N | Brldo.
TOI.OKO , III. , Nov. 30. Peter A. Blnghclm ,
aTolono saddler , went lo Kaioa n low days
ago and fell in love with a beautiful young
country ghl , whom ho induced to elope with
him on a week's acquaintance , and they were
married in Uecntur. Biughcim thought the
girl's father was vejy wealthy , and the girl
told him that her home had always been ono
of elegance and Itmirv , but owing toadls-
airicementwitli her stepmother she was re
siding with her liienls , A tier the nun hue
Binghcim proposed thev return to
Deiiatnr and seek tnc old IUIU'M as-
.sislatice In slatting business ami set-
tins ; up a homo tor themselves. With
tears in her c.ves the joitng bride suv how
vvofully she had deceived her htisban I and
explained that her lather died iv year ago.
bequeathing all of hiest.itn to his second
wile's childien and cutting oil his only
daughter by his matiiago without a
cent. Then Binirholm began to reali/u that
the small sum he had In liispnisc would soon
bo exhausted and letuined with Ills bride to
Tolorro lit seatcli ot his former situation ,
wlilch ho tailed to obtain. Alter repeatedly
altempting to desert his young wife lie took
her with him on the don't end of tlio mall ear
on Friday night's tialn and lode out ot town ,
leaving a grip containing all of their woildly
possessions to pav the hotel keeper lor their
ciitcitainmcnt. Being dilvcn liom tin ; train
at the nrst station they resumed their journey
last night with the avowed pur pose ot nnally
leaching Belleville , where Binghcim's par
ents aie said to reside.
A Hrntnl YomiK lloosicr Kloke a Ie-
I'ciiHeless Uld Man.
WAIIASH , Ind. , Nov. w ) . What doubtless
will prove to bo a cold-blooded mm dor was
perpetrated In the woods tour miles east of
Wabaslr this nltcnioqn at 1 o'clock. Joseph
Spencer , a young man ot : bad character , and
Sjlvester Hull , air old resident of Legro
township , while passing through thowonds
become involved in tin alteiealion relative to
M > me timber , and.In a lit ol rage Spencer
Knocked the old man down and beat and
kicked Iris face Into a jeliy. Subsequently
Hull dragged liini-cir lo tlio house wlteie
Spencer lives to have his vvoitndsdiossod ,
and the bnily > oung btnte again at
tacked the Innim victim , ciuslilng
his skull wlthn club , repeatedly stilklni ; him
with dlslics and arlicle.sol Inrnitiite. Blood
Mie.uneil from a do/en wonmls up m lite old
man's person , and lint for the attentions ot
Spuncd'H wife , who endcavoted to s.ivu hmi
from the savage attacks , ho would have b ed
to death. Believing ho had killed Iho old
man. Spencer lied and icmalncd hidden in
woods until to-night , when intelligence'ot
the crime icachcd the city , and an ( illicit-
went out and captured him. He was lodged
in Jail , ami a tuclimiimiy examination will
lioirul befoio tlin mavor to-moiiow moniing1 ,
The a saull , from what can bo learned , was
a most wholl ) unpiovoked , Spcmer de-
claies that ho did not intend to Kill Hull' ,
but the fact that lie renewed the ntlaI ; at
his renidenie impaits a bad plin-o to thu mat
ter. Hittf Is biiiL' in a very ci It lea I con
dition ro-night , anil It is thought that ho will
die bctoio morning ,
A General Coi-i-uptionlst ,
Jfivv ; VOIIK , Nov. 'W. This evening a
Sonrh watrant was l.ssiied for .Major ( Jeneial
.Mexaudcr Shalcr , on thcchaigoof bilbciy In
connection with the puichabo of militia
nimory sites In ( hit city. Hi ; was anostcd a
his residence , and brought to pollen head
( iimitciit and locl-cd up. in Icstlmotiy before
thu legislative ( ommiltrn today .Moumou't ,
B. Wilson said bj tiu.ingciucnt wrrii
( icn. bhaler , attci cnVrling tbu sale ot the
Scliell and 1'aiichlld iiroj > eily to the armory
boaul nl liguies gieatly in excess of what the
pioporty could have been bought lor al
pilvato- sale hn Imd p.ild ol ) a moilgagit ot
srti.iioo on property uvvrrtd by ( jcn. hhalcrin
New Jersey.
Dohtrtrcilvo l-'irc.
