rma OMAHA BAIL * " MONDAY , NOYEUHWU ao. isss. r Absolutely Free from Opiates , Emetics anil Poison. SAFE. . YOOELER CO. , Bf.LTIMOnE , MD. , fMp l-rorrlrlor * . A FINK LINK Of -AT- WOODBRiDGE BROS' iYSUSIC HOUSE OMMIA NRBUASKA. nols far lhcc > ; ntc53pjrro ofnlvlnnlmnedale ! reliclln fcll chronic , xumary end prl- v ! .5 diEiaits. Doncrrhd , Qlsct rnilSyplulls In nil their complicated forms , nlso all dlKe cs of the Skin and BlooJ prcinplly relieved anil perrnancr.tlycurtcl by reme- 'flfAtijimatl'iarHrr. bcmlrul Week-neon. Nictit Lotscaliy Dreams. Pimples on tSiFr.ce.Lo5t Manhood'o /Mi'f/j-riirrrt.J7/rrc / II twcj-iitrli > irntinrti The appropriate r-mrdy uat once ured In each case. Consultations , rer- lonat cr by letter , cacrcdly cuafiiinUal. f.lcd- Iclnes sent by Mnllnnd Express. Nomnrkaon package to Indicate contents or sender. Address DR.UMESJJo. ZOlVVashlnnlon Gl.nicagolll. ( ; .SWIFTS SPECIFIC Is imluio's own ronipdjnnulo from roots ( fiitboroit I mm fori'-t'nl ' UonrKlii. Tlio i\bu\o out it'pro'onlH tliu ttii'tliod of ll iniuinfiiuturo twenty. , ours npii. Thcdoinnnrt ItfiB been trrnd- uully IiiciL'iihliiir until n floO.Utt Inbratory Is uw nwo'Riiry lo supply llio trmlo. This mi-iit Vcif- ctiilile Illootl riiriflrr cint-s ctuicor , culnnli , fcrolulr. , cc/.oina , ulcer , iliountntlsui nnd Wood tuliil.burcUltniy urnthcrntso , wltlioiit Ihoiuo ot muif nry or imtuili. THIS swirr si'Kcinc co. , K. V. 1.W W. Sid st. lnin cr 3 , Atlnii p . After Fix inonllm Imvo jmiscd , Uio t > cried of ilontltion will ri | iiho to cppo-lully looked nftpr. ItMgo'i * Kooil pntsofS 9 i peihiiiis In no otliori > repnrntlonlio ! bonu-iorni nir 11 ib rich in iilbtimlnolds curlion , eta , nnd Isu tH'r'octly pnlo illot for nil classis conditions , If | l dlructlons nru lolkuvoil. I'nt up In tin ca ) , , fpur sUcf > ffift , fs. . , $1.25 mid $ l."u. A SPECIFIC FOR Epilepsy , Spatm > , Convul sions , Falling Dance , Mrohol- ism , Opium Eat ing , Synhillti , Scrofula , Kings ERVEl tta , Ncrvotisncw , . Wcrtoi/a HVcincM , Brahi AVorrj- , Blood Sores , BHlou-noes , CetftiKJiKS , Ncrrougrrootmtlon , JH aeji TrmtUtsand Invgvlarltta. Wio cwcs for tlia diiclorb' sueers \ \ lien Ihti Inlulllblu remedy Is at Imntl ? Tlio aflllctcJ \vlll find It to be n constitutional specino , unit utountnlu of vitality ruul vtKor.ns rcfrcsliJntr wiU cxlitllratlnR asacuoLgnMilnR spring of whtfirtotboTiiirchcdniiil fnintlnK traveler In llio deport. T clecllao Uklng u sum remedy M IIPU nick Is to court hiilTerlnif and lixvito ilenl li. freely Ike Pf. S. A. RICMOXDXEWKB CO. , St. Jostpi , SoM liy nil DrncsUt * . ft. M per bottle , or four bottles for $5 oa FOR SALE BY C , F , GOODMAN. WHITT 617 A rrrnlft"rr dr.tt pf two MeJlo-lC6llrr.fi. Lai I rtn 1 rt ( > rtillillb r'allmU ' iDtor C > u ic. N.UII.VI. licit kid ULO li UilBiifetLinnr otbrrl'fcjtlrlui lofit. Loulj , icltr IdpiltiLoH nu-'ll ' t.llr i IJtBtt itcpw. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Menial end Pliyilcul Weakness ; Mercurial and other Altec- tlcns ot Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood t'olf cnlng , old Seres siid ulcers , r titn-a iib oorirtiiciii Olstrccs Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Imminence. .Met rriaw. i.ueuru. ! cllo luc tr , ui > tiaui t , , drblllu , dimorii or ilttil * . . ' .tdd-f-'tl-r-vmcrr , rlni'l-iCBllie free. i.lirietdcr . | - . . . . .ictiicu It I1 < 0 locltlft ( f miUi , coBfuiioi cl I4 n , tie. , i Teadirtni MirrUao : Imtircprr or uulnrpy. \ - ! ' . ' 'f Sj' " ' V " " * ' r"l''l"tl' ' " "Micn | ' " * ' r * < A Potltly * Written Guarantee iiruo'iaVrirret. MARRIAGE GUIDE- poq PACES , rilCK J'liATZa , t-iat cloth M.4 rllt fctedf rCOu. in | K "t st wft „ , t * f. Oirr Qfly | ti 1 1-nrr i , n < l nit j i in , , on it Icllowni * - , . . itNt.l.Iralnti r , > * t' llb7 Mlncct-.tt"l fjtfr rcJ - d u , r a I- ir r 1 iK > nnJ Mirror " ' " 'IS'tio'flattercr , Would you * v. make it tell a sweeter tale ? * ; jtj -B aAgnPl'a ; ' i mrmstnccnarm- i " 41 . ! . . cf that-almost cheats the ' 100ki" * S'- . Vi ! il PEARL FISHING , Dangers of a DiYS ? Whsa Sjatstin' for Tni Oeai. Tbc Operations of n San rranolco Company In the Gulf of Cull. turnm Some .Specimens as ns HOUK' San Traneireo Call Long before IMC the yo r in whieh Cortos littod out an expedition for the purposes of explora lion on the Prteilic coast of Moxieo. ho had heard that there wore lo be found ol theerwtiof an Immense island pearls of the iuot wonilrons beauty , and of . o gi-f.il a sii' that their like had uovor beet seen since the day when Cleopatra dis solved in n goblet of vinegat n pear which had not Its equal in the world Cortes was the ntoro desirous to prose euto this undertaking , for ho liopet .should the expedition sneered in scouring homti handsome specimens from these famous pearl beds ho woult again bo taken into high favor by Ills sovereign , as the dlscov t-rer of still richer nnd morn valuable lands. Coiteswas doomed to bitter dis appointment , for though tlio cxpedilion discovered California , yet it only proeiir ed some suuill and discolored spccinu'im whieh would not have pleased Uio royal avarice had