1'a. . Nov. 80. The Warner
house , a unw and elegant hotel , was limned
this morning. The tiio was discovered about
2 o'clock anil burned so rapidly that the guests
had much dlllicnlty In escaping from thu
binning building. Threoof tlicinniodangcr-
ously and many others slightly Injured by
jiimulug to the pavement. Loss , s'i ,000 : In
surance 310,000. Brow u ct Hyman's clothing
sioio was damaged to tlio extent of fc,000 ) ,
llogan's grocery StOO. No Iribiiranco.
A Tow of the Subjects Considered by Ilio
Council Committees.
Tlic I'trbllu Llliiiiry ntut the Viaduct
An Inoetnllary I'lro
l'ar ; irailis ) anil
Local < l' > tinii ; ,
The tegular weekly pttlroriirK of the
council eonrniitlecs was hehl in the
clnmbcr last evening. Notvvitlrstantlinjj
tins scdtu'tivo atlraellotr ul the opera
hoiisu , the uttemlnncn of eommitteonren
was put llcithrrly. satisfactory. Topies al
most inmtmerublo vvoro tlheussed in ir
n rntiibtin rnannef , anil upon
sonto it rs nnlto HKcly very
liitlo will bo tlono. The inter-
nrin.-ililo janjrle over- the si-ado of l.eav-
iMivvurtlr street was n aln Intro-
tlttued , irntUMthstnnniiri ; that an orili-
nanei' 141011 the htibji'ct is now pending
in the council. The proposed tirailc , or
Ilio Mibbliuile for the projiosed grade ,
was dimly outlined upon ri chart which
had ei'ir "bettor days. As ; i eoiif'equeiu'o ,
thu ilillV'ioneo between tlin hitter and the
ono llrsl referred to eoulil not bo ac
curately itott'rmrncd It was i-aitl , how
ever , thu compromise would bo
likely to give satisfaetioir to both Mr.
Council ami Mr Hamilton , both of w 'mm '
have property which may bo materially
alluded by air ill-eonsitlored grailc. It i.s
inuleri-tood that the grade would bati fy
the oily engineer , who. it may bo Mir-
miacd. has in miml only the neiiuht of
the oily. Jlr Hamilton was seen later ,
by n lir.i : irran and iiftked how the
proposed new grade vvottlii sati ly
liim , He &aid ho had not t-een the
line sngyestod , and , indeed , could not
understand it if lu h til. because it was
badly involved with that of others so
much M > that ho was not at all nblti to
speak intelligently upon tlio subject. He
did ay , liDWever , that he did not want to
trutttgunue anybody ami ho might possi
bly t.ivor it it lie but had an opportunity
to study rt. He had already a grade on
two sides anil it vva < 5 not so rnucn a ques
tion as to who hlionltl bo benolittod , as
the other faet that the people and the
speaker hail a right to be guaranteed.
A delegation of three members irotn
the library board , headed by William
Wallace , called upon thu committees
jestenluy. J'ho committee called to
get some legal points or rather give
them upon thu tight of the board to ex
pend what it considers just in all its bus
iness. Mr. Wallace bati&IIcil the
council that the law em
powered tire board to dispose of its
money as it saw lit At the present time
the board ha- , about $10' ' ) in thu treasury ,
and has not yet drawn lor anything
against the last lev. > , vvltilo nl tluamo
time it has to it- , credit a. considerable
amount ot uuerediteil police lines. Sev
eral of thu couiieilniiMi , among thorn
Messrs. ISueliel and Uomlnch , held it
would be just if tire council withdraw its
bauds from the board , and did not
trouble itself antl--- hamper the
latter body by placing these
items in Hit ; appropriation ordinances.
K.iclr thought tlrero was no neee oily for
that feature in ilie hitler and horeattcr it
would possibly be abandoned.
The viaduct question will come np
again in tne council to night in ' .he shapu
ot nn ordinance to appoint a committee
to ascertain what damages might result
to residents on Tenth and .Eleventh
stieots by the erection of a viaduct oir
An TncPinllni'y Fire.
Tliis morning at 1:15 o'clock the old
Colorado house , near Cass street holiool ,
was discovered on tire. The llnmes wore
e.Nlrnguislioil with but little injury to tlio
structure. They were undoubtedly the
work of an incendiary. The night be
fore last the school j.initor""iirovo away
a couple ot men who were ulti'inpimg
to set the house on lire. This morning
they must have returned anil been par
tially .successful. The homo had been
unoccupied lor some time. .
Imml Ki'iuuls Coming.
The 15. A : M. train from JJcnver , this
morning , will contain riinoirgotlrcrs Jno.
C. Turner , 1'rnnk Hurst , Ht.nh liyan ,
Alon/.o M. Wells , .lames Dormin , tiveout
ot 17 men implicated in land frauds in
this state. They will bo in charge of n
Deputy U. S. Marshal. Seven more will
probably be arrested to-day. All of Un-rii
are prominent citi/.cns of Denver , and
some of Ilium are large property o\v ner.s.
Myrtle IjodRO In llooni. !
IM.yrtlo Ledge Knights of Pythias held
their annual election last night , and after
the work fifty strong , adjourned to Ilig-
gins' restaurant , ami t Irons nearly an
hour kept the waiters of the establish
ment on tlm jump in supplying the de
mands ot the inner man.
Sinners ,
The nrrosts last triylit areas follows-
Sam Lowe and 15 P. Kane , lareonv ;
Sam Litidspy and Chun. Heal , ilritnk anil
niul disorderly ; Dave Hurt , .lorry Kilob
aud Cbas. Tenviu'o , susjMeious uirarau-
.1.15 Uailey , Yuuktotr titjency , is at tlio
Millar il
Hobt. Wt-idousall , Chicago ; .folur F.
Moses , ( 'lio.M.'iino ; A , MeLuotl , ( i. II ,
Cnsllu. diaries Lane , 15lue Springs ; F. 1.
Tois Crete , are at the Mrllanl.
Col. ! ' . Snritlio came rn from Pa pil
lion last night , whore ho hud been in at
tendance niion the opening of thu dis
trict court of Sarpy. lie is the counsel
for Highl , who is charged in ISolluvlevv
with burglary ,
Harry ( lilmoro , ono of tlm oiurks of
the 15. .V M freight depot , left last night
for Cleveland , whore lie will lion-alter
reside , his wife having preceded him sev
eral months ago ,
, Iud H. Ma.ver , JJufiulo. A. Ilonry , Col
umbus ; K. F. ( Jray , Fn-mont ; Hugh
Mcl'lcmmil niuj Walter Crawford , Dawson -
son Co ; F , .M , Cahli'lter and wife ami
II. M t'aotolter , Hlalr , Winnie Cliapin ,
Hlair , C. H. Do La Matyr and N. H. Per'
singer , Central City ; are at the PaMoii ,
P. M. Anderson one of our best known
railway gentlemen , is once more at home.
He left some Unco months for Jiulto ,
Mont. , where he has since rcnidctl. lint
liultu lias hud no attractions for him , He
return * to Umalia to stay , ami that
thought issf-nrcoly less a pleasure to him
self tluin it K to his many friends.
Postmaster Coulunt has boon confined
to ills homo by nn iftttick of tonsilitis
for several dajn , anil , jvas thought yes
terday would bo abloto bo in lifa otlicc ,
to day. _
'llni lialkiin Wai1.
Hiuu.vm : ; : , Nov. W. < ! ea. Leshjauln a on
IInne.s to homhanl Wlddlii. It Is oxjirrtod
that ( .nnal liijhlliii ; will bo i.-aiinud In a
ilaor tuo ,
_ _ -
Life Insurance ,
Orncinl Apcnt
Tor XPW York , t'olortntn ntut Wj inning.
Oillce , cotnpi Mill mid DniiRlns.
tliu poiiulur Tontine policies. AB < P
Fire Insurance.
2It South lldilociith Hicet , Tolcphono No Ml
NortliiTii A $ mnitce Cn , U > tulon. KiiKlnnO.
diii'iit lii < ntnncel i' . . Mnitlotil , l.Vniii ,
Union 111111111101' C > Pan I'mni lfu > , C < it.
Nnlionnl I'lro Itxuriuicu Co. , llnrtfoiti , t'onn.
'i 1'uiul In Co. , i-nn Friincl'to , L'ftl
A * , it.
flcnoud Aijciit
Provident Savings Life Assurance Co ,
of New York.
107 South Stirot , Oninlm.
Chiiipcol liisiirnnw cvor otlt'iril tij ( in "oKl
Hue' loinpiiny.climl nvuiiivio toiirly vet
ilu i Intr thu ciilcinhir } pin ISSJ , lb.niul IWO , nt
njfo 40 , for flli.OJO , ns JSJ 7.
.1. C. KNKWOLI ) ,
Dry Goods ,
Ilio nlcirnnt liiltkrfliucrMoro.KM ntul Oiiln-
Int.SIM IMS , hue Ju-t lx > cii opcntil with a KCIUMII !
lotJ > ol stnplo tinil Inno ilrjp < iocl , loole ) , lin < ?
lintt- . cults , trim04 , vrntktuir clntlip , nml n full
line of iinil'i-clothlnip Tito l ' * t inuillly und thu
low cs | ] ti Icos. dill niul M'o.