they been sent. The pear ! was. however , assiduously litliud for bj the natives of both shores for bovora years , bill it seems that they contrived lo li > op the most valuable of their linds from Ihe knoxvlijdge of Iho Spaniards. Of late years thu lishcries in the Gulf of California have leeeived considerable attention from linns in Muleje ami ha Pa : : , and it is from Ihe well-known pearl * Usher in those seas , Jonquin Zazuetn , that a Call reporter was supplied with data concerning the manner and the means byhiih the famous Lower Cali fornia pearls are rescued from theoceau. The indn try of pearl-fishing on thai coa l has \uthin lh pa-tyear received n greater impetus through the foundation of : \ comp.my in this city , organized ahem a yi-ir since , nndor the au-pices of Juan Hidalgo. UXTUAOUniKAUr f-ONCKSSIONS. "The coneubsions whieh Jniin llilalgo has reeoived from life .Mexican government - ment , " .said Joaquiiiia.iH'ta , "aro very valuable. They give him the power to lihh all down ( lie Mexican coast ; and I buliovc lli.it Iho government derives a ri-vonue through tin- custom house. So siieeo.s ful lia-i Mr. Hid itgo bcnn n his operations thai il is whispered lie intends proceeding stil } further tloxvn Iho coast and gL-ttiiig similar concessions from each one of the Central American repub lics and then into Soulli America. You know that the Buy of Panama once pro- dueod the be-4 ncarls in tlio world , and though Iho lisliiug has been .somewhat negleeted of late yeais , still it is gener ally conceded thit : an expedition which wo'uld make careful search would bo well repaid for its labor * . From what I can learn , lln-in expeditions are now pushing up from the south , .md as far as 1 know 1 ean sci' no reason why good pearls could not bo got on the United "states cousl fcay us far as San Diego. Well , at present Iho operations of this San Francisco company have been eon- lined to the Gulf ot California , where I learn that they have found some ot the most valuable pearls that have over been taken from these beds. These beds ex tend from Cape San Lucas to the island ot San Miguel , a dinlance of three or four hundred miles. Some of thu be.st shells have been found north of San Joe , San Francisco , Santa Crux and Carmen is land , though there is a very magniliecnt bed in the run of La Pax ; nor must I tor- get to add that there is a bed near Coronado - onado island which has been and is ex tremely prolific. Tlio channel where the = ; o pearls are found is very deep , and Irani two to three miloa wide. In fact , the waters around Coronado islands tire embedded with pearl shells , and espec ially to the north. TUB uivnu's urn. "The life of a diver is bynomcanea pleasanl ono. He is continually exposed to danger , not alone from suffocation , but from the monsters of the deep. The (5ulf ( of California abounds with sharks , but dreaded worse than the shark is the tintorcra , a lierco lish that , has killed many a daring : and skillful Usher. Shells are louml at all depths , from ton und fif teen lo twenty-two fathom * of water ; and when the diver belongs to an organized company ho is accoutred for nif sub marine work witli n complete diving Miitj otherwise , when no llshes on his ) own accord , ho dares the dangers of the deep in the only garments which nature provides him. When the diver Is prop erly equipped he can work at least two or three hours , but when in a state of nature the very best man can remain under water oury about four min utes. though it has been claimed that di vers have remained as long as littecn minutes. A diver is paid a salary aver aging ! ? . " > 0 a month , besides tins lie also gets a percent ago of 10 per cent of the wiulls before they are opened. As com- 'lion with that class who make their v in tiM/.anlou.-J occupations , the 'U or is a musl profligate fellow and spend an entire .season's earn- ins73 t a single month. Gambling is their net vice , and , though they are ad dicted ! ; their hard-earned toliijuor , yet i > - gains generally tall into the hands of the gamblers. 1 know of several of these unci's who have closed Ihe season wiih a lidy sum. and In a few weeks afterward they are down among the sailora seeking a snip to save them from starvation. now run nsni.vc is CAKUIII : > ONV. ' "The season begins in May and lasts till November , though there are some in dependent lishor.s who continue throughout - out the winter. It can never bo said that the Gulf of California is a tranquil sea , and Unit makes it all the moro dan gerous for the poor follows. "The wtiy in which the fishing is car- rind 011 is this : There is attaohcdto the poaH-fisliing licet ono largo schooner , ranging from 75 to 100 tone burden , wiiieh is u.-ud to carry the catch and the provisions. Atluohcd to this schooner are I hit Mtveral bo.itd from which the lUh- ing is done. Kaeh of thobu'bonts carries ei.\ men four to row. ono to operate the nuiehine and ono to dive. . To the boat is attached a wire < ba&kcl , which is let down to the direr when he gives the fcignnl that he has made u find. This is s cut down , und when lillcil is hauled up again. Tlio shells , you understand , are found upon the rocks as are ordinary oyters. . When Iho shells are brought oil board they nro oyencd lv the rowers , and it h then that a watchful care is exorcised Jest some of Iho pearls bo stolen. The man who discover * a big pearl generally gets u reward , ud it is very quickly Known when Iho catch has boon lucky , for Iho happy Under is euro to give vent to liia delights in exultant fahout of 'A poerll : i pvtirlP I ItAUDS IMJAOTICKl * . "Yc , there have been eases whore thn unscrupulous fellow will btenl a peurl. One instance recalls itself to mv m-miory , when n pearl of great value Hvas stolon. and an uusucccs.sfii ] search mis institut ed for it. The man in command of the expedition suspected ono of his man and administered a strong oinutio whic-h soon discovered the thief. Not alone U the pearl valuable , but there is/jiiiin nn extensive demand for the shell , which if shipped in large quantities lo Kiiroju- , and i . 'nliKoa from M tO' in cents u pound , Strangu , is il not , that there is no market in Uu L'nilod St.itc.s for the pcnilr Juan Ihti.I''o'a company attempted lo make 1 1 HI isco u murk''t ) but their on- de.itors WCIP not rowned w Ih : < n I ( o now ti ! < y 4 , i i to Loud > n dlrei t B-lh Uermnny and France are large buyers ors ; and whntevcr pearls nfc in the United &taUit nmy bsiilu to say thai Oil tier cent hnve come from Kuroiie. 'The Lower UallforYdsi pw rl hofds tin enviable position in the pearl tnirts of the worlu. They are not only larger , bui their color "is superior to those found in thu Persian gulf , the Indian ocean am the waters of Uorueo. Contrary to nl other gems , thu pearl does not requiri ] eli ihiiig or the art of the mecluinle lo mill a lustre to it. It is eminently : i jewel. . " ( IMP. iXTnAOIII'lNA : Y [ 'HAULS. "Some of the very larircjl pt-arls that hnve ever been discovered Imve been tak en from the Gulf of California. In tlio Buy of .Muleje n pearl weighing 100 ear- ' aU was taken it. wa as large n a smal' egg ; while | ieiirN weighing from Jl ) to l ( carats are of frcijuent occurrence. Ami then , ng.tin , wi > have In our waters the rare bluoK pearl so highly prized by con- uoi eurs. J remember seeing a black pearl which was lished from out the San Lorenzo channel hlclMveiglicd car- nts and sold for :5.iKU. : ) Pearls are of dif ferent colors , from the pure white to the delicate roH'-tinled and to the pale green It pan not be said wiiieh of these is the most valuable , nu prices depend greatlj on the caprices of fashion. "Certainly pearls are priced by tin Mexicans. It is common , to see girls there with strings ot pearls around inch nicks whieh would fetch a large price in London. I , myself , know women In La Pnz who have pearls of extraordinary value , and sometimes they arc so poor that they have not the wherewithal to buy food. Of course , you will say that they should sell , and undoubtedly thej do , but a sale effected from such a wo man is tantamount to wholesale robbery. I will give you an instance. There win a pour naked diver once who llshed ill ) n pearl which was valued on the spot at tDOit. ? Well , ho got hard up. as usual , nnd ehcerfully gave away this gem for Ihe insignificant sum of $ l , * > 0. mi : mvciM AS A CLASS. "Taking the divers as a class , they arc not a bad set of me.i. They are Improv ident , it is true , but Ihcv are not mutin ous and dishonest. They have to be trealed well , because , undoubtedly , they control the trade , and should the > rolu o to work it would bo hard lo lill llieir places. Dlver < are generally the health iest of people , and you can distinguish them by the development of clit' l and shoulder. "No , there is not the slightest prospect of tlio Lower California beds giving out. There are great number of men now employed in the fishery , and as year follows year the number will be in creased. Why , them is an immense field being opened out. for Hie pearl bed * will " soon"bu exhausted from Iho mouth of Iho Colorado river lo the extreme limit of South America. " ,7. P. Morris , cashier of Ihe Girard House , Philadelphia , Pa. , writes Novem ber U7 , 1831 ; "For the pa t twelve years I have been a sullerer from what is known lo tlio medical profession as lum bago. Having been recommended , about live years ago , to Iry Alcock's Porous Plasters , I did so , and was more than aakmished at the result. I found almost immediate relief on llieir application I wear one constantly now , and would not bo without them. I consider thorn invaluable. " EDUCATION All. Tuft's college , Mass. , has 102 students. Cornell has CIS students enrolled ; more than cu-r holoie. A new chapel to cost S2.V,000 ) is in process oC eivcllon at Lehlsh university. The lluitfoitl , Conn. , hish school is said to be the only absolutely Hie-prooC school house in this countiy. ' students ofBiown Tvvwnty-eii'lit unlvmsity teach in the evening schools of Providence and Its vicinity. Mrs. L. M. Wilson , siipiinteiulent of jnib- lie schools at DCS MoincH , la. , has under her chnrue eljrhty teachers , and about four thou sand pupils. Her sulnry is srl.bOO