JHS. ! 15. RIGHT ,
Milliner ,
At r < ! > Nldli si. . iRiloliiTii thilxltiK bilhlnoss In
inllllnory mill IHIII-J nooiln , niul ulf-o koopmi niitu
lii'i ol enutlojri'Slitis.v
eMiuikinn. I'li'lilonnliln niul HtyllMi Kiirnu ntK
i-iin liu lintl nt Mrs. KI lit'R tor a very low Illfiire.
A UIul onlur cintlstk'M all ami becuu-H
Millinery Goods ,
In Ilio inllllaorv niul fnncy pooilit
line jon cnnnnt do bcdci tlnm to jmlionl/o Mrs.
M. M. Klntr. IU Ciunlnfj Pt. Tlin Intest nt > lrH.tli
moct lx.'iiullfiil vioik mill HID Mny louoM prices.
Grocery CrockeryStore
Is tlio pinto lor Ilio penjiloof Noitli p t Oinuhit
lo tunic ImUIIMI II Is iuntiiill > lociitiMr , nt Ui
corner ufCumltiK'nnil t-iumdni- ( . The blook
IB thu beat inul Ihu piiuosus chuiip ua any.
Grocers ,
Thl nun clinics n cltoloo fich slocli nnd rtoti
: i ImslnosK on the mnulluM piolltH , ntul lit'iuii
It hns u UK ! trnilit. llu.v > otir K > oouric(5 ( nqor
homo niul not uiitilo or two n\vny. N'o VX > ( , 'ulu-
Ing street.
11ENKY 150LLN & CO. ,
Deittcra la
Stapled Fancy Groceries
rielilnnil Onnlon Penis. Soullnvcst corner
ICth niul California streets.
Groceries , Fruit , Feed.
liil donlor In ponltiy nfiJ nil hhula of PIUIID
OyMcrs In MinKiiii. ( Jooils ilc-llvcmil rite lit all
hours. 8. Goldstein , 7U1 Ho. Uth street.
lulea/t 3 C
Fancy Groceries , Hour , Eeed , Etc.
J'onltiy , I'rnsh llntlor nnd lima u siteolally
1'lilslliin hue loiiK-liiHiii iiotc-il us ( holc-uillngonti
In tliclr line Tin Ilio third wnid tradQ. AlunjH ou
tciiil | In iinil iii | to tin' tliiios "illi plenty of nv-
lUjtliliiK : that ISKood Kept coiibtantly In utuub.
S\V CD iIDlh inul Docile hiieot.
1' . M. BACK & CO.
General Store.
Tills liousofnrnl liPs joinBOotls uenr home.
Ifjon llxri In Smith Oiinilui , so that when you
BI t a winnr Hlioln n lamp i liliiinuy or u Htionir
| ) onii ( ! of Ijiitlei , jon uont lie forced to wnlk u
rnlluundtrct run nt-cr by ttipcnrs to sot it cj-
chinure < l. 1130. 1U ! and 1 1-1 B. 7lh st ,
At the Head of Kl. Sluo'h vVvcniio , Is doliifr
such a lively luiMiictH In
Dry G-oods , G-roceries
Meiits nnd llnnln'.uo , Unit ho Iti iibout to hilllil
imollier lot of fitoios to uccomniodiilo hit rttplld
ly lucicaslni , ' tniil' VV'lint io"d t-t'liso Is thnio In
n man iroliiBii iHltnauny liomliero liollvoito
liuy , uhca iiioio Mn-rli.1 ahlo uinl inneli ehuuiicr
fiomlB can liu lioUKlit tluht at honin/Tlinio In
IUIIIH ; hunco there U ruiison Jor .vir , Knimold'H
House Furnishing Store
Cor ICth and Douslas street.
3i. IICHINBKUG : : ,
Has lust iccelvod n nuwstoiUof Dngllsb dcco
rutcil win o to bofcold nt tlio lulluwlujr pi Ices
Dinner HI its , J i plc-co-i. JIuKJ
Ten setts , M jiloees , t. 'i
Tollot sells , ID pieces , 1 1 H
llnH-i 1/1111114 , liom $ j M up
Hi. its Hull Lumps , 1 1 ( mii ,1.1 . , und a number of
m Helen ut M.-O lutr llguios.
Books and Stationery ,
il" N. 10th street ,
Ittllulone books a i-r > ix'ltiity.
Prescriptions.Perfumery .
Cornc-r store. Musoiilo llulj.
Di lU'p , raim . nil ; rml Stutlonory. Kun k I
( iiniii em run-t-M'i ' } Hutu. 1'riic W mil * ,
VI ) IJX vv'uirunuvj.