a year. linn. Henry W. sjaue. the founder of the Sajjo female oollejjo , Cornell university , has ( liven -UO,0'JO to endow a Professorship of Kthlcsand Moral Philosophy in Cornell uni versity , in memory of his late wife. Thn down-town grammar school teachers ol Xow York city complain bltteilv that they ivccNe only S'.Vi aear lor teachinu exactly the s.une things and ivini ; Hie same amount of labor for \Miich the up-lo\ui teachers re ceive § 1,150. A friend of Dartmouth oollege has bouh ; and presented to it Hie valuable Itooil estule on tlio College Church street , opposite the northeast corner of tlio rouimon. The name ot the ulrer Is withhold , but II Is understood to he Levi P. Morton , the Xew York banker. The pioposnl to remove Union College from Sdieneetaily. X. Y. , to Alhnny , Is a melancholy indication ofthe dccailcivu of an old and honoieit and iisctul institution. It is doubtful , however , it' the college by this moM-ment would not lose 111010 eventually than U would pain. The young lady liom Michigan who recent ly entered thu Vale college law school lo complete her studies has created a little breeze at Yule. President Poiter l.s it-ported as aaylntr tluit she imiy con tin LI o her studies , but cannot bo nlllvlallv recognized by the olli- cers nnd will nut iccei\e a diploma when she giauuntes. The Virginia state board of education com posed ol CSrover Caineiini , Attorney ( Jeiiend Ulalr. and Stiperliiti'nilent ot Public Instruc tion K. II. 1'an , have appointed Prot. John X. Lang-t : < in , eolored , of Washington , ex- minister to Havtl. to bo president ofthe Colored Xonnul Collegiate Institute near Petersburg. The new Catholic Unlversitv nt Washing ton has been Incorporated , ft Is estimated tliatSt.ooo.cuo wilt bo ri' < mlreil to carry out the i > lans ot the Plenary council , and or lids niaounl about & ( IWKIO , Imsalieady been se emed. In .lamuiry the Catholic chuiehe.sof thh city anil the northwest will bo solicited to subscribe u portion of Ihe leiuulnlni ; bal ance. Jt Is now n little mnn thnn eighteen years since Mr. IValxxly made his lir t muiiiiicent gilt ot a million dollars in aid of popnlnrctlu- entlon In the smithem Mates , wliii-h was speedily follow d by a second gift of n like sum. not counting a million mid n half in boiuU tind iK'crued Intci-est dun liomtlio states of Mississippi and KJnrldn. The d-ht * have been dlstlnellvply repudiate ] , audit is notiirobuble tliat anything will everbode- rlveu from either source iliough the claim ngalnst Mlsslvsijipl jirc-entc-il to tlie leg- Lshituii' of that stale more than three years iv ' ( > aiul the claim ajuinst Florida has also bi'-nMitjiifrlyun'i'd. In the exercise of Iho absolute il scretlon as to Ihe management et Iho fund the trustees voted a year ago to dis continue any further uppioprintlon of In come lo Mississippi , ! ! ! jusiico to other states , mul nt their last meeting ablinllur volu Florida. A iJlinncu for hun - llnlfailVomeii. . Now York Times : A man with gray hair and u silk cap on top of it sat in a large , dingy room in thu Howery yestcr- lay and Uilkea to women enough to have Illled out n "Black Crook" company. Uvi'ry ' womuii who entered the place took lown her hair and po.-mitted the man ivlth Iho silk hat to examine it. IIo felt ts ( mality , scnitini/.ed its oolor nnd care- ully measured its length. Then ho en- crcd the woman'j name and address in i book and wrote "Al" or " 1J2" opposite. [ f the luiir wab found to bo Jess than two Toot six inches in length thi ; wom.ui was [ lolitoly but firmly shown out in the rain. 'No , 1 am not getting up a ballet , "said : ho man with llio silk cap. "nor a hair lore , nor a comic opera company , nor a iiruci inusonm. I am orjjanl/ing the ; reatiKt exhibition of long-haired women -ver scon oi ; tliis or any other ear.th ever < nown thistory. . If il hadn't r.iinod to- Jay you would hiivo seen lliU ofllee 'aekcd Wlmn wo gel nil the women wo rant we shall si'iul tnem off Oh , no ! 'n ' > ihovv is not golnj ; to l ko place li-rc- iVo nro going to open up in the 'provin- IBS' first. " SOJIE APACHE TROUBLES , 1 The Cruelties The 1 Are Capable of Oom- Tlie Urrndfitl Vi\io of Two Ire mco tors Cnptttfccl ly ) tlio Inillntii In Arizona Tli < J Stmlcc Torture mul tt Krlfilitrnl Horror * , Etc. , lite. Tomb-tono Correspondence of the Min- nnapolls Trlbunos'Tlio devilish Ingenuity dlsphiyod by the Apaches In their tor tures of a prisoner , especially when Ihuy nro not pressed too clo ety by Uio sol' dlors , surpasses the pownr of the inngln- ntlon to conceive. I liavo just rt'tnrnod from a prospecting tour iiitoSonorn , and it hn9 been my fortnuo to nu-ot n mnn who hn * . been "through the mill" pretty thoroughly. I was returning on Sep tember 11 from nn expedition into tliu Turkey Creek country , when , emerging from Tcton Canon. 1 name upon a camp of prospectors , who. like myself , worn in search ( f Aladdin's lamp or some equally substantial will-o'-the-wisp to light them on to fortune. Arizona U not much of a country for ceremony and I rode into the camp anil asked the boys in n few words for permission to camp with them over night. "Sartin , Mire , pard , yo may , " a tuH man replied. "And hevyo got Midi a thing about yo a ? forty drop1 * o' suthin' to keep oil1 the 'aUeetur-j ? Cos , if ye have , vo'll never find a bettor tlmo to perjuco It. We've got a chum back yer under the trees who is pretty badly mod up , an1 no mistake. " I had some prime * whisky , which I "perjueed" and handed to the bearded son of Missouri , who Bundled of it , took a loag. comfortable * drink and started for IUK friend.'What is the mat ter with the sick man ? " 1 asked one tif HIP party. Ho was leaning on hi * rlllo ami never looked up as lie replied : " 'I'atehe Indians , pard. That's about what ails Hill Storey just about this very minute. " "Tortured * " "Tortured. " "Will ho die ? " " 1'eekon not. The.y ain't no d d 'Pache Indian bullet yit thai can make ISill Storey walk the plank. Unt it wa > n powerful elus call , pard ; powerful clu V I gathered Mibseqncntly thiit this band " of prospectors had been""rounded up" by the Apache Indians two days before , thai Storey and a man known as Pickle hud been captured , but the other * fought their way to a place of saletv. The Indi ans know there were nooldiers within litty or 103 miles of them ; that the pros pectors could not. except by accident , get together ro-e.nforcementsin less , than tiin-i ! days , rvnd they tloliberart-Iy con cluded to give Storey and 1'iekle a mati nee. Hut 1 will let Storey U-ll how the programme * wi.carried ; out. Poor fel low , when I saw him his scalp was gone and his Idoody-ukul wjw covered with a luiuillvcrcldof , to which his comrades fro- qucntly applied , water from a brook close by ; his thumb nail tind the linger nails of his lelt hand had 'been ' torn out , onn of his car ? ) was cul.olV , a number of liN front teeth hail been po.unded out with ' tones , his left arm \vj's : broken and ho had been shot in this'1 rfaht leg. Ho was a. pitiable object , indeed , lie greeted me with a smi i , bill it wasa sickly smile ; it was as if a grlnjiinj : : death's head had essayed to < < puil : ; . Hu nail already par taken of,0'iie of my whii-ky , and whun I ' approached him art'he lay on a blanket , he Blightlv lifted'his ncad and s.ud : "Thank for Ihebboozo ! " iind lay down and tvet Ii'rd. hijiisdf as a Rfgli of much gcriuinb rcmfif. MOSQ that 1 shall never think of good whisky without blcsing tlio nrin who invented it for medicinal purposiI h.-uv the wounded man was nearly exhausted and doubled if ho would lire through the night. As he turned over on his side I noticed what looked like a bag growing from his iace and risked what it meant. One of the men informeil mo that Storey had boon ci'ptnred by the Apnches near Tres Pine ? when a child. They had slaughtered his parents and concluded to adopt him into the tribe. To guard against any attempt to escape they had c.iusod a rattlesnake to bite him on the cheek. Th"V saved Ilia Hfo , but left this "bag" to grow upon him as a mark and to deter him through shnme or pride from ever attempting to re-identify himself with the whites. Ho lived with the Indians for years , but left them in 1875 , and has been a pretty con siderable thorn in their sides ever since. If it hadn't been that tlioy were going to put , him through the mill in great shape , they would have killed him at once. "Yes , that's -o , " said Sloroy , turning over , "they intended to give me a grand benelit , but they put 'Pickles' through the hoop lh > < , so L could kind o' look tor- rerd to what 1 w.is to get , and M > lo-t their big opportunity by you feller.s ' ' ' ' " comin' an' stampedin' 'em "If you feel strong enough , Bill , " said the Mistonrinn , "you might go through the manife.-t jest as it occurred , cos if ye eave , pard , the reckillecksliin will kind o' sjiir ) the boys up , an * when we do get one of the ycller nkuiiks , wo can give him the same deal. " "Well , vou see , boys , after you follows had all disappeared , thinkin' as how Picklea an' mo was dead , the Injuns ju-i kind of stood us up in the hot .sand ait'l stripped oil every rag wo had on. as < r lasliin * us together with their lariat- , , started on a dog trot for field Canyon , which I reckon is the all-lirede-t goi darned ' 'tween hero oiit-o'-tho-way plnco and hell. 1'vo hid : sumo livolygotlln1 over the ground afore now , but the trot they gin us two < jiluot.s ; for about forty miles was a little the * orneryest and a little the bilin'esl : scoot I over had in all my born days. Kvoryonco in a while a rattler would sing liU little song and the ponies would jump scared like , which would nearly jerk us on" our foot , while the sweat > vas moro than rollln'down our chops. Then ( Jerocomo , a sort of chief I used to know , an1 ho know inn well , would look around oil' his horao , and , with that duvUish tauntin * style ho k-arned from UMsersoverin Sonant , would say in tPjigho : ' .My jrood friend , llio accursed "T.wkoo. would probably like to ride. 1 will send one of nif young men for it earring * ' . ' Hero , Tatinio ( call ing to ti buck ) , see if yon can sec a car riage anvwheroi for the u o of our dear friend.1 O ! timid jdovils ain't up to tin * grand torlnro tiof.inor nothin. ' O ! no ; it's the Sioux and riitiyoniieil "It was nearly night when wo got lo Go'd ' Canyoiuou- f > o completely played out I didji't euro what happened In mo , and as jojl-i.s the band halted I threw myself-on Mi lot of "rap's , and Pickles did the snimt. Soiiu- old inmi and sijuaws camu abril' ' of the brush houses near by and bet nan devil of a lime when they s > aw us , aiWl'know ' wo would get a ; raml morning matinou the next day. l > oysvoii wouldn't bollcvo it if 1 was to : elf you what wojvent through th.it night. I know it would 'bo all up with m , ami ivanti.'d to get &O.IHO Bleep , lint , do you * nuw these infiirhal deviU wore iluail on to us , and n Jot of them sit up all night and kept us awake by htickin urrowa in u * , cutting oft' our euro , plu terlng us with all ioru of stull'l couldn't namo. Hut mm in the midst of this hell , 1'iuklos would occasionally got otl'ouo of his dry jags that would make mo laugh in fepiiu if myself. 1 iviuumbtn' once when a lirt.V old kuuw ( | had a houk in his nose and was pulliugoirtii mal.u him yell ; his tut grinitudiini Aald : 'l > o you rce-kon , ( ill , that u d'll cir hit in any more | > olrr ; ff.inu-s lown lu'liiY rtn > Hit' ' O , he w.is r-inif , Itiv , - ; ' - . Hut h v. i in > rtal'frald f r rni'li's'iul , --i ! t i -t- \ \ \ v i it .jol . itilj t'l . IIa 1-iv \ . . . ,1 \ rl ( | t'l ' They didn't spend no e tr.i tiluo o\or their tenderloin stud chocolatpj but j't-t ' tin-d some Chili-Colorado into their gid < . nnd prepared to giro ti the grand hurrah. First they look In out Into lh < open , where thm tied us with our to some tall cnc-tus , with nbout pricked in each otu1. ' "Unico" y Pieklro. " 'Bntcc it Is. ' sn.va 1 , nnd tte lirnei < l "Hut , Lord1 It wasn't no it e tr\n" ! to brnw , fur th,1 Inr iff wu br.i"'d the fur- i ( her titr prickers f.in In'.o us. I y < ll'-il ' I eouMn'1 Mnnd it. And Ilif l > nek < grinned with delight , and the little fel- ifr- stood off n fi w paces mid practiced on us with thHr bows. 'Pinup ! ' would co an arrow Into Pickle" . 'Bin" ! ' nd I iind OIH > in the mouth. They kept up this racket for about twenty mltinles when each ono of us inus-l Imd a do/on arrows-.tlokin1 into us. You * cc. Hie boys foiiKln't pull very hnrtl. nnd the arrows didn't go In very far. But when tlicy cot through rum eamo tip and pnlledtho arrow ? out ugh1 it hurts yet all over. "This ended the lint scene , when thr gang jabbered away nbout the next part of the programme. 1 could hoar them talking , and know everything they "aid. They were talkiu' nbout llio snake lor- t tire , nnd whether it would bo a good idea to giro It to us both at once. Think In' It might spoil some of tlio sport , they mndo up their minds to put Pickles , through tlio mill , to lot me r.oc it all , and t hen give mo a bcnulil. Plcklca didn't , understand ' 1'acho talk , and I didn't have the lioarl to lull him what was comin' . Two young Indians were sent out on the prairie nttur sinke * . and they wasn't long geltin1 'cm cither , nn' as they came back holdm' the Minimi- in' snakes bv thu necks , Pteklos .seined to understand the lav-out. 'HreiU God ! Bill , what are they goin'to do ? ho asked , as the sweat rolled down his face. 'Bruce. Piekle , brace , ' was nil 1 could say. 'Bill , ' lie said. 'I can brace no longer , I'm gone. " I'lio Indian boy ap- pro.iched Tickles. One of them held a Miako ui ) towards poor Picklon' face and irritated the animal until it struck our ] > oor pard full In the month. The other boy , at the same time , made Iho nalo bite Piekles jusl below the vvaUt. Boys 1 never heerd such : iell i of tigony in all my born days as Pickles gave. I'lio horror ror of the snakes , the pricking of tin1 cac tus , and the yell * , of the Indians was ton much , nnd his head dropped on Ins breast and he fainted. But tno devils brought him lee iu live minutes. There w.ii not much time to lose , as the poi-on would take eil'eel and Pickles would probably be dead iu an hour , fco , just as - 0011 us they had brought him too , they placed a lot of hot a > hes tinder his feel , commenced to tetir oil' his linger n-iils and to skin him. While this was going on a couple of Indian boys wat stu-kin' arrows in him. and Cicrocomo was .sculpin'lilni. Ihcy tugged and milled at him , -.pit on him , and done worse ; they taunted him in every way yon could think , and uions loo. J can't tell il , boy.as it wa , that ih , I can't do it jiHlice. When his bcalp was oil' ; CJero- como slapped IIIH f.icuilh . it. A s > qnaw mutilated him with a knife , and threw the .separated portions of his body in his face. 1 could sue the poison was getlin' in its work , an' so could the "Paches , cos Pickles' skin was gelling Kind o'dark bine. Ho had stopped yellin' , nn' was taintlr moanin" an1 'ca'-ionally savin' . 'O , Bill ! O , Bill ! ' So , what should ono of the bucks do but. cut a gash in poor Pickles' belly , put in hi- > hand , and pull the poor devil's insidn.s out , and run with them drasrjjin" on the ground. Pickle * never spoke another word after that , but io t clean give up the gliu-t , and died. J'ho devils amused tliemsolvu- a few minutes lodger huckin' the body and fcl.isliin'away nt it , an" then finally gin their attention. ( Jcrocomo commenced t.io deal by givin' mo a proliy good tiirnin'over for leaving the band nine year ago ; s-aid I had betrayed them tx > tins troops a do/en limes at least , had caused the death of 11K ) of their braves , and they intended to give me such : i malincc that J would think that Pickles had been going through a sort of picnic only. Ho baiu they intended to seal ] ) me , put n live rattler inside me ; cook mo over a slow lira ; tear out my linger nails and too nails ; cut oil'my ear.s and nose ; feed mo on animal refuse , turn me over to the medicine men to practice on and a whole lot of oilier things that 1 don't remember now. But they intended to give me this yer deal in installments like , and was going to make the whole thing last for three days , an' leave me an' Pieklen lor you fclhn's 16 Iind when yon got some ofthe. bo.ss together and started on Ihe trail of the tribe. "I saw it wouldn't do nary bito' good to wilt , so I just up and frpiN in Air. Uer- ocomo Kscj's face. The ro-a of Iho gang gave him the laugh , and he whipped out li is knife an * had my scalp in a holy minute ; then he picked up i ; bowlder , banned mo in llio snool with it and knocked out eomo of teeth , he motioned to two of the gang to hold my loft hand while he pulled out my linder nails with a pincers he hud probably got out of thn traps o'somo finny surgeon. HP ( diced oil this yer car , when 'crack , ' Joracl. . ' zip a bullet struck him in the < > , 1 ho keeled. Then there was a tot i. re . "U and you boys came tumblini ; . . . \m like a clap o'thunder. " The tolling of this fearful tali- had boon too much for Storey's already de pleted strength , and as I stiw ho was iboutto fainl or maybe die , I placed the . ' -sk to his lipa. lint it was too late , ' . liquor wad not swallowed. The poor i > How had fainted. In time he was brought to , , and the next , day Ihe party concluded lo make an cllort to lake him lo the nearest M'ltlement where a surgeon could minister to his neoeis-kies The Missouriuu went to thu clump of trees imar the brook at daylight to awaken Storey.Vako up , Bill , old man ; wc'ro { join1 to take you where you can got cured. 'We'll jo.-l have some colToi ! and hard tack , i\ , drop out o' yon stranger's llask , and away we'll go. Bill. Bill ! Pard , wako up. Are you druamin * you're back in Tombitone , rakin'in a jack put ! Well , y ain't , and great scol ! boys. Storey's panted in his chips , " Th tall fen of Missouri lold thu truth. Bill Storey li.id gone to join "Pickles , " mid so added another to the loni ; list of vinlima who had fallen at Ihitliands uf the implac able .savages of the fur Southwest. ThoFo Apache Indians are almost con linually on the war path. They are the most i-avago of the Indian tribes , ino > t urno ! lo thuir pritonnf * . They linto the whites with tin undying haired , nnd IhiM-ii will never bo peuuo iu Ari/.ona until they al'o oilectually wiped out of existence. They know no Mick tiling as tliu obscrvuiico uf a ireut ; 11103liri ! niercilu-i ? and bloodthirsty and implue- iiblo. Tim story ol their nlrouitle * ) for the ptsl : three months , if il could be told , would arouse sue.li a spirit of rn- vcnge that tlui peojile wnuld not vest until the dread scourges WITH foivvor scuiterc-d , ' The expuriiuice of htwru.V si'id ' "Pieklei" has IXMUI tlio uvpi-rienco ( if f-corc.4 und hundreiLs of tmoplo in Ari- i'.oiia. Some of the prafticcs tla-so ilemons indulge In lowanh thu pn > ou- LT.-I are und mu l be namejea > in u jinblic jourijal. The people hero know but too well what they are. Jn the name of litiiunnily the ijeopUi nearer llm Miut of government ought also to ] < a made tie- iiuuinled with the fuels. \ot Uio 1. . y r .Small Liltlo thingr may help u man to risu u I't'iit ' pin iu an easy chair for inst-incc. Dr. Pierco's "PleasuntPurgati\MpolU't . " ; ire small tilings , ploKs-uiU to liu : ! , niul lliey curt1 lek-heatlaehe , n-lievo torpid livers and do wondi-re. Ucin purely fegi-table they cnuuot hartu ; vuv one. AH : Y TO CT IZ. ? One oflit o lcst and Xittrffcst Woc/.v ? iti tlic ( r. S > ( o Select from * No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , nio. : TUMIKH , Mnnmror , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. nKniU'NTn--.MerphnntP : ! find 1'nrmcrs' tl.Mik , DixvKI City , Nob. : KonrnojS'ntloafit HouU nry.Nib. ! Coluiiilnis bliito HNIII , IVilumOiis , Nul > . ; MuUutmld'b Uuiilt , North 1'htlte , Nob. Unmaa h'ndonnl Itnnl , . Outnlm. Noli. \V111 | iay cuttoiiRis' ilralt UU bill of hullnt ; nttnclicsj , for iwo-lliluta tKluo uf sloulc. I3th St. , Cor. CapitofAve. hi ihe Tfealmeol of all Chronic and Surgical Diseases , DR , McMENAHY , Physician and Surgeon in Charge , itftciition paid to Deformities , Diacnscfi of Women , of the Stomach , JLii'cr , Jiittiicii * itml Jllood , J'i/eK , Cnitccrti , Tu mors , KUO < ind En > ' Disctmes. Catnrrh , JJroiic/iititt ant ! Lung niscetw * frrafnl ! > } / Metlicutrti Tn- halatioit. SEND FOll IXHALEJl. Write for Circular on Deformities and Braces , Diseases of Wimen. Piles , TUIDOFS Cancers , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Epilepsy Ear Skin and Blood Diseases. lepsy , Kidney , , Eye , . The Only Reliable Jlcdicnl Institute mnking a speciiiltv of Private Diseases of the Urinary & Sexual Organs canscd by OVniiWonK. orWOKIlY. thp INDISCnHTlONS OF YOUTH , or HXOUSanS of riper ycaif , or h'ltcvrr inny tend to Imvci Iho toneof llft'Bltal fiirri1 * . causlii ) ; nrr\nn mul plijclcaldodll. Hy , or cxliniifluiii , KLinlnal wi-nkm-s or ImniittncnuCicrmatirrhrLii ( | | , nnd pri niutitro Urcny , follow til by tlio lung trnln of r > TiniiU > m < nlilch the Biiffcrcr linows but too well , nrcniiul liy ounxm icttoratlva treatment , renewing 'Hum ? nn < Hlior , und rcEtnrm ! ; vltnl pliytKnlnnil iiicnlnl po cr. The trtiitiurnt < if thli clni"5 of riiMJi c" lum iinlll > cry recently htcn ni'Slcttcil by fdciitlfic , phyflclmi- . end luts hpcnln lli"liand of Ivitt-nt Mnllcinocntlora nnd Icuorant URD rlnhnhi u lii\vc ODemcillcinc tlmt uiiHitt-pcciflc iml v , oiild rinpc\cry rase. Wo know Ill-it tlimiFamUpunVrlnKllio ciTtrti-iif llieso vitro Imvo bron < ] l ipioinlcd | so often thl thry nredlkccurnijcd anil liaronlmOFt fil cn np liopeof r cr brlnjjcurcd Tonllmcli vo ilc'irotohn IhntonloiiK uilln-y cimtlnuelo t'iKTlincnl | vrltli rnrtlflc renieille * or fcppll.inccs rcprc rnldl to nn nidi illfciiKCi. they nre likely to meet xvith nothing but illaappolntmcnt. No two rifccs nro cxne lly nil ) and no one reim ily CA er lias been or ever ean be prepared 10 iiu-it I hiniiiiirLrnriiln of nil Wn lia nircfnl Mudyof thereillFcatcs In nil llieir varlnua fnrin * onil roitiiMcdllnnn. | anil \ < Ilh tlio nlil nn alnnwt nullmllnl experience in nii"i > tins treatment to Individual oi cs. wonro ensblid to curt af oilnT.iI.IT \ utterly falliil. We wcromuonjrllio first lonnkon cprrinliy nnd mudy of tlilKrl.iif < lln > c.1111 ! to troct II ilium M-lcntiflr | irlnrlplci . Wiilno ticat StrUmrr * , Glrrt nnil'nrMiC < ! . AM. CONTAGIOUS A JII.OOI ) DIsKASF.y , from nli-.tc > prrmircirniliicfil | , rnrcp'-fully Iriattd. We can Irmtno ajiililM polffiii frmn tlintiT > te-n without nicrrurv. or intui > tcilticHjFliin. AU COMMONK'ATI- CONI'IDKN'I'J Al. . Cull uuil crin'tiU nnrend imnp mid jio-l-nnir-- aJiir -jilalnlj vrilttpii and onclicn flftinii. nml WP ill M-nil jou. In plain wiajjjii'i. our I'ltlVAT ) . CIIJCt'l.AH TO JIKN , UPtiN I'lilVATlI.I'Kl'lifi AND NKlJVutIS liIsUA KH HKMINAI \VIAKNISS : : , si'KiiMArroitHnaA : , IMI-OTENCV , typint.is ; , OONOHIMKEA , HIIKT : and , \u. DISi\Si-H OP THE Ol SITO UKIIVART OHIIANS orkCndliUlnrvof your mro fur nn opinion. ] ' .r in uiinhlu t" M.sll IH : inuy lie tn.U'tl nt 111. il linraoiliv corrcrtKindriiro. MeuiUi'C * nml lii'lriiinrnis-cut by wall or cxpr ' KCC'L'KKLY l'\C'Kii : > ritOM OUSlillVATION' . nn iu rks to Indlraln rnntcnt * or render Ono ncr-iuml Inti-rvlcw jnvlVrrod If con-xulcat. I'ifly rotan * frr li- ! accummodntlnii of natlptit ! . Io.irrt ! and attcndsntc at riasonUilo r.au * . - , ALL LliTTKHS TO Omaha 2Vedica ! ! ana Surgical Cor. 1Xtli St. and Capitol Arc : , OMAHA. XEH. " OANDEE Rubber OrJlnsry llnlibcr Doe's lwayvctr out first on the bull. U'ho CA I'ooH &ri ) cljuile on tlis ball , niul glva DOUliM 1VK.UI. Hat' tamcntleal ItaUirr Idiot Iu tUo in ri < r. louder than iiy ; ctbtr boot and the SALE BV roi { SALK in * T. OIJNRJSAL AU.NT. I5U DUUU1.AS STHKKT. 1 > .M.\IA | Nl.BK.ASKA. AS ! Sorts of hurts -and inniiy torts of nils of jna * . and beast ucwl a tooling lotion. Mustang : Liniment , Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBnASKA. I'Aii ) Uf CAPITA i Si.'AOOO,03 bt KI-I.UH , May I , \ * X'SiWJM \ 11.V. . YATKS. 'i'msidcnt. A , E. TCII-XAI.IX. Vioo I'lvslik-nt. \V. H. S. Htoui'.s ; , Cuslilci- . ' ' ' \V. V MOI I : , .loiiN S. CViU.is's H \V YAn ; , r.i.wiaS. Kur.u , A I * To. . iiv , BACKING OrriCEi THE 3It ON BANK , Co. 12tli mid Cnniiim Rticcis. Gcncr.il lliiiiliini ; llusjiipiS Trnnsactcil. DRUNKENWEFB or llio U < | iuir Ilnliil , Posliivoly Cutiil liy AilnilstrrltiK f r. llnlncs' Uolilcn Hpi-clflc. It can lot ; vc'ii iiiiir i > or wilVuii often t/lh | Ollt lIH ) l.lKMMUilKO Of thu purMIII IlllK'II ; | , l < iilifculutul.s tiuniiliisri , nml ivill iwlo. l it jifniui- ni-iit iintl t-piuit ) cure , ulu-Uiir my juiitut li it inoduir.luilriiiUcr or nn i'.koholl i UKXJ > It Inr I men nivuii in tliotttiinH of t"Lund \ lit i vi'iy lii&tr.iioo 11 pff/Di't euro bun luliowoil , 1'r M.VMt \IIA Tlit ey.U'M one * In-ji dKiiatoil > viili till'i'lioi-HV' . it Ux-omis tin ii'iciuiiiotal - lllr ) ! fur tnw ll'iuor nimptltu to civl- ' , I'miiit - liy litnin kvVi. JH < HWJ-FH : , ( ( iincr ITilli r.n I lloiiut.-t * , mul IsiJi arid t/'uni IIB btifCIs , I in tliu , tVol > . J.tU c.r willc for I'liinphlot o i'ii I'nirx b'.in- ( Irini ol t'-Ailiniiniiiii liom ihi'I f' ' \ "i i Kinl liifii Itoin : ill | > : .tik uf tliu ccuntiy. & * . General DRY GOODS S Fr11 Nov. IfJiU to Uc < , ' 'Hh , n'I'r our Hull'lny c-roijlar | n < l i " j1 i , ir u'l 1 frooouuy ti'ldrccu MANDEL OROS , , ChlcaflU , III ,